#moe's pirate boys
kingdom-creatin · 3 months
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the sexiest feature a man can have
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ouchmyheart22 · 8 months
Lucky (OPLA! Buggy the Clown x Reader)
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Summary: Buggy thoroughly enjoys making you scowl and squirm as you take the night watch
WordCount: 2.5K
Rating: Semi-Explicit (mentions of sex)
You should've never let them draw straws.
You were too honest to be going up against a womanizer, a pirate hunter and a rubber boy, although you had assumed Luffy's draw was more luck than anything.
Usopp had gone first, holding his breath as he picked between the five matches in Sanji's grip - who had complained his chef's knives shouldn't really be used to chop wood.
Usopp had been satisfied with his draw, releasing the breath he had been holding in a long sigh, wiping sweat from his brow.
Zoro picked from the pile with little interest, as always, though he seemed somewhat relieved with his draw as he tucked it between his palm.
Luffy, stalling, had attempted eeny meeny miny moe before Sanji and you had objected and eventually Luffy brandished yet another long matchstick in between his fingers
Your eyes locked with Sanji as he turned fully to you now, smiling his signature lopsided grin. Sanji winked, stepped closer, almost mocking you as he held the two seemingly identical matchsticks in his fist.
You took a short breath before gripping the matchstick closest to the blonde.
You pulled the tiny matchstick from Sanji's grip with ease, groaning as soon as you saw the size. It was no more than two inches.
The men all let out sighs of relief as you held up the comically small matchstick in front of your face.
'Sorry love. Seems you were unlucky tonight' Sanji smiled, his signature lopsided smirk.
'Luck has nothing to do with it' you mumbled, pressing your back against the kitchen island. Sanji clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
'Ah c'mon fairs fair' he grinned, pressing his now free hands into the counter next to you 'Someone had to watch him overnight'
You'd glanced back towards the bag, sitting atop the table, quiet for once, though were sure that wouldn't last for long.
'Maybe he's suffocated' Usopp tried, attempting to lighten the mood, looking around to gauge a reaction.
'We wouldn't be that lucky' Zoro answered, monotone and seemingly disappointed that the clown was still breathing,
Luffy gripped the strap of the bag, unceremoniously allowing Buggy, or what was there of him, to roll out onto the table. His bandanna askew, his makeup messy and smudged, he was by no means the fearsome leader he had once proclaimed himself to be.
Zoro chose this as his exit as he saluted you all a goodnight, his swords jangling at his waist as he left the kitchen.
'Boggy (Y/N) will be watching you tonight so please be on good behaviour' Luffy had warned, wagging his finger at the clowns head.
Buggy had grinned, allowing his eyes to focus on you, standing between Usopp and Sanji. Somehow between the two taller men you didn't feel small, but under the clown's menacing gaze you couldn't help but shrink slightly.
'Oh well I guess today is my lucky day' he grinned. His eyes darkened as he watched you turn away from his gaze, shifting slightly on one foot.
A nervous tick? Maybe. He wanted to know where they had picked you up from.
'Fucking hell what's with all this luck talk tonight? You guys sound like a bunch of gamblers' you sighed, rolling your eyes in an attempt to seem unbothered by the situation.
'You're just bitter because you drew the short straw love' Sanji commented, nudging your shoulder with his he sent you a sly smile.
'Is it really drawing straws if we did it with matches' Usopp wonders absent-minded, his mouth opening to ponder the question.
'Wanna re-do Usopp?' you turned to him with hope only to see the man raise his hands and shake his head.
'Nah nah I'm good' he started to back away, hitting his hip off the kitchen counter but choosing to ignore it despite the flinch of pain 'Like Sanji said, fairs fair'
Luffy had slapped his hands on your shoulder before following Usopp outside 'Sleep well (Y/N)'
You almost wanted to curse him out, before realising he was too sincere for such harsh words. As if you would be getting sleep with this crazy clown on your nightstand all night.
'Am I really that bad?' Buggy had queried, fake-hurt displayed on his features.
