#mitama did many things wrong
neptunemagia · 2 years
top 5 by @luna-di-fuoco!
💖 - top 5 magical girls - Mitama, Kanagi, Sana, Mel, Nagisa, Homura (that’s six ikik)
💙 - top 5 aqua units - Yachiyo, Rena, Sunao, Hotaru, Riko
❤️ - top 5 fire units - Tsuruno, Juri, Momoko, Ranka, Karin
💚 - top 5 forest units - Sana, Mito, Mel, Chiharu, Alina
💛 - top 5 light units - Kanagi, Yuna, Sakurako, Sayuki, Masara
💜- top 5 dark units - Homura, Mikage, Ikumi, Nagisa, Felicia
🖤 - top 5 void units - Mitama, Mikoto, Sudachi, Yozuru, Livia (there’s only so many :,))
👗 - top 5 character designs - Alina, Mikoto, Darkness Mitama, Juri, Riko
🧥 - top 5 costumes (halloween, winter, etc.) - Halloween Mel, Valentines Mel, Maid Nagitan, Ikumi casual outfit, Daito uniform Mitama
🪞 - top 5 alt versions - Mitama (Eternal Darkness ver.), Mifuyu (fairytale ver.), Yachiyo (fairytale ver.), Kanagi (vampire ver.), Nagisa (valentines ver.)
👭🏻 - top 5 dual units - Momoko • Mitama (mermaid ver.), Yachiyo • Mifuyu (beginnings ver.), Karin • Alina (Halloween ver.), Nayuta • Mikage (Christmas ver.), Konoha • Hazuki
⭐ - top 5 guest / spinoff characters - Oriko, Yuma, Yu, Akuma Homura-chan, Rena-chan (idol ver.)
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takerfoxx · 3 years
Magia Record, Season 2, Finale, First Impressions!
Houston, we have several problems.
As I said before, there is a lot I like about the finale of the second season of Magia Record. Granted, I wasn't actually expecting them to wrap things up here, so I wasn't disappointed like many others were when it ended on a to-be-continued, as that was what I thought would happen. But there were some major issues that I'm going to address later.
But let's get to the good stuff first: Tsuruno. Like with Sayaka when I first watched the original show, she became a favorite of mine. I dunno, I just like the upbeat go-getter characters, doubly so if it's to hide a broken interior.
Now, Tsuruno has been very absent this season up until she became an Uwasa, but they definitely made up for lost time. And we got to see in very painful detail just how wrong Yachiyo was about her, how much she never knew her friend. And once again, I really love how the PMMM franchise as a whole handles flashbacks and character exposition. From Kyouko's puppet show to Mitama's shadowplay to the stage play we got here. It's a very effective way to impart information while leaving the audience fully engaged.
Tsuruno is someone who was with Yachiyo from the beginning. Maybe not as a member of the villa because she had a family and a job and such, but still part of the team. But as the tragedies we saw last season began to pile up, Tsuruno began to break right along Yachiyo and resolved to overcome her weaknesses to prevent them happening again. But unlike Yachiyo, Tsuruno didn't wall herself off, but instead doubled-down on her cheery attitude and outward display of confidence she didn't feel. Of course, it doesn't help much when you learn that the witch that you just killed was also your departed friend.
And Yachiyo acknowledges this. She realizes that she wasn't the only one hurting, and was deeply regretful for only focusing on her own pain, and resolves to do better. And when she again tries to connect with Tsuruno, it works. I admit, I did get a bit of a lump in my throat when everyone was celebrating having saved her. Sometimes the good guys do get to win. And I especially loved this little line by Iroha.
"We're all weak. So let's support each other!"
It's interesting how many parallels there exist between Yachiyo and Homura, and yet how different they are. Homura became singularly obsessed with a single person to the exclusion of all others, while for as much as Yachiyo wanted to save Iroha in particular, she is more focused on rebuilding her found family as a whole. Kind of makes you wonder how Homura would have turned out had she bonded with everyone, or if Yachiyo had to endure the same time loops Homura did.
I'm also interested in where they take Kuroe. I'm assuming that her shadow self is her Doppel taking control? I did catch the big of meta-commentary of her Doppel telling her that she doesn't belong with the others, considering that she's an anime original character not from the games.
And finally...huh. Nemu recognizes Iroha, so I assume her memories were never taken like the others. But is she implying that Ui never existed, that she was a false memory created to motivate Iroha into...something? That would be quite the twist, and would also fit everything that has been revealed before.
Now, let's get to the parts that I didn't like.
To start, for as much care as the OG squad were given in previous episodes, here their wrap-up felt pretty rushed. I get that they couldn't just re-do the whole flashback stage play for Mami, but even so, it was a bit too easy. And Kyouko definitely should have been the one to make the connect, as she was the one who already saw Mami at her worst. It's a minor gripe, but it's there.
Okay, now let's talk about the green elephant in the room.
The production on this season has been something of a trainwreck. I commend the creative staff and even the animators for still putting in a valiant effort, but it's clear that there are some major issues going on behind the scenes.
Now, we all know of the issues Studio SHAFT has been having these last few years. And the pandemic hitting Japan especially hard definitely didn't help. That's probably part of the reason why they only went for eight episodes this season.
Even so, the last few episodes were blatantly unfinished in places, from the really dodgy animation to the Meguca faces even in close-up to some parts with the dialogue outright missing. And now there was the issue with missing subtitles, and in some very important parts at that! So kudos to that fansubber who stepped up to fix the situation.
Now, I don't know if this error was on SHAFT or Funimation's end, but after this and seeing what happened to Wonder Egg Priority, it's clear that something is breaking down behind the scenes. I know anime and manga are very cutthroat industries, and you have to work yourself to the bone to churn the product out as efficiently as they have, but let's face it: it isn't worth putting the production crews through this. Something needs to change. Don't know what, don't know how, but as an industry something needs to change in how their staff is treated. I just hope that it actually starts.
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(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 3
part 2 here
Hello everyone and welcome back to our watch-through of the first season of Magia Record! Last time, we met a trio of Kamihama magical girls, Momoko, Rena and Kaede, and, after Rena and Kaede fighting, Kaede is kidnapped by the “chain monster”, a part of the rumor of the Staircase of Severance. Now, it’s up to Iroha, Momoko and Rena to find and take her back. Will they succeed, or will someone lose their heads? The only way to know is by watching, so let’s get right to it.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record Episode 3
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Rather than going back to the plot right away, we are given a flashback of Iroha’s younger sister and two other girls. The brown haired girl has apparently created an eternal motion machine in the form of a toy train, saying something about how adults must be stupid if they never thought of that before, and that toy train proceeds to crash into a pile of books and set fire on them. Good job. 
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I don’t want to hear this from a gacha game character. Your original work is even more fragile than this!
The megane girl, Nemu, compares the brown haired girl, Touka’s actions to the burning of the Library of Alexandria (dramatic much?) and the two start fighting, with Ui trying to stop them. They’re just like Momoko’s trio on the previous episode, breaking their friendship up and everything.
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Once again, it was Iroha’s dream. You know the erasure really went in on it when even the rug is cut in half.
Iroha’s sister had friends at the hospital, so she could get some new clues if only she could find them.
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Floof Momoko.
Before going looking for Kaede, Momoko and co. drop by Kamihama Mirena-za, aka. the Coordinator’s. I tried searching if Milena constellation was actually a thing, but the only thing I could find was that there’s a Galileo satellite named Milena. Huh.
The Coordinator had a client, but she’s done right away. We learn that the Coordinator’s name is Mitama Yakumo, but still have no idea what she actually does.
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Besides not having a sense of personal space.
Momoko explains that Iroha’s not there to get adjusted, whatever that means, and asks if Yachiyo is there yet. Who’s this Yachiyo though?
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To no one’s surprise, I guess, since I already said it, but this girl is Yachiyo. And she absolutely ignores Iroha. Rude.
Yachiyo and Momoko start talking between themselves about Kaede’s case. (and MItama’s fixing Momoko’s hair. Cute). It seems Yachiyo is well aware of the rumor of the Staircase of Severance. She pulls out a notebook, and Momoko notes that she’s knowledgeable about these things.
Momoko asks Yachiyo to lend them her help, and Yachiyo agrees to do it, since Kaede is in danger, but adds that she won’t work with people who will only be a burden, looking at Iroha.
...not that she’s wrong, but still rude.
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Well, I mean, that might make sense when you’re so op, but you don’t have to say it outright!
Still, Yachiyo has a point: it’d be too dangerous to bring along a weak magical girl to a fight with an unknown enemy. So Mitama offers a solution: why don’t they just adjust Iroha’s Soul Gem?
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Mitama does a very short explanation of what “adjusting a Soul Gem” actually entails, and this one short screen tells us the rest. It’s basically what let Momoko and Rena do that joint attack earlier. I wonder if this was even long enough on the screen for the people who watched this on tv to read it. 
Momoko says that Yachiyo should have no complaints as long as they do that and Yachiyo is like “yeah, whatever”.
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...now that I think about it, what is Mitama doing here?
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Continue? Iroha hasn’t sacrificed anyone tho.
...oh, I forgot we don’t get to see Iroha getting adjusted.
So, our girls are now at the rumored stairs at Kamihama University Affiliated School. Leaving aside Momoko and Rena, since they are students there, one has to wonder how exactly did Iroha and Yachiyo manage to get up there without being found. This school’s security is lacking!
While the girls run up to the rumored Staircase of Severance (this is so annoying to write) we see some messages on screen of what I assume are Rena’s classmates, and get pushed some ideas of what friends should be like, all while Momoko tries to cheer Rena up.
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Okay, that’s a really narrow staircase. Who decided to put this creepy thing here?
Momoko writes her and Yachiyo’s name on the staircase (and we sneakily learn Yachiyo’s surname is Nanami). The two are reenacting the rumor, so now they’ll make up to draw the Chain Witch out. That is, after they give us their transformation scenes!
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While Yachiyo’s themes are water and stars(?), and she has gracious movements, Momoko’s literally burning up and kicking things. Their transformations parallel one another, and yet they are completely opposites. I love it! (but Momoko kicking the sword still takes the cake for me).
Now that I think about it, for all that fire theme she has going, Momoko's not that hot-blooded. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, I guess.
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Rena’s transformation focuses on her shapeshifting powers, throwing her through mirrors and with lots of expression changes. It’s not because she’s tsundere, the transformation seems to tell us Rena has lots of faces.
...I also like her DDR routine right at the start, it’s cute.
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The theme of Iroha’s transformation is birbs. Rather than telling us something about who she is like the others, I see hers as basically about what she’s doing right now: much like she did by coming to Kamihama, Iroha takes the courage and jumps into the unknown, chasing after a mirage.
I’m always a little bothered with how she falls straight down despite taking impulse when she jumps, but hey, what can you do lol
One of the (many) cool things about this whole sequence is how the bgm is continuous throughout the transformations, only changing a bit to match each of the girls.
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That’s not very convincing acting, Momoko. Yachiyo’s is not much better, either. They theorize it only works if they’re really fighting, and Rena says she’ll do it.
Rena starts apologizing, but nothing happens. Iroha says it might be because she’s not saying it from her heart and Rena’s gets upset.
Rena can’t just feel like making up right away, but it’s not like she doesn’t want Kaede to come back. These two seem to have a complicated relationship, but in the end, it’s clear that Rena does like her. Rena starts crying and apologizes for making Kaede be friends with someone like her all this time. Then, the Chain Witch appears.
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We get a flashback to Rena flashbacking (confusing, I know) about all the times Kaede apologized to her, while watching an idol show.
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Don’t we all?
So, yeah… Rena is a complicated character. (and a Sayuki stan)
Iroha wakes up in Rena’s room for some reason. Clearly-not-Momoko starts a monologue of how no one could ever like Rena.
Rena hates herself, so she wanted to change. She wanted to become someone else, so her wish gave her shapeshifting powers, but didn’t change her, so she still hates herself (considering the implications when this type of wish does work, see Oriko’s Kirika, she might have gotten the better end of the deal.
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Kaede calls out to Rena and Iroha and Rena break out of the strange television-exposition-vision-thingy. So the first thing they start doing, naturally, is start bickering again. Great friends! 
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Oh look, the weird Kyuubei is back! Like the nice mascot character he is, he’s showing Iroha the way to the main Witch.
Rena and Kaede start to have a heart-to-heart while fighting (the familiars now, not each other).
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Familiar: hahaha, that tickles
Rena says their friendship is over once they get out of there, since they were never real friends to begin with, but Kaede doesn’t want that. Kaede says that if Rena’s problem is that she never apologizes, she just did earlier and Rena says that didn’t count, so Kaede replies that then they breaking up doesn’t count either. Nice, Kaede!
Kaede basically says that, yeah, Rena can be terrible, but she likes her that way anyway, so they can continue being friends.
Rena says that Kaede needs to listen to her, she needs to let her apologize too and tells her she’ll do it once they get out.
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While they’re doing that, Yachiyo and Momoko climb to the top and knock down the witches’ main body. Momoko then calls for Kaede and Rena to finish it off. Nice VFX there btw.
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Rena and Kaede join hands and using both their magic they pinball the witch into the air with Rena's mirrors. Rena launches plant-enchanted copy spears at it and the witch bursts into leaves and dries... Kaede's magic is kind of scary like this.
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Oh, how adorable. Aaaand he's gone. 
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The witch is defeated and Rena now has to make good on her promise to apologize. But, seems like honestly apologizing is still too much of a hurdle for her so after some struggle she swerves to another thing. Thankfully, Kaede knows Rena well enough and she's fine with this.
