#like he did with Sevika too
movedtoferinehuntress · 9 months
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☾ *  ―― Baroness Caitlyn has a meeting with Chem Baron Finn, and it doesn't go according to his plan.
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The Baroness sat in her little coffee shop, in the far corner of a plush dark blue leather seat. Her legs crossed, as her finger tapped lightly against the back of the seat. She didn't need a shower of gold, or people around her to elude the sense of power she displayed. Her arms spread out like a pair of wings, and the tapping of metal talons on her pointer finger displays her predatory nature despite her origins in Piltovan blood. Most people were completely unaware of her Ionian history, and she liked to keep it that way. However, her face displayed a fashion of boredom, her lips pursed with eyes narrowed on the preening yellow jacket of the chem-baron before her. "Bold, Finn, marching into my territory as if you own the place,"
Tap. Tap. Tap.
A tilt of her head came just slightly as she watched Finn's walk. Heavy steps, stretching out his legs like a false predator. Stretching out his jacket like peacock feathers as he settled down in a chair across from Caitlyn and she pointed her finger. "Close enough," She threatened a hint of danger on the tip of her tongue. The false bravado of the man came with a smile as he leaned forward, arms against his knees as he twisted the lighter in his hand. A slickjaw, golden lines to enhance his 'display' of his power. Even his tattoos meant to give him a bigger display of danger yet a peacock's feathers, like his markings, were all display and no action. Every mark meant to make him look dangerous. The tattoo of kill emboldened on his chest, the hyena on his neck. She wondered if Finn realized that Male hyenas had absolutely no power. Male hyenas were hated by the females, and the females were often aggressive and cruel to males. A male hyena can not dominate a female hyena, and she had no problem displaying that here in this moment.
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"I think, you and I should have a talk, Caitlyn," Immediately Caitlyn's hair prickled against the back of her neck as she grabbed her cane and pressed it up against Finn's chest.
"Baroness. Make the mistake again to informally calling me by my name again, and I'll carve it into your chest," Caitlyn threatened, refusing to get on friendly terms with the prick. Finn let out a chuckle, as if amused by her behavior yet Caitlyn knew she had power in this room; Finn's arrogance could only go so far to protect him. He was on her territory, she could easily kill him right now for walking into her place without a formal invitation. However, he had a use, one that she would not take away from Silco. Finn was the garbage boy, and she enjoyed the amusement of watching him clean up the messes. "I would prefer to be on friendly terms, you and I have a lot in common; despite your unfortunate origin," Low blow. Caitlyn just smiled as she crossed her legs, bouncing her foot lightly.
"Speak plainly, Finn, I do not have time for flamboyant conversations," She spoke, another couple of taps from her talon pointer finger. A quiet yet subtle threat. Finn waved his hand a little annoyed but leaned back up and gave a nod. "I'm offering a hand of partnership. You never know when things change down here, Baroness, in a brief span of hours, the change of leadership can happen," Caitlyn didn't react, but she could tell Finn trying to make her fearful, cornered, perhaps trying to make her desperate to seek out partnerships. If she did that, it would continue to make her look weak. Unlike Finn, Caitlyn knew she held more power than what Finn knew. Picking up a cigarette, he placed it in his mouth and lit the end of it, taking his time. "You would do well to have me as an ally, rather than an enemy,"
A little smile touched Caitlyn's lips as she tilted her head. "Feeling threatened?" Caitlyn quieted, letting Finn pause as he pulled the cigarette from his lips. "What do you imply, Baroness," Caitlyn gave a small shrug as she stood up, the heels of her boots clicking against the ground as everyone went silent in the cafe. The barista behind the counter stopped cleaning the cup and took a step back, a couple in the corner froze mid-eating a cupcake and eyes on Caitlyn. The entire room silent and focused on the Chem-Baroness. Power eluded from her walk, slow and steady as she started to walk around Finn and she placed a hand on his shoulder, digging her talon pointer finger against him. "I'm implying that you are the one looking for allies, not me," She whispered and leaned over his shoulder, leaning closer toward his exposed neck and a whisper in his ear.
Finn tensed under her hands and growled, and all Caitlyn could do was smile. "Be careful what you say, your actions speak more than your words, Finn. I don't need you, and you should count yourself lucky that I don't rip out your throat right now. Now, on the term of allies," Caitlyn said, letting go of his shoulder and walking the rest of the way around him, stalking him like a wolf as she was back in front of him. "I'll send a message your way if I ever need your services. But next time you want to speak, you better send a runner. Otherwise, I won't hesitate to kill you. In fact, I know a couple of people who would quite enjoy to feast on your blood," Caitlyn spoke and before Finn could speak Caitlyn lifted her hand to stop him.
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"Leave. We're through. Take your ruffled feathers and get out of my territory before I unleash my people on you," Caitlyn demanded, her icy blue eyes narrowed on him as Finn let out a growl before laughing.
"Big mistake, Baroness. Remember, you need friends down here, we all know a Piltie can't make it in these harsh streets," Caitlyn allowed a cruel smile to touch her lips.
"Oh Finn, it's cute when you try to scare me. You have nothing to say that I haven't heard already. Now tuck your pretty little feathers and go on," She said, as she saw the disgruntled look in the chem-baron as he walked out of the cafe. Caitlyn turned toward one of her henchmen and tilted her head. "Make sure he leaves, I don't want to see him in our streets without invitation," Caitlyn said, as the brawler of a man tipped his head and immediately walked out with three others behind him. A little soft sigh left her lips as she walked to the counter and the barista had already made up a cup of chai for her. Taking it, she took a sip and sat back down on her couch. "He's getting scared, he's going to make a move," She whispered to herself and smirked. She wondered what had set him off to start looking for allies. She would have to tell Silco about this, she would be sure he would find the information most illuminating.
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darkfire359 · 1 year
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pathetic-sapphic · 7 months
arcane characters and their toxic traits in a relationship?
Arcane characters and their toxic traits
a/n: it is almost 5 am so i haven't proofread it yet ;; hope you'll enjoy it regardless
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Tries to take on all the burden and suffering on her shoulders. She never wants you to get hurt or to bother you so she'd rather suffer in silence. This greatly affects your communication as she may get distant whenever she's dealing with some problems, which in turn may make you think that you did something wrong and that she's ignoring you. This simply comes from a traumatic past where Vi always had to take accountability and sacrifice herself for others. She will work on it once she sees the way it affects your relationship though. She just doesn't want to be a burden.
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Very insecure when it comes to your love and loyalty towards her. Jinx is so used to thinking that everyone will eventually abandon her and you're the one person she really cannot lose. Because of this, she will often come off as overprotective and possessive. You will need to make your boundaries clear and reassure her often. Because she's so scared of losing you, sometimes she will go to drastic ends in order to make sure you're still happy with her and don't want to break up. Can also be very impulsive and has trouble sticking to the plans you two made.
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Can come off as insensitive when it comes to finances. Of course, she understands that many people aren't quite as well-off and Caitlyn genuinely cares for everyone but sometimes she doesn't quite understand how affluent she is. She might overwhelm you with expensive gifts, luxurious trips or over the top galas. She won't understand if you're ever hesitant when buying something or why you always make sure to see what's on sale at the market. It will take some time getting used to and you'll have to explain to Caitlyn the differences between your upbringings. Caitlyn isn't a judgemental partner, she just likes to spoil you, though she will tone it down if she notices you getting uncomfortable.
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Very stubborn when it comes to asking for or receiving help. He will push you away and hide his wounds or problems from you. Ekko is just so used to handling things on his own that he hates the idea of letting you bear his burden. He needs a long talk with you where you'll show him your support and help him realize the importance of confiding in one another. Ekko doesn't realize that it isn't a one-sided thing, meaning that if he helps you out when you need it, you'd do the same for him. Sure, he has the Firelights, many of them who are his friends but he rarely felt comfortable enough to confide in anyone. It's easy to forget that he is just a boy, trying to shoulder the weight of the world, and that he doesn't have to do it all alone.
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Surprisingly inexperienced when it comes to romantic relationships. Sevika rarely gets attached to someone, beyond the sexual sense. For her, lovers are people she sleeps with to release the tension and frustration that builds up during her shift. She never truly had a partner, someone to whom she can show her soft side, someone who will cherish her beyond her body and money. Because of this, she often struggles with showing love towards her partner in a non-sexual way or a way that doesn't include physical touch. Words. That is the biggest problem for Sevika; expressing her appreciation and adoration through kind declarations is something that will take a while for her to learn.
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Silco is often too focused on his cause towards Zaun and forgets his other priorities besides that one. This causes him to overwork and come off as cold towards anyone he deems a threat to his goal. Because of this, he may ignore his partner whenever he's stressed out and deep into work. He's also rarely home, and since he isn't a fan of PDA, it can be hard to deal with the feeling of missing him so much. He tries to make it up to you with gifts but you'll need to explain to him that such luxurious things cannot replace his touch and company.
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Similar to Vi (where do you think she got that trait from?), Vander is so used to shouldering everything on his own. He wants to assure for you to live a comfortable and fulfilled life, even at the cost of his own happiness. He works tirelessly to keep the Last Drop and the Lanes afloat and seldom shares the workload with you. You can see how the stress wears him down but he will deny it until he completely bursts under pressure. Vander doesn't understand how much it hurts to see him like this, but some kind words and gentle touches can help when coaxing him into leaning on you too.
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Workaholic who never takes care of himself. So burdened down with the little time that he has left, Viktor doesn't plan to waste any of it by doing trivial stuff such as eating or resting. As loving as he is, Viktor can be an insanely stubborn partner. You'll probably have to hoist him over your shoulder and lock the door to his office in order to take him away from work for a couple of hours. He doesn't realize just how detrimental the negligence when it comes to taking care of himself is to his health. You need to explain to him that he won't get anywhere by working himself to the grave and you'll probably have to beg him to let you take care of him.
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As smart as he is when it comes to his field of work, Jayce can be quite dense and heedless of other people's feelings. If you're the type of person who doesn't know how to talk about their problems or struggles with communication, there will be some issues in your relationship with Jayce. He's the type of person who asks you what's wrong and, once you give him a half-assed 'Nothing, I'm fine.', he goes all 'okay :D', pats your back and wanders off. You need to be direct and blunt with him because hints and exaggerated sighs simply won't do the trick.
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Mel is an incredibly intelligent woman who knows how to get what she wants. This means that she can be quite manipulative at times, I mean you have to be if you want to succeed in politics. She'd never act that way with you on purpose, of course not, but it may happen unintentionally. She is also another workaholic who may appear too cold with her feelings but this is simply because she's hesitant to bring her walls and defenses down. It'll take a lot of time and patience to see her vulnerable side.
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Grayson is sort of a combination between Viktor and Vander; works too much and is too selfless for her own good. Grayson takes her job very seriously, safety of the citizens is of the utmost importance to her. This leads to her neglecting her own well-being and health. Lots of caffeine and many long nights in the office are spent by Piltover's Sheriff and, the older she gets, the more it wears down on her. It's hard to ignore the bags under her eyes or the tiredness in her voice as she drags herself into your shared home late at night.
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Quite cold and guarded, someone who doesn't appreciate or understand feelings like mercy or kindness. She believes that every single person is inherently selfish and wants something from her. This is why she doubts your good nature so much in the beginning. It has been a long time since Ambessa let herself get involved romantically with someone so she has a lot of re-learning to do. This may come with a cost of your feelings being hurt from time to time, especially if you're a sensitive and kind-hearted person. As much as Ambessa loves you and tries to show that, it isn't easy to sweep years of experience under the rug. You'll need to be strong while she gets used to upholding a romantic relationship.
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Cold and regal, oftentimes comes off as strict. Cassandra only wants the best for you but sometimes she just doesn't know how to say it. So instead she might go behind your back in order to ensure your safety and happiness. This often backfires, especially because of your opposing opinions. You feel as if she's treating you like a child while Cassandra simply thinks that she's looking out for you. Is also insanely stubborn, it'll take time for her to learn to look at things from your perspective.
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sevikasupremacy · 5 days
I know you probably get this ask a lot so I’m sorry but can we get more Sevika that jealous?
No need to say sorry babe I love writing about jealous Sevika 😚
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Jealous Sevika
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➼ Oh lord have mercy—
➼ Whoever lays their crusty ass fingers on you just asking to be killed.
➼ Who in their right mind would even try to flirt with you?
➼ Sevika’s presence is terrifying enough—
➼ Imagine what’s it like when she’s jealous.
➼ Oh this woman is OVERPROTECTIVE.
➼ And she hates it when anyone comes up to you with the intention of flirting.
➼ The two of you would just be chilling at The Last Drop (It became part of your daily routine at this point).
➼ And of course, you would be sitting on Sevika’s lap while she played cards.
➼ At one point you left to go grab a drink at the bar.
➼ That’s when a bold young man decided to shoot his shot.
➼ He’ll try to offer you a drink, which you immediately refuse.
➼ But it seems he liked that you were hard to get.
➼ So man didn’t stop there—
➼ He decided it was a good idea to snake his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
➼ You, on the other hand, were already pleading for help as you stared at Sevika
➼ And oh god—
➼ The woman’s eyes are screaming MURDER.
➼ And before you know it—
➼ The poor man’s body was already sprawled on the floor, choking on his own blood.
➼ This wasn’t the first dead body that you had seen let me tell you that
➼ Before you could even utter a word, Sevika has already dragged you out of The Last Drop
➼ Time to take her frustrations out ;)
➼ The moment you guys reach the apartment, Sevika kicked the door open (She was already carrying you bridal-style).
➼ Doesn’t hesitate to throw you onto the bed before hovering over you, her fingers eagerly unbuttoning your shirt.
➼ She will leave marks all over your neck, chest, stomach, inner thighs— LITERALLY EVERYWHERE.
➼ “Can’t believe I had to get my fucking claws dirty again. At least that’ll warn others not to lay a finger on you.”
➼ She will eat you out like it’s her last meal on earth—
➼ Definitely fucks you until you see stars.
➼ Oh she’s not finished yet—
➼ Make sure to have enough stamina for the rest of the night.
➼ Cos she’ll have you in every single position she could think of.
➼ Ride her finger, sit on her face, let her finger fuck you from behind— It’s not even a request. It’s an order.
➼ “What did you say, Sweetheart? Too much? Well too bad. Be a good girl and take it.”
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
This is so dumb but, Sevika helping reader with her confidence when asking for sex? Idk, I need a nap
men and minors dni
for the first few months of your relationship, sevika's the one initiating sex a majority of the time.
she doesn't mind. you usually respond eagerly, and half the time, she acts because she can tell you want to, but you're too shy.
it's in the way your gaze lingers on her lips as she speaks. the way you find any excuse to touch her. the way you bite your lip while letting your eyes trail down her body.
but, after you guys are together long enough for the jitters and nerves to wear off, sevika decides she wants to hear you ask for it.
so, one night over dinner, sevika asks you about it.
"y'know you never initiated sex before?" she asks.
you choke on your food. sevika bursts into giggles, pounds your back as you sputter, and waits for you to collect yourself.
"sev, what the fuck?!" you ask. she just chuckles and shrugs.
"i'm always makin' the first move." she says.
"well... yeah." you mutter, suddenly recounting your past times. "but... most the time i'm, like... starin' at you until you do?" you try. she bursts into laughter.
"so that's on purpose!?" she asks. you shrug.
"'s just kinda a side effect of me gettin' horny. i just zone out an' focus on you." you explain. sevika grins, then darts forward to kiss you.
"that's romantic." she sighs. you smile, and she tilts her head at you. "you could always use your words, too, y'know." she whispers. you groan.
"i know! it's just-- what am i supposed to say?" you cringe. she giggles, then kisses you again.
"whatever you're thinkin'. i doubt i'll say no to you." she whispers against your lips. you gulp, and she pulls away before you can pounce on her, smirking at you as she pours you another glass of wine.
so... you try your best. it's sevika after all, you'd crawl to the ends of the earth for her. how hard could asking for sex be?
incredibly hard, apparently.
the first time you try is the next night. the two of you'd gone dinner and a movie, and now, you're sitting on sevika's couch, chatting and cuddling.
