#look at how he acts cute so shamelessly and no hesitation
pixiesfz · 7 months
More Caitlin foord please!!
si si si
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secrets we keep c.f
plot: your sister kyra adopts a dog and you look after it only to find caitlin in your sisters house one day
warnings: none really cooney cross reader!
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You remember when your sister sent you a photo of her new dog Bentley you knew that you would be taking care of it most of the time.
"Kyra you do not have time for a dog!" You scolded her, using your older sister privileges "Why are you acting like you don't love him already" she fired back, pointing at the puppy who was now sleeping in your lap.
"shut up".
Now here you sat in your sister's apartment playing fetch with Bentley too busy cooing over his cuteness to hear the jingle of keys at the door.
"C'mon you little shit!" a voice emerged and you widened your eyes, that wasn't Kyra's voice but it was Australian.
Bentley ran over as your quick plan of hiding and pretending nobody was home was ruined by his small yaps.
"Bentley no!" you discouraged him, following him to the voice.
Caitlin dropped to her knees to pat the dog "fuck" she heard a mutter and she popped her head up to meet eyes with you.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know Kyra had any friends over" she stood up quickly "Uhm no" you chuckled out of nerves
"Sorry," you said quickly after "I'm Y/n Kyra's sister" You introduced yourself and Caitlin stepped back "I didn't know Kyra had a sister" she stated
"She doesn't want people meeting the best Cooney-Cross" you joked and the blue-eyed girl laughed.
"I'm Caitlin" she introduced herself and you smiled "I knew that, you kind of play in my sister's team both league and internationally" you smiled.
Caitlin looked around to hide her blush "So is Kyra here?" she asked and you crossed your head "She's gone to watch Charli play" you told her "So I'm on dog sitting duty"
"I was wondering how she was dealing so well with a puppy" Caitlin smirked as she remembered Kyra taking credit for the good behavior of her dog.
"What brings you about, I can message her" you said and the brunette waved you off "she accidently double booked herself, me her and Steph were supposed to go out for ice-cream but then Steph dropped out" she explained and you rolled your eyes at your sisters lack of organization.
"She does have the worst memory, she got the sports and I got the brains and our younger sister got the looks" you explained and Caitlin smiled
"I think you got some of the looks but Kyra didn't get any of it" she joked and you looked down, hiding the red on your cheeks "uh- uhm thankyou Caitlin" you smiled and laughed.
Bentley started barking at the door with his leash on the floor "I think he's ready for a walk" you explained as you both turned to him.
"during the night?" Caitlin asked and you shamelessly nodded your head "Not ideal I know but nothing ever happened to me yet so I should be fine" you explained but you could tell by the girl's furrowed brows she didn't think it was a good idea.
"Do you-" she started, shuffling on her feet "Do you want to walk him with me to the ice cream place?, not too far and he'll probably have a good sleep after" she explained and you hesitated
"Or not" Caitlin said and you smiled "No I think that's a good idea" you said and Caitlin couldn't help the smile that grew on her face.
"that's good because I had a small lunch so I could binge an ice cream" she admitted "Kyra has barely any food so an Ice cream wouldn't be so bad" you laughed and walked towards the eager puppy who started jumping on your leg in anticipation.
"Hey is okay if you grab his doggy bags from the counter?" you called out to the Australian who was stood still watching you.
"You mean 'poo' bags?"
"Doggy bags are classier" you defended as you two laughed at each other "ready?" you asked and Bentley barked as a 'yes'.
"I wasn't talking to you".
On the walk you caught yourself laughing at all the Australians jokes, even when she was called by Allana, her and your sisters teammate who was equally shocked that Kyra had a sister.
"Well have fun you two," she said before hanging up.
"So how come you live in London?" Caitlin asked and you smiled "I actually moved here about three years ago to run my own business, I always loved the atmosphere" you explained and she smiled
"How much do you miss the Australian weather?"
You groaned "so much, I can't deal with all this rain, and the snow I remember as a kid I hoped it would snow so bad but now" you stopped "that is a whole different story".
Caitlin laughed, your hands brushing together to open the ice cream door causing you both to flush red and you felt butterfly's in your stomach.
'God what am I? A teenager again' you thought to yourself.
"They have a Tim Tam flavour here" Caitlin stated and you gasped "no way" "yes way" she smirked "Well I have to get that it would be illegal if not"
"You're funnier than Kyra" she told you and you smirked "I'll be sure to tell her you said that" and she rolled her head back "she'll probably kick me with her boot"
"I give you permission to tell on her to Kim, I'll be stuck with her whining but it will be fine"
"You would do that for me" Caitlin exaggerated as you both walked out with your ice-creams, Bentley looking up at you both, wanting to sniff what was in your hands.
You laughed, bumping her shoulder lightly with yours "I think I had a better time with you than I would've with Kyra, she would've tried to eat my ice cream before I had a chance to even try it"
You smiled at the compliment "to be fair I did want to try your flavour" you told her "and if I had hung out with you as much as Kyra I possibly would have done the same thing" you smiled, slightly defending your sister.
But Caitlin smiled "Wanna swap? You can try mine and I try yours?" she asked and you nodded "yeah" you nodded and you swapped, almost being near to Kyra's apartment.
You both finished your ice-creams, taking a photo of the view you had, Caitlin even took one of you and Bentley in front of a random street name with your name on it.
After asking for your permission she posted it on her story.
When you arrived back you both stood in front of Kyra's door "that was fun" you started and the girl nodded "yeah I wouldn't mind doing that again" she said and you smiled "me too".
"Can I uhm-" Caitlin started, shuffling her feet same as she did when she asked for you too walk with her "Can I have your number?" she asked and you nodded "yes" you nodded and took her phone from her hand.
"I'm always free Thursday nights" you told her with a slight smirk "me too" she smiled
"Cool, It's a date".
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joemama-2 · 3 months
A Series Of Awkward Events: The Grocery Store Encounter
You can feel it, really feel it. I mean, who wouldn’t feel the lingering gaze of the very attractive, teenaged boy standing right next to you in the, suddenly empty, aisle. You’ve been coming to the grocery store every Saturday at exactly 9:30 in the morning, making it a routine. This was mainly because if you came later, you’d be caught up in the rush of families who also decided now would be a good time to stock up on groceries. You couldn’t come earlier because…well you just couldn’t wake up earlier.
You’ve been seeing him for about three weeks now. Every week, he’s in the same aisle as you, looking at the brands of cereal while your eyes gloss over the brands of oatmeal. You didn’t notice it the first time, but it doesn’t take a genius to realize someone is staring at you. And in all honesty, he doesn’t seem like he’s trying to subtle about it either.
Either way, it’s not like you would go out of your way to spark up a conversation first. You’ve lived a very sheltered life, from being homeschooled til earlier this year to having very strict parents, it’s safe to say your social skills are…not up to par. Finally, you decide you’ve had enough of the glances. Your hand reaches out to hurriedly grab a random oatmeal, one you’ve never had before, just to get out of the aisle. However, just as you’re about to turn and leave, his voice cuts through the air.
“That one’s not good, had it before and wouldn’t recommend.”
You stop and slowly turn around to face the boy. He’s grinning now and is it bad to say he has a pretty smile? You shoot a quick look down at the oatmeal in your hands before back at him. Your lips part but the words don’t come out. Damn it. Just staring awkwardly at him with your mouth opening and closing, you just wish the world would swallow you whole. But then, by the grace of whoever’s watching, something comes out.
Is that really all you can say? A few seconds of silence pass before the boy lets out a small chuckle and damn, it’s almost prettier than his smile. “It tastes bland, almost like cardboard.”
Still, it’s hard to find the right words. He raises an eyebrow at your lack of responses, only then do you realize that you’ve just been shamelessly staring at him. Your hands grip the oatmeal tighter, either for comfort, or a way to silently curse yourself for acting so stupid in front of a boy. A cute one….a really, really cute one. “Oh, that’s—uh—unfortunate.”
He laughs again and you already grow addicted to it. “Want my suggestion?” You hesitate, before nodding. Taking a small, stiff step closer to the boy, you look back at the variety of oatmeal, watching as he points to a specific one. “This one is my favorite, it’s sweet, but not too sweet. Sweet enough to still qualify as a breakfast. Or a snack.”
You reach forward to grab the said box, examining it. With another nod, you put the old, now dented box of oatmeal you first grabbed back in its original place. “Thank you, I’ll…I’ll be sure to enjoy this.” You say with a nod, eyes not even fully looking at his. How could they when they’re the most beautiful pair of blues you’ve ever seen?
Then, of course, another silence, as if he’s expecting you to say something else. Why would he? Can’t he already tell you’re awkward? Can’t he read the room? Your body language? Apparently not. “Gojo Satoru.” He says. Oh, he’s introducing himself. That means he must want to know your name too, right?
“Y/N.” You say timidly, holding your hand out for a shake. Man, this is way too formal of a greeting for grocery store. That same grin makes its way to his face, soon clasping his hand with yours. God, you really hope he doesn’t feel your hand sweating. Or the slight trembling of it. That would be completely embarr—
“Your hand’s wet.”
You freeze, a big wave of embarrassment and shame flooding you. Just as quickly as he said that, you’re retracting. “Sorry, I just washed them.” A blatant lie, but who cares? You’re honestly just trying to get out of this situation now. Yeah, he’s cute, but you’d much rather save your confidence, at least whatever you have left of it, for something you’re more prepared for.
For the first (?) time, you meet his eyes. With a small gulp, you decide now is the chance to run away. “Um, thank you for the oatmeal. It was nice meeting you. Good day.” You take off like you’re on a mission, not even daring to look back. Your face scrunches up and you cringe hard at what just happened. ‘Good day’? What are you, a fifty-year-old man who just saw his colleague for the first time in five years?
It takes a while for you to finish up shopping, considering you’re checking every aisle before you walk into it to ensure that the boy, Gojo Satoru, isn’t in it. Running into him again seemed inevitable, but you made sure that it was possible. It’s almost like a breath of fresh air when you walk out, bags in hand, making your way down the familiar route to your house. It’s a nice day out, very sunny and clouds just clouding.
But of course, things never seem to go your way, do they? Because with one more step, one more snap of the stupid paper bags you were given, one of the bags in your right hand just completely rips. Fruits go rolling down the pavement, bread falling to the puddle of water below your feet, and your dignity washing away down the sewers. Your eyes widen, freezing in place. Lips part as a small, almost unbelievable breath leaves your mouth. It’s a sad scene, really.
So very slowly, embarrassingly, you kneel down to grab your fallen groceries, to stuff into the other two bags that haven't miraculously ripped. It takes a while for a task so small, considering you're holding back tears. You spot the last apple a few feet away and begrudgingly crawl to get it. But a hand beats you to it.
You look up, confused and slightly shocked, but see the boy you just worked very hard on avoiding. Oh Jesus Christ, just how much worse could this day get? "Missing something?"
The hand that was about to grab your apple freezes in mid-air as you contemplate your next move. You nod curtly and he holds it out to you. Your fingertips brush against each other and you can't help the stupid flutter in your stomach. Swiftly, you put the apple in your pocket, having run out of space in your other bags, and stand up. He watches this whole ordeal, even attempting to offer you help, but you don't take it.
You find yourself in another awkward position, but luckily you find your voice sooner. "Thank you."
He smiles, letting out a huff of a chuckle through his nostrils. "No problem, what kind of guy would I be if I didn't help you?" Is that a rhetorical question? You're not sure. He looks down at the bags. "You gonna be alright with those?"
"I will." You say a little too quickly.
While he nods, you look down at his hands. Only then do you realize he's not even carrying anything. He probably sensed your confusion, so he follows up. "Couldn't find anything."
It's a shitty excuse but do you really care enough to question him. So you nod again, lips forming a small line. "Okay..."
You two stare at each other for another few seconds before you turn to leave again, but he stops you. "Are you new to the area?"
Now you don't know what's worse, your classmates being shocked by your existence even though you have been with them for months now, knowing somebody else's name but then not knowing yours, or being questioned about your residency simply because you rarely go out and oh, you have no friends.
You swallow down the lump in your throat and turn your head over your shoulder. "No."
"Oh, really? I've just never seen you around before." That's another knife to the chest. "I know most of the people in this neighborhood, that's why. Usually, when I see a new face, it means they've just moved here."
"I'm not new." You say, now turning your body fully around to face him. "I just like staying inside."
His eyebrows raise, as if shocked. What's so shocking? Was he so popular that the concept of a homebody was beyond him? Well, not like you were being a homebody by choice, it's just something you've grown accustomed to. Something that's now hard to break out of.
"Well, I like staying inside too," He concedes, "But I also like meeting new people. Especially the cute, quiet ones in grocery stores." You hate how your cheeks instantly heat up, nerves taking over. He notices this, taking just the smallest step forward.
"I...didn't run away." You feel the need to justify yourself. "I just need to go home soon."
"Ah, right. Home." He says with a small laugh. "How far is that from here?"
"Why would I tell you that?"
"Just asking."
"We're strangers."
"Well, we could be friends."
Your eyes slightly widen. Friends? Someone actually wanted to be friends with you for once? For a second, you think it's a joke, one that's set up by his friends. You've had way too many experiences like that. Looking around, you conclude that he is in fact all alone. Hesitance settles within you. "Why?"
He huffs. "You're asking why I want to be friends with you?" His question makes you feel dumb.
"Yes, I am." You say, brows furrowing together. "You could be playing a trick on me for all I know."
"Why would I do that?"
"I don't know, but I'm just making sure."
He gauges your reactions to see if you're being serious or not. Once he sees that you are, he sighs. "You seem like a nice person, I like nice people. So, why wouldn't I want to be friends with you?"
You mull over his words for a good minute, having an internal battle with yourself. Is he trustworthy? Does he actually mean what he says? How do you know he won't pretend to now know you next time he sees you? All sorts of questions run rampant in your mind and he can tell, easily. "I'm serious, I wanna friends with you."
You inhale deeply, scrutinizing him before finally saying, "Okay."
He lets out a sigh of relief. "Phew, that was harder than usual. You know, most people agree quite quickly. But you didn't so it makes me even more curious about you."
"Even more?" "Mhm." He steps closer. "I was also curious about your number, but you ran before I could ask."
Damn him, you already said you didn't run away. But at the mention of a number, you can't help but look away. This confuses him. "I....um....I don't have a number." You murmur.
Now his head tilts, convinced you're just making up a lie so you couldn't give him it, which would be understandable. "You don't have one?" You shake your head. "What do you mean you don't have a number?"
Oh god, he's gonna make fun of you, isn't he? "I don't have a phone."
His lips part, letting out a small "oh" and nod in understanding. "So like, you're one of those people who their parents have a tight leash on."
This makes your eyes narrow. Although you want to argue that no, you have a lot of freedom, a part of you agrees. You keep your eyes turned away from him. "Please don't say that."
He runs a hand through his hair. "Sorry, I'm just honest. I mean, what, you're like a teenager and you don't have a phone? Everyone needs a phone now, everyone has one."
"Well, I don't." You quip back, now glaring at him. "I don't have one, you can stop pestering me about it now.
"I'm not pestering, just shocked." You hold back an eyeroll. "So what do you have then?"
"I have a computer, I use it for school." You let out a slow sigh, biting on your lip. "I could...give you my email."
He stares at you for a moment. "You want me to...email you?" When you don't respond, he barks out a burst of laughter. "Email? Email you? Instead of text? Or even call? Wow, that's--"
"You either take it or you don't." You cut him off, a newfound sense of bravery in you. "I don't need a friend who will make fun of me."
This gets him to stop almost immediately. His head tilts as he stares, a sympathetic expression on his face. "My bad, I wasn't trying to." You say nothing in response, an almost defiant look on his face. One that makes him feel like laughing because you just look so adorable right now. With a deep breath, he smiles that sweet smile again, and with a jut of his chin, he replies. "What's your email?"
You check your email that night to one from 'thestrongest69'.
"Same time next week? ^.^"
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mamayan · 1 year
So, I was looking the tag "Across the Spiderverse" on the tumblr when I see a request for "Miguel’s reaction would be if you asked him if he’s ever masturbated before?". It got me wondering, how would Tomura, Dabi (and whoever else you want to write) react to this kind of question? - Anon 🌲[English isn't my first language, sorry if I wrote it wrong]
That is a very good question Anon 🌲!
Tag List: @sharpcheddarcheese (for Spinner♥️)
Tomura, Dabi, and Spinner’s reaction to being asked if they’ve ever masturbated before!
Warning: Low risk, slight nsfw
Tomura Shigaraki: “Do you masturbate?”
Best to ask this question in private, if you ask in front of a crowd or the League, he could become volatile.
Whether he has Father covering his face or not, he’ll turn red from the roots of his hair down to his toes.
Of course he’s masturbated, excessively even, nightly, and daily, and sometimes in the middle of gaming if he can do it single handedly.
He’s a pervert, but to ask him so directly to say that he is?
He will ask you right back to your face, “Do you?” because he wants to throw you off your game too.
If you become just as fluttered or more as him, he’ll feel better and possibly make fun of you to take the spot light off himself.
If you confidently claim that card, he’ll scoff and claim false bravado as well and own it too.
If you vehemently deny it, he could possibly react violently. Depends on who you are to him.
As his lover? He’ll lose it. You’ll be dragged into his lap and forced into his version of “teaching” you how to touch yourself. Expect to be teased and edged endlessly. He’s downright filthy about it.
Dabi: “Do you masturbate?”
Dabi’s answer depends less more on how you ask him.
Are you genuinely curious? He’ll look at you like you’re an idiot. “Of course I do.” He owns it shamelessly and without hesitation.
Are you’re trying to flirt? He may lie and pretend he’s never done it before, and even ask you to “show me how’s it done?” A great way to get in his pants. 10/10
Are you being condescending and acting like you’re above him? He’s not a patient man and will absolutely drag you to his level very quickly. If you’re not someone he’s into, he’s violent. If you are someone he’s into, well, he doesn’t have a framed certificate of Professional Brat Tamer on his wall for nothing. Prepare to be humbled.
Are you asking out of jealousy or anger? Hoho, it can go one of two ways.
a). He’s into it and will one hundred percent show you why you should appreciate the respite he gives by getting himself off instead of using you. He’ll stop masturbating for a whole month just to prove a point.
b). If he takes it disrespectfully, please refer back to his Brat Tamer certification.