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Look at them, so precious.
While Momoko and Iroha catch their breath, Yachiyo approaches them and informs them the Witch didn't drop a Grief Seed. In fact, she says that might've not even been a Witch at all. Yachiyo points out it's weird to have a Witch that comes out anywhere whenever the conditions of a rumor are met, in particular since they didn't even feel it's magic beforehand. She warns them that something weird is going on in Kamihama, then leaves in the most dramatic way possible.
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Sometime later, our group is back at Satomi Medical Center. Seems Rena has given in and decided to help after all.
Going by the original plan, Rena transformed into a nurse and investigated the hospital. It's pretty cool how her voice is slightly distorted in this little sequence with her undoing her transformation.
No one in the hospital remembered Iroha's sister, but they did remember Touka and Nemu. That means Iroha's memories aren't entirely wrong.
With that, Iroha goes back to Takarazaki for the day, with some new friends and a very small but important step closer to finding her beloved younger sister.
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"Sorry for making you my friend."
That's it folks, this was the third episode of Magia Record('s first season)! No one lost their heads... well except that not-witch if we count the bell as it's head, but I think that's just fine for this series, because--
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Talking about lost heads, look who's here! I totally forgot this episode had a stinger. My bad.
Kyuubei can't enter Kamihama now for some reason, so he needed someone to investigate the cause for him and contacted Mami as a strong veteran Magical Girl. There are rumors about that someone in Kamihama is gathering all the Witches around to monopolize Grief Seeds, which would explain why the city is infested with them and they being stronger than normal. Mami says she doesn't want trouble with the Magical Girls of another territory, but will investigate whether the current events are due to a Witch or Magical Girl. I like the short cut that shows her from beneath the grating, it's neat. Just have no idea what it's supposed to mean.
!--rant incoming--! (I say, as if this whole post isn't one)
Anyways, like I was saying... writing? Before the stinger disrupted my thoughts, I think it's just fine that Magia Record's ep3 doesn't have any big twists like Madoka. The original had that maybe for the shock factor, yes, but also because it needed it to make clear what kind of story they were actually going for, and that worked great for that show and the time when it came out. But Magia Record is more of a mystery. We don't need it to push the point of magical girl suffering because the original already did that, we need it to give us things to puzzle about, and that it already did with the weird witch of this episode. Could it have made that better? Maybe, but Magia Record also has the problem that it's cast is significantly bigger, so they have to fit those introductions somewhere. So while it introduces Momoko's trio and a bit Yachiyo, it also tries it's best to situate us (and Iroha by extension) as to how Kamihama's magical girl's world is like and what's going on there. It's a lot to juggle and the anime doesn't get the benefit like the game of being able to just put the character's backstory on a separate chapter. I really like character focused things, so I don't mind the anime trying to fit as much as it can in, but I can see how that might turn other people off. That's one of the things that's really a matter of taste I guess.
!--ok, you can come back now--!
One of the visual things I really like in this episode is the effect with the floating kana and kanji on the Labyrinth. I wonder how that was done. It's animated, so I don't think it's part of the background, but then I'm also not sure at which stage of production that'd be put in. It's really neat.
Well, with this, we are done with episode 3 of Magia Record! What will we do next? Who knows! It doesn't seem like Iroha noticed it, but just knowing that Touka and Nemu existed, not even getting their surnames, does not give her any new clues to go with. She barely started and already is at a dead-end, poor girl.
Before jumping off the building, Yachiyo also added another question to our already filled question bucket: what was up with that weird witch? What is this strange thing that is going on in Kamihama? Why are you looking like that at Momoko's team?
As viewers, however, there is only one way of answering all this: by watching. So I'll be looking forward to having you guys join me tomorrow for episode 4! Have a good morning/afternoon/evening!
PS.: The last two episodes had about 30 screenshots, this one has about 40, at this rate by the time I get to episode 13 I'll be taking screenshots of the whole episode...
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randomnotesofmyown · 4 years
Psycho-Pass (20)
Episode 20 - Where Justice lies
Tsunemori at the outside of the core of the Sibyl system. The wall plates slided to create an entrance and the system tole the agent to get in. "Why on earth are you talking to me?" "What you're about to see is the brain of this world as well as its heart.
Makishima paid a visit to professor Kudama and appeared to have already obtained the information about hyper oats. "The food we eat every day is all thanks to this remarkable technology, and yet, so many citizens are unaware of it." Kudama, "Indeed. These days, the world is full of people who treat the blessings of science as things they are entitled to. It's really rare to see a young person like you who takes an interest in this." "It's quite regrettable to see you, who was at the forefront of establishing today's food situation in Japan, retired and ignored like this." Makishima got on his feet, walked to the book shelves and continued, "What I'm interested in is the Uka-no-Mitama defense virus's slipshod security system. Even if it's a good virus, if you are able to change the target as you please depending on how you configure the sequencer, it's possible to adjust it so that it can kill the oats themselves instead of pests. Uka-no-Mitama will quickly change form a god of fertility who brings good harvest to a devil who brings death." "What are you..." "On top of that, they converted a lab in a closed down university to the control center that takes care of adjustment and distribution of the virus. The facility predates the use of cymatic scans for security. "
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"Its security system uses numeric passwords or, at best, biometric scans. Then, since you used to be in charge there, with your help..."
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By the time Kogami arrived, the professor was already dead.
Tsunemori, standing in front of the core of the Sibyl system, shocked by what the system told her. 
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"Did Kagari die here? Die you guys kill him?" She asked. "We compared and considered the contribution Kagari Shusei would make to society throughout his life against the risk of him revealing the secret of the Sibyl system and decided that the latter issue was more important." Shaking with anger, Tsunemori exploded, "don't be ridiculous! 'More important,' you said?!"   
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"You are right. The appearance of criminally asymptomatic people, whom the Sibyl system cannot analyze, is inevitable. No matter how detailed and robust a system you build, a certain number of irregularities that deviate from it are certain to appear." "And you call that a perfect system?! To think that something like this is deciding the lives and death of people..." "But if we just improve the system and make it more complex, we can never expect it to be perfect. Then we have no choice but to resolve the contradictions by altering the way in which we operate the system, rather than its functions. By permitting the appearance of irregularities we cannot manage and taking measures to coexist, the system achieves perfection in a practical sense." "What do you mean by that?" "We can entrust the management of the system to those who deviate from the system. That is the most logical conclusion. When we used to have individual personalities and bodies, we were all criminally asymptomatic persons, who deviated from the management of the Sibyl system. There are even many among us who acted far more cruelly than Makishima." "Then are you saying..."
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"...and that this monster has been running the world?!" "By first rejecting relative valuations such as good or evil, an absolute system can be established. What is needed is a perfect and infallible system. Who manages it and how it is managed are irrelevant." "That's nonsense!" "In a truly completed system, its operator's will is not questioned. Our will itself is the system and the universal standard of value that transcends ethics." "Don't be ridiculous! Just who do you think you are?!" "It is true that every one of us here used to have many problems with our personalities. However, we harmonize through the acts of integrating everyone's minds, and so we have been able to achieve the goal of a universal standard. The more prejudiced and peculiar the orientation of the individuals who comprise the system, the more new ideas and values it brings to our perception and the more flexible and diversified our thinking becomes. In that regard, Makishima Shogo's idiosyncrasy is quite valuable and so, we have high hopes that he can become an especially useful member. Attaining a logical society in which various contradictions and inequalities are resolved... That is, indeed, the ultimate happiness sought by the rational human mind. By achieving an absolutely perfect system, Sibyl has become an existence that embodies that ideal." "Why are you telling me about this?" "You instinctively hate and emotionally detest us right now. And yet, you still cannot deny the Sibyl system's significance and necessity. You accept the fact that the current social order cannot hold without Sibyl. You place the importance on its necessity rather than its justifiability. We highly value your standards." "You killed Kagari in order to keep your secrets!" "Tsunemori Akane possesses a sense of purpose that is shared by the Sibyl system. Hence, we decided that the possibility that you'd reveal our secrets and endanger the system is infinitely small."
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"Let us confirm once again. Tsunemori Akane, do you wish a world without the Sibyl system? Right, you try to nod but then become hesitant. The ideal you imagine isn't clear and firm enough to deny the social order achieved at this point. You recognize that the current peaceful society and harmony achieved through the happiness of citizens and order are more important than anything else. Hence, no matter how much you hate and deny the Sibyl system, which is the foundation of those things, you cannot reject it." "Don't talk like you know everything." "If we analyze your reaction read by the cymatic scan, we can clearly grasp everything. Stop acting brave and let us have a heart-to-heart discussion. The goal of this meeting is to establish a collaborative relationship." "Collaborative?" "CID division 1 is currently in a crisis situation. Due to Kogami Shinya's recklessness and Ginoza Nobuchika being drained, the team is starting to show signs of dysfunction. Unless a new leader takes the initiative in the investigation, we cannot expect success in tracking down Makishima Shogo." "Mr. Ginoza is...drained?" "Tsunemori Akane, because you were caught in an unnecessary inner conflict, you have not been able to exhibit your potential capacities, either. The lack of understanding of the situation has been clouding your decision."
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"We decided that telling you the truth is the best way to give you motivation. Tsunemori Akane..."
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"You and we share the same value of trying to avoid a pointless death caused by unchecked emotions."
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"If you guys broke the law in the past, you should atone for your crimes in a befitting way." "Our contributions to society are more than enough compensation for the damages we caused in the past."   "How convenient, huh?"
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"If we were living in the days before Sibyl's diagnosis, our happiness would've been up to luck. So this is a lot better than the old days." "I envy you. You're likely to end up with multiple aptitudes, Kaori." 
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"700 points. I can't believe it."
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"With your score and Psycho-Pass, Akane, you've got a rosy life." Yuki, "Whoa...My rank is C...I knew it but I'm still shocked." Kaori, "Mine are all office jobs. It would be tough to improve my job situation from there." Yuki, "hey, hey, how was yours, Akane?"
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Kaori, "This score really is amazing. You have the aptitude even for the PSB!" Tsunemori, "B-but, if they recommend any place and every place, I don't know which one's good for me after all. I wonder how I can decide..." Voice of Kagari, "I don't know. What makes you think that someone like me would know? You could become anything. You even agonized over it, right? That's incredible. You're just like those old people before Sibyl was created." Tsunemori, "yeah, it's incredible, isn't it? Everyone used to feel their way around and chose their own life...To think that a world in which such things were just natural existed..."
Kagari, "nowadays, the Sibyl system reads your talent and tells you the way of living that will bring you the most happiness. And yet, you're talking about your life? The reason you were born? I never even thought there were people who stressed over things like that!" "Yeah, it's a heavy, tough anxiety. But...now I feel...that it might actually be a happy thing to be able to worry about those things." It changed into an imaginary dialog when the voice of Makishima came.
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"So I've asked many people about their suppressed free will and observed their actions all this time." Tsunemori, "right, now I might be able to understand how you feel a little." Makishima, "How do you define crime to start with? That dominator you're holding...does the Sibyl system that governs that gun decide it?"
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Tsunemori, "that's wrong, isn't it? That was the mistake in the first place." Makishima, "by analyzing a bio-organism's force field read by a cymatic scan, they figure out how a person's mind works. The intelligence of science finally uncovered the secret of souls, and this society changed drastically. However, people's wills are not a part of that assessment. I wonder just what sort of criteria you use to divide people into good and evil." Tsunemori, "I'm sure the important thing wasn't the conclusion of good or evil. I feel it was to think about it yourself, agonize over it and accept it." Makishima, "I want to see the splendor of people's souls. I want to check and see if it really is precious. However, when humans base their lives around Sibyl Oracle, without ever consulting their own wills, do they really hold any value?" Tsunemori, "There's no way they don't! Are you saying that <i>you</i> decide their value? You judge someone's family, their friends?! You judge the value of a happiness you've never felt?!" Switched to Yuki.
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"Someone else always took care of things for me and I never ever asked myself what was important. Say, Akane, do you think I was still happy that way?" Tsunemori replied sadly, "You could have become happy. You could have searched for the answer anytime...As long as people are alive, anyone can do it."
End of flashbacks and imaginary dialogs.
In her car, Tsunemori got a call from Ginoza, who asked her where she wandered off to. "The chief ordered me to deliver something to the Ministry of Welfare." "There was a murder in Ichikawa. Kogami's prints have been found at the site. Come here immediately. "
On her way to the crime scene, Tsunemori told the Sibyl system that she would do what it asked her to on one condition. "If I bring in Makashima Shogo alive, in return, you will guarantee Kogami Shinya's life as well. Withdraw his execution order." The Sibyl system replied, "those two things are not logically equivalent." "I don't care about your logic. If Mr. Kogami won't be saved, then I'll let Makishima die without doing anything. If push comes to shove, I'll kill him with my own hands."
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"And go find another pawn you think you can use." "Understood. Only once Makishima Shogo is captured alive will we make an exception for Kogami Shinya."
Tsunemori got to the crime scene and learned from Masaoka that residents reported seeing someone with that helmet. The agents found, after asking around, the only house which security was busted and inside it was a dead person.
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Kunizuka, "The victim is Kudama Nobuaki. He used to work for a lab belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, but he retired quite a long time ago and was now just an ordinary pensioner."
Ginoza, "the house appears to have been searched and we found Kogami's fingerprints. But why on earth..."
