#mkp has opinions
shamelesslymkp · 5 months
REC: ayjayar - Growing Pains
URL: https://ift.tt/3aw5Q6X by @url-is-url Jazz has had the world's nastiest case of pink eye. The doctor is starting to suspect it's not actually pink eye. When Danny notices her eyes glowing, the Fentons seek second opinions from unlikely sources. (Words: 5,650) Part 1 of Jazz the Cryptid !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:ao3, +fandom:danny.phantom, ::rating:general.audiences, ~author:ayjayar, character:jazz.fenton, character:maddie.fenton, character:jack.fenton, character:danny.fenton, character:tucker.foley, character:angela.foley, character:frostbite.(danny.phantom), ::category:gen, \no.archive.warnings.apply, ~ao3:also.some.minor.ocs.-.freeform, ~ao3:a.tiny.little.bit.of.body.horror.but.not.too.bad, ~ao3:field.trips.to.the.ghost.zone.(danny.phantom), ~ao3:consequences.of.doing.puberty.on.top.of.a.portal, ~ao3:tucker's.mom.is.an.er.doctor, ~ao3:amity.park.is.strange.(danny.phantom), ~ao3:jazz.is.ghostly.too
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chibimyumi · 3 years
recently found out about yana’s past and some of the things shes written... 😖 do you have any opinions on it because i feel like most kuro blogs have just skipped over it completely... also, do you know if i purchase a musical dvd, would the money go to her aswell? im a little on edge about it all 😭
【Related post: Will buying the DVD still support the cast? -Yes】
Dear Anon,
I have to admit I myself “skipped” over Yana’s past works too because the sub-genre (shota-con) she as Yanao Rock concerned herself with is insufferable to me. I did read Rust Blaster, and I remember finishing it, putting it down and smiling: “I am so glad Yana improved.”
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Now about the musical DVDs. Yes, don’t worry! In order to produce the musical, MKP had to buy the rights, which goes to Yana of course. And in order to produce and sell the DVDs, Yana also needs to be paid for the rights. For every renewed demand, the producers buy more rights from Yana to do so.
Japan has very strict rules about rights, even to the point that a person’s face can have “rights of personal portrayal” (肖像権 Shouzouken) which requires a third party to buy a license to use said face. This strictness is the reason Alan and Eric could never become Yana’s own unless she buys them, for example. So it is extremely unlikely that Yana’s rights will be infringed behind closed doors. The reason non-Japanese stores don’t sell Kuromyu DVDs officially (only through proxy) is because overseas sellers have not bought the rights from MKP and Yana.
I hope this helps.
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shamelesslymkp · 5 years
OK, I’ve been thinking more about this post I wrote about my personal issues with the phrase ‘culturally Christian’ and I think I’ve gotten a better handle on what really bugs me about it (and, I think, what is probably at least part of the kneejerk negative kickback people are getting when they use the phrase) -
The phrase is being used to describe the way in which a non-religious/agnostic/atheist/similar person raised in an overwhelmingly Christian society or one who was at one time Christian and is now non-religious/agnostic/atheist/similar is going to necessarily be different from a non-religious/agnostic/atheist/similar person raised in a different cultural milieu. “You are defining your non-religiousness/agnosticism/atheism/etc in terms of the religion you have been conditioned to understand and presume as default.”
That’s fair! and it’s an important thing to acknowledge and be aware of, and to talk about the ways in which that can cause issues in interfaith or inter...atheist? dialogue.
But... that’s not how that type of phrasing is usually used. “Culturally Jewish”, for example is, to the best of my knowledge, used to describe someone who doesn’t necessarily ascribe to the religious teachings of Judaism but still considers themselves Jewish. “Culturally Christian” sounds like you’re describing someone who’s not particularly religious but still considers themselves Christian. And yeah, that’s . both hurtful and infuriating when you say that to someone who isn’t Christian, who is part of a non-Christian faith, or who left Christianity because it failed them in some essential way. It’s not accurate and I’d argue it’s actually damaging to use this phrase to describe this concept, because it is setting up whatever important points that are being made to get lost in the way that this phrase hurts and infuriates so many of the people you’re applying it to.
I think “socialized Christian” is a more accurate descriptor of what people are trying to get at; it still feels a little uncomfortable, a little wrong, but it’s very clearly setting up Christianity as something that’s being done to me whether or not I like it, rather than assigning it to me as an identity. “You were socialized to view/experience religion/faith through a Christian lens” "You’re viewing this issue from a Christian context” etc.
