#modern varadeva
rambheem-is-real · 7 months
Ee Varsham Sakshiga [With the Rain as Our Witness]
My submission for #varadevaloveday!
On the way back from Vedha's housewarming party, Deva and Varadha run into a storm. They take shelter in a hut, and Varadha suggests Truth or Dare. Which is a terrible game to play when you've been pining over your best friend for more than two decades.
Or: Modern AU Varadeva
“If you’re tired, go to sleep, raa,” Deva tells Varadha, breaking the sound of raindrops hitting the windshield of their rental car. 
Damn, Varadha thinks. 
Was Varadha tired? Yes. Was he actually pretending to be sleeping so he could ogle the other man? Also yes. Now he could either deny it, forcing himself to stay awake when his eyes probably wouldn’t stay open after the next few minutes and look like an idiot, or he could actually go to sleep, missing out on the wonderful sight of Deva driving. The angle at which he lifted the arm closest to Varadha as he steered was enough to ensure Varadha could see the muscle hidden beneath Deva’s dress shirt, a rare article of clothing for someone who usually preferred ratty T-shirts or tank tops. Deva had complained about it, of course. 
“Why the fuck were these torture devices invented?” Deva had snapped, fed up with being unable to fasten the tie to his neck. Varadha, already dressed up, had just laughed at him. 
“How are you, at your big age, unable to tie a tie?”
Deva just pouted, eyes pleading. And how could Varadha resist that? 
He had obliged, sliding off his perch on Deva’s desk to help him. Varadha’s fingers had felt like they were touching a live wire with every brush of his fingers against Deva’s neck, and the scent of Deva’s cologne so close hadn’t helped matters. 
“There, now you won’t look like a hobo at Vedha’s housewarming party,” Varadha jokes. 
“Vedha dresses just like me,” Deva complains. 
“Not today, he won’t.” 
Varadha had been right, all of their friends had shown up wearing some of their best. Not as fancy as the suits they had been wearing for the wedding a few months ago, but still classy. 
Now, the tie had been loosened, laying around his neck in a way that had Varadha imagining different circumstances. It did nothing to conceal the way the first few buttons on Deva’s shirt had been loosened, exposing Deva’s chest. Hence, the secret ogling. Varadha pushes down the instinctive fear that Deva had realized what was going on, that he had somehow found out about Varadha’s feelings. If Deva hadn’t realized in the last thirty years they had known each other, he damn well wasn’t figuring it out now. 
“Alright,” Varadha sighs. “My wonderful driver, wake me up when we get to your home.”
Varadha closes his eyes and leans onto the window, smiling at the chuckle he hears. The sound is more of a deep rumble with Deva’s voice, and it’s heavenly. Still smiling, Varadha lets thoughts of Deva lull him into sleep. 
The sound of the wipers furiously scrubbing the windshield breaks Varadha out of his nap. He opens his eyes to see a blur of water droplets and vague images of the road ahead of them. 
“Arey, em kanipisthundi ra neeku? [Dude, what can you see?]” He scoffs. “The rain’s gotten so much worse.”
Deva grits his teeth. “I’m fine. Go back to sleep.” Varadha makes an incredulous sound, drawing Deva’s attention. He can see Deva briefly turn to him out of the corner of his eyes, and his tone softens. “Really, raa. It’s fine; it’s a straight road until we reach the state border. By that time the rain’s probably gonna be better.”
“You don’t know that-” Varadha gasps in the middle of his sentence. “DEER!”
Deva swerves on the wheel, slamming the breaks. They narrowly miss the brown creature annoyingly parked in the middle of the fucking road, and the action sends them hydroplaning onto the other lane where they stop. 
Varadha takes a second to calm himself, and Deva quickly turns to Varadha to scan him for injuries. They hadn’t even hit the deer, for fuck’s sake, but something in Varadha warms to see Deva being protective over him. However, the warmth won’t stop him from teasing the other man. After all, it was one of his favorite activities. 
“What are you looking at? Koncham road atu pothene gaayalosthaya?  [Just because we went a little bit out of the lane will I suddenly have injuries?]”
