#i wonder what ruby was gonna say :0
zerothejackal · 1 year
this may contain written spoilers for the murder of sonic the hedgehog
This is outdated and getting a rewrite
okay, this is gonna be one of those crazy theories full of headcanons i make on discord, except this time I'M POSTING IT!
Hypothesis: Barry is a chaos user
Now, I know what you're thinking
"there's no proof of that what are you on"
AND I'D SAY "its just my little headcanon with no evidence :3c" however maybe there's some evidence, what if the THINK minigames are...
somewhat more real than just "think of what sonic would do"
what if Barry's chaos power is a very weakened (due of not knowing of it) form of ESP, so hear me out, here's my proof
During every interrogation this happens
0) have Barry collect clues before the interrogation
1) Tails says he and Barry have formed hypothesis or Tails makes an accusation/unfounded argument
(to which Barry progressively wonders why Tails and people keep mentioning them before an interrogation)
2) we have to select the correct type of evidence, from Barry's inventory, to form an argument
3) play the THINK minigame so that Barry can order their thoughts
4) Tails explains the argument flawlessly and barry sometimes lags behind
"but that isn't proof of anything"
Hear me out: Barry's power is not only some sort of ESP, but some sort of inspiration or enlightenment kind of telepathy!
The game doesn't show Barry telling Tails anything, yet Tails forms almost always a very strong argument from a piece of trash Barry found laying around
Sure, he comments on them beforehand giving the player insight on how to use the clues during the interrogation
And Tails is a really smart kid, [and while we know IQ tests are dumb, he might have an IQ equal to eggman's, if not higher] however; Tails is... still a kid, he's prone to making mistakes
proof of this is in the very game in Espio's accusation! where all his arguments are weak and we have to help him out several times
[and several other times in different canon where being an 8 year old has overcame his high intelligence] [see: Forces]
and let's also remember Tails' intelligence comes in the form of excelling at engineering, robotics, coding, and mechanics; but there's different types of Intelligence, and just because one is super intelligent means they'll be great at everything
Eggman excels at the same things as Tails, however he took more time to make functional replicas of the phantom ruby, whereas Tails was able to make a functional replica of a chaos emerald in way less time.
The point is, Tails somehow always has something to say about things during the interrogations, and somehow always involves Barry even though they're not often adding anything
what if Barry is constantly giving Tails the information, and Tails being surrounded by chaos users always doesn't think much of it
plus this game has a lot of dialogue detail, wouldn't it be more correct to have them at least be shown to discuss something before presenting the argument?
but nope, Tails always jumps right into action the moment Barry shows a piece of evidence and does the THINK minigame
sure, it could be the discussion is done DURING the THINK minigame, but the dialogue doesn't inherently imply that, Tails often just tells us to think how the evidence links to the unfounded arguments from the interrogation
but if you aren't yet convinced: there's also...
Barry was always able to find clues, while Tails ... didn't really, even though they were working as a team, Barry always found the clues; even if for them they didn't seem as clues sometimes
sure, Barry is the avatar for us, and the game being a point-&-click needs to present us with minimal things to be able to interact with
but what if in Barry's mind it was somewhat the same, what if the same things we were presented with as interactable objects...
were also somewhat highlighted in Barry's mind
I'm not gonna use the trashbin thing as proof since theres a reason Barry did it through the game, they even tell Tails about it
but they do find every piece of evidence that could support any argument Tails bould be beginning to cook...
"but maybe Tails just made an argument with the things Barry collected and just wanted to include Barry on the interrogations"
there's truth to that; however, my argument can coexist with that one, Barry could've "inspired" tails with some sort of ESP during their THINK Sequences, and Tails could've formed a stronger argument through that!
in fact it sorta makes sense
Barry organizes the thoughts Tails presents them with AND shares the information with Tails to form the argument
all during a mind link while we are playing the THINK minigames!
LASTLY, and the weak part of the argument that I'm presenting; but still a part I wanted to include,
why was the final fight a THINK minigame? because Barry was helping!
do you think, after being inspired by Sonic the hedgehog he would stand in the background and do nothing?
it's implied the other friends of Sonic were also attacking the train during that whole thing
what if Barry was doing something
what if, specifically, Barry was giving information to Sonic of the train's next moves and where to go in the rail tracks
so that Sonic could spindash right into the train's carcass for amy to deliver the final hit with her piko piko hammer
is there any actual proof to this one?
unlike the other two arguments? not really
but it kiiinda makes sense?
Conclusion: Barry is a chaos user, specifically has a weakened/dormant ESP ability!
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I'm always self conscious I dont like to show it though so I act really cocky any advice to stop be fake confident and get a bit more real confidence
aight here’s the real answer I know I’m a mean asshole sorry lmao :)
Sapphire: fsdahlksdjf hY aNoN h0w r U t0dAy i’M g00D I sAw a sHiNy tAil0w t0DaY aNd iT aTtAcKeD mY dAd bUt hE’s aLl g00d :D.
0k so Ruby just kame in and t0ld me t0 type liek a n0rmal pers0n bcuz every0ne kn0ws I can type I just pretend t0 n0t be able t0 t0 c0nfuse pe0ple s0 Ruby’s an ass g0 hate 0n him @every0ne. But I’m still g0nna rite all the “o”’s as “0″’s bcuz it’s fun :D.
I was pretty self k0nci0us but I never akted t00 c0cky (at least n0t as much as Ruby s0rry R00by but it’s true). Ruby taught me h0w t0 have m0re self c0nfidence and it really helped with my insecurities. He made me make lists 0f all the g00d things ab0ut myself. We started with 3 g00d things and the next time we did 5 and s0 0n. It’s pretty hard but ya just have t0 ign0re that v0ice in yer head that tells ya “If y0u akn0wledge any 0f yer qualities, yer a c0cky d0uche.” (yes I had that v0ice in my head. n0 I’m n0t ashamed. fyte me.) Emerald w0uld help t00. We w0uld have battles and Ruby w0uld rec0rd them. We’d all watch the replay and it w0uld sh0w me that I’m talented at battlin’ (It was als0 g00d f0r me and Rald t0 see what we c0uld impr0ve in battles :) I d0n’t really kn0w h0w t0 help ya with the c0cky part, but I think gettin’ s0me real self c0nfidence helps reduce ar0gance and I’ve seen it with my 0wn eyes f0r Ruby’s case.
Ruby: Anon, I am so sorry that you had a stroke while reading Sapphire’s answer I will personally pay your hospital bills (unless they’re expensive)((Mod message: idk how expensive medical bills are I live in a country where you don’t have to pay medical expenses :P)) Anyway, I used to be cocky and I’d show off and act arrogant to hide my true feelings and because I was insecure. I seemed self-centred but deep down, I couldn’t think of a single good quality about myself. Once I finished helping Sapphire with her ‘insecurities training’, she realized that I needed some too. She made me do the whole list of good qualities thing but it was a little harder for me since I have sO mAnY gOoD qUaLiTieS :D. She made me write more personal things, unlike things I’d write along the lines of ‘best coordinator in Hoenn’. I mean, it’s true, I don’t know why she didn’t let me write it but whatever. She’d start writing things about me as an example. (She could think of A LOT of things. Partly cause I’m so amazing and partly because she loves me :,) But the personal things would be like ‘caring about your loved ones’ so maybe try the whole list method. You could also look in a mirror every day and say ‘I’m a good person and I deserve to be happy.’ I’m not even being sarcastic or cocky, it really does work. So yeah, that’s all the advice I’ve got for you, anon, I’m sorry once again about the stroke you had earlier while reading Sapphire’s answer.
Sapphire: What do ya mean a stroke, ya idiot?!
Ruby: Oh come on, Sapphire, I had a heart attack the other day reading your text messages.
Sapphire: Yea rite, ya prissy drama kween. Yer so dramatic sometimes, jeez.
Ruby: I am no-
Emerald: Alright, Littleroot dirt for you. Points E-Shooter at Sapphire and shoots dirt at her face.
Sapphire: HEY!
Emerald: And Goldenrod dirt for you. Points E-Shooter at Ruby and shoots dirt at his shirt.
Ruby: HEY, Emerald! You got my shirt dirty you little-
Emerald: And that’s all for today, anon, you can thank me for saving you from endless flirting by sending me a Christmas gift. Bye.
Ruby and Sapphire: Wha-
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zippityzap · 3 years
Sonic Tarot Card Project: explanations for character picks
Recently I completed a summer-long project where I created Sonic themed versions of the tarot major acana. I put a lot of research and thought into what characters to assign to which cards, and I wanted to explain my rationale behind each one! (Everything’s under the read more cut because this is a very long post!)
To start off, let me explain why I did this project in the first place. This summer I watched Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure for the first time, and in Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, the majority of the stand abilities are named after the tarot major arcana. Thanks to cultural osmosis I vaguely knew the meanings of a few of the cards and I realised that one of the characters suited his assigned card pretty well. I was curious if this matched anyone else and so once I finished watching that part, I did research on tarot and found that yeah, a lot of them do match! That got me interested in tarot and since I like combining things I’m interested in, I decided to make Sonic versions of the cards.
I do want to note that while Jojo did inspire this project in a lot of ways, I tried not to let my character picks be influenced by Stardust Crusader characters, although there did end up being some picks that did coincidentally happen to match nicely anyway. Also, I’m not gonna lie, ever since picking these card choices I’ve been highly tempted to draw Sonic as Polnareff.
Anyway, on to my explanations for character choices!
0: The Fool (Charmy Bee)
The Fool represents innocence, spontaneity and recklessness. I believe Charmy’s happy and carefree nature, along with the simple fact that he’s essentially just a little kid who likes to have fun makes him a great fit for this card
1: The Magician (Infinite)
The Magician represents creation and strength, but also manipulation and narcissism, a good match for Infinite and the powers of the phantom ruby. (I was also very pleased to notice that the traditional art for the card has an infinity symbol- everything lined up very well!)
The Rider Waite version of the card also depicts a sword, a wand, a cup and a pentacle; the suits of the minor arcana. I have attempted to depict these with various objects from the Sonic series, namely Infinite’s sword from the IDW Forces prequel comic, the sceptre of darkness from '06, a chaos emerald, and a ring respectively.
2: The High Priestess (Princess Elise)
The High Priestess represents secrets, repression, and the unknown, which I believe fits with Elise’s initial desire to control her emotions and her sadness. (Admittedly this is one of the looser character/card connections for this project, but my two other picks for this card I felt were better suited to different cards)
3: The Empress (Vanilla the Rabbit)
The Empress represents nurturing, fertility and childbirth, all traits that I believe make this card a good pick for a kind, caring mother like Vanilla
4: The Emperor (Dr Eggman)
A card fitting for the leader of the Eggman Empire! The Emperor represents authority, power, and tyranny, all traits Dr Robotnik desires, if not possesses in many continuities.
5: The Hierophant (Espio the Chameleon)
The Hierophant represents wisdom and tradition, and in both upright and reversed forms it has large connections to the concept of social conformity. Perhaps I’m drawing more from the various comic versions of Espio, but he comes across to me as someone who is hyper-aware about how he presents himself.
Fun fact: a hierophant is essentially another word for a religious leader, although I’ve never seen it used outside the context of tarot. I assume the religious connection is the reason why in the OST of the Jojo part 3 anime, Kakyoin’s theme is called Noble Pope.
6: The Lovers (Amy Rose)
The Lovers represents love, communication, and passion; and Amy is certainly a character who wears her heart on her sleeve! She’s a good example of a character who I feel fits a number of different cards, however there are no other characters who suited The Lovers quite as much as her.
7: The Chariot (Sonic the Hedgehog)
The Chariot represents journeys, wanderlust as well as the ambition and willpower to achieve your goals, which I believe is the perfect match for Sonic’s adventurous and heroic spirit. This was one of the first cards I decided on and it’s probably the one I’d defend my interpretation of the most.
If you’re wondering why there’s dark and hero chao in the artwork too, it’s because the original card art depicts the titular chariot being pulled by black and white sphinxes, and this is my way of calling back to that.
8: Strength (Maria Robotnik)
This card pick might seem unusual at first if you take the word ‘strength’ at face value, however considering the original card art depicts a maiden peacefully taming a lion, perhaps the Strength card represents inner strength, courage and determination rather than physical strength. These are traits that I believe Maria possesses.
9: The Hermit (Knuckles the Echidna)
The Hermit signifies awareness and independence but when reversed can mean isolation and resignation, traits that parallel well with Knuckles and his duty to be the protector of the Master Emerald
10: The Wheel of Fortune (Big the Cat)
The Wheel of Fortune represents fate, karma and luck! This is admittedly a bit of a cheeky dig at myself since I’m awful at the Big fishing levels in SA1 and mostly got through them through luck. But that’s not to say the card doesn’t apply to Big himself! His frequent cameos do have a bit of a fate/destiny vibe to them and in IDW Big is lucky enough to manage to avoid the metal virus for quite a long time.
11: Justice (Vector the Crocodile)
The meaning of the Justice cards is… pretty much what it says on the tin: fairness and clarity. Of course the Team Chaotix detective agency represents this as a whole, but that trait especially shines through with Vector himself. He may be a little money oriented, but doing what is morally right always takes priority.
12: The Hanged Man (Shadow the Hedgehog)
The thing about Shadow is that he’s a fairly complex character which means there are a number of cards in the Major Arcana that match him well, but I knew early on when tackling this project that I wanted to assign Shadow to The Hanged Man. This card represents change, release and sacrifice, which all align well with the character arc that Shadow goes through during the course of SA2 and beyond.
13: Death (Tikal the Echidna and Chaos)
Despite the morbid name of the card, (and the admittedly macabre scene I’ve depicted) the Death card is not an inherently negative card to draw. Yes, it can mean endings and grief, but it can also mean letting go and new beginnings. The story that Tikal and Chaos go through in SA1, their anguish and how they later find peace, is something that I think pairs well with this particular card.
Fun fact: this is the only card in this project that has two significant characters on it rather than just one. I felt I needed both of them to be on the card in order to fully represent its meaning
14: Temperance (Blaze the Cat)
The Temperance card signifies balance, harmony and patience, which matches Blaze’s very poised and graceful demeanour. Admittedly I had a little bit of trouble deciding on a card for Blaze since the High Priestess and the Hierophant are also good matches for her.
15: The Devil (Rouge the Bat)
The Devil card represents temptation, seduction, and materialism and well… look, Rouge is one of my favourite Sonic characters, I’d be one of the first people to tell you that there’s a lot more to her than what initially appears, she is so much more complex than just sex appeal and a gemstone obsession. However, I felt there was no other character that matched the traits of this specific card better than Rouge, and so my choice was decided by that.
16: The Tower (E-123 Omega)
The Tower card represents a number of things; disruption, disasters, sudden changes etc, however the trait that made me believe that Omega would be the best selection for the card was violence.
17: The Star (Miles ‘Tails’ Prower)
Tails’ character arcs normally centre around him gaining independence and self-confidence and learning to believe in himself. He is also largely characterised by his unyielding faith and trust in Sonic. These traits are the reason why I believe The Star card represents him well, as it symbolises hope and faith.
18: The Moon (Shade the Echidna)
The Moon card symbolises mysteries and the unknown, and when Shade is first introduced in Chronicles, she and the rest of the Nocturnus Clan are certainly presented as mysterious. The Moon can also represent misconception, which fits well with how Shade was initially unaware of the true nature of Ix’s plans.
19: The Sun (Cream the Rabbit)
The Sun, when drawn in an upright position, has a lot of positive meanings! Freedom, fun, happiness, good luck etc. Cream’s cheerful and optimistic disposition makes her a good match for this card
20: Judgement (E-102 Gamma)
The Judgement card symbolises liberation, awakening, redemption and second chances, all of which I believe represent Gamma and his character arc in SA1 well
21: The World (Metal Sonic)
In the upright position, The World card symbolises triumph, completion, strength and happiness while in reversed position can mean failure, anxiety, lack of self-confidence etc. I had both positioning of the card in mind when connecting it to Metal Sonic; he is devoted to the tasks given to him and is self-assured in his belief that he is the true/superior ‘sonic’ yet he repeatedly finds himself at the hands of failure. But he doesn’t let previous failures hold him back, thus starting the cycle anew. (Another connection to the World card as it also symbolises cycles)
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frogtanii · 3 years
It’s wind anon! (Imagine me as the screeching seagull meme) just pushing through the week. Getting the test out of my mind—it just sucks because there’s always this one test that I completely mess up on—and as someone who has to deal with all honors classes and my grades tend to be good, every time I fail to meet up to expectations my stress skyrockets. (Imagine a world where grades don’t matter and school is learning based rather than mark based...) Family pressures too—okay, wind anon is done ranting.
The update! The drama—I was there the moment it updated and I saw the comments rush in and I was laughing real hard.
But my reaction to the update!
Osamu POV :0!!! The insecurity... “all it did was remind him that he was alone”— I empathize because gosh, that is so real.
The attachment to Meiko though... his emotional state is on a very unstable tightrope. “Osamu had Meiko and he used to have Daichi and Iwaizumi...” that entire section has all my red flags raised. He’s going to completely break when everything comes out.
The loud clang startled me though. I was like “!!!” But it was our YN! Our kind, wonderful YN!! Trying to get snacks wwwwww.
Osamu thinking YN is cute :0 I be having a lot of thoughts about that but him squishing it down is fair. He considers himself to be in a committed relationship (though Meiko does not reciprocate and I am ready to fight regarding that) but I can respect his devotion (even if it is very misguided).
But. “After all, you were the reason Atsumu hated him now and never spoke to him anymore.” My gosh. What do I even say about this? Because the blame is entirely thrown off. I mean, you mentioned before Atsumu had a specific reason for believing in you over Meiko so I’m still waiting for that but Osamu is thinking something wrong but it’s a human action. It’s so easy to blame people to make yourself feel better. And your brain can do it without you realizing the depths of what has been thought.
Osamu being angry (!!!) and being a complete utter douche. YN literally just wanted a bag of chips and you’re here, crowding them in the pantry and being hostile. I don’t have much to say about it because he realized his mistake but by then he already stressed YN really badly and I am...(long sigh).
Atsumu to the rescue. We appreciate Atsumu very very much in this house. It really sucks that Osamu and Atsumu are confronting like this—I mean, Atsumu has been fighting a bit and Osamu had not really been listening to Atsumu on his own end prior to this confrontation so I’m...exhausted and a bit sad in the “It can’t be helped” kind of way.
“Osamu allowed him to, too in shock and ashamed to protest, much less fight back.” It couldn’t be helped considering how everything developed but...it still hurts my chest a bit, y’know? And then Osamu tries to apologize and I’m ready (so so ready) for them to communicate because they desperately need to—
But then Meiko comes in (I am...ready to throw stuff at her. Lots of stuff. Packing peanuts. All squeaky and annoying and bad for the environment just like she is—or something like that, I dunno, I’m half dead because I’m dealing with cramps rn) and all my wishes for them to finally have that much needed conversation where Osamu can finally break down and cry—all my wishes are turned to ash like.
(Angry Wind anon noises)
Meiko rubbing her makeup all over Osamu’s shirt like he is a rag. What in the... And her 4 inch heels please, I cannot, why, I can’t deal with this, I can’t, don’t make me get close to her because I’m like Yachi (stressed out of my mind). Please don’t do this to me. But yeah, Meiko with her poor makeup that doesn’t stay on her face. What the heck....
And Meiko’s scent... gross. Like, brown sugar, cute, nice, baked goods do smell really nice, (ever add a bunch of vanilla extract to a recipe? It like, perfumes around everywhere, it’s insane and wonderful) but chances are (because it’s Meiko), it’s overbearingly sweet. Chinese food (I do not trust her taste in Chinese food to be frank), I happen to come from a Chinese family, I have Chinese food for dinner like everyday, it would take a lot to be able to get that sort of scent on you. And I do mean a lot. And hairspray??? Chemical? I do not,,, I,,, Osamu, why would you breathe that in? It’s gonna be real bad for your lungs? And we already know Meiko smokes as well—your lung health, please value it—
And then the Suna entrance. Wonderfully done fr0ggy!
Final thoughts, I am very much projecting onto Yachi rn. Yachi has been in the house for less than a week and she already has to deal with this. The company should give her a raise. My gosh.
Anyway, might as well do a thoughts/headcanon thing because it’s been a while and my mind is still on gem/jewel stuff (so hope you don’t mind!)
Okay, so Kenma I think would go with a warm colored gemstone, and citrine would work well with him! “Protection against evil thoughts” because we know Meiko has ramped up is insecurity and lowered his self-esteem.
I mentioned this before last time but Sakusa is definitely onyx. That black is iconic, and “sharpening wit” would make sense with his grace for word play and snark.
Akaashi is an interesting one...I think sapphire. I mean, sapphire can have many colors besides the classic dark blue, so that’s one thing, but it’s known for “loyalty and a pledge of trust” which Akaashi gave. I think it’s suitable for him.
Suga...initially I was thinking pearl would match him in terms of appearance, but actually looking at my reference, turquoise would work really really well with him. “Protect from evil, maintain virtue, bring good luck”. Would work well.
For Atsumu and Osamu I wanted something that could represent their duality. My first thought was gold and silver. I mean, it’d fit in terms of appearance but I’m not sure that would be the best comparison. Gold doesn’t rust so it fits Atsumu who never fell for Meiko’s tricks. Silver has been said to vanquish dark/evil beings (vampires, werewolves, the classic silver bullets and stakes). It would be interesting to see if the comparison will apply to today’s update :D!
I like how my brain shut off and couldn’t remember anyone else for a second—anyway, Oikawa... every time I think of him, I want some hue of blue wwww. I guess Aquamarine “soothing influence” would work. Since he joined YN’s side, he has been able to see the big picture and be a voice of reason. He’s thoughtful and I think aquamarine which encourages long relationships is suitable because that is what he wanted. So yes, aquamarine.
Bokuto...is a tough one. I’m trying to still keep with their color schemes a bit. I think carnelian would work. “Health, luck, bold energy, warmth, joy”—it would represent him fine. It’s a bit more orange than I would prefer but it suits him so I think it’s okay.
Iwaizumi... emerald? I mean, he does suit green tones, and “rebirth, regeneration, new hope” would work just fine for him.
Right now my brain is complete mush and I can’t think of anything for Kuroo and Daichi. Like, Kuroo would be red, sure, but the more famous ruby/garnet I think don’t represent him fully because he is still rather contained. Hmm, would need to think about them more.
But I’d like your thoughts on this too :D!!
I wanna do something suitable for all colors for YN, so opal! YN has many different parts and colors and is overall a very vivid person—if you tilt opal, you see more and more faces and things underneath being brought into your eyes. YN may be seen from many different perspectives, but YN is always beautiful and amazing. So opal is what I think YN would be.
Anyway, I’ll end here :D! Need to eat lunch. Much love towards you fr0ggy! Make sure you eat and rest up too~ drink some water or any other fluid to hydrate! And keep warm too. Much love to all the fans and supporters and ask senders too! It’s really awesome seeing and hearing from all of you and seeing new faces with the old. Love the excitement and points you all bring up—makes my brain happy.
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The SOLDIER and The Baker || Cloud Strife || Pt3
Part 1  || Part 2.
A/n: Also vote...please vote / help me because I need your help to decided on what to do since its gonna be coming up soon. {{ vote here }}
Ps. this got to long so the kiss and date and everything else is gonna be in part four. {{ like I am sure this is past 4,000 words }}
A: 2 B: 0 C: 1
Tag List: @ayamenimthiriel​ || @kitsamii. || @courageouslystupid​
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Rude was stuck in a rather tough spot, the man did not know what to make of this. He thought he might be able to find any records of the young woman, it seemed to be as if they were completely wiped. Sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose, pulling of security footage of when he ran into you the man managed to get a picture of you.
He needed to know who you are, how did you know Aerith. Sighing he tilted his head to the side as he printed out a picture of you though tensed feeling crumbs hit his shoulder.
“She’s cute.” Even though it was muffled thanks to the food in the person's mouth Rude still knew who it was. “Who is she?”
“The girl I ran into.”
“The one who made these amazing muffin...haha really?....so did you get a name?” Reno asked peering at the picture of you from the candid photo, your hair was tied back in a loss ponytail and you were wearing a dress similar to Aerith’s. He thought you were rather pretty, he also thought that smile was cute but you must be someone important if Rude was looking into you.