I know people aren’t going to stop using the phrase “culturally Christian”. It’s too important a concept and too well-established a term, and very few people will ever even read this post. But maybe at some point, people will - on a wider level - start to realize that when they use that wording they are, in fact, going to actively hurt and offend a significant portion of their audience. And maybe we should shut up and listen anyway - I certainly try to! - but it’s hard to keep listening when someone is telling you you’re something you’re not, something you’ve never been, something you’ve utterly rejected. It’s hard to see the legitimacy of what you’re being told when it’s getting paired with a statement about you that is just wrong.
Is some of this just my autisticness showing? my tendency to catch on the snags of semantics? maybe! I don’t think that necessarily means I’m wrong, though.
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shamelesslymkp · 7 years
@lurkdusoleil my complaint is not with the fucked up power dynamic of gaston using leflue's attraction to and affection for him to get him to do whatever gaston wants, that actually could be really interesting if handled well; it's the fact that the writers etc decided to make a joke of his attraction and how it clearly could never be required - not just once even as a throwaway gag, which would've been bad enough, but as pretty much -the- comic relief underpinning the narrative. there was an opportunity there and they threw it away in favor of homophobia and cheap, bigoted laughs. i'm sorry for being so vehmently negative about this; i'm just a little heartbroken over it all.
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shamelesslymkp · 7 years
well. most of the rest of the movie was spectacular.
aside from the supposedly humorous ‘visual gag’ of men in drag and one of them liking it.
that was an exciting addition of homophobia AND transphobia, well done.
and the scene where lefleu was dancing with a man was pretty clearly a callback to the guy liking crossdressing and meant to be humorous.
very progressive, i’m sure.
in summary: stunning visuals. amazing reinterprations of old songs and some lovely additional ones. more emotional depth and complexity. a whole bunch of poc and specifically black background and even main sidecharacters and a number of interracial couples.
i could have adored this movie. i really could have.
it could have been something i would rewatch again and again.
instead it was something beautiful spitting in my face and striking marrow deep.
well played, disney. well played.
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shamelesslymkp · 7 years
@lurkdusoleil the rest of the movie may be amazing and something worth watching and now that i've had some distance i'm going to go back to it, but there is literally nothing i can think of that could possibly redeem the homophobic 'humor' of that musical number and it's something that to me is unforgivable in a movie marketed to children and families. other lgbt+ people may feel differently, but that gag in 2017 was a slap to the face and it being in a disney movie, the movies synonymous in our culture with childhood and virtue etc? that made the sting of the slap cut deep.
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chibimyumi · 4 years
Kuromyu 2021 asks
【Response to post: Kuromyu “Secret of the Boarding School Arc”】
Dear everyone,
As many of you have already seen, MKP announced a new Kuromyu after 3 years! “The Secret of the Boarding School Arc”. I have received some asks about this, so allow me to answer them here one by one ^^
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Dear Anons,
Yes indeed! “Secret of the Boarding School Arc” is going to be a thing! Erm... well, as you must have seen, no Sebastyun anymore. The announcement is official.
I don’t know Tateishi beyond the most surface level, but from what I do know, he can sing. That’s at least one thing that is promising! But otherwise I have no estimate of him whatsoever. We shall see.
I hope this time the Kuromyu fandom won’t be as nasty about him as they were about Matsushita’s calling him “a helium balloon” or “he sounds like a girl.” And then about Furukawa’s nose at first... =v= I mean, everyone can complain about an actor, but if there’s nothing substantial you can complain about then.... ugh never mind.
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【Response to: Werewolf Arc as most likely candidate?】
Dear Anon,
Yes, I did, but I feel like it is useless to answer that specific part of your question now (≽ω≼;) So let’s skip to your following questions.
Well, I wouldn’t call this post a prediction, but indeed, my reasoning that the Werewolf arc would be the most likely next candidate for Kuromyu is obviously wrong, and dramatically so! Here we are, Kuro Potter arc, even though I really thought it would be the LEAST likely one.
But, just like I have explained in the post from October 2019 about a hypothetical Potter Kuromyu, I can’t say I’m really hopeful without lying. I am interested, but not hopeful. All my concerns I spoke of at the time are still my concerns right now.
