#mod: brice
scilou-mdr · 8 months
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I love them like a mother who loves her children (they are my children)
Ps: Brice has flabby cheeks
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mozzarella-ds · 2 years
What's everyone's favorite TMC AU? (Including mod + Emmett!)
Oh alright! Sorry if I don't get everyone + I don't know that many TMC aus >﹏<
Lougin: -The Alive!Au, he likes it a lot, its where no one died and alts are friendly or just gone- Alex: -the swap!Au, he wonders what he would be like without smoking- Skylar: -The desert!Au, he really likes sweets alright, and he want to know what type of dessert he is- Emmett: -the stargate catalougue, a galaxy based au made by @the-stargate-catalogue, its really cool and I like it lol, and so does Emmett, wondering what will happen- Ethen: -The Backrooms!Au, it's an AU me and my friend made, where Mark and a few of the gang are, well, in the backrooms, he's wondering if he would survive- Sparky: -Fantasy au, my friend @callme-adam-iguess made it, he's really into fantasy lol- Brice: -all alternates au, an au where alternates were always there and replaced humans, he would hate it but he's also kinda interested in it- Melvin: -Mafia au, idk who made it bc I found it on Pinterest, but he just likes guns sooooooooooo- Willow: -the modern au, she wonders if anything would be different or if it would be better there than here- Me/The mod: -A floral au, made my @itfollowedme, its a really cool au and you should check it out, NOW-
and that's all I got lol- sorry >﹏<
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safekiribakurecs · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki Additional Tags: Photography, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Drinking, Smoking, (both are mentioned only), mild references to a poor state of mental health that bakugou has been actively working through, katsuki learns how to be an okay friend, playing fast and loose with the way therapy works, mentions of diet planning because kiri is an athlete, Mentions of Therapy, mentions of vomit, they are in college but they sure do not go to class, Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Protective Bakusquad (My Hero Academia) Summary:
Katsuki picked up a photo from December. Kirishima beamed up at him from the picture, smile glossy. He had a year's worth of photos, spread out across the living room floor, proof that Kirishima undeniably belonged in his life, by his side.
“Shit,” Katsuki said, putting the photo back down in its spot. He doesn't want to look at Kirishima, so he looked at the photo of Kirishima instead. “I think I’m in love with you.”
Katsuki picked up the hobby mostly because he apparently needed a less aggressive way to work out his feelings. He wasn’t sure how the hell photography was supposed to do that, but fine, whatever. As it always turned out with him, the simplest actions, such as picking up a stupid camera, wreak the biggest havoc.
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ffxiv-roleplayer · 5 years
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“I bet your body's so sweet (oh yeah) So roll your dice at my feet (oh yeah) We're winning when our eyes meet (oh yeah) You've got that hand I can't beat (oh yeah) So put your money on me Put your money on me So put your money on me Put your money on me.”
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ts2-uglacy · 5 years
Chapitre 24 : De grossesse en grossesse.
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Précédemment, Becky a atteint un niveau de popularité exceptionnel avec ses trente relations amoureuses simultanées. Ce désir satisfait, elle s’est enfin décidée à prendre son rôle d’héritière à cœur et a trouvé un géniteur qui lui plaît bien (traduisez : avec un fort potentiel de mocheté). Une insémination plus tard, voilà où nous en sommes !
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BoiNNnNNNnNNG ! Le ventre de Becky s’arrondit !
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Et viennent avec les nausées. C’est officiel, on a un bébé en route !
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“GrAaAaOUuu, Junior, j’ai un bébé dans le ventre !”
Florinda, elle caresse le sien tendrement avec le contentement d’une femme qui n’est plus enceinte.
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Becky décide donc de passer sa journée à étudier la parentalité. Avec un petit qui pointera bientôt le bout de son nez, autant être bien préparée.
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De son côté, Bucky décide que c’est le bon moment d’aller faire une photo au photomaton !
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Et voilà qui est fait.
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Dès son retour, le couple accroche la photo au mur, là où se trouvaient avant un portrait de Bucky et un autre de Charlotte...
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Becky, elle, apprend vite !
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Mais elle ne se repose pas sur ses lauriers et va également apprendre la prévention contre les incendies, afin d’offrir à son bébé un environnement aussi protégé que possible.
Et alors que je jouais une autre famille :
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Florinda dévoile son côté démoniaque...
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... en volant le journal des voisins.
Moi qui la croyais super gentille, il semblerait qu’elle aussi ait ses travers.
Quoi qu’il en soit, de retour à la maison...
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... on s’apprête à fêter l’anniversaire de Brice !
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Et c’est un Bucky en slip de bain qui approche le bébé du gâteau. Parce-que quelle meilleure tenue pour un anniversaire ?
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Joyeux anniversaire, Brice !
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Un vrai petit clone de Bucky ! Et ce profil ingrat <3
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“Pourquoi tu me parles ? Je déteste avoir des sœurs !”
Et bah ça commence bien...
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On lui a enfin rapidement meublé la chambre sur le thème de l’espace ! Si on ne manquait pas tant d’argent depuis la construction de la dépendance, on aurait probablement aussi opté pour du papier peint assorti, mais on verra ça plus tard.
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Petit Brice débute sa vie d’enfant en souhaitant apprendre la physiologie.
Quand je disais dans le chapitre précédent, ou celui d’avant, que c’était un enfant intelligent, aujourd’hui le jeu me le prouve !
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Et étrangement, sa mère obtient le même désir en même temps.
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Ainsi donc, mère et fils passeront la journée à apprendre ensemble.
Peut-être seront-ils un peu moins souvent malades à la maison...
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Becky, elle, malgré sa grossesse, a toujours des envie de fricoter. On appelle donc celle avec qui l’alchimie est la plus forte, j’ai nommé Prof Aurore !
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Mais regardez-moi ce ventre ! J’ai tellement hâte de découvrir ce qui se trouve à l’intérieur !
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Les choses vont très vite de “petit câlin” à “s’envoyer en l’air dans la voiture”.
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Puis s’envoyer en l’air au lit.
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“Maman, moi aussi je peux mettre du maquillage ?”
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“Et porter des robes aussi ?”
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“Bien-sûr frangin ! Mais quand tu seras grand, parce-que pour ton âge, la narratrice n’a pas de vêtements non genrés et elle n’en veut pas pour plein de raisons techniques chiantes à expliquer.”
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Prof Aurore arrive au milieu de la conversation et se pavane.
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“Becky, combien de fois devrais-je te dire que te voir toi et tes amantes vous promener en sous-vêtements dans la maison n’est pas approprié ?”
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Et comme d’habitude, Becky sait satisfaire ses amoureuses !
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J’adore voir à quel point il ressemble à son père. J’aime les autres enfants de Bucky, mais celui-là est ce que j’avais espéré depuis le début !
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Becky, elle, ne souhaite pas trouver un emploi stable, mais elle passe pas mal de temps à télétravailler en donnant des conseils financiers sur Internet. 200$ par 200$, elle ramène un peu d’argent à la maison.
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Et puis... vient enfin le moment de l’accouchement !
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C’est un garçon !
Bienvenue dans la famille, Baptiste !
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Bucky et son bronzage sont très heureux de cette naissance et ne manquent pas de le faire savoir à la maman !
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Et comme promis au géniteur, ce dernier n’apparaît pas dans l’arbre généalogique, grâce à ce mod qui vient de sortir et dont j’ai rêvé des années durant !
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On meuble donc très rapidement une chambre avec le nécessaire à bébé.
C’est franchement peu recherché, mais les bébés grandissent si vite que j’ai toujours la flemme de leur meubler une belle nurserie qui ne servira que quelques jours.
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Alors que Becky dépose le bébé dans son lit, Bucky, lui, espionne les voisins avec le télescope, et on dirait qu’il a vu quelque chose de gênant !
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"Alors comme ça on espionne chez les gens ? Timbré ! Famille de timbrés !”
Bien fait pour toi, espèce de petit voyeur ! Même pas capable de te faire discret !
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Malgré sa maternité, Becky continue d’avoir envie d’une vie sexuelle épanouie et voudrait s’envoyer en l’air en public ! Direction donc le centre LGBT où se trouve un photomaton qui fera bien l’affaire. Avec toutes les conquêtes qu’elle a eues, il y en aura bien une sur place avec qui satisfaire ce désir.
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Et banco ! Ni une ni deux, elle trouve une partenaire !
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Un vieillard les remarque et semble désapprouver ce qui est en train de se passer.
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Et un désir d’accompli, un !
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Quelques instants plus tard, elle remet le couvert avec une autre Simette, de manière autonome.
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Oh ! C’est notre géniteur ! Et si.... ?
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“Hey ! J’ai un truc à te demander...”
“Quoi ? Non ! Je ne paierai pas de pension et je refuse de reconnaître l’enfant s’il y en a un ! On était pourtant d’accords !”
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“Doucement ! Ce n’est pas du tout ça ! En fait, j’aimerais en avoir un deuxième assez vite, pour qu’il ait un petit frère ou une petite sœur d’un âge similaire...”
