#mldccrossover Marietta Wayne
goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Jason: "...."
Bruce: "...."
Jason: "Soooooo?"
Bruce: "Jason Peter Todd-Wayne. Did you teach Marietta to kick people because they, quote on quote, "Have bad vibes"?"
Jason: "I can neither confirm nor deny that allegation."
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
I really love the wish me away au... cant wait for the whole series, also may i ask will adrien try to do something to mari (ike older adrien will try to take her since " he love her" or send her things like a stalker?, will their "real" parents try to fight to get her? or at least talk to her?, will their classmates look for her in social media? what about luka chloe and kagami? are they friends?, and for last, when she grow to the age she was wished away will remember everything and move on?
Okie dokie so I did somewhat answer this in a previous ask but this was asked so long ago and has multiple questions so imma do my best to answer all of them!
•Future Adrien does not send her things, nor does he talk about loving her. At this point he more or less hates the "current" Marinette because she's not his past version of Marinette. He truly doesn't see what he did wrong so he never accepted that Marinette didn't consider them friends anymore before the final battle took place. Then finding out his beloved Ladybug was his "friend" he was ecstatic to get his happily ever after from the wish and start a relationship with Marinette.
But then the Wish happened and it completely messed everything up. He doesn't know that Mari remembers her past life. Sometimes he suspects but really he doesn't start believing it until he hears about this Madame Miracle. He comes to the conclusion that it has to be Mari and she has to remember everything and that just makes him hate her more for "denying them their happily ever after."
At this point he does have his own business, a modeling agency, and he tries to get Marietta Wayne to be one of his models so he can get closer to her, but only as a means to steal whatever Miraculi she has on her. His offers keep being refused so he will at some point start to stalk and up his game so to speak.
• Tom and Sabine did try to fight for Mari in the courts but their case was quickly thrown out. Even if most courts now take on cases dealing with magic and there are magical beings and magical metahumans, there is one think Tom and Sabine's case lack. Proof. Even if a case is magical, there will always be some sort of evidence.
John Constantine had even been called to investigate the matter because Tom and Sabine wouldn't let up and so he agreed. He agreed because he knew he was about to shoot down any further attempt the two could take legally to get Marietta from Bruce. It was his first time back in Paris after the Djinn incident but once he set foot in Paris he could automatically feel the residual magic left behind by Karma.
Basically he tells Tom and Sabine, as well as the courts who were handling the cases, along with the Waynes. That yes he felt magical energy, but it was a left over energy and merely proved that magic had been active at some point. And he basically states that if Marietta had been this Marinette girl she would definitely have some Magic on her but point blank states she has none and even goes as far as to say he's willing to bring in Wonder Woman so he can say that on her lasso.
After that? Tom and Sabine really don't have a leg to stand on and they have no one to really turn to except Adrien who contacts them as Chat Noir and swears to bring their daughter back.
• Some classmates do follow her on her social medias, some because they just like this growing fashion icon, they don't remember her mind you so they really only follow her because she's a small celebrity. Others did follow her but she blocks them any and every time they make new accounts to try and talk to her about being Marinette.
• Luka and Kagami remain friends but that's kind of up in the air, not because they fight or anything! But because an ask made me think about Marinette and Luka and how their relationship is really freaking sad in this AU and how I might maybe, very slightly, might be considering Fluff and Them deciding to Bless the two of them and basically Luka would also be aged down so the two could find one another in their later lives. But again, idk, I'm just contemplating this.
If that doesn't happen, then yes Luka and Kagami remain close friends, along with Marc, Nathaniel, Aurore, and Mireille.
Chloe is friends with Marc and Nathaniel but she moves from Paris with her family after the whole broadcast and everything that followed. She and Kagami are polite to one another and consider each other acquaintances. It's not because they dislike each other or anything, it's just they never became close before Chloe's move and afterwards they rarely see one another and neither really knows how to reach out to the other.
• Mari already remembered so as she grows it doesn't really affect her. I mean mentally it does because she doesn't like remembering her past life with so much clarity, but it's not holding her back in anyway.
She has very much moved on. It's just the memories do bring some pain and sadness for her that she wishes she forgot but she does not want to ask any magic user to help her with it. The thought of the magic for that going wrong scares her too much to ever even think of asking anyone let alone the kwamis.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
For you Wish Me Away AU, Angst hit me hard. Manon looking at her Ladybug doll and starting crying she doesn't know why but she knows that something inside is aching and there's someone missing but she just can't understand what it is.
Jagged looking at his glasses and having this feeling of loss, Luka and his necklace, Nadja and a dress she was going to wear at an event, Gina and this pink motorbike she doesn't remember why she bought, Penny and her wedding dress.
Does the memory loss works on animals ? Because Fang running to the bakery because he hasn't seen the tiny string human bug in a moment but he can't smell her anywhere (or at least until a Wayne Gala he spends the night around a blue eyed toddler like a dragon protecting the princess' tower)
Hahaha. Well funny enough I do plan on Tikki Blessing those who Marinette cherished or who was a reliable ally to her. She leaves them things that Marinette had made them or even things she planned to give to them but never got to. She felt bad that the Wish took Marinette from them too, and that they couldn't remember her so she thought it was a small mercy on her behalf. But that's not all she gives them... or well Blesses them with but I'll explain that later. She didn't really mean to do it, in fact she doesn't know she did it until later.
But since you asked about the things she left behind and the angst....😁
Manon gets all of the dolls Marinette made and her and her mom find them with a little bag that is marked with a bright 'Happy Birthday' and is addressed to her. Inside is a handmade princess dress and when she sees it, Manon immediately bursts into tears and hugs the dress to her before demanding to wear it. Nadja let's her because they find these things with several Ladybugs nearby so it's kind of obvious who they are from and it breaks Nadja’s heart because it just confirms what Sabine told her. The Marinette girl had watched her daughter for her, and it was obvious she loved her and it just made Nadja cry more for the girl who was taken from them. Manon wore the dress for a month. Nadja would have to wash it when she slept. Nadja found a dress with a little 'Congratulations on the promotion!' Note next to it and a box with a handkerchief in it that had one of the first drawings Manon had ever drawn in school for her embroidered on it with her name embroidered in the corner. She took it everywhere with her no matter the outfit, the time, the weather. She also finds that Manon doesn't like many of the sitters she now found to look after the little one.
