#ml communist party of ecuador
workersolidarity · 5 years
The following is an English Language Translation of an article in En Marche, the official Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador. The original Spanish language article is linked above.
The peoples of Bolivia fight against fascism
The coup d'etat promoted by the right, the police and the Bolivian military, which has the support of imperialism, the OAS and the reactionary governments of the continent is rejected by the workers, peasants, youth, revolutionaries, leftists and democrats of that country , of the region and the world.
After several years of management, the government of Evo Morales and his MAS movement reaped criticism and claims from large sectors of the population, who saw how he implemented a policy contrary to his "leftist" and "anti-imperialist" speeches, while applying a policy of division in the popular movement (as all the so-called progressive governments have done): they divided the CIDOB (Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia), then divided the CONAMQ (National Council of Ayllus and Markas del Qullasuyu ), they tried to create - and at one time it seemed possible - a parallel APDHB, and related labor unions were also subject to parallelism or judicialization of opposition leaders and the destruction of undisciplined union directives.
Discontent with the Morales government was accumulating in «popular sectors and the urban middle class: the TIPNIS, the disabled, the teaching staff, the university students, the ADEPCOCA coca growers, the working children, Tariquía, Potosí, Achacachi and many other sectors they were victims of the government and its policies of extractivism and developmentalism aligned with the Chinese-Russian imperialist bloc ”» point out the comrades of the PCR of Bolivia. Authoritarianism is a characteristic of self-styled governments as "progressive", who had as main enemies organized popular sectors and organizations left.
The atmosphere of social discontent was expressed for a long time, clearly becoming evident when he lost the referendum called to reform the Constitution and be able to stand for a new reelection; It was clearly manifested in the vote of the elections last October, which did not give him the victory in a single round and forced him to go to a ballot, but he chose fraud by precipitating the events that the world knows.
In the initial protests against electoral fraud, two aspects must be distinguished: the popular sectors that did so from progressive and democratic positions (it should not be forgotten that the COB in recent days withdrew support for Morales), and the mobilized sectors on the most reactionary right of Bolivia. The latter has had the ability to capitalize in his favor the popular discontent against the withdrawal, and with the support of the Army and the Police to give a coup d'etat that is showing its reactionary and criminal nature.
Today the people fight in the streets against fascism. The organizations of the left that fought against authoritarianism and several of the economic measures of neoliberal dye promoted by Evo lead the discontent and work to give direction to the antifascist resistance. The government of Áñez, the army and imperialism exert a strong repression that has cost the lives of more than 20 people.
The will of struggle of the Bolivian peoples, expressed during these last days, gathers the experience and teachings of the struggles in the past decades, which makes it appear that the correlation of forces and the relationship between them becomes increasingly complex as that at present there is no clarity of what the final resolution to the political crisis would be.
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workersolidarity · 5 years
Statement in En Marche, the official organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador:
(original link above. English translation below)
The contradictions of imperialist capitalism are sharpening, the struggle of the working class and peoples grows
The CIPOML plenary met in October at a time when the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America rose one after another.
The international bourgeoisie and capitalism do nothing but increase social problems, always adding new ones and making them insurmountable.
Let us remember how they promised peace and well-being for all with the New World Order, and how exploitation and social classes would end globalization when it transformed the world into "a small village" and freed humanity from its problems!
The working class and the oppressed peoples of the world have been experiencing the opposite of these claims through the unbearable deterioration of their living and working conditions. The workers' own experience in increasing unemployment, decreasing wages, increasing poverty due to cuts in social services and rising prices and taxes, and deteriorating conditions for needs Basics leads them to accept that capitalism has nothing to offer them. The source of all these problems lies in the fact that capitalist production is carried out to increase the profits of monopolies.
This deterioration is manifested in the crisis to which many dependent countries have already been dragged, and in the capitalist world as a whole it has caused a slowdown in economic growth, especially in industrial production, accompanied by a decrease in capacity utilization. , factory closures and layoffs. There are indications that the next crisis of the capitalist world economy will be much more serious than that of 2008. And this time, since the main imperialist states do not have the opportunity to implement centralized interventions, the crisis will have more destructive consequences.
The sharpening of inter-imperialist and inter-monopolist contradictions and the increase in conflicts of interest have already led to "trade wars." These contradictions and conflicts are the result of the push of imperialist monopolies to obtain maximum benefit and without a doubt have a negative impact on the world economy.
The uneven development of monopolies and imperialist countries, as well as of companies and sectors, leads to differentiations in the level of power of monopoly groups of financial capital and imperialist countries, which in turn leads to demands of a new appropriation of the world. The United States, China, Russia and the German-French imperialists who dominate the EU, which is plagued by contradictions, are the main imperialists, and among them the conflict between the United States and China appears in the foreground.
The United States is the largest hegemonic imperialist power for its industrial and financial base, the size of the countries and regions that depend on it, the "weapon" of the dollar, its military bases throughout the world, its continuing capacity to impose its will also about Western powers through NATO despite the differences in interest between them and their military spending that exceeds the total of the rest. Hysteria to protect what it has makes the United States aggressive and warmongering, which makes it more reckless. China, on the other hand, with the completely modern technical base of its capitalism and the resulting rapid industrial and economic growth, with the level of capital accumulation and the resulting economic expansion and its potential to surpass the United States, It is a rising imperialist power that cannot refrain from including on the agenda the redivision of the world, and is underway to improve its military apparatus accordingly. The conflict between the US UU. and China, as well as the struggles between others to protect what they have and expand at the expense of the other, has already spread across all continents, including wars of power.
