#ml penpal au
seagullcharmer · 1 year
still thinking fondly of a miraculous ladybug / tales of arcadia crossover. was just reminded that marinette drives a vespa. you know who else drives a vespa? that's right. jim lake jr
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rec-review8890 · 2 years
Suga | Magic!au RECs
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(💦) ~ Smut , (🐑) ~ Fluff , (👊) ~ Angst , 
(📝) ~ Series , (🗒) ~ One-Shot/Drabble , 
(💜) ~ Personal Favorite 
Request Guidelines | Fic Rec ML
NONE of these works are mine. Give all your love to the authors and their works. The links will either bring you to the Tumblr page or a Ao3 page of the work. 
Magic!au includes witches, warlocks, wizards, and fae. It also includes curses or “other worldly” concepts that involve magic. 
Title: Thorns & Mildew 🐑🗒
Author: @alilbihh​ 
Summary: Witch!Yoongi x Reader. 
↳ “you’re not human.” “did you think I was?” yes, you want to say. or maybe. something that sounds at least halfway believable. but the truth is that the day you’d first seen him your very first thought was oh. you are not like me. you are not like anything I’ve ever seen before.
Title: Magic of The Night 👊🗒💜
Author: @gukyi​
Summary: witch!yoongi x human!reader. Also Halloween and Horror!au. 
↳ “There is a witch you go to for spells and potions whenever human nature is not enough for things to go your way, and he loves you more than anyone else ever will.”
Title: Exiled 🐑👊🗒
Author: @casuallyimagining
Summary: Also zombie!au.
↳ “After a year of being on the run and the world’s shittiest luck, Yoongi comes across a familiar face. You. The only problem? Everything is trying to kill him including, he assumes, you.”
Title: A Lost of Correspondence 👊📝
Author: @crystaljins​
Summary: Wizard professor!yoongi x wizard professor!reader. Part of a Hogwarts drabble series.
↳ “You used to have a penpal, once. But that was long before you accepted a job as a professor at Hogwarts”
Title: Snowstorm 🐑👊🗒💜
Author: @btsmosphere​ 
Summary: Also jack frost and childhood friends!au. 
↳ “Strange things happen in the woods when you return home for Christmas. And why does your mum insist you stay away from Min Yoongi?”
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
Dear Chat Noir
Sigh... I really wanted this to be a one-shot. Desperately so. And then I wanted the premise to fit into one chapter. I really did. And then for both premise chapters to be ready before @auyeahaugust was over. Oh well.
Here’s chapter 1 of Dear Chat Noir, my ML Penpal AU (day 25 of AU Yeah August). Chapter 2 should be up soon!
Read on AO3
Chapter 1: Of mysterious findings
If you asked Adrien Agreste to describe himself, he would have said he was a somewhat normal child. Should you ask anyone else, their answers would range from “who?” to “a child prodigy”. 
Adrien lived a secluded life in his family’s mansion, away from any distractions, as his father called anything that wasn’t piano practise or fencing training. Every school was considered a waste of time for his son’s intelligence, leading to private tutors to be taken on to satisfy Gabriel Agreste’s education standards. Adrien’s experience of the outside world was limited to being driven to these activities, if they couldn’t take place within the four walls that surrounded the Agreste Hôtel Particulier, and a weekly Sunday evening walk at the Jardin du Luxembourg with his bodyguard. The latter was the only tradition he’d managed to maintain after his mother’s passing. It wasn’t the same without her, but he did enjoy the fresh air. 
He’d also had a brief time in the spotlight as a model for his father’s fashion brand, but Gabriel Agreste had not looked on his son’s increased freedom and contacts with people his age with a favourable eye, and had restricted any unnecessary interactions.
Adrien was therefore left alone with his thoughts most of the time. Part of him wished he could go out more and meet other children, but he knew from his father he was very lucky to be living the life he was. And it was true he couldn’t really complain: he lived in a palace, by Parisian standards, was well fed, well dressed, and was receiving the best education he could ever hope for. Some people had it a lot worse than he did.
Still, he found himself dreaming that one day, maybe, he’d have a little more freedom. With no one to talk about it with, his father’s assistants all siding with the man who held the money if he tried to confide in them, Adrien had taken the habit of putting his thoughts to paper. It had been sporadic at first, but had soon evolved into a daily exercise. He sat in his bed at night, his gigantic room only lit by a little flashlight, and poured out his emotions.
