#mitsuru inami
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muffinrecord · 1 year
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Here's the outfit set for Mitsuru Inami!
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doppel-tournament · 6 months
ROUND 1, Part 12
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shizukateal · 7 months
Hello there, new MagiReco gurl appeared, and her name is Mitsuru Inami
What do you think about her (and her outfit, of course)?
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Not too charged, not particularly impractical, but the silhouette is too loose and so it lacks definition and proper contrast. The hair and the capelet can work together, but then overskirt comes out from under the stiffness of the doublet, not puffy enough to properly follow its line, but flowing in just the wrong way to turn the body into an amorphous blob, especially because it also covers the top of the boots. It parts in the middle to reveal the underskirt, also giving us this weird color imbalance/whiplash effect (red-black-re- no wait it's black again). If they wanted to give her a long skirt no matter what then it would have been better for the doublet to not jut out at the hips, if not then they should've given her a mini skirt that completes the triangular line of the points of the doublet at the hips:
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Or just remove the skirts and leave her in the leggings alone.
However I want to point out that I get what the artist was going for thanks to this picture:
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This is a good pose with a lot of personality that also showcases the appeal of these kind of asymmetrical, a-line pieces, but it also proves my point that shoving this particular gimmick together more than once makes them compete in an unflattering way. Her legs look great here but the entire area around the hips turns into this confusing mess that flatters nothing, and even if that was cleaner, again, the skirts and capelet would still compete because they are doing the same effect for the torso and the legs, thus unnecessarily dividing them and preventing the whole from becoming unified and cohesive.
I also want to talk about her weapon.
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(My God is this pose unflattering to her) Look if she was a clown I could accept it because all things considered the rod is not the most impractical weapon you could think of, especially if the balls are attached to a chain, but it still looks ridiculous on her. Sakura Kinomoto (all praise her noble name) already proved that you can have a staff that's both acrobatic and wizardly with just one weighted end, so I think she should follow her example.
Other than that there's not much else to say, she pretty mid ove- wait, she's supposed to be 21 and a motherly figure to Ao? That hairstyle needs to change, stat.
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magiarecordhomescreen · 3 months
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Character of the day is... Mitsuru Inami!
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dragonyearjuri · 4 months
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posting bad translated screenshots while counting days until new promised blood content
🐲days since yunajuri : 207🐯
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puellamagishowdown · 4 months
Round 2, Match 40
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magiamemoriareview · 1 year
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Mysterious Dinner Table
Obtainability: This is a personal memoria for Mitsuru Inami. It is obtainable through completing the third episode of her Magical Girl Story and through the Support Gacha.
Single Effect: Charge Draw
MLB Effect: Charge Draw
Effect Definitions:
Charge Draw will replace that turns’ current discs with Charge discs.
TLDR: "Mysterious Dinner Table" is an important part of Mitsuru Inami's kit. If you have the character and plan on using her during Ranked, it will be worth it to invest in and max-awaken this personal memoria.
Review: This memoria is an important part of Mitsuru's kit, but first we need to talk about Mitsuru herself in order to talk about why this memo is good.
Mitsuru Inami is good for ranked mirrors and little else. Her stats are terrible-- she has very little ATK with most of the bulk of her stats being in HP and DEF. Her magia and doppel purposely deal very little damage and put her on par with the amount of damage that Sudachi will deal (aka, nearly next to nothing). Her magia and doppel themselves will give Attack Down, Accele MP Gain Down, MP Gain Down, MP Damage, Negate Status Ailments (for your team) and then HP Restore for your team-- all things that aren't useful in regular PVE.
But where is stuff like this useful? Ranked.
Her dealing very little damage makes her ideal in Ranked, because it means that you use her magia repeatedly without killing your opponents, ideal for racking up points to get a high score. Her charge conservation connect means that you won't lose your charge bonus if worse comes to worse and you're forced to use noncharge discs. Her magia will prevent the enemy from gaining MP so that they can't use a magia, and it will heal your team-- and having high team HP is another way to score points.
So, how does the personal fit in? Generally you aren't going to be using personals in mirrors, right? Well, as mentioned above, you want to have a high charge combo for your ranked mirrors points. Usually this means you'll want a team with a charge draw character so that you can easily draw the needed discs-- maybe even two characters with charge draw. That way both characters can charge draw and even puella connect with each other as needed.
Some characters, like Kaoru Maki, Swimsuit Madoka, Sae Kirino, and Tanabata Yachiyo will have charge draw as part of their Spirit Enhancement active. This makes them easy staples for Ranked Mirrors.
However, Mitsuru Inami instead has a Spirit Enhancement active of "Magia Damage Down, Magia Damage Down Further, and MP Gain Down" which is arguably just as if not more important than a charge draw. Why is this? Why not have her personal and SE active swap places?
This is because turn one is the most important time for that kind of Spirit Enhancement active to be used. You don't want to wait for turn two to use MP Gain Down, you want to use that shit ASAP.
Additionally, you aren't typically going to use Mitsuru Inami by herself as the sole charge unit. You're probably going to field her with another girl who has charge draw, as mentioned above.
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That character will be able to charge draw right away if you need her to, so having two readily available charge draws on turn one isn't going to be necessary.
Lastly, Mitsuru Inami's Spirit Enhancement includes a turn one Skill Quicken. That means that you'll be able to use her personal memoria (or any other memoria with a low enough cooldown) by turn two.
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Lastly, the stats on this memoria are low but actually play into Mitsuru Inami's kit well. With her passive MP Gain Up when damaged, you're going to want her to be taking hits-- and that means you probably want her to have a lower DEF than your other girls, as the Mirrors AI will prioritize units with the lowest defense to attack. By using memoria like this, you can keep Mitsuru's DEF low to help encourage her to take the hits needed to earn a Magia, but her high HP also means that she probably won't die to any of the attacks.
Overall she's a smartly made niche character who is very good at one specific mode in the game to the exclusion of any other, and her personal memoria is an excellent continuation of her kit.
You'll want to max awaken the memoria if you get it.
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feenixmork · 1 year
Watching a friend go through the Mitsuru event rn. It's so fucking funny. Yuna is SO threatened by this poor housekeeper who was Literally just standing there
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More PB lore in Mitsuru's MSS 👀
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shizukamoon · 1 year
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Mitsuru Inami
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muffinrecord · 1 year
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Here is the card art for Mitsuru Inami!
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coffees-art · 1 year
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lesbians passed the fuck out on the couch watching tv
keeping watch for home intruders
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raposarealm · 1 year
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Here are the quest victory quotes for Inami Mitsuru! Credit to @muffinrecord for the screenshots.
Top: That was a lucky win… as they say, yeah? Middle: A-anyways, I’m okay... Bottom: Huh..? I actually won..?
As always, friendly disclaimer that my Japanese isn’t the best, as I’m still learning. If you spot a mistake, please let me know, and I’ll fix it!
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dragonyearjuri · 1 year
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posting bad machine translated juri and/or yuna screenshots until we get new years juri+yuna for year of the dragon.
🐲days remaining : 103🐯
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