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“Vois-tu, en tant qu’héritière d’un Uglacy, il vaut mieux que j’ai plusieurs enfants afin d’avoir le choix quant à mon propre héritier ! Imagine que le premier n’ait pas hérité de tes meilleurs gènes ?”
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“Alors voilà, si tu voulais bien me redonner un peu de ta substance magique...”
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“D’accord, si tu veux, mais à condition que notre accord premier reste le même !”
Et ainsi, Becky négocia une nouvelle fois une contribution de son géniteur favori.
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Brice rentre de son premier jour d’école !
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Il découvre ainsi, pour la première fois, les joies des devoirs. Comme Bucky est un bon grand-père père, il aide sa progéniture du mieux qu’il peut.
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Florinda, elle, continue de gravir les échelons !
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Quand les deux parents sont d’accords pour envoyer leur enfant dans le privé, c’est qu’on doit essayer.
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Voilà qui est donc programmé pour le lendemain.
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Après ses devoirs, Brice s’entraîne au violon. En bon “génie de la musique” il gagne quelques points de créativité, laissant un peu de temps à la famille pour ne pas avoir à s’en occuper.
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“C’était marrant d’apprendre la physiologie avec toi maman ! On peut faire autre chose ensemble ?”
Bah oui, tiens. Il serait temps que tu te rapproches de ton fils, Florinda ! Vous n’êtes même pas amis !
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“Bon, d’accord. Et si on jouait au petit train ?”
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On achète donc un train électrique !
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Rapidement, toute la famille vient l’essayer. Mais c’est franchement l’ennui : ils restent plantés devant à le regarder tourner, le regard vide... En même temps c’est assez réaliste... Franchement, qui s’amuse à regarder un train tourner en rond ?
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Junior est un bon Servo et s’occupe toujours aussi bien des bébés en parallèle à ses tâches domestiques.
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“Tenez, Monsieur. Les bébés de votre espèce ont besoin de chaleur corporelle pour se sentir bien. Je ne peux lui en fournir avec mes bras métalliques.”
Une option bras chauffant sur un Servo, ça n’existe pas ?
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“Papa ! Papa !”
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“Papa, j’ai eu 20/20 !”
“Rien à foutre, gamin, je suis occupé à observer les voisins.”
Et puis finalement...
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Challenge accepté.
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“Bonjour, Monsieur. Je suis Florinda, la mère de Brice. Puis-je vous faire visiter ?”
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Alors que le proviseur passe de pièce en pièce, escorté par Florinda, Becky, elle, met la main à la pâte en préparant du homard.
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AHHHH, voilà qui complique les choses ! Ce soir on est déjà occupés avec le proviseur ! Bon. Demain dans la journée.
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Et Becky se foire ! Allez, pas grave...
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... au deuxième essai, le plat est correctement cuit !
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“Vous ne le savez peut-être pas, Monsieur, mais j’ai été une élève de votre école. J’adorais tout particulièrement la séparation des sexes en classe. Être entourée de filles était vachement cool !”
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“Et moi, Monsieur, j’ai appris la physiologie avec ma maman ! Je peux vous dire exactement où se trouve le nombril !”
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OUI ! Défi relevé, Brice va en école privée !
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La journée se termine et BoiNnnNnNG ! Becky entame une nouvelle grossesse !
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Youhou ! Même à son âge, petit Brice nous rapporte de l’argent !
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“C’est moi qui ai trouvé l’étoile ?”
Et oui ! Tu peux être fier !
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Le lendemain, je retrouve Brice et sa mère en train de buller.
Quand il demandait à faire des activités ensemble, j’imaginais plein de choses mais pas la drogue.
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Vient enfin le moment de fêter l’anniversaire de Baptiste.
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C’est évidemment maman qui souffle les bougies, et puis...
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... bébé Baptiste devient bambin !
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À priori, il a tout pris de son père géniteur, à part les jours creusées et le menton proéminent. C’est un bon début ! Il faut encore voir ce que ça donne en grandissant.
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“Allez mon p’tit ! Il est temps d’apprendre à faire sur le pot !”
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“Mais c’est trop nul, et j’ai froid aux fesses !”
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Alors que Bucky s’occupe de son petit-fils, que Becky socialise avec certains invités, et que le reste de la famille est au travail ou à l’école... Boris, lui, présente le bain à remous familial à sa fiancée.
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Je vais vous faire une confidence : je les trouve vraiment très beaux ensemble ! Boris a bien vieilli et ils ont l’air si complices que je les trouve assortis.
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Et youpla boum !
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Encore un couple qui copule ici !
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Betty et Vincent, eux, sont plus discrets sur leur amour. Ou peut-être est-ce la passion des débuts qui s’est estompée ?
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En bon papy, Bucky est le seul de la famille à désirer s’occuper du petit dernier.
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“Enfin quelqu’un qui s’occupe de moi hihi.”
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Alors que Becky, elle s’occupe de son frère.
“Tu vas voir, la trigonométrie c’est chiant, et puis, ça sert à rien. On va dire qu’une douzaine à la louche, c’est bon.”
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Florinda continue de gravir les échelons dans sa carrière ! Plus que 4 promotions et on y est !
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Et finalement, bébé Baptiste a appris à marcher !
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Grâce à ça, il gagne deux points d’aspiration bonus à dépenser. Hourra !
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D’ailleurs si on s’attardait un peu plus sur lui ?
Quelle surprise ! Baptiste est donc d’une profonde gentillesse, plein d’humour, et hyperactif. Bon, par contre c’est un crado renfermé sur lui-même, mais... qu’importe ! On a ENFIN un gentil dans cette famille de monstres !
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Florinda, elle aussi, gagne un point d’aspiration à dépenser.
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Et pour continuer sur cette lancée, on va satisfaire sa soif de connaissances en commençant par la prévention contre les incendies !
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Du côté du sous-sol, on a un peu décoré la chambre de Brice, avec un papier peint étoiles et un tapis confortable.
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Bien qu’elle s’occupe de son petit frère, Becky continue à désirer multiplier les relations amoureuses, et elle jette son dévolu sur Kiara.
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Parfait !
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Leur relation est déjà assez haute et il suffira donc de peux de choses pour que...
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... son désir soit satisfait !
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“Alors ça c’est un coquillage que j’ai trouvé sur une île au trésor pendant que je faisais une expédition en bateau pirate...”
Brice raconte des histoires à sa copine de classe sur un coquillage qui sert à décorer les toilettes.
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Alors que Becky, elle, continue de satisfaire ses différents désirs du jour.
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Ce machin prend beaucoup de place au sous-sol mais Brice s’y intéresse. Il ajoute quelques décorations pour faire joli, genre des panneaux de signalisation, un château d’eau, etc.
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BoiiIiINnnNNG ! Le ventre de Becky s’arrondit encore !
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Ohlala, j’ai encore tellement hâte de découvrir ce petit deuxième !
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C’est très bien, ça. Une personne de plus saura maîtriser le feu en cas d’incendie dans la maison.
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“Écoute ma chérie... je pense que ce serait bien que tu prennes un peu le temps de t’occuper de ton fils. Je peux me charger des devoirs du mien si tu t’occupes des besoins du tien !”
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“Mais papa, quand Brice était petit, je me suis occupée de lui. Et tu sais ce que j’ai appris ? C’est qu’un bébé et un bambin, c’est profondément ennuyeux. Ça babille, ça ne sait pas argumenter, on ne peut pas leur parler de sexe... Je préfèrerais attendre qu’il soit plus grand pour m’en préoccuper.”
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Les paroles de Bucky on néanmoins eu un impact sur Becky puisque la voilà en train d’essayer.
“Bon, il paraît qu’il faut qu’on apprenne à se connaître, toi et moi...”
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“Allez, mange ça."
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Aviez-vous déjà remarqué à quel point les biberons sont GIGANTESQUES par rapport à la taille des bambins ? Si ce truc est rempli de lait, il doit peser une tonne pour les petits bras qui sont censés le tenir !
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Florinda est sur une bonne lancée.
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Mais Becky, à quoi ça va te servir puisque tu as déjà une aspiration platine pour le reste de ta vie ?
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“Chibitam beuloona, voovam, snooboo, chibitam beuloona, voovam sneug“
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“Je ne comprends rien à tout ça...”
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“Ma sœur, elle commence à être super grosse ! Il paraît qu’elle va avoir un bébé...”
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“Tu crois que ce sera un bébé chien ?”
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“Beurk, j’espère pas !”
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Allez ma belle, plus que deux promotions ! Continue comme ça !
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Et finalement, Becky obtient un désir relatif à son fils ! Pour une Simette romantique, c’est évènementiel.
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Pendant ce temps, encore ce même collègue de Junior qui passe sa vie à la maison à observer ses habitants de façon louche. Il est presque toujours là. Quand mes Sims font caca, quand ils mangent, quand ils regardent la télé...
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C’est l’heure de la naissance !
