#mochita x akarin
frostfires-blog · 2 years
🎉Happy Birthday🎉
💙Sōta Mochizuki💙
~3 September~
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Disclaimer: Only official artwork is used in this post, hence the lack of artist credits.
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nightrae13 · 2 years
MochiAka appreciation post
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Mochita and Akari was my first ship in the HoneyWorks series, and I doubt I’d continue following HoneyWorks if I didn’t fall in love with them in the first movie (PS. They carried that film for me lol).
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Now, even if HaruMiou is my HW OTP, I’ll always hold something special to the MochiAka pair. It’s just sad that except for KoyuRyou, this ship got the shortest stick in the 1st generation when it came to the screentime they got, getting only 1 sequel story through 2 songs. The Tokyo Sessions that had them as the main focus is the Tokyo Summer Session, but it’s not the same focus as HaruMiou to Tokyo Winter and Spring Session, and NatsuYuu with Tokyo Autumn Session. MochiAka only got the highlight in the climax of Tokyo Summer Session, and it’s sad knowing that. I mean, at least MidoSena had multiple songs to back up their lack of anime adaptation.
For the record, I know that Mochita had a love at first sight for his Akarin while HaruMiou was built in slowburn and angst + NatsuYuu was probably the one that had the highest chance being that they’d been neighbors since childhood (and I love them both). Added by that, Souta was possesive (and a simp ngl) at first (like others with their crushes lol), but he genuinely prioritizes her, and actually makes her happy. 
Even so, I feel like there’s also something very sweet to MochiAka that does not get enough appreciation and analysis.
(warning: this post mainly talks about the events of the novels, so there’s spoilers. You can read it here: https://renna-translations.tumblr.com/yakimochinovel and I suggest buying the novels themselves to support HoneyWorks). 
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First, I just want to point how this novel is heavily underrated, and it also reminds me of another underrated (and my favorite novel) HW story which is...
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this one. 
I would have never realized how important Mochita’s confession to Akari really is if haven’t I figured how paralleled Akari Hayasaka is to Tsubomi Natsukawa (the black haired girl from the Seikai wa Koi ni Ochiteru story), so a big thank you to @deus-ex-mona​ for translating and making me addicted to this masterpiece!
What I love about the Seikai story the most is how much it was a “what if” from the Solution for Jealousy novel. 
First, let’s point out the Seikai’s trio and who I think parallels them in the main series (or at least, in a story point of view)
Kaname Akutsu is Haruki Serizawa while Misaki Sakurai is to Miou Aida.
Yes, yes, I know KanaMisa has parallels to Aiyuu as well, and Kaname is much more gentle than Haruki while Misaki is much more outgoing than Miou (plus Kaname’s one of the best cooks in that universe, Haruki struggles in it lol).
However, when you look at it the story point of view, both Haruki and Kaname were those guys deemed geniuses in their respective crafts (Haruki to movie directing and Kaname to music).
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(lol they almost even have the same hairstyle in this XD) 
They both like the humble brunette short haired girls they spent time with the most, Miou and Misaki ( which likes them back for so long, they just struggled confessing). 
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Those brunette girls also both have friends that are both beautiful dark-haired (sometimes with the shade of purple due to light) girl heartthrobs that also happened to be considered geniuses in their campus (and has many similarities with the guys) as well.
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Tsubomi is a direct parallel to Akari. There's no way it isn't. Tsubomi was that one girl (genius) heartrob in the campus that didn't experience her first love yet, but subconciously expressed interest on a friend (Kaname) who nearly had the same braincells and talent as her while not realizing it earlier (like Akari to Haruki). Anyone who had read the Solution for Jealousy Novel knows how much it was hinted multiple times that Akari might have a crush on Haruki (but not realizing it), and while doing so, both girls cheered on their short-haired brunette friends who likes those guys. 
If you doubt what I’m saying with Akari and Haruki as a red-herring in canon, here’s proof lol
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This is the official relationship chart concerning only the first songs (including the novelizations of those songs). If you still have doubts, I’ll give more proof later.
I may have sidelined a bit, but my point is, even is Tsubomi and Akari were incredibly similar in story and status (plus they are Haniwa’s most beautiful girls in my opinion, Sena’s just 3rd in my eyes lol), Akari was spared from the tragedy and painful heartbreak Tsubomi experienced because of a brave decision by one person Tsubomi did not have (at least at that time) - Mochizuki Souta. 
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Mochita confessing to Akari was one of the reasons Tsubomi and Akari had a different experience in their first love at the end. Because Mochita was brave enough to confess and make his presence known to Akari, it shifted her attention to him and not towards Haruki in the novel, making her unable to feel even something deeper than admiration towards Serizawa, and thus saving her from the risks of heartbreak unlike Tsubomi who had no notable characters to interact with other than Kaname and Misaki themselves. 
I’m not saying that Haruki was actually Akari’s first love whom she did not realize. No, it was all still Mochita. However, like Tsubomi, Akari could have continued her admiration for Haruki until she actually falls for him (and eventually gets heart broken because HaruMiou had mutual feelings for each other just as much as KanaMisa, no more argument on that) if Mochita did not confess and actually get to spend time with Akari. In short,  Akari did not fell in love until Mochita came, but things could land on two possible results, and it could have gone on the other one had Mochita wasn’t courageous enough.