Tsunemori, "this wound on his neck...it might be Makishima Shogo who did it. This old man had something to do with Makishima's next plan. Mr. Kogami figured it out and rushed here, but he was too late..." Ginoza, "So Kogami really is ahead of us, huh?' Masaoka, "even so, why on earth was this old man killed by Makishima? It's hard to investigate a site that's been thoroughly messed up like this."
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Tsunemori, "What would Mr. Kogami consider the most undesirable result?" Kunizuka, "letting Makishima get away, right?" Tsunemori, "then when would his second most undesirable result be?" Masaoka, "being found by us before he kills Makishima...perhaps." Tsunemori, "Yes. Let's think about things in that order. What if Mr. Kogami, who got here before us, had hidden the body somewhere hard to be found? While Kudama Nobuaki remained missing...we would have continued pursuing a misdirected investigation and Mr. Kogami would have had a larger lead." Ginoza watched as Tsunemori made the deduction and saw Kogami instead.
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"Mr. Kogami isn't the overconfident type. In case he fails by some chance, I think he would at least leave a clue so that someone can stop Makishima. The question is, when will we notice that clue...He's testing us...to see if we have the same or an even bigger tenacity than his to pursue Makishima...If you don't have that determination, you'll be stranded here and get a late start." Then...
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"Can you find something?" Drone, "Something metal is detected inside the victim's airway." Tsunemori, "give me gloves." Masaoka, "h-hey, leave it to the forensics." Tsunemori, "that will allow Mr. Kogami to buy some time. If we want to catch up with him, we have to do it right here, right now." She retrieved the object from the victim's throat.
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Tsunemori placed the device above her wrist communicator and saw that it contained an audio file.
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"This is Kogami, a former Enforcer. This message is left for the detectives who'll be here in a while. The victim is Kudama Nobuaki, a former Doctor of Agriculture. He was in charge of a development team for the Uka-no-Mitama virus, a disease countermeasure for hyper-oats. He was considered to be the biggest contributor to Japan's achievement of complete food self-sufficiency. In order to totally destroy the granary in Hokuriku, Makishima got some idea from Professor Kudama and killed him. He gouged out the eyeballs from the body and cut all the fingers at their second joints. They may be needed to break through some form of security. A facility from the old days where the security equipment depended on the old type biometric scans instead of cymatic scans...The lab Kudama's research team was using at Izumo university is suspicious. The lab is currently used as the control center for the Uka-no-Mitama virus."
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Ginoza, "totally destroying a granary...bio-terrorism committed by a single person?!" Tsunemori, "Let's hurry. We should still be able to make it in time." Makishima made his way into Kudama Lab at Izumo University. Kogami arrived and was about to find a way in. 
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End of episode 20
Comment: The flashback scene made me wonder one thing. People looked to Sibyl for job recommendations. For people who the system could not analyze, like Makishima, did they get such recommendations? If they didn't, how did they find jobs? And the moment Tsunemori pointed that dominator at her chest got me. If the system refused, if it really went ahead and killed her and looked for another pawn. She would really have died and it would be for nothing. But her determination, and her gamble paid off.
Extra thought added on Nov 12. I came to see the logic why former criminals were chosen to become part of the Sibyl system. To judge the possibilities of anyone who would commit a crime, you need people who understand how criminals would think and act, or what would go on inside their head. In this sense, no one knows criminals better than former criminals.
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
V Watches MagiReco - Episode 5 Review
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*Spoilers for Magia Record Anime Episode 5*
I won’t deny that I was both extremely nervous and excited for this episode at the same time. There was just so much building up and so many vital things to introduce this week. I was anticipating an interesting conversation between Yachiyo and Mifuyu, a much longer and more difficult Rumour battle, Iroha’s doppel, and a possible Mami appearance.
And I can say for sure that not only did we get all of that, but we got them all done very well, with a few unexpected twists and additions, too!
I feel that they’re deliberately making Mifuyu and her relationship with Yachiyo extremely vague for now; it’s hard to judge as a game player because I already know everything, but I do wonder how anime-only fans feel about Mifuyu, what with how little they’re telling us so far. The scene with Yachiyo and Mifuyu really goes to show how shackled to the past Yachiyo is, which is a nice irony when we consider the short lecture she gave Iroha last episode about being a prisoner of her past. The whole Seance Shrine ordeal basically showed that if anyone’s a prisoner of their past, it’s definitely Yachiyo, and the contrast between how she and Iroha respond to the fake Mifuyu and Ui is a great way to illustrate that. All the symbolism and visual imagery going on while Yachiyo and Mifuyu spoke was also really, really well done. I especially liked the little detail of how much Yachiyo’s hand was shaking when she was trying to purify her Soul Gem; this is probably our first time seeing her so disturbed and shaken up, which really goes to show how important her relationship with Mifuyu was to her.
I was not expecting such an amazing fight with Mifuyu, though! It’s always amazing to see these characters fighting outside of the fixed actions and movements shown with their game sprites, and I really love how graceful and agile Mifuyu is shown to be, jumping and gliding all over the place with such little effort. Yachiyo’s spear going right through her chest was OUCH EW, but I did enjoy that powerful moment from Yachiyo, who shows that she isn’t completely lost in her longing for their past relationship and does retain some good sense after all.
The Rumour looked slightly different from what I imagined (which is okay), but what I really appreciated? Finally a battle of some sort that doesn’t end way too quickly and easily; we finally see characters other than Iroha struggle with a monster that actually puts up a real fight. Iroha is continuously portrayed as weak but very eager to help out regardless, and I like that a lot about her character, even if I’d be just as frustrated as Yachiyo if I were in her position xD I’m really looking forward to seeing Iroha finally growing in strength and becoming a magical girl who can hold her own against the Kamihama Witches and Rumours!
As for the Doppel? I LOVED IT. I’m glad they went into detail about what went on inside Iroha’s mind before it happened, rather than having the monster suddenly exploding out of her with no explanation. The imagery with the bandages was done very well, too, and the creepy face “dark Iroha" makes before the Doppel is released has a very distinct PMMM style to me. My only slight complaint is that I would have liked a good look at the Doppel before she went up, up, and away and tore that Rumour to shreds xD The eerie bird-like sound effects were a very nice touch, but it was a little difficult to see what the Doppel was doing sometimes because everything happened so quickly with so much movement; I had to rewatch the scene a few times and pause on some frames before I understood what exactly was going on ^^;; (Iroha looks super pretty with her hair out, though! ♥)
It’s also really interesting to me that the anime shows that the Doppel doesn’t just effortlessly disappear like no big deal after the big attack. We see that even after the Rumour is destroyed, Iroha’s Doppel is still very much active and rampant, which makes me wonder what it exactly takes for a magical girl to “control” and “rein in” the Doppel and return back to normal, since, in Iroha’s case, it’s interrupted by the appearance of a very familiar magical girl!!!
When Mami appeared with her signature theme and chanted “Tiro Finale,” I legit felt chills down my spine (♥ω♥*) What an entrance!!! I also loved how they presented the tension between Mami and Yachiyo, both of them being the oldest and most mature of their respective groups and one of the most respected magical girls in their city. I think they have a very nice balance between including the original characters enough to keep old fans happy and allowing the new characters a chance to shine on their own, and I really hope they keep up this balance in future episodes :)
I know there’s been a few jokes in the past about Ui sounding like a broken record with how she repeats the thing about magical girls being saved in Kamihama. But this episode takes that idea and turns it up a few hundred notches to present one of the creepiest and most disturbing sequences I’ve seen in this anime so far. There’s something especially unsettling to see Ui looking all cute and happy and “normal” while sounding... well, like that. The fast-paced editing really adds to the urgent, almost claustrophobic kind of atmosphere, and builds up an even greater sense of mystery surrounding her character.
And the final part at Yachiyo’s place? We finally have our first glance at Mikazuki Villa! ^___^ It’s nice to see Yachiyo showing a much more gentle and caring side; she’s not as cold and brash as we’ve seen her, but there’s still a good bit of coolness and an aloof attitude that will defrost slowly as the characters get introduced one by one and the quintet forms :) Iroha sleeping in Mifuyu’s room was also a really nice and bittersweet touch, and I do like the way they’re using this kind of symbolism to set her up as a “new partner” for Yachiyo. Seeing all those mugs (and a quick Kanae cameo!) did hurt, but I like that the story will slowly allow Yachiyo to break free from the burden of her past and welcome a new and loving family. I do, however, wonder if that final scene of Mifuyu’s “ghost” or “spirit” would make anime-only fans think Mifuyu is dead or something xD
And that post-credits scene... OKAY I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. That was one of the weirdest yet strangely entertaining scenes I’ve seen in any anime in a good while. I know Kaede summoned her Doppel, but... was the incident even real? Is she “still a Doppel” in the end, and not quite back to human yet? Was that the real world, or a labyrinth? Why was Mitama there? I take it that this is the first time Kaede has ever released a Doppel and doesn’t quite know what’s going on? And the last shot is most likely emphasising how the Doppel purifies the magical girl’s Soul Gem? The entire scene was just super trippy and things didn’t really make sense, yet I loved every second of how strange and wrong it all felt. This is probably one of the most “original” things the anime has done that wasn’t in the game (apart from Kuroe), and if they can somehow make sure that it all makes sense and ties in well together, then I’m all for these kinds of deviations if it means we get an even better and more suspenseful story!
I absolutely loved this week’s episode, and I was definitely not let down even with all the expectations and hopes I had for it. Many people say that the fifth episode of an anime is what “seals the deal” on whether someone will continue watching or end up dropping it, and even if it’s not accurate for me, being a game player and all, I do feel that I’d definitely stick with this series to the end if I was experiencing the story for the very first time.
Looking forward to Felicia’s debut next week! And... could that possibly mean that Kyoko will be showing up, too? (⊙ꇴ⊙)
Oh, and as a sidenote: I knew from the very first time I watched the OP that they would slowly add characters to the last part where Iroha turns around and runs towards Yachiyo >:) Sure enough, we see Tsuruno join them this week, and I can’t wait to see the full team slowly assemble! ^3^
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thefinalcinderella · 5 years
Tsurune Book 2 Chapter 4-Unsolicited Statement (Part 2)
The only thing worse than kyudo terminology...is Shinto and Buddhism terminology.
In other words, please enjoy this long-awaited continuation of the chapter, where the boys go to the Amatsu Star Festival in their fancy getup and we learn that Ren is actually Masaki’s stepbrother (not like the anime didn’t already spoil that for us). Also Nikaidou and Fuwa show up (not at the festival)
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1. A sekitori is a sumo wrestler ranked in the top two professional divisions.
2. A multi-tenant building here ( 雑居ビル) is a building that houses a mixture of businesses, shops and residences
3. Aratama and nikitama are parts of the spirit (mitama) of a god in Shinto belief. The aratama is the rough and violent side of the god that must be appeased while the nikitama is its normal state. (Thanks yugioh wiki for leading me to the right place)
4. The jousou of a priest is worn at regular festivals. A kariginu is a traditional hunting robe worn by Heian nobles. Basically, what Masa-san is wearing here is what he wore in Episode 10 of the anime (when the boys visit the shrine) except it’s all white.
5. Issun-boshi is a Japanese folktale about a one sun (3cm) boy who kills an oni. It’s similar to Tom Thumb and you can read the gist of it here
6. Jaki (邪気) means maliciousness or evil spirits, and mujaki (無邪気, literally “no jaki”) means innocence.
7. So apparently tsumikegare is a complicated term. Tsumi is sin and kegare is impurity, but sometimes tsumikegare happens to you without you doing anything wrong. In any case it taints your energy and you have to cleanse yourself of it.
8. The ritual Masa-san’s mom is doing is the shubatsu, a purification ritual that takes place before a ceremony. Also, ooasa is more commonly known as onusa, apparently. See one here. The sakaki tree is an evergreen that’s sacred in Shinto and used in many rituals, as well as salt water (entou), which is rock salt dissolved in water.
9. The term kaji ( 加持) is used here. In Buddhism it corresponds to  Adhiṣṭhāna, which refers to receiving blessings from the Buddha. On a side note I pretty much had to guess the translation of this passage lol
10. Joue ( 定慧) is two-thirds of the Threefold Training of Buddhism.  定 is “right mindfulness” and  慧 is wisdom. The third one is  戒, which is virtue.
11. Momote Shiki is a kyudo ceremony performed for those who are turning 20 and becoming adults. It is conducted by the Ogasawara-ryuu, who dress in formal kimonos and shoot two arrows at a target. You can read about one in more detail here
12. A naorai is a banquet during a festival where the offerings made to the gods are eaten. It marks the end of a ritual. Read more about it here
13. A goldfish with protruding eyes is called a telescope goldfish or demekin
14. Nanao makes up the word pazarinko in Chapter 3 of Book 1, where apparently it’s supposed to mean “you’re welcome” It’s the furigana for “了解” which means “got it”
15. Yo-yo scooping is a popular festival game where you fish for small balloons with a paper string and a hook. The balloons you get act like yo-yos I think? 
16. Yakitori is skewered chicken that’s grilled over a charcoal fire.
17. A marebito is a word that refers to a divine spirit or being bringing gifts of luck and happiness from afar. They are usually welcomed with festivals. It’s lso the title of the next chapter
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Countermeasures against the heat were necessary for summer exercise. Kyudo was no exception.
Kazemai High School was located in a relatively cool region of Japan, and kyudo was blessed compared to outdoor sports, but it was still hot during daytime. Although there was a fan, the wind almost never reached them, and so the fan head desolately turned.
