#mod Chara is biased
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utdrmv-confession-box · 2 months
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Transcript: hello everybody i'm back to give my two cents on the ongoing discussion floating around here. (sorry to the mod in advance.)
ultimately the fact that kris, frisk and chara (not to mention other nonbinary characters—like napstablook or monster kid) are nonbinary matters very, very much in conjunction with your personal views and biases when it comes to queer people.
it's not that we're asking you to respect these characters like they're real people—we're asking you to show even a modicum of respect for our real identities and feelings. when you see a nonbinary character and think, "this is something for me to project gender on", it shows a lot about the way you think about queer people, and it can hurt queer people in your life by showing you instinctively think they/them is a placeholder and not something to identify with.
i'm not trying to attack anyone. i don't blame anyone. but i think it's important to take into consideration WHY you think you can and must assign these characters a gender, and deconstruct that instinct. i don't care if you're queer yourself—that does not make you exempt from bias and it certainly doesn't make you exempt from making queer folks you interact with think you don't take them seriously.
it's barely about the fictional characters. hell, i don't even care if you use he/she for them if you at least acknowledge that In Canon, these characters are SOLELY referred to by the singular they. just put in a little effort to make your queer peers feel safe with you. it's in the little things.
thank you. 🩷
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Who is the most ticklish monster? Who is the most ticklish human (including the 6 other souls)?
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what? heresy! how dare people not love gladio? entirely incomprehensible honestly. and there really was absolutely no reason to drag ignis along for any of that. i still have some more story to go, so my opinions might still change, but here’s how it stands now: i don’t really like noct (y’know, the main character, the one that i am). that might be because i’m slightly biased against black hair. actually i got a mod that changes his hair to brown and i instantly liked him a lot better.
I know, it should be considered a goddamn crime! He’s such a good boy and nobody can change my mind bye (he’s just so much of a big brother I high key want him to adopt me.............. I have a little brother who is taller than me and could therefore technically act as a big brother but his friends are more important to him than his poor lonely older-but-shorter sister so I totally need Gladio)
Now that’s certainly an interesting reason to dislike a chara. I gotta admit at first I was kinda neutral about Noct but now I love him too, I’m just. He was supposed to be all dark and shit initially but then they decided that nope, let’s give this kid depression and make him sleep all day. I saw a video from the game on Twitter a couple days ago where they’re talking about how he’s supposed to make some headlines or something and he just goes “I’d rather be in the obituaries” which. Honestly. That’s a whole ass mood right there.
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