#modern sonamy won
sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Round 2
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This poll is for the version of Sonic/Amy across all of their shared media vs Sonic/Amy specifically from the current portrayals of their relationship (e.g. The Murder of Sonic, IDW Comics, Sonic Frontiers, etc.) All ships included were submitted to us. This tournament does not accept insults towards either ship - use propaganda to uplift your fave, not put down the opponent
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la-nom-nom · 1 year
Modern Amy does have the flanderizations unlike Classic and Boom, but THIS Amy had most of the best moments too. Here’s what Modern has canonically under her belt:
SA1 she saw the bigger picture involving Gamma, she pointed out that love isn’t part of robot’s’ programming and they’re missing something good.
Also in SA1 she stepped up to Sonic from destroying Gamma; stepping up to your crush especially when you haven’t won their heart yet is harder than we think. When liking someone it’s normal to try being on the best terms with them. If they’re doing something that rubs you the wrong way that could taint those terms. (Ofc it’s the right thing to step up regardless)
Her moment with Shadow from SA2. It has been discussed many times why it’s so good but I’ll at least put down this: Amy KNOWS there’s shitty people and bad things but she also sympathizes for others and decides to see the good anyway. It’s waaaay easier to fall into negativity and despair when things get bad. This moment is somewhat similar to the story Pandora’s Box when all the bad stuff flew out but one thing within that seems so tiny but is powerful which was hope. Deciding to see the good is like that hope.
Heroes has been seen as this as one of Amy’s more infamous portrayals but really? Was her crush for Sonic executed the best? Depends on the person, but not the worst. Still, she stayed with her team until they reached their goal. Sure she knew doing that will lead her to Sonic but once again, it’s not bad. Why isn’t anyone complaining about the fact the Chaotix, Rouge, Sonic, Shadow were picking fights too? WTFH…
In Battle, another portrayal and one I actually think isn’t so good, or part of it. (Girl, starving yourself thinking Sonic will like you if you’re skinny? Really? If Sonic has issues then that’s his issue not yours!) However, she helped Emerl with his skills. She was pretty much like everyone else but yet none of them get pointed out for their portrayals.
Riders is sorta known for the bad portrayal between her and Sonic but really it wasn’t bad (the voice direction like tone of voice was different between the English and Japanese, the ladder being more accurate to the characters) until the very end of Heroes story which was when Sonic blew her away along with Eggman. Can’t we be in her shoes for a moment? If someone, one of your friends SonAmy or not they are friends didn’t consider your safety especially like THAT would you be happy? Don’t think so. It’s valid to be pissed. Ofc you should point it out.
06 might’ve been (technically) erased but it still shows Amy’s positive side. If it were to happen again and not be erased there’s little to no doubt that Amy would do the same thing. Like in SA1 she saw the bigger picture by putting aside her crush for Sonic and saving the world. One of things it highlighted was her loyalty. This did show in Heroes too, if she wasn’t loyal she would’ve ditched Cream and Big. People can say all they want about Amy choosing Sonic over the world; the other option is to BETRAY her friend who she’s known for a long time and be like, “Hey, Sonic, my friend who I just met Silver who says you’ll destroy the world so I’m siding with him.” THAT would be bad. (Though in Silver’s defense it was from a valid sense and didn’t know who Sonic was but that’s not the focus right now. Amy is brave for stepping up to Silver who clearly outclassed her in skills) Can we also point out that Rouge and Omega did the same thing yet nobody complained about that? Even if it was worded differently, there’s still a sense of hypocrisy.
Rush had Amy tell Blaze, who was very closed off, about the idea that having friends is truly uplifting. Heck Blaze was even intrigued and had a slight smile because of Amy’s upbeat vibe.
Unleashed highlighted Amy to be in no way shallow when it comes to her crush with Sonic: she states to Sonic that no matter what, he’s still her Sonic. How sweet and endearing is that? She even planned to throw a party for him. Clearly she was trying to uplift his spirit. Sonic wasn’t going through a good time, externally and internally. When all hope seemed lost she openly said that Sonic WILL succeed. Also highlighting her faith, another powerful thing. She had faith in previous games too, like having faith that Sonic will listen to her to not destroy Gamma, faith in the good of humanity in SA2, and as mentioned earlier her faith that in 06 Sonic would never destroy the world but save it.
All of the examples above are from the time era of her “obsessive” days that detractors like use to prove that she’s just a “stalker/yandere/etc”.
I will admit that things like Sonic X didn’t do her justice during that era. Though that is partly thanks to the shit English dub and SOA.
Post 2010 hasn’t really been too great but even in Lost World she told Sonic to save the world, believing there’s a chance even though she felt for sure she wasn’t going to be alive for it. She did say it was too late but it felt like she was referring to the latter, not her having a lack of faith. In Forces she was part of the Resistance. Like previous titles she did her part. Minus a few games, she was always an active participant, even in a game like the Black Knight while even it was not exactly the Amy Sonic knew, Nimue was still a counterpart. Like in the Secret Rings with Ali Babba!Tails and Sinbad!Knuckles there was a connection to Sonic’s POV. Frontiers has been pointed with its faults especially with storytelling (seriously previous games, even the most beloved ones, had this issue too) but even then the desire of Amy wanting to help, like she always has, was there.