"--so then i told silco that i'm not his fuckin' babysitter, 'n no matter how cute the kid is when she's got the little ponytails in, nothin' they do is gonna convince me to spend the night watchin' her--"
"i want to have sex with you right now, please." you interrupt. the second you do, you cringe, and sevika bursts into laughter.
"the please was a nice touch." she giggles. you huff.
"i dunno! i'm trying!"
"right in the middle of my story?"
"sevika, i'm tryin--" she cuts you off with a kiss.
so it's not a total failure, but it's not the smoothest you could've been.
you try again after dinner the next night, cuddled in bed, teeth freshly brushed and wrapped in warm jammies. sevika's spooning you-- you won rock paper scissors for little spoon tonight-- gently scratching your scalp as you trade anecdotes.
"anyways, tomorrow for dinner i was thinking--" sevika adjusts as you talk, ever so slightly, just a gentle shift of her hips against your ass. it's enough to make your brain short circuit. "sex?"
sevika bursts into laughter and you groan. "now or for dinner?" she teases. you elbow her and she grunts, then bites your ear in retaliation.
you turn around in her arms, hiding your face against her neck. "sevika, you told me to use my words--"
"that was actually only one word, baby." she teases as her hands start sneaking down your pajama bottoms. you bite her lip.
the next time you try, though, you seem to do alright.
sevika's working away at her desk, too distracted by the papers scattered around her to notice you approach her.
she groans when you start massaging her shoulders, her head flopping back in relief as she blinks up at you.
"you wanna take a break?" you suggest. sevika hums.
"did i work through dinner again?" she asks. you giggle, shaking your head no.
"not a food break." you say, pulling her chair out and circling around her before sitting in her lap. you strip your shirt off and throw it behind your shoulder, and when you pull the fabric over your eyes, you're greeted by sevika's grin.
"a sex break?" she guesses. you nod.
"is that... okay?" you ask.
"that's fucking fantastic." she promises, wrapping her arms around your waist and launching forward for a kiss. you giggle against her lips.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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sadiestarrs · 11 days
To Meet A Jinx
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this is part one!!
Warnings: none :)) just one mention of a gun
A/N: this is my first arcane/ jinx fic so if it's terrible I'm sorry lol
Plot: You work for Silco and his infamous adopted daughter Jinx, except you’ve never met her until now.
Word count: 1,535
Everybody in the city knew about Silco’s insane, blue-haired, and seemingly manic daughter, Jinx. Working for him meant that you were around his henchmen 24/7 and they definitely talked about her.
Most things said about her ranged from the fact that she looked innocent but could blow your face off or that she did actually blow someone's face off that day.
You had heard Sevika complain, too, especially on shipment days. They were always the busiest and most stressful. Silco made sure to have his trusted members on the ship “just to be safe”. 
He had no reason to make everyone work, mostly because he had Jinx. Everyone knew that she could take on twenty people double her size and still win. You hadn’t seen her do anything remotely close to this but it wasn’t hard to believe.
When more than half of a city knows you for being a bloodthirsty killer, of course, they would be weary. But you still weren’t that convinced.
Some older workers talked about a young Jinx running into Silco’s arms with him hugging back and taking her in immediately. Silco didn’t look like the type of guy to appreciate hugs from anyone but it was clear he loved Jinx. And that had to be for a reason.
“I want you to keep an eye on those two,” Sevika says to you, directing people carrying crates. The two men she pointed at were getting on each other's nerves, shoving and bumping one another for no reason. They must have had other issues away from work. 
Your main job was to solve disputes and help Sevika. It didn’t take much but when there were problems, they were always big.
The two guys had moved out of sight and started bothering each other again, causing commotion and yelling. Before you could get around to them, three shipments were falling on the floor, creating a bright purple pool on the ground. 
Everyone had started shoving, making it too much to handle. People were on the floor, glass was being shoved into the soles of your shoes, and most importantly, nearly 500 coins worth of shimmer had been wasted.
Sevika was definitely going to blame you and no one would fess up. You couldn’t even get to the core of the fight before being shoved to the floor and cutting your hand on a large shard of glass.
It didn’t take much to lose all hope for the future. Not only would Silco fire you, but he would make you pay one way or another. None of those things were appealing, especially considering the fact that you desperately wanted to leave this chapter of your life behind. But not before getting a bit of cash and ditching Zaun.
You were sitting helpless, contemplating your life when a shot was fired. It was hard to see through the crowd but it stopped everyone, all the men scattering and moving away.
In front of you was a, surprisingly short, girl, braids nearly touching the floor, holding a revolver and looking around the ship.
No one made eye contact with her. No one went near her. They all went back to their original places as if the fight never happened.
Just her presence alone was enough to make everyone nervous. You hadn’t even realised that you were still sitting on the floor when she came towards you, holding the gun’s handle out. 
It took you a few seconds before realising that she was helping you up. It was enough to make the workers stop. From the corner of your eye, Sevika stood, arms folded, looking at the both of you. You could have sworn that she was laughing when you held on and got up. 
It brought you extremely close to her face, enough to see her baby-blue eyes glimmer. A smile pokes from the side of her mouth. She stood, analysing your face, eyes, lips. You couldn’t move if you tried, she had hypnotised you.
“What the hell is happening here?”
Silco appeared, frozen on the spot. “I spend half of my life working to make life better for all of you and I’m paid with this?”
It was almost symbolic, the liquid sitting under his shoes, mixing with the dirt and mud on the ground and turning into a deeper purple.
“Jinx?” He looks at her but she doesn’t deviate from you. Her body was rigid, completely cornering you.
Confusion was apparent in his expression, looking over at Sevika who only replies with a smirk.
Another glimmer appears in her eyes just before she turns around and walks past Silco, no words said.
No one moves or says anything but everyone was looking at you. Sevika pushes off of the wall she was leaning on, leaving the ship, still laughing.
If it wasn’t for your increased heartbeat, you would have questioned the event but too much had happened. Why did she help you up? Why did she analyse you? Why did she ignore Silco?
The questions rushed to your head faster than you could comprehend and faster than you could move after Silco ordered you to go with him. 
He simply pointed, and yelled, “You!” starting to walk faster than you could keep up with. 
“What relationship do you have with Jinx?”
Standing in front of Silco in his office with Sevika next to him was never a place you imagined to be. It almost felt like being in a principal’s office and getting scolded.
You didn’t have a “relationship” with Jinx. You had only met her a few minutes ago on the ship. Everything that happened was unplanned and, frankly, strange. And being interrogated by both of them didn’t help.
“I-I don’t have a relationship with her.” The words were staggered and hard to come out. Your heart had only slowed by a few beats but you could still feel it against your skin.
“That isn’t what I saw. Jinx doesn’t do things like that, meaning that you must have something to do with her.” 
His reasoning didn’t make any sense. Just because she looked at you for a few minutes doesn’t mean that anything happened. 
“Jinx is like a daughter to me. I would hate to have anything happen to her.” Silco continues talking, fiddling with his shimmer eye injection tool. It was nice seeing how much he cared for Jinx but in the end, nothing would happen between you two for a multitude of reasons.
Besides, Jinx didn’t seem like the type to be in a relationship. She was probably too busy blowing things up and creating gadgets.
“You’ll keep your distance. If it wasn’t for her you’d be paying for the lost shimmer right now. Don’t come in next week.”
If it wasn’t for her? Did Jinx help you? What could she have said to make Silco excuse you? You couldn’t walk out of his office quickly enough when he finished. It had turned into a hotbox with his continuous smoking, and you desperately needed air.
Just as you walk down the stairs to leave through the Last Drop, there she was, sitting at the bar and leaning dangerously far back.
“Heya toots!”
She springs up, walking towards you and trapping you in a tight hug at the waist. It was a stark difference from only an hour ago.
“Hi,” you say, walking down the stairs and stopping, awkwardly waiting for her to speak.
“Sorry about earlier, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of you.” You tell her that it’s no problem, trying to ignore the comment and your heartbeat increasing again. “Thanks for helping me with Silco.” 
She shrugs, crossing both arms behind her back. “Yeah, he gets like that sometimes.” You both stand in the awkward silence. Luckily, the bar was empty but it was surprisingly chilly. All you wanted was to leave and try to forget everything that just happened.
“I’ve been watching you for a while. You seem pretty cool.”
The compliment was nice and well-intentioned but the more you thought about it, the more worried you became. She watched you? 
“Would you wanna go out sometime? It doesn’t have to be out out, but somewhere we can talk.”
All you could do was nod. It was stupid in hindsight. Silco had just spent twenty minutes telling you to stay away from her and but here you were, practically agreeing to go on a date. 
“Cool! I’ll see you here tomorrow!”
Here? Tomorrow? It was too soon and too close to Silco. Whether he would be out or not, Sevika and other henchmen would be nearby, not to mention all of Silco’s other enemies. It was all a bad idea. 
But you still agreed. It would be nice to talk to someone new. And you were sure that saying no would have a painful consequence.
Jinx smiles again, hugging you once more before disappearing up the stairs, leaving you standing at the bottom of the steps.
“Good luck.” You look behind the bar and see Chuck emerge from underneath the counter.
 “She’s a crazy one.”
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You Ruined Me (Do it Again)
a/n: the smut has arrived! Enjoy ;) - ✨
Warnings: smoking, possessive!sevika, SMUT: slight public sex, choking kink, biting, fingering, oral sex, strap-on sucking, strap-on referred to as cock, strap riding, spit kink, praise kink, light muscle kink, ab riding, sexually explicit teasing.
Summary: Your first night out in a while after leaving your cheating ex does not end how you expected it to...but then what did you expect, going to her club?
Word Count: 2.2k
18+ | MEN AND MINORS DNI | 18+
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Final
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The journey to Sevika’s place was a short one, but she didn’t waste a single second. The taxi driver mercifully kept his eyes on the road despite the filthy display occurring in his backseat. No doubt Sevika’s reputation preceded her, and he wanted to keep his teeth.
It was like no time had passed. You were melting in Sevika’s hands, her lips on your neck as she marked you again and again. Her hand was now shamelessly in your panties, her fingers toying with your slick folds and her thumb rubbing gentle circles over your clit which was burning with pleasure. Sevika knew what she was doing, applying just enough pressure to make you feel good but not enough to make you come. She had a lot of plans for you, and coming early was not gonna ruin them.
“Your pussy’s so wet for me, princess…”
You gasped as she pressed harder on your clit. “I…I missed you, Sev…”
You’re interrupted by the taxi stopping at Sevika’s apartment. You hurriedly tumble out as Sevika pays him and tips him generously. You shriek and giggle as she picks you up like you weigh nothing, carrying you to the door, and letting you in. She doesn’t let you down, choosing instead to grip your thighs, lifting your dress higher and grinding into your pussy with her own. Your eyes roll back at the contact.
Sevika laughs huskily. “God, look how wet you are, princess…”
You blush, hiding your face in her neck and kissing her there. “It’s your fault.”
Sevika grinds into you again. “Damn right, princess.”
She carried you to the bedroom, throwing you roughly on the bed, dragging you to the edge. She eyes your body ravenously and you know exactly what’s running through her head.
“Wait, Sev, this dress was ex-”
You speak too little too late, as she tears the dress at the side, ripping it off you and leaving you in your black, lacy underwear. You huff petulantly at her but Sevika only grins in response, pleased to be able to see you.
“I’ll buy you a new one, princess.”
You’re about to retort when she starts to kiss you again, overloading your senses as her body hovers above yours. Her hand drifts to your cunt and starts to stroke your clit again, while her mouth wanders elsewhere. She’s all tongue and teeth, she’s been starved of you for too long. She tastes you reverently, her tongue tracing your hardened, perky nipples, her teeth biting into them gently at first before she abandons her restraint and bites harder. She repeats the process, lower and lower, until your body is littered with red and purple marks, reminders of where she’s been, where she intends to visit again. She breathes in when she reaches your pussy, you’ve always been intoxicating to her. She parts your folds, and licks one firm stripe from your entrance to your slit. Your moan is nothing short of greedy, trying to urge your cunt closer to her face, desperate for her tongue.
“Sev…please…I need you.”
She flicks her tongue against your clit, teasing you until your whimpering and begging has reached a crescendo. She grips your thighs, keeping them wide and you know you’re in for the fuck of your life. She is aggressive and forceful, her tongue roughly pressing against your sensitive bundle of nerves again and again with no reprieve, occasionally lowering herself to probe at your entrance and fill it with her tongue, tasting the nectar building there.
You were a mess, falling apart under her. Nothing else existed, just you and Sevika and the feeling reckless pleasure rushing through you. You knew you wouldn’t last much longer, after all the teasing in the car you could feel your release rising in your lower belly.
“Sev…I’m gonna come…please let me…”
Her response was more rewarding than you could have ever hoped. She increased her speed, and the pressure. You screamed, threading your fingers into her hair and bucking into her mouth as you came. She lapped up every single drop, she wouldn’t waste anything you gave her ever again. Crawling on top of you, she kissed you fiercely and you responded with equal vigour, tasting your salty sweetness in her mouth.
Her eyes darkened as you took one of her hands, relishing in the sturdy weight of it in your palm, and placed it against your throat, making sure to swallow hard so she could feel it. A low growl rumbled through her whole body, adding to the throb of your aching cunt.
“You’re playing with fire, princess.”
You placed your hand on top of hers, encouraging her fingers to squeeze. “So, burn me with it already.”
That was all the encouragement she needed. In one swift moment, her hand clamped tightly around your throat, while two thick fingers pushed into your folds, curling immediately to draw out a load moan from you. Still reeling from your last orgasm, and the powerful feeling of relinquishing control to Sevika by allowing her to choke you, it wasn’t long until you were chasing your second high, your eyes rolling back while she relentlessly thrust her fingers into you, kissing and biting every inch of skin she could reach.
“Fuck, y/n, you feel so fucking good around my fingers…”
You moan loudly, you know she wants to hear you. “You always stretch me out so good, Sev…”
“I’m gonna make you cum til you see stars, princess. Just you wait.”
She made good on her promise, your second orgasm ripping through you like a freight train leaving you a twitching mess on the bed. Sevika gently withdrew her fingers, and you automatically knew what to do. Opening your mouth, Sevika watched, enraptured, as you sucked your juices off her fingers.
“God, I fucking love watching you do that, princess.”
She lets you come down from your high, your chest heaving as you try to breathe normally again, feeling thoroughly fucked out. She relieves herself of her clothes, and you take the moment to admire her. She flexes her muscles, knowing you’re watching. You see her fiddling with something in her boxers, and your cunt starts to throb in anticipation.
“Is that what I think it is, Sev?”
She looks at you, eyes glinting mischievously. “That depends. You want it, princess?”
You say nothing, you just stand on albeit wobbly legs before kneeling down, and stick out your tongue, waiting obediently.
Sevika grips your jaw. “Fuck, look at you, princess. Let me help you get lubed up, angel.”
She spits in your mouth, which you eagerly swallow, opening your mouth and widening your doe eyes to beg for another. Sevika growls, her own cunt now throbbing as she spits down your throat and you thank her.
She released the strap-on she’d been packing, adjusting it so the base rubs against her swollen clit. The strap is thick, a deep purple colour. You recognised it well; you bought it for her birthday one year. The harness was a comfortable boxer-style so it didn’t cut into her muscled thighs, and it meant she could pack whenever she felt like it without being too obvious. The worn leather armchair in Sevika’s room creaked in complaint as she dropped into it unceremoniously, straightening her cock and beckoning you forward. You crawled towards her, parting her knees so you could neatly slot yourself between them before licking a long stripe from the base of the cock to the tip.
You were a well-trained girl, this was easy. This wasn’t your first rodeo, and you knew exactly what Sevika would want. Taking the entire shaft into your throat, you made sure to noisily gag around it even though you weren’t really choking.
