valdomarx · 1 year
"We can't keep doing this," Roy says, pinning Jamie up against the wall and running a line of biting kisses up his neck. 
"Yeah," Jamie says, voice hoarse, fingers scrabbling at Roy's back, "Okay."
"I'm your manager," Roy says, Jamie shivering under his hands, skin soft under his lips, "It's not right."
"Yes, coach," Jamie says, eyes vacant and dreamy, and that's the problem right there, isn't it?
"We ought to stop," Roy says, his fingers flexing in Jamie's hair, nails scratching at his scalp. "This could fuck both our careers."
"Mmmhmph," Jamie agrees, his mouth full.
Roy opens the door to find Jamie on his doorstep. He raises an eyebrow. “I thought you’d be out with the team.”
Jamie shrugs one shoulder. “We went out for one drink. It was nice and all.”
“So what are you doing here?”
Jamie grins. “Come on. A hat trick against Newcastle? That deserves a celebration.”
“That’s…” Roy fishes but fails to come up with a counterargument. Jamie truly had played one hell of a match.
Jamie moves closer, and Roy finds himself stepping back to let him in. The moment Jamie steps inside, his hands are fisted in Roy’s shirt and Roy is pushing him up against the back of the door.
It really had been one hell of a hat trick.
"This is the last time," Roy says, fingers scissoring, and Jamie’s eyes are rolling back in his head and he’s too out of it to summon a response.
“I mean it.” Roy withdraws his fingers and Jamie whines as he lines himself up. “Hey. I’m serious.”
Jamie’s eyes snap into focus, and he hooks one leg around Roy’s waist to pull him closer.
"Totally," Jamie nods, biting his lip. He looks up at Roy from under his lashes. "So we might as well make it count, yeah?"
Roy stretches out in Jamie's bed, morning sunlight pouring through the window, and steels himself to leave. Enough is enough, they've been playing with fire for too long, it's time to end this.
His mind is made up. He’s for real this time. 
He wraps a towel around himself and heads toward the sound of running water. Jamie is in the shower, one with enormous glass doors which leave nothing to the imagination, and Roy leans in the doorway. 
"I have to go."
Jamie glances over his shoulder, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. "Already?"
"Yeah. We agreed. This was the last time." Roy doesn't look at the torrent of water running down Jamie's thighs, the flexing muscles of his back, the soft curve of his arse. 
"We did." Jamie says, soaping up his shoulders. "But… morning after doesn't count, does it? It's basically still last night."
"That's not…" Roy can't tear his eyes away from a rivulet of water running between Jamie's shoulder blades, a cluster of soap bubbles sliding languorously down the plane of his back. Jamie shoots him a heated look: enough of a smile to be a tease, enough of a smirk to be a dare.
"Fuck it," Roy snaps, dropping his towel and stalking over to throw open the shower door. "One last time."
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eliasiis · 2 years
can you do a scaraether fic? like one where aether makes him admit he likes being tickled
so this was................ sent after i said requests were closed. but the funny thing is ive just gotten fucking covid and lee scaramouche is all i need in life rn so i was like fuck it we ball. anyways this was.... an experience to write.like it was fun but generally also really like..... idk.............. maybe that was because i didnt really have motivation but here it is anyway
admit it
pairing : scaraether ( read it as romantic or platonic i do not care )
word count : 1.4k
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Scaramouche can not catch a damn break around here.
Since that idiot traveler found out about his only existing weakness, he just won’t quit it with his stupid antics. It’s like he just has an irresistible urge to almost kill Scaramouche every time he sees him. 
And that makes purely existing quite hard, because he sees him every single day! There is no escape. There’s absolutely nothing he can do about this to make it stop.
( He could just stop seeing the traveler every day, but he refuses to even acknowledge that as a possibility. ) 
It’s unbearable, it’s absolutely awful, he’s never hated anything more and before this he hasn’t gotten the chance to be touched like this, so affectionately playful, in so long and he can’t bring himself to seriously tell Aether to stop. He really can’t stand being reduced to such a humiliating version of himself that by all means he wanted hidden, truly, he can’t.
And that’s what he’s desperately trying to communicate to Aether right now.
