#[ caitlyn interactions ] — the answer is here ; staring me in the face .
ferinehuntress · 4 months
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◈  ⇢  @jynxd  ⋯  Continued Ask .    ❝ Caitlyn and Vi take time to recover at the Kiramman Estate ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ It was a welcome gift to wake up and be able to hear voices again. Her body still ached a bit but she finally back on par a little bit, she was able to sit down with her mother. She didn't have the gemstone, but she knew what Silco was after, she knew the dangers that lay within Zaun. The conversation was a bit sharp, with quite a bit of yelling that left Caitlyn coughing a little, her lungs still recovering from the smoke of the bridge that left her chest sore. But she managed to convince her mother (to her surprise). The walk back to the room was more a state of surprise than acceptance, as she pressed her hand down against her leg and flinched slightly. Spirits, it still hurt, it would take a week or so to heal, and her ears would need time to recover after being busted. But still, she was alive.
At what cost?
She pushed those thoughts away, needing to focus more on her mission. And not just that, but the other mission: Vi's. There was still so much she didn't remember, so much that confused her. Caitlyn wanted to help her piece back together her memories. The idea of losing something so important, just out of reach, must be maddening. There were things she wanted to know too, Jinx being her sister, for example, or what connections she might have. Ekko might be able to help her the most, but Caitlyn wanted to help her in any way she could.
Vi had a distant look in her eyes, as she looked at Vi sitting on the bed and Caitlyn joined her, brushing her hand lightly against her cheek. "It's okay, I just wanted to make sure you were alright," Her forehead pressed lightly against Vi's, and let out a little purr. "Well, I do hope I have a little bit of talent in that area," Caitlyn teased playfully as she opened her eyes to look at Vi.
At the question, Caitlyn let out a sigh as she pulled her head back slightly. "No, it's not you. Or well, she's not very...accepting of zaunites?" Caitlyn paused, not quite sure how to even express this. "But it was more the fact I'm demanding a meeting with the councilors after.... some illegal activity and breaking more than a dozen laws?" Caitlyn waved her hand nonchalantly, not at all bothered by her actions. "Still, I don't regret them, it needed to be done otherwise I wouldn't have the information I needed. But she's not going to kick you out, and even if she tried she has to get through me first," Caitlyn reached for Vi's hand and squeezed it softly.
"You don't have to leave, you deserve better than that,"
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ferinehuntressmoved · 7 months
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◈ @shimmerbeasts [ ⋯ ] unprompted Ask .  ☾ ⸻ "Have we found it yet?!" Wolf was impatient. Lamb could feel it, though she did not know what it was like to be impatient. She could only see it in Wolf's twists and turns as he circled her, jaws opening and closing like he wanted to eat the very air around them. "I am afraid not, my dear Wolf. It hides from us. Which is why we are here." On cloven hooves, Lamb approached the house. It belonged to one Caitlyn Lavender Mizuki of House Kiramman. A valiant and brave woman, yet with ferocity underneath her civil posture. She had long split free from the diplomatic order, which had shackled her and which had summoned them more often than not to swiftly end lives, whose final moments had been grievous and painful. Wolf had raged far more about the murderers than the victims for they hardly fled. He was certain the murderers would flee. Murderers always ran from them. Guilty conscience gave you a heavy heart but much faster legs. Lamb rose her slim hand about to knock before she lingered. "Wolf", Lamb said, "We must make ourselves look more common." Wolf chuckled behind her. "So she may not be frightened?" "So she may not be frightened. Remember. We are not here for her. We are here to locate it." Swiftly, Lamb transformed in her appearance. Her soft, silvery-white wool was replaced with pink skin, long, beautiful velvet robes, a thick fur collar, long purple hair, two horns spouting from her head and Wolf's mask morphed into something more resembling the moon with red highlights. Wolf shrunk in size until he looked far more like an ordinary dog, black pelt and silver muzzle. Even his legs made him seem like he wore silver shoes. Icy blue eyes met Lamb's barely visible behind her mask. Without further ado, Lamb knocked at the office's door.
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"Are you serious?" Caitlyn's voice broke out, sitting at her desk as she looked toward the older man. The piltovan was finely dressed, in a white suit with his polished black hair glazed with creams and oils. The man stood pristine as if he owned the office rather than the Kiramman in front of him as she stood up, staring down at him now as she took over the power of her building. Her eyes narrowed, a slight sneer against the edge of her lips as she walked around the desk and sat on the corner of her desk. "You thought I would spy on your daughter?"
"Well, that's what you are here for, aren't you?" His arrogant tone left his lips as he smiled and put down the bag of money on the table. "I'm sure I can provide plenty of gold to convince you. You tell me who she is meeting with, what she is doing, and I can pay you a vast amount of gold," That was enough to set the nerve in the corner of her brow to twitch.
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"Let me remind you, my name is Caitlyn. Kiramman, remember," Caitlyn stated firmly and pointed her finger toward him. "The amount of wealth you have is a penny-licking compared to what I own. So your money means nothing to me, and your arrogance doublefold. Perhaps  your tongue would be of better use licking the dirt off my floor than talking to me as if we have something in common,"
Suddenly the noble's eyes glared, and opened his mouth. "you dare tal--,"
"Oh, I dare. I could ruin you in two sentences, and my partner could ruin your face for added measure. So take your money and get out. Now!" Caitlyn grabbed the bag of coins and threw it into his chest as the aristocrat huffed and pocketed his money before walking out. Caitlyn let out a sigh, rolling her eyes as she pushed the chair in. "I bet his daughter is striking out because he's so damn paranoid she might have a girlfriend," Caitlyn half chuckled, hoping the girl continued her rebellious ways against this noble. She picked up the paper, tearing it apart several times before dropping it into a trash can and dusting her hands of the privilege some of the nobles thought they had that they could buy her to do things like this. She had far more important matters to deal with than their arrogance.
