#kiri « answered ask »
dhpbackrooms · 5 months
How many chairs are in the dhp backrooms?And are they stackable?
There’s only one! But if needed I can steal some from either @permitoffice or @hermit-permits and I’m sure they would have stackable chairs :>
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OKAY here are some locorro headcanons:
-Lo’ak definitely liked Spider longer, Spider was convinced he was aromantic for years, but he was actually just repressed because he thought no one would ever love him!! :D
-Spider is older so he gets to pick his mate first and could’ve picked Lo’ak (in a like betrothal we are promised to each other way) but he doesn’t. He waits. He says it’s because Lo’ak is younger and it’s just normal respect, but everyone knows it’s because he’s waiting for Lo’ak to change his mind. It’s a huge point of contention there’s like a three day period where Lo’ak doesn’t talk to him cause he’s pissed Spider’s even questioning him. They’re both abhorrent to be around during those three days.
-They do make up but Spider still refuses to back down and waits for Lo’ak to pick him. 
-I stand by my take that Lo’ak is super jealous. He’s got an insecure personality right now so I think that every person that shows interest in Spider makes Lo’ak go batshit. Spider had no clue every time because again, he has no reference besides Lo’ak for people liking him and he’s still pretty sure that’s a weird fever dream. 
-Kiri is a professional grade third wheel. She bitches and moans but she’s actually never annoyed to be around them. They are not very affectionate around other people, so if they are in front of Kiri she makes a huge deal of it. “OH MY GOD THAT’S DISGUSTING HOW COULD YOU? LO’AK THAT IS AN INNOCENT BOY!” This riles them up so they try to be grosser. Her evil plan is working little by little. Once she picks it up Tuk is really good at it, but Neteyam is on the fence. Sometimes he joins in, but sometimes he wants to give them their space and let them chose their own pace. Kiri is full steam ahead. 
-I think Jake shovel talks literally both of them. Idk why but that image is so funny to me. Like he pulls Spider aside to give him a talk and then when they come back Jake just walks right back out with Lo’ak to do the same thing. 
-Sleepovers! At! Hells Gate! These are very important to me in every possible universe, I want to write entire essays about this. Sleepovers with all the Sully’s during date night, sleepovers with just Kiri, sleepovers with just the boys so they can do their little spooning fight routine. I love the idea of the whole Sully kid sleepovers though. They just all get in a pile entirely arranged around pretending Lo’ak and Spider aren’t going to end up all cuddled together. Adorable. It’s Norm’s favorite days, he likes to help Tuk and Neteyam make cookies. 
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
!! Cw // blood + knife ... Yeah that's pretty much it ahaha !!
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nattikay · 1 year
That Hands Full piece has me feeling all kinds of things, but I was wondering if you had any HCs about the kinds of babies/toddlers that the kiddos were. I have my own extensive HCs but I would love to hear yours!
Hmm...I don't know that I necessarily have anything extensive or super specific tbh, but I do have some broad strokes:
Neteyam is just a little angel, the goodest boy, super easy baby (y'know, relatively speaking lol). Absolute sweetheart; the whole clan just adores him. That said, as he gets a little older (see: able to talk) he does develop a propensity for bossing his siblings around, and getting a little frustrated when they don't listen (had a few screaming matches with Lo'ak ngl). Random fact, but he also started walking pretty early, and picked up motor skills pretty fast.
Kiri is generally well-behaved, but has the attention span of a sparrow and will randomly wander off if not kept under constant surveillance (practically needs a balloon tied around her waist so her parents can keep track of her lol). A little more finicky than Neteyam, but nothing too extreme. Opposite Neteyam, she started walking late; despite being less than a month younger, Kiri was still on all fours for several months longer than her brother. She did get quite adept at crawling though, and could get around a lot faster than you'd think. She's also a bit more shy than her brother--while baby Neteyam is a social butterfly who loves soaking up the attention his cooing clanmates are all too happy to give him, Kiri is quieter and prefers to stick to herself and her immediate family; doesn't like talking to or being held by strangers.
The fact that both Neteyam and Kiri were relatively easy wound up making Jake and Neytiri a tad overconfident for #3, because....