Seemingly satisfied with his scan, Deva just rolls his eyes. “Ah? Rani gariki antha sukhamgane unda ani, check chesthunna [Just checking to see if Her Majesty is still comfortable].” 
Varadha half-heartedly smacks Deva’s arm, before his eyes land on the dashboard GPS. 
“Rey, there’s no signal here,” he points out. 
Deva starts the car, pulling it into first gear. “I don’t need a GPS to tell me where to go.”
“Mahanubhavuda [Oh great man],” Varadha says, folding his hands sarcastically, “You can do whatever you want when you’re by yourself. Me personally, I don’t want to get lost outside in this rain. Stop by the side of the road. Let’s wait for the GPS to figure its shit out.” 
“I told you already, it’ll be fine-” Deva’s interrupted by the sound of the tires hitting a pothole, and they both wince as they jolt in their seats. 
Varadha scans what he can see of the road, and finds a small hut coming up by the side, a few feet in. 
“Rey, rey, rey, there’s something there, stop!” He taps Deva’s arm in succession. “We can wait out the storm.”
Deva sighs but acquiesces. He pulls over to the side, in front of the structure, which looks more like a hut now that Varadha can get a less blurry look at it. Deva turns to look at Varadha, giving him a happy now? look. 
Varadha just grins at him. For all his teasing, for all his insults, Deva would agree to do anything Varadha asked of him when the time came. Varadha slowly curls his hand around the door handle. 
“Last one to the hut pays for gas!” He barely finishes before he gets out. The rain pelts his back as he lifts a hand above his head, trying and failing to keep his hair dry. Varadha hears an indignant shout and a “Vara!” muffled behind him, and suppresses the giggle that wants to climb out of him as he enters the hut. 
First, he thinks smugly as he observes the interior. Never mind that he had had the advantage there. Not like Deva hadn’t ever pulled some shit like this before. Tom and Jerry, Deva’s mom had lovingly called them as kids when they wouldn’t stop fighting when Varadha came over. Only she had realized that behind each prank, behind each childish insult, was a deep bond of love, and that fighting with each other was just the way they expressed their affection. They could go from happily playing with toys, to getting into a wrestling match, to guiltily soothing each other, all within the span of a few minutes. 
Varadha briefly spares a thought to the fact that Atha [aunt/mother-in-law] might be worried that they hadn’t come back home yet. There was nothing to do now, though. A quick glance at his phone shows no bars, just as he had expected. He and Deva would just have to apologize once they got to his home. 
Deva runs in a second later, almost knocking Varadha over. He frowns as he examines what he can see of the cramped space they’re now in. Varadha pulls on the wire near his face, and is rewarded with a flickering, weak light above their heads. Now that they can see better, it’s clear the hut wasn’t meant for someone to live in. Neither of them would be able to lie down flat on the floor, the rounded walls would prevent that. 
“Rey Vara-” 
Oh, Varadha can’t take that tone. That gentle, you deserve so much better tone. He sits down fully, resting his back to the wall, before Deva finishes. He glares up at Deva, still standing, who just looks exasperated. 
“I’m fine,” Varadha stresses, and what a reversal that is. 
Deva hesitates for a few more seconds before he gives up and joins him, sitting across so their calves touch. 
Varadha hates these moments. He loves now living with Deva and Atha, and being able to be around Deva more. If he has to adjust to living less lavishly than he had growing up, that’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make. 
Deva doesn’t see it that way, though. Every time Varadha’s had to eat leftover rice, take public transportation, stand in the hot sun for more than a few minutes, he gets this look on his face, some combination of guilt and anger, the latter emotion only for Varadha’s ex-family, of course. It never seems to get into his head that Varadha’s fine with this, that he’s not so soft as to consider any of these more than minor inconveniences. Deva had been both elated and sad to hear that Varadha and Baachi had left the Mannars. 