Sevika was utterly entranced by you. “Yeah, that’s it, princess. Take that cock down your throat like a good girl.”
You complied, taking it all the way to the base, nudging your nose against Sevika’s mound. Your motions pushed the base against her clit, and her large hand taking a fistful of your hair just spurred you on. You started to suck, eagerly, your head bobbing up and down, taking as much as you could each time you descended. Sevika’s moans and grunts filled the small room, music to your ears.
“Fuck me, princess, you’re gonna make me come just doing that.”
You removed your mouth from her cock with a satisfying pop! and smirked at her, standing up and arching your body, her eyes watching your every move.
“Can’t have that, can we?”
Growling, Sevika surged forward, her muscled arms trapping you and dragging you onto her lap. You angled your hips forward, avoid the strap and grinding your cunt on her abs instead. Trailing your tongue up her neck, you groaned in pleasure as the muscle flexed under your touch. You removed yourself from her neck and focused on rolling your hips. Her abs were as glorious as ever, toned to perfection and hard as rock. Like her neck, they tensed as you pressed yourself into them, teasingly at first. Then unyielding hands were pushing down on your hips, and there was no escape. Moans and whispers left your lips with abandon as Sevika’s well defined abs tickled your clit deliciously, bringing you to the brink.
Sevika grunted out a laugh. “God, you have such a muscle kink, y/n.”
You laughed with her breathily. “Can you blame me…look at you…”
You felt the tip of the strap near your entrance, Sevika’s eyes heavy with lust but always asking, always considerate. You gripped the strap underneath you and angled it towards your leaking cunt, ravenous for Sevika’s cock to fill you. As you start to swallow the strap, your pussy hungrily drawing it in, you feel Sevika’s arms wrapping around you, bringing you closer for a heated kiss.
“Don’t worry, princess, I’ll be gentle…”
You dig your nails into her shoulders, raking them over her back, invoking a shudder and a carnal groan from Sevika. You sunk down more, taking her cock until she was hilted inside you.
Your voice, cracking from your screams of bliss, comes out in a whisper as you start to ride her. “Don’t you dare.”
It’s been so long since Sevika’s been inside you, but your pussy takes her cock like it’s what you were born for. You speed up your pace, riding Sevika roughly as she grips the arms of the chair, a determined look creeping onto her face. Your own face flushes with delight, you know what’s coming. In a swift motion, she’s reversed your positions, now you’re in the chair, your knees pushed back as she starts to pound roughly into your cunt.
She hasn’t lost her skills, the way she fucks you open, pushing your knees open so she can go deeper with each thrust. She wasn’t wrong, you’re certain you’re seeing stars each time the strap pushes into and kisses your cervix. Her face is filled with concentration, trickles of sweat rolling from her hairline down her face, down her neck. You’ve seen a more beautiful sight, and you urge her to fuck you harder, faster.
“Oh, fuck…keep going Sev…fuck me into this chair!”
“You always take my cock so good, princess…your pretty little pussy swallows it all…might have to get a bigger one for you next time…”
You know Sevika’s close herself, her iron clutch on your hips is bordering on painful and her bucking thrusts are becoming wilder, more frantic. You’re loving every second of it.
“C’mere Sev, kiss me…bite me…”
Sevika leans down, attacking you with a bruising animalistic kiss that has you both gasping for air. As you recover, she nips your bottom lip hard, drawing blood. Her eyes widen for a moment, until you lick the blood away and moan loudly in her ear.
“Fuck, princess, that was so hot…”
You’re so close now, heat roiling in your belly and your cunt clenching tightly around Sevika’s cock. She’s nearly there too, her breaths ragged and her legs beginning to shudder. You drag your nails down her back, scratching deep and hard. She has one hand at your throat, angling your face away and exposing your neck. The other hand is pressing into your clit, rubbing in frenzied motions, sending your orgasm hurtling to the edge. All it takes is for her to bite in your neck with brutal force, and you’re squirting all over her cock, your pussy giving her everything it can. The sight of you creaming all over her strap sends Sevika over the edge, roaring and thrusting into you one final time as she comes, soaking her boxers, her grip on you unwavering as her orgasm courses through her. Seconds pass, minutes too as the two of you breathe through your highs, still connected and holding onto each other like lifelines.
You whine when Sevika pulls out of you, your cum still dripping down your thighs. You feel fucked dumb, barely registering Sevika leaving to use the bathroom and returning with a warm, damp washcloth. She’s gentle, cleaning you up and dressing you in a pair of her boxers and an old shirt that smells like her woody cologne and cigarettes. She guides you into a comfortable position in the bed, climbing in herself and wrapping herself around you. She’s only wearing a clean pair of boxers, heat pleasantly radiating from her arms and chest and seeping into your skin. She kisses you softly in the space behind your earlobe and your eyes flutter closed.
The last things you hear before being lulled into sleep is Sevika murmuring into your ear. “I love you, my sweet princess. I never stopped, and I never will. You’re mine, and I promise I’m yours.”
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medic-simp · 2 months
Average -- Silco Smutshot
Rating: Explicit || Word Count: 2.4k Content Warnings: Boss/Employee relationship, flirting, vaginal fingering, flirting
Masterlist || AO3 Link
Beta reader: @silcoitus <3
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You were sweating like a motherfucker.
You had never really made much of yourself. As a kid you were quiet and unassuming, sticking to the inside edge of the sidewalk and letting people pass you by. Now, you’ve landed a decent job bartending at the club of the Undercity: The Last Drop. One would argue that’s not the most low-profile job, but you manage to make it relatively quiet.
The first time you spoke to your boss was during your interview, and he promptly hired you at the end of it. That was also the last time you spoke to your boss and you were quite happy with that fact. You hadn’t been so fond of the way he stared you down, like you were a simple snack he’d indulge in on a work break. You much prefer not being looked at to being look down upon.
Unfortunately for you, you’re going to get looked down upon again. And likely die.
You were cleaning up some things around the bar a few hours in advance to the night life kick that always seemed to happy around 7 o’clock or so when Sevika came from downstairs. You heard her heavy boots on the staircase and started making a strong tequila concoction until you saw the look on her face and your stomach dropped.
Sevika was grinning at you, and Sevika never smiles. You abruptly stopped what you were doing and demanded to know what happened—what was wrong.
“Boss wants you.”
The worst three words you could possibly hear.
Now here you stand, after taking the longest amount of time possible to trudge up the stairs and make your way down the hall. However long that had been, it was enough time for a thin layer of sweat to dampen your palms, chest, forehead, armpits, everything.
You had heard enough about your boss so that you were comfortable never exchanging more than a quick point of eye contact with him. Fingernails torn out, limbs removed, tongues cut out, eyes gouged. You weren’t ready to abandon your comfortably invisible life for a fate like that.
You’re still not ready for it, but it might happen today anyhow.
The door knob slips between your sweaty fingers and you take another embarrassing attempt to open the door. Of course the hinges have to squeal obnoxiously when you enter—as they have never squealed before now—and you can’t help but look up and enjoy the last few minutes of your life. As anxiety-filled as they may be.
To your relief, Silco isn’t looking back at you. That’s probably a good sign, right?
His office, that you’ve only been in once or twice before, smells strongly of the cigars he’s fond of, the ones whose smoke is usually permeating the ceiling of the club. The lighting isn’t too bad either. The green is unsurprising, considering the bright sign outside the establishment, but you’re caught off guard by the large stained glass window that had left your memory until seen again.
You close the door, and now Silco looks up. He stops writing—which you hadn’t noticed he’d been doing until he paused—and the window seems to make him glow. A strange little halo of light beams from behind him, and the unusual mixture of color with the lamplight from his desk somehow compliments his pallid skin tone.
Silco doesn’t say anything, only cocking an eyebrow at you.
“You- um- you wanted me? Sir?” The words stumble clumsily from your mouth, and you have to work against your base reflexes to not cringe at your own stupidity.
Silco hums, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Come, sit,” he beckons, pointedly nodding to the chair in front of his desk.
You do so without a word, tripping over your feet before managing to land in the seat without crashing or something ridiculous like that.
“Whatever I did, sir,” you begin, working up the courage to moderately plead for your life, “I didn’t mean it and there’s got to be some way to fix it.”
As you nervously wring your hands together, Silco’s brow curls in for a second before he throws his head back and lets out a generous laugh.
You smile awkwardly, letting out a hesitant chuckle of your own as your eyes linger anxiously on Silco’s amused grin.
“You think I’m going to kill you?” he asks, and you can’t say you’ve seen him more pleased—or at least you haven’t heard of him being more pleased. He must be able to tell just by the look on your face that you were fearing exactly that, because Silco chuckles again.
“No, no,” he assures, his expression maturing into something more neutral. Or is it just calm? You can’t tell. You’re too focused on the relieving breath you can finally let out, the rigid tension of your body melting away as Silco tells you that you are, in fact, not going to die.
“I had a curious thought. You always do just enough to do your job right, but there’s nothing ever of notice or reward,” he sighs, leaning onto his elbows. “Have you always been so… average?”
Double what.
There’s no accusation in his tone, and he’s not making fun of you. He’s genuinely confused.
“Oh. Um, yeah, I guess so.” Looking back on it, he’s right. It was kind of what you aimed for.
Silco’s brows raise in thoughtful consideration at that and he pulls back his arms, beginning to work the cuffs of his sleeves.
“Is that who you really are?” He offers a warm smile, as if that’s such a casual thing to ask. He manages to make it feel that way—natural. You feel at ease with the way he looks at you.
He rolls up one sleeve, and starts on the other, an idle set of motions as you decipher his words and chew on your own.
“What do you mean by that?” You eye the reveal of Silco’s pale forearms none too subtly, biting back a grin at the thin sinew and bone that flexes with the flick of his wrist.
Silco laughs to himself. “You can’t be that boring.” His voice is soft, considerate. “There must be more to you.”
“You ask all of your employees these questions?” You try your best to sound nonchalant when you speak but you’re not sure it comes out the way you want it to as you watch Silco flex his long fingers.
Janna’s tits, those fingers… am I getting paid for this meeting or do I get some other kind of... compensation?
You press your thighs together at that thought. As intrusive as getting fingered by Silco might be, you can’t find it in you to think Hell no! Not from my boss!
In your head, it’s starting to sound more like, Hell yes, from my boss!
Silco’s eyebrow—the one not drawn on—gives a little tick and he looks you up and down, the fire in his gaze feeling less and less professional with every passing second. This is going down a certain hole and you’re not opposed to it at all, however good or bad that may be. There’s not a care in your mind, not with the way your face heats up from the barest attention he offers.
He definitely knows what you’re thinking.
With a quick movement, Silco pushes out his chair and stands, rounding to your side of the desk. He doesn’t walk more than he glides, taking long, fluid strides under your watchful gaze until he comes to a halt behind you.
“Only the ones I think are worth asking,” he hums. His hand is a sudden but gentle pressure on your shoulder, narrow fingers tapping a patient rhythm against your collarbone. You’re intoxicated by the heat of him so close, thankful you’re already sitting because if you were to stand you would be embarrassingly weak in the knees.
“You think I’m that special?” Your voice trembles at the edges and you can hear Silco’s smile in the laugh he keeps to himself. Your heart pounds behind your ribcage as his hand inches upwards, fingers spanning across your throat and lingering for the barest of moments before they continue up to your chin. He applies a slight pressure, and you tip your head back obediently, greeted with Silco’s smugness in upside-down format.
His other hand comes up, grazing the sensitive skin of your neck, and just when you think it will take the same journey as its twin, Silco surprises you. His fingers divert drawing back until he can lace them through the strands at the base of your neck, brushing through your hair with a jarring degree of tenderness.
“Quite special,” he murmurs, letting his hand run absently through your hair. You close your eyes, breathing in the nearby smell of him; smoke and expensive products that you couldn’t name if you tried.
“You’re special enough to learn,” he adds, and before you have a chance to ask him what he means, his fingers halt in their tracks and tangle into your hair, pulling hard.
Your yelp catches on a half-drawn breath, the muscles around your throat straining from the angle he tilts your head back at.
“Do you know what I mean by that, darling?” The pet name has you melting and you catch his clever smirk at your reaction.
“I want to learn what makes you tick,” Silco purrs, releasing your hair and returning your proper breathing privileges. “What exactly will break you? What will have you sobbing my name into the morrow, hmm?”
He asks it like you have the damn answers.
If the flood downstairs is anything to go off of… “I’d say you’re on the right track to figuring it out,” you quip, voice breathy and weak and desperate.
Silco grins wryly, one hand grabbing your arm and pulling you up. Your world spins as Silco handles you to his liking, turning so your back is to the desk as he pushes you against it. His unmistakable hardness presses between the two of you and it sends a rush of heat to your head. Though, you are thankful you’re not the only one stupidly aroused at all of this.
Instead of responding with a quick-witted remark of his own, Silco crashes his lips onto yours, an action long-awaited and much-appreciated. Your surprise leaves your mouth agape and Silco takes the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, invading with the strong taste of his whiskey and cigars.
You moan against him, fisting the lapels of his vest between your desperate fingers as if you could rip the garment off him. His hands respond in kind, pulling eagerly at your shirt and pulling it up your body. Your lips break away only to slide your top over your head before it’s thrown to the side and you have at each other once again.
You abandon your futile attempts at the complicated fabric of Silco’s chest, now helping him with you­r own pants. They’re shucked off in a hurry as Silco wraps hands under your thighs and lifts you onto the desk, slotting himself between your legs. He works to pull your panties off of you, leaving you to shiver at the cold that hits your wetness.
Just when you think he’ll throw your panties to the side as well, he stuffs them in his vest pocket.
“Safe keeping,” he says, smirking.
“You’re buying me another pair then,” you huff, watching with bated breath as Silco’s fingers dance featherlight touches up the insides of your thighs, a winning grin painted on his face.
“I’ll buy you hundreds more,” he says with a groan before he brings his thumb to circle your wet clit. Your moan is eagerly swallowed by his mouth as he kisses you again, all complaints of your undergarments long forgotten as you lose yourself to the blissful pressure of his ministrations. As subtle as they are for the time being, it’s a much-appreciated relief from the burning tension and ache he had left you with.
He gathers your wetness on his fingers, running teasing touches through your folds until he prods your entrance with two digits. He nudges, taunting, and the friction isn’t enough. You have to whine into his mouth for him to relent and finally penetrate you, curling both fingers against your walls at the most delightful angle.
“Most do better with positive reinforcement rather than negative,” Silco hums, letting your hips grind absently against his hand, “let’s test that sentiment, shall we?”
Silco’s hand begins to rock against you in kind, fingers thrusting and curling at a gentle pace. He eases the ache with gentle kisses to the bared skin of your throat. You’re already embarrassingly close to your climax, clenching around his fingers as his palm grinds into your sensitive clit.
“Perhaps if this happens more often you’ll give me a little more effort on the clock, hm?” Silco muses, working you effortlessly, as if he’d known your body over years rather than just locking onto your every sweet spot in a matter of minutes.
All you can do is whine, the syllables of his name drawn out in long, strained cries as he brings you closer and closer to your peak. His lips are upon your breasts, sucking red marks onto your skin before he takes a nipple between his teeth. Lords above, he's going to make you come, but you want this to last!
Your walls must be clenching feverishly around his fingers as testament to your restraint because Silco eases your ruminations.
“Come for me, darling,” he says, voice a breathy purr against your lips, “let me see it all come undone, whenever you’re ready.”
As if his ministrations weren’t enough, Silco’s words push you over the edge and the next thing you know, you’re lying on your back on the table, sighing his name to the heavens. Just in the corner of your vision Silco is grinning, the heel of his palm grinding perfectly and his fingers crooking just so, working you through your high until it’s too much and you have to grab his wrist to get him to stop.
He’s careful when he pulls his fingers from you, and equally careful—if not a little bit tender—when he sits you up and pulls you into the thin expanse of his chest. His heartbeat is a steady thing beneath your ear and your own pulse seems to sync up to it as you climb down from your hearty orgasm.
