#mitsuru is low key best mom
blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #672: Love Life & Simple Crushes (Persona 4 Arena Ultimax)
8:23 p.m. at the S.E.E.S. Living Room.....
Ken: (Turns to Mitsuru While Watching TV with Her on the Sofa) Hey, Mitsuru-Senpai?
Mitsuru: (Turns to Ken) Yes, Ken-Kun?
Ken: This might be weird to ask, but....Have you ever had any sort of romantic feelings towards anyone before?
Mitsuru: (Raised an Eyebrow at the Boy) "Romantic Feelings"?
Ken: Yeah. It's kind of like when you have a crush on someone. Does that ever happens to you?
Mitsuru: Not when I was younger, per say....(Suddenly Starts Blushing) But... nowadays....(Twirling her Hair a Little) Well.....
Yukari: (Happily Walks into the Living Room with a Tea Cup and a Bowl of Popcorn in her Hands) Popcorn's ready! (Gives Mitsuru her Cup of Tea) And here's a nice, warm tea for the Lovely Ice Queen herself. With a hint of this....(Gives Mitsuru a Kiss on the Check) on the side~
Ken: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock at What he Just Widened) !!!
Mitsuru: (Immediately Starts Blushing) Thank you, darl- (Eyes Widened Once She Realized What She Was About to Say) Y-Yukari!...I...('Clears Throat') W-What I meant to say was....Thank you, Yukari, for the tea.
Yukari: (Giggles Softly as She Sat Next to Mitsuru on her Side of the Sofa) Mitsuru, we already talked about this!~ You can call me "dear", "darling", or whatever kind of cute pet names you wanna call me. I really don't mind.
Mitsuru: ('Sigh') Very well. I'll...keep that in mind going forward.......darling~
Yukari: (Smiles Brightly as She Hugs Mitsuru Lovingly) See?~ Now wasn't that so hard?~
Mitsuru: I....(Begins to Smiles Softly Herself) Suppose not.
Yukari: (Smirks Playfully at the Lady) You know, for the tough, stern ice queen, you sure know how to get flustered so easily~
Mitsuru: (Starts Pouting in Annoyance) Don't press your luck tonight, Takeba. I am not in the mood of your casual teasings....
Yukari: Oh really?~ (Playfully Pokes on Mitsuru's Cheek) That's not what your pink cheeks are telling me~ (Giggles Once More)
Mitsuru: Knock it off!~
Ken: Okay! Seriously!! WHAT is happening right now!!!?
Mitsuru: (Gotten Genuinely Surprised by Ken's Sudden Outburst) K-Ken-Kun?!
Yukari: (Turns to See Ken's Surprised Look on his Face) Ohhhh... Riiiight...I uh...(Chuckles Awkwardly) Guess we never had the chance to tell you about this, haven't we?
Mitsuru: ('Sigh') We haven't......
Ken: (Points at Mitsuru) Y-Y-You....(Points at Yukari) a-a-and her.....(Points Back at Mitsuru) T-The darling and-
Mitsuru: ('Sigh') Yes, Ken-Kun. What you saw is true. Yukari and I are, in fact, in relationship with one another.
Yukari: (Happily Nodded) Yup~
Mitsuru: (Gives Ken a Motherly Glare) Now stop pointing at the both of us like that. We raised you better than to be rude.
Ken: (Puts his Hand Down on his Lap) Sorry. So.....How did this all of happened? I-If you don't mind me asking, of course....
Yukari: We've been together for a while now. One day, we started hanging out with another and....(Starts Blushing Herself) Along the way, we....started admitting our feelings towards one another.....(Points at Mitsuru) She totally started it first.
Mitsuru: (Glares at Yukari) Excuse you!? If I remembered correctly, YOU are the one who confessed your love to me first!~
Yukari: (Starts Looking Away a bit Shyly) Really? I dunno~ I think your memory might be wrong on that one...
Mitsuru: Yukari, I swear to-
Ken: So uh....
Mitsuru/Yukari: (Immediately Turns Back to Ken)
Ken: Whoever confessed their love to who first is the day you two started dating?
Mitsuru: ('Sigh') More or less, yes. (Frowns a Little) I hope you don't mind.
Ken: N-No! It's okay, Senpai! I-I-I don't mind you two dating at all! I-I was just surprised about it is all. I mean, I honestly thought you would have interest in Akihiko-Senpai this entire time.
Mitsuru: (Gives Ken a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Ken, why would I have romantic feelings towards my childhood friend?
Ken: Because he's....(Slowly Starts to Shrug) Was your childhood friend? I'd figured since you two knew each other for so long that you might have feelings towards one another.
Yukari: That is a common assumption.
Mitsuru: (Takes a bit of a Deep Breath Before Speaking) While it is true that Akihiko and I have been friends since we were children, I can assure you that neither of us has never had those kind of feelings towards one another. Our relationship is can perfectly be described as brother and sister. Nothing more.
Yukari: (Shrugged) That make sense.
Ken: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. (Smiles Softly) Still, I'm really happy for you and Yukari-san's relationship together.
Mitsuru: (Smiles Back at Ken) Thank you, sweetheart.
Yukari: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah. And don't worry. (Hugs Mitsuru Lovingly Again) I'll be sure to treat your mom like a proper ice queen~
Mitsuru: (Starts Blushing Yet Again) I told you a millionth time not to call me that......
Yukari: Sorry~ Guess I can't resist~ You are beautiful as the icy cold after all~
Mitsuru: (Blush Turns Bright Red) A-A-And you're as beautiful as pink roses on the Spring afternoon~
Yukari: (Giggles Softly) That's a good one~ (Kiss Mitsuru on the Cheek Once More) Thank you~
Mitsuru: (Smiles a Little as She Cuddles onto Yukari's Embrace a Little) You're welcome~
Ken: Aww~ You guys really are a cute couple.