“I did not.”
“So...you have nothing on her then?”
“You would be correct.”
“Well Shit.”
Rude sighed as he placed the picture down, maybe he should check into with Tseng to see if he could find something, or Rufus might know. 
“Shit indeed.”
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“So Cloud...”
“hmm??” Cloud glanced over at you, he watched as your fingers clutched the Mythril Rod in your fingers.
“I...what was it like being a SOLDIER?” You sighed glancing up at the sky, you never knew why seeing the stars gave you so much comfort. Perhaps it was something that you used to do with your father until he vanished.
“It’s a job...I did it to keep people safe, a lot of good that did.”
Turning to face him, you just smiled at him. “I think you’re doing a wonderful job of watching me and Aerith.”
“Huh?” Cloud frowned then shook his head, he should have expected you to say something like that.
“Aw, I thought for sure that would have given me a smile.” You teased rushing off to where Aerith was.
Stopping in his tracks Cloud frowned for a moment then shook his head. “Try harder.”
Your laughter was his only response but it took a few quick strides for him to catch up with you.
“You can see the sky” Glancing up, that was something he wasn’t used too being stuck in Sector 7 and seeing that plate.
Aerith frowned as she looked up at the dark sky with a frown on her face. “They’re still working on a new plate. I don’t like this part of Midgar.” As you three walked down the dirt path she kept speaking. “Back when they were still building Midgar, there was an accident, and the plate fell. People were still moving in, so there weren’t an of lot living there at the time, but....” She stopped as you three ventured deep down the path until you all spotted the Wall Market in the distance, the lights shining brightly in the night.
“And that’s?”
“The underside of Sector 6. “Wall Market.” A real special place.” Aerith then stepped in front of him tilting her head to the side. “But I’m sure you already knew that, right?”
Cloud frowned then turned his head away. “I didn’t tell you?”He then let out a sigh glancing away from you. “I enlisted pretty much right after I left home.” He then turned his attention to look at the stars. “Dunno much about this place, or any of the slums.”
Biting back a comment you then forced a smile on your face as your grasped his hand. “Don’t worry Cloud! that's what you have me and Aerith for!.”
Aerith smiled nodding her head not letting him get a chance to speak.”Y/n is right ya know.” Though that didn’t stop her from telling him about the Wall Market, things you didn’t even know. 
“Lucky for you I know a different way to Sector 7....One that tragically doesn’t go through Wall Market.” Giving you a wink you were positive that you only saw she gave you a small nod to his hand. Sighing she grasped one of Cloud’s hand as you grasped the other. “And it’s just through this tunnel here.” she pointed a long tunnel ahead of you.
“It’s best if you just listen to her Cloud, Aerith isn’t going to stop.” You state though the man let out a defeated sigh. Muttering under your breath you three continued to walk through the dark tunnel into you had to duck under a broken beam.
Emerging under you couldn’t help but let out a groan. “Wonderful.” Seeing the Collapsed expressway, you started to wonder if you would ever make it to Sector 7.
“It’s been like this...ever since the plate fell.” Aerith shrugged as she let go of the man's hands peering down below.
“And their’s no other way?”
“It will be an adventure.”
Sighing you rolled your eyes though then let go of his hand once you reached a ladder. You and Aerith slipped down waiting for the man, tugged out the blue flower he wanted to give to you the man was amazed it was still intact.
Biting bit tongue, he took a deep breath deciding now would be the best time to do it. Once he made it down the ladder he cleared out his throat then thrusts the flower in your face, not wanting to meet your gaze. “Here...for the cupcake...”
Hearing Aerith’s squeal you blinked, blushing as you took the flower. Smiling at him you could still feel the warmth on your cheeks. “Thank you Cloud, it’s beautiful.” Looking at the blue flower over you realized it must have been from the young woman's garden. You then tucked the stem in your hair so the blue petals were resting on your ear.
“So...what do you think.?” Doing a small pose you were taken back by what he said. 
Though the moment was ruined as Aerith then grasped your arm tugging you forward. “Ahhh! so cute!”
Cloud sighed as he then crossed his arms over his chest, now he wished he waited to give it to you so he wouldn’t have to deal with Aerith. Shoulders slumping he glanced around the small little area you were all stuck in trying to figure out a way to get the ladder up.
Wandering off from the two you did not know why you were being drawn to this particular area. Slowly making your way to a darkened corner, hearing a small cry you then knelt. “Hey it’s okay....you don’t have to be scared.”
Though you suddenly let out your cry falling back on your butt when a white creature jumped out at you. Sitting up you didn’t even notice that Cloud and Aerith rushed over to you. The man clutching his buster sword pointing it at the creature sitting on your chest. Aerith gave you a beaming grin kneeling forward pushing Cloud aside.
“Oh y/n! do you know what that is?” 
Still recovering you slowly bring your hands up then run your fingers through the soft fur. “A Carbuncle.....they were in the storybook my mom used to read to me when I was little.” Smiling you continued to pet the creature, it leaning into your touch. “Well, it was nice meeting you little um Carbuncle.”
The Fennec fox-like animal tilting its head to the side once you placed it on the ground. Standing up you walked a few feet before the animal followed you then jumped on your shoulder, its teeth sinking into your Mythril Rod.
“I think it likes you Y/n!” Aerith was smiling.
“Can you trust it?” Cloud, however, was not, the man rather not risk anything happening to you. Shaking his head from those thoughts he did not know why he was thinking that. He kept his gaze on the creature, the Carbuncle had pale blue fur, its large ears twitching as the thing turned its gaze to him while its puffy tail wrapped around your neck gently. He could have sworn the damn thing gave him a smug look.
“Don’t be stupid Cloud! Of course, we can....besides it likes Y/n and you want her to be safe right....?” She started to rock on her heels then smiled tapping the Carbuncle’s nose. “Did you know that the horn is made out of ruby? but don’t let this little one fool you...they have potent healing powers.”
Well if that was true then he guessed that it was one more thing that could keep you two safe. “I...fine....though if it...I’m getting rid of it if it’s a pain in the ass.”
Letting out a laugh you scratched behind the creature's large ears. “Thank you, Cloud and it looks like you need a name.”Hmm how about Celestine...because you have that pretty little stone on your forehead.”
Celestine let out a small chirp, grinning you, Aerith, Cloud, and your new companion was off. 
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“Thank god we are out of that mess.” Panting you were leaning forward doing your best to catch your breath, you never thought you could have that hard. Who knew that so man monsters were trapped in a collapsed tunnel, god it was going to be shit getting back to yours and Aerith’s home.
Celestine hopping off your shoulders as you looked around the Evergreen Park of Sector 6.
“Wow....that must be the gate to Sector 7...you must be happy Cloud” Turning to face the blond you smiled at him though it was hard to read the expression on his face.
“I...looks shut how do we open it?”
Now standing beside you Aerith shrugged giving him her smile. “More importantly how about we take a break? Sound good.”
“No, I don’t have time-”
“Aerith now’s not really.”
Ignoring both of you, she continued to smile giving you a small push towards the dome house. With a sigh you climbed up the wall sitting on top of it, not expecting Cloud to be by your side.
“Wait! Aerith what are you?~”
With a laugh, Aerith waved both of you off. “Now is a good time for you two to get to know each other better!”
Dropping your shoulders you brought your knees to the chest to see her chase after the Carbuncle.
Glancing over at Cloud you gave him a weak smile. “She’s something?”
“Yea” Frowning Cloud opened his mouth though he didn’t know what to say to you, what could he say?
“You know...me and my dad used to do this all the time...look at the stars I mean.” Glancing up at the night sky you started to get lost in a memory. “He’d sit me in his lap and point out all the different stars.” Frowning you rested your head on your knees. “I miss him.”
“What happened to your parents?” Cloud wanted to know though he’d understand if you didn’t answer him.
“My father? I don’t know what happened to him...one day...he was just gone a-and for my mother? she died... let's see...um I was eleven.” You tried to blink away tears though as you were crying you felt a hand rest on your cheek. 
“I’m sorry.”
Clearing out your throat you let out a laugh smiling at him. “It wasn’t all bad...Aerith’s mother took me in after my mother's death and when I grew older I moved back into my old home.” You didn’t want to worry about the man but you weren’t going to lie, it felt nice for him to touch your cheek.
Pulling his hand back, the man forced himself not to blush. Now he could see why you and Aerith were close. “I lost my mother too.”
“Oh! Cloud I’m.” Stopping yourself you sighed resting your head on his shoulder. “I’m sure she would be proud of you.” You didn’t mean to say it, the words just slipped out but they were true.
You both turned to face each other, it wasn’t until now that you got a good look at his eyes. “Wow...your eyes.”
“Oh. It’s ‘Cause of the Mako. All SOLDIER’s have em.” He shifted his body, turning away from you. If his cheeks weren’t red before he was positive they were now.
“They’re beautiful.” Biting your lip you forced out a laugh standing up, dusting your dress off you noticed that the Carbuncle was curled up in Aerith’s arm. “Sorry I’m bumming you out...w..we should go.” Climbing down took a little time though you rolled your eyes once Cloud jumped down.
“Show off.”
Before Cloud could respond Aerith smiled as she slipped under the dome playhouse. Giving you both a grin she must have moved something before she slipped back out.
“This is how you get to sector 7 in style..go ahead.” Aerith did seem a little disappointed that her plan on leaving you two alone didn’t work.
Walking towards the entrance he sighed turned his attention to look at both of you. “Will you two be okay getting home alone?”
Shifting her body that statement seemed to make Aerith a little pleased. “And If I said we wouldn’t be?”
Looking over at you Cloud frowned taking a step forward. “Then I’ll go with you two.” Shaking his head he started to walk off.
“Cloud...I thought you had to get back.” You reached out to grab the man's wrist though you were quickly shushed by Aerith.
Rolling your eyes you stepped away from the woman you tried to hold you back. “I’m sure your friends miss you...so you ready to head back?”
You weren’t expecting to hear that, though Aerith nearly squealed as she grasped your arm. “Oh see Y/n! he’s gonna miss us.”
Just as you were going to convince the man to leave all of your attention turned to the doors opening up to a Chocobo pulling a lavish cart.
You and Aerith watch Cloud rush off after the cart and it didn’t take long for you and Aerith to follow after him. The two were talking you tried your best not to listen in but that didn’t seem to both Aerith as she stopped the man in his tracks. 
“Oh no you don’t....you’re going after her.”
“She’s right Cloud...I heard awful things about that man.” You weren’t going to mention that you heard them from your mother.
Listing to both of what you and Aerith had to say he then dropped his shoulders making his way to Wall Market. “Let's go.”
“Perfect!” You and Aerith smiled walking ahead of Cloud, the Carbuncle letting out a chirp. 
“Couldn’t agree more.”
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Stepping into Wall Market your eyes went wide, you never have seen anything like it before. Wincing you ignored the pain that started to form in the back of your skull, wandering away from Cloud and Aerith that started to the drive you instead started to pet the Chocobo.
“Aren’t you a cutie.” Smiling your fingers scratched the creature's cheek though you were startled by a voice.
“I’m surprised she even let out touch her....you must be somethin special.” Turning to the voice you spotted a tall man, a beard, and a cowboy hat. He was flipping a coin in his hand.
“Oh!...I’m sorry? I just really love animals and Chocobo’s...they’ve always been my favorite.” Giving him a small bow he let out a chuckle, it wasn’t until you finally noticed that Cloud and Aerith were watching you too.
Before Sam could get close to you, Cloud placed his body in front of yours though that didn’t stop for the man holding his hand out to you.
“You’re the splitin image of your mother.”
Eyes going wide you quickly stepped out from behinds Cloud back. “You knew my mother?!” “Darlin...your mother was one of the best workers I had.” Sam wrinkled his nose as he grasped your chin.“I’d say you got everything from that woman...minus that smile...I’m assuming you got that from your dad.” He didn’t sound too pleased when he mentioned your father.
“Though I seemed to have gotten distracted for the matter at hand.” He narrowed his eyes at Cloud. “I told ya what you need to know now take a walk and leave me out of it.” he seemed to have waved the man and Aerith off though it looked like he was debating on saying something to you with a shake of his head he stepped inside the building.
Confused you didn’t even notice Aerith say something until she placed her hand on your shoulder. “Right y/n?”
“Oh...right ha ha!.” Putting a smile you did your best to agree to them though soon you three were off to the man's mansion though your thoughts were still swimming from what Sam had told you. Your mother worked for, which would explain why she knew about Corneo. Frowning you did your push those thoughts down but you wanted to know more, perhaps you could sneak off to talk to Sam again.
Not paying attention you slammed into Clouds back but you must have been nothing since the man didn’t even move this time.
“You okay y/n?” Their’s Aerith concern for you again. Blinking you let out a laugh pushing your troubling thoughts away.
“Oh? I’m fine.” 
Celestine, on the other hand, jumped back on your shoulders, letting out a growl once one of the men standing in front of the door stopped Cloud from entering. Though they must have said something since Aerith volunteered both of you.
“What! he said pretty boys couldn’t enter so we’re the only choice!” Narrowing your eyes you nearly punched the guy in his face when you heard him insulting your friend. “Aerith isn’t homely! have you looked in a mirror!” You snapped stepping out from Clouds back pointing at the man.
“Hey Leslie, this one is really cute....with a little make up she’d be a knockout.” “What?!” You could have sworn your voice went up an octave and you had to catch Celestine from leaping at the guy.
“How about I knock you out.” Cloud let out a small growl pushing you behind his back again.
Aerith narrowed his eyes as she stepped close to one of the lackeys. “Cloud? Permission to kill?”
Before Aerith had a chance to respond the man Leslie did. “If you’re really sure you want to join an audition, then you’re gonna need an official approval.”
“How do we do that.?”
“The trio--the only ones in town who’re considered authorities on Corneos particular tastes.” Leslie sighed then shifted his body. “First, there’s Chocobo Sam....and then there’s Madam M over at the massage parlor. Last but not least, there’s the Honeybee Inn’s Andrea Rhodea.”
You stopped paying attention once Leslie mentioned Sam, maybe this was your chance to talk to the man alone. Shaking your head to turn to the voice that called out to you, looking up you spotted the concerned look on his face. 
“Well, what are we waiting for.”
Smiling you then turned to Leslie giving him a thumbs up. “Don’t you worry..we’ll be back.”
With a nod, you then stepped out the door with Cloud and Aerith following you but Cloud was the one to stop you in your tracks once you were on the bridge.
 “Are you two sure about this?”
“Of course Cloud! if y/n is in then I am too! no fear!”
Doing your best to steady your nerves you didn’t even notice how much your hands were shaking. While part of you wanted to help Clouds friend you just wanted to know about your mother. Biting your lip it took for you to dig your nails into your palm to run to the man once you spotted him still flipping that damn coin.
“Not you three again.” Sam frowned but gave a glance towards your direction. “Told ya once, I’ll tell you a thousand times- Got nothin’ for you. Now scram.” He then waved you off.
Digging your nails into your palm, you were getting sick of all this. “Hey! Hear us out!” You stepped forward, getting close to the man. “You’re one of the Trio, right? I want you to get...” No not you, you couldn’t pull that off. “I need to you get Aerith in for the Audition.”
“Y/n.” Aerith frowned stepping closer to you, she wished you had more confidence, she thought you were beautiful and just as strong at using magic.
“Why not?”
Now that was a surprise, you didn’t think the man would agree so quickly. “Sure, next time an audition comes around I’ll put your name in the hat.” and their it was.
“You can’t...this has to be the one.” You protested. “Please can’t you do something?”
Eyeing Aerith, Sam then shook his head as he turned his attention back to you. “No can do sweetheart..I already recommended Tifa in the running and she’s got this in the bag.”
“How do you know he’ll pick Tifa? he could pick me?”
“Damn you really want in don't ya?”
Giving him a smile Aerith nodded her head. “Sure do.”
Giving her a smirk he played with the coin in his hand. “Then how about we play for it.” Flipping the coin he then caught it in the air. “Call it, Missy. Heads or Tails? Guess right, and I’ll grant you your wish. Guess wrong and you’ll leave me in peace.”
“Tails. You lose.”
‘You lost...that couldn’t be right...you came to far to lose.’That was the thought running through your mind.
“Hey, Don’t look so glum.You’re a pretty enough gal, just...not quite Corneo’s cup of tea.”Sam nodded towards Aerith. “But if only the Don will do, try convincing on of the other two...that’s why it’s a Trio and not just the me-oh. Now Skedaddle” He then started to walk off though it was Cloud that stopped him in his tracks.
“Wait...Mind if I see that coin of yours?”
Giving him a smirk Sam tossed him the coin as Cloud inspected it. “Trick coin...I had a hunch.”
Gasping, your eyes went wide as Aerith continued to flip it over. “You bastard!...you’re a cheat!. You must be mistaken! Because my mother would never work for a conman like you! My mother was kind! she helped anyone like you! You’re delusional and have to have me mistaken for somebody else!”  You screamed at him as Cloud grasped your arm, the man could sense something powerful emerging from you. 
Panting you were shocked when the man started to laugh, shaking his head Sam walked down the steps as he pointed to you. “I like you, I’m sure you got a great left hook like her too.” Grasping his chin he then titled his head to the side. “How about this...I’ll get you...only you into the audition...though you can’t go and speak to anyone else...and nobody can know about this...so...do we have a deal?” He held out his hand to you.
Biting your lip you then looked up at the man with determination in your eyes. “Deal..but you’re going to tell me about my mother.” Grabbing his hand, you glanced back at Cloud. His protest falling on deaf ears. “I’m sorry...I have to do this..I’ll see you two soon...We’ll meet at the bridge in two hours.”
Aerith sighed as she watched her friend retreat into the shop, turning to Cloud she placed her hand on his shoulder. The man’s gaze now watching the closed door.
“Come on Cloud...let’s go try the other two...I still gotta chance. Besides y/n can handle herself.”
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Once you stepped into Sam’s well you didn’t know what to call it, your eyes quickly fell to the photo on the wall. Feeling your eyes started to water you noticed your mother immediately.
She was smiling that the camera, a cowboy hat on her head. A pair of boots, skirt and a shirt tied off at her stomach. She looked so young, so happy, shaking your head you then turned to face the man who was now leaning up against a counter top.
“Now that I’m here...talk.”
The Carbuncle jumping off your shoulder as it watched Sam closely.
“Well darlin...this is along tail so you might wanna sit down.”
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kinope · 4 years
Rating Shows From My Childhood:
Cause I’m bored and just randomly felt like it, these are like from when I was a little kid:
Sesame Street: ⭐⭐⭐
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It wasn’t a bad show, I really didn’t mind it. It just wasn’t my go to show though and my mom put it on ALL the time...plus my dad randomly sang stuff from it all the time and everything so it was really annoying.
Barney: ⭐⭐
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I didn’t like Barney. It freaked me out, but I could never figure out why. That being said it annoyed the hell out of all my younger siblings. So it gets two stars for that, considering that was entertaining in itself.
The Wiggles: ⭐
Another show that freaked me out, but I couldn’t explain why it did. My parents once again put it on ALL the time and constantly sang the songs and stuff. Now we joke about stuff from it though, so meh
Thomas the Tank Engine: ⭐
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I’m seeing a trend, cause this one freaked me out too. Thankfully I didn’t have to watch this show too much. Once again we joke about this show now.
Noddy: - ⭐⭐
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I literally cried watching this show it scared me so much. To the point that my mom never made me watch it again. 
The Big Comfy Couch: ⭐⭐
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Once again I’d cry because it scared me. That being said Molly is a whole mood. Like same Molly, but anything else was a no.
Arthur: ⭐⭐⭐
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My mom was iffy about us watching it for the very reason we wanted to watch it. The attitude that some of the characters had. Anyone who grew up watching this knows exactly what I’m talking about. The memes. 
Caillou: 0
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Another show that made me cry when it would come on. Though I ended up watching it more with my younger siblings than when I was little.
Dragon Tales: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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My mom did not like us watching this show, but me and my sister loved it! We knew we were only allowed to watch so many episodes of it a day, but we’d try to find ways around that. Lucky charms + Dragon Tales in the morning told you it was gonna be a good day.
Zoboomafoo: ⭐⭐⭐
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Entertaining enough, and a fun show. Plus I usually liked the animals so that was always nice. It freaked my sister out though, which was entertaining for me, but meant we didn’t watch it much.
Clifford the Big Red Dog: ⭐⭐
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It was alright, not my favorite though. Probably because I watched it more when I was above the target age with my siblings, but who knows.
The Magic School Bus: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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We weren’t allowed to watch this until my mom actually saw an episode one time and realized it was entirely different than she thought. After that though we could watch as much as we want. The best though was when this counted as school.
LazyTown: ⭐⭐⭐
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My mom thought this show would motivate us...it didn’t we just sat around and watched more tv. Plus the memes that came from this show...not to say we quote it for jokes, but like...
The Berenstain Bears: ⭐⭐⭐?
This show kinda feels like a fever dream to me...like I remember watching it but I also can like not remember the show at all. I know we watched it when it came on though.
Max and Ruby: ⭐
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Not for me. It kept my siblings entertained though.
Cyberchase: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was the it show! This was the show that when mom was like “put on something educational for once” that you looked for. If you couldn’t find the show that you counted on the game to be there for you. 
Maya and Miguel: ???
I only remember the parrot for some reason.
Bob the Builder: ⭐?
We knew every line to every episode but I have no idea why or how, cause none of us liked this show.
Franklin: ⭐⭐⭐
I remember I’d watch Franklin all the time, but I can’t remember like any of it now.
Little Bear: ⭐⭐⭐
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Like Franklin I know I watched it all the time, but can’t really remember the show.
The Backyardigans: ⭐⭐⭐
More of what my siblings watched, but it wasn’t bad actually.
Maggie and the Ferocious Beast: ⭐⭐⭐
I would like dance in front of the tv watching this, but I can only remember the part where he lost his spots.
Rolie Polie Olie: ??
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I thought my brain had made this stuff up...
The Koala Brothers: -⭐⭐
I was already in school when this came out...but the year I started homeschooling my brother was still at home....he watched this show like 24/7 and I was so done with life. I couldn’t focus on anything thanks to the koala brothers...
Wonder Pets: ⭐
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I only like the phone ringing song.
Recess: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Recess was the show that made me believe that I could be anything I wanted to be and that age was not a factor in that. This show is part of what made me a dreamer.
Oswald: ??
Once again I thought my brain had made this stuff up...I liked the hotdog dog though...
Code Lyoko: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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My mom did not like us watching this lol we’d have to sneak in episodes between homework and her coming back inside from working in the yard. We watched this like every year for maybe 8 years...we loved this show.
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obeydontstray · 4 years
I Want More (A Maxwell Lord X OFC rp)
0(A Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal - Patty Jenkins universe) rp between myself and my girlfriend @historianwithaheart ) Can be found under the same name on AO3)
Maxwell sat at his desk, getting his first breather of the day. He looked around for his son. Being the first month of summer, Alistair was spending time at the office with him, but the kid was not in his office where he left him. Max hit the button on his desk and spoke. "Hey Britney, did Alistair leave me any messages of where he was going? Did you see him?"
“No sir I thought he was with you.” In Melony’s office she sat typing away. The little black haired boy munched on his carrots and drank the soda she had gotten for him. She didn’t know who this little boy belonged to but he had stolen her heart. “Like the new Mario Alister?” She asked him. He smiled.
“My daddy is so busy most of the time so it’s nice to come hang out.”
It wasn't uncommon for Alistair to take walks around the offices. Max always made sure he had a piece of money so he could buy anything he wanted from the cafeteria, vending machines, or gift shop downstairs. But he wasn't usually gone this long. It had been....an hour? Maxwell began to get nervous.
“Sorry I couldn’t get you McDonald’s this time but I figure that you shouldn’t be eating junk every time we visit.” She felt her heart ache when he smiled at her. “I get bored so it’s nice to come sit with you.” Alistair smiled. “Well I think I’m gonna have my Lunch break soon if you want a player two?” He nodded.
Maxwell walked through the office hurriedly, asking random people if they had seen the small boy with black hair and dark eyes.
“Did you tell your daddy where you were going?” She asked typing on her desk top. Ali stair nodded. “Left a note.” She smiled at him. “Good boy.”