Dear Plagg, the boy wrote that night. He had started addressing his letters to a fictional friend to make himself feel better. Once upon a time, he had tried journaling, but had soon discovered his inner thoughts were not as safe as he’d thought they’d be in the little notebook he kept in one of his fencing trophies; he’d noticed pages had been torn from flicking through them too fast, some had been cornered to mark certain parts, clearly indicating he wasn’t the book’s only reader. He’d therefore moved on to writing his entries on loose paper, which he hid in a little tin box next to a fountain in the Jardin du Luxembourg. He’d soon taken to the game of writing the letters, even enclosing them in envelopes. Between two visits to the park, he would stash them in various locations in his room, making sure the seals stayed intact.
Adrien tried to vary the contents of his letters, even though no one would read them, and nothing particularly exciting happened to him on a day to day basis. He found it kept him focused on the small joys of his life, like when the cook smuggled him an extra croissant, a fragrant flower bloomed in the garden, or he spotted a ladybug on the window while studying. 
He signed the letter the usual way: Until next time, Chat Noir. He read through the letter again, satisfied with the result. Journaling really did wonders to improve his mood. Even if the negative feelings did remain somewhat, it felt good to “share” a little, even though his letters had yet to be found by anyone, or anything. The letter would join the others the next Sunday, and he wouldn’t think twice about it. 
Or so he thought.
“Tikki!” Marinette Dupain-Cheng chased after the turbulent dog, whose leash had once again escaped her hands while she admired one the Luxembourg statues. She wasn’t very good with dogs, but when her old neighbour Mr Fu had fallen ill, she’d bravely accepted to walk Tikki until he felt better. She’d figured it wouldn’t be very hard, given how calm the dog was. 
Apparently Mr Fu was an animal whisperer, though, because the dog had been nothing but excited since she’d taken custody of her. It was cute, but Marinette was also tired of running around, Tikki being particularly good at losing her in the park’s alleys. 
The young girl sighed as she saw the leash drag around a corner, and slowed her pace. She knew the Jardin du Luxembourg quite well thanks to its central location in Paris, making it a prime spot to meet up with friends. Tikki had just dashed into a dead end; the worst that could happen was her jumping into the Medicis Fountain, but she hoped the barriers that surrounded it would prevent that. 
Turning into the alley, Marinette saw her prayers had seemingly been answered, as Tikki was busy sniffing at something under a stone bench. The Parisian walked up to her, marvelling at the fountain as she did so. The leafy trees surrounding it provided a nice dappled lighting and welcome shade on the hot summer Saturday. The babbling of the water and its gentle sprays only accentuated the cool atmosphere. 
Marinette sat on the bench, picked up Tikki’s leash and gently tried to pull her out from under her seat, but encountered a great resistance.
“What have you found there, girl?” Marinette asked, slightly concerned by the dog’s pining. She leaned over and tried to determine what had caught Tikki’s attention, hoping it would be a lost ball. She had seen rats scuttle around the park a couple of times, and had no interest in coming face to face with one, whether alive or dead.
She looked down and saw Tikki was pawing at a tin biscuit box, pushed deep under the bench, almost in the little hedge that stood behind it. Marinette smiled and shook her head, reading the inscription from afar: Macarons. That dog really did only think with her stomach.
“You know you’re not supposed to eat those, they’re not for you.” Marinette scratched the dog’s neck. Seeing that it didn’t divert her attention, she sighed and kneeled down next to the bench, reaching for the box herself. “You know, I’m sure you’re going to be disappointed, I don’t know if you’re aware but most tin boxes these days don’t actually contain food.” She explained, although she wasn’t sure her audience was very receptive to her words. 
Marinette pulled out the box, which was a lot lighter than she’d expected. She shook it gently next to Tikki’s ear to prove it did not contain treats, and was surprised to hear a soft ruffle, like paper. She sat on the bench again and laid the box on her lap. Her hands hovered over it, hesitant to open it. 
She looked around suspiciously, watching out for anyone trying to pull a prank on her, or just its innocent owner, but the area was empty. 
