#mob boss verse — chem baroness of espionage .
ferinehuntressmoved · 6 months
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◈ @jynxd [ ⋯ ] Send “I’ve got you” .   ⸻ "I’ve got you” (for baroness?)
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 ⸻ [ S ] OMETIMES, AN EXECUTION WENT OFF WITHOUT a hitch, and sometimes they made it messy. The assassin had a high kill rate, good at her job, and never failed. She never missed. Even now, the body lay to ruin the streets of Zaun after the tussle. Course not every job is clean, but it doesn't mean it's not finished. An animal always fought back when placed against the wall; even a deer's hooves were as deadly as a tiger's claws. The Snow leopard never let her prey escape though, as she stepped through the doors of the cafe. Eyes shot up, a quick note that it was the Baroness, and instantly the barista at the counter calmed. The guards moved to stand but she lifted her hand, a shake of her head that she would be fine.
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Silence lingered as her deputy followed to the door and then to her place outside to allow the Baroness the time to clean herself. As silent as any predator, she walked into her bathroom and stared in the mirror. Her face was shadowed by the hood over head her, darkening her ocean blue eyes. Reaching up she pulled off the hood down, and then started to pull off the rest of her armor. It was only then when she hissed, pulling down the sleeve of her outfit that the wound was noticed among her body. Scars littered her skin like trophies, along her forearms, her back, and her legs. It never bothered her, but the pain annoyed the Baroness.
Just as she stripped down to nothing, she heard the voice behind her. "Little sapphire, did you come through my window?" Caitlyn huffed through tired lips, looking through the mirror at her. Jinx would notice the cut against her cheek, the blood trickling down like a candlewax painting. A gasp-like x adored her left arm and blood over her hands. "It's worse then it looks," Caitlyn tried to console the younger one, as she reached over to turn on her bathtub, running some hot water as she climbed in and sat down, clearly exhausted from her hunt. Thrilled, excited, but tired.
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movedtoferinehuntress · 8 months
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Caitlyn Kiramman (14) had been attacked and chased down the streets of Piltover til she got to the bridge, which she was thrown over. When she woke up, she was in the undercity, soaking wet and clueless of how she got there. Her memory was shaky and she had no idea how to return to Piltover, and a man by the name of Silco found her, leaving her at Babette's in the thought of using her.
However, after half a year of searching, Piltover told the Kiramman family to give up, and that she died at sea, as the last place the clues lead was the bridge that she fell to her death and drown with no body to recover. This left Caitlyn broken, abandoned by the city she thought would find her one day (Unaware that her family did keep searching for years despite publically accepting this death claim). With that, she gave up on Piltover and embraced Zaun. She started to learn how to be violent, using her confidence and skills with a knife while learning the darker side she had: She was good at hiding in shadows and using it to her skill. At the age of 14, Caitlyn met an assassin, and started to train with them, developing her skills and abilities. She had to learn to defend ehrself in ways and this was one of the things she found herself skilled with. She didn't new brute strength but finesse and timing.
When she turned 20, she started her own business, built from the ground up and becoming her own made Chem Baroness. People feared her, not just for her assassin skills and contracts, but the fact that she had gained the loyalty from many people due to her style of leadership. She has opened multiple businesses, including a restaurant, brothel house, and a small cafe bar, all for the pleasures of Piltover brought to Zaun. She is known for giving the best Piltovan experience money can buy without having to be overpriced or under impressed. But, while the cafe, named Cupcakes and Cappuccino, does sell pastries and drinks and liquor, its all a front. Her real business comes from her deals behind doors. She is a highly adept smuggler (plenty of lessons from Piltover she uses to her advantage) but also her use of contracts. It can be contracts to use her assassins, or to smuggle something whether it be Noxian liquor or Piltover sweets, she can get her hand on almost anything due to her connections in Piltover (with manipulation and influence of her contracts). They do not know her as Caitlyn in Piltover anymore, those she works with she takes the name "Cira Ketamine" and they never see her face. If she does go topside, she wears a wig to ensure that no one knows who she actually is.
Caitlyn considers herself a true neutral Chem Baroness, she does not want much territory and she is not looking for power. All she cares about is running her business, providing services to Zaun while also protecting the people of her territory.
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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  ◈  ⇢  @jynxd  ⋯  DND 5e SKILLS STARTERS .      ❝ D20 roll = 15 . Jinx successful infultrates a sweet shoppe and steals some sweeties . ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱  𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐱'𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐡𝐞  found herself comforted by her presence. They moved into the streets of Zaun, shifting and curving around as Caitlyn pulled her hood over her head more. It still felt surreal, wearing Zaunite clothing when she had always worn Piltovan garbs. The dark material clung to her body and made her blend easier into the shadows and people didn't look at her as intensely as before. "Jinx, where are we going?" She questioned, as she paused and suddenly Jinx was climbing up a ladder.
