#mj is rocky's favorite hyung its a Fact
astrorarepairs · 7 years
rocky acting cute for mj, backhugging him, squishing his tummy, trying to hold his hand, and biting him
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wonjeonwrites · 4 years
remember || yoon sanha
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pairing: music producer!reader x idol!sanha
summary: in which YN finally achieves all of her dreams; to make music and to see Yoon Sanha again. 
warnings: all fluff 
word count: 2.1k
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“we’re so glad you’ve accepted our offer, YN!” Mr. Kang beams, leading the way down the brightly lit hallway.
We walk past a few closed doors before stopping at one. The door was painted a clean white and had a blank name plate to the right of it. 
“Here we are,” Mr. Kang hands me a key card and gestures to the door, “I figured you’d like to do the honors of opening the door to your studio.”
I smile and take the card, slipping it gently into the slot and pulling it back out. The door beeps and clicks, causing my smile to grow wider. 
I push the door open and walk in slowly, taking in my surroundings. Since I haven't moved my stuff in yet, the room is bare, besides a desk and a chair. 
“It isn't much,” Mr. Kang sheepishly mutters, walking in behind me, “But we wanted to consult you before decorating it. We figured you’d want to have free reign over how it’d be decorated.”
“It’s a great office,” I whisper, walking around the room, “How soon can I bring my equipment in?” 
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knock knock 
“Come in!” I call out from where I was sitting on the floor. 
It was 8AM. After getting the key and settling in yesterday, I was eager to move all my equipment in and begin making music. Today, I had decided to put my desk together and bring in all my necessary gear. 
“Hello?” A cheerful voice chirps from the door of my studio. 
I peer up from behind my desk and see two men at the door. They both seem to be about 5′9″ and were both smiling widely. One bigger than the other. 
“Hi?” I respond back quietly with a questioning tone. 
My shyness always did come out during the worst times. 
The two men shuffle in and the blonde one extends a hand out to help me up to my feet. 
“I’m JinJin and,” He introduces with a deep yet playful voice. 
“And I’m MJ! You must be YN!!” The other male interrupts, earning a death glare from JinJin. 
I recognize his voice as the one from earlier. 
“Yes, that’s me,” I smile softly, shaking both their hands, “You guys are ASTRO!”
“Wah! You know us??” MJ gawks, his eyes opening even wider. 
“Yes, I’m actually an AROHA,” I shyly admit, looking back down to my feet. 
“Well that makes things so much more better!” JinJin cheers, clapping his hands together, “We wanted to come in and meet you, but the others seem to be running a bit late.” 
“That’s totally fine,” I reassure, offering them a seat on the sofa. 
I’m glad I chose to bring it in today. 
The two men gladly sit on the sofa and start making small talk with me as I return to setting up my desk. 
“I wonder where Sanha is?” I question myself, plugging wires in and organizing them neatly behind my desk. 
When I had received the job offer from Fantagio Entertainment, I was ecstatic. Making music was my favorite thing to do and I can't believe that at 19 years old, I’m the youngest songwriter under Fantagio. 
Another reason why this job had me jumping for joy was the fact that one of the members of ASTRO, Yoon Sanha, was my childhood best friend. 
Ever since we were little kids, Sanha and I were inseparable. We were neighbors and spent our whole childhood together. It all changed in 2012, when Sanha left to become a trainee. My heart was crushed. 
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“YN! Let’s go! Sanha is leaving soon,” My mum calls down from the living room. 
My face immediately falls into a frown as I throw on a random hoodie, probably Sanha’s, and trudge down the stairs and out of the house. 
As soon as I step onto the driveway, I look to my right and see Sanha struggling to fit a suitcase into the boot of the car. I laugh and jog over, helping him shove the bag into the already packed boot. 
“Thanks, Tiny,” He laughs, leaning over and kissing my forehead. 
Standing at 5′0″, I was a falling behind in the height department in comparison to Sanha’s impressive 5′7″. I blush as I swat him away. 
“Yah! You only do that to remind me how short I am,” I pout, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Of course! And when I reach 6 feet, you’ll be absolutely tiny,” He rasps out, his prepubescent voice slightly cracking. 
“It’s time to go, honey,” Sanha’s mom chimes in, sending me a soft smile, her eyes already glossed over and wet with fresh tears. 
My stomach drops as I finally come to terms with today. My best friend is leaving. Leaving to start his new life. Leaving to chase his dreams. 
My eyes start to sting as Sanha pulls me into a tight embrace, stroking my hair gently. I respond by wrapping my arms around his waist as tight as possible. This will probably be the last time I'll get to have him like this. Today, he’s no longer my Sanha. With his talent and determination, I don't doubt Sanha debuting as idol. He was made to perform. 
Soon enough, he’d be Fantagio’s Sanha, then South Korea’s Sanha, then the World’s Sanha. I could no longer hog him and keep him all to myself. No matter how much I loved him. 
“I’ll call you every single night and text you any important updates as much as I can,” He promises, pulling back and bringing his hands up to cup my face. 
His thumbs reach up and brush away the stream of tears before leaning down and placing a kiss on my forehead. 
“I love you, YN,” He cries, looking directly at me, “I know it sounds so stupid, but when we get older, find me. Please remember me.” 
My tears fall even faster as I struggle to respond. I simply nod and pull him into one last hug before his mum calls out, claiming that they needed to beat the rush hour. 
