#moaning about the Bobby focus when he’s one of the mains and making his story about other characters
daisysmalia · 4 months
That TikToker who recently started watching the show has the worst takes and yet all I see is people hyping them up on there and their twitter. Like why.
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iheartgrayson · 5 years
redwood camp | grayson dolan
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"I don't have a good feeling for what we are about to do." 
"Babe, that's what you are saying for the past twenty four hours. Please, say something else." Grayson plead his longtime girlfriend as he tried to settle the trunk, their new bed.
"Well, I'm repeating myself because you don't seem to listen to me." Y/N scoffed at his answer while also rolling her eyes. 
"Sorry, but I do listen to you. I'm just ignoring your shane thoughts. I mean what can I possibly happen here?" He showed the place around and Y/N followed with her eyes his hands. "We will be just fine. I know the camp seems creepy but that's the spirit. Tomorrow is Halloween, it's supposed to be creepy."
Y/N sighed loudly as she fell on the bed with a big thumb too tired to argue with Grayson even more. You see, she had already agreed to come to this camp and oh look they were already here so there was nothing she could do to change it.
Grayson's all time favorite season is Halloween. Everybody knows that by now. So for this year he thought that it would be a great idea to go this closed camp that he found and stay there for at least two days so he could be all this creepy and spooky Halloween vibe because the freaking camp had not be opened since 1984 after a killing spree that happened then. 
So, he and Ethan along with Kyle took their girlfriends and packed their things and traveled there. The boys were thrilled opposite the girls that had each one a bad feeling lacking through their entire system. But, here they are.
Y/N came here for three main reasons; First, Grayson loved like we already said Halloween and she couldn't bring herself to say no to him. Secondly, it was the first thing both twins wanted to do after they decided to make a new chapter to their lives and Y/N supported them no matter what. And last but not least, she loved Grayson with her whole heart and seeing him happy made her whole heart dance like crazy.
Grayson walked in front of her and moved her fallen hair out of her beautiful face while he picked his nose. "Cheer up a bit, pumpkin. You will love it, I know."
"I'm just scared. That's all." She admitted and placed hands on top of his. 
"Well, I'm excited to do other things. I can't fucking wait." Grayson lowered his voice sexually while he climbed the trunk and pushed Y/N on her back while they both laughed like stupid teenagers in love.
Their lips touched and started moving together until someone cleared their throat and separated the young couple. Y/N and Grayson looked up to see Ethan standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest and with an annoyed looking plastered on his face. "What do you want Ethan?"
"I was just checking on you and came to see if you need help." He started and raised one eyebrow like a diva. "But I see you are totally good and settle. It's too early for those activities."
"First of all, I'm the survivor king around here so it's the other way around. And secondly, it's never too early for those activities. And don't have that look on your face like you don't have sex with Ivy. We can hear you loud and clear every night." Grayson argued back and stood back on his feet.
"Fuck you." Ethan exclaimed with a fake smile on his face. "Ivy is on her period so fuck you."
"We will. And it's not really our fault." Grayson laughed while Y/N smacked his bicep. 
"I will go and see if Kyle needs help. He has camera skills but not freaking survival ones." Ethan said then and walked to where Kyle parked his trunk.
They all decided to park couple miles away from each other to give privacy to each other and in case someone wanted to fuck like it was previously stated. They had a rope tangled on the trees so they knew where exactly the trunks were parked.
"Where were we?" Grayson turned his attention back to Y/N but he was interrupted by his twin again.
"Oh, I forgot. Campfire by eight." Ethan shouted and earned a growl from Grayson, because he fucking knew it since they already discussed the subject, and that earned his the middle finger from Ethan.
"Leave him," Y/N grabbed Grayson by the collar of his shirt as she saw him getting angry with Ethan. "Now, give me a freaking kiss because I'm gonna die here."
Grayson's eyes were back on her while a devilish smirk appeared on his plump lips and climbed back on the trunk and on top of her body while his fingers traveled up and down her juicy body and his lips on top of hers, a moan leaving her throat.
"Babe…" She breathed and bit Grayson's bottom lip when she felt his warm fingers underneath her skirt and right on top of her soaking wet panties.
"Damn it Y/N. You're dripping baby and I didn't even do anything." It was true. grayson could make her go crazy without even touching her. With just a look of him and she was ready to be filled with his huge cock. "Should I touch you baby with my fingers?"
"Yes!" It was very demanding.
"You don't get to boss around young lady." Grayson whispered in her ear. "I'm the boss here. You do as I say and I do as I want." 
She was in another word. Her body was on fire and her pussy was pulsating for his dick or his fingers; she didn't care. And her mind could not focus on anything other than this. 
