kdbl143 · 8 months
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"I'm the only one who needs to know this curry tastes bad." -Segasaki Mizuki
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27vampyresinhermind · 8 months
It was hilariously painful watching Mizuki eat that terrible curry. He’s just like “I would rather be eating shards of glass” but because Yoh is the one who served it to him, he crunches right along with those raw carrots lmao!!! Actually, he’d prolly also eat shards of glass if Yoh served them to him. And they way he was just petting him as Yoh knelt at the side of his bed!! Like an actual fucking pet!! Head pats are the highest form of affection!! We all know this to be true! And of course Yoh is confused as fuck because he’s kept in a state of perpetual confusion by their miscommunication. Like, they’re saying the same things to each other, just in different languages, and then they’re both frustrated when the other doesn’t seem to understand.
Also, that one dude saying that he wanted Mizuki to be his best man at his wedding and Mizuki was just mentally going
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was absolutely fucking hilarious. Then the chick is like “well I’m gonna marry Mizuki” and Yoh just pops out of nowhere like “you made my muse uncomfortable, you don’t deserve to be graced with his presence anymore!”
Fuck, I adore this show and it’s batshittery!
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halliescomut · 9 months
Yoh's Drawings of Segasaki
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Alright, I've got to be back in at work, but I had to talk about this really quick. I color coded the names and pronouns, because I think it reads so weird to say their names all the time, but if you just use he/him it can become confusing. So, Segasaki is Green and Yoh is Blue.
The conversation/story revolving around Yoh's drawing of Segasaki--initially I was like, makes sense, he's an artist, he likes Segasaki, ofc he would draw him. It's just a cute, fluffy little pieces of character construction and story building. But OMG!!!
Segasaki throughout the show looking at the drawings of himself by Yoh, and ESPECIALLY when they first meet and he realizes how Yoh sees him, and not in the technical how he draws his face way, but in the Neytiri, my soul recognizes your soul way. He's pretending all the time to be engaged in what his 'friend' group is doing or talking about, but he's not. He thinks he hides it well, because they've never brought it up and wouldn't they certainly notice? But Yoh did notice, and he drew it, and Segasaki is like WOAH!!
And then he comes back in the cafeteria and wants him to draw him while they're interacting, because he wants to see what Yoh sees when Segasaki isn't claustrophobic...you know??
Also, I think there was a part of him that was hoping that because Yoh could see him so well, he would see how much he means to him, how much he cares. Because then he wouldn't have to confess, because that's too scary. It's why he did all of the things to take care of Yoh in every possible way WITHOUT confessing. God, this show is so UGGGHHHHHHH!
I definitely want to go through and pick out all of the drawings of Segasaki we get to see. I remember the one he threw on the ground, and there's the cafe in ep 3 too, but I want to analyze those, but I'm in a time crunch right now.
My brain is going a hundred miles an hour over this and my ADHD is desperate for me to hyperfixate on it, but I really can't right now.
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halliescomut · 9 months
So I'm at work so I can't fully concentrate on watching the new episode of my personal weather man, but I've had the show so far playing in the background and right now I'm on episode 4.... And there's a line that Yoh says, or thinks technically, he says "I'm not a robot housekeeper that you can turn on whenever you want." Umm...my guy... this man has (unintentionally) created a Pavlovian response in you where you get horny when you hear the word sunny...so...
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halliescomut · 9 months
My Personal Weatherman Ep. 6-No Subs Watch
To refresh your memory, this is me watching through the link to an un-subtitled version of My Personal Weatherman and sharing my thoughts as someone whose command of the Japanese language is based on illegally downloaded Sailor Moon episodes circa 2002. Spoilers may occur, but it is UNLIKELY that they will be the result of dialogue. Let's go...
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-Mizuki with the glasses....that's so cute.
-Wow dude, you hide like fucking Scooby Doo. (Sidenote: does anyone actually believe that Yoh doesn't know the tracker is there? Especially if it's like the next day? He knows and he left it there.)
-Segasaki is so pitiful. Yoh is equally pitiful.
-Mr. Man-san is definitely just eavesdropping and pretending to read. I'm certain of it.
-And I was correct.
-FLASHBACK!!! Yay! I was so excited to see their beginning. I get it Yoh...We all get it.
-Goddamn Mizuki in these soft cardigans....I shall perish!!!
-This flashback is so cute, Yoh is drawing him, which is so precious, but it's also kinda crazy how they feel younger, especially Yoh.
-Oh no! Yoh has been perceived! It is the beginning of the end for him.
-I'm guessing this is some upperclassmen respect/hazing whatever, and they sent him to go buy snacks so they wouldn't have to.
-Haha...I'm pretty sure Yoh admitted to knowing Mizuki's name because he's been watching him. So cute.
-That whisper...I'm wearing headphones and I got shivers. But also...have we heard him call him Mizuki in the series before? I feel like he sticks to Segasaki, but I could be misremembering.
-This man's backpack straps are way too loose, it's distracting me.
-Segasaki (or his actor...both?) have the cutest lil nose.
-I am somehow now more frustrated with Yoh's belief that Segasaki doesn't really love him. That man could not have been more obvious 3 years ago.
-I feel bad for Segasaki, he hates this so much.
-Mr. Man-san feels so kind. I need them to start going on double dates as soon as Segasaki and Yoh get their shit together.
-Oh no....I fear a misunderstanding is about to occur.....
-Behind the fucking sheer curtain Yoh??? Both of you must be awful at hide and seek.
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-Well I can't wait to translate that onscreen text later, I'm sure it was hilarious.
-IDK what Segasaki said, but I'm gonna guess it's something like "Don't you know I've been worried about you?" We'll see if I'm right.
-Mr. Man-san....the only appropriate reaction my guy, honestly.
-Apology, I understood that.
-Their manga versions are so cute. I might actually buy the source manga.
-Hmm....that was an interesting reaction....
-I guess he didn't know about the tracker...my guy have you not opened your bag this whole time??
-I still kinda hate this weathergirl. I know it's pretty anti-feminist of me, but I just can't with her.
-Poor Mizuki looked like he was about to have a fit....and Yoh knows that was not his on-camera persona....I do love that they show how well they know each other, even if they can't communicate for shit.
Well this was fun. And far too short. I'm so bummed this series is only 8 episodes, I need at least triple that.
Oohhh...more flashbacks next week too....and rain kisses....hot.
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