I really shouldn’t open it, she thought to herself. The box looked quite clean for something that was hidden. It was probably used often, or had been dropped off recently. Had it been hers, she probably wouldn’t have liked to know someone had gone through it. Tikki licked the box gently, which Marinette interpreted as “no one has to know”.
“Okay, fine, I’m doing it for you. It’ll be our secret.” She nodded gravely at the dog and lifted the edges of the lid.
She didn’t know what she’d expected to find. Maybe a bunch of little trinkets, like in the movie Amélie. Perhaps a badly hidden stash of money. Whatever it had been, it definitely wasn’t a collection of letters, all sporting the same handwriting on the envelopes. Tikki looked into the box curiously.
“See, I told you so.” Marinette tilted the box towards the dog. “Nothing in there for you.”
She carefully picked the first envelope. It had the previous Sunday’s date on it. Nothing else.
She was about to look at the next one when her phone rang. She jumped at the sound, almost spilling the box’s contents as she did so, and fished the device out of her handbag. A picture of her parents appeared on the lit screen. Marinette looked at the time and swore internally. She’d been out for over an hour, when she’d said she was only going to be half an hour. She hastily put the letters back in the tin, and slid the latter back under the bench.
“Come on Tikki, time to go home.”
As she lay in bed that night, Marinette couldn’t stop thinking about the box and its contents. It had just been so odd for it to be there. Who, in their right mind, stored their letters in a public garden? Surely there were better hiding places in an apartment, or wherever the author lived.
Speaking of the author, she found it weird that there’d only seemed to be one, if she could tell from the neatly traced dates on the envelopes she’d seen. It therefore didn’t seem like a makeshift postbox, like the one in Little Women. 
She’d definitely have to investigate the matter the next day.
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Penpals and Presents
Merry Christmas Anne! @mar16a7 I'm posting you're fic here as well as AO3! And this one has an extra special surprise ;)
Damian was not antisocial. He simply did not like the people around him. It wasn’t his fault that his new instructors thought him to have the same amount of intellect as an average child of his age. It wasn’t his fault that this caused them to treat him like he was one of those average children; like an “imbecile”, he claimed. It certainly wasn’t his fault that all the other children were so simple that he couldn’t hold even close to an intelligent conversation with them.
When his teachers suggested to his father that he be placed in a penpal program with other gifted children his age, he was adamant against it. Damian Al Ghul—now Wayne, after having been dropped on his father by his mother—was not just a gifted child. He knew himself to have a much higher intellect than even the most gifted children. Not to mention, writing to someone from who-knows-where would be nothing but a waste of his time.
Despite his protests, Damian was signed up for the program. Forms were filled out and eventually, he was paired up with a young girl from Paris, France. At first, the young boy was curious as to why they matched him up with someone who didn’t even speak his language. Later, he found out that the forms included a section on what languages the applicant could read. As Damian was able to read French, he was paired up with a girl from France who could read English.
The green-eyed boy sat down at his desk to write his first letter. He thought himself very clever and hoped that if he wrote something mean and nasty, he would get kicked out of the program. After all, no one wanted their child to be paired up with someone who would only say mean things.
However, this did not go well. Bruce Wayne, despite having only known his biological son for a small bit of time, had raised children before. How successful he had been was highly debatable, but he had raised them, nonetheless. He knew his son would try something sneaky to get out of a situation he found less than desirable. So, he had Alfred read the boy’s letter before it ever made it to the mailbox.
After being severely punished for the foul things he had written, Damian was made to write a new letter to his partner under Alfred’s careful supervision. The boy sat at the dining table in a huff, giving his paper such a glare that if he could, it surely would have been set aflame. Wanting nothing more than for this to be over with, the young boy picked up his pen and began to write.
Dear Marinette,
Hello, my name is Damian. I am sure you already know this, but it is only proper manners to introduce one’s self. I suppose I should ask you the typical questions one would when trying to get to know someone, but I would rather we just introduce ourselves with whatever information we find pertinent. I am 11 years old. I live in Gotham, New Jersey. Legally, I have many siblings, though I view them more as annoyances. If there is any more you wish to know about me, I will answer at a later date.
Despite giving him a strange look, Alfred deemed Damian’s letter passable and sent it off in the mail. The boy sincerely hoped that it would get lost and he would never have to do that ever again. Unfortunately for him, several days later came the reply.
