#mizugumo btb
okamirayne · 7 months
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Face What I Deserve
Ouch, Kakashi…behold one most displeased and desperate copy-nin lashing out in words — or rather, trying not to unleash in action 😬. Bloody hell, poor dearly devoted Gai 😢 …another mind I’d never thought I’d take my rusty scalpel to.
And, of course, dearly dog-tired Genma wondering ‘why tf are the ones I fall for always the diehard guilt-riddled bastards with a deathwish?’ 💔 (noble causes notwithstanding)
Ah, OC cameo of Mizugumo enjoying her new lease on life 🖤
Heaven Hold Us plot beating my brainpan like a drum. Gods bless Queued posts. Might be the last one for a while, as I regenerate lost braincells and energy pennies. Insomnia remains the costly coin of my realm 😵‍💫.
I won't run, the guilt is mine / Too long denying all my crimes / Face what I deserve / Here comes judgement day
Song inspo: Judgement Day by Stealth
POV: Kakashi
Full lyrics 👇🏼
I can feel the floor shaking and the glass begin to break
The air is getting thinner with every breath that I take
The calm before the storm, you could hear the drop of a pin
Never been claustrophobic, but now the walls are closing in
I've crossed every line
Broken every boundary
And now it's retribution time, 'cause the church that I went to
It ain't that holy
So strike me down, take me away
Debts are due, it's time to pay
Face what I deserve
Here comes judgement day
I won't run, the guilt is mine
Too long denying all my crimes
Face what I deserve
Here comes judgement day
Of all the love I have taken
All the hearts I've turned to hate
Hearts are easily broken when you've being made in the shade
I've crossed every line
Broken every boundary
Now it's retribution time, 'cause the church that I went to
It ain't that holy
Strike me down, take me away
Debts are due, it's time to pay
Face what I deserve
Here comes judgement day
I won't run, the guilt is mine
Too long denying all my crimes
Face what I deserve
Here comes judgement day
Standing at the gate
Ready to meet my fate
Cleanse my soul if it's not too late
So bring on judgement day
Strike me down, take me away
Debts are due, it's time to pay
Face what I deserve
Here comes judgement day
I won't run, the guilt is mine
Too long denying all my crimes
Face what I deserve
Here comes judgement day
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okamirayne · 1 year
Hi Rayne, I'm such a big fan of your writing! I've read the BtB series three times now and I'm always taken aback how amazing it is. Your talent is astounding! That series is one of my biggest writing influences and a safe place.
I hope this is not a rude question, but I wanted to ask you about your original work. Can you tell us readers and fans something about it (the world, the theme, some characters)? I know you're currently in a burnout which must suck and you should take all the time you need, but I (as many others, I'm sure) would love to know a bit about it. I'm a curious kitty, what can I say? Give a sis some details, I'm dying over here lol
Jokes aside, I wish you all the best. Forever a fan and an admirer! <3
...*reads, unsuspecting and unprepared*....
........... *takes a moment*
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2 mins later...
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So yeah, my attempt to compose a response within the same day as reading your message utterly failed, Anon. I needed more time to contain myself.
Firstly Sweetheart, I'm so thankful for your incredibly warm, personal, and downright amazingly supportive feedback. I am so chuffed you feel that way about the BtB series, and that it is a crazy ride you're happy to revisit! Thank you for giving it that love. <3
I hope this is not a rude question, but I wanted to ask you about your original work.
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Can you tell us readers and fans something about it (the world, the theme, some characters)? I know you're currently in a burnout which must suck and you should take all the time you need, but I (as many others, I'm sure) would love to know a bit about it. I'm a curious kitty, what can I say? Give a sis some details, I'm dying over here lol
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*gets steamrolled by her feels*
Yep. Lost that battle.
Oh my dear, Curious~Kitty Anon...please know, there is no universe, within the great multiverses of existence, in which your question qualifies as rude. I am moved beyond measure by your interest in my original works...I mean, if I get the warm glowy fuzzies from your interest in BtB....can you imagine what kind of supernova goes off inside my writer's heart when you express interest in my Original Works, worlds, and characters?
Do you know what that does to my crumbling British decorum?
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*behold crumbling British decorum*
Seriously though, you're an absolute sweetheart. I NEVER presume interest in my originals, which is why when a reader expresses interest...I experience myself at the event horizon of a beautiful meltdown (the good kind)...
Wow...where to start to even begin to answer your question(s)? Tropes sounds like the easiest way to go, as it's a really underrated way of bringing clarity...ha, kind of like AO3 hashtags/tags.
