#mod mutt
askspookyfox · 7 months
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Wow, my artist, my guy, thanks for a whole lotta nothing for 3 years. It's a'ight. It's fine. Cool cool cool cool. Don't worry my sinners, I do still exist! Imma try to make plans to make a dramatic return and have an explaination for everything, but the timing just isn't quite right. Those of you who still watch this blog, I 'presh you. ✌️ Until then, I hope y'all been taking good care of October in my absence (and by 'good care', I mean annoy the heck outta her, heh).
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Mod Mutt: Heeeeeyyy.... So... 'Bout droppin that ball that I mentioned in my last post... Three years, huh? My bad, y'all. 😅
As it was stated in that post, I had some serious financial priorities that I needed a second job that demanded a lot of my free time (thanks student loans, always a blast whenever you sap up a third of my paycheck every month 👍👍👍). As of 2023, even though some things are new in my life, I’m still technically in the same situation as I was back in 2020. It’s really hard to have the energy and motivation to do art in general and when I do, I usually couldn’t do more than a sketch before I tuck it away and don’t finish. I’m knee deep in a burn-out, stuck in a cycle of working two jobs and taking care of adulting shit on my weekends. 
Honestly, I’m tired of living this way. 
I feel like a shell of who I used to be, giving my life to work. I miss the creativity that comes with art and telling stories. I adore watching my best friend do their October’s blog, year after year, and every year, I get the inspiration from them but lack the time to jump back into it. Such as this year, it’s just too late as we only have a week left in the month. 
However, if you’ll have me, as a New Year’s resolution for next year, I want to refocus back to art and sharing Spook’s stories and help Night push October’s storyline along with Spook’s help. If this means having to work on Spook posts once a week every week leading up to October 2024, then so be it! I can’t guarantee anything, I can’t make promises as life do still take priority, but I do have a lot of sketches and answers to your questions sitting in my computer, waiting to be completed, so who knows what you’ll see! For right now, please accept my apologies for literally disappearing on everyone in 2020. I want to do better and I want to bring Spook and all of his scary toothy sassiness back to you. Thank you to those who’s still around, I hope that you’ll come back in 2024.
Until then, stay spooky!
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mylittlefusions · 1 year
Treehugger + Twilight Sparkle?
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groovy B)
-mod mutt
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glittermutt · 4 months
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milktoast-femboy · 4 months
no joke a huge thing that makes me want to play new horizons over new leaf is the face paint.
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no eyebrows just can't help bu feel like there's a huge space on my chara's forehead
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but add some eyebrows and BAM way better!
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edd-noles · 4 months
Lucy how does it feel to know that Edd and Tom are dating now lmao
Don't call me Lucy, and honestly it's kind of bittersweet, to see that Edd thought he was too good for me and then ended up settling for an alcoholic mutt
Hey! that's not what happened at all, and don't talk about tom like that jerk
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cyburnya · 1 year
this is by far the most humiliating situation of my life
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
AU Thursday: Fallout of Darkness Pets
Because, well, there’s one animal companion in the game that everyone loves (which very much includes Victor), and that sometimes prompts me to think of what other animals I would like to have share Victor’s, Alice’s, and their companion’s lives:
-->Obviously, pet numero uno is said animal companion everyone loves -- good old Dogmeat! Victor instantly felt a bond with the dog when he met the pooch at the Red Rocket, and he credits Dogmeat (along with Codsworth and later Preston) for helping him get through his earliest days in the Commonwealth -- particularly with helping him set up the Red Rocket as a new sort of “home base” for himself (and showing him how best to kill mole rats), and giving him a paw with the Concord raiders. I haven’t traveled much with Dogmeat in the actual game, but they’ve been on a few adventures together, and Dogmeat has a nice home in the Red Rocket with a dog bed for snoozing. :) He’s just a good fluffy boy for Victor to come home to and relax with.