Are you asking with a pout/sadness? He’ll show you so quickly how much better you are than his hand right then and there. Also, refer back to point a).
And finally, the worst scenario, are you asking in disgust? Oh, please, give him a reason. He will take it. He is more than happy to show you what happens to those with a holier than thou attitude. You wanna sniff your nose up in disgust? He’ll give you something to feel disgusted about. Every inch of his disgusting self, he’s more than happy to provide. You’ll be humbled faster and more violently than if you were just acting like a brat. This is a step too far over his mental line of cute bratty and disrespectful little shit. Dabi has a thing for making whiny messes out of those who want to stick their nose up at him. He’s happy to comply and wreck you.
Spinner: “Do you masturbate”
Be nice, he’s just a sweet lizard with a penchant for violent destruction and sharp objects.
Embarrassed no matter how you ask it, once again, be nice.
He 100% does masturbate, albeit far less frequently than most think! He’s busy thinking about his ideals and goals with the League, so give him a break.
He’s going to ask and stutter why you want to know?!
If you outright say you’re attracted to him and are flirting, he’ll make an escape attempt. Check the sewers later.
If you tell him you’re just curious and he can tell you really are, he’ll mumble and curse at you for being nosy and weird. He’s still stuttering and fumbling around. His actions will answer for him.
If you tell him it’s cuz you’re trying to not feel weird about it yourself, like out right admitting to being shamed for it, he’ll become angry on your behalf! “Who told you that it’s not normal?!” Once again, outs himself immediately. Depending on how distressed you are, he may say “Yeah, doesn’t everyone?” Awkwardly of course.
Bonus points if you get him to awkwardly deny it, and then tell him you wanna show him how to do it. He won’t even know how to breathe, let alone deny you if you’re bold enough. Have fun♥️
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How would each skeleton deal with the situation of being harassed/hassled by a Karenish human?
Undertale Sans - His brain protects himself by falling asleep in the middle of their conversation. He doesn't care, he just wants that Karen to leave him alone. As she calls him rude and bad educated, Sans gives her a thumbs up and teleports out of there.
Undertale Papyrus - He will give her a reason to really complain by throwing his car into her wall or breaking one of her windows with a big rock. Papyrus doesn't care if he gets in trouble, he has the cute face syndrome on his side and no one will ever believe her.
Underswap Sans - Every time she screams she's going to call the police, Blue gladly shows her his plate! And when she screams he's not a real officer because monsters can be policemen, he arrests her for offence to a federal agent :D
Underswap Papyrus - Unfortunately, Honey is not really good at defending himself. He looks down as he's getting screamed out like a child, grinding his teeth as he waits for her to be done. However, when she's not looking, he gladly lets his four dogs poop on her lawn and lets everything there as an act of revenge. He's not really brave, but he's bitter.
Underfell Sans - Every time she asks him a question, he insults her lol. Just to piss her off more. Red loves to play with the limits and this is too much of an opportunity to not do so. That Karen is starting to lose patience, and he keeps pushing because he wants to see her explode and have a mental breakdown because of him. He's smiling so much that his cheeks hurt.
Underfell Papyrus - Ok, so Edge is usually pretty humble, but Karen starts to piss him off. When she threatens to call the police, he can't hold himself and laughs at her face, screaming that he is the best lawyer in the region and that all she will gain is a big loss of money if she continues to harass him. If she doesn't believe him, he takes out his photo album collection of criminals he made cry in court. There as hundreds of them. What you're going to do now?!
Horrortale Sans - His brain erases the annoyance and he keeps walking away, not giving a fuck in the world, as his Karen neighbor is screaming at him to come back because she's not done with him. Good for her, he's sure done with her, however. If she keeps pushing, he will crack his neck to watch her with a terrifying growl as well. It's usually enough.
Horrortale Papyrus - Willow is sassy naturally and he will gladly answer her back sassily. The Karen neighbor is shocked he dears to refute their bullshit arguments and will scream at him. That's good because talking louder than people is a thing he does. Willow will totally cover her voice by screaming louder until everyone is looking at them. People don't care about the argument, all they see is a Karen harassing the cute helpful skeleton of the neighborhood all grandmas love, and those grandmas are pissed off now. Good luck fighting them because they won't hesitate to kick that Karen out of the street.
Swapfell Sans - He doesn't answer. He keeps staring at that Karen with a creepy smile, perfectly still. The neighbor is trying to keep up with their argument, but the more Nox stays silent with that scary smile, the more they're losing their train of thought. Eventually, they give up, scared, and run away. Nox sighs. He can finally keep up with his day.
Swapfell Papyrus - As they talk, he takes out a chicken mc nugget and puts it in her mouth, shutting them off efficiently, before walking away. The Karen is standing still in shock, having no idea what the hell just happened. Rus is quite proud of himself.
Fellswap Gold Sans - As soon as that Karen is done, he's reversing the situation by flirting shamelessly with them, and with extreme dullness until they run away, offended and shocked, screaming they will tell everyone in the street. Cool. Wine won't hesitate to do that again right in front of their husband to cause chaos in their relationship lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's panicking and suddenly screams "GOOSE" out of nowhere, making the neighbor stop talking. Taking advantage of the diversion he definitely not plan, he runs back home to lock in his room's closet to hide from any kind of socialization in the next two days lol.
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runa-falls · 1 year
I never done this, but can you ship me with an Oscar character too? 🥹 It seems fun. (You can totally ignore this ask lol.)
So I'm 5'3, a rehead, i have bad social anxiety, but i am very talkative with the people im comfortable with. I also can shut up for hours and just be in my own world, so sometimes it can bother me when the other person talks non stop, but there are times when I'm grateful that they are carrying a conversation. I prefer staying at home to going out. I'm not a good cook, but i will do the dishes lol. I am good at giving massages 😎🤙
ok dolli, i ship you with Santi 😊
first, he knows when to shut up (like a good boy). he's pretty good at gauging when you need time alone or when you just want to sit in silence. he gets it, he really does, and he's the same way sometimes. but, let's be real, he'll still annoy tf out of you at times with his fuck-boy-hardened-veteran attitude, but he'll back off if you say something ab it 💀
sorry but he attempts to seduce you, flirting with you shamelessly even though you've been dating for a while.
"come here often?" *wink*
"santi, i live here."
"ok, but -- look, i saw you from across the room and i thought you were the most beautiful woman in this place."
"i'm...the only woman in the house...?"
"well, i meant, uh -- hey, you wanna fuck?"
yeah...he's a fucking loser, but he's cute. nah nah, we all know santi FUCKS, but when he cares about people he's incredibly loyal. he'd be with you every step of the way!
santi also doesn't know how to cook, but he'd learn it for you. he'd ask his mom for her recipes, wanting to share his childhood favorites with you. he's so proud of himself when you compliment his cooking, like a little puppy wagging his tail super hard.
he's the same way where he's the most comfortable around close friends (i.e. frankie, will, ben, etc.). he's learned how to be charming in front of an audience, but that doesn't mean he's comfortable around strangers. he'll act polite and maybe make a joke or two, but if you say (or even look like) you want to leave, he won't hesitate to grab your hand and take you home.
you give good messages? well, he needs that massage. he constantly has back pain (probably because of his DUMPTRUCK OF AN ASS) and he will moan and groan under you as you work out the kinks. sometimes the pleasurable pain is so good that he sits up and has a raging hard on.
"really santi, again?"
"what? am i not allowed to enjoy my girlfriends touch!?"
"i've been massaging you for 3 minutes..."
ok is it wrong to also ship you with frankie? they just balance each other out SO WELL. like if santi is being particularly obnoxious and needy, frankie will steal you away, lock the bedroom door, and cuddle you until you fall asleep.
of course, santi will bang on the door:
santi: "what're you two doing in there?! don't tell me you're fucking without me!!"
frankie: "shut the fuck up, pope, we're just cuddlin'"
santi: "no fair, let me in :(" dude is literally whining
btw look how tiny he looks here:
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heart4gyu · 5 months
the sundress theory || 02z x reader
note: once again i got this idea off tiktok so if it’s familiar that’s why lol… i was gonna do a full story for one member but then i couldn’t choose (they’ve been bias wrecking me so bad recently TT) so i’ll write this in celebration of 02z subunit coming soon!! pls leave comments it rly encourages me hope u enjoyyy ^_^
warnings: mdni, very suggestive, jake gets a lil jealous [sunghoon’s part is coming soon but i rly rly wanted to get this posted today TT so enjoy this for now :3]
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park jongseong
“baby, can you come in here for a second,” you called out from your bedroom. you and jay had plans to go out and spend the day together, but while choosing your outfit you decided it would be a great opportunity to test out your little theory.
the moment he steps past the door, he stops dead in his tracks. you watch his eyes look you up and down, with his mouth gaped open.
“can you zip me up, please?” you ask, politely, acting oblivious to his reaction. he blinks a couple times before swallowing dryly and walking up to you.
“… this dress new?” he says, clearing his throat, which is unexplainably dry. his palms sweaty as he reaches for the zipper and trying to not stare so shamelessly at the view of your side boob.
“yeah, i wanted to wear it for you today since we’re going out,” you say as he finishes zipping you up. you turn to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders, smiling innocently. his cheeks are a faint shade of red and he hesitates to touch you but it’s so cute since you’ve never seen him act this way. but the second his hands are on your waist, gripping the material of the dress, his whole demeanor changes.
“why don’t we stay in today instead?” he asks, turning your body to face your full length mirror, hands caressing your waist.
“but i thought you said you wanted to go try that new steak house?” you say, watching the way he’s looking at you through the mirror. he shakes his head, making eye contact with you in the mirror. he trails a couple kisses from your shoulder up to right behind your ear.
“i’m not really hungry for that anymore,” he says, his hand reaching around to grab your chin and turn your face towards him. your heart racing when you see how dark his eyes look now and he gives a small smirk to your reaction before leaning in to kiss you passionately. “there’s something else that i want…”
“hmm…” you pretend to think it over, turning to face him again and walking him back to the bed. “as long as you promise to make me a real good dinner afterwards,” you say, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.
“of course, darling, we’ll both have something to enjoy tonight,” he says, a satisfied smile on his face. you reach for the zipper but he stops you. he quickly switches your positions and lays you down on the bed. “you can leave it on.”
sim jaeyun
jake was fine. he was holding it together just fine. when you showed him the dress at home, he swore his heart stopped beating for a second, but he was fine.
“what do you think?” you said, stepping out into the living room, where he was waiting for you on the couch. his jaw dropped slightly as he looked up at you from his phone.
“what do i think?!” he said, his undivided attention on you now. he approached you, very gently placed his hands on your shoulders and dragging them down your arms, taking in the full image of you. “you look gorgeous, angel.”
and he complimented you the whole rest of the morning. he complimented you in the car on the way to your usual coffee shop. even when he was sitting at the table watching you order the drinks at the counter, he was thinking of all the compliments he’d give you when you came back.
though, it wasn’t until he noticed the barista that he realized everyone else could see how beautiful you looked too. jake watched him point down towards your dress and say something, then, saw you place a hand on your chest and reply something back, a shy smile on your face. this unsettled jake but he didn’t want to make it obvious.
“what was that about?” he asked as you sat down next to him with your drinks.
“what?” you replied, having let the conversation with the barista completely slip your mind.
“the guy… what did he say to you?” he pressed, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him by your hip. his face was only a couple inches away from yours when you looked over at him. he was watching you so intently, you couldn’t help but giggle a bit at how cute he was.
“jaeyun,” you laughed, cupping his cheek and maintaining eye contact with him. “he just said my dress was pretty, it didn’t mean anything from him.”
that and a lil peck to his cheek was enough to get jake to drop the issue. you finished your drinks and headed back to car, where he was still a little pouty.
“jakey… his compliment meant nothing after all the nice things you’ve said to me today, you know that right?” you said, leaning over to place a kiss on his lips. he nodded, leaning in for more and who were you to reject him now.
“i know i believe you, but can we just go home now?” he said, with his eyes closed and lips still touching with yours. then you felt his cold hand come in contact with your upper thigh making you gasp.
“why do you want to go home? we were supposed to go shopping…” you said, observing the way his chest rose and fell, heavily.
“can i be honest?” he asked, opening his eyes now to see your response. you simply nodded and he sat up a bit, sliding his hand under your dress now making you press your thighs together. “i really wanna clear off the back seat and take you right here.”
you did, in fact, let him take you back home… and yes, he made it up to you by taking you on a shopping spree the next day.
park sunghoon
sunghoon had done well, better than you expected actually. when you first had this “sundress idea” you thought he wouldn’t make it out the house but he did.
not that you were upset or anything because you saw his initial reaction: the flowers in his hand fell to his side when you opened the door to your apartment. his mouth agape and the tips of his ears dusted a pretty shade of pink. “you look beautiful.”
he was stunned so you understood that he was at a loss for words but then, that’s all he said. and when the two of you stepped out of the house for your lunch date, and for shopping at the mall, and a walk in the park, he still felt… indifferent to you.
but he knew. he was well aware that he wasn’t the only one who had eyes able to see just how perfect you looked in your new dress. and so, to you, he acted indifferent because he didn’t want to upset you by being possessive.
though, in his own mind, every gesture he made was purposeful. like when he took a seat next to you on the booth at the restaurant and you couldn’t see the face he was giving the waiter as you placed your order. poor guy didn’t even want to make eye contact with you anymore. and when he left and you looked over at sunghoon, who had just the sweetest smile on his face.
and at the mall, he could admit he overdid it a bit. he was like a backpack, the way he had his hands attached to your waist and walked so closely behind you that you tripped up a couple of times as you looked through the racks of clothes.
“babe, hold these bags for me please,” you said, trying to give him something to do other than be attached to you. but still he stood so close and was so intimidating, he could’ve passed as your body guard. but he didn’t care, because even though you didn’t notice the stares, he definitely did.
the park was his last straw. the two of you walked hands interlaced, nothing out of the ordinary. of course, a couple of stares and double takes that sunghoon had to ignore. but thats when a little boy came up to you, a bouquet of small flowers that he’d picked from the ground in his hand.
“oh my god, they’re so pretty,” you cooed, as he handed them to you with stars in his eyes.
“i gave her a real one,” sunghoon murmured. and you tried your best not to laugh at the way he was competing with a child. you leaned over and ruffled the boy’s hair, thanking him before he ran off back to his friends.
when you got back to your apartment, sunghoon was fully sulking now. “why are you pouting, hoon?” you said, as you walked over to the couch with a bowl of popcorn for your movie night.
he sighed, over exaggeratedly, “…you just looked so beautiful in your new dress and i was trying so hard to hold back all day and not ruin our plans but everyone was staring at you and you even accepted a gift from someone els-” you cut off his rambling with a kiss to his lips, which he reciprocated right away.
“i wore this dress for you, hoon, but i thought you didn’t really like it since you didn’t say anything out of the ordinary,” you said. and he dropped his head back onto the couch, another sigh leaving his lips.
“i don’t wanna watch this movie anymore,” he pouted, picking his head up and placing his hands on your waist, tugging at you a bit.
“…okay then, what do you want to do?” you asked, and him pulling you onto his lap with his hands immediately under your dress was answer enough.
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okwonyo · 10 months
when you are being pouty.
ᙏ̤̫ ⠀엔하이픈 ♡ female reader & fluff established relationship + cw. not-proofread skinship kissing petnames 0.8k | ( bookshelf )
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heeseung would shamelessly do fond noises when he sees you pout, “aw, she is so cute...” he'd say before wrapping you in his arms and holding you even more firmly as you try to pull away. he'd rock you side to side, not letting go even though your crossed arms makes a barrier between his body and yours. “i won't let you go until you hug me back” he'd tell you— with a tone anyone would most likely use for a promise. you'd practically hear his smile when you let out a annoyed sigh, he'd know he won and he would not let go of you even after you hug him back.
jongseong would immediately, and i mean; immediately, ask you what do you want. not in an annoyed or critical way— but in a ‘i am a boyfriend who is ready to spoil his girlfriend until she stops pouting’ way. he'd start listing all the things you might want; “do you a want a boba..? an ice cream..? do you want to go to ulta or sephora..?” and, you'd just listen to him with a blank expression, looking straight ahead of you. then he'd sigh, “okay if you really want to,” he'd start, emphasizing on the ‘really’ “we can get matching sanrio hairpins.. i swear i'll wear mine” he'd sigh in relief when he sees you smile.
jaeyun would act like a kicked puppy, he'd put his chin your shoulder and look up to you with his puppy like eyes. “talk to me, please..” he'd tell you, then stare at you for a while, waiting for you to stop pouting. his lips will transform into a pout too if you still give him the silent treatment. you'd have to do everything in your power to not lock eyes with him as he wraps he embraces your waist and pulls you closer to him. “please..” he'd half whine, half beg— tilting his head so he can put his head in yours. he'd know his mission succeeded when you let out a “jake”
sunghoon would be transfixed, mind going immediately blank as he watches your lips get pouty in the slightest. see, it's a mix between finding you absolutely adorable and being scared of the fact you could just go non-verbal and straight up ignore him. you already got him wrapped around your finger, all you need to make him kneel is making that face. “no, we can't..” he'd cut himself in his sentence, staring at you and your pretty pout for moment— mouth still slightly open. “you know what? maybe we can.. of course we can, and we will”
seonwoo would immediately pout back and, would most likely be even more sulky than you are. he'd turn into a pout competition in a millisecond, therefore you would not talk to each other for a good while— until one of you eventually gives in. of course, it isn't you, he has a soft spot for you and can't bear ignoring you for more than ten minutes. “come on,” he'd whine as he shakes your arm. “it isn't funny anymore, talk to me..” he'd give you a cheeky smile, which he knows you can't fight against, when you look at him. still a bit pouty, you'd pinch his cheek as you mutter a “cute..”
jungwon would not hesitate to kiss your pout, it's automatic— he sees you pout, he wants to kiss your pout away and, if you don't stop doing this cute thing with your mouth, he'd continue until you stop. also, the fastest ‘i love you’, i'm not even joking, he sees you getting sulky and the words leave his mouth automatically. “love,” he'd say before leaving a sweet kiss on your lips, “i love you” he'd add, frowning his lips as he stare at you with his boba eyes. you'd just shake your head, grumbling; “no” he wouldn't give up, he'd kiss you and tell you how much he loves you until he feels you smile against his lips.
riki would be, oh, so annoying— he'd become super clingy and would try to disguise it as teasing but, really he can't stand when you get pouty and just straight up ignore his entire existence. he'd poke your cheeks, call your name until he gets tired of it, he'd even plead a little. he'd eventually gets tired of it and make you both fall on the bed after he'd full on jump on you. he'd stare at you, who is staring at ceiling, “are you really mad?” he'd question, with a shy smile. you'd snort, “no, i just like your reaction when i do this”
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wanted to do this for a while !( ´▽`)
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taglist open! @manooffline @ibsysbsfsunsbs @nwjws @lilriswife4life @alaezasmystery235 @teddywonss @tyussday @cholexxc @flickqr @yuviqik @wvnrqs @strawberrywonz @aleiouvre @y-ves @isawritesss @run2x nets @kflixnet @k-films @/k-labels
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astrorarepairs · 7 years
rocky acting cute for mj, backhugging him, squishing his tummy, trying to hold his hand, and biting him
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yeeunjia · 2 years
YOO how would Enhypen react to eavesdroping on someone trash talking their s/o? Like imagine their s/o just being so nice and fluffy to everyone and some people shamelessly making fun of them🤬 I just KNOW Jay and Sunoo wouldnt have it😩
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PAIRING : idol!enha x idol!gn!reader
▬▬ GENRE : fluff !! ▬▬  WARNINGS : cursing/swearing !! ▬▬ ⌕ okay so- i just realized that sunoo's part isn't really eavesdropping so i want to apologize in advance for that <'3
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% .. heeseung !!