Moving over, she finished making her tea and poured it into a cup before hearing another knock on the door. "Oh bloody hell, it better not be that noble coming back to try and convince me more," Caitlyn set the tea down, dusting her hands against her pants as she moved over to open the door. What she spotted wasn't a noble but a young woman with purple hair (or at least feminine features) and a black dog. What stood out the most was the masks upon the two, brilliant red eyes from both that she swore looked not just at her but through her soul. Chills shivered up her spine and she opened up the door, sensing the presence of someone far greater than her own.
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"Good afternoon," The pleasant tone left her lips, showing no disrespect as she pulled back the door. "Please, come in," Once the two had entered, Caitlyn shut the door behind them, and walked over toward her desk, waving her hand toward the spare chair for Lamb and settling into her own across from her.
"What can I help you with today?" A sense of awe lingered on Caitlyn's mind, a memory months ago she vividly could not forget. The gnashing of teeth, the tenderness of a voice. The feeling of ethereal essence whirls in the wind before her. She dipped in her chair, pushing the tea to the side with a little wisp of steam from the hot liquid. The aroma of spice and cinnamon filled the air, though Caitlyn's attention fully concentrated on the two masked individuals before her.
Could it be?
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 46
A/N: Better late than never right? Sorry for the wait y’all and I appreciate everyone who has been patient and waited. And also a big THANKS to everyone who commented and messaged me about my “accident”. Now, let’s find out who that caller was, shall we??
“Mr. Ackles, Ms. Murphy. We have identified the caller.” I gasp, causing Jensen to turn toward me and the officer to give a friendly smile in my direction. I take Jackson from Jensen and turn toward the living room, to settle him in his bouncy seat and make sure JJ is okay.  The little blonde jumps up and ‘helps’ put her brother in his chair and then starts babbling to him, getting his attention. I walk back to the door to where Jensen and the officer are now standing in the foyer, with the door closed. The officer had removed his hat and is holding it in his hands. The crisp blue shirt along with the badge and the radio attached to his shoulder brought back memories of the officers that dealt with my well being after my mother’s death, before I was placed in the system and taken to the home for children. Those officers had been caring and kind and this one looks to have the same characteristics. Because of that, I didn’t view the cops as bad people or felt intimidated by them.  I notice that Jensen has his arms crossed and a look of determination on his face and that causes me to be leery, despite the fact that the officer at my door seems friendly and amicable. As soon as I rejoin them, Jensen introduces me to Officer Varney who goes on to give us the details. “We ran the number that the call came from through our system. It was a Missouri area code.  The number is issued to one Caitlyn Porter, a 27 year old female from Joplin. We contacted Missouri State Police and they brought Ms. Porter in for questioning." Jensen interrupts him then, wanting to get down to the reasoning for the phone call. “What did she say? Who put her up to it?” Officer Varney sighs and clears his throat. “We have been told that she made the phone call and threats of her own free will. She claims no one put her up to it; she wasn't bribed or paid to do it.” “So why?” I ask. I had figured this was a scheme brought up by Dani, but now I wasn't so sure. Who was this Caitlyn Porter? What did she have against me? What did I ever do to her? I didn't recognize the name so I was positive it wasn't someone from the past holding some type of grudge. Ofc. Varney looks at me with an understanding smile. “Claims to just be a fan of the Ackles’. I am very sorry to not have the answers you were expecting. Looks like just a rabid fan, doing something without thinking of the consequences.” I couldn't believe someone would do this because they're a fan of Jensen and Dani; to think someone was crazy enough to threaten me and my son because they had some crazy notion that I had broke up a happy marriage and was lying to Jensen about Jackson. It was all quite baffling to me. “What are the legal repercussions to someone who makes threat like this?” Jensen asks. “Seeing as it is a criminal offence to make an indecent telephone call, or call someone to harass them, the penalty is up to six months in jail and/or a fine of up to $5000,” the officer explains. “And we plan to press charges. To the full extent,” Jensen says. I look at him in displeasure. “Really Jay? That will just bring more issues up. Let’s just let the cops in Missouri handle it and let the poor girl go.”
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Jensen stared at me indignantly. “No Drea. She threatened you and she threatened our son. We cannot let her get away with that. I-” Officer Varney cleared his throat, bringing our attention back to him. “So, my job here is done. I’m going to let you two discuss this and then you can let me know what you decide to do.” He took his leave and left Jensen and I standing there, glaring at one another. “Babe,” Jensen said, trying to keep his voice even and light. “You can’t just let her get away with this. If anyone finds out, they’ll think they can do it also.” “I don’t want to be in the spotlight anymore than I already am. I have Jackson to think about now, and I don’t want his legacy to start with someone threatening his life.” “Drea, I understand that. God, do I understand,” he said as he rubbed his hand down his face. “Maybe there is someway to keep the press from getting a hold of the information.” Jackson began crying, so my attention was diverted. I walked into the living room and JJ looked up. “Brudder cry.” “I know. Brother is hungry,” I tell her as I pick my son up out of his chair and grab the bottle I had sat on the table. “You want to help feed him again?” Jensen  came in and sat beside us on the sofa and watched as his daughter helped feed his son. “Let’s table the discussion for now,” I suggest and look over at him to see him nod and concentrate on his children interacting with each other.
