#mod olio
the-witchs-cafe · 2 months
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The Great Cornholio
The Olio warlock, whose nature is to find TP for his bunghole. Where he comes from, his people have but one bunghole, and no TP, so he has been sent to find some. He doesn’t attack those who enter his barrier, just asks them for TP. If they threaten him though, all bets are off. “Are you threatening me?! TITICACA!”
Mod note: April fools!!! I originally had an entire B&B fanfic planned for today, Bunghole Magica, but I couldn’t finish it in time. I apologize!
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fourth-quartet · 5 months
So you said you were working on a few wips...talk to me. Tell me everything
okay okay okay okay so (pulls up the last time i referenced any of my wips to remember what i even posted about)
Original WIPs:
Since I just started working on it tonight. I'm taking a playwriting class this semester so I started working on what will be my end-of-the-semester project (the semester starts tuesday) because I already know what my project is going to be. It doesn't have a title yet, but it is going to return to my roots of leaving two actors on a stage basically going through emotional hell as their stories intertwine in the form of interrogations (gotta love a barebones interrogation room scene on a barely lit stage).
"#WhatHappenedToTennysonBeatty" is (hopefully) going to be the project I focus on moving forwards with my fiction courses. It's written in script form, as a podcast breaks open and exposes the mystery of a disappearance from ten years previously.
I have a new adult fantasy book I've been working on for a minute too, and I just had a breakthrough literally tonight about it, so I'll probably be working on that on/off as well. The book is split between three major POVS: Felicity 'Fix' Brion (married to a diplomat and maternal figure to her orphaned nephews, in her husband's country following an assassination of her sister-in-law), Roel Devani (former prince, former spymaster, turned war criminal), and Cealin Ecgwine (essentially a priest in the church, escorting what may possibly be an actual god reborn away from his death).
I ALSO have a near-future dystopian book I've been working on in a very on-and-off way that deals with some pretty heavy topics I don't want to super get into. But its got some queers and some magic realism, so that's fun.
"What if Yohan simply didn't?" I've mentioned it in passing, I think, but it's an AU in which Yohan's plans are waylaid by chronic pain and trauma. Soohyun's meddling ends up with Gaon going to visit the house in which Yohan and Elijah are bottled up, and though initially the Kangs are both cold to him, it takes very little for them to warm up to Gaon.
"????" is an Elijah-centric 5+1 of emotions as she experiences them over the course of the show. I know the emotions are 'anger, bitterness, reluctance, hesitation, hope + happiness' but I've written exactly one sentence of it.
"Another ?????" is an exploration of Yohan's trust in Gaon through the eyes of the people around them: K, Jinjoo, Elijah, Jungho, Soohyun, etc.
I can't talk about the SFH WIP for legal reasons (again, I'm a mod of the zine, I know what the topic/theme is gonna be months in advance lmfao)
Critical Role WIPs:
Nicknamed "Tilly" with the working title "regret informs only the living," it jumps between ~C1 and C3, in a world where Percy and Laudna had met as children and did know one another. It jumps between their childhoods, immediately after reclaiming Whitestone, and when Bells Hells bring Laudna to Whitestone to revive her.
Originally nicknamed "Life 5," now its own fic titled "obsessively, incessantly, to a point of suffocation", it's an alternate history in which the Empire made a severe push into Xhorhas as the perfect moment. Asarius falls, and Dens Olios, Thelyss, and Tasithar are captured. The citizens of Asarius are split between four internment camps. Switching POVs between scourger Bren and survivor Essek, it's an alignment flip.
"friends on the other side," also called "Kingsley is Confused™," is immediately post C2, following Kingsley as he tries to piece together some semblance of identity and life, while Mollymauk and Lucien simply do not shut up in his head. It's enough to drive anyone mad, really. But maybe, just maybe, King is smart enough to figure out how to get them out of head and into bodies of their own.
"kindness is a dish best served" is an alternate C2 ending, in which it is Lucien pre-Nonagon who wakes up when the Wildmother brings him back. He lies through his teeth, claiming he doesn't know any of them. Only Caleb (visibly) sees through the lies.
Currently nicknamed "Vesper de Rolo's Very Bad, Not Good Day," it's a retelling of C3, in which Vesper de Rolo is a member of Bells Hells.
Currently only nicknamed "the consecution fic," the only thing I've written is this: 'thirty years after Essek Thelyss of No Den is executed for treason, Lirik Thelyss of Den Thelyss begins to go through anamnesis and realizes he can tell nobody who he truly is.'