The world: There are several worlds floating within the dark matter inhabiting my brain, namely three big-world series I want to write in my lifetime. Though the most present WIP is the world from which Tsubasa Hibari, Tsubasa Kitori, Mizugumo, and a few other BtB cameo OCs originate. Needless to say, it's a fictional world inspired by Far East Asia; in NO way meant to represent any historical portrayal (given that it's got anachronistic elements), though leaning heavily on, and inspired by, the relevant tropes of certain eras of those times (such as samurai, ninja, feudal society, etc.). Throw in characters enhanced by a vital-energy magical system based on Asian (namely Chinese/Taoist) philosophy (not dissimilar to many fictional 'magic' systems, such as Kishimoto's Indian/East Asian inspired "chakra" system but not as high-fantasy in nature -- which is why I'd classify mine as magical-realism rather than pure fantasy)
The theme: ragtag group of heroes/anti-heroes/questionable-moral-compass-people, unite and embark upon (a.k.a. are reluctantly thrown into) an insane adventure/quest/wild-ass-ride-or-die-mission to save a divided world that is fast going down the crapper. Time is of the essence, and all that nail-biting jazz. Loyalty. Betrayal. Love. Hate. Angst. Humour. War. Passion. High-road or low-road moral drama. Oorah! I mean, hell, you've read BtB...so you know how I roll with the glorious trainwreck of humanity and enjoy stopping at all its crazy stations.
Some characters: Well you've met one of the main characters already (albeit it an extremely watered-down or BtB-altered version), Tsubasa Hibari, along with his crazy mama, Kitori, and his power-drunk father and sociopathic uncle, Fukuro and Ozuku. Although within their own world, they are of samurai/daimyo class...which would make Hibari a rōnin, rather than a rogue-nin (lol). Mizugumo features, as a ninja, and is still peddling her various poisons, little pink-pills of paradise, purgatory, and perdition. Other OCs abound, and some monikers among the characters will be familiar to BtB readers, such as the inescapable "lovebird".
I know, I've trope-ified the shit out of things, but you know what? It works. Or maybe it doesn't and Curious~Kitty is thinking "Rayne, wtf? That doesn't tell me shit." ...in which case, I gotta revise my entire "AO3 TAG" approach...and invite you to ask me whatever you want to know (my only caveat being any non-response from me is based on the grounds of SPOILER ALERT, 'HERE THERE BE DEMONS' or "IT'S A SURPRISE"...)
Thank you.
Thank you sincerely and supremely, for the amazing show of kindness, interest, love, and all-round super awesome support. And bless you, also, for your consideration of my being presently stuck in the ass-end of burnout. Messages such as yours lift my heart from that smoking black pit and grant me a flicker of the old writer's fire. That flame WILL catch again and when it does it will be in no small part thanks to readers such as yourself, who reached out like a hand in the dark. Big love here. I am an atomic wreck of appreciation. Thank you. <3
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okamirayne · 2 years
So just read BtB and my hearts in pieces on the floor , please take responsibility :c Who would have thought Neji and Shikamaru?? I m so glad i read it . Mizugumo story line is so hauntingly beautiful , And naoki my poor boy naoki had me in tears the entire time , i have never been emotionally invested in an original character. I love your writing so much,Thank you Thank you. I hope your burnout gets better but if it doesn’t thats okay too. PS i am going back 2reread your entire fanficareer <3
So just read BtB and my hearts in pieces on the floor , please take responsibility
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Mea culpa, my dear Anon, mea culpa. Daww, thanks for sticking with it despite the angsty angsting. *brings you tea/coffee/cocoa/insert-your-poison-here and cookies*
Mizugumo story line is so hauntingly beautiful , And naoki my poor boy naoki had me in tears the entire time , i have never been emotionally invested in an original character.
Ok you slayed me with that...I need a moment...
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....heart a gooey puddle of uselessness. We're even now. ;) Seriously though, I am always deeply touched and so happy when readers feel invested in the canon characters...but the feeling I get when someone connects with an OC?? I can't even get the words straight in my head, let alone line them up to form a coherent sentence....honestly, the impact of hearing that right now? While I'm in this shitty burnout, means everything. May you receive this wonderful feeling you've gifted me with tenfold in your own life when you need it <3
Thank you for your wishes of recovery regarding my burnout...and also for the reassurance you expressed if I'm still struggling with it and not making the headway I'd hoped. You're incredibly empathetic to express that and I won't forget it. <3
PS i am going back 2reread your entire fanficareer <3
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okamirayne · 4 years
Hi Rayne!! Just finished (yet another) re-read of BtB, and I don't think I've cried this hard in a long, long time - it was very cathartic. But, feels aside, I was wondering if you could tell us a bit more about Karibi? She's fascinating and I'm just dying to know more! (Sorry if this has been asked before!!)
Hi there, my lovely Anon!
Apologies for the delayed response. Aw, luv.  Always so, so chuffed to learn someone has revisited the series and even more touched to know it hits you in the feels <3.
