#mumbai police department
mhlivenews · 1 year
मोबाइल हरवलाय? पोलिस ठाण्यात न जाता करा तक्रार नि मोबाइलही ब्लॉक, कसे ते वाचा
मुंबई : सीईआयआर प्रणालीमुळे मोबाइल शोधणे सोपे झाले असले, तरी याबाबत तक्रार कशी करावी, पोलिस ठाण्यात जावेच लागणार का, आपण आपला मोबाइल ब्लॉक करू शकतो का, असे अनेक प्रश्न सर्वसामान्यांना पडतात. मुंबई पोलिसांच्या वेबसाइटवर असाल तिथून मोबाइलचोरीची, गहाळ झाल्याची तक्रार करता येते आणि त्यावर असलेल्या सीईआयआरच्या लिंकवर जाऊन स्वतः मोबाइल ब्लॉक करता येतो.दोन-चार वर्षांपूर्वी मुंबईत सोनसाखळी चोरांनी धमाकूळ…
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morbidology · 5 months
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Zanjeer was a Labrador retriever who trained at the Dog Training Center of the Criminal Investigation Department in Pune, India. Following his training, he was enlisted in the Mumbai Police Bonn Detection and Disposal Squad in December of 1992. During his service, Zanjeer helped to recover 11 military bombs, 57 country-made bombs, 175 petrol bombs and 600 detonators. Moreover, he assisted in detecting the bombs during the 1993 Mumbai bombings, averting three more planned attacks.
Due to his outstanding performance, Zanjeer was honoured with a full state funeral after perishing from cancer on the 16th of November, 2000.
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coochiequeens · 1 month
"We want justice,” doctors chanted in Kolkata, waving handwritten signs that read, “No safety, no service!”
16 Aug 2024
Indian doctors have called for a nationwide shutdown of hospital services as public fury over the rape and murder of a trainee medic in the eastern city of Kolkata last week mounts.
The Indian Medical Association (IMA), the country’s largest grouping of medics with 400,000 members, said the 24-hour shutdown would be implemented on Saturday, affecting most hospital departments except for essential services.
The shutdown comes after thousands of people took to the streets in several cities to express their outrage at the rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor, whose brutalised body was found on August 9 at Kolkata’s state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.
On Friday, large protests were held in various cities – including Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal state, Mumbai in the west and Hyderabad in southern India – demanding justice and better security at medical campuses and hospitals.
“We want justice,” doctors chanted in Kolkata, waving handwritten signs that read, “No safety, no service!”
Demonstrators held banners calling for accountability as they gathered near parliament in New Delhi.
“Doctors, especially women are vulnerable to violence because of the nature of the profession. It is for the authorities to provide for the safety of doctors inside hospitals and campuses,” the IMA said in a statement issued on Thursday on X.
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Doctors hold posters and shout slogans during a protest condemning the rape and murder of the trainee doctor, at a medical college in Ahmedabad, western India, on August 16 [Amit Dave/Reuters]
Multiple medical unions in both government and private systems have backed the strike.
Doctors in government hospitals across several states on Monday had halted elective services “indefinitely” in protest.
Indian media have reported that the murdered doctor was found in the teaching hospital’s seminar hall, suggesting she had gone there for a brief rest during a long shift.
An autopsy confirmed sexual assault. Doctors say the circumstances of the rape point to the vulnerability of medics left without proper protection and facilities.
Though police have detained a man who worked at the hospital helping people navigate busy queues, state government officers have been accused of mishandling the case.
On Wednesday night, the hospital where the trainee doctor was killed was attacked. Police did not identify who was behind the rampage, but said they have arrested 19 people so far.
Little has changed
There were more than 31,000 reported rapes in India in 2022, the latest year for which data is available, according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).
The gang rape and murder in 2012 of a young woman on a bus in Delhi, northern India, led to nationwide protests and outrage over the country’s failure to tackle sexual violence against women.
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Since 2012, the government has brought in sweeping changes to the criminal justice system, including tougher sentences and the death penalty for repeat offenders.
Conviction rates for rape ranged between 27-28 percent from 2018-2022, according to NCRB data.
The definition of rape has also been widened to include non-penetrative acts and the age threshold for rape trials lowered so 16-year-olds can be tried as adults.
But campaigners say little has changed despite the tougher laws.
Criminal lawyer Rebecca M John, who has represented many rape victims, said some rapists still believe they can get away with their crimes.
“One of the factors would be the absence of fear of the law,” she said.
Many cases of crimes against women also go unreported because of the stigma surrounding sexual violence and a lack of faith in the police.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Shafiq Bagwan was hanging out with a few friends in his village of Hasnabad, which is in the Maharashtra state in western India, when he opened Instagram on his phone and saw that his younger brother Taufiq had posted an update. When he clicked on it, his heart fell.
Taufiq, who is 18, had posted a picture of a 17th-century Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb, with a description of him as “the father of Hindu nationalists.”
“I immediately called him up and ordered him to delete the story,” Bagwan says. “I got scared for him, and I hoped that nobody had seen it.” It was too late. The next day, June 20, Taufiq was arrested and charged with“deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings.”
Taufiq had been caught up in an online crusade, initiated by Hindu nationalists in Maharashtra, who have taken it upon themselves to police social media for anything, no matter how tenuous, they can spin as offensive to Hindus. These groups, which appear to have links to local government and law enforcement, are turning Instagram and WhatsApp into hostile spaces for Muslims, who face harassment and arrest for seemingly innocuous posts. It’s another demonstration of how the Indian internet is coming to mirror the Hindu nationalist slant of politics under the government of Narendra Modi.
“What has happened offline has happened online,” says Osama Manzar, founder of the Digital Empowerment Foundation, an NGO. “The attitude remains the same. Social media is just another tool to subjugate.”
Aurangzeb died more than 300 years ago, but he’s recently become something of a protest symbol for Muslim youth in Maharashtra. During his rule, which lasted from 1658 to 1707, he expanded the Mughal empire across much of the Indian subcontinent. To some Hindus, he’s a tyrannical figure who imposed discriminatory taxes and destroyed temples and who was resisted by Shivaji, another warrior king who is revered in Maharashtra.