And that's not including two 5+1s I'm sitting on for more Thelyss family dynamics because there's something so fun about locking Essek, Verin, and Deirta in a room together and poking them to see what happens.
And, now, lastly. The one I can't forget. "The Fickle Nature of Time's Children," suffering under the weight of my 22k word outline. It's a Caleb/Essek time travel fic with a twist, dealing heavily with themes of depression, a lack of fulfillment and unhappiness, with a massive redemption arc for the Tombtakers because they deserve it.
*exhales* okay that's it. Mostly. I have a couple of other original pieces of writing I didn't touch on because I haven't been working on them as much.
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unfortunatematchups · 4 years
its been real, guys.
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this blog came to be because four people had a shared passion and wanted to make something out of it. maybe the amount of love we had to this blog wasnt all equal, some of us loved homestuck and writing match ups more than the others.
but as this blog ages, so does our love for homestuck. with homestuck 2 absolutely destroying everything ive come to love about homestuck, ive found that i actually have a weaker grasp and understanding on the characters than i actually do. i can no longer find myself able to match people accurately to my liking.
ive done all i could, really, genuinely, truthfully and painfully. ive done my best not to let homestuck 2, beyond the absolute garbage fire of what i cant bring myself to consider canon, affect how i see and feel about the kids. the trolls havent suffered much slander on their part, not yet anyway. i still love the trolls i love, but the same cant be said for the kids. knowing that this is how the kids turn out to be is crushing and ruins everything ive come to know and love about the characters, even if i never liked some of them that much anyway.
its like watching or reading a horrifying scene or truth about something you love. it taints the image and starts to make you really doubt just whether or not you really knew that thing you claim to love. throughout homestuck 2 ive just been asking myself, ‘is this really the same story?’
i probably shouldnt let some botched writing ruin my perception of what i love. but the damage has been done. theres no point in me writing the characters as they were in homestuck, pretending that what they do in homestuck 2 didnt happen. the final statement is that homestuck 2 hurt the love i had for homestuck, and while im upset that i let it do so, theres nothing i can do. im not going to try and revitalise the passion i had. ive better things to obsess over, and i refuse to waste it on homestuck.
im writing this so that any of you following this blog or have the intent to can see this and reevaluate whether or not you really want to follow or keep following. right now theres nintey-four people following, and id be lying if i said i wasnt surprised by how many people actually like the stuff were making.
a part of why im making the grand decision to close this blog is because its run its course. like my previous post stated, im the only one still writing for it. the other writer has other shit going on and so do i. im not going to force the other mods to write for this blog, and neither am i going to force myself to choke out something. i know when something is dying, and i know when to let it rest. the last post i made, i still had a little bit of fight left in me. i thought that if someone came in with a stupid good request, it would reignite that flame and let me get back into the groove of writing. it didnt. theres a lovely five part request that gives me plenty of inspiration, but i was kidding myself.
by the time id made that post, i think its safe to say that most of us lost that spark of adrenaline we had in the beginning. there was a slim chance i was going to keep it running, and the wheel didnt land on it.
i thought i knew the characters. and maybe i do, but not as closely as i once did. i no longer have the ability to write up something that matches bits and pieces of both personalities together to form a complete, satisfying puzzle. im just staring at a paragraph of bullshit that i cant string together long enough to properly read it, let alone make a response to it. im losing whatever investment i put into homestuck, and its showing. i havent even thought about homestuck all that much in these few months. thats not to say i wont still love john, dave and equius, but they take less space in my heart than they used to.
another part of why im closing this blog is so i wont have to have it nagging at the back of my mind. since february ive always kept this blog in the back of my mind, checking in on it once every few weeks to see if theres a new ask or follow. and there is. people are still following this blog, waiting for a response, waiting for the content that this blog provided. im not going to lie, there probably wont be. maybe i can refurbish it for something else, but as of now, this blog is going to be left alone. 
thats all. thanks for taking the time to read this. theres no proper way to explain why this blog is closing, so this is the best i can and will do. its been real, and im glad i could make some people happy with the matches. 
to mod spaghetti, thanks for checking in on this blog from time to time, giving ur lil posts here and there, and helping with some of the matches. stay vibin, cryptid.
to mod pie, thanks for writing those non homestuck requests. i dont know how to comfort people, so i hope the memes im sending you help, even if by a little. keep vibin with ur nasty owo shit
and to mod tamago. thanks for those late night editing sessions where i would just vomit words and youd clean up the mistakes. who knew i made so many, huh? heres to hopefully getting any grade above c for our future modules.