"Did you understand?" Grayson asked her while shoving two fingers right inside her; she didn't even feel him moving her panties to the side. She could feel his long digits perfectly inside her, her walls squishing around them that she believed she would break them. "Did you understand Y/N?" 
Y/N gasped when Grayson finally decided to move his fingers, hard and fast. "Yes, yes. I understand." 
"Good. That's my girl." He smiled and kissed her nose while he stopped his fingers and pulled them out. He smirked at her shocked and angry face as he licked clean them completely. 
"Why did you-" Y/N was going to scold him for leaving her hanging like that until her ears picked a noise. "What was that?" She turned her head to the direction she heard it coming from.
"What was what?"
"I think I heard something Gray." Y/N looked at him and then back to the long forest and the empty houses that had been abandoned for thirty years. 
"Y/N you start getting delusional. It was probably the guys." He tried to reasoned her.
"But it was so strange baby."
"Like what Y/N?"
"I don't know Grayson. But it was weird." She argued and Grayson rolled his eyes.
"It's okay baby." He played along with her. "Whatever it is you don't have to be scared because I'm here and I will save you from everything and everyone that wants to hurt you." He kissed her hands that took inside his and smiled sheepishly at her.
Y/N let a breath out but nodded her head at her boyfriend's sweet and caring words. She knew that he was not messing with her and he actually meant every single word but deep down she still had the foreign feeling about the place. After all, people had been killed here and that place smelled like rotten blood and flesh.
"Alright, alright. I trust you and I love you." She forced a smile on her face and kissed his lips. 
"Come on, let's go and start that campfire." He grabbed her hand and helped her down the truck.
"Put some more sticks so it would last all night." Kyle suggested as he turned to look at the boys who just sat down on the ground as they finally started a fucki g fire with a lot of a fucking effort. It was hard to start one and it was even more hard to start a fire while having Ethan next to your ear complaining non stop about everything and anything.
"We have more right there." Grayson breathed out as he tried to catch his breath and pointed somewhere for Kyle to see.
"I was right about the lighter. Next time listen to your order brother." Ethan complained and pointed his finger at Grayson.
"We agreed to do it the old fashion way, so I understand why you keep complaining about it when you agreed on the first place." Grayson tskd while cleaning his hands together and sitting properly. 
"Did you guys bring the food?" Ethan ignored his twin and turned them his attention, or better say complaints, to the females of the group. 
"Ethan, baby, please shut up!" Ivy told him with a straight face while she brought in front of his face the bag with the candy and marshmallows they brought for the campfire. Ethan took a look inside them and groaned. "What now?"
"Not those Ivy." He rolled his eyes. "The sandwiches with the dairy free cheese I made."
Ivy didn't say anything. No! She just took another bag and threw it straight to his face with a loud groan for him to hear and made the others laugh. Ethan looked at her with a serious look until he searched the bag and grabbed one of the two sandwiches and started eating.
"I think the fire is good enough, huh?" Kyle questioned and everyone nodded. He sat next to his girlfriend, Beth, and grabbed the sticks he sorted out for the marshmallows and started giving them out.
"Yeah, it will last for the night." Y/N agreed and fixed her costume. Yeah, costume.
 The six of them wore their Halloween costumes since it was going to be Halloween in couple hours and wanted to joined the spooky vibe. Everyone went by couple costume that year. Kyle and Beth were Woody and Jessie from Toy Story, Ethan and Ivy were Bobby Ross and one of his paintings and Grayson and Y/N were Steve and Robin from Stranger Things.
She fixed the hat that always seemed to fall from her curly hair and smiled as Grayson smiled at her and poked her nose. 
Everyone was enjoying the comfortable silence and each other's company until Ethan's mashing noises startled them and made them groan. He could be annoyed sometimes that someone could break a freaking vase on top of his head to make him stop. A real drama queen.
"Look, I feel it is the best time to start the stories, don't you think?" Y/N asked them as she ripped open the package with the marshmallows and after taking one she passed it across the group and placed it on the stick and then on the fire. "Who will start, huh?"
"I'll start, I'll start." Beth screamed like a small kid and made herself comfortable. "So, Two college roommates are in the same science class, and the big midterm is tomorrow morning. Marie wants to stay in and study, but Tara wants to go out and party with a cute guy from the lacrosse team. She leaves Marie to her studies. When she gets home very late that night, Marie is in bed and the lights are off. Tara goes to bed without turning the lights on, trying not to disturb her studious friend. In the morning, she goes to wake Marie so they won't be late for the test... but Marie's body lies stiff, and her bed is soaked in blood. On the wall above her, scrawled in blood, are the words "Aren't You Glad You Didn't Turn on the Light?"." 