Lo'ak is, and I say this with all the love in the world, a menace to society lol. He's stubborn, he's willful, has a hot temper, gets into everything and wants to argue with everyone. His first word was kehe ("no"). I don't want to call him a bad kid per se, but he's, ah....definitely the difficult one hrh. He feels things very strongly and just doesn't know what to do with it all. Lo'ak often left his parents more exhausted and exasperated than both his older siblings combined, and that's probably part of the reason there's such a significantly wider age gap between him and Tuk.
...I say only part of the reason because let's be real, none of the Sully kids were planned lol. Neteyam most likely happened on The First Time™ (he's shown to be born before Kiri, Kiri most likely happened at Grace's attempted consciousness transfer, and Jake and Neytiri becoming mates happened just days prior to said attempted transfer). Lo'ak is only a year younger than Neteyam, so he would've had to happen when both Neteyam and Kiri were still infants themselves, only a few months old. And Tuk just kinda came outta nowhere 6-7 years later lol. yyyyyeah, Jake and Neytiri ain't plan squat here hrh, they just take whatever Eywa gives them with open arms ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Speaking of Tuk, I don't really have any super solid headcanons for her at the moment, partly because I don't feel like we know her all that well as a character just yet, and partly because at the moment my brain is mostly still a bit caught in the early days, when the first three were younger, before Tuk was born (I am admittedly still working though some ouch feels concerning Neteyam's fate, so the older he is and therefore the closer to--well, yeah :| among other personal reasons).
I will say, though, that I don't really consider Tuk quite as "chaotic" as I know some people headcanon her. Yes she of course does her share of crazy kid stuff, but not to any particularly unusual degree, I think.
soooo yeah. Like I said, nothing super specific, but there's my broad strokes impressions hrh
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honeyhobi · 10 months
Avatar + 60
This was also requested by @this-world-of-beautiful-monsters , so I'm tagging her here as well!
Put That Guy In A Situation™️ Ask Game!
Crossposted on Ao3
60. Truth Serum
Content Warnings for past torture and suicidal ideation.
“Okay, okay!” Kiri manages to say between laughter. “This one’s important. Who really broke my Toruk doll when we were kids?” 
Spider’s entire face turns red. He doesn’t hesitate when he admits,  “I did. I thought it could fly on its own so I threw it and it smashed against a tree.” 
Lo’ak jumps to his feet and points an accusing finger at everyone. Kiri breaks out into laughter again, and Spider ducks his head guiltily. But he’s smiling, too. “I told you it wasn’t me! Dad grounded me from flying with him for two weeks after that!” 
“You broke plenty of other toys, Lo! If I’d gotten caught you know it would have been the last thing your mom needed to ban me from the village.” 
There’s no arguing about that. Neytiri never liked Spider when he was a child. But after everything, Spider’s reunion with the Sullys, his part in helping everyone escape the Sea Dragon, and all that he’s done to prove his worth here at Awa’atlu, the two of them have achieved their own kind of camaraderie. 
“She won’t kick you out now though,” Lo’ak says. “You need to clear my name.” 
Spider bites his lip while the muscles in his throat work, like he’s trying to stave off a cough. His hand goes to run across the fading pink scar across his chest.
“She still scares me sometimes.” He says it all in one breath, and his face turns red again as he covers his eyes in humiliation. “Dammit! When does this stupid stuff wear off?”
As everyone else starts to laugh and tease him again, Tsireya leans over and pats him on the shoulder sympathetically. “It depends on the amount you ingested. Tìngay berries are very potent. You ate two whole handfuls before one of us could warn you otherwise.” 
To his contempt, tìngay berries are quite literally ‘truth berries.’ Apparently, they are a treat eaten in moderation here on the island, because all the locals know its sweet pulp and crunchy seeds have a nasty side effect of chronic honesty. It’s just Spider’s luck that he would have eaten half a bowl’s worth of the fruit, after a long day of swimming with the others left him starving for anything safe for human consumption. Things could be worse. He could be surrounded by strangers and blabbing about the most embarrassing things in his life instead of sitting on the beach with his friends. All of his friends, for that matter.
Neteyam has finally recovered from his bullet wound after nearly two months on bedrest, and even Aonung and Roxto have started warming up to him since he first arrived in the village. Now they all sit in a loose circle, with Kiri and Lo’ak on either side of Spider and Neteyam next to Kiri. Tsireya, Aonung, and Roxto all sit next to each other across from him. Cursed berries aside, things are going well.
