Hisoka! What is your quirk?
“My quirk is called Native Jewel. To put it simply, my vertebrae are made of sharpened obsidian and my spinal cord is of blessed cord used to make dream catchers. Beautiful but deadly.” -Hisoka
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I'm extremely saddened and angered by the Chapel Hill killings. The lives of those students who were out there, contributing to the world deserve nothing but the utmost honor. 
The shooter claimed to be an atheist for 'equality'. I'm very troubled by this. I hope the law and my fellow atheists drag him. I hope he is punished to the fullest extent of the law, and I hope atheists don't try to make excuses for his hate crime. 
Anyone can be hateful and evil and bigoted. We're best not to forget that. 
RIP Deah Barakat.  RIP Yusor Abu-Salha.  RIP Razan Abu-Salha. You won't be forgotten. 
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Funny how the same people who are saying "not all cops are murderers" are generally the same ones to say "all ferguson protesters are thugs". And by funny I mean not funny at all. People are hypocrites. The American justice system failed.
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Gender non conforming cis women and men are allowed to exist. Do not pressure them into identifying as anything else if they don't want to. Cis women don't have to be stereotypically girly and cis men don't have to be manly. In fact it is healthy for society to have people who don't fit into gender norms. By implying that these people should by proxy of not conforming to gender roles, denounce their identities and join your gender movement, you are reinforcing gender roles and you are part of the problem. Embrace real diversity. --Hisoka
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Hisoka, why do you hate Nicki Minaj so much?
Hate is a strong word. I get her early appeal and I even enjoy some of her music.
I am just really tired of her being held up as a paragon of social justice, feminism, body positivity and equality when she is clearly NONE of those things. Taylor Swift writes a song that used gay as an insult years ago, apologizes and says she’s a feminist now and tumblr people still dog her for it. Nicki can:
-Pretend to be bi for attention and admit she did it later with no regrets-Write a song attacking another woman and calling her a “stupid hoe”-Trivialize rape in her music-“Fuck skinny bitches” -Contribute to gross body trends (all body trends are gross, not just the stereotypical thin model body trend)-And now LITERALLY GLORIFY NAZI IMAGERY
And people still say she’s an excellent body positive feminist because she’s ‘confident’. Like the genre has an excellent history of strong women: Missy Eliot, Salt and Peppa, TLC I could go on. No, Nicki isn’t doing a very good job of exemplifying this. She relies too much on putting people down to bring herself up to be a ~Good Feminist Rolemodel~.
Eventhough I was mildly annoyed at people calling Anaconda a body positive anthem (she has a 24 inch waist, she is not FAT or even average, at least not in the sense most people are). Completely ignoring or blowing off this latest transgression is my last straw. I don’t think she can redeem herself for me as some sort of positive role model after this.
And yes, before you say it, the other rappers and the creative team, specifically the animator who is relishing in this whole controversy are just as responsible, the animator probably more so. But before you talk about how awesome and feminist and positive she is, remember that she put her name and brand on this and didn’t give it a second thought until after people  (though not tumblr) criticized her.
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So, when is tumblr gonna talk about Nicki's recent glorification of Nazi imagery? 
I have not seen one thing about it on tumblr and I follow quite a few SJ blogs on my main. I am wondering if it has more to do with SJs dismissal of Jews or SJs favoritism of Nicki Minaj (probably both). Like, Tumblr, your fave isn't just kind of problematic anymore, she is downright mocking a tragedy to garner views. And don't give me that 'she apologized!' bull, the apology basically boiled down to "It was the creative team's fault and I have Jewish friends so it's ok." 
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It's funny how, as we draw near to halloween, a lot of the 'don't wear racist halloween costumes' articles end up being racist.
I just read one for Latinx based costumes. They ranged in offensiveness from 'Illegal Alien' on the 'Wow that's racist, only a douche would wear that!' end, to 'Matador' on the 'this is offensive?' end.
The last one in the article, I shit you not, is 'Sexy Landscaper'. Not like a caricature of a Latin landscaper, that would be racist. Just landscaper in a green costume that does not even point to the race of the person.
Tumblr media
Cosmopolitan, you are being fucking racist by assuming this costume is racist. Landscaping is not a Latin occupation any more than office work is a White occupation. By saying this costume is racist, you are playing into stereotypes and I am going to have to stop.
I would understand if there was something in the costume that assumed a race, or if someone ran around and reenacted Mexican stereotypes like a dick all night while wearing it but the article doesn't discuss it further and the picture provided isn't racist. 
This is what people are talking about when they say 'only White people think x is racist'. Because I am pretty sure Latin people don't hinge their identity on being landscapers. This is not a sacred, holy or even cultural costume. It's an occupation, and one that anyone can have.
White people, we gotta stop this 'everything vaguely associated with a group is racist' schtick. It's getting kinda racist.
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Why is white people liking Mayo a stereotype anyway? I see lots of people eat Mayo. Mayo is a part of modernized Japanese cuisine. The Chinese also eat Mayo, but they call it Egg Yolk Sauce. Chile is the third largest consumer of Mayo in the world, in fact Mayo comes from Spain and is used in a lot of Spanish dishes. 
I can get (and laugh at) 'white bread and bologna sandwich with velveeta cheese and a diet coke' being a white stereotype, but Mayo is relatively international and used as a base in a lot of foods (cole slaw, potato/chicken/tuna salad, it's also a popular southern fry base and is used to make other sauces) I don't even like Mayo on most things, but Jesus some people really miss the bar with that joke. 
--Hisoka, with a random thought
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Just your daily reminder:
Activism is about more than just puppeting opinions that are 'cool' in your circle (whether that be SJ, RSJ, Anti-SJW or whatever). Think for yourself. Research the facts. Come up with your own opinions. Tell people your point of view.