Everyone stood there and listened to her story that wasn't even that scary but it was shocking a bit. "Listen, baby girl, it was a good one but not that spooky." Kyle told her truthfully while hugging her sideways.
"But it was a good one, good job Beth." Ivy stepped in once she took a glance at the girl's disappointed face who gave her a small smile and nodded her head.
"I'm next." Ethan cleaned his mouth and swallowed the big bite from his second sandwich, took a sip from his coca cola that he opened a bit ago, and started. " The story goes that if you look into a mirror in a darkened room and chant "Bloody Mary" three times, you'll see the ghostly visage of Bloody Mary herself staring back at you. That, or she'll pop out of the mirror and kill you."
He stopped his story and started laughing like a maniac because he was being the funny one out of the group but stopped when he noticed that no one but him was laughing at his side joke. "what?"
"Really Ethan?" Ivy asked him.
"You're such an asshole." Grayson said and threw a small rock at his brother whom caught him off guard.
"It was a good one but you are too small heads to like my jokes."
"Let's give Ethan and his jokes a break and let me start the real spooky and terrifying story here." Grayson suggested. He ate the marshmallow and after galping he cleared his throat. "The story is about the camp."
"Which camp? This one camp that we are here right now?" Y/N questioned him with wide eyes and her mouth opened. She was scared about the place and now she was going to shit her pants, or probably her skirt, because she knew that whatever Grayson was going to say it would be true. Redwood Camp was very popular about the killings that once happened but truth waa she never actually heard or read the story.
"No, the summer camp we used to go as kids." Ethan sassed and earned a hard glare from Y/N and another one from Ivy.
"Yes, Y/N. This one that we're staying tonight." Grayson said and grabbed another marshmallow for the fire. "So, almost fifty years ago this camp, Redwood Camp, was a beautiful and nice place for kids to come on summer and enjoy their days. Everything was perfectly normal except one day that everything happened."
"Are you going to keep that stupid voice for the rest of the story?" Ethan asked referring to the deep voice that Grayson used and tried to terrify the others but to the older twin it was ridiculous.
"Oh my God! Fuck you Ethan!" Grayson irritated stated and made the others laugh. "Where were we? Oh, yeah. So, that night everyone was asleep but the very annoying jingling of keys disturbed their sleeping and got them all confused but at the same time scared."
"Well, I would be annoyed as fuck. I need my beauty sleep." Ethan interrupted once again and this time a hard slap on his head made him searched to his girlfriend's eyes. "Why?"
"Well, you're being an annoyed fucking asshole. Next time it would be in the freaking nuts Ethan." From the hard look and the promise she gave him, Ethan knew better than to mess amother time with them. 
"Gray, continue please." Beth spoke after a while.
"So, the jingling got louder and louder than until a figure started stabbing them to death. Every single soul in the camp and as a trophy he chopped off the ear of each victim and made a big necklace out of them." It was a very good and scary story.
"Is this like real?" Kyle asked with raised eyebrows, clearly not believing not a single word.
"Totally, I read the newspapers. And that's not even the scary part."
"What is it?"
"The guy that got arrested for that was not even the real criminal. Fourteen years later, the camp reopened by the real criminal, who was a woman, and killed every again including the fake killer." 
"Shit, I just shit my pants." Y/N let a breath she was holding and grabbed his bicep and brought him closer to her. "And now you want us to stay and sleep here in this motherfucking camp where a freaking serial killer was."
"Sweetheart, that killer was here like thirty five years ago. She got arrested and eventually I think she killed herself. I'm not sure. There has not been a record of killings here because simply the camp wasn't opened since then." Grayson explained and he hugged her body cllse to his in order to soothe her nerves.
"And how did we exactly manage to stay here overnight? I mean that shit is close, like you said." 
"Because it's open for the audience. I read that some others campers staued here too over the years and everyone was absolutely just fine." Ethan stepped in, helping his brother since both of them found the abandoned camp and decided to come here.
"Perfect, if it wasn't my love for you, you would be here all alone." Y/N clarified and pecked Grayson's lips and a small moan left his throat, one that only she could hear. She side smiled.
Y/N took out her phone and checked the time. "Guys, I want to go on a walk with my Gray bear so get up!" She stood on her feet and gave her hand to Grayson who immediately took it and smiled widely.
"Yeah, Gray bear, go!" Ethan and Kyle teased and Grayson rolled his eyes and ignored them while he walked off with his girlfriend. Y/N was all smiles because she was not actually in the mood to go on a walk but she wanted some alone time with him, especially since she was way too horny right now and she wanted to take her mind away from the fact that this place was a graveyard, no joke.