I worried about Kuromyu becoming Tenimyu, and the musical is mostly likely going to be Tenimyu. Nothing wrong with Tenimyu as such, but Kuromyu is just never made to be like a Tenimyu.
I worried about KuroPotter’s story not suitable for stage adaptations and an expensive cast... and well, indeed, no expensive cast anymore. But then, how will Kuromyu2021 sell their appeal without much of Sebas and Undertaker????
I worried about a different Sebastian inevitably going to be compared to Furukawa, and judging from my Japanese twitter feed, that prediction is not going to be off.
Japanese twitter isn’t even being mean about Tateishi, most people just go: “eh? Suddenly switching out the current prince of the musical world and the Sebastian praised so highly by sensei?” “Those are crushing expectations!” “Will Tateishi be alright? Will he be able to perform outside Furukawa’s shadows?”
All are VERY legit things to say! The scariest thing for Tateishi is not just having to play Sebastian - the perfect demon butler. Nor is it having to compete against Furukawa’s Sebastian. No, he needs to compete against Furukawa’s reputation as “the prince of the Imperial Theatre” no media outlet can NOT emphasise, and the Sebastian declared above canon by Yana herself, and the man who made the highly critical Editor K go gaga for. - Talk about pressure!
But yessss, in short, I am interested and concerned.
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Dear Anon,
Grell is not even in the arc... so no, no announcement for any Grell, old or new.
As for Izumi Shuuhei, the thing about supervising the script of Kuromyu2021, that was Izumi’s retweet of Yana’s tweet, not his own. Yana is asked to return for the supervision of the script and the costumes.
There is no reason for any producer to ask an ex-actor to supervise a script for a musical he is not going to be part of.
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For anyone interested in what Yana wrote:
In fresh wear that is befitting of a new season called ‘spring’, it has been decided that there shall be a new musical ‘Kuroshitsuji’! This time too I was called to supervise the script and the costumes, and I shall humbly partake. Please look forward to future updates【Toboso】
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Dear Anon,
About the new cast, I don’t know ANY of these new actors except 2 from the most surface level, namely Sebastian and Redmond... so I have no idea. Just from instinct though:
🏫Tateishi (Sebastian): You poor... poor man, your life is going to be so hard for at least a short while... Like I said above, Furukawa left impossibly large shoes to fill to begin with, but being made to compete against his reputation as literally the highest rank performers can achieve in Japan is just unfair.
Good luck to you, young man! You seem to be capable of singing, so I hope they at least capitalise on that!
🏫 Konishi (Ciel): ... I already thought 16 year old Sakamoto was too old for Ciel in 2009, and now there’s a 20 year old adult man playing a 13 year old baby-face O.o? I’ve looked up a bit of his acting, it seems decent!
After everyone being used to really young Ciel actors since 2010, and especially with the super small and adorable Reo though... I think this man too is going to have a really hard time getting accepted as Ciel. Though to a lesser extent than Furukawa’s crushing reputation, Reo’s reputation as Ciel really is very pressing too...
But yes, no judging before actually seeing! We shall see.
🏫 Ueda (Undertaker): Like I said in this post, Undertaker really has almost NOTHING to do in this arc, so I don’t have any opinion about Ueda. I have never heard of him before this announcement, but they could have cast an android for Undertaker and the damage would still have been minimal. (I stand by my old point; why bother adapting this arc at all??? Well, at least Ueda is unlikely to be overworked from studying his script.)
🏫 Sana (Redmond): I’ve only known him from Patalliro!, but I never watched it. But for Patalliro! Sana was cast because of his beauty and flair for Maraich. So I am sure Redmond will be just within Sana’s field too!
🏫 Tazuru (Greenhill): NO idea, never heard of him, but he LOOKS the part!
🏫 Satonaka (Bluer), Godou (Violet), Furuya (Clayton), Nakajima (Edward), Taguchi (Maurice): Idem.
🏫 Fukuzawa (Chesslock): Never heard of him either, but he REALLY REALLY REALLY looks the part (≽▽≼) His face just screams: “bruh, whaddya got, loser!?”
🏫 Uchino (Hearcourt): Never heard of him, he looks VERY cute... MKP, couldn’t you cast this youngest actor for Ciel or did he just lose the audition of Ciel? Oh well, he looks appropriately Hearcourt I guess! We shall see.
🏫 Hayakawa (McMillan): Never heard of him, but from the photos I could find he does not really look like what I’d expect of a 3D McMillan. But then again, neither do Furukawa and Uehara, and we all know how much I love them. Looks are just looks ^^ Acting is more important.
