#miya's asks 💌
septemberkisses · 5 months
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hi everyone, welcome to my tumblr!
i'm soumya (but i prefer to go by 'miya'), the human embodiment of coffee cravings and cat memes.
• basics: she/her // ☼virgo • ☾ libra • ↑ scorpio.
• 20-something year old born on 21st september.
• currently pursuing a master's degree in museology (aka museum studies), and have a penchant for procrastination.
• i love all things:
desi (indian), history, van gogh, sunsets, sunflowers, coffee, cats, museums, art, literature and music (lana del rey to one direction to stray kids to hozier - & so many more) so plsss hmu if our interests match (but also if they don't <3).
• you can also find me here:
sideblog: @miyasbingelist and @softquokka
pinterest ≈ spotify ≈ instagram
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾𖤓 ⋆⁺₊⋆
Thank you for the love that you all have given me so far. It means a lot to me, and i am beyond grateful for it <3 love you all.
-Miya ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°✧⁠*⁠。
(ps- asks & dms are always open <;3)
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a-kaash-me-outside · 1 year
hiya babe, so sorry to do 2 asks in 1 day but what’s your thoughts on chubbychaser!atsumu or chubbychaster!osamu? not even as a fic, just a general drabble i’d SCRUMM IT UP!!!
- m 🐇💌
<3 hello!!! ~~ never apologize, i love the asks babe, send em all omg.
i absolutely wrote this instead of writing the last chapter of a bit dirty, but we're not going to talk about that or mention that or worry about that <3 <3 <3
i don't know if anyone KNOWS THIS / COULD TELL but i always write chubby coded readers? it's not usually apparent until you read smut and i don't put a lot of details in there necessarily, but the little details are there. i've never mentioned it before this, but thought it's a nice little bit of information if anyone was curious. (it's just bc i am! and so! that's how i write my reader <3)
but i do have a lot of thoughts about this, okay. SPECIFICALLY about <3 osamu <3 i actually was (am?) going to write an entire thing about certain hq men that i think could handle a chubby reader (bokuto, osamu, kuroo, iwaizumi... if you're curious)
BUT YKNOW, now that i'm thinking about atsumu with a chubby afab reader, i really do be havin' some thoughts??
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idk if you wanted nsfw thoughts, but that's what you're going to get, minors dni thanks ♡ (nsfw atsumu with a chubby reader hcs under the cut)
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♡ absolutely obsessed with your plush thighs, loves grabbing at them and laying his head on them and slapping them and fucking them, lasted an embarrassingly short amount of time the first time he slid his cock between your soft, fat thighs, squeezed them tightly around his throbbing length and came between them, cooing at you about how perfect and soft and pretty they are
♡ the first time that he asks you to sit on his face, you hesitate for a fraction of a second and he picks up on it. he's serious at first, asking you what's wrong and why you don't want to, but when you tell him why you're nervous, he gets dramatic, asking you what the fuck do you mean you'll suffocate him? that's exactly the fucking point.
♡ loves fucking you from behind, bending you over, slipping his cock inside of you without even looking and then fucking you so hard that your ass shakes, loves the noises that it makes when his hips slam against the fat of your ass and how red your skin gets from how harsh his thrusts are into you, cannot get enough of the sight of your ass jiggling every time he bottoms out inside of you
♡ can make himself come just by rubbing his cock between your fat lips, gets so fucking turned on watching his length slide against your pussy, swallowed by your puffy lips, so fucking sloppy, places his hand on top of his cock to force it between your folds, fucks against his palm and the mess you've made, and then comes all over your cute cunt and your stomach
♡ cannot get enough of the weight of you on his hips while you ride him, every time you slam back down onto his cock and the backs of your thighs slap against his hips, you can feel him twitch inside of you, fucking loves the feeling of you letting yourself fall back onto him, the tiny breaths that come out of you when you feel him so deep inside of you, the beads of sweat that form on his stomach when he lifts his hips up with you seated in his lap
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
part of me sees the girls protecting reader like hugging their mom and shooing their dad away every time samu teases reader, you know what i mean?