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Et c’est une fille ! Bienvenue dans ce monde, petite Bérénilde.
Deux bébés à la suite avec une marque de naissance, c’est exceptionnel !
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“Dis ma-man.”
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“Oh, tu y es presque !”
Finalement, Becky s’entend plutôt bien avec son fils !
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“Oui, je joue de la guitare dans le dos, et alors ?”
Rien, rien, c’est juste que je m’étonne de voir à quel point tu as progressé...
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Puisque Becky voit son affection grandir pour Baptiste, elle décide de s’occuper de Bérénilde dès son plus jeune âge afin de, cette fois, ne rien manquer de la vie de son bébé.
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“Hey ! Tu fais quoi là ? Ma chambre est interdite aux filles !”
“D’accord, allons jouer dehors, alors !”
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“Finalement t’es plutôt sympa pour une fille !”
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“Merci ! Et toi t’es plutôt sympa pour un trouduc !”
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Les enfants finissent tout bleus de glaciation à force de rester dehors, alors Brice va se faire un chocolat chaud...
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... sans même en proposer à la petite Sudem, elle aussi frigorifiée. Après tout, pour quoi faire, hein ?
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“Tu souviens le mariage ?”
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Becky est la digne fille de son père et elle aussi observe les voisins sans leur consentement.
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“Ohoh, il est tout nu !”
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Chibitam baloona.
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Le petit Baptiste sait qui est sa maman et n’a de cesse d’avoir des désirs d’interactions avec elle.
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Suivant les conseils de son père, Becky prend le temps de réaliser les désirs de son fils et construit petit à petit une forte relation avec lui...
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... alors que Florinda apprend une nouvelle compétence !
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Et voici donc le moment tant attendu de l’anniversaire de la petite Bérénilde, qui nous montrera sous peu son vrai visage !
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On souffle les bougies...
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Petite Bérénilde grandit et... ressemble comme deux gouttes d’eau à son grand frère !
Il doit y avoir une malédiction dans cette famille pour que les frères et sœurs d’un même couple soient sans cesse des copies conformes.
Pourtant, j’utilise le Rerandomize Sim Generator de la Batbox pour éviter ça, mais... le jeu en décide autrement !
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D’ailleurs, si on s’intéresse un peu à sa personnalité, même là, elle est l’exacte copie de Baptiste.
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Florinda, elle, rentre du travail avec une nouvelle promotion ! Allez, plus qu’une ! On y croit !
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“Moi j’ai appris la physiologie et je peux te dire que si on n’a pas d’ailes, c’est parce-qu’on n’est pas des oiseaux !”
Continue à parler, Brice. Je suis sûre que ça l’intéresse vachement.
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De son côté, Baptiste apprend à faire sur le pot !
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“Et dire que je vais devoir tout refaire avec Bérénilde... mais pourquoi ai-je fait deux enfants, au juste ?”
Et je pense qu’il s’agit d’un bon moment pour clore ce chapitre !
Becky est passée de jeune femme libre à mère de deux enfants le tout en environ une semaine, et ce n’est pas rien ! Un tel chamboulement dans sa vie va probablement lui faire revoir drastiquement ses préoccupations. D’ailleurs, elle obtient de moins en moins de désirs liés à la romance et semble s’assagir d’elle-même.
Je suis personnellement un peu déçue que ses deux enfants soit des copies conformes, mais peut-être que l’un ou l’autre se montrera plus intéressant que le second... ça pourrait aider à choisir lequel des deux finira en concurrence avec Brice pour la place d’héritier ! Parce-que oui, je trouve que Brice a largement sa place et tant pis si on doit recommencer à la génération 2. On l’appellera la génération 2 bis. Puisque ce qui compte c’est de garder les plus mauvais gènes, il n’y a pas de raison que Brice ne soit pas candidat !
Mais on a encore le temps pour y penser. L’adolescence est encore loin pour les deux derniers. D’ici à ce qu’on y arrive, portez-vous bien !
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Act I Games Museum
In Act I, there’s a text encounter on the road where you run into a museum. If you go back to Equus Oils and talk to Joseph about it, he tells you that there’s a file on games there, and that a game he wrote called “If I Had My Way, I’d Tear This Building Down”. Conway has to sift through multiple files and finds about 15 other entries. They are all real, and I have collated this list of links.
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Queue by Stephen Lavelle (Interactive Fiction)
Portal by Brad Fregger (Interactive Fiction)
Mondo Medicalis by Jonatan Söderström (First Person Puzzle)
The Postman’s Choice by Ben Vautier (Modern Art)
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Calamity Annie by Anna Anthropy (Twine Lesbian Cowboy Game) (Thanks for the tip, @skeleton-justice-warrior)
Cart Life by Richard Hofmeier (Retail Sim)
Mainichi by Mattie Brice (Walking Sim)
The Sea Will Claim Everything by Jonas and Verena Kyratzes (Point-and-Click Adventure)
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Everything I Do is Art, But Nothing I Do Makes Any Difference, Part II Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Gallery by Chris Reilly (FPS, Half-Life 2 Mod)
Digital: A Love Story by Christine Love (Visual Novel)
Radiator 1-1: Polaris by Robert Yang (Experimental Half-Life 2 Mod)
Brace by merritt k (It looks like merrit k has made all of her games unavailable online. Does anyone have any info on this? I really liked hugpunx.)
The Cat and the Coup by Peter Brinson and Kurosh ValaNejad (Historical/Documentary/Cat Simulator)
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Syberia by Benoît Sokal (Adventure/Puzzle)
Prisoner’s Dilemma by Richard Serra (Short Film)
The Walking Dead by TellTale Games (Narrative Adventure)
Then we come to If I Had My Way, I’d Tear the Building Down by Joseph Wheattree. At first I kinda expected to find that Carboard Computer had released a game by that name as “Joseph Wheattree”, which you could forgive me for believing considering the lengths CC goes to. They sell a physical copy of Lem Dolittle’s “The Entertainment” (which, at less than five bucks, is a steal. A really cool physical artifact of my favorite game). 
There is no such game, sadly, but my research has led me to a song by Blind (get it?) Willie Johnson. It’s a blues song about the Old Testament story of Samson and Delilah. How it maps onto the KRZ lore, I couldn’t tell you. Good song, though. If you like the blues.
IN ANY CASE. This is clearly a list of the games that inspired CC to make Kentucky Route Zero. Most of these games are short and free, some of them aren’t even games, and one of them has sadly been scrubbed from legitimate download by its creator. 
Of the listed games, I can tell you:
Christine Love’s “Digital: A Love Story” is really tremendous (as is all of her stuff)
“Mainichi” by Mattie Brice was a brief, interesting look into the life of another person
and “Queue” by Stephen Lavelle is a brutally depressing but extremely well-written 15 minute story
I hope you find something on this list that inspires you, makes you think, makes you feel happy, makes you feel sad, or whatever it is you want to get from games. 
EDITED TO ADD: I should also mention that Joseph's game is about the love triangle between himself, Donald and Lula Chamberlain. Important lore!
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mistyschallenge · 7 years
Don’t Move.
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This is Haru Usasa.
She’s a level designer for Super Mario Maker. At the time I first found her, she’d been ranked the #1 designer on the network by star count, the #1 “maker” as they call it there.
That means a lot. I think for any of us it would be an honor to have as many as a hundred or even a thousand stars. I think for many of us it would be an honor to any stars at all. Usasa has a million stars, a million stars and counting, and just to hammer that bit home, just to drive in the scale of it, consider that at the time of posting, she has more stars, and more medals, than the next two highest-ranked designers combined, outstripping the greater of those two by a 700,000-star lead.
And that? That’s the low estimate. The real numbers are even higher.
Haru Usasa is, to put it bluntly, in a class all her own. She is, to put it plainly, a h*cking legend.
And also? These are the levels she makes:
Ta-da! It’s an automatic.
Some of you are probably cringing right now, but for those of you who don’t know, don’t mind, and would like to know more: Automatic levels (or automatic “courses,” to use the Super Mario series’ exact—and frankly, arbitrary—terminology,) are courses that play themselves, using objects and enemies to propel Mario forward with little to no input from the player. They first bubbled up out of the Super Mario World modding community (as did so many other aspects of the SMM scene that I am dead certain there’s an argument to be made that the original 1990 release is to SMW what Vanilla is to Doom,) starting with a series of musical courses set to megamixes from Nico Nico Douga.
An automatic, by the way, is also a type of gun, which I think is pertinent to what it feels like to look at one of these courses, or to play them.
And speaking of that, here’s an example:
At this point, they’re practically a genre in their own right, but they’ve become a bit of a base breaker in the SMM community, due in large part to their growing ubiquity on the Course World servers. Some of us could take ‘em or leave ‘em, some of us love them, and many of us write them off derisively, as cheap star grabs peddled by lazy amateurs. (Which, I mean, aren’t we all amateurs here?)
But me, personally? I think Usasa here deserves every star she’s got.