🏫 Yamaguchi (Derrick): Never heard of him, looks the part, I’m sure he’ll be fine.
🏫 Agares (Takahashi): Never heard of him, but from his photos he really does have that energy, so I’m sure he’ll be fine!
🏫 Okada (Soma): I..... am actually REALLY surprised, and even right now I’m not sure I found the right guy. Is this really the guy?? Not just a different guy with the same name? I mean, I am sure he is a great actor, but this man is 20 years older than the actual Soma.
They already got 15 young men, they really couldn’t find another one? Oh well, I’m sure he’s a great actor. And otherwise, the role is so incredibly small, any potential damage is limited.
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Dear Anon,
Yes, my day is lovely, but also flabbergasting because I spent most of it thinking about this announcement. But I hope your day was lovely too^^
Erm.....about a potential anime adaptation. As has been proven, I am not very good at predicting stuff! So perhaps I am not the right person to ask stuff.
Even though the Universe is probably going to prove me wrong again, I THINK the chances are a bit low for the Boarding School Arc being adapted?
Let us not talk about the Mansion Murder arc, and just look at Circus and Campania arc. Those two are unambiguously the two most popular arcs, but when they got adapted the budget was so horrifically low it was almost embarrassing to look at.
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As discussed in this post, Book of Circus was also aired at the weirdest possible times, and that was one of the two MOST popular arcs... as explained before in this other post, the Boarding School Arc is the least popular arc among the main/Japanese fandom... so I personally think the chances for this to get an anime adaption to be fairly low.
Just my thoughts since you asked. The Universe has proven me wrong more often, it might again.
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chibimyumi · 4 years
Hello! I just wanted to say thank you for posting Kuroshitsuji & Kuromyu content for us! I have always wanted to know more detail about the performances and about Yunbastian and you give us SO MUCH detailed information, which I appreciate a lot. One thing I want to ask is do you think Kuromyu will come out with another musical anytime soon and what arc do you think it will be from?
【Related post: Masterpost Furukawa Era Kuromyu】
Dear Anon,
Thank you very much for your kind words! I am happy to hear such enthusiasm from a Yunbastian fan ^^
About any future Kuromyu... the Japanese fandom too is getting increasingly anxious about Kuromyu’s future. Ever since 2013 Kuromyu news has always been updated within a year, but since the Grand Final Performance of ‘Tango on the Campania’ in mid February 2018 there’s been nada.
There are two major concerns that really do explain this lack of update however.
Concern 1 - Ciel
Reo is the most popular Kuromyu Ciel in 10 years history, but he is clearly too old to reprise this role now. His chemistry with Furukawa is also renowned, so it is conceivable that the MKP (Musical Kuroshitsuji Project) is waiting for people’s sentiments for him to cool down before considering a new Ciel lest this child will be met with unfair criticism like Tanaka Taketo did.
The first popular Kuromyu Ciel was Nishii Yukito, but he really got way too big too to reprise his role. When he was replaced by Tanaka Taketo, Tanaka didn’t even get a single chance to prove himself before he was already met with a tsunami of “eewl, give us Nishii back”.
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Not only is Reo the most beloved 3D Ciel, he is also the only Ciel who reprised his role with the same Sebastian. It is very likely that the MKP is trying to save any potential future Ciel from the same fate as Tanaka or Fukuzaki initially, because the Kuro fandom can be darn awful.
Until MKP is certain that they can find a child who can fill the enormous shoes left behind by Reo, I doubt they’ll announce any new Kuromyu, be it a rerun or a new production.
Concern 2 - Sebastian
Sebastian is also a major concern. After Yana had declared Furukawa above canon, it is basically inconceivable MKP would attempt any staging without being sure they can get Furukawa to reprise as Sebastian.
Though there is no doubt that Furukawa himself would be eager to reprise the role (as long as it’s canon), we can’t be sure TOHO will let him, or if he has any time at all. In 2018 Furukawa was nominated the Imperial Theatre’s prince/Ogosho on top of earning prize after prize. In 2019 he left a historical impact as Der Tod in ‘Elisabeth’, in 2020 he’s taken part in mainstream NHK drama (’Yell’) and the popular franchise ‘Confidenceman JP’... if this man wasn’t too big already last year, he certainly is too big now.