The other two couples did the same, copying them despite the fact that they were laughing at them earlier.
Y/N and Grayson were walking hand by hand, enjoying the comfortable silence, before she pushed him in the bear by tree and smacked her lips to his pump and puffy lips. She was pushing her tongue inside his mouth being dominant before Grayson could even process what was happening.
The moment the pieces clicked together, Grayson grabbed Y/N by her waist and pushed her smaller body closer to his larger one and let her have the control she longed for.
She smiled and bit his bottom lip which made Gray groan and also made him gusp loud when her hand touch his dick from top of his pants and palmed him fast. "Oh my God, Y/N, slo- slow down." He laughed and she immediately slowed down the pace.
"Can't help it. I need you." She left small and wet kisses along his jawline and then traveled to his ear and whispered, "you make me so wet baby boy. Dripping wet."
Grayson was about to touch her, to make sure she was actually telling the truth but she stopped him. "No, no. You don't decide what's happening here."
He looked down at her, taking couple seconds to process but smirked and nodded his head. "Sure, momma."
Y/N pleased his answer turned her body and pressed her ass straight to his dick, that was hard- rock hard-, and started moving it up and down as Grayson placed his hands on her love handles moaning and groaning. "Oh shit, oh shit." 
You could hear Grayson's desperate moans clear and loud, besides Grayson was a loud bitch and was not ashamed of that, and if the guys could hear them they would knew what was happening.
Y/N moved her hands underneath her panties and immediately started cycling her aching clit; close eyes, open mouth, hands moving in circles along with her ass. "Mmm, I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna…" She was there within milliseconds; their earlier encounter helped a lot.
She moaned, filling Grayson's ears with her sweet voice and stopped moving leaving him hanging. "Why did you stop?" He complained and opened his eyes to see her coming down from her high.
"I wanted to feel you inside me and maybe let you cum too, but if you don't want-" 
"No, I do. It's a perfect idea." Grayson cut her off and after he grabbed her hand, they started running behind his trunk or their bes for the night. Things would be way more comfortable there, that was for sure.
He was rocking hard. He wouldn't last long and he wanted to be buried deep inside Y/N, and by the way there weren't many times that she let him cum inside so he wouldn't miss an opportunity like that, and make her scream his name loud so the others could hear.
By the time they reached the trunk, Y/N had already smacked her lips with Grayson's and pushed his body on the back of the trunk. "You're really eager baby. And imagine you already had an orgasm." He teased her with a side smirk. His body went completely limp and he let her do whatever she wanted.
"Shut up Gray." She giggled and pulled his pants down along with his boxers. Grayson let a frustrating sigh feeling free after a lot of pressuring time and. His hard as rock cock hit his stomach and the precum leaked through the red tip.
"Y/N, love, if you can not see it by now, I'm kind of dying here." The words left his mouth through gritted teeth after Y/N didn't touch him for quite time. "Please, do something."
"Ah, finally!" Her pointer finger run along his lips and jaw. "I heard you beg for one time." 
Her giggling remind one of those of children which made Grayson smile despite the fact that he wanted to push her down and fuck her senseless. "Yeah, okay, now please do something, anything."
"Alright, alright." She assured him and her right hand traveled down his body and took his cock in her small palm and started stroking him, his leaking precum helping a bit but Grayson liked it kind of rough too, he was moaning like a mad man. "Does it feel good baby?"
"Yes… Yes." He breathed. He swallowed and stopped her movements with his own hand. Y/N looked up and met his eyes with a questioning look. "If you keep doing that I won't last." 
"Okay." She simply nodded her head. She let go of his cock and pulled her panties off the skirt of the costume and moved her body on top of Grayson's and smiled cheekily at him. "I will ride you like there's no tomorrow. I will rock your world."
"Do that babe." He grinned and placed his palm in her cheek and caressed it. He was so in love with her that he didn't need anyone else right now. Y/N went to pull of the hat of her costume, since it was bothering her, but Grayson stopped her. "Keep that. It looks hot on you."
"Sure, but let pull of yours. You look ridiculous on that." They both laughed and Y/N took the hat off and threw it somewhere on the truck. She leaned down and kissed Grayson on the lips; their lips connected so good, so perfect. Moved her body up and aligned Grayson's dick in her entrance.
Her dripping juices helping her place him inside her pussy without a problem; they both moaned, loud.
Grayson rolled his eyes on the back of his skull as Y/N closed her eyes tight. 
It was euphoric. It was electricity. They clicked together like two missing puzzles. They were made for each other, their bodies were made to only fit for each other and no one else. 