This is the sort of claim you just have to put into context, so first let’s take a moment to talk about Sonic. Don’t bother mentioning the irony, I already know. But I promise, I am going somewhere with this.
People still have fond recollections of the Genesis-era Sonic games. The runaway success of a deliberate throwback like Sonic Mania is a testament not only to the strength of those recollections but also to the idea that, in many ways, the games still hold up today. But there is still a lot of contention about just what made them work, about what their essence was, beyond second-order issues like “multiple routes” or “gameplay-to-story ratio.” Some even argue that early Sonic wasn’t about speed so much as it was about platforming, pointing out, correctly, that these games weren’t nearly as fast as their successors would become.
But what isn’t talked about often enough when discussing what made those games special was their physics, and the way that Sonic was, in the end, all about its physics. Even Sonic’s speed only really mattered to the extent that it let the game express its physics.
Sound like a hard left? I mean, don’t get me wrong, Sonic was fast. But he wasn’t boosting Blue Falcon fast. He wasn’t even boosting blue hedgehog fast. No, Sonic speed had always been a darting speed, an agile kind of speed, a portal fling-swing kind of speed. There’s a post going into that difference in detail, and there’s a lot of detail to go into here, but this quote sums up the gist of it:
“Which of these moves faster, a commercial airliner or a roller coaster?
“Alright, now which one of these feels faster?
“[…] It’s pretty obvious that, although the airliner is going to (sic) faster for longer, the roller coaster is what feels the fastest. The reason for this phenomenon isn’t speed, however. It’s acceleration, which we can define as a change in speed, or a change in direction, or both (for short, a change in velocity.) The reason that the airliner feels almost motionless in mid-flight is that it builds up speed slowly, turns even more slowly, and gives your body plenty of time to adjust, whereas the roller coaster speeds up, slows down, lunges, dives, and whips around corners and corkscrews faster than your body can adjust.
“Which, coincidentally, sounds like something out of an ad for an old Sonic game.”
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This is a big part of what made a paid fan project like Sonic Mania feel so much more authentic than Sega’s own in-house attempts at a Genesis homage, which faithfully recreated the musical style and visual motifs of those games but often treated their physics like an afterthought. The system of momentum that powered the games might’ve made platforming a chore, but they’re also what made loop-de-loops and corkscrews click: You could see the strings. You knew how this trick worked, and yet it amazed you regardless, despite this, because of it, because you could marvel at the intricacy of a system capable of stretching itself this far. You didn’t always gain much speed at any given time, but you didn’t have to; the thrill of the speed you did gain emerged from the yawning gap between your standard speed and the speed you could potentially achieve by manipulating this system to your advantage, by capturing that fire, by bottling that lightning.
Many will say that the reason reaching high speed felt so satisfying, in the end, is because “you had to work for it,” because it had to be “earned.” And while that is one way to frame it, I’d like to suggest, instead, that what made that dizzying acceleration worth watching was that it was always authentic: never scripted, never automatic, never anything more than an inevitable consequence of the game’s laws as they were written, carried out to the letter. Where later Sonic games would say with their on-rails sections: “Look at how fast Sonic is going,” the Genesis games said something fundamentally different:
“Look at the power, the raw kinetic potential, contained in these slopes and inclines. Look at what you can do, what you can create, and with nothing but a little weight, a little gravity, and a little push.”
It’s Phoenix Wright interpreting Newton. It’s you, as the marble in a Rube Goldberg Machine.
It’s the awful palpable potency of a loaded automatic.
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I don’t...have to explain that last pun, do I? No? Okay, good. Then we can get back to Mario, because it’s the exact same thing for Mario.
The automatic courses in Super Mario Maker actually differ from the ones you see in Super Mario World on two key points:
1. None of them play music, and if there is one that does, I haven’t seen it. In fact, the automatic music course that these new courses sprung from appears to have split off into two separate genres, automatic and music. To wit, the top two course creators are an automatic maker and a music maker, in or out of that order from week to week. (The only other million-star maker is a musical course designer known only as Ochagama.) Though there are few courses, if any (again, I know of none,) that re-unify the best traits of both genres, the problem isn’t laziness or lack of imagination. Instead, it’s that Super Mario Maker’s course size limit is below that of any music mod I’ve ever seen. There’s a strict object limit, somewhere around 100 for enemies and obstacles like 1-Way doors and trampolines (though there is a separate and significantly higher limit for static blocks and coins.) This all leads to the second point:
2. Super Mario Maker’s automatic courses are DENSE. Where the old automatics chugged right on ahead to keep in time with the music, these courses bounce back and forth across the stage like a pinball. Rather than stretch 100 objects across ten screens, these courses pack as much as possible into a small space that folds over on itself to produce a spectacle of excess. It is a bursting, exploding thing, but it’s an explosion more like a blossom than a bomb. To cut it down to simple talk, it’s kineasthetic sakuga.
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Super Mario Maker is, essentially, a sandbox game, like Minecraft. You switch back and forth between creative and goal-oriented play, and in either case your goal is to explore, engage with and appreciate the complex systems at play, the systems that allow the game to be what it is. Play is only valuable inasmuch as it helps you to do this.
It’s often complained that automatic courses aren’t “real” courses because you can’t play them, which echoes similar complaints in the last several years that games like Dear Esther aren’t “real” games because your agency is limited within them. Automatic courses seem like an extreme version of this issue: You’re not allowed do to anything, and even attempting to act, save for the few cases in which you are expressly asked to do so, is punished harshly. To a certain type of player, this approach to design is bound to come off as inconsiderate, even offensive.
The compliments that are usually given to these courses, on the other hand, typically come down to the amount of effort it must’ve taken to build them. And okay, yes, true, there’s a reason Usasa takes about a month between each upload, but I think that these courses can be appreciated on their own merits, on their merits as experiences. More than just cheap popcorn fodder, the automatic course is a surprisingly poignant example of a videogame, or a section of a videogame at least, without a player, as the “player” is traditionally understood, a non-player-centric space in which the only necessity is that the player be present to “perceive play,” as Mattie Brice puts it in “Death of the Player.” And even with that you could just, I dunno, watch YouTube or something.
Automatic courses do the same thing attract modes do for arcade games: They say: “Look at what this game can do.” Only this is different, because now you’re there and you can attest to the fact that the course is moving on its own. All you really need is to be there. Be there, and be very still, and you just might get to watch the game sing.
If you enjoyed reading this, here are some courses you may be interested in:
“全自動マリオカート Automatic Mario Kart“ by ササエタマエ. A screenshot from this course was used in the essay. It’s the one with the red and black shells. ID: 635C-0000-0045-AF89.
“ ↑ボタンを押し続ける鍵ドア半自動 Keep ↑” by  うささ. Crams all the activity of an automatic into the span of a single screen. ID:  1747-0000-0259-926D.
“ 36回楽しめる自動マリオ 36 Auto patterns“ by  さぼ. Allows you to take a different route through the course depending on which buttons are held down from the start. There are 36 routes total. It’s...kiiind of incredible. ID: 1883-0000-02C1-89AC. (Here is a video showing all possible routes.)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Last Night in Soho Soundtrack List Captures the Dreams of ‘60s Music Mod Life
Like a needle on a record, Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho drops a sharp stylus into a deep groove and lets her spin. Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie) is a modern fashion design student in the film—modern in the sense that she is a 21st century woman living in contemporary England. But in her dreams she is a mid-‘60s Mod, shaking to the sounds of Swinging London. The singer, Sandie (Anya Taylor-Joy), is the most lucid bridge to her subconscious trespass. The soundtrack to the film is the aural equivalent of a middle-eight between the verses and the chorus of time.
The soundtrack seeks to evoke two eras, the sounds of 1965 Soho and present-day London, while keeping time for the film. The movie moves to the rhythm of the background songs, which become a character. The advance single features Taylor-Joy (The Witch) doing a soulful cover of Petula Clark’s classic “Downtown.” It evokes the uneasy wonderland of the ghosts of the past. The soundtrack’s uptempo version, which you can hear on the Spotify playlist below, captures the aura of the memories of the time. The difference between these two recordings, up and downtempo, gets to the heart of the movie itself and perception versus reality. The soundtrack also includes an a capella version of the song, which is as haunting as the film.
The different versions also tell another story, how the song evolves internally for Sandie from audition to performance, all while still evoking the sonic textures of the movie. The tracks were produced by the film’s composer, Steven Brice, who scored both Baby Driver and The World’s End. Leading an orchestra recording at the famed Abbey Road Studios in London, the sessions are done accurately to the period.
Taylor-Joy also recorded a version of Cilla Black’s “You’re My World” for the soundtrack, providing an earthier contrast to the actual Black standard, which we hear sung by an impersonator at the Café de Paris in the film. “You’re My World” was originally recorded in 1963 as “Il mio mondo” by Umberto Bindi, who co-wrote it with Gino Paoli. George Martin, best known as the Beatles’ producer, commissioned an English version for Black, his protégé at the time. Vocal group the Breakaways sing background vocals. Judd Proctor is the lead guitarist, Kenny Clare is the drummer. It would be Black’s second chart topper. In 1977 Helen Reddy’s version of “You’re My World” broke the Top 20 in the U.S. Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple and Rainbow, plays guitar on it.
