condemnhim · 1 year
//TMNT 2012 spoilers//
The way my JAW DROPPED when Mona got stabbed/stung by the insect thing
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jazzystudios82 · 6 months
His Lovely Rose - Chapter 5: Crashing Bulma's Birthday Party
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Previous. . . . Next Chapter. . . .
Location: Outer Space. . . . 
'Thank Zeno no one is here to see this." Brier thought to herself with an embarrassed smile. Why? Because she and Beerus had to use a piece of fabric to tie themselves to Whis's  waist during their travel to Earth, that way they didn't drift away from the angel. 'We could have just held on to Whis's shoulders instead, but Beerus just had to suggest this in case he got hungry and wanted to use both hands to eat. . .' Brier thought, letting out a sigh. 
"Hey Whis, how much longer until we're there?" Beerus asked, bringing Brier back to reality. 
"It shouldn't be too long, my lord. We should be there in just a moment." Whis answered. "Really?" "Beerus, love, if you're so impatient, why don't you just do something to entertain yourself?" Brier suggested. "Hmmm. . .you're right." Beerus said. "Whis, I'm gonna eat the lunch you made." 'That's not what I meant, but alright. . .' Brier thought to herself. 
"My Lady, can you give Lord Beerus his lunch box for me?" Whis asked. "I'd do it myself, but I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment." "Of course! It's no problem." Brier replied. The goddess used her left hand to grab a hold of the lunch box and immediately gave it to Beerus.
Beerus then opened the lunch box, and saw the contents of what was inside of it. The meal Whis made for him consisted of a roasted fish (like he said much earlier), white rice, crispy chicken, octopus tentacles and shrimp. "You know what. . .I just remembered. . ." he muttered. "Hmm? And what's that?" Brier and Whis asked. 
However, instead of answering, Beerus looked at Whis and said, "Hey Whis! Can't you do something about this lunch box?! It's just roasted salmon from Planet Uotorin and Galaxy 65 crispy chicken." "I thought you were already aware of that. Whis told you what he made for you, didn't he?" Brier asked. "Yes I did. I didn't make anything else for you, my lord, so you're just going to have to bear with it." Whis told Beerus. 
"Ugh. I'm sick of these flavors already." Beerus mumbled as he used a pair of wooden chopsticks to eat his meal. "You say that, but you've only had this meal once 160 years ago, remember?" Whis told him. "Oh that's right! It was that time when he destroyed Planet Monsa, wasn't it?" Brier asked. "You're right as always, milady!" Whis said with a smile. 
"Whatever, I said I'm sick of it!" Beerus nearly shouted. "If it bothers you that much, then you can have my lunch afterwards." Brier told him. "Except for the drink, obviously." "Really? Are you sure?" Beerus questioned, surprised. "I know how much you like Kero's cooking." 
"Not as much as you, apparently." Whis joked, though neither Brier or Beerus heard him.
"I can assure you that it's fine." Brier said. She looked at her husband and said, "I mean, unless you don't want to, then Whis and I can simply-" "N-No no! It's fine!" Beerus interrupted. Brier watched as he quickly gobbled up his meal and put the now empty lunch box away. Brier then grabbed ahold of hers and gave it to Beerus, but not before summoning the drink that Kero made for her. Brier opened the cold bottle and took a sip, waiting to see Beerus' reaction to the Hydra pasta dish. 
Beerus used a fork that came with the meal and after twirling it around in the pasta, and making sure to get a bit of Hydra meat in it, put the fork in his mouth to taste the dish. His golden yellow eyes widened in surprise as he shouted, "THIS IS AMAZING!!" 
"I take it that you like it?" Brier joked. "Of course! That familiar of yours certainly knows his way around the kitchen!" Beerus exclaimed as he ate more.
A fact that Brier and Whis were already aware of, but Brier decided not to say anything about that.
"Well, I'm glad that you think so, my lord. I'm surprised that you keep forgetting about that." Whis said jokingly. "In any case, you should hurry up and finish it. Like I said earlier, we'll be arriving on Planet Earth in just a couple minutes." 