Modern Amy has proven to be a brave, positive, uplifting, helpful, kind, and a non shallow girl who definitely cares about Sonic’s wellbeing. If having those qualities is STILL viewed as the worst portrayal of the character… 🤦🏻‍♀️
P.S.: This post sprouted from seeing comments upholding Classic Amy(from the latest news) and a few for Boom while downplaying Modern Amy. Heck someone literally commented “Classic Amy over Insamy any day.” Insamy means Insane Amy Seriously? It’s cool to see Amy getting love but some people forget that Classic Amy is a younger Modern Amy, soooooo they’re really shitting on the one they “really” like?
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh yaaaay prompts are open! Awesome. Okay here's a prompt: Modern sonamy, Mighty has come back after being gone for so long but not just for a friendly reunion. He's actually there to win Amy's love because now he thinks he has a chance. How Sonic responds is up to you but if you can make it fluffy with a sweet ending that'd be great. Thank you so much! Love your writing.
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Yes! they are back! Hehe~ And you’re lucky number NOW!
MightyxAmy is actually something I’ve thought of o-o; here’s why-
“I’m soooo glad you’ve decided to stick around and not go off the face of the planet for forever and never tell me anything ever again until I finally found you this time, Mighty!!!” Excited but also throwing a bit of shade in his fast-talking joy, Ray flew up and down in a pleasant glide as Mighty lowered his head in a bit of embarrassment.
“It... was really that bad for you, huh?” He did feel a bit guilty, but it was his way to just disappear into nature and... figuratively, become one living in it.
Ray just happily swooshed down and landed in a beautiful pose as he didn’t just stick the landing, he STRUCK it.
“Very nice.” Mighty had a bead of awkward sweat drop slightly from the side of his face, though subtle and hidden as Ray turned around and bowed, then laughed at his own whimsy.
“It’s been so long! I was worried I may never see you or Sonic again. Though, lately, Sonic’s easier to spot than ever before now! I mean, just look for his friends and he’ll be around there somewhere!” Ray joked, but he wasn’t quite off the mark.
In the past, Sonic was elusive, he was much more social than now than ever before!
“You have a point there...” Speaking of his friends...
Mighty had a weakness, something he didn’t want to admit but looking over at Sonic’s friends...
It had been years since he’d seen Sonic. Last time, he was stopping Eggman and his robotic menace, Metal Sonic, who were bent on stealing the Chaos Emeralds and even the Master Emerald from under Knuckles’s diligent nose.
At least, that’s how Mighty perceived Knuckles, with a level of respect for him being a type of ‘forest guardian’ in his mind.
“Will Eggman ever get over his mania for power and greed?” He tsk’d, before seeing the pink image of delicate grace but extraordinary power bounce into his sights and head over to her friends, lovingly holding up flowers as little flickies of all different species were helping her carry some fruit and flowers over to them as well.
“They wanted to say thank you! Isn’t this so sweet?” she chimed, and her voice caught him as he melted at the sight of a girl...
Yes, there was a weakness... but it was specific...
“What’s wrong?” Ray walked over to him, seeing his distracted expression and a hint of sorrow in it as well. “You look like you’re wracked over something...”
Mighty flinched, he was so used to being alone with his thoughts, he hadn’t really practiced talking about his thoughts outloud.
Though... the temptation to tell someone was too great to bare...
“Don’t say, ‘it’s nothing’ cause it clearly is-OFPH!” Ray’s mouth was quickly quieted as Mighty smushed his two, massive and gloved hands over his head and mouth, looking around.
As Ray struggled, he moved him back and let him go, making sure Ray’s remarks were far out of earshot.
“Pah, pah! Your gloves smell like old, rotten berries! Pah!”
“I’m on a diet.” Mighty looked a bit ashamed, but he wanted to talk about it... just... not really talk about it. “I can’t go over there, Ray.” He folded his arms, looking away with a small shade of similar pink to that other Hedgehog’s color... resting upon his cheeks. “I... I haven’t really been around-...” He bit his tongue, not wanting to confess it.
“What? Others?” Ray tilted his head cutely, “You know, it’s not like we’re all master socializers here.” He laughed, “I haven’t really seen Sonic and his other friends either! It’s been years!”
Sonic was actually organizing a gathering, he wanted to announce something like a new game where everyone could compete and have fun in.
Mighty and Ray were reached out to after a lot of effort, but Mighty just sighed. “It’s not just that... those my dissociating from people and living in nature has a lot to do with it...” Mighty knew he was guilty of that, but that was just his way. Nature was his calling, and he couldn’t survive in a modern world.
Even microwaves... just thinking of a robot cooking your food for you was a little ‘wrong’ in Mighty’s mind and heart.
“I’m not good around... strong women...” He ducked his head so far down that you could have sworn he was falling under Narcolepsy.
Ray blinked his eyes, innocently.
Then a knowing and an almost hidden, sly demeanor crossed his face as he put his hands behind his back and smiled, “Just strong women?” He teased, but his tone made it sound so sweetly innocent and sincere.
Mighty blushed and turned away, but as he did so, he saw Rouge pierce her spinning kick and break a boulder.
He turned away, shaking his head before seeing Blaze also training, bursting fire out from around her and melting the pieces of the rock Rouge had sent flying.