osamu's daughters were put on this earth to humble him LOL
god forbid this man forgets to do a chore that you asked him. he's sitting down in the living room trying to watch tv and one of the girls goes "hmm funny that you're watching sports, considering mom asked you to do the laundry an hour ago" before going to her room sksksk
he tries to tease his wife like old times and his daughters collectively are like "i KNOW you're not talking!!" before ending his whole career LMAO
also wouldn't osamu pull a whole bob's burgers and make his kids work in the onigiri shop?? 🤭
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kisses4suna · 2 years
hello! i love your works so much, they are very comforting. i was wondering if i could request something where reader feels really self conscious about how she dresses in public and when she steps out of her comfort zone and atsumu comforts her?
comforting you ! #
☆ featuring. atsumu x fem!reader
a/n. i loveeee this ideaaa, thank u for the request !! im sorry if this seems so rushed im just in a hurry todayyy :((
before you and atsumu started dating, or even started talking at all, you already noticed the way he flirted with girls- the way he had a type. the clothes they’d wear, the hair they’d style, and you’d notice him talking to them more.
you’ve been dating for a while now, but you can’t help but overthink a little then and now, why’d he even ask to be your boyfriend? out of everyone why would he choose you, there’s nothing special about you. was what you thought, but atsumu always begs to differ.
‘he could have anyone he wants. so why me?’ you always thought. being with atsumu makes you happy- but being with him made everything harder for you.
the more you spent time with him at school, the more glares you’d get from his fans. there’d be times where you walk through the halls of inarizaki and all you’d hear would be “he could do so much better”, “he’s out of her league”, “how’d she pull him?!”; and the more you heard the more insecurities piled up.
atsumu heard all this, he saw how stressed you were. “hey c’mon, don’t listen to them!! i have an idea, why don’t we have a date somewhere, yeah? to calm your nerves” he asks, bending down to your height to whisper to your ear, you looked him in the eye nodding.
he texted you where you’d be going, saying that you can wear some casual clothing there even though the restaurant is a bit fancy.
at first you listened, wearing nothing but jeans and a white tube top with a plaid flannel jacket, but while just staring into the mirror, you couldn’t help but just think of everything everyone has said, “he’s too good for her”, “she’s not even that pretty”, “how’d she pull him looking like that.”
you couldn’t get their words out of your head, all you could think about were the bad thoughts. he deserves better. you think. so you looked through your closet. atsumu was always so patient with you, and so caring, whenever you felt insecure, he’d comfort you, whenever you began overthinking too much, he’d reassure you. you never wanted to be one of those girls who change themselves to seek validation but you felt horrible, like you owed it to atsumu.
you finally found a white mini skirt, pairing it with a white lace top. you changed up your hair, brushing it and adding some more makeup than you usually put on. better. you thought. you were always cautious of what you wore in public, but you wanted to try something new. if not for you, then for him. he texted you that he was waiting outside, so grabbing your purse, you looked at the mirror one last time before you gulped, feeling way out of your comfort zone with your clothes.
you headed outside your door, it was so cold but if this is what made you look like the girls that are all over ‘tsumu, then hell you’d wear it no matter what. “hey pretty, aren’t ya cold?, here take my jacket.” he says, removing his and putting it on you. he opens your door and places his hand above the car roof, making sure you don’t hit your head on the way in. he opens his door, getting into the car, “hey, i like your outfit, you look so gorgeous baby” he says, turning to plant a kiss on your cheek, “thanks ‘tsumu”, you say with a small smile on your face.
“you alright though? this isn’t what ya usually wear, i thought i said casual wearing”, he says looking at you curiously, your eyes widen a little and quickly, he fixes what he said, “i mean- don’t get me wrong ya look so cute! it’s just- i mean aren’t ya cold?! i don’t want ya to get sick-“ he says worryingly, “i’m fine ‘tsumu, thanks though! i jus’ wanted to dress up for you a bit i guess..”, you say looking down, slightly embarrassed.
he sighs, “y/n what’s wrong? is somethin’ up? i could tell when somethin’s wrong, you can tell me if ya want!” he says gently, cupping your cheeks. “it’s just- i don’t know! i mean, i just feel bad.. y’know?” you say, sighing a little while frowning, “what’dya mean ya feel bad ?” he asks.