With tensions between communities running high, Aurangzeb has become an emblem for both the Hindu majority and its 13 million Muslims, who make up around 12 percent of the population of the state.
“Aurangzeb, a Muslim ruler, is just a political tool to target today’s ordinary Muslims,” says Surendra Jondhale, a professor in the department of politics at the University of Mumbai. “The right-wing groups have used Shivaji versus Aurangzeb—a battle between two kingdoms—to propagate a Hindu versus Muslim binary.”
In February 2023, led by Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, the union government renamed the city of Aurangabad in Maharashtra—named after Aurangzeb—to Sambhaji Nagar. In rallies that followed the renaming—and which were attended by members of the BJP—T Raja Singh, a party member and (currently suspended) lawmaker, said that any Muslim unhappy with the name change would be considered a traitor.
The BJP has been widely accused of stoking religious tensions across India, and of promoting a Hindu identity for India that runs contrary to the country’s founding principles of religious pluralism.
In response to often brazen hate speech and discrimination from public figures, young Muslims have adopted Aurangzeb as a symbol of defiance. “It comes from a place of angst and humiliation, where the Muslims are continuously being provoked,” says Imtiaz Jaleel, a lawmaker from Aurangabad. “Under normal circumstances, I don’t think the Muslims even think about Aurangzeb.”
But posting the former ruler’s picture often elicits serious consequences. Right-wing Hindu groups, which have been publicly supported by members of Modi’s BJP, have been keeping a close eye on Muslims’ social media posts, claiming that even a photograph of Aurangzeb hurts their religious sentiments.
This is what happened to Taufiq, who, Shafiq says, doesn’t understand English and so wasn’t aware of what was written alongside the image he posted. But before he had time to delete the story, someone in his village had taken a screenshot.
Rupesh Rathi, 40, works in Hasnabad for Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a parent organization of BJP. He says that ever since Aurangabad was renamed, these situations have become more prevalent. “A Hindu friend of Taufiq in the village saw his story, took a screenshot, and sent it to me,” says Rathi. “After that, some seven or eight of us had a discussion on what to do about it.”
The consensus was to file a complaint. “Everybody found it objectionable,” Rathi says.
Armed with those screenshots, some 20-25 people turned up at the local police station and filed a complaint against Taufiq. Gradually, more people from the neighboring villages joined in, and the mob grew to over 100 people. The police were “extremely cooperative,” Rathi says. “We were assured that there will be a proper investigation into this. There were four or five more Muslim boys that had uploaded that status. As a result of the complaint, they deleted it.”
When authorities arrested Taufiq, they confiscated his phone so they could investigate who else might have circulated his post.
Shafiq bailed Taufiq out. The charges are still pending. Shafiq says his brother is scarred by what happened. “He is just 18,” Bhagwan says. “His health deteriorated quite a bit after the incident. He is still shaken because of the hostility with which he was targeted. The matter could have been resolved within the village.”
At least 13 similar cases in Maharashtra have been reported in the national media over the past four months.
Shirish Inamdar, a former deputy commissioner of police in Maharashtra’s intelligence department, says he thinks the police aren’t acting fairly, but that the cases reflect the state’s politics. Until June 2022, Maharashtra was ruled by a coalition government of three regional parties, but a year ago the BJP poached 40 of the lawmakers from one of the parties in the ruling coalition and came to power in the state. Ever since, Inamdar says, the persecution of Muslims has increased. “The local police do it to save their own skin,” he says. “The powers that be have told the police to register as many cases and vitiate the atmosphere.”
Inamdar says the cases filed against Muslims over social media posts are unlikely to succeed in a court of law. “Everybody knows that,” he says. “But the cases drag on, and it becomes a blot on the person’s record. They have to appear for court dates, they have to spend money on the lawyer. The process becomes the punishment.”
Madhav Bhandari, vice president of Maharashta BJP, defended the police, saying that “police cases over social media posts have happened under previous governments too” and that he also believes pictures of Aurangzeb “hurt religious sentiments in Maharashtra.” He adds: “Everybody is entitled to be proud of their religion.”
Prateek Waghre, policy director of the Internet Freedom Foundation, an NGO, says that this kind of campaign is a form of lateral surveillance of minorities, where people have to be constantly alert for anything that could be exploited to attack them. “It points to broader societal issues, where there aren’t too many degrees of separation between people reporting Instagram or WhatsApp updates and the ones being reported,” he says. “Many of them are on their contact lists. There is also a possibility of watch lists being maintained. It is scary.”
Since Modi became prime minister in 2014, there has been a notable increase in hate speech across the country, with Hindu nationalist groups calling for the mass rape of Muslim women and the extermination of the community. The RSS and other groups affiliated with the BJP have fueled unfounded conspiracy theories, including the “love jihad,” which alleges that Muslim men are seducing Hindu women en masse and converting them to Islam. There have been multiple incidences of assaults on minorities, and even lynchings.
“There will be people dismissing these as isolated events and saying there are only so many cases in a country of a billion people,” Waghre says. “But the ripple effect is hard to ignore and also hard to measure. It impacts people’s minds and their behavior.”
In Maharashtra, the campaign has widened the divisions between communities.
In June, police filed a case against a 14-year old Muslim boy in the central region of Maharashtra over an Instagram photograph of Aurangzeb. His parents are small farmers, and his uncle is a tailor in the village. “He is just a kid,” says the uncle, who WIRED is not identifying to protect the boy’s privacy. “He even made an apology video and promised to not do it again. He deleted his Instagram account and is scared to join back. But still a case was filed against him. We had to pay a lot of money for a bail bond in court to avoid arrest. This can potentially ruin or jeopardize his career. Is this where we want to head as a society?”
The boy’s Instagram post was reported by a young man living nearby who was working for a radical right-wing group. In the complaint, he said the photograph “hurt his religious sentiments.” The police charged the 14-year-old with “deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs” and “intention to incite offense.”
The uncle says that over four decades of living in the village, where he has developed relationships with people across communities, this is the first time he has felt exposed. “I have participated in Hindu festivals, I have very close Hindu friends,” he says. “But the politics of the state has ruined everything. Is there a ban on sharing pictures of figures from history?”