Yukari: (Smiles Brightly at Ken) Why thank you, Ken-Kun~ But I believe that enough about us for one day. How about you tell us about your school life? (Forms a Playful Smirk on her Face) Have you found yourself a girlfriend yet?~
Mitsuru: (Puts on a Dark Glare on her Face) And if so, has she treat you with respect and dignity? Do I need to properly Introduce myself to her?
Ken: ('Sighs Heavily') School life is fine as always, I don't have a girlfriend yet, and if I do have one...(Turns To Mitsuru With Pleading Eyes) Pleeease don't stress yourself out over it. I'm positive that I wouldn't date anyone who would treat me so badly.
Mitsuru: I hope not or we will have an issue here.
Ken: (Facepalms Himself) Why are you like this?....
Mitsuru: You're a son to me and I love you with all of my heart.
Ken: (Sighs Before Smiling a Little) I love you too, mom. (Gently Grab Mitsuru's Hand) But seriously though, try not to worry too much about it, okay? I promise whoever I date will be good to me. Honest.
Mitsuru: (Stares at Ken For a Few Seconds Before Sighing) Very well. I won't worry too much about your teenage love life. (Pulls Ken into a Loving Hug) But just know that alone will never stop me from worrying about your well being.
Ken: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Whatever you say, mom....
Yukari: (Already Gushing Over the Duo Beside Her) (D'awww~ This is so precious already!~ I love this dorky family so much.)
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princekirijo · 3 years
Right ok so it's Ann's birthday and I don't have enough energy to draw so why not throw together a few headcanons I have for her:
She listens to a lot of English songs (as in songs in the English language). Some of her favorites are Britney Spears, Mitski, Chloe Moriondo, Doja Cat and MARINA.
I saw a post where someone said she'd be really good at Physics and I adore that hc so yes English and Physics are her strong subjects. Shout out to whoever made that post (I'll credit them if I find them)
Her least favorite subjects are PE (if that counts) and History.
She can cook but she's much better at baking. She makes cupcakes for Phantom Thief meetings every so often.
She and Yusuke are fashion buddies and they go shopping together (Ann always treats him to lunch despite his protests).
In that same vain she has taken every single one of the thieves shopping at some point even Morgana.
She is a fantastic listener and gives pretty good advice.
Ann does end up trying harder at her modelling job but she doesn't start dieting or doing any of that crazy shit that models are expected to do. Instead she just keeps herself healthy and ends up advocating for the destruction of the toxic beauty standards in the modeling industry (this is more so when she gets older but you know)
I also like to think she kept her dream of being an action actress and did end up starring in a few movies/TV shows.
Because of both of the above headcanons she meets Yukari. They become best buddies and she also gets to meet Mitsuru and they become best buddies too.
Yukari low-key adopts Ann and makes sure she's always safe and happy at photoshoots and the like. I imagine the dynamic between her, Mitsuru and Ann is like baby lesbian (Ann) looking up to older sapphic couple (yukamitsu) if you get what I mean.
Also yeah Ann's a lesbian it's in her name (lesbiann 💀)
Shiho was definitely her first crush, regardless of who she ends up with. She realized she liked girls when her mom told her it's not common place for friends to kiss each other when saying goodbye (she was like 14 💀)
When she realized she had a crush on her she spent the majority of her nights lying in bed with girl in red blasting in her earphones (no I'm not projecting)
Idk why but I feel like she's really good with kids.
She definitely keeps an eye on younger models and makes sure there's no one harassing them (she's definitely kicked creeps for doing that)
She loves RPGs with some of her favorites being Chrono Trigger and Kingdom Hearts (I haven't played either of those but they are high on my list).
Her favorite movies are: Legally Blonde, Devil Wears Prada and Tarzan
She gets emotional very easily and cries a lot. However she rarely cries in front of others because she doesn't want to make people feel bad cause she's crying.
Her relationship with her parents isn't great and she doesn't feel close to them at all.
Growing up she didn't celebrate her birthday much because her parents weren't around so when the thieves find this out they decide to go all out for her birthday
They throw her a massive surprise party in Leblanc and they manage to invite Shiho (because by this point she's probably moved but that does depend on when you complete Ann's confidant.
From then on the thieves and all of her new friends (read yukamitsu) make sure that her birthdays are always celebrated just as she deserves :]
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sobdasha · 5 years
revenge is a dish best served long after the fact, so you can really savor the subtlety of the irony on the palate
See, the thing is, the first time I saw just that page of the Mabudachi Arc where Shigure's asking Tohru if she's having fun, spending every minute of every day with the person she loves...I assumed he was being salty.
Because I keep forgetting, and then suddenly remembering for just a moment, that there's a bit over half a year gap between the time when the curse ends, Shigure wins, Shigure gets Akito all to himself and everything he's ever wanted…
...and graduation, when Shigure actually gets those things.
It's probably like late July, the curse is broken, everyone is pairing up all lovey-dovey, Kureno's moving out of town and Shigure's taking his place as assistant to the Souma family head. And so Shigure turns up at the Main House (in a suit, because he believes in dressing for the job and while that means schlubbing it around in a bathrobe and glass of wine as a writer, being the personal assistant of the head of a wealthy and prestigious family--who is trying to symbolically break the cycle of stifling, traditional abuse by switching out kimono for Western-style clothes--means at the least investing in some nice slacks and button-downs) and asks so, when is he being recalled from his banishment and moving back in to the inside estate?
And Akito looks at him like he's crazy and says, "Are you crazy? No, you're not moving back here."
You can't leave that house yet, Akito says, because if you move out those three kids living with you are suddenly going to be homeless again, and you can't do that to Tohru.
Okay, so technically there's no reason Kyou can't move back in with Kazuma--except that the dojo is inconveniently far away from Kaibara High School, I'm not sure Japan has school districts exactly like the US but something I was googling a while ago suggested they have a similar idea anyway about how you go to the school you're easily able to walk to--and of course Kazuma would happily take Tohru in as well. But Akito can't just send Yuki back to live with his parents now.