“What else should we get you to fess up to?” Neteyam wonders aloud, a mischievous smirk on his lips. 
“Please, be gentle,” Spider says, and dodges when Neteyam reaches around Kiri to ruffle his hair. 
“What really happened to you when you were captured by the Sky People?” Aonung asks suddenly. There is no benevolence in his tone, and his gaze is set critically on Spider. 
“Bro,” Roxto admonishes his friend quietly, shaking his head.
There is no breeze blowing, but a chill runs through Spider regardless. Everyone else must feel the mood shift as well, because Lo’ak glares fiercely at Aonung and Tsireya shoves him hard enough to send him rocking back a little. 
“You don’t have to answer that,” Kiri assures, putting a hand on his back. 
But they all know he does. The berries give him no other option. He bites his lip again, tries to think of anything else. But the words are already fizzing like bubbles in his chest and up his throat.
“They tortured me for information. There was this machine that could read my thoughts.” Even as he speaks, his own internal monologue screams at him to stop talking, shut it down, bite through your own tongue if you have to! “It was like tsaheylu, but technology.” 
“Spider…” Neteyam whispers. Spider talks right over him.
“It felt like lightning in my head…it…fuck.” Spider digs his fingers into his scalp, almost as if he’s trying to dig through his skull and tear the words out before he says them. “It was like my brain was being clawed apart.”
“And did you tell them anything?” Aonung asks, so invested in the conversation now that he leans forward.
Spider clenches his teeth, shakes his head vehemently. He hunches over himself with a groan of effort. 
“That’s enough!” Lo’ak’s snaps. 
Whether he’s yelling at Aonung or Spider is unclear, and it doesn’t really matter as the words continue to stream out of Spider’s mouth, raw and painful. “I didn’t say a word! They tried to get me to tell them where Jake was hiding, where the Omaticaya set up camp, but I gave them nothing.”
Tears have started welling up in Kiri’s eyes. “Spider, stop,” She begs, but he can’t. He sends her a desperate look. Now that he’s started, it’s like the berries have taken over his entire voice box.
“I’d never give you guys up. Even though it felt like I was dying—” Neteyam lunges and claps one hand around the back of Spider’s head and the other over Spider’s mouth in an attempt to shut him up. But it’s useless, because Spider’s wearing a mask and Neteyam’s palm only makes a tiny thunk as it collides with the glass. His next words aren’t even muffled. “Sometimes I wish I had.” 
As if the berries have decided that’s enough torment for now, he finally stops speaking. His mouth snaps shut of its own accord, and no more secrets fight against him to come flooding out. Tears stream down Kiri’s face, and Tsireya looks not too far off from the same. Lo’ak’s expression is stormy, his shoulders trembling with repressed fury. Roxto looks nauseous, and Aonung sits back, pleased with himself. Spider just feels exhausted, mortified at what he’s just revealed. It’s not the same, but it still feels like the neuroscanner all over again.
Slowly, Neteyam drops his hands to his side. That’s the only out Spider needs. Without another word, without giving any of them another chance to make him word-vomit all over himself, he jumps to his feet and backs away from the group. 
“Wait—” Kiri starts to say, but Spider isn’t up for whatever apologies she’s going to offer.
He takes off down the beach before any of them can see his own tears fall. 
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mochalottie · 1 year
Spider is the equivalent of a Disney princess with Kiri. He gets the kidnapped and enslaved part(prisoner of war counts right?) While she gets all the fun parts of talking to animals and having magic hair/magic.
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Mate I love how your brain works yesssss.
Spider's gonna get all the angsty bits and Kiri will be able to frolic in the sea. Love it.
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theloveinc · 1 year
omg katuski as kendall…so true bestie…anyways i like to imagine aside from looks reader is actually really good at their job which inturn makes them EVEN MORE SEXY TO THE OFFICE!!!
(succession!au tag - here!)
do notttt make me turn this into a post abt character x smart!reader bc that's my whole fucking life and i'll die defending it before i die doing anything else. on god.
but anyway, in the succession!au too?? *starts foaming at the mouth and spitting*
LIKE, they're almost all fucking nepo babies of SOME sort, cuz even the ones with more humble beginnings (like Kiri and Deku) never had to work that hard w/ Bakugo and All Might by their sides, helping to both teach them abt business AND offer them fancy jobs...
so meeting someone (Y-O-U) who actually labored for what they have? and truly earned their position w/ hard work and genuine smarts???
ooooh it's so sexy to them, especially since you can see right through almost all of their shit and don't give into their stupid requests and business moves just bc you wanna be in their favor or suck dick for a better position.
