lgbstims · 2 years
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math lesbian stimboard for anon
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undergiants · 3 days
I will say being a lesbian with an almost trigger response to being associated with pink is a very interesting thing.
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toxic-lucky · 17 days
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Everything turns to dust eventually - I should know, I'm born from it and the Sweet Lady's blessings.
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lesbianpolls · 5 months
Aesthetically (irregardless of how problematic) what is your favourite lesbian flag?
Lipstick lesbian
Lesbian pride (lipstick minus lipstick mark)
Warm butch
Dark/cool butch
Emily gwen’s, 7 stripe
Emily gwen’s, 5 stripe
Double venus on rainbow
Sappho lesbian
Sappho lesbian + white stripe
See results
//another poll for the one people like to use wld be cool. But t.b.h. I can’t be assed. Love this blog!!! Thanks for the good time.
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diana-thyme · 10 months
hi! can i ask, do you have any good resources to learn about athenian holidays?
I get all of my information from Hellenion! The linked page has the calendar linked and has their resources listed as well.
For simplicity’s sake:
“The calendar is based on the monthly and annual observances and festivals of the ancient Athenians from about 800 BCE to 323 BCE. This version was created using information derived from www.numachi.com/~ccount/hmepa [archived version] and from timeanddate.com/moon/phases as well as sources:
Greek Religion by Walter Burkert (Harvard University Press, 1977, English translation: Basil Blackwell Publisher and Harvard University Press, 1985)
Old Stones, New Temples by Drew Campbell (Xlibris Corporation, 2000)
Festivals of the Athenians, by H. W. Parke (London, Thames and Hudson, 1977).
Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship, by Christos Pandion Panopoulos, Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos and Erymanthos Armyras; English translation: Mano Rathamanthys Madytinos and Lesley Madytinou (Athens, Greece, LABYRS, 2014).”
And here is their calendar.
I hope this helps!
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ur-fav-is-autistic · 23 days
Labyrs from persona 4 arena
Labyrs from Persona 4 Arena is Autistic!
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teecupangel · 1 year
Ah, ah! I was reading stuff on The Old Guard tag and now all I can think of is
Kassandra as Andy cause she is literally older than Jesus fucking Christ
Altaïr & Ezio as Nick & Joe cause WHY NOT
Arno as Booker cause he's a bloody drama queen
F!Eivor as Noriko cause DRAMA
Desmond as Nile cause they're BAMF and all come together on a AltEziDes with Arno suffering on the background and Kass looking like a proud lesbian mama lol
Bayek would be a good Andy too, and Connor and Shay also give me NickJoe vibes lol
Ooohhh, I’m always game to think about immortality-based plotlines XD
Kassandra as Andy would be spot on, especially if F!Eivor is Noriko/Quynh. Although, instead of a Labyrs, her main weapons would be the pointed tip of a spear and a Viking axe. She’d also be more on the calm chill side and happens to like to tease her fellow immortals. (To make it more interesting, maybe F!Eivor and her also met in the Isle of Skye and their relationship blossomed there as well)
Altaïr and Ezio as Nick and Joe would be a pretty fun pairing as well, especially if we keep Altaïr’s whole ‘distant and kinda arrogant’ personality. Ezio would be the one to remind him if he’s being too rude, sometimes with just a touch, because, even if they’ve been immortals for so long, some habits are hard to let go of. Ezio likes to joke that Altaïr is a work in progress which everyone knows is his way of saying Altaïr is trying. Altaïr, on the other hand, may act aloof most of the time but he’s quite protective of Ezio and there is no one in the world he trusts more than Ezio. Their personalities tend to clash at times and everyone knows that they sometimes spend half a century or so apart because of some dumb fight neither of them wanted to acknowledge responsibility with. It’s just become part of their whole deal that everyone just nods along to. Then Desmond comes in.
Arno as Booker would work. Just replace the death of Booker’s sons with Élise’s death (for more pain, maybe imply that Élise may have been or may have not been pregnant during the time of her death).
