#mobian monster mash
shrimplton · 2 years
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The Professor of Mobian Anatomy and Physiology; One of the Founding Fathers of the Mobian Anatomical Encyclopedia
A sonic oc, duh.
This guy is known as the Professor (only because i don’t have a name for the fucker yet). He is a centipede Mobian who, from the title of this post, is one of the many scientists who researched and wrote many books about Mobian anatomy.
He’s unusually tall for a Mobian his species, standing at around 5 ft 3 in. His tail act like Tangle; being able to stretch long distances and having the strength to hold people in place, in the air, etc. His tail is lined with small, stubby legs which, on command, can extend into needle like, yet tough and durable, legs. These small leg appendages can also be seen on his body, however those can extend longer to create a second (and third) set of appendages.
From my sloppy ass handwriting on the first image, he is inspired by Scolopendra Galapagoensis—a dangerous centipede which has venom and powerful mandibles that can inject said venom into its prey. Of course, with the power of oc magic and because-i-fucking-said-so, the tips of his tail, uh, “antenna” can also be used to inject this venom by whipping someone. Call it poisonous on the tail antenna idk.
The one thing on here that is NOT written is that during his adventure down dissection and writing, he became OBSESSED with anatomy. This began his downward spiral into creating frankenstein monsters of different Mobians mashed together. Of course, he started with experiments on cells, then Mobini, etc etc..
You get the idea, guys a fucking nut
New sonic oc, dudes a centipede, loves anatomy, went bonkers because of it, is now silly and conducts experiments on fellow Mobians and hasn’t been caught yet!
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 31
A Halloween to remember!
Fluffy chapter, but a tiny bit creepy because it's Halloween :)
Asexual Awareness Week ended on the 29th, but I usually run it til Halloween, so that's why there's the ace talk from Team Dark btw.
October 31, 5:47 PM
When the light faded, Sonic was a magical boy in a frilly blue and red outfit, Amy was a vampire in a gothic black dress, Shadow was a ghost, and Silver was a werehog.
"Huh. This is pretty cool!" Sonic chuckled. He released a flurry of blue sparkles from his fingertips and it crackled like lightning. "Sweet! Call me Magical Boy Spark!" The young fox next to him looked super amazed by the bracelet's magic.
"Amazing! When you turned the bracelet to a different symbol, you changed!" Tails gasped. He looked at his own silver bracelet and saw that there were nine segments on a dial, and an arrow, which was currently pointing to the robot. "Do you think it's the same with ours?"
Tails turned the dial so that the arrow was pointing to the dragon. He felt orange, scaly wings grow on his back. His robot boots and cannon turned back to normal. His claws and fangs grew super sharp. He breathed fire, which got uncomfortably close to Shadow.
"I'm weak to fire now, be careful, Tails!" The dark ghost exclaimed. He sighed and flew over to Rouge, who was eating a piece of garlic bread.
"Can I have some?" They asked.
"It'll phase through you. Maybe if you're not a ghost or vampire." She chuckled.
Shadow turned the dial on his five-segmented gold bracelet so the arrow faced the moon, and changed into a werehog. The devil bat gave him a piece of garlic bread, and he took a bite. "Garlic is one of the few things I can taste that I actually enjoy."
Rouge looked at the dial on her bracelet, looked at Shadow's bracelet, and turned her bracelet to the dragon symbol. Her devil horns got replaced with dragon horns, her devil wings turned into dragon wings, and her demon hooves became her regular boots. "I'm the queen of asexual people now. A garlic bread eating dragon."
Shadow chuckled, then looked at her and Omega. "I can't believe we're all ace. What are the odds?"
Omega calculated the results and shared them. "About 0.0001%, or one in a million. However, I am a robot, Shadow was created in a lab, and asexuals often group together, which brings the probability up to approximately 25%."
Meanwhile, Charmy was playing with fire thanks to a Fire Flower, and Vector and Espio were trying to get him to stop.
"Charmy, when we get home, you're grounded." Vector stated.
"Unless you stop treating fire as a toy." Espio added. "A foolish mistake could spell death for a warrior."
"Quit your wise-guy stuff, Espio!" Charmy giggled.
"He's right." A raspy voice spoke. From the shadows stepped Silver.
Vector looked at the werehog and chuckled. "Look at you, Silver! You're almost as tall as me!"
Silver looked the young bee in the eyes and spoke to him. "Charmy. I grew up in a fiery wasteland, breathing the smoky air, constantly treating my burns. I'm lucky I survived. Fire is not a toy."
Charmy gulped nervously and extinguished his hands. Then he saw the dial on his bracelet and turned into a ghost, giggling the whole time. "You scared me to death, Silver!"
Silver laughed at the boy's joke and told him to remember what they said.
Meanwhile, Amy was hyperfixating on how awesome her Super form was.
"And I went SUPER! I didn't think I could, but it was so cool! I felt amazing, like I could do anything! I could fly!" She turned into a pink bat and fluttered around, then turned back into a hedgehog, fell down, and landed on her feet. "And it felt like I was a goddess!"
"I felt that way when I first went Super." Sonic told her. "And you had a whole Sailor Moon transformation! I never got that my first time!"
Blaze heard Amy's excited rambling and decided to see what was putting her in such a good mood. "What's got you in such a good mood?"
Amy took a deep breath, then explained that she was happy because she became Super Amy for the first time, but as she was explaining, she heard Vector and Silver scream. "What was that?"
The two of them started laughing. In front of them was Knuckles, holding his disattached head in front of him.
"That was terrifying!" Vector cheered.
"10 out of 10 for the scare meter!" Silver added.
Knuckles laughed ominously, then took a bow. "Thanks. I'm gonna go scare the others." He reattached his head and walked over to Team Dark to scare them.
After a few hours of hanging out at Sonic's house, everyone went home with a smile on their face. Before they left, Sonic gave Shadow and Silver a kiss each. They turned their magical bracelets to the blank segment, and transformed back to normal.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 30
Super Amy Moment
I'm gonna tug your emotions (hopefully)
Fricking long chapter
Blood, swearing, gore, violence, death.
October 31, 5:24 PM
Amy felt a surge in power she hadn't felt before. "Is this..."
