avtrr · 2 years
moaat asked:
❛  i want to help you , but you have to let me in.  ❜ (for Kiri)
found family prompts.
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She gave in a low sigh, her ears lowering a bit. “ I know... I'm just scared... You really don't think I'm a freak, do you grandma? ”
Kiri would usually feel self-conscious about herself, about her avatar appearance and now with all these weird things happening around her, she felt even more of an outcast, even among her own family.
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Excerpt from the next chapter of my Tron fic
This is from the next chapter of my story Protector of the Grid.
When Tesler heard about the attack on Pavel's base, he couldn't help bursting into laughter. He'd known something like this would happen, he just hadn't thought it would be so soon. To him, the incompetent moron getting hiss comeuppance was hysterical.
However, Tesler did note with utmost seriousness the amount of Renegades present...and the fact that Tron, the real Tron, had revealed himself to be one of them. And then there was the other Program, the winged one that attacked Pavel. That one piqued his interest more than even Tron did. He wondered if Clu had seen or heard about any of this yet. Surely the Admin was paying attention. Or maybe he was testing the general. That was always a possibility, Tesler realized. He had to be even more careful with his actions now.
Especially when he was going to do something that would mean instant deresolution for him if anyone found out about it.
Tesler didn't trust his ship or anyone on it to not be watching him, so he left quietly on his own after stunning a pair of sentries on his way out. He took their discs and locked the two in a maintenance room. Then the general quickly made his way to the small shop in Purgos, where his secret ally, the only person who knew what he was up to, waited.
"You're late, Tes." Gorn said, her newly restored voice quiet but stern, "They're already on the line."
"I had to deal with Pavel's idiocy. But today, it put me in a good mood. His cockiness finally caught up to him."
"Sounds wonderful," Gorn mused. "You'll have to tell me all about it when you're finished with your report." With that, she led him to the back of the shop, through the stockroom, and down into a cellar, whose entrance was concealed by a false wall panel. After a final door, they arrived in a small room with a single communications console in the center. Tesler nodded to Gorn, who shut the door and went back up to her shop. Once he was alone, the general turned to the monitor.
"My apologies, Moaat." he said. Moaat was a fierce looking Program, with dark skin, black eyes, and black hair in many long, dread-like braids. Only the glowing marks on her skin gave away the reason she was contacting him secretly like this.
Moaat was an ISO.
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jrantehq4-blog · 5 years
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oH kaAy, like+-; fOrgoe witholdance, candance+-; duZzen.maDter tu for it, 14 montsh shit like+-; hey privacy+- or more to the 8paK years
but to say, wHat-; wHo these guys+-; what they do, not so much * " #brOWn * or #dALMaTion #peLiCaN, but, ih sincererly forgot about these guys, 5ways+-; or unfelillie tu adPect empoaChd code to #budDaH stYle lineage+!; -;3*Ππ^|` loSt of ek fag pazs
hum?!; ihy got voffee, bug ihm missing something, faer well, ho long to decent comphort and h*zËopbfs #prIvAcY tu #consider, :my merit insten to lije+-; hdey+!; heydaey, maYcoaRe let it go , so ty chup up, lije diveing with ahmeranth tez #ghinseKt or fellos, goodbye wOrLd, at oaZ ihy '*cAn actualy spend 14weeks more to lije weep out, wHat, neglect a paRAmetwr of+-; theSe guys+- but du e rotties?! hum the uf all seem tj have more nerut tgen ihy can dhistibghuish abiut life and to take a nexlck dice, they migjt be sad enoigh tu for me realisr it really sad ifh ih knew what they !; coukd do or forgot them
nut sat helli to privacy , ue #seNilaTites frike.stink, so lets get superficial and resonate a self center symphathy anticdote tu some random pop teack and see if they gather sime self respect or purge in their bhidizimal bloew whoppue, cheap Shots
zkty, oNe thing izs+,(woRd tu explaIn a *dAngerous!;*sAkak #pAthetic, seNial denwe ted pervHerse meZaPlPt for falSLly aCcused, hup waRrented, pTCH FRAEYM TU DIScRibe theIr ,(+!?strateGic -; infinite #seLfDeCeption, comAmbria,+!)traffic ,;/*~intellectual,plllt decca-rey ultra vhaatmiaz, look bak 12months opinion if a aky god, or word tu e llain tgeathetic truNgent shiT, OR SET #LIBEL CASE OF FRAMING NEUROTTICAS ULTRLNDULU STANZII FOR+!; HUPPO ABOVE SEK
relTlate tu;!