In summer, the kyudo equipment also changed due to the heat. Because it was easy for the bowstring to stretch and for the draw strength to weaken if it was a bamboo bow, one used different equipment for summer and winter. The heat had little effect on glass fibre bows, but one needed to be careful as they could deform if one left them inside a car under the blazing sun.
For kyudogi, there were ones used specially for summer in addition to year-round. As the kyudo uniform must not be directly worn on bare skin, an undershirt must be worn, and the style for the bottom was a hakama that completely covered the feet. It was difficult to say that it was a cool getup. People who sweated a lot and the like had their sweat dripping onto the floor during zasha.
At break, Ryouhei and Nanao flapped the sides of their hakama.
“Ugh, it’s so humid since there’s no wind today.”
“The floor’s so steaming hot it’s like there’s indoor heating. My hakama’s getting stuck to my feet with all the sweat, you know.”
“Can you wash hakama?”
“The hakama and obi we wear for practice are made of synthetic fibers, so you can put them in a laundry bag and wash them with a washing machine. If you take them to a dry cleaner’s, it’ll be expensive since they’ll undergo the traditional clothing treatment. Though, the hakama Masa-san wears when he needs to wear kimono is probably made of silk or wool, so I don’t think he can use the washing machine for that.”
“My underglove is also really damp from all the sweat.”
“I hate having a sweaty yugake, so I’m going to air it out when I get home. Although when I say that, I’m just going to spread it out in my room and turn it over. Apparently, it’s also good to put a drying agent in it.”
The two replaced their undergloves that had become damp with sweat with new ones. In the case that one’s grip became slippery with palm sweat, one could also use rice chaff ashes, called fudeko, or one’s own white powder on the left hand.
Seiya handed Minato a towel and a water bottle. The ice made a cool, rattling sound, and the barley tea disappeared in an instant.
“Minato, if it’s not enough I can give you more.”
“Ah, thanks. I’ll have more later.”
“Are you suffering from heat fatigue? It looks like your dad has a lot of business trips lately, but are you eating properly?”
“Mm, I’m fine.”
Kaito, who was next to Minato and Seiya as they talked, knitted his brows.
“Are you mothering Narumiya again, Seiya? Leave him alone, he’s not a little kid.”
“Isn’t it fine? It’s not bothering anyone, and it’s my purpose in life.”
“So you finally got serious.”
“What? Do you want me to mother you too, Kaito?”
“Not a chance!”
“I also don’t want to take care of a child with such a bad expression.”
“I’m not a ‘child’ with a bad expression!”
Kaito finished his water bottle in one go.
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo had on dumbfounded expressions that said, “Ah, here we go again.” They were completely used to seeing the sketch comedies that Kaito was associated with.
Tommy-sensei asked them to gather around.
“Were you all able to hydrate? Takigawa-san explained this the other day, but what is the method of breathing while shooting?”
Ryouhei answered.
“If you’re concerned about your breathing, it becomes more difficult for you to know how to shoot. Or rather, you can’t do both at the same time.”
“Exactly so. Since the way of dantian breathing used in kyudo is slightly different than the commonly stated dantian breathing, and it is difficult for those who hold the bow and still have a few years to go, it is good to store it as knowledge in a corner of your minds right now.”
“If I have to be extreme, Japanese archery is lifting the bow up, parting it in both directions, and waiting to release the arrow—that is all it is. Even though just that should be good enough, people do unnecessary and pointless actions. First of all, let’s correct the major causes that produce difficulties for hitting the target. Because when you covet this-and-that, you will not be able to understand why.”
Ryouhei nodded deeply.
“Now then, it will be summer vacation soon and there will be a training camp, but before that, I will give everyone a mission. The gentlemen will be time warping back to the Heian era.”
“Heian era? Time warp? What does that mean?”
“For that, go there and enjoy what happens. The girls will be in charge of seeing that with their own eyes.”
Minato and the others blinked rapidly before Tommy-sensei, who was chuckling.
Tsujimine High School’s Fuwa let out a sound without thinking.
The person before him was clicking their tongue.
Fuwa was at the bus stop in front of the hospital with his phone in one hand. A man with a muscular figure, on par with a sekitori (1), was in front of him in line, but he seemed to have decided something and left the line. Just when Fuwa was about to close up the gap and lifted his head, he saw Nikaidou right in front of him. They couldn’t see each other due to the large man hiding them.
Nikaidou opened his naturally large eyes even wider. Since their eyes met perfectly all the way here, his face that screamed, I didn’t know you were there at all, was extremely transparent.
He muttered to him, as though resigned to the situation,
“The bus is here. Let’s get on it, Fuwa.”
They did not talk to each other even as they sat next to each other in the two-person seat. Fuwa still had his phone in hand, and Nikaidou was vacantly staring out the window. Neither of them said anything like, “What a coincidence,” or “What happened?”
The bus arrived at the nearest station fifteen minutes later.
Although Fuwa intended on naturally parting from him in this way, Nikaidou indicated his destination with his chin.
Without saying “What a pain,” he followed Nikaidou to the fast food restaurant on the first floor of the multi-tenant building. (2)
Nikaidou silently lined up at the register.
"Welcome. Will you be eating here today?"
"Then, may I take your order?"
"I'll have one of whatever is the most expensive thing in this store."
The cashier was immediately bewildered.
As he was getting second-hand embarrassment from what he was seeing, Fuwa went to the second floor seats.
After a while, Nikaidou showed up carrying a tray. Apparently he couldn't carry it by himself, as employees were following him. The tray was piled high with food, so it did not look like it was for two people at all.
When the employees left, Nikaidou sat in his seat and spoke.
"Here, eat."
"Is that how you offer food to someone?"
"Just shut up and do it now!"
Forced by pressure, Fuwa reluctantly took a bite of a hamburger.  He had actually snatched food in the hospital room he had visited, so he was not at all hungry. When Fuwa finished eating one, Nikaidou looked relieved. He himself finally took the food as well.
Ah, so this is hush money?
Fuwa guessed.
It probably meant that he was not allowed to reveal that they ran into each other at the hospital. He couldn't ask anything about this matter. Furthermore, he is telling him to infer all of that. What a self-centered guy, he thought, but he stopped pressing it. Having him be quiet with this signified that Nikaidou trusted him greatly.
Nikaidou was hiding the fact that his uncle Shigeyuki was in hospital from the club members. Perhaps Shigeyuki asked him not to tell anyone. And Fuwa knew that Nikaidou had been visiting him frequently. That kind of thing would be divulged by someone close to him, and that information source was Nikaidou's younger brother. Because he knew, he was careful not so that they would not meet, but they ended up doing that regardless. In that sense, this whole situation was Fuwa's mistake.
Fuwa had a certain special quality.
It was the ability to get information even without seeking it.
Even though he wasn't extending an antenna from himself and collecting information, the things the people around him hid or wanted to hide entered his ears. He noticed that when he received a piece of coloured paper from his homeroom teacher at his elementary school graduation ceremony.
It was a collection of messages for the graduation ceremony, but among the trite and hackneyed phrases like "I'll do my best even after I graduate," he was unable to take his eyes from the words written by one girl.
Fuwa-kun has long ears, so bad things about Fuwa-kun are the only things I was afraid to say—.
He couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw that. He had no interest in the conversations of girls, so he never strained his ears for them. And in the first place, saying that he had "long ears" was in itself a loose-tongued thing to do. It may have happened that he did not notice the girl was hiding something and inadvertently said it aloud.
From then on, he began to be careful about his speech and conduct. He avoided topics that seemed like they would infringe on privacy as much as possible, and did not left out anything that he heard. It felt like the number of people who one-sidedly talked to him excessively increased, perhaps because he devoted himself to the listener's role. There were many people who wanted to talk, even without him asking. They could not help but vomit out the words that they kept close to their chests.
In addition, there were also many times when he accidentally overheard and learned something. The other day, he learned why Nikaidou often wore a white hoodie. When he went to the school infirmary, there was a health report there forgotten by the nurse. It was written that Nikaidou Eisuke was hypersensitive to light, and that if he was exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time, it would cause skin inflammation.
And, there was another thing. He knew Nikaidou's secret—.
Ootaguro had also vaguely perceived it, and only Nikaidou himself thought it had not been found out. Ootaguro was not as meatheaded as Nikaidou thought he was. Nikaidou was smart, but lacked objectivity. He couldn't see himself very well.
Fuwa stuffed his mouth with his last bite, then washed it down with coke.
"Alright, it's all eaten."
"Ugh, I'm not gonna be eating hamburgers and fries for a long time."
When they exited the restaurant, Nikaidou pointed above his head.
"I'm gonna be stopping by the store up there."
"Oh, then see ya."
Nikaidou smiled, looking satisfied, and climbed the steps to the store.
Fuwa looked up at the sky.
The sound of a flute could be heard, and faint lights emerged.
At Yata Shrine, the summer festival called the Amatsu Star Festival was currently underway. Along the long stairs that stretched from the torii gate to the front shrine, bamboo tubes with the tops diagonally cut were arranged with lit candles inside them. The swaying flames were like whispers, enticing people to where the sounds were.
Sway, sway.
O marebito, o heretic gods.
Are you aratama tonight, or nikitama? (3)
Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo, dressed in yukata, stopped at the top of the steps.
"Wow, the stairs of light are so beautiful!"
"Look at the interior. It's still continuing."
"Let's go."
The lights flickered, as though beckoning them. They passed between the bamboo tubes and looked back, and saw a river of light.
"Are the boys going to be here soon?"
Hanazawa confirmed the time.
"I wonder if they successfully completed the time warp."
"The girls' mission is to see it with our own eyes, after all."
The three giggled as they headed for the front shrine.
The five boys of Kazemai High School were also visiting Yata Shrine, but they could not afford to enjoy the festival. They first thing they did in the morning was to do an ablution ceremony by bathing in cold water (misogi). They also refrained from eating meat and fish since yesterday.
On this day, Minato and the others were wearing colourful kimonos and hakama, looking just like Heian nobles. Masa-san was dressed all in white. The ordinary vestments (jousou) of a priest was a dyed and patterned kariginu, a hakama in a colour that corresponded to the priest's social position, a cap called a tateeboshi, a ritual baton (shaku), and shallow clogs (asagutsu), but the kimono was all white with only a little decoration at the cuffs. (4)
In actuality, Yata Shrine was reviving the ritual "matoi" (target shooting), which had died out, and the Kazemai High School Kyudo Club boys were serving the roles of the archers.
Minato moved awkwardly in the clothes he was unaccustomed to wearing. The weights of the pure silk kimono and the practice clothes he usually wore were different, and he took care not to make it dirty.
"Masa-san, are we really going to be okay? We're wearing these flashy kimonos and hakama, and shoes made of wood. We're doing rissha, aren't we?"
"The target is big, and you'll be fine if you move as you practiced this morning. Exposing your chest in summertime is troublesome since your kimono sticks to you with sweat, but it works as a natural cooler."
"In the first place, why is it that except for the one priest, everyone else are boys from ages twelve to eighteen?"
"In ancient times, Yata Shrine was a shrine thatwas connected to the practitioners of Shugendou, and the purpose of 'matoi' was to exorcise vengeful spirits. As you can see from folk tales like Momotarou and Issun-boushi (5), 'douji' (boys) are said to have the power to exorcise demons--evil spirits. And in the ancient documents left at Yata Shrine, it is written that the archers are chigo, that is, young trainee monks with unshaven heads at Buddhist temples. The discussion of wanting to revive it has been brought up by the parishioners for a long time, but I only got enthusiastic about it when I talked about it with Tommy-sensei."
"So 'innocence' is the opposite of 'vengeful spirits'. (6) But why would there be young monks at a Shinto shrine?"
"Before the Meiji era, there was the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism, in other words, Shinto and Buddhism weren't distinctly separated. Apparently, it wasn't unusual for priests to double as monks."
"Oh, I see."
When the festival music (matsuri-bayashi) ended, the archers and parishioners, with Masa-san at the head, stood before the shelves that held rice, salt, water, sake, fish and other offerings to the gods. The parishioners were serving as the kaizoes. The target (oomato) was made of flattened reeds that were woven together, and a piece of paper put on top of it had the character for "demon" written on it.
They received a purification rite from Masa-san's mother, who was a priest, to purify their sins and impurities (tsumikegare) of their mind and body. (7) She shook the ooasa, a rod of plain wood with shide (zigzag paper streamers) attached to it, left and right and left again, and then a sprig of sakaki tree was dipped into entou (salt water) and sprinkled. (8)
Masa-san walked a few steps ahead of the line, and then knelt (kiza) with a bow and white-feathered arrow in hand.
He chanted with a resonant voice.
Upon careful consideration, what one would call a treasured bow of divine empowerment (9), is something that strenuously exerts the virtues of joue (10), clears away the mob of hindrances,
And defeats the evil forces that block the way to samsara. Indeed, there is nothing that surpasses a divine bow and secret arrow for a vessel of expelling evil forces.
Now, the five great dragon kings have descended upon this dojo and will establish barriers that will block these evil spirits…
When he stood up, he had his bow and arrow in his right hand, and exposed his chest by slipping his kimono from his left shoulder. With both hands, he reverently held the bow parallel to the ground and then pointed it towards the target (mato-tsuki). He gripped the bow in a slanted position and drew it back to its limit, and then released the arrow.
His next arrow also hit the center of the target.
When Kaito, the oomae, lifted his bow, Ryouhei also lifted his own bow without missing a beat. After him, Seiya, Nanao, Minato and Masa-san imitated Kaito’s movements.
Kaito slowly brought the head of his arrow close to the target.
“Aiiiiiie!” After he shouted his yagoe, his arrow flew towards the target.
