#mobile missing complaint through whatsapp
mhlivenews · 1 year
मोबाइल हरवलाय? पोलिस ठाण्यात न जाता करा तक्रार नि मोबाइलही ब्लॉक, कसे ते वाचा
मुंबई : सीईआयआर प्रणालीमुळे मोबाइल शोधणे सोपे झाले असले, तरी याबाबत तक्रार कशी करावी, पोलिस ठाण्यात जावेच लागणार का, आपण आपला मोबाइल ब्लॉक करू शकतो का, असे अनेक प्रश्न सर्वसामान्यांना पडतात. मुंबई पोलिसांच्या वेबसाइटवर असाल तिथून मोबाइलचोरीची, गहाळ झाल्याची तक्रार करता येते आणि त्यावर असलेल्या सीईआयआरच्या लिंकवर जाऊन स्वतः मोबाइल ब्लॉक करता येतो.दोन-चार वर्षांपूर्वी मुंबईत सोनसाखळी चोरांनी धमाकूळ…
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srbachchan · 4 years
DAY 4548
Jalsa, Mumbai                      Aug 15,  2020                  Sat  11:53 PM
Birthday - EF Pratima Kshtriya .. Sunday, August 16 .. love and wishes for you from the entire Ef .. have a wonderful birthday and be safe ..
Its the Parsi New Year .. and our wishes go out to the Parsi Community that came over to India as migrants and mixed with us as the story goes , ‘as sugar melts and mixes in a glass of milk’
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 .. a very qualified hard working community, that through many distinguished individuals brought immense glory to the Nation ..
Many from the Ef and others have often wondered and questioned too, how I decide what has to be written on the Blog of the DAY .. is it thought out before .. does it have a rumination construct by the time night arrives .. what ..?
The answer is none of the above .. as soon as the Tumblr site is opened and the DAY date and time are set , all else just flows out .. 
There is an immediate thought that comes as the words print out .. 
Writing through a computer , through a print medium , for me at least , gives time for the brain or the thought process to develop the next thought word I type .. so .. while the fingers are moving in pressing the right squares, the mind is constructing the next word and thought .. when we wrote it in pencil and ink, there was a diversion of the mind .. what ..? .. is the word that we are writing correctly spelt, has it been properly written .. form, space etc., in place .. are we writing in a straight line or are we going on a tangent upwards or down , when it should all be in one straight line .. what ..?
Here on the computer lap top, all those worries are taken care of by the machine, leaving the mind freer to design think the next thought even as the letters are being printed on the screen, for which fortunately there is no concern on matters aesthetic as mentioned above ..
SO .. putting thoughts down on this medium are giving time and space to think ideate the next move .. and hence the process of the writing is instantaneous .. 
QED .. !!
Next thought .. hmmm .. let this one be digested before we go on to the next ..
Ok .. errrr .. many of the Ef and others are sending messages on the SmS and WhatsApp and the DM, email and every other form of communicating to me .. 
This is causing me some concern and some discomfort ..
The sms jams the mobile ..the WhatsApp gets filled up not leaving any space for the other unconnected , or the Ef to connect with me .. the emails fill up the inbox .. its around 9800 plus at this time .. and since I must respond personally , which is something that I do not compromise with, it is becoming very time consuming for me ..
NOW .. during the period of the CoVid , there has been an excess of available time, so I am able to with due regard able to connect with each .. well almost .. but soon when the work begins and hopefully I shall have time being occupied by work schedules, the response shall be drying up .. and the complaints start .. .” are you upset with me , why do you not reply to me , you keep doing that for others, are we not liked, why is there a favour attitude with some and not with us .. etc., etc., etc., ..”
Look to me all are favourites .. and I try to be democratically correct .. but designated time and other urgent work conditions give rise to the supposed ‘overlooked ‘ attitude .. this needs to be understood .. there are time constraints .. and other commitments to be undertaken and there can be an overlooking .. 
SO .. can we first not have this blame attitude .. and can we reduce the number of messages at all the possible 200 thousand sites  that come to me .. particularly because they all carry the same message  ..
NOW .. I understand the philosophy behind this ..’ give it to him on all mediums if he has missed it in one he will notice another ..’ .. WRONG ..
Its just increasing my work load .. be generous and kind to my system .. I try to keep all in good spirits ans shall continue to do my best but , you know , its ..
Ya ..??  got it ..??
Good night dear all .. and love .. you are all equal to me ..
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Amitabh Bachchan .. and once again greetings for the DAY of Independence 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 
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whatsappbroadcast · 3 years
3 Mistakes in Social Media Marketing That May Come Back to Haunt You
3 Mistakes in Social Media Marketing That May Come Back to Haunt YouYou order an item online and it takes a lot more time to arrive than it should. Plus, several items are missing in the package. Frustrated, you try the vendor's Facebook channel to voice your concerns and expect to be compensated. And despite repeated prodding, there is complete radio silence at the other end. The experience didn't feel great did it? You imagine maybe this business doesn't care about you - the method that you trusted it to provide you with a good experience also it shattered this trust instead. So you do what any frustrated individual would - you vow to never order anything from here again and hit the "unlike" button. For social media strategists, there exists a lesson to be learned here. A social media strategy can eventually falter with several unlikes and negative comments. As a business owner, social media gives you limited chances to make a good impression. How you make the most of these chances might make your business or break it. The proof is in these stats: ? 71% of users who've a positive social media marketing experience with a brand are likely to recommend it - Ambassador ? According to a report, hardly 20% of social media posts hardly generate any emotional reaction on social media marketing - Havas Media ? 42% of Twitter users expect to be whatsapp broadcast expect a small business to react to their inquiries in a hour - Ambassador As a social media marketer, the best way to improve your social media strategy is to first find why it falters in the first place. Here are some mistakes that you may have overlooked: 1 - Being careless with negative feedback If you have ever dealt with a salesperson, you wouldn't expect him to become defensive when you have a complaint or be careless about your concerns. Why would your followers on social media? Remember, whenever anyone says something negative about you on social media marketing, the rest of one's followers can see them. And they will be as interested to observe how you respond. For businesses, it is a nail-biting scenario. But it is completely avoidable. Here is how: ? Put someone competent behind the wheel: Experienced professionals like social media experts will need an unbiased method of the negativity and understand that being careless about it serves no purpose. For example, they know that being unresponsive to comments like "your service sucks! I'd like my cash back" doesn't really help anyone. A well worded reply alternatively, helps both your reputation and appeases rising tempers. To illustrate, your reply is going something like, "We are sorry that you had a bad experience. Can you tell us exactly what happened so we are able to make amends?" In this manner, you are more likely to ease frustrated customers. ? Become alert to mentions through the use of online tools: You can forget about something you do not encounter every day. Comments on social media will be the same. You can't track each one of them. No-one inboxes them for you and there is no guarantee that followers will tag you. To keep an eye on all comments, you can use tools like Google Alerts which notify you when anyone uses your keywords on their social media fields. 2 - Using social media management tools to schedule same posts on all platforms Social media marketing management tools allow marketers to create the same content on several social media platforms simultaneously. Many businesses utilize it to schedule posts. And contains worked for them too, freeing up enough time they need to focus on other tasks. But oftentimes, people use these tools as a shortcut to schedule same posts on several platforms. It's a lazy tactic and demonstrates you don't care how your content is received by audiences. Keep in mind, what realy works on Facebook or Twitter won't necessarily work on LinkedIn. Every social media marketing platform was created with specific target audiences at heart. A 140 character tweet, for example, won't sit well with LinkedIn audiences who expect more comprehensive posts. Use tools to schedule optimized posts To make the most of social sharing tools, enhance your social media strategy first. Take time to learn about the unique capabilities of every platform. Limit yourself to two or three platforms if that is what it takes. For example, posts that are rich in imagery tend to be more successful on Google+. Hootsuite and HubSpot are two of the numerous social media management tools which you can use to automate posts and even see which channels are driving probably the most engagement. As well as automated content sharing, these platforms also offer free online social marketing training courses that can help you take full advantage of each platform like optimizing your posts for different social media channels. 3 - Skimping on social share buttons Business owners usually reserve their finest content because of their websites. Content like informative blogs, for example, establish them as experts within their niches. It also give visitors an opportunity to stay longer on these websites. Perhaps they would like to shop around to see what else is available? Unfortunately, you can feature content that everyone would like to share - but if visitors haven't any way to share it, it is not going to get the exposure you are searching for. To make this do the job: ? Make your social sharing focus on mobile: Statistics show that over 15% of tweet mentions are from the tweet buttons which are embedded on your site. This also proves to show that folks share a lot on mobile devices. ? Tools to generate social share buttons for WordPress: You need to use online tools to create customized social share buttons for different audiences. When selecting appropriate plugins, a good rule of thumb would be to select those that allow you more freedom in the type of social share buttons you can create for different platforms. For example, to improve engagement with mobile audiences you can tell your developers to download WordPress plugin tools like Simple Share Buttons Adder to generate customized share buttons for the web or mobile audience and add them to your entire social media posts. Another plugin tool is Addthis. ? Have a social budget: If anything will probably be worth doing, it's worth doing right. Tools like Simple Share Button Adder are absolve to download and use. But if you really want to make your share buttons shine, it's best to have a budget for it and use it to get their pro or premium packages. These offer more customization options and retail for about $10 to $100 dollars. ? Select shareable content wisely: If you need to take advantage of social media marketing, your content must be something that people would like to share. Image rich posts, for instance, are shared greater than text-based content. To illustrate, consider infographics. Studies show that infographics are shared and "liked" on social media 3 times more than any type of content. Wrapping Up Use tools to help keep yourself aware of negative comments and depend on specialized help. Avoid taking the lazy way to avoid it by ditching the auto posting strategy. Focus on the type of content you post, how your followers share content on your social platforms of preference and optimize it for mobile to expand your reach.
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How to monitor LINE App with Spy Line App?
For those who don’t know what LINE messenger is, it is an instant messenger that can be used on mobile phones, tablets and computer devices. Day by day, LINE messenger is becoming more and more popular. It already has reached over 600 million active users already and more are willing to join. You can use LINE for sending and receiving text messages, pictures, audio and video files, and you can also make free calls and do video conferences. Without any doubt, instant messengers like LINE have been making our lives easier, but the need to monitor instant messengers is now increasing much more than before. Parents can use Spy Line App to track LINE messages on their kids’ Android mobile phones.
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But, LINE is little different from the other instant messenger apps as it supports a hidden feature of chat which provides you with the power to hide or delete the chat history from your devices and even LINE servers. This feature of LINE app makes it quite attractive to audience. Therefore, the need to Spy LINE App arises more. LINE App also has features like free voice, video calls and messaging and we shouldn’t forget the funny and cute stickers that make the app more interesting for the kids and employers.
Why would you need a Line Tracker Spy App?
These days majority of the kids and teenagers are addicted to their mobile phones and they end up spending most of their time online. Though, it’s a good form of interaction and finding your friends and family. But as good as it gets, as dangerous it can be.