 With her height, she didn't have to jump like Jinx did and climbed up the bars into a small rafter of a building. Caitlyn ducked down, her claws digging into the wood yet she was as silent as the feline she descended from. She settled down on the wood and glanced over to Jinx.
 She saw a finger put up to her lip and the girl was smiling, like a sneaky little mouse prowling into the building. Caitlyn kept quiet as she watched Jinx who lowered down and jumped into the ground and Caitlyn tilted her head, watching her. She started to sneak around the sweet shoppe, and was stuffing her jacket with things. Caitlyn hadn't had a chocolate bar in months, she honestly missed the sweet shoppe she would often go to. Her mouth watered just at the thought of it as she took a breath, trying to contain her desire to have a cupcake. This was Jinx's little stealth mission and she wasn't going to interrupt.
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 After ten minutes, Jinx was back up in the rafter and Caitlyn grinned. "You're good at this," Caitlyn whispered when a little creak of a door sounded. "Is someone there?" Called out a high tone male voice as Caitlyn twisted around and crawled out of the hole they had entered with Jinx right behind her. Once back outside, Caitlyn scaled up the side of the building to the roof and plopped down on it.
 "You've done this before, haven't you?" Caitlyn asked.
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ferinehuntressmoved · 8 months
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☾ *  ― Baroness Caitlyn has a meeting with Chem Baron Finn, and it doesn't go according to his plan.
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The Baroness sat in her little coffee shop, in the far corner of a plush dark blue leather seat. Her legs crossed, as her finger tapped lightly against the back of the seat. She didn't need a shower of gold, or people around her to elude the sense of power she displayed. Her arms spread out like a pair of wings, and the tapping of metal talons on her pointer finger displays her predatory nature despite her origins in Piltovan blood. Most people were completely unaware of her Ionian history, and she liked to keep it that way. However, her face displayed a fashion of boredom, her lips pursed with eyes narrowed on the preening yellow jacket of the chem-baron before her. "Bold, Finn, marching into my territory as if you own the place,"
Tap. Tap. Tap.
A tilt of her head came just slightly as she watched Finn's walk. Heavy steps, stretching out his legs like a false predator. Stretching out his jacket like peacock feathers as he settled down in a chair across from Caitlyn and she pointed her finger. "Close enough," She threatened a hint of danger on the tip of her tongue. The false bravado of the man came with a smile as he leaned forward, arms against his knees as he twisted the lighter in his hand. A slickjaw, golden lines to enhance his 'display' of his power. Even his tattoos meant to give him a bigger display of danger yet a peacock's feathers, like his markings, were all display and no action. Every mark meant to make him look dangerous. The tattoo of kill emboldened on his chest, the hyena on his neck. She wondered if Finn realized that Male hyenas had absolutely no power. Male hyenas were hated by the females, and the females were often aggressive and cruel to males. A male hyena can not dominate a female hyena, and she had no problem displaying that here in this moment.
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"I think, you and I should have a talk, Caitlyn," Immediately Caitlyn's hair prickled against the back of her neck as she grabbed her cane and pressed it up against Finn's chest.
"Baroness. Make the mistake again to informally calling me by my name again, and I'll carve it into your chest," Caitlyn threatened, refusing to get on friendly terms with the prick. Finn let out a chuckle, as if amused by her behavior yet Caitlyn knew she had power in this room; Finn's arrogance could only go so far to protect him. He was on her territory, she could easily kill him right now for walking into her place without a formal invitation. However, he had a use, one that she would not take away from Silco. Finn was the garbage boy, and she enjoyed the amusement of watching him clean up the messes. "I would prefer to be on friendly terms, you and I have a lot in common; despite your unfortunate origin," Low blow. Caitlyn just smiled as she crossed her legs, bouncing her foot lightly.
"Speak plainly, Finn, I do not have time for flamboyant conversations," She spoke, another couple of taps from her talon pointer finger. A quiet yet subtle threat. Finn waved his hand a little annoyed but leaned back up and gave a nod. "I'm offering a hand of partnership. You never know when things change down here, Baroness, in a brief span of hours, the change of leadership can happen," Caitlyn didn't react, but she could tell Finn trying to make her fearful, cornered, perhaps trying to make her desperate to seek out partnerships. If she did that, it would continue to make her look weak. Unlike Finn, Caitlyn knew she held more power than what Finn knew. Picking up a cigarette, he placed it in his mouth and lit the end of it, taking his time. "You would do well to have me as an ally, rather than an enemy,"
A little smile touched Caitlyn's lips as she tilted her head. "Feeling threatened?" Caitlyn quieted, letting Finn pause as he pulled the cigarette from his lips. "What do you imply, Baroness," Caitlyn gave a small shrug as she stood up, the heels of her boots clicking against the ground as everyone went silent in the cafe. The barista behind the counter stopped cleaning the cup and took a step back, a couple in the corner froze mid-eating a cupcake and eyes on Caitlyn. The entire room silent and focused on the Chem-Baroness. Power eluded from her walk, slow and steady as she started to walk around Finn and she placed a hand on his shoulder, digging her talon pointer finger against him. "I'm implying that you are the one looking for allies, not me," She whispered and leaned over his shoulder, leaning closer toward his exposed neck and a whisper in his ear.