- he came across one of your former classmates and couldn't even believe that someone would despise you! he would stay silent while listening to whatever the person would keep talking about. it makes him way too pissed and want to confront them but he can't afford to make a scene either. when you two met up after your practices, he made sure to confront you about it. they were a close friend of yours too, after all. he doesn't want you to feel bad about yourself, he just doesn't want his significant other to be around people who act like a bunch of assholes. % .. jay !!
- he decided to go out for a while as your group was still busy with an ongoing interview. when he finally got informed about how the interview has already ended he never even hesitated to sprint back to the building. although, before he reached the room you were staying in, he came across 2 staffs talking about you. "did you see (y/n)? their whole personality is too annoying! do they even think it was cute?!" one of them scoffs. jay's blood boiled right at that moment and he immediately barged into their conversation. "listen here, don't talk about them in that way or i fucking swear-" and there he goes giving them a lecture for over 30 minutes... % .. jake !!
- enhypen and your group actually decided to hang out on that day! you were all in a cafe and you all heard the conversation of your "fans" whose tables were next to yours. you were all in disguise, so of course there were unaware. "(y/n) though! their vibes literally say : PICK ME !! i could be a better partner for jake too!" even your other members' eyes went wide. jake couldn't expose your identities so he decided to just plug your eyes with his headphones. he'd later notice how you became quiet and would make sure to give you all the reassurance you need. "you shouldn't be upset because of them, baby!" jake pouts. "i agree with jake. (y/n), they just judge too quickly! they're just shitheads who can't keep their mouth shut and just babble all they long!!" one of your members say, making you almost choke on your drink. (#supportive members LMAO) % .. sunghoon !!
- it's almost like sunoo's sassy energy transferred to your ice prince!! TT he knew that you wanted to get along with this one specific member of yours but they just despise you. for no reason too, actually. he didn't mind it much but when he heard what the member was saying, he wasn't having it at all. "it's always them. what's so good about them anyway!" the member scoffs before turning around. they saw sunghoon glaring at them and their annoyed expression turned to a smile. "sunghoonie~ how was date with them? probably boring, right?" they tried to first but sunghoon immediately rolls his eyes and left them dumb-founded. % .. jungwon !!
- he was shopping with his hyungs for more couple outfits and he came across a group of people staring at your pictures when you modeled for a specific brand of clothing. he stared looking at your photos too which made him smile. although, that smile immediately faded away when one of them started to trash talk you. "they're not even that attractive. also no good to become an idol!" the lady chuckles and jungwon frowns. still, right before he was about to confront her, a friend of hers instantly replied. "i don't think it's right to talk about (y/n) like that. they trained for years, after all. also, i personally think they're really attractive!" when wonie heard this, he couldn't help but smile right away. % .. sunoo !!
- oh dear. the poor boy was just trying to hang out with his coffee peacefully until he saw the person next to his table trying to hold their laugh. like the nosey boy he is, he took a peak. he immediately gasps when he saw that the person was tweeting about a little accident of yours in a concert. the caption they added saying "this is why (y/n) should be kicked out of the group! no one needs someone who can't prevent a SMALL accident!" sunoo didn't even hesitate to snatch the phone from them. "YAH! WHY WOULD YOU TALK ABOUT (Y/N) LIKE THAT! DELETE THE POST!" the person almost felt their soul jump out of their body. % .. niki !!
- a "friend" of yours invited themselves to your group's party when you won an award. if you could kick her out, you would've. she was just too stubborn. niki decided to look for more snacks in the kitchen and that's when he heard the conversation she was having. "(y/n) still has that bubbly personality! it pisses me off! anyways, i should ask for niki's number! we'd look cuter together, honestly." niki didn't even try to hide the disgust he felt. he went back to the living room and tried to find you and when he did, he immediately gave you a back hug. that was a first, honestly! "niki?" "(y/n).. i don't like her.." you chuckle when you realized who he was referring to.
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
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♢ make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love.
Paring: timeskip,sugar daddy!yaku x f!reader
Tags: established relationship, sugar baby!reader, overstim, face riding, squirting, anal play (fingering) , nipple play,  spanking, pussyjob
wc: 1.7k
a/n: italics is him speaking russian
♢ ♢  for the ditsy ‘n diamonds collab.!
18+ minors dni
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“C’mere pretty girl, lemme see.” He said, leaning back onto the bed frame. Arms spread out waiting for you to walk out of your closet, eyes focused on the view of his penthouse while he waited. Time ticking by slowly on his watch as he grew more impatient by the second.
“Like this, daddy?” Your voice breaking him out of his trance, head turning to see you. Eyes instantly locking on your figure, body clad in pretty silk as you made your way towards him. Twirling as you bent over, hands already reaching for your ass. 
“Yeah….fuck.” Licking his dry lips, mouth being embarrassingly open the whole time. Having no shame, eyeing up your pretty little cunt, so soft and wet for him. 
Hes been so good to you; buttering you up, happy girls fuck better. Doesn't like seeing his baby all sad and mopey so he gives you his card and tells you to go wild with it. Coming back home, clinging onto his arm as he walked you to his car, the chilling wind not bothering you with his coat resting on your shoulders.
 Grabbing your ring covered hand in his, resting on your thigh, making no effort to reach further but you still felt your nerves rise. Pretty little pussy all wet from getting so excited. Showing him off the new clothes you got, putting on a little runway show for him. Cunt peeking out from that tiny dress he bought you, no panties as usual.. 
“Want me to kiss it better, baby?” His gentle words tingling into your ear, hands sneaking there way up your dress. “Want daddy to eat that little cunt until you can't think anymore? Just ask, sweetheart. C’mon, beg.” His hands trailing up your thighs as you stood over him, chin resting on your stomach as he looked up at you, feeling your squirm in his touch. Nervously smiling as you tried your hardest to speak under his gaze.
“Y-yes please, yaku.”
“You want it that bad, sweetheart? He asked, running the tip of his fingers over you slit, letting out a mumbled squeal as you stumbled into him. Pulling you onto his lap, thighs resting around his as you led his hands all over you, not being able to resist the little moan escaping your mouth as he adjusted his knee. Grin widening as you hid your face into his collar.
“Mhmm.” you whined, curling your hands into him, newly done nails leaving imprints behind as your tennis bracelets dangled onto his chest.
Leaning back onto the bed as he dragged you with him, straddling his hips as he lifted your tiny little dress above your head, tossing it the side, seeing the mess you were already making on his pants. “Fuck, you’re so wet. That all for me?
Sheepishly nodding, head face his chest as his gaze never left you, hands resting on the top of your thighs. “C’mere baby, want you to sit that little cunt on my face.”
“W-wha-” His words throwing you off guard, the way he could say that so shamelessly making your thighs clench together.
“Don't make me spank your pretty ass of yours until you're a crying mess again.” His impatience rising once more, dragging you up there. Body not resisting as his breath was blowing on your clit, whimpers leaving your mouth as you jerked in his hold.  
“Such a baby, desperate for my attention but you don't even know how to act when you get it. I don't have to take days off for you, but I do. You're such a spoiled little thing, aren't you princess?”
“N-no, no im not!” Eyes stinging with tears as you embarrassingly got wetter.
“Really?” he mumbled into your clit, his ring covered working its way up your thigh, the tingling sensation the cold making you shiver. “Because you sure act like one.” His fingers teasing at your entrance as you were already sobbing, soft lips kissing your needy cunt. Hands gripping onto the headboard, supporting your trembling body.
Cries leaving your mouth as his groans were not helping, the vibrations along with the feeling of feeling full, but not full enough had you growing greedy. A squeal escaping your lips as his middle finger made its way into your ass, shoving his finger all the way in until his knuckles were pressed against your flesh, curling into you ruthlessly, shaking hand moving down to grip his hair. “ya-” 
Feeling his smile under you, shameless grinding on his face, cilt rubbing between his nose and lips as you desperately tried to get yourself off. “y-yak-, daddy. m’gonna -cum”
His fingers fucking into both of your holes, thrusting into you so hard your body is moving with them. His other hand grabbing you tits, pinching your nipples while his mouth was abusing your clit. Head falling back, eyes rolling with it, incoherent words coming out as your body froze, hands still moving as your body twitched. Losing sight and all other senses for a few seconds, only feeling yourself fall into him, chest resting on his head.
“Fuck pretty girl, you just came all over me.” He groaned, eyes lingering on your fucked out body. “Such a messy little girl, sweetheart.” 
“Want more, want you daddy, please” you croaked out into his ear.
“You want daddy’s cock that badly, baby?”
“Yeah…” You whimpered, voice all soft and sweet now. Mind foggy with lust as you gripped onto him.  “Please yaku.”
He flipped you over, body being compliant with him as he pushed your knees to your chest, pulling his boxers down enough to free his cock. Eyes trying their best to stay open while he used his hand to stoke it a few times, standing straight up against his stomach. 
Sliding his hands up along your sides, thumbs grazing over your nipples grabbing the soft flesh in his hands, bringing his lips down to them. Placing kisses all over, tongue wrapping around your nipple, your dainty gold necklace getting caught up in his mouth, teeth gently tugging on both of them. A line of spit breaking as he pulled away. Keening at the sensation, heavy weight resting on your stomach as you felt his cock grow against you. 
Sliding his length along your soaked cunt, the wetness making it glisten, the tip nudging your clit and teasingly tapping your hole with every thrust. His hand lifting up your thighs, pulling you closer to him, hearing your whines as you shamelessly rutted your hips into his. 
“Aww, baby…  you gonna cum just from that,?” Shaking your head fastly, words not coming out quick enough as your hands grabbed onto his.
 “Feeling empty?” As if he read your mind, not surprising you in the slightest. “You need daddy to take care of you in every way don't you, hm?” He said angling his cock down and shoving the tip into your cunt, barely fitting inside.
Your body convulsing at just the touch, pure need overtaking you as you shoved yourself the rest of the way down his cock. A cry of pain and pleasure leaving your mouth as you felt his hand slap against your thighs. 
“Though you said you were gonna be a good girl. I was gonna take my time with you, but I guess not anymore….Gonna make them tears fall pretty again.”
His hands gripping you tighter as he started thrusting into you, already sounding so lewd. You moans roaming around the room, wet slapping sounds getting him harder as your back arched. Blood rushing to your head, trying to find the orgasm that was so close. Shuddering as his pace got relentless, quickly sliding into and out of you, his tip barely being out before his balls slapped your ass. 
“No, baby..” he groaned, trying to hold himself back. “Not until daddy says you can.”
Eyes watering as your muscles tightened up. Hands moving to his neck, sliding up to his hair. Knuckles going white as your grip didn't loosen, trying to catch your breath as he kept fucking the gasps out of you.
"Fuck-" You whimpered, trying to stay still as he rutted into you faster, fingernails matching your knuckles. "I- can’t daddy, i can't!" you choked out. Head falling back once again, vision going black.
 “d-daddy, please…” you whined, opening your eyes to catch his. Pretty little pout on your face as he moved his lips to yours. 
“What? You gonna cum, baby?” His hot breath whispered into your mouth..
“B-but you said…” You sobbed, tears making your mascara run all over the place. “Please yaku, need it... need to c-ah, cum…”
“Be a good girl, and cum for me baby.” Your hesitantness easily caught by him, the look of worry in your eyes, not fully understand if what you heard was right.
His hand grabbing your jaw, turning your head to make you look at him. “Cum”
Back arching at the words, the same feeling all over again.. His thrusts not stopping, hips still slamming into yours. The feeling of overstimulation making you shake and cry, rocking back and forth until he can feel the wet heat dripping between you two. 
Finally pulling back as your body was limp under his, flipping you over again now resting on his chest. Leaning against the bed frame as you curled up into him, still looking unpleased after he made you cum for the 3rd time.
“Why are you still pouting, hm?”
“I- im not.” You said trying to hide your face, lips puckering up more.
His gaze on your made you ease up, looking into his eyes, heat rising into your face as you opened your mouth. “You pulled out ...“
“Oh my god, baby.” He said pulling you towards him, pushing back slightly. “Stop, daddy.” You said, trying to assert yourself, looking like the prettiest mess he's ever seen in his life. “You know how I feel.”  
He looked down into your sad, pleading eyes feeling his lips pull up in  smirk, dick already growing hard again at the thought. Fuck you were so cute. Leaning down into your ear, voice hot and raspy as he muttered out.
“Okay, princess. I’ll give you what you want, but…. you have to do something for me first.”
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Rapacious - rə-ˈpā-shəs- excessively grasping or covetous, living on prey,  ravenous
(A rapacious appetite only for you my doll)
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Hello and welcome to my first formal collab with the lovely @lady-bakuhoe Our thirsty dms finally turned into a full blown collab where our writing melds into one. I hope y'all enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
✧Triggers and Warnings ✧
Pro Hero Dynamight, aged up AU, adult themes, such as intense sexual interaction, yandere behavior, mind break (?), branding, and dub con. If any of these topics make you uncomfortable please do not read any further. Thank you.
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The snow comes down heavily, beautifully as it sticks and clings to anything it can. Blanketing the outside world in an unsullied shimmer bringing a smile to your face as you watch the sun dip low over the horizon. The light painting the world in stunning reds and pinks as it filters in through your bay window that faces the street. A small shiver runs through your spine as you wait impatiently for your warm tea, convincing yourself that the chill has nothing to do with your outfit. An oversized Red Riot t-shirt, a pair of black dolphin shorts and black thigh high socks, it was comfortable and you felt cute. Even if it was just for yourself, besides what else would one wear to their solo Netflix binging? Surely not pants. 
A rapid knock comes at the door. Harsh, precise as you jump out of your skin, nearly dropping your mug. 
Lifting your cell phone to check the time, wondering who could be knocking at this hour, it was far too late for any visitors and it surely wasn't the post. The icy snow ensured that most people would be snuggled into their couches with a warm cup of tea, tucked away from the harsh weather. Much like you were trying to do, maybe if you ignored it the unsuspecting visitor would move on. 
But another sharp knock echoes around your living room, urging your feet to move. You pad through your small townhouse, trying to get a glimpse through the window only for the unwanted guest to be standing just out of view. Your heart pounds in your chest as you stare at the thick oak door, debating on whether to open it or not as another knock sounded from the other side. Curiosity with a hint of fear compels your fingers as you click your door onto the chain latch. Opening it slightly, looking out between the crack in the door to see who it was.
“H-hi.” Your eyes caught sight of the man outside your house, pupils widening in surprise at the sight of him. Messy ash blond spikes on top of his head as his hair faded to a low buzz cut at the sides, “Dynamight?” 
The man's scowl morphed into a smirk at your recognition, obviously proud that you knew who he was, his vermilion eyes glistening in the light gleaming from your house as you moved to take the door off the security latch, opening it fully so you could see him properly. His gaze immediately drank you in, glancing at the thigh high socks that hugged your thighs as he made his way up to the hem of your shirt, cherishing the exposed skin of your upper thighs until he noticed the shirt you were wearing. His nostrils flaring slightly at the sight of his best friend's face across your chest. It should be his. 
“My car broke down.” He motioned to the car that now sat motionless at the end of your drive, fresh snow already falling and covering its windscreen, “Can I come inside?” 
"Oh, um…" You're hesitant, technically you didn't know Dynamight but he was a pro hero. That meant he could be trusted right? Snow sticks to his blonde strands and shoulders. His hands and nose were a little red making it seem as if he had been in the cold a touch too long. Swallowing your fear you take a step back from the door, arm gesturing for him to come in. Silently elated he steps in as if he owns the place. What were the odds he would end up at your doorstep? 
"Um, can I offer you some coffee? Coco? Tea?" Your voice sounds small, stupid. Nervousness prickles over your skin as he sinks into your couch. 
"Tea is fine." His voice is silky and foreign in your warm home. He watches you with sharp eyes as you reach for a mug. Your short shorts ride up just a bit as your shirt gives him a tease of your back. 
Meanwhile you're buzzing from head to toe, THE one and ONLY Dynamight, the man you'd been dreaming of since his debut, the only face and voice that you ever imagined when your hands ventured into your soaked panties, was here. In your home, sitting on your couch and oh Gods...Which blanket did you have out? Was it his that you sprayed with his line of cologne so you would feel less lonely in your apartment? 
The kettle howls pulling you violently back to the task at hand. Should you ask him how he'd like his tea? You already know how he likes it, having read it in a magazine once committing it to memory in case you ever met him. But would that come off too strong? You settle on making it perfectly  in hopes it would paint you in the light of a "great hostess."  You grab onto the cup and turn to face the ill tempered hero head on. 
He turns away in time, relaxed on your couch as you offer him his cup. He takes it from your hands, his cool fingers brushing against yours. He takes a sip, peering at you over the rim. His vermillion eyes cause your stomach to flip as you nervously twist the hem of your shirt. His eyes rake over you with a smirk before they land on your worrying hands and that damned Red Riot shirt. Suddenly you're hyper aware of your inappropriate outfit, tugging your shirt over your exposed skin. 
His large palm settles on your thigh, starling you. 