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raytaku · 2 years
“Hey Ray what did you do today?”
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[ID: A screenshot of audacity]
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[ID: A close up of the timeline, reading 53 minutes and 45 seconds]
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sabragifts · 3 years
Rodin Olio Lusso Winks Lipstick - So Mod
Rodin Olio Lusso Winks Lipstick – So Mod
SKU 2045MOD $24.99 WHAT IT IS: Created to both stain and hydrate, the lipstick was blended with RODIN olio lusso’s signature jasmine and neroli oils, rose and lavender flower wax, as well as apricot and argan oils. 0.14 oz. WHAT IT DOES: The richly pigmented colors glide across the lips in a light and creamy matte texture, with vitamin C and E to help nourish and soften the lips. HOW TO APPLY:…
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vapormoposts · 5 years
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Uwell Blocks Squonk 90W Kit è un nuovo kit di squonk mod che ha un design esclusivo sporgente su entrambi i lati, composto da Blocks Squonk Mod e Nunchaku RDA. Il Blocks mod è alimentato da una singola batteria 18650, supporta una potenza massima di 90 W. È incorporato in un flacone e-juice da 15 ml e presenta una pompa per il succo brevettata sulla parte superiore del mod. È dotato del design brevettato Juice Pump, che è più preciso e conveniente di spremere una bottiglia, basta pompare il succo premendo il pulsante in alto. Il mod dispone anche di una finestra di succo per un facile controllo del livello di succo. La cottura rapida di 0,008 offre la soddisfazione immediata e il design plug-pull semplifica la ricarica. Il connettore a prova di perdite 510 impedisce la fuoriuscita del succo nel mod. Il Nunchaku RDA ha un semplice mazzo di costruzione per la costruzione di bobine singole o doppie. Il rivestimento antiaderente sulla RDA può fornire una migliore resistenza alle imperfezioni di olio e impronte digitali. Caratteristica: 1. La capacità di e-juice da 15 ml soddisfa le esigenze di svapo a lungo termine 2. Design brevettato della pompa del succo, facile da ricaricare RDA 3. Spegnimento veloce 0,008s 4. Nuova progettazione di circuiti stampati 5. Protezioni multiple 6. Il connettore a prova di perdite 510 impedisce la fuoriuscita di succo nella mod 7. Uscita massima 90 W 8. Ampie colonne per la spaziatura per la costruzione di bobine singole o doppie 9. Doppio flusso d'aria disponibile Dati tecnici: Dimensioni mod: 93.07 * 49 * 25mm Capacità del succo: 15ml Potenza massima: 90 W Intervallo di resistenza consigliato: 0,1ohm-0,5ohm Batteria: singola 18650 (non inclusa) Dimensioni RDA: 24 * 34,6 mm Materiale: SS e POM Colore: nero, blu zaffiro, grigio Contenuto della confezione: 1 x Blocks Mod 1 x Nunchaka RDA 2 x NIChrome Coils(0.3ohm) 1 x vite extra femmina 1 x chiave inglese 1 x 510 Pin 1 x isolatore 1 x cotone giapponese 1 x confezione di O-ring 1 x cavo micro USB 1 x Manuale dell'utente
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Hola podrias hacer uno de Bon x Bonnie del numero 4 el de "¿esa es mi camisa?" ¡ amo tus scenrios y headcanons ! Sigue asi !
Yo en este instante cuando me dicen cosas bonitas
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 Enfin vamos a ello
¿Tienesuna petición relacionada con el Tag? Aquí esta: El Zelda (?) (El Ask Box está abierto paraustedes)
Es cortito aun así espero que te guste :D
Finde las clases por hoy, Los Toys se encontraban saliendo juntos del instituto,Mangle le estaba recordando a todos sobre el ensayo de esta tarde…
“Acordaosque hoy  tenemos el ensayo general antesde la competición, es importante que no faltéis” “¿Eso va también por Bon?” “EvidentementeJoy ¿Por qué lo dices?” “Porque no está…” “¿Qué?” Bon no estaba y ella no sefijó en ello hasta ahora “Hay que fastidiarse… ¿¡Donde esta!?” “Acuérdate quesu clase tuvo educación física, así que posiblemente esté en los vestuarios todavía…”Mangle irritada se sentó a esperarle
MientrasBon se encontraba terminando de vestirse y salir, era el último que estaba allí…así que nadie podría molestarlo mientras se cambiaba. En ese momento vio unacamisa en los vestuarios, estaba limpia, Bon vio la etiqueta y curiosamente erade Bonnie… probablemente se lo habrá dejado aquí sin darse cuenta…
“Sies que de verdad… hay veces que tengo que estar pendiente de ti…”
Pensabamientras cogía la camisa dispuesto a llevársela, pero por algún raro motivo se quedómirándola y sin saber porque, olisqueo un poco. Estaba limpio, miró a amboslados comprobando que no había nadie y se puso a oler su camisa mástranquilamente
“Tuesencia…El perfume de tu ser” En ese momento, empezó a sentirse romántico “Huelestan bien…”
“¿Maestro?”Momento interrumpido… “¿Has visto mi-?” Un largo silencio invade entre ambosBonnie confuso y Bon con una cara muy roja “¿Es mi camisa?” Preguntaba mirandolo que tenía Bon en sus manos
“Eh,eh, Esto Yo… ¡Guitarra!” Le lanza la camisa a la cara y huye avergonzado. Bonnie noentiende nada pero se alegra por encontrar la camisa, se va de camino a casacuando ve la camiseta de Bon tirada en el suelo. Se le cayó mientras huía, Oliolevemente su camiseta “El maestro huele bien…” Pensaba hasta que se acordó deél “Maestro… ¡MAESTRO! ¡Se le ha caído la camiseta!”