-->Second up, we have Mutt, the Wounded Mongrel! I ran across this random encounter by the Red Rocket in Lexington in one of my earlier attempts at a playthrough (before I started modding), and simply fell in love with the sweet little wounded dog. She’s just so friendly, and always seems happy to see you when she pops up again! In my current playthrough, I met her while she was being assaulted by a raider under the bridge that runs by Starlight Drive-In. D: Victor promptly shotgunned the asshole in the face. >D It genuinely makes me sad that you can’t adopt the friendly mongrel after you help her in vanilla FO4 -- I mean, you can buy other dogs from traders, why can’t she come home with you? :(
But the modders are doing the work! May I introduce you to the Recruit The Wounded Dog mod by LarannKiar! :D It adds a miscellaneous recruitment quest to adopt Mutt (or Sparky, or Buttface, depending on which name you picked) and gives her a set location by Thicket Excavations so she can be easily picked up. I just recently got her settled in at the Red Rocket by Sanctuary with Dogmeat. :D
Now, in the actual Fallout of Darkness verse, Victor would save her from the raider by Starlight, then she’d just stay by Victor’s side after he stimpacks her and makes sure her leg is better. Once he realizes the dog has basically adopted him, he ends up taking her home with him to the Red Rocket. Dogmeat is initially a bit growly, but after a bit of scolding from Victor (”be nice! This one HASN’T tried to rip my throat out!”) and some cautious sniffing, they settle their differences and end up friends. She’s called “Mutt” because I chose the “what’s your name” option that just auto-named her “Mutt” the first time I met her, and the name’s stuck in my head -- I’m thinking Victor just refers to her as “the mutt” for a bit when he’s not sure if she’s gonna stick around or not, and it just morphs into her name.
-->Thirdly, we have Kit-Kat, a random cat from the Commonwealth! This one has a bit of a story behind it: after Alice “joins the party” and mentions being a cat person, Victor suggests she should try to find a pet, but Alice says most animals find her off-putting (and indeed, Dogmeat and Mutt are kinda nervous around her until they get used to her vampire vibe -- fortunately, traveling around with Victor means she’s got some of his scent clinging to her, which helps). Victor, feeling a bit bad, occasionally tries to lure stray cats over to her, but most of them either start getting aggressive or just flee --
And then, one day out exploring on his own, Victor comes across a brown cat with a lighter stripe up its nose, who promptly starts bothering him for a lift. Victor lets the cat climb up onto his shoulders and takes it home with him, where Alice is reading a book.
The cat, the moment Victor gets close, jumps into her lap and curls up without a second thought.
It soon becomes apparent that this cat’s deal is that it is not bothered by anything. The cat gives no shits -- sharing a house with two dogs? Owners occasionally fighting mole rats? One of the people giving him (as it is revealed to be a tom) pets is a vampire? Fuck it, as long as there’s a warm place to sleep and food in the bowl, the cat does not care. Alice is thrilled and happily adopts him, initially just calling him “kitty cat” before shortening that to what becomes his actual name, Kit-Kat. (No, not named after the candy, though he is the right color -- I’ve actually decided, just for silliness purposes, that while something similar to Kit-Kats exists in the Fallout universe, they’re actually called “Snap-Backs” and the advertising campaign was about eating the candy to come up with snappy comebacks to stupid questions.)
-->And now, an interlude with me and my brain:
My Brain: [grinning at me]
Me: What do you want now?
My Brain: I noticed you were thinking about potential pets for Fallout of Darkness!Victor and Alice.
Me: Ah, I think I see where this is going -- sorry, but honestly, I’ve gone a little off fire lizards after learning more about the Pern books in general. Some of them are really --
My Brain: I wasn’t talking about fire lizards.
Me: ???
My Brain: I was talking about Dougie.
Me: Dou -- wait. My stuffed toy? The “Faust” dragon from Douglas Toys? That Dougie?
My Brain: His crest could glow when he’s about to breathe fire!
Me: Hang on, I’m pretty sure Fallout 76 established that if this universe has dragons, they’re Scorchbeasts -- those mutated bats you gotta blow up in West Virginia because of how dangerous they are.
My Brain: There could be multiple mutations that result in dragon-like creatures! I mean, if you can get Deathclaws from a type of chameleon. . .
Me: Okay, I will give you that. But I have no idea how I’d fit him into the story currently (unlike Smiler) so can you content yourself with mental fanart for the moment?
My Brain: Acceptable.
So yeah, uh, small-but-nonzero-chance that at some point I’m going to find a way to put one of my favorite dragon toys in as a pet for Victor. I don’t know what they’d mutate from yet, but I’m sure I can think of something. . .