But, feels aside, I was wondering if you could tell us a bit more about Karibi? She's fascinating and I'm just dying to know more! (Sorry if this has been asked before!!)
Karibi! <3 Firstly, no, this hasn’t been asked before, so imagine my excitement regarding an OC ASK -- can you picture it? TREBLE IT. XD 
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Another dear Anon asked about Naoki in a previous ASK and I thank you for your expressed interest in Karibi! It’s a funny one because I have two Karibi OCs -- the edited version I inserted into BtB and the original, original version. Given that we’re talking about BtB Karibi...let me rewire my character brain a moment and firmly draw a line or two...or twelve....
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Right! A Third War orphan, Karibi grew up in the orphanage outside of Konoha and proved to be quite a handful over the years given her feisty nature, constant escape-attempts, insistence on dressing and behaving like a boy (for which she earned consistent bullying and beatings), and her rough-housing free-for-all scraps with other kids -- as well as her routine habit of stealing food from the kitchens to give to a stray dog who constantly hung around the outskirts of the orphanage. It was easier for her to attach herself this dog than other kids who came and went, just like the voluntary care-givers. Her mischief-making, stealthy tactics, “never stay down” stubbornness and streetwise attitude soon caught the attention of a retired Konoha ANBU veteran (a patron of the orphanage) who interrupted a violent fight between Karibi and a group of local boys who’d stoned the dog to death. Observing how fiercely she fought (always getting up when knocked down) despite being outnumbered and beaten, the ANBU veteran recognized her potential, promptly adopted her, and trained her in ninjutsu, genjutsu and chakra control.
Their relationship was close, until it wasn’t.
Advancing quickly through the academy and ranks – winning zero friends along the way – she was soon put forward for ANBU by her adopted father, who immediately cut his ties to her, damaging an already tentative trust. Intended as a solo agent, she was immediately assigned to a 3-team ANBU unit named Team Yokai consisting of herself, Genma, and Naoki (Captain).
Enter in, bonding.
It was here, after a lot of boundary testing and testosterone busting, that she finally formed some hard-won emotional attachments after beating Genma and Naoki bloody in taijutsu combat – taunting them constantly to get up (“seven times down, eight times up”). While she was promptly one-upped by both in ninjutsu, her genjutsu prowess brought her right back onto an even keel with them both. Perfectly balanced, respect began to form between them – then friendship – which later led to a lover’s trine between the three of them. This was intense but short-lived; Karibi soon recognised that though she loved them both, she preferred women and also realised Genma and Naoki’s feelings for each other went a hell of a lot deeper than ‘close friends with benefits’. She knew they’d fallen for each other before either admitted it to themselves, let alone each other.
The three of them were inseparably close.
They were more than her friends or comrades – they were her family.
They kept each other going.
Karibi allowed Naoki to establish a permanent telepathic link with her whereas Genma only allowed it during missions and in the bedroom. Karibi kept her mind open to Naoki always, though he never intruded until years later after being listed as Killed In Action.
His death blew a hole in their world.
Their team was dismantled.
They would not accept another Captain.
To make matters worse, due to the unbroken telepathic link and the resulting ghost of Naoki’s presence in her head, Karibi never truly believed Naoki had died and her adamant ‘denial’ of this ‘fact’ created a heart-breaking rift between her and Genma.
This rift between them grew darker and wider as Genma turned to solo deep-cover missions and Karibi turned to drink when she wasn’t neck-deep in assassinations and a failed “could’ve been” relationship. And then one day the edge of all the smashed glass bottles in her life looked very, very tempting.
Genma found her, just in time – the first time at least.
Treated and cleared of suicide risk, Karibi was soon diagnosed as schizophrenic given the “voice” of her dead Captain in her head and this threatened her position in the ANBU – but her brokenness caught Danzō’s interest.
After a failed attempt to recover her relationship with her civilian lover and unable to mend the rift between herself and Genma, she signed on for a ROOT initiation mission – which sadly finished what she’d started with the bottle – though it was an impulsive and sudden decision rather than a deeply pre-meditated one. She disobeyed orders when sent into a child-trafficking operation being run out of an orphanage. This was a trigger for her. Rather than complete the ROOT mission of kidnapping a couple of kids for ROOT grooming, she murdered her ROOT partner and slaughtered the “nuns” who were supposed to be taking care of the children rather than indenturing them into the sex-trade to raise funds. When the ninja traffickers showed up, she lit the building on fire, and while the children escaped she made damned sure not one “piece of trash” running the trafficking ring got out alive.
She went down fighting in flames.
Her death was the final crippling blow to Genma. He went to Mizugumo immediately after that. Then he went to his own personal hell before Kakashi met him there in ANBU’s gutter and helped drag him out of it years later, saving him from the same fate as Karibi when he almost identically mirrored the blaze of glory tragedy with his suicide attempt in Tanzaku years later.