You and Sanji locked eyes instead of answering the jester.
'Just give me a shout if he gives any trouble princess' and with a wink and a snap of his fingers, Sanji had left you alone with the clown.
Buggy had remained in the bag during the short trip to your room, much to his disappointment. Much to his relief, you had drawn the unfortunate task of buggysitting tonight. God, he couldn't decide which was worse - Arlong's crew or being passed around like a beach-ball by a bunch of brats.
'C'mon toots what's so wrong with carrying me huh? Cut a clown a break here' his voice was muffled through the fabric of the bag, though you could make out his ramblings fine. So much for hoping it would help drown out his voice tonight.
You'd placed the black bag on the floor next to your hammock as you started to sift through your own belongings. What little you had brought with you seemed a lot less now as you stared at the contents of your rucksack.
'Hey hey, let me out already. I'm dying in here' Buggy complained.
With a dramatic sigh, you'd opened the bag , briefly holding Buggy's head before setting him atop the small chest next to your hammock. Your fingers were soft, despite your quick grasp, he couldn't help but lean into the touch. The sensation of your thumb grazing his cheek left a satisfying warmth he couldn't deny felt nice. For a second, he wondered when the last time someone had touched him so carefully.
Seeing you crouch back towards the few clothes strewn about the floor Buggy had grinned, his smile elongated by his smudged lipstick.
'Oh I didn't realise I'd be getting a show tonight' he grunted, shaking his head as your eyes trailed up from your few clothing choices to the clown, who seemed very, very pleased all of a sudden.
'What are you talking about clown?' you narrowed your eyes, still crouched on the floor below him.
God Buggy wished he had his body back.
'I love red by the way. Hope you got matching panties. We picking those next?'
Someday, Buggy would learn to keep his big clown mouth shut.
The t-shirt fabric that you'd thrown over his face smelled of lavender and soap, a far cry from the sandy satchel Arlong had kept him in. He could hear you shuffling in front of him, undressing, which Buggy would've killed to see.
From the days he'd spent in the bag (with one ear in Luffy's hat) he'd learned to fine tune his hearing. He almost shuddered at the sound of a bra clasp untie, the shuffle of your feet as you walked forward to pick up a shirt. Buggy waited hopefully, for you to pick the top off his head, giving him an unobstructed view.
He doubted he'd be that lucky.
When you eventually unmasked him, dropping the t-shirt back on the floor, he gave a disappointed frown to see you fully clothed.
'If you're going for a strip tease honey, normally a negligee would be more appealing to me' he advised, baring a toothy grin.
'I don't give a fuck what you find appealing clown' you shot back, your eyes darkened, clearly annoyed with his remarks. Despite your glare, your lips were not pulled into a frown.
A soft plump pout rested just above your chin, pink and perfect, the annoyance never seemed to reach your mouth, despite your eyes showing disgust. Quick-witted and blunt, you hadn't appeared phased by the obscenities that left his mouth.
You had the confidence of a woman who had been at sea her whole life, secure and self-reliant in your skills. But you were young, not much older than your crewmates, still yet to experience betrayal, heartbreak, anguish.
He wanted to see you unravel.
'Ah cmon sweetheart, don't be like that' he whined, his green eyes widening as he pleaded.
Your expression remained icy, you eyes narrowing again and he decides he likes this expression on you. Unsure and untrusting, your eyes remained trained in him as he spoke again.
'We could have a good time tonight. You and me' he offered, his voice lower this time. He raised one eyebrow, cocking his head to the side.
'I seriously doubt that' you scoffed, picking up the newspaper next to Buggy's head.
'Don't knock it till you try it baby'
Honey. Sweetheart. Baby. You tried to think of the last time someone had called you something so fond, and although you knew the clown wasn't sincere, you couldn't help the twinge of anxiety the nicknames gave you.
You laughed, humourless, at Buggy's comment yet he decided he liked the sound.