“I knew there was more to you,” Silco muses, chin resting atop your head, “If you show me some authenticity in your work, I’ll really have no option but to reward you in a similar fashion to this.”
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mirconreadzztuff22 · 5 months
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I’m making it up to y’all 😞
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You and Sevika were at her apartment, drinking champagne after dealing with a pain in the ass mission by Silco.
Normally, you and Sevika would be at The Last Drop with everyone else, but that was no fun, not to you two anyway. Though, Sevika also avoided The Last Drop for a specific reason. She knew tonight wouldn’t end in her favor if you two went there.
You two were having fun alone together; just ranting and joking around with each other, some takeout on the coffee table in front of you, music playing in the background and being close. It was perfect, oh too perfect.
Though, every now and then, you would both steal glances at each other. Whenever Sevika didn’t think you were looking, she would just stare, especially at your lips. Every time you were talking to her, Sevika would pay attention, but specifically the way you smelt, the way your eyes shined in the light of her apartment, pretty much everything. It made her dizzy, but it felt nice.
Same goes for you, but of course, you were less obvious, due to the fact you were drinking less than Sevika. As you were talking, it seemed that the champagne had already gotten to her. Soon, interrupting you, Sevika blurted out; “I love you”. This made you freeze up, as you had to take a moment to process what you just said. When you fell silent, so did Sevika, as she had a look that screamed ‘Oh shit’. She didn’t mean to say it out loud, but it already came out.
You didn’t say anything, as you were processing what she had just said to you. Though, after a while, you were about to speak; well, until a knock came out from behind Sevika’s front door. Sevika groaned as she put her champagne glass down and headed over to the front. Turns out, it was Finn. He was telling Sevika that Silco needed them for some meeting. Despite Sevika being tipsy, Sevika just sighed and got some water before apologizing to you and leaving.
You stayed in her apartment, just sitting there and processing everything. After a moment of silence of just you and your thoughts, you got up and cleaned off the area for when Sevika comes back home. Though, you wanted to tell Sevika how you felt. You really did. So, with that being said, after you cleaned off the coffee table and put the empty glasses away, you took out your phone and hit on her icon in your contacts.
“I love you too.”
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kittyt-hexxed · 4 months
Bad Together
Sevika x Gang Leader!POC!Reader
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*This is a scheduled post so it will not be linked on the main page immediately.*
Warning: Gang Leader! POC!Reader, Rivals to Lovers, Crazy Offer, You’re also a scary lady, Dom!Reader, Dom!Sevika, You’re equals, Sexual Tension, An idea inspired by Valentine’s Day, Taunting, Flirting hidden as threats, Throat Grabbing, reader dresses slutty, Cursing, horny from fist fighting your rival, Sevika womanhandles you, you get folded, Making Out, Sevika bites your tongue
Summary: You and Sevika have been rivals since you were in high school. That only worsened when you both became gang leaders and tensions rose when Sevika became Silco’s right hand. You were scary, but Sevika was scarier… you had an offer for her - what if you combined forces?
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You knew this idea could blow up in your face in more ways than one. But, you wouldn’t have ended up in your position if you didn’t go for things that came with a substantial risk. If you were honest with yourself, this would be the riskiest out of all of them. One wrong move could find you losing your gang, your cred, your reputation, and your identity. In these fissures that was worse than death. You’d become a laughing stock or worse. That thought put a sour taste in your mouth that you wanted to spit out.
The Silver Dagger’s territory wasn’t hard to find. It covered the best parts of the Undercity which included the expensive side of the Red Light District. Your business involved the boss herself, so you were headed into the snake’s den. Contrary to belief, the Silver Dagger’s did not operate out of The Last Drop. That’s where Silco kept them for easy access, but they spent most of their time in an old townhouse they had completely renovated. You’d been there before - once, a long time ago. It was a day you didn’t know whether or not to look back on fondly or with disgust.
As you approach the townhouse, two guys playing blackjack at the gate stand up when they see you. One of them pulls out a gun while the other steps forward with a hand outstretched. The other people loitering around the area don’t even pretend they’re not paying attention. They blatantly stare at you, watching as you reach for your weapon and pull it from its holster.
“A bat?” The one with a gun snickers. You look at him and twist both parts of the handle away from each other. There is a click and nine-inch spikes pop out along the body.
“Do you want a demonstration?” You raise an eyebrow. The guy pales.
“Hand it over. You can’t go in with it or any other weapons you have on your body.” The other guy says, giving you a look-over as you retract the spikes.
“That’s all. I’m not stupid enough to walk into Sevika’s territory with more than necessary. I don’t have a death wish.” You scoff. “Can I go in now?”
“What about there?” He motions to your crotch. You glance down and realize your leather shorts make the bulge of your strap more prominent.
“I’m packing, but not a weapon.” You flash a smirk.
“You’d be surprised how many people still try to sneak in weapons there, too.” He exhales, crossing his arms. “Just have to be through. Head on in.” The door swings open and a third, larger guy stares down at you with an annoyed scowl. You raise an eyebrow at him, too. You knew a lot of the people who fell in with Sevika tended to be quite interesting. She was very picky with whom she accepted into her gang. They had to be smart, resourceful, and loyal. Not much unlike your criteria except you liked to accept the ones with a bit more personality.
You were guided through the hallway until you reached what used to be the living room. You recognized the people lounging on the couches as Sevika’s inner circle. It was rare for her to be somewhere without them. They stuck to her like glue unless she was out on an errand for Silco. You wondered if she ever cared that they did that. You didn’t when it came to your circle. If you needed to tell them to leave you alone, they were more than likely to oblige.
“When I was told the Puppeteer wanted a word with me, I thought you’d be on death’s door… but you don’t look half-dead to me, Y/n.” Sevika’s voice sends a thrill up your spine. You look up to see her leaning against the second-floor railing. It’s been some time since you’ve seen her instead of hearing the gossip about her. The smirk that crosses your face at the sight of your target is positively feral.
“I’m sure seeing me bloody and bruised would give you a hard-on, Sevika.” You respond, taking a step forward, “But I didn’t come here for you to get off.”
“Pity. I was looking forward to something to celebrate.” She says, then motions to the stairs, “Come up. Third door to your right.” She turns and moves out of your sight, likely into the room she just told you about. Grinning to yourself, you head up the stairs with a newfound pep to your step. Oh, she was a sight to behold. ‘How long has it been? Ten years? At least sometime before Silco took over.’ She’d cut her hair and put on more muscle than you remember. She was taller, too.
You swing the door open to see a decently sized office. It was decorated in the way you expected it to be - covered in trophies. There were items or weapons from other gangs hanging from the walls or displayed on shelves. What shows the gap between you and her are the items from Piltover. The sheer number of them showed Sevika’s strength as a leader and her cunning to have them in the first place. You couldn’t help but feel slightly awed by the sight. You have a few of your own but she had to have dozens. This is what it meant to be number one in the Undercity.
“So, what does the famous Puppeteer want with me?” Sevika asks, leaning back in her chair. You could tell it was custom-made, glossy with the telltale sign of being cared for with a linseed oil tincture. ‘I wonder how cocky she’d be if she was the one being fucked in that chair.’
“Me? Famous? You must be thinking of yourself.” You scoff, sitting down and resting your ankle on your knee. You make a show of checking her out, slowly dragging your eyes over her body. “From all the talk I’ve heard about you, I’d expected to find that you’d turned into an Oni. Color me disappointed to see that you’re normal.”
“An Oni?” Sevika snorts, “That’s a new one. Are you sure you didn’t make that one up?”
“A normal person can’t tank a fucking explosion and only get out missing an arm.” You point to the cloak hiding her metal arm. “And, I didn’t make it up. You’re not that lucky to have been on my mind all these years.”
“I could say the same.” She responds and the two of you intensely stare at each other trying to spot a glimpse of a lie. ‘Always so annoyingly attractive. Her makeup is always done so nicely. It used to piss me off that when it was smudged after a fight she still looked hot.’
“Anyway,” You direct the topic to where you want it, “I’m here to make you an offer that you won’t be able to refuse.”
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow. “And what delusional thought have you brought to me?”
“Get in a relationship with me,” You start, taking note that Sevika’s eyes widen, “and we can run the Undercity together.”
“You walk into my territory after years of not seeing each other to say… that?” She spits out the word as if it refused to leave her tongue. “You’re being serious? This isn’t some stupid joke because it’s Valentine’s Day?”
“I’m serious.” You nod, smirking. She’s clearly startled by what you said and it makes you gleeful to be able to knock her emotionless mask. “Let’s be honest, we can’t stand each other. You and I go together like gasoline and fire to a fucking explosion,” Her jaw clenches, eyes narrowing as you continue to talk. You knew that expression too well. One she’d give you over and over again while you were in school and competing for top dog. The one that made your rivalry all the sweeter. “but I know you better than anyone else. You’re a fucking powerhouse on your own. Imagine what we can do together.”
“You’ve been so horny for me that your fantasies have convinced you I want you in real life.” Sevika says bluntly, “You should take my spot at Babette’s for the day. Consider it a gesture of goodwill.”
“Why would I go to a brothel when I want to touch you, Sevika?” You purr, reaching out to caress her shoulder. She grabs your wrist, constricting her grip tight enough for the bones in your wrist to creak.
“What makes you think you can touch me, Y/n?” Her voice comes out low in a warning. You grin at her, your heart pounding harder with adrenaline as she glares at you with wild eyes. She didn’t scare you. She never did. Watching Sevika slip into her authoritative mode brought you nothing but a thrill. That’s what she was for you—a thrill.
“I’m the only one who has touched you.” You retort. A moment passes and she lets you go. You glance down at your wrist. There was nothing there but you knew there would be a bruise eventually.
“You’re wasting my time with this shit.” She deflects, taking a cigarillo out of a wooden box. “That’s nothing new with you though. You’ve always liked to waste my precious time.” You roll your eyes and stand up. She follows you with her eyes, tucking the cigarillo between her lips as you walk around her desk. You grip the back of her chair and push it away from the desk, taking up the space between the two. You lean against the desk, crossing your arms as you give her a disapproving stare. She looks up at you, trying to show that she’s disinterested in what you’re saying but the stormy look in her eyes says differently.
“While you continue running errands for Mr.Pink Eye over there, you will be left in my dust, Sevika. And I know how much you hate that. I’ll be number one in the Undercity and you’ll be racing to catch up to me.” You taunt her.
“If that’s what you want to believe.” She chuckles, flicking the lighter in her hand open. A soft green flame flares to life. She lights her cigarillo and you watch as she inhales, exhaling the smoke through her nose.
“Believe? I already see it.” You take the cigarillo from her lips, extinguishing it between your fingers, “You’ll fail without me. But, go ahead and continue being Silco’s bitch, all you have left to do is bark.”
Sevika’s metal fist connects with your stomach and you hunch over gasping for breath. She grabs your hair and throws you into the wall, your shoulder taking the brunt of the hit. You’re quick to shake off the stun and dodge out of the way from her next attack, bringing your leg up to kick her in the side and launch her away from you. She stumbles and you lunge at her, landing a punch across her jaw. A gleeful laugh leaves your lips as you and Sevika brawl around the office. She had a permanent smirk on her face and she laughed as you narrowly dodged her sword slash. The weapons around the office were used and Sevika had to roll out of the way when you got your hand on a mace. She got a good hit to your leg that knocked you off balance and you staggered but caught yourself in time. You wipe the blood off your arm, wearily eying that metal arm of hers. You’d heard people talking about it, but to fight her with it was a whole different process. You were bruised and bleeding but you were having a lot of fun. Sevika was standing in front of the door breathing heavily and wiping blood from a cut on her face. It was a delicious sight to see.
“Is that all you’ve got? I’m still standing.” You taunt her, gesturing to your body. Sevika looks at you silently, standing up straight as she catches her breath. “Well?” You continue. Her hand is closing around your throat before you can blink. A grunt is forced from you as you’re slammed onto the desk. Your hips are pressed into the wood, pinned in place by Sevika’s as she leans over you. A shiver goes through you as you realize she’s furious with you. Eyes of molten metal glaring down at you as if she wants you to burst into flames.
“It’s funny how you call me a bitch, but you’ve been barking at me since you’ve walked in here. If anyone is a bitch, it’s you.” Sevika says lowly, her face inches away from yours. “My bitch.” You can feel her strap pressing up against yours, forcing the base of it to your body and sending a tingling feeling through your clit.
“Prove it.” You smirk, purposefully pushing back with your hips.
“You’re so fucking frustrating.” She exhales sharply. You reach up and wrap your hand around her throat, pulling her face closer to hers.
“I said prove it, Sev.” You goad her with the nickname you gave her. She hated any form of nickname for her name. It was Sevika or nothing. So naturally you didn’t listen to that.
“If you insist, Y/n/n.” She responds with the nickname she had given you. Your eyebrow twitches. You make a noise in the back of your throat as she lifts you off of the desk by your throat. You let go of her neck to grab at her wrist. You don’t have to look to know that your feet are nowhere near the ground. Her lips curve up into a wicked smirk before the world around you blurs. You cry out in pain as your back is slammed against what you assume to be the desk once more. Her hand vanishes from your throat and the next thing you know she’s kissing you.
Sevika’s arms hold your legs to her body and you can feel her strap press against you due to the position you’re in. You feel yourself blush as she leans down, her hair brushing against your cheeks before her lips touch yours. Like your fight moments before, your kiss is anything but gentle. You’re rough, trying to be the one in charge and take the lead. Sevika’s tongue is in your mouth and you’re enjoying it until you want to put yours in hers. It takes a bit but you’re successful and get a low moan from her. You can’t help but feel smug about it, and almost as if she knows that Sevika bites your tongue. You yelp and jerk away from her, breaking the kiss and glaring at her.
“Seriously? You bit me?”
“Don’t be so smug about it.” Sevika shrugs. “You’re not in the position to be.”
“Would you like a redo of what happened the last time I was here? Then I will be.”
“If you call me your girlfriend in front of anyone, I’ll run you through with my sword.” She ignores what you said in favor of addressing the offer you made her.
“We’re partners. Nothing more. Nothing less.” You tuck your arms under your head, “I told you you wouldn’t be able to refuse my offer.” You smirk up at her.
“Shut the fuck up before I shove my dick in your mouth.” She says seriously.
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artinvain · 13 days
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔬𝔩𝔣 𝔬𝔣 𝔴𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱 (pt. 1)
sevika x reader modern au (fluff & weed smoking… mdni)
characters: sevika x reader, silco & vander .
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭
when sevika joins one of the biggest financial firms in her district, it’s not a big deal to her. it’s not her passion, but she makes money, work is stupidly easy for her, she lives way over comfortably and if she wants she can choose her own hours. of course ��� she keeps to a basically military routine, she likes it, it helps her stop thinking. about her dad, where her mom could be, the last person she loved.
she’s waiting to meet up with the same old college buddies she always does. they meet at a dispensary cafe maybe once or twice a week. but sevika goes almost everyday — because it also helps her not think.
when she walks in vander and silco are making a noise in their usual nook, greeting her with hugs and a cig to start. when they were all together like this they became idiots. usually intellectual conversations about philosophy or politics, the latest in news, the latest in their lives and careers. but here it was babble filled laughter and no thoughts at all.
“do you guys want coffee or some of the stuff on the munchies menu?”
your voice is new, vander and silco quieten down in her ears as she looks up at you, the sun shining like a halo bouncing around your locs. she wants to say something, tell you you’re pretty. It’s what she usually does when she sees a girl she likes. flirts like crazy but now sevika can’t say a goddamm thing.
it’s the way you’re looking at her and only her. your lip bitten and a small smile poking through as you notice she’s staring. and you can’t help but look on with some strange affection, her soft dark skin, muscles underneath it flexing. her grey eyes — so unusual, smoky and cool. your manager had told you she was a regular so if you wanted a tip you needed to be nice. to sevika you are lovely — she can’t really describe it but you make her blush.
when you walk away with their orders, the boys are immediately hounding her. “would you have preferred vander and i left the both when you did all that?”