Tears flooded her eyes as her body became a shining golden color. Her eyes became red, and her Piko Hammer became massive. Her mummy costume glowed and turned into a red Madoka Magika-esque outfit. Her quills pointed up and the light faded to reveal her new form.
"I... I'm Super Amy..." She gasped.
"How's it feel to be Super?" Sonic asked. His body was a shimmering yellow, too.
"This is AMAZING!" The girl exclaimed. She flew around and did a few backflips.
Sonic had never gone Super as a werehog, so it felt like his first time going Super again. He felt an adrenaline rush and howled energetically, then laughed happily.
Silver looked a bit annoyed. "A-HEM! We have a mission here!"
Sonic giggled nervously. "Right, right."
Amy flew at the abomination and crushed it under her giant hammer. She heard a sickening crunch and lifted the hammer up. Sonic.EXE was brutally squished into a bloody pulp.
It disappeared in a puff of smoke and reappeared unscathed next to Silver, then grabbed them. Silver stuck their tongue out, went incorporeal, and phased out of the monster's grasp. They reappeared in a golden light behind EXE and held it with their Super Psychokinesis. The abomination smiled. It snapped its fingers and teleported out of Silver's grasp, and right into a Super Chaos Blast from Shadow.
"And stay down!" He yelled.
EXE laughed menacingly and began draining the Chaos Energy like Eggman in the Sonic Unleashed intro, but Omega, who had rebooted, shot EXE when they saw what it was doing.
"Thanks, Omega!" Shadow said.
"Activating cheer mode. Kick that monster's ass, Shadow!"
The vampire joined the other three and impaled EXE with a Super Chaos Spear. Sonic unleashed (ha, reference) a Super Werehog Slash on EXE and red blood sprayed onto his golden fur. Silver held it down to try to prevent it from recovering, and Amy's hammer became spiky as she crushed its head in.
EXE reformed again, to the dismay of everyone, and it drained the Chaos Energy again. The four hedgehogs cried out in pain and got reverted back from their Super forms. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver lost their monster forms. The Chaos Emeralds lost their glow. The four heroes fell to the ground and struggled to get up. Their friends ran to their sides to help them.
EXE laughed menacingly and shattered the Emeralds.
Sonic felt Tails and Knuckles lift him to his feet. His breathing was heavy and he felt immense pain in his whole body, like he was being stabbed everywhere.
"You okay, Sonic? That looked like it hurt really bad." Knuckles asked.
"Hah... yeah..." Sonic put a hand to his chest. "I'm... ngh! ...fine..."
"You don't sound fine." Tails stated. Sonic groaned in pain and smiled sadly. A few tears fell from his eyes.
"I... failed..." He sighed.
"You're Sonic. You've always found a way to save the day!" The echidna gave Sonic a gentle, but firm, pat on the back.
"Thanks." Sonic smiled and hugged his friends. "I love you two. You're my best friends." The Chaos Emerald started glowing and reforming.
Tails gasped. "Look! The Emeralds are coming back!"
Tails and Knuckles glowed orange and felt a transformation. Not a Super transformation, but something else. A robot arm cannon appeared on Tails' left arm and his shoes became like Mega Man's. Knuckles didn't really change much, but he gained recovery powers that rivaled Shadow's, more pain tolerance, and poisonous punches. Tails and Knuckles had matching silver bracelets on their right arms.
A golden bracelet appeared on Sonic's left arm. He became a Super werehog again and the three of them charged at EXE.
Amy struggled to lift herself up, but with the help of her hammer's handle, she got to her feet. Her breathing was heavy and exhausted, and her legs were figuratively on fire.
"Are you okay?" A man's voice asked. Amy looked and saw Vector.
"Not... not really..." She groaned in pain and fell to her knees, holding her hammer for support. "Ow..."
"That magical girl transformation was amazing!" Charmy, who was next to Vector, exclaimed, eyes wide.
"Ha, thanks..." She smiled sweetly at the young bee, despite the immense pain.
"Miss Rose, you look sad." Charmy frowned.
"Yeah... because... we lost..." The hedgehog sighed. Tears stained the bandages of her costume and her vision became blurry.
She felt a tiny hand rest on her shoulder and gasped. She looked and saw Charmy, with tears in his eyes.
"But... Magical girls never lose! You have to win!"
"Yeah! Kick that monster's ass!" Vector cheered.
"Language!" Charmy exclaimed.
Amy giggled a bit, then burst into genuine happy laughter. "You two are such dorks." She sighed and reached her arms out for a hug. "Thanks for cheering me up."
The boys accepted the hug, and the Chaos Emeralds started to reform and glow. Amy saw the rainbow glow and gasped.
"The Emeralds!"
A green glow enveloped the boys, and Vector transformed. The wings on his dragon costume became real, and his claws became sharper. Charmy didn't transform, instead, he picked up a yellow box with question marks on four sides and reached inside.
Charmy pulled out a chilly flower and transformed. His mushroom hat became blue with red spots, his wings shimmered light blue, and his blue vest became white. He summoned a snowball in his hand and giggled. "I'm Ice Charmy!"
Charmy and Vector noticed their matching silver bracelets and smiled.
Amy, too, underwent a transformation. She became Super Magical Girl Rose, also known as Super Amy. On her right arm was a golden bracelet. The three heroes rushed into combat.
Shadow wasn't used to feeling this... drained. With no Chaos Energy left in his reserves, he didn't feel very ultimate. They felt like they were painfully withering away.
"Shadow!" Rouge gasped. She and Omega lifted the him up to his feet. "You're hurt!"
"I'm... fine..." They lied.
"Negative." Omega blared. "You are lacking Chaos Energy."
"I have to- GAH!" Shadow tried to run to EXE, but stumbled and fell. He let out a pained wheeze and a few tears started to form in his eyes. "No..."
Omega picked them up and held them gently. "Shadow. Do not push yourself."
"I'm... the Ultimate... Lifeform..." Shadow felt a tear fall down his face. "But I failed..." Their tears fell like a waterfall. "I failed you... Mobius... I failed you... Maria..."
Rouge put a hand on Shadow's head and sighed. "Hey, bud, I think if Maria were here, she'd be proud of how hard you tried. I know I'm proud of you."