Shigure is pretty sure this is bullshit. First of all, Tohru runs that house and manages the boys perfectly fine as it is, and in fact she could probably do an even better job without Shigure there. They'll all be just dandy without an adult in the house. And secondly, although Shigure is unaware of this argument at the time, Yuki's girlfriend manages to live alone in an apartment without dying and she's nearly as much of a disaster as Yuki.
Yes, Yuki has a girlfriend, and Shigure remains unaware of this fact for a decent while, partly because Yuki refuses to ever bring anyone over to the house. Oh, Aya has talked about Yuki bringing a girlfriend around the shop for months now, but Shigure assumed that was Aya being Aya.
The girl--some friend from school?--existed mostly in Shigure's mind as a sort of hypothetical, in potentia, a Schrodinger’s girlfriend if you will.
The box won't open until one day when Shigure's lurking about the living room, as the boys do when they're waiting for Tohru to finish dinner, and he wonders aloud where Yuki is.
"He's, um, he's at his secret base," Tohru volunteers as she's bringing dishes to the table.
"Well," Shigure says to Kyou, shooing him toward the yard, "go on then and call him in for dinner. We can't let this good food get cold!"
No, Kyou says, he's not out there. "Secret base" isn't the codeword for his garden anymore, Yuki switched it to mean his girlfriend's apartment. He's at his girlfriend's apartment. And in all honesty Kyou's pretty sure that rat is spending the night.
And here Shigure is--and has been since summer break started--stuck living in this house, having to spend all his nights alone, unable to do with his girlfriend exactly what Yuki is theoretically doing with his own, just because he's an "adult" and isn't allowed to leave Kyou and Tohru unsupervised.
It isn't fair.
"Life's not fair," Akito tells him, a comment that isn't any less annoying for its truth. "You're a walking cautionary tale. This is what happens when you sleep around: you suddenly find yourself as the legal guardian of three children that you can't just move out on and abandon."
Akito kind of low-key thinks this is great, actually. She's more-or-less forgiven him about sleeping with her mom, sure, in the sense of forgiving as "I have to let this go and stop obsessing over this for my own sake, my making peace with this in no way condones his actions, but I'm okay and can get on with my life." But a little piece of her is still annoyed that--no matter how well things worked out in the end--her ploy to punish Shigure by banishing him from her presence and using the curse against him...really didn't work in the moment.
Now he's getting his comeuppance belatedly, and it's amazing. Now Shigure has to be apart from her, and he's suffering and chafing, and it's not even because of something Akito's doing to be petty.
Akito's even learning not to mind having an empty bed and no one she can call to get in it when she's lonely at night, the revenge is that great.
And it really is poetic justice, everywhere you turn. Yuki's apparently got a girlfriend he can spend the night with on the down-low whenever he wants. Kyou and Tohru are allegedly increasing their physical intimacy now that they've dropped the burden of the curse and all their respective baggage, and Shigure can't even find it in him to catch them at it and tease them most of the time because his own situation is just too depressing.
Then there's Dr. "I don't need a new love" who's suddenly changed up the way he puts his outfits together, as if someone other than the usual Souma staff is in his closet first thing in the morning, and who also just in general goes about his work with sickening contentedness. Even Ayame shows up one day like "I think this wedding band really enhances my innate royal elegance, you know, it's so nice to finally break it out, it took us a while to unearth those little boxes out of storage and then we had to polish the shine back on them a bit but my don't they look gorgeous now! Btw Mine's been my wife all this time and please feel free to send us your gift money now."
Everyone knows Haru and Rin have been sleeping together for a while now, Ritsu's making plans to move in with girlfriend Mitsuru, and Shigure can't even hang around with Kagura and Momiji to commiserate because they both get very scathing like, "Oh really, how terrible it must be to have an actual concrete plan for your life that you know is going to make you happy and satisfied, yeah, it's so horrible seeing everyone else all lovey-dovey when you have your own guarantee you just have to wait until March to seize on."
Shigure all but stalking around for the month of March like "Aya you better have gotten your brother an apartment, once he's graduated his ass better be out of here, I will throw him out on the street" and "Kazuma if Kyou and Tohru haven't talked to you about apartment-hunting then I will, I will even do actual work like researching neighborhoods and reading lease papers and helping to cover deposits whatever it takes they are not going to be in this house come April." Everyone else has already been living the happy ending they earned over half a year ago when all Shigure's plans culminated in fruition and now he's going to get his, this is a man with motivation. Desperation. Frustration. Whatever.
Instead of getting punched in the face, Shigure got a retribution that aged like a fine wine. And I'm gonna sit here and toast to that.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #564: Protective Ice Mother (Persona 3/Persona 4 Arena)
8:56 p.m. at the S.E.E.S. Main Lobby.....
Labrys: (Sighs Relaxingly While Snuggling onto Teddie Under a Blanket on a Sofa)
Teddie: (Giggles Softly) Goodness, Labby-chan~ Did you really miss seeing me that beary much?~
Labrys: (Giggles Softly) Ya bet your cute butt I do~ (Gives Teddie a Playful Smirk) Plus, you being my handsome Teddie-Bear is all the more reasons this momma needs to give you some lovin'~ (Begins to Lovingly Kisses Teddie's Cheek)
Teddie: (Giggles Ticklishly) Labby-chan!~ Your lovely kisses are already tickling me!~
???: ('Ahem')
The two couple immediately stop what they're doing and look up and see that it was none other than Mitsuru Kirijo staring down at them in her usual stoic, motherly fashion.
Teddie: (Starting to Get a bit Nervous) Oh! M-M-Ms. Mitsuru-Senpai! Hello!
Labrys: Hey, Senpai. What's up?