Noespera… hay más…
“¿Bon?¡Bon! ¡¿Dónde estabas?! ¡¿Por qué tardaste tanto-?!” Bon simplemente saliócorriendo ignorando a Mangle, provocando su ira “¡BON! ¡TÚ! ¡¡¡NO ME IGNORES!!!”Vio a Bonnie persiguiéndole con la camiseta en la mano también ignorando aMangle, aunque esta vez con una expresión más confusa “Pero que…” “Mejor no preguntes…”Le advierte Joy antes de que dijera algo más
~Mod Puppet
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unfortunatematchups · 4 years
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could the anon who sent this in specify which fandom they would like the match for?
-mod olio
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localdomination4biz · 5 years
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vapormoonline · 5 years
Vandy Vape Kit | it.vapormo.com
Aspire Tigon Kit
Vandy Vape Phiness Vega Kit è il primo dispositivo per pod system di Vandy Vape. Viene fornito con un cordino e un dito, che è conveniente portare dentro di sé ovunque. Alimentato dalla batteria integrata da 350 mAh, e l'indicatore di batteria a LED vi informerà a bassa tensione, è un dispositivo perfetto per il vostro tempo di relax. La cartuccia pod Phiness Vega adotta il design di riempimento superiore per evitare perdite di olio e mani sporche. Il pod è in grado di farcire in 1 ml di capacità liquida. Inoltre è possibile caricarlo applicando la Micro USB.
Caratteristiche: 1. compatto ma potente, facile da usare 2. Batteria integrata da 350 mAh e capacità del contenitore da 1 ml 3. cordino e dito, un comodo kit 4. design di riempimento superiore, rapido da riempire e non più sporco 5. ricarica micro USB
Dati tecnici: Dimensioni: 66 x 28 x 12 mm Capacità: 1mL Batteria: 350mAh Batteria integrata Gamma di potenza: 5W-15W Corrente di carica: 350 mAh Interfaccia di ricarica: micro USB
Contenuto della confezione: 1 x Phiness Vega Dispositivo 1 x Cavo micro USB 1 x Manuale dell'utente
Vandy Vape Swell Kit è il nuovissimo kit di Vandy Vape dall'aspetto raffinato e dalle dimensioni portatili. Swell Mod è dotato di PCBA impermeabile, facile da pulire e da lavare. Supporta anche la sostituzione del pannello di G10 e resina per le opzioni. Alimentato da due batterie 18650, può sparare da 5-188 W e consente diverse modalità di uscita tra cui alimentazione, bypass, voltaggio e TC. Sotto la connessione del dente blu, il dispositivo può essere facilmente rilevato utilizzando la funzione di recupero su Vandyvape App. Per quanto riguarda il serbatoio, può contenere fino a 4,5 ml di e-juice e presenta un semplice design di riempimento superiore avvitabile. E adotta una bobina a maglia singola da 0,15 ohm e una bobina a tripla maglia da 0,15ohm per un migliore sapore e un flusso d'aria uniforme. Inoltre, l'accurato sistema di flusso d'aria regolabile in basso, ti porterà una grande esperienza di svapo.