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newstfionline · 9 months
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
In battleground Arizona, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. draws Biden and Trump voters (AP) Some voted for Donald Trump, others for Joe Biden. A few had never wanted anything to do with politics before they heard Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on a podcast or YouTube video. Lined up outside a Phoenix wedding hall tucked between a freeway, a railroad track and a U-Haul rental center, the hundreds of people who turned out Wednesday to hear Kennedy speak shared little in common ideologically. What united them was a deep-seated distrust of the media, of corporations and especially of the government and a belief that Kennedy is the only person in politics willing to tell them the truth. Voters are not enthusiastic about a Biden-Trump rematch, and alternatives like Kennedy or the No Labels third-party movement, which would typically be longshots, see an opening. Kennedy’s appearance in a 2024 battleground state highlights how he could influence the election in ways that are tough to predict. Allies of both Trump and Biden have expressed concerns that Kennedy’s independent bid could pull votes from their candidate in next year’s expected general election rematch.
Migrant caravan in southern Mexico marks Christmas Day by trudging onward (AP) Christmas Day meant the same as any other day for thousands of migrants walking through southern Mexico: more trudging under a hot sun. There were no presents, and Christmas Eve dinner was a sandwich, a bottle of water and a banana handed out by the Catholic church to some of the migrants in the town of Álvaro Obregón, in the southern state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala. Migrants spent Christmas night sleeping on a scrap of cardboard or plastic stretched out under an awning or tent, or the bare ground. At around 6,000 people, the migrant caravan that set out Sunday was the largest one since June 2022, when a similarly sized group departed Tapachula.
Police in Peru dress up as Santa for festive drugs bust (The Independent) Police in Peru have been spotted carrying out a drugs raid while dressed as Santa Claus. The undercover agents caught two men allegedly selling cocaine and cannabis in a house in Huaral, just north of Lima. ‘Santa’ could be seen using a sledgehammer to break down the door of the house, before removing his beard to cuff one of the suspects.
Plane passengers held pending human trafficking inquiry leave France for India (Reuters) A plane carrying 276 Indian passengers took off on Monday for Mumbai, the French interior ministry’s local office said, after it was grounded for four days pending investigation into possible human trafficking. The flight, carried out by Romanian charter company Legend Airlines, had departed from Dubai and landed at the small Vatry airport on Thursday for a technical stopover when police intervened. Bound for Nicaragua, the flight arrived in France with 303 Indian passengers onboard. After being interrogated by police, two people investigated for human trafficking have been placed under “assisted witness” status while the investigation continues, according to the prosecutor’s office. Another 25 people, including five minors, have stayed in France where they wish to seek asylum, authorities said.
Russian naval ship in Crimea damaged in airstrike by Ukrainian forces, Russian Defense Ministry says (AP) A Russian naval ship in Crimea was damaged in an airstrike by Ukrainian forces, Russia’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday. The landing ship Novocherkassk was hit at a base in the city of Feodosia by plane-launched guided missiles, the ministry said, adding that two Ukrainian fighter jets were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire during the attack. Over the past several months, Ukrainian forces have conducted attacks around Crimea, mostly with sea drones.
China expects searing heat, more weather extremes in 2024 (Reuters) China grappling with one of its coldest Decembers on record will likely have to brace for another round of scorching heat and an increase in extreme weather next year due to the El Nino weather phenomenon, a senior climate expert said. This year has seen China lurch from some of its hottest temperatures logged since 1850 to a harsh cold snap that froze many parts of the country for close to a fortnight earlier this month. This past summer saw Beijing bake in record heat while a remote township in the country’s arid northwest logged a day of 52 degrees Celsius (126 Fahrenheit) the hottest on record for China. Typhoons also brought record-breaking rainfall in China’s north, causing widespread flooding.
Israel’s Economy Expected to Shrink 2% as War Sidelines Workers (NYT) The Israeli economy is expected to shrink by 2 percent this quarter, according to a leading research center, with hundreds of thousands of workers displaced by the war with Hamas or called up as reservists. About 20 percent of the Israeli work force was missing from the labor market in October, up from 3 percent before the fighting began, according to a report from the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies, a nonpartisan think tank in Israel. The spike in unemployment reflects the fact that about 900,000 people were called up to fight, stayed home to take care of children because schools had closed, evacuated from towns near the borders with Lebanon and Gaza or couldn’t work because of physical damage to their industries.
Lose a limb or risk death? Gaza’s wounded face hard choices (AP) The doctors gave Shaimaa Nabahin an impossible choice: lose your left leg or risk death. The 22-year-old had been hospitalized in Gaza for around a week, after her ankle was partially severed in an Israeli airstrike, when doctors told her she was suffering from blood poisoning. Nabahin chose to maximize her chances of survival, and agreed to have her leg amputated 15 centimeters (6 inches) below the knee. The decision upended life for the ambitious university student, as it has for untold others among the more than 54,500 war-wounded who faced similar gut-wrenching choices. Experts believe that in some cases, limbs could have been saved with proper treatment. But after weeks of Israel’s blistering air and ground offensive, only nine out of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are still operational. They are greatly overcrowded, offer limited treatment and lack basic equipment to perform surgeries. Many wounded are unable to reach the remaining hospitals, pinned down by Israeli bombardment and ground combat.
Saudis Keep Low Profile in Red Sea Conflict (NYT) After rebels took over the capital of Yemen in 2014, a 30-year-old Saudi prince named Mohammed bin Salman spearheaded a military intervention to rout them. With American assistance and weapons, Saudi pilots embarked on a bombing campaign called Operation Decisive Storm inside Yemen, the mountainous nation on their southern border. Officials expected to swiftly defeat the rebels, a ragtag tribal militia known as the Houthis. Instead, the prince’s forces spent years mired in a conflict that splintered into fighting between multiple armed groups, drained billions of dollars from Saudi Arabia’s coffers and helped plunge Yemen into one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Hundreds of thousands of people died from violence, hunger and unchecked disease. Saudi Arabia and its main partner, the United Arab Emirates, eventually scaled back their military involvement, and Saudi officials entered peace talks with the Houthis, who secured control of northern Yemen. Now, the war in Gaza has thrust the Houthis whose ideology is driven by hostility toward the United States and Israel and support for the Palestinian cause into an unlikely global spotlight. Saudi Arabia, however, would rather watch these latest developments from the sidelines, with the prospect of peace on its southern border a more appealing goal than joining an effort to stop attacks that the Houthis say are directed at Israel a state the kingdom does not officially recognize and which is widely reviled by its people.
