For What Ails You
Rika was tired.
She hadn’t been sleeping well, you see. Her mattress, while not the most luxurious thing in the world, wasn’t uncomfortable. No no, her newly acquired source of insomnia came from something else - mostly thoughts, which all seemed to stir at once when Rika stopped moving around and attempts to distract herself finally stopped coming. What if’s and unanswered questions rose up from the dark corners of her mind, and rest became a feeble endeavor. This had the unfortunate side-effect of making it hard to go around and basically function at all during the day.
Medicine is nice. It tended to solve these kinds of issues. But see, there’s a problem with just going out to buy some: the stores around here? Yeah...not so easy to locate. It wasn’t that there weren’t any: it was that their location changed every couple of hours. Therefore, no one knew where to find any specific place, and maps were totally and utterly useless. That left it up to exploration, except that if you didn’t find it within a certain window of time, any searching up till then is completely undone, because now everything was in a new place again. 
As you would imagine, shopping in Hive City (or at least sector 1) could be more troublesome than it otherwise had any right being. Rika was discovering this now.
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“Hate this stupid place,” she mumbled, gruffly shoving open a door-
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-before her demeanor visibly shifted and her features lit up oh-so happily, like nothing was wrong and she was just some kid looking for candy in the store she just entered. Just in case someone was watching. Call it a habit.
It was a general store. A convenience store, even - it was hard to tell. No matter what, Rika wasted no time heading straight to the back, looking for the one thing she was in dire need of right now.
Sleeping aids would probably help, and so would pain medicine, but Rika’s number one goal? Wine. She needed it. Badly. Even cheap beer would do, if she had to. Hopefully this place sold liquor...
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hamonqueen-blog · 8 years
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            ┈┈「 ♚。 »  Pulling a cigarette out from her pack, she pressed the stick between her lips before lighting the tip up. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the smoke into her system before opening her mouth and allowing the smoke to dissipate into the air. it relieved some of the stress weighing down on her shoulders, but it failed to make her feel completely at ease. Though, she doubted anything would be able to take her mind off her troubles. Now that she was trapped inside a twisted experiment, everything was more complicated than before. As if the situation wasn’t difficult already. The impassivity plastered on her face masked her inner turmoil perfectly, so she appeared composed and unperturbed despite the emotions surging within her.
            The sound of something rustling in the back of the alley immediately caught her attention, prompting her to disengage from her troubled thoughts and focus on the source of the noise. At first, she assumed it was just a stray animal; but the sight of an unidentifiable object in the dark said otherwise. Lisa Lisa cautiously walked towards the motionless silhouette as her sharp eyes observed and anticipated an enemy to attack. Upon closer inspection, she realized the figure belonged to a young girl who was fast asleep while being surrounded by felines. How strange. The cats abruptly dashed towards her feet and began making noises because they wanted attention. The woman gently crouched before gently shaking the stranger’s shoulder. “Wake up. This is not the kind of place a child should be sleeping at.”
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offbench · 8 years
★ @mmadotsuki stepped up to the plate!
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    ☆ --- “Hey, kid... Where did your parents go?”
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viora-blog · 8 years
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The newly found scissors swayed in her hand as she walked, the only thing keeping them from flying off was a curve of her index finger. She hummed quietly to herself while she wandered, not really minding how lost she was. She could manage. She navigated herself through the house before, she could make do with a city.
“La~ la~ la~ I'm free, I'm free, and that awful witch is dead!”
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Hive City may have had nice boutiques, but they could never hold a candle to the radiance of some of Cloudbank’s most eminent designers. Fleeting as their fame may have been, their talents could not be denied, and so it was that Sybil found herself about to walk into the shop of one of the trendiest designers in the city.
However, before she could enter, she because aware of somebody who she was sure couldn’t be from Cloudbank. A little girl, one she had spotted on the street before leaving the Hive for her former home; had she been followed here again? And... was that a knife in the girl’s hand?
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“Excuse me, dear. Why don’t we get you back home to the city?”
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passafrisk-blog · 8 years
Party Juice | mmadotsuki |
The crowd really worried Frisk, in particular in regards to Madotsuki. Frisk knew their window sister was a little nervous when there were too many people around. At the same time, they weren’t sure if it was a good idea to try to steer people away from their not yet adopted sibling.