After him, Ryouhei also released his arrow with a “Yah”, and Seiya, Nanao, Minato and Masa-san followed.
Aiiiiiie, yah!
Aiiiiiie, yah!
The yagoes crawled along the ground, the sounds that violently cut through the wind being linked together.
When the six shootings were over, there was a big round of applause from the spectators.
“What was that? Were those Kazemai students who were shooting?”
“Holy crap, that was amazing! We can take pictures, right?”
The female high school students who were watching as a way to kill time were in high spirits. Hanazawa, Shiragiku, and Seo, who were watching over them, were also leaning forward in excitement.
“Since they called it a ritual, I was wondering what they were going to do, but wasn’t it pretty cool?”
“It really did feel like we time-warped back to the Heian era.”
“They were moving similar to the Momote Shiki of the Ogasawara-ryuu school.” (11)
While the worshippers were chattering noisily, Kaito drew his bow tightly once again. There was a dignified air surrounding him.
The yagoes were shouted one after the other.
Six voices.
When the last shot brought down the demon, a thunderous round of applause arose.
After they finished their greetings, Minato and the others changed into their regular clothes.
Tommy-sensei met them with a smile.
“You’ve all worked hard on your mission. Congratulations to everyone for safely returning to present-day. You all looked very handsome.”
The parishioners also gave them words of appreciation and gratitude.
“What a mystical ceremony it was, as though we became lost in an older world. Many of us parishioners are getting on in years, but the ones who will create the future are you young people after all. Now, now, eat up.”
“Then, itadakimasu.”
They took the food before them. At the naorai (12), Ren was also there along with the parishioners, going around pouring alcohol for each person. A naorai also had the meaning of cleansing the body obtaining the offerings to the goods through eating and drinking the offerings and sake at the end of the ritual, but at Yata Shrine it had a strong sense of a party given in recognition of a person’s services.
It was a long-awaited and precious festival. They also wanted to go around to see all the stalls.
After talking for a while, the boys stood from their seats, leaving the adults who were drinking.
It was a complete transformation from that refined world, and they flocked to the area lined with red lanterns. The scents of sauces and sugary things mingled together. Nanao was called out to by girls as they passed by him, and he answered them with smiles. They went halfway down the row of stalls, when Minato and Ryouhei decided to take on the target shooting stall.
“I think I’ll aim for the sweets on the right. What about you, Ryouhei?”
“I see. I’ll be aiming for that mascot ‘Reclining Kaehru-kun.’”
“Alright, then, it’s a match.”
The two carefully aimed and pulled their triggers. Despite Minato bombarding it with bullets, the small box of sweets did not fall down. He persistently continued to shoot, and when he thought that it finally fell, he was disappointed when he was told that “it doesn’t count if it doesn’t fall behind the shelf.” As Ryouhei declared, he got the “Reclining Kaehru-kun,” and handed it to Nanao.
“Oooooh, this is amazing! Thanks, Ryouhei. Let’s go over there next.”
The group went to the goldfish scooping stall next.
Nanao and Seiya, with Kaito between them, were standing by.
“Seiya, Kacchan is a master at goldfish scooping.”
“Oh really? Show me what you got.”
Kaito’s eyes glinted. A daring smile appeared on his lips.
He readied his scoop in his right hand and the bowl for the goldfish in his right, and then passed his scoop under the water. He quickly slid it sideways and got one fish at the start. He then got a second one, a third one, a fourth one, and then the bowl was filled with goldfish before they knew it.
“Good job, Kaito. Alright, I’ll try too.”
Seiya gently put his scoop in the water and chased the swimming goldfish, but the fish escaped before he could put them in the bowl.
“Aaah, it got torn.”
“Seiya is surprisingly crap at this.”
“Sir, one more turn.”
Seiya paid the fee.
“Kaito, teach me your secret.”
“Watch closely, okay? First, you gotta put the whole scoop into the water. You should scoop by aiming for the fish at the surface and moving horizontally as much as possible, and making sure that the tail is getting on the paper.”
As he was saying that, he caught another one. Even the man at the stall said, “Give it a rest, kid,” with a wry smile.  Perhaps because he listened to Kaito’s advice, Seiya got two fish this time.
Nanao kept aiming for the bigger fish, but at the end he did not catch a single fish. He returned his torn scoop to the man and pointed at one spot where the goldfish were crowding together.
“Kacchan, get that black fish with the stuck-out eyes buried under those red goldfish.” (13)
“Hmm, it’s big, and that location is ugh.”
“You can still do it, can’t you? Get it, get it!”
“Can’t be helped.”
Badgered by Nanao, he reluctantly attempted it, but his paper scoop got torn when he got close to the fish.
“Ooh, what a shame, kid,” the man at the stall said with a pleased face. They decided to bring back only three fish, and Nanao chose a fish to his liking. In the meantime, Minato and Ryouhei went to take a look at the neighbouring stall.
After they received their goldfish, Kaito looked around.
“Narumiya and Ryouhei aren’t at the stall next door at all?”
“Aah…, this happened a lot back then. Whenever those two are at a festival, they really get into it and disappear before you know it. Well, it’s fine.”
“Huh, it’s really ok? You not clinging to Narumiya, I mean.”
“Yep. Today, I’m sticking close to your side.”
Kaito recoiled from Seiya, who was smiling with his eyes narrowed.
“Hah? Why’s that?”
“In this kind of place, the possibility of you rather than Minato getting caught up in trouble is much higher. And you have even less self control when it comes to Nanao. As you wished, I shall specially take care of you today.”
“When did I wish for that!?”
Next to Kaito, who was scratching his head, Seiya was ready to burst into laughter.
“Okay, I texted Minato and Ryouhei our meeting location and time, so let’s walk around together.”
Nanao responded, “’Kay, pazarinko (14). Where should we go next? The turtle scooping stall?”
“Turtles, huh…those things get huge in the future. We can’t bring them back with us.”
“I wanna get big too.”
“Then, milk scooping?”
“Ooh, maybe! Moo-moo scooping~.”
“That’s not even a thing! If you’re talking about scooping, there’s yo-yos and gemstones.” Kaito answered, getting worked up and taking the joke seriously. (15)
The three disappeared into the crowd while jostling.
At the same time, Minato and Ryouhei had also noticed that they had lost sight of their friends, and looked at their phones.
"So we're meeting in front of the shrine office. There's still time until then. What do you want to do, Ryouhei?"
" I wanna eat yakitori. (16) You mind if I line up at that stand over there?"
"It's cool. I'll wait under this tree."
Minato left the lively avenue lined with stands, heading for the zelkova tree.
The rhythm of the festival music could be heard in the distance. Since from the morning he had been busy with the setup of the oomato and learning how to strip during a rissha ceremonial shooting, observing the festival from a little further away also wasn't bad at all. The flickering of the river of light pierced his eyes.
Just when he was about to twist off the cap of the plastic bottle in his hand, someone with their hand raised approached him from the front. At first he couldn't recognize their face since it was lit from behind, but it turned out to be Ren.
"Hey, Minato-kun. We sure do meet a lot."
"Ren-san, is it okay for you to be here?"
"Trying to drive me off, eh?"
"Ah, no, I was just wondering if it's okay for you to not be at the naorai."
"Oh, it's already in the final stage, so they probably wouldn't know if just one person is missing."
Ren stood next to Minato and similarly twisted the cap off his plastic bottle.
"How's it going with kyudo practice?"
"Thanks to having Masa-san teach us, I think everyone improved, as well as me."
"I heard that you were taught by a sensei who is famous in the kyudo world. Aren't you unsatisfied with Masaki?"
"That absolutely isn't true! Saionji-sensei and Masa-san are both my precious teachers. If I never met them both, I might not be shooting a bow today."
Ren suddenly laughed, but there was something cold about the way he did it.
"Really, that's good to hear. Masaki had been worried for a while. He told you that 'If you don't fix that bad habit, the more you shoot, the more it will hurt,' but he worried that he should have said, 'Once you fix that bad habit, you will get even better,' and that he made a mistake in how he should have said it. Thinking that there’s nothing good about a coach who lowers his athlete's motivation."
"Eh, he was?"
"Even for those who teach, there's actually a real anxiety about whether or not what they are doing is really okay. Masaki did kyudo for many years, but as a teacher, he's a beginner. Everyone's an amateur for the first time they're doing anything. Studying, exercise, the arts, work, raising children—everything has a first time."
"—That's true."
People wavered whenever they are doing something. Even if they weren't aware of it, even if they weren’t in pain or suffering, they were always making choices. Even after the time of the initial resolution, in the end they still didn't know what was the correct answer. One could only cast away doubts such as if there was another choice, and go the way one believed in.
Minato asked something he had always been curious about.
"Ren-san, you don't do kyudo?"
"Yeah, I don't. There was a time when I thought I'd try it, but I missed the timing."
"So Yasaka-sensei didn't encourage you to do kyudo."
"Uh huh. I was already a full-fledged adult, and I was the child of his daughter's second marriage partner, so he probably refrained from doing that."
"You know Masaki's mother remarried, don't you? I'm the kid from my dad's previous marriage. I'm not related to Mom and Masaki by blood."
The wind blew, and the flames swayed all at once.
The leaves rustled and wriggled.
Minato groped for something to follow up with.
"Ren-san, are you trying to surprise me again? Even I won't fall for it anymore."
"Oh, so Masaki didn't tell you. Well, maybe he didn’t bother telling his student about it. It's about unrelated people after all."
Minato very much remembered his thirst. The scar on his left flank ached.
Ren always spoke like there was a hidden meaning in his words, but he really couldn't see his true meaning this time.
"Minato-kun, I actually hate you a little bit. I thought that when Masaki finished his ten-thousand shots, he could be freed from our grandfather's binding spell, but he relapsed back into being bow-crazy. He was about to go on the same path as the grandfather he avoided so much."
"Is it bad to love kyudo?"
"I don't think it's bad, but I do think it's constricting and uncomfortable."
Minato wanted to refute him. No, you're wrong.
Masa-san, Shuu, and Minato were certainly struggling, and might be suffering, but those shouldn’t be all that there was.
"Masa-san's tsurune is really beautiful. I don't believe it's the sound of someone who is shooting in suffering. I enjoy shooting a bow. It's frustrating to not be able to do things as they go in my mind and not getting considerably better, but even so, I love kyudo."
Ren's eyes stayed the same, with only his mouth smiling.
"It is said that Yata Shrine's Amatsu Star Festival is perhaps for appeasing Amatsu-Mikaboshi, who is branded as a malevolent god. For my home, you are a marebito—a guest. Nobody knows if you are a good spirit or an evil spirit." (17)
"Fufu, you are too amusing... It's a joke, I'll be leaving my little brother in your care."
Ren lifted a hand and left.
Ryouhei showed up in his place, bringing along Seiya, Kaito and Nanao.
Minato blinked his eyes from the dazzling, diffusely reflected light.
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lcvedol · 6 years
time: start! | entry 1 | prologue
I don’t know what to do. How to start..it’s so confusing. I’ve never really needed to mark my words down in a place like this, I’ve never had this much in my mind before now. Is anything going to ever read this? I mean- I write down things a lot! Song lyrics, thoughts, secrets.. I’d like to think of it as just something that belongs to me. It’s comforting, reassuring, even if It’s just me basically talking to myself. Maybe this is like a vent log? I can’t really look at this like a diary yet, so I guess I can just ramble here until further notice. 
I had to do a bit of counting, and I checked three times- there’s a total of nineteen people here, including me. We all just woke up in this..dusty, dirty room with no recollection at all of how we even got thrown into here. I can’t remember what happened, how I ended up here, but I was supposed to be on some kind of tour. Trapped in this room with so many different prodigies was a little stressful, but also kind of weird. My classmates..they’re all really different compared to one another. So many different talents! There’s even some kind of Vending Machine Placement Scout (her name is Atsu, and I like her hat). 
It’s so weird, I feel so alone despite the fact I’m with so many people. We all had to solve some kind of escape room puzzle? Everyone worked really hard to get out though, and I wish I could’ve been a little bit more of help..I’m not really the smartest- so I couldn’t really understand what to do. It was freaky, though, we were basically locked in! If we didn’t get out, would we have starved..? Would someone have just left us in there to die? God,I don’t want to think about it, but a REALLY tall guy managed to solve the puzzle (Cape! I think? He reminds me of a Pokemon, but I don’t know if he’d like me calling him that, so I won’t say it to his face! ^^;;). It was all number based, apparently, after we all put our heads together. It took a couple of hours, but I’m so relieved we got out all in one piece (I can’t say the same for my brain, though). 
I should probably talk a little bit about the people here, I guess! I haven’t gotten to talk to all of them, but I got to converse with a couple of people- maybe I can just talk about what I think of them? Is that rude? Probably, but I think I have an excuse for the time being. Whoever threw us in here must be happy with themselves, because I feel like I’m going insane already. I don’t have any idea who threw all of us into a room together, but it sucks, as you can probably guess.
Okay, first, I tried to pair up with this one guy..but I don’t think he was looking for friends? Not sure, but he seemed kind of down in the dumps (understandable have a nice day), so we paired up together! I didn’t get his name, but he had bleached hair and some black glasses. He didn’t directly seem rude, though, I’m sure he was just kind of cautious! I get that, maybe I shouldn’t have been so forward trying to befriend him? Ah..I’ll work on that later!
