#mod kame here THANK U ANON WE LOVE YOU
ensembleimagines · 7 years
no request, just to say that your writings amazing and thank you for working so hard to put things out!!
thank you so much anon!! you’re far too sweet, the kind words really do mean a lot!! our lives have been pretty chaotic as of late so we haven’t been posting as consistently as we’d like to (not to mention i rewrite scenarios over and over again until satisfied) so things have been a bit slow, thank you and everyone else for being so patient! muwah muwah
- mod daikichi
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I'm always self conscious I dont like to show it though so I act really cocky any advice to stop be fake confident and get a bit more real confidence
aight here’s the real answer I know I’m a mean asshole sorry lmao :)
Sapphire: fsdahlksdjf hY aNoN h0w r U t0dAy i’M g00D I sAw a sHiNy tAil0w t0DaY aNd iT aTtAcKeD mY dAd bUt hE’s aLl g00d :D.
0k so Ruby just kame in and t0ld me t0 type liek a n0rmal pers0n bcuz every0ne kn0ws I can type I just pretend t0 n0t be able t0 t0 c0nfuse pe0ple s0 Ruby’s an ass g0 hate 0n him @every0ne. But I’m still g0nna rite all the “o”’s as “0″’s bcuz it’s fun :D.
I was pretty self k0nci0us but I never akted t00 c0cky (at least n0t as much as Ruby s0rry R00by but it’s true). Ruby taught me h0w t0 have m0re self c0nfidence and it really helped with my insecurities. He made me make lists 0f all the g00d things ab0ut myself. We started with 3 g00d things and the next time we did 5 and s0 0n. It’s pretty hard but ya just have t0 ign0re that v0ice in yer head that tells ya “If y0u akn0wledge any 0f yer qualities, yer a c0cky d0uche.” (yes I had that v0ice in my head. n0 I’m n0t ashamed. fyte me.) Emerald w0uld help t00. We w0uld have battles and Ruby w0uld rec0rd them. We’d all watch the replay and it w0uld sh0w me that I’m talented at battlin’ (It was als0 g00d f0r me and Rald t0 see what we c0uld impr0ve in battles :) I d0n’t really kn0w h0w t0 help ya with the c0cky part, but I think gettin’ s0me real self c0nfidence helps reduce ar0gance and I’ve seen it with my 0wn eyes f0r Ruby’s case.
Ruby: Anon, I am so sorry that you had a stroke while reading Sapphire’s answer I will personally pay your hospital bills (unless they’re expensive)((Mod message: idk how expensive medical bills are I live in a country where you don’t have to pay medical expenses :P)) Anyway, I used to be cocky and I’d show off and act arrogant to hide my true feelings and because I was insecure. I seemed self-centred but deep down, I couldn’t think of a single good quality about myself. Once I finished helping Sapphire with her ‘insecurities training’, she realized that I needed some too. She made me do the whole list of good qualities thing but it was a little harder for me since I have sO mAnY gOoD qUaLiTieS :D. She made me write more personal things, unlike things I’d write along the lines of ‘best coordinator in Hoenn’. I mean, it’s true, I don’t know why she didn’t let me write it but whatever. She’d start writing things about me as an example. (She could think of A LOT of things. Partly cause I’m so amazing and partly because she loves me :,) But the personal things would be like ‘caring about your loved ones’ so maybe try the whole list method. You could also look in a mirror every day and say ‘I’m a good person and I deserve to be happy.’ I’m not even being sarcastic or cocky, it really does work. So yeah, that’s all the advice I’ve got for you, anon, I’m sorry once again about the stroke you had earlier while reading Sapphire’s answer.
Sapphire: What do ya mean a stroke, ya idiot?!
Ruby: Oh come on, Sapphire, I had a heart attack the other day reading your text messages.
Sapphire: Yea rite, ya prissy drama kween. Yer so dramatic sometimes, jeez.
Ruby: I am no-
Emerald: Alright, Littleroot dirt for you. Points E-Shooter at Sapphire and shoots dirt at her face.
Sapphire: HEY!
Emerald: And Goldenrod dirt for you. Points E-Shooter at Ruby and shoots dirt at his shirt.
Ruby: HEY, Emerald! You got my shirt dirty you little-
Emerald: And that’s all for today, anon, you can thank me for saving you from endless flirting by sending me a Christmas gift. Bye.
Ruby and Sapphire: Wha-
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