Finn tensed under her hands and growled, and all Caitlyn could do was smile. "Be careful what you say, your actions speak more than your words, Finn. I don't need you, and you should count yourself lucky that I don't rip out your throat right now. Now, on the term of allies," Caitlyn said, letting go of his shoulder and walking the rest of the way around him, stalking him like a wolf as she was back in front of him. "I'll send a message your way if I ever need your services. But next time you want to speak, you better send a runner. Otherwise, I won't hesitate to kill you. In fact, I know a couple of people who would quite enjoy to feast on your blood," Caitlyn spoke and before Finn could speak Caitlyn lifted her hand to stop him.
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"Leave. We're through. Take your ruffled feathers and get out of my territory before I unleash my people on you," Caitlyn demanded, her icy blue eyes narrowed on him as Finn let out a growl before laughing.
"Big mistake, Baroness. Remember, you need friends down here, we all know a Piltie can't make it in these harsh streets," Caitlyn allowed a cruel smile to touch her lips.
"Oh Finn, it's cute when you try to scare me. You have nothing to say that I haven't heard already. Now tuck your pretty little feathers and go on," She said, as she saw the disgruntled look in the chem-baron as he walked out of the cafe. Caitlyn turned toward one of her henchmen and tilted her head. "Make sure he leaves, I don't want to see him in our streets without invitation," Caitlyn said, as the brawler of a man tipped his head and immediately walked out with three others behind him. A little soft sigh left her lips as she walked to the counter and the barista had already made up a cup of chai for her. Taking it, she took a sip and sat back down on her couch. "He's getting scared, he's going to make a move," She whispered to herself and smirked. She wondered what had set him off to start looking for allies. She would have to tell Silco about this, she would be sure he would find the information most illuminating.
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ferinehuntressmoved · 8 months
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˚ * ˙ ⭒ ⊱ fandom    AU Arcane & League of Legends.   ˚ * ˙ ⭒ ⊱ species    human {empath / vastaya ancestry}. ˚ * ˙ ⭒ ⊱ years old    14 - 24.
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Caitlyn Kiramman had been attacked and chased down the streets of Piltover til she got to the bridge, which she was thrown over. When she woke up, she was in the undercity, soaking wet and clueless of how she got there. Her memory was shaky and she had no idea how to return to Piltover, and a man by the name of Silco found her, leaving her at Babette's in the thought of using her.
However, after a month of searching, Piltover told the Kiramman family to give up, and that she died at sea, as the last place the clues lead was the bridge that she fell to her death and drown with no body to recover. This left Caitlyn broken, abandoned by the city she thought would find her one day (Unaware that her family did keep searching for years despite publicly accepting this death claim). With that, she gave up on Piltover and embraced Zaun. She started to learn how to be violent, using her confidence and skills with a knife while learning the darker side she had: She was good at hiding in shadows and using it to her skill. At the age of 14, Caitlyn met an assassin, and started to train with them, developing her skills and abilities. She had to learn to defend herself in ways and this was one of the things she found herself skilled with. She didn't new brute strength but finesse and timing.
When she turned 20, she started her own business, built from the ground up and becoming her own made Chem Baroness. People feared her, not just for her assassin skills and contracts, but the fact that she had gained the loyalty from many people due to her style of leadership. She has opened multiple businesses, including a restaurant, brothel house, and a small cafe bar, all for the pleasures of Piltover brought to Zaun. She is known for giving the best Piltovan experience money can buy without having to be overpriced or under impressed. But, while the cafe, named Cupcakes and Cappuccino, does sell pastries and drinks and liquor, its all a front. Her real business comes from her deals behind doors. She is a highly adept smuggler (plenty of lessons from Piltover she uses to her advantage) but also her use of contracts. It can be contracts to use her assassins, or to smuggle something whether it be Noxian liquor or Piltover sweets, she can get her hand on almost anything due to her connections in Piltover (with manipulation and influence of her contracts). They do not know her as Caitlyn in Piltover anymore, those she works with she takes the name "Cira Ketamine" and they never see her face. If she does go topside, she wears a wig to ensure that no one knows who she actually is.
Caitlyn considers herself a true neutral Chem Baroness, she does not want much territory and she is not looking for power. All she cares about is running her business, providing services to Zaun while also protecting the people of her territory.