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Two weeks later, Officer Varney calls Jensen to alert him that Caitlyn Porter was charged with harassment and ordered to pay $1,000 dollars in fines and 3 months of community service. I breathed a sigh of relief that it was done, and without the newspapers and media getting hold of the information and running with it. Now we could get on with our lives and tackle the next obstacle: attending Justice Jay Ackles’ second birthday party without her mother causing a scene. 
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ferinehuntress · 4 months
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◈  ⇢  @undercity-merc  ⋯  continued Ask .    ❝ A mission gone wrong, a trap laid out. ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ Caitlyn struggled to focus, despite being in the Last Drop, she couldn't let her guard drop, and yet Vi had gotten near her and she hadn't even noticed. Her heart thumped against her chest heavily, faster than normal as she barely heard her words. "Case...Was on a case," Her voice broke out, and her head slumped forward some more. Spirits, her hands were so warm, even as they patted her cheek. Caitlyn shook her head like a cat trying to rid of a nasty smell from their nose. "Yes," And with that something hit the back of the door and Caitlyn let out a muffled whine from the blade moving in her abdomen and her hand shot up to grab at her waist.
"No, I... I shot them," Caitlyn tried to wake up more as she opened her eyes finally and looked up at Vi. Her hair glistened in the dark room, brilliant icy blue eyes were like the wintery snow of December. Caitlyn briefly smiled, despite the shouts outside. The delirium of blood loss made it hard to concentrate, so Caitlyn took a deep breath and regretted it as she hit her head against the back of the wood. Muffled shouts lingered as she reached for her pistol on the ground. "I need to take care of this. They're the targets, they are the problems," Her life, or theirs. She would always choose her life, ten times over. They threatened her and her case, they were the ones who were the culprits. It was clear what she had to do, the problem was she was losing blood. The blade lodged her abdomen controlled the flow of blood, but she had cuts against her right arm and her back where she had been stabbed as well.
Caitlyn wasn't thinking clearly as she sagged up against Vi, laboring to get to her feet. "Just need..." And Caitlyn fell forward, unable to get to her feet, and collapsed with her head on Vi's shoulder. "Ju-- I'm okay," She mumbled as her body trembled, feeling feverish and cold.
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ferinehuntress · 4 months
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◈  ⇢  @undercity-merc  ⋯  continued Ask .    ❝ Caitlyn invites Vi to a Gala in Piltover. ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ Caitlyn glanced over to look at the ledger she worked on and took note of that. "We'll there's plenty of time, what I have isn't til later tonight," Caitlyn hummed quietly, knowing she had to get things in order topside. She never quite enjoyed these events but they had to be done to keep her House safe from those that would try to dig their claws into them. It allowed her to protect her father and Vi, and she wasn't about to lose that capability. The only House Caitlyn trusted was House Medarda, Mel had been more than amicable and they were like minds in many ways.
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She loved Vi leaned up closer, as she gazed down toward Vi with a smirk. "Oh, I very much would come for a little touch," Caitlyn playfully teased, as she brushed a claw up against her collarbone in a little tease and leaned over to kiss the tip of Vi's nose. "But, I have an event tonight, at Sonesta Resort," Caitlyn allowed the information to filter for a moment before continuing. "I know you don't really care for the fancy events, I just wanted to let you know you can come with me if you want to,"
Taking a few steps to move from behind Vi to the front, she leaned up against the bar counter and brushed Vi's red hair away from her face. "I might be a little late coming home tonight otherwise, though I might leave a little early; all depends on what I have to deal with,"
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ferinehuntress · 3 months
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◈  ⇢  @jynxd  ⋯  Random Starter
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ Healing day by day had become a difficult journey for Caitlyn. What Jinx had done, had thoroughly tainted her mind, numbed with fear and dampened with depression. Some days, she handled it decently, other days Caitlyn fell into tears and couldn't find her way out. She didn't want a therapist, she didn't want a doctor. Nothing they said would help her, and besides most weren't fully engaged either as Piltover found little care for struggles like this that could be easily cured. The one that helped her, was Vi. She had been there, and they both dealt with the turmoil. She only recently quit her position among the enforcers, which was a struggle to show no hint of pain when her body screamed in agony.
She sat on the side of the tub, still struggling with this bathroom at times. She wouldn't even come into the shower hall unless someone was with her. They had to replace the giant mirror, it had been shattered where Jinx slammed her head into it, but she couldn't ever look at it. She would walk by that mirror, always avoiding its gaze. At least the tub was in the corner, away from that. The warm water fell from the side as Caitlyn glanced up to Vi. The bath salts dissolved into the heated water, and little petals floated among the water top that gave off a delicate fragrance. The bandages were free from her back, but she could still feel it; the scars. She's yet to look at them, the last time she did she broke down crying.