But you know who else could work as Booker? Haytham Kenway. Instead of being part of Napoleon’s army, keep his whole deal, including his actions to help the British Empire. But this time, he is the one to kill his own son instead. The American Revolution still played as history had recorded it so Haytham has to live his immortal life with the guilt of killing his son for nothing. He’d also be the most aloof of the Immortals and perhaps even be jealous of how ‘easy’ it is for everyone to move on. (Plus points if he treats Desmond the way he treats his son before and he only realizes it when Desmond tells him to stop treating him like an idiot, only digging in the guilt of how his relationship with his son was).
Eivor as Quynh/Noriko also gives us an excuse to… well, torture Eivor. While her imprisonment would be of a similar fate to Quynh/Noriko, we can include her being subjected to a blood eagle in Odin’s name. If you want to hammer in the angst, make Sigurd the one to do it. Of course, if Eivor and Kassandra met on the Isle of Skye, the events of Eivor’s life would have to be shuffled around to make it more coherent. Her imprisonment could be because of Sigurd or because of the Saxons.
And then there was Desmond. One main difference between Desmond and Nile would be their attachment to people. If we keep Desmond’s strained relationship with his parents, he would actually be more open to being immortal. He would hide his desire for a connection with practiced smiles and his chill personality although he wouldn’t fool Kassandra. It would be his desire for a connection but hiding it from everyone that makes it easy for him to fall for both Altaïr and Ezio. Neither of them planned to fall in love with Desmond, maybe they even started out a relationship with him as more of something fun and uncomplicated (like having the immortal version of an ongoing sexual and emotional threesome) which Desmond was cool with (he didn’t expect to fall for them too) while they’re teaching him the ropes and helping him acclimate with his newfound immortality. It would only be later that they would realize that Desmond is like the missing piece in their life.
Other possible ideas:
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Shay giving off Nick and Joe vibes? Color me intrigued. This one also has the additional emotional baggage of Shay being employed by Haytham who Ratonhnhaké:ton killed so, like… they say their relationship is ‘complicated’ and that would be an understatement.
If Arno is Booker, he would have had a relationship with Jacob Frye. Maybe his relationship with Jacob is what helps him move on from the pain of Élise’s death but Jacob isn’t an immortal soooo… (holy wow, Arno has, like, the short end of the stick in this one if he’s an immortal. Haytham doesn’t count, he deserves to feel the guilt)
Bayek would definitely be a good Andy as well. If you go for Bayek instead, Quynh/Noriko would have to be Aya. Although, if you just want Bayek to be included in the plot, he could be Lykon instead? Another possible Lykon is Alexios/Deimos as well and that would definitely be some angst for Kassandra.
Of course, Merrick would be Vidic, hahaha. Maybe Copley could be Layla or even Lucy?
Why are they immortals? Why do we need to explain that? Let’s keep it a mystery but make vague points of how it might be connected with some kind of Isu research to achieve eternal life.
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multiversal-sluts · 1 month
How perky are Aigis and Labyrs mecha booties?
Labrys is definitely more perky but both get quite the amount of onlookers! It’s a miracle nobody has discovered their true nature at school for how many people try and cop a feel or smack the Aigis Ass & Boston Booty!
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prince--kiriona · 3 months
finally reading house of leaves after years and years of hearing about how good it is and i'm so fixated on making sure i don't miss a single footnote as i read it's driving me Insane. following all the chains of numbers leading to numbers with a piece of string as a bookmark so i don't lose my place in the main story almost as if i'm in a l. in a lab. almost as if i'm in a labyr
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1123: Sharin' the View Together (Persona 4 Arena)
7:34 p.m. at Shichiri Beach........
Teddie: (Let's Out a Relaxed Sigh as He Watches the Sunset Alongside his Girlfriend Labyrs) Isn't the sunset beautiful in this time of day, Labby-chan?~
Labrys: Sure is. It's bright, orange, shows off it's reflection on the ocean pretty well. Kinda makes ya forget that summer's about to come to a close.