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movedtoferinehuntress · 9 months
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☾ *  ―― Baroness Caitlyn has a meeting with Chem Baron Finn, and it doesn't go according to his plan.
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The Baroness sat in her little coffee shop, in the far corner of a plush dark blue leather seat. Her legs crossed, as her finger tapped lightly against the back of the seat. She didn't need a shower of gold, or people around her to elude the sense of power she displayed. Her arms spread out like a pair of wings, and the tapping of metal talons on her pointer finger displays her predatory nature despite her origins in Piltovan blood. Most people were completely unaware of her Ionian history, and she liked to keep it that way. However, her face displayed a fashion of boredom, her lips pursed with eyes narrowed on the preening yellow jacket of the chem-baron before her. "Bold, Finn, marching into my territory as if you own the place,"
Tap. Tap. Tap.
A tilt of her head came just slightly as she watched Finn's walk. Heavy steps, stretching out his legs like a false predator. Stretching out his jacket like peacock feathers as he settled down in a chair across from Caitlyn and she pointed her finger. "Close enough," She threatened a hint of danger on the tip of her tongue. The false bravado of the man came with a smile as he leaned forward, arms against his knees as he twisted the lighter in his hand. A slickjaw, golden lines to enhance his 'display' of his power. Even his tattoos meant to give him a bigger display of danger yet a peacock's feathers, like his markings, were all display and no action. Every mark meant to make him look dangerous. The tattoo of kill emboldened on his chest, the hyena on his neck. She wondered if Finn realized that Male hyenas had absolutely no power. Male hyenas were hated by the females, and the females were often aggressive and cruel to males. A male hyena can not dominate a female hyena, and she had no problem displaying that here in this moment.
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"I think, you and I should have a talk, Caitlyn," Immediately Caitlyn's hair prickled against the back of her neck as she grabbed her cane and pressed it up against Finn's chest.
"Baroness. Make the mistake again to informally calling me by my name again, and I'll carve it into your chest," Caitlyn threatened, refusing to get on friendly terms with the prick. Finn let out a chuckle, as if amused by her behavior yet Caitlyn knew she had power in this room; Finn's arrogance could only go so far to protect him. He was on her territory, she could easily kill him right now for walking into her place without a formal invitation. However, he had a use, one that she would not take away from Silco. Finn was the garbage boy, and she enjoyed the amusement of watching him clean up the messes. "I would prefer to be on friendly terms, you and I have a lot in common; despite your unfortunate origin," Low blow. Caitlyn just smiled as she crossed her legs, bouncing her foot lightly.
"Speak plainly, Finn, I do not have time for flamboyant conversations," She spoke, another couple of taps from her talon pointer finger. A quiet yet subtle threat. Finn waved his hand a little annoyed but leaned back up and gave a nod. "I'm offering a hand of partnership. You never know when things change down here, Baroness, in a brief span of hours, the change of leadership can happen," Caitlyn didn't react, but she could tell Finn trying to make her fearful, cornered, perhaps trying to make her desperate to seek out partnerships. If she did that, it would continue to make her look weak. Unlike Finn, Caitlyn knew she held more power than what Finn knew. Picking up a cigarette, he placed it in his mouth and lit the end of it, taking his time. "You would do well to have me as an ally, rather than an enemy,"
A little smile touched Caitlyn's lips as she tilted her head. "Feeling threatened?" Caitlyn quieted, letting Finn pause as he pulled the cigarette from his lips. "What do you imply, Baroness," Caitlyn gave a small shrug as she stood up, the heels of her boots clicking against the ground as everyone went silent in the cafe. The barista behind the counter stopped cleaning the cup and took a step back, a couple in the corner froze mid-eating a cupcake and eyes on Caitlyn. The entire room silent and focused on the Chem-Baroness. Power eluded from her walk, slow and steady as she started to walk around Finn and she placed a hand on his shoulder, digging her talon pointer finger against him. "I'm implying that you are the one looking for allies, not me," She whispered and leaned over his shoulder, leaning closer toward his exposed neck and a whisper in his ear.
Finn tensed under her hands and growled, and all Caitlyn could do was smile. "Be careful what you say, your actions speak more than your words, Finn. I don't need you, and you should count yourself lucky that I don't rip out your throat right now. Now, on the term of allies," Caitlyn said, letting go of his shoulder and walking the rest of the way around him, stalking him like a wolf as she was back in front of him. "I'll send a message your way if I ever need your services. But next time you want to speak, you better send a runner. Otherwise, I won't hesitate to kill you. In fact, I know a couple of people who would quite enjoy to feast on your blood," Caitlyn spoke and before Finn could speak Caitlyn lifted her hand to stop him.