'I don't think you'll have much takers as a head' you commented
'Believe me sweets, the detachable limbs do it for a lot of women. Trust me' he seemed proud, you seemed disgusted.
'Trust you? Oh that's rich coming from you'
You'd seated yourself in the small armchair in the corner of the room by now, too far away from Buggy's liking. The newspaper obstructed his view of your face, so he trained his eyes on your legs instead, not that he had any objections.
'Hey, I'm the one leading you to carrot top and her fish friends'
'And believe me, that's the only thing you have going for you right now clown. The only thing that's keeping Zoro from throwing you overboard'
He cringed at the thought of mosshead - tall, dark and handsome. No doubt a good fit for a girl like you. He was silent for a moment and you resisted the urge to look up from your book at the stewing jester.
You almost felt bad for him, given his current situation, he was completely at the mercy of you and the crew. No doubt, he'd return the favour as soon as he got the chance.
As you flipped onto the next page, Buggy had left a dramatic sigh leave his Cheshire mouth. You didn't even glance up.
Damn you were fucking pretty. Even in the wooden cabin, only lit by the small oil lamp atop the chest, you looked like you belonged in a painting, an artist's muse.
A few seconds later, a louder drawn out sigh left Buggy's lips. You reread the article line a third time, something about a marine base attack in the north quarter.
Another few seconds, later Buggy had forced another long sigh. You turned the page again before glancing up at him.
'I wouldn't be complaining clown, I let you out of the bag' you raised an eyebrow, bending the newspaper slightly to see his head.
'Oh I'm not complaining baby. What'd make you think that?' Another drawn out sigh, deep and breathy 'I'm just meditating. Good for the mind. Great for the soul'
'Ah yes and you're the picture of health' you folded the newspaper in your lag, allowing the clown a full view of your face now. Your skin was darkened by the shadows of the room, he couldn't read your expression from here.
'I'll have you know I have been the cover model for every issue of Buggy's Bazaar since it's inception' his chin jutted up in pride.
Buggy was in fact the only cover model for Buggy's Bazaar, his very own pirate magazine. Printed in-house, bimonthly (if Cabaji remembered the ink) and distributed in-house, as Buggy was working out the kinks of international distribution right now.
'Never heard of it. You must not get many sales' you were definitely playing along now, he couldn't help but widen his grin.
'Not safe for work. It's usually banned but I could send you a few copies sweets. Help you through those lonely nights' he winked, clicking his tongue.
'Maybe I'll take you up on the offer' your lips had curved up into a smirk, a delicious sort of lopsided smile he found himself thinking about days later. Mischief clung to the edges of your eyes as he searched them for a reaction.
Buggy's tongue almost fell out of his head. He knew you were humouring him but he didn't expect such a bold response. Attempting to regain his cool, his long-distance heart did a somersault as he stared at you.
'I could throw in a few racy pics, if you're interested' he bargained, his own grin turning lopsided to match your own.
You jutted your chin towards him, so Buggy continued.
'First issue is free for new customers. Though I'm sure you'll be a returning' another wink seemed to be overkill but he was working with what he had, no body and all.
'Definitely. Usopp's been complaing we need something stronger to mop the floors with anyway'
You had laughed as his confident smile had dropped, turning into an irritated scowl. Embarrassed and suddenly tense, Buggy began to grind his teeth.
Embarrassed? Buggy was never embarrassed! He had his own show for fucks sake, a crew that followed his every order and more berry than he knew what to do with. Buggy did not get embarrassed.
Especially not by the rejection of a young pretty little thing like you. Right?
You'd wiped tears from your eyes, obviously satisfied with your little joke.
'Consider the offer revoked. I don't think a prude like you would find much interest in my art anyway' he tried to sound nonchalant, his masculinity unchallenged, pretending to both you and himself he wasn't dissappointed.
'Oh you think I'm a prude? Cause I don't want your nudie magazine?' you queried, crossing your arms.
'It's not nude, it's semi-nude. I'm not tasteless' he corrected.