"Jesus, Y/N, you're so tight." Grayson furrowed his eyebrows as he let her take over the control of his body making feel like he was on cloud nine.
"Just for you baby. Ugh, I know i say this a lot but you're freaking big." 
Encouraging and complimenting each other was what they always did to make each other feel comfortable with their bodies. It was a way to work stereotypes.
"Keep going, keep going. I'm gonna cum soon." He confessed and the grip he had on her waist tighten. Y/N placed her hands on his broad chest to balance herself and picked up the rhythm, trying to make her boyfriend cum.
"And you will cum deep inside my pussy baby. You're gonna fill me so good I will never want to open my legs and let your cum run down my thighs." She whispered in his ear and you could hear Grayson's breath caught in his throat.
"Oh shit!" He moaned, stopped her movements on top of him, curled his toes and held her down on his as Grayson finally reached his high. His eyes rolled back and his mouth opened in a 'o' shape. 
Y/N smiled widely at his expression, happy to see that she was the reason why Grayson felt so euphoric at the moment. She could feel his cum inside her pulsating and warm walls and she could help but touch her clit, to reach her own high.
But Grayson's strong hands grabbed her own and it made her look up at him silently questioning him. "It's my job to make you cum." He simply stated with his masculine deep voice that made her heart and tights tremble. "I'm gonna eat the life out of you, got it?"
Y/N nodded her head, eyes wide with love and desire and her pussy throbbing for the promised orgasm. "Do that babe." She nodded her head again and leaned to kiss his lips. Grayson kissed her back and suddenly his fist caught around her hair and pulled her away from him. He forced his body to get up all while his dick was softening inside her pussy.
With a quick move he turned their bodies so he was hovering Y/N this time. They giggled like little teenagers and make out a bit as Grayson's fingers went from touching her tights to her aching pussy. She moaned inside his mouth and Grayson smirked proudly. "F..fuck babyyy."
His hands found her breasts, and his fingers coaxed her nipples to hard little nubs again, and they ached with every pinch.  Her clit began to throb, and she thrusting her hips with the arousal that was building again inside of her.
“What do you want, my love?” he asked.  She licked her lips and motioned downward with her eyes.
“Taste me,” I said. Grayson smiled and licked his lips and leaned forward. Her clit was so engorged it peeked out above the folds of her pussy, and he exhaled a hot breath on it and Y/N gasped at how good it felt.
And then his hot breath was replaced by his warm, wet tongue.  He swirled it in little circles down one side of her pussy and then up the other, never quite dipping it inside her but hard enough that the pressure of every swirl made its way right to her clit.
Y/N moaned as she ground her pussy against Grayson's mouth. She wanted to feel his soft, wet lips encircle her clit. She wanted him to suck it into his mouth while he flicked at it with the tip of his tongue. She wanted to feel the wetness of another orgasm drench his lips and chin this time instead of her panties or her fingers. 
She looked down and pleaded with her eyes for him to make her come. Grayson smiled and kept eye contact with his love, and then plunged his tongue inside her and lapped up her sweet juices and then slid his tongue up to flick at her clit. Y/N was riding on the edge of another orgasm, and he was making her ride it, making her squirm. Her legs tingled and twitched as he took her close and then backed her away.  He was teasing her now as she had teased him, and each tiny flick of his pointed tongue sent a blissful jolt of ecstasy inside her that gradually filled her to overflowing.
“Yes, baby,” Y/N said. Her voice was hoarse from gasping.  “Please play me, please make me come.”
"Ah, but we cannot have that yet, pumpkin,” he answered.  He stopped the wonderful tonguing he had been giving her and replaced his mouth with one of his long fingers.  He slid it inside her and Y/N clenched her pussy around it, and that made him smile.  He curled it upward and found her g-spot and she gasped.
Y/N threw her head back and moaned, and he lowered his mouth again to blow warm breaths against her pulsing clit.  First, it was one finger massaging that spot, then two. Her mind floated away as his fingers coaxed pleasure from her that she never had known. Her body quivered and she arched her back to feel the palm of his hand push against her clit.
Y/N lay back on the trunk and let her hands roam her body. Grayson licked her pussy from bottom to top, his tongue stopping to circle her swollen clit with every lick. She spread her legs wider to invite him in completely, to open herself to whatever new pleasure he wanted to give his girlfriend. She was at that place of beautiful torture, stuck between wanting the arousal to last forever and the wanting to feel her body release the pleasure he was storing in her, but knowing she couldn’t have both.
But he didn’t give her any choice as he pulled her clit inside his mouth and suckled on it. Y/N lost control as she felt wave after wave of pure bliss pulse up her legs and through her body. She thrust her pussy against Grayson's mouth with each suck on her clit. The sweet, sensual music of her orgasm filled the whole empty camp, echoing for sure.