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"Leave. We're through. Take your ruffled feathers and get out of my territory before I unleash my people on you," Caitlyn demanded, her icy blue eyes narrowed on him as Finn let out a growl before laughing.
"Big mistake, Baroness. Remember, you need friends down here, we all know a Piltie can't make it in these harsh streets," Caitlyn allowed a cruel smile to touch her lips.
"Oh Finn, it's cute when you try to scare me. You have nothing to say that I haven't heard already. Now tuck your pretty little feathers and go on," She said, as she saw the disgruntled look in the chem-baron as he walked out of the cafe. Caitlyn turned toward one of her henchmen and tilted her head. "Make sure he leaves, I don't want to see him in our streets without invitation," Caitlyn said, as the brawler of a man tipped his head and immediately walked out with three others behind him. A little soft sigh left her lips as she walked to the counter and the barista had already made up a cup of chai for her. Taking it, she took a sip and sat back down on her couch. "He's getting scared, he's going to make a move," She whispered to herself and smirked. She wondered what had set him off to start looking for allies. She would have to tell Silco about this, she would be sure he would find the information most illuminating.
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movedtoferinehuntress · 9 months
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☾ *  ――  ᴄᴀɪᴛʟʏɴ & ᴊɪɴx 「 @misstantabismuses 」 ≣ Send 'shivers' = ❝ 'shivers' (Jinx for Baroness) ❞
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Caitlyn had buried herself so deeply into her business affairs that if she had to remember how to breathe; she would have forgotten to. One hand was pressed up against her face, three fingers pressed against her forehead with just two barely hovering over her face like a shadow. Tension pressed up against her shoulders, as her hand scribbled notes across the paper. The reason for the tension and anxious behavior unclear, Caitlyn didn't have an explanation why. It's what made her so bitter at the time as she couldn't explain it which only spurred her aggravation. Her hand curled around her pen as she closed her eyes and brows forced downward and then she slammed her fist down onto the desk. The wooden furniture groaned under the action as she tried to sit and breathe through it.
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A soft count within her head echoed. One, two, three. Her fist was still pressed against the table as she pulled her pointer finger out and started to tap it continuously, a steady perfect beat. The moment the sensation of nails brushed against her spine Caitlyn perked up and her hands dropped to the desk. Her eyes flicked open wide as she stared forward in surprise. The smell of gunpowder filled her nose, and those sharp nails familiar to the touch, she didn't even have to look back to know it was Jinx. As quickly as Caitlyn perked up, goosebumps spread over her spine and along her forearms as she slowly leaned forward and let her head hang down over the desk. Eyes closed as a soft breath left her lips and tension started to spill away as her shoulder relaxed.
"Oh…" A whisper left her lips, shivering again as those nails so sensitively angled along her spine, teasing against the sharp bone structure of her vertebrae and her vulnerable skin. No one could get away with this like Jinx, she protected her back like any predator would, never let them near your back else they stab and rip out her spine. But Jinx, Jinx was an exception to the rule and one Caitlyn trusted to expose her back and belly too. "That feels… really good. Please don't stop," She asked Jinx sweetly, a soft breath leaving her lips as she focused on Jinx and allowed her frustration to leave her mind freely now.
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movedtoferinehuntress · 10 months
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⌜ ♥ @independentzaun ⌟ ―― Caitlyn ► NSFW Ask Game = ❝ 43. Thoughts on gunplay? ❞
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"I mean, I know I am an excellent shot and all but," Caitlyn paused for a moment at the question from Melis as she waved her hand with her head shaking in unison. "That's definitely not something I have any interest in. My rifle and pistol are weapons, tools of the trade, I don't find anything sexually gratifying about them. The sensual touch of a knife might be okay in the bedroom, especially to cut off clothing or the cold touch of its blade but I don't know how a gun could bring any sort of pleasure in the bedroom,"
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From the corner of the room, though, the Baroness started to chuckle under her breath as Caitlyn rolled her eyes at her counterpart. "Vi must find you incredibly boring if you can't entertain a bit of fun and games. Let me tell you how erotic it is to see a woman holding a gun with such prowess in her eyes and knowing she has such fine control over it. Oh, I'm good with a rifle, but to watch another with the same expertise," The Baroness purred as Caitlyn rolled her eyes.
"How you and I are the same person, I will never understand," Caitlyn mumbled.