“‘tsumu, you could have anyone you want, why would you wanna be with me ? i’m not even half as pretty as the girls who confess to you! i mean i’m nothing special!”, you say, small tears in your eyes, you push his hand off your cheek and turn your head towards the window, avoiding him.
he doesn’t take his eyes off you, he brings his hand to take yours, intertwining his fingers with yours and locking your palms together, “i don’t think ya understand how much i love ya y/n, i don’t care about anyone else i only want ya. yer’ nothing like those girls, you are special. yer’ like ten times prettier than those pigs!! and yer’ perfect, i don’t care what ya wear! as long as your comfortable. and ya look beautiful y/n.” he says, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles. “‘m sorry ‘tsumu..” you say, turning your head towards him. he frowns at the small tear leaking from your eye, he drags his other hand across your face, wiping the tear. “don’t be.. now let’s go on our date, but i mean it y/n, ya really are special to me, and ya’ look real beautiful tonight”, he says, pulling you in for a kiss. you give him a smile, feeling better about what you’re wearing.
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homosubtext · 2 years
rey my darling!! ✨
you’re my go to zodiac person so I was wondering if you had to pick haikyuu characters to represent your sun, moon, and rising signs (the characters signs don’t have to match) who would you pick?
much love to you 💖
my dear evie !!!
ooooo i love this question thank u for asking. so my sun sign is aries, my moon sign is leo, and my rising sign is virgo.
aries - sakusa kiyoomi
he is a fucking aries no one can convince me otherwise. aries are usually very honest and blunt and i mean,,,, come on,,,, that’s sakusas whole thing. and the difficulty in expressing emotions ? hello? i think he’s also stubborn, hard headed, and impatient. but he’s also passionate about the things he loves and he goes for what he wants. (i would also say nishinoya is an aries but just bc he seems feral in the way only an aries can be)
leo - miya atsumu
this one is hard bc i don’t see osamu as a leo in the same way atsumu is. but atsumu is definitely a leo. the confidence, the vanity, loves being the center of attention. the drama of it all,,,,,, everything about atsumu just screams leo to me
virgo - akaashi keiji
virgos always just strike me as smart people who can think quickly on their feet and i think akaashi fits that. i think virgos are stereotypically very organized which is the only trait i think akaashi doesn’t match up with, at least in the stereotypical virgo way. but akaashis ability to quickly analyze every situation and decide what to do to provide the best outcome,,,,, very virgo of him.
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atsuwumus · 5 months
Osamu Miya for the meet cute ask game? Thank youuu <3
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💌 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 . . . in a pastry shop. All week you've been battling a sweet tooth craving that wouldn't leave you alone. And on a chilly Friday morning you finally cave. With snowflakes fluttering to the ground in gentle dances you shuffle inside the café, one tucked away in the corner of your street, the only place with a reputable reputation for making something sweet and filling.
There are two half tired baristas on shift today and you step up to the open counter, ready to order the fresh dorayaki you saw in the shop window. But the moment those string of words leave your lips you hear it being echoed back to you from the silhouette of the man standing next to you in line.
"I'm sorry but the dorayaki has been sold out today, there's only one serving left," the cashier mumbles, tilting her head to the man standing beside you at the other till.
He seemed to have noticed the little predicament, raising one of his brows before he says to the cashier, "We'll take that one to share, thank you."
Bold, you can't help but think. But sharing it is at least better than not having any at all.
When you fish out your wallet to pay the man gently nudges your hand out of the way, stepping in front of you to pay. You want to blame the erratic pitter patter of your heart on the cold weather but his presence is warm and inviting — he faintly smells like onigiri.
"Thank you, by the way," you call after him softly as he makes his way over to a wooden table tucked away in the corner, one closest to the fireplace that crackles with a cozy invitation to come closer.
He smiles softly, a kind tug of his lips and bows his head as you gingerly sit down across from him. "Don't mention it."
"I'll have to pay you back somehow," you insist.
He ponders it for a moment before he says, "Come visit me at Onigiri Miya someday. I guarantee I'll satisfy your tastebuds far better than this place."