All the while, Ray watched Mighty and the actions he was seeing, smiling...
“It’s bad.” Mighty covered his eyes, “I can’t help it. I guess I’ve always seen women as kind of... small?” He didn’t know how to describe it. “So when I see that they’re strength could even rival my own...”
“Well, you are really strong!” Ray’s bubbly personality had him hop up a little closer to Mighty, “And it makes sense, since you aren’t really around women very much in the forest. Unless... You’re secretly into nymphs...”
Cheekily, Ray covered his bashful face and snickered up at Mighty, who held back bonking him on the head and turned away.
“Quit it! Those don’t exist!”
“Ohh... but you wish.”
“I do not!” Mighty swung around, clearly growing upset but more so embarrassed at his flaw. “I just... I don’t know what to do. It gets really bad around-” He stopped when Amy Rose stepped up to the girls, giving them a thumbs up with her hammer swung around her shoulders like a baseball bat.
She readied her swing as Cream rose up and hit a ball towards her. She must have been preparing for one of Sonic’s prepared Friend Games, and practically exploded the ball on impact.
“Aw man!” Amy cutely tapped her head, “Not another one...” she slumped a little and let her hammer fall serenely to her side, as though just as depressed as she was. “Hey, Sonic!” she called, waving her hands to get his attention, then placing it on her cheek. “You’ll need to get stronger balls to throw! These couldn’t even withstand Cheese’s punches!”
Cheese, flying beside Cream, buffed up his chest and sucked in some air. Looking fierce.
“Oh? You got it, Amy!” Sonic shrugged back to Tails, “That new compacted ball was tightly strung together, now what, Tails?”
“Not another one...” Tails seemed to have failed once again in inventing the equipment necessary to actually have the Friend Games work out for everyone’s differing power levels.
Mighty scooted back slightly, growing shy.
Ray saw his hands move a little together and then looked beamingly up towards Mighty, “Ah! You like the strongest of the strong, huh?”
Mighty shook his head, “She’s Sonic’s girl, isn’t she?” He turned away, not liking referring to someone as someone else’s... it sounded like slavery to him. “I mean, she’s with someone... and that’s wrong.” he shook his head, “So... I’m not.”
“But you way are though.” Ray bounced his eyebrows and then held up a finger, “Ah, ah, ah! No butts! I’m teaching you how to talk to a girl, and move passed your fears!” He flew up towards Cream in the air, rubbing the back of his head humbly as he introduced himself.
However, as they perched on a limp from a nearby tree, Charmy began to twitch in angry and flew over, challenging Ray to a contest.
“...Um, okay.” Mighty took the wrong idea from that interaction and slowly began to approach Amy. “H-hello, I’m Mighty... I’m, uh... What am I again? Oh, an armadillo... do you like Armadillos? N-n-not like a food, but like as an individual.” he stopped himself and slapped a hand up to the front of his face. “This is stupid! I’m going home!” he was about to turn around when Amy crashed through a set of boulders, training her strength for Tails’s experiment on crafting a new ball to play with, but looked strangely torn at how he was going to do such a fleat.
As he panicked, Amy turned to look at Mighty, who didn’t realize he had walked right in front of the next boulder.
“Oh, hello!” she swung her hammer away from him and cutely curtsied, “I’m Amy! Amy Rose!”
He mumbled something incoherent and she tilted her head, moving closer up to his face. “I-I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” She got so close that he almost felt his whole body shutting down in the close proximity.
“I-I-I like your hammer.” he stepped back, his whole face stuck on horror with the red of his emotions. His body trembled and he held himself a minute, not sure if that was the right thing to say or if that creeped her out.
“Oh, wow! Thank you so much!”
His eyes widened a little and he relaxed, turning around again to see her face light up at his compliment.
“You know, not a lot of people say that. I like you too!” she waved and moved back to Tails.
“...She...” A huge misunderstanding was forming. “Likes me?”
Ray flew back, “Well, I think that bee guy is chasing the wrong flower, but she’s a pretty cute flower, to say the least.” Ray seemed to be letting it go, not meaning anything by talking with Cream, but also seemed to have won the challenge as Cream was trying to comfort a crying Charmy. “Nothing too charming about that and jealousy.” Being a bit wiser than his looks, Ray seemed to have a good grasp on people.
When he saw his friend completely frozen in a moment of hope, he didn’t know how to read this one, but knew he missed something important.
He looked behind him for some clues, and seeing Amy speaking with Tails, he positively flew up in a burst of joy. “Yipee! You spoke with her! Conquered your social awkwardness! How was it? How do you feel?” he turned left... then right... trying to get a read on Mighty’s expression.
Mighty gripped his heart, “...I think... I’m gonna talk to her again.” He looked more motivated than ever, and crushed his fist together, looking stoked. “I think I might have a shot!”
“A...Wait, what?” Ray’s unique ability to connect with others suddenly lost it’s touch... he was totally confused as Mighty rushed back behind him and politely tapped her shoulder, making her turn in another wave of surprise.
“Oh, hello again.” her personality sparkled through his lonely sunrise...
“I’d like to like you too!” he boldly stated, and she didn’t know how to interpret that, other than giggle into her hand and continue her competitive streak.