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After the Lycoris 2015, TOHO (the company Furukawa belongs too) has been sponsoring MKP which dramatically raised the bar for Kuromyu. Without Furukawa however, I doubt TOHO would continue their sponsorship... and I also doubt MKP can afford to produce the same quality without TOHO.
As I also wrote in this post, “I don’t think anyone can fill the shoes [Furukawa]’s going to leave behind. I honestly think that the moment Furukawa stops playing Sebastian, MKP would be put in a coma, if not just die.”
So do I think we’ll get any Kuromyu announcement any time soon? Personally I THINK whether there will be one really depends on:
when they judge the sentiments for Reo has cooled down sufficiently as not to condemn a child to being Not!Reo,
whether they can sell enough souls to TOHO to allow Furukawa to reprise as Sebastian (Furukawa has almost no career-autonomy left outside TOHO),
whether they can also get TOHO to sponsor their production.
In short, I THINK the answer is: probably not anytime soon... though I hope I am wrong, because my heart is itching for more Sebastyun!
What Arc for a hypothetical new Kuromyu?
I have touched upon this question before on my blog, but to sum it up.
I THINK it is unlikely they’ll attempt a Boarding School Arc because it is the least beloved arc among the Japanese fandom (the opinions of any other fandom don’t matter to MKP). The details of why I think so can be found in the post: do you think they’re going to do a musical on Weston college?”
As for which Arc I think has the highest hope of getting a musical adaptation, I think it is the Emerald Witch Arc. The details can be found in the post: "what are your thoughts on an Emerald Witch musical?”
For more about Furukawa, new Kuromyu, TOHO and MKP, please refer to this post.
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MASTERPOST Furukawa Era Kuromyu
Mini masterpost Analysis of sexism in The Most Beautiful Death in the World
MASTERPOST How to buy DVDs/BDs, and get Free English subtitles from me.
FAQ Kuroshitsuji facts and info
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Experts Opinion on Retrieving Medical Records
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Medical records (including any relevant records) play a primary role in any personal injury claim. Once an individual files for a claim, the first thing required is their medical papers, as it is a matter of getting compensation (from the person or business at fault) for injuries done.
Any medical center where the claimant undergoes treatment has all the records of care provided and its cost. And in case a personal injury lawsuit is filed – both the claimant and the at-fault party will want to obtain those medical records.
Let’s now discuss what experts have to say about this: Following are some experts’ opinions on retrieving medical records.
Experts Opinion on Retrieving Medical Records
1) 10% Less stress with outsourcing medical record retrieval companies
The most direct way to retrieve medical records, as an attorney, is for you or your staff to submit a record request directly to the provider. However, this can be time-consuming as you have to track down the representative or department responsible for handling record requests (oftentimes being bounced around from representative to representative) in order to get the correct contact information, including payment instructions if there is a record retrieval fee, to submit the request.
Oftentimes, medical providers outsource their record requests to third-party companies who handle and process the requests so tracking down the correct information can be actually quite labor-intensive. I think the best, most efficient means of obtaining medical records is by using a copy service company to submit and handle the record requests.
Copy service companies will handle the leg working terms of submitting the actual request with proper authorizations, any necessary processing fees, and the follow-up for a nominal fee. This saves the attorney time to focus on the macro issues in the case as well as a lot of headaches.
Credit:  Jordan W. Peagler, Esq, MKP LAW Group
2) Seek a local company that holds good relationships with providers
Look for a good local company that has relationships with providers and knows the game. While I or my staff could go get records and contact the hospitals, there are providers that have good relationships with the right people at the hospital or records companies that can get records faster and make the process easier for you. They also know and can determine if other records are needed based on the records they receive and know how to gather everything. It is well worth the extra cost not to have someone on our team deal with the issues.
Credit: MichaelFoster, Foster Wallace, LLC, Kansas City
Read More: Experts Opinion on Retrieving Medical Records
Source: https://www.cogneesol.com/blog/retrieving-medical-records/
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shamelesslymkp · 9 years
MUTUAL: hey i’ve been off tumblr for a while! what’s with this new reblog style, do people like it or what? ME: … ME: oh friend. ME: LET ME SHARE ALL OF MY ANGER AND WOE. AT FULL TEXTUAL VOLUME.