You might not even know that your kids might be in contact with total strangers and putting their safety at complete risk. They might even share inappropriate images and videos without being aware of the consequences and troubles they can face. This is the sole reason why parents need Spy LINE App for protecting their kids from the risks and troubles of social media. With Line Tracker Spy you can:
⦁ You can Spy LINE app messages, including the emoticons, gifs and stickers ⦁ You can view and download all multimedia files i.e. photos, audio files and video files ⦁ You can view all the details of the contacts ⦁ You can view statuses of every contact
You can track full LINE messenger conversations, even if the conversation has been deleted
We are residing in a generation where it’s impossible for kids and adults to stay away from their phones and mobile applications. LINE messenger is one app which keeps people engaged to their screens. The finest software to Spy LINE app is CHYLDMONITOR. CHYLDMONITOR LINE Messenger Spy Software is only available for all the smart Android smartphones. It helps one in tracking LINE messages at any point of time or at any place. CHYLDMONITOR helps you in keeping a track of all LINE chat conversations, time stamps, chat logs, multimedia files that are shared be it audio, pictures or even videos.
CHYLDMONITOR’s app to Spy LINE app is way more superior than the other LINE Tracker App.
How can messenger conversations be monitored with Spy LINE App?
⦁ Ensure that your target device is compatible for Spy LINE app. ⦁ Purchase a mobile monitoring software. ⦁ Install the Line Tracker Spy App on the target device. ⦁ The software to Spy LINE app automatically uploads data on your dash board. ⦁ Log onto your monitoring software account. ⦁ Navigate over the control panel, there you will find all your captured information.
Preventive measures that parents should keep in mind:
If you are a parent of a teenager who is continuously and regularly spending his/her time on social media applications then, attaining a parental control is important. This can be done with Line Tracker if installed in your kids’ phone:
Contacts: This feature of software to Spy LINE app provides you with the complete details of the contacts that are saved on your kid’s mobile after you have installed the app on their phones. The software to Spy Line Messenger provides you with details of contacts such as the number and the contact name, the time when it was saved on your kid’s mobile phone. The control panel that you can view and access allows you to export the contacts on your mobile phones. This is recommended in the cases If you feel fishy about any of contact saved.
Call logs: The call log feature allows you in track the outgoing calls, incoming calls and missed calls with their direction and duration. The Spy LINE app also provides you with the timestamp of the call. Also, you can view the frequently contacted contacts and make a note of them.
Messages: Messages that sent or received not only on LINE messenger but on various other mobile applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, Kik, HIKE, Skype or Instagram are easily accessible and can be viewed through the control panel. All this is available on the ONESPY’s software to Spy LINE app. One can view each and every word of the message that has been sent or received.
Screenshots: LINE App allows its users to make video calls with family, friends and acquaintances. You can get the details of the video call conversations which take place on your control panel. Not only this, but you can remotely make a command of taking screenshot of your kid’s phone screen by Line tracker spy.
 This will help you in keeping any eye on the people your kid interacts with and video chats.
Why Choose CHYLDMONITOR software to Spy Line App?
It’s conceptualized in India-For all the people that reside in India, it is a tough task to find a software to Spy LINE app, knowing the needs and requirements of the Indian users, CHYLDMONITOR has been designed and developed in India.
Speedy support– Being located in India, they provide you with all the care and support to your complaints and queries on an instantaneous basis.
Cost- effective– CHYLDMONITOR Line app is very reasonably priced, it can be bought easily with Indian currency.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
15-yr-old Chandigarh girl sets herself on fire, unknown person booked for abetment - chandigarh
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A day after a 15-year-old girl killed herself through self-immolation at a Sector-7 park, the police on Friday booked unidentified accused for abetting her suicide. A Class 10 student at a private school in Sector 11, Panchkula, the girl had set herself on fire around 8pm on Thursday. Having suffered over 90% burns, she succumbed to her injuries later in the night at PGIMER, Chandigarh. She was the only child of her parents.The girl’s mobile phone, bus tickets to Manali and those of Chandigarh to Panchkula were found in her bag, besides some medicines and a knife.Without naming anyone, the girl’s father, in his complaint to the police, alleged that an unidentified person misled his daughter and drove her to suicide.BOY’S INVOLVEMENT SUSPECTEDFollowing his complaint, police are suspecting involvement of a boy with whom the girl was in contact. “Her call records suggest that she was in contact with someone in Mumbai. The cyber cell team is digging further into the call records and mobile locations for more clarity,” said a police official, privy to the investigation.Deputy commissioner of police (DCP) Kamal Deep Goyal said, “The girl’s mobile phone was recovered from the spot. The cyber cell is trying to unlock it to gain access to her Facebook and WhatsApp contents for more details.”GIRL WAS IN SHIMLA ON WEDNESDAYThe DCP said the last location of the girl’s mobile phone, before it was switched off on Wednesday night, was in Shimla. “She had left the house on Wednesday afternoon, and appears to have been in Shimla at night. A visiting card of a Shimla hotel was also recovered from her bag. A police team has been sent there to check the hotel records and CCTV footage for more clarity,” he added.Police said after returning to Chandigarh, she switched on her phone, and took a bus from the Sector 43 bus stand to the housing board light point, from where she headed to the park in Sector 7. FATHER HAD DROPPED HER HOME AFTER SCHOOLThe girl’s father told the police that he dropped his daughter home from school around 11am on Wednesday. “When my wife and I returned from work in the evening, our daughter was not home. She was normally away at her tuition classes at that time, so we didn’t consider anything amiss. But when she did not return at the usual time, we contacted her tutor, who revealed that she didn’t attend the classes on Wednesday,” he said. After multiple attempts to contact her, the girl finally answered her phone around 7.30pm and said she would return home soon, before disconnecting the call. “We waited for another 20 minutes, and called her again, but her mobile phone was switched off,” said the distraught father. The family then approached the Dhakoli police post, where a missing person’s DDR was lodged. The parents also visited the girl’s school on Thursday morning, but did not get any details about her whereabouts. On Thursday night, they got information from police that she had set herself on fire. On the father’s complaint, a case under Section 305 (abetment of suicide of child or insane person) of the Indian Penal Code was registered at the Sector 5 police station. Source link Read the full article
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Indianmoney Reviews Bangalore | Indianmoney Bangalore Complaints
IndianMoney.com Reviews Bangalore is India’s largest, free, unbiased financial education provider in India.  CS Sudheer founded this company in 2008 to address the urgent need for financial education among the common man. This company works with a clear disclaimer that "Indianmoney dot com is not a seller of any financial products, we only review & provide FREE financial advice / education to ensure that you are not misguided while buying any kind of financial products & do not have any complaint about financial products you purchase". Every individual who seeks financial advice is IndianMoney Bangalore Review’s audience. A person who wants to be aware and informed before buying any product where he/she is not misled or misguided leaves a missed call on our helpline and Indianmoney Bangalore reach out to them.   Word of mouth also plays a very critical role in their business and helps increase reach and presence. People also reach IndianMoney Bangalore Review through the content on official website, articles published on leading portals, magazines, and newspapers in various languages, handbooks, education through videos on YouTube and TV shows, and our very own IndianMoney mobile application.
IndianMoney Bangalore Review has raised $3 Million early stage venture capital fund. IndianMoney.com Review has been a pioneer in serving hundreds of thousands of middle income people who are deprived of unbiased financial information and education. IndianMoney Bangalore Review will use this new investment to augment its capacity to educate about 100,000 people every day. Currently the company educates about 18,000 people every day. In the next 2-3 years, IndianMoney Bangalore Review will ensure that its consumers get education, transactional guidance, ability to transact and custodian services in one place. The company plans to accomplish all these without watering down its core competency of being an unbiased support to the consumer.
IndianMoney Bangalore Review wealth doctors are certified financial advisors who educate people on financial products. Wealth doctors are on the company’s payroll and earn salaries and incentives.   Moreover, Indianmoney Company Review Bangalore have a dedicated customer service team that responds to the day-to-day queries of callers, they attend to the general concerns of the consumers. The team is equipped to address concerns via calls, emails, reviews, as well as WhatsApp.   The vision of the IndianMoney Bangalore Review is to create a financially literate India by providing free consultation to anyone looking for an expert opinion on matters related to personal finance. Indianmoney Company Review Bangalore has end-to-end financial advisory solutions have helped me in taking many important financial decisions and overall financial aspects of investment. I believe in IndianMoney because Indianmoney Company Review Bangalore provides the added comfort that the individual has done enough homework before they take fiduciary  Indianmoney Bangalore Complaints focus on business & financial advisory firms promoted with all qualified professionals having vast experience of managing diversified businesses. Indianmoney Bangalore Complaints provides quality financial advice to their clients depending on their personal needs and preferences.
Indianmoney Bangalore Complaints are proud to introduce as an online resource center for investors, professionals and students. IndianMoney.com is promoted by Suvision Holdings Pvt Ltd, a venture based in Bangalore. Indianmoney Bangalore Reviews team respects and appreciates the desires of its readers to learn new financial concepts and become a successful investor. IndianMoney.com wants to become an adviser for your investments and financial planning needs. Indianmoney.com believe in quality, timely and fact based advice and services for the success of our readers. We believe in Transparency, Honesty and High Ethical behavior, which separates us from most of our competitors. Indianmoney Bangalore Complaints team carries the rich experience of its team members involved in different financial and technology services industry for years.
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A Review Of New Samsung Galaxy S10e – You Will Love The Phone If Your Prepared To Compromise
The Samsung Galaxy S10e has been on the market since March and is the most affordable model in the next generation flagship series of Korean technology giants. There are a lot of interesting Galaxy S10e on paper, but is this an Android phone that most people should buy? This is a complete review of S10e.
Samsung Galaxy S10e £669 (Tested)
FOR - Premium Edition • Easy to use with one hand • Fast performance • Powerful camera system • Run One UI for easy Samsung software
Oppose - Disappointing battery life • Side-mounted fingerprint sensor is hit or missed • Abandon camera zoom • Clearly hot during normal use
The Galaxy S10e is a new adventure for Samsung; the Korean tech giant has never launched a smaller, cheaper phone to match the typical S-series release.
The S10e is an incredibly tempting premise, and on paper, it may be the Samsung mobile phone for most people.
It's worth noting that this export will focus on the unique aspects of the S10e, as we can fully reflect on all the content that Samsung's new flagship collection brings, you can read our Galaxy S10+ reviews.
Design And Display
The Galaxy S10e retains a premium product similar to its brother; the device is made of front and rear glass panels with an aluminum chassis sandwiched between them.
The Samsung phone is equipped with a 5.8-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 1080x2280 and a density of 438 pixels per inch.
Like the standard S10, the S10e has a round hole on the display for a single front camera.
The quality of the panels offered here is sublime; Samsung is known for its displays, and the S10e is a pleasure in this regard.
The S10e's screen is very good, it habitually looks like a sticker, making any video an incredibly immersive experience.
One of the most appealing aspects of S10e is that we fundamentally like to use it as one of our main smartphones. It is so easy to use with one hand.
The 5.8-inch screen offered is much smaller due to the drastic reduction in its borders; for example, the S10e is easier to use than Google's Pixel 3, while the Pixel 3 has a smaller display size but a larger display around the display. frame.
Unlike other S10 models, there is no ultrasonic fingerprint reader under the S10e's display.
