decadentboat · 3 years
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MitsuCho Week Day 6: First Kiss
I have no idea if I’m gonna finish this on time, but here I am doing a full color comic lmao.
Ok after I finished it now I can say this is the second comic of this week after the previous one that I changed so many times. IDK why but ive been having issues with both comics and with my drawing software bc they keep sabotaging me.
I always feel a bit weird to draw blushyblushy Mitsuki, as if it is too OOC and at first I was waiting for how would he look embarrased in canon, but since it was never delivered up until today. I can say for sure he isnt a shy boy, but Chouchou has the power to embarrass people so I can’t wait(maybe I prob will like... wait forever lmao) 
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miss-akimichi · 3 years
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Day1 : Demon Slayer Crossover
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mitsuchouweek · 3 years
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Hey everyone! Its that time of the year!
MitsuchoWeek 2021 (From 1st to the 7th of August)
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Prompt List:    
DAY 01: Crossover
DAY 02: Moon & Butterflies
DAY 03: With pets
DAY 04: Confession
DAY 05: Lover’s quarrel / Teaming up to fight!
DAY 06: First Kiss
DAY 07: Summer date
What I can do to enter the challenge?
Almost everything! We want to showcase the love we have for the ship, so any creative form is encouraged. Here we listed some ideas of what you can do during the week:
Crafts(Plushie/clay creations)
MEP/AMV(Use only anime/manga(canon) or your own drawn material please)
Edits(Only of anime/manga(canon) material please)
Character shrines/cakes/Itabags
Additionally, you can make a post on why you like Mitsucho and post it in the tag as well.
Be respectful to other’s opinions/ships. If anyone comes with hate/troll posts either block them or report them. Do not feed hate or fights.
Please keep the art safe for work/PG(NO R18) Even if you draw/write them to be older.
This one is pretty obvious, but don’t copy or trace other artists’ art. Every creative piece for Mitsucho is precious disregarding the artist’s skill. You can do it!
Have lots and lots of fun!!
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hotmonkeelove · 3 years
MitsuCho Week 2021
Day 2: Moon and Butterflies
Night classes weren’t common; as such, they could be fun outings for the young shinobi-in-training. This evening was lit by a full moon. A cool breeze made it all the more pleasant. Aburame Shino’s students were in the academy’s courtyard, scouring the field for specimens of nocturnal insects. 
“There are many insects and other invertebrates you will come across as ninja. Most are harmless, though they may get in your way. Others can bite and even envenomate you. Still others may be weaponized or used as tracking bugs by the enemy. It’s important to have a basic knowledge of them, as most of you won’t be teamed up with Bug Masters to identify them for you,” Shino explained as he held up his hand. A weevil was sitting on his extended index finger.
“Look at this pretty butterfly, Shino-sensei,” ChoCho said in an excited whisper. A large insect had landed on her and was clinging to the lapel of her kimono. Its graceful, swallowtail wings were the faintest shade of seafoam green.
Shino stepped closer to take a look at it. “That’s an Actias dulcinea, better known as the sweetheart moon moth. These moths are from the same genus as the luna moth.”
“Luna means moon, too, right? Is that why it's out at night?” she asked. “What’s the difference between moths and butterflies, anyway?” ChoCho was trying her best to hold still, as not to scare it off. 
“Yes, Luna refers to the small, moon-like dot on each of the forewings and hindwings,” he said. Shino’s voice maintained its typically breathy quality, though he sounded more upbeat than normal. Perhaps it was due to a student taking a real interest in his favourite subject for a change. ”Both make up the order of Lepidoptera, so they are basically the same. It’s like how all beetles are the same, in the sense they make up the order of Coleoptera. And yes, that is the most cited difference. Butterflies are either diurnal, meaning they’re active during the day, or crepuscular, meaning active at dawn and dusk. However, except for certain species, moths are nocturnal. They’re active at night, though they are quite attracted to light sources. That’s the origin of the saying, like a moth to a flame, to describe being helplessly drawn to something.” 