"You've never been at the front end of a pistol from one you love, have you? There is a sort of… violent beauty within it, and Jinx when she does it. Mhmm, I would lick that pistol for her and gracious kiss her foot if she told me to," The Baroness whistled as she waved her hand toward Caitlyn. "But do go on about how Vi is better at it,"
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Caitlyn grumbled at her counterpart. "You and Jinx have fun with that pistol. I'll stick to having Vi bite my neck,"
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ferinehuntressmoved · 7 months
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◈ @shimmerbeasts [ ⋯ ] old meme .  ☾ ⸻ 👫 (Baroness for Silco)
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⸻ Caitlyn and Silco didn't click off at first, because Caitlyn was from Piltover and she was a noble child with all the wealth and riches that Zaun didn't have. She was a poster child of everything Zaun hated. That was until he started to notice things about her. Her ability to read people without them even noticing, or how when she wasn't in a ventilated room, she could easily breathe the toxic air (which no piltovan had the capability of doing). He also noticed her more animalistic traits which she never had a chance to display in Piltover. That's when he started to realize that Caitlyn had potential and promise. Without realizing it, he had taken another foundling under his flipper; raising both Jinx and Caitlyn together but in two different ways that fit their mindset.
⸻ When it comes to Silco's work, Caitlyn often shadows after him. She has never needed to be in the limelight, and being viewed as a Piltovan child pretending to be a Zaunite, may people underestimate and overlook her. She plays this to her advantage and often follows Silco around to watch how people interact with him. But she also would watch people, and read them. The moment they were out of sight, Caitlyn would bluntly mention things she would see. The way their eyes shift and diliate meaning they were lying, or how they might twist and fidget showing anxiety or nerves. Caitlyn has always read people, but she had never openly admitted things she had seen before. With Silco, though, she doesn't have to hide her abilities and he often encourages and hones it.
⸻ Caitlyn's territory is smack dab in the middle of the lanes, but she did not take it by force or demand it. The small patch of territory was given to her by Silco. She didn't use money to get it or pressure him. She had proven herself a capable woman far more competent than many other chem barons alike. She didn't need a large territory, her small little one allowed her to do what she does best: Being an assassin and providing her job with subterfuge and espionage. This gives her a bird's eye view throughout all the territories. It benefits her to be able to see everything going on and Caitlyn's loyalty to Silco means she often provides him everything she sees and hears. Her territory wasn't a free gift, even though it appeared to be that way. Caitlyn had proved herself in all her years of learning from Silco and building herself up to be a capable and deadly threat to those around her. Everything she got, she earned. Nothing was free for her.
⸻ While Caitlyn doesn't call Silco father or dad, she still sees him as her father. Yes, she knows that he could have easily killed her when she came into Zaun, and knowing what she knows as an adult she wouldn't blame him. Piltover abuses Zaun and treats them poorly, more than she ever realized as a kid so to have a piltovan child in the undercity it only made sense to remove them. But the fact that he didn't and instead took her under his wings won Caitlyn's loyalty and love. When he taught her to embrace things, such as the falcon-like nature she has and encouraged her habitus skills; it was more than how her family often tried to lock her down and confine her into a box. Silco allowed her to be free and 'spread her wings'. He was more of a father to her than others, so she cared for him deeply. She might not call him father, but there is no doubt that she views him as her father figure. This is why much of how she handles her territory, the way she dresses, and how she presents herself reflects so much of Silco.
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ferinehuntressmoved · 7 months
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◈ @shimmerbeasts [ ⋯ ] old meme .  ☾ ⸻ 👫 (Baroness for Jinx)
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⸻ When Caitlyn was barely starting out living in the undercity, Caitlyn found herself following around Jinx. Despite being younger, Jinx knew the undercity and knew how it worked. caitlyn had always been curious about it since she was little but now that she was in it she had to learn the ropes. So anything Jinx did, Caitlyn would copy. It's how she learned how to climb and scale buildings, and how to fight back. Jinx taught Caitlyn how to embrace her innermost beast and to not fear the violence but embrace it. Caitlyn learned how violence was not just a way to fight back, but it was a way of life and she thrived in it. Jinx helped Caitlyn learn the language of Violence and embrace the zaunite within herself. Caitlyn stuck to Jinx because she was the first person who not just helped her, but showed her who she was.
⸻ When Jinx falls into her episodes and struggles to process things: whether she locks herself away in her workshop to the point she is losing herself or she finds herself having one on a rooftop; Caitlyn will do anything she can to help ground and focus her. Sometimes it must be immediate so Caitlyn will use all five senses to help bring Jinx back and then get her away from the situation or she will handle the situation personally. Or, if it is a long-term thing, Caitlyn will go out of her way to find a way to lift Jinx's spirit. This could be anything from a new gadgetry toy she can work and improve on, to something that benefits her such as a gag for her oral fixation to help prevent her from hurting her lips or certain sweets that Jinx can handle (like the bitter chocolate cake or a type of citrus fruit). She loves to find ways to help Jinx focus and to know that she's not alone in this and that Caitlyn sees her for all she is and will always be there to help her.