Teddie: (Places his Hand Onto his Chest in a Very Dramatic Fashion) 'Tis a shame for a joyous season to come to a tragic end!~ And even bigger shame that I, Teddie Haramura III, have fail to achieve my goal to become big and muscular!~ And less scary than Kanji-Kun.
Kanji: (In the Distance) Oi!
Labrys: (Snickers at her Overly Dramatic Boyfriend) Simmer down a bit there, Shakespeare, there's always next year. And I'm sure you'll be able to grow a muscle or two one of these days, not like need 'em to begin with.
Teddie: (Sits Back Down) Yeah, but have you seen Inaba's Finest Weekly? (Picks the Magazine Up Beside Him and Shkws Labyrs a Page or Two) Research states that over hundred ladies would rather go out with guys who are more manly and have beary huges muscles and biceps than those with skinny bones.
Labrys: (Shrugs) Then that's their preference, ain't no changing that. (Forms a Seductive Smirk on her Face) But me personally, I like my man sweet, handsome, a little on the skinny side....(Playfully and Gently Pinches Teddie's Cheek) And an overall cutie~
Teddie: (Giggles Ticklishly While Blushing) Oho Labby-Chan!~ You always know how to make my day even more brighter with your kind words~
Labrys: (Smiles Brightly) Well, everything I say is the truth, ain't it? I love ya to pieces, Ted!~
Teddie: And I love you pieces as well, my dear magnifique princesse~
Labrys: Ah~ I see your French is startin' to get better there~
Teddie: (Smiles Proudly as He Begins to Sparkle) You notice~ I work my absolute hardest to perfect my fluent in the language of romance!~
Labyrs: (Goes Back to Smirk) Just to try and impress me?~
Teddie: (Let's Out a Loud Gasps Before Pouting and Turning Away woth his Arms Crossed) To become a respectful gentleman, thank you! ('Sighs in Defeat') But to....also impress you, yes.
Labrys: (Chuckles Lightly as Put her Her Arm Around Her Teddie and Pull Him into Loving Hug) You are such a casanova dork!~ But I appericate your efforts though~
Labrys starts kissing up on Teddie's cheek, causing him to giggle once more, for a few seconds before taking a look back at the bright, orange sunset in question.
Labrys: ('Sigh') But yeah, the sunset here does look gorgeous. 'Sure 24 would love to see this too.
Teddie: (Turns to Labrys With a Bit of a Confused Look on his Face) 24?
Labrys: She's a friend of mine from way back, the first friend I've ever made to be exact. (Begins to Frown) A friend who's......not here with us right now.
Teddie: (Frowns as Well as He Realizes What Labrys Meant by her Wording) Oh no....I'm so sorry for your loss, Labby-Chan.
Labrys: (Smiles a Bit Sadly at her Boyfriend) Thanks, 'hun, but really, don't worry it. It's been like, what? A few years since she been gone? I've already made my peace with that since then. (Looks Back at the Sunset) And I'm definitely sure she wouldn't want me to sit around and mope about it all day n' night. Best I can do is to honor her wish and keep livin' my life forward from here, till the bitter end or whateva'..
Teddie: (Gives Labrys a Reassuring Hug and Smile) And I'll be more than happy to stand by and live through life with ya, Labby-Chan. There's still a lot we don't know about the world around us, but I'm 1005% positive that we'll get to experience all of it in no time!~
Labrys: (Snickers Some More) Don'tcha think you lotta percentage ya got there, Ted?
Teddie: Why, of course!~ How else am I gonna show you how beary serious I am?
Labrys: Welllllll, you could be a gentleman and give momma some kisses~
Teddie: Hmmmm....... Seems like a pretty tall order. (Smirks Seductively) But if it's a request made by my beloved knight princesse, then who am I to refuse?~ (Starts Kissing Up on his Girlfriend)
Labrys: (Giggles Ticklishly by Teddie's Love and Kisses) Your French is startin' to lose it's edge already, Teddie Bear!~
????: Hey! Lovebirds!