Instead, its scanner is located on an aluminum frame and doubles as a power button.
Although the technology provided here is very fast for us most of the time, if our fingers are a bit dirty or wet, the sensor seems to be difficult.
In the UK, Samsung's S10e is powered by the company's new Exynos 9820 chipset; in our tests, the 8nm processor combined with the phone's 6GB of memory provides incredible on Google's Android 9 Pie software. With fast performance, Samsung's One UI look runs at the top.
One of the biggest complaints about our device stems from the fact that it has become significantly hot during our use.
This is not just because we’ve played some of the latest and most graphics-intensive games in the Google Play store.
Instead, the S10e will unexpectedly warm up during light usage; this includes using social media, messaging contacts, and a dual camera system that utilizes the phone on WhatsApp.
This heat makes Samsung's small devices sometimes uncomfortable and will definitely be reduced due to poor hand feel.
We tested two Galaxy S10e devices before putting this comment together, and the unexpected warmth of each device was obvious.
This is an area where S10e is definitely the easiest to stumble.
The Samsung mobile phone is equipped with a 3,100 mAh battery, which can provide considerable power on a single charge.
However, when we used our first S10e device for comprehensive testing, our batteries relaxed again and again. The hardware is not close to providing a full day of life without forcing us to look for power outlets.
When we participated in the racing event at Silverstone, the shocking longevity of the product was the most painful. The S10e's battery crashed during minor use, causing us to find the charger multiple times to keep it running.
In this case, we docked the first S10e device with Google Pixel 3 with a capacity of 2,915 mAh and found that American products can be used for one day without charging.
After a terrible experience with our first S10e model on battery life, Express.co.uk introduced the second step and saw modest improvements.
S10e can never complete our intense use all day, but its capacity is certainly not exhausted.
If our second device can meet the demand, then the S10e can provide enough battery life.
The Galaxy S10e has a powerful camera system; this phone is equipped with the same 12 megapixel host and 16 megapixel super wide-angle sensor as its better brother.
Unfortunately, Samsung's cheapest S10 model does not have a dedicated telephoto lens.
This means that the quality is significantly reduced when we take a snapshot while zooming in.
Since we originally reviewed S10+, a dedicated night camera mode has been added to Samsung's flagship series through software updates.
However, this is still a breakthrough behind Google's Pixel 3 night vision or Huawei P30 Pro similar software.
The Galaxy S10e is also equipped with a 10 megapixel self-timer sensor that is as problematic as the rear-end products. During the day, the phone is able to take great photos, but in low light conditions, the photos are noticeably smooth, noise and overall detail.
Are you planning to buy used cell phones with quality and at the best price? Then check out the website buy.handsetrecycle.com where you can get the refurbished phones at the best price.
For more details on phone buying, selling and repairing, visit the website
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prasanththampi · 5 years
DR. PRASANTH BE BBA MBA PH.D. MOBILE / WHATSAPP: +91 9924764558 OR +91 9447965521 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.casestudyandprojectreports.com
Business Administration
Note :-
(i) Attempt any four Cases (ii) All Cases carry equal marks.
Case 1 :-
“ Left or Right?”
Rajinder Kumar was a production worker at Competent Motors Limited (CML), which made components and accessories for the automotive industry. He had worked at CML for almost seven years as a welder, along with fifteen other men in the plant. All had received training in welding, both on the job and through company-sponsored external programmes. They had friendly relations and got along very well with one another. They played volleyball in the playground regularly before retiring to the quarters allotted by the company. They ate together in the company canteen, cutting jokes on each other and making fun of anyone who dared to peep into their privacy during lunch hour. Most of the fellows had been there for quite some time, except for two men who had joined the ranks only two months back.
         Rajinder was generally considered to be the leader of the group, so it was no surprise that when the foreman of the department was transferred and his vacancy was announced, Rajinder applied for the job and got it.
         There were only four other applicants for the job, two from mechanical section and two from outside. When there was a formal announcement of the appointment on a Friday afternoon, everyone in the group congratulated Rajinder. They literally carried him snacks and celebrated the event enthusiastically.
         On Monday morning, Rajinder joined duty as Foreman. It was company practice for all foremen to wear blue jacket and a white shirt. Each man’s coat had his name badge sewn onto the left side pocket. The company had given two pairs to Raijnder. He was proud to wear the coat to work on Monday.
         People who saw him from a distance went upto him and admired the new blue coat. There was a lot of kidding around calling Rajinder as ‘Hero’, ‘Raja Babu’ and ‘Officer’ etc. One of the guys went back to his locker and returned with a long brush and acted as though he were removing dust particles on the new coat. After about five minutes of horseplay, all of the men went back to work.
         Rajinder went back to his office to get more familiar with his new job and environment there.
         At noon, all the men broke for lunch and went to the canteen to eat and enjoy fun as usual. Rajinder was busy when they left but followed after them a few minutes, later. He bought the food coupon, took the snacks and tea and turned to face the open canteen. Back in the left side corner of the room was his old work group; on the right hand side of the canteen sat all the other foremen in the plant all observed in their blue coats.
         At that point of time, silence descended on the canteen. Suddenly both groups looked at Rajinder anxiously, waiting to see which group he would eat with.
Whom do you think Rajinder will eat with? Why?
If you were one of the other foremen, what could you do to make Rajinder’s transition easier?
What would you have done if you were in Rajinder’s shoes? Why?
Case 2 :-
“Naughty Rule”
Dr. Reddy Instruments is a medium-sized the Industrial Estate on the outskirts of Hyderabad. The company is basically involved with manufacturing surgical instruments and supplies for medical professionals and hospitals.
         About a year ago, Madhuri, aged 23, niece of the firm’s founder, Dr. Raja Reddy, was hired to replace Ranga Rao quality control inspector, who had reached the age of retirement. Madhuri had recently graduated from the Delhi College of Engineering where she had majored in Industrial Engineering.
         Balraj Gupta, aged 52, is the production manager of the prosthesis dept., where artificial devices designed to replace missing parts of the human body are manufactured. Gupta has worked for Dr. Reddy Instruments for 20 years, having previously been a production line supervisor and, prior to that, a worker on the production line. Gupta, being the eldest in his family, has taken up the job quite early in life and completed his education mostly through correspondence courses.
         From their first meeting, it looked as though Gupta and Madhuri could not get along together. There seemed to be an underlying animosity between them, but it was never too clear what the problem was.
         Venkat Kumar, age 44, is the plant manager of Dr. Reddy instruments. He has occasionally observed disagreements between Madhuri and Gupta on the production line, Absenteeism has risen in Gupta’s department since Madhuri was hired as quality control inspector. Venkat secretly decided to issue a circular calling for a meeting of all supervisory personnel in the production and twelve quality control departments. The circular was worked thus:    
Attention: All Supervisors Production Quality Control Departments
A meeting is schedule on Monday, Feb 20, at 10 a.m. in room 18. The purpose is to sort out misunderstanding and differences that seem to exist between production and QC personnel.
                                                                                                                                                    Sd. Venkat Kumar
                                                                                                                                                          Plant Manager      
Venkat starred the meeting by explaining why he had called it and then asked Gupta for his opinion of the problem. The conversation took the following shape:
Gupta: That Delhi girl you recruited is a ‘fault finding machine’ in our dept. Until she was hired, we hardly even stopped production. And when we did, it was only because of a mechanical defect. But Madhuri has been stopping everything even if ‘one’ defective part comes down the line.
Madhuri: That’s not true. You have fabricated the story well.
Gupta: Venkat, our quality has not undergone any change in recent times. It’s still the same, consistently good quality it was before she came but all she wants to do is to trouble us.
Madhuri: May I clarify my position at this stage? Mr. Gupta, you have never relished my presence in the company. I still remember some of the derisive remarks you used to make behind my back. I did take note of them quite clearly!
Suresh (another quality control supervisor): I agree with Madhuri Venkat. I think that everyone knows that the rules permit quality control to stop production if rejections exceed three an hour. This is all Madhuri has been doing.
Gupta: Now listen to me. Madhuri starts counting the hour from the moment she gets the first reject. Ranga Rao never really worried about absolute reject rule when he was here. She wants to paint my department in black. Is not that true Riaz Ahmed?
Ahmed (another production supervisor): It sure is Gupta. Every time Maduri stops production, she is virtually putting the company on fire. The production losses would affect our bonuses as well. How long can we allow this ‘nuisance’ to continue?
         Thirty minutes later Madhuri and Gupta were still lashing out at each other. Venkat decided that ending the meeting might be appropriate under the circumstances. He promised to clarify the issue, after discussion with management, sometime next weel.
Should Venkat have called a meeting to sort out this problem? Why or Why not?
What do you say about the rule calling for production to halt if there are more than three rejects in an hour? Should it have been enforced? Explain.
What do you feel is the major problem in this case? The solution?
Case 3 :-
M/s. ABC Ltd. is a medium – sized engineering company production a large-range of product lines according to customer requirements. It has earned a good reputation as a quick and reliable supplier to its customers because off which its volume of business kept on increasing. However, over the past one year, the managing director of the company has been receiving customer complaints due to delays in dispatch of products and at times, the company has to pay substantial penalty for not meeting the schedule in time.
         The managing director convened an urgent meeting of various functional managers to discuss the issue. The Marketing Manager questioned the arbitrary manner of giving priority to products in manufacturing line, causing delays in products that are in great demand and over-stocking of products which are not required immediately. Production control manager complained that he does not have adequate staff to plan and control the production function; and whatever little planning he does, is generally overlooked by shop floor manager. Shop floor manager complained of unrealistic planning, excessive machine breakdowns, power failure, shortage of materials for schedule. Maintenance manager, say that he does not get important spares required for equipment maintenance because of which he cannot repair machines at a faster rate. Inventory control manager says that on the one hand the company often access him of carrying too much stock and on the other hand people are grumbling  over shortages.
         Fed up by mutual mud-slinging, the managing director decided to appoint you, a bright management consultant with training in business management to suggest way and means to put his ���house in order”.
How would you examine if there is any merit in the remarks of various functional managers?
What, in your opinion, could be the reasons for different managerial thoughts in this case?
How would you design a system of getting correct information about job status to identify delays quickly?
List some scientific decision aids that you may prescribe to improve the situation.
Case 4 :-
In Search of Greener Pastures
Rohit joined ABC Ltd., a heavy engineering unit, having a turnover of about Rs. 20 crores, in the junior management cadre as a direct recruit. During his tenure with the company, Rohit proved to be a dedicated and sincere worker which earned him quick promotions in the organization. He had made a mark in whichever department he had worked and his departmental heads were happy with his work. After serving the company for a period of ten years, Rohit felt that there was no scope for further improvement in his position and started applying for better jobs commensurate with his experience. He finally succeeded in getting a job but his new employer wanted him to join within one month. To this, Rohit pleaded inability, as he was required to give three month’s notice to his present employer, as per company rules. However, he said he would discuss the matter with the personnel manager and try to reduce the period to one month by paying two month’s salary in lieu of the required notice. Rohit accordingly, submitted his resignation to the present employer and requested the departmental head to recommend his case to the personnel manager for relieving him after one month. The departmental head, said that he would discuss the matter with the personnel manager and try his best to help him. However, the latter turned down Rohit’s request stating that the rules require him to give three month’s notice and that the alternative suggested by Rohit was not acceptable.