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oddikon · 1 year
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Just two mutts modding with magic! 🥰
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uchihamadxra · 2 months
-> Booping a sleepy Madara’s nose.
Mod’s note: With the April fools’s booping shenanigns ive decided to write some fluff on it.
Warnings: arranged marriage, madara is the reader’s husband for a month only. Fluff! Madara being a tsundere kejedhgd 😏 some plot!
The sunlight mingled against the thick curtains of the Uchiha clan head’s room. A faint line of warmth decorating your husband’s temples. He looked flawless like this, the rigid and scary, constant frown on his face has lulled into a peaceful neutral expression. Hair flawlessly splayed out like a wild mane in the silk pillow covers.
Madara hasn’t touched you yet, not even once. You wondered if you’d be treated like the weakling mutt that he snarled to your clan about. He is blunt with his words & spared no diplomacy in calling you weak. However, that was all. Madara hasn’t told you how to behave, what to eat, what to wear. You are well aware that your clan is eternall grateful to become a sub-wing of the Uchiha estate. Marrying the leader was something they had groveled about anyway.
Madara calls you for dinners where you ask him about his day, the answer is always the same. “Uneventful and boring. How about you?”
“Happy.” You mumble, like a learnt word to please Madara sama. He looks at you and scans your face as if he’s checking the disposition and the depth of your lies, if any. Not that you couldn’t tell him if you were unhappy. Madara seemed kind enough to ask about your day anyway. It’s just — you are not unhappy. The Uchihas are a force to be reckoned with but they sure do know how to love their own. The clan has accepted you, and they have done so to please Madara.
You gnaw at your lip, leaning in and looking at his solemn, sleeping face. “Good mornin.” You whispered, barely audible, hand shakingly touching the tip of his arched nose with a soft boop.
“Good morning.” Madara replied, an eye open as he looks at you. You lurched back instantly, gasping out in surprise.
“About time you tried to touch your husband.” He hums, smirking a little & getting up. Madara didn’t try to be scary around you either. Maybe the bond between you and your husband would take time to grow, but it sure will surpass something normal. Your heart knows it, deeply.
His does, too.
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bughugz · 4 months
DNI minors, zoos, pedos, transphobes, homophobes, racists, detrans, eating disorder blogs, self harm blogs, cishet men, 'men dni' blogs, ableists, blank and ageless accounts there's probably more if any of these things are you or you give off a not good vibe or whatever i'll block you
hiiiii i'm rory you can also call me bug, bun, or worm! it doesn't much matter to me which of these you use for me i'm a 20 year old 2spirit gnc trans man i only use he/it pronouns please perceive as like effeminate boyish and creaturelike with some sprinkling of cultural and spiritual context to confuse the masses i'm also neurodivergent and chronically ill please be patient with me and maybe use tone tags
i'm very non monogamous and don't really label my sexuality i'm simply attracted to gender fuckery usually very t4t and i love woman and nonbinary people in a boyish way i have a big masc lean on here it's very faggy i mostly post transmasc for transmasc content
feel free to flirt with me and be like gross and horny i love attention my dms and asks are open i love interacting with y'all but consent is valued i have a life and i will not tolerate disrespect you can also send pics if you ask nicely and i might send back i may however also choose not to respond to your advances please do not act entitled i don't make a habit of creating close personal relationships on the internet and i don't owe you anything if you really want my attention or just like my content ... tip me! my venmo and cashapp are both $bughugz
i'm basically a subby bottom bitch boy the vast majority of the time i would not feel comfortable domming most people i'm just occasionally feral and sadistic will dom bottom if i feel like it i find more power in being the one receiving and i'm much more shy and inexperienced when it comes to topping but love to service sooo do with that what you will
kinks & limits + terminology and names you can use for me + some stuff to get to know me outside of kink below cut:
key to my heart as a sub is petplay (mostly bunny sometimes puppy) but here is a way too long list of other things i like and may also post about in no particular order:
intox (420!)
cnc (might include uncensored use of the word rape)
overstimulation / edging
bondage / restraints
praise / degradation (not of looks)
impact play
breeding (not pregnancy)
biting / scratching
marking / bruising
free use / public play / anonymous sex etc
group sex / gangbangs / spit roasting etc
objectification !!!!