Jagged finds a jacket and pants that match his Eiffel Tower glasses and just feels this deep sadness. He also put two and two together because of all the ladybugs and he may or may not break some things in his anger and sadness, he was important to this person he can't remember and it hurts him. He's very protective of these items and others in his wardrobe that he figures this Marinette girl must have made him. He dedicates a song to her and her as Ladybug, because even if they were the same person, it was obvious she touched people in different ways as each. Penny was there because her gifts were found at the same time, a new suit and a custom notepad that had little surprises to find everyday. Each surprise had made Penny happy yet sad, and she wished she could remember Marinette, she desperately wished. Jagged finds himself listening to his Rock Giant album on his bad days a lot and Penny has to figure out what to do with this roll of beautiful fabric her and Jagged have, it was obviously supposed to be a gift but for who?
Gina finds a little over the shoulder purse with red puffs on the bottom that makes her cry when she sees it and a repurposed tin of her favorite candys that when you open it, it has a little mirror on the inside as well as foam to hold her rings and earrings in. The mirror had 'Nonna' on it with hearts on both sides. She finds a custom pink motorcycle helmet that didn't fit her but she has an idea who it should have belonged to. Sometimes she finds herself getting excited at postcards and sending them to someone then just feeling completely and utterly lost. Roland finds custom made oven mitts and apron set that had different kinds of breads on them and on the apron was a center pocket with Grand-Père embroidered on it in cursive. It hurt. It hurt like nothing he could have dreamed of. He lost something so precious. Something he couldn't remember. He couldn't remember why he became Flashback (my version of his akuma form) but there could only be one reason he didn't remember and her name was broadcast everywhere. He finds it difficult to hum his favorite tune while baking somedays, he finds himself using a radio to fill the silence.
Luka finds a new jacket, a sketchbook of designs for his new band, and a necklace made from one of his Jagged Stone picks that he was certain he had given away but he couldn't remember to who. But the missing melody was all he needed to know, was all he needed to make the connection after the broadcast. It was like searching for the right notes on an instrument that was out of tune. His heart ached somedays when he past places he knew he had gone before but couldn't remember the memory. That Marinette girl from the broadcast must have been extraordinary if this was how it felt to forget her but have the shadow of her everywhere. He felt like he was missing a part.
The memory loss does not work on animals, which is why Fang is so desperate to follow the familiar scent at the Gala and why Jagged doesn't hesitate to follow.
Of course there are other people like the ones mentioned above but I didn't want this post to be too long XD
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
For "Wish Me Away" I can't be the only one that wants to know more about Mari's beef with GLs
Mari kind of picked up the beef from her kwami family XD the Green Lanterns and Kwami have never gotten along as long at the two have known about each other.
But when she meets Hal Jordan, hoh boy. She understands why Mama Tikki and Papa Plagg get mad at the thought of the Lantern Corps not to mention when they talk about talking to any section of the Corps. But they do seem to have the most beef with the Green Lanterns.
The Lanterns make fun of the Kwami for being "magical jewelry" but the Kwami get bad because the more ancient of the Lanterns know that the kwami weren't always bound to the Miraculous. They both fight over who "harnessed" the power of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. But really it's not much of an argument it's just none of the Corps want to admit that the Kwami, specifically Them, Tikki, and Plagg were the ones to create the said spectrum. And from the spectrum, new kwamis were born.
No one knows what happened to those original kwami but their birth was so powerful it left behind a huge amount of power and energy which became known as the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum! Which is what the Corps harness their power from. But when the kwami were imprisoned in the Miraculous they weren't around to share their history so when they corrected the Lanterns when they could, they Lanterns didn't believe them. It started a fight, that basically started a feud.
Marietta had learned the whole history so she, at the age of 8, who just portaled her way into another JLA meeting who happened to meet Hal in the hallway, started to excitedly talk to him about "their" history.
Hal laughed at her.
He "kindly corrected" her.
Thus began Marietta's beef with the Lanterns XD.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Hey. I think your Wish Me Away work is incredible and I wondered if you can add more ?
This was so long ago and I am so sorry it took this long to answer! But I will gladly add more!!
• Selina absolutely spoils Marietta, which surprises even herself, but she can't help but dote on her kitten.
• She is also fiercely protective of Mari which is why a lot of gossip magazines and tabloids immediately thought Marietta was her biological daughter.
• Bruce buys her and Marietta matching outfits a lot. Selina says they're tacky but she always wears them.
• When Marietta first called Selina, Mama, she cried for an hour straight while hugging her little kitten to her and refused to let go. This was also around the time that both Selina and Bruce decided they wanted to get married.
• Joker is conflicted about Marietta, on one hand he believes she is Bruce's and Selina's biological child and thus another distraction in his and Bruce's relationship and just another reason for Bruce to fight against his true self. On the other hand he finds her hilarious and just a tad, line just the tiniest bit, not even that visible really, just a smidgen, endearing.
• With their whole "rivalry" thing, Riddler of course told Oswald all about the child and Penguin loves the whole thing. He loves how it gets under Ed's skin but he also loves how it helps him get out of his own head sometimes. It helps him mellow out a little, his brain doesn't torment him on the absolute perfections of everything he does, he gets to act like a child and just...be, and that's why Oswald wants to meet the little "terror."
• All the siblings have movie marathons but they have special specific movie marathons that they have with just Marietta.