“Oh, shove it with your excuses, I know you like this.” Aether trails spidering hands up the sides of his unwilling victim. His grin looks like it might split his face in half and Scaramouche hates the fact that he’s enjoying his suffering.
His hands are gripping Aether’s as hard as he can, pushing and pulling and trying anything to get him to stop just for a second so he can breathe, but those tickling fingers are determined in  their quest to make Scara pass out.
“You- You don’t know anythihihing! GAH, STOP! Fuhuhuuck-!!” Scara twists and turns, bucking his hips and smacking and pushing at Aether’s shoulders. For one blissful moment, it stops.
Panting, Scara wraps his arms around his torso and tries to kick Aether off of his thighs with the remaining strength he has, but even at his full energy that’s nothing compared to Aether. Which is to say– He fails. Despite his continued struggling, Aether doesn’t move and just starts running his mouth again.
“Say it.” That grin of his almost looks sadistic. He wiggles his awful fingers above Scara’s stomach, where his shirt has long since rode up far past where it originally sat fully protecting his sensitive skin. Now, though, he trembles and grabs both Aether’s hands on instinct. The blonde gives him a stupidly charming grin, but it’s still terrifying, the way Aether doesn’t even attempt to move his hands out of Scara’s grip, like he knows Scara knows that Aether will stop when he feels like it.
And Scara does know that. He flushes deeper, and trembles more. “Piss off! I don’t like this. I don’t like you! In fact, it’d be absolutely wonderful if you could get off- Nononostop!!” Aether drops his hands back down to Scara’s stomach, kneading at the soft, ticklish skin there and Scara howls, squealing with high pitched laughter. Trying to fight Aether off hasn’t done him any good up to this point so he slaps his hands over his mouth, trying to stifle the embarrassing, delighted squeaking and cackling. “Mmmhmph-!! Nnnh..!” 
To be completely truthful, Scara does like this. In fact, he’s not sure if he’s ever adored a physical feeling more. Aether’s hands are warm and the way he laughs with Scara feels less as if he’s making fun of him and more like he’s just enjoying making Scara laugh and that knowledge gives him fluttery feelings that he refuses to think about. Even so, that flustered, giddy feeling is just as delightful as the rest. The only part of this he can say he hates is that Aether’s trying to make him admit it, and even then- That’s merely because the prospect of admitting something like that is embarrassing.
“I hate you, I hahahate you so muhuhuhuch! No, nononohoho!! Not, not that-! Aether!” Scara pushes at Aether’s shoulders and bucks as much as Aether’s position will allow him, but none of that stops the traveler from digging his fingers into his hips, massaging in circles. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast, or both with either hands. He keeps the pattern completely unpredictable and combined with what he knows is Scara’s worst spot, he’s really trying to completely murder him. At last, he’s going to get rid of Scara forever and it’s going to be by way of tickling.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure you do, and that’s why you’ve never stopped me once.” Aether’s sarcastic tone paired with his completely false and not at all correct accusations make Scara gasp with offense and not because he’s being mercilessly tickled within an inch of his life. “That’s also why you’re not admitting you like this, right? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you won’t do it so I’ll tickle you more!” Aether says, pressing all ten fingers into Scara’s hips and just above them, targeting both his sides and his hips while he evilly vibrates his fingers into the skin. The feeling makes Scara jolt and cry out with hiccuping, gasping laughter, squeezing his eyes shut and really pushing at Aether’s hands this time.
“Aether-! I cahahan’t, I, I, Ple-” Scara cuts his own pleading off, still too embarrassed to let go of his pride just like that. He won’t plead. …Not again, anyway.
“What, you can’t take a little tickling, Scara? Weren’t you all high-and-mighty just a second ago? I’m sure you can handle it, right?” The teasing only makes Scara’s desperate squirming increase, and he just starts babbling incoherent half-sentences, possibly along the lines of ‘I hate you,’ and multiple repetitions of him just yelling protests that aren’t really words.
Aether isn’t that sadistic, and moves his hands to lightly scritch in the middle of Scara’s stomach with a measly two fingers, giving him room to breathe while still tickling. He’s such a generous tormentor. 