“I - did you - are you fucking blushing?” silco laughs so hard he’s coughing and slapping vander’s arm when she rolls her eyes. “my hearts, my stars, my god — you are! I haven’t seen you look like this in years,” he gasps.
“weed makes you overly dramatic, silco,” she retorts gulps gratefully at a bottle of water while vander continues
“seriously though, you’re looking at her like you have something other than ice in your veins” vander howls at himself
silco lights up his cigarette and leans back, “come now vander, sevika’s just afraid of her feelings, if anything — her blood burns too hot-“
“shut up.” sevika mumbles. it’s not untrue, she’d bounced around from girlfriend to girlfriend, but no one ever stuck and she never seemed to mind. the sex was good — sometimes okay. they never could quite match her though. “it’s not my fault I don’t get along with them,”
“oh yes it’s always something - no banter, not intellectual enough — but I think -“
“yes, what do you think vander?” sevika spits with a snarl
“I think you’re sabotaging yourself.” he says more seriously than intended. she has nothing to say. no remark - she can’t explain away a truth they’d been skirting around whenever it came to sevika’s love life. they’d been badgering her about settling down for once, let herself be known outside of their little trio.
“drop it, vander,” she glares and he only rolls his eyes leaning forward to snatch a lighter in her hand for his joint.
it just has to be then that you walk back to their table, startled by the sudden silence as you hand out their snacks. “is everything okay?” you ask and Sevika’s smile is small but fleeting.
“do you have a strain that can lift the mood?” ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
sevika greets you by name every time she comes in now, over tips you, pulls you into conversation when she knows you should be working but she knows your boss and he’ll let it slide for her.
“so, how’s the wolf of wall street?” you whistle handing sev a clear vile with her joint in it. “you have to stop calling me that,” sevika laughs, loosening the deep blue, tie, embroidered with silver stars around her neck. “but you are! you told me yourself you’re up at 6am every day to make your matcha latte before gym, and you look at your stocks, in your giant loft —“
sevika laughs albeit a little nervously at your teasing “I did not say I had a loft,” and you smile at her coyly scratching her neck. “but am I wrong?” you ask and she ducks her head, her shoulder moving with her laughter.
“ah fuck,” she groans with a smile “leave me alone,” sev says jokingly, and you roll your eyes “okay, if you really want me to.”
but you don’t move, and sevika doesn’t say anything. she’s just looking at you, taking you in — grateful your job doesn’t have a uniform so she can see you in your wide leg pants, dark green flowers springing forth and your tight top — purple, strappy and your breasts, pressed up against them. she looks away from a moment and you chuckle having seen where her eyes ended they’re tour of you.
“you look pretty today,” sev mumbles, taking a sip of water.
“thank you sev, you look pretty put together yourself — meeting with investors ?”
“yeah,” she grunts, “something like that — I don’t know, first time I’ve felt off my game. the company’s just very white and male. I don’t know if I got the deal.” she stretches her neck, “and I hate failing,” she lets slip. furrows her eyebrows at herself because why would she tell you that?
“hey, you’re good at your job, or you wouldn’t be up for a promotion,” she shrugs at your response “plus,” you sit down next to her, “if anything you can depend on the diversity token,” you smirk and nudge her with your elbow, smoke billows out of her mouth as she laughs. coughing slightly before sitting up straight.
“I know it must be annoying, always having to shape yourself up into this heterosexual role,” you sigh, sev offers you some of her joint and you take it without question, knowing it was just you and andy your co-worker today,
“and your jobs are always with all these white, men determining whether you look good enough or if you’re well spoken enough, it’s bullshit,” you sigh and sevika nods
“it’s like I’m never doing well enough I’m tired of it,” she responds.
“you should be tired of it, but you are,” you say firmly, “good enough — don’t let them define you sev, your work shows that you’re good for it.”
“thanks,” she smiles, she’d heard it before but it felt different coming from you, because you understand her. you’re not just trying to make her feel better. it is bullshit and you let her know that it’s okay to feel that way.
“vander and silco don’t really understand it. i mean don’t get me wrong they try. but they’ll never really know.” sevika sighs and takes the j back from you when you offer it with a smile.
“I get that,” you nod and tie your locs up out of your face. “hey, I have to go check on that table,” you spot a couple with their coffee cups empty. “but I’ll be back,”
she turns the words over in her head. she didn’t ask you to, but you were coming back to her — like you always did. the first to check in on her when she came in and rarely did you leave her without at least some conversation, even when the cafe was busy. you grab sev’s hand and give it a tight squeeze and it jolts sevika’s body feeling your soft hand in hers, so warm and you trace a circle on the back of her hand that she can feel long after you’ve pulled away.
sevika should be at home by now, instead she’s following you around, watching you clean counter tops and pack away snacks for the night shift to open later.
“so, I told andy like I can’t take her every table just because she doesn’t feel like serving — do I have something on my face?” you stop rubbing at a sticky spot on the table where someone spilled something, staring at her quizzically as she looks down at you.
“no,” she smiles and then her eyes dart nervously around the room, “sorry, I was just… looking at you.” you don’t say anything for a moment, “I think you’re really pretty,” she says nervously. she hadn’t complimented someone so gently in a while. it’d all been heated praises while her hands were guided to someone’s neck. so sev chuckles uncomfortably and turns her head to stare at a painting when you say forger.
“I could have painted that. like better probably,” she says and when she looks back at you, your standing so close to her she can feel your breath on her neck.
“I think you’re beautiful,” you say, and sevika chokes on her words. she’d always been “sexy” or “hot” or “super attractive” but no one had called her beautiful. cupping her cheek so softly and with no intent.
“I just was never sure how you felt, so I didn’t say anything,” you said, and sevika holds her hand over yours, looking down at you and smiling sheepishly as you lean up and kiss the side of her mouth. “I like you,” you grin at her blush and the way she tumbles over her words.
“of course yeah, i um - do you want to come back to my place?” she rushes out and a pit forms in her stomach when you blink slowly and swallow.
“I’m sorry, did I just ruin everything?” sevika asks bluntly and you shake your head, she holds your hand to her cheek, hoping you don’t pull away.
“no it’s fine. I want to, I do. but, I’ve done that a lot recently, I mean finishing my masters it was really bad. I kind of want something real,” you say shyly, trying and failing to pull away from sevika,
“we can take it slow,” what the fuck is she thinking. she’s never taken it slow. her longest relationship was three months and she fucked it up because she always priorities work. but, you’re beautiful and kind and smart and funny and she doesn’t know if she can just let you go. at least not that easily.
“let me take you home,” sevika offers as you lock up, the sun’s not down yet but she doesn’t want you to go. you agree and whistle when you jump into her jeep.
“wolf of Wall Street— this is impressive,” sevika rolls her eyes with a smile and turns her car on.
“just fucking give me the directions,” she answers and you laugh, getting your maps out “it’s not far from here,” you say.
“if you’re not busy, maybe you can come inside, talk and have some tea or — I don’t know, maybe not-“
“no yes. I would love to,” she replies eagerly, making her way down to your place, following the maps stoic directions.
“so you said you could paint something better than what’s in the shop?” you turn to her and she blushes — she shouldn’t have said that.
“I used to paint, and sketch,” she admits, used to as if she didn’t pick up her charcoal for the first time in months to sketch every detail of your soft face.
you nod, looking around her clean car, it didn’t look like one of an artist “you should show me sometime,” you mumble and flick the boulder of the sisyphus bobble head stuck to her dash. “this is a really fucking specific bobble head,”
sevika laughs and agrees, “I got it in greece at some really overpriced tourist shop. I don’t know, vander and silco got something too, all philosophy shit because we’re—“
“really pretentious,” you laugh and she nods along “yeah yeah. we all met in our first year greek mythology course and then again in philosophy and we kind of just stuck together. and I never buy myself anything so I figured.”
“why this though? why the reminder of eternal punishment on your dashboard, every day?”
“other than the fact that it reminds me of my oldest friends?”
it’s not like you didn’t understand. you have an embroidered quilt of plath’s fig tree poem hanging in your kitchen.
“yeah, other than that,” you dig, you know there’s something more there.
“I don’t know, I felt like I was sisyphus for a long time,” she admits. something about your aura was so damn relaxing, like she could say anything around you and you wouldn’t care. “I had accepted that I had to suffer.” she drums her thumbs on the steering wheel, “that being who I am was some cosmic punishment, but then. I don’t know I figured if my boulder was who I am, I’d have to keep pushing it, even if people failed to see how light it is to me,”
you nod, finally satisfied with her answer and look over at her. she doesn’t feel like she has anything more to say. and for once she isn’t scrambling for charmed words or flirtation, she just lets herself listen to you breathe.
“paradoxical but that’s what it is to be brown and queer in this world huh,” you say and sevika nods falling into a comfortable silence until you reach your flat.
a small victorian brick building, that’s much bigger when you’re inside. stairs leading up to what you explain are two other apartments. the tenants quiet but very nice and hardly home. you walk her down the passage to your apartment door.
she’s greeted by warmth and the smell of fading incense. you turn on orange lamps and a sunset one in the living room,
“you can put your jacket on the stand there,” you say, looking at her from over the kitchen island. “and take your shoes off, please,”
sevika complies and feels a tight knot it her stomach. nerves. why is she nervous when she knows you two won’t be doing anything. the way you’d seen through her in the car, you wanted to know her, not just her body and that scared the shit out of her. should she just leave? she’s ready to put her shoes back on when you walk past her into the living room with a tray, a teapot and two cups and some honey. it’s so sweet she decides against herself to sit down on your couch beside you.
she looks around while you pour her tea, the couch is plush, you’re venitian carpeting soft under her socks. you have a feature wall painted dark green and covered in abstract paintings and one family portrait.
“that you?” sevika asks, making out our plump cheeks and toothy grin, as you lean over who she assumes in your father. she thanks you for the tea and takes a sip of the warmth,
“yeah,” you smile, “my brother is late, but my sister lives like two streets down,”
“I’m so sorry,” she offers and gently lays a hand on your shoulder. you take it and kiss the back of her hand.
“shit, sorry,” you apologise and let go off her, but she wants you to do it again, can feel the outline of your lips tingling on her hand. “s’okay,” she nods and keeps her hand on your shoulder.
“viktor was my adopted brother, he was really sick.” you stop there and turn to her with a watery smile. “I loved him a lot,”
she can tell. nods solemnly and lets you have a moment, and then your laughing a little embarrassed and wiping your eyes.
“It was a long time ago, sorry,”
“don’t be,” sev says, “I wanna know you,” she smiles and you smirk back at her, your cheeky attitude back in play, “then ask me a question,” you say, she doesn’t know where to start because she has a million.
“how’d you know you were… I don’t know sapphic?” she asks tentatively. “well, I’ve known I was a lesbian since I was like twelve. there was this girl I alway hung out with —“ you’re smiling fondly and sevika lays over your words.
“yeah?” sevika answers getting ready for your story.
she leaves way too late, all you two did was talk and laugh and she hadn’t checked her stocks or taken any calls and she can’t remember the last time she wasn’t always working, even partially, even in her free time. when she gets home she’s on her laptop until midnight, taking an international meeting and all the while, all she can think about is sitting and watching the rest of the stupid magician show she’d started with you before she saw the time.
when she clambers into bed, for the first time she notices how cool the spot beside her is. she bundles herself up in pillows and falls asleep with you on her mind.
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
”I wanna take you on a date,” sevika smiles leaning on the counter where you’ve just finish letting a group of friends pay.
“you do?” you ask, “you doing it because you think I’ll give you discounts ?”
“I know you’ll give me discounts,” she laughs “I got something for you,” she pulls out a novel from her work satchel. “I know you wanted a physical to have, but you said you were too distracted to get one so”
the picture of dorian gray. inside the first page were names of people who had had the book before you, dating back to ‘97. you’d wanted a hard cover since you’d read it a year ago. but she’d gone above and beyond getting you a thrifted version, you liked the idea of a hand me down of something so many others like you had enjoyed and now you had one and she knew that. the thought made your heart thump.
“where did you get this?” you ask, touching over the names of all the people who’d signed it,
“just looked at like four different second hand book stores,” she shrugs and looks on fondly as you excitedly flip through the annotated pages.
“thank you!” you lean over the counter and kiss her cheek.
“and not that that was a bribe or anything but-“
“I obviously want to go on a date with you vika,” she blushes at the nickname, her heart beating a little faster. “yeah?” “yeah,” you nod and jump at andy’s snide remark for you to start your shift.
“I’ll pick you up after work,” she taps on the counter and smiles widely, the bell on the cafe door ringing loudly in her ears as she exits. for the first time in a long time, she’s more than just living. the air smells fresh, colours and bright and her heart is pumping hard, hot blood coursing to her cheeks as she thinks of you. tonight, tonight, tonight.
okay next chapter is the date and maybe a sexy little smut scene hehehe or angst. who knows? not even me. 🏷️ @iamaboringrattat @archangeldyke-all @sevsbaby @sapphicsgirl @bimboprincezz @opropheticsoul @ariariarr @sexysapphicshopowner
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abitohoney · 7 months
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CH1 - I Don’t Bite AO3 link
CH1 || CH2 || CH3 || CH4 || CH5 || CH6 || CH7
Vampire Sevika x female reader
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, NSFW
Story Tags: Vampire Sevika, Soft Sevika, liaison reader, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Grinding, Sexual Tension, Biting, Drinking, Smut, Clothed Sex, Blood, Canon-Typical Violence, Assault, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Minor Character Death, Vampire Silco, vampire Ran, definitely took some creative liberties on vampire lore here, Menstrual Sex, Menstruation Kink, Strap-Ons, Overstimulation
Word Count: 3.3k
Story Summary: As the new liaison between Piltover and the Undercity, you've been guided by the enigmatic escort Ran to meet with their boss- and fearsome criminal kingpin- Silco, as well as his alluring right-hand woman Sevika. You're well aware that plenty of shady things take place in the depths below, but there's something particularly mysterious about these three that you can't quite put your finger on.
AN: This is already in process over on AO3.
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The ride down the lift that carried passengers between the starlit skies of Piltover and the dark bowels of the Undercity was no different that night than any other. Ran, your escort, stood in silence just behind you, uncomfortably close despite there being more than enough room to leave you breathing space. Their ebony lips curled into a small smirk when you peered at them from over your shoulder. You offered a shy smile in return before returning your attention to the iron bars of the gate in front of you.
The clear lights from the lampposts above slowly faded the deeper you traveled, replaced by the sparse neon lights barely visible through the thick smog rising from the sump level in the depths below. It pained you to know there were people forced to live in such conditions, but that was part of your job, the reason you traveled to the Undercity once every week.
- - - - - - - - - -
You had been hired as a liaison to work between the Piltover council and the Undercity’s industrialist Silco. It was your responsibility to oversee negotiations between the two, a bit of a messenger and peacekeeper for lack of a better term. You were a neutral party, working to find terms that would favor, or at least be most agreeable, to both sides.
Your first meeting with Silco and his right-hand woman Sevika had been admittedly both terrifying and unnerving. Though you were privy to many rumors, and excessively debriefed by your employer, it did little to prepare you for seeing them in person.
Silco, criminal kingpin, driven to convert the Undercity into the independent nation of Zaun, was a thin, pale, heavily scarred man that simply exuded power and control. Mismatched eyes; one, sitting among the scarred side of his face- a contrasting fire among a black abyss, the other, arguably just as terrifying in its seeming ability to see your soul- a beautiful shade of blue. Lips thin, pulled into a serious taut line. Dark slicked back hair with trails of silver flowed like an extension of the scar on the left side of his face. Suit tailored as if straight from one of Piltover's finest, a regal mix of dark red, black and gold trimmings and accents. His voice was cool, calm, but with a clipped edge that left no room for arguing. He spoke almost poetically, with metaphors and eloquent rhetoric, clearly far more educated than a majority of his Undercity peers. Though he spoke softly to you, his tone almost sensual in nature, you suspected that could take a frightening turn if he were cross.