Attack in Nigeria (Foreign Policy) At least 160 people were killed and 300 people wounded in attacks on villages in central Nigeria, local officials said Monday. Monday Kassah, head of the local government in Bokkos, Plateau State, told the AFP that armed groups locally known as bandits launched attacks on at least 20 communities. Plateau State Gov. Caleb Mutfwang condemned the violence as “barbaric, brutal, and unjustified,” and governor’s office spokesperson Gyang Bere vowed to take proactive measures to protect civilians. However, Amnesty International criticized the government following the attacks, writing on X that “the Nigerian authorities have been failing to end frequent deadly attacks on rural communities of Plateau State.”
A Thriving Border Town Undercuts South Africa’s Anti-Immigrant Mood (NYT) By 7 a.m., lines of customers snake down the block outside stores on the main commercial strip in Musina, a bustling South African border town where thousands of people arrive daily from neighboring Zimbabwe to buy food, clothes and other necessities that are hard to get back home. A few miles away, at the border, pickup trucks bearing the seal of South Africa’s newly formed border patrol inspect the razor-wire fence, looking to arrest people who cross illegally braving bandits, crocodiles and the rushing Limpopo River. The border force represents an effort by the government, months ahead of crucial national elections, to respond to popular demand and clamp down on migrants sneaking into the country. Musina, surrounded by farms and a copper mine, is where the government’s muscular immigration policy collides with a tricky reality that many South Africans are loath to concede: that even people who cross the border illegally may be good for the country. Like politicians in the United States, Europe and elsewhere who score points by promising hardened borders and mass deportation, their South African counterparts are pitching a sweeping crackdown on foreigners to appeal to voters, playing on similar, often-unfounded fears that immigrants fuel crime and steal jobs.
Pope Francis blasts the weapons industry as he makes a Christmas appeal for peace in the world (AP) Pope Francis on Monday blasted the weapons industry and its “instruments of death” that fuel wars as he made a Christmas Day appeal for peace in the world and in particular between Israel and the Palestinians. Speaking from the loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica to the throngs of people below, Francis said he grieved the “abominable attack” of Hamas against southern Israel on Oct. 7 and called for the release of hostages. And he begged for an end to Israel’s military campaign in Gaza and the “appalling harvest of innocent civilians” as he called for humanitarian aid to reach those in need. Francis devoted his Christmas Day blessing to a call for peace in the world, noting that the biblical story of the birth of Christ in Bethlehem sent a message of peace. But he said that Bethlehem “is a place of sorrow and silence” this year. He took particular aim at the weapons industry, which he said was fueling the conflicts around the globe with scarcely anyone paying attention. “It should be talked about and written about, so as to bring to light the interests and the profits that move the puppet strings of war,” he said. “And how can we even speak of peace, when arms production, sales and trade are on the rise?” Francis has frequently blasted the weapons industry as “merchants of death” and has said that wars today, in Ukraine, in particular, are being used to try out new weapons or use up old stockpiles.
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From a Let's Read I'm reading;
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Sometimes I feel like Lancaster was put in this story just to say to everyone's faces what I'm thinking while I read this. It's not true, of course. He's also there to fix problems and be a badass, but he also spends a lot of time being the lone voice of reason. And he's willing to actually talk to Brian like an adult, on his terms and just say what needs to be said.
And having done the Black Lives Matter thing, I can confirm that this is true. There is a class of person, over represented on the internet, I think, who will interpret any calls for reform, no matter how moderate or reasonable, or statement that systemic problems exist as an attack on the very foundations of civilization.
Class, I want you to see if you can spot the snuck premise here.Just write it down on a scrap of paper or hold it in your head.
Time's up. Pencils down. did you get it? It's okay if you didn't. Arc probably did, he loves this one.
Supporters of any political cause like to do something some people call the Advertiser Fallacy. You paint your side in the best light, and the opposition in the worst. 
BLM likes to claim it's "just caring about black lives", without actually bothering to look for evidence of racism beyond "a black person died". It doesn't care about black-on-black crime, doesn't even care about black people hurt - physically or otherwise - in its own riots. This forum poster - who claims he's not anti-cop, honest - says he's stood in the lines at BLM protests.
And notice how he describes BLM; "calls for reform" or just a "statement that systemic problems exist".
Notice how the "specific accusations of racist police brutality" part is conveniently left out. He just goes in based on the assumption that BLM is absolutely right. In reality, it's not only bad at finding racism, it's bad at finding police brutality.
Earlier in the thread, he complains about how cops "band together" in the face of those same "calls" or "statements". As if BLM doesn't make accusations and assumptions against entire police departments, or cops in general. BLM, I gather, thinks a cop should be thrown to the wolves the second an angry mob with a hashtag demands it. I think there's people have even harassed and hacked other cops' and their families, just for being from the same precinct.
Are cops perfect? No, they're human. They screw up. They should be held accountable. Has BLM ever proven a single incident was actually because of racist cops...?
No. Not once.
Not in 2016 when this post was made, and not now, 8 years after it started. It's never been able to fulfill the most basic goal of any activist movement; proving there's a problem to begin with.
In fact, a few months after this post, a terrorist would murder five cops guarding a BLM march. And that wasn't the first terror attack.
That happened in NYC, before BLM was a year old.
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If I may Marvel for a moment, there's a moment where the authoritarian villain who's about to purge the world of disruptive elements via intercontinental railgun speaks to a guy from India. 
He goes "What if Pakistan was about to march into Mumbai and drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution? What if you could stop it, just by pressing a button? Would you do it?" The Indian guy thinks, and goes "not if it was your button."
That's how I feel about BLM. Police brutality and racism are real issues, and BLM is absolutely terrible at addressing them.
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dan6085 · 2 months
Creating a list of the 30 top and best drama movies from 2000 to the present involves looking at critical acclaim, cultural impact, box office success, and overall quality. Here's a comprehensive list with details for each film:
### 1. **The Pianist (2002)**
- **Director:** Roman Polanski
- **Synopsis:** A Polish Jewish musician struggles to survive the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto during World War II.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Director.