Frisk had just taken off to grab juice for another date, then completely forgot which of them they were getting the juice for. But, when they caught sight of Mado and her still window patterned dress, they quickly changed courses. In their mind, she was a huge fan of juice, and punch was just party juice.
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“Mado!” Someday they were going to accidentally call her sis, and it would be awkward for everyone. “I grabbed some punch, do you want some?”
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moxieghostpup · 9 years
The Wrong little human (Closed - Madotsuki)
That smell! It was really faint and hard to pick up on, but he felt sure he knew! He knew it was Mistress Kamila: or maybe Mistress Lynne! The scent was old, so it was difficult to tell which one it was right now, true. Yet, he was determined to go check up on it nonetheless! Yes! 
<’Mistress Kamilaa! I’m coming to help you!! Everything will be a-okay, I promise!’>
Perhaps the scent being so old, and his nose probably not being as experienced as it could be was a bad thing, however: for as he ran along, tail wagging at what would seem to any onlookers so fast it might seem like he had three tails - the human he practically ran head-along into, in a tumble of fluff, was a little girl like Mistress Kamila, yes.
She defintely wasn’t Mistress Kamila, though. Well...that was one bad thing of really old smells, he guessed. There was no guaranteeing they were the human he thought it was! This small human must spent a lot of time inside for her smell to smell so strange, though.
<’Hello human! WELCOME! You’re not Mistress Kamila, but it sure is nice to meet you!!’>
Regardless of whether or not he was understood, his greeting was still as enthusiastic as ever. Bark bark! Hello new friend! I just met you, and I love you!!
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itsusutora · 9 years
“Th-This.. It’s--”
It wasn’t theirs. He realized that much. The card within the wallet was one that belonged to an older man. However, he was at a loss for what to do when he’d first approached the other. It was at this point he hesitated. Tried to think of what to say.. And as moments passed, he began to tear up and eventually fumbled with the wallet in his hands. “Ah--” It fell to the ground then, some of it’s contents spilling onto the ground.
“Nooo.. I-I’m sorry... I’ll take it to a.. A police station--!”
While that seemed like the right thing to do with someone’s lost belonging there was just one problem.
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“... A-Ah.. Where...? Do you know where to find one?” 
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leghero · 9 years
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    [ ♥ ] “Thanks for the great game, darlings! I wish I got to hear about your festival, Mado-darling... And Drifty! You never told me about how you got famous. Suffice to say... I’m curious.”
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rosesqued-blog · 9 years
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    Madoka was all about giving other people gifts and spreading joy and cheer whenever she could. She didn’t have much money on her, but the girl did muster up enough to buy a bouquet of roses. She didn’t have any plans on who in particular she would give the flowers too, but she thought it might be a nice gesture to whomever she may come across.
    She walked rather slowly, approaching another person with a small smile embedded on her face as she plucked out a singular rose from the bunch and stretched out her hand with the item in her clutch. “Would you like a rose? Hehe. They smell rather nice, don’t you think?”
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ostolero · 9 years
my fav. heist film is 'the sting' tho!
ok both of these will be in my recommendations tag
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passafrisk-blog · 8 years
☁ !
“I am like... Twelve percent sure Madotsuki isn’t a window... But a mirror! She has my face. Mom, does she have your face too? I bet it’s cute and fluffy... She’d make a cute goat.”
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mak0mankanshoku · 9 years
mmadotsuki oh ! thanks !
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ofbw · 9 years
no stream..?
sorry i hhha d
Just a bit of performance anxiety. 
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mmadotsuki said: 
plastic spoon! ..unless u get a weird plastic taste 2?
plastic tastes ok but my mom never buys them because we’re kinda poor n people always accidentally throw them out instead of putting them in the sink so i can wash n reuse them.. so mom sees it as a waste of money rip
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mothim · 9 years
lapis! lapis. lapis do u ever say your name out loud because it is fun 2 say. [and type]
yes!!!!!!i like my name a lot its very nice. i like saying peridot too. they both are very short and sweet!!!
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