Born Priscilla Maria Veronica White in the Vauxhall district of Liverpool, the singer was known as Cilla Black because of a misprint in local music magazine, Mersey Beat. She worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant at the Cavern Club (as Sandie marvels in Last Night in Soho), and the Beatles were early boosters. She was backed by Merseybeat bands the Big Three, Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, and Kingsize Taylor and the Dominoes.
John Lennon introduced Black to Brian Epstein, the Beatles manager, and the Beatles backed her for an audition. It didn’t go well, because Black was nervous and didn’t specify her preferred key, but ultimately George Martin signed her to Parlophone Records. Her third single, “You’re My World,” hit No. 1 on the British charts on May 30, 1964 and stayed there for four weeks, a week longer than her previous single “Anyone Who Had a Heart.” Written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David for Dionne Warwick in 1963, it was her first Top 10 hit in the U.S., but Cilla’s cover ruled Britannia’s charts. Tim Curry recorded a cover of the song for his 1978 debut album Read My Lips.
“Anyone Who Had a Heart” was the first song to use polyrhythm in pop music, changing time signature from 4/4 to 5/4, with a bar of 7/8 bar in the close. This is something the Beatles are known for effortlessly executing. Black’s debut single, “Love of the Loved,” was written by Lennon and Paul McCartney. Black would go on to record “Yesterday,” “For No One,” “Across the Universe,” and “The Long and Winding Road,” which McCartney called the definitive version. The opening song in the film, Peter and Gordon’s “A World Without Love,” where McKenzie’s Ellie dreamily dances around her bedroom, is also credited to Lennon; McCartney.
“A World Without Love” was the first single for the British duo Peter and Gordon, released in February 1964. It was written by McCartney when he was 16. In 1963, the bass-playing songwriter was sharing a room in the house of his girlfriend, actress Jane Asher, along with her brother Peter who’d been signed to a recording contract with his partner Gordon Waller. Although the song is co-credited to Lennon, in interviews Lennon has said Paul had the whole song before the Beatles, and personally appreciated the opening line, “Please lock me away,” as very funny. McCartney didn’t think the song was good enough for the Beatles, but it is one of only two Lennon; McCartney songs to reach No. 1 in the U.S. by an artist other than the Beatles. The other is Elton John’s 1974 cover of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” which has Lennon on rhythm guitar.
In the film, Sandie Shaw’s “Puppet on a String” is playing when Taylor-Joy’s Sandie books what at first looked like a prime Cabaret gig, but Ellie realizes there are major strings attached. Not only that, the strings would probably cover more than the corset Sandie is required to wear. If that’s not on-the-nose enough, the amply endowed singer she is backing is costumed as a marionette. “Puppet on a String” was written by Bill Martin and Phil Coulter. Sung by Shaw, it was the first UK entry to win the Eurovision Song Contest held in Vienna in 1967.
The lucky song was Shaw’s 13th thirteenth UK single, and her third No. 1 hit on the UK Singles Charts. Shaw was no fan of the tune, however, hating it “from the very first ‘oompah’ to the final ‘bang’ on the big bass drum. I was instinctively repelled by its sexist drivel and cuckoo-clock tune,” she said in her 1991 autobiography The World at My Feet: A Personal Adventure. The film and soundtrack also includes Shaw’s “(There’s) Always Something There to Remind Me.” Written by Bacharach and David, it was originally recorded as a demo by Dionne Warwick in 1963. Shaw’s cover was rush-released in September 1964, and sold 65,000 copies in a week after she performed it on Ready Steady Go! Naked Eyes’ 1983 reinterpretation also hit the Top 10.
1968’s Barry Ryan with the Majority hit, “Eloise,” may be the song Ellie is named after, although it could merely have been someone who looks just like her. “Eloise” was written by Paul Ryan and sung by his twin brother Barry Ryan. Clocking in at more than five minutes, it was a long song for a single. The tune was influenced by the dramatic arrangement of Richard Harris’ rendition of Jimmy Webb’s “MacArthur Park.” “Eloise” was recorded in two takes at IBC Studios, and the session musicians included future Led Zeppelin players Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones.
The title of the film itself comes from a song of the same name by Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich. “Last Night in Soho” was written by the band’s Ken Howard and Alan Blaikley, and was the outfit’s final top-ten hit. “Why did they lead me astray? For last night in Soho I let my life go,” the lyrics sing. Scratchy guitar fills riff over a tease of music’s evil diminished 5th tritone chord progression in this leather-boy motorbike rocker. “I never told you of some things I’ve done I’m so ashamed of.” Yes, Soho was chic. It was hip and cool, fab and gear, and all those other pimply hyperboles, but the West End of London was also renowned as the center of the city’s sex trade and gang turf.
Of course, the biggest gangs of London during the mid-1960s were the modernist Mods in their Union Jack shirts, and the greasy, leather-clad Rockers. Uppers and downers, blues, bennies, and goofballs, blood flowed any way for the Mods, who rode Vespa scooters and kept their hair cut neat. Their image crystallized by the band the Who. Their rendition of “Heat Wave,” included in Last Night in Soho, is an excellent example of what separated the two rival youth factions.
Read more
Edgar Wright on Ghosts, Musicals, and Last Night in Soho
By David Crow
Last Night in Soho Review: Edgar Wright Horror Movie Haunted with ’60s Style
By Audrey Fox
Rockers liked old-style, three-chord, rock and roll, the kind Elvis, Eddie Cochran and Gene Vincent used to play. “Heat Wave” is an amped-up version of a soul track by the Motown vocal group Martha and the Vandellas. It is a song so magical, the chord progression alone inspired John Sebastian’s propulsive opening to The Lovin’ Spoonful’s “Do You Believe in Magic.” Written in 1963 by the Holland–Dozier–Holland songwriting team, “Heat Wave” packs a gospel backbeat, jazz horn phrasings, and call-and-response backing vocals into a sensual mix for dancing or grinding, fucking of fighting. Things get crazy in the heat.
At the time the Who—which was composed of singer Roger Daltrey, guitarist Pete Townshend, bass guitarist John Entwistle, and drummer Keith Moon—was known for smashing instruments on stage. It started out as an accident but came to encapsulate what Townshend called “My Generation.” To be fair though, Moon broke a bass drum pedal and tore a drum skin when he auditioned for the band. But songwriters Entwistle and Townshend also pushed the soft horror and mild kink, with songs like “Boris the Spider,” and “I’m a Boy,” about a “head case” named Bill, whose mother won’t admit he’s not a girl.
But both Eloise and Sandie are girls, and each in their own way are “Starstruck,” which is The Kinks’ contribution to the soundtrack. The song comes from the band’s sixth studio album, The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (1968) and explores how people get absorbed by their culture and are led astray. It was the last album recorded by original members Ray Davies, Dave Davies, Pete Quaife, and Mick Avory.
“Everybody’s got their own village green, somewhere you go to when the world gets too much,” Ray Davies said in interviews about the album. Ray suffered mental exhaustion, and the album warns “Dreams often fade and die in a bad, bad world.” On “Starstruck,” Ray could be singing to either Sandie or Ellie in Last Night of Soho. “You’re a victim of bright city lights and your mind is not right.”
“Land of 1000 Dances” by the Walker Brothers is a good analogy for the dreamscape Eloise escapes to—and Sandie gets lost in, as the tune takes on a nightmarish quality during her descent into nightclub hell.
The original song includes 16 dances: the Pony, the Chicken, the Mashed Potato, the Alligator, the Watusi, the Twist, the Fly, the Jerk, the Tango, the Yo-Yo, the Sweet Pea, the Hand jive, the Slop, the Bop, the Fish, and the Popeye. The song was written and first recorded by Chris Kenner in 1962. Other versions were done by Cannibal & the Headhunters, Wilson Pickett, and Patti Smith.
“I’ve Got My Mind Set on You” was written by Rudy Clark and recorded by James Ray in 1962. George Harrison released a cover version in 1987. It was the ex-Beatle guitarist’s last No. 1 in the U.S. The soundtrack also includes “Wade in the Water” by the Graham Bond Organisation; “There’s a Ghost in My House,” by R. Dean Taylor; and “Happy House” by Siouxsie & the Banshees.
Beyond that, the instrumental incidental music, and “Neon,” by Steven Price, which is on the soundtrack release, present the sonic surround of the era’s film music. We hear echoes of Ennio Morricone and musique concréte as the inner-dialogue collides with the aural presentation. Last Night in Soho may well be a modern ghost story classic, but the soundtrack will always be a haunting reminder.
Last Night in Soho is in theaters now.