Shadow looked at the bat and quietly chuckled. "I guess you're right... Thanks..." He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh. "Rouge... Omega... I... I love you both... You're my... friends..."
Shadow went limp and their heart stopped beating. Rouge went silent, unable to cry. She hugged Shadow and the Chaos Emeralds reformed and began to glow.
A black light enveloped Team Dark, and Rouge and Omega started to transform. Rouge's devil horns fused to her head and her feet became goat's feet. She grew sharp fangs and her eyes turned red. Her prop pitchfork became real and dark energy surrounded the prongs. Omega grew vine tentacles at their feet and their eyes glowed yellow. Their body got a glowing jack'o'lantern mouth and it shot fire. Rouge and Omega had matching silver bracelets.
"I am Jack'Omega!" They blared happily.
Shadow woke up and saw that he was a Super vampire. They felt a golden bracelet on their left arm. "What... happened?"
"You died, but our friendship revived you." The devil bat explained. "You feeling okay?"
"Yeah. Let's go kick some ass!"
The pain was unbearable. Silver felt like they were going to die or something.
"Silver, can you get up?" Blaze, who was next to them, asked.
They tried to get up, but fell back onto the floor, panting heavily.
"I'll take that as a no." Espio, on Silver's other side, sighed.
"It... hurts..." Silver wheezed.
"I know." Blaze softly ran her fingers through their quills and smiled sweetly. "Can Espio and I help you sit up?"
Silver nodded, and their friends helped them to their knees, then helped them sit up.
Espio smiled slightly, then sat next to the hedgehog. "You're one of our best friends. It hurts to see you in so much pain."
Blaze sat next to Silver as well and put an arm over their shoulder. "I love you so much. You're like my sweet, dorky, little sibling." She giggled and leaned on them a bit.
"You're... the best... big siblings... a hedgehog... could ask for..." Silver choked out. They smiled, but it hurt their mouth to smile.
"I'm honored that you see me as an older brother." Espio smiled. He and Blaze hugged Silver, and a rainbow glow filled the room.
"The Chaos Emeralds!" Blaze gasped.
A purple light shone over Espio and Blaze, and they transformed. Espio's legs and chameleon tail became a ghost tail, and his body went transluscent. Blaze didn't change externally, but she felt a verdant calm and a transformative spark, as well as her original fire. She waved her magic wand and lightning crackled. Espio and Blaze saw matching silver bracelets on their right arms and looked at each other.
Silver looked down and gasped. They were a Super ghost again. On their left arm was a golden bracelet. They laughed confidently and looked at Sonic.EXE with a smug smile. "Time to kick that bastard's head in!"
Sonic, Amy, Shadow, and Silver felt immense energy build up in their hands unlike any power they felt before.
"The four of us need to charge our powers, you guys distract the monster!" Sonic yelled.
"On it!" Espio responded.
Espio turned invisible, then floated up and shot ectoplasm from his fingertips at EXE. It was stuck for a bit, but broke free. It slashed at Vector, who flew out of the way and unleashed a dragon slash. EXE screamed and tried to kill Knuckles like Mephiles killed Sonic in '06, but the wound immediately healed. EXE created illusion copies of itself and tried to confuse the heroes.
"Snowstorm!" Blaze cried. She waved her wand and it started to snow. The real Sonic.EXE got dusted in snow.
"Let me help!" Charmy giggled. He threw ice balls from his hands and froze EXE. It broke out of its ice prison and slashed at the young bee. He didn't bleed, instead, his ice powers went away.
He reached into the question block and pulled out a flower shaped like a boomerang. His vest got turned into a replica Koopa shell and a Boomerang Bro helmet covered the Toad cap on his head. "Boomerang Charmy!" He threw a boomerang at EXE and caught it.
Omega ensnared EXE with their vines, then their Pumpkin Flamethrower roasted EXE. Rouge spoke in a creepy, echoey voice, and her pitchfork shot a dark energy orb at EXE.
EXE recovered from the assault and teleported behind Knuckles, but Tails shot it in the face with his Mega Buster. "Ugh, my fur's covered in blood... I'm gonna need therapy..."
EXE, unharmed, teleported to Vector and tried to slash him again, but the hedgehogs felt their powers reach maximum potential. From their hands, golden rays blasted at EXE. It got torn apart into nothingness and the 12 heroes got teleported to Sonic's house.
The Chaos Emeralds all left the hedgehogs and scattered around, and they turned back to their normal monster forms, but Amy kept her magical girl outfit and a bit of magical girl powers.
"What do these bracelets do?" Sonic asked. He turned the symbol on his bracelet from the full moon to the ribbon. Amy turned her bracelet from the ribbon to the bat. Shadow turned his from the bat to the ghost. Silver turned theirs from the ghost to the full moon. The four of them started to glow.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 29
Sonic.EXE almost fucking murders everyone
Violent, bloody, gory, etc.
October 31, 5:02 PM
Sonic dodged the impostor's attack, then landed a slash on it. "Sonic.EXE. It's you."
Sonic.EXE was unfazed by the werehog's attack. Its long, bony fingers sliced at his chest, staining its claws red. It prepared another attack when Amy hit it with her hammer.
"Thanks, Ame–" Sonic saw EXE prepare to attack Amy and readied a punch. "Watch out!"
Sonic almost punched EXE in the face, but EXE teleported towards the young boys.
"Don't lay a finger on them!" Vector yelled. He breathed fire on EXE and it screamed in agony. After about 15 seconds, the flames died down, as Vector needed to catch his breath. EXE was unharmed, and since the crocodile was weakened, it slashed at him, but before the claws landed on Vector, Shadow jumped in front and took the hit. Neon green blood splattered onto EXE's body, but Shadow's wounds healed immediately.
"Chaos Spear!" Shadow plunged the energy spear into EXE's head. EXE grabbed Shadow by the neck and squeezed, but Shadow turned into a bat and flew away, then turned back into a hedgehog and landed a kick to its head.
EXE teleported away again, to Blaze and Silver, who had created a flaming psychic blade together. They sliced three times, and EXE fell into pieces. Blood oozed out of its body, its organs and bones spilled out, and it disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"We did it." Blaze gasped.