Mitsuru: (Arm Are Already Crossed) Oh it's nothing in particular. I'm only here to make sure you two have nice, formal date night with one another this evening. As well as making sure neither of you do anything I would not approve on.
Labrys: (Rolled Her Eyes in a bit of Annoyance) Honestly, senpai. We're not doing any funny business here! We're only cuddling.
Mitsuru: Yes. And while cuddling with one another is nice and all, it could also lead into something different completely if not careful. Something you two aren't clearly old enough to do just yet.
Labrys: ('Ugggh') We know that already, senpai! All that 'birds and the bees' junk we learned in class. We ain't born yesterday, ya know?
Mitsuru: I'm already aware of that, Labrys, but there's nothing entirely wrong with giving you another reminder of that fact. Speaking of which.....(Turns to Teddie)
Teddie: (Immediately Gave Mitsuru her Attention) Y-Y-Yes, Ms. Mitsuru Senpai?
Mitsuru: (Took a Bit of a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Teddie, I just want to let you know that I never have any negative feelings towards you whatsoever. Labrys has already told me how much of a kind and considerate person you are and I firmly believe that fact.
Teddie: (Genuinely Surprised by Mitsuru's Words) Oh....I....(Smiles a Little) Thank you, Ms. Mitsuru-Senpai. I believe you and everyone else in this organization are beary good people too.
Mitsuru: (Simply Nodded) Thank you. However.....
Teddie: Hm?
Mitsuru: (Gives Teddie a Cold Piercing Glare) It would be a very huge shame to execute a kind young man like yourself if you were to ever....break those boundaries.
Teddie: (Immediately Gets Scared Again by Yelping in Fear) T-T-That's would never ever ever ever happen, Senpai!! I-I-I love Labby-chan with all of my heart!! I would never hurt her o-or make her sad or cry!! She means sooooo beary much to me! Please, senpai, you gotta believe meeeee!
Mitsuru: (Gently Pats on Teddie's Head to Calm him Down a Little) And I do believe you, Teddie. All of us here do. I only wanted to make sure we are on the same page on this matter.....(Gives Teddie a Small Cold Glare) We are on the same page here, right?
Teddie: (Nodded Rapidly in Fear) Yes ma'am! I understand it completely! Definitely on the same page!
Labrys: (Glares at Mitsuru) For God sake, Mitsuru-Senpai! Stop scarin' my boyfriend already!
Mitsuru: ('Sigh') Alright Alright. I suppose I said all I need to be said for one night. (Walks Away From the Couple) I'll be taking my leave now. Enjoy the rest of the evening, you two. (Turns Around and Points at Labrys) But not too much fun. Do you understand?
Labrys: ('Sigh') Yes, ma'am.....
Mitsuru: (Smiles in a Satisfied Manner) Good. Have a goodnight you two. (Walks Away)
Labrys: You too.....(I swear....I know Senpai means well, but she is taking this whole 'Momma Bird' role to the extreme sometimes....) (Turns Back to her Teddie-Bear Right Next to Her) You okay, 'hon?
Teddie: ('Sighs in Complete Relief') Yeah.....I think so....I almost forgot how scary Mitsuru-Senpai really is on her bad side.......
Labrys: Aww.....C'mere you. (Gently Pulls Teddie into a Loving Hug) It's okay. Momma's here to make ya feel all better. (Kiss Teddie on the Cheek) Promise.
Teddie: (Smiles Softly While Blushing) Thank you. I'm sorry for being scardy-bear a while ago...
Labrys: Don't worry about it. We all know how terrifying Mitsuru-Senpai is. Hell, even I'm scared her sometimes and I have an axe. Also.....(Smiles Softly) I already know for a fact that you love me to pieces, Ted.
Teddie: Of course I do, Labby-chan. You're my princess knight in shining armor~ My world even~
Labrys: (Smiles Brightly) And you're my sweet, handsome Teddie-Bear, whom I'm gonna love and cuddle all night~ (Begins Kissing Teddie while Cuddling with Him Under a Blanket)
Teddie: (Giggles Softly by the Kiss) Labby-chan!~ That still tickles!~
Labrys: Damn right it does!~
Meanwhile in the Kitchen......
Ken: Honest, Senpai. Did you really have to scare Teddie like that?
Mitsuru: (Simply Sipping on her Tea) I'm afraid so, Ken-Kun. I had to take my role as a 'Mother Hen' as serious as possible. Surely you would know that by now.
Ken: ('Sigh') Okay. So..... Hypothetically speaking, if I were to ever date a girl and bring her back here on a date, would you act the exact same way as you did to Teddie?
Mitsuru: Yes I would.
Ken: (Eyes Widened in Shocked) Seriously?!
Mitsuru: Yes seriously. (Gently Ruffles the top of Ken's Hair) You are my baby boy, Ken-Kun, and as such, it is my job to make sure that the person you are going out with treats you with the upmost respect and care. Understand?
Ken: (Rolled his Eyes While Blushing a Little) Uh-huh.......
Mitsuru: Don't think I didn't notice you rolling eyes at me, young man. We raised you better than that.
Ken: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #477: Hot Springs Stories (Persona 4 Arena)
8:15 p.m. at an All You Can Eat Restaurant.......
Labrys: Damn.....That all really happened to you guys?
Kanji: ('Sigh') Yeah.......We kept getting pelted by towel baskets twice. Neither of which was any of our faults.
Teddie: ('Sigh Sadly') We tried so hard to tell them it was all a misunderstanding, but alas, they never believed us.....They even called us perverts and everything.
Labrys: That's crazy talk, 'hon. I don't think you and Kanji-Kun are perverts at all.
Ken: Yeah.....That was pretty rude of the girls to do that to you guys over a misunderstanding.... (Takes a Sip of his Drink)
Kanji: Tell me about it. The worst part of it all is that not a single one of them apologise about it the next day and onward except for Narukami's Little Cousin, Nanako. The others on the other hand, act like they forget about the whole thing and left us remembering everything.