ChoCho’s awestruck smile widened even more. “Sweetheart? What a cute name! This is the most stylish bug ever! Like the me of moths!” Suddenly, the insect proceeded to flutter its wings and flew off behind her. “Hey, where’s it going?” She spun around to have a look.
Mitsuki was standing behind her. His eyes were projecting a soft light, like two small candles. The moth had flown to him, finding a new perch on his nose and basking in the glow. “Sorry to be so late to class. My parent called me and we lost track of time while talking. Did I miss anything?” His gold irises crossed as he noticed the winged creature in the center of his face.
The End
(It looks like all my entries will be a day late, unless some of them are short enough that I can catch up by posting two in one day. Hope you like this one!)
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migila · 3 years
MitsuChouWeek, Day 4!
Mitsuki, hesitantly: I... have something to confess to you.
Chou Chou, blushing: Ye-yes?
Mitsuki: I ate the last cookie.
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decadentboat · 3 years
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MitsuCho Week Day 7: Summer date
Sometimes dates can come out a bit clumsy. 
Also forgive the massive crap of lineart this comic has, PS decided to be a pain this whole mch week...
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decadentboat · 3 years
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MitsuCho Week Day 3: With pets
I’ve drawn plenty of Mikazuki and I’m kinda upset Mitsuki hasn’t named his little white snake so far...
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decadentboat · 3 years
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MitsuCho Week Day 1: Crossover(Who framed Roger Rabbit)
So this is a crossover I wanted to do for a while! Chouchou always had this Jessica Rabbit vibe and I had planned to draw her as her at some point. Though, I was gonna wait until the timeskip but who knows when is gonna happen and if I’m ever gonna be around until that. I like the idea of Mitsuki and Chouchou watching their backs in a similar way XD, being protective of each other.
You dont know how many times I redrew this because every sketch looked lewder than the previous one :_:
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decadentboat · 3 years
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MitsuCho Week Day 2: Moon & Butterflies / Butterfly & Moon 
I’m really glad I got to do this one! This was supposed to be a cover for a doujin I was planning to do after the dream one, but with teen Mitsuki. Who knows if I’m ever gonna do that but I love how this turned out ;A;! 
The second entry was a last minute addition :A: It just popped in my mind how cute would Chouchou look as if she was floating in the dark of the night with a crescent moon behind.
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decadentboat · 3 years
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MitsuCho Week Day 5: Lover’s quarrel
Read the rest. As a small warning, as most of my comics where I draw them as adults, they are very touchy and affectionate with each other so if that bothers you feel free to skip this one!
So I was going to make a comic about Mitsuki getting mad at Chouchou because of Mikazuki but then I had this idea and its been a while since I’ve done a future Akimichi family AU comic so...
Idk I feel Mitsucho as a couple would have good communication even if Mitsuki is somewhat reserved or Chouchou is too prideful to say how is she feeling. They are good at telling when someone is acting strange or when they are down and their personalities complement well(Also both are not afraid most of the time to say what they think and mature enough to consider) Buuuut there is no perfect couple out there so miscommunications can happen like in this comic lol-
Maybe I can do another one in the future where Chouchou is the one who goes out for a long mission. I felt though, Mitsuki wouldn’t be mad in that case, more like super gloom...
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decadentboat · 3 years
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MitsuCho Week Day 1: Crossover(Pui Pui Molcar)
For everyone who isn´t following me on Twitter must not know I’m deep into the molcar hole. This might be like those pokemon crossovers where peep draws a character with a pokemon that is similar to the character in some way. In this case I see a major resemblance with Choco and Chouchou(Lmao even the names are similar) Choco is a molcar that likes fashion and obviously cares about her appearance(like Chouchou) she is a stronk and aspires to be luxury molcar one day. Abbey on the other hand doesn’t share many resemblance with Mitsuki(I chose him mainly for the color palette and the kitty episode, Abbey is scared of cats xD) Though his profile says he is serious and curious so maybe?
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hotmonkeelove · 3 years
MitsuCho Week 2021
Day 6: First Kiss
“Poor Magire! That boy’s still crazy about Sumire, but she hardly knows he’s alive. He deserves better, but it’ll never happen till he comes out of his shell. Some girls do like shy boys, but he’s practically invisible!” ChoCho said as she watched them from across the diner. Sumire was finishing up lunch with her team-mates at one of the center tables. Meanwhile, Magire was observing the girl from over a menu, in a corner booth.