Behind her, EXE, with no sign of having been sliced apart, kicked her in the back. She almost fell over, but Silver caught her.
"Guess we're not done yet." They sighed.
EXE showed its razor-sharp teeth and lunged at Silver, who was incorporeal. Despite being incorporeal, EXE managed to pierce through them and rip off their left arm. Cyan ectoplasmic blood gushed from the wound. Silver just glared at EXE, and the severed limb vanished, then their arm grew back like nothing. They grabbed EXE with their psychokinesis and threw it at the walls repeatedly.
EXE yelled in frustration and teleported again. It punched at Knuckles, who blocked its fist and slammed it into the ground. Rouge and Omega shot EXE repeatedly, and it started to resemble Swiss cheese. Espio hit it with a sneak attack, then backflipped away.
EXE's body healed almost immediately and it summoned a dark energy orb. It flung the orb at Vector, but Silver grabbed the orb and redirected it back at EXE. The abomination snapped its fingers, and the orb disappeared. It snapped again, and 12 orbs spawned right on everyone. Each person was only hit by one orb, but the effects were devastating. They painfully sapped the strength from everyone and knocked them to the ground. They tried to get up, but were too weak to hold their weight.
Sonic reached out in despair and a single tear fell from his eyes. "No."
Shadow was the first to recover. He got two Chaos Emeralds out of his quills and held them up. "Chaos Control!" They stopped time, and ran around collecting the other five from the heroes. The Chaos Control stopped, and EXE tried to attack Shadow, but Silver regained their strength as well and held EXE down.
"Can't... hold... for... very... long..." They grunted.
"Allow me to help." The vampire said. The Emeralds started glowing, and a golden light enveloped him and Silver. Two golden beams shone onto Sonic and Amy, and they became enveloped in golden light.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 28
You know what this place looks like? Looks like Pumpkin Hill!
Long chapter :)
October 31, 12:54 PM
Sonic and Tails were the last to get home. They were greeted by the other 10 heroes.
"Sorry to keep you all waiting. Usually I'm pretty fast." Sonic said with a chuckle. "A necromancer drained my life force and I'm still a bit weary from it."
"Oh, a Gengar poisoned me, so I know what you're talking about. I was in pretty rough shape for about 15 minutes, even after being cured, and I still feel a little bit bleh." Silver added. Their voice was scratchy and tired. "But there's no time to waste, we need to destroy the curse by midnight!"
"Silver, we have 11 hours." Espio reminded them.
"Pumpkin Hill's half an hour away, the crypt is hidden in the darkest woods, and the curse is in the deepest room! That's probably at least two hours!"
Tails added to the ghost hedgehog's argument. "And who knows how long it will take to destroy the curse? Silver's right, we should go as soon as possible!"
"Or I can take us all there with Chaos Control." Shadow said.
"No thanks!" Vector exclaimed. "That teleportation stuff doesn't bode well with me..."
Blaze had an idea. "We can use our own methods of transportation to get to Pumpkin Hill. For example I'll fly on my broom, Sonic and Tails can use the Tornado, and Shadow can Chaos Control."
There was a bit of chatter, then everyone came to an agreement.
Amy got on the broom behind Blaze and the two jetted off to Pumpkin Hill. Vector, Espio, and Charmy got into a beaten-up car and the eldest drove the others to their destination. Tails got the Tornado, and Sonic and Knuckles rode on the wings. Shadow and Silver teleported. Rouge held onto Omega, who had activated their boosters. The 12 of them got to the forest and started to search.
1:17 PM
The fog was nearly impossible to see through, but Blaze used her pyrokinesis to light the way, and Omega used their scanners to lead the group. Even though it was only an hour after noon, the stars and moon were up.
"Vector, I'm scared." Charmy whimpered. The crocodile held the young bee tight and reassured him.
"I know, but it'll be okay. We're all here for you."
After an hour and a half of searching, the 12 of them came across a dank stone crypt.
2:51 PM
The crypt smelled musty, and it was pitch black. Luckily, Blaze, Omega, Shadow, Silver, and Tails were able to create light, and Sonic was able to see in the dark. Skeletons lined the walls and tiles fell beneath their feet. The air felt oppressive as they went deeper into the crypt.
Zombies and skeletons shambled in front of them, but Sonic sliced through them. The ones with armor took more work, but a Chaos Spear, Piko Hammer, Fireball, or Psychic Blade were able to deal with them. Ghosts appeared and were more menacing, but Blaze took them out with fire.
After two hours, the 12 of them reached the cursed tomb.
4:59 PM
In the tomb, they found what looked like Sonic in his regular hedgehog form. It opened its eyes to reveal black sclera and blood red eyes, and opened its mouth to reveal dozens of razor-sharp teeth. It let out a menacing laugh.
"It can't be..." The real Sonic gasped. He backed away slowly.
"Hmph, can't be that bad." Shadow scoffed. He laid eyes on the faker and gasped. "No. It's him."
Tails and Charmy were frozen in fear. Knuckles fell over and backed away. Omega short-circuited from an overload of fear. Rouge fainted. Blaze felt unnaturally cold. Amy clutched her hammer for dear life. Espio turned invisible. Vector huddled over the young boys to protect them. Silver hid in the floor and whimpered.
The fake hedgehog lunged at Sonic.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 27
Silver's 4x weak to Ghost-Type attacks now that they're Psychic/Ghost and not just Psychic.
Do not tag as ship!
It's pretty violent btw and there's blood and poison.
May not be the best but oh well. Like I said, a chapter a day was a bad idea.
I meant to post this at 10:31 AM like the others but I screwed the queue up lmao
October 31, 12:21 PM
Espio turned invisible and snuck around to try to hit Chaos Gengar from the back, but Gengar saw through his invisibility and launched a Shadow Ball at him. Silver saw the ethereal projectile being thrown at their friend and tried to redirect it back to Gengar, but Gengar hit them with a surprise Shadow Ball to the chest.
They got flung back a few feet and ghostly cyan blood dripped from their mouth. They spat some blood out and tried to hold Chaos Gengar down with their psychokinesis, but Gengar used Hypnosis, which caused Silver to fall asleep.