"The outfit isn't the problem. I just think you look much better in my shirt." He tugs at the hem, "Maybe you should take this one off." 
“W-what?” You stammered, your body instinctively shrinking away from his touch.
“There’s just something about the way my face looks stretched against those tits.” He smirked, taking a sip of the warm mug before slipping it into your coffee table.
“What do you mean?” Confusion evident in your tone. What was he talking about? Your Dynamight merchandise? How would he have any idea about how much of a fan you were of him, just how many of his shirts sat in your closet right now. 
“Don’t act all coy.” Bakugou continued, turning his body to face yours on the couch, a dark look in his vermillion eyes as his fingers danced higher up your exposed thigh, feeling a warmth begin to seep from his palm as his cool calloused fingertips dig into your skin, “You know exactly what you’re doing.” 
“I assure you, Dynamight.” Bakugou groaned at the way his hero name sounded spilling from your lips, “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Every day you’re out there being a fuckin’ tease.” He growled, biting your lip as you felt his blunt fingernails digging into the plush of your thigh, “Prancing around in these short fuckin’ shorts and my shirts.” 
Wait, had he seen you wearing his merch before? Had he seen you in his clothes? How? You were certain he’d never seen the multiple selfies you’d take of yourself to upload onto social media, always too scared to tag your favourite Hero. Instead proclaiming your love for him shamelessly on your socials, gushing about how he was the perfect hero. Still, even if he was lurking on your accounts, he couldn't possibly remember someone as lowly as you. 
“You knew I was watching you, didn’t you?” He snarled, his other hand moving up to palm your breast through your shirt, the action catching you by surprise as you gasped, “You wanted me to see you acting like such a slut.”
“N-no, Dynamight. I wasn’t-” You stammer as you think back, trying to remember all of the times you thought you felt a weighted gaze on you. Only to look over your shoulder to find nothing before submerging yourself back into your mundane world.
"Wasn't what? You mean you weren't trying to show the whole neighborhood your ass when you bent over 'pulling weeds'?" His palm becomes uncomfortably hot as his voice dips lower, lips brushing your ear as you drown in his spiced caramel scent. 
"Maybe you heard about your new neighbor Pro Hero Red Riot, wanted to show off for him? Or maybe you're just a slut who loves the attention?" 
Your blood runs cold, icy despite his burning palm, you swallow thickly as he continues to recite your summer as if reading from a list. 
"You know exactly what you're doing don'tchya? So many men have changed their jogging route to include your street, even if it is well out of their way. They slow their pace in front of your house when you're outside. Bent over, head lost in your garden and your skin tight shorts show your plump lips, your thick thighs and that supple, soft ass. Tits almost falling out from your crop tops as you must refuse to wear a bra. But you're such a good girl, reminding everyone who you belong to when you wear those shorts with my name across the ass." 
He leans away from you to hold your gaze. A shiver runs up your spine, you had never posted those shorts. The fan made ones that say "Bakugou's" across the ass, fuck how did he-?
He reads the question across your face, a nasty smirk dances on his cruel lips as he takes delight in the fear that blows your pupils wide. 
"I've been watching you Princess." You feel your heart beating out of your chest at the realisation, “But you knew that already, didn’t you?”
You didn’t.
“That’s why you put on such a show for me every time, isn’t it?” 
 You hadn’t noticed your favourite Pro-Hero had been watching you all this time. You were beyond excited when Red Riot had moved into the neighbourhood, wishing you’d catch a glimpse of him each time you left your house. Getting up early some mornings just to see the red head stretching for his morning run, his muscles taut across his thick frame. But not once had Bakugou been anywhere in sight. You were sure you'd remember the ash blonde standing next to your second favorite hero. 
“You do it on purpose.” Bakugou growled, his hand moving to your exposed waist, stroking against your naked skin as his fingers dipped underneath your top, “It turns you on doesn’t it? Everyone looking at your slutty little body.”
“No, please. It doesn’t- I’m not.” You tried to move away from him, but he already had your body trapped between the arm of the couch and his large, muscular frame. 
“All those eyes on you and you don’t give a fuck.” Bakugou’s large palm grasps your round breast, groaning when he feels your nipple pebbled underneath his touch, “You want everyone to see you.”
Before you have a moment to object, to tell him how wrong he is, his lips are already against yours in a sultry kiss. Your mind hazy as he immediately prods your lips with his tongue, desperate for entrance as he invades your mouth. You couldn’t believe what was happening, The Dynamight was inside your house. Your entire body burning as his heat engulfed you, this was something you’d dreamed about more than you could recollect. The amount of nights you’d touched yourself to the thought of his hands dancing across your body. Trying to imagine how it would feel to be completely ravaged by him, but now that he was here in the flesh you were nervous. The reality of the situation slowly consumes your body as your heart beats with more intensity. 
“God, you’re fuckin’ perfect.” Bakugou rasps huskily as he tugs your shirt up and over your breasts, his vermilion eyes taking in the sight of your exposed chest to his prying eyes, “Even better than I imagined.”
You nervously tried to move your arms to your chest, trying to hide your body from his burning gaze, but his hand was quick to grab your wrist, tugging your arm away with a glare, “Don’t.”
You averted your eyes from his own, biting your bottom lip as he lowered his face to your chest. His tongue tentatively coming out to lap around your darkened areola, closing his lips around your hardened nipple as he began to suck on the tender skin. Your head falling onto the back of the couch as you let out a low whine, one of your hands coming up to brush through his buzzed undercut, stroking against the spiky hair as you arched your back into his touch. 
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve been thinking about this, sweetheart.” He murmured around your nipple, his warm breath fanning against your skin as his teeth grazed against the sensitive skin. An airy gasp leaving your parted lips at the sensation as you involuntarily arched your back into his touch, “Every fuckin’ time I saw you-”
Wait? Every time he saw you? How often did he seek out your address? How many times did his crimson eyes burn into your skin without your noticing? 
Your eyes dart to the large bay window, holding eye contact with yourself as you stare at your reflection. A pitiful and clear sight as the blonde's hands groped your exposed tits. If the pro hero was brazen enough to peer through your unobstructed window, just how many other eyes fall onto you? 
“When I saw you in my signed debut Dynamight shirt, I knew I had to have you.” His lips curving into a grin against your skin as his tongue lapped at your hardened nipple, rolling the other one between his thumb and forefinger, “There’s just something about the sight of you in my clothes.”
At the mention of your rare signed shirt your body goes rigid, numb. If he had seen you in the shirt you mostly kept tucked away for safekeeping, he had seen everything hadn't he? 
“Don’t go all shy on me now, Princess.” He released your nipple with a pop, palming your breast with a grin as he pressed his lips against your own, “Weren’t shy when you were putting on a show for everyone, were you?”
Your bottom lip trembled at the suggestion, worrying it between your teeth as you felt Bakugou lean forward to grab your wrist in a large hand, the scent of his quirk filling the air as you felt the heat radiating from his palm. Vermilion eyes glancing down at your half-lidded ones, a glazed expression over your features as you focused on his touch.
“Look at what you fuckin’ do to me, sweetheart.” Bakugou tightened his grip on your wrist, moving your hand towards his crotch. His cock bulging against his pants, desperate to be released as he lay your palm against him. Gasping at the sensation as your palm made contact with the fabric, feeling just how hard he was for you underneath the denim.
All the while his thoughts are consumed by you, your smell, the look of surprise on your face. The feel of your skin against his and the heat of your breath tickling his ear when he pins you to the couch. 
All of the things he'd been imagining for the last few months. Your small hand against his large, twitching cock. Even through the fabric your warmth is hypnotizing, drawing him in and captivating him with every inch of you.
Bakugou's problem is that he can be greedy, hungry for more. Wanting nothing but the best and much like his sun sign, once he had his eyes set on something nothing could overcome his stubborn ambition. Not even the small look of fear in your eyes but even he can see that it is fading, melding into desire. He watches your fingers flutter, teasingly trying to figure out just how big and girthy he really was. Your heart races as you stare into his clouded vermillion eyes. Blood running hot as your mouth salivates, imagining the same thing he is. 
How does it taste? 
You let out a soft whine, fingers prodding at the head earning you a borderline feral growl. 
"Quit being a fucking tease and take it out, Princess." He groans, you freeze at his bold request.
"B..but…" He crowds you as your protests die in your throat. His lips brushing against your ear as he breathes in your sweet shampoo. 
"But what Princess? Scared I'll fuck you stupid?" He nips at the shell of your ear, chuckling darkly when you shiver, "Or are you scared you'll get addicted to how I taste?" 
"Aw look at you acting all fuckin shy?" He squeezes your thighs with a deadly grip, fingers creeping between them, "You weren't so shy last week sitting in this spot were you?" 
You freeze as you think back to last week, knowing exactly what you were doing, eyes glancing over his broad shoulder to see the snow coming down in sheets through the large bay windows. You thought you were high enough and far enough away from the road, there, there was no way he saw right? 
His fingers press against your clothed sex, rubbing rough circles unable to keep the deadly smirk off of his lips. 
"Your phone in one hand and your other right here. Or maybe," He moves the dark fabric to the side, sliding his fingers to your clit, "It was here." 
You bite back your moans as the rough pad of his fingers circle your clit, just barely grazing over it in an agonizing purposeful fashion. 
"What were you watching again? Amateur porn right? POV with the guy's face hidden but he was in a knock off Dynamight suit wasn't he?" He pulls back to watch your face, twisting with pleasure and horror, body arching towards his touch as your head swims. Cunt clenching as he dips closer to your core for slick. 
"And what did that slutty mouth say?" His smile is cocky, holding eye contact. Silence sits between the two of you as your eyes flutter. He pulls his hand away from your throbbing clit, squeezing against your pulse point.
"I asked a question, Kitten. Now answer it." His voice is dark. 
"Dy-Dynamight." You gasp out, he ruts his hips against your leg. 
"Again." His free hand slips back between your folds, fingers setting a rapid pace that already has you teetering on the edge already. 
"Again. Say my name again." His fingers work you over as the coil unexpectedly snaps in your stomach. 
"Katuskiiii." You gasp and whine, shamefully cumming all over his thick digits. He groans, shoving his fingers into your cunt to feel you grip onto him, he cannot wait to feel that pretty pussy molding to his aching cock. 
But he would wait, for now. 
"Good girl." He praises, pulling his fingers from your core, licking up them. Savoring your essence as you watch his eyes flutter paying you a high compliment. In quick motions he throws a pillow onto the solid hardwood floor, pulling the hair at the nape of your neck as he pulls you onto the plush cushion. His free hand undoing his belt with deft fingers before he pulls his pants and boxers down. His cock springs free, the head leaking precum as you lick your lips. 
"You're gonna keep being a good girl for me right, Princess?" He coos, dragging his cock across your lips, smearing his sweet and salty pre from cheek to cheek. 
"Fuck do you know how long I've been dreaming of your lips around my cock?" He groans, pulling your hair back to force eye contact. 
"How, how long?" Your question prompts that nasty smile as his crimson eyes gleam with cruelty and lust.
And with that he pulls your hair back hard enough that you cry out in pain. Bakugou takes the opportunity to shove his cock into your mouth. Bottoming out at the back of your throat causing you to gag, your spit eases the roughness of his slow harsh thrusts as your eyes water. 
Nothing could have prepared you for feeling Bakugou inside you for the first time, your wildest fantasies didn’t equate to this. The sheer size of his thick, bulging cock made it difficult for you to take him inside your mouth. The prominent veins that forked along the side dragging against your cheek as he eased you down on his length. Fingers stroking through your hair sweetly, a stark contrast to his previous movements. His husky voice cooing down at you, gentle praises that had you keening, desperate to hear more. The red, swollen tip prodding against the back of your throat as you gagged around him, a mixture of spit and pre dribbling down your chin as you tried to fit more of him inside your mouth hungrily. 
“So fuckin’ greedy.” Bakugou grunted, his fingers carding into your messy hair and tugging harshly against the root, pressing you further down his aching cock. Watching the way your cheeks hollowed around him as you tried to adjust to his size. The movement causing fresh tears to clump in your lashes as you tried desperately to breathe through your nose. His coarse blond pubic hairs tickling your skin as he held your head down on his cock. 
Struggling for oxygen as your tongue lashed against the underside of his length, the salty sweet taste of his cum mixed with the lack of oxygen making you light headed as you felt yourself falling deeper into him. Teeth grazing his sensitive skin as you tried to relax your throat, innocent eyes gazing up at him. The sight almost had him cumming on the spot, it was something he’d thought about for months, stroking himself raw to the thought of your lips wrapped around him. You felt gentle tremors flowing through your body as he finally allowed you a moment of respite, tugging you off his length roughly as you gasped for air.
“So pretty for me,” His warm palm stroked against your cheek, dipping his thumb between your parted lips as he felt you instinctively close your mouth around it. Your tongue swirling around the calloused pad of his thumb as you heard him groan above you, “Look at you.”
“How many times have you played with that slutty little pussy to the thought of me, hah?” Bakugou mused, his thumb slipping from your mouth as he pulled down your lower lip, watching the way your face followed after his hand to try and pull him back in.
“P-please.” You trembled, already feeling your clit throbbing painfully between your thighs, already feeling unsatiated as crimson eyes glared down at you.
“I bet you’ve never had anything this big inside you,” He wrapped his palm around his cock, smirking when he noticed your eyes hyper focused on him, “Have you?”
You shook your head nervously, even the toys you’d experimented before didn’t equate to his sheer size, “N-no, Dynamight.”
“I’m gonna make you feel so fuckin’ good, Princess.” Bakugou’s thoughts already flooding to how your tight little cunt would feel being split around his cock. Moulding it to his size so you’d never be satisfied with anything or anyone else. You were going to be his and his alone, and he’d do anything to ensure that happened, “Wanna feel that tight little pussy wrapped around my cock, yeah?”
His words sending more pleasurable jolts to your core, rubbing your thighs together in anticipation as he helped you to your feet, his large palms keeping against your hips as he dipped his fingers beneath the hem of your shorts. Sliding the material down your thighs with one rough tug, exposing your naked body to his prying eyes. The sight of you completely bare in front of him had his cock twitching almost painfully, you were even more perfect than he had imagined.
“C’mere, Princess.” He cooed gently, a stark contrast to his earlier actions. You keened as you slid onto his lap, feeling his thick cock pressed snugly between your folds as you placed your hands on his broad shoulders to steady yourself. Your fingertips digging into his shirt as you tried feebly to get him to take it off.
“So needy,” He smirked, leaning forward to tug his shirt up and over his head. His chiselled abs now on full display as you focused in on each sharp ridge. He was even more perfect in person, and you couldn’t quite believe that the Dynamight was now in front of you.
Bakugou’s large palms moved back to your hips, pressing you down against his cock as you felt the length stroke against your slit, involuntarily grinding down against him as you tried to give your clit some much needed stimulation. The action did not go unnoticed by Bakugou who smirked at your desperation, digging his fingertips into your skin as he began to circle your hips against his cock. 
“You’re soaking my cock and I haven’t even put it in yet,” He smirked as he felt your slick coating his length, watching in amusement as you continued to grind yourself against him, trying to give yourself some relief, “Bet you could get yourself off just like this, hah?”
“No,” You whined, “Please,”
“Please, what?” He coaxed, his fingers slipping between your bodies to tease your puffy clit, a harsh laugh leaving his lips when he felt the way your body jerked at his touch.
“Please,” You trailed off, suddenly feeling incredibly nervous and self-conscious that you were now very much naked in front of your favourite Pro-Hero.
“You don’t seem to want it enough, Princess.” Bakugou teased, moving you away from his cock as you groaned in displeasure. Your eyes looking down at his shaft that was now coated in a layer of your slick. Fresh pre spilling from the tip as you reached out to grab him between your fingers. Bakugou’s reflexes were quicker as he caught your wrist in his large palm, giving you a warning look as his nostrils flared. 
“So fuckin’ greedy.” He moved his hands back to grab your ass, kneading the round mounds as he moved you to hover over his cock, vermilion eyes gazing up at you as he waited for you to speak, “You want my cock?”
“Yeah-” You felt your head nodding before you’d even had a chance to think, desperate to feel him sliding inside your warmth, splitting you open as he buried himself deep inside you. 
“Yeah?” He mocked, tilting his head to the side as he pressed a kiss against your pebbled nipple, “Then fuckin’ beg for it.”
“Please, Dynamight.” You rolled your hips again, grinding against nothing as you tried to create some friction between your thighs, “Want your cock.”
A groan spilled from his lips at such blunt words leaving your pouty lips, calloused fingertips digging into your supple flesh as he pressed you down on the head of his cock. The tip stretching you out slightly as you tried to drop your hips down on him, wanting to feel him deep inside you.
“You want Dynamight to fuck this slutty pussy?” He pulled you away from his cock which caused a needy whine to spill from your lips, trying to angle your hips back towards his length.
Bakugou’s palm wrapping around his cock to drag the swollen, reddened tip along your sopping folds. Feeling your slick coat his skin as it mingled with his pre, watching the way your eyes fluttered at the sensation of his cockhead brushing against your clit.
“Yes.” You hissed, already anticipating the pleasurable stretch his girth would create inside you. The thick head already back at your tight entrance as he watched you shamelessly try and drop your hips down onto him. 
"Yes what?" His voice is dark with pleasure as he glares up at you, a pitiful mess. He's toying with you, as a cat does a mouse and you feel utterly embarrassed. This was Pro hero Dynamight damn it, you wanted to make a good impression. You wanted to be sexy, not some whiny bitch in heat. 
Little did you know how much Bakugou loved it, lived for it as he gently bounced you on just the tip. Driving you wild as you whined, all the while he smirked. 
"Please Katsuki-sama." Your nails rake down his forearms, "Please, please fuck me." 
"That's my good girl." He slams you down on his cock in one swift motion causing your vision to spot. He relishes the way you flutter around him, adjusting as a shiver runs up your spine. 
"Now fuck yourself on my cock, Princess." 
"But-" He wraps his hand around your throat, malice and lust dance in his eyes as his free hand travels to your thigh. Palm heating with each pound of your heart until it begins to become too much, too hot.
"Ride me like you did your fingers last week. You were thinking of me then weren't you, pervert?” You gasped at his crude words, the idea that he had been watching you while you dipped your fingers inside your tight cunt had embarrassment ebbing in your core. Your body trembling as the object of your affections degraded you, “Wishing it was me finger fuckin’ that pretty pussy, yeah?”