Dear Damian,
Hi! I’m Marinette, and I’m very excited to be writing to you. I guess I should tell you about all the things you told me. I’m 10 years old, live in Paris, and I’m an only child! You said you have a lot of siblings, right? I wish I had some. I love my Maman and Papa, but it can get boring being the only kid around the house. But it’s alright because I have plenty of friends at school.
You said I could ask you questions, so what’s your favorite color? Do you have any pets? What’s your favorite food? Do you have any hobbies?
Damian almost laughed at the childishness of the letter. He knew that his partner would never hold the same level of maturity as he, but this girl seemed even more naïve than expected. Her way of speaking annoyed him, and yet he was also intrigued by her inclination to overshare with a stranger.
Once again under the watchful eye of Alfred, Damian wrote a quick response.
Dear Marinette,
My favorite color is green. I have several pets, namely a dog, a cat, and a cow. I don’t have a particular favorite food, though I do stick to a vegetarian diet. I enjoy art as a general hobby.
I ask that you answer the same questions you asked me in your reply.
And so began the two’s correspondence. While Damian would send short and to the point letters, Marinette’s letters grew longer and longer as time went on. It seemed she loved to share as much as she could with him.
The green-eyed boy would deny it, but those around him could tell how he began to enjoy his penpal’s letters. Every day Damian would ask Alfred if he had received anything in the mail. The boy would pretend to be annoyed, but the twinkle in his eyes as he was handed a small pink envelope couldn’t be hidden.
“What do you mean, your brothers have been acting strange?” Marinette asked Damian over a video call.
“I mean, that they’ve been acting bizarre.” Damian sighed. “Somehow even more than usual,”
He wasn’t exaggerating either. Dick was acting strangely skittish every time they talked. Jason, while mostly acting normal—well as normal as Jason could act—would suddenly start laughing at seemingly nothing. Tim would constantly give the younger boy this knowing smirk; one that drove him crazy. Cass, well, Cass was acting like herself, but if Damian knew her at all, it was that if the others were up to something, she most definitely knew about it.
“I swear they’re hiding something from me,” the green-eyed boy grumbled.
Marinette giggled at his frustration as she snuggled further into the blanket around her shoulders. Damian shot her a glare, causing her to laugh louder.
“I’m sure it’s nothing to be concerned about, Dami.” She told him with a smile. “After all, it is almost Christmas. Maybe they’re just planning a nice gift for you!”
“But Angel-“ He tried to argue.
“No buts,” she said firmly. “I know you hate things being kept from you, but I can say with 100% certainty that they don’t mean any harm.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “Are you saying you know something about this?” He questioned, leaning closer to the camera.
“Maybe~,” she sang out. “Just trust me on this, okay?”
Damian gave a heavy sigh. It had taken him a while to understand the power this girl seemed to have over him. He couldn’t believe that someone he had once wanted nothing to do with was now one of the most important people in his life.
He can still remember it like it was yesterday, the first time he heard her voice. The sound was everything and nothing like what he expected from the girl he’d grown to like. Her laugh was like tinkling bells, drawing him in as nothing else could. When he first saw her face, his first thought had been how beautiful she was.
It was funny, how you could fall in love with someone an ocean away. When he was a child, Dick would tell Damian all about his whirling romances, causing the small boy to roll his eyes. Love was just a distraction from one’s goals in life. His mother had once loved his father, and he saw how well that seemed to turn out.
And yet, as he was forced to and later willingly got to know Marinette, her charming innocence swept him away. He had always found naivety annoying, but when it came to his strange penpal across the way, it only made him more intrigued. Something about her made his heart beat fast and his knees feel weak.
They were a constant in each other’s lives. As Damian gained more social skills and connections with those around him, he always had Marinette to help him along the way. Likewise, Damian was always there when Marinette needed someone to teach her how to stand up for herself.
“Alright, fine.” He relented. “But if they do something ridiculous, I’m choosing to blame you.”
Marinette laughed again, making Damian’s heart swell. “Alright, Dami. I’ve gotta go get some schoolwork done. I’ll text you later, okay?”
“I’ll be waiting,” he said with a soft smile. “Goodbye Angel,”
“Bye Dami!”
The days came and went in a flash. Damian continued to be annoyed by his family’s strange behavior but soldiered on at Marinette’s request. Finally, on Christmas Eve, it all came to a head when Dick excitedly asked Damian on a walk in the park with him.