Dick: Disney + Looney Toons + Care Bears movies + Power Rangers
Jason: Ghibli + Collectible Classics + Don Bluth + Any Kenneth Branagh film
Tim: Scooby Doo (any and all) + Danny Phantom + Magic School Bus (yes he will sit there and watch every episode with her fight me) + Pokémon
Cass: Barbie + The Princess Bride + The Addams Family (all versions) + Winx Club + Pucca + Over The Moon
Duke: Martin Mystery + My Life As A Teenage Robot + Sonic X + SpongeBob + Courage The Cowardly Dog
Damian: The 10th Kingdom + Planet Earth + Tokyo Mew Mew + How To Train Your Dragon
Steph: Totally Spies + Strawberry Shortcake + Kim Possible
Babs: Bill Nye The Science Guy + Angelina Ballerina
Most of these stay the same as she grows up but most change and the lists do get longer
• Local Goons are terrified of the toddler, every kidnapping attempt, every hostage situation, Marietta always gets out of her restraints
• Marietta does take ballet when she's older and her whole family does their best to make it to her recitals. None more than Cass.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Oh!!!!!! I know that already asked a question about the Wish Away AU, but I really need to know the aftermath of the confrontation in Paris!!! How does the world react to Mari being harrassed by the class and the Dupain-Chengs? Which member of the Graham de Vaniley(sp?) family went to visit the Waynes and why?
The Interview [Little Drabble]
Marietta fiddled with her skirt once more before smoothing out the material as she exhaled, this wasn't her first interview by any means, but this was her first interview as Bruce Wayne's youngest child, to the world. It was different in Gotham because everyone knew not to take pictures of her before the family was ready to introduce her to the world as they had done with each of Bruce's kids before. If she was interviewed or if an article was written about her it was all done without photos. Everyone feared the Wayne lawyers, but apparently, Paris media had no such fear and was already running stories about the Wayne Daughter being accosted by some locals. That was the whole reason for the interview/press conference they had agreed to do now.
"You look immaculate as always, Xiao JieJie. Don't worry, we are all here for you and if you need a break just alert Richard and he will make a fool of himself as a distraction." Damian stated with no room for argument, he sounded so sure that she had to smile and chuckle. He really was overprotective sometimes, but that's how he showed he cared.
"I don't remember that being the plan but I mean, I'm not opposed to it." Dick added and it caused Marietta to chuckle once more. Dick always loved making her laugh.
"I know I'll be okay as long as you guys are here. My brain is just being dumb as always." She said.
"Hey, hey, hey. Your brain isn't dumb Etta, "Duke cut in, "you can't help your anxiety."
"Duke is right." Cass said from beside her younger sister, her presence already made Marietta feel better.
"We're almost on. Don't worry Princess, when we get the signal you'll enter with me after your brothers and sister. If at any point, any point at all, you want to stop, we will." Her dad reassured. She gave him her best smile but still slipped her hand into his for comfort as she heard the cameraman count down for the start of the show.
She heard the host greeting her siblings, she heard them all introducing themselves, some came with laughs as responses and others just polite greetings from the host. She was grateful this wasn't one of those shows with a live audience, though maybe it was and her father simply bribed the studio to not have one that day. She wouldn't put it past him to do so. She also wouldn't put it past Damian, Jason, or Cass to do so either. Whether it was a bribe or the studio did it just to accommodate her, she was grateful, Mari didn't think she would have been able to handle a live audience. Then she saw a worker give them their que.
"And of course we can't forget the stars of tonight's talk, Bruce Wayne, and his youngest daughter, Marietta Wayne." Her dad still held her hand as they walked on stage, and he still held it as they took their seats on the direct right of the host. She was still nervous, but with her family there, she would be okay, so she let go of his hand.
"It's a pleasure to be here as always Dana." Her father said politely.
"Oh Bruce, always so polite! But, you're not the one everyone wants to get to know. It's your beautiful daughter, hello there, I believe this is our first time meeting." Dana, Dana Taylor, the host greeted.
Mari gave the woman a small wave and a shy smile. "Hello, it's very nice to meet you."
"Bruce, she's darling! Now. Before we get into everything, how about we start with how Marietta became part of the family. Last we checked, Ms. Kyle wasn't pregnant nor expecting when word got out about the newest Wayne."
Bruce chuckled, it was rehearsed, like most of his laughs were when it came to interviews. "Starting off with a big one huh? Well, no, Marietta, is not our blood daughter. She is not the result of a fling in the past, nor a nonexistent affair. She was left by one of Selina's old friends. I hope you don't mind that I don't give her name out, but I don't believe it would be polite to give it out."
The hostess merely nodded, her focus completely on Bruce.
"She wasn't ready to be a mother and she didn't have the resources to be a mother, so she left her daughter to us. It was unexpected, yes. But...it was one of the best things to ever happen to me. Marietta has brought such joy and life into the Manor, and she has made our family that much bigger and better." Marietta couldn't help but learn against her dad and give him a brief a hug.
"I love my family, and I am so grateful that they chose to be my family every day. Which is why, what happened in Paris had such an impact not only on me, but my family as a whole." Marietta spoke up, and it was like the entire studio held their breath so they could hear her more clearly.
"Why did you decide to go to Paris in the first place?" Dana asked, her attention fully on Mari now.
"Truthfully? It was because of Grandfather Alfred. Him and I bake together, a lot, and he told me stories of pastries he used to eat when he visited France and I wanted to experience something out of his memories. It sounds foolish and totally like a rich kid thing, but well, we have the means to go and I really wanted to surprise him with some pastries too. So we took the private jet." The answer was practiced, concise, they made sure it sounded genuine in the cave one more time before they made their way to the studio.
"That is a very sweet thought." Dana said with a smile.
"That's what Dick said too, that's why he was part of the "plan" and his French is better than mine so he was going to be my unofficial tour guide and translator, and Cassie wanted to come just to come, and I had no problems with my favorite sister coming along."
"Only sister." Cass said with a laugh.
"Doesn't mean you're not my favorite!" Marietta laughed back.