“Alright! They say that bonds grow on the battlefield! Let’s fight our best out there! I’m glad to have made a friend of Sonic’s!” she put her bundled hands up in a very girlish behavior, one he wasn’t used too, but thought she was accepting him.
“R-right!” he almost wanted to mimic her in hopes of pleasing her in the conversation, but resisted it as it felt awkward to even think about doing.
She waved again and her and Tails took off.
He puffed some determined air out of his nostrils, “Ray! What’s the first game!?” he charged over to him, ready to train and have more interactions with her.
However, while trying his best to impressive, stick with, and battle alongside Amy, he couldn’t help but notice her fondness for Sonic...
‘What am I doing wrong?’ he wondered, and tried to mimic what the other dudes were doing for the ladies.
He lifted a boulder and threw it at a staged robot for a game that required you to bulldoze your way through an obstacle course, and reached out for Amy.
She wasn’t in need of it though, and just shook it, smiling politely.
When he saw Silver do it for Blaze... she took it and got helped up from the powerful blast in the last challenge race...
He used his strength to grip a bridge into place, but saw Sonic scoop Amy up and sped through the now stabilized bridge he was holding up...
Losing some faith, he dropped the bridge once they were safely across... and lost the challenge.
Later, Ray come up to him. “Hmm, you sure you heard her right?” After getting the whole story from him. “You know... maybe... she was complimented you back from your compliment to her.” he tried to explain, “Like, when you crush a boulder with one fist and I say, ‘nice job!’ and you go, ‘You too!’.” he acted out the scenario, but Mighty looked like the crushed boulder he was pretending to punch.
“...Oh.” he lowered his head, seeing his friend really saddened by this.
Suddenly, as Ray went to maybe reach for Mighty but pulled it back to hold his own arm instead in defeat, Sonic sped through the two and turned back, calling out. “Hey, you two! We’ve got a problem! Amy’s missing!”
Mighty rose up from his pity and nodded instinctively.
The two took off with Sonic and found that Amy had been lost in one of Eggman’s sabotages, and Mighty just so happened to be the first one to dig her out of the landslide.
Helping her up, she held onto him and he felt what Sonic must feel when he carries her, and continued to try and get her to safety.
Using his nature skills, he found her natural ointments for her scrapes and scratches, food that she was safe for her to eat, and even how to follow the water tracks back to civilization... or something like that, Amy didn’t really follow everything but was deeply impressed by him.
She did compliment him a lot though... so maybe?
“Miss Rose...” He began, but she quickly cut him off.
“Amy! No need for any of that, I’m not an old lady, silly!” she teased, fanning her hand out to shush him on trying to be so formal. “We’re friends now! No need for that.”
“O-oh... How’d you get so strong?”
“I wanted to be beside Sonic... always.” her stance changed as she dreamily looked off into the distance, trekking through the other side of the mountain since Amy was trapped on a now covered trail that Eggman had rigged. They had to move around the mountain to be safe, but were triggering traps along the way.
He felt his shoulders rest down at her mention of Sonic, and the way her entire being seemed to fall and rest in a gentle way at mentioning him.
“Uh-huh.” He looked away, “You like him... don’t you?”
“Emm... is it obvious?” She cutely teased, covering her face and swaying her body back and forth, “For the most part, I like everyone, but especially my Sonic!” she swooned, placing her hands cutely on the side of her cheek.
“Well, it’s good to know.”
Mighty and Amy looked amazed to see Sonic coming up behind them, holding some wires in his hands as he seemed to have cleared the upcoming trek before finding them.
He winked to them, “Miss me?”
“Sonic!” she excitedly dashed towards him, her arms outstretched wide as she embraced him and tried to peck his whole face with kisses, but he just kept pulling away, leaning his head back.
“Easy, Amy! Easy! You’ll spook out Mighty!” Sonic smiled but in a embarrassed and awkward way, knowing Mighty wasn’t used to Amy’s typical behavior.
But as Mighty watched them, he felt a kind of peace wash over him.
‘Ah, so that’s how a woman shows she likes a man.’ he smiled kindly to the two, then sighed and put his hands to his hips, accepting his defeat. ‘I guess I’ll have to find a girl willing to like me that much too...’
Turning back, he realized he had spaced out in his own thoughts again, excluding the world around him as he had to be social again, and waved his hands out to them as he tried to explain himself. “Ah! N-nothing! W-we should get Amy back safely though!”
“Aw, I’m a lot stronger than that, right!?” She summoned her hammer, moving away from Sonic and then presenting Mighty with a fist to hit.
She smiled bold and brave... and he admired that in her.
He realized his feelings were from a lack of experience, and that this was the most ‘liking’ Amy would ever let him receive, and was just glad he got to learn more about her.
“Yeah, you are strong.” he returned the fist bump, and let it linger there a moment as his eyes widened a second. “You... You didn’t get pushed back.”
Amy’s eyelid twitched as she was forcing her eyes closed, her feet were in a stance to withstand the light... but heavily powerful force that came from his fist touching hers.
“Uh-huh.” She spoke through the pain, but was immediately impressed by her able to withstand his power, and felt his heart race at her strength again.