Tatsu-chan! I took a break from looking around to talk to her. Really excited girl, I like her a lot! She keeps messing my name up, but I don’t really mind, I just don’t want to seem rude if I try to correct her a lot. She’s the Ultimate Urban Legend, and I’ve heard a little bit about her? I scroll through the internet a little more than normal people, so I’ve caught some glimpses of her name. She’s an off the rails kind of girl, but she has good intentions. She just wants to have some good fun! I can understand that. There was this person in a grey bodysuit that came over in an apron, looked at me, and then immediately BOLTED. What did I do!! Was there something on my face??? God, I really don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of 18 other people!! They’re a chef, though, because I got to help them out a little bit in the hallway once we broke out of our freaking jail! They just seem shy, though, so that’s cute! I don’t mind shy people, it just takes time for them to break out of their shell. uvu
Setsuko-chan seemed helpful in our investigations, Atsu-chan as well, they both seem smart. One’s more friendly than the other, but I’m sure they’re as worried as I am. Ultimate Secretary, Ultimate Vending Machine Placement Scout, kind of wary about Setsuko-chan, but she reminds me of my mom, a little. Not in a weird way or anything- she’s just seems to be really mature and hard-working, so I’ll respect her anyway. I haven’t talked to Atsu-chan much yet, but she did a lot to break us out of here, so I respect her too! I just don’t want to be a bother to any of them, I was probably one enough not doing much in our investigation..T_T
Yves-chan made some kind of remark about someone bashing our heads in?- I don’t think it was a threat, but now I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight. :( Wtf :’( But she seems pretty! And cute! I like her hair! I’m sure she only said that because she dabbles in the horror genre, so I understand. It’s worth a chance to talk to her later, though! Her and Hisanobu-chan, the baker, paired up and got along pretty nicely I think? He likes to use “OHOHOHOHOHO” a lot! Except not in capitals. And not that loud. That probably seemed offensive, please don’t read this, ok?? <_<
There’s Elliot-chan! Tall, muscular, bartender, pretty good looking for a high-schooler, but I’m not hitting on him or anything!! He seems nice, but I haven’t really spoken to him. He seems like he knows what he’s doing, though! So that’s nice to have in this big dysfunctional family of ours (I mean class I’m just joking I swear I don’t know anyone here). 
There’s..uh...team...Team Fen..Fenrir? I think that’s what the monologue man called it? It’s ran by Protagonist-chan! I’m kidding, but he keeps calling himself that and I don’t get it!!! This isn’t an anime we’re in, it’s an escape room, I kept telling myself! But he has cool shoes that light up in the dark, so he automatically gets Shizuka Points! +500! Then there’s the bowlcut dude! He vapes, but I don’t know anything about vaping, but at least he didn’t blow it into my face or anything! Him and Rune-chan are bros, I think? And there’s Fleur-chan! She’s pretty, I like her hair a lot! She’s tiny too, and overall just pretty soft looking! Dirty mouth, though. And that’s the team! Maybe it’ll expand, later? I’m happy that they’re getting along.
There’s..someone in a gas mask. I don’t know who it is, but they seem kind of rough and tough like the bleached-hair dude. Haven’t spoken to them, but maybe I will...later?????? Idk? It depends on the time and place. Why are they wearing a mask though? :thinking emoji here: It’s a mystery!
The ice skater! Diantha-chan? I think? Yeah, her. She kind of rubbed me the wrong way just a little bit with the random comments, but I’m sure there’s more to her! I’m just kind of a little worried to see it, an ice queen at heart, I guess!
There was this random guy who gave me the sink eye when I tried to politely bribe the keypad (it had emotions- idk technology is crazy ok!! It looked like it had an AI), so I guess he doesn’t like me much! He’s the merchant, from what I read about him, but I won’t spare any details- he’s scary, and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to try and talk to him. I’m going against my own morals on this one!
Mitama-chan! She seems like a real mom, and she was helpful too! Really nice and strong, pretty much the perfect girl from what I’ve seen of her! She’s an art appraiser, so I guess she has a pretty sharp eye, too. She’s someone I’d love to talk to over a cup of hot chocolate or tea! Whatever works for her.
Oliver! Ollie! Ollie-chan, yeah! Haven’t talked to him, but he seems like a real storyteller! He’s kind of uptight (which is again- understandable, have a nice day). He’s a writer, so I’m sure his mind is an enigma. I don’t know much about him otherwise. Cute name though! ^v^
Then there’s Kihaku-chan! He’s super chill and he’s a musician too! A taiko drummer! I can play the guitar and piano, but not the drums- so I applaud him for that! He’s a rhythm gamer, too, at least from what I remember when we talked! We did like the briefest collab in the world (when I was carrying someone too! Lololol), but we sounded absolutely beautiful together! He’s super talented and I admire his work a lot, even if I’ve only heard him once! I hope we can be friends and work more together!
And I think I covered everyone! What a colorful class I have, right? I hope I can meet their standards. I’ll update this more once I get the chance as time passes, mostly about people, events, the usual! Maybe write a couple of song lyrics in here when I get the chance? Might as well work in this, too! Hopefully nothing bad happens, but I’ll still write it down just in case.
Signing out,
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starlitnaripetal · 6 years
3 Fandoms Meme
I have too many fandoms...Uhhh I’ll just do one from pinnacle moments in my life I guess.
Tagged by: @chibi-sunrise
Three Fandoms:
2. SMT (Yes, this includes non-purseowner games as well. #playarealshinmegamitenseigame 😂 )
3. Fire Emblem
The first character you loved:
1. (CLAMP) Sakura: I mean, what’s not to love about her? She’s sweet, kind, kind of an airhead but when it gets down to business she handles her shit. On top of that, she always looks great doing it. From CCS to Tsubasa, she’s always been the one to think of others and puts them first, often forgetting about her well being. She’s just a really good kid.
2. (SMT- Persona 3) Ken Amada: This kid is fucking metal. His mom was accidentally murdered before his eyes and he still gets up to do his business like its no big deal. Obviously, his revenge plan isn't the best thought out thing (nor is it the morally correct thing to do) but he’s 8, cut the fetus some slack. Now, his P3P s.link is prolly the cutest thing cause he’s trying to be all grown up but he also has that internal struggle of wanting to be a kid for a bit longer and having to grow up because he is an orphan and he has to work really hard if he wants to get anywhere. On top of that, he’s actually alone in the world and it takes a lot for him to let his walls down. Now, fast forward to P4:UA- He’s a grown up kid whose on student council, in the soccer team and is top tier in grades. He’s a good kid who has struggled and overcome apocalyptic obstacles.  
3. (Fire Emblem- Awakening) Henry: He’s a dark humored ass nerd who hangs with a murder of crows and fucks with the dark arts for shits and giggles. If he was an actual person, it’s very likely that I’d be his friend and afraid of playing truth or dare with him.
The character you never expected to love so much
1. (CLAMP- Tsubasa RC) Fai D. Flowright: He is one of the newer characters in the CLAMP series, along with Kurogane and I was kinda sketchy about him at first but he later grew on to me. He’s also an actual mom. He’s always faking a smile in order to make sure that no one worries about him, and it’s really hard to get a read on him unless you really know him. Then you find out he’s actually horribly depressed and blames himself for everything that’s happened to him and those he cares about.
2.  (SMT- Digital Devil Saga) Argilla: The second I saw her character design, I went ugh she’s the forced romance character for the Serph. Turns out, she’s not. She’s basically the mom of the group and puts everyone in their fucking place. After that whole thing with Jinana, I was just like: YES! THATS MY GIRL!
3. (Fire Emblem- Birthright) Azama: I’m serious. He kills a bear with his own hands and he’s a walking sassy shitpost. I mean, what’s not to love?
The character you relate to the most
1. (CLAMP) Fai. I tend to beat myself up for just about anything that goes wrong in my life. However, I tend to hide that from those around me with a laugh in order to not bring them down. I tend to be protective of the few I have around me and make sure I can do whatever I can to make them happy.
2. (SMT- Persona 3) Ken Amada: My dad died when I was around his age and I felt like I had to grow up so my mom wouldn’t worry about me so much. I ended up spending a lot of time around my older cousins in order to make myself seem a lot more mature than I was for my age. However, those childlike tendencies of mine also came out here and there and it embarrassed me. Then, when I got to high school I became this super over achiever that fucked my shit up...and yeah.
The character you’d slap
1. (CLAMP- Chobits)  Hideki. He just needs a slap to get a reality check. Man, this guy.
2. (SMT- Devil Survivor 2) Airi. Her tsundere attitude gets on my nerves.
3. (Fire Emblem) Prolly Niles. He’d know why.
Three favorite characters
1. (CLAMP) Fai, Kobato & Sakura
2. (SMT) Ken Amada, Akechi Goro & Alcor
3. (Fire Emblem) Henry, Rinkah & Mitama
A character you didn’t like at first but do now:
1. (CLAMP- Kobato) Ioryogi: He was an angry dog at first and there never was a reason for it?? Then plot happened and it made sense. He’s also a giant softie.
2. (SMT- Persona 5) Ann: I didn’t care too much about her since they kept pushing her as the main love interest for the protagonist at the beginning. However, once I played the game and did her social link, I saw that she’s an amazing friend and she’s just trying her best to move forward even if she has no idea how to do it.
3. (Fire Emblem) Tharja: The instant I looked at her I knew she was the fan service character. What I didnt expect was for her to have a possessiveness over Robin that’s kinda borderline yandere. I’m not a fan of either of those things but I, a sucker for mages, ended up doing her social links and what not and I ended up liking her.
A character you thought you’d like but don’t:
1. (CLAMP- CCS) Eriol. Well I do like him, I just don’t like his way of doing things. WHY DO YOU KEEP THINGS THAT SAKURA SHOULD KNOW A SECRET FROM HER?!
2. (SMT- Persona 4) Rise:  I thought I would like her just based on her character design and the description of her. As it turns out, I hate her guts.
3. (Fire Emblem) Sumia: I saw Pegasus knight and went HELL YEAH. Then I found out that she’s too tame as a character to pique my interest.
Three OTPs: (most of these things are canon so eh)
1. (CLAMP) Kobato x Fujimoto, Touya x Yukito, Sakura x Syaoran
2. (SMT) Alcor x Hibiki, Jun x Tatsuya, Minato x Fuuka
3. (Fire Emblem) takumi x leo, olivia x henry, kiragi x mitama
I tag: @annoyinsamurai (GET REKT)
You don’t have to do this. I just wanted to tag someone lol
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sakyou · 7 years
Ken ga Kimi Momoyo Tsuzuri: Suzukake (The Past - part one)
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The day had come to an end, I sighed looking out over the empty shop.
Kayo: ....I wonder if he’s not coming today either...
Kayo: Ah...!
Suzukake: Haa, haa....what a relief. The shop is still open
In front of the entrance way, stood an out of breathe Suzukake.
Kayo: Suzukake...!
Suzukake: It’s been a while, Kayo. Sorry, i’ve been busy lately. I was away for a while
Kayo: No. I’m happy you came
(Even though he’s busy, he ran all the way here just to see me. Those feelings alone make me incredibly happy)
Since becoming the best swordsman in the tournament, Suzukake began to serve as one of the shogunate’s men.
Usually he has to stay at the castle and as a result of that the chances we get to meet are very few.
Kayo: I’ll make you some tea now
I hurry to make some tea, sitting down next to Suzukake we exchange idle chat.
Being like this, the times when we couldn’t meet, the emptiness and loneliness all miraculously disappeared at that moment.
Kayo: But, even now it feels strange. You to working at the Castle Suzukake.
Suzukake: Yeah. I still feel weird about it too. when I lived on Mount Takao, I never imagined it would be like this
After hearing the words Mount Takao for the first time in a long time, I suddenly realised.
Kayo: Come to think of it, I haven’t heard much about Suzukake’s childhood
I had heard a little about it before from Hachimoku and Madara though.
(I don’t think i’ve heard much about it from Suzukake himself...)
Suzukake: Oh, is that so? I feel like I can talk to you about anything
Smiling carefree like always, Suzukake stared off slightly into the distance.
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Suzukake: ...I was you see, a child abandoned on Mount Takao
Suzukake: Karura said that at the time there were a lot of children in the surrounding nearby area, but there wasn’t enough food.
Suzukake: Because of that it seems like a lot of children were abandoned to reduce the number of mouths to feed.
Kayo: ....I see
(I’m sure Hachimoku and the others mentioned something like that before..)
Even though he went through a lot in the past, Suzukake's face showed no signs of feeling despair.
Suzukake: But you see, there were rumours of a tengu and youkai on Mount Takao, it looked like there were very few who abandoned their children in the mountains
Suzukake: That’s why when Karura found me he was also surprised
Karura: How strange...it smells of human. But, where is it coming from...
That day, Karura who was going about his day as usual on Mount Takao noticed the scent of a human, he thought it was strange as he proceeded to search the mountain.
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Karura: This is....a human baby...!?
Karura: I cannot believe there would be a parent who would abandon their child in these mountains....they know that if they abandon them here the youkai will attack...humans are amazing beings.
Karura: The liver of a human baby is a miracle medicine...if this child’s fate is to die by the hands of a youkai anyway then I will use his life
Thus with the intention of killing me Karura took me with him back to the tengu shrine.
Karura: However, he seems to be sleeping well....I thought he would have woken up on the way here, what a bold baby
Karura: But, on the other hand this may actually be convenient. You would also prefer being killed in your sleep would you not. Well then-
Karura tried to raise his hand to me but at that moment, I who was sleeping opened my eyes.
Karura: What is it, did you wake up....what a strange child. You awaken but you don’t cry, you stare your eyes fixed on me
Kama Itachi*: Oi, Karura, you there?