Teddie: Hot Springs are a blessing and a curse in disguise.....
Labrys: Yeesh.....That was cold. Even for them.
Kanji: It was. (Shrugged) But it is what it is. (Chuckles Lightly) I remember being so pissed off at all of them that I actually gave the girls the silent treatment for almost an entire day.
Labrys: (Snickering) Oh shit. Seriously?
Teddie: (Giggles Softly) You guys should've seen him during the time. He was so determined about it and everything.
Kanji: Yeah I was.....'Till Rise had to go in and give that Sad Puppy Dog look on me to speak to them again.
Labrys: (Smirks Playfully) I could definitely see Rise-Chan doing somethin' like that.
Ken: You know......your Hot Spring story kinda of reminds me of the one Junpei told me a while back.
Kanji: For real?
Ken: Yeah. It all took place a few years ago where everyone in the dorm, except for me and Koromaru, went on a field trip with their classmates to the Resort Suite. I don't really know much about the entire details of what went down, but from what I heard, Mitsuru-Senpai literally froze Junpei and others frozen solid once they were spotted by her and the rest of the girls.
Teddie: (Eyes Widened in Fear and Shock) Oh my!!!
Labrys: (Eyes Widened in Completely Shock) NO WAY!!!! Our Mitsuru-Senpai did all of that?!!!
Ken: That's what Junpei told me. He said was their punishment....Or to mom's case, it was their "Execution".
Teddie/Kanji: EXECUTION?!!!!!!!!
Labrys: Wait a minute. I-Isn't her whole "Execution" shtick suppose to be used during fights or taking out shadows?
Ken: (Nodded) Yeah. But it's also used whenever someone or something provokes her. (Shudders at the Time He Saw Mitsuru was Angry) It can be pretty terrifying if you ask me.....
Kanji: No shit......I mean, I know that lady's tough and everything, but I had no idea she would take this whole "Execution" thing to a whole new level! And also, who was this "mom" person, you mentioned a second ago?
Ken: I was......(Starts Blushing a Little) Referring to Mitsuru-Senpai......
Labrys: (Whispers into Teddie's Ear While Giggling) The kiddo think of senpai as his actual mom. It's pretty cute~
Teddie: Awwwwwwww!!~
Ken: (Blushes in Embarrassment) ANYWHO! As I was saying, this is one of the big reasons why mom-I mean...Mitsuru-Senpai is the last person anyone would want to upset. She can be pretty scary when she wants to be.....
Kanji: Well......Guess I know who not piss off in the future.....
Teddie: ('Gulp') Yeah.....Me too....
Labrys: You know....All these Hot Springs related stories got me thinking....
Ken: About what, Labrys?
Labrys: About how there's no way I'd be crazy enough to attack people in the springs just cause of misunderstanding.
Kanji: Seriously?
Labrys: Yeah. I mean....If I were ever in a situation where some guy accidentally walk in on butt naked, I would at least give him a chance to explain himself before I start doing some crazy stuff like.... Throwing some random baskets or executing them with ice powers or whatever.
Teddie: (Smiles Brightly Towards His Girlfriend) You're too kind, Labby-Chan~
Labrys: (Chuckles Lightly While She Bops On the Top of Teddie's Nose) And you're too cute for ya own good, 'hon~
Teddie: (Giggles Softly While Blushing) Did I forget to mention how beautiful you really are to me?~ Because that's what I think you are everyday~ (Gives Labrys a Wink)
Labrys: That's it. C'mere, you!~ (Pulls Teddie Into a Loving Hug While Kissing All Over His Cheeks) Momma's ('Mwah') Gonna ('Mwah') Show you ('Mwah') Some loving tonight!~ ('Mwaaah')
Teddie: (Giggles Ticklishly by each of Labrys' Kisses) Labby-Channn!~ C'mon! That tickles!~
Kanji: (Watches The Couple From his Side of their Seat) Look at them....('Sigh') It hasn't even been desert time yet and those two are already starting to act all cutesy to each other.
Ken: (Chuckles Lightly) True. But you do gotta admit. They are pretty cute together as a couple.
Kanji: Yeah..... There's no argument in that.......(Turns to Ken) So....... Is Kirijo-Senpai actually your mom or......
Ken: Not exactly. She and others did technically raised me when I was younger. It honestly took me until recently to realize that they're like family.
Kanji: (Smiles a Little) Nice. I'm kinda happy for ya, kiddo.
Ken: (Smiles Softly) Thanks, Kanji-san. By the way, if you don't mind me asking, how's Naoto-san been doing as of late.
Kanji: Pretty good. (Starts Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Blushing a Little) To tell you truth, we uhhh.....started dating for a while now.....
Ken: (Eyes Widened in Surprise) Seriously? That's great! Congratulations!
Kanji: Thanks. (Frowns a Little) Though, the only down side to this is that our relationship is long distance, since she started her detective career not too long ago.
Ken: Oh. I'm.....guessing that's means you're starting to miss her, huh?
Kanji: Like crazy.....I know I should be happy for her following her own dreams and all, hell, I supported her all the way, I guess I couldn't help but to miss her sometimes, ya know?
Ken: (Gives Kanji a Reassuring Smile) Hey. I know it's hard to miss someone who's close to you, from a long distance. But I'm sure you two will see each other again sometime. You just have to be a little more patient.
Kanji: (Sighs While Smiling Again) Yeah..... It's a long ass road, but.....I guess it wouldn't hurt to wait a little while longer.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #399: Morning After Late Curfew (Persona 3...... Persona 4 Arena-ish)
9:00am Iwatodai Dinning Room....
Fuuka: ('Sighs Sadly and Worrying')
Labyrs: Still worried about Ken-Kun, Fuuka-san?