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shamelesslymkp · 10 years
I keep thinking I really need to just Get On With Things and play with more people, even if I don't really know them, as such - the club's a public place, that's pretty safe, right?
and then I remember the scenes where stuff happened that I didn't want but wasn't able to care enough to complain, and the surprise knife play that I safeworded out of, and the times I've safeworded but the top couldn't hear me (safe signals are my friend), and I realize that public emergency safeword of 'safeword' or no, if someone decides not to listen to my safeword, it's really fucking unlikely anyone would notice and afterwards it'd just be my word against theirs.
and I might be friends with club staff, but they're a business, they're not going to take sides, most likely. not to the extent of banning someone or anything.
I love the scene, I really do. but it is dangerous as fuck in a lot of ways, and most of those ways involve missing stairs.
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shamelesslymkp · 10 years
okay I don't even know what the tag for this would be but I really really wish there was some kind of common trigger warning for actualfax suicide notes and first person accounts of assault etc because I don't need to screen everything with related content but wow I am not okay with reading stuff like that without at least a warning so I can prepare myself.
I have no idea why these bother me so much, I ought to be like, supporting people trying to give the original voice more strength, but. ugh.
also I wish there was like, an option to have tags show up at the top of posts instead of the bottom on your dash. sure, it'd fuck with the commentary tags some, but it might be worth it just to have content warnings without having to blacklist all of the things.
I may need to go back to tumblr savior rather than xkit for my blacklist since TS has the option of making the tags of screened posts visible, which has the danger of potential sp0ilers sneaking in there but has so many other benefits it might be worth it.
I think I *am* going to go ahead and make myself a special need-to-be-productive-so-screen-all-the-upsetting-things blacklist for times like this when I'm reading my dash on the sly at work and really can't engage my brain or my emotions atm.
also side note for any of my mutuals who might now be panicking about having reblogged something without warning and upsetting me (altho possibly most not-me people do not have that instinctive reaction to posts like this it's probably healthier not to tbh) everything is fine, *I* am fine, I totally understand why people don't warn for this specific thing and/or consider it covered under more general content warnings, this is just something that has been a recurring sadness for me and I wanted to whine and possibly crowdsource some kind of blacklistable tag I could ask people to use in future.
any suggestions?
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shamelesslymkp · 10 years
and no, I'm never going to stop complaining about this, because it is fucked-the-hell up and really fucking gross and offensive that child porn and parental sexual abuse show up in the fucking ageplay tag.
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shamelesslymkp · 10 years
It's probably a little unreasonable to be this angry that the original post I was responding to has like 19k+ worth of notes, but here we are.
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shamelesslymkp · 10 years
second verse, hopefully not (but probably) same as the first
My followup comment to the AO3:
"I’m afraid that for many reasons, including different standards among users about how and what to warn for beyond the Archive Warnings, the Archive is not always a secure space — we advise users to read tags, summaries and notes carefully before proceeding."
My point is that people are using tags that are LIES. Offensive and incredibly user-hostile lies.
Parent/child incest? Not daddy kink. Pedophilia? Not age play.
In fact, the fact that pedophilia isn't required to have a rape/non-con warning in addition to underage (if the authors have not chose not to warn) is pretty damn concerning, since it IS unambiguously rape.
In the TOS, you have specifically reserved the right to modify or remove tags as deemed appropriate. How is tagging a father raping a son as 'daddy kink' not something that merits intervention?
Is it that those wrangling tags honestly don't see the difference? Because if so, there's a larger issue here in that your volunteers are perpetuating some really awful and poisonous false beliefs about bdsm in general and ageplay in particular.
I'll send a separate comment about some of the inaccurate kink tag wrangling, as it's only tangentially related to this, however I would like to point out that you specifically seem to recruit tag wranglers by fandom whereas I am saying that you really ought to get a wrangler specifically for kinks since apparently the wrangling thereof is pretty hit or miss.
My hope is that this comment clarifies my concerns and suggestions.
[For reference: my original comment and your official response:
Feedback: "Misused Tags
"I read a lot of kink fic and I've noticed that many of the kink tags get used in egregious ways (e.g., using daddy!kink as a tag for parent/child incest) and/or get used as synonymns with or subsumed by inaccurate meta-tags.
"Is there a system in place for flagging such issues? I'm particularly concerned about the daddy!kink tag; it falls under the ageplay tag and (since incest using this tag is rarely marked, nor is actual pedophilia differentiated from ageplay) makes it incredibly difficult for those looking for actual ageplay fics. since many involved in ageplay are survivors of such abuse, the generalization becomes even more problematic, no longer just a source of frustration but actively making the ageplay tag an inherently unsafe place.