"And that's when those locals pounced on you all?" Dana asked as she glanced at the camera.
"Not at first." Dick answered instead, taking the attention off Mari for a moment, "we had been walking around for a good while before that. Just taking in some sights. Trying to get lost and see where that took us."
"Dick does that anytime we go somewhere for business or vacation."
"Let's be real Timmy, he does that at the Manor too." Jason snickered.
"I feel so loved right now." Dick said.
"Anyway, it was when we were getting lost that we noticed an ice cream cart. It was pretty random but ice cream sounded good because of all the walking, you know? We all got our cone, it was lovely, though the man at the cart seemed way too into our love life's." Marietta went on to explain.
"The man was very enthusiastic." Cass agreed.
"It was then that those...locals came up. It was...if I'm being honest Miss Dana, it was scary." At that the host's smile slipped off her face and she gave Mari, what seemed like a genuine look of concern.
"I can only imagine." Dana said.
"There were many of them. They all rushed on us and they were all speaking over one another but all their attention was on me...it...I know people say Gotham is dangerous, and it is. I'm not going to sit here and pretend our home isn't. But I think when that woman grabbed me, that was one of those moments in my life that I was genuinely scared." Mari said with a shaky voice, she felt Damian hold her hand and she gratefully gave it a squeeze.
"When Damian and I were looking around for them, that's what we first saw. A woman grabbing my daughter, and a group of strangers surrounding my kids. I...Dana, I don't think I have to describe the panic and anger I felt in that moment." Bruce said, Mari noticed his hand curled into fist and uncurled several times.
"And I believe everyone in Gotham is familiar with how protective of my family I can be." Damian jumped in.
"There are literal Buzzfeed articles about your Top Ten best katana moments Gremlin, I think everyone in the world knows too." Jason piped up.
"I will not apologize to miscreants who harrased my family and grabbed my sister if that's where this is headed." Damian stated as he crossed his arms.
"Well there goes that question." Dana laughed. "But in all seriousness, I am sorry you had to go through that Marietta."
"It's....I don't want to say it's fine, because what they did was not okay, but I'm better. It's okay because I have my family and Gotham behind me. Considering what Paris has been through, and what has come to light during all this, I just want to say to those who...approached us. I'm sorry." Mari said. Her words seemed to shock everyone, including her family. "I'm sorry you're hurt and hurting. I'm sorry my...appearance brought about bad memories. But, how you acted was deplorable, and I don't know who this person you lost was, but to act in such a way, I would have to say they would be heartbroken and upset."
___________End of Drabble________
In short the world is shocked at the treatment of the youngest Wayne and everyone is in her corner. Paris is ashamed, but the Mayor is requesting an apology from Damian for his threat with a weapon.
As for which Graham de Vanily comes for a visit, I legit thought people would guess right away XD it's Felix, or more accurately "Felix" ÒwÓ
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
I seriously love wish me away... can we get any more random info? Please 🥺
Of course! And I'm sorry this answer is coming so late anon! I hope you don't mind some Older Marietta info! ☺
•As a hero/vigilante she goes by the name Madame Miracle. But she gathers a plethora of other names by those who run into her during her travels. Such as: Lady of Miracles, Lady Luck, and Phenomena.
•As Marietta Wayne, she owns and runs her own business called Méh-fùnh Creations where she not only has her own fashion brand but also custom furniture and jewelry/accessory brands as well. A lot of people were shocked she didn't work at any of the Wayne businesses but her dad was not.
•The custom furniture all have secret compartments which is what makes them so popular, and each one is made specifically for a client to easily be able to access but for others to not easily figure out. The brand also has small things that are mass-produced but for the most part Marietta is known for her custom work.
•Her businesses also work great as a cover for her to travel as she searches for more Miracle Boxes. They also double as her own "caves" or "headquarters" much like the Batcave being under Wayne Manor or the hideouts hidden under Wayne Tower, Wayne Enterprises, the hideout in the Watch Tower, etc.
•She is very much still the Guardian of the Miracle Box of Fortune & Fate which is the box we are familiar with in Canon. I hated that it was supposed to be based off the Chinese Zodiac and then had nothing to do with said Zodiac so there will be separate Zodiac boxes.
•Marietta is her own force against the Order of the Temple as well as other groups after the powers of the Miraculi. She plans to figure out a way to free the kwami from the Miraculous they are bound to and the Order and others do not want that to happen.
•Her family and a good chunk of the old rogues make up her Court of Miracles. To her surprise many are True Chosens of kwamis we know and those we will meet 👀
•She dates but it's not really her priority and she just hasn't found the one for her, she does believe in soulmates but she doesn't know if the Wish effected her chances at finding them as she believed Luka could have been hers if they had the chance.
•Some of the Blessed maybe rejoin the Court of Miracles 👀
•Marietta gains powers as a True Guardian and a True Chosen of Tikki, she is still developing and learning how to control them all as she grows.
•All of her family is on speed dial and some will travel with her if she feels she will need the backup when tracking down a Miraculous.
•She visits Themyscira and Atlantis as much as she can and she's able. Both adore her,but with both having some groups either being overzealous or outright hating the girl.
•She actually gets along with Talia when she's older.
•Marietta's main "rogue" or villain is actually a group and they call themselves the Court of Tragedies. A name to mock her Court of Miracles, but a way to say they are her opposite.
•The more time she spends with the kwami, the more they see her as their child and the more they want to give her some of their power in order to protect herself. She bonds so much with some kwami that it is possible for them to bless her with tiny bits of their power.
•This kind of scares her because she thinks its making her something more than human, but she loves them all too much to say anything. She also doesn't tell her family about it...
•With her living in Gotham, it no longer has a reputation of misfortune and gloom and everyone who lives there absolutely believes it is because of her and they all call Marietta Wayne their Star, their Little Miracle, again in this sense she is given a lot of titles.