Elated because he had been there for all of the times Varadha’s family had humiliated, hurt, and insulted them, all for the crime of being born to a different mother. It had been Varadha who had kept Deva from trying to get back at his siblings numerous times for the shit they had put him through. Sad, because it meant Varadha was leaving his comfortable life with his wealthy family, to come tough it out inside Deva’s apartment, which was barely big enough for Deva and Atha by themselves. 
Well, the Raisans being in that situation was Raja Mannar’s fault in the first place, but Varadha was genuinely happy to live with Deva, and his decision had nothing to do with his separate secondhand guilt for the way Deva and Atha had to live their lives as he grew up with all of his basic needs automatically taken care of. Baachi had figured out a roommate situation with his own boyfriend, Rinda, and Varadha had begrudgingly accepted, not before attempting a shovel talk (successful, Rinda looked terrified) and a lecture on using protection (unsuccessful, Baachi had all but shoved him out the door after that).
Fuck. Now they’re both upset, and there’s a storm raging outside. Varadha can hear faint thunder in the distance, and he knows with their luck the storm will pass right over them. 
He tries to think of something that’ll lighten the mood, something to do to pass the time. Varadha nudges Deva’s foot with his own, to get Deva’s attention. He had been staring morosely at the ground, but he looks up to meet Varadha’s eyes. 
“Truth or dare?” Varadha asks. 
Deva just raises an eyebrow, and Varadha flushes. 
“I don’t see you coming up with something. Either figure something out or answer the question,” Varadha demands. 
Deva sighs. “Sare [Ok], raa. Dare.”
Varadha looks around the hut. What the fuck could he even dare Deva to do here? 
Deva seems to also realize this, and snickers. Oh, it’s on, Varadha thinks. Both of them had competitive streaks, and the best way to provoke was to act like the other was powerless. 
“I dare you to spend thirty seconds outside.” 
Deva’s jaw drops. “It’s raining!” 
“Exactly. Get out.”
Deva rolls his eyes, but dutifully crawls outside to lie in the grass for thirty seconds. Varadha definitely doesn’t admire the way the water droplets run across his skin.
When he comes back inside, he’s fully soaked, and Varadha realizes he’s made a mistake. The space is so small the puddles that Deva makes flow over to where Varadha is. 
Deva suddenly leans over Varadha, and before he can react, roughly shakes his head so the droplets in his hair land onto Varadha’s face. Varadha sputters, jumping away, and Deva laughs back to his spot on the floor. 
“Kukka [dog],” Varadha mutters, as Deva’s laughter slowly trails off. 
“Ok, my turn,” Deva says, still grinning widely. “Truth or Dare, Vara?”
Well, Varadha’s not going to pick dare. “Truth.” Deva opens his mouth, then closes it. Varadha smirks at him. “Whatever diabolical plan you had, it’s not happening.”
Deva pouts. “Damn, I gotta actually think of something to ask you now.” His brows knit together in concentration. “What don’t I know about you?”
A good question, actually. They had been inseparable ever since they had been introduced as toddlers, the sons of Raja Mannar and Dhaara Raisan. Every joy, every sorrow in their lives, they had shared with each other. 
“Do you actually approve of Rinda, or are you just ok with it for Baachi’s sake?”
That’s easy. ��He’s an idiot, but not bad.” Not bad, Deva mouths at him, and Varadha flips him off, grinning. “He’s higher on my list than most other people, at least. And I trust Baachi to keep him in line.”
They smile at each other for a few more seconds. 
“My turn. Truth or dare?”
Varadha flicks an eyebrow, and Deva rolls his eyes once more. “You could barely come up with a dare last time. There’s nothing to do in here. Might as well make it a truth game.” He doesn’t like it, but Varadha can see the logic in that. 
“Alright.” He racks his brain for what he can ask Deva that he doesn’t already know. “Have you ever had a crush on anyone? Obviously, someone you didn’t tell me about.” 
Nice going Varadha , he thinks. Totally subtle. 
But Deva just contemplates it. Like there actually was an answer to that that wasn’t, Are you out of your mind? If there was someone I would’ve told you.  
“Promise me.” Varadha says, suddenly. “Promise me that everything you say for the rest of the game is true.” He hopes that if there really were secrets between them, this night would change that. 
