7 and 17 for the (yet another) ask game?
7. What’s a trope you love to write?
Hurt/Comfort is my main, probly, tho also I'm not even sure what tropes I tend to include in my fics, enemies to lovers? Any kinda demonic awakening/power reveal since I've done Rin's unsealing like a billion times lol Lots of cannibalism and demonic violence bc I'm a sucker for monsters and the whole fun host of metaphors that come with cannibalism lol
17. Are there any writers and/of stories that you consider an influence?
Yesss so many. Just fic authors alone, I have Maldoror_Chant, who wrote my absolute favorite fic The Arrangement that pretty much rewrote my entire brain and had some of the best action scenes of any fic I've read. Also the Break to Breathe trilogy by Okami Rayne had me emotional for like a solid month after I binged it and it's still one of my favorite Naruto fics to this day. Writing emotions and visual aspects in general was always my weak spot so when I found stories and styles that included those things I tried to focus on how they wrote so I could incorporate it into my own style.
For non-fics I'd say Anne Rice for the Vampire trilogy, Animorphs by K.A. Applegate, and pretty much all Niel Gaiman's works had a huge impact on me growing up and every time I reread them I pick up more bits I love about them.
Thanks for the ask~
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whotookmysenbon · 2 months
I'm gonna come out of hiding real quick for this: Hi Hello, I'm Sunny (aka Ray), 100% sure you figured already.
Have you read Break To Breathe by Okami Rayne? It's a beautiful, very long ShikaNeji centric fic but features my current obsession, a very complex KakaGen dynamic and...
I've made a playlist for BtB Genma and thought I'd share hehe
I’ve seen it but haven’t read it, although it’s definitely on my list! I’m a little too young for ff.net works and the way the site is set up irritates me, a bit. But it’s been on my radar for a while! And the playlist looks great, definitely cannot wait to listen to it while I read! - em
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nerisel · 7 years
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After years of fanfic rehab, I picked a Naruto one up out of curiosity because of the unsual pairing (shikaneji) and now I’ve become weeaboo trash once again. OTL
Guys if you are looking to read a deeply in depth, well developed story hop over to Break to Breathe by @okami-rayne. Seriously, I cannot recommend it enough, the writing style is so addictive and easy to read, all the characters are in character and woah, do you know how rare that is with Shikamaru?? lol It’s complete and a journey worth taking. If it was a book I’d actually buy it. Fucking A++.
Fanart for the scene in Under These Scars
Uncertain how to respond, Shikamaru stiffened in surprise when his old man reached across and touched the back of his head, drawing Shikamaru into a kind of semi-headlock with his arm hooked lightly around his son's neck, brow pressed against Shikamaru's temple. He'd done this before when Shikamaru was a kid – usually after a few rounds of saké. Easy, relaxed, tactile, messing around and dropping pearls of playful wisdom.
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teacup-tai · 3 years
Tai Recs: Crazy Looong Fics
My best friends used to have a running joke about my fanfic reading habits, saying that "Tai wouldn't touch anything shorter than 50k". Let's say they were not far from wrong. xD #facepalm
I am a sucker for really long stories. How writers provide us with a crazy amount of world building and character's development/study, and all kinds of mix of Slow Burn, Scorching UST, Brilliant Case fics, Political Plots, Adventure, Action, Beautiful Slice of Life & etc!
I devote my whole heart, gratitude and appreciation to all the Monster Writers, for such incredible long rides, for your time, hard work and for sharing this huge gifts with us!
Welcome to the: Crazy Long Fics 'Rec List! (>300k)
Drarry Favourites
TURN by Saras_girl (E, 306k)
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
A classic. No one in the Drarry fandom can go without having read, or attempted to read, Turn. The kind of fic that make you question your life and decisions. The kind of fic that don't let you go untouched.
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (T, 302k)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness.
ToF is another huge Drarry classic. It goes without saying that it will grab you and not let you leave without finishing. The angst is brilliant, the canon rewrite magnificent. A must read.
Foundations !verse (Series) by Saras_girl (E, 364k)
Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
This series is composed by 2 main fics (Reparations (87k) and Foundations (236k)) and 11 adjacent oneshots. Healer Harry wasn't something that I knew I needed until I read this. I learned so much with this universe; about being human, about learning from one's patients, about working with people. Reparations is my fave Saras_girl fic.
The Secret Language of Plants (Series) by @llendrinall (373k)
“Just… tell me. Tell me what is going on, Snape.”
What was going on was that Severus Snape had no trouble tracking down one Petunia Evans, now Dursley, to a little town in Surrey where he saw how exactly she was treating her nephew. Which somehow led to last night and Severus knocking on Lupin’s door with a toddler half-asleep in his arms.