### 2. **A Beautiful Mind (2001)**
- **Director:** Ron Howard
- **Synopsis:** The life of John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematician, and his battle with schizophrenia.
- **Accolades:** Won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
### 3. **Gladiator (2000)**
- **Director:** Ridley Scott
- **Synopsis:** A betrayed Roman general seeks revenge against the corrupt emperor who murdered his family.
- **Accolades:** Won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor for Russell Crowe.
### 4. **Requiem for a Dream (2000)**
- **Director:** Darren Aronofsky
- **Synopsis:** The lives of four individuals spiral out of control due to their addictions.
- **Accolades:** Critically acclaimed for its direction and performances, especially Ellen Burstyn's.
### 5. **Brokeback Mountain (2005)**
- **Director:** Ang Lee
- **Synopsis:** The complex romantic relationship between two cowboys in the American West.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Director.
### 6. **The Departed (2006)**
- **Director:** Martin Scorsese
- **Synopsis:** An undercover cop and a mole in the police attempt to identify each other while infiltrating an Irish gang in Boston.
- **Accolades:** Won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
### 7. **There Will Be Blood (2007)**
- **Director:** Paul Thomas Anderson
- **Synopsis:** The story of a ruthless oilman on his quest for wealth and power.
- **Accolades:** Won two Academy Awards, including Best Actor for Daniel Day-Lewis.
### 8. **No Country for Old Men (2007)**
- **Directors:** Joel and Ethan Coen
- **Synopsis:** A man stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong and takes a suitcase full of money, pursued by a relentless killer.
- **Accolades:** Won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
### 9. **Slumdog Millionaire (2008)**
- **Director:** Danny Boyle
- **Synopsis:** A young man from the slums of Mumbai becomes a contestant on India's version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"
- **Accolades:** Won eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
### 10. **The Social Network (2010)**
- **Director:** David Fincher
- **Synopsis:** The story of the founding of Facebook and the resulting legal battles.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Adapted Screenplay.
### 11. **12 Years a Slave (2013)**
- **Director:** Steve McQueen
- **Synopsis:** The harrowing true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man who was kidnapped and sold into slavery.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
### 12. **Birdman (2014)**
- **Director:** Alejandro González Iñárritu
- **Synopsis:** A washed-up actor, famous for playing a superhero, attempts to revive his career by writing and starring in a Broadway play.
- **Accolades:** Won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
### 13. **Whiplash (2014)**
- **Director:** Damien Chazelle
- **Synopsis:** A young drummer enrolls at a cutthroat music conservatory where his dreams of greatness are mentored by an abusive instructor.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Supporting Actor for J.K. Simmons.
### 14. **Spotlight (2015)**
- **Director:** Tom McCarthy
- **Synopsis:** The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation within the local Catholic Archdiocese.
- **Accolades:** Won two Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
### 15. **Moonlight (2016)**
- **Director:** Barry Jenkins
- **Synopsis:** A young black man grapples with his identity and sexuality while experiencing the everyday struggles of childhood, adolescence, and burgeoning adulthood.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
### 16. **La La Land (2016)**
- **Director:** Damien Chazelle
- **Synopsis:** A jazz musician and an aspiring actress fall in love but struggle to maintain their relationship as they pursue their dreams.
- **Accolades:** Won six Academy Awards, including Best Director.
### 17. **Manchester by the Sea (2016)**
- **Director:** Kenneth Lonergan
- **Synopsis:** A man is unexpectedly made the guardian of his teenage nephew after the boy's father dies.
- **Accolades:** Won two Academy Awards, including Best Actor for Casey Affleck.
### 18. **Dunkirk (2017)**
- **Director:** Christopher Nolan
- **Synopsis:** The story of the Dunkirk evacuation during World War II, told from three perspectives: land, sea, and air.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Editing.
### 19. **The Shape of Water (2017)**
- **Director:** Guillermo del Toro
- **Synopsis:** A mute woman forms a unique relationship with an amphibious creature that is being held in captivity.
- **Accolades:** Won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
### 20. **Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)**
- **Director:** Martin McDonagh
- **Synopsis:** A mother challenges the local authorities to solve her daughter's murder when they fail to catch the culprit.
- **Accolades:** Won two Academy Awards, including Best Actress for Frances McDormand.
### 21. **A Star is Born (2018)**
- **Director:** Bradley Cooper
- **Synopsis:** A musician helps a young singer find fame as age and alcoholism send his own career into a downward spiral.
- **Accolades:** Nominated for eight Academy Awards, won Best Original Song.
### 22. **Roma (2018)**
- **Director:** Alfonso Cuarón
- **Synopsis:** A year in the life of a middle-class family's maid in Mexico City in the early 1970s.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Director.
### 23. **Parasite (2019)**
- **Director:** Bong Joon-ho
- **Synopsis:** A poor family schemes to become employed by a wealthy family by infiltrating their household and posing as unrelated, highly qualified individuals.
- **Accolades:** Won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
### 24. **Joker (2019)**
- **Director:** Todd Phillips
- **Synopsis:** In Gotham City, a failed comedian is driven insane and turns to a life of crime and chaos.
- **Accolades:** Won two Academy Awards, including Best Actor for Joaquin Phoenix.
### 25. **Marriage Story (2019)**
- **Director:** Noah Baumbach
- **Synopsis:** A married couple going through a coast-to-coast divorce that pushes them to their personal and creative extremes.
- **Accolades:** Nominated for six Academy Awards, won Best Supporting Actress.
### 26. **1917 (2019)**
- **Director:** Sam Mendes
- **Synopsis:** Two young British soldiers during World War I are given an impossible mission to deliver a message deep in enemy territory.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Cinematography.
### 27. **Little Women (2019)**
- **Director:** Greta Gerwig
- **Synopsis:** The lives of the March sisters as they come of age in Civil War-era America.
- **Accolades:** Nominated for six Academy Awards, won Best Costume Design.
### 28. **Nomadland (2020)**
- **Director:** Chloé Zhao
- **Synopsis:** A woman in her sixties embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad.
- **Accolades:** Won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.
### 29. **The Father (2020)**
- **Director:** Florian Zeller
- **Synopsis:** An aging man refuses all assistance from his daughter as he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances.