Sevika, Silco’s second in command, was equally a sight to behold. Tall, muscular, dark, and brooding. She too donned scars, but considerably smaller, vein-like and glowing a lovely blueish-purple against her rich brown skin. They ran along her left check, traveling down her neck, under her leather choker, then disappeared beneath the collar of her leather top. Her eyes, a rare and lovely shade of gray, glowed eerily red and purple at times. She too had dark hair, cut in a short angled bob, half pulled into a tie at the back of her head. But her most notable and unnerving feature was her left arm; a mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic amalgamation- including gears, tubes, and enough joints and movable components to make it a fully functional extension of her body. She typically kept it hidden between her maroon cape, but you had more than once gotten a glimpse when she lifted that arm or shifted such that her cape fell aside. Sevika's voice was unique too. Deep, a bit raspy, and noticeably sultry. At least it seemed that way when she spoke directly to you. She, however, was more straight to the point with her words. She didn't use fancy language or long-winded stories to convey her thoughts. She said exactly what she was thinking and nothing more. And similar to her employer, she too had a tone you suspected could strike fear into anyone who pushed her buttons.
Even your escort, Ran, another of Siclo’s lackeys, was wrapped in mystery and danger. Though they spoke very little, it only served to drive that fear and unease deeper. Their appearance, though slightly less unnerving than Silco or Sevika, still left the impression they were not someone you’d want to trifle with. Their short, black, choppy hair hung diagonally across their face, obscuring their left eye. Dark black makeup painted their lips and surrounded their eyes, a stark contrast to their pale complexion. A leather harness wrapped around their seemingly out of place crisp white shirt, twin blades resting in the sheaths at their back. Similar to Sevika, Ran’s right hand appeared to be a prosthetic, or included some sort of dark metal covering.
Admittedly, the three of them intrigued you despite the fear they instilled. However, Sevika was the one to have piqued your interest the most.
The meetings, held weekly and late in the evening at Silco's office above his establishment- a bar or club of sorts- always started with just you and Sevika, typically for an hour or two before Silco would finally appear. At first you thought it simply was that he was just a busy man, running late and nothing more. However, after several failed attempts to initiate the discussions you were sent to hold on behalf of the Piltover council with Sevika, you started to suspect she was intentionally calling you in early. For something entirely different.
Each visit Sevika would sit on the large settee beside you, arms spread across the back and legs spread wide, a cigarillo or glass of liquor in her prosthetic hand. Her human hand always rested near your neck, fingers occasionally brushing along the sensitive flesh, subtle enough to be considered unintentional, but it sent chills down your spine each time.
Some nights she would listen to you talk about anything and everything you could come up with. Some nights the two of you would sit in comfortable silence. On rare occasions, she would grace you with little tidbits of her own life, to which you hung on every single word spoken in that enticingly deep voice of hers, your eyes glued to her full lips.
- - - - - - - - - -
You were pulled from your thoughts at the sudden jolt of the lift coming to a stop. Your body lurched forward, not prepared for the abrupt halt.
Ran’s metal hand reached out, finding purchase on your shoulder and preventing you from falling face first into the iron bars.
You gasped softly, quickly grasping one of the bars and righting yourself. “Sorry,” you murmured awkwardly to Ran who then stood beside you. “And thank you.”
Their dark lips pulled into a crooked grin. One that had you wondering if they were amused by your slip. They said nothing though, removing their hand, but not without first dragging the very tip of a metal finger along the side of your neck.
The touch sent chills down your spine. It was so subtle, so casual, you weren’t sure if it was intentional. But you weren’t about to ask.
Ran stepped past you, flashing one last smile to your stunned expression.
You followed, feeling suddenly more apprehensive about the night’s meeting than usual.
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You sat on the dark burgundy settee in the dimly lit room of Silco’s office, trying to keep your cool as you waited for his arrival, which over the past few visits had been suspiciously later and later.
Sevika, seated beside you, absentmindedly ran the fingers of her human hand through the hair just above your neck. Twirling the strands, her fingertips brushed along the stretch of sensitive skin below.
It took every ounce of willpower not to simply purr, or let your head roll forward, close your eyes, and just relish in the sensations. You were only brought out of your daze when you heard her husky voice beside you.
"You're a lot prettier than our last liaison."
Turning your head, you peered up at her curiously. Had you heard her right?
Gray eyes, almost glowing in the faint light of the desk lamp several feet away, were trained on your exposed neck. Her dark taupe lips pulled up at one corner of her mouth.
You could feel the heat begin to spread across your cheeks. "Are you- are you trying to court me?" you asked incredulously, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Court?” She chuckled– a deep, sensual little laugh, eyes drifting to yours. “You mean, am I trying to seduce you?"
When you only offered her a shy little smile, she continued in a playful tone, "That depends. Is it working?"
"Yes," you admitted, heat flooding your cheeks and ears when you realized what you just confessed. Before you could attempt to cover it up, she spoke again.
"Then why don't you be a good girl for me and lie down so I can do this properly."
That was not what you’d expected. Not at all. You expected her to be surprised, or put off. She couldn’t possibly have been serious. But she was.
Your chest tightened, the implications of the situation quickly setting in. Any ounce of confidence you had remaining was gone in an instant. And you suddenly felt terribly unprepared for whatever was about to take place.
Sevika must have taken notice, as she tried to coax you on.
"C'mon, sweetheart. I don't bite," she purred, then raised a single brow. “Unless you want me to.”
The sinful curl of her lips revealed pearly white teeth, including a pair of eerily pronounced canines. Thick fingers made a long sensual drag along your neck as her hand left the back of the seat. The cushions rose as the weight of her lifted when she stood to leave you the room necessary to lie back on the large settee.
“What if Silco comes in?” you asked, eyes darting between the door and Sevika’s far too tempting smile.
“He won’t be here for a while,” she assured you.
Again, you were left to wonder if that was intentional. If Sevika had planned these early arrivals to have alone time with you. To do whatever it was she had planned to do right then and there.
Despite your trepidation, you finally complied, pulling your feet up onto the settee and turning to lie across it. As you let your head fall back to rest against the arm, Sevika bent down, looming over you while she grabbed a pillow from behind your arm and placed it in the gap beneath the incline of your upper back and neck.
"Thank you." Your words were so quiet you were uncertain she could even hear you. Your eyes tracked her movement, but you focused on her prosthetic hand, finding it too difficult to look into her eyes.
Her human hand tapped the valley between your thighs, just above your knees.
You lifted your gaze to hers in question.
"Make some room for me, sweetheart." It was a command, but spoken with a hidden promise behind it.
Heart hammering in your chest, your eyes remained on hers as you spread your legs just wide enough for her to place one of her own knees between yours. The other knee came to rest on the opposite side of yours so that she was straddling your leg. Even in her kneeling position she towered over you, blocking what little light the tiny desk lamp could offer.
Your eyes fell to the point where her knee was touching yours, hovering there for a moment before traveling up the length of one of her thick thighs and across the muscular planes of that teasing strip of exposed abs. They continued up over the rise and fall off her soft chest, then the leather choker surrounding her neck. Over those thick, dark, smirking lips, and her pronounced nose, before your gaze finally landed on her gray eyes. Even without the light of the lamp, those eyes somehow seemed to glow in an eerie mix of red and purple.
"You aren't scared are you?" she asked, observing your fraught expression and tense posture.
"No," you whispered with a small shake of your head. "Just- just nervous," you admitted.
Her brows raised as she spoke, "Nervous?"
Averting your attention to the leather bracelet around her wrist you replied shyly, "I- I just don't want to disappoint you."
It wasn’t a complete lie. This was a powerful woman who clearly was experienced, likely much more so than you. And you desperately wished to please her. Though not for the reasons or in the ways you should as liaison. But another part of you also worried if this was right. To allow her to have you like this. This certainly wasn’t part of your job description. Not to mention this could certainly appear as if Sevika was trying to win some sort of favor or advantage in what was supposed to be an even, fair deal between Piltover and the Undercity.
And yet, your body seemed to speak louder than any voice of reason. And your body wanted nothing more than to give Sevika whatever she wanted.
Your gaze slowly drifted back to her seductive grin and glinting eyes.
She placed the palms of her hands on the arm of the settee on either side of your head, her cape further shrouding you in darkness. She bent down to bring her face closer to yours, noses nearly touching. "I'm certain you won't," she purred, her warm breath fanning across your face as you took a deep breath.
You were drowning in her scent; a heady mix of fine liquor, cigarillos, and smoke. Your lips parted and breath hitched as you watched her descend further, mouth inching towards yours. Her head tilted just enough to allow space for her nose to fit beside your own. Heat flooded your body and you closed your eyes. You felt her lips pause a hair's breadth away from yours. The room was utterly silent save for the breaths you two exchanged through parted lips. The heat that had invaded your body was instantly replaced with an ache that concentrated in the apex of your thighs and spread down through your legs. A breathless moan escaped the small gap of your open mouth when you felt the tip of her tongue snake teasingly along your bottom lip. Her name fell from your mouth in a breathless whisper. Suddenly, it felt as though the room had begun to spin.
When her soft lips finally connected with yours in a passionate kiss it nearly took your breath away. Moaning against her mouth, your hands instinctively grabbed the collar of her top, trying to pull her closer while you pressed your mouth to hers fervently. Her nose rubbed along the side of your own, brushing along your cheek when she adjusted the tilt of her head to deepen the kiss.
Her metal hand slid down to rest against the seat to support her body as her human hand slipped under the front of your shirt. It left a trail of heat as she slid it up along your abdomen to cup a breast through the thin material of your bra. Her tongue delved into your mouth, tip gliding hungrily along the backs of your teeth.
When her tongue receded, you attempted to replicate her movements, your tongue dipping into her mouth and brushing along her teeth. The sudden gentle press of a sharp canine into your tongue had you gasping against her mouth.
Her throaty chuckle elicited another deep moan. She released your tongue, only to lick along it with her own.
Releasing your grip on her collar, your hands slipped up and around her neck, burying your fingers in her silky hair.
Sevika moved her mouth to your chin, kissing a line along your jaw. She pressed her knee against the apex of your thighs.
A wave of pleasure rolled through your body. You tilted your head back against the pillows, softly moaning her name.
Her lips pressed against the taut, exposed flesh of your throat. Burying her nose into your neck, she inhaled deeply. A low groan pulled from her chest as she kissed, sucked, and nipped her way to your pulse point. When your fingers pulled at her hair, forcing her mouth closer, she released something akin to a growl.
Your mind was in too much of a daze to determine if that sound was a threat or a result of her pleasure. Either way, it only urged you to pull her even closer.
A pair of surprisingly sharp teeth grazed along that delicate point in your neck, threatening to sink in deep and break the flesh. The fingers that were gently groping your breast moments ago pressed harder into the softness, nails leaving little crescent moons in their wake.
“Sevika,” you moaned wantonly as you ground against her knee.
Her breath was hot and heavy against your skin, as if she was getting off to just the taste and smell of your skin.
Or what was beneath it.
And then, without warning, she was gone. With nothing more than a startling, loud growl of frustration.
You blinked several times, still lost in the haze of arousal. Your hands rested at your sides, fingers twitching at the loss of Sevika’s silky hair between them. As your vision came into focus, you found Sevika standing beside the opposite end of the couch, her back to you. Her body was almost heaving, breaths ragged and shaking her body.
“You need to leave,” she growled quietly without facing you.
“What?” you asked, slowly sitting up.
“I said you need to leave!” she growled, much louder this time as she glared at you from over her shoulder. Her normally gray eyes flashed a bright purple, but her mouth was obscured by her cape.
You wanted to ask why. What you had done wrong. What about the reason you came there in the first place. You hadn’t even had the chance to speak to Silco yet. But her anger, her tone, her glare- it all left no room for questions. So you quickly gathered your bearings, or what little you could, and made your way to the door. With your hand on the knob, you paused. Swallowing hard, you turned one last time towards Sevika.
She still refused to look at you. Even with her cape covering most of her body, you could see- even feel - the tension.
What the hell happened?
With a resigned sigh, you opened the door and stepped out, closing it softly behind you.
Ran stood leaning against the railing not more than a few feet down the hallway. They glanced up at you, their exposed brow raising in surprise.
“I- I guess we need to reschedule,” you explained quietly. You silently prayed Ran wouldn’t ask why. You had no idea what you’d say. You certainly couldn’t tell them that you and Sevika were doing something so unprofessional in Silco’s office.
Why had you even let that happen?
You knew why. Sevika was incredibly attractive. Everything about her exuded power and charisma. But she also seemed to have this oddly soft side beneath that hard exterior. Both sides of her drew you in.
Thankfully, Ran said nothing. Not a word. It was one time you were actually quite grateful for their typical silence.
The walk to the lift and subsequent ride up to Piltover would have been more awkward than usual had your mind not been swimming with questions, worries, and concerns. You just couldn’t figure out what had gone wrong. Had Sevika regretted her advances?
As Ran opened the lift gate and watched you step out, you promised yourself you would apologize to Sevika for what had happened next time you met with her.
Assuming there would be a next time.
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
Arcane x innocent reader? Like someone who is a literal angel?
Of course! Coming up!
Arcane X Innocent! Reader
Characters: Jinx, Vi, Viktor, Caitlyn Kiramman, Vander, Silco, Ekko, Sevika, Jayce Talis and Mel Medarda.
Tags: Fluff, established relationship, Jayce being Jayce, Jinx being Jinx, overprotectiveness, innocence and reputations trying to be kept.
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: I adore innocent readers and OCs! I feel they have a way of bringing out the true nature of characters, especially with this kind of cast! Also sorry to everyone for taking so long, I unfortunately have a chaotic and no good life. XD
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“Hey, toots! How has ya day been? Did you miss me?! Of course you did! Come here, you cute little bunny!”
You are Jinx’s little bunny! She loves how innocent you are for someone who hangs out with her, and in a way, you keep her grounded. You are the sunshine in this dark unforgiving world. Usually she loves destroying things and making others lives harder to live.
But when it comes to you? She is extra careful. She never lets you go on missions or patrol unless she’s with you. You’re in her hideout? She’s doing safety precautions by forcing you to wear a welding mask or staying six feet away from her projects. And unless they are little trinkets and presents for you, you can’t exactly touch them unless she assists you with them. You are a porcelain doll in her eyes. She doesn’t want you to break or become corrupted at all. She’s you’re protector and your lover and she won’t let you forget that.
Violet "Vi"
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“Do you know how cute you are? You’re adorable… Hey, don’t hide that face from me, I mean it. You’re adorable.”
Vi is known to be a hardass sometimes to people, but around you? She lets her true colors come out. She’s super affectionate physically and verbally, telling you how much she loves you and cherishes you. If anyone was to hurt you, she’s not just breaking their nose, she’s breaking their entire body. You are so precious. Maybe too precious to her.
She always rushes from work back home just to cuddle with you and ask how your day was. And don’t get her started on your bashful nature, she adores it so much since you only get that way around her. Does she wish you could stand up for yourself? Sometimes. But for the most part, she’s okay with it, especially since she can protect the both of you. To everyone else, she’s a wild card with muscle and snark. But to you and only you, she’s perfect.
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“Rodnaya. Did you fix my calculations?... Please, don’t fret- I’m not angry. I’m just wondering… What did I do to deserve you?”
Viktor thinks you are make believe. There is no way someone as sweet as you should exist. How can you be so in love with someone like him? He believes he can never give you what you want or need, but whenever you assure him he can, his spirits are lifted and his confidence gets a significant boost.
Whenever you are around, you make Viktor feel he can make all the progress in the world no matter what anyone says. You make him feel a little more comfortable in his skin, which is nice. But even better is the fact that because of you, he tries his best to exercise self love. This can come in the form of taking a few breaks from his project and treating himself whenever he makes a huge accomplishment. Viktor cherishes you so much and he hopes you know that no matter how nose deep he can be in work.
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“Good afternoon, my darling. I didn’t keep you waiting, did I? Let me make it up to you… You’re too sweet, but I insist.”