Y/N looked down and their eyes met, and she could feel his lips form a smile against her pussy. Grayson lifted his head and she saw his lips and chin were wet with her juices, and she smiled back.
Grayson moved again towards her mouth and kissed her deeply, she could taste her own self and moaned. "That was so incredible. I love you Gray bear." She stated and pecked his lips again.
Grayson cleaned his chin with his hand and licked it clean before pecking again her lips. "I love you too baby girl. I just wanted to take all the tense that built inside you from all day." He replied and lay beside her already exhausted from their wild activities.
"Yeah that was a good idea." She nodded her head and stopped talking enjoying the silence as they reunited their hands together.
That was until a loud scream startled them. They both stood up and looked around the dark forest trying to understand from where the noise was coming. "What the hell was that?" Y/N asked as she grabbed her panties, she thankfully found fast, and got up.
Grayson followed her movements, doing the same. "I don't fucking know. It sounded like-"
"A blood killing scream." She finished for him.
"And it sounded like Ethan. I mean I know my twin's scream. Let's go look. Probably it is a snake and it bit him, right?" He turned to look at y/N and she raised her shoulders.
"Yeah… Probably." 
They both started walking, opening the flash from their phones, to the direction of the scream. It was not far away but it felt like it from the luck of light. 
Suddenly a smell hit them. It was unfamiliar at first but slowly it clicked. "Is that… blood that I smell?" Y/N asked and Grayson told her to stop talking with his finger on his mouth.
They stopped behind a tree. That was it. That was when Y/N lost it. She screamed extremely loud; and it was not that kind of a scream that you usually wanted to hear from a girl. Grayson turned to look at her, to see what's wrong, and when his eyes followed where she was looking he flipped too.
"What the fucking fuck?" He whispered shouted as he faced an ear. A human ear sticked to the wood of the tree. 
"An ear. It's a fucking ear Grayson."
"I can see that Y/N."
"And oh my God, is that Ethan's earring? Oh bloody hell, it's Ethan's ear. Grayson its Ethan's ear. Why is his ear right on the freaking tree?" She was yelling now.
Grayson's eyes met hers. "And why should i fucking know?"
"I swear to God, Grayson, if that is a fucking joke-"
"What do you mean?"
"It's halloween asshole, and if you just wanted to scare me, do something like a freaking trick or because I didn't want to come here to that fucking camp I swear to God I'm gonna chop off your dick." She threatened him.
"Y/N, calm down. I never planned something like. I never wanted to scare you. Just spend the Halloween night to a scary camp." Grayson replied clearly frightened, much like her.
"Then someone is clearly fucking with us. I mean it's probably Ethan because that ear here is just like the fucking story you were telling us earlier about this motherfucking camp." 
"Let's go and searched for them and let me tell you that Ethan would be dead by the time I will catch him in my hands." Grayson promised her as he grabbed with force her hand and made her walk close by his side.
But Grayson couldn't keep his promise. Why? Because Ethan was already dead. Everyone was. Ivy. Kyle. Beth.
They were all dead. With sliced throats, opened stomachs and one ear cut off. The scene was so disturbing and disgusting. 
Y/N walled to the side and threw up while Grayson was stuck there unable to move from the scene. This was a freaking joke. "What the? Ethan if you are messing with us, you won bro. I fucking peed my pants. Come on get up now." 
"I don't think that's a joke Gray." Y/N told him as she cleaned her mouth. "There's someone here, in this fucking graveyard of a camp with us who killed our friends just like the way it happened thirty five years ago."
"But who would have know we were here? And who the fuck would still being doing that? The killer is dead, there's no way that it was her."
"Maybe her kid did didn't or a lunatic that admired her work and wanted to do what she did." Y/N snapped. "We're gonna die here. We will be dead and I'm only twenty. We're too young to die Grayson."
Grayson walked closed to her and hugged her to his body. "No one is going to kill you. I will protect you because you're my life."
It was the last words Grayson said before a knife was forced into his body. Y/N screamed and watched as Grayson's body fell lifeless to the ground with a loud thumb. Her watered eyes looked up to the killer who wore a mask as they chopped of his ear with the dangling earring that she so loved at him.
Her heart was thumping fast, it could fly out of her body, and the tears were running fast down her cheeks. She fell to the ground next to her now dead boyfriend and shook him. She didn't care that the killer was next to her, she didn't care that she would be most definitely dead in couple seconds.
"Gray, Gray." She cried his name, believing that if she called out his name he would magically wake up. Or perhaps that it was a freaking joke and that he lied about it and that he was alive. "please, wake up."