(let it be known that Deku has fumbled a few good deals letting a new recruit make decisions on his behalf just because he wanted to get in their pants... a fact that never fails to make bakugo smug asf LOL)
But there you are, working hard + minding your business AND THEY LOVE IT; love when you charge into meetings and assert your points, or fight back when you think a plan is stupid, even if that plan is All Might's or Bakugo's... you actually care about the company and they can tell.
...which is why you end up getting invited to all the foreign business meetings where the boys drool over your nice, revealing vacation clothes at the same you negotiate business...
and if your blatant denial of their interest in you and focus on your work makes them all the more horny? THAT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS.
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 3 months
My lovely Patchy!
I approach you from my new blog to request a fun beach day/summer mood board for KiriBakuZi if you would be so kind :3c
Pretty please include yourself and Sero~
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Oh Yezi, what can I say that hasn't already been discussed with you over this?? Perhaps I can just pin-point the conversation here, that way we'll always have a record of it~ 😉💛
If it's a group outing - you best believe the entire squad will be joining you; myself included as a plus 1 to Sero 😏. So you'll have a fair few people to spend your day with; which means it'll never be a dull moment!
Tons of activities planned. From surfing, to water gun fights, to that fun wrestling game where you carry someone on your shoulders (you know the one I'm talking about!) And, of course, when you're all tuckered out and just wanna relax in the sun, there will be some playing in the sand!
Bakugou better beware cause if he falls asleep, he's gonna get buried~
If its just the three of you, expect it to be a more chill time! Maybe bring a book or two, as Kirishima will wanna catch some waves and swim and Bakugou will just want to keep an eye on you.
So, be careful, cause if you wander too far he may carry you back - or use a lame excuse (like needing your help to put sunscreen on his back) to get you to stop chatting with strangers.
Speaking of sunscreen.... you won't have to worry about Bakugou, but try and find Kirishima as often as you can! If you don't... his skin will match his hair!
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Also also! Please enjoy your moodboard! 😊💛
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come join my beach party~ 🔮
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faragonart · 1 year
I absolutely love your Au Ra boys. I just found them 5mins ago and I would protect them with my life. (I'm also fixated on my Au Ra/Highlander girl so I get you)
Awww wehhh!! Thank you so much! I'm glad you are enjoying them!! @pali-himbo would also be excited to hear this, hehe~
We have an entire journey between us about these two and others as well (and too many AUs...), and I really wanna share it all on here, or at least as much as I can! We love our blorbos... so much... maybe too much... BUT I'm glad that people here understand... the GRIP our WoLs have on all of us... (I honestly really enjoy seeing people enjoying their own WoLs as well it's so FUN!!)
Here have an old dooble I did of the two~
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c-kiddo · 2 years
I have NEVER seen the nein look so guilty and regretful as the time they made pumat upset and stressed. They were broken hearted about it. also no lie i would have lost my shit if a grown kiri showed up as a PC.
naur yea 😭 they looked like they were going to throw up . these guys especially...... the (gonzo themuppets voice) Guilt .
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dirtbra1n · 7 months
heyo dirtbrain I got two for you for that ship ask game. first is wangxian. second is zhongli & childe bc i know nothing abt genshin impact and also bc the opinions i do have kind of relate to both of these asks which is fun
hello kiri Really tickled by your second selection here. I will try to be brief, (1/137)
literally every single time I think about mdzs I have this constant incessant need to say out loud I DO LIKE WANGXIAN. to my ghost audience. because I really really do. but I’m not Compelled. there are things that compel me and wangxian’s not doing much of any of it. it’s all there already….. which is . where’s the fun in that for me…….. granted though I still haven’t read the properly localized novels yet. started reading the first one the other day but it’s at the bottom of the priority list I guess you could add this one. because there are other more pressing issues at hand. I guess it’s. I’m a terrible marriage (complicated definition) fan and wangxian are so Regular marriage. good for them! but come on guys…..