'I beg to differ'
'Is it the makeup? Is that it? You prefer a guy who bares blackheads and all?'
'Enough trying to sell me on your raunchy magazine' you had pushed yourself from the chair, placing the newspaper next to Buggy's head 'And I'm not a prude just because I don't want it'
'Oh sweetheart I think you want it' he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You rolled your eyes before blowing out the small flame in the oil lamp, sending the room into darkness.
'Setting the mood I see? Didn't think all that talk would get you this riled up baby'
He groaned as you sent a harsh slap of the newspaper to his forehead.
'I'm still feeling generous clown, so shut it before I put you back in the bag for the night'
He bit his tongue, hearing you climb easily into your hammock, settling down, your breathing starting to slow into a nice, relaxed pace.
In the darkness of the cabin, you let yourself crack a smile at his comment.
'Let me in that hammock and I'll show you how generous I can be'
Request are open so please send an ask! <3
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amy-the-fairy · 13 days
Showing of Lord of Heroes characters to make you want to try it out because I am tired of the same face/body syndrome in other games :
Aslan, the beefy DILF who have two adopted daughter :
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Lumie, the chatty guardian :
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Ricardo, the pirate cat boy :
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Lairei, the nee-san :
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Dhurahan, the gentleman bird :
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Helga and Walter your local sexy grandparents :
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Mikhail, the gap moe dorky poet :
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Lucilicca, the prince :
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Laphlaes the nonbinary elf :
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Zaira, the knight :
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Rashad the scientist :
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woltourney · 1 year
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Chuchu Chura (@spaceace144) v. Archon Valusk (@dapperpea)
Chuchu Chura:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Chuchu Chura (she/they)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Lalafell
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. PLD, WHM, RDM, DNC, and most importantly, FSH
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Adamantoise
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. This is Chuchu! She's a mute lala who became my reason for living when I started playing during covid. When I made her I want to make the least intimidating tank, so I made the smallest (yes she is min height), pinkest tank I could! She doesn't really have a lot of lore that I've come up with, but she's definitely lawful good, loves adventuring with her wolf pup, capybara, and Nigel her chocobo, and adores fishing.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. :^) *waves* *lalafell dances* *dotes* *giggles*
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. She's just brought me so much joy over the past few years and if someone else can get a little joy from seeing her in this tournament, then that's enough for me. Of course I hope she still does well! I've spent hours in gpose getting pictures of her to be my wallpapers, I've gotten commissions of her, I'm even trying to crochet an amigurumi of her. I just love her so much! Good luck, Chuchu!!!
Archon Valusk:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Archon Valusk, he/him
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Raen Au Ra
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. RDM/DRK
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. N/A
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Archon is always willing to spend the day out and about, enjoying the sun and flirting, using his silver tongue to haggle down merchants, and treating friends and the occasional stranger to extravagant gifts. If he can't be fashionable, there's really no point in existing, so he enjoys creating (and crafting) a variety of outfits from his extensive wardrobe and sometimes swimming in the Goblet's pool. Not one to think too far ahead, he takes every day on its own terms, enjoying the present for what it is… Sometimes to the detriment of any long-term plans. He might trust a bit too easily, but given that he got a second chance after fouling things up, he feels it's only fair. His background in political negotiation usually pulls people to his side--and if not, his training as a soldier comes in handy. He used to feel pressured by expectations, but has become confident, if a bit embarrassed, at all the attention, and will definitely use it to his advantage if it can help someone or change a situation for the better. When push comes to shove, he'll fight hard with a stubborn streak, but he finds it more exciting and fulfilling to weave together a new partnership if possible.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Let's see… Disaster gay, silver tongue, pretty boy, heart of gold. Anything else you need? Well, sure, it might be tempting to think some down-on-his-luck pirate should get a shot at the top spot, or a muscley sword-swinger could beat me out, but I think it's more about who you relate to, don't you? C'mon, let's make it happen!"
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. Archon: Himbo Lite(tm). Two whole brain cells and one big heart. Gap moe to the extreme.