         When Rohit learnt about the personnel manager’s response, he approached his prospective employer to explain his difficulty, which was beyond his control, and requested them to extend his joining period to three months. This was acceptable by them, as a special case.
         The departmental head took up Rohit’s case with the management and suggested that in future, the officers who resigned may be permitted to give one month’s notice and two month’s salary in lieu of a further two month’s notice, if required, so as to ensure against any unnecessary delay in the work of the department. But, the management refused to accept this proposal, stating clearly that the company’s policy cannot be changed.
Did the management take a correct decision in Rohit’s case under the circumstances?
What steps should the departmental head take to do not adopt an indifferent attitude towards their work during the three month’s notice period?
If you were in the position of the management, how would you have handled the situation?
Case 5 :-
Ramesh Publishing Company
Mr. Ramesh was the founder of a publishing company specializing in accounting books. Within a short span of time, the company prospered and grew very fast. Its sales rose from Rs 60,000 the first year to Rs 6lakhs three years later. The editing, production and sales staff grew almost as fast.
          But the company was having problems, and of late uncertainly and confused grew in the company. New people were making decisions to the best of their ability but many of them did not fit together. One of Mr. Ramesh’s key associates suggested that the company ought to have better planning and certainly needed clear policies to guide decisions making, but Mr. Ramesh was unimpressed. His response was that if he took time off to plan and develop policies today, he might not have a company tomorrow, and that he had no choice but to spend his time meeting today’s problems as they came up.
If you were one of the newer managers in the company and had taken a course in the basics of management, what would you say to Mr. Ramesh?
Outline exactly how would you show him that planning and policy making are important to the company if it has to grow effectively.
Case 6 :-
THE Marquee Garment Retailer
I knew we were right, Neil Simon thought himself as the steward brought him a glass of Cardhu single malt. The Whisky felt good after week when he was allowed to drink nothing but champagne by his hosts in India. Ah, but then they had reason to celebrate. Simon signaled to the steward that he’d  like a refill  - he planned to take his time over the second one – and thought about the week that had been.        
         Simon, the director-in-charge of international franchise operations at Smith & Robin, a $8-billion marquee garment retailer, had arrived in India exactly seven days back, with mixed feelings. He’d been at S&R Less the eight months-he had been hired when the company decided to abandon its twenty-year old strategy of expanding geographically through owned outlets as against franchised ones-but he knew the India trip was one of those things that could make or break his career.
          This wasn’t his first visit to India. He’d visited it as a backpacker in his second year at collage, then as a middle-level executive of a cola company, and then again, soon after he joined S&R. It was during the last visit that he noticed the kind of brand equity the company enjoyed in India. S&R was a know name and there was huge demand for its offerings. The grey market did a thriving business in both real S&R products, smuggled into the country, and ersatz ones. So, he had gone back and made case for India.
         “Let us go in now and seed the market and leverage our equity there “He’d told the board. Convincing the board hadn’t made his job any easier. Then, there were tales of poor infrastructure, horror stories about how foreign investors were treated, and wholly inappropriate real estate options. Worse, some members of the board weren’t fully convinced about the ‘franchise strategy’, S&R had moved to. “I see that we are shutting three of our profitable shops in London, “one of the board members Barbara Rutherford had shifted. Fortunately for Simon, the chairperson lucy Walters had to come to his rescue. “we decide that franchising was the best way to grow last year Barbara; this meeting isn’t about that.
         Finally, a compromise had been reached. S&R would enter the country through one or two pilot outlets’. To Simon went the task of finding a suitable franchise. That had been easy. The Kathuria family that ran S&R Malaysia franchise had business interests in India, and it hadn’t taken Simon much to convince them to take on the India franchise.
         The two Kathuria-owned franchise store had opened in upmarket malls, Delhi and Mumbai, the previous week and Simon had winged it down to be there at the opening. The Mumbai outlet 7,000 square feet large; the Delhi one, 3,000 square feet. And both sold a range of garments for men and women, lingeries, and toiletries-all imported , and all under the S&R brand name, in keeping with the company’s policy of only selling the best quality products sourced at the least possible cost at all its outlets.
         The tariff regime in India made some prices look Ludicrous-a women’s shirt cost over Rs2, 500; men’s jeans, Rs3,200-and made S&R, which was perceived to be a high-end value-for-money brand into a premium one with aspirational trimmings. Indeed, the only other stores that stocked merchandise of compatable prices were boutiques devoted to designer wear.
                                                                        S&R’S Long–term Prospects  
               Best-case Scenario                                                                     Worst-case Scenario        
·         Indian customers continue treating S&R as
an aspirational brand.
·         The company is able to sustain its premium pricing in India.
·         S&R repeats the Delhi-and Mumbai-model in other metros.
·         The scalability across centers makes S&R’s local franchise profitable.
·         The novelty factors surrounding S&R’s launch wears off.
·         Customers start asking questions about the super-premium positioning.
·         Sales plateau in the Delhi and Mumbai stores.
·         The franchise shows no interest in expanding a loss-making operation.
         The India –strategy’s detractors at HQ had raised objections over the size of the Delhi outlet (“S&R isn’t associated with cramped buying spaces”) and the price-tags (“Indians aren’t dumb, you know). But Simon managed to steer clear of the flak. The fact that leading consulting firms estimated India’s organized retail business to zoom from Rs 5,500 crore in 2000, to Rs 35,000 crore in 2005, helped his cause.
         Then, he had landed in India; the Kathurias had welcomed him like he was royality; he had been allowed to drink nothing but champagne (“Here’s to the stop reopening”; “ Here’s to our first sale”, “Here’s to our first individual sale over Rs 100,000”….); and things had gone like a dream.
         The launches had coincided with India’s equivalent of the Christmas season-the festival of lights, they called it, Diwali. The two stores’ initial stock had been sold out in three days flat. And the fact that some of the products still carried their dollar prices-an oversight by the stores and a full 40 per cent lower than their prices in Indian rupees, thanks to the duties- hadn’t deterred shoppers. True, there appeared to be more demand for lingerie and cosmetics, but the other products had takers too.
         Simon was surprised by the reaction. He knew that he would have to wait a few months to understand the real demand for S&R products in India. Only once the initial novelty had worn off, would the company have better idea of what Indian customers bought, and what they did not. He was also aware that while the mere fact S&R products were available in the country could have encouraged customers to overlook the 40 percent mark-up (thanks to import duties), they’d soon move to the ‘value’ buying behaviour Indians were famous for.
         Simon had raised these issues at his last meeting with the Kathurias, but they were still celebrating the phenomenal success of their opening gambit and their only response had been to ply Simon with, what else, more champagne. Still, he had to admit, it had been a good beginning.
         Simon signaled the steward for another refill. What the heck.. he’d earned it.
Has Smith & Robin (S&R) chosen the right entry strategy for the Indian market?
“S&R has taken a risk in entering a market that is large, but offers little flexibility in terms of price and business environment” Discuss.
What kind of advance planning and strategic thinking should go into S&R’s corporate planning efforts so that the Indian consumer gets ‘value for money’?    
0 notes
growthlytics · 6 years
How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging
The following is a guest post written by Anastasia Sviridenko, content marketing manager at TextMagic. If you would like to submit a guest post, please contact us.
Mastering virtual communication is really essential to running a successful online course. Did you know that one of the biggest challenges to online courses is student engagement? Without the pressure of face-to-face teacher and classmate competition, many students lack follow-through. Mobile messaging through apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, and SMS messaging can create those important connections and ensure a better learner experience.
Mobile messaging has a lot of benefits as a communication tool between teacher and student, and even among students. First, more and more people are comfortable using messaging platforms. Though some may think that mobile messaging is only for millennials, a study by AARP showed that 88 percent of adults aged 50+ use their mobile for IMS. And with a variety of apps to choose from, you can choose the one that is most popular among your virtual students.
While younger people are abandoning email and voice calls, the trend towards texting has been gaining ground with all demographics. That means that using mobile messaging will allow you to reach the largest number of your students effectively.
Also, it’s convenient. Many online course students are currently employed or have other commitments that keep them busy. By allowing mobile communication, students don’t have to wait until they’re at their desktop to send a question.
They might even forget the question by then anyway! Instead, as they’re messaging colleagues on WhatsApp or responding to a message on Facebook Messenger, they can shoot off a question to you as they come up, increasing engagement and facilitating learning.
It also allows the teacher to answer faster, giving the student a timely response that they might need in order to finish an assignment.
Here are some benefits of mobile messaging for both online teachers and students.
Allows Students Easy Access to Teachers
Students may struggle with a number of challenges in an online course. As mentioned above, engagement is a big issue. By allowing students easy access to the teacher through mobile messaging platforms that they already use, it enhances engagement and stimulates more active participation. It also gives teachers a convenient platform to offer explanations and encouragement.
Great for Communicating Reminders and Changes
If there are any last-minute changes in course material, deadlines or online sessions, mobile messaging is a great way to let people know. Text is particularly effective since it’s immediate and has nearly 100 percent open rates. That means if you send out a text, you’re nearly guaranteed that your students will read the message. It also doesn’t depend on an internet connection for student to be able to receive it.
For that reason, it’s also good to remind students of upcoming exams and assignments. Everyone gets busy and it can be hard to stay on top of schedules and deadlines while juggling other life events. A little reminder can help students be prepared and make it easier for them to succeed in your course.
Group Discussions Help Build Community
Students taking online courses may miss the community that comes with on-site courses. Apps like WhatsApp and Slack can help create that necessary community. Groups have so many benefits:
They stimulate discussion, giving students a wider range of information on the subject they’re studying
They help students answer each other’s questions, relieving the pressure on the teacher as the only point of reference
They allow students to increase their network, a valuable benefit to students
They allow the teacher to observe what areas are most challenging and which themes are most interesting to students, helping with the planning of future courses
Collect Feedback Through Mobile Polls
Mobile messaging isn’t just a great tool to use during a course. It can also be of use after a course is already finished. Why not send out a quick poll to students after the course is over? It’s easy and convenient to respond to a mobile poll message while on the go, so students will be more likely to respond.
Keep the poll simple, with just a few key questions to increase participation. Finishing the course experience with a feedback poll is very important for many reasons.
It allows you to see what areas you did well in and what areas need improvement. This will help you organize your next course to better meet expectations.
It gives students a place to voice criticisms in a productive way. If you get negative feedback, address it proactively by responding to the student individually, offering to remedy any complaints they had. It could have been a misunderstanding or miscommunication that caused the trouble. Don’t miss the opportunity to take a negative experience and turn it into something positive, improving a student’s overall experience with your course.
Let Them Know About Related Courses
Many students will appreciate learning about similar related courses that would help them hone a skill they’ve been developing. Continuing your relationship with the student by letting them know about upcoming courses through a mobile message can strengthen their relationship to your course and enhance their overall learning satisfaction.
Online educators can use mobile messaging to improve the overall learning experience. By giving students a convenient platform where they can communicate with the teacher and other learners, you enhance community and open the doors for greater exchange.