Someone stopped Max. "I saw a kid go that way, down the hall." He thanked the person and began opening doors.
“Hey kid, have some water okay? Only one soda!” She handed him a water bottle. She sighed. One week late for the meeting. Wonderful.
The door flung open and a head appeared. One with dark blonde hair, handsome features, and dark eyes. "Alistair!" He said, stepping in the door and reaching out his arms.
“Hey daddy!” Melony nearly choked on her drink. “Well Mr. Lord you’re only a week and three hours late to our meeting.” She stood.
He hugged Alistair and quickly stood, straightening out his clothes with his hands and suddenly turning on the biggest smile. "I'm sorry, you are?" God she was beautiful! She had shoulder length blonde hair and the biggest, bluest eyes he had ever seen. Her ruby red lips were perfectly shaped.
“You new head of financials Mr. Lord.” Ali stair smiled. “She’s my friend!” Alistair said. “Look she brought me stuff to play with.”
Maxwell scanned the room. A few scattered toys, food wrappers still out, and a a Nintendo. "So this is where you have been disappearing to."
“She’s nice, and she bought me a Nintendo and she was gonna play with me on her lunch break.” Alistair said. “ if your daddy says you can we can still do that.” Melony smiled. “Melony Morningstar, Head of your financial division. We were supposed to have a meeting one week and three hours ago.”
Maxwell sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Shit, yeah you're right. Sorry, things have been so busy."
Alistair went and hugged around Melony’s thigh. She pet his hair. “Well unfortunately for you my schedule is full up until next Wednesday at two. We’re diversifying your portfolio Mr. Lord.”
"My, you are a busy busy woman. Could we meet now?"
“Well I have a very important meeting coming up, with a top partner.” She winked at Alistair and he smiled. “Can I have another soda?” He asked drinking the Mountain Dew.
"How many have you had?" Maxwell asked. "Your mom's gonna kill me for letting you drink too many."
“He’s only had one! I let him have one when he visits.” Melony said. Alistair leaned against her shoulder. “Mommy doesn’t let me have anything, she’s too busy with her new boyfriend.”
Maxwell frowned. "That's okay, you'll always get attention from me." He promised. "If it's okay with Mrs. Morningstar, you can have another."
“Miss.” Melony corrected. “I’m a Miss and I think you’ve had enough. Don't want to send you home to Daddy and have you bouncing off the walls.”
"How considerate." Max smiled warmly. "Miss Morningstar is right. How about some water, or juice?"
“I gave him water a few minutes ago.” She blushed. “Well I guess you better go little buddy. I think the jig is up.” She ruffled his hair. “If you want you can take the NES system home. That’s up to your daddy. I..I can’t make that decision.”
He nodded. "If she doesn't mind your visits, that's fine. You can keep it here and I'll get you one for your room at home too."
“Alright little man you should probably head to lunch with your pops.” She smiled at the boy. “As for you Mr. Lord, seems you're as irresponsible with your child as you are your money. I’d like to know why you just couldn’t make our meeting a week ago.”
"I'm not irresponsible!" He said, a little flash defiance in his voice before he ran a hand through his perfectly coiffed hair. "He usually makes quick trips to the gift shop or cafeteria and back up. I didn't expect him to start touring people's offices. And I apologize, my only free time lately has been in the late afternoon. No business like show business, ya know."
“Mmm. No worries, little man and I keep each other company!” She smiled. “Oh yes far too busy. Then I guess it will have to be a business dinner then. Tonight at 6 your choice though perhaps a nice place to sit outside. The office is stifling.”
His eyebrow raised and a lopsided smile shown on his face. "Really? Tonight huh? How does Thai sound?"
“Fantastic. It’s my favorite. I’ll see you at six.” She penciled in her planner. “You best be there Mr. Lord, I am your new head of finances you hired me for a reason. And it wasn’t because I’m pretty, because you weren’t even there to look at me.”
"And I regret that deeply." He said, giving her a very obvious look over. "I'll meet you there." He said, laying his hand on Alistair's shoulder. "Come on baby, let's go."
She waved at Alistair. She sat down and smiled to herself. She had just strong armed the most powerful man in this company. Not taking his his excuses. Alistair walks with Max. “You’re not mad at me daddy, she’s really nice and she plays video games with me sometimes. She says that if you were smart you’d start investing in Nintendo.”
He grinned. "Well I'll have to think on that. No buddy, I'm not mad at you. She's a very nice lady."
“Are you gonna date her?” Alistair asked. “She’s pretty, really pretty almost prettier than Momma.”
"No no, this is just a business meeting." He assured him, even if he had different things in mind. "She is really pretty, isn't she?"
“She looks like that Disney princess, Aurora.” Alistair said. “She sings pretty too.” He said. “Can I still hang out with her?”
"Sure thing buddy." He said, ruffling the boy's dark hair. "When did you hear her sing?"
“Well one day when you were super busy, and I got bored I went exploring and I got really lost, and she found me. I was crying a lot because I was scared. She picked me up and she sang a song to me to help me stop crying because I was scared.” Alistair told him.
He lay his hand on his son's shoulder and bent down to his level before pulling him in for a hug. "I'm so sorry you were lost and scared. I'll thank her tonight for caring for you."
“It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it to happen.” Alistair hugged him. “Just be nice to her okay?” Soon five o'clock came and Melony went home to change into a sweet little blue floral patterned summer dress. Cuban stockings, blue pumps. She did up her hair and spritzed her perfume. She picked up the phone as she put on her pink lipstick.
Maxwell looked himself over in the mirror. He wore a sunset yellow blazer with white slacks and a pastel orange shirt. His white loafers were shined and he pushed up his sleeves to his elbows. His hair was perfectly coiffed and he was cleanly shaven. He picked up his Polo cologne and sprayed it on. "Daddy, if it's not a date then why are you dressing up?" Alistair asked. "Dress for success, buddy. When you're a business man, you have to always look your best. This is a meeting, it's just outside the office so I'm dressing different." The phone rung and caught his attention. He lifted a finger at Alistair. "Hold that thought."
“Good evening Mr. Lord, Raquel said this was your home number. I’m honored.” Melony laughed.
"And who said you could call me at home?" He said in a flirty tone. "What do I owe the pleasure?"
“Well Mr. Lord by proxy of not specifying which Thai restaurant in DC you have hence forth invited me to call you at home.” She spoke. She heard the flirtatious tone in his voice. She felt a zap of desire run down her spine. Oh Melony, don’t you know any better. She thought to herself.
“Precisely. I’ll see you there soon.” She smiled over the receiver. “Oh and come prepared to work Mr. Lord. I’m not one of your office floosies.”
He smiled broadly and chuckled. "Work for what?"
“Honestly you think you’re so charming. Work work. Like portfolios and the future of your company, I’m sure you enjoy being able to spoil your little conquests. In order to keep doing that my darling Mr. Lord you need to be wise about the market.”
He grinned even harder. "I could have you fired for speaking to me like that, you know." He tested.
“Then I guess you wouldn't have a company much longer Mr. Lord. I will see you in a bit. Tell my little buddy that next time he wants to come play he brings me a snack okay?” She smiled.
"Okay I will. See you soon." He hung up and Alistair looked up at him with a worried look. "You would fire her?" "No! No!" He assured his son. How could he explain himself without telling him he was flirting? "I was testing her! It's hard to explain, you'll understand when you're older. But she passed. And she said when you go see her again you can bring the snacks."
Alistair smiled. “Okay!” He happily went to to go get ready for the babysitter. Melony was sitting at a table overlooking the river into a forest. She checked her watch, her legs crossed as she skimmed through a book and sipped a beer.
"Daddy, can I dress up next time I go see her?" Alistair asked. "Sure buddy." Soon Max had dropped off his son and strolled into the restaurant looking for her.
She sat there. Looking much different from before, more soft and feminine. She checked her watch again, when she heard whispers. Ah he's here. She thought to herself.
Women stared at him as he walked past, a handsome grin on his face and he shot random women flirty winks. His bright gold watch and rings flashed in the low light of the restaurant. "Miss Morningstar, nice to see you again." He greeted before took off his jacket and draped it on the back of his chair before he sat down.
“It nice to finally capture your attention for a moment or two.” She smiled at him. It was a flirtatious smile. She couldn’t help it.
"I'm a man in demand." He said with a wink.
She rolled her eyes. “Indeed.” She grabbed her brief case. “Okay so you started in oil but how long before that goes dry, you need to diversify.”
"Alistair said you told him I should invest in Nintendo." He chuckled. "What about that little computer company? Apple is it?"
“I think that’s a solid bet, personal gaming systems, personal computers, making it individual is going to be big.” She continued. “Your oil company is a great start, it really is, and your other investments are doing well but we need to be able to have more than one leg to stand on, what are the big draws? Entertainment, technology and of course oil and trade.” She handed him a large book. See.”
He flipped through the books pages quickly. "Hmmmm, I see." His lips were pressed together in a goofy shape, making him look as if he was only half considering the things he was looking at.
She looked at him, she knew that look. He's only half considering it. She bit her lip and let her anger simmer. “Sir, I’m trying to be diplomatic but do you think I’m a joke? I’ve spent hours doing the job you’ve hired me to do, and then you can’t be bothered to see me at our planned meeting and then you come here and half ass your considerations.”
"What? I'm thinking!" He said, his warm brown eyes flicking upwards and locking with hers.
“If you say so.” She sipped her beer. “I apologize, this is important to me.”
He nodded and looked her in the eyes again. "And it shows, I apologize if I'm not demonstrating my interest. I'm just a little distracted, but here, let me take another look."
She sighed. “It is kind of late and if I’m being honest Mr. Lord. I’m tired.” She spoke. “At least I have you thinking.”
He nodded. "Yes it is late. I'm sorry we got off to a rocky start, but I really enjoyed your company tonight." He said with an earnest face.
“Well I guess at the very least you can continue to enjoy my company. I wouldn’t protest.” She said to him sipping a beer. I mean our first meeting was supposed to be just a get to know your employee type deal, but your company took a big chance on me and I..I just don’t want to fail.”
"I'm really glad whoever made the decision did. I uh-I'm not as involved in the hiring process as I should be. But I would like to get to know you more. And if it's okay, can I borrow this book? I'll review it in the morning with fresh eyes and a clear mind."
“Don’t you eat breakfast with your son?” She asked him. “And what we’re you distracted by.” She handed him the book.
"I do. I'll look it over again after I get to work." He looked up at her again. "Who wouldn't be distracted by someone like you."
She scoffed. “Honestly, Mr. Lord, I hate to sound pretentious but, again, I’m not one of your office floosies.” She looked at him. God, his eyes were so sincere. “But I have a feeling you know that.” She handed him his beer.
He nodded and took his beer before taking a sip. "I know you're not like them. I don't pay attention to them. But you..."
“But what about me Mr. Lord?” She smiled at him. She moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You're authoritative and commanding and just...beautiful. You fill up the whole room with your presence."
She felt her face betray her emotions flushing pink. Clearly not the rouge one her cheeks. “Mr. Lord, I..”
"And my son told me what you did for him when he was lost and alone. And that, I'll forever be grateful to you for."
She was really blushing now. “Oh it’s nothing, anyone would have done that. I honestly thought maybe he was like a receptionists son, or something I didn’t know he was yours, but I...I can’t stand to hear a child cry. Especially...a sweet little boy like that.”
Maxwell's eyes moved to his empty plate. "I never thought of him getting lost like that and getting scared. I trusted him to just go to one of two places and back. I never thought of him getting lost. It broke my heart when he told me what that was like. But, he told me he thinks you are like Princess Aurora."
“Mr. Lord, if I could be so bold.” She said to him and took his hand. “He never blamed you, and he loves you dearly.” She said to him. “I just heard him cry and I just wanted to help. But you’re a good father.”
He nodded. "I try. I only get him on weekends right now and I try to set aside time to be with him, just one on one, but it's so hard to make time in the business."
“He sees you try. I’m sure.” She realized that she was holding his hand and blushed. “I..I’m sorry.” She pulled her hand away and chugged her beer.
“This is inappropriate and I’m sorry. I should go.” She went to stand.
He reached out and lay his hand on hers. "No, no please. Don't leave. We're just getting to know each other."
She felt her heart leap up into her throat. The story playing out in her bright blue eyes. The felt it, the attention, but her mind raced. What would he do with her when he was done. He could see it, she was sure. She sat back down. “I guess then maybe I should tell you more.” She didn’t take her hand away.
"Yes, tell me everything." He said, curling his fingers so that his hand wrapped around hers.
She felt her breath hitch. Her mind racing. “I...I..” she stammered. This seemed like a hazy dream. This man, the man who ran the most successful company right now, and her. Little old her. She wasn’t worth his time. “My name is Melony, I’m twenty eight, I have masters degree in finances and law. I...I like nature, and art and archaeology. I..I’m single. Have been for a while. Because being woman, having feelings gets you no where in this big business world. I’m witty and intelligent. Some men call me frigid or a bitch but I call it getting by.”
"You don't not seem those bad things to me. And I'm Maxwell Lord as you know. I'm divorced. You know Alistair. I'm 35. We have similar tastes."
“And I’m being incredibly stupid right now. Letting you know these things about me. Letting my guard down.” She confessed. “I should have Just kept it business.” She felt the room grow hotter. “This is how a woman gets a reputation.”
"How? Just by talking to me?" He asked, confusion sparking on his face.
“By letting my guard down around you.” She said to him. “Maxwell Lord, the infamous business man, being seen with his head of finances, a young woman.” She searched his face. “I guess one of my poor traits is I’m obsessed with my image.”
He raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "We can keep our meetings strictly business and in office, Miss Morningstar."
“I suppose, but you’re still holding my hand Mr. Lord.” She breathed out.
He drew back his hand slowly. "Well, I guess I should let you go. I'll see you at work Monday afternoon to give you a decision." He said as he stood and grabbed the book.
“Mr. Lord.” She reached out for him. “Don’t.” She looked at him. “I, am just scared. I haven’t, I haven’t let myself be vulnerable in a while. You astound me. Have since I first saw you on tv, have since I applied to work for you. Your company gave me the opportunity to do more than fall into the darkness that was waiting to take me. You’ve set the annals of my heart alive with flames once again. Forgive me if I am a guarded woman.”
He looked down at her with the softest expression before he sat down again. "Really? You'd use such beautiful words for me?"
“Perhaps you need a little beauty and honesty in your life.” She replied.
He reached out and took her hand once again and his thumb smoothed across her knuckles. "Maybe you could be the sunlight in my life, then."
“Mr. Lord, I...I don’t know about all of that, but I think perhaps maybe for a little while we could make each other realize that the sun still shines.” She paused. Not knowing what to do next.
"Call me Max, please." He looked at his watch. "It's getting late, I shouldn't keep you. The babysitter will be ready to go home soon, it's after Alistair's bedtime."
“What if...I want to be kept. Max.” She looked up at him and stood. “Maybe it’s the beer or maybe it’s just your touch, and maybe it’s just my personality but I feel brave.”
"I'd love to stay but I have to be home by midnight. Unless..."
She stood and moved closer to him she took his hand and placed her lips on his in a slow sensual kiss. But her shaking body betrayed her confidence.
He moved to hold her cheeks gently in both hands and kissed her again. "Then come home with me."
“You don’t have to ask twice.” She replied. Thank god they were at a secluded table.
"Come with me, let's take a taxi."
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skybird13 · 5 years
Ace Ops Theories
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Okay ya’ll, so I need to take a very small break from Tumblr (tomorrow and maybe Thursday or even through Friday) because I am starting to develop a hyper fixation and that is just... not healthy. But as a temporary sign-off, I thought I would offer my thoughts on the whole Five Ace Ops thing floating around and how that might work out. I’ll be coming at this mostly from the perspective of a writer/storyteller using the threads we already have to speculate on where the Ace Ops could conceivably go.
[Slight spoilers for vol 7 episode 9 ahead]
The Traitor Theories
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As far as the traitor theories go (regarding any of the Ops) I just don’t see it happening this late in the volume. At the beginning of the volume and with the proper set-up, I could totally see where people were coming from, but at this point, I’d give it a less than 1% chance of happening (I won’t go all the way to 0% because I’m not CRWBY but... if pressed, I’d put it down at a 0.0001% chance). Not a single one of these people has been set up to be a traitor. There has been no foreshadowing, no hints, nothing nefarious brewing under the surface or in the background where the Ace Ops are concerned. At this point, exposing any of them as an agent of Salem would come out of left-field narratively speaking. 
Closely linked to this point is the fact that there is no mystery around how Tyrian and Arthur have been accomplishing their goals in this volume. If you’re going to have a surprise traitor amidst the protagonists, that mystery really needs to be there with the antagonists. But we never had to wonder how Arthur got his access to the Mantle systems; he wrote the code for it. And once Jacques handed over his elevated system credentials in exchange for Arthur rigging the election, Arthur had all he needed to do everything he has done to this point.
The only other active antagonists are Cinder and Neo and we already know how they got their information: Neo’s infiltration. That alone gave them more than enough intel to wreak all kinds of havoc. Neo is going to go after Ruby and, thanks to Neo’s spying in Schnee manor, Cinder knows that what she needs is at Atlas Academy. They also just showed up on the scene and would be very unlikely to have cultivated a traitor contact already. We have received no indication whatsoever that anyone on Team Salem is aware of the Winter Maiden being housed at Atlas Academy. If that was a piece of intel they had, I might be convinced to bump up my traitor theory score to 3%, but even that by itself wouldn’t be enough. 
Likelihood of a Traitor Amongst Them: 0.0001%
One of Them Will Die
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A possible Ace Ops death is the other dominating theory for how their team will be cut down to four members. I don’t have a whole lot of evidence against this theory, but I also don’t see much in the story that would support it either.
RWBY has a track record for character deaths that have an impact. Pyrrha is the obvious example of this, and even Lionheart’s death had some power to it. Here was a trusted member of Team Oz who had given in to fear and turned on everything he once stood for, and the truly tragic thing about his death was that he died a coward.
There are exceptions, of course. Sienna Khan comes to mind as a character who was introduced only to die. I will admit, I wasn’t the biggest fan of this decision. I know that the whole point of it was to push Adam’s story forward but considering nothing more ever really happened with that plot thread (Adam taking over as leader of the White Fang) there are a number of other ways they could have gone about that. Sienna denouncing and exiling him from the White Fang probably would have pushed him towards the same end.
But for the sake of argument, let’s say CRWBY was going to kill off one of the Ace Ops. 
Clover Ebi seems to take the brunt of this theory but I honestly don’t see this happening either. I am a huge Clover and FG fan, full disclosure, but from a purely narrative perspective, the implications of his character are just a little too big to go to waste. He’s the only other one in the RWBY-verse with a luck-based Semblance, and since he’s been paired with Qrow all volume, he is clearly going to play a massive role in Qrow’s continuing development. I know Qrow has taken a backseat in this volume but his character arc is far from over. He’s sober, true, and that was a major step for him, but all that self-hate and baggage from his past isn’t going to go away just because he stops drinking. A huge part of his character and his attitude has always hinged on his Semblance and on how much he hates himself for it, and that is something he is going to have to deal with at some point. Clover is the only one who can probably help with that, especially since we’ve seen in-show evidence that he has much more control over his Semblance than Qrow does. Add to that the sheer effort CRWBY has put into developing a relationship between them, and Mr. Clover Ebi is not going to be the one to die. 
I think the most likely death candidate is Harriet. True, she hasn’t had a whole lot of development that would make for significant emotional impact, but consider where she is in episode 9: she’s the only one accompanying Ruby  (who has a giant ass target on her back that she’s not even aware of) down into Mantle. They are most definitely alone and, judging from the time between the group jump from the airship and when Ruby and Harriet finally bail, they’re not going to be close enough for team backup when Neo comes. 
However... I still don’t buy this one. Neo is good. Excellent, even. But taking on a fully trained huntress and Ruby, who has only gotten more skilled since their last encounter, wouldn’t be the smartest move on her part, and Neo is nothing if not smart. I think it’s far more likely she’s going to create an illusion to draw Ruby away from Harriet, isolate her, and try to take care of her that way.
I sort of talked myself out of a higher rating for this possibility while writing that, but I’ll still concede that it’s not out of the realm out of possibility.
Likelihood of Ace Ops Character Death: 33%
[[Bonus: Likelihood of Clover death: -111985878% Because... just no. It’s not even wishful thinking on my part. My writer’s soul will literally disintegrate if they waste his potential.]]
Clover Leaves the Ace Ops/Is Assigned to Accompany the Teams When They Leave Atlas
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Yeah, so... not gonna lie, I am extremely partial to this theory and I think it’s becoming more and more likely as the story progresses.
The most obvious reasons that this would work are the ones I already mentioned: he has been very closely tied with Qrow all volume, and very special and careful attention has been paid to crafting every moment they have had together. You don’t generally do that unless two characters are going to be very, very significant to one another. He’s the only one who might be able to help Qrow figure out how to control his Semblance, therefore catalyzing the next sensible major step in Qrow’s character progression. The speed with which CRWBY hauled ass to tie him to Qrow also can’t be overlooked or overstated. They are not going to go through the effort of giving them scenes together and establishing chemistry between them only for it to fizzle out.
Clover is also the only member of the Ace Ops without a complementary partner inside the team structure. And guess what? Because of the nature of his Semblance, he isn’t going to find that partner in anyone but Qrow, and I can guarantee you Qrow will not be remaining in Atlas unless something drastic happens. He’s not letting his kids do this shit on their own.
But even outside of the purview of Fair Game and Clover’s relationship with Qrow, there are still logical reasons for why James might end up sending him or giving him the choice to go with the teams when they leave Atlas. 
Episode 9 was a huge obstacle tackled for James. He not only loosened the death grip he had on everything, but he also learned the truth about Salem and took it in stride (still so proud of him!). In order to continue his theme of learning to let things go a little, it is completely plausible that he would send one of his people to be with the teams to help them along. It won’t be Winter because she has too many established ties to Atlas, especially if she becomes the winter maiden. Same goes for Penny: too many deep ties to Atlas and she’s still the official Protector of Mantle. The only one that makes sense is Clover.
Then you also have the fact that Clover is the elite of the elite in Atlas, and therefore highly skilled. I just don’t see James sending the teams off into the world to find the other maiden and reach Vacuo without some assistance. James himself is going to stay in Atlas because that’s his place, but he can certainly send someone he trusts completely to help them out. Again, Clover is the one who makes the most sense for this. Not because Clover is the only one James trusts that much obviously, but because he has been narratively set up for it.
There is also the slightest hint of foreshadowing to this outcome in episode 3 when Clover catches the Dust and says “What would you guys do without me?” I don’t think he’d go without some initial hesitation, but I think his team would ultimately be supportive of the decision. 
So how high do I put this on the scale?
Likelihood That Clover Leaves with the Teams: 90%
Yes. That high.
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bssaz97 · 4 years
One of the Lancaster kids travels through time and tries to prove to the team that they're Jaune and Ruby's kid.
Rowan’s Trip to Beacon (Sorta...)
-Beacon Academy (Volume 2 time)-
Ruby and Jaune sit down by a tree as they talk about the
Jaune: Man I can’t still can’t believe your team actually stopped a mad scientist.
Ruby: Yeah Merlot was really a nut case but I sorta feel bad for him. He seemed so convinced that his research was the key to Remnant’s advancements. Even if I don’t agree with his actions and the way he went about it, it’s hard to not understand where he was coming from.
Jaune: Well maybe you just try to see the good in everyone. Not a lot of people in the world can. That’s what makes you good person.
Ruby: Yeah I guess so. Thanks...Buuuuuut I did manage to snag this though! *pulls out a metal cylinder with blue circuits*
Jaune: WHOA! What’s that thing?
Ruby: Shhh! Someone could hear you. *whispers*
Jaune: Ohhhh. Why are we whispering? *whispers back*
Ruby: Because I don’t want people, particularly the professors or Weiss to know I have this. *whispers*
Jaune: What is it? *whispers*
Ruby: It’s.....I don’t know. But it looked cool when I saw it in Merlot’s lab. *whispers*
Jaune: Wait you took that from Merlot’s lab?! Isn’t that like evidence or something?!*whispers loudly*
Ruby: Not if they don’t know I have it. *whispers*
Jaune: I take back what I said earlier, you’re a devious little gremlin in disguise. *whispers*
Ruby: Oh come on where’s your sense of adventure? *whispers*
Jaune: Your ‘sense’ of adventure often gets me in trouble. *whispers*
Ruby: Come on please! I’ll owe you big time! *whispers*
Jaune: ‘sigh’ I really don’t have a choice now that I’ve seen the evidence. Ok, so what do you want to do with it? *speaks normally*
Ruby: Well my plan was to try to open it but -Hrgh!- it’s a little -Grh!- hard to -Nnne!- open!