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koukamisstuff · 11 months
Haikyuu Scenarios 💌
Scenario: Love Language Series - Acts of Service *SMAU Version*
Characters: Asahi, Matsukawa, Tsuki, Kita, Osamu
Genre: fluff, romance
Koukami Scenarios: Scenarios 🎟
Current inspiration for this 1st part has been Seventeen's Imperfect Love and this Chinese drama I've been obsessed with 😭
♡Asahi Azumane ♡Matsukawa Issei
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♡Tsukshima Kei ♡Kita Shinsuke ♡Osamu Miya
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Masterlist - Next Part *pending*
Author's Note : Heyyy everyone!! I know I've been gone for so long, I apologize life just really won these last few months. I've felt so bad not being able to update but the inspiration was blocked 😔 There was a lot going on and even after one thing, something else came up, I had to take time for everything to work itself out. But I'm glad to say that things are slowly getting better and my inspiration to write is coming back.
I'll be continuing my other series and promise to have something up shortly. For now please enjoy this mini SMAU series I'm releasing about the types of Love Languages in our haikyuu boys. If you have any request you'd like to see done in this scenario please comment, or dm me would love to try and get this done for you. 😊 This is dedicated to everyone who I've kept waiting, thank you all for your continued patience and support ❤️
Haikyuu Master Taglist:*OPEN* @onelostgirl @passionateuchiha @kenkenmaaa @notsoholychibichan @ray-lol
*To be added to the general taglist for Haikyuu Scenarios just send an ask,PM or comment
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the Haikyuu characters or the artwork used. I fully credit those who deserve the amazing works provided throughout my stories. I also don't own the images used and the credit belongs to those who have taken them.
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busou-da-jp · 1 year
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septemberkisses · 4 months
Ultraviolet (UV) light can have negative effects on oil paintings, as it can cause fading and discoloration of the pigments over time. UV light can also cause the paint to become brittle and crack, as well as cause the canvas or other support material to degrade.
Exposure to UV light can be especially harmful to paintings that contain certain pigments, such as vermilion, ultramarine, and cobalt blue. These pigments are more sensitive to UV light and can fade more quickly than other pigments.
To protect oil paintings from the damaging effects of UV light, it is important to display them in a location that is free from direct sunlight or other sources of UV radiation. If a painting must be displayed in an area with UV light, it can be protected with UV-blocking filters or UV-resistant glass. It is also a good idea to periodically check the condition of the painting and take steps to protect it if necessary.
In addition to protecting oil paintings from UV light, it is also important to keep them away from heat sources and humid environments, as these can also cause damage to the paint and support material. Proper storage and handling can help preserve the condition and longevity of an oil painting.
Wait wait wait! Let me bring my notebook so that I can make notes 🏃🏻‍♀️📝🖼️
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shimzus · 2 years
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@kainan​​ sent : 💌 – a wedding kiss from atsumu O_O!... time to seal the deal and settle down.. become a family man.. a family guy
on a day like today , the world could probably crumble around her , and shimizu wouldn’t mind it. in some ways , the ground was already starting to crack—— hitoka-chan ran into her dressing room, red and panting for breath , to relay the news that bokuto-san had broken two different chairs trying to stand up on them for a better view of the altar , and that she was pretty sure atsumu and his brother were fighting in the other room given the ‘unrepeatable words’ she’d heard from he door. with any luck , someone might eat their cake before the reception ever started , or hitoka-chan would faint from nerves…
but at this point , shimizu doesn’t really mind. hitoka-chan is behind her on stage , so she can’t see her friend tense with nerves; bokuto-san has been wrangled by akaashi-san ( a good idea to invite him as support , she deems ); and only she can see atsumu’s brother making faces behind his back. if they brawl later , that’s fine. but right now , the only thing that would set atsumu off would probably be if she said ‘ no ’ after his vows.
which , admittedly , would be amusing to her , but she won’t be doing it. because for as much as she frowns and squints at him—— including frowning and squinting at the giant box he hid in for her birthday or the cheerleading costumes he pressed so long in support of—— she likes him. if she didn’t , then she would’ve said ‘ no ’ much earlier , when he actually asked to go through with this. she hopes he knows how significant the ‘ yes ’ she actually gave is.
but when all is said and done , and they’re given the cue to kiss in front of all their friends and family , shimizu—— or... miya , now , she supposes—— gets her one last bit of fun in. she scoots forward with the smallest footsteps possible , making sure that by the time her head is lifting to give him a kiss , her foot is stepping on his at the same time.