Deva stares, mouth set in a hard line, for long enough that Varadha starts to sweat. Does.. does Deva want to keep secrets from him? Eventually he does lift up his pinky. “I swear.”
Varadha gives him a Look, now trusting him even less. Deva sighs. “I pinky swear, on our friendship, that I’ll tell the truth.” He then quickly links the pinky with Varadha’s. “And Varadharaja Mannar will also tell the truth.” Varadha opens his mouth, and then closes it. Well, he’d be a hypocrite if he didn’t agree to the deal as well. Complete honestly from both, then. 
“Sare, sare [Ok, ok]. Now answer the question.” 
Deva looks at the ground for the first time, not being able to meet Varadha’s eyes. “Yes,” he mumbles, and Varadha’s heart sinks. 
“My turn,” Deva says, quickly. “Have you..” He hesitates, but forges on. “Have you ever went all the way with anyone?”
“Have I had sex, you mean?”
“I’m just curious,” he defends himself. “Isn’t that the kind of question you would ask in a Truth or Dare game?”
“Yes,” Varadha answers honestly, to his first question. Deva takes in that information, eyes unreadable. “Now you. Do you still feel that way for that person?”
Deva closes his eyes, as if expecting a reaction from Varadha. “...Yes.”
Oh. Varadha forces a laugh. “Rasikudive, raa nuvvu [you’re really a player],” he jokes. “Pakkane mogudni pettukoni vere valla gurinchi matladthunnavu [you’re talking about other people with your husband right next to you].” The flirtatious banter was an inside joke between them, sometimes referring to each other as their husband or wife in private. It doesn’t seem to land in this moment, where Deva just looks pained. 
“Rey..” he starts, and Varadha interrupts. 
“It’s your turn to ask me something.”
Deva just looks at him. “Does it bother you? That I said yes to the past two questions?”
Fuck. Varadha hates his past self for suggesting this game. But he had promised. And it’s not like Varadha wasn’t a jealous person in general, even towards people Deva knows he has only platonic feelings for. 
“Yes,” he answers. Deva’s eyes widen. Moving on. 
“Does the person know you have feelings for them?” They’re getting dangerously close to what Varadha really wants to know, the identity of this mysterious crush of Deva’s. 
“No.” Deva says, quickly, but surely. Like that was unquestionable, like he had resigned himself to unrequited feelings a long time ago. “Do you? Have someone you like, I mean.”
Varadha keeps his eyes on Deva, thinking again about how if Deva had suspected anything he probably would’ve done so a long time ago. “Yes.” Deva’s eyes widen once again, and Varadha can see genuine surprise and hurt. 
Well, if they were talking about secrets. “Were you the one who beat up Ranga?”
Deva flinches. 
Varadha had always felt estranged from his family, but a few years ago, the catalyst for his leaving was Ranga. His brother’s boytoy? Boyfriend? Pet? Varadha still doesn’t know what he is to Rudra, but one day Ranga apparently thought it would be funny to call and withdraw Varadha’s application to his dream university. Varadha had been devastated, but knew better than to start something when Rudra could just as easily do the same to the other colleges he had applied to in retaliation. Let them pay for his college, graduate and then cut them off - this was Varadha’s mantra for higher education. 
He had, of course, raged about it in private with Deva. Had broken down, barely eaten dinner that night, slept with his head in Deva’s lap on the couch with Atha glancing worriedly at him. Varadha hadn’t told another soul about it. 
The day after, he went home to get a suitcase of his clothes and other belongings thrown at him the second he walked through the door. From the doorway, he could see all his trophies, his certificates, smashed on the living room floor. 
Someone had beaten up Ranga that morning. They had beaten him so bad he was in the hospital in a coma. Rudra had furiously enquired as to what happened, and somehow found out about what Ranga did. He had assumed it was Varadha, taking revenge, and had told Raja Mannar. And of course he only focused on the fact that Varadha had hurt someone, not even caring about the reason why. With Radha Rama’s encouragement, he had taken the decision to legally disown Varadha. 