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The silky blue robe peeled away from her body and she draped it over the side of the chair. The injury on her leg looked ugly, the stitches holding it together as the skin worked to close itself off day by day. Already she could see the way it would scar, and slowly slip into the warm waters. It soothed her achy muscles, and the special salts gave tender care to the healing wounds on her back. She leaned forward, her hair floating around the top of the water surface, as she glanced up. "It's warm if you want to join," Caitlyn offered, never demanding. The one time she commanded Vi left her still a little unnerved, not liking the way Vi obeyed without hesitation. So each sentence she used came with careful framing of her words. Respecting Vi's autonomy, to make her own choices. Empowering her with choice rather than expectation. She would not be like the enforcers of Stillwater. Ever.
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ferinehuntress · 5 months
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◈  ⇢  @playgroundmonsters  ⋯  Continued Ask .    ❝ Caitlyn suffering from heat exhaustion . ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ She shouldn't have stayed up as she did, but Vi had left for the night and she couldn't sleep. That meant she had been up for over forty-eight hours and her body was screaming in anger. Her body was cramped in aches and her head ached. Food, food would be good, Caitlyn thought to herself. The heat had soaked her brow as she brushed her fingers along her forehead. the fur of her shoulders was keeping the heat in as well and she had no way to relieve that except for some water maybe. "Just...maybe.... a sandwich," Caitlyn mumbled, unable to speak to the chef, as she pressed her hand up against her forehead. Everything spun underneath her eyes as she stumbled on her steps and bumped into Vi. "Vi?" Her voice cracked and then Vi became a puddle of cuddle in her vision and she collapsed into her arm.
Caitlyn's head slumped up against Vi's shoulder unable to process the fact she had fainted in the kitchen, with a fast yet weak pulse in her veins. Her skin was covered in sweat and she looked as pale as a white horse. Vi's voice sounded distant at first as her arm fell to the side and didn't fight as Vi carried her to her room. "Mhmm," Caitlyn mumbled slightly as she tried to shift out of bed. "I'm... imma fine," She stated but then her stomach twisted and she felt the nauseous twist as she swallowed tightly praying not to lose what little she had in her stomach.
Vi's hand pressed up against her forehead and Vi would notice a lot of sweat and yet her skin felt cool and clammy. Without hesitation, Tobias rushed into the room. He moved over to press a hand up against Vi's shoulder and looked down at Caitlyn. "What happened," Tobias questioned, as he switched positions with Vi and felt her forehead and Caitlyn tried to wave her father. "Fine... I'm fine," which Tobias eyes scrutinized his daughter. Tobias took Caitlyn's wrist pressed his fingers against her pulse and looked over to Vi.
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"Get her in a cool bath, not freezing nor warm. It needs to be cool, take all her clothes off, she needs to be free of anything that is keeping heat in her body," Tobias stated as he reached over to unbutton Caitlyn's shirt a few buttons and then brushed his hand up against the fur underneath her shoulder. "She's overheating, her pelts are keeping the heat in, get them as wet as possible," Tobias spoke quickly and then looked back to Vi.
"I'll get some cool water and you do that, okay? If she vomits, just let her get it out of her system. Slow sips of water, no gulping down? Go," Tobias pressed his hand up against Vi's shoulder with a squeeze and then quickly hurried down the hall. Caitlyn's eyes were half-lidded, glancing over at Vi as she reached for her. "I'll be okay, just... just hungry," She mumbled as if she didn't hear anything anyone just said.
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ferinehuntress · 4 months
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◈  ⇢  @restrainedhungr  ⋯  Random Starter .    ❝ Caitlyn meets a sharp tooth following her like a cat ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ "Hey Cupcake, think you can do me a favor?" Vi's words broke past the air, as Caitlyn was fitting into her outfit, grabbing a white shirt as she stood there in just a white bra (she refused to wear the bustiers that were impossible to move in!). "What is it, Tiger?" Caitlyn said, slipping the shirt on as she walked over toward her. Vi was sitting over a table, overlooking a piece of paper as Caitlyn glanced at it and started to button up her shirt from the bottom. "I have an informant in Zaun, but …." Caitlyn knew that voice, Vi didn't even have to continue as her finger slipped underneath Vi's chin and scratched it lightly before lifting it and giving her a tender kiss. "I got it, love. Think you can hold down the fort while I'm gone?"
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Fingers finished with her shirt and fixed her leather pants, twisting the strings together as she reached for her pistol holster and her rifle. "No complaints there, chief, I will hold the fort, pronto!" Vi grinned and gave a playful salute which Caitlyn could only react with a content laugh. She put her rifle on the holder on her back (part of her pistol holder that she reinvented to fit both pistol and rifle). Her hands reached over, brushing along Vi's face, and gave her another kiss and then picked up the paper. "Should be back before dinner," Her words spoke with a promise, and with that, she left the mansion.
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Caitlyn pulled her hood over her head, allowing her blue hair to disappear underneath it, her branding hidden from the outside world. Despite the actions used, she still came into Zaun. The mark didn't deter her she had become stubborn to it, refusing to be told what she could or couldn't do. She dropped down into the streets, moving with the crowd as the busy marketplace bustled with tons of people. Some shop for gear, others for food. The smell of the toxic air filled her lungs and already she could feel the hackles on the back of her shoulders rising. Defenses rose in protection as she tucked her hands into her jacket, keeping her eyes on people around her.