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cebwrites · 11 months
When he was around 12, the Moe crew had a wayward marine captured because if they squawked everyone would have a battleship on their tail and no one wanted to deal with that at the moment
Kirin saw someone giving them their fair share of dinner and Kirin kind of just--stared creepily a bit aways from them, ignoring when they started yelling at him to buzz off because they couldn't eat with him there like that and the other crew members found his eclectic behavior amusing enough, but kept an eye on him to make sure the kid doesn't get hurt while Kirin annoyed this poor naval recruitment
When Sen walks by to check up on him Kirin asks why were they allowing scum to eat with an intense Mihawk-style stare directly at the marine, enough to make a little bead of sweat appear because he's dead serious about it
Sen is internally concerned with how this thought pattern could manifest later on but gives a casual response that even bottom feeders on the sea floor have to sustain themselves somehow, without much malice but he's matching Kirin's language to get the message across
Kirin keeps staring for a second and then walks toward the marine, they feel the urge to flinch back but suppress it (this is a child, why did their instincts tell them to, what the hell)
Kirin picks up two grains of rice stuck together on the floor and puts it back into the metal dish they served that marine their food in, tells them that they'd better not waste any of it and stalks off to presumably freak someone else out with his weirdness Sen quietly breathes a sigh of relief - his boy is gonna be just fine
Kirin of course doubles down on his marine hatred a few years later after Akainu's destroyed everything the Moe pirates built and cultivated and hits his peak at 17, from there it's just a slow decline as he realizes that individual marines can't be blamed for the fault of the system that hurts them just as much And it plateaus completely after finding out that his brother became one in his (Kirin's) early 20s
There's always going to be a part of him that aggressively hates the navy and everything they stand for but it's been mostly redirected to the World Government - something something there's no point in being angry at a dog that's been taught nothing but to bite
He doesn't have the energy to go out of his way to be cruel to them just on the basis that they're the WG's tools of violence anymore
Plus, he shouldn't and doesn't expect other pirates to look at his brother with the same introspection he does so Kirin just has to (within reason) extend that as much as he can to the marines he comes across in the hopes that the universe might not let his brother get killed, superstitious as he is
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readsofawe · 2 years
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During the Days of Awe, I read 10 books, covering 21 out of the 25 bingo squares and netting me 7 bingos! Here they all are, in the order I read them:
The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon [out of your comfort zone, science fiction, blue cover]
A Moon for Moe and Mo by Jane Breskin Zalben [picture book]
Autonomous by Annalee Newitz [science fiction, LGBT rep]
The Mathematician's Shiva by Stuart Rojstaczer [contemporary, about forgiveness, audiobook]
Burning Girls and Other Stories by Veronica Schanoes [short story, fantasy, non-Holocaust historical, LGBT rep, fall colors]
The Deep by Rivers Solomon [novella, Jewish author of color, LGBT rep] (other editions have blue covers but the one I own doesn't)
It's a Whole Spiel ed. Katherine Locke and Laura Silverman [YA, short stories, blue cover, about renewal, LGBT rep, frum rep, contemporary, fantasy]
A Ceiling Made of Eggshells by Gail Carson Levine [MG/children's, non-holocaust historical, arguably also frum rep]
Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler [YA, LGBT Rep, contemporary]
We are Satellites by Sarah Pinsker [science fiction, LGBT rep, audiobook]
+ the Torah portions for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur [translation, Torah/Haftora]
+ the poem "How Divine is Forgiving" by Marge Piercy [poetry]
I read a lot, and even for me, that's a staggering amount of reading! My brain feels. A little microwaved (although tbh that could be the fasting). I also took and posted photographs every day, engaged with other people on three different social media platforms, got retweeted by authors I really admire (Dahlia Adler! Sasha Lamb!), gave a lot of people an opportunity to self promo, and more people a reason to think about Jewish books.
I had an absolute blast. I'm 100% doing this again next year.
More thoughts below the cut!