ihy hve vaga inclination tu know, of specifics of), #eLePhAnt to naTure #kIngdom, or #wOoly_ #mAMmoth, did #iZrael or #tIbet or #haOan knoew, -;(kak halt, pez mihAr, tHat #buDdah liniage intazsoect, holf hold to #sET, *!/ #sHIva, +(/or be it traffic a continuum of putid outrd of sTeNchianite fikkies, wOkkue #nooodle craken halfwit #names of '*it, +!/* sentianizs mantiAn, aZPect, of peace #beNeVolence, laW goodwill, upfold order safe, abd thanksgiving, benediction tu upfold stanxe of righteousness themsekces and withibg of couNterghrimmy of mAkula, #maRmeqHarker esteem privualidge of blind ignorant moron pikkle hampseur npks
ihy.mean #wooly #maMmoth izs asoect of #buddah, ih sed, qHertzy note that upstage #draculaMaatibhuMba, is, ir was inc to 40percent #jaCkle #jAkyl, #* #jAKcyle2a69 , dunno what they are, would ue call a formerly #reygaar, then *33percent jaCkle , -*rHe-wHy, aNe an aNne, !*°>,dAubt, ue know what that meams, his bane not justify an identity nother then uer worst nightnair forevet, az tu prevoke that shit, , defimitial uphend, ok fenizza-+; qHaots, pay atTention, it is a word that yas no rationality cprehendabliyly of crumet clutteted filth, and senialiki nits get off uer awkie highie roller esteem, hypodrunzx, it doesn apply 8n reality to.anything except adf sup.hok, naybe 30years ;!*aFter a point ue try chanhing hus name to #SAMAEL, THEN NONE OF UE WPUKD EVER HAVE HERD OFF.HIM OR UER WRETCHET PLOY+!; YET SADLY, HE MAY HAVE VEEN BACK.37DAYS A SECOND BY NEW YEARS EVEN1984, PLUS 2007, AT SAME TIME BY 1984 BEFPRE NAME REQchek #sAMAel, +"*A es et usimple to.bon faerie well, good tidings and ,-*whAt who!?+ oh yeah whatevetlr!- stnaggle stamps an.obstesdion with, humm?+( duh(? RAhAZeNw4èpUA9n waD never really hete, ue never met, actually that guy cox he was 7year old parjed in.1984 until #november 2015, the other won, tu be it, not really thete, sedt "
but that guys name (!*rHaSEYeAn9Aifπ}∆rtszEy sik -+;,one uer a decrumass moron to strike a fikkle demented, natsa ratzy over the most obseurdly diment name in exisyance, and higjlught again , uer wprst nightnair reagardless (!; okaay! comprehemdos influctuation impezxnik, !;
it means +!*outrageoius 'rIghchious, !; sun of eH,!?( - #hERAld, tu ne that, he id otherwIse a worthless peice of shit, +! +;* thats wat that word means, your worst and evertjing in exustanxe opt out and bonvpy faerie well tu.everything that evet would be ever befire or after, based on.that, and , snuggga fi ignoranchiter figgkid pig #sEnialikktra-lite vhermSiom 72 test fakt, so highlight the patheticat, pik qHaarladomn, nits, '*thAt is the *definition if a word if pgatase thatis subsQHaNdering pointless, filthy polutionntu suPbh eRherial plAteUs , where generally stuff, life had sone merit enough to find a way, tu shut shuv shuv shive uer livhud replicaas, +! spell it iut, is a definution of a word, phrase, that has no legitimat context to anynmeritnunnsanity whatsoever, and worsebthe. stubburn maintanence tu word of 3.chugh.fitther filth schitbt , includint a fHik "*sTiLl bOaRn fuhtuggjit, unMenkingly the moAAt vhile wretched peaCe of chluttered deneirial, +-; vomi5 uon vit, of any.goodeill or imtern benevolence of uour loving #maGisties, either antwhare, that she.or the other or twenty 5millionntripe rlatters even.remotely exist innreal or umaginarey.half baT chlyde sup echilon, of putrid filth an malcious disgrace, +-; f54deTvet,+-; ikt, +-; at itselfbenough compramuse to peaceband good eii will ofn, otherwise ;sad pic,+; nefligable, but that the reason here., isnt #eDinHope isLaNd of lost.paTik.brud brik and, neTher
but he not, correct, #reysqHuire, reSChoarn, sane trivial hyperclunxx, ihym understand #tHÏhyeZnk1QaMEdt is similar to "*jet sCourne int thrumpez, +!; frm2a