Jaune: Want me to try?
Ruby: No, no, I think I ggggooooo-!
Ruby: ‘huff!’ Got it!
The tube starts to hum and shake violently in Ruby’s hand as both leaders look at said metal tube.
Jaune: Say you wouldn’t have I don’t know, taken a copy of that things manual did you?
Ruby: Nope.
Jaune: Mind if I take a look at it?
Ruby: Sure. *gives him the tube*
Jaune: Thank you. *turns it around*
*O’ Fortuna plays*
Ruby: It’s a bomb isn’t it?
Jaune: Looks like. *nods*
Ruby: And I activated the countdown by messing with it didn’t I?
Jaune: Most likely.
Ruby: We’re gonna get in trouble for this aren’t we?
Jaune: Oh yeah definitely. *nods*
Ruby: ...bring it on. *takes the tube back and throws it as far she could*
As the tube explodes, a large blue orb of pure energy illuminated the courtyard in the middle of the day. Lightning currents flowing outside it and burning parts of the courtyard.
Ruby: ‘sniff’ Jaune. If we somehow live through the punishment we get from Professor Goodwitch, you’re a good friend.
Jaune: You too Ruby, you too.
Ruby: ... *holds his hand*
The light from the explosion lessens and leaves the courtyard a mess almost beyond repair. Both leaders uncover their eyes and view the aftermath of the tubes detonation. Not even a few seconds more, their teams come racing towards them.
Weiss: Ruby are you-..... What. Have you done....
Ruby: Oh. My. Gods. Goodwitch is sooo gonna KILL us.
Jaune: Yep. *whimpers*
Blake: Wait what’s that? *points to the center of the crater*
From the outlook from them it looked like a person sprawled out on the floor.
Ruby: ‘yelp!’ Was someone there before?! I could have sworn there wasn’t anyone there an second ago! OH NO! *petal bursts ahead*
Jaune: Ruby hold on! *chases after her*
Jaune along with the rest of their teams decided to chase after Ruby and hopefully get away before any of the teachers (particularly Goodwitch) discover the destroyed courtyard. Ruby arrived at the center of the crater and takes a look to see who was caught in the blast. At first glance the boy looks much younger than a student, maybe a year younger than her....... This was not good.
Ruby: Oh No, I Killed A Kid!
Jaune: Ruby what’s wrong? What the-Is that a kid?!
Ruby: *cradles the young boy* What do we do Jaune?!
Pyrrha: I’m... I’m not sure we could do anything for him. He looks so injured.
Ruby: Oh no! ‘sobbing’
????: Mmmm who’s at?
Everyone: Huh?
The two leaders plus teams look down to see that the young boy is starting to wake up, blinking his eyes as he looks at the two of them in particular. He turns towards Ruby with the most confused expression on his face.
????: ...Mom?
Ruby: Eh?
Jaune: Hey there, are you ok? Are you hurt?!
????: ........ *eyes widened then faints*
Ruby: DON’T DIE!!!
????: Was at?! Oh I’m sorry Mom. I had this weird dream where I saw... *looks at Jaune again and then faints again*
Jaune: *scratches his hair* The heck is going on?
????: Eh?! What the-? *looks around* This-This isn’t a dream is it?
Ren: Dream? Why would you be dreaming? Nevermind that are you hurt?
????: Hurt? ‘hiss!’ Oh yeah, I’m definitely hurt. Mr. Pine must have accidentally used his semblance again.
Ruby: Mr. Pine?...
Weiss: Again?
????: *moves to stand* It’s ok, this isn’t something I’m not used to experiencing.
Pyrrha: Hold on! You shouldn’t push yourself!
????: Don’t worry I’ll be ok. Just give me a moment. *breathes in*
Suddenly the boy starts to glow a bright golden glow that surrounds his entire body. In under a minute all of the boy’s injuries started healing themselves and soon the light faded.
????: *breathes out* Boy, I feel much better! Guess it helps when you have a semblance like mine.
Ruby/Jaune: Whoa...
????: *looks over to them* Hey I’m sorry to bother but do you mind if I ask who you two are?
Ruby: Oh. Well my name is Ruby Rose
Jaune: I’m Jaune Arc.
????: .....oh boy Rowan. What did you do now? *mutters to himself*
Yang: Are you sure you’re ok kid? We don’t know exactly what was in that explosion so maybe we should go get you checked out.
????: Wha? Oh no you’re here too Auntie? Oh man this is just gets better and better... *scratches his hair in distress*
Yang: Auntie? *very confused*
Pyrrha: Are you sure you don’t require assistance, perhaps you’re still fatigued.
????: Oh that won’t be a problem, I’m completely fine now. It’s more ....well, I have no idea how I got here in the first place.
Weiss: What exactly do you mean?
????: But more importantly than that, my name is Rowan. If you were wondering.
Ruby: Rowan... Huh. That’s a nice name.
Rowan: Thanks.
Nora: So what’s the story are some kind of space kid trying to conquer the world? *says in a spooky voice*
Rowan: Nope. I’m just a normal kid learning to be a huntsman.
Nora: Oh. *says flatly*
Ren: I don’t mean to pry but what exactly did you mean you didn’t know how you got here?
Rowan: Oh that. Well.... How to say this? Have any of you ever heard of time travel?
Ruby/Jaune: ...yes?
Rowan: Ok good that makes this explanation much more simpler. Ok so you see the problem is I’m from the future and I must’ve accidentally been sent back in time by Mr. Pine’s semblance. He’s a friend so you know.
Ruby: ....sent back in time?
Jaune: The future?....
Weiss: That’s preposterous! Such a thing is impossible and defies the logic of space-time!
Rowan: Not if you’re Mr. Pine and your semblance allows you to accidentally sneeze somebody into the dark ages. Hehe.
Weiss: .....I do hope you’re joking.
Rowan: Yeah I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. I really am from the future. And.....also I’m kinda Ruby and Jaune’s son.
Everyone: HUH?!
Rowan: Look I know this may be asking a lot but could you mind taking me to Headmistress Goodwitch? I really should talk to her about this.
Yang: Hold on? Do you really expect us to believe you just because you claim you’re their son?! How do we know you’re not lying?!
Rowan: Ohhhh you need proof. *slams one hand on his other palm* Right, I shouldn’t expect you to believe me so quick. Proof, um... let’s see. Hmmmm. Oh I know! *takes out his scroll and shows them a picture* Here’s a picture of my family!
Ruby and Jaune look at Rowan’s scroll while the others peek over them and are surprised to see the picture was indeed of a family. What surprised them more was that the mother in the image looked like an older Ruby alongside a blonde girl the same age as Rowan, but had the cerulean eyes like Jaune. Rowan then changes the image to show one of an older Jaune and Ruby with a bigger than normal belly.
Weiss: This is impossible! Those images are clearly photo edited, and therefore can’t be real.
Rowan: WOW. Mr. Whitley was right you did scream a lot when you were younger.
Weiss: Wha-? How... Mr. Whitley? I knew it! This is a prank of his isn’t it?!
Rowan: No it’s not a prank I swear. Look what must I do to prove you believe me?
Ren: Well physically he looks very much like Ruby but appears to bear some resemblance to Jaune. But looks can be deceiving.
Blake: Ren’s right. Rowan, if you really who you say you are. What is something only your ‘parents’ would know about?
Rowan: Something only mom and dad know,? Ok. Let’s see........... Oh, I got it! The way you two met was when Mom blew up a crater in this courtyard after Auntie Weiss sprayed aroma veil of Dust, in which moved Dad to come help Mom out of the crater. There was also this one time where you all were at a dance, but then Dad went to talk to his partner and while Mom was waiting, she took a sip from his punch!
Ruby: How could you possibly know that?!
Rowan: Auntie Yang told me. *points to Yang*
Yang: WOW way to throw me under the bus kid!
Jaune: Wait Ruby did now?
Let me know if you guys enjoyed this one. My plan is to post the next chapter of RWBY Ancestries next, but after that I’ll start finishing some of the asks some of you have sent me. Hope you have a good day and be good people.
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my boyfriend never texts first
Remus just wants to not be the first one to send a message every once in a while. That’s not too much to ask, right?
relationship: romantic remrom, background remy and emile (also romantic)
warnings: major character death, extended mourning (secondary warnings- brief discussion of religious holidays, brief underage drinking mention, a lot of all-caps) notes: unrelated, human, hs/college au. virgil, emile, and remy are here too. If you need anything in the secondary warnings (or one of those latter three characters) edited out, please let me know and I can put that up for you!
Remus always texted him first. Always. It didn’t matter the situation, didn’t matter the time date place name face. Who what when where why. It first started when he texted hi roman :) when they first got phones; for whatever reason, Roman just never texted first. Either he’d call or they’d talk in person.
No matter. Remus could cope.
May 1:
8:37 PM tody i saw you by my locker 8:39 PM *today 8:42 PM why didnt you say hi?
May 2:
9:30 PM a teacher talked to me today 9:30 PM wanted to talk about how i’m doing after 9:52 PM well you know. he’s a sick bastard
Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? He just wanted to see him text first once in a while! May 7:
3:32 PM: by the way idk if you got this last time 3:36 PM: my class ring size is the medium 3:44 PM: hopefully you order it by the deadline :P 4:03 PM: no idea when the deadline is 4:20 PM: bLAZE IT 4:24 PM: sorry i have like 0 money so i got it from the consignment shop 4:31 PM: i hope you like synthetic rubies!! leaving them with ur dad 10:40 PM: update. i cried for four hours with your dad.
June 2:
7:30 AM: gRaDuAtIoN dAy!!! 7:32 AM: there’s cookies in the reception menu 7:35 AM: snickerdoodles your favorite [eyes] 10:02 AM: i’m getting some for u 10:05 AM: [kissy face] 7:40 PM: the announcement was Weird 7:43 PM: anyways i have the snickerdoodles (Remus couldn’t go over to where Roman was staying, so he left them in the living room. He knew Roman would appreciate them. Hopefully he’d come over (wait, probably not, given...))
Well, actually, he could understand why he never texted first. June 11:
12:14 PM: roMAN 12:16 PM: [Attachment: Remus_Picani-Kleitman_Acceptance_Letter.pdf] 12:18 PM: YEAHHHH 12:24 PM: I’m sure you got in too SEND ME YOURS WHEN YOU GET IT 12:32 PM: WE MIGHT SHARE A ROOM YEA 12:35 PM: [Attachment: celebration.jpg]
Everyone was probably saying that he ought to just move on, but to be honest, he couldn’t... Actually, to be honest, no-one had told him to move on to his face yet. In fact, everyone was surprised he was doing so well, given how bad the circumstances were! The situation was stressing him out so much, even his dads were gently advising him to rethink things. (Well, that was part of the territory with one of them being a therapist and the other being a barista.)
“I got y’all some kouign-amann from the cafe,” said Dad, putting it down on the counter. His shirt had SLEEP scrawled on it with a Sharpie; it was the one that Remus had made for him as a joke. He still wore it. Huh.
“Sweetie, what’s a queen amahn?” asked Papa.
“It’s a... er, it’s like a... this is kinda like a croissant that had dreams of a muffin tin and salted caramel. One for you, babe.... then one for Doodlebug-”
“Can I leave some for Roman?” asked Remus.
They exchanged a glance.
“Of course you can,” said Papa with a smile. “Your candle’s on the table. Also, I got the news about being accepted into university? Good job, kiddo. You know, that was your father’s alma mater.”
“Are you sure you want to go to school right away after...? No problem taking a gap year.”
Papa glared at Dad. “Be nice.”
“I’m sorry, Remus, it’s just...” Dad put down his coffee. “If you’re not ready, if you need more time-”
"I’m sure,” said Remus with a grin, trying to get rid of what he just remembered. “Trust me.”
“Please find a good way to put away the snickerdoodles, they’ve been there since last week!” shouted Papa.
June 12:
12:12 AM: its twelve twelve make a wish 12:15 AM: hey when does your phone bill go out? 12:20 AM: im just saying that would Explain some things 12:22 AM: i know your dad pays Everything like a year in advance 12:34 AM: tell him i say hi 12:34 AM: 12:34 MAKE A WISH
July 12:
3:30 PM: guess who’s a double major in bio and theatre!! 3:32 PM: marine biology babey 3:53 PM: it’s good for the SOUL 4:04 PM: this cute octopus reminded me of you by the way 4:10 PM: [Attachment: for_roman]
August 14:
6:24 PM: moving in is the Worst 6:32 PM: by the way i got a single 6:35 PM: no roommates 6:41 PM: still have the bunk tho 6:44 PM: also got ur favorite pillo
August 30:
2:12 AM: roman it is like two o’clock in the morning what the Heck are you doing here, 2:15 AM: if u see me wave Hi 2:32 AM: ok >:c 2:42 AM: dont mind Me just studyin on top of the planetarium 3:15 AM: tbh i didn’t even know we go to the same campus? haven’t seen you around or anything 3:17 AM: shit phones gonna di
September 28:
2:20 PM: i failed my test 2:22 PM: idk what to d 2:24 PM: *do
September 29: 7:30 PM: remember that octopus you gave me that eats negative emotions? 7:32 PM: it works!!
October 3:
1:10 PM:  You’d like the theatre program, really 1:15 PM: just so u know they’ve listed your name as an ‘honorary member of the class of’ 1:19 PM: that’s really nice of them. idk if your dad knows
October 23:
9:45 AM: i had to explain one of our inside jokes 8( 9:52 AM: i can’t Explain the deodorant thing that was One Time 9:55 AM: also why i’m called The Duke 9:56 AM: its bc you said it. not my fault 9:58 AM: its still cute pls call me that still 9:59 AM: pancake brunch pancake brunch pancake brunch October 31: 6:12 PM: sun’s down! joyous samhain 6:15 PM: i remember when you sewed me that octopus btw, the one that eats ucky feelings 6:19 PM: how long did it take you to get the laurel sachet into it?? 6:34 PM: also thank you thank you thank you for helping me find a friendly church to celebrate all saints day 6:47 PM: that year was a NIGHTMARE because you forgot to get your white candles and carnelian, and i forgot my holy water, so we were driving around town like Madmen 6:59 PM: it was worth it though 7:03 PM: i left you a script, i think you’ll like it.
November 9:
11:19 PM: i miss you so so much.
November 10:
12:20 AM: ignor this i drank like 12:24 AM: a lot 1:15 AM: i’m sorry i should’ve been with you 1:22 AM: i shouldve been there With You. 1:45 AM: but i wasn’t 2:20 AM: i didn’t know thered be a 4:11 PM: shit i just saw these. Sorry to bother you December 2:
10:10 AM: hey roman, been a bit. yea sorry about last time. too much of the Alcohol 10:13 AM: gonna go over to my parents’ house 1:00 PM: if you wanna come over, you can. dad’s making snickerdoodles and papa’s gonna watch atla (yes i still have that dvd you got me do not @ me it’s with your candles on your table just like everything else) 1:03 PM: that was on the dot, i’m happy.
December 21
8:34 AM: hey, it’s snowing 9:13 AM: couldn’t help leaving you some hot cocoa. and snickerdoodles of course 10:12 AM: i love you Remus went to go help his dads with making breakfast, but by the time everyone was done cleaning and they had finished watching some shitty Hallmark movie, he remembered that he had left his phone upstairs. Going upstairs and looking at it, he felt something in him break.
[2 Unread: Roman <3, bf’s dad]
10:22 AM, Roman <3: Why are you texting this number? 11:15 AM, bf’s dad: Remus, disregard that last, I’m so sorry. I just found his phone and I saw only the recent message first
The phone started ringing. Remus answered it as quickly as he could.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders I didn’t know that someone was actually getting these messages I thought the line was out,” he said within a few seconds before the person on the other side sighed.
“No, it’s quite all right. And Virgil’s all right, by the way, if you prefer. I... I was just looking through his things for the first time. You know, it being a holiday and all... Memories, things like that.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I just turned the phone back on, I’m getting a lot of messages.”
“Oh.” Remus stared at the wall, trying to come to terms with everything. “Well, I--”
“I’m not going to stop paying for his phone. I’m sorry, I just... I still have his voicemails on it, and I can’t stand the thought of it going offline either.”
“Right, I... I listen to it too.”
“I happened upon the last one he sent to you.”
“You looked at the messages?”
“I only looked over when I stopped getting new ones, but I saw the last question he sent you. For your ring size.”
“Yeah? He asked my ring size so that he could--”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but.. I found something of his. Can you come over?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, but can you please tell me what it was? Please?”
“I really think I should tell you this in person.”
“Please, Mr. Sanders. Please, I... I can’t manage that.”
He sighed. “All right, Remus. I found an early acceptance letter to SJAU, and... and a ringbox.”
Remus felt his grasp on the phone grow weak. It fell onto the bed, Mr. Sanders’ voice still clear.
“I think he was going to ask for you to....”
“No, we... We were just out of high school, I-- that doesn’t make sense.”
“He always was one for those romantic gestures. There’s some poems here, too. A life-plan. I’m not sure exactly what malacology is, but--”
“Mollusks. Like octopi and squids.. Sorry for cutting you off, what was that?”
“Some of it’s in your handwriting, but one of the entries is ‘ask him’, for the day after... you know.”
God, he could hear his sad smile through the phone. He knew exactly how Mr. Sanders looked right now just talking to him, probably wearing that hoodie that was too big on him, in a dusty room full of things that used to belong to the most vibrant person that Remus had ever met.
But then Roman had died.
He was the most wonderful person, and he had just died.
“I’ll come over to deliver the ring to you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s... that’s fine. Uh, call my dads first, though. They’re still not convinced I’m doing okay.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to you later, Remus.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sanders.”
The line went dead in his hands.
Remus held himself and wept.
December 28:
12:30 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: Mr. Sanders, would you like to come over for our New Year’s party? 12:34 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: It’s a tradition we had. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. 12:45 PM, Virgil Sanders: I’d love to go.
January 1:
12:00 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 12:05 AM: [Attachment: :)] 12:07 AM: we are all smiling in this photo and for that i think we deserve a hug. 12:10 AM: this rings the most beuatifl thing i’ve ever fuckign seen. thank you,, 12:14 AM: never gonna get rid of it <3 12:16 AM: it looks Good on my finger 12:30 AM: jsyk your dad’s asking my dads for the kouign amann recipe 12:32 AM: thats a pastry, i left those for u a while back 12:39 AM: okay i’m crying a bit but honestly, i love u 12:44 AM: I love you so so so much, Roman
Somewhere out there, whether it was from some wonderful paradise or beyond the veil or even only in wishful thoughts, Remus knew that someone was saying I love you too.
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thedoctor1002 · 4 years
Idk, I never posted one of my fics here but guess I'll try ~
Also, English is not my first language so feel free to correct me QwQ
Fandom: Psycho-Pass -season 1- (is this still a thing?)
Characters: Kogami Shinya, Sasayama Mitsuru, OC
Prompt (it was in Italian, so I'll translate): write a story using three among these words: cloud, dusk, thunderstorm, storm, hull, bay, shelter, sail, night
Title: Log date: 2110/02/28 (Friday) 22:04
The lights of the bay flicker dynamically before your eyes.
They dance hypnotically, of the same cyan colour of your office’s walls, but with a whole different beat. They drink the red and white trails from the traffic, they shatter and multiply in the tears of an inclement rain. I know how much you hate it, you just can’t stand going on recon with an umbrella. On the other hand, I love it.
Rain brings us close together under the waterproof cloth and I manage to observe details that neon lights often hide from me: the precise way you part your hair, the last few drops of the jasmine perfume on your jacket, your long lashes. Shion thinks they’re fake. We always fight over it, can you believe me?
After all, you’ve never been the kind of woman to wear such frills. 
A notification arrives, the acid light of your impalpable PC breaks through the sacred dark from where you pretend you don’t see me. It digs your silhouette and paints you like a ghost on the huge windows of the Public Safety Bureau.
Your jet-black hair lay on your back like varnish pouring over the white silk of your blouse.
“Pulling an all-nighter, Inspector Matou?” I ask casually, exposed. With you, after all, I always am: you’re the only one that can shush my shitty jokes.
But this time you laugh slightly: nothing more than a spike, a trembling breath that shakes your ribs and lips.
“The forecasts say that the storm won’t stop until tomorrow morning,” you tell me, sitting at your desk, “also, I’ve been delaying this paperwork through all week, it's about time I get it done. Might as well do some overtime and get rid of it, don’t you think?”
“You’re such a workaholic.” I label you, realizing how lucky I am being allowed to do it: Ginoza, that prude, would have never let it slide “You should leave some for the rest of the precinct: make 'em earn their wages.”
A tired smile crosses your face as you tap your fingers on the keyboard. It’s so clear you’re trying to avoid my glance.
You used to look for it.
You looked for my eyes at briefings, in that discrete way that eventually shocked everyone. You looked for them among alleys, as soon as you heard a gunshot or the chocked sound of a fight.
And when you found me, it felt like a 7 miles free fall.
“How are the legs going?” I dare to ask. I see the hollow structure of your new shins below the hem of your pencil skirt. They swing a bit underneath the glass of your desk. You didn’t lose your damn tic, your right heel shakes like the needle of a sewing machine even when you seem calm.
You shrug and drink the bottom of an already empty glass of water.
I shouldn’t have asked. It breaks my heart, to see you like this.
You don’t give me an answer and massage the back of your knee with a sigh. Lately, I feel like you’re avoiding me.
You’re turning back into the one you were before: uncompromising, cold and distant. I wonder if the bunch of ingrates downstairs have been calling you Dobermann again. I wonder if you’re still as relentless.
You worry me: your stress level is getting darker and darker. You don’t want old Kasei to take issues with you, not again.
I can imagine how you must have felt, the night when this mess happened.
You most likely got pissed, if I do know you.
I mean, did they really think I got away on my own? I bet you never doubted me: no one knows an Enforcer better than its Inspector.
“Runaway?! Have you lost your minds?” Sasayama?!”
Those were the first words you said when they rescued you. You spoke them way before cleansing your lungs from the rotten water of the river, way before asking Masaoka if you’d have ever got back to feeling your lower legs. They hurt like hell and you had to pull them around like sandbags.
“They got him” you panted, holding tight on your mentor’s coat “They took him away, I tell you!” The one that kidnapped him wasn’t a latent criminal. The Dominator didn’t activate, not even when they shot me. Please, believe me. Check on the log files, please.”
Crime coefficient: 0.
I know that bug still haunts you.
Cause, after all, it’s can’t be anything else: who on earth is that Makishima to fly under the Sibyl Sistem’s radar? Who can fool a network that knows your crimes before you do? And how is it possible that the silhouette that kneecapped you and threw you into a river could possibly be innocent?
You haven’t lost your mind, Inspector: the Dominator betrayed me, too.
Don’t think I don’t know how pitiful must have been, the next three days.
Makishima isn’t real. Forget it, it was just a delirium. You were in shock.
It was the trauma, dear. It was a breakdown. It was burnout syndrome.
You’d use some holiday, darling. Take a week. Take two. Go somewhere far, no, better: just stay at home. Go to therapy. Keep yourself busy, don’t think about it. Work. Also, don’t work: it wears you out!
They put you back on your feet in less than six hours, but nobody allowed you to join search parties. Heaven forbid your stress level getting any darker. Heaven forbid that yet another good Inspector gets demoted among those damn Enforcers. But, still, in the whole IT section, there wasn’t a single nerd that could get that night's logs. That's one funny thing, ain't it?
Woman, sometimes I wish your damn head wasn't that hard. I wish you didn't follow the Forensics to get a lift, so soon after the deed.
At least, you could have listened to Kogami. Shit, didn't you see how pale he was? You didn't even need the Dominator to read him, his stress level was mindblowing!