ChoCho turned back to Mitsuki, who had accompanied her there. “He needs to do something truly romantic to win her heart before Boruto breaks it, because Sumire doesn’t have a chance of winning Boruto away from Sarada.”
Mitsuki took a quick look at each of them. “Are you sure he still loves Sumire? She’s leaving and he’s just sitting at his booth, not trying to follow.”
“Exactly, look! Magire’s staring at the drink she left,” ChoCho gasped, stealing another furtive glance. “He’s thinking about going over there and taking a sip from it, before the servers bus the table. He should go for it, if you ask me. At this rate, it’s the only kiss he’ll ever get from her.”
“What do you mean, kiss?” Mitsuki asked. His attention was solely on ChoCho now.
“You know, sharing her straw or eating the same piece of food.”
“I still don’t understand.”
She faced Mitsuki again and spoke in a hushed tone. “They say it’s like a second hand kiss.”
“How could that be like a kiss?” he asked, squinting at her.
“Because you put your mouth where the other person’s mouth was. It’s like you kissed that person.”
Mitsuki scratched his chin for a moment. He then grabbed ChoCho’s drink and sipped from the straw. After putting the cup back down on the table, he drew her closer to him. His lips met hers, sucking gently at her mouth, just as he had from the straw. “No, it doesn’t feel the same to me,” he said once he let her go.
“Mitsuki! That… Ack! My first kiss… Wasted on your experiment! Why’d you have to do that?!” She pried his hands off of her and pushed him away. Folding her arms in front of her chest, ChoCho began to sulk. “I wanted my first kiss to be romantic!”
“At Kaminari Burger? That’s not romantic.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Yeah, that’s part of my point.”
He merely smiled and said, “When we’re somewhere romantic, we can kiss again.”
“But it won’t be the first kiss,” ChoCho grumbled.
“But won’t it be like a first kiss if it’s romantic? It will certainly feel better than just drinking from someone else’s straw. Even if it feels the same as when I kissed you here, it will be special.” Mitsuki reached his hand out to brush her bangs away from her eyes. “And I did like how it felt kissing you just now.”
That instant, ChoCho threw her arms around his shoulders and pressed her lips to his. She gave a sweet sigh as their mouths melded together. Even after she broke the kiss, she stayed close to him. Her eyelids were heavy and her face was quite warm.
He blinked several times, confused by the whole situation for what was likely the tenth time that day. “I thought you wanted a romantic kiss?” he asked.
“It was romantic,” she breathed. Her gaze traversed his face, going from his eyes to his lips, and back again. “Because of the way you made me feel by telling me you liked kissing me.”
The End
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hotmonkeelove · 3 years
MitsuCho Week 2021
Day 5: Lover’s Quarrel/ Teaming up to Fight!
“Let me take care of those rogue ninja! I can handle them all on my own!” Sarada said. In the distance, a group of missing-nin were headed straight for her and her friends.
Boruto jumped in her way. “No, let me! I can do it quicker than you can!”
Sarada was not deterred. “Boruto, back off! I’ve got this!”
“No, I’ve got this!” he snapped back. By this point, the two team-mates were closer to attacking each other, rather than their foes. 
“We’ve got this!” ChoCho and Mitsuki shouted in unison. They both grew their arms using the Partial Expansion and Soft Body jutsus respectively, and were able to catch and pin down the entire team of enemy shinobi in a fell swoop.
After Mitsuki had restrained enemies by tying them up with his snakes, ChoCho gave him a high-five. He had gotten the hang of them now, so his palm readily met hers with a slap. 
“Way to go, Mitsuki!” ChoCho said, smiling at him. “We make a great team!”
Boruto balled up his fists as he yelled at the pair. “Hey, stop trying to make us look bad!”
With a puzzled expression on his face, Mitsuki turned to address him. “But Boruto, we did it to protect you and Sarada. Those ninja were about to attack while you two were distracted.”