Because of how innocent you are, Caitlyn sometimes compares you to an angel. She finds you to be a bit pure and needs to be protected. Though unlike Vi, her protective nature is more tamed. She’ll prefer protecting you with her words, choosing to ask questions regarding your well being. But if you are in physical danger, she has no problem jumping to your aid with her gun in hand to scare those who hurt you away.
You mean a lot to her and she’ll show you by inviting you to places or showing you the many gardens in Piltover. Of course, she’s not without having more personal evenings together at home, cuddled together and enjoying each other’s company. All in all, she loves you and she’s not afraid to tell or show you that.
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“This life. One of hardship and poverty, is not one that you deserve. I promise, I’ll grant Zaun its independence. For all of us. For you.”
If Silco is the king of Zaun, you are his king/queen. It’ll take a while for you to get close to him because of the locks he usually has around his heart. But if you are able to cut them off with time and effort, Silco will treat you as if you are royalty. Expect him to show you off to those around you, whether it be you sitting on his lap or standing by his side.
That being said, do not expect him to shower you in kisses and snuggle up to your body. He has an image to hold, so the last thing he needs to hear from his men is that he’s gotten soft and mushy. Around them and under the eyes of Zaun, you are just his second half. But behind closed doors? You are more like his life. Just make sure you don’t tell anyone.
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“Damn, the light here really knows how to bring the beauty out of you. Are you sure you’re not an angel in disguise?”
You and Ekko have a pretty chill relationship. You’re his lover and he’s yours for the most part. He’s not overprotective, but he can have moments of being a helicopter boyfriend. You’re going on a mission? Take Scar with you. You want to go into Zaun to get something? Why doesn't he tag along to help? You would bring it up to him that you don’t always need someone with you, but your bashful nature makes it a little hard. So unless another firelight realizes what’s going on, be prepared to not go many places alone.
Outside of the following, Ekko is for the most part considerate of you and what you want. You can always find him asking you what you desire or need from him and even if you try not to answer, he will subtly find ways to get most of the unspeakable answers. 
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“Hey, we can… Cuddle later, okay? Right now, my crew is here and I don’t want to ruin my reputation.”
Compared to Silco, Sevika is more open in her relationship with you. She’ll tell everyone that you are her lover and in her own way be proud of it. That being said, she tries not to show a lot of PDA in hopes of protecting her reputation and mainly yourself. In her mind, if her group or anyone finds out you mean a lot to her, you can become a prime suspect in future kidnappings or blackmail. And she doesn’t want that for herself nor for you.
Outside of work, Sevika makes up for having to be a little distant with you. She’ll take you gambling with her and if you don’t prefer that, you guys can always hang out somewhere else. As long as you are content and safe is what matters. Sevika’s a good girlfriend, very protective. Just don’t expect her to be super verbal with her love, she prefers actions over words. But do be on the look out for a lot of teasing.
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“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself from picking you up, you’re too cute... Screw it, you’re all mine.”
Vander is a big ol’ teddy bear when it comes to loving you. He doesn't care if anyone at the bar comments on your relationship with him because he will waste no time picking you and showing you off like a trophy. He talks about you almost nonstop if he’s not talking about work or affairs occurring in Zaun.
When it comes to his affairs with Piltover, he makes sure you are nowhere near it. In his eyes, you are too precious to get in the middle of anything affiliated with them. Not to mention, he wouldn’t be the same if somehow you got hurt or worse. The kids need you and so does he, because with you in their lives, they feel like a complete family. You hold the hound down on a leash and he loves you for that.
Mel Medarda
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“You know what? After I’m done with meetings at work, we’re doing whatever you want. How’s that sound?... Come on now, love. You have to speak up.”
When it comes to Mel, conversation is key. Which is why your relationship can feel like a relationship, but also like a class. She pushes you to speak for yourself in many situations, but doesn’t force it upon you. It’s not that she hates how innocent and bashful you can be, she just doesn’t want that to be used against you or for other’s personal gain. So if she can shape you up to speak for yourself just a tiny bit, that will make her content.
Regardless though, she enjoys your company, especially after stressful days working with the council. In a way, you two kind of act like a married couple, having an unspeakable bond, but a loving one nonetheless. 
Jayce Talis
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“Yeah, the meeting was great!... Okay, fine, I skipped it- But can you blame me? Why would I want to rehash work when I could be here with you?”
If you were a dog owner, Jayce would be that golden retriever that gives you a run for your money, but makes you feel intense happiness. Every day is always something new with this man because he will give you a run for your money due to how hyper he is when he gets a new idea. Also he’s very loving around you, wanting to spend as much time with you as he can.
Though, he’s no Jinx. He knows that the both of you have lives and duties to fulfill. So he’ll give you space. But not for long. Just be ready to be working or relaxing when Jayce pops up out of nowhere to check up on you. If you forget your lunch, he’s going to deliver it to you. Forgot paperwork? He’s already on it, all you need to do is check for numerous errors. Everyone knows how you feel to date Jayce; It’s a wild ride, but a fun one that’s worth it.
Arcane requests are currently open! :D
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, be safe and have a good day! <3
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archangeldyke-all · 1 month
hihi angel! i’m sorry tumblr keep eating ur asks 😔 i sent in a few but i don’t think you got them so here’s one!:
so, let's say that r and sevika have been married for a few years now. things have definitely mellowed out so they try something new!
every once in a while sev and reader will play a game. the rules are: go out to a club/bar, act like we don't know each other, one of us tries to seduce the other, whoever manages to get the other "in bed" wins.
how would this play out?
i love this so much.
men and minors dni
you sigh, taking another sip of the wine in front of you as you shuffle through the papers on the bar. it's finals season, and as a professor, you're swamped with grading.
you rarely take work outside of school or your little desk at home, but you needed a change of environment after grading papers for six hours straight in your apartment. so, here you are, a little tipsy and trying to keep your grading as harsh as usual as the alcohol mellows you out.
"professor?" a voice rasps out. you look up from your papers, pushing your reading glasses up to sit on your head, and blink at the woman in front of you.
you recognize her, vaguely. you teach five different classes, the average class size is close to 200 students. so you don't know her name. but as you study her face, she becomes more familiar to you. you smile.
"you're the one who's always cracking open a red bull in the middle of my lectures." you accuse, pointing at the woman in front of you.
she chuckles and nods, ducking her head in embarrassment.
"sorry. three hour lecture at five o'clock... i get sleepy." she admits. you chuckle.
"i'm not entertaining enough for you?" you ask. she gasps.
"no! y-you're very entertaining! my favorite class! i just have to get up early on tuesdays so i'm tired by the ti--"
"relax." you cut her off, giggling. "i hate the evening classes too. mostly, i'm just sad you've never brought me a red bull."
she grins. "i'm sevika." she thrusts her hand forward. you shake it, smiling at her.
"hello, sevika. i think i remember your paper." you say, chuckling.
"mhm. just graded it an hour ago." you nod.
she sits in the stool next to you, grinning. "well?" she asks. you chuckle.
"well, what?"
"how'd i do?" she asks. you smirk at her.
"well, i can't tell you that." you say. she pouts.
"no?" she asks. you shake your head no. she hums, then turns around and flags down the bartender. "another, for her. and a whiskey for me." she requests. he nods and walks away, and you raise an eyebrow at your student.
"i'm still not telling you your grade."
"what, i can't buy my favorite professor a drink at the end of the semester as a thanks?" she asks. you roll your eyes and lean back in your stool, willing to entertain this for a few minutes before you go back to grading. you need a quick break anyways.
"am i really your favorite, or are you just saying that?" you ask. the bartender delivers your drinks, and you take a sip while sevika answers.
"no, you're my favorite by far." she promises. you snort.
"so, sevika, what're you studying?" you ask.
sevika chokes on her whiskey, glares at you, and then composes herself. you have to bite back a laugh. "uh... math?" she guesses.
you burst into laughter. "'re you guessing or telling?"
"telling." she decides, nodding. "math."
you have to bite your lip to keep from surging forward and kissing her right here and now. her eyes catch on the action, and you have to kick her under the bar to keep her from doing anything stupid. "and how did you find yourself in an english class, math major?"
sevika grins, and scoots even closer to you. "i heard the professor was a stunner." she says. "wanted to see for myself. i would've dropped the fuckin' class if it wasn't you teaching. i hate writing. but... it's nice lookin' at you for three hours a week." she whispers.
you gulp, reaching forward to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. "that explains your horrible paper."
sevika bursts into laughter, then downs the rest of her drink. you do the same, sensing that your night might be headed somewhere else. "is there anything i can do for extra credit?" she asks, her eyes trailing down your body.
butterflies explode in your stomach. you tilt your head to the side, examining your student and licking your lips. "i think i could figure something out." you say.
thirty minutes later, you're back at your place, sevika on her knees in front you as she helps you get into your strap harness.
you help her stand again once she's done, and then jump on her bed and make yourself comfortable in the middle. she blinks at you.
"why're you laying down?" sevika asks, as she crawls onto bed after you. you chuckle as she hovers over you, pulling her down for a kiss.
"honey, if you want the extra credit, you gotta earn it." you mumble against her lips. you have to bite your tongue to keep from laughing at the way sevika's eyes go all wide and glossy. "now be a good girl 'n ride it."
sevika's breath trembles, and she scrambles to follow your instructions, quickly straddling your hips and lining your cock up to her.
sevika doesn't hesitate to sink down and take you in a single go. it makes you whimper. she grins, her eyes rolling in the back of her skull as she adjusts to the stretch. you sink your fingers in her hips, grinning up at her. "there you go, baby."
"f-fuck." she whines as she starts grinding small circles against you. "fuck. been dreamin' about this."
you giggle. "yeah?" you ask. sevika leans forward, planting her hands on either side of your shoulders as she starts to ride you. you both groan.
"y-yes. god, fuck, it's your voice. i re-watch the lectures you post online 'n touch myself to the sound of you." she whimpers. you gasp, pleasure coursing through you at her revelation, and start thrusting in time with sevika's movements, desperate for more.
"shit, baby, tell me more." you whine.
your eyes are locked on her tits-- swaying in time with her movements. sevika's muffling her moans against the top of your head. "ffffuck-- fuck, love those glasses you wear." she whines.
you chuckle. "yeah?"
"and those fuckin', shit, ah, those blazers." sevika whines.
you smack her ass. she gasps, pulls away to glare at you. you smirk up at her. "keep goin' baby, you got a D on your paper." you encourage. sevika rolls her eyes and flicks your forehead, and you burst into giggles pulling her in for a kiss.
"pause." she whispers against your lips. you hum, nodding up at her, waiting to hear what she needs to tell you as your real-life wife.
"you okay?"
"i'd never get a D on a paper, babe. c'mon." she huffs. you burst into laughter, smacking her ass again before pulling her in for another kiss.
"how's C sound?"
"fine." she grunts, before sitting up and starting to ride you again. "unpause." she grunts. "so, where's my grade at now, professor?" she asks.
you giggle up at her, palming at her tits. "well, you started at a C." you emphasize. sevika nods, grinning down at you. you chuckle. "i'd say you're at a solid B+ now." you say. she grins.
"yeah? how do i make it an A?" she asks. you grin.
"well, for an A i wanna see you cum on my cock, baby. for an A+, you'll make me cum too." you shrug.
sevika loves a challenge-- and it's not like either of you are too far from cumming. she readjusts, bringing her hands down on your tits to steady herself as she starts to bounce on your dick.
the new angle makes you both moan. the base of the strap's pressing on your cunt over and over, and from the way she's shivering you know it's hitting sevika's g-spot, too. you reach between your bodies to start rubbing her clit. she groans.
"professor!" she exclaims. you giggle a bit. "fuck, i'm gonna--"
"yeah? gonna cum all over my cock, baby? go ahead, honey, i know you want it. know you've been dreamin' about it for weeks. sittin' in class, watchin' me work. when you'd go home after-- were you wet?" you ask.
sevika whimpers and nods. you grin.
"good. cum on this dick 'n show me how wet you can get for me." you demand. sevika growls, bites your throat, and cums on top of you. you try your best to keep thrusting into her as she shakes, whispering encouragement to her as you do. "there you go, baby. there you go."
eventually sevika stops moving and whining, and you smack her ass a third time. she grunts against you.
"you okay?" you ask, dropping your proper professor voice. she nods against you.
"i gotta get my A+." she mumbles, smacking your shoulder with a limp hand. "take your strap off so i can eat you out."
you snort. "you gotta get off the strap before i can take it off, babe."
sevika groans. "nooo." she whines. you kiss her cheek.
"stay here, baby. 's long as you need." you say, wrapping your arms around her and scratching her head. she huffs.
"'m just gonna nap for, like, ten minutes." she promises. "n' then i'll get to you. wake me up, okay?" she asks. you snort and pepper her head with kisses.
"alright." you giggle.
sevika's just about to start snoring when she blinks back awake, looking up at you.
"i love you." she says, smiling. "this was fun and all, but. i'm glad your my wife 'n not my professor."
you grin. "i love you too, baby."
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary
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lullabyes22-blog · 23 days
Snippet - Puppy Love - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Sevika narrates a sad story...
tw: violence, gore, gang warfare
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
"You have your city. Powder has no place in it. Let her have a normal life. In Piltover, with me."
Sevika stares a moment before a laugh spangles out. It's like rich, smoky music. In it, Vi hears echoes of a girlhood lost. She hears other things too. Disbelief, disdain. And the shock of epiphany, as if Sevika finally understands that Vi and Powder aren't simply sisters, but strangers to each other. Different species.
To Vi, Zaun is a black maw. To Powder, it is a cradle.
"A normal life?" Sevika repeats, when she can breathe without gulping. "With you? Do you even know what that means? Jinx would be a fucking fugitive. They'd throw her in the clink."
"I'd keep her safe! Get her across the sea." Vi's eyes glaze wetly. "We'd run away. Together."
"Yeah? Where would you go?"
"Wherever. It doesn't matter. Someplace warm. An island in Tereshni. With sun and sand. Or a fishing lodge in Bilgewater. Anything, as long as it's not here. She can paint, or build model ships, or—"
"You think it's that easy? Just pick up and start over?" Sevika's eyes are so dark the pupil and iris are indistinguishable. "What do you think she is, a fucking doll? Put her someplace new, and bam! She's fixed." She shakes her head. "Your sister's fucked beyond repair, Vi. There's no place for her anywhere. Except Zaun. Because our city gives her what she needs." She taps her temple. "Someplace to put all that chaos."
"That's not true! She doesn't have to be a monst—"
Vi breaks off, horrorstruck. She's spoken the forbidden truth. Her sister is a monster.
Just like Silco.
Sevika's eyes gleam cruelly. "Monster? That she is. No use making her into something else." Her chin tips. "Come to think, there was a kid who tried. After Silco took over the Drop, he'd hang around. Try to catch Jinx whenever she was alone. He'd show her toys he'd tinkered with. She'd show him her inventions. They'd be happy as clams." The reminiscence curdles into cynicism. "But whenever Silco showed up, Jinx clammed right up. Wouldn't leave his side. It didn't matter what the boy did or said. He might as well have been a pebble on the street. Something to make way for the man of the hour."
Realization judders through Vi.
"Ekko," she says.
"Yeah, that's right." Sevika snaps her fingers. "Ekko. The little man at Benzo's shop. He and Jinx had a thing, didn't they? Puppy love. I remember how they'd be off in the corner, doodling together. Always a few inches apart. Then he'd whisper something in her ear, and she’d light up like a birthday candle." A beat. "She sure wasn't smiling by the end. Neither was he."
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, right. You were in the slammer."  A faux-pitying sneer, before she sobers. "After Jinx came to live with Silco, he needed someone who could fine-tune her... talents. Take her knack for guns, and make it deadly. But the teachers he brought in, they couldn't handle her. Too scared. Too impatient. One of 'em went apeshit on her. Slapped her upside the head a couple times. She ended up with a busted lip. Silco found out, and, well. It's never wise to lay a hand on what's his."