"Silver, stay awake!" Espio tried to grab them, but they were incorporeal. He searched his arsenal of items and found a bit of salt. He sprinkled a bit onto the sleeping hedgehog, who woke up and yelped.
"Ow!" Silver got up and threw a psychic blade at Gengar, which made contact and was super effective. "Espio! Gengar's not a true ghost, only a Ghost-Type! Regular attacks can hit it!"
Espio threw his ninja stars at Chaos Gengar, which made contact and fell into the sewage. Gengar screamed and got angry. It aimed a Sludge Bomb at Espio, who dodged with ease– right into a Shadow Ball. He shrugged it off much easier than Silver, but he didn't have his stars. Luckily, Silver, who was a ghost and didn't have to worry about getting sick from the sewage, offered to get them. Meanwhile, he sliced at Gengar with his dagger.
Silver parted the sludge like Moses and spotted the ninja stars, but Chaos Gengar hit them with a Hex, which made them drop them and the sewage. Gengar laughed evilly at irs assumed victory. They quickly realized that Gengar, being a Poison-Type, had amplified the toxicity of the sludge as they felt it phase through them. They grabbed the stars, and after a minute, got out.
"Silver?" Espio called out. Said hedgehog emerged with a faint sickly purple hue on their ghostly body. They held the ninja stars in a corporeal hand.
"Here..." They coughed out. Espio took the stars and went invisible again.
Silver tried to hold Chaos Gengar, but their psychokinetic powers had noticeably weakened. "Great... I'm poisoned..."
Espio gasped. "Wait, really? I guess it makes sense, since Gengar's a Poison-Type. You can heal it, since you're a ghost, right?"
Silver felt their strength diminish a bit. "Don't think so... Maybe if we defeat Gengar it will go away." They launched a weaker psychic blade at Gengar, and Espio slashed it in rapid succession with his dagger.
"Whew, that's exhausting..." Silver muttered, sounding out of breath. They got hit by a Shadow Ball and coughed violently for a few seconds.
Espio looked at the hedgehog, then at Chaos Gengar. "It's now or never!" He threw a rapid fire of ninja stars again, then followed up with an invisible speed slice. Silver, a bit more weakened, used a psychic blade, and Gengar was defeated, but the hedgehog looked much worse.
"Ugh, that took a lot..." Silver groaned. They felt lightheaded and dizzy.
Espio noticed the Chaos Emerald floating in the center of the crossroads and grabbed it, then held it to Silver. "O Great Emerald, Please restore Silver." The Emerald started glowing, and Silver's sickly purple hue went away. They felt much more energetic and less lightheaded.
"Thanks, bud. I owe you a million."
"Now that that's dealt with, let's get some fresh air." Espio showed a small smile and the two went back to Sonic's.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 26
This daily chapter idea was a mistake, but it was a fun mistake.
Is that a Pokémon reference?
Silver the Swearhog says another F-word.
Do not tag as ship!
October 31, 12:13 PM
Espio and Silver were in Station Square when the clouds overhead began to clear. Sunbeams hit Silver's ghostly body and partially melted them. They yelped and hid inside of the sidewalk, only peeking their head out to tell Espio what was happening.
"I melt in the sun. Yeah. So we should go underground if we can."
Espio spotted a manhole into the sewers and opened it. "I'm gonna meet you down there." He climbed down, and Silver phased through to the sewers.
Espio wasn't too pleased to be in the sewers, as represented by the dull, somewhat sickly green shade he was sporting. Silver was especially displeased, because while their melted body immediately healed, so did their senses of taste and smell. They tried to spit the taste of their melted ectoplasmic flesh out of their mouth, but it was no use.
"I can taste and smell again, but right now I wish I couldn't..."
Espio looked at them and smiled slightly, but didn't make and acknowledging noise. "We need to keep searching."
"I know, I know, it's no use moping around." They sighed.
The two of them kept going. The river of sludge seemed to start glowing purple as they kept walking.
"Why is the sewage glowing?" Silver asked.
Espio looked at the slightly scared ghost and answered to his best abilities. "No idea, but I think we're close to the Chaos Emerald, so we should be alert."
"Got it. I'll pulverize whatever monster we have to defeat into little pieces!" Silver started to get pumped up, but their joy was cut short when the sewer smell got worse. The two heroes held their noses and continued onward. A shadow followed, close behind.
They reached a crossroads and saw dark purple shadowy material swirling above the sludge.
"That's gotta be it." Espio said.
From the swirls came a fat purple creature that was at least a foot taller than Silver. It had an evil grin, blood red eyes, and a super long tongue. Its legs were stubby and it was covered in spikes. In its body area was the white Chaos Emerald.
"Is that a fucking Gengar?" Silver questioned out loud.
"It looks like that's the case. I'm not sure how much help I will be, but I can't let you down." Espio readied his dagger.
"Great, let's get the Emerald!"
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 25
*Cutely steals puzzles and traps from Luigi's Mansion 3's Tomb Suites and Minecraft Dungeons' Desert Temple Level*
Do not tag as ship!
October 31, 12:11 PM
Amy and Blaze walked down the dusty, spacious halls of the swamp temple. The latter used her pyrokinesis to light up the dark halls.
Blaze felt her foot sink a few inches and realized she had set off a trap. An arrow whizzed past her head and hit the other wall. A few more arrows flung past her, and she dodged them all. "Come on, Amy. Let's keep moving."
The two ran for a bit until Amy triggered a trap. A section of the wall five feet wide and up to the ceiling smashed in front of her, slowly retracted for five seconds, then smashed again. The girls looked at the crushing wall and timed their running so they didn't get crushed.
Blaze set off another trap about a minute later, which made spikes come up from the floor rhythmically. She picked up the hedgehog and sped up so the two of them had no chance to get impaled.
They came across a mural in a dead-end. The mural had two pictures. The first depicted four hedgehogs: one dark blue, one pink, one black, and one light gray, and seven Emeralds. The blue one was larger than the others, the pink one looked like a mummy, the black one had bat wings, and the gray one had a ghost tail. In the second picture, they were all golden.
"There must be a puzzle here." Blaze muttered.