Unable to stop the shameless moan that left your parted lips, the sound restricted to a strangled gasp as he kept his palm wrapped tightly around your jugular. 
“Or were you thinking of Red Riot since you love wearing his merch so much, hah.” Bakugou goaded, you could feel his grip against you tightening as his palms heated up dangerously, “Wishing he’d come in and bend you over like the little slut you are.”
“N-no,” You tried to gasp out, feeling lightheaded from the lack of oxygen that flowed through your body.
Bakugou loosened his grip around your neck, keeping his palm against your skin as he leaned his head closer to yours, his warm breath fanning your face as vermilion eyes bored into your own, “What was that?”
“J-just you, Dynamight.” You rasped, a rush of air filling your lungs as your chest heaved against him, “Only for you-”
“Yeah?” His lips curled into a cocky grin, immediately tightening his grip around your throat once more, “That’s fuckin’ right, you should be thinking about me when you play with that sloppy pussy.”
He squeezes both your throat and thigh harder. You rock your hips, fucking yourself on his fat cock as you gasp for air, hands desperately holding onto toned arms for support as the coil in your stomach begins to snap. 
“Now I want you to fuckin' show me how much of a Dynamight fan you really are." He groans at the way you grip around him, tongue lulling past his smirk for just as second. 
If you had to try and describe this feeling it would be something akin to euphoria, a constant throb ebbing through your cunt at the dull stretch his cock caused around your core. His cock moulding you to his shape as he bounced you on his lap, the thick jutting veins along his girth dragging against your inner walls with each pronounced thrust. Desperate cries of pleasure spilling from your lips as he fucked himself into you, hungrily searching to pull more of those sweet sounds from your pretty lips. You felt pearly tears begin to clump in your lashes as he fucked into your tight cunt with vigour, uncaring for giving you a moment of respite as he hungrily used you for his own pleasure. 
“Aw, you gonna cry, Princess?” He sneered, vermilion eyes gazing down at your own as he kept his pace, “I know you fuckin’ love it. I can feel you squeezing my cock.”
“Please-” You couldn’t think of the words, your mind foggy with the juxtaposition of pleasure and pain overwhelming you as he continued to fuck you with reckless abandon. 
“Don’t tell me I’ve already fucked you stupid, dumbass.” He grunted, the calloused pads of his fingers digging into the plush skin of your thighs, crude noising filling the air as you could hear just how wet you were for him, “That sloppy pussy is drooling all over my cock.”
"Who do you belong to?" His husky voice wraps around you like a vice, pulling your heart into your stomach. 
"You." You gasp as the heat of his palm on your leg begins to burn, skin warping beneath his touch. Hand glowing golden as if he were a God while his quirk begins to really activate. The smell of spiced caramel, smoke and scalded flesh cling to the couch and invade your senses as a crude whimper leaves your parted lips. The skin that he’d just burned throbbing under his touch, as heat surged through your body. His sharp thrusts helping to morph the pain you felt into a pure, unabashed pleasure as he watched you worry your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Good girl. Now everyone will know exactly who you belong to." Your eyes flicker away from his face before he uses his finger behind your jaw to meet his gaze, "Look at your King when you cum."
The combination of pleasure and pain paired with the thought of being his makes that delicate coil snap. Your body tenses and freezes as you shake atop his lap, biting nails drawing blood on his arms. He smirks, fucking up into you as another mind numbing orgasim washes over your body. Without withdrawing himself he flips the two of you against the couch. 
“Fuck, look at you.” Your back presses into the cushions as he towers over you. Gazing down and into your eyes as he slowly thrusts into you, switching hands to place one on your unburnt thigh, “So fuckin’ pretty.”
The telltale sounds of his quirk sound in the room as his hands crackle, heating his other palm, readying himself to repeat the action. To mark your body and claim you as his own, so if anyone dared to look at you they would know exactly who you belonged. Permanent hand prints marking you as his. No one else was allowed to have you, not that you had a choice, at least not anymore. 
Bakugou hissed as he felt your cunt continue to flutter around him in the aftershocks of your climax, snapping his hips as his pelvis hits against your puffy clit, head swimming from both pleasure and your primal need to breathe that was being wholly denied.
Bakugou was going to ruin you and you'd let him. 
"Who owns this pretty pussy?" Another possessive question that rockets you to the edge, body hoping for another mark, to make you symmetrical. 
"You." Another raspy breath but it's enough for Bakugou to hear. A silent moan tears from your throat as you try to keep your eyes locked with his. Pain blooming on your thigh with a delicious bite. 
 “What was that?” He snarled, pressing your thigh up against your chest as his arm slid underneath your knee, resting your calf over his shoulder as he changed the angle of his thrusts, his cock delving deeper between your folds as you felt the swollen tip bruising your cervix with each hard rut of his hips, “Say my name.”
“Dynamight.” You called out, already feeling your body throbbing in the telltale signs of another orgasm, your thighs quivering as you felt Bakugou fuck your body into the couch hard before using his grip on your thigh to drag you back into him. 
The crude sound of skin against skin vibrated around the room as his meaty balls slapped against the swell of your ass, Bakugou’s muscular frame dwarfing your own as he used you for his own pleasure. His own little cocksleeve that would succumb to his every request, you would be his and his alone to use as he pleased. 
“Again.” A low growl sounded from the back of his throat, a possessive undertone to it as he urged you on, “Say it again.”
“Dynamight.” You managed to whimper through sobs, tears trickling down your temples now and soaking into your messy hair. The sound of his name spilling from your lips made him readjust his thrusts with newfound intensity. 
“That’s fuckin’ right. Red Riot would never fuck you this good, hah?” He provoked, a clear sign of dominance over you, “You’re fuckin’ made for my cock.”
A cry slipping from your lips as he gave a particularly hard thrust inside your aching cunt, the tip of his length pounding against your cervix as he worked to claim your body as his own, trying to wipe thoughts of anyone else from your mind so all you could think about in this moment was his fat cock buried deep inside your tight heat.
“God, you’re fuckin’ perfect.” He grunted, his eyes mapping out your body as he worked himself against you, “Feel so good.”
Your breasts bounced with the intensity of his thrusts as he felt your inner walls quivering around his cock, already feeling another orgasm creeping up on you, the coil inside you impossibly tight as you tried to remember to breathe. Your vision hazy as you felt yourself becoming lightheaded, white dots blanking your vision as you shook beneath him.
“You gonna cum again already? Greedy fuckin’ bitch.” Bakugou’s lips curved into a grin as he felt your fingernails dig into his forearms, leaving crescent shapes in their wake as a dull ache tingled against his skin at the sensation, “My cock’s better than your fuckin’ fingers, yeah?”
“Yes,” You hissed, your toes curling as you felt yourself succumb to the pleasure. Your tight heat clenching around Bakugou’s cock as an usual sensation flowed through you, an intense throb in your core as you felt the unwavering urge to pee. Tightening your thighs around Bakugou’s firm body in an attempt to stop it from happening as wracked sobs left your body, your lower lip trembling as the sensation became too much. Too intense, too overwhelming as you allowed it to take over, your body crying out as you came. A clear stream of liquid gushing from between your thighs and soaking Bakugou’s crotch, his pace never once faltering as he fucked you through the sensation.
“Look at you, you messy fuckin’ slut” He howled in pleasure as he watched the liquid seep from your folds, “Look at your sloppy little pussy soakin’ my cock.”
“I’m sorry-” You cried out in embarrassment, feeling your heart pound in your chest as you saw his abdomen glistening with your release, “I didn’t mean-”
“What? You never fuckin’ squirted before?” Bakugou’s lips curled into a sly smile, his chest puffed out in pride, “Let’s see if you can do it again.”
Bakugou slipped a hand between your connected bodies to press four fingers against your clit, rubbing it frantically side to side as he tried to prolong the sensation, watching to see more of the clear liquid escape your heat. 
"I can make this pretty little cunt do what I want. Wanna know why?" He leans in with a deadly grin on his lips,  "Cause I own it." 
You cried out as you felt the sensation flowing through you once more, a dull ache in your lower body as more of the clear liquid gushed from your folds. The sight made Bakugou smirk with glee, his fingers relentless against your sensitive nub.
“Couldn’t help yourself, could you?” He goaded, feeling your body trying to shy away from him as you withered beneath him, the pleasure becoming overwhelming, “That fuckin’ desperate.”
“P-please,” You whimpered, your entire body felt unbearably hot. Unable to think coherently as Bakugou continued pounding his thick girth into your core, his warm breath fanning your face as he hovered above you.
“P-please,” He mocked, tilting his head as he glanced down at you, “Please, what?”
“‘S too much,” You stammered, your hand reaching down to wrap around his wrist, trying to tug his fingers away from their assault against your clit.
The movement made him growl, baring his teeth as his hand moved from your clit, reaching up to wrap around the curve of your neck instead as he instantly tightened his grip against your jugular. The action caused your eyes to widen in surprise before your soft whines turned into hungry pants as you tried to gasp for air. Bakugou’s consistent thrusts into your sloppy hole made it difficult to think straight, your body fully focused on the sight of him above you while his hand wrapped tightly around your neck. 
“Gonna fill that sloppy little pussy with cum, yeah?” You flushed at the suggestion, already feeling your inner walls fluttering around his cock at the thought, squeezing his girth as it created more friction as he dragged his cock along your velvety walls, his grip on your neck tightening as you felt your cunt clench around his cock in response, “You’re gonna look so pretty for me all full of my cum, Princess.”
A guttural groan spilled from his parted lips as you watched his eyes roll back, his thrusts stuttering as he came, bottoming out inside you as white hot spurts of cum splashed against your inner walls. His palms stroking along your exposed skin, sliding against the thin sheen of sweat that coated your body as he came down from his climax, humping a few more sloppy thrusts into your cunt as he cherished the sweet way your walls continued to flutter around him. 
You whined as Bakugou slowly eased his hips back, slipping his softening cock out of your quivering folds. His eyes immediately focused on your abused hole as he watched his cum begin to trickle out of you as it dribbled down towards your ass. Unable to resist reaching a finger out to collect the mixture, scooping it up as he slowly pushed it back inside you. Smirking at the way you tried to bat his hand away from your overstimulated folds, this only making him want to tease you more as he moved his finger to press against your inner walls. Swallowing thickly as he felt your body involuntarily clamping down around him in an attempt to pull him back inside you. 
“Such a good girl for me, Princess.” He moved his fingers up to stroke against your puffy clit, laughing at the way you arched your hips away from his touch, trying to stop him from teasing your satiated clit, “Took my cock so well.” 
You mewl in response, clutching your arms to yourself as you shake from the previous events. You looked so small and scared causing a sharp pain to bolt through Bakugou's chest. God he wanted you in his care even more now.
“You were even more perfect than I imagined.” He pulls you to him, trapping you in his embrace as he presses your face into his chest. Hand smoothing your damp hair as he hums lightly. His eyes catching sight of the Red Riot shirt he’d discarded to the floor, a thought occurred to him, one he cannot keep to himself, as another sadistic smile settled on his lips. 
“Kirishima told me not to come over here, said to leave you alone-” He pulls you back so you can look at him, and gods the look you're giving him. Eyes soft and submissive, hazed over in mind numbing pleasure as you float off somewhere far away. Only Bakugou's arms are keeping you bound to Earth. “But I was right wasn’t I, Princess?”
You'll never be able to escape his gravity now. 
“He just wanted you for himself.” His fingers feather over your body before he stands, guessing where the first aid could be. You clutch onto his shirt, eyes desperately glued to your new God as the fading sun washes him over in deep hues of red. The way you look at him makes his cock twitch, feeling the intense power he already holds over you. 
"You'll let your King go." A growl as his fingers find your throat, you nod with fresh tears catching on long lashes as he steps away. Sobbing from his absence before he returns. 
"Don't be a baby, I wasn't that far Princess." His voice all bite while his hands speak the truth. Calloused and scared fingers pressing ointment into the fresh burns tenderly. 
“But you’re mine now aren’t you Princess?” He dots over the burns, rubbing the salve in gently, “All mine.”
He leans away from you, cruelty ever plastered on his smirking lips. 
“Maybe I should show Red Riot what you look like right now, hah?” He pulls out his phone, going to snap a picture. You're hesitant at first but then move to strike a pose, wide eyes looking into the lens of the camera as Bakugou angles it to get the dark bruises and scars that now marr your perfect skin. "Fuck, I think showing him what a good girl you are in person would be much better." 
“W-we shouldn’t-“ You mumble, your heart hammering in your chest at the thought of your sweet neighbour seeing you like this, utterly debauched because of Pro-Hero Dynamight. 
“Don’t be shy, pretty girl.” He coos uncharacteristically, almost mocking you as he watches your lower lip tremble, “I’m sure Red Riot would love to see you like this. Probably jerks himself raw to the thought of you.”
He eases you to your feet, sliding your shorts over your thighs as you hiss when they get to the fresh brand. Your mouth waters from pain as you look down at them. His perfect palm prints etched into your skin forever. You bite your bottom lip, wanting more from Bakugou who slips his jacket over your shoulders before putting your snow boots onto your feet. He makes his way to the door.
"Comin' pervert?" He asks before you rush to your feet,  “Shall we show Red Riot what a desperate little slut his neighbour is?” 
He wraps his arm around your shoulders, engulfing you in his mesmerizing scent and heat. You nod slowly, wanting nothing more than to please your new caretaker. 
“Gotta remind that asshole who the fuck you belong to.”
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All slashers with a S/O who counts on their fingers:
For @iloveslasher ;) since asked! idk when I’ll open my requests (inbox)
Warnings: teasing, some cuteness, lots of confusion, referring to Pennywise as “they”, ooc Doom Head
I’ll probably forget some since I’ve got lots on my list :,)
It’s the longest thing I’ve ever written!
I’m SO, SO sorry it took me so long D:
Sorry if I made some mistakes or missed some things!
Michael Myers
He probably doesn’t even see it at first, not until he sees you at the table with a sheet full of your month expenses and your fingers moving up and down while you look down at the scribbled numbers.
If he cares, he sure doesn’t show it. He’ll just look at you from the doorway and maybe tilt his head before walking away. If you do that again though, he’ll stare at you and wait until you notice him before he walks over and finally understands that you’re just counting, which makes him almost facepalm.
I don’t think he ever did it, and he never will.
Jason Voorheese
The first time he’ll see you counting will probably make him smile as you’re looking at the ceiling, your lips moving a little as you put your fingers up then back down.
He did that when he was a kid and still does it sometimes, but only rarely though! So he understands how it can help you and will only smile whenever he sees you doing that. He finds it so cute coming from you! He’s happy he isn’t the only one who did and does that.
He’ll be less self conscious to do that because you do it.
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
He’ll laugh when he sees you focused on something and moving your fingers, a shit-eating grin on his face. “What tf are you doing?”
If he startles you he’ll laugh even more as you try to explain it helps you counting. He’ll then tease you about it, seeming like a big meany, when he‘s just really curious ,even if he would never dare admit it.
When you see him at the kitchen table trying to count while moving his fingers, don’t tell him you saw. He’s got too much pride to be caught doing something so “stupid” like he told you when he saw you at first.
Tiffany Valentine
You’ll probably laugh at how big her smile will become when she sees you. She’ll probably squeal like a fangirl too.
What can she say? It’s so cute! So whenever she sees you, she’ll hug you from behind and if she sees that you lost your count, she’ll feel guilty and help you count back, trying the trick with her fingers.
If we’re talking about your concentrated face as you do that, oh boyy.. She will stare at you with a smile on her face, but will look away when you’re about to catch her. She’ll try it behind your back one time, but won’t really do it after.
Brahms Heelshire
He’s really happy when he sees you doing it. You count on your fingers?! He does that too!
He’ll help you if you need some help and will compliment you and tell you about how you’re twinsies for doing that.
Everything you do is cute (y/n)... So be prepared for him to be amazed by your cuteness, even if like I said multiples times earlier, he does that too.
He’s pretty childish though, so he might tease you when he’s feeling like it. Don’t hesitate to tell him if he offends you or if he’s being a brat, he’ll immediately stop.
If you’re too concentrated, he WILL try to make you pay more attention to him.
Freddy Krueger
Wanna talk about teasing? He’s going to tease the HELL out of you when he sees you. He’ll act confused, even a little disgusted as he call out your childish behaviour, but it’s all obviously a big joke to him.
If you’re offended, he’ll just laugh in your face and roll his eyes, smirking if you frown or become mad at him.
He’ll be so smug as he looks at you deep in thoughts, your fingers moving as you try to keep count of whatever you’re counting, before he scares the bejesus outta you.
He’ll probably try it once and like it, which will result in him doing it without you noticing.
Thomas Hewitt
If he comes up and sees you sitting at the table, your fingers moving up and down as you’re trying to count whatever you’re counting, he’ll be curious.
He knows you’re counting, he just didn’t thought you would do it like that! When he was younger, he used to do that to help himself too.
He’ll probably sit and watch you for some time, a small smile on his face. If he distracts you, he’ll feel so sorry! He’ll fidget and probably get up to get back down, but if you stop him he’ll stay reluctantly.
Bubba Sawyer
What?? What are you doing??
He’s clueless at first and only watches, his eyes following the movement of your fingers before they stray to your concentrated face as he tries to be quiet.
Lots of happy noises and cute babbles when you tell him it’s to help you count. He never really had to count, but he did it sometimes too! He definitely will always do that now<3
If his brothers make fun of it, he won’t hesitate to let them know his mind with the threat of a hammer.
Nubbins Sawyer (since I count him as a slasher)
When he sees you, he’ll tilt his head and come closer, sitting beside you and trying to keep silent to not make you loose your counting.
He can take the guess that you’re counting, he probably knows it, but he finds it cute that you do it with your fingers.
He’ll probably goofs about it, doing the same as you do whenever he needs to count, even if it’s to count to three.
Prepare yourself for some camera flashes! He will shamelessly try to capture you in pictures and put them on his wall, and he’ll talk about it like it’s normal if you ask him hehe
Chop Top Sawyer
He’s like his twin, but even more goofier.
But he’s a nuisance too.
When he sees you counting, he won’t even think about it and make you loose your count, then he will apologies and try to hug you even if you don’t want to. He feels bad!