“Me and Sarada had it under control. You guys just want to rub it in our faces that you’re a couple now. Well, I could go out with Sarada if I wanted to, but I don’t want to! I’m holding out for a girl much hotter than her!”
“Boruto, you jerk! As if I’d date you!” Sarada punched him right in the face.
“Maybe you two should go talk over your issues in private. Mitsuki and I can bring in the prisoners,” ChoCho said as she flipped her hair back behind her shoulder. “Trust me, it’ll work wonders for sorting out your feelings for each other.”
Sarada and Boruto both screamed at her. “CHOCHO!”
The End
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hotmonkeelove · 3 years
MitsuCho Week 2021
Day 7: Summer Date
“ChoCho, I have a surprise for you.”
“Really,” she asked? Her eyes lit up. There they were, spending the day before her birthday together at the beach. They sat side by side atop a beach towel on the sand, enjoying the cool ocean breeze. Was this the day he would say it; when Mitsuki would finally put his feelings for her into words? She had told him she really liked him and wanted to be his girlfriend, yet all he had said was that he knew. Sure, they kissed each other and went on dates, but she wanted to hear him say how he felt about her.
“Close your eyes first,” he said. Mitsuki did his trademark smile and head tilt.
She did so, wondering how he would go about it. Maybe he would take her in his arms, give her a passionate kiss, then whisper it in her ear. Her pulse was quickening at the thought.
“SURPRISE!” A crowd’s worth of voices rang out. Startled, she opened her eyes and looked around. All their friends from Konohagakure had managed to sneak up and assemble around them. Sarada was holding a platter of sliced watermelon. Boruto, Shikadai, and Inojin were holding a banner that said Happy Birthday. Some of the others had presents or food.
“Happy birthday, ChoCho! Are you surprised?” Mitsuki asked, still smiling away.
Her jaw hung open as she took in the sight. “Yeah, I’m surprised, all right! I wasn’t expecting that at all... Thank you, guys.” It was nice of all of them to do and she did appreciate it. As for Mitsuki, perhaps she needed to drop some more hints before he got the message.
The End
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migila · 3 years
MitsuChouWeek, Day 5!
Chou Chou: You owe me a cookie!
Mitsuki: They weren’t yours; Shino-sensei said to share.
Chou Chou: You still owe me a cookie!
Mitsuki: Then you owe me five since you ate five.
Chou Chou: Ha! I ate seven!
Mitsuki, eyebrow raised: ...
Chou Chou: ...I shouldn’t have told you that.
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migila · 3 years
MitsuChouWeek, Day 2!
Day 2: Moon and Butterflies
Mitsuki lay on the ground, just staring at the moon. Otherwise, he’d try to go and get help, but the sword sticking out of his gut was bit of a problem, especially since it had gone right through him and was stuck to the ground.  Oh well, he supposed he wasn’t in the condition to go far even if he could move.
He hoped that Boruto and Sarada were okay. Konohamaru-sensei too of course, though the chances of that were slimmer, for he had yet to catch up. But if he got lucky, the man might show up soon. Or Boruto and Sarada might take down their target and come back for him.
Glancing to his left, Mitsuki sighed in relief. At least the guy he’d stayed behind to hold back wouldn’t be a problem anymore; not with those injuries. He could even be dead already… actually, he better be. If he survived after getting Mitsuki in this condition, he’d be irked.
“Am I going to die here…?” he wondered out loud. The idea didn’t exactly terrify him like it might some others, but he didn’t like it, either. He had many things to live for, now. He didn’t want to die “But… that’s how life is.”
Staring at the moon again, he noticed something small flying above him, its silhouette lit up by the moon. A butterfly, a pink one. Same shade as the dress Chou Chou used to wear back at the academy. It was beautiful.