limits ie things i won't be posting about or engaging in for my safety and comfort but to each their own
ageplay (abdl / ddlg / other variants)
incest / fauxcest
race play
detrans / misgendering
body mods ie play piercing
any sorta of burning or just open flame
if you're curious to know more of my thoughts on something that is or is not here send me an ask or dm!!!
terminology and names you can use for me include:
chest, tits, t/dick, cunt, hole (bunny, puppy, or boy prefixes are fine ie puppycunt, boytits, bunny hole)
bunny, puppy, mutt, bitch, angel, baby, good boy, love, slut, whore, (fuck)toy, pretty boy, sweetheart etc
i also like masc compliments and being called pretty!you can definitely ask if you wanna call me a particular pet name i love them and most are fine but i do not like little one, the word girl, or princess !!!
get to know me outside of kink:
i'm an herbalist and i love plants and ethnobotany especially
i'm in college slowly working towards an environmental science degree
i love bugs and crystals and anything miniature
i like cozy games and fashion and books
i'm a fiber artist and like to experiment with lots of different mediums and styles
i like to roller skate badly
exploring in nature is one of my favorite pastimes whether it's tide pooling or admiring all the little things in a small stretch of forest
this is 100% a horny blog and i will be spamming my silly horny and sometimes non horny thoughts so often that you might hate me not great with words mostly rambling. but please don't hesitate to try and befriend and get to know me and ask me about any of this stuff i like dms just so long as you're respectful i do have social anxiety so i may not dm first!
pics of me are tagged #wormy pics
audios of me are tagged #wormy audios
original text nsfw and sfw is all mostly lumped into #bun ramblings
asks are #wormyasks
anons: 🌸, 🦊, 👾,🪼,💀
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pyreofsunflowers · 1 year
How to make the Sims 3 look its best in 2022
so simming is a long time pastime of mine, and I've - in my humble opinion - perfected the look of the game without turning it into a yassed out modeling agency. (if you've ever looked for cc you know what I'm talking about) so in this first of probably many posts - here is a complete list of all my graphics mods!
Firstly, though, I should note that I have a very strong pc with a very strong graphics card. Please please please don't overload your computer, and explore options that will work best with your specs. What looks best for me might not look best for you.
Ahem, with that out of the way let's start with my default graphic settings.
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This keeps my game looking beautiful while running smoothly (hence the low reflection and edge smoothing)
Now let's get into the mods!
Lighting and Environment
Burnt Waffles' Moonrise Kingdom Lighting - Self explanatory, textures for the skybox, weather overlays, and general lighting. Make sure you pick the water that matches your world!
Simsi45's Reworked and Improved EA Lights - tones down the brightness of some lights, fixes directional lighting for covered lamps, light colors made more consistent, and other such fixes.
dDefinder's Outdoor Lighting Tweaks - removes that nasty blue hue at nighttime, adds more dynamic shadows, adds new weather types and can make nighttime darker!
Neim's Sims Blog's Default replacements for Garden Bushes and Orchard Trees - Replaces the textures for plants like tomato vines, apple trees, and onion plants - creating a much more lush looking garden.
Aminovas' Plant Retextures - softens the bright, garish colors of EA plants to be more appealing. In two parts, and available as non-defaults.
CAS + Create-a-Pet
Kurasoberina's Primer Skin + Buhudain's You are Real - my skin mod and a default replacement pack with upped realism. The skin was designed to be used with You are Real, just a heads up.
I don't use any nudey mods out of personal preference - but I hear good things about Cmar's and Geck.o's work. Here is a link to a bunch of nsfw sims stuff, if that's what your into. I also don't really use sliders outside of the hat slider, a glasses slider and a height and posture slider. this is again out of personal presence, as I am generally making an entire neighborhood's worth of sims at a time and don't have the energy to be nitpicky with sliders on every single sim. That being said, OneEuroMutt complied a really nice list of CAS sliders AND a list of animal sliders if your interested in that.
Bloom's Sexy Feet and Cyo's Cute feet for children - realistic foot retexture, the op is long gone so this is a forum post. May not work unless sim detail is set to high!
Shady's Loney Eyes - subtle eye retextures available as both a contact and a default replacement. I'm currently not using any eyelash retextures - mostly because I haven't found any that work. If anyone has suggestions, let me know!