- **Accolades:** Won two Academy Awards, including Best Actor for Anthony Hopkins.
### 30. **Minari (2020)**
- **Director:** Lee Isaac Chung
- **Synopsis:** A Korean-American family moves to an Arkansas farm in search of their own American Dream.
- **Accolades:** Won one Academy Award, Best Supporting Actress.
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tfgadgets · 2 months
Rain Red Alert For Mumbai Today, Cops Ask People To "Stay Indoors"
The weather office has declared a rain “red alert” for Mumbai Mumbai: The police have asked residents of Mumbai to stay indoors till 8.30 am today after the weather office forecast heavy rain in the coastal city. The police’s advisory comes after the India Meteorological Department (IMD) declared a rain “red alert” for Mumbai. “IMD has declared a red alert for Mumbai till today morning 8.30 am.…
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bhaskarlive · 2 months
CM Shinde directs agencies to stay vigilant amid heavy rain, flood in Maha
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Amid heavy rain and flood, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday directed the administration, police, SDRF and local bodies to be vigilant and focus on rescue and relief works.
CM Shinde’s directives came in the wake of the Indian Meteorological Department’s warning of heavy rain in some districts of Konkan, including Mumbai and other districts. He appealed to the citizens to help the administration and emergency agencies in every possible way.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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novumtimes · 2 months
Mumbai hit-and-run case: Key accused remanded to police custody father sacked from Sena post
Worli hit and run main accused Mihir Shah brought to Sewri Court on July 10, 2024. | Photo Credit: Emmanual Yogini Prime accused in the Mumbai hit-and-run case, Mihir Shah, was remanded to police custody by a court in Mumbai till July 16 on July 10. Mr. Shah was arrested on Tuesday evening after being on the run for over 72 hours. In a related development, his father Rajesh Shah was removed as deputy leader of the Shiv Sena’s Palghar district unit, on the instructions of Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde. The prime accused was produced in Mumbai’s Sewri court on Wednesday by the police, who argued for his custody in the July 7 hit-and-run case. A pillion rider, Kaveri Nakhawa, was killed and her husband Pradeep Nakhawa injured when the luxury car driven by Mr. Mihir Shah, allegedly under influence of alcohol, hit the two-wheeler they were travelling on in the Worli area. While reiterating his stance of “not sparing the guilty”, Mr. Shinde announced legal and financial support to the family of the deceased woman. Additionally, ₹10 lakh will be given to the Nakhawa family from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. Also read | Mumbai hit-and-run: rich, influential won’t be spared, says Eknath Shinde Party action A single statement order issued by Shiv Sena secretary Sanjay More said as per instructions from party chief Mr. Shinde, Mr. Rajesh Shah was relieved from the post of deputy leader of Palghar area. Mr. Rajesh, who owns the luxury car involved in the accident, was arrested on July 7 and granted bail on July 8. When Mr. Shinde was questioned why there was a delay in removing Mr. Rajesh Shah from his position, he said, “The government is not supporting anyone and we have taken action in this case. What is of more importance? Sacking him or taking action against the accused?” Mumbai hit and run case: husband and daughter of victim shattered In another development, the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) partially demolished Vice Global Tapas Bar, the watering hole in Mumbai’s upscale Juhu area where Mr. Shah was with his friends on July 6 night, hours before the hit-and-run accident. Mr. Shah was purportedly driving and the driver, Rajrishi Bidawat, was seated next to him as passenger. Mr. Bidawat is currently in police custody. The MCGM said the bar had unauthorised additions and alterations, which were pulled down as per the orders from the District Collector. On Tuesday, the State’s Excise Department had sealed the bar for violating the local law of not serving alcohol to those below 25 years of age. As per the State’s regulation, Mr. Shah is an underage liquor consumer. Shiv Sena (UBT) youth leader and Worli MLA Aaditya Thackeray met the Nakhawa family on Wednesday and said the “regime which believes in bulldozer justice” must turn the bulldozer towards Mr. Rajesh Shah’s house. “We have seen before in the Pune luxury car accident case that there was leniency towards the accused due to the political connections. The BJP-led Maharashtra government should ensure that there is no leniency in Mumbai’s hit-and-run case because of the accused having affiliation with CM Shinde’s party,” Nationalist Congress Party (SP) spokesperson Clyde Crasto commented. The Mumbai Police arrested the prime accused on July 9 from Virar in Palghar district. Source link via The Novum Times
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pec-works · 2 months
PCC Apostille in Mumbai
If you are planning to work, study, or live abroad, one of the critical documents you will need is a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC). This certificate verifies that you have no criminal record. For it to be valid internationally, it often needs to be attested. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of PCC certificate attestation in Mumbai.
What is PCC Certificate Attestation?
PCC certificate attestation is the process of verifying your Police Clearance Certificate by relevant authorities to prove its authenticity. This attestation is required for various international processes such as employment, higher education, and immigration.
Why is PCC Attestation Important?
Employers require a PCC to ensure you have no criminal history.
Higher Education
Universities and colleges often ask for a PCC during the admission process.
Immigration and Visa Processing
Many countries require a PCC for visa applications and immigration processes.
Long-Term Visas
PCC attestation is often needed for residence permits and other long-term visas.
The PCC Attestation Process in Mumbai
Step 1: Obtain Your PCC
First, you need to apply for and obtain your Police Clearance Certificate from your local police station or through the online portal of the police department.
Step 2: Verification
Your PCC must be verified by the Home Department or the Regional Passport Office in Mumbai. This step ensures that the certificate is genuine.
Step 3: Attestation by MEA
After verification, the next step is to get your PCC attested by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in India. The MEA attestation is a crucial step as it is recognized internationally.
Step 4: Embassy Attestation (if required)
For some countries, additional attestation by their embassy in India is necessary. Check the specific requirements of the country you are applying to.
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Diving into the Various Career Paths with Forensic Science, Sports Nutrition and Sports Psychology
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Choosing a career path can feel like navigating a maze, especially with so many exciting fields out there. If you're interested in the sciences and sports, you've probably come across three intriguing options which are BSc Forensic Science colleges in Mumbai, Sports Nutrition courses in India and Sports Psychology courses. Let's break down what each of these fields offers and why you might want to consider them for your future.