This amazing series is composed by 4 parts, and it starts with Snape and Remus stealing and raising Harry, while falling in love with each other. It's bloody amazing how Endrina retells the story with such a nice canon rewrite, and gives us Drarry with such a nice twist <3
Tales From the Special Branch (Series) by @femmequixotic (E, 1.214k)
When Gawain Robards asks him to form Special Branch seven-four-alpha, Harry Potter knows they'll have to work outside the confines of the law--even though they are the law.
This is one of the most intertwined and interesting Drarry plots I've ever read. The amount of world-building in this 5 amazing fics is insane, the backstories to all the characters are impressive, how everything connects in such perfect way is amazing, how the plot thickens is breathtaking and the sex- lol hotter than firewhiskey. A mix of Action-politics-scorching hot smut-Slytherins being aurors-Harry Potter being a hot mess. (warning: WIP. ;_;)
Next in my to-read list:
Hush of War by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 453k)
Conscience by sordidhumor (E, 1,450k)
Blood Magic by houseofhebrideanblacks & Thestralsofspinnersend (E, 335k)
My Favourites Outside HP fandom
I'm adding 2 non-HP series, bc I honestly think it is such a loss that there are folks in the world who never read it, so here, have at it:
Death Note (L/Light)
Those Who Stand For Nothing Falls For Anything - The Hinterland Doctrine Series by @halfpromise (E, 676k). 4 fics, WIP.
Light is a politician. What could go wrong?
Look at me: this is THE BEST POLITICS AU FIC I'VE EVER READ IN MY WHOLE LIFE. This is crazy long, crazy intense, it has a very very dark sense of humour, a very narcissistic and unreliable first narrator (Light) and it is such a toxic relationship. It's a utter delight to appreciate how Laura put it so well together, this is a literary recommendation for those with a strong stomach. Check the tags. (I've read it twice)
Naruto (Neji/Shikamaru | multiship)
Break to Breathe (Series) by @okamirayne (E, 1.240k). ffnet | AO3
Neji has always been in control. There's just one problem. It's killing him - and only Shikamaru can tell. But sometimes being pulled back from the edge is just as dangerous as being pushed there.
If you like Naruto and deep psychological plots, you should read this masterpiece. BtB is one of the biggest loves of my life. It should be published in a big editing house! xD Ninjas gone deep and real and raw and in love! This is a monsterfuck rollercoaster wrapped up in 4 books (1.240k). Rayne does a really good job in delving her fingers in the characters and making them hers but never making them OOC. Now my favourite Monster Writer is back and giving us a bit more of deep angsty-post-war-vibes <3
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tboesart · 4 years
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Well this was totally out of left field but I decided to do a fanart of my favorite Naruto fic Break to Breathe by @okamirayne over on ao3 and ffnet lololol still too much of a coward to attempt hair and too lazy for any references but I got hit right in the nostalgia-feels over this fic and had to do something for it 😁
(seriously guys this fic wrecked me for like a solid month after reading. I was a changed person 😂 highly recommend it 👌👌👌)
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Crying because Okami-Rayne followed me on Tumblr. 
And she’s an absolute angel.
Who’s crazy talented at writing. 
She inspires me.
If you haven’t read the ShikaNeji fic Break to Breathe I swear you haven’t lived yet.
I know yaoi isn’t everyones thing, and I’m also very picky when it comes to that genre. But this story is more than just a BoyXboy thing. It’s two people who have an inexplicable human connection.
Plus its heavily character driven and every Naruto character is so brilliantly portrayed and multi dimensional. 
She’s also really good at writing interesting/intriguing scenes that you just WANT to read and is sooo good at writing dialogue. 
There’s also side pairings as well including het.
And beyond just the romantic side of things there’s always one hell of an interesting plot going on.
By far the most well written/believable Fanfiction I’ve ever read. And will forever be at the top of my list of favourite fics. 
Just have your tissues ready because your heart will break.
It’s a very human experience.
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ncji · 2 years
Hey! Do you have any fanfic recs? Something angsty, something with clan politics, that sort of thing?
[ Off the top of my head? I don't know about clan politics, but most of what I've read is angst.
Okami Rayne's Break to Breathe series is a slow burn, but it will stick with you for the rest of your life. It's the first thought I have when I see ShikaNeji art. Her portrayal of both Neji and Shikamaru are
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A more modern twist on Neji is portrayed by Cel in Caged Birds. There actually is a touch of clan politics in there. Hiashi, WHY!?
I'm sorry I don't have more to offer. I don't read that much. :l ]
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okamirayne · 2 months
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Aaaand here we go! I hope those following enjoy. If you do, please consider supporting your crazy BtB traindriver by sharing your thoughts and feedback. Big love! *salutes*🫠💜
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nejibrainrot · 4 years
I’m screaming... does Okami Rayne know how much she’s done for ShikaNeji? the fandom wasn’t that big when I first got into it... but now its just a bunch of Break to Breathe stans in the tag. and i am HERE FOR IT!!!!