•She absolutely hates having to keep the kwami in the boxes so she makes them elaborate dollhouses XD they have some at every business, warehouse, house, safe house, Wayne Business there is and they have some at the Manor when the cave has some expansions made.
•Her and Green Lantern have BEEF, y'all thought her and Riddles had a rivalry? Ha. HA.
•So many people just fall in love with her it's ridiculous.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
In your make a wish AU, can you imagine the absolute shock and terror of magic users when they finally meet little Mari. Hearing the miraculous is in the hands of a guardian who's an actual BABY can bring anyone to near heart attack. Even more so when said baby can use multiple miraculous without feeling any negative consequences towards herself. Like the baby has power more than anyone and that genuinely terrifies grown adult magic users because they never met someone who's as young as little Mari with tremendous amounts of power.
Oh the magic users are horrified and heartbroken when they meet her. Mind you most won't meet her till she's older but those that do meet her when she's young and sense the enormous power coming from her, they're scared. All they know is that this toddler is giving off major pulses of strong magic energy. Stronger than some adults and it terrifies them.
But Diana? Diana who meets babynette, who knows what the Miraculous are, who knows the feel of such strong magic? She's the most heartbroken. When the kwami, Bruce, and the rest of the family explain what happened to bring little Marietta to them they see Wonder Woman cry as she holds the tiny infant to her. A child never should have battled a war as great as the one Hawkmoth unleashed on Paris by themselves or with other children.
No matter if they were a True Chosen or not. She at first fights Tikki and Plagg over Marinette’s Guardianship of the Box, but when she realizes there is nothing she can do, she just votes to protect the Little Goddess.
She visits Gotham a lot more. And she spends time with Marietta and she falls absolutely in love and it's hard for her not to go wreak havoc on Paris for abandoning and hurting such a child. Diana is elated when Bruce asks her to be Marietta's godmother.
She swears to not let it out that a Miracle Box is in Gotham, and especially not one of such importance, not one whose Guardian is a baby.
When she gets older more magic users meet her because they are drawn to the magic energy coming from Gotham and when they find out it's coming from Marietta? A Guardian of a Miracle Box? They do not react....well at first, but we all know how stubborn she can be and how much she will fight.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
The rivalry between the riddler and Mari in your Wish Me Away AU is so funny to me I feel like he's conflicted because on one hand he watched her grow into the little menace she is but on the other hand he's never wanted to drop kick a child this much on a regular basis since the first Robin
Oh yeah that is basically how he feels lol. But he does have a soft spot for the little gremlin, but boy does she know how to get on his nerves! One year though she surprises him and it honestly touches him and he feels like he has to buy or make a gift to show her up after her stunt.
It's when Marietta is 10, she had been tracking Riddler's recent activity, calculating what his next move would be, and she had been preparing. See as she grew, she could remember things from her past life more clearer, and she recently remembered how she built traps to bully-proof her property and how fun it was to think and build the traps! So she figures out which bank Riddler was going to hit the next week and she prepares.
She rigs the entire thing with her traps, almost effectively turning it into a giant escape room, complete with puzzles and riddles. When Riddler does come to rob the bank the only one there is her and he is dumbfounded and honestly about to have a bitchfit but Mari as Hiss-teria (snake name) just shouts "HAPPY FRENEMIE-VERSARY!"
He's like, the fuck?
And she explains it's the day they first met and "fought" and she decided to make one big "funhouse" for him to solve. If he solves everything and gets through her traps he can attempt to steal the money and he'd get the gifts she made for him. Riddler is touched and still bewildered but a challenge is a challenge and he absolutely has so much fun.
When the Batfam arrive they are shocked to see nothing bad had happened. Riddler and Hiss-teria are sitting on two lobby chairs eating cake while Riddler is covered in pink glitter.
The rest of the year they have their normal rivalry but on their "Frenemie-versary" they take turns making a place into an escape room-esque style thing for the other to get through and solve for their gifts.
When the Batfam ask about the rivalry, all Marietta says is, "I'm going to annoy him into being a good guy. ÒwÓ"
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Hi! I love your wish me away au 😊 i just have a few questions for you! What happening with the class and the her original parents? and what is Marinette’s relationship and life like once she is older? Thank you for creating such a cool AU! ❤️
The class gets plagued by Marinette’s memory and Karma, though not all of them as there are few who were part of her Court of Miracles. Those who (in my version of canon) had been a holder of a Miraculous suffer Tikki’s punishment, or harsher Karma as she and Plagg call it. They each get individual punishments and curses. The curses can be taken away or broken but that's entirely up to the person or even the kwami who placed the curse. If the person truly works towards righting their wrongs and learning from their mistakes, they can break their curse. If the kwami who placed the curse feels they suffered enough and have learnt their lesson, they can take the curse away.
Now, as I go through the punishments, remember they will seem harsh because Tikki and the other kwami are angry, they are gods that have seen some shit but still, hurt one of there own and pay. And in a way they saw Marinette as their collective child. They are angry, they are hurt, and they are looking to hurt. I'm saying this because I know I will get shit from some people about the punishments. Another thing, when I say that former users get marked, this in no way brings them pain like it did Gabriel or Adrien. Plagg and Nooroo wanted to inflict pain with their punishments as they feel their former users deserved it. The other kwami are mad at their former users yes, but they do not believe they should feel physical pain for their mistakes.
Since I got that out of the way
The class and their punishments:
Alya: Like Adrien and Gabriel, she will be forever branded with the mark of the Fox Miraculous on her chest. But she would not be marked like them with slashes or gashes. No. Trixx did not believe she deserved that, no the kwami was angry yes, but most importantly he was disappointed. Plagg made it so that everytime Alya told someone something of worth, they would doubt her. They wouldn't dismiss her completely but they would doubt her, and she would know they doubted her. Her credibility would slowly he destroyed.