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This is a conversation from the chapter before the epilogue of the Solution for Jealousy novel (translated by @renna-translations​ ) between Haruki Serizawa and Akari Hayasaka.  Assuming, this is accurate (I trust that it is), it just blatantly confirmed that Haruki is just as much of a candidate as what Mochita became due to his confession, and this scene served as the closure for anything Akari even feels for Haruki. 
The bud that “hadn’t been able to bloom” refers to her feelings for Haruki, and the “new flower” refers to what she feels now for Mochita. The “that didn’t mean it had gone to waste; it would become the strength for a new flower to sprout” literally translates to “She throws away her chance to fall in love with Haruki, but don’t worry, it means that she’ll fall in love with the other one,” and she literally thought of Mochita the next line lol.
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I find the MochiAka story incredibly sweet much more now considering that it's not just Mochita overcoming his own fears and assuming he and Akari already hit off after he confessed - no, it was just the beginning of it. Because he was brave enough, he indirectly saved the girl he loved from suffering a potential painful heartbreak and that makes their story even deeper and worth appreaciating.
Bonus detail: I love how it was also Haruki that told Akari where Mochita is in “The Day I Knew Love” music video (and the novel to which I’m about to read) and when she found and spend that time with Mochita, she finally acknowledged that she found her first love! Like, Haruki took a small part in it, and that’s a cute detail lol.
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Now, you might say that I’m overanalyzing things (which I probably am lol) but I just accept that some parts of the Seikai wa Koi ni Ochiteru novel especially Tsubomi’s story, is a “what if Mochita wasn’t there” kind of arc (I joked because Mochita became Kou Mabuchi lol), highlighting how important Mochita’s confession is for the start of their love story.
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His confession is just the start of their story, so MochiAka might be one of the least angsty ships in the series, but they actually have depth in them because like everyone else, they started as friends. Souta waited for her the same way Ken Shibasaki did for Arisa Takamizawa in “Namaiki Honey.” I honestly find it cute lol.
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I feel like this post had been long enough lol. I just want to appreciate this ship so much and remember how pissed I actually am that they didn’t get their solo anime XD. He was her happiness, and so was she to him. They might not be as deep as HaruMiou or have a background like NatsuYuu’s, but they still started as friends and love each other enough to decide that they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other.
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deus-ex-mona · 4 years
so, like, i noticed that the scene cards of the “success road” honeylight all have a common theme
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the first one is yuu and natsuki
the second one is mochita and akarin
the third one is haruki and miou
the fourth one is midori and sena
the fifth one is professional plot device koyuki
the sixth one is kotaro and hina
the seventh one is aizo and yujiro
the eighth one is mona
the ninth one is shibaken and arisa.
like, do you notice that all the canon pairs have honeylights together? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and the ones without pairs are either confirmed to have no canon love interests (mona) or do not have a completely fleshed out love interest yet (koyuki x ryou??).
which brings me to my main point.
aiyuu canon? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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deus-ex-mona · 4 years
no i still haven’t recovered from kazufuuma canon shushhhh
eeyup the aiyuu in (vaguely) mochitaxakarin story is finally completed. feel free to skip the second part though it’s lengthyyy and is basically ‘sad aizo: the movie’
i’m gonna ramble about my thoughts under the cut bc i need to fulfill my shitpost quota for the month of january why not. it’s extremely incoherent so feel free to skip it!
so i really wanted to make this, in particular, a decent story as mochita x akarin was my favourite cec pair before the days of koyuhina and, subsequently and currently, aiyuu.
i really like the gap between mochita’s general awkwardness and his “INTERNAL SCREAMING” and akarin’s cute “whatislove.mp4” pondering, and how the two of them became a super sappy lovey-dovey loser couple (see also: the honeypre christmas aquarium date story). these two are such a cute couple istg
so ofc, i had to make it aiyuu.
making yujiro mochita was easy. turning aizo into akarin was not. like... aizo kept approaching yujiro. aizo, bro, just let him pine from afar in peace :’)
also the fact that aizo and akarin have such vast differences in their personalities did not help matters lmao. though i did try to keep the key theme of akarin trying to find out what “love” is, so... eh? itried.png
and i’m so sorry aizooooo idk if your canon backstory was this bad i just kinda based it off the yellow mv
including ascana was not intentional. i just needed aizo to have best friends a la natsuakamiou. making them date each other was definitely not intentional, but it’s what they wanted so... gg.
but welp, this is how it turned out. i guess i can’t complain, since a fic was (somehow) churned out despite the process.
then again, i guess i can attribute all of this to the versatility of aiyuu’s characters.
like seriously, they are so versatile that i managed to come up with a somewhat convincing way to incorporate them into harumiou, midosena and koyuhina+kouhina. but whether or not they end up acting ooc is another story altogether lol. i guess i can just excuse that away as “it’s an au!”, “i need to incorporate some of the original character (of the pairing)’s personality!”, but eh. i’ll try my best?
next stop for this series: harumiou! it’ll also be a 2-parter, but i’ll only make a tumblr post about it once both parts are up! i’ll probably only upload it around springtime (whenever it may be; we don’t have 4 seasons in my country lmaorip), to keep in line with the “spring couple” theme ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thanks for reading this (if you did lmaoo)
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