Well, is it really tormenting if the victim likes it? Still giggling, Scara purses his lips into a tight line, muffling it just a bit. His grip on Aether’s hands goes slack and his purple eyes shine with unshed tears when he opens them to glare at Aether. “A-Ahahare you done?” He asks, gasping in between his words.
Aether, still moving his two fingers in tandem on Scara’s poor, twitching skin, doesn’t drop his smirk. “I’ll be done when you admit you like this.” His head tilts with an innocent smile present on his face all of a sudden, as if he’s not doing anything wrong at all. 
Scara doesn’t speak. For once, he just doesn’t have any sort of insult or comeback to spew at Aether for daring to do such a childish, stupid thing to him.
Aether’s evil smirk returns and he raises his hands again, only to lower them back down to idle at Scara’s sides. “Are you completely sure about this decision, Scara?” 
He’s still met with nothing but silence. 
Well, it’s not Aether’s funeral. He squeezes at Scara’s sides, laughing along with him when Scara jumps and squeals, those unshed tears starting to fall. Scara’s squealing, shrieking laughter goes silent and his squirming just increases tenfold, flailing and kicking and bucking- Anything to make it stop, but he still refuses to just say what they both already know is true.
( Aether was right before, of course. He wasn’t ready for it to stop, not yet. Now, though…)
Limits reached, Scara finally uses what he’d been acknowledging as a last resort and only that. “Okay! Okahahay, I’ll- Mmph! EEK-!! Stohohop, I’ll sahahay it!! P-Please!!” 
Lifting his hands, Aether climbs off of Scara and folds his hands on his lap, just the picture of innocent patience. 
Taking a second to breathe, Scara puts his hands to his face and mumbles something mostly incoherent. 
Aether’s smirk only widens, an evil shine in his eyes. “What was that?” 
“I said I like it, okay?! I like- I-I like when- Urrghh…” Scara rolls onto his side, scowling at the ground beneath him. It’s like the word itself is poisonous to him- Like he’ll just roll over and die if he says it.
“Come on, Scara, I believe in you!” 
“Oh, shut up! Just… Give me a second, okay?!” 
Aether waits patiently while Scara squirms and bites at his lip. “I, I like… Being…T-Tickled…”
Aether scoops Scara up into his arms, cooing and smiling at the boy now in his lap. “Awh, Scara! That was the cutest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say, ever! How can you be so precious, huh?” 
Completely flushed and embarrassed out of his mind, Scaramouche pushes at Aether’s face and kicks, trying to get out of his grasp. “Ugh! Let me go, you vile creature! Augh, Stop!”
…Though, he supposes the affection isn’t too bad either.
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agooberscanons · 1 year
Sweet Anon shudders and waver, not wanting Elma to cry as they watched her face become more and more red. "B-But...!" They glanced at the sweet, and back at her.
"Mmmhmph?!" Elma continues to pout as she stares up at the Sweet Anon so much. She looks like she's about to explode out of holding it in, so much! However, she does this over simple things too. Surely, this is no different, right?
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someheartlesslady · 1 year
@agoobersretreat "Mmmhmph? Yeeeeaaah, that's a good start, honestly. Chilly soft~.", hums the Miq as she nestles in cozily.
"Always such a sweetie. Come sit down with me, I will get tea made~"
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somechubbynerd · 1 year
"Good, glad that wasn't lost on ya~." Aiko grins wider than usual as she's set down, happily helping herself with a crunch here and there.
"Mmmhmph, oh yeah. That's the good shit~."
"Enjoy!" Taylor stretches herself out and goes to grab her Job Things.
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agooberscast · 1 year
"I imagine so~" Freia snatches a little bit of soap and starts to scrub Melissa's back.
"Mhmmm...? Ooohhh, yeeeeeah...~" Melissa closes her eyes softly, clearly enjoying Freia's lead with the soap. "Mmmhmph, you're so...so good with this, Popsicle...~"
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so-many-muses-rp · 2 years
❝ hey… can you hear me? ❞
For Muses That Won't Get Out Of Bed | Accepting
The home smells like death with a hint of hazelnut and vanilla. The figure on the couch looks like he hasn't moved in years, there's cob web and dust covering the house.