Her once-over takes in the topography of Vi's bruised flesh. Vi braces for fresh mockery. It doesn't come. Sevika's features remain neutral; a look that's seen it all before.
"After the crew dumped the fucker's body," she goes on, "we decided to look closer to home. Found ourselves a local tinkerer. Old Giz, down at the Abattoir. Fine gunsmith. He'd done business with Silco before. Had the smarts and the patience to deal with a powderkeg like Jinx. Every week, he'd take her out to the scrapyards. Show her how to dismantle a firearm. How to build it back up from scratch. She gave him plenty of lip. Called him Geezer and made fun of his gimp. But she listened. Learned. Soon, she was building her own guns. Models with unique designs. Ones that made Giz's creations look like junk. Silco was real impressed. So were the rest of us. Until..." Sevika's jaw hardens. "Turns out, Giz was too much of a softie for his own good. Silco had been paying him a premium to give Jinx private lessons. But Giz, he'd turned his shop into a bona fide daycare. He let Ekko drop in whenever the kid pleased. Didn't mind having him underfoot, either. Boy had a way with tools. He'd sit and work with Jinx, and they'd chatter non-stop. Sometimes, they'd be too busy playing to work. Giz didn't mind.  The way he saw it, the kids deserved to be kids."
Vi's throat works. "And—Silco found out."
"What can I say? He's a man who expects a bang for his buck. When he heard Giz had been letting Ekko hang around, he was none too happy. Giz had designed the security rigging at the Drop. And he knew where we stored the Shimmer.  One slip-up, and our headquarters would be compromised. Silco was pissed. But he didn't think Ekko was trouble. So he let it slide. Told Giz not to make the same mistake twice." Her lips pull in tight. "Then Giz did something even stupider."
"He left the schematics of the Drop's security at his workshop. Ekko, the little shit, found 'em. Took a good long look. Made his own copies.  This was right around the time Jinx stopped taking her lessons with Giz. I don't know why. Maybe she got tired of his chatter. Maybe she found a better way to blow off steam. Whatever the case, Ekko didn't like it. He got it into his head that something fishy was going on. That maybe... Silco was hurting Jinx. He went from playing with her to pestering her. I'd see them sometimes on the rooftops. He'd be tugging her arm. Trying to get her to run away with him. But she wouldn't listen. Everytime Ekko pushed, she'd push back twice as hard. Eventually, he gave up." A beat. "Or so we thought."
A foreboding chill creeps in. "What happened?"
Sevika's eyes flick left and right, before resettling on Vi. "Ekko staged an... intervention. He got a bunch of brats from the Lanes together. They memorized the security checkpoints at the Last Drop. Then they decided to break inside, torch the Shimmer storehouse, and make a run for it—with Jinx in tow." She shakes her head. "The moron. I warned him to stay away. But he was gung-ho. Only fourteen, and Jinx was the moon to his sky. So, he and his gang—they snuck in at midday. Right when the guards changed shifts."
Vi's mind reels. She knows what comes next.
"It was a massacre. Jinx knew they were coming. Don't know how, exactly, but she knew. She went and told Silco. I remember them both in the barroom the night before. Him sitting at the counter. Her standing by his shoulder. Going on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. They had the same look. Same set to the mouth. The same fucking eye."  Sevika's features shade into grimness. "The next day, Ekko and his gang snuck in. One of them stepped on a trigger wire. Set off a silent alarm. When they entered Silco's office, our guards were waiting. The punks didn't have a chance. Most were scrappers with switchblades and flashbangs. Silco's crew were trained militia.  And they'd been armed with the brand-new guns Jinx had designed. I still remember those babies. The model was similar to a High Standard 10 riot gun. Generates a muzzle velocity of 625 feet per second. Enough to blast through an armored vehicle—or blow a man's guts across the room."
Vi's skin feels two sizes too small. She remembers the way Powder used to hold the toy guns at the old Arcade. The way she'd cock her elbow and squint down the barrel, her tongue peeking from the corner of her mouth.
Just a kid.
And Silco turned her into a killer.
"How many…?" she whispers. "How many kids were with Ekko?"
"Six. All gangly brats. We had 'em rounded up in seconds. Then Silco ordered 'em dragged outside. There, as the Lanes watched, our men popped 'em, one by one, like fish in a barrel. Ekko got the ringside view. Held Silco's attention till the very end. Till his last little friend went belly-up, and his skull split like a melon. Ekko started crying. But Silco didn't want tears. He wanted to send a message. The old days of turf wars were over. The thefts, the break-ins, the midnight raids. They were all gonna end. And the Lanes were gonna toe the line. Or else."
Vi swallows a reflux of bile. "Ekko was a good kid. He didn't deserve—"
"He and his pals were a bunch of uppercut morons. What'd he think would happen? He and Jinx would ride off into the sunset on a pair of unicorns?" Sevika’s lips peel back from her teeth. "All of it could've been avoided if he'd minded his own damn business. Left Jinx be, and respected Silco's rules. But no. He wanted to play the big damn hero. To take Jinx away from the one man who had the resources—the balls—to keep her safe."
"Ekko was trying to protect her!"
"Bullshit. He was trying to 'fix' her. Same as you. He thought she'd be someplace different, and click! All that faulty wiring would untangle itself. Like she was a clockwork toy that needed a new set of springs." Disgust grits itself into Sevika's features. "People aren't gears and levers, Vi. And the past doesn't wash off like dirt. Everything Jinx did at the Cannery—the blood, the bodies—was a consequence of her own goddamn choices. There's no undoing that. Or unmaking her. A monster is… as a monster does."
The dreary summation of life and death in the Lanes—a lesson of brutal math that Vi has known since she was knee-high—doesn't keep the boiling tears from her eyes. Vi sinks her teeth into her lower lip until the pain stills the impulse to cry.
Or scream.
"Ekko got the message," Sevika goes on. "So did Jinx. She watched the whole thing. Watched the kids fall, one by one. Watched Ekko break down crying. Watched his rescue mission turn into what it was. Just a bunch of punks running around half-cocked. By the end, Ekko was a mess. Splattered in his friends' guts, and shaking like a leaf. He kept looking to Jinx, hoping against hope she'd help. That she'd do something. Anything. But she never did. She just stood by Silco's side. Didn't cry. Didn't even flinch. After the bodies were hauled off, Ekko got locked up the basement. Silco planned to put his skills to use. Get the little rat to work for Zaun. But it didn't work out. After a week, the kid slipped loose."
"Good question." Sevika tips a shoulder. "I suspect Jinx knows the answer."
"You think… she helped him escape?"
"Like I said. Puppy love. Maybe she cared. Or maybe she thought it'd be funny. A final Fuck You." Her laugh holds a note of marvel. "Point is—the kid scarpered. Doubt he got very far. Likely some charitable soul took him in. Likely Giz himself. We sent the crew to his shop, but Giz denied harboring fugitives. And Silco didn't want to kill the only gunsmith in the Lanes. He was ready to let Giz be. Except the old man had nearly cost us five-thousand Hexes of Shimmer. An example had to be made. Silco ordered me to take his right eye. So I did." A shrug, but her expression, for a moment, is oddly spooked. "You wanna know the funny thing? The old man didn't scream. Not once. He said he understood the risks, and was willing to pay the price. Afterward, he told me something else, too. Said he didn't blame Jinx. Told me she'd have been happier with Ekko, but she was safer with Silco. And if those are a girl's only two options, then fuck it. It's the world at fault, not her."
Her face clears, then closes like a door. "Maybe he had a point. The fact is, Jinx made her choice. She did the night she chose to tell Silco about Ekko's plans. She did when she watched those kids die without lifting a finger. She did when she let Ekko loose, and took her place by Silco's side. Your sister knows the score, Vi. Always pick the winning team. No matter how much it hurts. Because the world doesn't give a shit about your tears. It's not gonna hold your hand and kiss your boo-boos. It'll push you down and grind you under, and it'll do it with a smile. And if those are your odds, it's better to have a monster in your corner—and firepower in your hands—than to have a hero with nothing but a fucking wrench in his."
Vi has no comeback handy; her tongue is a desiccated stub.
She thinks of Ekko as a boy. Quick with a quip; quicker with a smile. A boy who'd lost his family, then lost whatever remained. Who'd witnessed a slaughter at Silco's hands. Who'd gone on, as a full-blown adult, to fight the monster with everything he had.
No matter how much it hurt.
"Winning team, huh?" Her throat is raw. "What about the people caught in the middle? Where's their victory?"
"Them's the breaks. The past is the past. There's only one direction. Forward."
Sevika's delivery is a smooth; her eyes are flint. Like a gambler who's all in. Vi wonders what feeds her stoicism. Wrong choices in the past, where she'd been forced to live with the consequences. Or right ones, and their bitter pay-off. Vi thinks of the woman's history. Her father, the Wharfside Devil. His business: bootlegging, brawling, murder. His fate: a life sentence in Stillwater. 
Sevika, Vi thinks, is the byproduct of her father's errors.
Just as Powder is the byproduct of Vi's.
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You Ruined Me (Do it Again)
a/n: this is my first time posting fic to Tumblr so if I've made any mistakes please let me know so I can learn how to fix them 💖 this was also my first attempt at sevika x reader, I hope y'all enjoy! There are more parts that I can upload if y'all end up liking it
Warnings: drinking alcohol, referenced cheating, smoking, gambling, possessive!sevika, referenced sex (explicit!), sexually explicit teasing.
Summary: Your first night out in a while after leaving your cheating ex does not end how you expected it to...but then what did you expect, going to her club?
Word Count: 1.4k
Read on AO3
18+ | MEN AND MINORS DNI | 18+
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Final
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You needed this. It had been too long since you hit up a club and just danced the night away. Work had been a bitch, your last breakup still lingered in the back of your mind, and it was high time that you simply had some fun.
Now, after several way too sugary cocktails that probably had enough booze to kill a small human, you were letting loose on the dance floor. You’d always been able to move your body just right, whenever a beat made you feel a certain way, it was guaranteed to have eyes on you as you swayed your hips and moved your feet.
You were twirling around with your best friend, Jinx, laughing and singing along to the tunes that blared loudly on the speakers all around you. You were having such a good time that you almost didn’t notice the door to the club swing open, an entourage of people swarming in being led by an imposing, hulking woman you knew all too well. Sevika.
Her short hair was tied back into the little ponytail she normally wore, that you used to love to tease her about. She still stuck to her favourite outfits, loose fitting pants with a chunky belt, a tight fitting tank top and the cloak that covered her mechanical arm to stop people from staring. She was all muscle, large hands with thick, talented fingers, solid arms with toned biceps.
Strong thighs that you knew were just perfect for lifting you high in the air and fucking you silly. Shaking your head, you focus on the beat of the song, the vibration of the dancefloor, the heat of the bodies moving wildly all around you. Now was so not the time to be staring at your ex.
Jinx groaned. “Is that who I think it is?”
You shrugged. “You know she has shares in the club. She practically owns it. Just ignore her and keep having a good time!”
Jinx giggled, throwing herself into your arms. “Amen to that, sister!”
You dance some more, for 20 minutes or so, completely ignoring the corner of the club reserved for gambling tables, knowing that’s where Sevika would be. It was getting hotter in the club as it got busier and busier.
You leaned into Jinx. “I’m gonna get a drink, you want one?”
Jinx shook her head, eyeing up a cute blonde girl who was also dancing with her friends. “Nah, I’m good, sparky.”
You giggled at her. “Okay! Happy hunting!”
She shot you a playful glare as you headed to the bar. It was pretty busy, but the bartender here was good, and he made his way through orders quickly. You felt someone sidle up next to you, feeling a pang of annoyance as her order was taken first.
“Whiskey, top shelf. 2 ice cubes.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. Of course, it was her. You should’ve known from her size and the sheer heat that was radiating from her. You clamped your thighs together as your body responded automatically to her closeness. Now was not the time to let your pussy do your thinking for you. You stay quiet, hoping she won’t notice you.
Naturally, you’re not that lucky. She double-takes when she realises it’s you. “Y/n? What’re you doing here?”
You huff out an irritated sigh. “Just clubbing, like everyone else.”
The bartender hands Sevika her whiskey but she doesn’t move as you place your order. You hear her snicker when you order a sweet cocktail.
“Some things never change, huh? You still like your drinks to taste like juice.”
You glare at her coolly. “Yet my tastes in other areas have definitely changed.”
Her smile falters, but she soon masks it with a shit-eating smirk. “Oh yeah? So, you’re not totally down bad for me anymore?”
Your hands ball into fists, frustrated that she’d use your pillow talk against you, in such a public setting. You know reacting in any way will just add to her satisfaction, so you breathe deeply and relax your hands, grabbing your drink.
“I was a fool to be ‘down bad’ for you at all. You’re a real asshole, Sevika.”
You’ve lost sight of Jinx, so you find somewhere to sit and sip at your drink, your muscles thanking you for the break. You don’t bother trying to look for Sevika, your eyes find her at the poker tables out of habit. Judging by the large pile of coins at her end of the table, she’s winning. Nothing new there. You finish your drink, pushing your complicated feelings aside. She’d never have a chance again at winning you, that’s for sure.
You’re in the bathroom, applying a new layer of lipstick when she comes in. You stiffen as she enters, brushing past you to go into one of the stalls. Her hand lingers at the small of your back as she passes you. The gesture would seem innocent to most, but you felt the undeniable flutter of your pulse as the heat of her touch tore through you. You focus on the task at hand, steadily applying the dark shade as she comes out of the stall and washes her hand. You feel her eyes on you, roaming over your body in the tight, black dress you decided to wear tonight. It hugged your curves perfectly, kept eyes on your ass and your tits, made you feel powerful when people drooled over you. Just like she used to. There was a time where you would never have made it to the club at all wearing a dress like this. Sevika used to just quite literally tear them off you.
“It’s a beautiful dress.”
Her voice is low and husky. You try not to think about it, or let it replay in your head. “Thank you.”
You put your lipstick back in your purse. She smirks at you. “It’d look better on my bedroom fl-”
Without thinking, you turn and put a hand against her mouth. “Do not finish that sentence, dear god.”
You’ve made your first mistake. She reaches towards your face, and you stupidly let her, transfixed by her as you always have been, like a moth to a flame. A moth that really, really likes the feeling of being burnt.
That was your second mistake.
She steps into your space, her hand caressing your jaw. Your knees feel like they could buckle any second.
“Oh, princess, having trouble colouring within the lines again? Here, let me help…”
Her fingers trace your bottom lip, wiping away a smudge of lipstick. Your eyes flutter close, and your lips part, wanting, waiting…then you feel her.
She crashes into you like a starved animal, her lips devouring yours as she kisses you like you’re her oxygen. You can’t help yourself, you know you shouldn’t let this happen, after everything that happened between you, but it just feels so damn good.
It’s rough, it’s messy and it’s just so…Sevika.
Her body presses into you, and you moan as her thigh brushes against your core. She doesn’t waste the opportunity, her tongue invading your mouth, tasting you. She moans into your mouth when she does, which sets your cunt alight. Your need is growing, you know that you’ll be ruining your panties with how slick your pussy is getting but you care less and less the more Sevika kisses you, nipping roughly at your lower lip, her thigh rubbing against you. She knows how to work you up, after all she used to be the expert. Her hands are everywhere, gripping your waist, your face, your neck, and your ass. She loves your firm, little ass, palming it roughly, admiring how it fits perfectly in her hands. She tries not to think about how it almost belongs in her hands.
Sevika breathes out a soft “Huh” then you’re left in the cold as she moves her warm body away from you. A needy whine escapes your throat, and Sevika chuckles but you see no laughter in her sharp, grey eyes. You reach for her, but she dodges away, smirking at your confused, searching eyes.
“Not down bad for me at all, huh princess?”
Then she’s gone, leaving you panting and pissed out of your goddamn mind. She was playing with you, because that’s what she does best. You bruised her ego earlier at the bar, and that was her taking her revenge. Because why else would she kiss you like that, unless she wanted to prove that she could still make you squirm?
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