  Author’s Bio: 
Anastasia Sviridenko is a content marketing manager at TextMagic. She’s always on the lookout for new ways to create exciting content. When she’s not working, you can find her at home curling up with a book.
  Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Touro College.
The post How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging appeared first on Online Education Blog of Touro College.
How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging published first on https://powerprofitinfo.tumblr.com/
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endevia · 6 years
How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging
The following is a guest post written by Anastasia Sviridenko, content marketing manager at TextMagic. If you would like to submit a guest post, please contact us.
Mastering virtual communication is really essential to running a successful online course. Did you know that one of the biggest challenges to online courses is student engagement? Without the pressure of face-to-face teacher and classmate competition, many students lack follow-through. Mobile messaging through apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, and SMS messaging can create those important connections and ensure a better learner experience.
Mobile messaging has a lot of benefits as a communication tool between teacher and student, and even among students. First, more and more people are comfortable using messaging platforms. Though some may think that mobile messaging is only for millennials, a study by AARP showed that 88 percent of adults aged 50+ use their mobile for IMS. And with a variety of apps to choose from, you can choose the one that is most popular among your virtual students.
While younger people are abandoning email and voice calls, the trend towards texting has been gaining ground with all demographics. That means that using mobile messaging will allow you to reach the largest number of your students effectively.
Also, it’s convenient. Many online course students are currently employed or have other commitments that keep them busy. By allowing mobile communication, students don’t have to wait until they’re at their desktop to send a question.
They might even forget the question by then anyway! Instead, as they’re messaging colleagues on WhatsApp or responding to a message on Facebook Messenger, they can shoot off a question to you as they come up, increasing engagement and facilitating learning.
It also allows the teacher to answer faster, giving the student a timely response that they might need in order to finish an assignment.
Here are some benefits of mobile messaging for both online teachers and students.
Allows Students Easy Access to Teachers
Students may struggle with a number of challenges in an online course. As mentioned above, engagement is a big issue. By allowing students easy access to the teacher through mobile messaging platforms that they already use, it enhances engagement and stimulates more active participation. It also gives teachers a convenient platform to offer explanations and encouragement.
Great for Communicating Reminders and Changes
If there are any last-minute changes in course material, deadlines or online sessions, mobile messaging is a great way to let people know. Text is particularly effective since it’s immediate and has nearly 100 percent open rates. That means if you send out a text, you’re nearly guaranteed that your students will read the message. It also doesn’t depend on an internet connection for student to be able to receive it.
For that reason, it’s also good to remind students of upcoming exams and assignments. Everyone gets busy and it can be hard to stay on top of schedules and deadlines while juggling other life events. A little reminder can help students be prepared and make it easier for them to succeed in your course.
Group Discussions Help Build Community
Students taking online courses may miss the community that comes with on-site courses. Apps like WhatsApp and Slack can help create that necessary community. Groups have so many benefits:
They stimulate discussion, giving students a wider range of information on the subject they’re studying
They help students answer each other’s questions, relieving the pressure on the teacher as the only point of reference
They allow students to increase their network, a valuable benefit to students
They allow the teacher to observe what areas are most challenging and which themes are most interesting to students, helping with the planning of future courses
Collect Feedback Through Mobile Polls
Mobile messaging isn’t just a great tool to use during a course. It can also be of use after a course is already finished. Why not send out a quick poll to students after the course is over? It’s easy and convenient to respond to a mobile poll message while on the go, so students will be more likely to respond.
Keep the poll simple, with just a few key questions to increase participation. Finishing the course experience with a feedback poll is very important for many reasons.
It allows you to see what areas you did well in and what areas need improvement. This will help you organize your next course to better meet expectations.
It gives students a place to voice criticisms in a productive way. If you get negative feedback, address it proactively by responding to the student individually, offering to remedy any complaints they had. It could have been a misunderstanding or miscommunication that caused the trouble. Don’t miss the opportunity to take a negative experience and turn it into something positive, improving a student’s overall experience with your course.
Let Them Know About Related Courses
Many students will appreciate learning about similar related courses that would help them hone a skill they’ve been developing. Continuing your relationship with the student by letting them know about upcoming courses through a mobile message can strengthen their relationship to your course and enhance their overall learning satisfaction.
Online educators can use mobile messaging to improve the overall learning experience. By giving students a convenient platform where they can communicate with the teacher and other learners, you enhance community and open the doors for greater exchange.
  Author’s Bio: 
Anastasia Sviridenko is a content marketing manager at TextMagic. She’s always on the lookout for new ways to create exciting content. When she’s not working, you can find her at home curling up with a book.
  Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Touro College.
The post How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging appeared first on Online Education Blog of Touro College.
How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging published first on https://medium.com/@greatpricecourse
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switchstrategyblog · 6 years
How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging
The following is a guest post written by Anastasia Sviridenko, content marketing manager at TextMagic. If you would like to submit a guest post, please contact us.
Mastering virtual communication is really essential to running a successful online course. Did you know that one of the biggest challenges to online courses is student engagement? Without the pressure of face-to-face teacher and classmate competition, many students lack follow-through. Mobile messaging through apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, and SMS messaging can create those important connections and ensure a better learner experience.
Mobile messaging has a lot of benefits as a communication tool between teacher and student, and even among students. First, more and more people are comfortable using messaging platforms. Though some may think that mobile messaging is only for millennials, a study by AARP showed that 88 percent of adults aged 50+ use their mobile for IMS. And with a variety of apps to choose from, you can choose the one that is most popular among your virtual students.
While younger people are abandoning email and voice calls, the trend towards texting has been gaining ground with all demographics. That means that using mobile messaging will allow you to reach the largest number of your students effectively.
Also, it’s convenient. Many online course students are currently employed or have other commitments that keep them busy. By allowing mobile communication, students don’t have to wait until they’re at their desktop to send a question.
They might even forget the question by then anyway! Instead, as they’re messaging colleagues on WhatsApp or responding to a message on Facebook Messenger, they can shoot off a question to you as they come up, increasing engagement and facilitating learning.
It also allows the teacher to answer faster, giving the student a timely response that they might need in order to finish an assignment.
Here are some benefits of mobile messaging for both online teachers and students.
Allows Students Easy Access to Teachers
Students may struggle with a number of challenges in an online course. As mentioned above, engagement is a big issue. By allowing students easy access to the teacher through mobile messaging platforms that they already use, it enhances engagement and stimulates more active participation. It also gives teachers a convenient platform to offer explanations and encouragement.
Great for Communicating Reminders and Changes
If there are any last-minute changes in course material, deadlines or online sessions, mobile messaging is a great way to let people know. Text is particularly effective since it’s immediate and has nearly 100 percent open rates. That means if you send out a text, you’re nearly guaranteed that your students will read the message. It also doesn’t depend on an internet connection for student to be able to receive it.
For that reason, it’s also good to remind students of upcoming exams and assignments. Everyone gets busy and it can be hard to stay on top of schedules and deadlines while juggling other life events. A little reminder can help students be prepared and make it easier for them to succeed in your course.
Group Discussions Help Build Community
Students taking online courses may miss the community that comes with on-site courses. Apps like WhatsApp and Slack can help create that necessary community. Groups have so many benefits:
They stimulate discussion, giving students a wider range of information on the subject they’re studying
They help students answer each other’s questions, relieving the pressure on the teacher as the only point of reference
They allow students to increase their network, a valuable benefit to students
They allow the teacher to observe what areas are most challenging and which themes are most interesting to students, helping with the planning of future courses
Collect Feedback Through Mobile Polls
Mobile messaging isn’t just a great tool to use during a course. It can also be of use after a course is already finished. Why not send out a quick poll to students after the course is over? It’s easy and convenient to respond to a mobile poll message while on the go, so students will be more likely to respond.
Keep the poll simple, with just a few key questions to increase participation. Finishing the course experience with a feedback poll is very important for many reasons.
It allows you to see what areas you did well in and what areas need improvement. This will help you organize your next course to better meet expectations.
It gives students a place to voice criticisms in a productive way. If you get negative feedback, address it proactively by responding to the student individually, offering to remedy any complaints they had. It could have been a misunderstanding or miscommunication that caused the trouble. Don’t miss the opportunity to take a negative experience and turn it into something positive, improving a student’s overall experience with your course.
Let Them Know About Related Courses
Many students will appreciate learning about similar related courses that would help them hone a skill they’ve been developing. Continuing your relationship with the student by letting them know about upcoming courses through a mobile message can strengthen their relationship to your course and enhance their overall learning satisfaction.
Online educators can use mobile messaging to improve the overall learning experience. By giving students a convenient platform where they can communicate with the teacher and other learners, you enhance community and open the doors for greater exchange.
  Author’s Bio: 
Anastasia Sviridenko is a content marketing manager at TextMagic. She’s always on the lookout for new ways to create exciting content. When she’s not working, you can find her at home curling up with a book.
  Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Touro College.
The post How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging appeared first on Online Education Blog of Touro College.
How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging published first on https://topinfoscout.tumblr.com/
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brightgoal · 6 years
How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging
The following is a guest post written by Anastasia Sviridenko, content marketing manager at TextMagic. If you would like to submit a guest post, please contact us.
Mastering virtual communication is really essential to running a successful online course. Did you know that one of the biggest challenges to online courses is student engagement? Without the pressure of face-to-face teacher and classmate competition, many students lack follow-through. Mobile messaging through apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, and SMS messaging can create those important connections and ensure a better learner experience.
Mobile messaging has a lot of benefits as a communication tool between teacher and student, and even among students. First, more and more people are comfortable using messaging platforms. Though some may think that mobile messaging is only for millennials, a study by AARP showed that 88 percent of adults aged 50+ use their mobile for IMS. And with a variety of apps to choose from, you can choose the one that is most popular among your virtual students.
While younger people are abandoning email and voice calls, the trend towards texting has been gaining ground with all demographics. That means that using mobile messaging will allow you to reach the largest number of your students effectively.
Also, it’s convenient. Many online course students are currently employed or have other commitments that keep them busy. By allowing mobile communication, students don’t have to wait until they’re at their desktop to send a question.
They might even forget the question by then anyway! Instead, as they’re messaging colleagues on WhatsApp or responding to a message on Facebook Messenger, they can shoot off a question to you as they come up, increasing engagement and facilitating learning.
It also allows the teacher to answer faster, giving the student a timely response that they might need in order to finish an assignment.
Here are some benefits of mobile messaging for both online teachers and students.
Allows Students Easy Access to Teachers
Students may struggle with a number of challenges in an online course. As mentioned above, engagement is a big issue. By allowing students easy access to the teacher through mobile messaging platforms that they already use, it enhances engagement and stimulates more active participation. It also gives teachers a convenient platform to offer explanations and encouragement.
Great for Communicating Reminders and Changes
If there are any last-minute changes in course material, deadlines or online sessions, mobile messaging is a great way to let people know. Text is particularly effective since it’s immediate and has nearly 100 percent open rates. That means if you send out a text, you’re nearly guaranteed that your students will read the message. It also doesn’t depend on an internet connection for student to be able to receive it.