That was the last day Varadha stepped foot in that house. He had gone numbly over to Deva’s apartment, holding nothing but his suitcase. Atha had opened the door, taken one look at him and the suitcase, and waved him in, had told him the guest room was always his. When Deva got home, Varadha could see the shock and clear guilt across his face. 
He had never asked Deva about it, and Deva didn’t talk about it. Varadha didn’t even blame him. He only felt mildly upset that if Ranga’s face did get smashed in, it wasn’t Varadha that had done it. 
“Was it you?” Varadha repeats the question. He knows the answer, of course. He just wants Deva to say something about it, now that they had both sworn to tell the truth. 
A shadow of Deva’s guilt that day comes back now, shoulders slumping. “Yes,” Deva whispers. “But you knew that.”
“I did.”
They sit in silence for a few more seconds. Varadha can be patient when he wants to, and can outwait even Deva, a man of few words. 
Eventually the tension is too much for Deva. “I’m sorry, raa,” he says, desperate. “I wasn’t thinking, at all. I didn’t expect them to take it out on you. That morning, I woke up still dreaming of your tears, and I couldn’t do anything, think of anything other than fucking that bastard up.” The last part is gritted out. “He’s lucky I didn’t kill him. I definitely wanted to, just for making you cry, for taking away your chances at your dream college.” 
Varadha swallows. He knows Deva cares about him more than anything, but to hear it put like that, it’s scary and reassuring at the same time. “You didn’t say anything about it afterwards, though. Even when I came to your house that day.”
Deva closes his eyes. “Does it make me a terrible person if some part of me, some small part of me was glad it happened?”
“Because.. because it led to you staying with me.” He quickly clears his throat. “With us. Me and Amma.”
Varadha stares. Deva opens his eyes, and winces at whatever he finds on Varadha’s face. “I’m sorry. But it’s the truth. I felt awful for you getting kicked out, I felt awful that I ruined your life. I genuinely wanted to end it all, for a few days.” Varadha remembers the quiet, devastated glances Deva kept sending him all week, when he thought Varadha couldn’t see him. “But then I would see you, eating with us, laughing along with us into the late hours of the night, sleeping in the room that was now yours…” He swallows. Deva doesn’t finish the sentence, but Varadha, so closely attuned with his best friend, could easily tell what he wanted to convey. 
They sit in silence as Varadha digests this information, both looking anywhere other than each other. Eventually, Deva leans his head out of the hut, and comes back in, only slightly wet. 
He hesitantly tries to tell Varadha, “The storm seems to have broken-”
“Your turn.” Varadha interrupts. 
“My what?”
“Your turn.” Varadha nudges him with his foot. “Truth or.. truth I guess.”
“Are you angry at me?” He whispers, looking genuinely scared. Like what Varadha says now would screw with him for the rest of his life. “For what I did?” 
Varadha just stares at him, letting Deva squirm. 
Finally, he responds, mouth slowly curving into a smile. “Yedava [idiot]. If I actually was mad at you I’d have let you know the day it happened. I’m just mad you didn’t call me when you were beating him up because I had shit to say as well.”
Deva’s jaw drops. “You- you- dongasachinoda [fucking asshole]. You had me thinking you hated me!” 
Varadha can’t hold it back anymore, starts laughing uncontrollably. “Your-your face!” He wheezes. “You were so scared!”
Deva attempts to pout but fails to hold back a relieved grin. “Dick.”
“Well, if that’s what you want-,” Varadha winks, then laughs again as Deva attempts to hit him for that. He overshoots, and ends up falling on his face, onto Varadha’s thighs. Deva shifts into a more comfortable position, looking up at Varadha now. 
Varadha looks at Deva’s affectionate smile, and thinks back to the admission that Deva had loved having Varadha living with him. Suddenly, Varadha’s a lot less scared about who Deva’s been talking about. He thinks, he hopes, that he’s guessing it correctly. “What’s his name?”
Deva’s smile dims a bit. “Who?”
“It’s my turn, raa. What’s his name, the one you’ve been pining over?”
“How’d you know it was a guy?”