“What are you up to, Grayson,” he questioned as the two walked. His grip on Titus’ leash tightened as his brother gave a nervous, but almost giddy laugh.
“Can’t I just ask to spend time with you, Baby Bird?” Dick said.
Damian scoffed. “Not with that nervous behavior,”
Dick grabbed his free hand and began to pull him forward. “Just come on!”
The older man dragged his brother down the snowy paths of the park. At this point, Damian was starting to like his entire family had lost their marbles. What could be so important that they had to hide things and pull him around like this?
“…What if he doesn’t like me as much in person?” a voice worried.
Damian whipped his head around to see a group of three people. He knew that voice. It may sound a little different; a little clearer, but it was unmistakable who that voice belonged to.
“Marinette?” he asked his voice only slightly above a whisper.
The shortest member of the group turned to face him. “Hi, Dami,” she said, pulling her scarf down to reveal her face.
He couldn’t believe she was right in front of him. It was almost surreal, how much more lovely she was in person. Her big blue eyes, her pale skin, her cheeks pink from the winter cold; all of her was so much more beautiful when viewed with his own two eyes instead of through a screen.
“I- how are you here?” he spluttered.
She giggled, God, did he love it when she did that. “ I told you there was a surprise waiting for you, didn’t I?”
He stood there speechless before she continued. “Your brothers got my number from your phone and helped arrange for my parents and me to come to stay with you for the holidays.”
“You’re staying with us?” Damian asked skeptically. He handed Titus’ leash off to Dick before taking a step closer to Marinette.
“For two whole weeks,” she said with a smile, reaching out to him. “They wanted us to finally be able to meet each other in person, after all these years.”
Damian smiled, turning towards where Dick stood next to who he could only assume were Marinette’s parents. It was the softest look Dick had ever seen on his younger brother.
“Thank you,” he said with as much sincerity as he could muster.
The older Wayne child smiled back at his brother. “Merry Christmas, Baby Bird.”
With that Marinette grabbed Damian’s hand and pulled him towards the paths. “C’mon Dami, we’ve got a lot to talk about!”
The green-eyed boy squeezed the girl’s hand, bringing it to his side. “That we do, Angel.”
The adults shared a knowing glance, eyes locked on the two’s intertwined hands as they walked away.
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bluerosette23 · 5 years
Maribat MASTERLIST ~ Pg3
Third Part of the masterlist. (Updated: Dec 2, 2019)
< Page3 >    [Daminette December Masterlist]
by @kittyanonymity A Ladybug in Gotham  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 A Little Bird Told Me [Timari] Pt1 ~ ML X DC Crossover AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @krispydefendorpolice The Demon’s Bride CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 TDB Drabbles Meeting The Batfam ~ The Miraculous Awaken(1 ~ 2)
by @ladylucina28 Gotham Nine Nine [Timari] (collab w/ a-marlene-s) Background ~ Ranks ~ Mari’s Thoughts CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3
by @ladysblackcat Escape To The Circus Mari VS Rayby @legendaryhumanskeletonkid Moving On Pt1 New Life, New Start Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 
by @let-me-perish We’ve Got Some Dreams Alternate Beginning AU Pt1&2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @loveswifi Everything Is Nothing Without Her ~ I Only Have Eyes For You ~ Lips Are Chapped And Faded ~ Sweet Lullaby How To Survive As Daughter Of Deadpool Masterlist ~ OG Idea ~ HC1 ~ HC2 ~ HC3 ~ HC4 ~ HC5 ~ HC6 ~ HC7 ~ HC8 ~ HC9 ~ HC10 CH1 Making Do (With What Gives Us) Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 No More Second Chances Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 Rising From The Ashes  ~  AO3 Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 
by @magic-miraculous All The Time We’ve Got CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~
by @maribat-2k20 A Blind Meeting [Brucinette] CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 BatBug Kid(s?) [Brucinette] Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 