⸻ Jinx was Caitlyn's inspiration to truly connect with the predator within herself, not to just accept it but to become more of it. It's why Caitlyn wanted to watch Jinx when she was in her hound state and was truly mesmerized by how vicious and lethal she became. The longer claws, the sharper fangs, the way jinx almost looked more animal than human. Caitlyn knew how dangerous Shimmer could be if not handled with care but she also knew that she wanted to become more of her predator self and Shimmer would help with that. Jinx was able to provide the right kind of shimmer that wasn't given to brothels or a watered-down solution that would only give her a high. Careful regulation of it allowed Caitlyn to connect with her inner beast which sprouted feathers over her shoulders and her nails grew sharper. Caitlyn enjoys using shimmer from time to time, especially when she is with Jinx.
⸻ Caitlyn and Jinx often exchange gifts back and forth, without the need for return (yet it has become a 'you give' and 'I give back' action.) When Jinx leaves a gift at Caitlyn's office: be it a decorated dish, a new music box, a new gadget, or little metal toys; Caitlyn makes sure to go out of her way to find something to give back. More often than not, Caitlyn has a love for anything shiny. She will go into the mines and find unique gemstones which she gives to Jinx. The favorite one she gave to Jinx was a stone of Blue Jadeite. It was absolutely beautiful and she went to get it chiseled and crafted into the shape of an ocelot. Afterward, she left it in her den. caitlyn will often find any kind of shiny gemstones to leave with Jinx, though this Blue Jadeite Ocelot was the favorite gift she had ever given.
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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[ caitlyn pre canon verse ] — a wild young spirit . [ caitlyn default verse ] — the rogue enforcer out for truth . [ caitlyn post canon verse ] — a maverick detective . [ caitlyn mob boss verse ] — chem baroness of espionage .
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ferinehuntressmoved · 8 months
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TAGS 003.
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pre canon verse — a wild young spirit . default verse — it is time for a change . post canon verse — revealing the snow leopard within . mob boss verse — chem baroness of espionage . superhero verse — tattoos and mythic dragons . heartsteel verse — a manager with a sharp tongue .
possible verses without a tag yet - spirit creature - siren verse - A full vastaya verse?
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movedtoferinehuntress · 8 months
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*  ⎯⎯ ʙᴀʀᴏɴᴇss ᴄᴀɪᴛʟʏɴ & ᴊɪɴx 「 @misstantabismuses 」 ≣ my character Answers = ❝ 🖤 ❞
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repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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movedtoferinehuntress · 9 months
Baroness, what was it like being 'raised' by Silco and having Jinx as a foster sister? How does your Zaunite family compare to House Kiramman?
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Caitlyn spun around in her chair, her head leaning back as she glanced over at Miss T. "Bold," She whispered, as she waved her finger for Miss T to come closer, encouraged by her deputy who took her shoulder and pushed her down into a chair in front of her desk. "Not sure why you believe you are privy to such information, but I'll entertain. No one really asked about what happened after I fell into that strait and found myself down in Zaun," Caitlyn said, as she waved her hand back as her Deputy stepped back, standing by the door; the only way in and out for escape.
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"It should have been a culture shock, we are taught in Piltover that Zaun is this big, scary, monster, with no rules and just lives in chaos. Perhaps some of that is true, it's a very violent nature, but it's not senseless. Piltover likes to make themselves look so pretty in the light of their own monstrosity. Piltover isn't so different, they just put a mask on to hide the monster they are," Caitlyn said, as she picked up a switchblade and started to spin it in her hands. "Jinx was perhaps my first friend in Zaun. I never had friends in Piltover, I punched the people who made fun of me and then I was ridiculed for protecting myself. My mother would lock me away in the house and I never got to be me. Jinx didn't treat me like that, in fact, I almost felt like she took me under her wing even though I was older. What I saw so many years ago with the violence of Zaunites now became something I could embrace. Jinx encouraged it, and I thrived in it. I finally felt as if I belonged, as if… I mattered. No longer were my wings clipped, my beak taped shut and caged like a pretty little songbird," Caitlyn said as she stopped twisting the blade and slammed it into her desk.