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bakapandy · 4 years
Just saw you like naruto! Have you ever read the fic break to breathe by okami rayne? It is the best fic I have ever read. The author is a masterful writer it is also a pairing I hadn’t thought of before (Shika x Neji) it is absolutely stunning if you ever have the urge I could not recommend it more!
Sorry, I don’t think my monoshipping ass could stomach a shika X neji fic lmao. thanks for the rec tho
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
Yandere !Shikamaru-sounds like it’s time to talk about Break to Breathe and sequels by Okami Rayne!!!!!!
Break to Breathe is a Neji/Shikamaru if anyone is interested!
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nighttimesoup · 8 years
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shadlay · 6 years
Shadlay’s FanFiction Recc List
I’ve been asked for one, so here we go. Authors and specific titles included.
DF= Dead Fic. SG= Still Going. F= Finished.
Dreaming of Sunshine: SilverQueen (SG)
A great story, that isn’t held back by the fact that it stars a self-insert. Honestly one of the best fanfictions ever.
Rain, 39 days, Kisoutengai KinYobi and Heartbeat: Mussimm (F)
Honestly some of my favourite ShikaTema stories, I like to read when I feel down. Drama, Romance, Humour and Body Swapping. I love it all.
Anaisthistos or Loveless: Iwannabeamongoose (DF)
I read this one during high school, it sadly isn’t finished but it’s still worth a read.
A Heart of Gold:  Haileyamandar (F)
Read this one aaaaages ago. Read it like it’s a Naruto movie.
https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1525520/PSITeleport - Author
Great stories, so give them a read if you like ShikaTema.
https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2218705/Kenchi618 - Author
This guy writes actiony Naruto fan fictions, several of which have Shikamaru in them. Better Left Unsaid is a good starting point if you wanna see if you like it. Warning to you, Naruto quickly becomes OP in these stories.
Oh God not Again!: Sarah1281 (F)
A Harry Potter fanfiction I read just recently. An oldy but a goody.
The Break to Breathe Series: Okami Rayne (F)
ShikaNeji might be a crack ship, and the series is a little hard to get into, but once you get to on the cusp and requiem, the story is so good, you won’t even notice the odd pairing.
And that’s all that comes to mind for now. Let me know if you give any of these a try, they all have my stamp of approval. Please remember to comment if you read a story, even if it's from 10 years ago, you never know what that kindness can do for people.
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lunarecrypt · 6 years
20 Questions
20 Questions
Tagged by @philosophical-momo
Rules: Answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people/as many people as you want to that you would like to know better
Name: Nadia
Nickname: Noodle (thanks, mother), MoonGirlNadia (literally my handle for everything)
Zodiac: Sagittarius ayyyy
Height: 5’7
Spoken languages: English and a little German but also I’m fluent in ASL
Nationality: American I guess. Can I change???
Fave fruit: CANTALOUPE
Fave season: winter. I love me some cold
Fave scent: rain probs. Also sandalwood
Fave colour: silver
Fave animal: Fox. You know that video of the fox just screeching in that dude’s backyard? That’s me.
Favourite fictional animal: MOMO. Also Appa because I need an Appa in my life.
Favourite fictional character: Todoroki Shouto from BNHA and also Itachi from Naruto because I’m a sad potato and relate too much to broken characters oops
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: teaaaaaaaa
Number of blankets: none. Let the icy void consume me.
Fave subjects: history. And psychology. So much psychology. Also English but I actually hate it? I’m just really good at it and I like to read so
When was your blog created: I’ve been here since the beginning people.
Currently watching: BNHA, that’s pretty much it since I have no life and I’m always working (save me)
Favourite band: it changes constantly but right now it’s The Score
Instrument played: do my vocal chords count?
Fave book: Stardust by Neil Gaiman but also literally anything by Sarah J Maas or Stephanie Garber
Tagged people: @iamthebonecarver @mirshroom @wyvernsnuggles @garbageisland-0 @mirioes @okami-rayne @pitviperofdoom @re-pyper
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lilai1018 · 4 years
I know... I understand.. "The incoherent roundabout" is what I usually call it. An exact representation of my thoughts when everything comes back to crash in. Questions that were left unasked. Answers that were left ungiven. Except... no one is there to go figure it out with me everytime it comes full circle.
-Shikamaru - Chapter 16, On the Cusp by Okami Rayne
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variablejabberwocky · 7 years
Shame wasn't like guilt. It was far worse than guilt. One felt guilty over an action. But shame went much deeper than that. Shame wasn't about feeling terrible over something you'd done...it was about feeling terrible about something you were.
Okami Rayne [link tw: noncon]
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