by @maribat-archive A World That Is New, That Is Free Bug And Bird Of Prey Damian VS Adrien:Sword Fight Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms AU (Pt1 ~ Pt2) Royalty AU Running Home to You Umbrella at Your Side You’re My Flashlight (Soulmate AU) Of Fun, Of Love Pt1 ~ Pt2 Sincerely (Penpal AU) Marinette ~ Damian ~ Us(Against the World)
by @maxdark158 Angel of Gotham  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6   Demon of Gotham  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6   Daminette Soulmate AU Short Drabble:Sparring
by @mindfulmagics Daminette Betrothed AU History Repeats Lila Knows Best If I Could  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Keeping You Warm  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~Pt2~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 ~ Pt16 ~ Pt17
by @minilittlebatbrat The Adventures of MariMaps CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5
by @miraculous-mangoes I See Your Name Everyday  ~  AO3 Not That Much  ~  AO3 More Than Survive  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4
by @miraculous786 A Miniature Meeting With Multimouse Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Gotham’s Own Ladybug Masterlist ~ Prologue ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6
by @mmemiraculous Piggyback AU Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @mochinek0 Bonus 1: Alya’s Realization ~ Bonus 2 Fairy VS Angel Maribat Halloween! Normal Shout Out To My Ex Songfic Sweetheart Ice Cream Second Chance Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4
by @monkeebratz Adult Mari Maribat AU Marionette (Harley Quinn 2.0) Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Initial Idea ~ How It Happened ~ Addition by iggy-of-fans ~ Reply to iggy’s Addition ~ Summer Begins ~ Summer Part 2 ~ Super Meet ~ Scarecrow Interlude Gotham Seamstress Marinette Initial Idea ~ Uncle Ozzy ~ Gotham City Sirens ~ Wayne Gala ~ After The Party - Bruce ~ After The Party - Marinette ~  Clash of Heroes and Villains ~ Finding Marinette Smol Damian Maribat AU Idea ~ The Couffains ~ Ra’s Al Ghul ~ After Ra’s Al Ghul
by @moonlightstar64 Healing Pain Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12 ~ CH13 
by @multifandom-imagines-things Random Fic Random NaNoWriMo Daminette Fic
by @multifandomscribette Adaptability ~ Best Business Trip Ever [TimxAdrien] ~ Bring Him Back From The Brink - The Parisian Branch Of The Family Tree ~ Damian “Helping” Marinette’s Class ~ In A Flash Of Light ~ It Started With Coffee [Timari] ~ Our Dreams Transport Us To Where We Wish To Be [Timari] ~ Seeing Red [Roynette] ~ Sisterhood ~ Soul Stealer ~ Strategic And Magical [Kaldurnette] ~ The Wedding Of The Millenium [Timari] ~ The Twins ~ Trip To YJL HQ ~ Words [Jasonette] Dame Chanceuse Conture AU [Timari] Masterpost ~ Gotham Sirens ~ Riddler/Penguin ~ Two-Face/Scarecrow ~ Mad Hatter/Baby Doll ~ Girls Night Out ~ Calendar Girl/Lex Luthor ~ Deadshot/Talia Al Ghul ~ Zatanna ~ The Devil and The Goddess of Crime Alley ~ The Angel Of Gotham Goes To The City Of Angels ~ Hufflepuff And Puffin! ~ Killer Croc/Red Hood ~  John Constantine Doesn’t Know What To Think of The Goddess In Gotham  The World Needs The Goddess But It Fears Her ~ Sanctuary  Extended Family AU  First Impressions ~ Family Reunion ~ Family Medical History  Gotham For Two Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 Zili Alqatah AU   Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7  Light In The Darkness  The Forgotten City AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 
by @musicfeedsmysoul12 Bio Dad!Bruce ~ Bio Mom!Selina  Breakdance AU ~ Little Red And Big Red Halloween   Second Chance Brucinette AU  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Kitten Mari Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~
by @mysnis * African Adventure  Childhood Promises  Heroine Fashonista Rock N Roll Super Fashion To Perform With Our Minds And Hearts 2 (Dancer AU cont.) The Fashionable Heroes Clumsy Series Bruises ~ Wounds ~ Muscle Strains ~ Dislocations ~ Concussions   Lost Friends Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  True Love Karaoke CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12  We Stan A Friend Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  Maribat Fluff Week Day1 ~ Day2 ~ Day3 ~ Day4 ~ Day5 ~ Day6 ~ Day7 Timari Week D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7  500 Followers Celebration 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 