Sticky fingers, bumps, and those who got too close were quickly avoided. She hissed at times, to ensure to make a point so people would give her a wide birth. At one point, one caught a look under the hood and her icy blue eyes flicked up, glaring in their direction and they let out a small gasp. "Headhunter," And without hesitation, they quickly moved away to not give a reason to trouble her. Caitlyn's eyes glanced back, making sure they left her alone as she reached into her pocket to look at the paper. She had to scale up a few levels to get to the bridge where she would meet. Nimble feet had no problem finding places to move. She was no parkour expert, but she knew how to climb.
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She came to a stop, noticing just a few others standing around but none even glanced her way. Vi's informants never failed to meet up. Her eyes glanced around and spotted a few steps leading in a different direction. Their positioning and posture meant he was running. Turning around, she followed, finding an alleyway. The slam of blood hit her like a wave, and instantly her mouth started to water, and it didn't help that it was closing in on lunchtime. She swallowed back the thought as she moved closer, and crouched down, pulling her hood back to look over the scene. The blood splattered against the wall and some puddles on the ground. He had been attacked. The footsteps continued to run forward, meaning he was being chased. "By who?" Caitlyn question.
Her fingers lowered down, dragging into the blood as she lifted it to her lips. She allowed the flavor and smell of his blood to imprint upon her mind, so she could follow the trail and smell. She shook her hand, standing back up as she sniffed the air, trying to figure out where this informant went. The other question is who was trying to stop him; did they know his connections to Vi? What did he have that could cause someone to want to hurt him; and were they after to take him out or interrogate him?
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ferinehuntress · 5 months
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◈  ⇢  @shimmerbeasts  ⋯  Closed Plotted Starter .    ❝ Caitlyn meets an old familiar face from her past. ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ 𝐈𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 terrified to go out at night. Every inch of her territory felt stained by this man's scent and twisted displays. Too many nights had she heard them screaming it was a Zaunite. Some thought it was a Zaunite copying Jhin or some chem baron. She even heard people saying it was Jinx, but this wasn't her modus operandi. Caitlyn knew Jinx, and knew her style. She had been on multiple crime scenes of hers and face to face with the she-devil.
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 No, this wasn't her M.O.
  And Caitlyn didn't think it was a Zaunite either. Everything about it didn't add up. The technique, the stylish concepts. She had dealt with Zaunites who hunted and killed; they didn't care to create a whole collage of display. In truth, everything pointed to someone from Piltover which disturbed her. The elegant display of organs, the way the bodies were framed. As if a display of power. It was highly improbable that it was a Zaunite, and with the number of immigrants and people who visited Piltover, it could even be a Noxian, Shuriam, or someone from the port of Bilgewater. Piltover just preferred to scream someone from the undercity at any point.
 As if to prove a point, when  Caitlyn examined the most recent scene, the only zaunite she could smell was Vi. His scent contaminated the walls and the body of his victim yet he had no scent from someone from the undercity. Instead, the scent of heavy perfumes fumigated the Area, as she sniffed around the body. The bloody mess of the woman's stomach was carved open in the symbol of one of the sigils of the council, and the intestines had been wrapped around her neck and arms like a display of death by her own body with a morbid twist of elegance. The smell of blood caused Caitlyn to lick her lips, pushing back that instinctive draw to blood and the animal within smelling fresh meat. Pictures were taken, as she glanced over to Vi who called her over to another part of the scene. It's where he had tortured the woman, both of them smelling the heavy fumes of fear and death in one location. Caitlyn instantly painted the scene, but she noticed something. Two different types of blood, the scent faint.
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 She brushed her finger up against the blood and placed it on her tongue. Using her sense of taste, the flavor was strong, a little gamey which reminded her of the taste of Venison. The woman must have had some deer vastayan blood in her line, though it was faint. Then her fingers brushed over the other blood, and it was completely different, the acidic tones with licorice. That bitter tone of candy made her growl and spit it out. Not only did she have his scent now, she had his taste. She could smell him if his blood was shed.
 Once she had collected everything she could from the scene, she left it to the enforcers and knew she had to finish this. "We have to find him tonight. He is bleeding, we can track him down," Caitlyn spoke to Vi as she pumped her fist into the gauntlets. "Let's go," Vi had the scent, and they left the scene quickly following the prominent scent flowing along the alleyways. Caitlyn didn't slow down, her feet picked up pace and her fingers tightened around her rifle. At a split in the road, the scent had changed and Caitlyn growled. As she looked at her parent, a nod came between the two and they split up. Vi twisted left and Caitlyn moved right. Her boots clicked against the ground, the low heel meeting the cobblestone as she shifted the air, and twisted left. That's when the blood hit her like a hammer. Eyes zoned in on a bloody shoulder and the culprit. He had made a fatal flaw of getting too close to his victims; and she highly doubted anyone expected someone to be tracking by smell.
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 The rifle lifted and pointed at the man who twisted around to shoot his pistol. A bristle of her fur stood on edge as she growled and had to dodge back behind the corner of the wall and fired her rifle. It didn't hit him, as he raced off and she immediately went into the chase. "Not this time, you don't!" Caitlyn snapped her jaws, refusing to let him escape her grasp. If she didn't catch him now someone else would be another victim. Not in her city, not in her streets. The detective lifted her rifle just as she got another aim but she had to quickly pull back as he shoved someone into her path. That wouldn't do, as she dashed down the street, the few pedestrians she swiveled around as she lifted her firearm and shot. The shot was purposely missed, but it did what she wanted, angling him down another alleyway away from the more populated region of the city (even at night people still roamed).