Fuuka: Very....I know he's a growing boy, but I can't help but to worry about him. I haven't even him when I woke up this morning. (Eyes Widened in Fright) Y-You don't he's-
Labyrs: Relax, sista! Ken-Kun is gonna be fine!.....(Or at least I hope he is...)
Mitsuru: (Made her way to the kitchen) Good morning, ladies.
Fuuka: Good morning, Mitsuru-San......
Labyrs: You seem to be pretty calm today considering what happened yesterday to you know who.
Mitsuru: (Smiles Softly) True. But I'm much better now. Because guess who will be joining us for breakfast today? (Moved from the side to reveal the person following behind was none other than Ken Amada)
Fuuka/Labyrs: (Very Surprised) KEN-KUN?!!!
Ken: (Chuckles Awkwardly) Morning, you guys......
Ken: (Not this again....) ('Sighs in Defeat') Listen....I know you guys have every right to be upset with me right now, but I really want to let you know that I am so-
Fuuka: KEN-KUN!! (Rushes over to give Ken a big hug in Motherly Tears) I WAS SO WORRIED!!
Ken: F-Fuuka-Chan!
Labyrs: You Little.... (Walk up to the duo with a Sisterly Glare towards the boy) Where the hell were ya last night?!
Ken: I....(Hugs Fuuka Back while Blushing) missed my curfew last night...
Labyrs: (Shook her head in a bit of Disappointment)
Fuuka: Oh, Ken-Kun....You know better than to miss curfew.
Ken: I know..... Mitsuru-Senpai here made sure I know that well last night.
Mitsuru: (Simply Nodded) That I have. It's goes to show how much I love and care for you, Amada.
Ken: (Rolled his eyes a Little) Uh-huh....(Turns to Fuuka) Hey, Fuuka?
Fuuka: (Still Hugging Ken) Yes?
Ken: Is it true that you cried yourself to sleep last night worrying about me?
Fuuka: (Silent Nodded)
Ken: (Starts Feeling Terrible) I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to you worry you that badly.
Labyrs: She ain't the only one worried, kiddo. I called up my Teddie-Bear last nigh and was about form up a search party for ya.
Ken: Seriously?
Labyrs: Of course. (Gently Ruffles the top of Ken's Hair) You're our pal remember?
Ken: (Chuckles Lightly) You guys are my pals too, Labyrs-chan. Tell Teddie-san the same, will you?
Labyrs: (Smiles Brightly) Will do.
Fuuka: Ken-Kun....
Ken: Yes?
Fuuka: (Pulls Away from Ken and Gently Grab Both of his hands before Taking a Deep Breath) I know you're growing up and becoming a Teenager now, but you need to understand how very important having a curfew is and how to be careful not to be late for one.
Ken: I understand that now. (Gently Squeezes Fuuka's Hands Reassuringly) And I promise I'll be more careful next time. So please don't worry.
Fuuka: ('Sighs') As long as you're back here and safe that's all it really matters. (Gives Ken a Kiss on the Cheek) We love you, Ken-Kun.
Ken: I love you guys too.
Aegis: (Walked in the Dinning Room) Ken-Kun! You've received a Video Call this morning.
Ken: (Confused) From...who exactly?
Aegis: Who else than....(Shows the gang a FaceTime on her phone with a very familiar face on screen)
Akihiko: Ken!
Ken: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh no....
Akihiko: (Gives Ken a Fatherly like Glare on Screen) You and me...have a lot to talk about today.
Ken: (Facepalms) This can't be happening right now....
Akihiko: No Facepalming. I'm only doing this-
Ken: I know. I know. Because you love me and you want to look out for me. I understand.....
Mitsuru: (Smiles Softly and a bit Playfully) Look on the bright side, Ken-Kun...At the very least....Aegis didn't call either Junpei nor Yukari about all of this.
Aegis: Actually....
*Bell on the Door Open*
Junpei/Yukari: KENNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!
Mitsuru: Oh my...(Giggles Softly) I guess I spoke too soon~
Ken: Ah jeez....
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #415: Ice Mother (Persona 3/ Persona 4 Arena-ish)
Mitsuru: (Eyes Widened at What Ken Has Given her) Ken....Is this....
Ken: A Celestial Snowflake Pendant? That it is. (Chuckles Lightly) I accidentally overheard you wanting one for awhile now. So I figured I get you one.
Mitsuru: (Examines the Pendent From the Palm of her Hand) This looks even more Exquisite than I thought it would be......This has to cost a fortune....
Ken: (Chuckles Awkwardly) Funny you mentioned that, Senpai..... Because....it....kind of.....sort of.... does.....I had to use the allowance you gave me to pay the whole thing....
Mitsuru: (Eyes Widened in Shock) The ENTIRE Allowance?
Ken: Yep........ Even the few bit of change I was supposed to save this month. Pretty bold move in my part, but it was kind of worth it in the end of things, am I right?
Mitsuru: (Crosses Her Arms and Gives Ken a Soft Mother-Like Glare) ...............
Ken: (Starts to Frowning a Little) I'm.... guessing you don't like the Pendant that much, do you?
Mitsuru: No, Amada-Kun. I adore the gift you've given me. I just wish you didn't have to spent almost everything you have to get this for me exclusively.
Ken: I know. But if I'm being honest here.....I only brought you that Pendant not because I felt obligated to, but.... it's really cause I want to, you know?
Mitsuru: (Raised an Eyebrow) What exactly do you mean?
Ken: (Took a Deep Breath) Mitsuru-Senpai, ever since I step foot in this dorm, you (as well as everyone else here apparently.....) did everything you could to look after me.... Especially when you really didn't have to. When I was a kid, I thought you and the rest of our teammates are only just acquaintances at best. But now....I consider you all the closest thing to an actual family. And in a way... I started to see you as a Mother Figure to me....The Mother Figure that I need.
Mitsuru: You.... Really think that way of me?