“Chou Chou…” he kind of wanted to see her, he wanted to see her. He couldn’t really understand why; if he were to want to see someone other than his teammates now, it should be Inojin. Or Iwabe. Any medical nin, really, but certainly not Chou Chou. He remembered how she’d struggled to even wrap up his leg properly back when they had practiced first aid at the academy. She wouldn’t really be of any help even if she somehow did show up. And yet, as he followed the little butterfly with his eyes, Mitsuki found himself wishing more and more that she were there “I want to see her…”
His eyes started to droop closed, but he fought to stay awake. Just a bit longer, just a bit longer and maybe sensei would catch up. Or Boruto or Sarada might come back. Or-
“Chou Chou…?” he thought he saw her leaning closer above him, looking frantic and saying something, but he couldn’t make out the words. Was she real, or was he seeing things? Either way- “I wanted to see you.”
His mind went black.
“Ah, no Mitsuki, don’t fall asleep!” Chou Chou yelps, lightly slapping his cheek a few times, but otherwise not daring to touch him. He’d lost so much blood- “Inojin, hurry up!”
“I’m coming!” the boy yelled, telling Chou Chou to move aside as he reached them, starting treatment. Chou Chou watched them for a while before she had to ask: “Is he gonna be okay?”
“…He’ll make it back to Konoha with this first aid” Inojin says after a while, not stopping what he’s doing “When we’re there, it’s up to the more experienced medics. This is way beyond my abilities.”
“But aunt Sakura and the others can save him, right?” Inojin doesn’t answer “Right!?”
“Let’s hope so” is all Inojin says. Chou Chou frowns “If you want to be of use, then go check on the enemy he fought and make sure that guy doesn’t get us from behind when we’re not paying attention.”
Chou Chou scowls, but does as told, for she knows she’s of no use to Mitsuki right now.
Going over to the fallen enemy, she sees there was no reason to worry; he was already dead. The moon was so bright that Chou Chou could easily see the blood pooling under him, which was a little nauseating for her, even though, as a shinobi, she should be used to sights like this.
“But it’s good that the moon is so bright tonight; without it, we might have missed Mitsuki” she thought, looking up at the moon.
“Hm?” feeling something on her arm, she looked down at it. Two pink butterflies “Wow, pretty.”
She watched as they took off, their silhouettes almost shining against the moonlight.
“Chou Chou, it’s time to go!” Inojin called out, and the girl took her attention away from the butterflies “Coming!”
Mitsuki slowly opened his eyes, closing them immediately after and hissing; the light was much too bright.
“Mitsuki?” he heard “Are you awake?”
He turned his head a little and opened his eyes, squinting. He wasn’t hearing things after all; Chou Chou was really there.
“Chou Chou…?” he muttered, blinking, taking a while to piece together all that had happened. The mission. The fight. He’d seen Chou Chou too, briefly, and then… passed out? “What happened? After… after I passed out?”
“Short version: Inojin gave you first aid and we dragged you back to Konoha” Chou Chou said “After that, it was up to the more experienced medical nin to save you. I don’t know the details, you can ask auntie later, but they had to repair at least some internal damage.”
“I see…” well, that was a given, considering that he’d had a sword through his gut. At least he hadn’t needed his family’s help; that would’ve led to a nagging from his brother again. The next question was something he dreaded to ask, but he had to know “What about the others?”
“Moegi-sensei took care of Konohamaru-sensei; he’s fine, just had a chakra exhaustion that prevented him from moving. Boruto broke his legs, don’t know how that happened, but otherwise he’s fine and his legs will heal too, eventually. Sarada didn’t get any big injuries, but she has a considerable chakra exhaustion, too, so auntie insisted she stays in bed for now. Oh, and your mission was a success.”
“Good” Mitsuki didn’t really care about the mission in comparison to his team mates, but he was glad it had worked out, too “Good…”
Chou Chou stays silent, just watching Mitsuki, who’s starting to look like he’s fighting back sleep. Should she just let him rest and come back later?
“But if I don’t say this now, I feel like I’ll chicken out” she thought, blurting out “I was worried, you know.”
“I was, too” Mitsuki said with a wry smile “I actually thought I might not make it.”
Chou Chou held back a frown; Mitsuki didn’t get it!
She was a little angry but, looking at his drooping eyelids, she decided that this conversation could wait until he had recovered… or at least was in a better shape than now.
“Get some rest” she told him, but wasn’t sure if he heard anymore, for his eyes were already closed “Our Moon.”
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