Amy noticed four statues on the walls and sixty-four tablets on the floor. The statues all depicted the same hedgehogs, and the tablets had different designs. "Blaze, look!"
Blaze saw the tablets and statues and gasped. "This is our clue."
The tablets either had a symbol like an Emerald, a hammer, the symbol in the Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) logo, or the symbol on Silver's gloves. The symbols were either green, gold, red, or cyan. The bases were either blue, pink, black, or light gray. There was one tablet for each combination.
"Match the correct tablets, I'm guessing?" Amy spoke. "Emerald, hammer, psychokinesis, and this one which I'm 99% sure matches to Shadow."
Blaze picked up a light gray tablet with a cyan psychokinesis symbol and put it in a slot in front of the statue of the hedgehog with distinct forehead quills. The symbol glowed cyan, as did the statue's gloves and gaps in its wristbands and anklebands.
"Found the Silver one."
The two searched until they found the other three correct tablets, which only took a few minutes. The wall moved to show another hallway, and after avoiding various traps and narrowly escaping death, they eventually made it to the Chaos Emerald after half an hour.
"That took forever." Amy groaned. She grabbed the Emerald, and the temple disappeared, leaving them in the swamp, then the swamp turned back into a forest zone. "Let's go back."
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 24
I hate writing scenery descriptions lmao
Do not tag as ship!
October 31, 12:04 PM
Blaze grabbed the broom she brought for her costume and sat near the front of it. "Hop on."
Amy looked at her with a confused expression. "I don't think that's going to–"
Blaze's shoes and the back of the broom glowed orange with flame as she lifted into the air. She gently floated down and extinguished the flames.
Amy sat behind Blaze and held tightly onto the handle of the broom. "I forgot you could– WHOA!"
Blaze accelerated to speeds that almost rivaled Sonic. Amy clutched the broom for dear life as the cat looked for the Chaos Emerald. They weren't too high up, just high enough to have a better view.
"I don't think that swamp was there before." Blaze mentioned. The sky suddenly turned to midnight.
"Okay, we're probably in the right place." Amy shuddered.
Blaze lowered onto a creaky wooden path, and Amy took a few seconds to catch her breath. The two girls walked along the wooden path and soggy mud until they came across an overgrown stone temple.
"I think it's in here." Amy stated. Blaze nodded, and the two of them entered the cavernous temple.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 23
How does one defeat a shapeshifter? With friendship!
October 31, 12:19 PM
Shadow glared at the King of the Omniclones and tried to tug on the bars of the cage to loosen them. He tried for about a minute before Omega told him to stop.
"Shadow. Let me try." Omega barely made a dent, and after a few minutes of trying, they gave up. "Perhaps rockets would work."
"Rockets?!" Shadow looked at Omega and saw a missile shoot towards the bars. "OMEGA NO!"
The missile exploded, and the area became engulfed in smoke for a few seconds. Shadow was very resilient, so their severe injuries healed almost instantly. Omega was built for combat, so they escaped with barely a dent. When the smoke cleared, the cage was busted, but the King was nowhere to be seen.
"Show yourself, coward!" Shadow yelled. He transformed into a non-Mobian bat and flew around to look for the King.
Omega did a scan to verify that the bat was indeed Shadow, then followed them. The two searched for about 5 minutes before they came across the King. Shadow turned back and assumed a fighting stance.
"Chaos Spear!" Shadow aimed the spear at the shapeshifter's head, but he made a hole for the spear to pass through harmlessly.
"A foolish decision." The King's deep voice spoke. He turned his arms into sharp blades and got ready to attack. He charged at the vampire.
"Chaos Blast!" A burst of energy hit the King, which knocked a chunk of black goo off of his face. The King let out a distorted scream, which knocked Shadow prone.
Shadow got slashed in the chest, which would have been fatal if he wasn't the Ultimate Lifeform. They chuckled and used their speed to try to confuse the King. The King didn't get disoriented, but a spin-dash ripped more goo away. He screamed again, and Shadow covered his ears.
"ENOUGH! YOU WANT A CHALLENGE, VAMPIRE? I'LL GIVE YOU A CHALLENGE!" The King turned his head into a pungent garlic bulb with a terrifying face.
Shadow didn't realize what was happening until too late. He fell over, choking and gasping. The garlic stung like hell and made their nose bleed. Omega saw his pain and launched a bunch of missiles. "Do not harm Shadow!"
The King was too exhausted to move and took the missiles point blank in the face. He screamed as he disintegrated into nothing. Only the Chaos Emerald remained. Omega turned to Shadow to check on him.
"Shadow. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm the Ultimate Lifeform, after all." His nose stopped dripping neon green blood and he picked up the Chaos Emerald. They grabbed Omega's arm and held the Chaos Emerald up. "Let's go back. Chaos Control!"
The two teleported to Sonic's living room.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 22
Not everything you see is real.
Swearing, emotional manipulation, and gaslighting
October 31: 12:09 AM
Shadow and Omega walked through a nearby forest. The trees barely let any light in, and as they got deeper into the forest, the sky appeared to move faster, until it stopped at midnight. Shadow heard a wail from the distance and ran towards the noise.
Omega reached an arm out to stop him from being reckless. "Shadow. Wait. There is a 99% chance it's a trap." They realized Shadow wouldn't be convinced and gave up.
Shadow found Silver sobbing by a lake. He went to the ghost to ask what happened.
"E-Espio... Died in the b-battle... I barely made it out alive..." They threw themself onto Shadow and he hugged them.
"There, there. You're okay. We'll avenge him. Where was the monster?"
"That way..." Silver pointed towards a cave.
"Let's go."
"I-I'm not... ready to fight... you go on ahead..." Silver floated away and left Shadow alone on their mission.
Shadow went off of Omega's radar, which concerned them. "Oh fuck. Shadow might be in danger." They activated their rockets and looked for the hedgehog when Rouge ran up to them, crying.
"Knuckles didn't make it..."
Omega immediately became suspicious. How did Rouge know that the rest of Team Dark was in the forest?
"Scanning. You are not Rouge the Bat."
"Please! I need to find Shadow, so he and I can kick that monster's ass."
Omega's processing center ran a bit harder. They had a common goal. "Okay. No funny business."