 Another shot caused him to duck, twisting another alley with an arrogant laugh. "You're a terrible shot!" Oh, he had no idea the workings of Caitlyn's mind, the way she played him this time. She controlled this land, she knew every corner, every street. She needed him away from the citizens to finish what she started. Five dead, there would not be a sixth. The alleyway she had placed the man down was a long run, enough for her to aim her weapon properly. As she skidded to a stop the rifle was lifted and she slowed her breathing. One breath in, and then out and she pulled the trigger.
 The bullet sizzled through the air and made contact with the back of his neck. His body lunged forward, and he hit the ground with no sound of pain. An instant kill, the bullet breaking the vertebrae and effectively snapping his neck. Efficient and immediate. "I'm an excellent shot, you're just too arrogant to know otherwise," Caitlyn snarled with a growl. She moved down the alley, the shadow of the walls closing in as she took her boot and kicked him over. His face was familiar, one she had seen at a few balls in Piltovan. He was one of the new high-class houses, inherited after the death of his father. "I knew it was a Piltovan," She held the rifle and stared down at the bullet that had shot clean through. The throat left a gaping hole in the front as blood pooled out and onto the ground. The same familiar scent of licorice caused her nose to scrunch up in disgust.
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 But then something caused a shiver to run down her spine as if she was being watched. Even a predator can feel like prey as she gripped her rifle tighter and then swiveled around, holding it up toward a pair of golden eyes in the shadows. Her cheek rested against the stock of her rifle and focused on the other. A heavy smell of fox tickled her nose as she tensed her legs ready for anything. Yet there was a familiarity to the smell, something from long ago. A distant memory but a smell she couldn't forget. Her pistol against her hip held the memory with the shape of a monster like fox and multiple tails against the barrel of the pistol. The Fox Song could sing the song of death when she didn't have her rifle. Caitlyn lightly growled in warning before speaking. "Show yourself,"
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ferinehuntress · 5 months
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◈  ⇢  @shimmerbeasts  ⋯  Continued Ask .    ❝ Vi explains a sensitive subject to Caitlyn after the return of Jinx & examining a bone bullet. ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ The restlessness behind her made Caitlyn look over her shoulder and purred softly. "I'm right here, love, it's okay," Caitlyn offered in comfort. She had similar reactions when Vi left the bed if she woke first. The sensation of faded warmth and a body no longer near would easily stir the Kiramman awake. She had grown accustomed to the Zaunite being so close that even her scent soothed her troubled mind. She tapped her foot against the ground, a repeated motion to settle down her bafflement of this object. Jinx had returned, it had been almost three months since she last seen or heard from her but Caitlyn knew she was out there. As if biding her time and now she had struck at the heart of her home.
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Fingers rested on her lap now, as Caitlyn started to massage her hand in a fashion to calm herself down. She didn't like the mark or the snow-white bullet. Human bones tended to be brittle and useless and yet this bone held up against the firing pin of a pistol. Just as her hand brushed up against the back of her neck in memory, she heard Vi's apology. She leaned backward, her head canting so she could look up at Vi. In this position, Vi looked upside down, and magenta brilliant hair gleamed from the sun that billowed through the window. Her hand reached up to brush against her cheek and her thumb lightly caressed her jaw. "It's not your fault, Vi," Never once did Caitlyn blame her. However, Vi carried her heavy guilt like Atlas and the earth on his shoulders. So Caitlyn always took time, quiet reminders, so that Vi would know the heiress didn't believe these things were her fault.
The choice had always been Jinx; she held the knife, cut the wound, and she shot the bullet. She made her own choices, Vi never once put the knife or gun in Jinx's hand and told her to do this. Moving her hand from Vi's face, she shifted to sit back straight and stared toward the bullet again. The eye of Zaun meant it was something important. It reminded her of the bullets she found on crime scenes that belonged to Jinx where the brass casings had the symbol of the monkey on them. So if the bullets with the monkey belonged to Jinx, then who did this bullet belong to despite Jinx firing it? She tried to settle her mind into Jinx's, to think as she would.
Vi's outburst caused Caitlyn's eyes to widen and disrupted her delving process to look at the tiger. "Careful, Vi, your face," She vocalized and reached over to place a hand on her back. Nails trailed down her spine, giving a light back scratch.
"Hey, it's okay," Caitlyn soothed through a wisp of her tone, gentle like a cool breeze. Her head canted sideways as her hair fell to the side. "Take your time, Vi. I haven't judged on anything I saw down there or seen before when you took me there. I know the undercity is far more different from the Piltover," It seemed Vi knew something about the bullet, something that hadn't been touched yet. Cait never believed she understood the whole culture of Zaun, there was much to learn and perhaps it might take years to know everything, but she always listened and absorbed whatever Vi taught her. Even if she didn't understand it right away, she always listened with non-judgemental curiosity.
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"Would you like me to get you something to drink? I know you like the sweet teas I make," Caitlyn offered with a smile. She pushed back from the table and moved into the small kitchen (it was so quaint in her eyes) found a couple of metal cups and poured some of the tea into them. She grabbed a couple of cinnamon sticks she had left her when she knew that Vi liked the sweet spice. They dipped it into the cooled drinks and carried them over to the table. She set one down on the table next to Vi and then took a sip of her own. The sweet tea hit the right spot, wetting her throat as she let a little sigh escape her lips.