You should have believed him when he told you you didn't want to enter that alley. First off, it was already full of other detectives and analysts. I have no idea what kind of business you had to do in there. Second thing second, Kogami has an eye for certain matters. Do you think he didn't notice I’ve always been all over you? Not gonna lie, maybe I told him about you, once or twice.
But no, of course, you had to get in.
The software that taught you how to walk on those carbon stilts made you stand your ground and bark a "For fuck's sake, Shinya, move!" worthy of the Dobermann’s reputation. Even those who hadn't been called out made way.
But your new legs didn't hold you, when you saw what they had made of my corpse.
I'm sorry, Katsumi, I never wanted to upset you like that. 
You know how much I would have rather have a more heroic death. I don't know, like, in the middle of a shooting, saving the day. It would have been much classier, less tacky, less trash. I think I deserved it, that's all.
You stop typing and rub your temples. You shelter what’s left of your lipstick behind your hand. I wish I could kiss it off, instead of watching you consume it in a ruby red halo in the notch between your thumb and your index.
You lift your eyes only for Kogami, who’s passing by your office like a nurse in its night shift.
“So?” he asks in a whisper, putting more care in that question than I could have ever done. More than anybody could have ever done, because he’s the only one that gets you, right now. You two seem like the only ones who lost something.
You shake your head slowly, staring at the monitor and the dangerously high Crime Coefficient on the display.
“It's not working” you wail softly, misty-eyed. I can’t believe it, is it still you?
“They’re gonna kick me out anyway, if it doesn’t lower quickly” you continue, with that realism of yours. I used to call you a jinx for that but, at the end of the day, you always got our backs. “It’s for the best if I just resign. I’m gonna keep what's left of my dignity, at least.” 
The dark profile of my best friend looks through me, as he sits on the armchair next to mine. He would like to say something, a word of encouragement maybe, we all know it in this damn room, but numbers shut our mouths. 
“You could become an Enforcer” he proposes.
Goddammit, Shinya, did we work with the same person? Katsumi as an Enforcer?
And there you go, shaking your head. You hold your face in your hands and let your raven hair hide your visage. 
“Can you imagine me, following orders? I do know how to work, I can do it better than three-quarters of our colleagues and I’ve never had problems remarking it. They’d eat me alive if they had the chance. Dogs celebrate on the corpses of lions.”
“But lions remain lions and dogs stay dogs.” Kogami finishes, stealing my lines. 
I notice the slight trembling of your finger, as you tap your touchpad to send that last confirm.
In a few moments, the system will have your resignation registered. Your profile won’t unlock your Dominator anymore and in a few days time, just enough for you to collect your belongings, you won’t even manage to enter the office.
Who’s gonna explain to old Kasei that there's more of your stuff here than in your apartment?
I’d ask you what do you plan on doing with your life, but tonight’s decision seems definitely brave enough to call it a day.
I look at the tabs you open in your browser, they mirror in the windows behind you.
Air travel.
Argentina, Cuba, States, New Zealand, Germany, Kenya. You go around the world in 80 seconds flat, you multiply your chances and spread them all through the air in front of you, in a complex diagram that doesn’t lead anywhere.
I never wanted to take you away from your home, you don’t deserve this. 
You cover your eyes with a hand and use the other one to pick a random selection from your atlas.
“Well, at least it’s on the sea.” you wrap up, condensing in a handful of words the only satisfaction you can find in starting a brand new life.
You two stare at the transparent screenshot of your flight, the countdown on the web page seems way too joyful.
“It’s so exciting, Katsumi Matou! Check-in your luggage. Your journey will begin in: 06 days: 17 hours: 34 minutes: 21 seconds”
Seconds pass by, in complete silence.
“Do you think it would be a burden to him?” you ask Shinya, “Do you think he’d understand?”
Who would have guessed that a cynic one like yourself could believe in the afterlife? I wish I were here to ask you. I wish we could have spoken about life, death, sex, about things long gone and things yet to be.
His hand squeezes yours gently, as he looks at you in the eye, hoping to stop the train to Paranoidland from setting off.
“It’s not your fault” he reassures you as he can: the both of you wouldn’t make the average person’s empathy.
But he’s right, though, it really isn’t: I know you’ve done anything you could. It’s always been like that.
“Maybe I owe him” you draft “Even if they don’t believe in Makishima, maybe one day I could have proved he exists.”
The teal of your Psycho-Pass would suit you wonderfully, if it wasn’t a description of your mental health.
What could you possibly do in these conditions? You’d have ended up in a cubicle, filing loss and theft reports. You would have never made it to the dossiers, surely not to those of such a controversial case. Making you end up in a study room would have been my final bullshit. I’m happy with your choice, really. I would have loved visiting Europe someday.
“Don’t talk nonsense.” Kogami rebukes you, externalizing what I’ve been thinking all along: “I’m going to look out for your man: your team has already given way too much. I’m gonna find him, Matou, cold case or not.”
You nod, but it’s clear you don’t believe him. I can read through you, you’re a terrible liar.
I don’t think you don’t trust him, most likely you’ve done the math and figured that working on an independent case is far too difficult for an Inspector, let alone for an Enforcer.
And there it is, my fall. After an exhausting chase, you finally look into my eyes, even though -according to Shinya- you’re most likely staring at the void.
Despite being used to such races, believe me, I’ve missed you.
“I’m just so sorry.” you finally whisper, giving me a bitter smile. 
Try and stop me, Ginoza, tell me once again how inappropriate it is: I don’t mind anymore. I get up and I don’t hesitate while holding you and leaving a kiss on your hair, shamelessly.
“I’m going to grab some coffee” I announce, walking backwards to the door like a shrimp, just to look at my dearest friends a bit longer. “I’d get you one, but I’m short on coins. Maybe next time.”
“See you, Inspector.”, Kogami greets you, leaving alongside me.
“Be good.” you wave back, as we were all to meet again tomorrow.
Walking through the dark alley, I can hear an excerpt from our last conversation through the opaque glass of your office.
“You’re jerk, Sasayama!”
I can hear you laughing out loud, through the crackly recording. You laughed at my gall, with that warm, strong, sweet voice of yours, mocking me. Admit it: mine, after all, were the only compliments that could make you blush.
It’s incredible how we managed to joke even inside a car that was taking us on a crime scene. To an external eye, we might have looked disrespectful. Truth is I’ve always feared death so much I just had to laugh at the reaper.
“Oh, come on, what would it take? Come with me to the Precinct’s New Year’s dinner, the 17th is around the corner!” I kept annoying you, as you were too busy driving to mind my dumb flirt attempts. I still can’t get how we never had an accident. “Be good, Katsumi, give me a joy to live for!”
“You could always ask Shion, you know? You always give her more attention, after all.”
I hear the subtle sound of the wheels stopping, the parking brake cracking and it’s like Ogishima’s outskirts appear before my eyes, in that same January night. That place gave me goosebumps, but I would have hated if you understood it.
“Here we are” you announced, with still a bit of resentment in your voice. You unlocked the passenger’s door and I remember I left your Dominator in the car’s trunk: I didn’t want you to follow me. Not that time.
“You scare me when you pay so much attention” you commented, noticing how serious I got “will you tell me why are you insisting so much to keep on searching? Kogami got the guy. Tomorrow we go, we arrest him and it's thank you, next.”
My answer has been recorded as a distant and muffled noise, but I still can trace it: “He’s not the one, I tell you. I have another suspect, but I need a more solid base. And you’re staying, Inspector.”
“Staying?! You’ve gone crazy!” you laughed, locking the corporate sedan behind you “If something were to happen to you, or worse if you didn’t come back, Kasei would…”
“I said you’re staying: it’s dangerous.”
“Sasayama, our work is dangerous,” you replied, contemptuous, understanding that clearly among the gear I brought I didn’t count yours and going back to the car to get it “One more risk won’t make a difference: if I have to drop dead, it can either be here, at home or god knows where.”
“Will you join me for the precinct’s dinner, though?”
And here is a sequence that the voice recorder surely can’t have grasped, but that I could remember even in a thousand years. You cast an outraged glance over me from above the trunk’s door, panting through a half-smile. You shook your head, tucking your hair behind your ear. And finally, after refusing my invitations since 17th November, during lunch break, you smiled shrugging.
“Deal, come on, just make way” you sighed, as your heels echoed on the wet concrete “Still, you’re a jerk.”
“I recorded it: you have no excu-”
The audio file interrupts.
End of recording.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
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When I did my taglist clean-up I realized how far behind I’ve fallen on some of my many series. I want to finish them all believe me, but I am feeling sincerely overwhelmed. That being said I will be putting a few of my series on hold until I can hopefully get a few of these finished.
Going on hold ...
Maneater- Addi just stresses me out and makes me feel depressed. I will eventually finish this mini series but until then it’s going on hold while I pick up my mental health.
Made For You- this one makes me sad but I’m seriously blocked. I want to do Baslow justice, so on hold they go.
Side by Side- another one that genuinely makes me really sad to put on hold but the block is real.
What a Way to Say It’s Over- proof I can’t ever stick to a one shot. I definitely need to get Matt and Lilith in the same room but it’s gonna have to wait.
Tentatively on hold ...
Moving on With You- I love Sienna so much but the Danny thing really threw me for a loop. I keep going back and forth on how to handle it. Hopefully I can figure it out soon and continue this series giving us the LI PB denied us.
Law of Love- this one I’m in total block mode but I’m not ready to say it’s definitely on hold yet.
Need the inspiration and then we are golden ...
Following Her Heart & Starting Over, Together- I miss this group so freaking bad but I’m having a million and one conflicting thoughts.
Something More & Reclaiming Destiny- again, a million conflicting thoughts. Once I sort them we should be good.
Behind Closed Doors- need to sort a few things and then we are good.
Lucky Number 7?: Crimson Rain series- so many ideas but my muse won’t let me fluff. Once she’s off the angst train we are golden.
I swear it’s coming ...
For Tonight- crack threesome oneshot I will finish this or die trying. I’m gonna aim for having this done by my birthday that gives me two months, I got this.
Falling For You- chapter 9 is finished just needs to post, the follow up to Costume Face-off is in the works, as is chapter 10. Seriously, I’m not kidding bug me to post 9 if you want to see it before February, it’s been in my drafts for 2 months now. 😬
Crimson Rain- Liam is giving me a few problems but I’ll get it.
In Their Hearts- happy, fluffy, smutty Driam in the works. Whoop! Hoping to have this done soon.
The Rise- I think I’ve gotten the hold up sorted.
Monsters- my collab with the wonderful @sirbeepsalot we are working on it, let’s just say life ...
Coming soon ...
AKA because I don’t have enough on my plate. I blame these ideas for clogging my mind.
Lost In Time- immortal AU. This is a Cordonia crossover, it will be covering from TC&TF to TRR. Most time will probably be spent in TRM to start. It follows the idea that Raydan is immortal and Vasco and Bastien are simply his disguises. Trying to get at least a few chapters in before I start posting but I usually get excited and post before I’m ready.
Cordonian Ruby- this is a TRH AU. It follows the premise that Bradshaw is behind the car crash and Liam and MC die. Bastien is then entrusted with the heir and he takes the child into hiding until they come of age. I did some mild mapping and want at least the first five chapters started or more info gathered for them before I post the prologue.
Untitled Baslivia angst- it started with a song and it developed into something so much worse than it was when it had no pairing with the help of two prompts, one from anon and one from my beeps.
Tagging my perma bunch: @speedyoperarascalparty @liamxs-world @annekebbphotography @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @ao719 @blackwidow2721 @katurrade @leelee10898 @stopforamoment @akrenich @cora-nova @gardeningourmet @daniv2278 @bella-ca @gibbles82 @tornbetween2loves @choiceslife @blackcoffee85 @sirbeepsalot @galaxyside-0 @dcbbw @alicars @desiree-0816 @mfackenthal @bhavf @indiacater @drakesensworld @kingliam2019 @walkerswhiskeygirl @ladyangel70 @jovialyouthmusic @edgiestwinter @rainbowsinthestorm
Just trr: @sleepwalkingelite @texaskitten30 @traeumerinwitzhelden @bbrandy2002 @jared2612
No Driam: @blackcatkita @darley1101
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psyga315 · 4 years
Fixing RWBY Volume 5
Well, here we are. Volume 5. The hot mess that helped spark a new generation of critics. Sure, Volume 6 also had its share, but it was more focused on Adam and the Bees. Volume 5 destroyed a lot of things and caused people to voice their complaints. It was so bad, RT had to literally appease the public by giving them exactly what they want. You ever wondered why Ruby suddenly gained prominence as a character in Volume 6 or the sudden focus on Blake and Yang’s relationship or even Penny’s return?
But why is Volume 5 so bad? Well, I made a lengthy post about it, but the long story short of it is that a combination of RT’s over ambitiousness of RWBY, its lack of resource management, and the writers clearly having no idea how to pace scenes out led to a Volume that felt more like the writers just wanted to get it over with and failed to live up to its core theme. I brought this up time and time again with my tweaks that each of the volumes carried with it a certain theme.
Volume 1 was about beginnings and friendship, Volume 2 was about stepping into danger, Volume 3 was the theme of falling, Volume 4 was the theme of picking yourself back up, Volume 6 was outgrowing your mentor’s advice, and Volume 7 was about trust and fear. What’s Volume 5’s theme? Well, from the interviews mentioned in the Reddit post and the opening song, the theme revolves around solving problems on your own and, most importantly for this rewrite, shouting “We’re not done here!”, which, if you’ve seen Volume 5, went more like this:
“Let’s wait until the bad guys call us to fight them. Then we’ll cry about how things aren’t going our way until this guy goes about feeling up- I mean, healing up this girl.”
Obviously, this needs to be changed. Unlike the other tweaks where I change one or two major elements of a Volume and mostly shuffle things around for better coherency, this is just gonna outright be a full rewrite, since while I mostly let things go as they are, the problem with Volume 5 is that nothing should go as they are.
In fact, all the tweaking I did is basically building up for Volume 5. All the bits where Ozpin is untrustworthy? To better sell Yang getting all pissy about BIRDS. Hazel’s appearance? To make him a much more prominent character. Everything in regards to Adam and the White Fang? To set up a better closure for the White Fang subplot. It’s all been to try and fix Volume 5. If Volume 3 is the lynchpin for which all other Volumes try to imitate, then Volume 5 is the lynchpin for which all other Volumes try to avoid being. Like I said, RT had to basically give viewers a shit ton of cookies just to make up for how bad Volume 5 was.
So, instead of going by this arc by arc, I’m gonna go the more traditional route and rewrite the Volume episode by episode. My obligatory recommendation is a mishmash of Volume 5 rewrites that Unicorn of War made. I mean, he made about 3? 4? I lost count.
Episode 0 (Trailers)
Okay, these need to be changed. The point of a character short is to highlight the character’s strong points. Not make them weak or focus on someone else. Ruby’s character short did this, Adam’s character short did this, the original trailers did this, so why the hell did they drop the ball with Weiss losing to common undead mooks and Blake listening to a backstory that isn’t even in the show proper?
So, we’re going to change all this. Weiss’s character short has her fighting against the Beowovles and she manages to win. Winter comes by, but points out how sloppy she was and reveals that she held back. She then gives a foreshadowing line of “if this were a real battle, you’d most likely be bleeding out from that last blow.”
Blake’s character short goes more into detail of what happened to Ghira. Namely him getting gunned down by random humans and in a later scene, Blake fighting them to get revenge, only to stop herself. Adam steps in and personally finishes off the humans, which causes Blake to realize just how much of an asshole Adam is.
Yang’s character short is somewhat the same, but drop the stupid plotline of Ruby learning hand to hand, since RT wants to pretend it never existed to begin with. Also, let’s not have Yang’s aura flicker and tell the Audience she has no aura when you literally just explained a day or so ago that no aura means no semblance.
Alright, now let’s finally get into it:
Episode 1
We open right where the stinger of Volume 4 leaves off with Jaune and co visiting Pyrrha’s mom and dad and dropping off a spare shield that RT joked about in an interview that forever scarred the Floof Artist and blurred the lines of if RWBY should be an anime or a cartooooooooooon. It’s meant to set the tone for this Volume as we get a brief bit where Ruby and Qrow explore the rest of Mistral and not just look at mat paintings. Also, show that it’s in a state of chaos instead of two people with some bamboo heart plant thing.
We also have bits that catch up with our cast. Weiss hears a distress signal and much to Pilot Boi’s demands, she commandeers the ship and flies to them. Blake and Ilia meet for the first time since the fight and Blake argues with her on why she’s vouching so much for Adam. Ilia only warns her to leave Menagerie before she gets hurt and leaves before Blake asks for details. Yang and Heather gang up and get Not!Bakugou to drag them to the bandits.
RNJR and Qrow meet up with Lionheart, who fills them in on the crisis as Qrow tells him that he had to explain the Relics since Ozpin is no longer with them. Namely, Mistral has tons of Grimm going around, not helped by bandits who are making bad matters worse. When Qrow mentions that the Spring Maiden is among the bandits, he nearly has a heart attack. “Bandits are one thing but magical bandits!?”
He also answers Jaune’s question with the same response: “Nothing but lies and forgeries.”, which makes Jaune angry and openly complains about it before Ruby tries to help him. “Hey! We may not have gotten what we wanted, but people here need our help.” When Ruby says this, Qrow decides to inform the group about the possible home base of Raven’s tribe. Note that he does not mention that she’s Yang’s mom nor do they know. Lionheart is a little startled and warns that they only have one shot at this and if they fail, Raven’s tribe will scatter into parts unknown, if they haven’t already. He tries to get them to stay, but Ruby is insistent to stop Raven at the very least, with securing the Spring Maiden being a secondary mission, not asking why she’s important, since she kinda got the idea from Jaune when he recounted how Ozpin forced the Maiden powers onto Pyrrha.
As they leave, Lionheart sighs and warns Watts about it, only for him to say that this game of chess was out of his hand to begin with. The most Lionheart can do is provide the team with the one Huntsman who is at his Academy…
Later that evening, Qrow goes for a drink while RNJR prepare for their mission. He is approached by Oscar and Lionheart. Lionheart says that Oscar had arrived at Haven days ago and refused to leave when he’s told that school’s out for the summer. He leaves Oscar to Qrow while saying how “a day out in the field is worth a week in school.”
As Oscar is alone with Qrow, he asks for his cane in a voice that is not his. Ending the episode there.
Episode 2
Lionheart informs Salem about RNJR arriving at Haven with Qrow and that they’re on their way to retrieve the Spring Maiden. He advises Salem to act quickly, but Salem hushes him (no, she does not strangle him) and says that she’s got the situation under control. She then advises Watts that he is no longer needed at Mistral and is to return to Evernight before the others find him. Watts uses the Seer to teleport and he and Cinder have a bit of a snarkfest now that Cinder can talk before Watts leaves to make Tyrian’s tail.
Cinder then asks Salem to personally be the one that kills Ruby, only to be warned that Ruby’s Silver Eyes are a hazard to her. “She is merely a novice with the Silver Eyes and yet put you on death’s door… I don’t want you to get hurt again.” Cinder just flares up and goes “I. Won’t.” And storms off.
Weiss battles with Lancer Wasps like in the original, but she’s acting on initiative so people are being saved. Battle proceeds like normal, but when Weiss crashes the plan, she and Pilot Boi survive before being kidnapped by Raven.
We cut to Adam and Sienna doing their usual talk, but instead of Sienna going out like a bitch, she actually has a battle with Adam because I assume in this universe, RT knows better than to fuck up like this. I’d compare it to Maul vs. Vizsla from the Clone Wars.
Meanwhile, Ruby and co. are ready to depart before Qrow approaches them, drunk, with Oscar, who quickly informs the group that they may know him better as Ozpin… Cue Jaune becoming shocked at first… then turning into outright rage. End episode.
Episode 3
We open with Kali making a speech on Adam’s plans to destroy Haven Academy and the rest of the Menagerians hesitant to step forward. One of the guards approaches Kali, then stabs her. In the chaos, the guard runs off, then appears through the crowd, shedding her disguise and revealing herself to the audience as Ilia, who gives her whole “Now is the time to side with Adam” speech and also reveals how her parents died in the dust mines. This goes into a brief scuffle between Sun and Ilia that Ilia gets out of by disguising herself as Blake when Blake joins the fight. This is where you can do that Blake slaps Sun bit, but instead, it’s Ilia who slaps Sun.
We then cut to Jaune slamming Oscar against the wall and shouting: “YOU BASTARD! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?” Ruby tries to pull Jaune away, but he won’t budge. Oscar, still in Ozpin’s voice, gives the explanation that he is able to reincarnate but hides why or how he can do this. In fact, he hides that his “reincarnation” actually means his soul becomes linked to another’s, much to Oscar’s chagrin. He explains that Lionheart has been very sketchy and warns not to listen to what he says. He then advises that they should move quickly. Note that he doesn’t say that they need to train, since the training arc goes nowhere and we need to not only streamline this but make it a lot more entertaining. Ozpin then de-possesses Oscar, who cries about his hurt back, immediately bringing Ozpin’s methods into question for Ruby for the first time.
Weiss awakes to find herself in a cage next to Pilot Boi, who just gives her a comedic calling out just before Vernal and her troops come in and drag out Pilot Boi. Vernal looks to Weiss and tells the bandits “she’s important. Leave her be.” Weiss asks what’s going on as Vernal tells Weiss about how she’s going to be used as a bartering chip. For what, we don’t know yet, but it’s clarified that she’s not being ransomed back to her father. Vernal then explains that Pilot Boi is merely a spare and that they can do what they want. As she says that, she goes to Pilot Boi as he is held down in front of Raven. Vernal approaches Pilot Boi as Weiss looks on in worry. We then end the episode with a crash of lightning.
Episode 4
Heather and Yang get ambushed, but beat up the gang with ease, then enter the tribe, though not without seeing Pilot Boi’s charred corpse crucified outside the gates as a warning for intruders. Heather and Yang get their weapons ready.
We cut to RNJR, Oscar, and Qrow, who are walking to Raven’s camp. Along the way, Oscar is given a lecture from Qrow on Aura, namely on how to activate it. He then asks Ruby, as she’s the youngest of the group, if fighting is as easy as huntsmen make it out to be. Ruby gives the naïve answer of “of course!” though Jaune brings up how inexperience is discouraged. As Oscar grows afraid of Jaune, Jaune sighs and apologizes. “Sorry, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with you and Oz right now… I don’t hate you… Just the voice inside you.”
“I know… I hate it too…”
Qrow stops them and tells them they’ve arrived.
Cut to the tribe letting Yang and Heather in where they confront Raven… Heather questions if she’s the one responsible for not just the destruction of several villages, but also the disappearance of huntsmen too. Already, this should send warning flags, but Yang decides to ignore them.
Yang: Take off that mask, Raven.
Raven: Is that anyway to treat your mother? {Heather gives a WTF look}
Yang: My mother is dead and you know it.
Raven: {sneers} Regardless. You’ve proven yourself by coming out to find me. I guess you grew tired of Ozpin’s teachings and wanted to join the winning side.
Yang: That’s not why I’m here.
Raven: Then why are you here?
Yang: For my sister.
Raven: Well, hate to disappoint you, but she’s not here.
Yang: That’s why you’re going to bring me there with your Semblance. It can create portals with you and a close bond, right?
Raven: So… you know about that. Well, unfortunately for you, I don’t respect that brat enough to make a portal.
Yang: {eyes go red} Don’t talk about my sister that way!
Raven: What’s so important about her anyways? From her eyes, she’s already a lost cause for that Ozpin.
Yang: What do you know about Ozpin? You got kicked out the moment he saw that you’re using his teachings to kill innocent people!
Raven: Is that what Taiyang told you? Foolish. Simply foolish. I didn’t get kicked out of STRQ. I left STRQ. I’d rather use those teachings for better things than what Ozpin had in store. He turned my brother and your ‘mother’ into his personal attack dogs and put one of them down when they got too gabby.
Yang: {about to go into a frenzy} You shut your mouth!
Vernal: Are we going to have a problem?
Yang: {sees she has Myrtenaster} W-where did you find that?
Raven: {nods to Vernal, who goes over to reveal a caged Weiss} We had anticipated your arrival since you stepped foot on Anima. The fact that one of your friends just so happened to be close by gave us the perfect bargaining chip.
Yang: What are you going to do to her?
Raven: Nothing, if you join us. {Weiss looks at Raven, having suddenly figured out that’s what Vernal meant}
Yang: And if I refuse?