"He's not coming back darling." the killer said, their voice unrecognizable behind the mask. "But don't worry. You will be joining him soon."
Everything went black in the blinking of the eye.
What an incredible and fantastic Halloween night. Right? Someone chose the trick for them and it was definitely spooky shaking.
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andymull · 4 years
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Brock Lesnar (c) vs Drew McIntyre: WWE Championship Match
I really really feel for Drew here, probably the most out of anyone on the show with the lack of an audience as well as the lack of crowds being able to watch in Scotland in bars at the Hooked On Wrestling events, as they would have been SUPERB for both atmosphere and something they would show constantly on tv after the win.
But no, sadly instead of holding this off till later in the year we still have to proceed and deal with it, gutted.
I feel this match could go 25 minutes long and be one of Brock’s longest matches for awhile, in them asking Brock to make Drew look THE STAR in beating him and beating him well. Plus, they cant have both this AND the Goldberg match go less than 5 minutes.....can they?
Wish they would have gone OTT with this and had it filmed at Lesnar’s ranch and be falls count anywhere, Drew turns up saying nothing will stop him from winning the title so he’s there to claim his prize on Brock’s turf. Then gone made fighting around the farm, oh well there’s other matches on this show that will seemingly be booked to shit.
Drew wins, they need to make sure he then moves into feuds with big names and wins clean each time to really invest it all into Drew and see what happens - MCINTYRE
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Goldberg (c) vs Braun Strowman: WWE Universal Championship Match
What is there to be said here, Roman had to drop out because they stupidly had him around sick people with his health past, they decide to replace him with Braun who last month lost his title to Sami Zayn, not to mention they didnt even announce it till Smackdown last night without even mentioning Reigns by name after having HHH announce earlier in the week it would be done in an interesting way.............
This should go short with ideally Braun going over, have Bill take the lead hitting all his offense, big spear then as he goes to lift him for the Jackhammer he cant lift him and Strowman bursts out of it hits his finish and pins him clean while in monster mode.
Braun starts the big push from nowhere while at the same time this leaves it open for Goldberg to potentially come back for a rematch, as he didnt have anytime to prepare for Strowman and his game-plan for the bout. Not that I want Bill always around the title scene when he turns up but if they can get Braun going over him clean twice it really helps out a current full time guy under contract WHAT A CLEVER IDEA THAT WOULD BE!!! lol - STROWMAN
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The Undertaker vs AJ Styles
I really have no desire to see Taker in a big singles match at Wrestlemania or any other big show ever again, let alone it being in a match with AJ who could have an awesome match with most others on the card. This match should really have turned into the OC vs Taker/Aleister Black if they HAD to go with these guys together, the rub that would have given Black would have been MASSIVE!! Imagine the innovative entrance they could have come up with for both guys together, truly letting Taker pass his aura across to someone new....just goosebumps thinking of how they would look....but nope.
Instead we end up with a feud built around shoot promos about Takers wife doing AJ’s Styles Clash finisher.....
The worst part is that I see Taker going over, not sure if it was confirmed but it was mentioned he’d have 2 others with him who most likely will turn the tide of the match, dont get your hopes up for Black here instead, im guessing its Kane and Big Show....seriously....please be wrong - UNDERTAKER
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John Cena vs The Fiend Bray Wyatt
I really wish if they are going to bring back guys who haven't been on the road full time then PLEASE bring them back with a solid storyline that makes sense and that’s been built up for awhile to make sense.....not this. Truthfully they need to build these matches with the sole purpose of having the other guys who could/should have been the spot to be able to turn around and say, ‘you know what, this makes alot of sense and will be great so I cant hold it against them and moan’. Honestly that’s all it needs.
And secondly they really are lucky there wont be a live audience there for the match, the cheers the Fiend would have received over Cena would have drove them wild in editing after trying to build Bray as the crazy heel.
After dropping the title Bray NEEDS the big win here to keep his aura something they can use well, the more they have him lose the quicker that appeal will drop, and for me with Wyatt that doesn't mean he can take loses as long as he isnt pinned like others can ANY loss hurts someone who can teleport (?!?!) - WYATT
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Edge vs Randy Orton: Last Man Standing
Edge is the guy in second place behind Drew for me feeling gutted there wont be an audience around for this, imagine coming back after years away and the thought you could never wrestle again through fear of dying then finding you CAN wrestle again.........only to be risking it all in an empty building.....FUCKS SAKE!