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she pulls away , eyes wide with feigned concern. it mellows to a calm , deviously nonchalant expression as she apologizes :   “   ... did i step on you ? ... my bad.   ”
if she’s going to let the world go to hell around her on her wedding day , and not mind it , then she should at least contribute a little to that mess , shouldn’t she ?
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
I know bully!samu’s first kids weren’t planned. He insisted on waiting at least until the business ran smoothly to indulge the reader. But he HORNY and reader forgets to take BC all the damn time. Cue a face planing Samu and a sheepish but pregnant reader (atsumu is cackling in the background). Osamu sighs as he cradles a brat (who no doubt got her attitude from her father) in one arm while answer business calls with the other. (i typed this three times and it got deleted again and again 😭)
samu's really wanted to be more ready to become a dad but when you showed him that positive pregnancy test he'd be lying if he wasn't excited while also in the same breath saying "i fuckin' told ya so" bc you forgot your birth control AGAIN.
ughhhhhh samu holding his lil bby while taking calls i'm so 😭
he proposes at the baby shower!!!!! he was planning on proposing to you ages ago but you went and got knocked up LMAO now his brother is making jokes about a "shotgun wedding" sksksksk
and bc you're a dumb crybaby, when you're alone you're like "so did you only propose bc i'm pregnant?" and samu swears he can feel a migraine coming on bc he tells you for the millionth time "no, baby, i promise" 🤭
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the-oboe-hobo · 3 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💜 >:>
ooh fun! We’re just doing my spotify on repeat cause I haven’t made a general playlist in a hot minute. Predictions: there will be anime and there will be two door cinema club (my favorite band who I recently finally got to see live!! I’ve loved them for like 10 years now it was fantastic 😊)
Trouble Adjusting - Miya Folick
Party!! - Ryokuoushoku Shakai
ummm the first song from the end of jjk0 I regrettably cannot copy the characters out of spotify and I do not know how to type them this is fine. (I know at least you know what this is lol) - King Gnu
Adulthood - Jukebox the Ghost
Anytime Anywhere - milet
Okay cool so no tdcc just a lot of anime (idk why jjk0 is still in there but otherwise. can you tell who currently consumes my brain lol) and also mental illness (should have been my third prediction tbh. I will always be insane about adulthood tho. who gave them the right. truly changed something in my then late college brain)
Seriously though thank youuu!! Hope you enjoy my silly little list :)
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chimielie · 6 months
lia!! i come here with a jar of honey 🍯 for no reason other than i find the emoji so cute 🥺 but i also have a little note for you!!! 💌
i am so grateful for your dedication to The Man To Ever, Iwaizumi Hajime, and how you are truly the iwa nation hero 🥺 u have kept us all so fed and full thru ur writings for him despite the hq drought 😭 and the way you write too!! am obsessed!! 🥹 am so thankful we’ve become friends as well!! i’ve always found you so funny and your personal posts/side comments/authors notes always give me a good giggle 😭
since this is gratitude themed, i also want to ask you!! what’s something you’re thankful for right now? 🥹 i hope this weekend is wonderful to you!! 🫶🏻
aaahhh the emoji IS cute (like u)!!!