by @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog Damian’s Sister Don’t Forget To Breath Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @mystery-5-5 Daminette/Uncle Jagged Idea
by @never-neverland​ Sapphire and Moonlight CH1 ~
by @noirdots An Angel in Red  ~  AO3 Anything For You Blood And Tears ~  AO3 Flying Ladybugs and Birds at Disney World Made With Love  ~  AO3  Marie And Her Nutcracker Prince  Sick Day  ~  AO3 Slow Dancing In The Dark Thanksgiving With The Wayne’s Changes (Pt1 ) Finding You  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @normal-piece-of-shit Promises [Jasonette] Revelations [Timari] Twists And Turns A Couple Of Spies Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Babynette Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Of Life and Heroes CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ Timinette Shenanigans Pt1 ~ Pt2  Maribat Fluff Week Day1 ~ Day2 ~ Day3 ~ Day4 ~ Day5 ~ Day6 ~ Day7 Timari Week D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D6 
by @pan-cakez A Strange Meeting
by @particularlygeeky Cataclysm  ~  AO3 Little Ladybird  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11
by @persephonescat Birds and Other Supernatural Phenomenons  ~  AO3 Masterpost ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~  
< Page3 >    [Daminette December Masterlist] 
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ladylynse · 6 years
There are many talented artists and writers out there. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been gifted a few things over the years and decided that I wanted a post to keep track of them because they’re all awesome.
Fanart by @naevre
Crossroads cover (GFxOtGW) (collab)
MLxDP crossover art (still tentatively called Le Fantôme)
Whirlwind art (Secret Quartet - ML/RC9GN/ADJL/DP)
Danny as the Ninja (Reflections - DPxRC9GN)
Numerous Reflections-related art (DPxRC9GN)
Fanart by WhiteWolfGirl91
Reflections cover (DPxRC9GN)
Fanart by @zend-pixie 
Reflections scene (DPxRC9GN)
Fanart by @dannyphandump
Inspired by Turning Point (DP) I mean not technically a gift because it’s for Ectober but if I can write fic that inspires fanart I’m counting it
Together art (DP)
Fanart by @goodfish-bowl
Danny Fenton with his ‘wand’ (DP/HP twin AU) I’m counting this as a gift because I can okay
Fanart by @acewithapaintbrush
Danny Fenton with his ‘wand’ (DP/HP twin AU)
Fanart by @fureliselost
National Believe in a Ghost Day (DP) not technically a gift but I’m counting it because a comic!!!!
Fanart by @danon-in-c
Jazz has magic AKA Jazz Fenton and the Arcane Awakening (DP/HP)
Fanart by @wsoupofpain/@this-is-z-art-blog
Illusory (DP/GF) - for Ectoberweek 2023, October 25
Fanart by @imadumdumjewel
Viceroy (RC9GN) Reflections scene of Randy vs the Sorcerer (RC9GN/DP, just RC9GN in the fanart)
Fanart by @schwoopsiedoodles
Phantasmagoria (DP)
Fanart by Anon
Huntsclan!Jake (Unbound, ADJL, Huntsclan!Jake AU)
Jake, Rose, and the Huntsmaster (Unbound, ADJL, Huntsclan!Jake AU)
Jake and Haley Long  (Unbound, ADJL, Huntsclan!Jake AU)
Art by @oopsyourotphassunk
Rose (it’s a pretty flower, okay?)
Podfic by @the-only-wife
Illusory (DP/GF)
Podfic by WhaleKingdom/BadFeelin
Mirrored (DP/ADJL)
Fic by @azthedragon
Penpals (DP/RC9GN)
DP/BNHA crossover 
Fic by @sach216 
Matching Traits (RC9GN) I’m counting this because you finished for my birthday
Board by @anotherdpdump
Based off The Trouble with Ghosts (DP)
Fic by @sapphireswimming
Valerie-centric (DP) 
Fic by Anon
Danny’s wallet thievery (DP)
Vlad commissions the Ghost Writer (DP)
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years
Dear Chat Noir - Chapter 2
Finally finished writing the background of Dear Chat Noir! Now the penpal-ing (is that a word?) will begin... Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3 | Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Lost and Found
The Tom & Sabine bakery being one of the few Parisian boulangeries to stay open through the whole day on Sundays, it received a steady flow of customers that called for personnel reinforcements. It was particularly the case in Summer, as the neighbourhood bakers tended to take their holiday leave in July rather than in late August like Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng, so Marinette always made a point of helping her parents out. Although slightly clumsy, she was very appreciated among the clients for her kindness and excellent pastry advice.