Trixx made it so that Alya heard and saw every truth everyone had, good, bad, everything. No one would be able to lie to her and she would not be able to lie to anyone in return. Not even little white lies were safe. She could no longer be illusioned nor could she use illusions.
Tikki. Tikki being the enforcer of Karma this round made sure Alya saw every instance where her "friendship" broke Marinette’s creativity. Where it dulled her light. As an added bonus Tikki took inspiration from Alya, giving the girl a seemingly permanent state of writer's block. She would eventually take that little bonus back as she hates to take creativity and inspiration from anyone.
Nino: He too was branded, but with the brand of the Turtle Miraculous on his wrist. Plagg made it so everytime someone told Nino a secret, he would tell everyone else that secret, especially if that secret involved someone else. No one would feel like their secrets were safe with Nino. He would destroy their trust in him.
Wayzz in his disappointment made it so that even if Nino wanted to step up or speak put about something or for someone, he couldn't. All he could do was watch. He didn't want to stand up and protect someone he cared for once, who obviously needed the support and protection. Now he no longer could protect anyone, he'd just be a turtle hiding in it's shell.
Tikki makes it so he remembers all the times Marinette stood up for him for all of them, and eveyrtime she protected him/them and all the times he failed to do so in return. And like Alya, she took some of his creativity/inspiration, but only for a short period.
Kim: Branded with the Monkey Miraculous on his forehead. Plagg made it so every promise he made, he couldn't keep. His reliability was destroyed. Kim had always prided himself on his loyalty and being reliable, but he turned his back on the one who needed loyalty the most
Xuppu had seen great potential in Kim, but made it so he brought disorder wherever he went. Nothing big or serious, but just enough to be a problem. He also made it so he made jokes at the worst of time. A monkey is supposed to be both wise yet unpredictable. Joyous and mocking. Now Kim would bring mockery to himself and would no longer have the wisdom to know when to hold back.
Tikki made it so he remembered everytime Marinette was there for him, everytime she cheered him up. She showed him when he used to do the same and then everytime after he failed to do so. She didn't take creativity or inspiration, no she took his passion for swimming. Not for long, but just enough for it to be noticed by his team and Ondine to question.
Max: branded with the Horse Miraculous around his eyes but it does not affect his sight in anyway. Plagg made it so Max's games or tech he built always have some kind of issue so they don't work properly or malfunction. His pride and confidence in his abilities slowly but surely gets destroyed.
Kaalki makes it so he would never be recognized for his genius, because Kaalki recognized talent and the boy had it, but for all his brain he refused to use it. He would also have slight problems with directions here and there, it depended on the occasion.
Tikki made it so he remembered the times Marinette helped him connect with people better, how she helped him get put of his head, how she always stood up for him. She would say it was him and her against the world seeing as they were the youngest in the class...him and her against the world, what a magnificent lie. She also gave the customary creativity block when it came to him coming up with a new invention or game idea, but again she was not cruel and that particular punishment would not last long.
Alix: a somewhat faded brand of the Rabbit Miraculous on her hip. Plagg made it so every race she attempted she would trip, nothing too serious, not something that would cause a serious injury, but enough that she got a reputation of being clumsy...hmm. Her old reputation at races, for being level headed, confident, speedy, etc was destroyed.
Fluff, Fluff had hurt so incredibly when they were given the news of what the class did to the Guardian, to the Kwamis kit. Of all the futures, all the possibilities, they never thought this would be the one to come to fruition. It was with a deep sadness and anger that Fluff made it so Alix saw glimpses of futures Marinette could have had, bad, good, all. They also made it so Alix could see glimpses of the universes, the timeliness, where she didn't remain "neutral." And he hoped she would learn from it.
Tikki made it so she remember all the times Marinette never stood on the sidelines and just watched. She made it so Alix remembered all the timed Marinette was decisive and helped her and their class over and over again. But she also had to see the times that Alix's neutrality hurt Marinette.
Rose: she was not a Miraculous Chosen in my au so her only punishment was memory and creativity block (that one for a short while), Tikki felt no particular way for Rose. She hurt Marinette and that's all that mattered, but she didn't hurt her as bad as others. Rose was friendly, Rose was passionate, but she was also naive and easily led. If anything Tikki hoped the memories and vision of everytime Marinette cried because of the girl group, that Rose would learn and grow. But she also hurt Luka so it was really a toss up for Tikki so Rose had okay days and some very bad days when it came to memories and visions and creative blocks.
Mylene & Ivan: much the same as Rose, but Tikki gives them each specific memories to remember and visions to see. But when together they will see all the times Marinette was there for them as a couple, how much she loved them and cared for them and helped them.
Sabrina: again same as Rose, Mylene, and Ivan, just the memories are fitted to each person. So she remembers all the times Marinette fought to be her friend, she saw visions of how much Marinette wanted to be her friend even after the whole Evillustrator situation. Tikki understood that she was scared and just wanted to be looked over so she hid amongst the lions, all to protect her dad, but she also knew that the girl could have told her father about what was going on and maybe, just maybe things wouldn't have turned out the way they had.
Juleka: like I said before on an ask, Juleka is a special case because she only remembers and sees Marinette in her sleep, and only remembers her a few minutes after she wakes up. But she forgets Marinette during the day. This is because Tikki saw how the girl struggled to have voice, to say what she really wanted and she knew it was scary for the goth girl to be heard after years passed without her being heard by basically everyone. She had seen Juleka want to protest against Kitty Section kicking out her brother, she had seen the times the goth wanted to defend Marinette or sit with her, and most importantly she saw the emails. Juleka had actually reached out to Marinette before the fight, she had apologized for not doing anything and admitted just how scared she was over everything. Marinette and her had had planned to sit and talk on Saturday evening.
If I missed anyone it's because they were either Marinette’s friends who stuck by her, her hero team, or I just completely forgot their existence because it's midnight:46
Again I will reiterate that these punishments can be reversed completely, and they are not because I hate the characters, they are being punished by a very very angry dot goddess.
What About Her Parents?