Raven then signals Vernal to execute Weiss. Just then, Ruby intervenes and speed blitzes her. Weiss then breaks out of the prison with her summon as JNROQ come in. The group is surrounded by bandits as everyone quickly finds out that Raven is Yang’s mom. Ren is the first to attack, seeing Vernal and believing her to be the child he made friends with back in Kuroyuri. This begins a massive clash that is sure to sate the appetites of those who want to say “RWBY’s about four girls who kick ass” and give a taste of what’s to come.
The group have little time to figure out what’s going on. Just that Ren, Weiss and Nora are fighting Vernal (this is where you have Weiss trying to summon only to get shot by Vernal), Jaune is battling some bandits with Oscar and Heather, and Ruby and Yang try to fight Raven, only for Qrow to interfere and say that Raven’s on a whole different level. Raven retreats and after battling some bandits for quite a bit, Hazel comes out of the tent. Turns out that Fort Castle (the place where Adam fought Sienna) was not too far from Raven’s base. Ruby and Hazel reunite briefly before Hazel apologizes and enters the fray. He makes everyone his bitch and that’s without the Dust Crystals. Heather and Qrow are the only ones to give him an even fight, but he quickly overwhelms them too thanks to his Semblance.
While the group manages to fend off the bandits, it’s clear that with Hazel, Raven, and Vernal, they need to make a retreat, especially since Raven asks Hazel to bring in “that Adam boy”, making Yang go full PTSD mode. However, before they could leave, Hazel defeats Heather. Ruby protests that he shouldn’t kill her, but her pleas fall on deaf ears as he finishes Heather off. Ruby begins to cry and asks why he killed her. Hazel just replies “She made her choice.” The group retreat back to Mistral as we end the episode with Raven going back into the camp as we see that a Seer Grimm is inside her tent.
This reveals a rather big twist: Raven is also in league with Salem’s crew, acting as Huntsmen removal instead of Tyrian and Hazel (since they were too busy with their stuff in Volume 4) and it also explains why Salem and the others aren’t as hard-pressed about the Spring Maiden as they should be. They already have her in their grasps and, were it not for Cinder getting Silver-Eye’d, Cinder would have immediately gained the Spring Maiden powers.
Episode 5
After that rollercoaster of an episode, the story relaxes with Sun trying (comedically) to get people to join in the battle for Haven, only for Blake to stop him and tell him that it’s futile. She just visited her mom, who is currently recovering in the house, and tells Sun that they should just give up and leave. Sun refuses, since he wants to give Adam a thing or two about giving Faunus like him a bad name. Were I to completely redo Sun’s character, I’d definitely see him as Claude from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Blake then explains to Sun who Ilia is, complete with a Burning the Candle-like flashback. This is where her backstory comes in. She then explains who Adam is. We don’t get a flashback and even so, she knows little about him. Just that he came to the White Fang one day, asserted himself, then when Ghira was assassinated, took the reins of the White Fang, leaving Sienna Khan to be a puppet leader. As such, Blake believes that she’s the one who made Adam the monster he is, when audience members can obviously tell that’s not the case. It’s just Blake putting herself down and Sun points out how this is probably something Adam said to her to make her feel small. If you’re not getting it by now, Sun is basically where Blake learns a lot of Adam’s tactics from and eventually, she becomes a much better person at handling Adam’s BS. The reason why he knows all this is from his own personal experience. To ensure there’s no “mystery box” element, I’m gonna nip it in the bud and say his father’s the RWBY version of King Louie… Which given how he sings about wanting “man’s red flower” and how people compare Adam to Mowgli because he killed Sienna Khan…
Oooooooh, this could be really cool but this is a tweak, not a fanfic. FOCUS! … I want to say that Adam was an experiment by Vacuan scientists (read: shamans who prefer using Dust as science) before being dumped to the Schnees as part of a deal and that’s how we got his Semblance being as weird as it is.
Back at Haven’s dorm, RWYJNR are shaken up from the battle, not to mention Ruby having personally seen her friend’s father murder someone before her eyes. Oscar himself is rather shaken up. Qrow is the only person unfazed, but that’s because he’s always drunk instead. While everyone takes their time in recovering, Ruby and Oscar talk about the future, as Heather was an experienced Huntress. This is where the infamous speech comes in, but Ruby doesn’t blame Salem for killing Penny and Pyrrha, rather she blames Cinder, then mentions how she’s a pawn of Salem and expresses doubt if they could beat her.
Cut to the Albains. They have no communications with Adam and so they have to move on their own. One of them decides “let’s kill Kali!” and the other’s like “uh, isn’t that going to cause people to turn against us?” “No, no, it’s okay dude, they can trust us!” all while Ilia is like “… wtf?” and Yuma’s like “only here for a few minutes, use me effectively.”
Episode 6
Qrow investigates and finds that all the other Huntsmen have met unfortunate ends and all assigned to the same quest: stop the bandits. He mutters about how Raven could do such a thing, only to find a young girl crying and asking for her mother. It’s made clear that this is Heather’s kid and Qrow, for the first time in a longass while, begins to feel remorse, if only because he mistook her for Ruby.
We cut to Raven as she has a meeting with Vernal, Hazel, and Adam. It’s clear that RWYJNR are gonna try and return and rather than prepare for a rematch, Raven proposes to nip it in the bud. She also dotes on Adam a bit, saying how he is better than Yang in every way possible. We don’t know the full extent of what she means just yet, but we’ll find out later.
Ren and Yang have a chat about Raven. Ren’s absolutely pissed that Yang’s mother is the person who torched his town and stole his friend (he assumes she’s kidnapped and is being forced to fight against her will) while Yang is just as irritated that Raven tried to use her friend as leverage. Weiss copes with having seen someone die in front of her and Nora comforts her, casually joking that, if Vernal tried that on her, she’d be sorry. Ruby, Oscar and Jaune discuss on what to do going forward, having Ozpin come out so that they can get some sort of advice, much to Jaune’s chagrin.
Ozpin, however, refuses to speak. Before Jaune could get upset with Oz, he cites that even walls have ears. Cut to Yang as she sees a red-eyed raven outside her house. She quickly remembers the red-eyed raven from Patch, both the one that screamed at Ruby and the one that was there when she lost her arm. She instantly goes on the defensive as the bird flies through the window and changes to Raven. Yang asks how she can do that and she merely says “Oz did this to me.” End of episode.
Episode 7
Everyone rushes in as Raven brings in her proposition: Surrender Yang and she’ll spare the rest of the group. Refuse and they will have the fight come to them. Ozpin interjects and offers Yang in trade for the Spring Maiden, to which everyone, Qrow included, goes “WHAT THE ACTUAL F, DUDE!?” The two have a little back and forth as Ozpin makes clear that she chose to have these powers and points out that if she was salty about being able to turn into a bird at free will without any drawbacks, he could gladly take them back by force. This casual threat is enough to make Raven back off, only to warn the others that a storm is coming.
With that, Ozpin is forced to explain quite a bit. This, unfortunately, is where we can’t mince the scene, since Ozpin has to explain what’s going on. I guess the only way to make it more effective is a little back and forth where the characters share what they do know about Ozpin’s magic and Ozpin fills them in on what they don’t. First and foremost, Yang is not upset about Ozpin and BIRDS. The person being upset is Jaune, especially since Ozpin reveals that not only did he create the Maidens in the first place, but also that by “reincarnate” he meant inhabit the body of a young boy. This is made worse when he reveals accidentally that he is able to reincarnate earlier than intended if he chooses to die instead of being killed.
This sets Jaune off since, as far as he can tell, Ozpin is responsible for Pyrrha’s death more than Cinder. Cinder may have killed her, but it’s Ozpin who not only put Pyrrha in that position, but also paved the way for Cinder to overpower her. Before they could get into a tussle, Yang shouts and has Ozpin promise “no more lies, no more half truths”. He obviously lies about promising that and Qrow can see the crossed fingers behind his back.
We then end with Cinder and co arriving to make negotiations with Raven.
Episode 8
The beginning actually stays the same, all things considered. The only massive change is that Yang is not easily convinced to want Blake back because Weiss told her “lol, my mummy was drunk so shut it”. In fact, we see the others talk about Blake and Jaune is the most bitter, even more than Yang, because Blake was a White Fang member and refused to share any information regarding them, which could have led to an easier time dealing with the Fall.
Ruby puts her foot down and tells Jaune to stop being so salty over Pyrrha’s death, but is quickly outvoted since Ren and Nora are also upset that Pyrrha died. She’s frustrated and goes to interrupt Qrow and Ozpin discussing what to do regarding Raven. She asks Ozpin what he knows about the Silver Eyes, saying how it’s the only thing that might incapacitate Vernal. Ozpin tells her he doesn’t know too much about Silver Eyes, as he did not have any himself, but reassures her that the Silver Eyes would have no impact on a Maiden.
Raven and Cinder chat and Cinder makes it clear that it’s time for the Spring Maiden to relinquish her powers to her, reassuring Vernal that she can make it quick and painless. Raven stops Cinder and says that Ruby and the others have set their sights on the Spring Maiden and that if she were to take them now, she’d have a target on her back, reminding Cinder of the Silver Eyes. She then makes a proposal. Salem has given them a blank check on how Haven falls since they have all the cards on the table, so why not kill two birds with one stone… Or rather, kill one crow and seven kids with one army?
Blake’s bit with Ilia stays the same as well, but the difference is that Ilia wants to keep Blake for herself instead of sending her to Adam, saying how she can keep her safe. Yes, this edges her more into the Psycho Lesbian route, but unintentionally. She genuinely cares for Blake’s well-being and not in some sort of yandere bit. Sun intervenes and the group runs back to the house while the guards have a war with the White Fang.
Episode 9
We instantly kick off the Battle of Menagerie instead of a long, drawn out sequence of Raven talking with Cinder. It mostly stays the same, but how the house catches fire is different. Blake sees Ilia in the dark, shoots her and goes “rly?”, though, in the middle of this, the Albains begin to fight amongst each other.
Corsac is willing to kill the Belladonnas for the cause (“THEY’VE GIVEN US NOTHING BUT GRIEF!”) while Fennec is trying to convince him that Adam is a lost cause and they need to replace him. During this scuffle, it’s revealed that Corsac was the one who set up that roadside ambush that killed Ghira, believing that Ghira was weak and that they needed a stronger leader ready to give the Faunus much needed progress. Fennec tells him that all it’s given them is chaos.
The two clash and set the house ablaze. Ilia realizes that Blake would be in immediate danger and struggles to save her instead of seeing the assassination to the end, thus redeeming her as she nearly dies saving Blake. Sun sacrifices himself to get Kali out of the burning building, but its revealed to have been his Semblance at work. When Sun shows up, Blake finally slaps him for realises, and this time, for good reason.
Blake gives her “humans didn’t do this” speech, Ilia playing a recording of Corsac’s hand in Ghira’s death, and this motivates the crowd to fight for Haven. Fennec emerges, heavily burned and carrying his brother’s tattered cloak. He has much to atone for and offers to remain on Menagerie with Kali to establish a new White Fang, giving Blake the task to destroy the old one. Ilia, Sun, and Blake go with the Menagerian army to Haven, with their captain, having comedically been neglected all Volume, finally getting the spotlight… He’s going to steal Robyn’s line of “still here, everyone” because honestly, that has a better spot here than in the show proper.
Episode 10
Lionheart messages the crew that Raven had left Vernal at his office and they go. They know full well it’s a trap and so Qrow elects to stay behind in bird form. Lionheart instantly stammers and freaks as he sees kids and not Qrow.
Lionheart: W-where is Qrow?
Ruby: I don’t know if you’ve heard of us, but we’re Teams RWBY and JNPR. We’ve accomplished many things without an adult to save us or tell us what to do-
Weiss: Uh, technically-
Ruby: {whispers to Weiss} Ssssh! You’re ruining my groove! {speaks to Lionheart} Even though we’re incomplete, our friends are by our side. And that’s why… {she points her sniper rifle at Lionheart} We’re not going to fall for your tricks!
As she fires, a fireball comes out and there’s a large explosion as Cinder flies through the smoke. The Battle of Haven begins as, one by one, the villains enter the fray. First Cinder, then Emerald and Mercury, then Raven and Vernal, and lastly Hazel. Lionheart is reluctant to fight, but Oscar forces his hand.
Meanwhile, outside, Qrow is attacked by Adam and the two duel it out for the episode. Maybe have Qrow quip a line like “so, you’re the one who severed my niece’s arm? Well, why don’t you give me a leg?” and some joke about equivalent exchange that would be funnier if Vic had voiced Qrow in this universe.
I’m not gonna sugar coat it, the Battle of Haven, at least in the opening act, is a battle royale and one that V5 should have been. We have six people going up against six people, each of them taking turns at their opponents and switching out every now and then, the only consistent battle pairings are Qrow vs. Adam and Lionheart vs. Ozpin. By the midway point, though, the fight has been finalized to…
· Jaune vs. Cinder
· Ren vs. Raven
· Weiss vs. Vernal
· Nora vs. Emerald
· Yang vs. Mercury
· Ruby vs. Hazel
Each of them gives their own reason why they’re fighting. Jaune and Ren want to make their opponent pay, Weiss wants Vernal to give her back her weapon (yeah, she never gave it back), Yang is angry that Mercury framed her, Nora tries to help Ren but is interrupted by Emerald, and Ruby fights Hazel to reason with him.
Eventually, the battle comes to a head when Emerald uses her illusion powers and Ruby witnesses it. She quickly realizes she caused Pyrrha to dismantle Penny and goes ballistic. Before Emerald knows it, she gets speed blitzed and beaten up by Ruby’s fists. Ruby then chops off Mercury’s prosthetics as soon as she notices them, knocking both out of the fight. It then becomes a little one-sided as Nora helps Ren fight Raven and Yang helps Ruby fight Hazel, where Ruby gives her “I’m angry” line.
Jaune nearly getting killed by Cinder, along with Weiss’s aura running out and screaming in pain, causes Ruby’s Silver Eyes to go off as it begins to burn Cinder. Cinder gives her a fireball to the chest in desperation, destroying Ruby’s aura and leaving her venerable for a hit. Jaune swings his sword and, while he misses like in the original, gives Cinder a deep cut on her cheek, right below where the burn is. Qrow’s fight with Adam knocks him into the room and Adam waltzes in, giving Yang the PTSD trip of a lifetime, not helped by Adam gloating…
“I didn’t realize that when we fought at Beacon, I was facing Raven’s own daughter… Now I know what she means when she said I was the superior child!”
Boom! Plot twist! Adam’s Raven’s son! Well, adopted son. But still!
Also, Cinder decides to make Jaune’s life a living hell by trying to stab Weiss… But Ruby runs and takes the blow for her, ending the episode.
Episode 11
The episode starts off rather similarly, with the exception of Ruby being the one that’s mortally wounded. Jaune cries and says “we need you!”, which given what he said in Volume 4, fits better.
The major remainder of the fight is focused on fighting Hazel, Lionheart and Adam, as Emerald and Mercury are still out of commission and Cinder, Raven, and Vernal f off to the vault. The two prove to be a powerhouse, especially since Hazel powers up Adam’s Moonslices and Lionheart handing Hazel more Dust Crystals. Ruby heals up and tells Jaune “whatever you’re doing, don’t stop”, only for Jaune to go “then don’t take my hands off the wound!”
Pretty standard battle and we have a reveal that Raven was the true Maiden.
Episode 12
The battle comes to a second head when Blake’s army arrives, forcing Adam to leave the battle and confront Blake. His fight happens like before, but Blake appears behind him instead of in the path of the blade.
Hazel, meanwhile, is not tiring out for a second. Not even a stab from a Lancer is enough to take him out. Ruby comes to and evens out the battle by speed blitzing him. Yang and Blake meet each other for the first time, but as Yang tries to reconcile with Blake, not only is she reminded of the bitter words she gave her in V3, but Adam’s presence makes it a hard-emotional hurdle to break. As soon as Oscar warns Yang that the Relic of Knowledge should not fall in to the wrong hands (during this, he explains what’s so important about the Vault), Yang goes after Raven, Cinder, and Vernal, much to Ruby’s dismay. She ends up losing her arm from Mercury grabbing it.
The Battle of the Bitches remains unchanged because it is GOAT.
Episode 13
The final episode of the Volume (because Volumes 6 & 7 are also 13 episodes long) has Blake defeating Adam, with Sun breaking off one of his horns because Monkey King. Sun gives chase, only for Adam to almost kill him were it not for Ilia saving Sun. You can have it so that Ilia is killed by Adam here.
Blake joins in and we have a fight scene with Hazel & Lionheart vs RWBJNROQ. It’s short, but everyone gets a hit in. Ruby realizes that there’s only one way to stop Hazel. She flies over and aims her sniper rifle at the Dust Crystals on Hazel’s arms. Weiss and Blake hold Hazel down with Glyphs and Shadows as Hazel looks at Ruby. He quickly realizes what she’s doing and asks:
Hazel: What do you think you’re doing!? What would Gretchen think of this?!
Ruby: … You made your choice.
BANG! As the sniper rifle hits the crystal, it triggers a chain reaction that causes Hazel to explode, killing him in the process.
Cut to Yang and Raven. The two have a stand off as Yang begins to piece everything together. We have a flashback of the fall of Kuroyuri, this time from the little girl’s perspective. She’s upset since she brought the Bandits to the place and caused enough havoc to have it be destroyed by Grimm. She protests this to Raven who, having run out of patience for her, stabs her and says how she’ll use her powers in ways she can never imagine, mirroring how Cinder killed Pyrrha.
Yang bitterly calls out Raven for murdering a child and Raven claims it was mercy. They get into a heated argument, but no one wishes to move. It becomes apparent that, with Raven out of aura and Yang without an arm and also having very low aura, this battle will not only be quick, but deadly. And yet, the battle lasts for a good chunk of time as the two try to avoid getting hit, Yang out maneuvering Raven while Raven uses her magic. It ends with Yang delivering a fatal punch to Raven’s gut as Raven lays dying in her arms. Raven warns her that, should she take the Relic, Salem will hunt her down. As such, she refuses to give her the Maiden Powers and dies without Yang in her thoughts. Yang goes to get the Relic, then begins to cry.
Emerald awakens from the sound of the explosion and finds that she is out numbered. She goes all “CINDER WILL TAKE ALL OF YOU OUT!” before Yang comes up and devastates Emerald so much, she makes the Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Salem. However, this isn’t a jump scare. Rather, it’s a full-on boss battle as RWBY try to face it like in the opening. While they realize it’s a hallucination, their mind makes it so real that one hit from it is enough to knock Yang out.
Lionheart sees this and, deciding to be brave for the first (and last) time in a long while, stockpiles the remaining Dust Crystals he has and tells the others to get out as he deals with the illusion. Before they do, he tells Oscar to tell the others about his betrayal. Although he was brave in this final moment, he wants everyone to know he was always a coward. He then sets the crystals into overdrive and explodes, taking both him and the illusion out, but also collapsing Haven’s main hall down and with it, the entrance to the Vault.
The group are confronted with police and concerned Faunus… Cut to a few days later as Menagerian Faunus are welcomed with open arms and news of Lionheart’s heroic sacrifice makes headlines. A manhunt is put out for Adam, Emerald, and Mercury, with Cinder being presumed dead.
After having rested for a bit, Ruby confronts Jaune about wanting to kill Cinder and tells him that she doesn’t feel anything good when she hurt Emerald and Mercury and even feels horrible for having killed Hazel. Nora and Ren join in and tell Jaune not to doubt himself for a second. Basically, that bit in V7 is here. RNJR disbands, but not without a tearjerking remark from Jaune where he says that “at least one team is back together”… Not bitterly, surprisingly enough. Oscar joins in and asks Jaune if he’s willing to take him in. Jaune asks for his name so they can figure out how to name themselves and when he hears that it’s Oscar Pine, he just chuckles and says “Well, there’s always JNPR…”
Blake and Yang are clearly shown to not be back together, but Yang is willing to let Blake stay for now because that’s all that matters. Weiss and Ruby talk about Ruby sacrificing herself for Weiss and she chews her out in a rather sweet way. Qrow, meanwhile, pours one out for Raven. She may have been a bitch, but she was still his sister. Oscar comes and calls for a meeting. With the vault no longer accessible for the time being and the Spring Maiden having gone to someone random, they have no choice but to leave for Atlas. There’s a pause before Weiss goes “WHAT THE FU-”
Roll credits.
DVD Exclusive Episode
This is where we have the STRQ flashback episode now that one of the core members is dead. It is a simple how they formed and how they eventually left, with Raven leaving STRQ on her own terms soon after she’s inducted into the shadow war, Summer leaving on her final mission assigned by Ozpin, and Taiyang retiring as a Huntsman. Qrow, the last one, laments on how everyone he loves is gone and is driven to drink more, foreshadowing to his alcoholism spike in V6. Ozpin comes to him and gives him a rather heartwarming speech about how time heals all wounds, using RWBY and JNPR as examples of this.
As he ends the speech, we end on a small girl in the middle of Shion village, now going through a rebuilding, before her eyes flare up and she begins to use gusts of wind to help clean up the debris.
And that’s how you tweak Volume 5. Granted, a lot of stuff has been changed and makes at least one hole in the V6 Tweak, namely the DVD exclusive episode for that. To which I say… Make it an extended look at the beginnings of Remnant 2.0. Apparently, there was a lot more information RT couldn’t squeeze into The Lost Fable, so do that.
With that, the Tweaking Series is finally done. I don’t think I’ll do V8 unless it proves to be just as problematic as V7, V6, or V5. This has been a rather entertaining ride and I hope you guys loved these entries. Adios, amigos.
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mythivl · 6 years
RWBY V6E11 Spoilers
Hi so this episode made me emo ??? Like actually I got teary eyed watching so many things happen this episode. Like honestly first um
RT has been providing me with thAT MMM yummy rosegarden, whiterose and bEES but I’ve been seeing so many people comment only on the bees but another thing that got me emo is Qrow watching ruby fall from the cliff and he couldnt catch her.
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Like this?? He was on the verge of shock and injured even from the landing, like you see him holding his arm in this scene.
Ruby approaches the cliff, he’s pretty sure shes gonna make it because if you notice, Qrow looks back to make sure shes okay, but his expression turns to horror as he realizes that shes falling.
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I mean its a pretty funny face ruby’s pulling because it screams :0 energy but i actually got scared because I LOVE RubY with my entire soul, but seeing her fall and scream like that hurt my iTTY BITTY HEART. Just in time tho she pulls out crescent rose to save her, but her uncle and me make my heart hurt alot, especially when you start to wonder how Summer died. Qrow was givin off some vibes last episode and IT MADE ME EMO SORRY.
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Her clinging on to dear life and not sure what to do next had me messed up, protect this bean at all times please.
skip the rest of this if you dont like rose garden sorry
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oscar shouting “RUBY MOVE” had me emo as well
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igshar · 5 years
Chapter 0 - Amelia Brandt
The first chapter of my novel! Because I love the 70 people who follow me still even though I never ever post anything lmao. You guys are the best, so have a free sample of the first meeting of Amelia and Lucille and all the weirdness that surrounds such things.
The cylinder of a six-shot revolver broke open, shattering the silence of the evening as two emerald eyes checked the bullets loaded into the weapon: three were forged of dead-man’s blood and the others glowed a subtle shade of blue. Her feet clacked along down the sidewalk, boots falling heavy on the concrete. The night was dark; the moon a thin sliver in the sky. She spun the cylinder and clicked it shut, testing her aim as she walked. A twig cracked behind her and she wheeled about, aiming the weapon dead ahead, steady despite the sweat beading on her forehead. She could see nothing in the dim lights of the streetlamps, not even beneath that one that flickered half a block down. She dropped her arms and turned back to walk forward, further. “Where are you, Greg?” she mumbled under her breath, eyes scanning the area. Drumming her right hand’s fingers on her hip, she spun the gun in her other hand and holstered it, dropping thumbs to hang on her gun belt. A heavy groan escaped her lips and she looked skyward, watching the clouds float to cover up the waning crescent. She plucked her phone from the front pocket of her jacket and woke it up, staring at the blaring digits, indicating it had been two hours since the phone call saying to meet him here in ninety minutes. “Irritating,” she said, shutting off her phone screen and dropping it back home.
