#mitochondrial dna
er-cryptid · 1 year
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whats-in-a-sentence · 29 days
Sykes looked at the mitochondrial DNA rather than the nuclear DNA Cavalli-Sforza had studied, and instead of a southeast-northwest progression, like Figure 2.5, identified a pattern too messy to be represented easily on a map, finding six groups of genetic lineages, only one of which could plausibly be linked to agricultural migrants from western Asia.
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"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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tenth-sentence · 1 month
In Europe, initial studies of Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA found zero overlap with human mitochondrial DNA (whether found in 24,000-year-old skeletons or in living, breathing Europeans), suggesting that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens did not – perhaps could not – interbreed at all.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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authortoberecognized · 2 months
                    PLUMBING PROBLEMS: PART III   I’m Joe Crestman, a thirty-eight-year-old research scientist working in the pharmaceutical industry.  I’ve always loved to tinker, and with a scientist friend in another company, came up with a new technology for isolating mitochondrial DNA.  We managed to patent the idea and were soon selling the technology to other companies, which resulted in…
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bookerplays · 8 months
The Ekphrastic Review and Menopause: The Anthology
Two of my poems inspired by women’s experiences have been published this month. One traces my direct line of female ancestors via mitochondrial DNA, and the other is a surreal riff on hot flushes. Arachne Press’s Menopause: The Anthology is already making waves with launches in London, Sheffield, Liverpool, at the Open University and online. Editors Catherine Pestano and Cherry Potts called for…
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impgall · 1 year
Anger is stored in the mitochondria. Stress is stored in the mitochondria. Spite is stored in the mitochondria. Tears are stored in the mitochondria. Grief is stored in the mitochondria. Regret is-
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rcannon992 · 1 year
Hidden in plain sight: cryptic insect species.
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saxafimedianetwork · 2 years
Morphological Identification And Genetic Characterization Of Anopheles Stephensi In Somaliland
This #study confirms the presence of #AnophelesStephensi in multiple sites in #Somaliland. Detected An. stephensi showed similar breeding sites as previously reported in other studies in #EastAfrica.
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thewitfire · 2 years
Genetic Code from Mitochondrial DNA can Jump Into Nuclear DNA
Genetic Code from Mitochondrial DNA can Jump Into Nuclear DNA.
Genetic Code from Mitochondrial DNA- In a recent study, researchers found that the genetic code from mitochondrial DNA can jump into nuclear DNA. This is a big deal because it was previously thought that this was impossible. The study was conducted by taking a closer look at families with a history of mitochondrial disease. What they found was that in some cases, the nuclear DNA had been affected…
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melaninnmagixc · 2 months
Religiously/Spiritually, whatever you learn, it always goes back to the divine feminine. They all came out of a woman. The end.
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velvetvexations · 25 days
If Porter and Jace ARE a couple it'll really take off some of my disappointment with Ankarna's face turn because part of why I was annoyed with the assumption she would be redeemed was that it came about entirely because we found out she was gay and I'd have preferred Brennan not played to that auto-idealization of queerness and just depicted a clingy abusive lesbian.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 1 month
The studies found that Y-chromosome DNA also has the greatest variety and deepest lineages in Africa, pointing to an African Adam living between sixty thousand and ninety thousand years ago, and an origin for non-African variants around fifty thousand years ago.*
*If it sounds odd that African Adam lived a hundred thousand years after African Eve, that is because the names do not mean anything. These were not the first Homo sapiens man and woman; they are just the most recent ancestors to whom everyone alive today can trace genes. On average, men have just as many offspring as women (obviously, since we all have one father and one mother), but the number of children per men varies more around that average than does the number of children per woman, since some men father dozens of babies. The relatively large pool of men with no children means that men's genetic lines die out more easily than women's, and the surviving male lines therefore converge on a more recent ancestor than the female ones.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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tenth-sentence · 1 month
Like mitochondrial DNA, this is reproduced asexually, but is transmitted only through the male line.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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unopenablebox · 3 months
i always feel like it's sort of disingenuous to do those "we found a new animal and it's CRAZY" posts about. someone running mitochondrial sequencing to determine that a species of animal we already knew about is in fact best described as two visually and behaviorally identical species .... both of which are still animals that we already knew about and had documented and merely had not gene sequenced yet
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atthebell · 3 months
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vibrating at the speed of sound
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impgall · 2 years
The way my mom talks about seeing bioluminescent algae when she swam in the gulf as a kid
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