“I gotta go!” he took off, letting Sonic take care of the rest as he secretly delighted in the fact that there existed a woman out there who wouldn’t get flung back by his fist-pump...
(Mighty is a tree-hippie in my mind lolol And I hope you’re okay with me stressing Mighty more than Sonamy in this prompt... I couldn’t help myself XD but Sonamy is still there!)
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
SonAmy AU - of knights and hammers
I’m feeling kinda low on inspiration after not having completed a thing I wanted for Sonic’s birthday (should I release it incomplete? Should I actually bother finishing it?), and so I went out looking for something to write, and I found some old ideas that for some reason I didn’t elaborate on back then (maybe I was overwhelmed with exams lol.) 
Prompt: basically this old ask
Now let me tell you a story about a different time.
‘Tis an old tale, from when the modern Spagonia we all know didn’t exist, and the kingdoms that joined under its flag centuries ago were as fierce and diverse as the stretches of land they ruled. 
The old Spagonia castle was the center of the bigger of said kingdoms, and it was located on the rocky coasts by the far south reaches, where the sun runs hot and the knights all over the continent face off against each other, all for the glory of the Queen... and a hefty gold prize.
For the past five years, the tournament has been dominated by a single champion, a knight with a gift of speed like no other, able to struck its enemies several times before they even have a chance to react. Nobody knows his name or where did he come from, but they call him the Knight of the Wind. In the sixth year of competing, everything looked like it was another sweep in his favor.
“Honorable people of our glorious Kingdom! Travelers from the kingdoms all across the world!” The announcer began, as the public flooded the tournament grounds with great enthusiasm, “welcome to the final day of our annual tourney, possible thanks to God and Her Majesty’s enlightment and eternal wisdom!”
The crowd cheered.
“The last bout of today will be a match of titans! On one side we have our five times champion and man of the people, the Knight of the Wind!”
The crowd cheered even harder as he raced into the arena, waving his hand at everyone and posing.
“On the other hand, we have a newcomer that has proven to be up to par for this tournament! Rumors say she’s from the northern lands, others believe it’s God’s own answer to Knight of the Wind’s speed. We don’t know her name, but folk around here have named her the Hammer Knight!”
Some people cheered, but most of the attendants could be heard talking. She stepped in, no waving, no posing, and seemingly unarmed.
“Now, as we receive our Queen’s blessing, let the fighting begin!”
The two stood on opposite sides, not moving or anything for a moment, until the Knight of the Wind broke the ice.
“So, a new challenger, huh?” He shouted, lowering his guard in the process. “A mysterious one, no less!” He started moving slowly, keeping his eyes on her. “Oh, you think you can come here, no name or anything like me, and steal MY tournament? Ha, that’s lame!”
Hammer Knight stood completely still, on guard, as the Knight of the Wind kept half-circling around her, looking for a strategic oportunity to strike like a lightning bolt.
“What’s up, girl? Are you completely frozen inside that heavy armor?” He kept mocking, then shifted to a charging position - right shoulder in front, ready to strike. “Or is it that you just wanted to meet your hero? Look, if that’s what you want, I’ll give you a quick demonstration, but it isn’t free of charge!”
As soon as he finished talking, the Knight of the Wind charged directy towards Hammer Knight, zipping across the arena in the blink of an eye. A cloud of dust covered the entire arena, as the public loudly gasped. 
When the cloud dissipated, the Knight of the Wind was standing alone, Hammer Knight nowhere to be seen.
“Heh, might’ve crushed her so hard she completely vanished.” He uttered to himself. “Okay! Thank you all for coming, it’s been a fantastic tournament but you know I’m the only o---”
The Knight of the Wind turned around to greet the astonished public, when Hammer Knight appeared magically in front of him, swinging a giant hammer she previously wasn’t wielding. The impact sent him flying straight to a wall, with the public gasping again.
He recovered quickly. “Oh... so there you are. Nice cheating, girl, but playtime’s over!”
The battle continued for several minutes with the Knight of the Wind charging towards Hammer Knight with no results for him. She would always dodge him or counter him with her hammer, as he got more relentless - and later exhausted. The public was having a hard time processing what they were seeing.
Exhausted, the Knight of the Wind tried to spice up his tactics, now dashing erratically in an effort to confuse Hammer Knight into striking at the wrong moment. He only managed to hit her shoulder, but as soon as he stopped to catch a breath, she knocked him across the entire arena again. 
This time he wasn’t getting up. After another loud gasp from the public, they started cheering Hammer Knight, and so the announcer came back.
“What an amazing combat we’ve just watched, folks!” The announcer had problems trying to contain the excitement. “Our Knight of the Wind... isn’t getting up it seems! That can only mean... Hammer Knight is our new champion! All hail Hammer Knight!”
The Knight of the Wind wasn’t completely unconscious, and as soon as he heard that Hammer Knight was victorious, he haphazardly got up ran away. Hammer Knight tried to reach for him, but got caught in the midst of celebrations.
Later that day, the Knight of the Wind was sitting inside his personal tent, reflecting upon what happened earlier, until he got interrupted by a messenger of the Queen.
“Pardon my interruption, Sir, I have an urgent message coming from the Queen.” The messenger stepped inside, the Knight facing his back to him.
“If it’s urgent, then tell the Queen to call her new shiny friend, Hammer Knight.”