THE man to EVER!!!!!! ahh thank u so much i am literally just overflowing w love for him and grateful to share that with our lil iwa lover community sjdjsjdj!! and me too!! i really look forward to ur asks and comments and i’m glad u (very entertaining and funny - i love ur talk tag!!!) think i’m funny sjhsijdkd i’m just saying bullshit all the time hahahah
i’m thankful for good food HAHAH and for the writing community on here :-) whenever i write smth that strikes a chord w people it’s always so nice to see comments about their reactions and stuff and what they took away from it (and i can never predict what it’ll be? this is the second time a lot of people have taken a miya bros shitpost i made and ran with it LOL) and it’s just so fun to be on here posting about the same volleyboys for years lol.
i’m also thankful for common pigeons bc today at breakfast they were swarming me and i cried bc of that post about how we domesticated them and then decided we don’t need them anymore and gave them some of my breakfast 😭😭 like just thankful for their persisting existence. u know?
what about you? hope you have a fun or restful weekend lined up :)))
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atsuwumus · 5 months
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₊˚⊹♡ in light of the recent success of the meetcute drabble with dr ratio, I've decided to open up an ask game for it where you have the chance to learn about your meetcute with your favorite hubbies!! you're welcome to enter more than once but character repeats are not allowed.
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send me one of your favorite blorbos from one of the following fandoms:
₊˚⊹♡ my hero academia
₊˚⊹♡ jujutsu kaisen
₊˚⊹♡ genshin impact
₊˚⊹♡ honkai star rail — veritas ratio.
₊˚⊹♡ love and deepspace
₊˚⊹♡ call of duty
₊˚⊹♡ haikyuu — osamu miya
₊˚⊹♡ attack on titan
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daosies · 7 months
requesting rules
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fandoms i write for: jujutsu kaisen, genshin impact, honkai star rail, blue lock, my hero academia, love and deepspace
currently accepting requests for:
— no nsfw, pregnancy, or parenthood
— the reader of my fics will be gender neutral, so please make sure your request is able to be interpreted as such :)
— two characters max!
— pt. 2 is never going to happen :(
— please feel free to ask whether or not i'm comfy w/ writing smth!
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additional notes: i am quite selective w/ writing requests and will only write for something that i have motivation for as to ensure utmost quality 💌
characters i write for:
jujutsu kaisen: okkotsu yuta, inumaki toge, fushiguro megumi, nanami kento, zenin maki, miwa kasumi
genshin impact: all playable characters except for the children, mika, & childe
honkai star rail: all playable characters (+ sunday) but blade, boothill, gallagher, & sampo
blue lock: nagi seishiro, itoshi rin, isagi yoichi
my hero academia: todoroki shoto, tamaki amajiki, nejire hado, yaoyorozu momo
love and deepspace: xavier, rafayel
haikyuu: ushijima wakatoshi, kageyama tobio, sakusa kiyoomi, miya osamu, akaashi keiji, yachi hitoka, kita shinsuke, kenma kozume, kuroo tetsurou, oikawa tooru
wind breaker: kaji ren, hayato suo
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request queue:
jealous xavier
cyno sprained ankle
Neuvillette artist reader
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wttcsms · 1 year
wttcsms welcome page !!
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hi! i'm wttcsms. you might remember me from my old (now deactivated/sadly not archived) blog, bleedinqhearts. i'm 21 and would appreciate for minors to dni! i don’t really write as often as i would like to, but i usually try my best to drop new fics every month. i’m always open to chatting in my askbox or discussing any of my concepts/fics! 
links ⇉ 💌 ⇉ 🧸 ⇉ 🩰 ⇉ 🎀 ⇉ 🤍 ⇉ 💖 ⇉ ☕️ ⇉ 🦭
requests are always open; whether i actually write them is a gamble lol my ask box is always open for chatting (i answer non-anon msgs quicker!!)
recently posted ✦✧ you wouldn't be the first renegade to need somebody, atsumu miya ✦✧ triple trouble, atsumu miya ✦✧ switchin' the positions for you, osamu miya ✦✧ repeat offender, hiromi higuruma
current series ✦✧ daylight, colt grice ✦✧ balancing act, satoru gojo ✦✧ sweet everything, atsumu miya
events ✦✧ oddly specific tropes (closed) ✦✧ second couple syndrome (closed)
state of the union ˗ˏˋ BLUE LOCK GIRLIE FOR LIFE, check in on how your choso girlies are doing, finals week WAS NOT my final week, i'm moving to a new apartment in june AHHH, too lazy to update my mlist, busy working on comms <3 ´ˎ˗
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( last updated may 10, 2024 )
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