“You can’t ask questions, you only can answer mine. That’s how the game works.”
Deva looks deep into Varadha’s eyes, searching. Finally, he answers. “You seem so confident. Why don’t you answer, and I’ll tell you if it’s right?”
In response, desperately praying to every god he can think of that he’s not fucking this up, not ruining their friendship irrevocably, Varadha leans down and kisses Deva. 
There’s a brief moment of shock, a moment where Deva freezes, that Varadha starts panicking. 
Oh fuck shit fuck shit shit shit fuck fuck fuuuuuuuck-
Deva pulls back. 
I’ve gotta move out I can’t show my face anymore-
He sits up fully, so he’s facing Varadha. 
I’ve got to change my name, move to a different country, fuck fuck fuck fuck-
“What was that?” Deva’s face is carefully blank, but Varadha knows his own must be giving all of his feelings away. 
“I… thought it was me?” Varadha tries, feeling like a lump of embarrassment. He clears his throat, averting his eyes. “Or not. That’s fine. I’ll just-” He attempts to stand up, trying to push Deva off his lap. Fuck the rain, he’ll walk to Deva's house if that’s what he has to do to get out of here. And immediately start packing his shit once he gets there. 
He hears the unmistakable sound of a giggle from Deva, and Varadha snaps his head back around to see Deva with his hands clapped over his mouth. They can’t hide the wide grin he’s struggling to hold back well enough, though.
“What the fuck?”
Deva gives up and tugs Varadha back down, eyes sparkling with mirth. “Oh so only you’re allowed to pretend you’re mad at me?” 
“Ohh, you fucker!” Varadha pinches Deva in the side, hard, and Deva yelps, but it doesn’t stop either of their laughter. 
Deva pulls Varadha into a kiss, and this time it’s heavenly with both of them reciprocating. Both of their lips are chapped and dry from the lack of food or water, but Varadha doesn’t care. Deva, his Deva, is kissing him. 
They pull back, only far enough so Deva can rest his forehead on Varadha’s. 
He laughs incredulously. “Let me guess, you’ve also been secretly pining for your best friend all your life.”
“Fucking hell,” is all Varadha says in response, grinning. 
“We’re idiots.”
Deva groans. “Even your brother saw it before we did, he kept teasing us at the party that we showed up together like a couple.”
“I think the whole world saw it before we did,” Varadha sighs. “I don’t know about your mom, though.” Deva winces, and Varadha pulls back, frowning. “What?”
“I might’ve…. told my mom at age six if I was going to marry anyone it was going to be you? And then repeated it when I was twenty-one and she started talking about people I might be interested in?” He grins, embarrassed. 
Varadha’s eyes widen as something occurs to him, and Deva immediately starts protesting. 
“No, no, it’s not like that-”
“Damn, you really were down bad for me, huh,” Varadha smirks, and Deva groans, hiding his face in Varadha’s chest. “What else, were you doodling our names together in your notebooks with hearts? Were you the one that put that sappy ass love letter in my locker in the ninth grade?” Deva doesn’t say anything, and Varadha bursts out laughing. “Wait, seriously?” 
Deva immediately pushes himself out of the light embrace Varadha’s been holding him in, and looks outside. “Well would you look at that, the sun is shining and it’s not pouring anymore.”
Varadha gets to his feet as well, grinning. He’s absolutely delighted at this turn of events, and won’t ever let Deva live this down. 
Deva’s about to go outside to the car, cheeks red, when he stops. He hesitantly takes Varadha’s hand in his own, looks at him like Is this okay? Is this too fast?
Varadha just brings the hand up to his lips, presses a kiss to the knuckles. An unspoken It’s very okay. 
Deva smiles shyly, and they head out to their car, hand in hand. The combination of the light rain and the bright sun makes a very visible half rainbow at the end of the field across from them, and Varadha smiles. 