“You don’t understand, sir!” The messenger urged, “‘tis an important matter that needs your unmatched speed. The Queen needs you to lead and reinforce our troops at the northern border as soon as possible.”
The Knight didn’t move. “I already made up my mind, I’m telling y---”
Another figure stepped inside the tent, interrupting them.
“Oh... I didn’t mean to...”
It was Hammer Knight. 
The messenger freaked out. “Oh my God, it’s really you! I’ll... leave you two alone, if you excuse me.” But before exiting the tent reiterated, “Sir, please consider what I told you. We are leaving this evening, the entire kingdom needs your help.”
The Knight of the Wind wasn’t on a good mood for any of this.
“What do you want?” He let out, notably upset. “You already took the tournament and the gold off my hands, are you going to take this tent from me as well?”
“Not at all,” she softly replied, then kneeled behind him, “I need your help.”
Contrary to what he expected, Hammer Knight didn’t want to take anything from him. After little consideration, he got up and turned to face her for the first time since their battle - now without any piece of armor, just some regular knight robes. He took a long stare at her, silently admiring the one rival that managed to best him. After a minute of silence, he answered. 
“Go on.”
She nodded, then looked up to him. “A war is brewing between the three kingdoms. I’ve been travelling all across the land, trying to stop this, searching for people that could help me, but nobody would listen to me. That’s what led me to you."
“Why would I want to prevent a war, though?” The Knight of the Wind reflected. “It’s all the more chances for me to kick ass, and right now that’s all I honestly care, or need.”
“You don’t understand, do you?” Hammer Knight lamented. “Imagine how this would impact across the land. Fields and villages burning from here down to remote places like the small kingdom of Apotos. There’s a big offensive coming from the East, I bet you it wont stop at the three kingdoms, and people only seem to listen to you - even the Queen herself! Knight of the Wind, please consider the risks at play.”
The Knight of the Wind stood silent for a moment, reflecting.
“I guess the rumors were true.” He let out. “And I guess I can’t let down my people, after all, I always helped them when in need.” He lended a hand to her, she grabbed it and got up. “Just point me out to where we have to go.”
After a moment, he added:
“And by the way, just call me Sonic.”
BONUS (bc I got pretty invested in this AU already):
After talking with the Queen, Sonic and Hammer Knight went up north, to the spagonian border. They joined the troops stationed at the border that very same night, and while Sonic was talking with everyone and sharing stories, Hammer Knight was sitting on a nearby cliff, overlooking the river that separates both kingdoms.
After noticing her abscence for a while, Sonic finally found Hammer Knight atop that same cliff, and sat next to her.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been there.” Hammer Knight commented, pointing out the valley beyond the river. “I wonder how is everyone doing... my family and friends...”
“So, it IS true, you ARE from the northern lands! I mean! Your people will likely be happy of seeing their champion back.” Sonic pointed out, trying to contain himself. “Think about it, the triumphant return of Hammer Knight! I doesn’t sound cool to me of course, but for everyone else I bet they’ll love it.”
Hammer Knight chuckled. “Oh, stop being so spiteful! There must be a silver lining to it!” 
“Well, the fact you are the only worthy opponent I’ve faced might count... Hammer Knight.”
“Just... just call me Amy, okay?”
“Fine... Amy.”
The two stood in silence, watching the moon’s reflection on the river.
Conversation came back after a while.
“So, Sonic, have you been up north before?” Amy asked.
“Well, five years of being Spagonia’s champion granted me a world tour already!” Sonic playfully answered. “I think I remember the northern lands, I would’ve visited them again on my sixth year on tour if, y’know, I had won that tourney!”
“Well, now you have the chance to tour around with the new champion!” She teased.
“Yeah... kill me, please.” He joked, and both laughed.
Amy let out a sigh and leaned on his shoulder. 
“I think I like you, oh, Knight of the Wind.”
Sonic didn’t say anything. But on his mind he started considering the thought of actually enjoying moments like that. Maybe she was a lot more valuable to him than just a worthy opponent.
The next morning, the Knight of the Wind and Hammer Knight went on their first adventure, hoping to stop any potential threat to peace.
(Author’s note: hey, got anything for me? Send it to my ask box!)
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
#5 sonamy (whether it's classic, Boom or modern you decide) Please. Your stories are amazing 😄
Oh sweet chaos.. 0-0;
Whatever you say…
Prompt (Boom Universe)
“And what if I’m torn!?”
“Oh please! It’s piece of meat!”
Sonic gasps, “IT’S A CHILIDOG! You bag of bones!”
“Ah! You blue jerk!”
“How am I being the jerk? I~ didn’t insult the chilidog.” he gestured to the luxurious food in his hand.
She swiped it away.
He freezes, before diving for it, and then rolling to reveal it. “Nice save!” he complimented himself, before Amy growled and started storming off.
“You’re so immature! First I ask if you’re doing anything tonight, and the next thing I hear, you’re standing me up for a AMERICAN.” she gestures back to the food in his hands. “A freakin’ hotdog.”
“CHILIdog. Geez, you’re as bad as Eggman with identifying different species.” he scratched behind his head.
“Augh.” she rolled her eyes, and started to walk away again.
“Hold on!”
Sonic gripped her arm.