They are plagued by her memory too of course, but Tikki takes creativity from them and Plagg may or may not have given them a bit of misfortune. Nothing serious but it sure was inconvenient. Like mixing up salt and sugar even if the containers were very cleary labeled and so on. They would have visions of all the times they made Marinette feel small or unloved, they would have to see what Marinette didn't tell them because they were bad parents (Tikki’s reasoning anyways), and enlists the help of Fluff to help make it so they could see what Marinette could have become, who she could have become of they had given their child the attention and love she deserved.
It's...it's not pretty I'll tell you that.
Marinette's Life as Marietta:
She loves it. She has a home, fifty-bajilllion siblings and her life is just filled with love and attention and care. She's close to all her siblings but none more so than Damian, don't tell anyone but he's her favorite brother. It's hard somedays because she remembers everything from her old life and it hurts the kwami to know that but karma had already been enacted so they really could do much but it pained them to see their kit in such distress when she say there remembering her old life. But for the most part her life is happy, full, and warm and she wouldn't have it any other way.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Wish Me Away Random Headcanons
• For Marietta's 10th birthday Harley bought her a Hyena since she seemed to love Lou and Bud so much. Mari loved her new pet which she lovingly named Ha-Ha-Harley.
Bruce was so not amused. Quite the opposite in fact. Damian of course was thrilled to add another pet to the family. Alfred suggested Bruce make another Manor for the pets of the family. Dick immediately asked if he could get an elephant if they did end up doing that.
• Harley and Mari hang out sometimes when Mari goes to stop Harley's crimes as her fox hero self, Maid Marian (Dick and her watched Robin Hood once and she loved it). When she shows up her and Harley just stop what they're doing and have a "Pigtail Pals" Day.
This has resulted in many heart attacks for Bruce in the beginning who would immediately track them down. One such instance:
"Marian! Quinn! You've got to stop doing this."
"But Daddy! It's Pigtail Pals Day! You can't be here, you don't got pigtails!"
"Yeaaaaaah Daddy, you ain't got no pigtails! Unless you count the spikes on the cowl!"
"Don't. I heard it as soon as I said it Bats. I may have daddy issues but they aren't near that bad to be a kink. How about I take mini pigtails to the movies and we forget this every happened? Deal?"
"Yay! Movies! Bye Daddy!"
"....Bye Princess...."
• Everyone asked her why she didn't want to go by Robin Hood when in her fox hero form and she said it was because they already had a Robin, and pointed at Damian, and a Hood, and pointed at Jason.
• She and Cass have weekly Barbie Movie marathons. Sometimes they let Dick join them. Cass really likes the ballet centered ones and her and Marietta dance along when the dance scenes come on.
• During a heist where Riddler and Penguin needing Catwomans help they almost got caught because they were caught off guard by the sight of Catwoman walking in holding a CHILD'S hand. A child dressed like a cat.
All she said was. "It was my night to babysit so let's make this fast. I promised Kitten I'd make grilled cheese for dinner."
The other shock was when the child look at Riddler for a very long time then looked back at Catwoman and said. "Kitty? Why are working with Hook Man?"
Friendships were almost broken that night.
• Tim forgot to tell the Titans he had a new baby sister but they found out during a team meeting when she literally popped out of NOWHERE crying and making grabby hands for Red Robin. Who immediately dropped the leader voice and started cooing to this small child!?
Team meeting was forgotten. A new meeting was held. A meeting all about Tim's new little sister.
• Duke was so proud because he taught Marietta how to fist bump, but she calls it knuckles. He went around showing everyone and taking so many videos. He literally cried when she fist bumped him back the first time and giggled.
• Babs loves Mari. She does. She does not love when Mari wants to mess with all her computers. She bought her a toy computer and thought that would make sure she wouldn't want to mess with babies but noooooo. Somehow it made it worse.
Marietta was more determined to touch her computers. She would climb chairs. Push over things she knew she could climb on. Or be deceiving and have Babs hold her while "innocently" playing with her toy computer.
• Someone once asked Gordon who his favorite Wayne was and he said Titus but that Marietta was a close second because she sometimes listened to him.
Everytime he sees her he gives her a GCPD badge sticker. He cried when she busted into his office and yelled. "GCPD Hands up! Up!" That day many officers were "arrested" for outrageous crimes. The best thing though was when someone brought in the Joker and she went over with her pipe cleaner handcuffs and went, "I arrest you."
"How about no?"
"I kick you then."
"I'd like to see you try squir-"
And then everyone in the precinct watched as little Marietta Wayne soccer kicked Joker in the shin and ran away giggling.
The guy who worked the security cameras gave everyone a copy of that moment for Christmas.
• Scarecrow once ran into little Marietta and he's not quite sure how he feels about her. He had heard a lot about the youngest Wayne so instead of just spraying her with his fear gas right away he asked her. "What do you fear most?"
"Fashion disasters. I don't need spray to see them, I'm already looking at one."
He had been so offended that he had to take a moment for himself but it was a moment too long apparently because next thing he knew he was being shot with rubber bullets by Red Hood.
• She guilt trips the hell out of reporters. Gotham's favorite lines are:
"Why do you stalk my daddy?"
"I'm not allowed to talk to strangers. Bye."
Literal just screaming and bursting into tears (she did it on purpose)
"Before you imply that I am a charity case, can I direct you to the fact that this is in fact a Charity Gala...for actual charity." (This is one for when she's older)
"Are you sure you're not a rogue?"
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Did Adrien's mom approve of the way Adrien and Gabriel brought her back alive in the Wish Me Away AU? Also are there any Marinette meets the Teen Titans or Young Justice shenanigans? Another thing is that, does Adrien tell his classmates about the wish he made OR does his class find out? You don't have to answer all of these questions, sorry that there's so many.