Karura: ...! If they found out there was a human baby here it would be bothersome...
Karura: Amongst youkai some eat humans. I cannot let them eat this child before I turn him into medicine...
Karura: I’m coming now, wait there
Karura: What’s wrong, is someone hurt?
Kama Itachi: Yeah. It’s bad....something smells...isn’t this the scent of humans?
Karura: It is probably because I went to see what the humans were up to not that long ago. That aside where is the injured one?
Kama Itachi: The other day there was that large tree struck by the thunder. The Okuri Inu* is injured over there
Karura: Ah, over there. I need to prepare the medicine so please head over there and wait for me
Kama Itachi: Got it. I’m counting on ya!
Karura: Now then...
Karura: Just to be safe, I will burn some incense to mask the scent. Someone may come close by while I am away
Karura: Baby, you are lucky....however, in the end your life is only until I return
Karura went to see the injured youkai, returning that day in the dead of night.
Karura: It seems to have gotten very late. The baby...is still sleeping. He really did not cry or scream, what an obedient child.
Karura: ...I am just a little tired today. I will remove his liver when the sun rises
Like that a tired Karura fell asleep. That night, Futsu no Mitama appeared in a dream and said.
"Karura, you mustn’t kill that baby...that child holds an important future ahead of him”
“Eventually that child will wield one of the 5 heavenly swords, Juzumaru. He will obtain the power to save Japan-”
Karla could hear Futsu no Mitama ‘s voice clearly in the dream. And then, it was shown to him
A grown up me welding Juzumaru-
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Karura: ...that dream just now....this baby will save Japan...?
Karura: I cannot believe it so suddenly, for a god to go as far as informing me in my dreams
Karura: If something such as the gate to the afterlife were to open then, even the youkai who live here could not over look it
Karura: Is that child going to save us from that...?
It seemed like Karura who had received this oracle knew it was not simply just an ordinary dream.
After that it appears he no longer felt like killing me.
From that day forth Karura decided to raise me, hidden from the other youkai.
After a while, the baby that was I grew up, I became able to walk around and talk.
Karura: Come, it’s time to eat. You can eat this
Human boy: ...
Karura: How is it, is it good?
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Human boy: Yeah, I like this!
Karura: I see....when you’re like that you seem so normal, you are an ordinary human child...
Karura: I do not distrust the words of  Futsu no Mitama, but does this child really hold such an important mission?
Human boy: ....misshun?
Karura: No, it is nothing. Eat. I am going to go out for a bit. After you have finished eating stay here quietly
Human boy: Wait...this...
Karura: Come now, do not pull on my sleeve. What is it?
Human boy: This...you eat...?
Karura: That is your food is it not. Why are you worrying about me...?
Human boy: Eat it...?
Karura: ...you can eat it
Human boy: Can I eat it?
Karura: Yes...but, it would be inconvenient to call you “you” forever. It’s about time I give you a name
Karura: Your name is...”Suzukake”. From this day forth you will live as Suzukake
Suzukake: Suzukake...
Karura: That is correct. You can call me “Karura”. You are Suzukake, I am Karura
Suzukake: Suzukake! Karura!
The one who gave me the name Suzukake was Karura.
At that time my world was only Karura and the inside of that cave....until that day-
Karura: Suzukake, I brought you food
Suzukake: ....Karura! Karura, up!
Karura: Alright. I understand, I understand
Karura: Good grief. I’ve become completely attached to you...
Karura: Even though I had tried to kill you...how innocent
Karura: Suzukake, I have to leave soon. Eat your food like always and stay here quietly. You must never go outside
Suzukake: Outside?
Karura: Do you understand, Suzukake
Suzukake: mmm.....I understand!
Karura: Then, I will come again
After Karura had left, Eating my food I stared outside the cave shortly after.
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Suzukake: ....Karura...is gone
Suzukake: Karura...is he outside...?
And thus, for the first time I stepped out into the outside world.
Suzukake: Uwaa.....! Outside! Outside!
The blue sky, the mountains far off in the distance, the smell of the trees...the outside world I saw for the first time was incredibly beautiful, I was excited.
Mesmerised by it all, I ran around the place.
Suzukake: Yay! Outside!
Hachimoku: Waa! W-What? A human!?
Suzukake: ....human?
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Hachimoku: Why is there a human in a place like this...uwaa, don’t grab my tail!
Suzukake: Tail....it’s so fluffy!
Hachimoku: Stop it! It tickles!
Madara: Hachimoku, why are you making such a racket on your own....W-What, that’s a human!?
Suzukake: Tail, fluffy!
Madara: Hold on you! Don’t touch Hachimoku!
Suzukake: ...Hachimoku?
Madara: Lets go Hachimoku! We have to let everyone know right away
Hachimoku: Y-Yeah
Suzukake: ...Hachimoku, was really fluffy...
Madara and Hachimoku went to inform the other youkai of my existence.
Soon the youkai that had heard of me gathered around where I was.
Kama Itachi: What is this. There really is a human here!
Shiryou*: This is a human child huh. Even as he looks at us he’s all smiles
Suzukake: Up!
Madara: Kya, don’t touch me. You human!
Hachimoku: This child isn’t fazed at all. I wonder if all human children are like this
Kama Itachi: Anyhow, lets drive this human out of the mountain. Or better yet how about we eat him...
Shiryou: Oi everyone, Karura is here!
Karura: Suzukake....it seems you have finally been discovered...
Madara: This is bad Karura! The humans have entered the mountain! ...ah!
Suzukake: Karura!
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At the sight of Karura embracing a cheerful looking me, everyone appeared incredibly surprised.
That’s because, it seems that the other youkai had never seen Karura like this, not to mention...
I was a human.
Hachimoku: W-What’s going on...
Karura: ...Everyone, calm down and listen to me. This child is being raised by me.
Madara: Eh! Karura and that human child? That’s....why would you do such a thing...
Kama Itachi: What is the meaning of this Karura! Keeping a human in these mountains
Karura: ...this child, will become a bridge between humans and youkai
Hachimoku: What’s that? How do you know something like that?
Karura: I met with the oracle “Futsu no Mitama”. This child will save Japan-
Madara: I-I cannot believe this! Karura you had said many times, for humans to be in these mountains, it’s unthinkable!
Hachimoku: That’s right, that’s right!
Karura: ...
Suzukake: Karura, what’s wrong? Ne, Karura!
In the beginning all the youkai didn’t accept me.
And yet, they could not ignore the Karura’s opinions, as the chief of the mountain. Just like before I went back to being raised by Karura.
There was no need to hide me anymore, I could play outside normally.
Suzukake: ...a butterfly!
Suzukake: Butterfly! Butterfly! ...ah
Kama Itachi: ke ke. He fell, he fell
Shiryou: That brat fell over. I deliberately tied the grass together.
Suzukake: ...
Kama Itachi: ke ke, humans really are stupid. You fell didn’t you? It hurt didn’t it? Go on cry
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Suzukake: ...lets play!
Kama Itachi: Geh, what’s with this kid. Don’t come near me!
Shiryou: W-Who would wanna play with you. You can’t even see tree spirits!
Suzukake: ...Tree spirits?
I was hated by the youkai, I was shoved in the water, insects were dropped on me from above in the trees, they did a lot of things to me.
But, I didn’t hate them at all. Because at the time I thought everyone was playing with me.
The outside world was fun after all, Karura taught me about a lot of things.
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That day as well, an injured youkai turned up at Karura’s place.
Karura: ...this should do. I’ve applied the medicine, after that you need rest
Kama Itachi: Thanks Karura. Your medicine works really well, i’m counting on you. Later!
The injured youkai expressed his gratitude over and over again as I saw him head home, I became interested in “medicine”.
Karura: *sigh* There were a lot of visitors today...perhaps i’ll rest a little
Suzukake: Karura! Karura! I want to do it too....like Karura!
Karura: What...? You want to be able to treat others too?
Suzukake: Yeah. I want to become like Karura too!
Karura: ...hm. If you had medical knowledge then, you could also use it to protect yourself. Very well. I will teach you how to prepare simple medicine.
From then on Karura taught me about medicine.
To be able to copy Karura whom I loved so much made me happy, I memorised a lot of things.
Then, a little while later one day...
Hachimoku: Waa, ouch...! The grass is tied together...
Madara: Hold on, that child made this trap didn’t he? Your foot is caught in it
Hachimoku: uu....I grazed my knee
Madara: Good grief, how stupid....no, that child is here!
Suzukake: Hachimoku, Madara!
Suzukake: Hachimoku, here. For you
Hachimoku: W-What? A leaf?
Suzukake: You’ll get better if you use this. Karura said so
With the knowledge I had remembered, I rubbed the sap from the medicinal herbs onto Hachimoku’s knee.
The two of them didn’t trust me to begin with but, they came to realise I was treating the wound and looked as if they were a little relieved.
Hachimoku: Come to think of it this leaf smells like the medicine Karura uses....
Suzukake: Get well soon! Please rest for a while! 
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Hachimoku: Ahaha this child is copying Karura’s way of speaking
Madara: He-....even though he’s this young he’s able to identify medicinal plants, you’re pretty useful
Suzukake: eheheh!
Hachimoku: ....Ne. I don’t really know about other humans but this kid might not be that bad after all
Madara: Hmph, Hachimoku you really are a simpleton. We still don’t know though
Madara: ...Well, we should watch over him carefully to make sure he doesn’t do anything strange
After that Madara and Hachimoku began to play with me.
And then, when I grew up even more-
Suzukake: Ahaha, Hachimoku’s tail is so bushy
Hachimoku: Waa, like I said stop grabbing my tail
Suzukake: But it feels really nice to touch. Wait up, Hachimoku!
Karura: It seems like Suzukake has grown very attached to you two
Madara: Not really...we’re just watching over that child to make sure he doesn’t do anything weird that’s all
Madara: Well, Suzukake doesn’t seem like he’s a bad human though...
Suzukake: Ne Karura! Karura come play with us too!
Karura: I’m sorry, I have to patrol the mountain after this. Madara, Hachimoku could you two play with this child?
Madara: If it’s a request from Karura then....is what I want to say but, we have to go look for food today
Karura: I see...it cannot be helped. Suzukake, for today wait here quietly at the shrine
Suzukake: Eh!
Suzukake: I understand....that’s Karura’s duty
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Karura: That’s right. Suzukake is a good child
Suzukake: That’s because I don’t want to cause Karura trouble, so i’ll endure it...
Karura: I do not want to see you sad either but....I am sorry
Karura: I will be back as soon as I can. Well then, i’ll be leaving now
Suzukake: Take care, Karura!
Karura, Madara, Hachimoku, everyone had gone off somewhere, I returned to the shrine feeling downhearted.
After that, something terrible occurred, something I could have never imagined.
Suzukake: Haa....it’s boring on my own
Suzukake: ....There’s been an awfully loud roaring sound since earlier, Karura said that was the sound of thunder...
Suzukake: This is boring, maybe i’ll take a quick look outside. Hachimoku and the others might have returned...
I went outside, unaware of the sky growing grey, the sound of thunder echoing around the place.
While thinking it would be nice if I came across Hachimoku and Madara, I walked deep into the forest.
Suzukake: Hachimoku, Madara! If you’re back say something
Suzukake: They’re not there...it looks like they haven’t returned yet
Suzuake: Haa, my ears are still ringing. Earlier there’s was a terrifying roar and a flash of light, I wonder if that was thunder striking?
I set out to look for Hachimoku and Madara, and before I knew it I had wandered into the deepest parts of the forest.
Suzukake: Without know it I came pretty far. I wonder if i’ll be able to get back...
At that moment, I noticed the smell of burning coming from somewhere.
Suzukake: Hm...it smells like something’s burning...I wonder what it is?
I looked around nearby and caught sight of the trees a little further ahead burning brightly. The wind was blowing strong and the fire spread rapidly...
Suzukake: The trees...are burning...!!
Suzukake: The animals, the birds, the insects, at this rate they’ll all die...!
Suzukake: Run away everyone! It’s dangerous here!
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I called out to the animals and insects frantically.
But while I was doing so the fire had spread rapidly. Before I knew it I was surrounded by fire.
Suzukake: What should I do...I won’t be able to get away like this...
Suzukake: *cough* *cough*...it’s hard to breathe...
Suzukake: ...!
It was when my consciousnesses started to go hazy I suddenly heard a voice echoing inside my head. Power coursing through my whole body.
And then, I heard a voice I hadn’t been able to hear up until now.
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Suzukake: The trees, are screaming in pain...
Suzukake: And the blaze...the wind, they’re all crying.....why...
Tree Spirit 1: Suzukake! You have to run!
Tree Spirit 2: Hurry, call out to Karura!
Suzukake: Who are you guys? Why do you know about me?
Tree Spirit 1: Hurry, hurry run. Suzukake!
Suzukake: Am I, dreaming? This is...
I didn’t understand what was happening.
Just that surrounded by the flames, my heart was crying out while my body felt a burning sensation.
Karura: Suzukake, are you there! Are you hurt!?
(Karura, he came...)
Suzukake: Karura, I...
Karura: ...that eye, could it be...!
Surrounded by the flames, I lost consciousness....when I next woke up I was inside the shrine.
Suzukake: u.....n...
Karura: ...! Have you regained consciousness
Suzukake: Ah...Karura.....? Madara, and Hachimoku too...
Suzukake: I’m sure...I was surrounded by fire...