Ken: Well I mean, there was also Fuuka-san, but you did came to mind first. You were pretty strict, sure, but you always have the best interest in heart and I always admired that about you. So yeah....I do think of you as a Mother Figure....(Smiles Brightly) And I'm glad for that cause... I'm not sure if I'd be who I am now if it weren't your guidances and care. (Bows to Mitsuru) So I wanna Thank you, Mitsuru Kirijo, for everything you done for me up to this point and for doing your best to look after me for the years. A-Also Happy Mother's Day! (Chuckles Lightly Before Getting Back to his Normal Posture) Forgot to tell you that this morning for some reason.
Mitsuru: (Covers her Mouth While Being Completely Speechless) ......
Ken: (Starts Getting a Bit Worried) Senpai?
Mitsuru: (Tears Starts to Fall Down Her Face).......
Ken: Uhhh.... Permission to hug-
Mitsuru: I cannot believe you're still asking me that after all these years! (Immediately Pulls Ken into a Very Loving Hug) You're always welcome to hug me anytime....
Ken: (Slowly but Surely Hugs Mitsuru Back) Senpai, are you okay?
Mitsuru: I'm more than okay, Ken.....(Smiles Softly) Your words had just overwhelmed me is all.
Ken: (Chuckles Lightly) I can already tell. I do mean every word that I said.
Mitsuru: I know you do. And I believe every one of them as well. Truth be told...there are times where I would see you all as my actual family.
Ken: (Eyes Widened) Seriously?
Mitsuru: (Nodded as She Held Ken Close) We've been through a lot these past few years and I, for one, enjoy spending them with each and everyone of you. Even to this very day.
Ken: (Smiles Brightly) We enjoy spending time with you too, ma'am. A lot more than any of us really thought, honestly. I love you, Senpai.
Mitsuru: (Gives Ken a Kiss on the Cheek Before Giving him a Motherly Smile) Not as much as I love you, Ken-Kun.
???: I love all you too.....So very much.
Ken: (Noticed Fuuka Joined in on their Hug) F-Fuuka-Chan?! Where did you come from?
Fuuka: (Hugs Both Ken and Mitsuru Lovingly) Sorry.....The gift you given me made me so happy that I couldn't help but to join in.
Mitsuru: Really now? And what, pray tell, did Ken-Kun gave you on this fine Mother's Day?
Fuuka: An Apron that said I'm Loved and Appreciated. It was so sweet that I loved it already~
Mitsuru: (A Smirk Formed on his Face) Funny you mentioned that. Because Ken brought me a Mother's Day gift as well. With ALL of his money.
Fuuka: ('Gasps') Ken-Kun! Is this true?
Ken: I-I just wanted to give you guys good gifts this year. I swear!
Fuuka: That may be the case, but you need that money for yourself as well. What if you need something to eat while you're out?
Mitsuru: Or when you need to go to any Sports Related Game Nights?
Ken: ('Sigh') I know. I know. I won't spend all my money like that anymore. That's a promise.
Mitsuru: (Smiles Proudly) We're glad to hear it.
Fuuka: (Smiles Brightly) We just wanted what's best for you. (Kiss Ken on his Other Cheek) Because we love very much.
Ken: (Chuckles Lightly While Rolling his Eyes) I know. I love you guys too. (A lot more than I thought I would.)
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #397: Past Curfew (Persona 4 Arena Ultimax-ish)
12:00am Iwatodai Dorm.........
Ken: (Silently Closes the Door Behind him) (Okay....This...is the last time I get my classmates talked into staying almost over the night in their visits. Still....as long as everyone else is already asleep, I might actually get out of this unscathed-)
???: (Turns on the Lights) Good Evening.....
Ken yelped and turns around to see it was none other than Mitsuru sitting next to a lamp.
Mitsuru: (Glares at Ken in a very Disappointing Matter) ...... Amanda.
Ken: (Starting to Sweat Bullets) Oh! Uhh M-Mitsuru! What a... pleasant surprise!
Ken: I mean.....(Chuckles Awkwardly) I did not expect you to be up this....late, you know? I mean.... granted, you're the Kirijo's Heir so that would explain your un-tiredness, am I right?
*Even More Silence*
Ken: ('Sighs in Defeat') Look, I'm really sorry, okay? I know I promised not have a late curfew, but-
Mitsuru: Correction, we ALL agreed that your curfew would be no less than 10:00pm. Guess what time is it now?
Ken: (Nervously Look at his Watch) 12:05...
Mitsuru: And counting. Do you have any idea how worried you made each of us the event?! Labyrs was about to form a search party with the asisstance of Teddie, Aegis was this close on informing the rest of our team to look for you, and Yamagishi was worried about you so much that she cried herself to sleep. And now I'm sitting here hoping that nothing terrible happened to you!
Ken: I-I know I worried all of you, but really! I can explain-
Mitsuru: You can explain everything in the morning, right now, I hereby ground you from ever setting foot off this dorm, that isn't anything school related, until further notice. Do I make myself clear?!
Ken: ('Sighs Heavily') Yes, ma'am.....
Ashamed, Ken was about to walk back to his room, when suddenly......
Mitsuru: Amada!
Ken: (Stops Walking and Turns Around) Ma'am?
Mitsuru: Come here.
Ken slowly walk up to Mitsuru....only to get pulled in a Tight, Loving Hug.
Mitsuru: You scared me....
Ken: I know.....(Hugs Mitsuru Back while Feeling Even More Terrible) I'm so sorry.....
Mitsuru: I know you are....But you need understand the importance of a curfew. If anything were to happen to you in this hour if you weren't home soon enough, I..... I would never forgive myself.....
Ken: (Surprised) Seriously?
Mitsuru: Yes. Please understand, Ken. After all these years of being here together, we practically became a family now and you mean the world to all of us. That's why I'm hard on you tonight....(Tears Fell Down in her eyes) Because I want you to be safe.