No, Emilie does not approve of the way they brought her back and she thinks about it everyday. She constantly leaves flowers at the front of Tom and Sabine's boulangerie in memory of their daughter. Their daughter that was taken from them to bring her back from the dead. And she knows she was dead, she felt it. Emilie is filled with a lot of guilt over being brought back but she can't she isn't happy because she gets to makeup with her sister and get to know her nephew more, she gets to reconnect to old friends and her son, but she feels overwhelming guilt over it all and anger. Anger at her husband. Anger at her son. Anger at herself for not having the strength to divorce Gabriel when she saw he was spiraling before she "disappeared."
Damian does introduce little Marietta to the Teen Titans and Tim introduces her to the Young Justice and Dick introduces her to the Titans. Jason introduces her to The Outlaws. And of course Bruce introduces her to the Justice League.
The class kind of puts two and two together and Alya visits Lila, who can no longer lie and she spills that Adrien knew. Alya tells the class and it splits the class further. At first the class was split because half believed they deserved the punishment, the other half didn't. Now it was split again with those who want to forgive Adrien and those who want to pin all the blame on him!
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
For your Wish me Away series, does mari have different nicknames given to her by everyone and if she does what are they? I know there were a few mentioned, like Selina calls her kitten and Jason probably calls her pixie pop, but do other people give her nicknames? I love your Au, it's probably one of my favorites!
Aaaaaaa thank you so much!!!
Yes she does actually! She has a lot of nicknames given to her so I shall compile a list!
Bruce: Princess, Etta, Baby girl, Sweetie, boy pulls out every endearment he can for his youngest daughter to be honest.
Selina: Kitten, Baby bat, Etta, Little One, My baby, Pancake (an alternate to short stack and Selina thinks it's cute just like her), Darling
Alfred: Darling girl, Sweetheart, Sous Chef, Dumpling, Etta, Mari, Little One, Mini Bat, Little Lady, Ladybird
Barbara: Smarties, Kit Kat, Baby Girl, Mari, Kiddo, Gremlin #2 (when Mari messes with her electronics),
Dick: Baby sis, Kiddo, Mari, Cake Pop, Princess, Peanut, Magical Girl (especially when she was a child using all the Miraculi), Baby batcat, Spots, Maribird
Jason: Pixie, Short Stack #2, Mini Menace, Little Red, Baby Bug, Little Lady, Houdini (because she just disappears sometimes), Girlie, Mari
Tim: Coffee Bean, Kiddo, Mari, Maribird, Buggie, Petit chou (little cabbage), Bâo Bâo (baby),
Damian: Sokar (sugar), ʾḫt ṣuġrā (younger sister) , tifl alkhafafish (baby bat), Mari, Little One, Baby bird, Minietta,
Steph: Cutie Pie, Macaron, Mari, Sweetie, Honey,
Cass: Bâo Bâo, Xiǎo biānfú (little bat), Precious, Baby sis, Dumpling, Mari
Duke: Minibat, Kiddo, Mari, Biscochito, Trouble Maker, Baby sis, Button, Fun Size,
Rogue List because they do run into her as a baby
Harley: Pigtails, Little Fox, Foxtrot, Doll, Darling, Baby girl
Ivy: Flower, Honeybee, Little One, Baby Bee
Joker: Mini Mouse, Whiskers, Baby Bat, Vermin, Little Shit, Mighty Mouse
Riddler: MENACE, Bane of My Existence, Bully, Gremlin, Scales
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
I don't know if you already sais it, but in your Wish Me Away universe, are those who remember Marinette able to describe her ? And if so, are there memorials or art pieces made about the parisians Lost Hero and the Forgotten Girl ? Painting made based on descriptions of her as a civilian ?
That's another failsafe that Tikki, the Kwami and Them decided upon to keep Marinette safe, while those who remember her, remember what she looks like but when they try to describe her they end up describing her wrong.
Like they try to say her eyes are blue but they end up saying they're grey or brown. They try to describe how her hair somehow had a natural blue shine to it despite being black, they end up saying her hair was dark brown or dyed blue.
Some people try to see what characteristics the Marked say the most to try and piece together art but it's a slow process but there is a gallery dedicated to their former Ladybug and Marinette and what they think she looked like. They call the gallery La Chance de Notre Dame Perdue "Our Lost Lady Luck"
There are memorials made in her honor, but since they don't remember what she looked like they use ladybugs to signify her as well as plum blossoms since that's what her parents told the media was her favorite flower.
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Idea for Wish Me Away:
If you go with the riddlerish-level cartoonish version of Mad Hatter, I can totally see a rabbit Mari just happily having a tea party with him. And Batman (+/ Fam) is also there, also playing tea party, silently promising intense violence if Hatter pulls anything stupid 🐇
Ohohoho my dear
I am not going cartoonish at all for the Mad Hatter 😌 and Marietta does meet him. And there will be a tea party
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
In your Wish Me Away AU. I read your ideas and responses about the AU but I haven't seen any mention that Bruce trying to apply the no kill rule to little Mari and extremely failing trying to teach her that so I'm going to assume that Alfred and Mari, who are the only 2 miraculous users, are the exceptions to when it comes to the no kill rule 😂
Hehe hehe yeah Bruce is gonna have a hard time with that one. Especially because all the kwami help raise Marinette, along with Diana, and Jason....and Damian....and Harley....and Ivy.....and Selina....and Alfred....and so so many people hell. But a lot of them don't have a a No-Kill Rule
Plus I have the kwami kind of being morally grey in a sense. That will be expanded on in coming chapters though! But Bruce does realize that this is something beyond his control. He doesn't like it. Not in the least, but it is something he will have to come to accept.
Now. I will say, when Marinette pulls her siblings into Miraculous business, especially those who have no qualms with killing when it come to the greater good/bad people, Bruce gets angry. He did everything in his power to teach those in his family to not kill, that there was more you can do than kill. It does cause some problems, but nothing that will year the family apart because they are all fiercely loyal and loving and protective of their family members.
And not even a No-Kill Rule can break that.
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