Definitely trying, though. More to make you laugh and joke than to really count <3
ChromeSkull/Jesse Cromeans
It couldn’t be funnier to see his massive frame stop in the doorway, his eyes fixated on your smaller form as you’re trying to count something. He’ll only stare at you, like Michael, but will probably go see what you’re doing.
Whenever you do that, he’s going to tease you to hell and back, but it’s only because he finds you really cute!
His smoll S/O is counting on their fingers! Aww!
It’s only playfully though, he doesn’t (kinda does) wants to be mean or anything.
He doesn’t do that, but doesn’t have anything against it so he’ll try.
The Collector/Asa Emory
Oh... Okay?
He’s probably the one that acts the most normal about it at first. Like, you do you.
He sure will find it childish and a little bit funny, but he won’t say anything about it.
After that, there’s two ways it can go, one: he can go in with his day and just forget about it or two: he can just stare and silently wonder how cute it is you’re doing that.
He doesn’t do it, but he might try ONE time, feeling like it’s kind of ridiculous.
Pin Head
He won’t see you and won’t say anything about it— Or maybe he will, you never know what this guy will say or sees.
He’ll probably lift one of his non existent brows and will go away, leaving you to count. If you see him, he’ll maybe say something or like I said just go away without a word.
He doesn’t have time for this, so he probably won’t try.
Doom Head
As soon as his eyes land on you, a grin will escape him.
He’ll definitely distract you, chuckling if you become mad. But he’ll tickle you to make you forget about it! Even if you’re not ticklish.
He might cuddle for some time with you if you’re mad enough, reluctantly as he would seem grumpy.
He won’t try, but he’s got nothing against watching you.
Carry White(NEW!)
She’ll be the normal one probably, smiling if she sees you at first.
She’ll let you do it, and might even try it if you feel insecure about that^^
Scratch that, she WILL do it.
She’s SO nice about it too🥺!
A deep chuckle will escape him when he sees you sitting, your fingers moving as you look deep in thoughts. He might even try to capture this moment with a little sketch!
He’ll look at you lovingly as you pout your lips as they move, your brows furrowing as you finish counting.
If you’re not finished and you see him, he’ll only shake his head and murmur a “don’t mind me” with one of his charming smiles.
He’ll try counting on his fingers if it makes you happy!
The Creeper
Super confused at first, until he hears you mumbling some numbers.
After that, he finds it really cute like most of the slashers <3 he’ll definitely tease you about it with some purrs in between, just to make you loose what you were counting and pay attention to him. He might feel a little left out if you take too long.
You want some help? He’ll just pop up randomly and start counting with you, a little smirk as he counts on his fingers too.
Jig Saw/John Kramer
He’ll chuckle at first, seeing you so concentrated with your back to him.
He’ll watch you for some time, but he’ll sit beside you and probably will help you if you need some help.
He’s got nothing against trying, if it makes you happy<3
Amanda Young
She’ll just smile when sees you, walking back towards what she’s doing if she’s doing anything. If not, she’ll just watch you and wait for you to finish.
She’ll make some comments here and then, but she isn’t mean about it.
Probably tries!
Mark Hoffman
Okay, first thing... why can’t you use the calculator before you?
Well, he’ll smile tho when he sees you so concentrated bit won’t bother you. He’ll make some small comments that you probably won’t put together, but he won’t say much about it.
He won’t try, maybe just one tiny time.
Billy will be more chill about it, but Stu will try not to giggle to loud as he stops him in the doorway, his hands on his face.
It’s cute! It reminds him too much of a kid<3 you’re precious
The two of them will laugh/chuckle when they see you’ve caught them, but they won’t look away and Stu will even ask if you need some help!
They will both try, but Billy prefers sticking to paper.
Norman Bates
He’ll be kind of confused for 1 second, just to realize when he hears your small mutters.
“O-Oh! You’re counting? Let me help you!-“
Even if you tell him you don’t need help, he’ll insist and you two will probably be counting on your fingers, even if he prefers paper. His mother might say it’s too childish, but he won’t even care.
He’ll try it, but only when he’s with you.
Otis Driftwood
He’ll be hella confused, maybe chuckle a bit.
“You back in kindergarten or something?”
If you’re downstairs and Baby is near, she’ll smack the back of his head and send him a little glare.
Immediately feels bad if he sees you slouching! He’ll give you a head pat or a hug, trying to not seem too lovey-dovey.
When you’re alone together, he’ll probably tell you he didn’t mean it in a bad way.
He won’t really try it, except if you really want him to,
Captain Spaulding
Of course he’ll probably laugh at first when he sees you.
“What the hell are you doing?”
If he scares you, he’ll feel a little bad and ask the same thing, a small smile on his face.
When you tell him, he’ll laugh like it a joke, but stops once he sees you aren’t laughing.
Why... Why are you counting like that?? How can that help you??
He’s confused, but he’ll still smile and joke a lot about it if he sees he made you sad or feel insecure.
He’ll definitely try!
Vincent Sinclair
He acts pretty normal about it, if as-soon as-he-sees-you-he-tries-to-capture-the-moment counts as normal. But if somewhere throughout your relationship you’ve made comments about him not taking moments out of sketches, he’ll just stare in awe.
He sure does find it kind of funny tho!
He’ll look at you and smile softly behind his mask, blushing madly and turning away if he sees you’ve caught him.
He’s the first to try it, but he’ll do shyly<3
Bo Sinclair
When he sees you, he’ll do some jokes about it and tease you, because we all know that he’s the Queen of teasing (😂)
But seriously tho, it’s just because he finds you really cute. Like, who does that anymore?? He did that when he was a kid!
He’ll tell you it’s childish and all, but you might catch him trying to count on his fingers at the end of the day
Jack Torrance
That’s cute! He’ll definitely smirk each time he sees you doing that.
He’ll act goofy about it... But it’s just to hide the fact that Danny did that.
If you ever tell him that because you see through him, he’ll probably just frown or have a full breakdown while hugging you tight. Just don’t talk about that when he’s finished...
He might try, but probably only to be funny.
Art The Clown
He obviously won’t say anything about it and watch you, mimicking you for fun and grinning as soon as you see him.
If he’s in the mood, he might sit beside you and count on his fingers too, for what? We’ll never know.
He acts like it’s one of the cutest things, you might even see him framing his face with his hands, or maybe you won’t if he wants to be sneaky.
Is it a question? He’ll definitely do that now!
What are you doing, human?
IT will be the only one who doesn’t understand one bit, having no idea what tf you would do that for.
They will just tilt their head, maybe try it^^
But they’re definitely the one who made fun of you for it, kinda playfully
Leslie Vernon
He’ll stop what he’s doing just to watch you, a smile on his face. But when you’ll look towards him, you’ll see him looking at his things like nothing happened 👀
He’s so sneaky about it you won’t even notice each time he’s looking at you.
It might slip sometime later tho, he’ll tell you with a big goofy smile before acting shocked and smirking at your face.
He’ll try!
This guy will smirk about it, probably will scare you with a little magic too.
If you loose your count, he’ll have it counted in one second, so please try not kill him 😂
He honestly finds it really cute, not that he would say it (except if you’re cuddling he might hehe)
He’s got nothing against trying it, but he’ll probably be really confused.
The Moaner/Billy Lenz
He does it mostly all the time, but he’ll still tilt his head when he sees you sitting peacefully, a piece of papier and a pencil before you as you’re concentrated on counting.
If he’s feeling it today, he might just sit and stare at you, or he’ll mumble some filthy words under his breath as he bounces his leg, random impatience going through him.
If you see him and try to tell him he’s distracting you, then he’ll be even more of a nuisance
Or he’ll simply just walk away with a blank face, so please consider your options carefully, because that’s not a good sign.
You should probably pay attention to him if you don’t want something in the house broken tho, what do you need counting for anyway?
The Man(Hush)
He finds it funny at first, but he’ll still watch you silently, he might even scare you, like he’ll just sneak and jump before you to make you loose your count
He’ll have a good laugh, but after that he’ll apologies and give you kisses before he sits down and continue to watch you. He won’t do anything after that until you’re finished.
He’ll try! He’ll say he feels silly, but he just finds it cute hehe
Mayor Buckman
Aww! Cute^
As soon as he sees you, he’ll stop what he’s doing and a smile will appear on his face as he watches you so focused in what you’re doing. When he’ll ask you why, his smile becomes bigger and a chuckle might escape him.
He’ll let you do it, might even try it^^ but he’ll insist that you ask him for help whenever you want to count, because he doesn’t want you to take too long.
Herbert West(Dk if he’s a slasher but hehe)
He probably never saw it since he’s so into his work, but he’ll frown when he sees you.
What are you doing? It’s so childish!
Personally, he’s got nothing against counting on your fingers, but he’ll still wonder why?? Why can’t you just use your head??
He’ll be confused even if you say it helps you.
He won’t try.
Patrick Bateman
He might just stare at you blankly or make a “supposed to be funny” comment about it, even though he finds it kinda.. cute
He’s got other things to do, but if you ask him, because he won’t do it if you don’t, he might try counting on his fingers, or maybe he’ll just say an excuse because he don’t want to.
But other than that, yes he might try, just might.
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d0llpie · 4 years
Angry confessions
Summary: You’ve tried everything to make Kyotani realise you like him but he thinks you’re joking
Kyotani x reader
Warnings: cursing
angst to fluff, mutual pining
a/n: i might make a part 2 but i’m not sure, lmk if you want one!
wc: 2.5k
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Kyotani couldn’t stand you. Your annoying smile and indifferent attitude while he told you to get lost. Couldnt you take a hint? Apparently not as you continued to greet him the same warm way every time you saw him, slipping him notes during class and flirting with him. Couldnt you flirt with some other poor soul? he couldn’t handle it anymore, knowing you weren’t really flirting with him. Maybe you did flirt with others, that only made it worse, knowing it wasn’t just him who got to see your smile and teasing laugh everyday. Honestly he didn’t know which way was worse, all he knew was that he was sick of you.
It started at practise, he was used to Oikawa’s fan girls attending their practise just to ogle at the captain, that always annoyed him but he soon found you to be worse. Oikawa has tossed him a ball to spike down and you started cheering for him. He whipped his head around to see you smiling brightly down at him, waving. He was taken back, his scowl dropping for a minute as the tips of his ears turned red before he continued on with practise, trying to ignore your cheers everytime he spiked. You trailed behind him to the school date, chatting on about your day and how amazing Kyo’s spikes were while he just grunted and continued walking in front of you, trying to speed up. Every time he sped up, you did too, he wasn’t sure if you were just stupid or if you didn’t care that he was trying to get away from you but either way it confused him.
Since then you’d follow him around, having one sided conversations with the back of his head on the way to the gym, in between classes and sometimes even during lunch times when you weren’t with your friends. He wished you wouldn’t flirt so much, it was the worst part of your whole fan girl act. You’d compliment his hair, his spikes and his eyes often, it came out so naturally that it made him tense up and pause every time, trying to calm down the beating of his heart in his ears. Why couldn’t you just stick to fangirling over Oikawa? Kyotani could take you following him and talking about your day if it wasn’t for the flirting act. He even liked hearing about your day, it was cute to hear you ramble on until you decided to give him false hope with your remarks, sometimes even trying to hold his hand or rest your head on his shoulder.
It had been a few months now and you weren’t sure what to do. You were in a small cafe with your cousin Iwaizumi, opting to seek out the spiker for advice as a last resort.
“I don’t know Iwa, i’ve been flirting with him for months and coming to all your games to cheer him on and he doesn’t even look at me” you fiddling with your fork, huffing out dramatically.
“We’ll have you actually told him you like him or asked him to hang out?” you glared at his condescending tone
“I shouldn’t have to tell him! I don’t know how much more obvious i can get...plus i ask him to have lunch with me all the time” you sighed, feeling your heart sink. You’d thought that he didn’t like you, it was obvious at first that he found you irritating but overtime you thought he’d warm up. Maybe you were just being stupid, setting yourself up for heartbreak at your inevitable rejection. Still, you held on tight to the tiny bit of hope you still had.
“hey.” Iwa waved his hand in front of you, pulling you from your thoughts “I mean surely him ignoring you can’t get any worse if you actually confess right? Plus maybe i’m wrong and he does like you so you’ll actually make some progress” you hummed in agreement, though you were hesitant
“How am i supposed to confess though? He doesn’t even look at me when we talk, well, i talk..” you realised just how pathetic you sounded, how desperate. Was this how Oikawa’s fan girls felt? Ignorantly hopeful for someone who was out of reach? Well at least Oikawa spoke to his fan girls...
“Y/n...not to sound rude or anything, but why do you like this kid? He’s not exactly treating you very well..” you looked up at your cousin who was looking at you with eyes full of concern.
“Well he may not seem like the sweet type but i’ve seen him when he’s alone, he’s really cute when he doesn’t look like he’s on the warpath, plus i think he’s just shy around me and doesn’t know how to act around others, he’s sweet though, he doodles in his notebooks. Also, he’s really passionate about volleyball! i remember the first time i saw him spike, he actually smiled!” you giggled at the memory, blushing at the thought of Kyo. 
“Whatever y/n, you need to confess before i do it for you.” you gasped in feign shock “You wouldn’t dare iwa-chan~” you laughed at Iwaizumi’s enraged expression “Stop hanging out with Oikawa ugh” you laughed at him, sipping on your hot chocolate you’d forgotten about. 
Kyotani had woken up earlier than usual, deciding to go for a walk. While he was walking his mind drifted back to you, looking behind him half expecting you to be there talking his ear off about random things, making him blush with your flirting. It was cruel how you could flirt with him so shamelessly and not mean it. He so badly wanted you to mean it. He grunted in frustration, picking up his pace until he was running, he was running past a few shops and cafes when he saw you. You were sitting by the window as the sun hit you, his eyes widened, you truly were so pretty to him. He almost stopped running until he saw who you were looking at, Iwaizumi was there. Of course you’d be on a date with him, he was so strong and open. You deserved someone like Iwaizumi he supposed, someone who could actually talk to you, someone who was better than him. He continued running despite feeling his own heart in his throat, making it harder to breathe. 
“I’m not writing him a letter Iwa.” you rolled your eyes at his suggestion, looking out the window to see a familiar head of blonde flash past in a blur. “Iwa! He just ran past” you stood up from your seat excitedly, smile crossing your face. “Wow you’re worse than i thought. Y/n, you’re a simp.” You weren’t even offended at his words “i mean can you blame me?” you sat back down, “Yes y/n, yes i can. You probably want to go after him right now” although he was joking he looked up to see you staring back at him hopefully. “Oh my god y/n, fine! Go. I’ll see you at school tomorrow. “ You got up and hugged Iwa squeeling, “Thank you thank you, if i don’t come to school tomorrow i’m either crying about being rejected or on a date with my handsome boyfriend, bye!” “Do not skip school y/n!” Iwa yelled after you as you ran out of the cafe, heading down the same path Kyo took. 
As you passed by a park, you noticed Kyotani sitting under a tree, panting heavily. “Kyo!” You called out, smiling brightly as you made your way over to him, ignoring the frustrated frown on his face. “What” he gruffly replied, clearly annoyed but you were ecstatic to get a reply from him. “I actually wanted to tell you something!” It’s now or never you thought, this was a perfect time to do it, you were ready for either response, you waited for him to look up at you before continuing.
“Um, i haven’t really thought of what to say so i’m just going to say it, i like you. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me? You don’t have to of course but i really wanted you to know” you played with your hands while you waited for him to say something, silence was not what you expected but- “are you serious right now?” he was angry?, you tilted your head to the side “of course, i’m surprised you didn’t already kn-” “What is wrong with you? First you follow me around everywhere, flirting with me and annoying the fuck out of me, now this? haven’t you played around enough? Honestly i didn’t think you’d take it this far, that’s just low y/n.” the tone in his voice was enough to have you back away a little, confusion covered your face, you definitely hadn’t anticipated this kind of response. Despite your heart sinking at the rejection, you couldn’t help but feel a little angry as well. Who was he to talk to you like that. “What the fuck are you talking about Kyo. A simple ‘Sorry i don’t feel the same’ would’ve sufficed, honestly this is the most you’ve ever said to me and it’s this?” He was taken back by your reaction. You were serious? “Why would you try confess to me while you were just on a date then huh?” you furrowed your brows in confusion before it dawned on you, he thought you were dating Iwaizumi. Now you understood more of what he was saying, you opened your mouth to speak but he interrupted you. “Yeah, I saw. You can drop the act now it was very funny. Now you can fucking leave me alone and stop acting like Oikawa’s clingy fangirls. I’ll finally stop having to hear you yapping in my fucking ear all day.” he wasn’t expecting to look up and see tears rolling down your cheeks. “Iwaizumi is my cousin..” you whispered meekly before turning back in the direction of the cafe, running home. 
Kyotani sat there dumbfounded. You were serious. He just called the girl he liked annoying and clingy after she tried to confess all because he was too insecure and jumped to conclusions. “Fucking idiot.” he cursed himself out under his breath.  
He didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t sleep, every time he closed his eyes he just saw that heartbroken look on your face, eyes filled with tears. Because of him. He groaned before going to his desk, he begun to write a letter. The thought of you never coming to his games anymore, you never cheering for him again, telling him about your day and that new show you start, even the flirting, he knew he couldn’t get through the day without it. You weren’t annoying, you were the only person who managed to make him stop scowling, he was relaxed around you.
You walked into your first class, finding a letter on your desk. Your eyes flitted over to Kyo who was sitting a few seats away looking away nervously, you could see how red he was from here. You tucked the letter into your bag, he didn’t deserve your attention and you were determined to not talk to him or look at him anymore. Kyotani watched you put away his letter, he frowned, you’d probably just read it later. He didn’t want to get discouraged so he waited for you during lunch but you never came. He was getting antsy, it was so quiet. After his final classes he was excited to go to practise, getting there on time for once, only you weren’t there. Instead he was met with an angry Iwaizumi “what the fuck did you do to her!” he boomed, gaining the attention of everyone in the gym. Kyotani looked down, surprising everyone “where is she?” he asked quietly, Iwaizumi quirked his brow, crossing his arms over his chest. “She’s probably at home or the cafe.” Kyotani looked up, running out of the gym ignoring Oikawa’s calls to come back and train.
You were sitting in a booth at the cafe, scrolling on your phone when you remembered the letter. You opened it despite your hesitation and began reading.