Rouge led Omega to the very same cave that Silver pointed Shadow to.
Shadow searched the cave when he heard the familiar mechanical whirring of his friend. "Omega, there you are! And you found Rouge!" The robot ran into the cave to talk to them. Rouge pushed a button and a cage fell over the two.
"I told you this was a trap." Omega told Shadow.
"Well I can get out! Chaos Control!" Shadow tried to escape, but the cage shocked him.
"The cage is Chaos-proof." Rouge explained.
"Rouge! What gives?" The hedgehog yelled.
Rouge's body became an amorphous blob, then took on a ghostly hedgehog form. Shadow assumed it was just a prank from them.
"Silver, what about avenging Espio?"
Silver glared at the vampire. "That was a lie. You see, you have something I want."
"Snap out of it!"
"You foolish little immortal... I'm never going back to heroism."
Tears fell from Shadow's eyes. "YOU'RE NOT SILVER!"
Said hedgehog smirked. "Correct. I..." Their body transformed again, this time into Shadow. "am the King of the Omniclones."
"Omniclones?" The real Shadow asked.
The king changed into his true form: a human-shaped void that dripped black liquid from its fingertips. In his stomach area was a Chaos Emerald. "Omni: all, clone: copy. We're shapeshifters."
"Bring it!"
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 21
Never fight an asexual person if you're a vampire.
Do not tag as ship!
October 31: 12:21 PM
Knuckles punched towards Dracula, who nimbly dodged. Rouge shot a bullet from her wristgun, but again, he dodged. He hit the two with freezing breath.
"You cannot defeat me!" He cackled.
Knuckles tried punching again until Rouge interjected.
"We need to go about this logically, Knux." She said.
"Right. I guess I got carried away." He chuckled. "Any ideas on how to defeat him fast? I'm starving!"
Rouge didn't realize how hungry she was until she heard her stomach growl. "Good thing I brought snacks." She got two pieces of garlic bread from her bag and gave one to Knuckles. Dracula flinched at the smell of the garlic bread.
"I fucking love garlic bread." She sighed as she ate the bread slice.
Knuckles noticed that Dracula looked a bit disoriented. "Rouge, look!"
Rouge looked at Dracula and put two and two together. "I just brought garlic bread because I'm ace. Didn't realize we'd be fighting a vampire."
Knuckles landed a punch on Dracula, which burned the vampire on contact. Then he punched the wooden floor and created a makeshift stake.
Rouge shot Dracula with her wristgun to severely weaken him, and Knuckles impaled his heart with the stake. The Chaos Emerald fell out of his forehead as he disintegrated, and Knuckles picked it up. The castle vanished, revealing the park, and it became day again.
"Let's go back to Sonic's." Rouge said.
The two of them headed back.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 20
Bat meets Vampire
Do not tag as ship!
October 31, 12:13 PM
As Knuckles and Rouge walked through Station Square, Rouge's wristband began to beep. The Chaos Radar had gone off.
"The Emerald's west." She said.
As the two got closer to the Emerald, the sky got darker, and the stars and moon appeared in the sky.
"Wait, what time is it?" Knuckles asked.
Rouge looked at the clock on her wristband. "12:18 PM."
The two walked a bit longer until they came across a castle. A church bell rang and the doors creaked. The two walked inside and found a beautifully decorated interior. Rouge immediately went for the treasure room, much to Knuckles' concern.
"Wait, Rouge, I don't think you should–"
A horrible screeching sound echoed through the chambers, and a non-Mobian bat flew at Knuckles.
"Look out!" Rouge exclaimed. Knuckles turned around and ducked just in time to avoid being bitten.
The non-Mobian bat disappeared in a puff of smoke, and in its place was a towering, pale human with black hair. He wore a Victorian-style suit and had sharp fangs. He had the yellow Chaos Emerald in his forehead.
"Vat are you doing in the castle of Chaos Dracula?"
Knuckles glared at Dracula. "We're here for the Emerald!"
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 19
Bee brave, young one.
Also it's still fricking smoky so that may have slipped into the story lol
October 31, 12:27 PM
The scarecrow spewed flames at Vector and Charmy, who dodged in time. Unfortunately, the wall of corn caught on fire. Vector grabbed a giant, not-yet-burning ear of corn and threw it at the pumpkin. It burnt the corn to a crisp.
"Did you bring my spiky helmet?" Charmy asked Vector. The crocodile took Charmy's Toad hat off and grabbed a spiky black helmet. The pumpkin separated them with a fireball before he could put the helmet on the young bee. Luckily, Charmy had the helmet.
"Okay, put it on like that, be careful not to poke myself, strap it to my head, then check if the straps are tight. I did it!" Charmy put the helmet on and flew headfirst to try to attack the jack-o-lantern. "GIVE US THE EMERALD!!!"
The pumpkin chuckled. "You, a mere child, think you can stop me?" It spewed a short ring of flames that surrounded him. Charmy flew over the fire easily.
"Ha ha, I can fly, pumpkin-guts!" The young bee taunted. He flew into the scarecrow's head, and the spikes on his helmet ripped a bit of pumpkin off of the monster.
Vector got some super bubblegum, chewed it up, blew a bubble, then tossed it onto the scarecrow while it was distracted by Charmy. The gum expanded as it stuck the scarecrow down. Once the bubble was big enough, Charmy knew what to do. He stung the bubble and popped it, and the scarecrow fell down.
The two thought they had won, but the pumpkin wasn't stuck. Its vines grabbed the Emerald and put the gem inside of its mouth.
"Time's running out." The jack-o-lantern spoke in a sing-song voice.
"It's only 12:35, and the curse isn't sealed until midnight." Vector stated. "We have plenty of time!"
"Ahahahaha, you innocent crocodile. The smoke from the blazing fires will suffocate you long before midnight." The pumpkin sneered.
Vector felt the smoke in the air already, and poor Charmy was just a child, so he felt the effects worse than Vector did. Charmy and Vector didn't know what to do, until the young bee remembered something from a video game he played.
"I've got an idea!" Charmy exclaimed.
"Well, whisper it, so the pumpkin can't hear you." Vector told him.