"Let's go to our home, raa," he says. 
tags: @deadloverscity @ghostdriftexistence @zici @sambaridli @sometimesbrave @just-a-lazy-person @vijayasena @sinistergooseberries all the other server lovelies as well
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sinistergooseberries · 9 months
varadeva khujli is happening rn so here i am with some more lukewarm takes:
au where rajamannar didnt do anything shit and is actually normal about things and dhaara is ruling khansaar: the fathers have a whole (straight) sworn brother thing going on, but varadeva hate each other due to some angsty reasons. cue the parents parent-trapping their own children together because they are idiots.
miscommunication pro max where varadha thinks deva is in love with aadhya, because they sneak off every few hours and so he tries to distances himself from them. cue shenanigans, only to realise that they were trying to decide how deva was going to tell varadha he loved him.
varadeva both have fought to the death. nothing's left around them anymore. one last conversation. varadha realises deva has loved him all along. kisses him. dies. deva dies too. im sorry.
reincarnation au where mannars and shouryangas are full on enemies but are in an eternal ceasefire because khansaar's ancient futureseers predicted that there were two people who would put a stop to the khansaar violence. guess who it is YES ITS VARADEVA. they grow up hating yet loving each other. teenage fucks them up badly. deva leaves khansaar because he hates it. varadha stays. when deva comes back varadha cant help but notice the hot man wandering about the streets. but then those feelings resurface and [insert plot points leading to the discovery of the legend correlating with varadeva's life] [insert varadeva immediately railing each other hard and fast] [insert more railing] [insert more railing]. finally, the tribe elders come to terms with the news, and slowly and surely khansaar heals and varadeva become sjws.
modern au : fuckbuddies to lovers but also they are childhood friends cue lots of pining make all the porn emotional everyone is having a really bad time including baachi because he genuinely looked up to the neighbourhood outcast (deva) as an emo teenage kid.
i have more but i need to study for bio practicals and other exams soo byee
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acciobubbles · 2 months
rewatched salaar for the nth time and,, varadeva would lend to such a good hades persephone au??
like imagine-
deva as hades, banished from olympus (or khansaar in a modern retelling) by raja mannar and varadha as persephone, needing to see hades for ~reasons~ and realizing his true strength with deva's love and care???
the possibilities, the potential‼️
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now i'm tempted to write it 🤭
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deadloverscity · 9 months
I want to write modern varadeva like just a silly little au but brain does not seem to work
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ao3feed-salaar · 1 month
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rambheem-is-real · 9 months
hello! really enjoyed your salaar fics, can I ask what are the different aus you want to write for varadeva?
hey anon i really hope you're not a minor if so please skip the first two
present-day varadeva dubcon smut, i just think varadha decides to 'punish' deva for breaking the seal in a more creative way so he doesn't have to kill deva, and deva is just content that he's back with varadha so he accepts it
going a bit darker than the previous one for another present day enemies varadeva fic similar to my mitravinda x bhairava smut fic (iykyk)
au where varadha decides to go with deva and amma when they leave khansaar because he knows the consequences of his action, and they spend the next two decades on the run from khansaar soldiers before deciding to go back and take the throne
modern day marriage pact varadeva, they promised that they would marry each other if they didn't find anyone to be with before they turned 40, and now at that age both are still single, and have to deal with repressed feelings and abusive family members
au where the remaining members of the court dislike the friendship between deva and varadha after varadha takes the throne, and varadha realizes that actually it *is* a problem that the most dangerous man is willing to do whatever the leader says, so they pretend to fall out and become enemies to keep up appearances, but are still communicating with each other often. when deva got home late that one time in the movie and his mom freaked out he was actually meeting up with varadha who had sneaked out of khansaar
enemies to lovers shouryanga!deva and mannar!varadha (if they didn't grow up knowing each other/being besties)
political marriage shouryanga!deva and mannar!varadha, honestly it works for regular deva too
prince and bodyguard au where varadha is the prince and deva is his bodyguard
magic au where deva is varadha's half-dragon familiar
(corrupted) angel and demon au where varadha is the demon that influences deva and of course amma is the disapproving authority figure that wants to keep the status quo
most of these probably won't get written lmao just thoughts that are bouncing around in my head
and thank you I'm glad you enjoyed the fics :)
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