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techstartro · 3 years
Luna Octombrie vine cu mult suspans pe Netflix
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Luna octombrie anunță o vreme excelentă pentru a te bucura de numeroasele lansări de producții Netflix, care aduc puternice intensificări de suspans, dar și probabilități ridicate de binging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE3vFCDQ5yQ Poți începe cu: You: Sezonul 3, unde îl întâlnim pe Joe, crescându-și acum copilul alături de Love, dar cu inima părând să bată pentru altcineva; Locke & Key: Sezonul 2, un nou capitol din uimitorul serial polițist, bazat pe benzile desenate semnate de Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodríguez; There's Someone Inside Your House, bazat pe romanul omonim semnat de Stephanie Perkins, unde într-un oraș liniștit se arată un criminal hotărât să dezvăluie cele mai întunecate secrete ale locuitorilor. Pe lângă acestea, ne mai întâlnim și cu: Maid, Another Life: Sezonul 2, Dynasty: Sezonul 4, Inside Job, An Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts, Diana: The Musical, The Guilty, Fever Dream, In for a Murder (W jak morderstwo), Army of Thieves, Bad Sport, Convergence: Courage in a Crisis, The Movies That Made Us: Sezonul 3, A Tale Dark & Grimm, Seinfeld: Sezoanele 1-9, The Office (U.S.): Sezoanele 1-9, Mr. Robot: Sezoanele 1-4, Downton Abbey, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Întregalde și multe altele.
Titlurile lunii Octombrie
There's someone inside your house ( 8 Octombrie)
Makani Young s-a mutat din Hawaii într-un orășel liniștit din Nebraska pentru a locui împreună cu bunica ei și pentru a termina liceul. Însă, în timp ce începe numărătoarea inversă până la absolvire, colegii ei de clasă sunt urmăriți de un criminal hotărât să le dezvăluie cele mai întunecate secrete întregului oraș, terorizându-și victimele în timp ce poartă măști care reproduc întocmai chipurile lor. Makani, care are la rândul ei un trecut învăluit în mister, și prietenii ei trebuie să descopere identitatea criminalului înainte de a deveni victimele acestuia. „There's Someone Inside Your House" este bazat pe romanul omonim semnat de Stephanie Perkins, apreciat drept bestseller de către New York Times și adaptat de Henry Gayden (Shazam!). Filmul este regizat de Patrick Brice (Creep) și produs de compania lui James Wan, Atomic Monster (The Conjuring) și de 21 Laps, care îi aparține lui Shawn Levy (Stranger Things).
You: Sezonul 3 ( 15 Octombrie)
În sezonul al treilea, Joe și Love, acum căsătoriți și crescându-și copilul împreună, s-au mutat în Madre Linda, o încântătoarea zonă izolată din nordul Californiei. Aici sunt înconjurați de antreprenori de succes în tehnologie, mămici bloggerițe care le știu pe toate și biohackeri faimoși pe Instagram. Joe este dedicat noului său rol de soț și tată, dar se teme de impulsivitatea letală a lui Love. Apoi, mai e și inima lui care nu-i dă pace. Cum este posibil ca femeia pe care a căutat-o o viață întreagă să locuiască chiar vizavi? Să scapi dintr-o cușcă dintr-un beci e o treabă, dar din temnița unei căsnicii perfecte cu o femeie care te știe pe de rost? Cum scapi basma curată din așa ceva?
Locke & Key: Sezonul 2 (22 Octombrie)
Uimitorul serial polițist bazat pe benzile desenate semnate de Joe Hill și Gabriel Rodríguez revine cu un nou sezon. De la Carlton Cuse (Lost, Bates Motel) și Meredith Averill (The Haunting of Hill House), Locke & Key este o poveste plină de mister despre maturizare, dragoste, pierdere și despre legăturile indestructibile care definesc o familie. Serialul Locke & Key de pe Netflix este o adaptare pentru televiziune a seriei de reviste de benzi desenate de mare succes semnate de Joe Hill și Gabriel Rodriguez pentru IDW Entertainment. Ziua Profilurilor deschise ( Disponibil în Social Media pe Netflix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zj_YLIEVRI Tot în categoria știri: tocmai s-a lansat Ziua Profilurilor Deschise, un format creat de Netflix Romania și disponibil pe rețelele sociale. Aici, invităm diverse persoane mai mult sau mai puțin publice să își deschidă profilurile de Netflix în fața tuturor și să povestească despre producțiile pe care le urmăresc. De ce merită să arunci un ochi: în fiecare episod din această serie vei descoperi fel și fel de titluri pe care nu te-ai fi gândit să le urmărești, afli părerea invitaților despre diferite filme, seriale & programe speciale Netflix și fangirl-uiți împreună după aceleași personaje (sau nu?). În primul episod, Maurice Munteanu ne spune ce titlu are "bravo, fetiță!", care personaje sunt superbisime și care sunt atrocisime și ne povestește despre cum a locuit chiar în apartamentul de deasupra florăriei din Emily in Paris. Pentru mai multe recomandări de producții impecabile, mindblowing sau pline de intrigi & umor, te invităm să urmărești acest episod.
Serialel lunii Octombrie pe Netflix
Maid (Serial nou - 1 octombrie)
Proaspăt ieșită dintr-o relație abuzivă, o tânără mamă își găsește o slujbă de menajeră, pentru a-și asigura o pâine și un viitor mai bun pentru ea și fiica ei.
On My Block : Sezonul 4 ( 4 Octombrie)
La doi ani după ce s-au despărțit, Ruby, Jamal, Monse și Cesar se confruntă cu noi amenințări și trebuie să decidă dacă prietenia lor este cu adevărat pe viață.
The Five Juans (Serial nou - 6 octombrie)
Cinci femei cu același semn din naștere vor să afle adevărul despre trecutul lor și descoperă un întreg lanț de minciuni întreținute de un politician influent. Sexy Beasts: Sezonul 2 ( 7 Octombrie) Bestiile revin mai fioroase ca niciodată! Urmărește șase persoane celibatare care lasă deoparte aparențele pentru întâlniri matrimoniale fermecătoare și pline de haz!
The Billion Dollar Code (Serial nou - 7 Octombrie)
Membri ai ART + COM se alătură actorilor și membrilor echipei de filmare pentru a discuta dovezile și parcursul cazului la tribunal.
Family Business: Sezonul 3 ( 8 Octombrie)
Dusă cu forța la o mânăstire izolată de niște răpitori instabili, familia Hazan își bate capul cu o nouă linie de produse și un secret de familie exploziv.
Pretty Smart (Serial nou - 8 Octombrie)
Cu toate cărțile pe care le-a citit, Chelsea află că mai are de învățat despre fericire când se mută cu sora ei exuberantă și cei trei colegi de apartament ai acesteia.
Hometown CHA-CHA-CHA (Serial nou - 9 Octombrie)
O dentistă de la oraș își deschide un cabinet într-un sat unit de la malul mării, unde locuiește un tip fermecător și priceput la toate, care este opusul ei absolut.
Another Life: Sezonul 2 ( 14 Octombrie)
Niko și ai săi sunt martorii distrugerii unei planete, iar miza e maximă. Cum poți negocia cu extratereștri capabili de o asemenea brutalitate?
Little Things: Sezonul 4 ( 15 Octombrie)
De la conviețuire la relație la distanță, Kavya și Dhruv le-au încercat pe toate. Dar oare cei șase ani împreună vor reuși să-i lege o viață?
SEX, LOVE & GOOP (Serial nou - 21 Octombrie)
În acest reality-show, mai multe cupluri curajoase caută să-și îmbunătățească viața intimă cu ajutorul lui Gwyneth Paltrow și al unei întregi echipe de specialiști.
Adventure Beast (Serial nou - 22 Octombrie)
Expertul Bradley Trevor Greive călătorește pe tot globul, are parte de tot felul de peripeții și împărtășește informații bizare, interesante și adevărate despre natură.
Dynasty: Sezonul 4 ( 22 Octombrie)
O nuntă, o înmormântare, o nouă rudă și mult dramatism sunt ingredientele care cresc miza pentru familiile Colby și Carrington în acest sezon.
Inside Job ( Serial nou - 22 Octombrie)
În Deep State, fiecare teorie a conspirației e adevărată, iar totul trebuie ținut ascuns la modul profesionist.
Colin in Black & White ( Serial nou - 29 Octombrie)
Acest serial dramatic în regia lui Colin Kaepernick și Ava DuVernay, sunt explorați anii de liceu ai lui Kaepernick și experiențele care l-au condus pe drumul activismului.
Mythomaniac: Sezonul 2 (29 Octombrie)
Pe măsură ce adevărul despre Lorenzo iese încet la iveală, Elvira încearcă să se împace cu familia ei, care găsește alinare în noi prietenii și iubiri. An Astrological for Broken Hearts ( Serial Nou - În curând) Un serial fantastic și comic, bazat pe un roman de mare succes de Silvia Zucca.  
Filmele ce sosesc pe Netflix în Octombrie
Forever Rich ( 1 Octombrie)
Un superstar rap în ascensiune își pierde controlul după ce un clip umilitor ajunge viral, forțându-l să lupte pentru a se reabilita, totul în decursul unei nopți lungi.