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"... mmmhmph" he replied not moving his face from the cushion he planted his face into long ago.
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ask-be-more-stupit · 7 years
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Jeremy: -- and they were roommates.  Michael: mmmhmph.
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Michael: (ok ok come on. come on michael maybe they’re right and you’re just being a little bitch for no reason.)
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Michael: (oh my god what do i do? i can’t just “hey jeremy i kind of want to kiss you or something” that’s dumb. also not my thing.) Michael: (fucking fuck fuck.) Michael: (wait okay. calm down. you got this.)
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Michael: --!
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Jeremy: you okay, haha? Michael: yeha-- yeah! yes. yup. Jeremy: okay? Jeremy: . Michael: . Jeremy: do you need to talk about something, dude? Michael: i-- yeah, kinda.
[ P2 ] [ Part 3 ] [ P4 ]
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aidenmons · 7 years
Felt-tip, Notebook, Calculator and Envelope :*
felt-tip: describe your aesthetic 
My aesthetic is either pretty art, pastel, cute and fluffy things with smooth jazz and calming music, or heavy metal and rock music with memes, shitposts and pain there is no in between. (this is why my blog is a fuckin mess lol)
notebook: what’s your favourite quote?
Honestly it’s this quote by @thatsthat24 (shameless tag) that goes “Sure, this year has been tough. And sure, there are going to be bad things that will happen, but there are also good things that happen every day. And there are good people in this world to help move the world forward. And these good people include you.” It kinda just helps me keep going every day when I remember it. (And I always remember it, I have it on a post it above my bed.)
I’ll put a readmore here cause the list is pretty long also secrets ahead oooo
calculator: list fifteen things that make you happy
Fifteen’s a lot so here I go1. My friends2. giving uncoNDITIONAL LOVE AND SUPPORT AND GIFTS TO MY FRIENDS3. RECEIVING UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND SUPPORT AND GIFTS FROM MY FRIENDS4. musicals that i love to sing to death5. music in general like god could you like,,, imagine a completely silent world??6. shit memes that shouldn’t make me laugh but do7. All my OCs and my friends’ OCs like i love them s o m uch8. The vast multiverse for FV alone like holy shit fam dont get me started on every other AU9. Really sweet, nice, tight…. boo ks mmmhmph mama10. Comedy in general man it makes me happy if I make anyone laugh at any of my shit jokes11. really long voice/video calls12. me and anyone else going insane thinking about all the fluff/angst headcanons and talking about those enthusiastically13. really cute things like smol animals14. painting!15. all of my loved ones including my friends so technically friends make me happy 2x
envelope: tell me a secret
okay this is probably something only a few people would really care about/relate to but I’m really private about things like this and it’s the first secret I could think of at the top of my head lol. Honestly nobody would’ve really known this but due to social anxiety, I’ve felt like leaving the groups on discord so many times. Like just cutting off everything in a second. But I couldn’t do that since I’ve gotten so attached to you guys?? and it would’ve hurt more than anything my anxiety could’ve done to me so I stay. so yeah
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jonquilorange · 7 years
Me: -cooking my lunch- Roommate: -walks into kitchen and stares over my shoulder- What is it? Me: -They're pastrami Gouda croissant rolls. Would you like-? Roommate abruptly screams 'YES', grabs one of the rolls and shoves it into his mouth while it's still piping hot. Me: So...was it worth it? Roommate: -tearing up- Mmmhmph! -nods-
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agooberscanons · 1 year
With a quiet sigh… Bee sits down beside Sayori, and hand-feeds her another three brownies. With eight brownies now in Sayori’s tummy, she’s sure to be feeling them kicking in sooner rather than later at this point, Bee just knows it…
A-alright, there you go…
"Mmmhmph, thaaaaaaanks~." Sayori licks her lips happily, staring across as Bee lovingly. And then she looks past Bee. Slowly, but sure, something about her tummy and head are starting to feel weird.
"Mmmph? My tummy feels funny? What flavor of brownies were those, anyway?", she says as she starts to siiiiiink back into her seat slooooowly.
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