Setting down the tea, Caitlyn's hand moved back to touch Vi's back, a tender brush of her claws over her spine again til she knew she was ready to speak.
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ferinehuntress · 6 months
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  ◈  ⇢   @ofspvrta  ⋯  Closed Starter .      ❝ Kassandra finds Caitlyn in a dangerous predicament . ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱  𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫, 𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞  previous few seconds. The back of her head ached, hitting the cobblestone hard as she looked at the Haas Hall burning, and no way to stop it. Her ears were ringing painfully, blood slipping down the side of her ears as they were ruptured being so close to the explosion at face value. Blue hair, she remembered the fragmented image of braided blue hair and the sickening laughter from inside the hall. The sound echoed in her mind as she struggled to stay conscious though she kept slipping in and out of consciousness.
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 Blood pooled from her left temple down the side of her face, coated in the shimmering red of her life force. Shrapnel had cut up her uniform and the bottom of her dress was burned in black, along with her shoulder pads and the front of her uniform. The uniform was nothing but soot and torn clothing, the shoulder pads had been ripped off and her sleeves were scotched from the fire. Burns covered her shoulders, the smell of flesh cooking in the air. Soot covered parts of her cheek and along her skin. Shrapnel was embedded in her left arm, blood coated her forearm all over her glove. Lifting her head, she tried to push up with her arms but they shook so much that she collapsed back down onto the ground. 'Get up Kiramman', she told herself in her mind but her voice sounded as distant as the sirens going off.
 Ash floated down like snowfall, gray and black as it started to cover her body and the ground as she tried to focus her eyes on someone coming near her. If she was saying something, she couldn't hear her at first as her head fell forward and hit her lower arm, struggling to maintain her focus. The smell of burning flesh stung her nose; not realizing it was her shoulder and arm that had been burned terribly. Her breathing was ragged and staggered, as blood slipped from the corner of her mouth as she tried to focus on the woman again. "Help…need help," She gasp through a few coughs as she reached her hand forward to touch her leg.
 The heat radiated off the stone of the ground; as if she stood in the fire of the burning building. The natural light of the flames caused an orange hue to be cast across the person in front of her as she struggled to focus her blue eyes and was finally able to make out her face. Kassandra. Flames behind her paid no heed to her life nor of the others; the fire consumed whatever it pleased. If it could burn, the fire violently crept its flames over it and burned it to charred loss. The fire took and had no pity or mind of what it burned. Too much blood, pooled around her leg where she had been severely wounded as she reached out and grabbed his hand. "Hall, she's in the hall," Or was she anymore? She couldn't process time, not with her inability to stay awake for longer than a few minutes (or was it a few hours?) she didn't know anymore.
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 Anguish ripped through her body as she dropped her head back against her arm as her hands wouldn't stop trembling. Labor breathing pained her chest as she lay there with the one person she didn't expect to see out there.
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ferinehuntress · 4 months
👀how do they feel about voyeurism? exhibitionism? (Cait)
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ "Uh," Caitlyn paused for a moment, thinking about the question as she looked a little baffled by the sudden question that most definitely was not a public conversation in Piltover.
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"I don't know," She finally answered as she glanced over to Abhorsen. "I suppose doing some Voyeurism with Vi could be sexy.  Again, this would be exclusively behind doors and no one else would get to see it. Vi could watch me or I could watch Vi. I could see it being sexy if I was tied up on the bed and Vi showing herself off and I literally can't move or touch her," Caitlyn felt a heated blush against her cheeks as she reached her hands up to brush them softly against her cheeks. "And I wouldn't mind teasing Vi with a show if she wanted it, I think that be very erotic, and see how long it takes before Vi tackles me,"
She hummed softly at the other one. "Exhibition, I don't think I enjoy that thought. Now the thought of an exhibition might be fun. Say, Vi and I doing something on my balcony that overlooks the garden, and the 'idea' of being caught. Or like getting handsy in a dark hallway at a gala event. But I would never want anyone to watch us, ever. The things I do with Vi, that is our time. Whether we are just having sex for fun, or if it's more intimate; that is for us and only us. I'm very particular about this cause I just don't want to share that. It's personal and private. So True exhibition isn't going to happen, but the fantasy versions, the idea of behind caught would be fun and exhilarating, but I would never actually share it with anyone," The idea of someone watching them and them showing off visible angered Caitlyn as she gritted her teeth.
"I will not be a tool for someone else's pleasure, and I would never subject Vi to such actions. Vi deserves far more than that. So no, I would never do exhibitionism. What we do is behind closed doors and for ourselves to enjoy," Caitlyn said and looked over to Abhorsen. "Apologizes, I'm not angry at you, only the idea of Piltovan society watching us,"
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ferinehuntress · 4 months
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◈  ⇢  @goldenfists  ⋯  closed starter .    ❝ Meeting up with her brother after being apart for so long ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ The culture shock of Ionia left Caitlyn a little stunned as she got off of the airship. She knew to expect something different, similar to her entering Zaun for the first time and being exposed to an entirely new world. Still, there was such a difference in this world. The air whisp with life and fresh scents of grass. Something moved within the very soil of Ionia, touching through her blood and she experienced a sense of warmth she didn't feel in Piltover; like the world was alive, not just living in it. A part of Caitlyn desired to take off her boots, to feel the land underneath bare skin like it was supposed to be that way.