For that reason, it’s also good to remind students of upcoming exams and assignments. Everyone gets busy and it can be hard to stay on top of schedules and deadlines while juggling other life events. A little reminder can help students be prepared and make it easier for them to succeed in your course.
Group Discussions Help Build Community
Students taking online courses may miss the community that comes with on-site courses. Apps like WhatsApp and Slack can help create that necessary community. Groups have so many benefits:
They stimulate discussion, giving students a wider range of information on the subject they’re studying
They help students answer each other’s questions, relieving the pressure on the teacher as the only point of reference
They allow students to increase their network, a valuable benefit to students
They allow the teacher to observe what areas are most challenging and which themes are most interesting to students, helping with the planning of future courses
Collect Feedback Through Mobile Polls
Mobile messaging isn’t just a great tool to use during a course. It can also be of use after a course is already finished. Why not send out a quick poll to students after the course is over? It’s easy and convenient to respond to a mobile poll message while on the go, so students will be more likely to respond.
Keep the poll simple, with just a few key questions to increase participation. Finishing the course experience with a feedback poll is very important for many reasons.
It allows you to see what areas you did well in and what areas need improvement. This will help you organize your next course to better meet expectations.
It gives students a place to voice criticisms in a productive way. If you get negative feedback, address it proactively by responding to the student individually, offering to remedy any complaints they had. It could have been a misunderstanding or miscommunication that caused the trouble. Don’t miss the opportunity to take a negative experience and turn it into something positive, improving a student’s overall experience with your course.
Let Them Know About Related Courses
Many students will appreciate learning about similar related courses that would help them hone a skill they’ve been developing. Continuing your relationship with the student by letting them know about upcoming courses through a mobile message can strengthen their relationship to your course and enhance their overall learning satisfaction.
Online educators can use mobile messaging to improve the overall learning experience. By giving students a convenient platform where they can communicate with the teacher and other learners, you enhance community and open the doors for greater exchange.
  Author’s Bio: 
Anastasia Sviridenko is a content marketing manager at TextMagic. She’s always on the lookout for new ways to create exciting content. When she’s not working, you can find her at home curling up with a book.
  Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Touro College.
The post How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging appeared first on Online Education Blog of Touro College.
How to Improve Learner Experience with Mobile Messaging published first on https://medium.com/@YourEdu
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How Conversational Commerce Is Forever Changing the Way We Shop
https://120profit.com/?p=2480&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Be where your customers are. That’s long been the first rule of survival for any business. And for the past decade that meant establishing a presence on social networks—Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter—while keeping an eye on the horizon of these public platforms for new opportunities. It also meant delivering excellent customer experiences on mobile devices when 4 out of 5 American consumers shop on their smartphones. But over the last two years, messaging apps have started to outpace social networks when it comes to where we spend our time.   Source: Business Insider And it’s not surprising. We go on social networks to discover news and content, to share our thoughts and stories, and connect with other people. But it’s in messaging apps where we do all that plus make plans, come to decisions and become active participants in personal conversations. That’s what makes chat as an interface for commerce—or “conversational commerce”—a natural next step. What is “Conversational Commerce”? Conversational commerce is transforming the “messaging app” as we know it into so much more.   Imagine a world where you could open a messaging app—on your choice of device—and type or speak: “I need a prom dress for next week, blue or white, under $200.” In seconds, you get a message back—“Here is your blue dress”—with a link to a personalized product recommendation along with express shipping selected, your choice of color, and your size already accounted for, which you can then pay for, and track the shipping status, without ever leaving the conversation.      From a single sentence, your unique needs have been translated into a purchase. What’s more—you couldn’t say with certainty whether you were interacting with a bot or a human the entire time. This is just one example of conversational commerce in action and how it’s changing the way we buy things— the way your business interacts with its customers. Add the Messenger Channel for your Shopify store to create a direct line between you and your customers. Messaging Apps as a Channel to Communicate With Customers   Chat is already a popular channel for customers to engage with a business in private. In fact, live chat has a 73% customer satisfaction rate, the highest rated even compared to traditional channels like email (61%) and phone (44%).    But as popular messaging apps like Facebook Messenger expand their functionality, they will grow to become channels that enable a more seamless customer experience from product discovery to payments to tracking the status of orders to customer service.  Companies like Hyatt and Walmart are already testing out the upcoming Facebook Messenger for Business and fielding more inquiries than ever through the platform. Messaging apps create a private line of communication between a business and its customers, which is a lot better than addressing negative complaints in a public forum like Twitter. Within the contexts of these conversations, you can even cross-sell and upsell by recommending products that match your customer’s unique needs, similar to the brick and mortar experience of engaging with a rep who’s an expert on your product catalogue. Access your products from your phone’s keyboard with Shopkey! Download Shopify by Shopify (FREE) and put your Shopify store’s product catalogue in your phone’s keyboard. Share products with customers as easily as you’d add emojis in all your conversations, on any mobile app.   Get Shopkey (iOS) Messaging Apps as a Way to Pay Payments are at the heart of all forms of commerce, whether business-to-consumer, business-to-business or peer-to-peer. As such, it’s also one of the areas of focus in this shift towards conversational commerce. Both Facebook Messenger and Snapchat, among others, have been experimenting with payments through chat. Snapchat’s Snapcash, for example, was their first foray into peer-to-peer payments, which let you send and receive money without having to leave the conversation.   Facebook Messenger also rolled out its own payments feature in the U.S that works much the same way. While the uses right now don’t stray far from paying a friend back for dinner last night, Facebook Messenger for Business aims to have companies conducting a large part of the experience between businesses and customers—from first touch to point of sale—through Messenger. Messaging Apps as Your Personal Assistant On the consumer side, it’s the new concierge services enabled by conversational commerce that will really change the way we buy. If you’ve ever hired a virtual assistant then you understand what this does to your purchasing process—all the pre-purchase research, placing an order and even making the payment can be handed off to your VA. But the “virtual assistant” as a jack-of-all-trades freelancer has already evolved into a variety of concierge-style services —from Magic, which promises “do-it-all” task fulfillment via SMS, to Zirtual which connects you with one dedicated, skilled VA for your startup. So, what’s next? Using all the information about you—your shipping address, interests, relationship status and more—to further streamline the process with text-based assistants.   Facebook’s M, the company’s new Messenger-based assistant, aims to mix human and AI task fulfillment that leverages what Facebook already knows about you, and the context your share with it, to serve your needs better.   Unlike Siri, Google Now, Cortana and other AI assistants, Facebook M will also be powered by humans and empowered by Facebook Payments to take purchase decisions from product discovery to placing an order.   Let’s say Mother’s Day slipped your mind, and you’d like to order some last minute flowers for your mom. You google around for “flower shops near me”, looking specifically for same day delivery and Dahlias (her favorite). You find a store, and submit your credit card and shipping info to pay. This is what many still do today.   Instead, imagine this entire process unfolded as a conversation, not unlike one you’d have with a rep inside a physical store, where you simply say: “I need flowers delivered for Mother’s Day. She likes Dahlias.” Missing information that couldn’t be gleaned through your request could be picked up through the natural flow of a conversation, but at the end of it all you’d have a link to an order that you could pay for through the same messaging app where you’d also get notifications on its shipping status. Now imagine a conversation like this with several brands in the same list of contacts as your friends and family. Messaging Apps as Your Small Business Assistant Messaging apps don’t just offer concierge-style services for consumers. Businesses can benefit too. Through a mix of automation and input from the owner, messaging apps can also carry out tasks between different applications that entrepreneurs use everything. Instead of bouncing between different tabs—your website dashboard and an ad manager—to run a campaign, short-staffed business owners can get an ad out for a new product or sale on the go without having to drop everything they’re doing. Sound too good to be true? While business applications for messaging apps are still uncommon, they do exist. They do work. And they’re helping business owners earn back their most valuable resource: time. Hire Kit, your own virtual employee, for free! Chat with Kit via SMS, Facebook Messenger or Telegram to delegate time-consuming tasks and help you run your online store—from running Facebook ads to sending “thank you” emails to customers. Contrata a Kit, gratis Messaging Apps as a Medium For Content Messaging apps have often been pushed to the side as the epitome of “dark social”: channels where attribution and tracking were inherently difficult, if not impossible. And yet Snapchat has been developing Discover as a way to complement its photo-sharing experience with branded content. BuzzFeed has also been experimenting with WhatsApp share buttons on mobile, which they claim has attracted more clicks than their Twitter share button. But a more interesting example of content consumption in the context of a conversation comes from publisher Quartz, which recently released an app that turns the way you consume news into a back-and-forth exchange.     One tidbit of news elicits a response from you, which the Quartz bot replies to accordingly. The chat interface makes reading the news an interactive experience, one that’s likely unique for every reader as it gives the consumer control. And when you consider how sponsored content and native advertising harness content for marketing, you can imagine the potential that exists for brands to serve up personalized, branded content in this format for consumers. But all of this isn’t entirely novel—not on an international scale. Just look at China where mobile commerce has long been a huge part of daily life and where one app rules it all. Messaging Apps as Your App For Everything? We can speculate all we want about the future of conversational commerce. Or we can look east where WeChat—a popular messaging app in China—has already entrenched itself as the go-to app for everything. If you’re among WeChat’s 649.5 million monthly active users, and have tied your credit card info to your WeChat Wallet, then you’re able to do the following without ever leaving the app: Hail a cab Order food Book a flight Pay a friend Buy movie tickets Play games Meet new people The list goes on For a while now, WeChat has been the center of mobile commerce in China and, contrary to its name, much more than “just a chat app”. On Chinese New Year, for example, WeChat gamified the Chinese money-gifting tradition with Red Envelope, encouraging a flood of new users to join the platform and sign up for WeChat payments to participate. While a WeChat-like culture is less likely in countries with a more diverse ecosystem of separately owned apps (Uber, Paypal, Facebook Messenger, etc.), the powerful APIs being built for these apps mean it’s very possible for them to plug into a single interface. In fact, in the U.S you can already order an Uber through Facebook Messenger by clicking on an address. And that’s just one integration that’s shortening the distance between making a plan and making it happen. The Era of Conversational Commerce Is Already Here Conversational commerce is an exciting shift in the world of tech and business. The convenience this affords consumers, from removing the burden of pre-purchase research to making payments only a few taps away, will build upon the already existing foundations laid by mobile and social commerce—in a big way. In a word, conversational commerce is bringing commerce into the familiar and personal context of messaging apps, transforming the customer experience by making it a whole lot more convenient for both businesses and their customers alike. If you’re looking for it on the distant horizon, you’re looking the wrong way. Because the era of conversational commerce is already here. Further Reading: 7 Must-Have Shopify Apps that will help your Shopify store thrive in the era of conversational commerce. About The Author Braveen Kumar is a Content Crafter at Shopify where he develops resources to empower entrepreneurs to start and succeed in business. Follow @braveeenk !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script','//connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '1904241839800487'); fbq('track', "PageView"); 120profit.com - https://120profit.com/?p=2480&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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toomanysinks · 6 years
Zipwhip raises $51.5M for businesses to text customers from any kind of phone line
A surge of audio services using AI are giving voice a boost in customer service, but when it comes to communications in the age of mobile, messaging continues to be a critical platform. Now, a startup called Zipwhip, which provides a platform for businesses to interact with customers by text messages from any business line — landline, VoIP, or toll-free — is announcing funding of $51.5 million to capitalise on that push to bring more text-based messaging into customer service.