Caratteristica: 1. incredibile peso leggero, dimensioni tascabili 2. G10 sostituibile, pannello in resina 3. supporta la doppia batteria 18650, 188 W per la massima potenza 4. innovativo impermeabile PCBA per durata e protezione 5. La funzione di recupero intelligente aiuta a trovare il kit perso 6. bobina a maglie, sapore migliore e flusso d'aria levigante 7. Ricarica dell'olio superiore, più facile da riempire con le mani pulite 8. numerose protezioni per il tuo svapo confortevole
Dati tecnici: Swell Box Mod Dimensioni: 82mm * 26mm * 55mm Batteria: Dual 18650 (NON inclusa) Intervallo di potenza: 5-188 w Tensione di funzionamento: 6,4-8,4 v Corrente di lavoro: <50 A Tensione di uscita: 0,5-7,5 v Gamma resistenza bobina: 0.05-3ohm Swell Tank Lunghezza: 44,65 mm Diametro: 26mm Capacità: 3ml/4.5ml Coil: 0,15 Ohm Singolo Meshed Coil. Migliore: 50W – 90W 0,15 Ohm Triplicare Meshed Coil. Migliore: 50W – 100W
Triplicare Meshed Coil. Migliore: 50W – 100W sigaretta elettronica prezzo
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subitoauto · 5 years
Renault Twingo usata per NEOPATENTATI Subito Auto
Mod. disponibile 1.2 benzina 8V Dynamique 3 porte con i seguenti accessori: ABS, Airbag, Servosterzo, Aria condizionata. Sostituiti olio motore e filtro, filtro aria e filtro antipolline. A rate anche ... Pubblica subito auto in vendita
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e-vapormo · 5 years
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THC Tauren ONE RTA è l'ultima versione di THC Tauren. ONE RTA è dotato di una struttura in vetro 304SS e Pyrex, resistente e facile da pulire. Ha una capacità di 2 ml. Dotato di un esclusivo sistema di flusso d'aria a nido d'ape 3D e di 26 fori micro-aria, l'aria può entrare in contatto con olio e bobina in un'ampia area in modo da creare una nuvola enorme e un sapore eccellente. Inoltre, il sistema di riempimento superiore con grande slot può rendere più conveniente il rabbocco dell'olio. ONE RTA è adatto anche per THC Tauren Max Mech MOD e THC Tauren Mech MOD. Il Tauren RTA adotta un innovativo sistema a flusso d'aria esagonale a nido d'ape per ottenere un sapore eccezionale. Sia l'anello AFC che il tappo superiore sono progettati con una splendida zigrinatura, è più facile da controllare. Con un comodo sistema di riempimento superiore e una grande fessura di riempimento, la ricarica diventa più facile e veloce.
Caratteristiche: 810 drip tip per lo svapo MTL Unico sistema di flusso d'aria a nido d'ape 3D Facile piatto di costruzione a singola bobina 26 fori micro aria per un sapore eccellente Facile sistema di riempimento superiore con grande slot Sistema di flusso d'aria a nido d'ape esagonale unico Costruzione 304SS di alta qualità Dati tecnici: Dimensioni: 24 x 41 mm Materiale: 304SS Capacità: 2 ml / 4.5 ml (con un tubo a bolle per PC extra glassato) Drip Tip: 810 Piattaforma: singola Tipo di riempimento: riempimento superiore Il pacchetto include: 1 x Tauren One RTA 1 x Chiave a brugola 1 x Bubble Tube glassato per PC 1 x sacchetto di vite extra e o-ring 1 x scatola in lega di alluminio con 510 seminterrato
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misnoskcaj · 7 years
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Benefit of being an #MOD: the chef makes a mean aglio olio for you. With extra cili padi, of course. Ok, that's all. (at The Kitchen Table At W Singapore)
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unfortunatematchups · 4 years
✽ꕥ merry christmas ꕥ✽
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whats up my dudes and dudettes 
its christmas and were all gettin to that sweet holiday vibe you get what im sayin
wishing yall a very happy merry christmas with loads of shit and chances to give yourself a reset on things you aint cool with
aight back to matchups now
-mod olio
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unfortunatematchups · 4 years
Hey just wanna let you guys know that when i looked up the #rules nothing came up.
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yeah i dont know how to fix it except give it a hyperspecific tag,,
ill leave a link here but i wont be able to keep reblogging the post so ill tag the rules with ‘unfortunaterules’
hopefully that fixes the problem :^X
-mod olio
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unfortunatematchups · 4 years
Hello! Is it alright if we send in matchup requests for our homestuck Ocs? Love the blog btw 💖
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you know ive never really thought about it before but hell yeah
its the same as matching up a person right
ill tweak the rules a little bit and you can send in your oc for matching!
-mod olio
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