Hachimoku: You fainted, Karura saved you. Suzukake you’ve been asleep for 3 days
Suzukake: Is that so...at that time I heard a strange voice...ah, look, I can even hear it now...
Madara: Hold on Suzukake! You have to rest more....
Suzukake: But I can hear it! It’s coming from outside...!
Karura and the others hurried after me as I ran off
Karura: Just what is this voice you can hear? Could it be...
Tree Spirit: You’ve regained consciousness, Suzukake! Are you alright?
Suzukake: Yeah. I’m fine! Thank you for worrying about me!
Hachimoku: Could it be that...Suzukake can hear the voices of the tree spirits!?
Suzukake: I see these are the voices of the tree spirits. Yeah, I can hear them very clearly!
Suzukake: I’m going to talk to the tree spirits!
Marada: Karura....this is...
Karura: At the time of the fire you saw Suzukake’s face didn’t you. That was the the mark of Marebito’s power “possession”
Karura: It is as the heavenly spirit of Futsu no Mitama said, Suzukake will gain the power to master one of the five heavenly swords...
Hachimoku: He can even hear the voices of the tree spirits, it looks like the oracle was true...
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Karura: For the future of Japan, we will raise this child. Madara, Hachimoku...won’t you lend me your strength
Hachimoku: Yeah. Lately it’s been fun playing with Suzukake
Madara: It cannot be helped...well, I don’t dislike that child either
Karura: ....Thank you, the two of you
Madara: It looks like I have no choice, we’ll play with you, Suzukake!
Suzukake: Oi, Madara, Hachimoku! Lets play together
Hachimoku: Suzukake is calling for us...lets go Madara!
Karura: I will raise that child wonderfully. This may be my mission sent down to me from the heavens...
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Suzukake: Since the day of the fire, I became good friends with Madara, Hachimoku and all the other youkai
Kayo: Is that so...
The Suzukake now was given Juzumaru, the number 1 swordsman serving the shogunate. It really did happen as the oracle had stated.
Kayo: Protected by Karura-san and the others, Suzukake became grown up
Suzukake: Yeah. Living on Mount Takao was a lot of fun.
Kayo: I see...
Kayo: Ah, you must be thirsty. I’ll go make some tea now to help with that
Suzukake: Waa...thank you!
I want to know more about Suzukake. With that in mind I started preparing another cup of tea.
*Kama Itachi, Okuri Inu, Shiryou are all different youkai, feel free to google them if you want to find out more.
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xtoxicblueberry · 7 years
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((not my art, that was done by the wonderful, and lovely @ronyascribbles)
“ I will help you if so desired, if you need my staff or bow just call me. ”
Name: Kari Age: 20-24 Gender: Female Nationality: Nohrian Race: Human Birthday: 08/02
Height: 5'4" (162.56 cm ) Eye color: Apple green Hair color: Light blue Hair style: Typically up, mainly in twin tails. She will wear it in a bun if she’s either in the bath house or its just a super hot day. Though she will wear it down at times. Clothing style: Other then her adventure outfit that she wears to battle; she typically wears comfy clothes. Tank tops and short shorts or pants, depending on the weather. Her clothes are typically black.
Hobies: walking Around, exploring, window shopping. Likes: Talking to people she gets along with, playing with Animals, looking at things she finds interesting, almost all things sweet, ice coffee, relaxing, enjoying nature, making up stories about her scars and seeing how far she can go and what people would believe, stimulating conversation, storms, and rainy weather. Dislikes: Being around so many people, being touched in any way, by a person, unless she is very close with said person, talking to someone she just met, messy things, getting dirty, chocolate flavored things.
Personal Skill: Vigilante - Grants +20 Hit/Str/Crit if attacking a unit that has attacked another unit without a weapon equipped.
Affiliation: None (Recruitable in Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation. )
Roster: A traveling young woman without a set destination. Cold and distant, she is hard to befriend. If you gain her trust she will become a very loyal and trust worthy friend. Most likely to comfort others in distress. Born August 2nd.
History: Kari was born a high class Noble, her father was a leader of one of the higher up fractions from one of the many armies under King Garon, her father was a great Knight and her birth mother was a troubadour. They met in the army. Shortly after Kari’s birth, the mother was killed on the battle field. Her Father developed the habit to get Kari any and everything she could ever want; going above and beyond what she would ask for. He became doting and spoiled her. Though she didn’t like it, her father had her take many lessons, some consist of Piano, violin, dance, chess, singing, stiching and anything else that he felt a proper lady should know how to do. To try and make sure the loss of her mother didn’t affect her to much, he remarried. The woman had the wicked step mom Syndrome, she never wanted children. She would act innocent and kind in front of Kari’s father, but once he wasn’t there she would be mean and horrid. She was a pure Noble woman, both her parents came from money, she never worked a day in her life. She was a floozy and only looked for money in men. She cared more about her social status and looks above all else. She would never allowed Kari to call her “mother” or “mom” though she was in her life for many years. Kari was mainly raised by butlers and maids, due to the demanding hours of her fathers job. This caused her to say humble and kind. The maids and Butler’s tought her many life skills, such as cooking and proper cleaning techniques. she would often help them out with chorus, for fun. When she was still young, but old enough to take care of her self, her father died in battle. Leaving her with the step mom whom really didn’t want anything to do with her. One night, she slipped poison into Kari’s food, though an elderly maid whom took care of Kari since she was born stopped it from ever reaching her. Thus as punishment, the woman made the maid eat the food, losing the closest thing to a mother she had left. After Kari’s father passed, her step mom would bring home a different man every night. One night, the man she took home turned out to be a thief. Him and his small gange turned over the house killing all who lived there. With the help of some maids and Butler’s, Kari managed to stay hidden for a long time, but once he found her he tried to end her life. Though he failed, the man did however leave a large scar going down the left side of her face and partly her neck causing her to have nerve damage on most her face and lose eyesight in that eye. Once she was able to move around once more, she went to an old friend of her fathers. He managed to save her eye. Once he fixed her, and she was fully healed, she left. She now wonders around, she does what she needs to do to survive.
Birthright Recruitment Recruited In: Chapter 12: Dark Reunion Recruitment: The Avatar must talk to her. Starting Class: Adventurer Starting Level: 16 Motivations for joining the Avatar: She wants to help end the war.
Conquest Recruitment Recruited In: Chapter 14: Voice of Paradise Recruitment: The Avatar must talk to her. Starting Class: Adventurer Starting Level: 16 Motivations for joining the Avatar: She wants to help end the War.
Revelation Recruitment Recruited In: Chapter 13: A lost Peace Recruitment: The Avatar must talk to her. Starting Class: Adventurer Starting Level: 16 Motivations for joining the Avatar: She wants to help end the war.
Asset: Speed Flaw: Resistance Skill(s): Point Blank, Luna, Resistance +2, Locktouch, Pass Weapon(s): Killer bow, Recover, Mend Class Sets: Adventurer                   Heart Seal > Maid
Romance Supports: Corrin (M), Jakob, Kaze, Saizo, Subaki, Silas, Xander, Azama, Hayato, Kaden, Hinata, Ryoma, Takumi, Arthur, Keaton, Odin, Leo, Laslow, Benny, Shura, Niles.
Other Supports: Corrin (F), Felicia, Rinkah, Orochi, Setsuna, Mozu, Oboro, Kagera, Nyx, Beruka, Peri, Charlotte, Selena, Asugi, Dwyer, Sigure, Sophie, Shiro, Kiragi, Selki, Mitama, Rhajat, Siegbert, Forrest, Ignatius, Velouria, Soleil, Nina.
Ideal (‘Canon’) Spouse: Keaton or Shura
Event Tile: “ Hum? What’s this? ” (item) “ No such thing as to much practice.. ” (exp) “ Hmm.. I feel I’m improving.. ” (weapon proficiency)
Level Up: “ Wow! I impress myself sometimes! ” (6+) “ There’s always room for improvement.  ” (4-5) “ Do I disappoint you? ” (2-3) “ Tch, that’s it?  ” (0-1) “ forgive me! ” (0-1, most skills capped)
Class Change: “ This is new.. ”
Support: “ I got your back! ” “ I’ll help you! ” “ don’t worry I got you! ” ” I’ll keep you safe! ” “ I’m here for you! ” “ Who’s the enemy here? Hehee kidding~” “ Don’t back down! ”
Attack Stance: “ Let me have a go! ” “ I’ll take a shot! ” “ My turn! ” “ Time to strike! ”
Guard Stance: “ Time and place! ” “ I thought I was the blind one! ” “ I won’t let them hurt you! ”
Critical / Skill: “ I have no mercy for scum like you. ” “ I’ll make you pay! ” “ I won’t hold back! ” “ I’ll shoot you down! ”
Defeated Enemy: “ On to the next. ” “ To easy. ” “ I suppose that was amusing. ”
Partner Defeated Enemy: “ Nice shot! ” “ I missed that do it again! ” “ killer shot! Hehe. ”
When Healed: “ This is a nice change of pace. ” “ Thanks! ” “ Who are you again? Kidding~”
Defeated by Enemy: “ I-I didn’t see you coming.. ”
Death Quote: “ This is it..  Mother.. Father.. I’ll.. See you Soon.. “
Retreat Quote: “ Ugh! It’s to blurry, I can’t tell who is who! I have to fall back! I don’t want to hurt an ally”
DLC Battle Quotes: Boo Camp “ You’re the monsters everyone’s talking about? You aren’t so scary.. I’ll show you true horror! ” Museum Melee “ Ooo ~ I see something shiny ~ that’s mine now hehee” Ghostly Gold “ Huh… Ghosts… Who would have though.. All well, time to die again~” Anna on the run “ I know my eyesight isn’t the best.. But I think I’m seeing double.. ”
Confession Quote: “ I don’t need my sight to see how much you mean to me. You have my heart now and forever…. (I hope you know what you’re getting in to. Hehee)”
Castle Grounds Alone - ” Talk about a sugar rush! “ (surge) - ” I snuck in some training, I hope it paid off. “ (weapon proficiency) - ” This is NOT where this belongs, who left it here? “ (item) - ” What do you think will look good on me? “ (accessory)   - ” Wow! Thank you! “ (accessory given)   - ” So pretty! “ (accessory given)   - ” Is.. This a joke? “ (accessory given, not liked)   - ” Hehe thanks shall I try it on now? “ (Bath Towel given)   - ” Hehee thank you, this means a lot to me. “ (Friendship birthday present)   - ” Ahh hehee you know me so well ~ I love this so much! I’ll cherish it always. “ (Lover birthday present) - ” Hmm? Did you need something? “ (idle) - ” W-what? No I was not just dancing! “ (idle) - ” La laa la ~ W-whaa!! H-how long have you been there?! “ (idle) - ” Is someone there? Hehe ~ I’m kidding! I see you just fine. “ (idle) - ” Wow aren’t you cute ~ don’t I know you from somewhere? Hehe “ (idle, married) - “oh? A new face I see, let me know if you need anything. ” (visiting another castle)
Asking - Normal “ What has you so happy? Did something good happen? ” (happy) “ What do you think your future holds for you? ” (dreams) “ I’ll watch your backside- I mean back in the next battle, sound good? ” (team up) “ Indulge me in my curiosity… How do you spend your down time? ” (free time)
Replying - Normal “ I love the feeling I get when I finish cleaning. ” (happy) “ I hope to find true happiness one day. ” (dreams) “ Alright, no promises I won’t mistake you for the enemy ~ I’m kidding,  I’m kidding! ” (team up) “ I often walk beyond the camp boarders, or wonder around the forest. ” (free time)
Private Quarters Friendship “ You called me for something? ” (invite) “ I baked some cookies, want one? No I didn’t put salt instead of sugar in them this time. ” (invite) “ Hehee now this will be fun ~ ” (invite, MU is married)
Lovers “ Hey! I finished cleaning up, don’t mess it up. ” (greeting) “ I missed you! Don’t leave me again.. ” (greeting) “ I-I’ve been practicing my violin.. Would you mind listening? ” (greeting) “ Hehee that’s the best sight to wake up to. ” (awakening, good) “ Do that again and you will regret it.. ” (awakening, bad) “ My hair is such a pain to dry.. ” (greeting, cool down) “ Hehee thanks that felt nice ~ your turn now ~ ” (cooling down successful) “ Oh my! How beautiful! Thank you! ” (flowers)
Bonding “ If that’s all you need, mind if I go? ” (friendship bonding) “ It was a pleasure spending this time with you. Invite me again some time. ” (friendship bonding) “ I’m glad we can spend this time together..   These are the happiest moments of my day. ” (lover bonding) “ I just want to hold you in my arms and never let go.. Promise you won’t leave me.. ” (lover bonding) “ Come here for a moment, Hehee I’m not going to bit you… (See, I told you I wouldn’t bite you, This time. Hehe) ” (kiss)
Extras/little quirks: She won’t dule someone unless there is a wager of some sort; even if she manages to win she will let the other party have their winnings as well. After her father passed away she continues to practice all the things he wanted her to learn when ever she can. Typically after doing one of them she would cry a little and say softly to her self,  “are you proud papa? ” or “am I improving father? ” she can be fairly vain when it comes to her hair, she takes pride in its soft silky texture. When she’s in deep thought she will twirl the ends of her hair. Because of the damage to her left side of her face, she can no longer produce tears from that eye. The left eye is also significantly lighter in color, and has a small thin line down it from where it was cut. Though she hates chocolate flavored things she loves normal chocolate. If she eats anything remotely spicy she turns red and gets sick, if it’s really spicy she will pass out. She is very flexible and uses it to an advantage in hand to hand fighting.
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