"House Kiramman locked me away, they wouldn't let me be anything but their perfect little Kiramman daughter. I was to be molded in their shape, conformed, to be exactly like everyone else. I hated it," Caitlyn sneered, as if poison dripped from her tongue and the bitter anger glistened in her blue eyes. The shadow ran over her as she spoke before the neon lights that were briefly obscured came back into view and Caitlyn's eyes focused on her target in front of her. "Piltover is about control, if you do not fit into their mold, shaped by the councillors who control the city, then you are nothing. No form of expression, no individualism. The Kirammans did not care about me, only that their daughter took the position of heiress apparent to continue with the manipulations and lies. House Kiramman is not my family, and I will never associate with that again,"
A soft breath left her lips, as talking of her old family brought out bitterness and betrayal on her lips but then a smile replaced her thoughts as she waved her hand to the side. "With Silco though, he never once tried to cage me. In fact, his support and encouragement of my skills made me realize just how valued I was. I wasn't an heir or a pretty bird, meant to be seen but not heard. He would take me to meetings, cultivating my ability to see what others do not. I would shadow him, but never felt overshadowed. The chem barons never once blinked an eye at my way; perhaps because I was Piltovan or maybe because I was a child. That came with an advantage, one I eagerly embraced. I listened to him, took in everything he had to say; he was as observant and his ability to read people matched my own," Caitlyn reached over to grab a cup of tea, lifting it to her lips to take a sip as she watched Miss T right now, seeing how she reacted, what her eyes spoke. Language was not just words, it spoke in the body and the way one reacted. Setting the cup down, she gave a sweet smile again and waved her hand toward her with her palm up. "He was more of a father than Tobias or Cassandra could ever be. He could have easily killed me when I came down here lost and alone. From what I know now, I wouldn't blame him. A piltovan child of money and luxury? Why wouldn't he? Yet here we are, and everything I am is because of what he offered to me. Never by force, never by demand. He didn't mold me like a piece of clay, he guided me and encouraged my development. It's why my office reflects his, and why I take on a similar position," As Silco was a kingpin, she was a mob boss. As she read the habitus of people, silco did as well. She reflected his political rule in so many ways, she has her assassins while Silco had his shimmer monsters.
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Caitlyn reflected on the man who raised her, and she didn't regret it.
"Now, the question Miss T, is what are you going to do with this information? I'm not sure it best if you walk out that door, so you better start telling me what you want with this truth," The smile slid from Caitlyn's lips, shadowed now with a glint of darkness as she stood up to lean over the desk, staring down at the other.
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movedtoferinehuntress · 10 months
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⌜ ♥ @independentzaun ⌟ ―― Baroness Caitlyn & Jinx ► old meme = ❝ [ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 ] ― sender massages receiver with a scented oil ❞
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Caitlyn laid on the bed, skin bare after their wild session and Caitlyn's head rested against her arms. Jinx could be harsh and forceful, and cause heavy amounts of pain amidst pleasure. Yet the aftercare always excited Caitlyn as well. A period where they tended to each other, and Caitlyn always wrapped Jinx up close and held her tenderly to praise her. The scented oil smelled like Black orchid and Rose, brushing hands up and down her back as she let out a moan of comfort. "Mhmm… right there, Jinx, yes," Caitlyn whispered as she turned her head to the side, feeling the hand rubbing hard at her shoulder blade. Rope marks lined along her back, and a few bruises as well. Yet Caitlyn didn't look troubled at all; she was quite content.
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"You're such a good girl," Caitlyn whispered as she moved to reach her hand out to find Jinx and tugged her closer. "Come here," Caitlyn said as she leaned up and kissed her little she-wolf and moved her hand up against her face. "You did so well. You always know just how to make me happy," Caitlyn grinned and then allowed her to go back to what she wanted to do. "Would you like to stay with me tonight or do you have business you have to handle?"
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movedtoferinehuntress · 10 months
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⌜ ♥ @independentzaun ⌟ ―― Baroness Caitlyn & Sevika ► '𝐬𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲' = ❝ [ BEDSIDE ]: receiver wakens from their first genuinely restful sleep in weeks, to find the sender asleep in an armchair by their bedside, having stayed there for the night in case receiver had a nightmare or needed them in any other way. ❞
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The event had left Caitlyn shaken; she was not easily shaken by much. She hadn't given in to her fear but instead, she didn't allow herself to rest. Constantly moving, constantly working. If she slept, it was a few hours only to wake to the nightmare all over again. Anytime the thought crept into her head she would snap. Not at anyone or anything, but something within her office. A few glasses had already been broken which required her to clean up her bloody hand from shards of glass cutting into it.
She finally resorted to a tonic of shimmer infused with sleep aid herbs. Just a moment of rest without the troubling memories of abandonment and fear. She hadn't even gone to her room, she just downed it while in the living room, and sat on the couch after throwing the vial into the fire.
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So waking up in her bed took her a little by surprise. For the first time in weeks, she finally felt as if she got the sleep she needed. Her mind didn't feel like her enemy and any thoughts and nightmares didn't intrude her rest. Slowly, she sat up in bed as her blue hair fell over her shoulder and then glanced over to see Sevika asleep in the armchair next to her. That could be the only reason why she was in bed, resting and comfortable. Ever faithful, and she had dealt with her snappy attitude the last few weeks. None of it had ever been directed at Sevika, but she was witness to it.
Laying back down, her eyes focused on Sevika and her sleeping peacefully in the chair. Perhaps next time she would let Sevika know she could have the other half of the bed; a chair couldn't be that comfortable to sleep in.
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