MaryJane's, Firefox's, AND Agnelid's Hair Replacements - replaces defualt hair with much better looking CC from other creator's - I mix and match between the three. Note that these are far from complete, and I still work with pleanty of EA hair.
I like teh Sims CAS overhaul - less shine, and hides rather than deletes mostly unused items (i always have this weird paranoia that deleting them form CAS will delete them in gameplay...)
One Euro Mutt's Less Shoe Shine - self explanatory, fixes that weird shine that's on so many default shoes.
Simple Life's Lipstick, Blush, Eyeliner, Beards, Eyebrows, and Age Details - Simple Life is my go- to for facial updates, do note however the textures may look funky if your sim detail isn't set to high. (They don't have individual pages for each item, so you'll have to scroll - my apologies)
Ketheira's Freckles and Moles - self explanatory, more realistic face marks.
Eternal 2nd Kira's Insect Wing Replacements for Fairies - replaces the EA textures with high-def insect wings, I just think it looks neat mostly.
Brinwood's HD Dog Coats and Eyes - Also includes more colorable options for dog coats, such as inner ears and individual paws.
Lazy Duchess' cat and dog addons - adds whiskers, primarily, but also edits some face textures and adds more facial markings
Kale and Traelia's HD cat skin and eyes - better meshes for cats.
Dimitri Dane's and Elin Fredriksdotter's EQHD - a FULL retexture and remodel of EA horses with better textures of coats and eyes, and optional stallion junk if that's what your into (I'm not... lol). you will have to download custom saddles, bridles, tack, and poses as EA meshes will be incompatible - but I will probably make a separate post with all my horse CC... lol.
Misc. Textures
Pretty obviously, I use the No Build Sparkles and No Intro mod that everyone gets when they set up there CC folder for the first time. These little details make a big difference!
JustMiha's Clean UI reskin, which is currently still in development (hence the default graphic menu... lol)
Velocity Grass's remove stencil tool to remove any unwanted stencils from cabinets, beds, or toyboxes.
Simsi45's Tileable Items Fix - you know how you go to place a row of bookshelves and there's the lighting gets all messed up on a few of them? yeah this mod fixes that.
Jane Sambroski's Wood Grain re-textures - fixes a lot of the EA woods to have much nicer looking grains, and fixed an issue that caused the grain to become pixelated when zooming.
Plastic Box's Doorway Lighting Fix - fixes lots of the broken lighting with doors and archways, so now all glass doors will cast light through them and all arches of similar size will cast the same amount of light through them
Aminovas' Cow Textures - retextures the cow in the Milkin' It Corral store item to be more realistic. That's it.
And that's it! Yes, I know it's a lot, but I like my game GOREGOUS.
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voidandabyssal · 2 months
More of the au bros playing minecraft, because my two week long minecraft obsession has kicked in. a part 2, to this post!
Every time edge logs on, papyrus inevitably challenges him to a build off. Its a very passionate affair, lots of frustrated screaming.
Both are equally skilled at building so theres never really an outright winner (much to edges annoyance)
Red keeps rage quitting cuz someone (cough stretch and mutt cough) keeps destroying his base. Oh and he also keeps dying to creepers and loosing all his stuff
he tries to steal other peoples stuff but it usually doesn’t end well
Sans keeps dunking on him, it’s Reds worst nightmare. Eventually he locks himself in the nether and starts doing his own thing there
Axe has to keep focusing on following crooks around or else he’s gonna get lost. Although he does serve as a kind of guard dog for his brother. Red learned the hard way not to try and steal from Crooks
Crooks meanwhile just builds farms, he even manages to download some mods that allow for more crops and better foods. Its very satisfying for him to just be running around with his brother throwing stacks of pumpkin soup and cake at everyone.
Mutt is goofing off with stretch constantly. Mutts a bad influence, don’t leave the two alone. The last time that happened half the server was held hostage with stacks of TNT
Black is an old man and cant figure out the controls, right now he’s punching the sky while running around.