When she looked back up, she found herself staring down a man in a hooded sweatshirt, walking straight toward her. She blinked and waved, “Hey, is that you, Greg?”
The figure sped up, walking a bit faster. She took a step back, pulled out her gun, and aimed. “Stop right there, cocksucker! I’m not afraid to shoot!” Her static posture and narrow gaze betrayed truth in her words.
It stopped, then, and threw up its hands, hissing, “Relax, Amelia! Put the gun down!” He threw back the hood, revealing a pale white visage with two red-sclera eyes set within. Visible red veins wormed from his eyes, through his cheeks. The man grimaced a bit, flashing his sharp canines.
Amelia released the hammer and held the gun up. “I almost shot you, Greg.”
“Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn’t be so trigger-happy.”
“And maybe you shouldn’t pick a meeting spot on a dark street at midnight.”
“It’s not that dark.”
“Like half the lights don’t work, and half of the others flicker on and off every few seconds.”
He looked around, confirming her words. Scratching at his chin, he grumbled, “Whatever, come on.” He motioned with his head and turned around, trotting back the way he came.
Amelia tucked her weapon away and jogged to catch up. “You’re making this seem a lot sketchier than it is. Why are you wearing that?”
“People here know me, Amelia. And you, too. You should be wearing a disguise…”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s the middle of the night. Nobody’s gonna run into us except maybe the cops.”
He nodded. “Right. That’s pretty true. I’ve just gotten really used to night time. This is like noon for you, for me,” he said with a chuckle. “And winter means longer nights. The best time of year.”
She smiled. “You seem to be getting accustomed to your lot.”
“Hard not to. Been turned for…” He held up his fingers to count. “Almost seven years, now. Any progress?”
“None. I looked a little, but can’t find anything about turning you back. Sorry.”
“Don’t be. You’ve already helped more than you know.” He led the girl off the sidewalk and through some underbrush to a large, rusted warehouse set in an otherwise vacant lot on the edge of town. He rapped his knuckles on the door and said, “Here we are. This is the place I was tasked with bringing the cargo.”
“And the cargo is… a girl, you said?”
“One who needs your help, yeah.”
Amelia nodded, folding her arms before her. “Right.”
Dropping to a squat, Greg pulled the door to the warehouse up, holding it for Amelia to slip inside, which she did, followed shortly by the vampire. It slammed shut behind them. “Alright, I told her to wait ahead in the back room.”
“Lead the way.”
Greg nodded as he unzipped his hoodie, slipping it off. Beneath that, he wore a black vest over a white button-down with a red-and-black striped tie tucked into the former. He was a stark contrast to Amelia’s more casual light brown soft leather jacket over a black thermal undershirt and leggings tucked into matching brown boots. She followed along behind her friend for a time, their footfalls screaming metallic echoes into the hollow space. He paused at a door and tugged it open. “Ladies first.”
Amelia laughed. “No.”
Greg rolled his eyes and slipped in ahead of her. “Still don’t trust me, huh?”
“Don’t let it go to your head. You’re not special.” She froze just inside the doorjamb, staring dead ahead. There, sitting on a lone chair in the well-lit room was a woman with charcoal-grey skin and a pair of glowing yellow eyes that flashed orange the moment Amelia entered. She wore jean shorts and a tattered black tee with her feet bare against the stone floor.
Tucking black hair behind her ear, she blinked. “Is that her, Grigori? Is that really Amelia Brandt?”
As if the outfit and skin weren’t enough to draw her eye, this woman also sported a pair of orange horns, jutting from her forehead and a long, thin tail with a spade at its end, which swished forth and back as she spoke.
“Yeah, that’s me,” replied Amelia, letting her left hand fall back to the stock of her revolver as the door shut behind her.
∞     ∞     ∞     ∞     ∞     ∞     ∞     ∞     ∞     ∞     ∞     ∞
Amelia Brandt sat alone in a house, feet kicked up on the coffee table as her body was sunken deep into the soft cushions of her sofa. She licked the spoon clean of ice cream, emerald eyes transfixed on the screen as she caught up on her favorite show. Finding time to watch it was difficult, to say the least, with her schedule. Tonight was an exception. Tonight, she had plenty of time to watch her show in peace. That was, until her phone started wiggling its way across the hardwood table, vibrating violently as if mocking her and her inability to ever take an evening off. She leaned forward, setting her tub of ice cream aside and checking the phone. Grigori Rasmus. Her brow furrowed and she paused the show, holding her phone up. “Greg? This is unexpected. How’re things going with Greight?”
“Great!” he said with a chuckle.
“Now I remember why I don’t call you.”
“Hah. I’m on a delivery right now, driving back home. Was wondering if you might be in town?”
She drummed her fingers on the table. “I can be. Do you need me for something?” She was definitely not dressed to go out. Tonight was a relax-and-watch-shows night.
“I don’t, no. My cargo does.”
Her eyes widened. “Elaborate.”
“So my current job is to deliver this girl to a warehouse near Aisor. She claims she was sent topside by the devil to kill you. I personally…”
“I didn’t finish!”
“I’m not gonna meet someone who wants to kill me, Greg. I get enough of that from real jobs.”
“Can I at least finish her pitch?”
Rolling her eyes, Amelia dropped onto her back on the sofa. “Yeah. Sure. Go for it.”
“Right! So she was sent here to kill you. I personally believe her. She also said that she needs your help, so she asked me to introduce you to her. Apparently the devil had her seek me out, since I have direct access to you or something. He’s offering to cure me if I help her kill you.”
She narrowed her gaze. “He’s starting to play dirty, then.”
“If you can’t figure it out, it’s impossible. No way do I believe the devil. Don’t worry.”
“So the girl is tasked with killing me and wants you to get the two of us alone in a room together?”
“Three of us. Anubis thinks I’ll help her.”
She scratched at her cheek and rolled over, staring at the frozen television. “What does she need my help with?”
“Wouldn’t say.”
“That’s not suspicious, at all.”
“So what should I tell her?”
“I’m not gonna walk into a trap, Greg.”
“Alright, hold on a sec. She’s riding shotgun.” She heard shuffling and then his voice, a bit quieter. “Sorry, Lucille. She said no. She’s worried you’re tricking her.”
“But I’m not!” came a shout from an unfamiliar voice.
“Wait, hold up!” Amelia shouted, sitting upright in a hurry.
“One sec,” Greg said, before his voice became louder again. “Did you say something? Had the phone away from my ear.”
“What’s her name? You said her name.”
“Lucille. Why?”
“Lucille? Are you sure?”
“I’m in.”
“What? Say that again? I thought I just heard you completely change your s–”
“I’m in. I’ll take her case. Send me time and place in a text. I’ll be there.”
“Sure. I’ll have Lucille text from my phone. Driving and all.”
“Yeah, you’re supposed to be a law-abiding vampire, Greg. A lot has changed since we last saw each other.”
He laughed and said, “Alright, I’ll see you soon, Amelia. And thank you again.”
“I don’t do it for the thanks.”
“I know.”
“See you. I gotta go get ready.” She hung up and clicked off the TV. Exhaling, she looked down at her hands. “Lucille…”
∞    ∞    ∞    ∞    ∞    ∞    ∞    ∞    ∞    ∞    ∞    ∞
“Yeah, that’s my name,” the gray girl responded, pushing to her feet. Amelia clenched the stock, finger resting alongside the trigger.
“Stay right where you are. I’m warning you,” Amelia hissed, looking from the girl to the vampire and back.
Greg groaned and rolled his eyes. “Come on, Amelia.”
Lucille held up both hands and nodded. “Will you really help me? Can you really help me?”
Amelia stared her down. “That depends on whether or not you’re serious about wanting it, and this isn’t a trap.”
Lucille nodded. She reached for her ear and plucked from the lobe a small ruby gem, set into an earring. Tossing it to the floor between the two girls, she explained, “That’s my contact with my dad; called a chatterrock.”
“Your dad?” she asked, relaxing her grip on the gun. “You mean Anubis?”
The girl nodded again and Amelia released her gun, exhaling and instead folding her arms before her chest. “Okay, got it. So what do you need help with?”
Lucille blinked. “Can I move, now?”
She shuffled up to Amelia and held out her hand. “I’m your biggest fan, miss Amelia.”
The girl furrowed her brow and shook the woman’s hand. “Thank you? Why would you be my fan?”
“Because you’re awesome. I’ve heard lots of stories.”
“Like what?”
“Well…” Her yellow eyes scanned the woman up and down as her hand retracted. “It’s hard to believe them, now, seeing you in person, but…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Amelia grumbled, tugging her arms tighter.
Lucille reached out and poked at Amelia’s arm. “I mean… you’re so squishy. How did you beat ten werewolves when they wanted to eat you?”
“Well, I–”
“And you’re supposed to be the only human to ever kill a spirit, but you’re so…”
Amelia blinked. “That was…”
“Yeah, that was his name.”
Lucille furrowed her brow and took a step back. “It’s just odd. I pictured you to be different. Like… lots different.”
“Yeah, I figured. Probably imagined me prettier and without glasses.” She adjusted the frames on her nose.
“No, I was gonna say I pictured you taller.”
Amelia felt her face flush a bit and she shrugged. “Can’t help my height. You’re only a couple inches higher up there than I am, either way!”
“Still taller,” Greg chimed in.
“You shut it, vampire!”
He chuckled. “Sorry, sorry.”
Amelia tugged her jacket tighter around her shoulders. She blew a lock of brown hair out of her face and stared up at the demon before her. “So, anyway…”
“Ah! Right! My dad sent me here to kill you, but I don’t want to do that. You’re always nice to monsters like me.”
Greg cocked a brow and said, “Oh, you’re gonna strike a nerve.”
Amelia cut across, “You’re not a monster, Lucille. Monsters kill people and do bad things. I go by a mantra of person until proven monster. So far, you’re the former.”
Lucille looked down. “Oh, well…”
Just then, there was a rumbling sound.
“Shit, that’s the front door,” Greg hissed. “I’ll go stall for time. You two get out of here. That’s probably the devil’s hired muscle.”
“How did they find us?” Amelia pondered after Greg left.
Lucille kicked the ruby on the ground. “I think he can track our chatterrocks.”
“Right. Well, let’s head back to my place, then. We’ll discuss your case more, there. It’s more comfortable than this old warehouse, anyway.” She snapped her fingers and a wooden door appeared before them, in the middle of the room. “After you.”
“What?” Lucille squeaked.
“Go through the door.”
“Where does it lead?”
“My home.”
“Oh, okay. Why don’t you go first?”
“When I go through the door, it closes behind me. So…”
“Okay, okay. Got it.”
Lucille’s fingers wrapped around the handle and the latch clicked when she turned it. The door was easy to push open, and functioned just like an ordinary one, except when Amelia followed behind, it slammed shut on its own, locking the pair of women in a wide open living room. Hardwood floors, sofa, coffee table, perfectly domestic. Amelia tousled her hair and dropped her hands to her hips.
Lucille looked around in awe at how peaceful everything looked and felt. Cozy, warm, and quiet.
“Welcome to the Shack. Make yourself comfortable.” She lazily motioned to the couch as she walked off toward another room. “Need a drink?”
“What do you have?”
“Water, soda, iced tea… I’ve got no liquor in the house.”
“I think I’m fine, thanks,” Lucille said, dragging herself toward the couch. Amelia vanished through an open doorway and the girl flopped face-first onto the soft cushions.
“And be careful not to break anything!” she shouted, “Most of the stuff here is antique!”
She picked herself up and found a pillow stuck to her face! Tugging the ruined fluffy square from her horns, she panicked and stuffed it behind the seat she was on, looking around for something to busy herself with. Laptop on the table, television with no remote in sight, perfectly positioned chess set… her eyes finally settled on the shelf hanging over the television.
Her yellow eyes scanned left to right along it, checking out the various little figurines. There were crudely-made clay models of monsters and creatures from mythology coupled with exquisitely carved and painted pewter statues of same. She pulled down the model of a demon. A hulking brute with huge horns and orange lines painted into its gray skin. Its face had similarly orange eyes and open mouth. Pure terror in tiny stone form.
Lucille leapt out of her skin, the little demon flying in the air as the shelf rattled. An ornate hourglass set upon the shelf wobbled. Amelia caught it with her free hand as Lucille fumbled to catch the little figure, setting it back in place as she clutched a hand to her chest.
“My mom made the pewter ones. The clay ones were by her great-grandma or something. Super old. I got you some water.” Handing over a water bottle, she smiled.
Lucille took it, cracked the top, and drank a swig. “Thanks,” she mumbled, shuffling a step away from the woman.
“Do you want a tour or…?” Amelia stepped away to set a guitar down carefully on the sofa. She drank from her own bottle, downing over half of it in just a few moments.
“Yeah, I guess a tour would be nice.”
“Right! So this is the Shack.”
“You said that already.”
“It’s been my family’s home for give or take thirteen, fourteen hundred years, maybe longer. It’s nestled safely away from all sorts of danger, warded against pretty much the entire gamut of terrible beasties, and has a door that only responds to those who bear our blood in their veins.”
She nodded, looking around the room some more. Her eyes settled back on the figurines.
“It’s kinda boring living alone, so we gotta do something to pass the time. Mom carved statues, I play guitar. Anyway, this is the living room. Nice comfy sofa for lounging. Over this way–” she grabbed Lucille’s wrist and tugged her along toward the way she had gone before. “–is the kitchen. There’s a table for eating, stove and oven for cooking, fridge for storage.” She nodded and smiled. “And that’s the back door,” she said, motioning to the glass sliding doors across the room. “It’s not a portal like the front one, it actually just opens into the backyard. We’ve got swings and a fence and a patio with a grill.” She shrugged and walked back toward the passage. “Behind this door,” she tapped on it, “are stairs to the basement. It’s got some nice wards, and it’s where I stash all my excess ingredients for more advanced witchcraft. Up these stairs, you’ll find the toilet, shower, and beds. Mine’s last on the left, yours is last on the right. Try not to snoop, too much.”
She shuffled back toward the front door, pulling open a closet to hang her jacket and kick off her boots. Making her way around the sofa, she plopped her bum down onto the sofa cushions and pulled the guitar up from the floor. With her sock-hugged feet kicked up on the table, she settled in and began to tune the instrument as Lucille looked on from the entry to the kitchen. “Why is it called the Shack?”
A shrug responded. “Dunno. My mom told me that’s its name.”
“Where is your mom?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s been seventeen years. I’m good. Take your shoes off and relax. I won’t bite.” She smiled at the demon and patted the couch beside her.
“Right,” she mumbled, doing as she was told. Her bum hit the couch, causing Amelia to bounce a bit. She mimicked her host, feet up on the table.
“That’s more like it,” she cooed, strumming out a chord.
“Can I ask a question?”
“Depends what kind.”
“Why did you trust me?”
“I don’t trust you. I just believed you.”
“Why did you believe me, then?”
“I’m a glass half-full sort of person.”
“But, I’m a demon.”
“And I’m a witch. Let’s call it even,” she hummed, in tune with the last few string plucks.
Lucille nodded and shut her mouth, holding her arms across her chest.
“Anyway, back to your case.”
“My case?”
“You asked for my help. I’m helping you. That makes you my client, and it makes this business arrangement your case. Just terminology I like to use. Makes it seem more professional.” She nodded.
Lucille wasn’t quite sure she liked the word “seem” being involved there, but she relented with a curt nod.
“What sort of help did you need? There’s no way to turn a demon into a human, if that’s what you’re after. You wouldn’t believe how many spirits ask me for that sort of help.”
“No, I need you to help hide me.”
Amelia paused her strumming and shifted to face the woman more directly. “Alright. Hide you from what, exactly? Or, who, I guess? Anubis?”
She looked down.
“I’ll level with you – I’m not the best person to shack up with if you wanna hide from Annie. I’m his number one target, right now. Smack dab in the middle of his crosshairs, lately.”
“Because you killed Baphomet?”
“Mostly because of that, yeah.” She tapped fingers on her guitar. “Baphomet and Aine. Those are the names of the only two people I’ve ever killed. I think it’s pretty good for being eight years in the game.”
Lucille nodded. “Why did you kill Baphomet?”
“Revenge. I’ll tell you the whole story another time. Tonight, let’s talk about you.”
“No. Don’t people usually do these things, uh, no questions asked, or something?”
“Not me. We’re dealing with some seriously dangerous stuff. I need details.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it. I just need to stay away from Anubis. He let me come topside, and I never want to go back. Okay?”
Amelia stared into the woman’s eyes, hummed a little, and then started plucking strings with her fingers, playing the notes of a song. “Deal. I’ll do everything in my power to stop him from getting you back. Other than that, I have a proposition for you.”
“What’s that?”
“Would you like to be my partner?”
Lucille’s gray skin flushed orange and she began to stammer.
Amelia looked at her and cocked a brow. “I’ve been hunting alone since my last partner left, and I could really use someone to watch my back. You’re a freaking demon, so I figure… if you’re up for it, that is.”
“Oh!” That made more sense. She exhaled a sigh of relief. “I could give it a shot.”
“Excellent. There’s just a couple ground rules you need to follow, if you wanna work with me.”
“Of course!”
“First,” she held up one finger and furrowed her brow. “We’re not hawks. We don’t kill.”
“It’s what people call the Nightstalkers, for short, since they used to wear these stupid hawk masks. Their mission statement, according to them, is: To save humanity through the systematic eradication of the corrupt, monstrous creatures that lurk in the night. Basically, they kill monsters to help people.”
“Right. That sounds like an extreme measure.”
“It is. Last resort. For you, that means that, no matter what, I need to give explicit, direct permission for you to be allowed to kill someone – or something – that we end up fighting with.”
Lucy nodded in response. “I’ll trust your judgment going forward.”
“Good. Second rule: I’m not the boss, outside of the first rule. My judgment is not infallible. Pretty clear, since I’ve got two dead on my conscience. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you think I’m wrong or you have a better idea for something.”
She nodded, a bit unsure about that one. Lucille had never really considered herself a particularly smart person…
“Third, we’re gonna be traveling the world and staying in motels of questionable repute. I always spring for the cheapest option. That’s usually a room with just one bed. Since you’re literally made of fire, I’ll sleep under the sheets, you’re over at least one. Boundaries.”
“O-Okay.” That one went way over her head. She’d have to just see that to get it. Her brow furrowed as she agreed.
“And lastly, trust is earned around here, not freely given. I’ll be packing contingencies for if you turn on me, so don’t be stupid.”
“I’ll do my best to earn your trust, then.”
“Good luck,” Amelia exhaled, fingers plucking at strings.
“You don’t think I can do it?”
She laughed. “I don’t.” Her emerald eyes flashed to the demon. “In fact, I’m so confident that, if you ever successfully earn my trust, you’ll also get a voucher, from me, redeemable for anything you want, so long as it’s within my power to give.”
Lucy cocked a brow. “Deal.”
“Now, I’m gonna stay up for a bit and play. Music calms me down.” Her hand split from the strings to roll the wrist in a circle, stretching the strained joints. “You’re welcome to stay and listen.”
“Okay, I will.”
The guitar sat lightly in her lap, each strum helping her tightened muscles relax. Her left hand’s fingers slid easily along the frets, her eyes fluttering shut as she let the vibrations of the strings course through her form. She exhaled, long and low, transitioning from random chords here and there into a light, lilting melody that reverberated within the heart of the wood-bodied instrument. It was soon accompanied by her voice, singing about her desire to be wanted and needed, and how her life had been a series of failures up to that point. It was a slow, almost haunting melody. Above all, though, Lucille thought Amelia had quite a lovely singing voice.
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jalalason-blog · 5 years
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Clouis Oneshots - scares 
 Just some Clouis one shots. Some of them take place in the apocalyptic world, and others are AUs. Hope you enjoy them! Requests are OPEN, but know that there's no promises your request will be written. It all depends on how much time I have, if I like the idea, ect. Art on cover is not mine. Let me know if you know who created it! DISCLAIMER: I don't own twdg or it's characters.
Read on wattpad, A03, and fanfiction,net if you like words on those platforms better. 
~This one takes place in the apocalyptic world, some time after the final      episode~
The chilly winter breeze sent chills down Louis's spine, despite him being only a few feet from the little campfire.  He shivered and pulled his girlfriend closer to his chest, and she snuggled into him.
All of the kids sat in a circle around the heat, huddling together to keep warm.  The old couches and chairs that they sat on helped a little with the cold, acting as a barrier to keep the heat in.
They passed around a stack of cards, playing truth or dare in their odd little way.  Once the cards had made it all the way around, everyone flipped their's over to see who got to ask and who had to answer.
Clementine won, and Aasim lost.  Louis got déjà vu at the results.
"Ah, you two meet again," Louis spoke, talking as if he was narrating an old fairy tale.  "Last time, Aasim was forced to request a kiss from a girl he like liked, to which he was slapped.  What shall he have to do this time, your majesty?"
"Hmm..."  Clem voiced, squinting her eyes as she tried to decide.  "Maybe the same thing?"
"Aw, really?"  Aasim groaned, uneasily glancing down at Ruby, who sat next to him.  
The red head giggled, saying, "Don't worry, I won't slap you this time."
"Okay, then," Aasim said, turning to face her.  "Um, can I have a kiss?"
"You sure can," she agreed, getting up and pressing her lips to his.  Aasim's eyes widened in surprise, then closed as he pulled her face closer to his.
"Ewwww," AJ groaned.
"Nasty!"  Willy shouted.
The couple ignored them, their kiss getting more intense.
"Okay, you guys can stop now," Violet told them, wryly scrunching her face at the pair.
"Enough porn, you two!"  Louis proclaimed.  The couple snapped out of it, and they pulled away from each other.  Both of their cheeks were bright red.  "How about we do another round?"
The dread locked teen began to pass the cards around the group, chuckling as he saw AJ's cringing face.
When Louis said go, they all flipped their cards over again.  This time, Omar won and Louis lost.  
"Alright, Omar," Louis said,  "what's it gonna be?  A treacherous truth?  A deadly dare?"
"A dare that you finally won't be able to do," Omar claimed, wearing a smug smile.  
"No dare will ever stop me,"  Lou asserted.  
"Okay, then; go lick that yellow snow."  Omar pointed to a yellow spot in the snow you could just faintly see by the fire, unable to hide his mischievous grin.
"Ewww!"  The rest of the kids let out in unison.  Well, everyone except Louis.  He tilted his head at the color, actually debating on doing it.
"Who peed there?!"  Ruby asked, disgusted.  
"It was Rosie,"  AJ said.  "I saw her do it earlier."
Clementine backed away from Louis to look him in the eye.  "You better not do it.  If you do, I won't be kissing you for a week."
"But Clem, I have to," Louis whined.  "I haven't ever not done a dare.  I can't lose my title as dare king."
"Louis," his girlfriend repeated firmly, "Don't.  Do.  It."
Louis bit his lip, glancing over at the colored snow.  
"Don't do it," Clementine said again.
"I have too!"  Louis declared, jumping up from the couch he sat on.  He ran to the pile, got on all fours, and gave the snow a great, big lick.
All of the children let out sounds of disgust, and Clementine face palmed.  Omar's smug smile immediately dropped as he gagged.  Louis stood up proudly, wiping his mouth.
"I didn't think you would actually do it," Omar admitted, cringing.
"Well then you obviously don't know me well enough," Louis chimed.  He sat next to Clementine, and she scooted away from him.  
"Nuh uh, pee breath," she told him.  "I'll snuggle with AJ, who'll still get my kisses for this week."  Clem patted the spot next to her, and AJ happily crawled up with her.  The teen wrapped her arms around the tot and planted little pecks all over his face, making eye contact with Louis as she did so.  Her boyfriend pretended that this did not make him incredibly jealous of AJ's place.
"Worth it," he stated.  "I'm still the dare king."
"You won't be thinking that by tomorrow,"  Clem mumbled.
"How about we do another round?"  Ruby suggested.  The cards were all passed around again, and this time Violet won and Clem lost.  
"Victory Violet," Vi spoke, smiling.
Clementine sat up straighter, awaiting her truth or dare.
The blonde studied her, deciding on what to give her.  Finally, she said, "I think I'm feeling a truth this time."
"Alright," Clem voiced.  "Shoot."
"What scares you the most?  You know, scare as in makes you scream, jump, or whatever."