This round, a Series D, is being led by Goldman Sachs, with participation from previous investors OpenView, M12 (formerly Microsoft Ventures) and Voyager Capital, and it brings the total raised by the startup to $92.5 million. John Lauer, co-founder and CEO of the Seattle-based company, said in an interview that it’s not disclosing valuation with this round but the figure is “absolutely higher than before.”
This is a growth round, and that’s what Zipwhip has mainly been doing since it last raised money, $22.5 million in September 2017.
Its revenues have grown by 80 percent in the last year as its customer base has hit 3.3 million phone numbers across 20,000 businesses (compared to 6,500 in 2017), including 100 large enterprises, and it’s inked deals with all the major carriers in the US in order to be able to interconnect business landlines to answer questions, sell things, and take complaints, all by text.
With the rest of the world’s carriers and business users still to tackle, there is a lot of growth at home left for the startup: it estimates that there are about 200 million business phone numbers in North America alone.
The opportunity and gap in the market that Zipwhip and companies like it — and there are others like OpenMarket (Lauer’s former company), MessageBird, Twilio to an extent and more — are attempting to tackle is that while a lot of businesses have set up the infrastructure to communicate with customers by phone, email and websites to sell them things, to receive complaints, to solve technical problems and other scenarios that require interactions, a lot of those customers are using text messaging in the rest of their lives, and ideally would prefer to have it as an option for all of those business interactions too.
In fact, Lauer notes that there is already a big swathe of missed contacts as a result of people who unwittingly try to send text messages to numbers that are in no way capable of receiving them, or are sending text replies to organizations that have texted them. But those messages are not going through because those numbers that do not take replies.
In other words, many assume that a Zipwhip style service already exists in more places than it does.
(Anecdotally, this has happened to me a number of times, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one.)
Zipwhip aims to solve that problem by letting an organization to use its platform to activate whatever telephone numbers they’re using for customer service.
Then, when a text comes through on that number — this is where the carrier integration is essential — it gets routed it through the Zipwhip platform so that it appears on an agent’s or sales person’s or tech support dashboard in order for the latter group to read and respond.
Typical use cases are for basic customer service and support, but he notes sports teams have signed on as customers have started using the platform for ticket sales and other use cases as well.
For now, all of these are routing back to humans with only the smallest amount of bot-ification (or using automated responses often based around some loose natural language-based machine learning) thrown in. For example: if a text is sent out of office hours, you might get a response saying someone will get in touch when the office opens again, or get given the option to get basic information through the text platform, if that’s all that’s needed.
“It’s still early innings, but the current feedback is that businesses and customers hate chatbots,” he said. “Yes, it’s a mixed bag, and the future will be exciting, but I do not think there is much that can replace humans today.”
(Pricing for Zipwhip is based on volume and ranges in monthly tiers of $35 for one line, $100 for multiple lines and priced to order for high volume enterprise services.)
Of course, when we talk about messaging in the modern phone, we’re often talking about smartphones and the use of apps like Faebook’s Messenger and WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, Instagram and more. Many of these have started to realise the opportunity of tapping into the B2B2C opportunity. WhatsApp has started to roll out its WhatsApp for Business API, for example, to companies to help them answer queries, send them information they’ve requested and so on; and Messenger has dabbled in letting businesses interact around simple Q&A or purchases by way of bots, and more.
Interestingly, Zipwhip is taking a very different approach in that it has not integrated yet with any of these apps. Instead, it focuses on whatever the native texting app happens to be for a phone. Lauer said that this is partly the result of research that the company has conducted to help with product development.
Despite the efforts from messaging apps to make business messaging in their apps a thing, he said, “What we have found is that users are not instinctively using Messenger or WhatsApp when they think of texting a business. It’s so easy to use text messaging — and this is where a business would contact a user — that it becomes the default.”
It’s had a nudge to do that from the big platform players, too. Zipwhip was one of the first partners for Business Chat, the new service from Apple to let businesses communicate with customers and make purchases via iMessage, although that initiative hasn’t really seen much activity in recent times.
“Apple is dong a great job and we’re excited to get more involved,” Lauer said diplomatically when I asked him about it.
More substantial has been Zipwhip’s work with Google, which has been pushing its RCS standard for years now, to promote the idea of bringing more app-like interactivity and experience to basic text messaging, first on Android devices, as a way of helping Google and carriers better combat the rise of messaging apps — another reason why Zipwhip may be less inclined to integrate with them as well.
“Google is a customer and partner of ours. RCS was really the thing we needed, and the reason it’s happening is because of Google,” Lauer said. While there are not that many handsets out there yet that have been activated to work with RCS, this is coming, he added. “What we’re hearing is that more carriers will deploy more updates over the air to turn it on.”
As a customer, he notes that Google does a lot of text messaging to enable things like AdWords and all that runs through Zipwhip’s platform.
Lauer said that fundraising has gotten “a lot easier” as the company has grown and shown investors that despite the huge surge of popularity of apps, there’s still life an opportunity left in humble text messaging.
“Zipwhip sits at the powerful intersection of a huge addressable market, a proven history in industry innovation and an agile SaaS-based approach that will allow the company to grow and evolve for the foreseeable future,” said Dorr. Hillel Moerman, Head of Goldman Sachs’ Private Capital Investing group, said in a statement. “The product, team and corporate vision behind Zipwhip position the company to continue its successful trajectory. We look forward to working with Zipwhip’s leadership team as they meet the growing demand for a better way for businesses and consumers to communicate.”
Still, there will be more convincing to do beyond VCs. “For us the challenge going forward is getting businesses to be more aware that they can actually do this, add texting into their solutions,” he said. “It’s still early days.”
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/01/18/zipwhip-raises-51-5m-for-businesses-to-text-customers-from-any-kind-of-phone-line/
0 notes
fmservers · 6 years
Zipwhip raises $51.5M for businesses to text customers from any kind of phone line
A surge of audio services using AI are giving voice a boost in customer service, but when it comes to communications in the age of mobile, messaging continues to be a critical platform. Now, a startup called Zipwhip, which provides a platform for businesses to interact with customers by text messages from any business line — landline, VoIP, or toll-free — is announcing funding of $51.5 million to capitalise on that push to bring more text-based messaging into customer service.
This round, a Series D, is being led by Goldman Sachs, with participation from previous investors OpenView, M12 (formerly Microsoft Ventures) and Voyager Capital, and it brings the total raised by the startup to $92.5 million. John Lauer, co-founder and CEO of the Seattle-based company, said in an interview that it’s not disclosing valuation with this round but the figure is “absolutely higher than before.”
This is a growth round, and that’s what Zipwhip has mainly been doing since it last raised money, $22.5 million in September 2017.
Its revenues have grown by 80 percent in the last year as its customer base has hit 3.3 million phone numbers across 20,000 businesses (compared to 6,500 in 2017) and it’s inked deals with all the major carriers in the US in order to be able to interconnect business landlines to answer questions, sell things, and take complaints, all by text.
With the rest of the world’s carriers and business users still to tackle, there is a lot of growth at home left for the startup: it estimates that there are about 200 million business phone numbers in North America alone.
The opportunity and gap in the market that Zipwhip and companies like it — and there are others like OpenMarket (Lauer’s former company), MessageBird, Twilio to an extent and more — are attempting to tackle is that while a lot of businesses have set up the infrastructure to communicate with customers by phone, email and websites to sell them things, to receive complaints, to solve technical problems and other scenarios that require interactions, a lot of those customers are using text messaging in the rest of their lives, and ideally would prefer to have it as an option for all of those business interactions too.
In fact, Lauer notes that there is already a big swathe of missed contacts as a result of people who unwittingly try to send text messages to numbers that are in no way capable of receiving them, or are sending text replies to organizations that have texted them. But those messages are not going through because those numbers that do not take replies.
In other words, many assume that a Zipwhip style service already exists in more places than it does.
(Anecdotally, this has happened to me a number of times, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one.)
Zipwhip aims to solve that problem by letting an organization to use its platform to activate whatever telephone numbers they’re using for customer service.
Then, when a text comes through on that number — this is where the carrier integration is essential — it gets routed it through the Zipwhip platform so that it appears on an agent’s or sales person’s or tech support dashboard in order for the latter group to read and respond.
Typical use cases are for basic customer service and support, but he notes sports teams have signed on as customers have started using the platform for ticket sales and other use cases as well.
For now, all of these are routing back to humans with only the smallest amount of bot-ification (or using automated responses often based around some loose natural language-based machine learning) thrown in. For example: if a text is sent out of office hours, you might get a response saying someone will get in touch when the office opens again, or get given the option to get basic information through the text platform, if that’s all that’s needed.
“It’s still early innings, but the current feedback is that businesses and customers hate chatbots,” he said. “Yes, it’s a mixed bag, and the future will be exciting, but I do not think there is much that can replace humans today.”
(Pricing for Zipwhip is based on volume and ranges in monthly tiers of $35 for one line, $100 for multiple lines and priced to order for high volume enterprise services.)
Of course, when we talk about messaging in the modern phone, we’re often talking about smartphones and the use of apps like Faebook’s Messenger and WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, Instagram and more. Many of these have started to realise the opportunity of tapping into the B2B2C opportunity. WhatsApp has started to roll out its WhatsApp for Business API, for example, to companies to help them answer queries, send them information they’ve requested and so on; and Messenger has dabbled in letting businesses interact around simple Q&A or purchases by way of bots, and more.
Interestingly, Zipwhip is taking a very different approach in that it has not integrated yet with any of these apps. Instead, it focuses on whatever the native texting app happens to be for a phone. Lauer said that this is partly the result of research that the company has conducted to help with product development.
Despite the efforts from messaging apps to make business messaging in their apps a thing, he said, “What we have found is that users are not instinctively using Messenger or WhatsApp when they think of texting a business. It’s so easy to use text messaging — and this is where a business would contact a user — that it becomes the default.”
It’s had a nudge to do that from the big platform players, too. Zipwhip was one of the first partners for Business Chat, the new service from Apple to let businesses communicate with customers and make purchases via iMessage, although that initiative hasn’t really seen much activity in recent times.
“Apple is dong a great job and we’re excited to get more involved,” Lauer said diplomatically when I asked him about it.
More substantial has been Zipwhip���s work with Google, which has been pushing its RCS standard for years now, to promote the idea of bringing more app-like interactivity and experience to basic text messaging, first on Android devices, as a way of helping Google and carriers better combat the rise of messaging apps — another reason why Zipwhip may be less inclined to integrate with them as well.
“Google is a customer and partner of ours. RCS was really the thing we needed, and the reason it’s happening is because of Google,” Lauer said. While there are not that many handsets out there yet that have been activated to work with RCS, this is coming, he added. “What we’re hearing is that more carriers will deploy more updates over the air to turn it on.”
As a customer, he notes that Google does a lot of text messaging to enable things like AdWords and all that runs through Zipwhip’s platform.