“I wasn’t done defending my friend yet!”
“Well, that friend certainly must mean more to you than your REAL friends!” she put her hands on her hips, leaning forward as she finally had it, stomping her foot one last time to the ground.
“OOHH! I’m so done with your attitude! Why are you so stubborn!? Do you want to go on a date or not!?”
“…D-Date? I thought you said we were hanging out?”
Amy widened her eyes, realizing her folly as she clammed her hands over her mouth.
“D-da-da-whaaat? PFft, boi please.” she leaned against the door frame, looking away. “That’s what the hip and happenings are saying now adays…” she bit her lip and sweated profusesly.
“…Ames?” Sonic raised an eyebrow, holding the chilidog in both hands now.
He waved it in front of her face, as she avoided looking at it too.
“…You can’t lie to the chili…”
“Gr…erk…” she twitched.
“Alright! FINE!” Amy flung it out of her face, screaming as she threw her hands down in front of her. “I WANTED TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU! Is that too much to ask!?”
Sonic watched the chilidog fly into the air, as the two both watched as it soared through the air, letting little chunks of the chili-meat fly off every now and then.
Sonic rushed to save it again. “Nooooo..!” he slid for it.
Dropping to his knees, he caught it, and held it up high. “YES! Two for two!”
“You mean one.”
Amy stood outside the door, and slammed it.
He flinched at the wood against wood, before getting up. “..Wait.. Amy?”
Amy stormed down the dark street, and headed quickly home. “I can’t believe he almost found out! And he STILL cared more about that stupid… dumb chilidog! I mean, I made it for him, but he could have at least been thankful enough and-”
She stopped.
“I… I made it for him.” she looked up, realizing maybe the chilidog was more than just some hunk of meat with sauce on it.
She turned around, before shaking her head and rolling her eyes. “Grahh.. I won’t be the first to look back this time!”
“Good! That means I won’t need to go back!”
Amy was scooped of her feet.
Bolting into her home through her window, the two crashed down as Sonic rolled along the floor, landing face-first on the couch, and getting up.
“Phew. Definitely not my roughest landing.” he leaned up, happy for the soft terrain.
Unnnntil Amy swung a hammer in his face.
“You think you can waltz in here and make up for treating me second to a literal food product!?” she gestured to represent the chilidog.
“Actually, it’s more like…” he hesitated, but then took her arm and gestured it around his stomach. “Here now.” he sweat dropped as he smiled sheepishly up to her.
She looked annoyed.
“You didn’t give me a lot of time to enjoy it!”
“I wanted to hang out with you! Not have you drooling over the chilidog and say goodbye right after I graciously hand-delivered it to you!”
“You wanted to see me?” he looked up, smiling like a kid.
“Well, I… I mean, like anyone else would.” she looked away, growing self-conscious again.
“I~ remember when you first said you wanted a trip in my hammock, thinking it cool. You did the same thing when I said you could, but you refused to get on it with me sitting beside you.”
She turned away, a faint blush on her cheeks. “I hate how all of a sudden, you think you can read me.” she closed her eyes and continued to keep her head away from his peering eyes.
He smirked, “Come on, Ames. What do you mean by all this?” he drooped his eyes slightly.
“…Nothing. Now… get out of my house!” she sounded lazy as she swished her hand to the door.
“…Alright.” Sonic hit his knees with the palm of his hands and got up, dusting himself off and then looking Amy over.
“…You sure are cute though… when you’re mad.” He then started to walk out.
Instantly, Amy reflexed and threw him back towards her face.
“What… what did you just say?” she blinked, shock taking over her.
“I said please don’t hurt me and I swear I’ll never say it again.” Sonic looked terrified, she was holding him by his bandanna.
“No.. what? Augh.” she shook her head, “I mean the other thing…” she looked away and then back, losing her tough-girl attitude, and Sonic could suddenly see she wasn’t as scary as she usually is.
“… em… stop staring and just repeat what you said already!” she yelled out, as he suddenly knew what he needed to do.
He leaned down and lightly held a kiss.
Minutes felt like seconds as he pulled away.
“…I said… I don’t remember.” he looked away, his eyes looking frozen as he realized what he had just done.
“…I’m… I’m thinking there was something in that chilidog.” Sonic tried to excuse his behavior.
“I’ll have to find the recipe again.” Amy pulled him back in for another one.
He flailed a moment, before completely surrendering to the sensation of it.
She pulled back, and he was literally starting to melt down to his knees, leaning completely and letting her lift him by the scruff of his bandanna now. “Woah. Comedy Chimp lied. That freakin’ rocked.” he had drooped eyes, before shaking his head and looking amazed.
“Wait.. did I just..” Amy looked up, and dropped him like a hot potato.
“Whoah!” he fell flat to the ground, before leaning up. “Yeah. I would be freakin’ out too if I kissed me.”
What she didn’t see was his lips trembling.
“I… I .. I have to go!” she ran out the door, slamming it as she heard him getting up.
“H-hey, wait!”
He banged on the door. “Amy! Where will you go!? This is your house!”
She was spread up against the door, her mouth a deep, open frown with her teeth showing, spazzing.
She then realized the logic of his truth and swung open the door. “Oh yeah.” she kicked him out. “You should go!” she then tried to slam the door again.