Ken: Sempai, I.....(Nodded as he held onto Mitsuru's Embrace a bit tighter) I promise I won't miss my curfew anymore. You have my word.
Mitsuru: (Smiles a little as she and Ken let go of one another) Thank you. Now, in the morning during breakfast, I want you to apologise to everyone in the table. Especially to Fuuka. She was even more worried about you than I was.
Ken: I will, ma'am.
Mitsuru: Good. Oh. And one more than.
Ken: Hm?
Mitsuru: (Hugs Ken once more while Blushing a little) Sorry....You just...made so worried and scared that I couldn't help but to hug you again, you know?
Ken: (Chuckles Lightly) It's fine, Mitsuru-Senpai. It just shows how much you care, you know?
Mitsuru: (Gives Ken a Kiss on the cheek) We love you, Ken Amanda. If it's not clear enough already.
Ken: (Smiles Softly) And I love you guys too.I won't scared any of you like that again. I promise.
Mitsuru: ('Hmph') You better.
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #598: Remembering Love Ones (Persona 3 X Persona 4 Arena)
Ken: Hey, Mitsuru-senpai?
Mitsuru: (Turns to Ken Right Next to Her) Yes, Ken-Kun?
Ken: Have you....ever thought about your father as of late?
Mitsuru: ............................
Ken: (Immediately Starts Feeling Bad) S-Sorry! I didn't mean to upset you or anything! I-I was only wondering is all-
Mitsuru: (Gently Place her Hand on top of Ken's While Giving Him a Reassuring Smile) It's okay, Ken-Kun. I'm not upset in the slightest. I was only at a lost of thought is all....(Slowly Begins to Frown a Little) Though....To answer your question....Yes. I have thought about my father recently before. But not as much as you think.
Ken: Hm? What makes you say that?
Mitsuru: Well.....I guess you could say that our relationship as father and daughter.... wasn't always the closest. But nonetheless, I still cherished him from the bottom of my heart. (Looks Down at the Floor Solemnly) I just wish he was still here with us.....
Ken: (Sadly Stares at Mitsuru For a Few Seconds Before Speaking) You know.....
Mitsuru: (Averted her Eyes From the Ground and Turn to Ken) Hm?
Ken: I used to think almost the exact same way about my mom.....And to some extent, Shinjiro-san.
Mitsuru: (Gently Squeezes the top of Ken's Hand While Giving Him a Worried Frown) Ken-Kun, you're still not blaming yourself for what happened that day, are you?
Ken: N-No! Of course not! I promise you that I'm already over it. What I'm trying to say here is that I'm thinking about those two the same way that you're thinking about Mr. Kirijo. You know, mostly about wishing they were still around and stuff. It would be a dream come true if we could see them again.
Mitsuru: I wholeheartedly agree, but....even still, I honestly don't think neither them or my father would want us to keep mourning for them any longer. We need to accept their passings and keep moving forward in our lives. It's more healthier that way after all....No matter how difficult it may be.
Ken: ('Sigh') Yeah......
Ken: But you know what?
Mitsuru: Hm?
Ken: (Turns to Mitsuru with a Hopeful Smile on his Face) Just because they're gone, that doesn't mean we're entirely alone in this world. We have Fuuka-san, Aegis-san, Junpei, Yukari, Akihiko-Senpai, Labrys-Chan, and all our other friends, who were by each of our sides since day one.....(Gently Grab Mitsuru's Hand with Two of his) Not only that, but we got each other as well. And as long as we have all of that and the drive to keep moving forward, then that's all it really matters in the long run. Don't you agree?
Mitsuru: (Slowly But Surely Begins to Smile Softly Towards Ken) Yes..... I... (Tears Finally Begins Fall Down From her Eyes) ('Sniff') agree to that as well, Ken-Kun....('Sniff')
Ken: (Immediately Starts Getting Worried) Senpai! A-Are you okay?
Mitsuru: (Giggles Softly) I'm perfectly fine, my dear.... ('Sniff') I suppose this was an opportunity for me to let out my emotions....('Sniff') It has been a while since I was able to do so after all.....
Ken: (Gives Mitsuru a Loving Hug) Well, I'm here to give you a shoulder to cry on, mom.....I love you.
Mitsuru: (Heart Begins to Melt) Ken-Kun.....('Sniff') (Happily Hugs Ken Back) I love you too...so much....('Sniff') I am so happy and blessed to have met you and everyone else in this dorm.....
Ken: (Smiles Softly While a Few Tears Fell Down from His Face) Yeah.....('Sniff') I feel the same way too.....
The duo finally begins to cry softly to one another until they eventually tire themselves out and fallen asleep on the sofa they were sitting on, for the rest of the night. All while holding each other close.
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #78: Icy Protection (Persona 3)
Mitsuru: (Hugs Ken) I've known Amada-kun for months now. And if anything were to happen to him, I will not hesitate to execute anyone who dares to try.
Ken: (Touched by Mitsuru wanting to protect him) Senpai....
Akihiko: Wait... shouldn't the line be "you would execute everyone, including yourself"?
Mitsuru: Don't be ridiculous, Akihiko-san. Why would I ever want to execute myself?
Akihiko: ('Sigh') Come on. You know that's not what I-
Ken: I want to protect you too, Misturu-Senpai!
Mitsuru/Akihiko: Hmm?
Ken: (Blushes) S-sorry for yelling like that. I just wanted to let you know that I also want to protect you as well, Misturu-Senpai. B-but only if you let me...
Mitsuru: (Smiles Softly) That's very thoughtful of you to look out for my well being, Amada-kun. But you don't need to do that for me. You are just as much as my responsibility as everyone else here. So leave everything to me, okay?
Ken: ('Sigh') Ok. But could you at least let me fight alongside with you?
Mitsuru: (Smiles Softly while softly rubbing Ken's head) Of course you can, Amada-kun. Thank you so much for looking after me.
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