Why Choose BSc Forensic Science Colleges in Mumbai?
Mumbai is home to some top-notch BSc Forensic Science colleges. These institutions offer robust programs that prepare you for a career in crime labs, police departments, or even in the courtroom as an expert witness. The curriculum typically covers everything from DNA analysis to toxicology, giving you a comprehensive education in the field. Have you ever watched a crime show and thought, "I could solve that mystery"? If so, Forensic Science might be calling your name. This field combines elements of biology, chemistry and law to help solve crimes. It's like being a detective, but with a lab coat instead of a magnifying glass.
Fueling Athletes with Sports Nutrition Courses in India
Athletes are like high-performance engines and what you fuel them with can make all the difference. Sports Nutrition is all about understanding the dietary needs of athletes to help them perform at their best. India is increasingly recognizing the importance of Sports Nutrition and several institutes offer specialized courses in this field. These programs teach you how to design nutrition plans that enhance athletic performance, support recovery and maintain overall health. It's not just about eating healthy rather it's about eating smart to meet the specific demands of different sports. 
Why Consider Sports Psychology Courses?
Ever wondered why some athletes excel under pressure while others crumble? Sports Psychology offers insights into the mental aspects of sports performance. It's a fascinating field that combines psychology with physical education to help athletes achieve their peak performance.
Courses in Sports Psychology delve into topics like motivation, performance anxiety and team dynamics. These courses are designed to equip you with the skills needed to help athletes overcome mental barriers and improve their performance. Whether you're working with a professional sports team or individual athletes, the knowledge gained from these courses can be a game-changer.
How to Decide Your Path
Choosing between these fields can be challenging, but it ultimately comes down to your interests and career goals. If you're fascinated by solving mysteries and enjoy lab work, Forensic Science might be your best bet. If you have a passion for nutrition and helping athletes, then Sports Nutrition could be the perfect fit. And if you're intrigued by the mental aspects of sports and enjoy psychology, Sports Psychology might be your calling.
When considering these fields, it's important to choose a college that offers strong programs and a good reputation. D Y Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai, for instance, provides excellent courses in these areas, offering a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. By choosing a reputable institution, you're setting yourself up for success in whichever path you choose.
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rahuljoshi05 · 4 months
PCC Apostille in Mumbai
Obtaining a pcc apostille in India involves a series of steps, starting from obtaining the PCC from the local police station to getting it attested by the Home Department and finally apostilled by the Ministry of External Affairs. It's essential to follow the specific requirements and procedures laid out by the respective authorities to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process. With the apostille, the PCC becomes legally recognized for international use, facilitating various purposes such as employment, education, immigration, or residency in foreign countries.
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smhoaxslayer · 4 months
Amit Shah’s Doctored Video on Reservation Goes Viral Amid Lok Sabha Elections
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The ongoing Lok Sabha elections has instigated a constant and intense broil between the political parties in the nation, with accusations and claims on several issues coming to light in political discussions. Amidst such viral issues under discussion, a video of Amit Shah, the Minister of Home Affairs of India has gained massive attention recently. As per the video's claims, it is being shown that Shah allegedly called SC/ST and OBC reservation 'unconstitutional' and promised an end to it if the party wins. 🚨ब्रेकिंग अमित शाह का चुनावी भाषण तेजी से हुआ वायरल जिसमें, बोल रहे है कि अगर बीजेपी की सरकार अगर पुनः बनी तो OBC और SC/St आरक्षण खत्म कर दिया जाएगा l pic.twitter.com/5NzajLCgLd — Jharkhand Congress (@INCJharkhand) April 28, 2024  
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archive The post is being shared across social media platforms by various accounts.
It has been found that the viral video has been originally taken from a clip dated 23 April, 2023 in which Shah is addressing a gathering at the Vijay Sankalp Sabha at Chevella, Telangana. In the original video, Shah criticized the religion-based reservations, targeting the Muslim reservations in Telangana. Furthermore, he also promised to do away with this practice and to ensure the rightful benefit of reservations to SC/ST and OBC groups. The logo of Telugu news channel V6 News Telugu present in the viral video has led to the original event news clip. https://youtu.be/nWFdUNVI9yU?si=ld4vP43jthDbW62N As seen in the edited video, Amit Shah's speech directly cuts from "gairsamvaidhanik... (unconstitutional)" to "SC, ST  aur OBC...".  However, after verifying the original words of the Home Minister from the news clip, it has been found that 8 seconds of the speech have been cut from the viral video. The original news clipping has been used from video duration 2:38 to 2:44, after which the part where Shah mentions Muslim reservation (from 2:44 to 2:52) has been deleted from the widely circulated video. Fake news is being spreaded by this handle.. FIR should be laudge against this handle.. Here is the real one👇 pic.twitter.com/KKDdoRt7Fu — Rahul Gupta (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐢'𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲) (@rahulguptaglg) April 28, 2024
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archive A video of the same was also posted on the official YouTube channel of NDTV. https://youtu.be/Iu4rATS2ZUw As per the latest updates, three people, who have been found to be linked to the fake video of Amit Shah, have been arrested. From the three people under arrest, two of them were arrested by Ahmedabad Cyber Crime department and one from Assam. Reetam Singh, a Congress worker from Guwahati, Assam, was put behind the bars for alleged doctoring and sharing of the Home Minister's video. Ahmedabad Cyber Crime department also arrested Satish Vansola and RV Varia in the Amit Shah deepfake case. Satish Vansola is the personal assistant of Jignesh Mevani, a leader from Congress. Furthermore, notices from Delhi Police's Special Cell have been sent to five members of Telangana Congress, along with Telangana chief minister A Revanth Reddy, who further shared this video on their X handles. A case has also been registered by the Mumbai police against the social media handle of Maharashtra Youth Congress and 16 others for alleged spread of the fake video, as per PTI. Read the full article
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basicelements127 · 5 months
Mumbai news A fire in a tall building in Kandivali has left two people dead
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A big fire happened on the ground level of a nine-story building in Kandivali, Mumbai, Maharashtra’s capital. Two people died and three got hurt, as per news agency ANI on October 23.
The fire department said that Glory Walphati (43) and Josu Gems Robert (8) died. Lakshmi Bura (40), Rajeshwari Bhartare (24), and Ranjan Subodh Shah (76) got burned.