highlight point but, seens tgat as to "*existance and lIfe opting out, ir fir ed to, as ue if senxe compassion for lije, cQK2aep5Ë9a, "! sKjè #mATHeurson, *aKoAz #sCheurmAN 'tc #eDMunds, and 777fo)lTd ezra denourialumn, + dont adk me, /* to faulter glaNce decrepid obsession with a #tANgneicial, orraffic a word-+ (+!*aDp'k #qHaar lè #mAatra, +!; shet , opakraatu, *moy ron, ;- qhAar lè;'mAAtra, #*bett ue fikkues find uer loft hammoj
ihy wouldnt mind knowing specific of why, to #existace cherrush faer tge well beyond uer traffic a intellect tanghbeishure to, hiw, why us tgat si friken '*sAD ib coBvrat teZ es #rEsP tu pelican, (+! tefardless if 50thousand volts of shit if senUalitris, conidy central hupoet ghkuffiffibg some vhikkie bulkshit, +; naH ue can;t offend ne, ine if ue ever didnt realise, that doing some nukkro steadugu
nut futder
fair enuff
chukkuer rokkues, trmenti g nyrdering doung necro zooiphile shit in crocadhiles and tarantykas for you porn indUstry usnt :;*merited as any esteem, even blogh narneqyaarjer shukjues ue think high elevin, ue neca knew, neither dud ihy,+;
so, if so outrage denial tu cercumpherance uet i ward srlf deception aNd perverted inchik iltamuntus, to stil condemn uer rlght tu goodbess, or ibsust on sypportibg clutts jumo in hold my hand charade gestyres of wat , *#bS or calculating a hunch if ten to condider deriving, pointless, ir figure a word tu, nether, oh,+; sentianals get to 45years okd and experts on 'gHeZsTure;/ *pULling ugly *faCes, god wrik
#sTAr -; #fIsh, wHat tll them, oh #oRange and #brOwn ones, if ue wanna talk of #tuesday #isLand , mongh roayne, or aCstpAz #eVaCīlius, aLta land forus, take care often , sImpoase 5nih9ne #lions, so #sAd (+;if for moments privacy, #starfish races had almost perished, as too, naThkit #tropics, holoheaay, yeah +!;pRaNk and pry, +-; datisfied, but what, humm sething, *something alaMing nosteaghesic magestic about 3 #pelicans+-; ohykaay snuff wrutter, hope tu rNghdt ten this, netter, it was yesturefay tenpez wednesday early promzizqhû #sUn #rise of, pak.up
ihy ment, #buddah tHRiliologhy, aszpAz -*stArfish, tHen county upstained, go ask seone who said something about the padt patter of zGero's and io1onwqUe, that not a zEri oe a naUght, they still looking for the letter *J on a print out of 50round a second by thirteen tu join a capital *HAEYTCH WITH THE LETTER *Q, FIR YOUR INFORMATION OF WAT HE IS NIT, VUR OTHERWISE STEADDAST, +(! AS TOI CONDOLENXES FOR PREBIPUS POST, TU UNTEMEK -*MURDER DRUFS, WAS "*CORRECTION, SEVEHN MIN, ;"STAGE SHOW PROMPHANTH, EKE257PAA9T#@"*PHAUET
but as to last mention, of some #dark #vheda #ritual #aMbience, of ny.persinal esteem, forboad greatnes tu suremdearing, that +-; it isz -; maY be, generally ;'*humm?; interesting, or, strange, sHinqHin, altoreZson, but+-; it us, my -*right hand tu, propose that, it is or isn-t so.much a *privuwlidge, or effort tu, concerntrate,
but rectofy, !* #kozmikrayTor;/ c)(osm-iic gCK-;raEtour, - by.#meTAtROn #ōMÉGĀ, tu have nice day, h/ szorrie, but, generally, a style of musicx or be it consequencual, or be say, hum+! own identifyation to find something interesting in , +!;
haVe a nice #dAy
#kOSmOkRator, . anD being that said deniak of how irraTchitly vhenkie putrid ue are tu dalEMaIyne an '*aRe,/ *R,:;-78*èĀ93w1ATe3Pmn , #mETAtron not neCeSsarily an !;* #aRChaNgel/* done care fo4r uer neRf whiPpers, by pount of, no infinite esteem in yourselves, tu highligh a comment introspective before or after pasdage of a #cRaetour wher 'eXistance onfe was, or yoy o hace a plaCe or tine to.traffic hyperghligdyum, ir some gancy #ftench words, or, +!aNything, or ue want time off #qHaar lèy mAAtra tu considher uer bhi vie buERill, tu supponjaK a fanceh esOteric #iDea, yha, or theK, tu be it holding hand with clumphous hypokrat denwleirials in process if floud shikking your wonce was wgete uer beain left you in dhitch dhive and puddle, sQHish, tu blaMe it on uer firefrAnkforts or linnen isle at beLkig deLi near a konfekki lharringto #jACksndJive meal for less tHen none cH879gYhgÈGpfz)7-∆π[℅^¥©><\!-6"#2ghEyt fed levvy
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