Inter-imperialist contradictions and conflicts have a negative effect on the world economy and lead to the deterioration of the living and working conditions of the exploited masses, since the imperialists aspire to exploit the working class and the oppressed and expelled peoples.
In conflict with each other in all parts of the world, and concentrated in some regions, no imperialist power is friendly to workers and peoples. Their promises to help people economically or politically, to bring independence and democracy, for example, are nothing but big lies. All of them are thugs, exploiters and looters monopolists, no matter what they promise, they only care for profit at the expense of the people and to expand their hegemonic spheres by making the people depend on them.
While no imperialist hesitates to seize the slightest opportunity to plunder the wealth of the people and expand their economic and political influence by expanding dependency relations, American imperialism, in particular, is on the offensive against the peoples through a series of sanctions, embargoes and occupations using its more than 800 military bases, Israeli Zionism and regional reactionary powers such as Saudi Arabia and Colombia. It still maintains occupation forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. It continues with the intervention in Syria and embargoes against Cuba, Venezuela and Iran. It has been a while since he moved his embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.
CIPOML condemns all these attacks.
Defending unconditionally the right of all peoples and nations to self-determination, including also the right to the foundation of separate states, the CIPOML also declares its solidarity with all oppressed peoples and liberation struggles, mainly with those of Venezuela, Iran. Palestine, Kurds, Cuba, Kashmir.
The fact that the contradictions between labor and capital are intensified, between the imperialists and the peoples and among the imperialists themselves mean that capitalist-imperialist aggression is increasing, as is the danger of fascism and war. Unless this course of events is avoided, the working class and the oppressed peoples will surely be in a worse situation.
Unless the ruling class cannot overcome the crisis of capitalism, whose decline and stagnation is deepening, and suppress the demands of the working class and peoples, then it will be so natural that they resort to fascism, which is the most intense form of the reactionary monopolistic tendency. And inter-imperialist dog fights lead to a new imperialist war.
However, it is also true that all the negative consequences of capitalism lead to mobilizations of the working class and oppressed peoples.
In India, not so long ago, 200 million workers went on a general strike. In Iran, strikes and mobilizations last year, in which tens of thousands of workers participated, were also witnessed this year. While strikes have been increasing in Europe, we have seen several strike actions in the US. in the last two years; The strike of metal workers is the latest example. After a long period of stagnation, the working class is in a state of new mobilizations, and this can be observed in several strikes and other actions of all sizes, although they are not yet united at the national level.
We also witness the outbreak of many popular movements in October, as a result of the destructive effects of capitalism and the repression of reactionary forces. In many countries, these movements have shown a tendency to become uprisings and began to have a political character. In Burkina Faso, the town had thwarted the military coup 4 years ago. In Sudan, Omar al Bashir was overthrown. In Algeria, Bouteflika had to resign and then withdrew his candidacy. In Lebanon, Prime Minister Hariri resigned. The Iraqi prime minister announces that he would resign. In Chile, President Sebastián Piñera, had to step back on the economic measures adopted. In Ecuador, President Moreno had to cancel his austerity package. In Haiti, Iraq, Honduras, Guinea, etc., the struggle of the peoples that rose could not be contained. The number of popular uprisings with great participation of the working class is increasing.
The uprising of the working class and peoples against looting and oppression by monopolies and imperialism is the only way to stop the aggression of capital, avoid the danger of fascism and war, as well as for social emancipation and national.
Social reform is falling into a vacuum since it is not able to contain the rebellion of the working class and peoples. It is natural that the reassuring effect of reformism that suggests nothing but the reconciliation between objectively revolutionary popular struggles and reactionary forces is broken.
Our Conference calls workers from all countries who:
The only way for our emancipation is to fight against capitalism without expectations in any bourgeois faction or imperialist power and abolish the hegemony of capital and exploitation relations. We must end bourgeois dominance and organize ourselves as the hegemonic class, which only depends on our own power.
However, we cannot achieve it if we are disjointed and disorganized. Therefore, we must organize ourselves in our independent parties of the working class in our countries, if there is one, and if there is not, found it, and carry out our class struggle regardless of the bourgeoisie.
With this in mind, we must not only participate in the popular struggles that develop outside our initiative, but lead them, organizing the struggles of city and country workers and directing these struggles against capitalism.
Our Conference also calls for the expansion of the struggle of the oppressed peoples and nations of the world.
The only way to get rid of looting and imperialist and monopolist oppression is to carry out an uncompromising struggle against imperialist powers and monopolies. We must follow the example of the struggles that take place in other countries, helping to develop them in our own country and expand them. The people have no other friend but themselves. We can depend on ourselves and the workers who are part of the villages.
We need to unite, organize and lift the fight against imperialism and monopolies. The united and organized struggle of the working class and the oppressed peoples is invincible.
International Conference of Parties and Organizations
Marxist Leninists - CIPOML
October 2019
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