"Oh, right." The boy spoke quietly. "Fire bubble."
Vector questioned the safety of the plan, but then Charmy asked him if he had a better one. Vector thought for a bit, then sighed in defeat. He chewed a piece of spicy super bubblegum, blew a bubble, then stuck it to the pumpkin.
"This again? Pathetic." It chuckled.
Once the bubble got big enough, Charmy stung it, then flew for dear life, gasping desparately for fresh air. Everything became obscured by more smoke, which made it even more of a hassle to breathe. Charmy and Vector choked on the noxious fumes for what felt like forever, and the pumpkin screamed in agony as it burned away.
When the smoke cleared, which was surprisingly fast, the maze was back to normal. Charmy had a surprisingly low amount of injuries. The Chaos Emerald didn't burn to the touch, surprisingly. The two picked it up, then slowly walked back to Sonic's place.
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 18
A dad and his son off to save the world
October 31: 12:16 PM
Vector and Charmy walked through a rural area of town, in search of a Chaos Emerald. Even though they had only been walking for about 15 minutes, Charmy felt like it had been hours. His wings and legs were tired.
"How much longerrrr?" The young bee whined.
"I don't know." The crocodile answered.
The two walked for a few more minutes until they came across a pumpkin patch and corn maze. Charmy saw it and perked up. He tugged Vector's arm to point him to the pumpkin patch.
"Can we go? Please?" The boy begged.
"We're on a mission to–" Vector noticed that the bee wasn't pulling his arm and looked at the pumpkin patch Charmy had flown off to the corn maze. "CHARMY, COME BACK!"
In the pumpkin patch, Charmy giggled as he looked at all the Halloween-themed stuff. He flew into the corn maze, and everything turned dark. The maze had no exit, the corn became massive, everyone disappeared, and it went silent.
The crocodile didn't notice Charmy's screams, but he did wonder what took the bee so long. He decided to investigate, and asked anyone if they saw a bee dressed as Toad.
"Uh, yeah, they were in the corn maze." A jaguar woman dressed as Snow White told him. Vector bolted for the maze.
Charmy whimpered in fear as some pumpkin monsters cornered him. He thought about flying, but there were a bunch of bats above him. The wall of corn near him rustled and he gasped.
"I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!" The bee screamed.
Vector appeared from the rustling corn and saw the various monsters surrounding Charmy. A feeling of anger overtook him.
"Get away from him!" The man snarled. He let out a terrifying roar, and the monsters trembled in fear before running and flying away. His voice softened as he approached the shaking bee.
"We need to leave, Charmy."
A deep and sinister voice cackled from behind them. Vector turned around and glared at the source of the voice: a jack-o-lantern scarecrow with a Chaos Emerald in its chest.
"Who the hell are you?" The croc yelled.
The pumpkin laughed. "It doesn't matter. There's no way out of here."
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Mobian Monster Mash: Chapter 17
Fight scene and brotherly love.
Chaos Emerald get!
October 31: 12:37 PM
The undead dog readied his staff, and Sonic and Tails felt the castle floor shake. Hundreds of Mobian skeletons clawed their way through the floor. The skeletons cornered the two, but Sonic took them out in one swing. Then they reanimated. Then Sonic defeated them again. This went on for a while.
"It appears we're at a standstill." The werehog chuckled.
The dog skeleton let out an evil laugh as he shot a shadowy, black energy blob at Tails. Sonic took the hit instead, and a black scar appeared on his chest where it hit him.
"Sonic!" The young fox gasped.
Sonic got up like nothing, and lunged for the necromancer, who set up a wall of bones. Sonic smashed through it and punched the skeleton in the ribcage. The undead dog howled in pain, but Sonic felt a weird sense of fatigue, and his chest started to noticeably hurt. The necromancer's broken ribs fully healed as the Chaos Emerald in his staff glowed. He scratched Sonic's face and black blood dripped from the werehog's cheek. Sonic put a paw to the wound and grunted angrily.
"I can't give up! Silver's future depends on me!"
Tails knew he had to do something, but he was also scared. Silver needs me too, but what can I– Tails remembered the bag of tarnished silver jewelry that he took from the zombies. That's it!
He got a machine from his backpack that would polish the metal in a few minutes. Oh, no, why can't it be immediate?
Sonic glanced at Tails and tried to distract the skeleton. "You... you monster! You jeopardized my partner's future, almost killed my brother, and stole my energy!" He punched the necromancer again, and the dog drained the werehog's life force again. The Emerald glowed brighter with each bit of life that faded, and the scar on Sonic's chest grew bigger as well.
"Foolish creature. By hurting me, you're only hurting yourself."
"I... won't... give up!" Sonic tried to grab the Chaos Emerald, but another shadowy blob was launched at his left paw, and another black scar formed. He yelled out in pain, then fell to the floor, breathing heavily. The king readied his staff, and started draining more of Sonic's life force.
"SONIC!" Tails cried. He glared at the undead dog with fire in his eyes. Tails decorated himself with the newly polished silver jewelry and flew in to roundhouse kick the necromancer.
The dog shot blob after blob of darkness at Tails, but the various bracelets, necklaces, and rings protected him.
"This is for my brother!" Tails yelled as he punched the king necromancer square in the chest. The flurry of punches and spin-dashes that followed destroyed the necromancer, and the graveyard returned to normal.
Sonic's scars covered 80% of his body. Tails took the blindingly bright Chaos Emerald out of the staff and put it on the werehog's chest. He glowed as the Emerald got dimmer and the scars faded, until his eyes fluttered open. Sonic gasped, then coughed for about 5 seconds.
"T-Tails?" Sonic sat up and looked around.
"Sonic! You're alive!" Tails cried out. He hugged the recovering werehog and tears streamed down his face. The shiny silver he was wearing burned Sonic.
"Ow, ow, ow! That hurts!" He yelled.
Tails looked at his decorated arms and let go of Sonic. "I should take this off."
Tails was about to leave the jewelry at the graveyard, but Sonic stopped him. "Silver is invaluable when fighting the supernatural, as shown by your victory. You should keep it."
Tails' smile beamed, and the two left the graveyard. They met up with the others at Pumpkin Hill and discussed their next plan of action.
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