“Wait-OOOOOWWW!” his foot got jammed by her.
“Oh my gosh! I am SO SORRY!” she opened the door, covering her mouth and looking around, “Uh.. Um… j-just come in.”
He hobbled in one leg, as she set him back on the couch, letting him lift his leg up.
“Ugh! I just- I’m so confused right now!”
“W-why..” he was rubbing his poor foot.
“Because!” she flung ice at his face.
“OOOWWW!” he held it to his eye, letting it slowly drag his face down as he pulled it away. “Geez, are you here to kill me or-?”
“I just hate how you’re making me feel right now!” she threw an apple at him, making him lean back to dodge it and catch it, ‘phewing’ as he did, before looking back at Amy.
She was gone.
“H-huh?” He looked around, “Amy?”
He slowly got up, watching his foot and hopping a few times, over to the kitchen.
Amy was huddled down, gripping her legs, head down.
He examined her for a moment before sitting down next to her, up against the island counter. “…Do you really hate me that much?” he side glanced over to her, lifting his good leg up and leaning forward, against it.
“Cause I sure as heck didn’t mean anything I said.”
She peeked up a little, and when he saw the small opening, smiled and continued, pretending he didn’t see her shift.
“I mean,” he gestured up. “I may get mad at you sometimes, but I would never say I hate you.”
Amy felt bad just then, and lowered her head again.
“Ah!” he freaked out, realizing that was probably bad. “L-look, that… thing …we just did? D-don’t worry about it.” he slowly moved to his knees, trying to comfort her. “I’ll just go now and we’ll pretend the whole thing didn’t happen, alright?”
Right before he was about to leave, she pulled his bandanna towards her again.
“If you leave now… I really will hate you forever.”
He gulped, blinking in his surprise.
“Oooo… k? Now I’m really confused.” He furrowed his eyebrows, leaning closer. “Don’t you want me to leave..?”
She pulled him back into a hug, and kissed him quicker this time, before pushing him away and covering her face, sending him half way across the room.
“WHHHAA!!” he hit his head. “Ughh… if every time that happens, I might need to start wearing a helmet…” his eyes rolled around, before he shook his head to keep them straight again.
She looked away, “Like you even want it to happen again…”
He leaned up, “Woah… what has made you so hateful today!? And… surprisingly… open too..” he touched his lips, still unsure of why he wasn’t, himself, overreacting.
For some reason… he wanted to make her more mad.
He got up, still twitching from the pain in his foot.
“If love’s a battlefield, you certainly give it a new meaning.”
She threw a hammer at him, and he just narrowly dodged it, spinning around before landing on his bad foot.
“AHHHH-ph.” he shut his mouth, closing his jaw and pushing his head down to do so. “Em.” he squinted his eyes a moment, enduring the pain as he looked back at Amy.
She glared at him, then looked away.
“…You.. You can be so violent!”
She threw another hammer, and he happily leaned back, almost all the way down to his lower leg, matrix style, and leaned up again. “Heh, but you’re no match for the fastest thing a-OFFPH!” he struck a pose and waved his finger around, signature grin, before she threw another hammer directly at his face.
“Owkawy. I swee whawt’s gwoinwg won.” he muffled through the hammer, as he tilted his head with it, as if it was permanently stuck there.
He gripped it and tried to rip it off, succeeding and then holding it just in case she threw more. “Ha… You’re fighting how you feel, right?”
She threw another hammer, but he deflected it. Smiling.
“You’re worried I don’t mean it. That I’m gonna somehow play ya and this whole thing will end in our friendship being ruined forever, is that it?”
She narrowed her eyes more, but this time, her frown was a sorrowful one.
“Well. I think you doubt me too much!”
“What are you saying!?” she finally blurted out, getting up and staring at him.
“I don’t want to be deceived!”
“Deceived?! Oh, is that who you think I am?!” Sonic looked angry, walking towards her and pointing a hammer accusingly at her.
“Well, maybe I don’t want to face defeat! Be rejected in front of the only girl I’ve actually cared about on this level.”
“Level!? So what, I’m a game to you!?” Amy stepped forward.
“With all the hammer’s you’ve thrown at my face, and my injured big toe, I would say YES. You’re probably the hardest boss I’ve ever had to face. Because I can’t face you. You’re unfaceable!”
“How so!?”
“Waiting to be fed!? Ugh, you’re so-!” she leaned forward.
“Yeah?” he stepped forward.
“REALLY!? Cause I really want to eat your face right now!”
“Then do it!”
They suddenly were so close that the two just launched at each other, completely dropping the act and the hammer, and were completely absorbed in one another.
A little while later, they pulled away, panting.
“…I… I don’t know what just happened.” Amy admitted.
“I do… thankfully.”
Sonic and Amy didn’t take their eyes off each other, or remove their hands from around the other.
“..What does this mean?” Amy gasped out.
“…It means…” Sonic stepped more foreward, putting his head to her forehead.
“I’m gonna need you to deliver some more chilidogs.”
“A.S.A.P…” he leaned in for another one.
“…You can be that hungry?” Amy leaned back, wanting to pull a fast one before he did, smiling.
He smirked, “Starving.” he shook his head with the motion, and the two were quite different after that.
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