You don't have to agree with everyone on everything, and that is ok.
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The truly bad thing about the whole Zoe Quinn debacle is that her dishonesty perpetuated the myth that women have to be sexually available to get ahead in male dominated industries. I do not condone the harassment she is getting or the harassment of anyone. But I also don't condone her actions. They were extremely damaging to women in the game industry and women who wish to be noticed for their hard work making indie games. Nobody is taking about that element of the whole ordeal. Women have to work really hard to be taken seriously in the game industry. She just fueled the fire by giving sexists an example to point to when they say women can't honestly make good games (even though there are plenty of counter examples that show they can and have, misogynists will not hear of them). I am seeing a lot of feminists making excuses for her. Like you can call out sexists and trolls without saying what she did was ok. Cheating on her partner to get good reviews on her game is not even in the same ball park as acceptable honest. It sets any woman who wants to make indie games down a peg. I am terrified that if I make a game some day I am going to get flamed off the face of the earth for daring to have ovaries and make video games. She did not do anything to help the problem. Now if my future game is well recieved I am going to have to worry that people assumed that I had to sleep with the review team. Thanks Zoe Quinn, you're a real blessing to the cause. --Hisoka
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If you compare using the word "bae" which as far as I can tell is less of an AAVE version of babe and more of an internet joke/word, to the appropriation of religious articles, then I am not sure if you are even worth talking to anymore. --Hisoka
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Though CubbaDabbaPrincess is an obvious troll, they did get me thinking about something anti-feminists say that sometimes ruffles me a little bit.
They are, at times, extremely quick to argue "ALL FEMINISTS ARE LIKE THIS" or rather "If you identify as a feminist you cannot possibly separate yourself from tumblr's extreme viewpoints and must automatically agree with them."
Keep in mind that this same group also often argues 'not all men', 'not all mra's', 'not all christians', 'not all white people' etc...
Logically, you can't argue 'not all MRA's are sexist and unreasonable' then turn around and demonize feminist and say that they are all sexist and unreasonable because you saw a few pro-misandry posts on tumblr. Feminism is a school of political thought that dates back to the early nineteenth century. It does not begin and end with tumblr. It is extremely ignorant to paint all feminists and those who identify with and study it with the same brush. Even in modern academia, tumblr feminism is seen as kind of a joke with how it gets muddled with queer theory and gender essentialism (after all, many subsets of feminism don't even believe gender should exist as a construct... tumblr is very, very pro-gender to the point where it becomes harmful to people who identify as women, whether they be cis or trans -- his is another post for another time).
But that's beside the point. The point is: there are many subsets of feminism and a diverse range of feminists with different beliefs about women's issues and how they should be handled. Not all feminists are misandrists (not even most of them). Not all feminists invalidate mens issues (many fight for them). Not all feminists are political lesbians. Not all feminists are anti-trans, not all feminists are pro-trans, not all feminists are sex positive, not all feminists are anti-porn. Not all feminists like grilled cheese sandwiches. I could go on.
Feminism is an old ideology that at its core is about finding ways we as a society can solve women's issues. No -- I am not going to make excuses and say feminism is really about equality. Many feminists are for equality and egalitarianism, myself included, but many also are not and I am more than willing to call them out on it.
But if you're going to argue 'not all anti-feminists are sexist' or 'not all mras are anti-feminist' or whatever not all you're trying to argue... then you also have to extend it to your opposition. I don't think all anti-feminists are sexist or misogynist. I don't think all MRAs are necessarily anti-feminist. I think there are a lot of ways where we can all work together to bridge some ideological gaps and achieve a better, more equal world.
But there are many types of feminists, just like there are many types of every group. The straw feminist doesn't exist and if one tries to argue that she does, then they just end up looking really ignorant and uniformed. Everyone is different. People are all different. This concept is not hard.
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I was kind of thinking of making a small, separate blog to post all of my critical feminist thoughts on, because I feel like if I posted them here some people who follow this blog would get annoyed.
But on the other hand, some people may want to hear them. For the record I identify as both a feminist and an egalitarian, but acknowledge that a lot of feminist ideals are flawed. I am just kind of hesitant to let go of the idea completely because I also credit feminist ideas and literature for getting me out of a slump and helping me get through and out of abusive situations. So feminism has empowered me as a woman in some ways, but I less and less want to be associated with the feminist community -- young, tumblrized feminists in particular (I actually know a lot of them in real life -- it is as frightening as it sounds).
So would any one follow something along the lines of 'criticalfeministbayonetta'? or something? I would try not to cross-post content here, unless it was relevant to something going on on AVFJ. 
I would post this on my personal, but I don't trust a lot of the people I follow to take the news that I think feminism has some issues very well. So, is there any interest, or should I just hold off?
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People are complaining that White celebrities (Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Macklemore and Iggy Azalea in particular, supposedly for their 'hip hop' styles) aren't talking about Ferguson. 
But to be entirely fair, I haven't heard about any Black celebrities (Beyonce, Drake, Nicki Minaj and other tumblr darlings) talking about Ferguson either. 
Their PR reps are probably telling them NOT to talk about it, to avoid stirring things up. Like you don't know how much things are controlled behind the scenes. When the whole world is watching you, you have to be very careful of saying anything about a big issue. Because anything you say will cause backlash and controversy and for someone to attack you. I am not saying these people SHOULDN'T stand up for Ferguson, I am just saying, they have their reasons for staying quiet.
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Not to get off topic but... Apparently the current Hunter x Hunter anime is ending and I am pretty torn up about it. Damn you Togashi for being super slow to update the manga. :|
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Tumblr: Fuck capitalism! Nothing but evil has ever come from capitalism!
Tumblr: -drinks starbucks while watching a marvel movie and diddling on their iphone, wearing hottopic clothing-
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