Clementine was quiet for a moment, pondering the question.  After a couple moments of silence, she admitted, "I don't know.  Nothing, I guess."
"Nothing?"  Louis asked dubiously.
"Nothing," Clem confirmed.
"Snakes?"  Louis pushed.  "Walkers?  Bad people?  Storms?"
Clementine shook her head to all of his tries.
"When's the last time you screamed because you were scared?"
"I don't remember."
"Well there has to be something that scares you,"  Louis claimed, crossing his arms.
"No there doesn't," Vi countered.  "She's a bad ass, and she's fearless.  What's so hard to believe?"
"Even bad asses get scared by little jump scares every once in a while," Lou stated.
"I just don't get scared," Clem said.
"I'll have you know, Clem, that I not only hold the dare king title, but ALSO the scare king."
"So I'll make you a deal.  I scare you within the next 24 hours, you have to kiss me again."
Violet snorted, saying, "You really are desperate, aren't you?"
"Shut up," Lou told Violet.  Then he looked back to his lover.  "So what do you say?"
Clementine pursed her lips, debating on taking the deal.  "What happens if you don't scare me?"
"I don't know.  What do you want?"
The girl thought for a moment, before a mischievous grin spread across her face.  "I want to cut your hair."
Louis's hands flew up to his precious locks.  "No way!"
"Fine, then, I guess I won't take the deal."
Louis twirled his hair on his finger.  "Alright, fine, you can cut my hair if I don't scare you.  But I'm not worried about that, because I promise you, I'm gonna scare you so bad you'll pee your pants."  He stuck out his hand for Clem to shake.
Clementine took his hand in hers and shook.  "You better enjoy your hair while you still have it, Lou."
"How are you gonna cut it, Clem?"  Violet asked.  "I say you shave it all off."
Louis shot her a dirty look.  "Hey, have some faith in me, Vi!"
"I would," Vi said, "but Clem's pretty bad ass, and you're pretty lame."
"You got that right," Clementine agreed.
"I'm gonna go all out, though," Louis warned.  "All.  Out."
"Do it," Clem challenged.  "I can take it."
"Okay.  But you're gonna regret saying that."
Violet rolled her eyes, and the pair stopped shaking hands.  Just then, a large gust of wind blew, blowing the little fire out.
"And that's our cue to go inside," Omar asserted.  
The whole group got up to go inside. Louis scooped Clementine and carried her bridal style, and AJ picked up her crutches.  
As they walked back to their dorm, Lou went to give Clem a kiss on the forehead, but was stopped by her finger.  
"Nope,"  Clem told him, "Not until next week."
"I think you mean until after I scare you," Louis corrected.
"Mmm, nope.  Not until next week."
"How old was AJ when you taught him to shoot?" Louis asked Clem as she hobbled down the dirt path in the woods;
"Probably, like, three," Clementine estimated.
Louis's eyes widened. "You trusted him with a gun at that age?"
"Well, he actually kind of taught himself. He had seen me use it, and one day, I didn't see a walker coming, but he did. So he grabbed the gun and shot the walker himself. Right through the head, first try."
"I don't think I'll be that good," the dread locked teen said. He nervously eyed the weapon in his girlfriend's back pocket, and she noticed.
"It's not that hard," Clem assured him. "Besides, you've got the best teacher to teach you."
Louis smiled. "You're damn right I do."
The couple was heading towards a little makeshift shooting range, where Clementine would give Louis his first shooting lesson.  Louis was anxious about it, but he felt better knowing that it was Clem teaching him.
He had already tried multiple times to scare her in the morning, but none of his attempts worked.  Before Clem woke up, he hid in a box outside of her door to try and jump out and scare her.  When she came out of their shared room and he jumped out, she didn't even flinch.
At breakfast, he tried to make it look like he had sliced off his finger cutting carrots.  However, Omar was in on it, and he wasn't a very good actor.  The chefs giggling through Louis's very realistic screams of pain gave him away.
He tried another jump scare before they left for their shooting lesson, too.  He hid behind a tree close to their meeting spot for about fifteen minutes, before he gave up and came out.  However, little did he know that Clem saw him go into his hiding place.  She ended sneaking behind him and shouting, "Boo!"  Louis had nearly shit his pants.
So, in short, it wasn't as easy to scare Clementine as he had thought it would be.
As they walked, Louis fidgeted with the fake mouse he had in his pocket.  He had found it earlier while wondering around the attic.
This will get her.
"Hey, what is that?"  He questioned, going towards a little pile of dead leaves and snow.
"What?"  Clem inquired, turning to watch as he went.
Louis squatted down, sneakily slipping the toy from his pocket to the pile.  Then, he stated, "Eww, gross..."
"What is it?"  His girlfriend repeated.
"A DEAD MOUSE!"  Louis shouted, whipping around and throwing the mouse at her.  She just stood there and let the mouse hit her, and it flopped to the ground.
"Wow," she said, unimpressed.
"How did that not even gross you out?"  Louis inquired, disappointed his trick didn't work.  "What if it had been a real mouse?  What would you have done?"
Clem shrugged.  "I've had walker guts on me before.  Nothing seems grosser than that."
Louis sighed, feeling defeated.
"Aw, don't be sad, Lou," Clem cooed.  "I promise I'll make your haircut look good."
Almost immediately, his spirits were boosted back up.  "The day's not over yet, Clem.  I've still got time."
At some point, it started snowing, making their trip to the shooting range harder than it needed to be.  Louis, being the good boyfriend he was, made Clem wear his jacket.  She didn't want to at first, but he insisted that she needed to so she "wouldn't get frostbite and lose the other leg."
Even though Louis was shivering now, he felt content knowing that Clementine was nice and warm.
Eventually, they made it to the shooting range, and the girl began to teach right away.  She wanted to get out of the cold as soon as possible.  They both did.
"Okay, first, make sure you have a wide base," she instructed.  He obeyed.  "Good.  I'm going to give you the gun now.  Don't freak out or anything.  Just hold it."
She handed the foreign object to Louis, and he gazed at it in awe in his hands.  "Isn't crazy to think that this little thing has the ability to take a life?"
"Or save a life," Clem added.  "Which is why we're doing this."
Louis pointed the gun at the makeshift target, closing his eye and trying to figure out how to aim.  The weapon was only a few inches away from his face.  Clementine smiled, being reminded of Sarah by the way he did it.  She adjusted  him the same way she had fixed her old friend.
"Also, remember, it's just a thing."
"Just a thing," Louis repeated.
"The most important thing to remember is to take a breath before you pull the trigger," Clem taught.
Then, Clementine showed him how to aim, how to load the gun, see if safety was on or off, all that jazz.  Soon enough, it was time for Louis to actually practice.  
He stood just like Clem had showed him, pointing the gun at the old book she had posted up on a tree about ten yards away.
Louis took a deep breath to shoot, but when he went to squeeze the trigger, he couldn't get his finger to move.
The dread locked teen tried again, but still, nothing.
Clementine placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.  "I know, it may seem scary at first, but after you just do it, it's not scary."
"Okay," Louis breathed.  "I can do this."
"How about on the count of three?"  
"Yeah, that sounds good."
"Okay.  One, two-"
The shot rang throughout the woods, making the few birds who remained scatter away into the sky.  You could see that a corner of the book was knocked off, and Louis smiled proudly.
Clem laughed.  "I never made it to three."
"But I did it,"  Louis said.  "I shot a gun!"
"Yeah, and you actually hit the book.  I'm impressed."
"It's too bad we can't celebrate with a kiss," Lou said, wriggling his eyebrows at her.  
"Yeah, too bad.  If only someone hadn't licked dog pee yesterday."
"I rinsed my mouth out!"  Louis claimed.
"Still."  Clementine gagged.  "That's disgusting."
Louis got back into shooter stance.  "Okay, I'm ready to go again."
"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down their, hot shot," the girl ordered.  "I've gotta take a piss.  And I don't want you shooting that thing until I get back."
"Ugh, fine."
"Once you earn my trust with it, you can shoot it whenever, but today's only your first day."
"Yes ma'am.  I won't shoot it until you get back."
"Okay."  Clem turned and started to hobble off on her crutches.  "I'll be right back."
Louis watched until Clementine walked out of his sight, then sat down on a little stump.  He traced the ridges on the gun and hummed to himself, until the low, deep groan of a walker reached his ears.
He looked up from the gun to see one of the dead slowly dragging itself toward Louis, half of its body frozen and stiff.  The teen glowered at the sight of the walker.
Reaching into his back pocket and grabbing his spare knife, he walked up to the walker, stopping a few feet in front of it.  The monster tried to speed up to reach him, but ended up just falling down because of his immovable side.
Louis actually pitied it for a moment, watching it lay there and struggle.  He took his gun and stood how Clem had shown him, aiming at the head.  
"Bang," he spoke, pretending the bullet had actually fired.
Suddenly, he got an idea.
Oh, that would scare the shit out of her.  If it actually works.
A mischievous grin spread across Louis's lips as he dug deeper into his new found prank.  "I'll be kissing her by the end of the day," he said out loud.
First, he took the knife and plunged it into the walkers head.  Once it was dead for good, he turned it over and cut open its stomach, like AJ had when they had to sneak onto the boat.
After that, it was time for the gross part.
"Do it for the kiss," he mumbled, trying to encourage himself to plunge his hands into the corpse's guts.  Without giving himself too much time to think about it, he dove his hands right in.  
Lou picked up a big glob of the monster's insides and smeared it on the side of his head.  He cringed as he added more, trying to make it look like a bullet had gone through his scull.  Then, he took the walker's blood and dyed a small patch of the snow red.  Once he was done, he dragged the body out of sight.
Louis didn't really have any reflective surfaces, so he could only hope that he did a good enough job on his head.  When he felt ready, he went and got on his knees above the pile of blood.
"Here goes," he uttered.  Then, he pointed the gun straight up into the sky and pulled the trigger.
At first, everything was silent.  Not one bird chirped, and no walkers moaned.  However, after a couple moments, he heard Clementine call, "Louis?"
He quickly laid his head down into the blood, but kept his eyes open.
"Louis!"  His girlfriend yelled again.  "Answer me!"  He could hear the panic in her voice.
He kept quiet.
Then, he could hear her crutches as they hit the forest floor, moving faster than he'd ever heard them before.  They were getting closer to him, and soon, he could just barely make out her outline.
"Louis?!"  Clem shouted.  "Where are you?"
He closed his eyes, but barely raised up his eyelids enough to see his girlfriends reaction.  
When Clementine saw him, she stopped in her tracks, dropping her crutches as her hand flew up to her mouth.
"No," she whispered.  "No, not again!"
The girl frantically hopped over to where his body lay, and Louis didn't move a muscle.
She got down on her knees letting out a sob as she inspected his body.  She took out the gun from Louis's hand and threw it to the side.
Lou had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from moving while Clementine gently touched the fake bullet wound on his head.
"W-why?" She asked, her voice breaking as the tears began to fall.  She pulled Louis into her lap, caressing his cheek and stroking her thumb across his dread locks.  "How c-could you j-just l-l-l-l-leave me?"
Okay, I didn't think she'd actually fall for it, Louis thought to himself, feeling guilty as his girlfriend wept over him.
"I n-need you, Lou!"  The distraught girl cried.  "God, w-what am I g-going to do?"
I should probably give myself up now...
Clementine took off her hat and threw it on to the ground, running her fingers through her hair.  "Why d-does this always h-happen?  Why do a-all the good o-ones fucking leave?!"
She laid her stump on the ground, and rested her forehead on her good leg.  Louis felt terrible as her body trembled, both from the cold and the despair.  
Clem reached down and grabbed Louis's hand as she sobbed, harder than she ever had before.  She brought it up to her lips, kissing it.  
"I should've b-b-been h-here.  I d-didn't m-m-make y-you h-happy enough.  I-I'm so s-sorry."  
She let out a little whimper that broke Louis's heart.
"It's a-all m-my fault."
Louis couldn't stand to see her like this anymore.  He wiggled the fingers of the hand she was cradling, and Clementine jumped back, reaching into her back pocket for a knife.
The boy sat up once he saw her reach back there.  "Don't worry, I'm not turning into a walker," He claimed, reading her mind.
Her eyes softened and seemed relieved for a moment, before they grew wide again.  She reach out to touch him, on his "wound."
Louis nervously rubbed the back of his neck.  "Yeah, that's not real."
"So y-your okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"And y-your s-still a-alive?"
"Yeah.  I'm not, like, a ghost, or anything."
As Clem realized this, her face hardened, and she sent the scariest death glare towards Louis that he had ever seen.  It felt as if she were staring a hole right through him.  
Louis went to say something, but was cut off by his suddenly livid partner.  "Y-you fucking a-asshole!"
She stood up on her one leg and began to hop towards her crutches, and Louis was quick to beat her to them to hand them to her. "Okay, I deserved that," he admitted.  "I didn't think you would actually fall for it, though-"
"You're s-so f-fucking stupid!"  She exclaimed, her stuttering from her crying still present, but not as bad.  "Who the h-hell does that?!"
"I thought you would see my attempt to scare you and laugh at it!"  He defended himself.  "I didn't think you would actually buy it!"
"Idiotic dick!"  She cussed.  "Bone head of the fucking century!"  
"Hey, I said I'm sorry!"  Louis said, a little surprised at how angry she was.  "I told you I was going to do whatever it took to scare you, and you said that was fine.  You were scared, weren't you?"
"Yes, Louis, I was scared fucking shitless.  I thought I fucking lost you!"
"Well I'm here.  And I'm okay."  He stepped closer and caressed her cheek, attempting to calm her, but it just made her even madder.  She jerked away from his touch.  
"I'm going back to the school, and don't you dare fucking follow me," she warned menacingly.  
She started to turn and walk, but Louis walked next to her, claiming, "I have to stay with you to keep you sa-"
He was cut off has Clementine reared back and swung herself on her crutches to send her foot flying into Louis's crotch.  A devastating blow. He groaned in pain, doubling over and holding his groin area.
"I can take care of myself," she growled.  Then, she started to walk off again, before stopping and turning around to tell him one last thing.  "Oh, and you know what?  We're through!"
"What?"  Louis asked through clenched teeth.
"This," she said, gesturing to her and then to Louis, "is over.  I don't need a boyfriend who makes me cry my eyes out just for fun."
"I already told you, it wasn't like that!"
Clementine ignored him as she walked off,  not looking back behind her.
Louis waited until sundown to go back to the school.  He was too scared to go any earlier.
He was frowned at by Willy at the gates, and got a disapproving look from Omar as he entered.  Aasim shook his head as Louis passed him, and Ruby glared at him as he went to the music room.  Even Rosie didn't come to Lou when he called for her.
Louis sat alone in the music room, trying to tickle the ivories a bit to clear his mind.  But anytime he would start a piece, he would get lost in thought about what happened earlier, and his fingers would hit some random keys and mess up the song.
Finally, he just gave up trying to play at all.  He ran his fingers through his hair, resting his forehead on the piano.
"Aw, shit," he mumbled to himself.  "I really fucked up."
"Yeah, you did," Violet agreed from behind him.  He turned to see his old friend leaning in the doorway, and he sighed and turned back around.  "So, I hear you got dumped."
"Yeah," he admitted.  
"How does it feel?"
"Glorious," he sarcastically replied.  "I love it."
"Well, you kind of deserve it," Vi opinionated.   "What you did was messed up."
"I know."
"What were you thinking, anyways?"
"That I wanted to kiss her so bad, and that I should give playing dead a shot.  I didn't think it would actually work."
"So not terrible intentions."
Violet came next and sat next to him, sighing.  "I already talked to her a little for you.  I said that you just do dumb things sometimes, to not take it personally.  But she [retty was pissed."
"Thanks."  Louis lightly pressed the lowest key on the piano.  The deep, dull town it let out pretty much summed up the way I felt.  "For talking to her, I mean."
"You should try talking to her," Vi suggested.  "Before she just gets madder."
"I've already been kicked in the balls once today.  I don't want her to do it again."
"That's a risk you gotta take if you ever want her to forgive you, Lou."  Violet stood up.  "And if you ever want her kisses.  That's why you did this whole thing, isn't it?"
"Yeah."  Louis played another note.  "I guess I probably should go and talk to her."
"Good luck," Violet wished him as she started to walk out.
"I'm gonna need it," he replied.
He caught their initials out of the corner of his eye, and the corners of his lips slightly raised as he recalled the memory he had at this bench.  For a moment, he forgot the situation he was in.  Then, as reality set back in, he stood up, a newfound determination filling him.
I have to fix this.
Louis made his way over to Clementine's dorm, freshly picked flowers in hand.  He rehearsed his lines in his head:  Clem, I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have done that to you.  I just wanted to kiss you, so bad.  I can't wait a week!  I wasn't expecting my prank to actually work, either.  Please, please forgive me.
As he neared the room, he saw AJ walk out of it.  "How's it going, little man?"  Louis asked as he passed him.  
"Okay," Alvin Junior claimed.  "Where are you going?"
"To see Clem,"  the teen responded, showing him the flowers.  "How is she?"
"Mad.  Like really, really mad.  I left because I didn't want to be in there with her when she was that mad.  She's scary when she gets like this."
"Well, I'm going to fix her," Louis announced, walking toward the door again.
"Aren't you the one that broke her?"
"... I'm gonna make her better, okay?  Just, go play with Willy or something."
"O-kay," AJ said, rolling his eyes.  
Louis watched until AJ rounded the corner of the hall, then hesitantly stepped up to the door.  He raised his hand up to knock, but stopped right as he was about to do so.  "Don't fuck this up," he murmured to himself.  Then, he lightly rapped on the door.
"Who is it?"  Clem asked, the annoyance clear in her voice.
"Me," Louis answered.  
"Go away, Louis."
"But I have something for you."
"I don't want it."
"They'll die if I don't get them in something soon."
Clementine was silent for a moment.  "What is it?"
"Guess."  Louis leaned his head against the door to see if he could hear her reaction.
"No.  Leave."
"But Clem-"
"God damn it, Louis, just get the fuck out of-"  She was suddenly cut off, and Louis heard a loud thud.
Without thinking, Lou through open the door to find Clem on the floor, lying on her stomach.  He set the flowers down and bent down to help her up.
"Are you okay?"  He questioned, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet.  
She jerked her arm away from him.  "I'm fine."  She grabbed hold of the bed and hoisted herself on top of it.  "I can get up myself."
"Did you forget again?"  Sometimes, Clementine forgot that she didn't have half of her leg.  She would get up to do something without thinking, and usually fell flat on her face.
Clementine didn't reply, and Louis took that as a yes.
Louis picked the flowers up from off the floor, and held them out to her.  "I got you these."
She glared at him.  "I'm allergic to flowers."
Louis faced dropped, and he threw the bouquet behind him.  "Oh."
They both just stared at each other for a moment, the uneasy tension making the boy uncomfortable.  Clementine took advantage of that, sending him a death stare.  "You can leave now."
Louis started to turn around, but stopped.  He faced Clem and made direct eye contact with her.  "I'm sorry."
"I'm am so, so sorry," he repeated.  He sat down next to her on the bed, and Clementine scooted the opposite direction and up against the wall.  Louis pretended not to care, continuing, "I just couldn't stop thinking about how badly I wanted to kiss you.  And I also didn't think it would actually work!  I thought that maybe you would see me and just yell at me for shooting without you there."
"Well either way, it was stupid."
"Yeah, I know.  That's why I'm swallowing my pride and apologizing, Clem.  You know me; I can be fucking stubborn sometimes.  But I'm here right now, admitting to you that I was wrong."
The girl just stared at him.
"I'm also known to do stupid things, Clem," Lou added.  "You should know that by now."
"Stupid things lead to people dying, Louis!"  Clementine suddenly snapped, making Louis jump.  "Believe me, I know!"
Louis was silent, shook from her outburst.  She broke eye contact and stared at he bed, surprised by her sudden words, too.
"Sometimes, it's not even anybody's fault," Clem muttered, more to herself than Louis.  "It's just the universe, giving us all a hard fucking time."  She looked up from the blankets and back to Louis, her eyes misty.  "I was reminded of that today.  Stupid things happen all the time.  People who were happy do dumb things, and they leave me..."
Louis grabbed her hand, and this time, she didn't tear it away.  "Hey, I would never do that to you."
"Jane said that, too."  Her eyes took on a glazed over look, as if she wasn't really there.  In a way, she wasn't;  she was sucked into her memories. Back to when she found Jane hanging from the ceiling.  "But she lied.  Just like everyone else.  Left me and AJ on our own."  She closed her eyes, the memory painful.  "Fucking selfish."
Louis said nothing.
"That wasn't the first time, though.  Everyone in my life, they don't stick around for too long.  I don't know what it is, but every time I come into a group, they fall apart.  People die, friends betray... and it only happens when I show up.  I don't know, maybe I'm like a bad luck charm, or something."
"Don't say that," Louis scolded.  "You're the best thing that's ever happened to us."
"I've learned to never get too close to people," Clem continued, ignoring Louis's last comment.  "The only exception I made was to AJ.  Everybody else, though, I try to not get used to them.  But today, when I saw you in the woods..."  She took a deep breath to keep control of her emotions.  "I realized how much I let you mean to me.  How much I let myself I need you.  How much I let myself  love you."
Louis's stomach did a flip at the last sentence.
"I let you get too close..."  She bit her lip as a tear trickled down her cheek.  "If that had been real, Lou, I don't know what I would have done.  I was debating on killing myself, Louis..."
Upon hearing that, he scooted right up next to her and pulled her into an embrace.  She didn't hold back from him at all anymore.
"I've always been okay on my own.  But now that I've met you, I never want to be alone again.  And I hate you for that."  Her voice broke.
"It's love, Clem," Louis softly whispered, holding her tighter.  "One of the downsides of it is it turns our whole world upside down.  But it's worth it.  You don't have to be tough all by yourself.  You're not alone anymore, and that's good.  You don't have to push me away."
The teen girl let out a tiny sob, and Louis gave a gentle squeeze.
"Know that I'll never leave you, okay?  I won't hurt you.  I won't let anyone else hurt you.  You're safe.  It's okay to let people in now."
"Okay," she muttered into his shoulder.
Louis held her close, softly swaying back and forth to calm her down.  It worked, and she slowly stopped crying.  
After a little while, she pulled out of the hug and wiped her runny nose.  Louis wiped off her tear trails with his thumb.  
"I think I know what scares me the most, now," she claimed.  
"Oh yeah?  What?"
"Losing you.  Or AJ.  Anybody here, really."
"Well you don't have to worry," Louis assured her, wrapping an arm around her.  "I won't let that happen.  That's an irrational fear, with me around.  It's like you saying that you were scared of bunnies."
Clementine let out a small laugh, and Lou smiled.
"So... are we still broken up?"
"No," she stated.  "We're officially a thing again.  As long as you don't pull another one of your pranks."
"I won't," he promised.  "Never again."
Clem smiled at him, and her eyes fell to the flowers on the floor.  "Hey, can you get those for me?"
"I thought you were allergic," he spoke, getting out of bed and bending down to get them.
"No.  I was just mad at you."
Louis chuckled, handing them over.  Clem took them and inhaled deeply, satisfied with their fresh scent.  Then, he crawled back into bed, and Clem scooted over to him.  She snuggled into his chest, and he pulled her close.  Out of habit, he turned his head and planted a kiss on her forehead.  His eyes widened once he realized what he did.  "Sorry, I forgot I'm not allowed to yet.  Please don't kick me in-"
He was cut off as Clem planted a tender, passionate kiss on his lips.  At first, he was too startled to react, but once he processed what was happening, he kissed back.
After a moment, Clementine parted their mouths and went back to laying on his chest.  "You're allowed to kiss me now."
"Good," Louis breathed.  He glanced out the mostly boarded up window to see that it was dark already dark outside.  "Geez, it got dark pretty quick."
"Mhmm," his girlfriend replied, her eyes closed as she rested her eyes on Louis's chest.  
Louis smiled, whispering, "Goodnight, Clem."
"I love you."
"Love you, too."
Louis gingerly stroked Clementine's hair as she drifted to sleep, quietly humming a made up tune.
He couldn't help but smile at how peaceful she looked.  
At some point, he fell asleep, too, a wide grin plastered on his face from admiring who he loved most.
AN:  well, there's that. hope you liked!
got any requests for another one?
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