Random Trivia:
Karibi loved dogs and often kept an eye out for Inuzuka women looking for a bit of rough and tumble.
She dealt with a lot of possessive shit from Naoki. He was very possessive of his family/lovers and was only just about able to accept Karibi being intimate with others, even after he’d stopped sleeping with her. Genma always joked that Naoki only accepted her activities because her preference was for women, not men.
Karibi, like Naoki, felt strongly about the abuse of children, given certain illicit incidents she’d witnessed at the orphanage -- she and Genma understood Naoki’s childhood trauma and were the only ones who could handle him when he flew into a rare rage
Her favourite catchphrase was “seven times down, eight times up” (“Nana korobi, ya oki” which means “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” It means choosing to never give up hope, and to always strive for more.)
While her ANBU step-parent/mentor abandoned her in the end, she retained the green knit scarf he gifted her (the only gift she’d ever received from him other than her training and removal from the orphanage)
She began to fall for a civilian woman -- the scariest thing for her, other than losing her teammates.
Karibi’s top value was “resilience” and never giving up – which made her suicide attempt so painful for Genma to accept
She turned to Naoki for help retrieving memories about her parents – this enabled him to perfect his own kinjutsu to reverse memory erasure
She had a plethora of ear piercings and a tattoo Naoki inked on her hip
She loved various green teas
She had a crush on Kurenai – round about the same time Genma did, which made for an interesting competition between them….and a somewhat unfair irritation towards Asuma.
She was a bit of magpie in the ANBU and stole items on missions, donating them privately to the orphanage
She loved berry-picking and was very well-versed with poisons
Genma gave her chickenpox and she gave him hell for it
She almost managed to shove a spinning top up Genma’s ass – almost.
Genma accidentally broke her baby finger playing “thumb wars” and it never set properly on the joint, causing her to have a crooked little finger
Most of her illusion/genjutsu techniques focus around folklore creatures and light, which came in handy on missions dealing with highly suspicious village folk
Her dream goal was to one day be Goei Shotai to a female Hokage – a dream Genma later lived out for her when Tsunade came into power
Naoki was with her telepahtically when she died, as Genma was with Naoki when he died -- in that way, Karibi was not as alone in death as Genma always feared.
Wow, that was LONG.  Sorry, Anon! I absolutely love character-writing and development....I get carried away even if most of their story never makes it into the actual written piece. Thank you for asking about Karibi, I hope this insight gives you some answers! <3
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okamirayne · 5 years
Hey Rayne! I read in some thread someplace that you drew inspiration for BtB Genma psyche from one of your OCs and something about Mizugumo and him based on OC interaction? That's awesome! Which OC? Creative vibes~~~! xox
Hey my dear Anon!
Thanks so much for the creative vibes...we loves them! <3
[...] you drew inspiration for BtB Genma psyche from one of your OCs and something about Mizugumo and him based on OC interaction? [...] Which OC?
Yes! True. Said OC is named Arashi and he’s a touch more uh...complicated screwed-up *said with oh so much love*...than Genma. Which is saying a lot I guess! lol. There are parallels between them, but they’re very different people. I owe Arashi for giving me the insight to write antihero addicts and badass “angsters”. And yes, I’m well aware I sound mildly schizophrenic talking like that about my OCs...
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Yes again! Genma’s (and Kakashi’s) dynamic with Mizugumo was inspired/drawn from the Original Works, given that she is indeed going to feature in my novel series. Thanks for stopping by, luv! <3
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okamirayne · 6 years
Hey! I read in one of your posts that some characters in BtB got some of their quirks and stuff from your OCs. Like Genma etc. were there any other little bits that were inspired by your OCs? Hope the original wrks are going well! x
Hey there, Anon!
Thanks for the well-wishes regarding my original works. Slow and steady wins the race…I hope!
[..] were there any other little bits that were inspired by your OCs?
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Yes, indeed. Kiba calling Naruto “lovebird” is actually one such example. I have an original character who obnoxiously calls a comrade that. While the context for the “petname/insult” is different, I couldn’t resist the temptation to throw that into BtB in lieu of creating another Hanegakure character.
The Naoki-Karibi-Genma trine is based off three original characters - at least insofar as their dynamic. Naturally when writing BtB I took/take on the existing dimensions of the canon characters by researching as much about them as possible and mostly sticking true to their original form (at least as closely as possible with a lot of leeway for adding layers, changing sexual preferences, developing their character arcs and backstory etc.)
Other than the odd quirks, characters such as Mizugumo, Katsu, the Nagu, Nogusa, Shuken & Kali, the Bankon Council and all Tsubasa characters in BtB etc. are drawn directly from my original works creations - just very watered down and altered to fit the BtB fanfic and not distract too much from the story.
Thanks for the question, luv!
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