The couple cease their romantic antics for a sec as their turn their attention to Kanji, Naoto and Nanako in the mid distance, picking up their stuff for today.
Kanji: We're about leave soon, so quit foolin' around already!
Nanako: (Smiles Brightly) Dad just called. He already sliced up the watermelon for us! Cone on!~
Teddie: Oooh!~ Watermelon Slices!~ (Gets Up From his Seat)
Labrys: What do they test like again? Been wantin' to test onr for myself, but I never got around into doin' so before.
Teddie: It's only the most yummiest fruit ever made on this planet!~ Unless you put salt on it. Then it'll taste salty and bitter. (Offers Labrys his Hand)
Labrys: (Accepts her Boyfriend's Gesture as He Helps Get Herself Up on her Feet) Really now? And does it has the same taste effect when ya put pepper on it?
Teddie: (Starts Walking Towards His Friends While Holding Onto his Girlfriend's Hand) You know, I'm not sure. Yousuke used to forbid me from laying a single finger on the pepper shake, so I never know what it'll taste. Ooh! Do you think we should combine that with the salt with one of our slices when we get back?
Labrys: Teddie, that's the craziest idea you ever thought of. (Smiles Brightly) I'm in.
Teddie: Ye!~
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[PT: -Labyric]
A suffix (or stand-alone gender) related to the 1986 movie Labyrinth
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[PT: Goblinlabyric]
A gender related to the goblins from the movie Labyrinth
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[PT: Sirdidymuslabyric]
A gender related to Sir Didymus from the movie Labyrinth
May also be related to theatrical flamboyance, stubbornness, small creatures, furry creatures, pseudo-historical and historically inaccurate costumes, misguided heroism, etc.
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[PT: Ellowormlabyric]
A gender related to the ‘Ello’ worm from the movie Labyrinth
May also be related to worms, critters, talking animals, unhelpful helpfulness, small creatures, etc.
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[PT: Lusolabyric]
A gender related to Ludo from the movie Labyrinth.
May also be related to friendly monsters, unintelligible characters who’re somehow understood, furry creatures, kindness, innocence, large puppets, etc.
{ Photo ID help?: @liom-archive @radiomogai @mogaidescribed }
DNI: bigots, radinclus, radexclus, pro-endo, if you’re going to try and argue with me on any of these points, if you demonise mental illness, pro-transid (eg; transabled, transage, transrace, etc), proshippers/anti-anti, MAPS/NOMAPS/necro/zoo
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marudyne · 2 years
Someday I'm gonna ask for a commission for shadow labyrs and asterius and she's gonna look so feral and unhinged and I'm gonna ask you to draw her persona asterius as slutty and himbo-like as you want him to be (like how p4a akihiko was himbo-ifed in your art)
Lmao sounds good to me- then I shall await for you anon with bated breath.
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hearthstonc · 1 year
who? @brunodonato​
where? the laboratory labyring
notes: hey i just meeeeeeeet you and this is crazy but let’s escape from this place together maybe?
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“What kind of witchy fuckery are we in now?” She asks, tone ever so tired at waking up on a foreign environment, her hands clenching as she realizes she cannot shift on this environment. Gritting her teeth, she shifts her gaze to the witch on the corner of the room and sighs. She has to go find Hazal, but she won’t be able to do that stuck on this ugly ass place. “Any clues as to what to do now witchy?”
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toxic-lucky · 18 days
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"And we stay eternally bored."
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lesbianpolls · 5 months
*I didn't include the Labyrs or Lipstick Lesbian variants on this poll bc I know they're commonly used by TERFs and don't want to attract them to a post about which flags most liked to be used. That being said, using them doesn't make someone a TERF and feel free to include them under other.
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caesarink · 11 months
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We funded in 24 hours!!!! Thanks to everyone, We can't wait to make this game and see it coming to life on your tabletops, or coming to death? I's been a long 24 hours, If you still haven't looked over the page please, come in, kick of your shoes, there's no harm in looking....
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