Today, though, Marinette’s mind was a million miles away from the popular bakery. She mixed up orders and tripped a lot more than usual, although not enough to worry her parents; they caught their daughter’s mistakes with a smile, attributing her absentmindedness to the fact she’d finally relaxed into holiday mode.
Marinette secretly watched the time, eager to return to the park. Her thoughts were entirely focused on the mysterious Luxembourg writer, and their letters. What could they possibly hold? Memoirs? An unreciprocated love story? Deep secrets?... She just had to know. 
As the hours ticked by, and the park’s closing time approached, she saw her hopes of meeting their author dwindle, but was determined to get to the letters nonetheless. When the bakery finally closed its doors for the day, Marinette conjured some vague excuse and ran out before her parents could even say a word. 
Skulking around the fountain, cautious not to bring attention to herself despite the fact she was heavily panting from her journey, she finally dropped onto the bench and pulled out the tin box from under it. She was surprised to find a new letter neatly lined up with the others, with the day’s date. Flicking through the older ones, Marinette realised all of them must have been dropped off on a Sunday. Whoever wrote them would not be back until the next week. 
Her temptation to just pick up the box and go home with it won over the more reasonable option of letting it be when she heard  heavy footsteps behind her. 
“Excuse me, miss.” A park guard cleared his throat. “The park will be closing in a few minutes, please make your way to the nearest exit.”
She got up gracefully, clutching her loot and gave the man a dazzling smile for enabling her curiosity. “Merci, Monsieur.”
Adrien was over the Moon. Today was definitely a good day.
Gabriel had tried and failed to find a better model than his son for his autumn collection photo shoot, leading to an unscheduled outing to the jardin du Luxembourg. The boy would have hugged his father, had it been acceptable.
And if the man had actually told him the good news to his face, rather than sending his assistant, Nathalie.
He wasn't going to hold it against him, though. He'd already really brightened up his Wednesday.
Adrien basked in the warm Sun between two outfit changes, eyeing the Médicis Fountain. He'd decided that such an occasion deserved a special letter, which he’d carefully hidden inside his sock. It wasn’t the most comfortable option, but he knew it was one of the only clothing items he’d be able to keep all day long. He shifted the envelope around depending on the photographer’s angle to avoid it being seen in the promotional pictures.
When the crew declared a coffee break after various takes in front of the Palais du Luxembourg, Adrien furtively made his way towards his hiding place, using the fact he shouldn't stay out in the Sun too much as an excuse to do so. He once again mentally thanked his father for providing the perfect escape; Adrien couldn’t count the number of times Gabriel had rambled about his “fragile complection”, especially in front of his staff. Nobody would question his actions.
He pretended to examine the statue of Polypheme and Galatea that stood in the centre of the Fountain for good measure, taking great care to look refreshed. He saw a couple of flashes go off, proof that he was still being watched. When he was satisfied the photographers had gotten all the candids they wanted, he ventured further back into the shade and sat on the stone bench. He slowly reached down behind it, making sure he did not attract attention to himself. He groped for the box in the vicinity of its usual location -he would know, being the one who placed it there each time-, to no avail. He frowned and shifted further to the right, covering a new patch of sand. Still not feeling the cool metallic tin, he pretended to drop the jacket he’d been holding in the last official picture and squatted exaggeratingly slowly to retrieve it.
He looked under the bench, hoping he’d unknowingly pushed the box too far back into the hedge. But there was nothing more than a lonely paper receipt and a couple of leaves there.
Adrien’s heart sunk in his chest. His secret stash had finally been found, and been disposed of. He felt tears gather in his eyes, partially blurring his vision. Part of him had always known this was bound to happen someday. It wasn’t a particularly discreet hiding place, after all. The other part of him was disappointed that his safe space was no longer.
His name being called out brought him back to reality. He took a deep breath, wiped his eyes, and wore his best smile as he stood up and walked back towards the crew. Spotting a dustbin on his way, he pretended to tie his shoelaces and swiftly took out the envelope from his sock. He tore it apart and threw it away.
Sorry, Plagg.
Read more on AO3!
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