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She pushed her claws through her hair, as she glanced around to try and see if Sett had shown up yet. The last thing she wanted to do was get lost in this place (though she imagined it be beautiful just to get lost in this town) as she tugged her coat around her shoulders more. Not because it was cold but comfort. Instead, she moved to sit down on the bench and pulled out her pocket watch. Perhaps she was a little early, it wouldn't be the first time. Her punctuality was something she prized herself over; always on time, never late.
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ferinehuntress · 4 months
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◈  ⇢  @undercity-merc  ⋯  blood, blood, gallons   "sender kisses receiver to taste the blood on their busted lip." Vi/Cait
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ Oh, that would be the headlines. She could already read it, Head of House Kiramman bloody ups face of nobleman. Somehow, just listening to the way it sounded in her head made her smirk, a little chuff of amusement as she rubbed at the side of her face with her fist. The metallic taste tickled her tongue as she shook her head slightly, throbbing a little bit from the punch that Rodrick gave her, but he looked far worse than she did. She didn't start it, but like hell, she finished it. Didn't he learn the last time she punched him when she broke his nose? No? Well, that was okay, she didn't mind the tumble. He didn't know how to punch anyway, all he did was bust her lip, but he had a few sporting claw marks to tend to. Perhaps he will think twice then to insult her any more.
Caitlyn didn't play by the laws of Piltover, to use a silver tongue at times. Sometimes, she couldn't maintain her composure, especially if they insulted her father or Vi. They could bully her all they wanted, but if those two names entered someone's mouth, the best she could promise was a bloody nose. She pushed open the gate to her mansion and glanced up to see one of the guards rushing forward, along with the German shepherd named Wolf barking in concern. "I'm fine, it's just a little bit of blood. If anyone shows up, tell them House Kiramman is not take guests," Caitlyn said as the bodyguard gave a nod of understanding.
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Stepping up to her house, she pushed open the door and closed it behind her. A deep breath ran through her lips as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the back of the door. That's when a particular scent caught her nose and her eyes shot open. She knew that smell anywhere as she smiled. There she was, draped over the couch as if she owned the place. "Vi," Caitlyn smiled, as she was about to walk over to her, but instead she felt the rush of heat, and suddenly lips pressed up against hers. Caitlyn leaned down, her hands brushing up against Vi's shoulders and pulling her closer.
"Not that I don't mind the wonderful greeting, but is everything okay?" Caitlyn questioned after the kiss was broken, the blood still bubbling against her busted lip and the brush starting to become noticeable against her cheek. She hadn't set up any plans with Vi today, or... she didn't remember anything.
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ferinehuntress · 5 months
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◈  ⇢  @runes-menagerie  ⋯  DND 5e SKILLS STARTERS .    ❝ DnD meme: Medicine (Stolas and Caitlyn) Runes-menagerie ⸻ D20 roll = 4 ❞
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ 𝐈𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞, 𝐚 𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧, 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨. She had been trained to stay calm and collected and handle on-the-scene medical treatments until real doctors arrived on the scene. Sometimes, she was the best option for survival for those in terrible situations and her actions could mean the difference between life and death. Finding Stolas as wounded as he was, she thought she could handle it.
 The problem was, Stolas wasn't human, or Vastaya. He didn't seem to be like anything she had seen in this world. Perhaps the closest thing she could connect him to was the spirits and demons, but his corporeal form allowed him to stand in the mortal realm, and he was deeply wounded.  She had been hired to prevent Stolas from coming from any harm and already she punished herself mentally. "Who did this?" Caitlyn questioned as she set her rifle to the side, and dropped down to her knees.
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 His blood pooled blue along his feathers, as she pressed her brows together in confusion. She needed to stop the bleeding first, so she pulled out a grab and pressed it up against his wound. "Do medicines work on you?" Caitlyn questioned as she licked the bottom of her lip, forcing back the way her mouth water. The natural smell of a wounded bird enticed her vastaya side, her nature reminded but she did not hunt or eat other people. She wasn't like a certain maniac who wanted to eat her, no, she was nothing like that blue-haired demoness. Her fingers opened up her first aid kit and started arranging her things. "Why did you come into the undercity without me? I could have helped you or my partner could have accompanied you,"
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ferinehuntress · 4 months
🫶what does after care look like for them?
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◈  ⇢  @undercity-merc  ⋯  𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ A delightful hum left her lips as Caitlyn fell back against her bed, getting comfortable as she brushed up against the blankets. She always had blankets upon blankets, enjoying the warmth and comfort they brought.
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"Let's see, Red," Caitlyn said as she stretched her arms over her head, and let out a yawn with shimmering white fangs peeking out for a moment. "Massages are always a good way, especially if I've been tied up in a position for an hour or so, a good set of hands to massage the muscles do wonders. It's also very intimate and sweet, and I'll do the same thing for Vi as well. Vi gets these knots in her back or her arms, so I don't mind helping to get them out," Caitlyn said and then tapped her finger against her lip.
"Showering as well, letting each other clean the other off, getting any sweat, and making sure we're well taken care of. Applications of lotion, rubbing it into the skin to ensure it is healthy after a shower.  Bringing food or drink for my partner or visa versa, or just laying together in bed and holding each other in the afterglow of pleasure," Caitlyn tapped her finger against her palm as she thought a little more. "It wouldn't be uncommon if it's the evening time, and after a good romp with Vi, that I just fall asleep against her. Sometimes that's the best aftercare of all, just getting to fall asleep in Vi's arms,"
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