I used to find you irritating, i couldn’t understand why someone as pretty as you would follow me around and talk to me when i was so cold to you. I took your flirting as you either making fun of me or just you having a flirtatious personality so i would get annoyed. About yesterday, i misunderstood completely and i’m so sorry for snapping at you. I never meant to lash out on you and i never wanted to. I was fed up with the person i liked toying with me and when i found out you liked me back i didn’t believe you.
I’m sorry for hurting you, if you let me be yours i swear i’ll never hurt you again. I never want you to cry because of me ever again, i like you too y/n and i’m sorry i was too much of a pussy to tell you sooner.
I hope you forgive me
You smiled at the letter, looking up at the sound of the cafe bell ringing to see Kyotani, out of breath staring at you. You smiled up at him like usual and he returned it, moving towards you quickly. “Kyo-“ he cut you off, smashing his lips against yours, his lips were gentle despite the desperate hold he had on you, cradling your head in one hand and gripping your collar in the other. You smiled against the kiss, cupping his cheek before pulling away. “Hi” you giggled as he sat down in front of you, holding your hand on the table “Hi” he smirked at you. “Y/n, can i take you to dinner?” you nodded happily “of course you can handsome~” he blushed furiously and this time you got to see, you cupped his cheek again, leaning over to kiss his cheek softly, only making it worse. “C’mon doll” he pulled you up, holding your hand as you exited the cafe, walking side by side as he intertwined your fingers, smiling down at you with a soft expression. How was he so blind?
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taechaos · 3 years
Social Media
from Textbook Love drabbles
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble(?), smut, college au
synopsis: “She’s too sweet,” Taehyung begins, “too kind, too nice, everything you’re not. You wouldn’t be trying to keep me away from her if you didn’t know that. Are you afraid she’ll like me better?”
warnings: slight angst, arguing, dubcon, mild violence
word count: 4.7k
a/n: ima need yall to submit jk gifs cuz it is taking me TOO long to find a good one 👺 not proofread.
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The weekend is fun: students’ two days of temporary rest and catching up on their assignments. Jungkook doesn’t concern himself with the latter, but he does enjoy waking up later in the day and lying down on the grass with his arms crossed under his head, bathing in the sun without any worries. It’s peaceful, thinking thoughts of you with dimmed eyes while the breeze gently wafts past him.
But of course, Taehyung wouldn’t let him just enjoy his day without a hint of irritation. Good things never last anyway. He’s sitting in the middle of the field, a hot spot for relaxation, and feels the soil under his palms while observing his surroundings. Yoongi is with them, munching on a few snacks while scrolling through his phone as it quietly plays music.
“The girl at the party,” Taehyung begins before glancing at Jungkook through his sunglasses, “she was alone when I came back. You weren’t around either; did you cum too soon or something? I saw you two kiss.”
“I left,” Jungkook mumbles without opening his eyes.
“I was bored.”
“And where did you go?” he pries.
“None of your business.”
Taehyung scoffs at his dismissal before averting his gaze elsewhere. “I do have a guess.”
“Don’t start,” Yoongi warns him without looking up. The two best friends usually get into arguments in a matter of seconds daily, and Yoongi just wants to spend his day without having to break up a fight. Just this once, he hopes… but hope doesn’t save him.
“I’m just wondering if you actually went all the way back to campus to fuck another girl, who coincidentally also does your homework.” His tone is cool and collected, but it borders on mocking that usually goes unnoticed. He’s been around these two too long for them to miss, however. Yoongi sighs, dreading the response already.
Jungkook sits up on his elbows with a glare directed towards Taehyung. “How’s your ex holding up, Tae? You think she cheated on another guy yet?”
Neither of the two friends have a filter around them, no consideration for their words as they apathetically insult one another; but Jungkook can go too far, especially by bringing up old wounds. 
Taehyung was in a toxic relationship with his first girlfriend of two years, which took a huge toll on his mindset. Constant infidelity, endless forgiving, make up sex and catching her with another man after: a cycle that went on for over 24 months. The concept of love became tainted in his eyes, no longer interacting with the opposite gender if not to get laid, and Jungkook’s commensalistic - rather parasitic - relationship doesn’t disprove his hateful ideology. Love only consists of two people: a host who provides, and the parasite that selfishly takes it all. 
But he isn’t over the pain that lasted a year after the break up, which was shamelessly executed by the parasite: his former girlfriend. It took a lot of trust to open up about it to his friends, and it lifted a heavy weight off of his chest. Only this year did he stop thinking about her, until Jungkook asked about her so casually. It stings his heart only for a second, and he scoffs as Yoongi intervenes, “Both of you need to shut the fuck up.”
“If you guys want to talk about my relationships, then don’t get all whiny when I talk about yours.”
Taehyung swallows his pride and confidently answers, “I don’t know, Jungkook. I hear she’s doing well, but no information on her boyfriends. Your turn: what’s going on with that nerd?”
“Are you two dating?” Yoongi asks exhaustedly. They just keep taking every opportunity to annoy each other, and it’s even overwhelming him at this point. 
Rolling his neck side to side in thought, Jungkook takes a moment to answer, “No.”
“Bullshit,” Taehyung spits. “You know what? Let’s just move on. I’m sure I could get proper answers from someone else.”
“If you have a death wish, that is,” he warns with a slight seethe before lying back down.
He doesn’t respond and hides a smirk, a couple having a romantic picnic ahead of him from a distance. He watches them for a few seconds before muttering to himself, “It’s not going to be my death.”
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Yoongi and Jungkook chill on their own after Taehyung leaves. He’s roaming the campus in hopes of finding that one girl who is always wearing some school skirt and working 24/7 to find out what is so special about her. Jungkook might think he doesn’t notice them interacting, but behind that airhead facade, he’s observant. It’s not that big of a fucking secret either, they’re not deliberately hiding their strangely beneficial friendship or whatever. You stick out like a sore thumb in the yard, though there’s not many people to tell you apart from anyway.
He approaches you rather slowly, inspecting your figure first before meeting you. Your posture is straight and composed, fingers quickly typing away on your keyboard without even looking at them. You look so serious to him, a contrast to the radiant butterflies flying past you in such a bright environment. He wonders if you ever procrastinate or take breaks, and most importantly, how someone that appears so smart has fallen into such an obvious trap set by his best friend of all people. 
His hands are in his pockets as he speaks his first words to you. “Hi, I’m Taehyung.”
Your reaction is instant: a quick look at him and you’re already frowning. “I’m Jungkook’s best friend,” he adds in case you’ve seen him around before. 
“I don’t know you.” And with that distant reply, you return to your essay. If meeting Jimin has taught you anything, it’s that you can’t trust anyone who claims to know your lover. They are just using it against you… 
“Well, shit,” he laughs, “I didn’t realize you were so cold.” Your eyes don’t waver from your screen, so he tries another approach: “Are you the girl Jungkook left the party a few days back for?”
Your ears perk up in his direction, but you don’t show it. But he notices the pause in your taps before you continue typing, and he holds that against you. He takes a seat across from you, and your laptop covers your face from him. “I just wanted to meet the person that’s got him whipped enough to get high and run off to them.” You bite down on a smile and prolong your silence. “I guess I’ll talk to you when you’re not busy.” 
He stands up just as you tell him, “Wait, no, I’m not busy.” You close your laptop mid-way before hesitating, but slam it shut nonetheless. “Sorry.”
“You’re good.” He sits back down and clasps his hands on the table. “So what’s going on between you and him? He refuses to tell me, as if you’re his little secret.”
You shyly look down at your flats and twiddle your fingers on your lap. “We’re together… but he is very mysterious.”
It’s a good thing you don’t glance at him to hide your blush, because he’s a little skeptical. He puckers his lips and furrows his brows but controls his expression when you look up. He mentally curses for taking longer than a few seconds to respond; it’s suspicious. “I know right? I don’t know why he’s so reluctant to talk about you. You’re a total sweetheart.”
Approval from Jungkook’s friend: check. Will he like you more if you get along with his friends? The thought excites you, because at least this is someone he likes, unlike Jimin. “Thank you,” you shy a smile. “Um…”
You’re awkward: not Jungkook’s type, Taehyung notes. You’re obviously the host... “So is this a fling, or are you two serious?”
“We’re serious!” you immediately answer. “I love him, and he recently told me he loves me too. He used to kiss me for doing his homework, but now he does it out of nowhere.”
Wow… romantic. He suppresses a chuckle because he doesn’t want to laugh in your face, not when you’re so cute when you talk about him. Your eyes light up with a gleam, a lovesick smile gracing your face and now desperate to befriend him. You look like him when he was supposedly in love. You’re serious about Jungkook, but for how long? Especially when the other side of the relationship is not so committed. It should be mutual: with two hosts.
“Yeah?” he acts interested and raises his sunglasses up to his hair. “How does he act around you?”
“Well,” you start gushing, “he is a little closed off with his emotions.” True. “He doesn’t like me talking to other guys.” Ooh, interesting. “He can’t stand being ignored,” you chuckle. Can he now? “And… he is so cute when he’s jealous. He has this glare whenever I don’t give him enough attention, but he would never admit it. He likes being intimate with me, likes it when I reassure him. He never says it out loud though, I can just tell by looking at him. I’ve never felt this way for anyone, never fell in love with someone until I met Jungkook. I just want to make him happy because he used to look so sad when I watched him from afar.” A hopeless romantic.
Maybe if you didn’t sound so genuine and innocent, he would’ve made fun of you. But he just feels pity for someone who is so giving to someone who gives back so little. You don’t deserve it; don’t deserve to stay up working on so many assignments; don’t deserve to not have any hobbies; don’t deserve to be so unloved. You are pathetic, but it doesn’t turn him off.
Taehyung is a host too.
He clears his throat at the unexpected stirring emotions in his heart, “What do you love about him? Do you like being treated like shit or something?”
“He doesn’t treat me badly! He is like a light switch, you know? He doesn’t know how to act, sometimes sweet and sometimes… a little mean. I love him for his pure heart, and I believe that we are similar in a lot of ways.”
Taehyung can’t contain his snort. Similar? You are opposites. You are similar to him, not Jungkook. He feels… jealous. The pairing is just so ridiculous and flawed, but you’re neither of the two; you are just good. Taehyung can be good too. “So, what’s your Instagram user?”
The lack of commentary and escalation of the topic catches you off guard. It’s a distraction. “I don’t have an account,” you reply in confusion.
“Wow, I’d expect you to cyberstalk Jungkook on there,” he jokes with a laugh.
“He has an Instagram?”
He purses his lips, his grin faltering as he nods. He takes out his phone from his pocket to show you the account, and holds it in your face. Your lips part as you gently take it from him, curiously inspecting the collage of images. 
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“He plays the guitar?” you ask in awe. You click on each picture to zoom in on them, and your heart jumps upon seeing his selfies while Taehyung hums. He is gorgeous in your eyes, and you want to keep up with his posts in hopes of seeing another selfie. These are hidden gems that Taehyung had the courtesy of providing to you.
“He’s learning,” Taehyung says, “you should sign up and post some pictures as well. You’re really cute.” His cheeky compliment makes you happy; he is basically giving you his blessing! 
“Thank you, and you’re right,” you chirp, “I will make an account after I finish this essay. Want to take a picture with me?”
It’s safe to assume that Jungkook wouldn’t mind you talking to his best friend, so why not expand your social circle? You’ll be more involved with his life this way. Taehyung stammers slightly before agreeing. He switches benches to sit next to you while you rummage through your backpack to find your phone. He finds it strangely endearing how you hold it, using your index finger to swipe between apps to find the camera. It almost stings his heart that you’re so old-schooled in a cute way. Once you angle it above you with your arm stretched out to your left, Taehyung appears to be behind you as he lowers his glasses. You smile brightly into the lens while he cutely puckers his lips. 
“Are you wearing perfume?” he asks before he can stop himself. Your scent tickles his nostrils sweetly, and he doesn’t know why he’s noticing so much about you or holding a conversation with a woman without being naked. It’s been a hot minute since Taehyung’s had such a platonic interaction, and it shouldn’t feel this nice. He shouldn’t want to continue it through social media either.
“Yes! Do you smell strawberries? I noticed Jungkook eating them before, so I use just about anything strawberry scented. Lotion, shampoo, shower gel…”
He tunes you out as you gush and focuses on the smooth movement of your lips. You’re too good, and Taehyung knows he isn’t the best person but at least he’s not as bad as Jungkook. I shouldn’t think like this… but am I wrong? He will break your heart. What if it’s the right time to intervene to save you from that misery, and be a friend to both of you? He doesn’t want you to fall apart and be completely crushed right in front of his eyes, not when he just witnessed how childishly happy and naive you are. It wouldn’t be fair to you, nor to the life lesson he was taught years ago.
And he then notices that you're wearing strawberry lip balm. 
“Jungkook kis-” -sed someone else before coming to you. You hum and tilt your head at his interruption, waiting for him to finish his sentence. “Jungkook… does love strawberries.”
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Though your work ethics are questionable for how exhausting they are, it gets the job done sooner. The moment you’re assigned a task, you do it, regardless of if it’s yours or Jungkook's. Saturday evening and Sunday are free for you, so you spend your time outside after leaving your backpack in your dorm. You think you look silly, taking pictures of anything you find interesting to post on Instagram. You made an account, but it appears like a bot with its empty feed. Jungkook enjoys doing this, so you want to try it as well. 
You don’t stray far from campus because you’d easily get lost, and your gallery looks boring to you. The only decent photo you have is with Taehyung, but you want to post a picture with Jungkook before anyone else. You grumble under your breath while walking back to the dormitory building. You look through Jungkook’s posts again as you do so with a smile. 
A heavy arm slings over your shoulder and hitches your breath just as the culprit says, “What’s the rush?” He doesn’t even look at you, and you wonder if he recognized you from your clothes after coming up from behind you. 
“Jungkookie!” you cheer excitedly. He glances at you and quirks a brow at the nickname. His eyes then trail to your lit up phone and snatches it from you, which you don’t fight against.
“You’re stalking me?” He scrolls through his profile from your phone and smirks before stating, “I didn’t know you had an Insta.” The both of you enter the building with his arm still wrapped around you, which flutters your heart.
“I made one today, since you use it.” He exits his profile to look at yours. You’re in the elevator as you inform, “Taehyung told me.”
A pause, then a click. Jungkook snapped a photo of you when you pressed the button of your floor. “Pretty,” he comments while looking at your candid shot. You’re flattered and also happy that he’s joining your trip to your dorm. He hasn’t said a word of protest and takes the lead in going to your room. “What else?”
“What else did he tell you?”
You rack your brain to remember anything significant to tell him. It was a long conversation: getting to know each other and more about Jungkook. “He told me you have an Instagram, then asked for my perfume, and then we talked about your love for strawberries-”
“Your perfume? Why was Instagram even brought up?” he presses, stopping in front of your door. 
You take out your keycard and shrug while swiping, “He asked for mine.”
The dorm is empty when you enter and sit on the edge of your bed. It’s very hard to not grin when you’re around Jungkook, but he doesn’t seem to care as he looks through your gallery. “Can we take a picture together?” you peep hopefully. 
“Of course,” he murmurs absentmindedly, intently staring at your phone. “We’ll take many pictures,” he looks up at you before leveling with the camera, “pose.”
You aren’t very educated on the art of posing per se, so you imitate the peace sign you saw him do with a wide smile and a hand on the bed. He is neutral when he snaps a picture with a shutter. 
“I want you to be in it.”
He drags his eyes away from the screen and his blank expression intimidates you. “Whose idea was it for you to make an account?”
“Um… Taehyung, why?” You lay your hands on your lap at the growing tension.
Taehyung went to this extent to get a reaction out of him? Is it possible that he’s this obnoxious? Or perhaps another motive…?
“I-Is he not your friend?”
Jungkook breaks his silence of thoughts with a scoff, “Oh, only the best.” You sigh in relief, though he says it with menace. Taehyung was curious about his relationship, not about your social media. He forcefully pushes you down on the bed and you hold back a gasp as he wraps his finger around your neck in a light chokehold with a thumb on your nether lip. Click. He then lowers his hand to your thigh, hiding half of it under your skirt with a gentle grap. Click.
Your cheeks flush at the compromising photos he’s taking and you nervously ask, “A-Am I going to post these?”
“Shut up.”
You seal your lips shut and he flips you on your stomach, palming your covered ass with your side profile in the frame, and another shutter resounds in the room. “Sit up.” You follow his command and turn around to face him. He pushes your hair to your back and his mouth latches onto your neck. He’s biting you while sucking on your flesh, and you release a breathy moan at the feeling of his tongue swirling on the sensitive skin. It hurts, but you don’t complain and try to make sense of the growing arousal in your lower region. He only pulls away after half a minute and you’re confused by the satisfied smirk on his face while eyeing the result. He angles your jaw to expose your neck better and snaps another photo. “These are all going on your account.”
At your nod of submission, he starts unbuttoning your shirt. “You’re prettier with a mark. My mark.” Your body tingles at the compliment and you help him undress yourself by unbuttoning the ends. “Take off your skirt,” he demands as he slips off his shirt with ease. All of your clothes go off one by one as he does the same, and you don’t have the time to feel shy as his lips collide so roughly with yours that you’re pressed down against the mattress again. You still haven’t gotten the hang of making out, but it doesn’t matter with Jungkook because although it flows naturally, he also takes complete control over you. He’s not gentle, not with the way his teeth clash against yours and tongue leaving trails of saliva all over your mouth. Your toes curl with desire and anticipation, and you tug at his briefs that outline his erection. The feeling of his warm breath on you silences all your thoughts and you can only react on primal instincts. 
His crotch brushes against your bare folds, slick with your leaking wetness. Kissing him this passionately always leaves you feeling needy, and it embarrasses you that you get turned on so easily. But you don’t realize that is his intention as he glides his fingers all over your labia, making sure you’re ready to take all of him. 
Kissing you this passionately always leaves him feeling horny, and it’s apparent with his cock begging to be taken out of the restraints of his underwear. You don’t know how long you’ve been kissing, but your lips are numb when he pulls away to position himself in your entrance. He doesn’t prepare you, but he doesn’t rush himself either as he painfully slowly enters you. You hold your breath and gawn on your swollen lip, moans catching in your throat and leaving as high-pitched hums. He sighs at the feeling of your pulsating walls. “God… always so tight. Don’t you ever touch yourself?”
He bottoms out and you whimper shakily at how full you are. The fact that he fits you like a puzzle piece convinces you that he’s your forever, your meant to be. Even with your lack of experience with other men, you believe no one can make you feel this dreamy. And to think he’s all yours now… “I-I don’t. I only want to do it with you.”