Fever Dream ( 13 Octombrie)
Relația tensionată dintre două tinere mame, una în vizită, cealaltă localnică, scoate la iveală o catastrofă ecologică iminentă și un conflict spiritual.
The Forgotten Battle ( 15 Octombrie)
În timpul Bătăliei de pe Scheldt din Al Doilea Război Mondial, un pilot de planor, un soldat nazist și o membră a Rezistenței își împletesc, în mod tragic, destinele.
Night Teeth ( 20 Octombrie)
Un tânăr șofer ia două cliente pentru o noapte de distracție în oraș, dar pasagerele își dau arama pe față, iar el trebuie să lupte pentru supraviețuire.
Little Big Mouth ( 22 Octombrie)
În viața unui băiețel de nouă ani care locuiește împreună cu mama și bunicul său apare un chitarist de muzică rock, iar totul se schimbă.
Nobody Sleeps in The Woods Tonight Partea 2 ( 27 Octombrie)
Această continuare a filmului horror din 2020 vine cu noi personaje și noi forme de frică.
The Guilty ( 1 Octombrie)
Un detectiv cu probleme, retrogradat ca operator la serviciile de urgență, încearcă să salveze o apelantă aflată în pericol, într-o zi plină de revelații și răfuieli.
Hiacynt ( 15 Octombrie)
În 1985, un tânăr ofițer din Varșovia comunistă, nemulțumit de rezultatul anchetei unei crime, își propune să descopere singur adevărul.
In For a Murrder (W JAK MORDERSTWO) ( 19 Octombrie ) 
O mamă casnică avidă de povești polițiste descoperă cele mai ascunse secrete ale locuitorilor din orășelul ei de provincie în timp ce investighează uciderea unei femei.
Stuck Together ( 20 Octombrie)
Când Parisul intră în lockdown în timpul pandemiei, locatarii unui bloc sunt nevoiți să se adapteze la noul mod de viață și să se obișnuiască unul cu celălalt.
Hypnotic ( 27 Octombrie)
Aflată într-un blocaj pe plan personal și profesional, Jenn apelează la un hipnoterapeut și se trezește prinsă într-un joc psihologic mortal. Army of Thieves (29 Octombrie) În acest prolog la „Army of the Dead", o femeie misterioasă îl recrutează pe Dieter, funcționar bancar, pentru a jefui împreună seifuri imposibil de spart din Europa. Read the full article
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darkvape · 4 years
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How many recurring questions, even annoying because of this, what does the vaping on mech change ?, The mecha I don't dare but I would still like ?, It is dangerous to put duracel batteries in a mecha am a virgin, will my mother scold me if I go to the mech (dixit Brice) ... There generally follows a number of clichés on Ohm's law, unconsciousness, dangerousness, stupidity ... so many comments emanating most of the time from seasoned vapers brilliant in incompetence but strong in the knowledge that confers their freedom to expression. If by the greatest of luck you have not had the chance to come across one of these regular posts or that more likely you have not succeeded in sorting out the 250 interventions, I invite you to read these few lines. As a preliminary point, I consider that my readers are adults equipped with the two neurons necessary for understanding what an electrical circuit is and that, education being compulsory until the age of 16, they are also in possession of sufficient academic knowledge to understand what will follow, as they are at level 5. On the other hand, no warning will be enough to combat stupidity and the absence of common sense, and it has nothing to do with vaping. What is a mecha mod? It's very simple, a mechanic mod is a device (tube, box or whatever) that allows you to operate an atomizer by directly using the electricity from your battery, without any intermediary. It's just the 6th or 5th physics experiment of connecting a light bulb to a battery with two wires to form a circuit, to look pretty, add a switch. When it is closed, the bulb turns on, when it is open, it stays off. The mechanic mod is the same thing, the mod (to put it simply) is the wires, the battery is the battery, the ato, it is the bulb and the switch, it is is the switch. You press the switch, so you close the circuit and it vapes, you do not press, the circuit stays open and it does not vape. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-Nry2F4oJ/?igshid=12phu4dou2539
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scilou-mdr · 8 months
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THEY ARE BACK!!! I'm going to cry (with joy)
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safekiribakurecs · 5 years
4k event is coming up soon i better start getting ready
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cedricburnel · 7 years
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Exclusive Mod. 303 saddle derby in Brice crust calf leather with the sand colored croc saddle on top for Mr. DM. Come admire the collection of Saint Crispin's at my private showroom in Knokke by appointment. #saintcrispins #handmade #shoes #saintcrispinsshoes #saintcrispinsofbelgium #sartorial #advisor #mr_cedric_burnel #knokke #belgium (bij Knokke-Heist, Belgium)
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Stuff about me ;)
Tagged by @ellstersmash​
Let’s Begin
Name: Jane                                                                                     
Starsign: Libra
Height: 5′7″ish
Time Right Now: 6:52 PM
Last thing you googled: “arbonne products”
Last book you read: "The Hobbit” by J.R.R Tolkien
Favorite music artists: Chris Stapleton, Lee Brice, Luke Bryan
Last TV show watched: The 100
What are you wearing right now: A singlet (I’m in bed)
When did you create this blog: May 2016
What kind of stuff do you post: Dragon Age. Because... well. Dragon Age.
Do you have instagram: Yep.
Do you have snapchat: Yep.
Do u get asks regularly: Nope.
How did you choose your url: Because I was looking at a mod that could make Blackwalls beard extra huge or trim it down cleaner.
Gender: Unicorn :P 
Favorite color: Rose Gold
Average hours of sleep: 8 hours.
Favorite characters: All of DAI. I have no favourites. You cannot ask me this. And then far too many from far too many other fandoms. There would be no end.
How many blankets do you sleep with: One, unless it’s winter then I steal my fiances as well.
Dream job: Blogging.
Random: I have the floofiest of bunnies
This thing, I like it. ANOTHER! *smash*
1. How tall are you? Boooooo, repeat. 2. What colour and style is your hair? Normally dyed red but currently a boring brown and curly, therefore in a bun. 3. What colour are your eyes? Green. 4. Do you wear glasses? Yep. 5. Do you wear braces? no 6. What is your fashion sense? Black. Black jeans, black boots, black jackets. Yanno. The usual. 7. Do you have any siblings? I have a brother. 8. What kinda student were/are you? Sat in the class reading at lunch time. 9. What is your favourite subject? Social Studies. 10. Favourite TV shows? Supernatural, Walking Dead, Longmire 11. Favourite books? Lord of the Rings, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Harry Potter series 12. Favourite pastime? Gaming, reading, writing. 13. Any regrets? Bro. 14. What is your dream job? ANOTHER REPEAT BOOOOO 15. Do you want to get married? Yes. 16. Do you want kids? How many? Yes I just... get scared about actually carrying lol. When we do, 2. 17. How many countries have you visited? Only my own! First time will be my honeymoon next year lol. 18. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? When my brother got stabbed and then bled out everywhere. I was like 7 and I refused to leave his side for the next week.
Musical Me!
DIRECTIONS: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your MP3 player, itunes, spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people everybody, no skipping ( aka the drag yourself with your own music, savvy? )
1. Lighthouse - GRL 2. Stupid & Anxious - Sew Intricate 3. The Way You Do The Things You Do - UB40 4.Look Through My Eyes - Phil Collins 5. Fight For You - Jason Derulo 6.How Long Will You Love Me - Ellie Goulding 7.Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis Presley 8. Freaks - Timmy Trumpet 9.California - Hollywood Undead 10. I’m On Fire - Bruce Springsteen Almost every one of those is a different genre so let me know what you figure out about me ;)
RULES: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Disney or Dreamworks: Disney.
Coffee or tea: Tea all the damn way.
Books or movies: Book.
Windows or Mac: Windows.
DC or Marvel: Marvel
Xbox or PlayStation: Xbox
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Dragon Age
Night owl or early riser: Early riser. Up at 6am every morning.
Cards or chess: cards
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Manga or comics: Both. Both is good.
Soup or pasta? Soup
(my twist on the age old pet debate) Birds or rabbits?
Pick and choose, give it a pass, or be cool like me and share all of your secrets. If you do it, please tag me so I definitely see! :)
I’m not tagging anyone cause I don’t feel like I know anyone well enough yet so um do this if you want and feel free to tag me!
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Review Games Wargroove
Our impressions of Chucklefish's turn-based game after two couch-based PvP rounds.
I expected a 1v1 match of Wargroove to last about 15 minutes when I visited Chucklefish's office two weeks ago. It turns out it takes 40-60 minutes, if you're anything like me. I found myself spending far too much time fretting about exactly where to move a unit, or whether to buy an archer at that moment rather than saving my money for the stronger and faster knight during the next turn.
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Such caution isn't unwarranted in this turn-based, grid-based strategy game, though. The deeper you get into a multiplayer game, the more you worry about pushing a unit one square too far. You might be putting a knight in range of a trebuchet, or an archer. By hovering over an enemy unit during your turn, you can see their possible movement range, allowing you to plan ahead as much as possible.