This should be great and given the time to have the emotional side of it pour out strong, we should be getting Edge taking a beating to the point that Beth will come out to support him then have her feelings develop to the point she will want him to stay down and stop the pain. Yeah this will be great - EDGE
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Becky Lynch (c) vs Shayna Baszler: Raw Women’s Championship Match
I dont think the result should be in question here, Shayna HAS to win and go on a dominant run with the belt, ideally booking Becky to come back in contention for SummerSlam to rematch.......sadly everything's in the air with the world.
For me, and remember those words, Becky’s reign has been abit of a meh fest in-ring, apart from the Sasha bouts, and the extra focus on her has highlighted her ring work which really isnt the strongest part of her game (Not saying she’s terrible at all, but could she please drop the awkward leg drop from the ropes lol). At the same time alot of that is down to how she’s booked as management seem to go on a few months run of wanting the women to be the main focus, then quickly changing their mind and dropping it back massively. Also, the lack of depth with the women’s division's is a problem with them being split over the shows, same with the men to a degree and is the reason we see feuds get dragged and dragged for months, with less women it means we hardly get anything that feels fresh which needs to be key - BASZLER
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Lacey Evans vs Sasha Banks vs Bayley (c) vs Tamina vs Naomi - Smackdown Women’s Championship Fatal 5 Way Match
What a mess this is, I have no desire to see Banks/Bayley again for at least another 5 years...........but id much prefer that to having Tamina suddenly dragged on tv and put into the title picture. I get that the roster like her and she’s probably a really nice person to be around and supports the other women massively when needed, but for a viewer she brings NOTHING and hasn't for YEARS, all she’s doing is taking up a roster spot that someone way more deserving could be in from NXT for example. And yes, ive seen the random accounts on Twitter hoping she wins the title............jeez
Wouldn't have a problem with any of the other women taking the win here, sucks that Dana had to pull out as she has really shown improvements the past few months and deserved her place here easily - BANKS 
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Rhea Ripley (c) vs Charlotte: NXT Women’s Championship Match
So we definitely are back to saying ‘women’s’ champion again are we? They dropped it the other month but seem to have quickly gone back to it.
Big match for NXT here getting a Mania slot, I really hope that Charlotte doesn't get the win and belt but her winning opens up more fresh options for the future on the women’s division on the show. As long as Charlotte doesn't keep doing her thing of wearing massive heels in-ring to show how much bigger she is to everyone else, for some random reason it annoys me and doesn't need to even be done.
I feel if Charlotte does win the title they will very quickly move another NXT star over to Raw/Smackdown to replace her or hype a new debut upto the draft which MAY be soon - CHARLOTTE
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Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins
The problem with having so many matches at Wrestlemania is that one like this goes so far under the radar its criminal, both guys are great and can pull out something special for the big show....not sure they get the time they will want even with a two night show. This feud will most likely continue so dont worry about who goes over - ROLLINS
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Sami Zayn (c) vs Daniel Bryan: Intercontinental Championship Match
Exactly the same as the match before and even more so, a quality match that probably wont get the most time but will be a really fun ride to be on - ZAYN
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Jimmy Uso vs John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston: Smackdown Tag Team Title Ladder Match
Yeah dont ask, they had to remove the Miz as he had Coronavirus symptoms but still wanted to do the ladder stipulation...
Honestly the tag division has to be up there for the most stale division in the company, similar to what I said about the women having the Uso’s and The New Day in a match in any combination is just soooooo over done.
Last month I predicted Morrison and Miz to retain and drop the titles tonight but now I hope they keep them, then drop them to Heavy Machinery as soon as they can - MORRISON
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The Street Profits (c) vs Austin Theory & Angel Garza: Raw Tag Team Championship Match
Love the SP’s but this really isnt needed in the slightest, I guess the next few matches will be exactly the same. - STREET PROFITS 
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Elias vs The Baron King
Exactly - Elias
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Aleister Black vs Bobby Lashley
Please have Black go over quick - BLACK
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Otis vs Dolph Ziggler
At last a match that deserves its spot on the card, a long term story that’s been developed well and is building to more with the stakes changed down the road. Easily an Otis win with Mandy ending up in his arms for the big smooch - OTIS
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The Kabuki Warriors (c) vs Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross: WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
Lets throw the titles we’ve forgotten about on the show too!! Feel for all the women that have been around the title scene here since the belts came into existence, so much promise over multiple brands that went NOWHERE! - CROSS/BLISS
Kick Off Matches
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Drew Gulak vs Cesaro
I think Gulak sneaks the win out with his TECHNIQUE!!! - GULAK
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Natalya vs Liv Morgan
I hope Liv picks up the win and they give her more tv time and focus, Nattie winning doesnt really do much for anyone apart from her - MORGAN 
2 nights, lots of matches, lots of things not needed get ready to be mildly hyped!!!
Bye for now
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