Lauer said that fundraising has gotten “a lot easier” as the company has grown and shown investors that despite the huge surge of popularity of apps, there’s still life an opportunity left in humble text messaging.
Still, there will be more convincing to do beyond VCs. “For us the challenge going forward is getting businesses to be more aware that they can actually do this, add texting into their solutions,” he said. “It’s still early days.”
Via Ingrid Lunden https://techcrunch.com
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
Social Media Roundup: Free WhatsApp Data Backups On Google Drive, Facebook Fundraisers, Bumble Fund
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/social-media-roundup-free-whatsapp-data-backups-on-google-drive-facebook-fundraisers-bumble-fund/
Social Media Roundup: Free WhatsApp Data Backups On Google Drive, Facebook Fundraisers, Bumble Fund
A man holding a smartphone with social media icons. (Photo credit: KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP/Getty Images)
“Social Media Roundup” is a weekly roundup of news pertaining to all of your favorite websites and applications used for social networking. Published on Sundays, “Social Media Roundup” will help you stay up-to-date on all the important social media news you need to know.
Bumble Fund To Focus On Female-Founded Startups
Dating app Bumble has announced that it has launched the Bumble Fund, which is an investment arm that focuses on female-founded and female-led businesses. According to Forbes associate editor Alex Konrad, the Bumble Fund has committed over $1 million to startups so far. And it will invest between $5,000 and $250,000 per company.
Some of the companies that will receive an investment from the Bumble Fund include Mahmee, Sofia Los Angeles, the Female Founders Fund and Cleo Capital. Cleo Capital managing director Sarah Kunst will be an adviser to the Bumble Fund.
“We want to give more than capital,” said Bumble COO Sarah Jones Simmer in a statement sent to Konrad. “We are in a privileged position of having built a legacy of experience over the last four years. And so much of what we are tackling is what other founders are facing on a day-to-day basis.” 
Jones Simmer said that the Bumble Fund is also hoping that investments will surface through Bumble’s professional networking tool Bumble Bizz.
Coffee Meets Bagel
Alternative To Facebook Log In
Coffee Meets Bagel, a popular dating app, announced this past week that users will have an alternative way to log into their account besides Facebook. According to VentureBeat, Coffee Meets Bagel users can provide a phone number instead of using a Facebook login. The change is being implemented for all of its users on August 20th across iOS and Android.
One of the reasons why dating apps have typically used Facebook is because it makes the onboarding process for users much easier. Through the Facebook Login system, Coffee Meets Bagel users are able to pull in their profile photos, job information and date of birth. 
After the Cambridge Analytica scandal news broke in March, Coffee Meets Bagel cofounder and co-CEO Dawoon Kang told VentureBeat that it saw a 378% increase in the requests for alternative login options. However, Coffee Meets Bagel did not get many requests for alternative logins before the scandal broke out.
To prevent spammers from using fake phone numbers, Coffee Meets Bagel has partnered with a third-party security company that scores global phone numbers based on how likely it is being used for fraud. One of the way it detects if a phone number is being used for fraud is by seeing how many times the phone number requested a passcode to a certain account in multiple languages.
$300 Million Raised Through Birthday Fundraisers In The First Year
Fundraisers on FacebookFacebook
This past week, Facebook announced a huge fundraising milestone. Facebook said that people raised over $300 million for the causes that they care about through the birthday fundraiser feature built into the social network.
Some of the beneficiaries that have received substantial amounts of donations from the birthday fundraisers include the St. Jude, Alzheimer’s Association, the American Cancer Society, Share Our Strength – No Kid Hungry and the ASPCA.
“Based on feedback from the community, we added new tools to nonprofit fundraisers, like the ability to match donations and add organizers to your fundraiser,” said Facebook in a blog post. “Pages – including those run by brands, public figures, and nonprofits themselves – can now create and donate to fundraisers. And we added a tool so people can make recurring monthly donations to the organizations and causes that are important to them.”
Facebook said that the fees were waived for the fundraisers since November 2017. So 100% of all the donations on Facebook will go directly to the nonprofits.
And as there are more than 750,000 nonprofits on Facebook, it can be challenging to choose one. Facebook plans to make it easier by providing more information when you click on a nonprofit on the list.
Vidpresso Acquisition
Facebook has hired the team behind Vidpresso, which is a company that developed technology for overlaying polls, comments and other interactive features on online videos. With these new hires, Facebook will be able to provide independent broadcasters with options to add the interactive effects to their videos.
According to TechCrunch, Vidpresso’s employees will be working at Facebook’s offices across Los Angeles, Menlo Park and London and existing clients such as BuzzFeed, NBC, Nasdaq and Turner Sports will continue to be maintained.
Private Polls In Direct Messages
Starting today, you can send a poll privately in Direct. Update your app to choose who you want to poll – whether it’s everyone in a big group thread or just your very best friend. Update your app now to try it! pic.twitter.com/Lfr6pwPDzI
— Instagram (@instagram) August 14, 2018
Instagram has announced a new feature that allows users to send polls through direct messages. Once you add a poll sticker to your story, you will see an option to add it to the story and to a selection of users. Users in the group chat will be able to view the poll and vote for it. And this feature is being rolled out gradually to select users on Android and iOS now.
Deals And Buyer’s Circle
This past week, LinkedIn revealed new features in the Sales Navigator service. The new features enable sales teams to expand their customer relationships, increase productivity and gain new business.
The Buyer’s Circle and Deals features are built into a web interface where managers and sales representatives are able to collaborate. And it saves employees time from having to update CRM systems. Plus these features are able to forecast any potential deficiencies in the sales process.
The Deals feature makes adding deal and contact information to the CRM much easier. From a single interface, you can edit information for the whole pipeline including the stage of a deal and changes are automatically updated back to the CRM. This can save hours of time for an organization.
The new Buyer’s Circle feature allows you to pull and display opportunity role information from the CRM such as influencers and decision makers. This helps you discover whether there are any key players missing from the deal. To add missing role contacts, you simply have to drag LinkedIn profiles to a role and the CRM will be automatically updated.
LinkedIn also added Office 365 integration, mobile lead pages and faster search features to Sales Navigator.
$2 Billion Lawsuit Against Match And IAC
Several current and former Tinder executives have filed a $2 billion lawsuit against the parent companies of the dating app. The lawsuit alleges that the parent companies bullied and mislead plaintiffs out of billions in stock value among a few other claims, according to Forbes contributor Janet Burns.
The plaintiffs filed the lawsuit in New York Supreme Court against InterActiveCorp (IAC) and its Match Group subsidiary. In the lawsuit, the Tinder executives claim that IAC and Match had cheated them on a grand scale by manipulating financial details around the dating app and unlawfully took away employee stock options.
“IAC/Match’s misconduct allegedly included: concocting false financial information, hiding truthful projections of continued rapid growth and delaying the launch of transformative new products such as Tinder Gold,” says a statement by the attorneys for the plaintiffs.”IAC/Match also threatened to fire Tinder executives if they told the truth about how much Tinder was really worth.”
Another revelation made by the plaintiffs in the lawsuit is that executives at the parent company allegedly helped cover up the sexual harassment of Tinder’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications by Match Group’s former Chairman and CEO Greg Blatt in 2016.
IAC and Match sent a joint statement to Burns saying that the allegations in the complaint are “meritless.” And the companies said that they intend to “vigorously defend” themselves. “Since Tinder’s inception, Match Group has paid out in excess of a billion dollars in equity compensation to Tinder’s founders and employees … Mr. Rad (who was dismissed from the Company a year ago) and Mr. Mateen (who has not been with the Company in years) may not like the fact that Tinder has experienced enormous success following their respective departures, but sour grapes alone do not a lawsuit make,” wrote IAC and Match in the statement.
Several Legacy APIs Shut Down
Twitter has decided to shut down several legacy application programming interfaces (APIs) and it has cut support for its apps on Apple Watch and Macs. And Twitter replaced the previous Twitter for Windows app with a Progressive Web App. Unfortunately, third-party Twitter apps like Tweetbot and Twitterific relied on those APIs to function properly.
In a blog post, Twitter’s senior director of enterprise solutions Rob Johnson said that the APIs are used by about 1% of third-party developers. And certain Twitter-like apps “will not be able to function the exact same way as before. For example, instead of Tweets automatically streaming in like they once did in some third-party apps, you might need to pull to refresh like you do in Twitter-owned apps and sites. Several of the most popular apps have already made updates so that you can continue using them with minimal disruption.”
Alex Jones Gets A 7-Day Ban
Alex Jones has been suspended for seven days after Twitter acknowledged that he violated the rules. This is a softer sentence than Jones saw with Apple, YouTube and Facebook — all of which banned his accounts permanently. In an interview with NBC Nightly News, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said that this action could make “someone think about their actions and their behaviors.”
The seven-day suspension will prevent Jones from being able to tweet and he can only read posts from people he follows. “We can confirm that the account currently has limited functionality. We haven’t suspended the account but are requiring Tweets which contained a broadcast in violation of our rules are deleted,” said Twitter in a statement via Business Insider.
Data Can Now Be Backed Up On Google Drive For Free
If you are a Google Drive user, then you may be thrilled to hear that you can soon back up your WhatsApp data on the cloud storage service for free. Starting November 12, 2018, WhatsApp backups will no longer use your Google Drive cloud storage allowance. This allows you to use more of your data allowance for other files such as Gmail attachments, photos, documents, etc.
“Starting November 12, 2018, WhatsApp backups will no longer count towards the Google Drive storage quota. Furthermore, WhatsApp backups that haven’t been updated in more than one year will be automatically removed from Google Drive storage. To avoid the loss of any backups, we recommend you manually back up your WhatsApp data before November 12, 2018,” said WhatsApp in its FAQ. “You can back up your chats and media to Google Drive, so if you change Android phones or get a new one, your chats and media are transferrable. We recommend connecting your phone to Wi-Fi prior to backing up your chats via Google Drive, as backup files can vary in size and consume mobile data, causing additional charges.”
Additional News
Revcontent’s Initiative To Prevent Misinformation From Spreading
Leading content network company Revcontent has announced that it is working with the Poynter Institute’s International Fact Checking Network to punish publishers that spread misinformation. If two independent fact checkers at the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) discovers that a story is false from a publisher, then Revcontent will remove the content recommendation widget and withhold any revenue generated from that article.
“The goal of us working with the International Fact Checking Network is to utilize the experts to determine what is true and what is false and to remove the financial incentive for a publisher to post misinformation,” said Revcontent’s founder and CEO John Lemp.
A number of social media platforms have partnered with the IFCN in the past to help prevent false stories from spreading. However, a number of those publishers benefitted from the revenue from the traffic spikes of their viral stories featuring false information before it gets debunked.
Revcontent said that removing the ability to earn any revenue from a story that is marked as false will remove the incentive for publishers from intentionally spreading malicious content. And Revcontent is the first major ad network to set up this type of initiative.
Plus it’s worth mentioning that Revcontent acknowledged it is not the “arbiters” of what is true and what is false. Revcontent pointed out that IFCN is widely respected as “objective and independent.” 
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/amitchowdhry/2018/08/19/social-media-roundup-free-whatsapp-data-backups-on-google-drive-facebook-fundraisers-bumble-fund/
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