As I read, a few themes kept recurring. None of them are in all of books, but all are in at least a few:
Math and Science: Biochemists, mathematical geniuses, chess prodigies, girls who count to keep calm, quiz bowl champs—these pages are full of analytical minds trying to fit their worlds into quantitative spaces. The narratives values intelligence, but also, intelligence isn't always enough to save the characters.
Activism: These protagonists march for gun control, pirate drugs to circumvent Big Pharma, run for office, negotiate with royalty, spill stories to the press. Even the protagonist of The Yiddish Policeman's Union, who considers himself deliberately apolitical, is swept up in his world's politics. So many of the narratives are explicit in their politics. It's not implied or made metaphor, but direct.
Diaspora: In every historical story I read, the Jews repeat to themselves and each other, we are safe here, with the narrative signposting that um, no they're not. It's in the science fiction as well. The characters are waiting for the rug to be pulled. Home is never something that lasts forever.
Family Drama: Many of these stories have familial relationships at the forefront, and they're often pretty rough. Parents and children consistently fail to understand one another. Spouses lie and fight and divorce. Siblings undermine each other. And yet almost none of the stories have families who are estranged from one another. All of these families keep trying and trying.
Anxiety: Jewish writers need to fucking chill (myself 100% included). These characters are scared of talking to girls, scared of talking to boys, scared of being honest with their feelings. They're certain that the people around them are hostile (and to be fair, sometimes they're right), they struggle to talk in groups, they compulsively check on their loved ones. Just a stressed group of people.
Joy: Especially in darkness, joy. Music and dancing are common. So is sex. Lots of these books are comedies—the ones with the direst subject matter have the lightest tones.
If you put these things all together—intellectualism, activism, rootlessness, family, anxiety, joy—plus the thing implied by the existence of Jewish books—art—you get about as good a summary of the Jewish Experience as is possible. Or maybe just the Human Experience.
I wonder if these themes will persist in my reading next year, or if I'll find other commonalties among those books. I'm excited to find out!
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Kekw the pirate thing is more of a savanaclaw thing for Halloween, jp server got it last year and en this year
JP server's whole shabang for this year is masquerades
For EN server Halloween rn (and JP for the previous two years) have different themes for each dorm
Heartslabyul skeletons, Savanaclaw pirates, Octavinelle mummies, Scarabia werewolves, Pomefiore vampires, Ignihyde headless (pumpkin) knights, and Diasomnia lóng (Chinese dragon)
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Lilia likes his moe sleeves a lot
Ohhh right, I greatly remember the disparity of the servers since it was JP exclusive before!
Wait does that mean Epel - *searching Epel's dorm, looking for Halloween card* Oh yeah, that's my boy
Lilia looks so cute in that photo too<33
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kingdom-creatin · 4 months
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no context sad little oc man
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kingdom-creatin · 5 days
pirate boy ocs identity stuff dump, visuals via dd2:
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Haeseom - male but in that complicated way where you've never really been allowed to be a person and weapons don't need genders (he/him, prefers deferential address [Sir, Master, etc.]); aromantic; demisexual; gay
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Daejeong - male in an (only slightly) more well adjusted way (he/him); lithromantic; allosexual; gay
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Frederik - more sea creature than human atp, xenogender (he/Captain); aromantic; asexual
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Daria - the concept of a woman once removed (she/they); alloromantic; grey-ace; bisexual
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Lucian - male (he/him); alloromantic; allosexual; gay
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Mullen - no, xenogender (does not care, most use he, it rarely and more in seal form); aromantic; allosexual; omnisexual
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Tana - yes, and no, and also both, and yes actually, sorry can I just take yours for a moment, no I will not be giving it back, so sorry again it's actually gone (she/he/they); demiromantic; demisexual; queer
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Rozali - butch woman in a limited gender way (she/her); alloromantic; allosexual; lesbian
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Clemens - male (he/him); greyromantic; aegosexual; heterosexual
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Aden - male (he/him); alloromantic; allosexual; bisexual
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