The atmosphere is so fragile, so romantic. It’s not your delusion this time, because he feels it too and it makes his heartbeat sync with yours: unsteady and rapid. And in the heat of the moment, he reveals, “I think I’m in love with you.”
A whine leaves you, so loud that it can’t be achieved with touch but with his words. It’s the utmost pleasure, and when he realizes what he said, he sets a rushed pace to distract himself from the embarrassment of pouring his feelings. You don’t allow him to forget as you echo, “I’m in love with you too.”
“No, no,” he denies with a shake of his head and it emits more love confessions out of you in a chain of ‘I love you’s, and he grunts, “Stop. Shut up!” He pins your forearms on either side of your head in a bruisening grip and thrusts into you harder. You have no choice but to scream in pleasure, unable to form coherent words when he’s practically fucking your brains out. 
His feelings of humiliation translate to his actions: he pushes himself down to the hilt, throbbing with lust but doesn’t chase his high. He doesn’t want you to talk, not when he’s blushing for more than one reason, so he ignores the contraction of his muscles and just fucks you until he can’t anymore, hypnotized by the bounce of your tits.
Maybe it’s a good thing that he’s so desperate, hitting your most sensitive spot with every thrust and making your eyes screw back. Neither of you can think, so loud and reckless until you reach your climax. It’s core shaking, as you cry out his name and tremble with stimulation. He’s never seen this expression on your face, one so twisted in pleasure and looking so erotic. It comes as a surprise and in the form of a punch in the gut as he savours your appearance before cumming inside you with a groan. A slip-up, a mistake, but he doesn’t care as he paints your walls in white, his load filling you up.
And he can’t regret it when he pulls out, because the drizzle of his cum spilling out of your pussy easily becomes his favorite sight. “Shit,” he whispers as more and more drips while you twitch and spasm from your orgasm. You don’t even realize what he’s done, and that makes his chest swell with pride; the most level-headed woman he knows is leaking with his release and stupidly doesn’t spare it a thought. And with that hickey on your neck? “You look fucking gorgeous,” he exhales. A bashful smile stretches across your face with eyes still tightly shut, and you don’t notice him grab your phone on the other side of the bed to take a picture of your stained pussy. 
“This one is for me,” he mutters to himself. Click.
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After posting the softcore photos on your account and tagging himself in them, as well as a note of a pharmacy’s address across campus with a label written for you to get two separate contraceptives as an emergency and for your next creampie, he leaves your dorm. You fell asleep on him, and though he had wanted to join you, he decided to collect his scrambled thoughts and go to Taehyung’s dorm first. He isn’t livid, but he has a few questions to ask.
He’s playing cards with Yoongi, Taehyung’s roommate, as he patiently waits for his arrival. “What’s wrong about asking for her Instagram, though?” Yoongi asks before drawing out a card of ace. “Isn’t she our friend by association anyway?”
“It’s suspicious,” Jungkook murmurs while inspecting his deck. “Have you ever seen Taehyung with a girl before? As friends? He’s clearly trying to fuck her.”
Yoongi stifles a laugh, “That’s a reach. Besides, you two have shared a girl before. Are you actually dating her?”
Shuffling is heard behind the door until it swings open as Taehyung enters. “Kookie! What are you doing here?” He throws his keycard on his bed before hopping on Yoongi’s to watch their game.
It’s strained, Jungkook notices. His excitement is forced; why? “I came here for you,” he states bluntly. “A little birdie told me you’ve been talking to someone who belongs to me.”
“I didn’t realize she was your diary,” he tries to lighten the mood with a joke. “What’s the deal anyway? You said you weren’t dating her.”
Yoongi collects the deck of cards after Jungkook drops them, and shuffles them while eavesdropping. He’s sitting cross-legged across from Jungkook, and Taehyung is sitting on the edge of the bed next to him with his body turned sideways.
“I also said that unless you have a death wish, don’t talk to her,” he grits. “And asking for her social media? Are you into her now?”
Taehyung merely shrugs. “I thought she was pretty chill. I don’t know why you’re so mad.”
“She obviously means something to him, so I think you should just respect that, Taehyung,” Yoongi voices his thoughts while leafing the cards. Jungkook looks to the side and pokes the inner cheek of his mouth with his tongue but doesn’t argue.
“I think he’s just using her.” Jungkook’s reaction is instant as Taehyung’s nose instantly starts to bleed from the impact of his fist. Yoongi doesn’t look up. He holds a hand over his injury with a hiss and continues, “Really, Kook? A little too much, don’t you think?”
“Less than enough,” Jungkook fumes, “I like her, and she likes me. Just fucking leave it at that.”
“Couple of the year,” Taehyung chuckles mockingly, “I give it two days.” He stands up before Jungkook can hit him again. “Can’t wait to console her after your break-up, maybe she’ll fall in love with me next.”
Jungkook starts chasing him around the room as Taehyung runs without stopping his provocation. “Why so upset Jungkook? Do you see it happening too? I’m already imagining how tight-”
“You should leave, Jungkook.” Neither of them listen to Yoongi, so he yells, “Jungkook, leave!”
A moment of deafening silence passes as both of them pause to catch their breaths. “She’s too sweet,” Taehyung begins, “too kind, too nice, everything you’re not. You wouldn’t be trying to keep me away from her if you didn’t know that. Are you afraid she’ll like me better?”
“Go fuck yourself,” Jungkook spits with a heaving chest. “She’s loyal to me, but I’m sure you’re not familiar with that concept. No wonder your relationships only last one night.” With a final glare, he leaves as told to return to you. The only thing he needs right now is one more ‘I love you’ from you, as much as he hates it. Maybe he’s cruel, but he doesn’t know anyone who isn’t aside from you. 
Maybe Taehyung is just as cruel, fantasizing about all the ways he could be better for you before drifting off to sleep with a bandage over his wounded nose. He can just be a friend to both of you… he can be good too… 
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
Marinette The Perfect Daughter In Law: A Prompt
[ I've seen a few ‘everyone loves Marinette AU’s’ and a couple Marvel DC ‘all the mentors want THEIR kid to end up with Marinette AU’s’ and well frankly! I felt inspired! So I present to you my new prompt / AU thing! In which all the most powerful / rich / popular people in Paris decide to play matchmaker… ]
It starts when Adrien and Kagami have a less than AMICABLE break up according to their parents and the media anyway in reality it was a really REALLY dull break up. The pair have been ‘dating’ (using each other as an excuse to go out and experience normal teenage stuff) since they were 15. Now at 17 soon to be 18 the pair decided to publicly break up in order to pursue other people and interests. The problem is they never told their parents the truth so both Gabriel and Kagami’s mother Tomeo feel protective and concerned about what must surely be an upsetting first heartbreak for their child. And okay maybe both parents take that out on each other and both get a bit defensive and protective. And MAYBE it ends with Tomeo vowing to get revenge for her daughter. Enter, Marinette. Up and coming fashion designer for the rich and famous! She’s single, talented, and as far as Tomeo knows Gabriel is interested in the girl for her talent. So what better revenge could exist but having Marinette take an interest in Kagami!
Kagami has no idea why her mother suddenly has an interest in Marinette but she wont complain about having more time with her very cute designer friend. And all the outfits Tomeo is paying Marinette to make for Kagami is giving the young fencer plenty of up-close and personal moments with Marinette. And okay Marinette is VERY cute and Kagami wont question why she suddenly has all this tine with Marinette, eating ice cream with the girl and having brunch. But she knows shes absolutely head over heels when Marinette shows up at her fencing tournament gives her a luck charm and cheers her on wearing HER colors. Obviously Kagami wiped the floor with all the competition she cant be seen hesitating in front of Marinette!
On Tomeo’s side of things she makes sure that the paparazzi still lurking around after Kagami and Adrien’s breakup catch photos of what could easily be interpreted as dates between the girls. After all this is a revenge ploy but also Marinette is fantastic so Tomeo is 300% down with Kagami ‘bringing her into the family’ something she tells Kagami after the first paparazzi ‘date photos’ leak into the news. Kagami still has no idea this was an orchestrated affair and just thinks her mothers caught on to her feelings and is overjoyed that Marinette is approved of because after the cheek kiss Marinette gave her for winning the fencing tournament Kagami was preparing to fight her mother for the right to pursue the young designer seriously. After all she never hesitates! 
But Tomeo never realized Gabriel isnt the only one interested in Marinette. Audrey Bourgeouis has been keeping an eye on Marinette trying to find a way to get Marinette on to her side and away from Gabriel. So when she sees the photos of Kagami and Marinette she sees an opportunity. After all if Marinette isnt exclusively into men (and those photos of her flushed cheeks as Kagami cleans ice cream off her bottom lip are a clear indication shes not) then Audrey smells opportunity. After all Marinette was Chloe’s first crush! How cute would that be! The next day Marinette is being offered yet another opportunity to intern under Audrey this time with much looser restrictions. When Marinette accepts she suddenly finds herself working with Chloe… A LOT. The pair are modeling together, often paired together for shoots in perfect complementary clothes that screams ‘opposites attract’. Chloe is also helping manage Marinette’s brand and the two start to get along very well. The model photos and their business lunches are soon plastered alongside the Kagami and Marinette outings with parisian gossip blogs finding their interest picked by this potential love triangle.
Chloe for one, was confused at first. Sure she knew her mom was interested in Marinette but she never thought SHE would be working so closely with her first crush. And Chloe tries to ignore it, after all those are dead feelings! And Marinette woud never forgive her anyway so why even- Wait. Is that Marinette in a downright gorgeous golden dress? A-and she will be posing right next to Chloe for their shared shoot? Well… Chloe always thought herself deserving of royalty and damn if Marinette aint the princess of her dreams. Sorry Adriken’s you had your chance to get the girl, but now its winner keeps all and Marinette is the only prize shes interested in. For the record Alya is freaked out by Chloe being nice, but shes more weirded out by Chloe being protective and handsy and downright shamelessly flirty with Marinette. Audrey is pleased when she hears the news and is quick to give her daughter encouragement acting as if none of this was premeditated at ALL.
Oh but they have no idea that this is just the beginning. Because guess who's moved back into town. Adrien’s favorite cousin and aunty. And Felix’s mom is quite the busybody and dammit Felix needs friends! And maybe a cute girlfriend! And oh whos that pretty girl on the magazine cover? Marinette? The one her celebrity connections have nothing but praise for? Perfect! Shes invited to lunch with Felix and herself on friday to discuss movie costumes! And oh Audrey dear dont you think Marinette would look fabulous sandwiched between TWO blondes! Felix hasnt modeled in a while but come now. So suddenly Marinette is being spotted with Felix guiding him about paris and modeling with him AND Chloe under AUDREY’s brand NOT Gabriels.
Felix thought hed really hate Marinette; he tried to ignore her he really did. But shes funny, witty and sweet. Not to mention trustworthy, so a good candidate for a business partner. And thats it, but then he has to admit hes impressed when he rolls up to a photoshoot and Chloe! The definition of brat personified is acting… Bearable. Yes, somehow Marinette has done the impossible! She has tamed the beast known as Chloe. And yes fine he will admit shes drop dead gorgeous and how intelligent of her to learn all sides of the fashion industry and boost her rep with modelling! Soon hes spending more time with her, he tries to argue he needs a guide, that shes the most bearable person to be with! That she is just a friend- Oh god. No it cant be! He sounds like-! Like ADRIEN! And Chloe already told him about THAT mess! No! Absolutely not! He will not lead on Marinette like his idiot cousin! Marinette is a rare and beautiful woman! She could be his queen! And god he has to admit it much as he loathes too Marinette’s smile is enough to make him thank every non-existent god. He will win her heart, show her that she deserves better than his brain dead cousin! Felix is sure mother will approve of his decision to pursue the girl, now he just needs to do more shoots with Marinette...
And that's what finally gets Gabriel to snap. Because REALLY Felix!? Is there no loyalty to FAMILY. Not to mention he was totally drafting a potential contract for Marinette when Audrey snapped her up the witch! But its fine! Marinette has always been interested in Adrien! Surely she still is? Surely she's not been swayed by any of her new suitors! Right? Gabriel knows he can't mess with Audrey’s contract so he goes through Adrien, freeing up his sons schedule and telling him to spend time with Marinette to help her ‘adapt’ to the harsh world of fashion and modeling. He uses Adrien’s heroic nature to make it sound like hed be saving her from Chloe and Felix. And sure enough Adrien bites, using his friendship with Chloe to worm into fittings, meetings, and photo shoots. At first hes just there to make sure Chloe and Felix arent hurting sweet Marinette. But when he sees the blondes fighting for her attention, flirting with her, posing with her in some rather romantic settings. Suddenly hes less worried and more… Jealous? No! Not him! Hes concerned, confused, suspicious! Obviously he needs to spend more time with Mari- Wait! When did Kagami get here to take Marinette to lunch! And why are they all ignoring him!!!
Now Marinette is fully in the public's eye. Gossip blogs are being fed bits of info writing up each ‘candidates’ appeal as THE romantic partner to the Marinette Dupain-Cheng paris new darling, the girl with a heart of gold too oblivious to see the trail of hearts following her around! But there is still another contender yet to enter the game! Jaggeds been away on tour teaching Luka his up and coming protege all the tricks. And lets not lie Luka has his own fans now, enough to rival all the others. Jagged sees Luka as his own son, even calling him as much! Hell hes even adopted Luka and Juleka and when I say adopted I mean Jagged literally got shared custody of the kids when their real dad tried to start trouble once Luka started gaining fame. Luka and Juleka for one love their adopted father and his wonderful fiance Penny. But back to Jagged, being Jagged. 
The moment Jagged is back in Paris he's checking up on his favorite designer and hopefully future daughter in law! When… WHAT'S THIS?! All the other ritchies in Paris are playing his game! Trying to get Marinette married into THEIR families! Not rock and roll at all! He was here first! And so being Jagged he decides to make Luka’s stake in the race for Marinette’s heart clear! By spamming social media with photos of Marinette being cute with Luka, taking his measurements, going out with him, the pair babying Fang, the two passed out against each other after a long concert. And he has photos going back at least a year or two! Soon Luka’s fans pick up the hype starting a trending hashtag finding the pair cute! Jagged feels confident that hes won! When Audrey retaliates, and from there its a complete train wreck. Before long each pair has a hashtag filled with cute moments and arguing over whos dating the model / fashion designer! 
Meanwhile Adrien is drowning in denial as he goes through each hashtag seething about how many MORE photos everyone else has with Marinette, when HE is her very good friend and was here first! Felix, Chloe and Kagami on the other hand have declared open war after they tried to talk to each other about the hashtags reasonably only for it to devolve into “so you agree Marinette is best with me!” - “WHAT! No! Thats not what I said! Besides she clearly is best with me!” - “Ridiculous!” And so on. Poor Luka is having an entirely different reaction hiding in shame unsure how to face Marinette because he WAS going to ask her on a proper date now that she seems over Adrien, because even with everything she's the melody playing in his heart and he had a plan! But now his mom and sister are texting him and teasing him and apparently he has MORE competition! Who do these people think they are to deserve Marinette! No! Luka won't lose Jagged has been teaching him to be bold and confident! And Marinette is worth all of his efforts! Jagged REGRETS NOTHING even if Penny confiscated the tv remote!
Marinette meanwhile has no idea what's going on because the whole class made a dumb bet on when the designer would notice with one of the bet conditions being that no one could tip Marinette off and that they have to keep her away from Paparazzi so they dont spoil it either. And sense Alya is helping manage Marinette’s social media Marinette hasn't looked at it yet so she has NO idea what's happening. But her birthday is coming up next week and Chloe definitely didn't get dibs on planning a surprise party for her all so she could spoil the girl and RUB her GREAT relationship with Marinette into her competitions FACES! The competition however (and Adrien JustAfriend Agreste) have decided that they really aren't going down without a fight!
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dorimena · 3 years
🍦 – (uhh inspired by these two posts 1 & 2 ) Shinsou having you hold his leash in public, but you're so embarrassed by it.. But Shinsou, being a brat, decides to tease you and call you "master" in front of people. Something clicked in your brain to just spank his ass and told him to behave... 👉👈
I couldn’t really see the second post, as it simply took me to the blog so for now I’ll be focused on the 1st one. But please resend me the second post to make up for it!
Also, this was supposed to only end where it, um, ends, but I instead made a second part to this instead of continuing pretty pt.2- oops. ( ◡‿◡ *)
Hope you like it, 🍦 anon (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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He’s always been into pet play, shamelessly told you so when you two first began dating. But you’ve always assumed he meant calling you pet names and treating you as such, to which you’d hesitate and delay any of his advances on the kink.
You didn’t think it’d be him who’d be prancing around in public with a cute lilac collar while you’re holding the color-matching leash. It’s quite pretty, such smooth faux leather and a cute melodic jingle from the name tag attached.
You two had errands to run, stuff to do, places to go. But you two are currently at some clothing store, him mentioning how he wants to buy some more hoodies for you to wear.
But with every person you’d be around while looking through the clothes, he’d always ask either “Do you like this color, master?” or “Doesn’t this one look cute, master?” With such a powerful purr and accompanying smirk, as if he knew how embarrassing this is for you.
Until he said your absolute favorite.
“This one would look good on you while you fuck me, master.” God, and if he were to be a little louder, the group of nearby teenagers, who are already looking at you guys funny, would have an absolute circus.
And you’re growing tired.
Master this, master that. Master, master-
“Master, I’m bored. Hurry up so I can fuck you.”
Silence fills you both as you glare at him and he just… stare. Stare so dumbfoundedly at what you’ve done, what he heard, what he felt. And if that smack on his ass wasn’t enough to make him get harder than he prancied about all day, then the absolute anger and hidden disciplinary motives in your words were enough to make him want to kneel before you and beg for forgiveness.
Well, almost.
“First off, you’re acting more like a bitch than a kitten. Second off, you fucking me?” You laugh, wrapping the leash around your hand until you grab a hold of his collar, bringing him close to your face.
“With your attitude today and your sudden brashness, if you’re lucky you will get fucked by me. I’d rather fucking tie you to the kitchen chair and leave you with all of our vibrators stimulating you till I get bored or satisfied. Behave, Shinsou.”
He wanted to beg, please, please do, please do that, but he bit back his submission to grin at you coyly.
“What makes you think I’ll behave, master?”
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