Also colored in large part probably by the way mdzs fandom was in like 2019/20 and the shredding of lan zhan’s character . different rabbithole different day I hope it’s gotten better in the time I’ve been away . I do still miss my friend wei wuxian though They could never make me hate you king…….
zhongli childe genshin impact though Ha ha. ohhh man.
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boring people yaoi is the worlds most egregious crime to me and I’m NOT kidding. I think I’ve mentioned to you kiri my extensive personal genshin mindpalace. and these two are both in there as two of four major players. probably also mentioned the debaucherous tilt this entire mindpalace has happening.
the point I’m not getting at here but am steering towards anyway is that childe knows that zhongli has the power to crush him and the earth he stands on with a lifted pinky and is so into it because he’s a violence freak. and so he’s constantly trying to push zhongli’s buttons, trying to see if he can move the mountain if he just shoves hard enough, shoves in the right way, at the right time. not that there’s not also like. resentment. some complicated feelings bubbling. I wouldn’t care at all if there wasn’t. mindpalace wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t. another rabbithole for another day.
anyway zhongli feels far too old for this. consciously. he feels too old for this consciously I don’t think the boring yaoi people are wrong on principle when they put that old man in Situations. I do so myself. they’re just wrong because they’re not putting enough struggle into it. because I think that zhongli knows what childe’s after and is determined not to give him anything. and yet simultaneously will see him in the right lighting or covered in gore and think I want to eat him. no quicker way to feel your age. he was a martial god, you know. it’s not that he’s averse to violence or the eroticism of it on principle you can’t be a martial god who is Normal about violence. but if you see this twenty-something human being who is trying to rile you up, trying to get you where he wants you, and you let him… you have to be a much kinder, more feeble minded man than zhongli. work harder, gongzi. try harder.
he’s also just not immune to it is the thing. pride be damned the actual thing stopping him is probably the ‘feeling like a cradle robber’ thing
all that said on this topic I’m citing one of my favorite tweets ever
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dhpbackrooms · 5 months
Can I have a permit to sell permits?
Sadly I don’t think I can do that but if you want to go ask someone, you can go to @hermit-permits for this?
Apologies about this
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sully family doing jigsaw puzzles whos the mean one and who’s afraid of them
Oh bestie what a question. Very specific as well.
I’m thinking that Neytiri doesn’t have the patience for puzzles often. Jake never does, but he will humor the children. They’re often just too busy and active, and if they are sitting down as a family Neytiri would rather knit and Jake would rather play Candy Crush. Obviously Lo’ak has no puzzle attention span, but Kiri loves them. She always has one going on the kitchen table, she likes to play music or an audiobook and be in a puzzle vibe. I think Neteyam and her spend whole afternoons on books, tea, and coffee. Jake loves those afternoons because sometimes he just needs a Candy Crush day on the couch while he listens to their audiobook and quiet conversation. Neytiri will bake when those days happen, and everything is quiet and calm until those absolute cretins Spider, Lo’ak, and Tuk come in and decide to try and help. Vibes ~destroyed~ entirely because for some reason they cannot do a puzzle right in Kiri and Neteyam’s eyes.
Neteyam can keep this to himself, he just goes “good job Tuk!” while his eye twitches as she tries to put two entirely different shades of green together. Spider is actually trying but he’s always somehow picking up the piece Kiri just tried and doing the same thing she just did with it and it makes her want to die. Lo’ak does it on purpose, he takes two puzzle pieces that are so polar opposite they might as well be magnetically opposed and forcing them together in front of Neteyam and Kiri until Neteyam develops a permanent twitch and Kiri flips shit and he’s banned to go play Candy Crush with Jake. Eventually Jake, Spider, Tuk, and Lo’ak start a rival Mario Kart tournament and claim it is their relaxing afternoon vibe instead, but is is so cutthroat that Neytiri almost had to give Jake a timeout for celebrating too hard one time. Instead she just joined and beat him.
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ao3dorian-gay · 7 months
some (spoilery, messy) sketches for my fic
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stanleyparableama · 2 years
Kiri, make The Parable into a crappy mobile game with fake ads that're cliche and stupid
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"making people mad will be my priority"
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
why are you upset nova? kiri, jester and beau is so cute tho /gen
upset in a good way! upset like i can't believe they are so goddamn cute. fuck i love them so much! ukno?
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