Passion(UL paps) and Dior (UL sans) are goofing off building a cute little cottage together, Passion keeps forgetting about the creepers cuz he’s too focused on picking flowers and Dior is having a killer time dyeing his leather armour pink
Coffee (thats swapfell gold if you dont know) is sent to watch over Mutt and Stretch but he’s not really a good babysitter; he keeps having nervous breakdowns as the two torch reds base for the fiftieth time.
Wine isn’t playing, he’s too busy working or cleaning to waste his time like that. Though he does hover over Coffees shoulder a lot.
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mylittlefusions · 1 year
Reformed Thorax and Rain Shine (the Kirin leader)!
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*jurassic park theme badly played on kazoo*
-mod mutt :^)
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glittermutt · 4 months
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angel-gf · 3 months
So like most people voted for me to post my kinks (really exposing myself here tbh) warning it’s long.
Scaling 1-5 of how much I like them- but like I like all of them. All from a submissive standpoint
- Abrasions 3
- Anal Play 3 (haven’t tried it really)
- Pet Play 4
- Asphyxiation/ Breath play 5
- Bathroom control 3
- Bitting 5
- All levels of beating 5
- All levels of bondage 5
- Branding&Marking 5
- Cages/cells/rooms 4
- Breast torture 4
-fauxsect - 4
- Slapping 5
- Punching 3-4 depends on where it is
- Kicking 3
- Stepping 5
- Voice restriction 5 with limits
- Having clothes chosen 5
- Cock & pussy worship 5
- Worship 5
- Religious kink 5
- Age Play 4
- Collars 5
- Overstimulation 5
- Edging 4?
- Cutting 4
- Knife play 4
- Blood kink 5
- Toys (dildos,vib ect) 4
- Fear play 5
- Kidnapping 5
- Daddy/mommy kink 5
- R@pe play 5
- Teasing/taunting 5
- Humiliation 5
- Dumbification 5
- Medical kink 2
- Eye contact restriction 5
- Excersies forced/required 3
- Exhibitionism (before friends) 5
- Exhibitionism (before strangers) 3
- Face slapping 5
- Fantasy gang r@pe 5
-fauxsympathy 5
- Threesums 5
- Fire play 4
- Having rules/ things to follow 5
- Forced masturbation 5
- Forced nudity 5
- Gags 5
- Piss play 3
- Hair pulling 5
- General roughness (grabbing jaw wrists ect in sexual and non sexual things) 5!! 6
- Temperature play 3
- Dollification 4 w limits
- Name change 3?
- Pain 5
- Orgasm control 5
- Orgasm denial 5
- Outdoor scenes 5
- Drowning 4
- Personality mod 2
- Vomit (only in one very specific case!) 1
- Being shared 4
- Sensory deprivation 3
- Sleep deprivation 2
- Gun play 5
- Death threat 3
- Spanking 4
- Cum play (cover me in it, swallow ect ect) 5
- Somnophila 5
- Dacryphila 5!
- Begging 5
- Domestication/house wife/ trophy wife 5
- Breeding 5
- Impregnation 5
- Misogyny 4 (when done right)
- Gaslighting/manipulation ect 5
- Degradation 5
- Praise 5
- Teaching/“guiding” 5
- Free use 3
- Leaving marks, bruises, bites ect.. 5!!
- Intox kink 5
- Size kink 5
- Corruption kink 5
- Spitting 5
- Cock warming 5
- Double penetration (dvp & normal) 3
- Face fucking 5
- Photos/video 5
- Primal/prey play 3
- Thigh riding 5
- Boot riding 5
- Financially domination 5
- Dependency 5
- Voice kink 4
- Power imbalance 5
- Possessiveness (is this a kink? It should be) 5
- Mask kink 3
- Stalking 3
- Oral fixation 5
- Abuse kink 5
- Trauma kink 4
Names I like to be called
“Softer ones” : angel, pretty girl, pup, puppy, bunny, princess, baby, sweetheart, kid, doll, babydoll, good girl, yours,
( talk to me normally before you use any rougher one pls & thanks)
“Rougher ones”: slut, whore, toy, fucktoy, rapetoy, cocksleeve, cum dump, fleshlight, fuckdoll, stupid, dummy, bitch, r@pebait, mutt
Then ofc adding dumb, pathetic, silly, desperate, useless, worthless, disgusting, good, pretty, little, to anyy of them
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mods can we get a poll to have me put down like a mutt please
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