"I know I for one would be happy to volunteer to wrangle kink tags, and I'm sure there are other fannish kinksters who would be more th an willing as well."
Response: "Many thanks for contacting us about this issue.
"I’m afraid the only tags that have to be accurate (and that you can report to our Abuse team if mistagged) are the Ratings and Archive Warnings tags. You can read the Terms of Service (archiveofourown.org/tos) for more details about what is allowed and what not regarding tagging. I’m afraid that for many reasons, including different standards among users about how and what to warn for beyond the Archive Warnings, the Archive is not always a secure space — we advise users to read tags, summaries and notes carefully before proceeding.
"If you do find a work in violation of the ToS, please report them to Abuse using the Report Abuse form (archiveofourown.org/abuse_reports/new) linked in the footer.
"If you want to volunteer as a wrangler, you can do so when the position is open using this form: transformativeworks.org/how-you-can-help/volunteer. Tag Wrangling has just closed a recruitment period, so they might not open again for a few months. We announce recruitment in all our news outlets, though, so keep an eye out!
"Mistakes when wrangling certainly happen — there are a lot of tags in the Archive, and deciding what to connect to what is not always a straightforward process. If you want to report a connection you feel is inaccurate, please contact us (the Support team) and we will pass on your feedback to the Wrangling team.
"Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you have any other questions or run into any problems."]
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shamelesslymkp · 11 years
It really bothers me when you reblog things that say or imply that pansexuality is problematic. There was one early this morning that says "that pansexual dialogue is so often an excuse to spread biphobia." It makes me feel bad about myself and my identity and I don't know what to do about it.
(I’m answering this publicly because I think it’s important to clarify my thoughts on the matter, but if you’d rather I’ll take it down.)
I’m really sorry if anything I’ve posted has made you feel bad about yourself and/or your identity! That was never my intention. My feelings about pansexuality as it relates to myself are rather complicated, but I don’t believe in the least that pansexuality (in of itself) is problematic or bad. I do believe, because I have seen and experienced it myself and read of other people’s experience, that often the loudest proponents of pansexuality champion it as a label/identity at the expense of or directly in opposition to bisexuality, usually defining bisexuality in a way inconsistent with the bi community’s definition in the process. It’s understandable, in a way - people want clearer lines, more delineation, and bisexuality has such poor connotations already. I still don’t like it, as one of the side-effects is that bisexuals often get painted as transphobic, only interested in cismen and ciswomen, and not attracted to transfolk or genderqueer/agender people at all.
Many pansexuals (yourself included!) are not like that at all! I read your explanation about why you personally ID as pansexual and found it both fascinating and easy to understand why you didn’t feel like the ‘bi’ term fit you. Any of the bi politics posts like this I post are directed specifically at those who use pansexuality as a way to attack bisexuality. 
Personally, I ID as pan on dating websites and FL just because ignorance is rampant enough that a lot of people will assume the inaccurate definition of bisexuality if I ID’d as that, bi in RL mostly for simplicity’s sake, and bi when blogging for political reasons (including the politics of fighting my own internalized biphobia).
I’m not quite sure what to do - I don’t want to post things that hurt you, but I don’t want to stop my bi politics, either. I am going to try to find more things to reblog that say positive things about pansexuality and the pan/bi umbrella, but that doesn’t mean I might not post ones complaining about biphobia in pansexual politics. Maybe I could try to think of a tag to add to those posts in addition to my ‘bi the way’ tag bundle of ‘here and queer,’ ‘i look both ways,’ and ‘bisexuality: it exists!’
Tumblr, what do you think? Do you have any links to non-biphobic pansexual sites/blogs/resources? Know of any bi-pan-nonmono alliances? Have an idea for a witty tag I could use?  Are there particular posts of mine that have been hurtful like this? (links appreciated so I can take a more careful look)
Help me, Obi-Wan Tumblr. You’re my only hope.
(Just ask Kate, I’m absolutely terrible at finding anything online except for fanfiction. Fanfiction/fandom-y things I am A+++ at finding.)
I’m sorry I hurt you! You’re awesomesauce and so is your identity! Many people who share your identity are not awesomesauce. :(  
Tumblr is mostly awesomesauce, but pithy posts and quick reblogs don’t leave much room or time for giving context.
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