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Your goal in Wargroove is to kill the opponent's commander, or take over their base. Either will trigger a victory. Across the map, there are buildings that act as resource points. The more you control, the more gold you have coming in per turn. Capturing an enemy building requires you killing the guard unit inside first. Though each of the game's factions have unique commander units, they otherwise have an identical selection of units, aside from the way they look.
I start my first game by deploying a swordsman, and later, a couple of spearmen, at the top of the map. My opponent is moving up from the south. When positioned next to each other on the map, spearmen will perform a critical hit, meaning there's some benefit to building a little wall of them. While I'm getting used to the unit creation and movement, my opponent has occupied a load of buildings and suddenly has loads more money coming in than I do. Over the next few turns, fast, flying vampire units and a massive golem enter the fray and take out my comparably pathetic spearmen and swordsmen. It's over, and my commander, Mercia, is killed. It's all over, lads.
The flying units are particularly tough to deal with—their counter is an alchemist, since melee ground units are useless against them, but it takes me a bit too long to get one onto the field due to my slow gold funds. This nonetheless feels like a good crash course for how much is going on in a game of Wargroove, and how fiercely competitive it is.
That's my way of saying I got my arse handed to me, basically. But the next game won't be nearly as brutal.
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Let's try that again
This match will be a little easier. For one, Chucklefish picks a map that doesn't have water or the ability to summon flying units, making it a little simpler to grasp in terms of pacing and counters, without yet knowing the minutiae of every unit off by heart. It's basically just a desert-y field, with my base on the left, and my opponent's on the right. We grab half the buildings each, and the fight converges in the central lane.
As I learned from the last match, a couple of spearmen placed closely together are pretty great in the early game. I don't find the basic swordsman units useful for anything other than grabbing buildings, so I focus on pushing spearmen forward instead. They're slow, but they're handy as a kind of moving wall. A few turns later, my opponent drops a golem, which memorably slapped my troops aside during the last game. I'm dreading its arrival as it plods across the map.
I buy a knight unit, the best unit I can afford. They can move five squares at a time, and if they end their turn on the fifth square, they'll land a critical hit. This is how I counter the golem—the knight races in and takes it down to about a quarter of its health, forcing my opponent to withdraw before it's done any real damage.
This is a major victory, since the golem cost 1200 gold. It's a formidable threat in the right circumstances, but when it's thrashed like this, that's a lot gone to waste. "It’s very intimidating, but it’s actually true that most of its powers are symbolic," says marketing manager Molly Carroll. To look at, it's certainly a scary thing marching across the battlefield. "You’re like 'oh, I’m fucked!'"
The golem's demise underlines the idea that everything has a counter in Wargroove, and that all units have their own drawbacks. My knight, for example, can't cross mountain range tiles, and nor can it actually take control of a building—it can only kill the enemy units occupying one. Alternatively, the trebuchet, which costs 900 gold, would've been effective against the golem too, but that can't move and shoot in the same turn.
Work in progress
"[The golem] is potentially getting more powerful," Chucklefish founder and director Finn Brice explains. "We’re experimenting with its ability to pick up and throw allied units across the map, but it’s a big balance change, so we have to look into it. But I think it’s the only non-commander unit to have an active ability instead of passive, because it won’t have a [critical attack] to make up for that."
Nothing feels overpowered in this build, though. If anything, some units could do with being more threatening, particularly the commanders. Of the two I sample, one, Mercia, has an active AOE healing power, and another, Valder, has the ability to summon a basic skeleton swordsman unit from the dead, but both abilities take a long time to charge up.
I ended up leaving my commander out of the fight in the second game, because they feel a little too fragile. This is an area where a lot of balancing is going on—working out long it takes for each commander's 'Groove' to charge, and how game-changing that ability will be. "The ultimate goal is to ensure that they all feel immensely powerful and that they affect your game so much that playing with one commander over another requires an entirely different strategy, and I think that’s what’s going to make the game particularly interesting," Brice explains. "[It's] also particularly hard to balance, but we’ll cross that bridge."
"I think the community has come to expect this kind of thing," says programmer Rodrigo Monteiro. "StarCraft was being rebalanced, what, ten years after release? There were still releasing balance patches because the meta of the game adapts, and you have to adapt the game with it."
Right now, most of the non-commander units feel balanced enough. The right set of moves can wipe out every enemy unit on the map in a single turn, which more or less happens twice during my second game on both sides. The push towards my eventual victory is exciting: starving my opponent of gold, then building more and more units for the hell of it. By the end, I'm considering a second trebuchet that I have no need for.
This was a relatively decisive victory, but there's plenty of opportunity to grab a quick victory in Wargroove if someone's left their leader in the wrong place—your entire strategy can unravel in a single turn, but you'll understand why when it happens, and you'll learn. Chucklefish hasn't made a strategy game before, but this shows the team is on the right track to me.
It's turn-based strategy as we know it, but presented in a very pleasing and accessible-looking form, which is largely how I felt about Advance Wars back in the day. With asynchronous multiplayer, singleplayer campaigns, extensive mod tools and loads of scope for custom campaigns, I look forward to losing my temper when one of my PCG colleagues inevitably demolishes me on their 20th turn.
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sbknews · 6 years
New Post has been published on Superbike News
New Post has been published on http://superbike-news.co.uk/wordpress/yamaha-and-workhorse-speed-shop-set-their-sights-on-sultans-of-sprint/
Yamaha and Workhorse Speed Shop Set Their Sights on Sultans of Sprint
Custom bike builder extraordinaire Brice Hennebert puts the Workhorse Speed Shop to the task of taking top honours in the Sultans of Sprint Factory class with their custom-built Yamaha XSR700
Yard Built custom bikes are usually made to inspire our customers; to make their XSR900, XSR700, XV950R or SCR950 unique. For this project, Yamaha is breaking the rules. This XSR isn’t a bike built for standing still, this is a bike that Brice built to be a sprint dominator. Low, long and fast as hell, the Workhorse Speed Shop have taken their Yamaha and pulled out all the stops. The engine to the chassis and every point in between has been tweaked, tuned, pulled to pieces and put back together to squeeze every bit of performance from one of custom buildings most versatile models
As a competition bike, there are obvious restrictions laid down about what can be changed and what lines a builder needs to work within. Brice still had room to manoeuvre. The fully handcrafted aluminium body cuts a mean silhouette in classic Yamaha blue and yellow, a tribute to the 1985 FZR 750 Bol d’Or Sonauto ridden by Christian Sarron. The frame has been dropped a full 150mm and the footpegs were shifted back. The custom-built Workhorse swingarm extends an extra 100mm and turns this beast into a low-down dragster.
The XSR700 will have the smallest engine of all the bikes in the Factory Class. But, we start the competition with a strong advantage, a very low weight and impressive torque. The crankshaft has been balanced, the oil circuit modified and the counterweights supressed. With a Suter antihopping clutch and a modified injection body; this is a whole new powerhouse.
Amongst the high-end parts putting this build into the stratosphere are a carbon battery, a full racing brake system, clutch control, a front and rear master cylinder as well as a NOS system with a Max Extreme Nitrous Controller. The paintjob was supplied by Matthias Van Brussel and the seat and jacket mods are straight from the mind of Jeroen Bauwmeister from Silver Machine.
“What can I say about this bike?” commented Antoine Clémot, Yamaha Motor Europe Motorcycle Product Manager. “It’s fast, it’s low, it’s mean, it’s a lot of fun and we think it’s a winner. Events like the Sultans of Sprint really bring new vibes to the Sport Heritage segment with a subtle mix of fun and performance. We love to see these amazing bikes getting outside of static shows to race full throttle. They’re all about individual expression and making crazy designs and then getting together and sharing them. The Workhorse bike – it’s got that old-school Yamaha feel with the FZR750 Suzuka style body, it has bespoke everything and it just looks really unique. I’m excited to see what it does, but I’m already proud to be a part of the build.”
All that deliciousness is aimed directly at the Sultans of Sprint events running this year. Anyone with petrol in their veins should be aware of Sultans of Sprint but in case you still need to get caught up, here it is. Each year hundreds of like-minded madmen and madwomen get together to race real fast in a straight line. These are events revolving around fine design, speed and above all else, fun! The Sultans of Sprint will be held at The Reunion in Italy from May 19th to the 20th, then Biker’s Classics in Belgium from June 29th to July 1st, Glemseck, Germany from August 29th to September 2nd and finally the Dandy Riders Festival in France from the 23rd to the 24th of September. If you’re lucky enough to attend an event you’ll see some outrageous designs put forward by passionate people.
The Workhorse XSR700 custom dragster will be piloted by a different guest rider for each event, with the first round featuring the legendary Niccolò Canepa, the first Italian rider to win an FIM Endurance World Championship title after lifting the 2016/2017 title in just his second season with the GMT94 Yamaha Official EWC Team. If you want to join the adventure and find out the riders for each of the other rounds, make sure you’re following the team on https://www.facebook.com/YamahaMotorEU/.
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