Sanha sighs deeply before letting me go. He looks at me one last time before turning and getting inside the car. He closes the door, but rolls the window down. 
“I love you, Tiny!” He yells, as his father pulls out of the driveway and onto the road. 
I laugh through my tears as I struggle to put the words together. 
“I love you so much more, Yoon Sanha.” 
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“JinJin hyung? MJ hyung?” A voice booms from the hallway, breaking me out of my flashback. 
After some small talk with the two oldest members, I zoned out a little bit. My heart beat began to speed up as I recognize the voice. 
The same voice I remember singing me to sleep when we were younger. The one who fought off my bullies in the school yard. The voice I continued to follow even after the phone calls and text updates stopped. The voice of the boy I had loved. Or maybe still do love. 
But this time, it sounded much more mature. And it was followed by 3 other voices. 
“In here, Ddana!” MJ yells back, not even getting up from his seat. 
“Yah! The whole building will know where you are, MJ,” Sanha’s voice booms as he steps into my office. 
My breath hitches as I take in the sight of him. He’d surely grown taller. While I stayed at 5 feet, Sanha looked like he’d reach 6 feet. His black hair had grown out and was resting on his forehead, barely touching his eyes. His face had kept its soft rounded shape but his jaw looked a little bit more defined. His lean body stood tall and was clothed in some jeans and an oversized hoodie. 
“It’s MJ hyung, you little brat,” MJ scolds, reaching up to flick the towering maknae’s forehead, “Now, be nice and introduce yourselves.” 
I hold my breath as Sanha, followed by Rocky, Moonbin and Eunwoo, turn to look at me. I move my hair out of my face and look up to meet all 6 of their faces. 
Sanha’s eyes widen as I flicker my eyes towards him. 
I step forward, “Hello, my name is YN, the new songwriter and producer. It’s nice to meet you all.” 
Rocky, Moonbin and Eunwoo also bow and introduce themselves, reaching forward to shake my hand. My stomach churns as Sanha stands glued to his spot, avoiding eye contact. I hold my tears back as he avoids me.  
He probably doesn't remember me. 
“Sanha-yah, don’t be rude!” Moonbin shakes Sanha’s shoulder, trying to push him towards me, “Introduce yourself!” 
I let my head fall as my eyes stay glued to the floor. My shoes were suddenly the most interesting thing in this room. 
“Ti-tiny?” Sanha’s voice suddenly cracks out, making me whip my head up at him. 
He’s moved closer to me now, only an arm’s length away, “YN? Is that you?” 
I stare into his eyes and nod, tears starting to brim my eyes, “Yes, it’s me.”
I gasp as a pair of arms wrap around my frame and pull me into a chest. Sanha buries his face into my hair, his body shaking as he cries. I let my own tears fall as I wrap my arms tightly around his waist, pulling him as close as possible. 
“I missed you so much, Tiny,” He cries out, one hand reaching up and pushing my hair away from my tear-stained face.
“Tiny?” MJ cuts in, “Wait, you’re THE YN? Sanha’s childhood love?!” 
“HYUNG!” the members interject, Rocky swatting MJ on the back of his head.
My eyes widen as I look up at Sanha, his facial expression just as shocked as mine. 
“Childhood love?” I whisper, looking at Sanha for answers. 
“Hyuuuung!” Sanha whines, barely letting go of me.
“Well would you look at that! I forgot the 5 of us had a meeting to attend today,” MJ stutters out, laughing nervously, “Let’s get going! Don't wanna be late. Bye!”
MJ rushes out of the room, pushing the other members out with him. 
I laugh as the other members question the oldest member. I look back to Sanha and see him studying my face. 
“Can we talk?” He speaks up, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the couch. 
Sanha takes a seat, dragging me down with him. 
“Can I hold you?” He asks, eyes flitting around the room. 
I respond by moving closer and wrapping my arms around his torso and leaning my head on his chest. 
“Is this actually happening?” I whisper, sniffling. 
Sanha nods and pulls me closer, placing a kiss on my forehead. 
“I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?”
“Yes! When you stopped replying I cried for days.” I pouted, smacking his chest lightly. 
“It got hectic. All the training. The singing lessons. I had to go on diets. I didn't feel like myself anymore and I felt like you wouldn't like the me I became in training.”
I bite back tears as he finishes, “Ddana, I love you no matter what. I told you that I'd always be your biggest fan. To this day, I kept that promise. Where did you think those came from?”
I point to a shelf across the room where I've displayed all of their albums. 
“I watched you debut. I watched every single performance and cheered you on. You may have stopped all contact with me, but I made sure to not miss any of your performances.” 
“So you’re still my Tiny YN?” He asks, hopeful eyes on display. 
Sanha visibly relaxes as I hug him tighter,” But what’s this about being your childhood love?”
“I knew I shouldn't have told my hyungs!”
“Okay, I had a crush on you ever since we were little. I was just afraid to tell you and I only came to terms with it a week before I left. I figured that telling you that I loved you then leaving a week after wasn’t the best idea. So, I just pushed it aside. Until my hyungs found some pictures of us that I had brought with me.”
“You literally act like I didn't feel the same way,” I blurt out, “Wait!”
“You liked me, too?”
“Who said I ever stopped?” I mutter under my breath. 
“Good thing I still love you, too.” 
“I love you,” He whispers, using his index finger to lift my chin up and planting his lips onto mine. 
I break away and grin, “I love you so much more.”
“I’m so glad you remember me.” He sighs, pulling me into another kiss. 
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