Video Link : https://x.com/ANI/status/1716379193729315252?s=20
The Mumbai Fire Department quickly sent fire trucks to the Pavan Dham Veena Santur building when they got a call about a fire at 12:27 pm today, an official said.
Four fire trucks and other vehicles from the fire department hurried to the place, a city official said.
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All the necessary teams, such as Adani Power, the police, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) ward, and the 108 ambulance service, have been called to help, he said.
According to details from the Times of India, the injured people have been taken to Shatabdi Hospital.
Meanwhile, BJP MLA Sunil Rane mentioned that the police and fire department are investigating how the fire started. He added that after the fire began on the first floor, smoke spread up to six or seven floors, causing significant damage to the building. He stated that they are staying in touch with the authorities for updates.”
Earlier this month, seven people died and over 40 got hurt when a fire broke out in a seven-story residential building in Mumbai’s Goregaon area. Thirty people were saved from the fire.
The fire has mainly affected the electrical wiring and installations, the report mentioned. They haven’t determined the exact cause of the fire yet.
In Kandivali, Mumbai, a fire happened where two people died and three got hurt, the installation of IGNICOP® from Basic Elements could have potentially mitigated the severity of the situation. IGNICOP®, with its proactive monitoring capabilities, could have promptly alerted stakeholders and first responders, facilitating swift action to suppress the fire before it escalated. This could have minimized the loss of life and injuries, as well as reduced the damage to the building
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visa4you1 · 6 months
Dreaming of relocating to a new country in pursuit of enhanced career prospects and a better quality of life? Australia might be the perfect destination for you! The General Skilled Migrant Visa (GSM) serves as a pathway for skilled professionals to establish permanent residency in Australia.
Step 1: Assess Your Eligibility
Before commencing the application process, it’s imperative to evaluate whether you fulfill the eligibility criteria for the GSM visa subclass. Key considerations include:
Occupation: Your occupation must be included in the relevant skilled occupation list, and regularly updated to reflect demand.
Skills Assessment: You’re required to undergo a skills assessment conducted by a pertinent assessing authority corresponding to your nominated occupation.
English Proficiency: Demonstrating proficient English language skills through tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE Academic, or Cambridge (CAE).
Age: Typically, applicants must be under a specified age limit (often below 45) at the time of application.
Health and Character: Meeting health and character prerequisites, typically involving medical examinations and providing police clearance certificates.
Step 2: Express Interest (EOI) Submission
Once eligibility is confirmed, the subsequent step involves submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) via SkillSelect, the Australian government’s online immigration platform. Within your EOI, you’ll furnish details pertaining to your skills, qualifications, work experience, and other pertinent information.
Step 3: Await Invitation to Apply (ITA)
Following EOI submission, you’ll enter a candidate pool where factors such as in-demand skills, higher English proficiency, and younger age enhance the likelihood of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for the GSM visa.
Step 4: Lodge Visa Application
Upon receiving an ITA, you’ll be allotted a specified timeframe to lodge your visa application. Ensure to compile all necessary documents including:
Identity Verification: Passport, birth certificate, and other pertinent identification documents.
Skills Assessment: Furnish results of your skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority.
English Language Proficiency: Submit your English language proficiency test results.
Employment Records: Detailed references from previous employers delineating job roles, responsibilities, and duration of employment.
Health and Character Certificates: Undertake medical examinations and procure police clearance certificates.
Financial Verification: Provide evidence of sufficient funds to support yourself and any accompanying family members during your initial tenure in Australia.
Step 5: Await Processing
Post-application submission, the Department of Home Affairs will process your application. Processing durations may vary based on factors such as application completeness, queue volume, and requisite additional checks.
Step 6: Provide Supplementary Information (if requested)
During application processing, you may be solicited for additional information or interview attendance. Prompt and accurate responses to immigration authorities’ requests are essential to mitigate processing delays.
Step 7: Receive Decision
Following a comprehensive assessment, you’ll receive a verdict on your visa application. If approved, you’ll be conferred a General Skilled Migrant Visa, facilitating permanent residency in Australia.
Step 8: Prepare for Relocation
Congratulations! Upon visa approval, commence preparations for your relocation to Australia, including:
Travel Arrangements: Arrange flights for you and your family members to Australia.
Temporary Accommodation: Organize temporary lodging for your initial stay in Australia.
Settlement Services: Research available services aiding newcomers in acclimatizing to life in Australia, such as job placement, schooling, and healthcare access.
Notification: Inform pertinent authorities in your home country about your relocation, encompassing tax offices, banks, and utility providers.
Exploration: Familiarize yourself with your new locale and explore your new city or town.
Step 9: Embrace Your New Life in Australia
Upon arrival in Australia, embark on your new journey, whether it entails career advancement, educational pursuits, or an improved quality of life. Australia offers a myriad of experiences and opportunities for migrants to thrive.
Visa4You: Your Trusted Partner Immigration and Visa Consultant
Discover how Visa4You supports General Skilled Migrant Visas. We streamline eligibility assessments, assist with document preparation, and manage application submissions. Trust Visa4You to navigate the process efficiently, maximizing your chances of success. Let us guide you on your journey to Australia.
Preliminary Eligibility Assessment: Visa4you conducts a meticulous evaluation of your qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, and other pertinent factors to ascertain your eligibility for the General Skilled Migrant Visa.
Documentation Assistance: Offering detailed guidance on compiling and organizing requisite documents for the visa application, ensuring completeness and adherence to immigration authorities’ stipulations.
Application Preparation: Assisting in accurately and comprehensively preparing visa application forms, minimizing the risk of errors or omissions that could impede processing.
Skills Assessment Support: Navigating the process of obtaining a skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority, ensuring alignment with the requirements of your nominated occupation.
Visa Lodgment and Follow-Up: Managing the entire visa lodgment process, from submission to immigration authorities to monitoring progress and addressing inquiries or requests for additional information.
By providing comprehensive assistance throughout the visa application journey, Visa4you endeavors to simplify the process and optimize the likelihood of a successful outcome for individuals seeking a General Skilled Migrant Visa.
Originally published at https://www.visa4you.co.in on February 28, 2024.
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