Location: Planet Earth. . . .
On a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean, Vegeta was currently laying on one of the ship’s foldable white chairs. Earlier, when the Saiyan Prince was training, he had received a call from his wife's secretary about attending her birthday party. Vegeta didn't really want to go, but at the end of the day, as much as he would never openly admit it, he couldn't really stand the idea of Bulma being upset with him (mainly because he knew that he'd never hear the end of it). 
“Oh, so you did show up." a familiar voice said, getting Vegeta's attention. He looked to the right to see his wife, Bulma. "I know you act all tough, but at the end of the day, you can’t stand the idea of your lovely wife being sad.” she teased.
Vegeta scoffed and looked away. “Everyone else is already here, so how about we go over there and make a big entrance together?” she suggested. “Yeah sure, let’s go see Yamcha.” Vegeta replied, being semi sarcastic. Bulma frowned after that particular comment. No matter what, there always was going to be awkward tension between the three of them due to their shared history. This ended up getting the blue haired woman in a sour mood. “Oh I see, you can’t even pretend to be happy!”
“Of course not!” Vegeta nearly exclaimed. “Ok fine! Suit yourself!” She relented and walked away to join her guests. Vegeta attempted to relax again, but a voice entered his head. One that he hadn't heard in a while.
‘ Hey Vegeta, it’s King Kai! You hear me?’ 
Surprised, Vegeta sat up and asked, “King Kai? What could you possibly want from me?” ‘Hey, drop the attitude for a few seconds! I’m trying to help you here! Beerus the Destroyer is heading to Earth as we speak.’ he revealed.
“Beerus the Destroyer? I think I’ve heard that name before. I believe back on Planet Vegeta, the elders would tell us stories about him, or something like that.” Vegeta said. ‘Well good for you, I'm sure that you're very worldly and cultured, now listen. He’s looking for a challenge, so do NOT engage him in any way! So no insulting, no fighting, no Vegeta-ing of any kind! Otherwise, if someone or something sets him off, it’ll mean the complete destruction of Earth!’ 
“What?! You really mean that he’ll blow up the Earth?” Vegeta questioned ‘Yes! And just in case you have delusions of grandeur and fight him, don’t! He already beat Goku in two blows!’ Vegeta’s eyes widened. Goku fought Beerus the Destroyer and lost? “Are you serious? He defeated Kakarot that easily?!” ‘YES! He beat him that easily! He's lucky that he didn't kill him!' King Kai told him. 'Now luckily for you, his wife, Lady Brier, is also coming with him, and she knows how to get him to listen to her. So if you get on her good side, then Beerus won’t do anything to Earth if she says so! So be sure to be extra nice to her, understand?!’ 
What was that? Beerus has a wife? From the stories he’s heard, Vegeta doesn’t recall any of them mentioning him being married. But then again, it had been awhile that he thought of Beerus, so it was possible that he had forgotten about her. He tried to ask King Kai for more questions, but he was already gone.
'Oh, well that's just great!' Vegeta thought as he got off of his chair.
He then began to look around the cruise ship to see if he could find anyone who matched the description of Beerus from myth. So far, nothing. It was just the usual people he’s seen before. His son Trunks playing with his friends Goten, Marron, Chiaotzu, and three new kids he hadn't seen before. A human child, an imp, and a. . .dog? Maybe they were the children of an old family friend of Bulma's or something. Regardless, they didn't matter. 
While he was looking around, all Vegeta could see was Bulma, Videl, Chi-Chi, and #18 talking amongst themselves near some kind of swim-up bar near the pool, Master Roshi reading dirty magazines by said pool, Piccolo and Gohan sitting at a table talking about Gohan's new job (probably), Majin Buu and Mr. Satan eating from some of the many buffets, and lastly, Krillin in an eating contest with Oolong with Tien, Yamcha, The Bull King, and Puar as witnesses. Vegeta didn't see anything out of the ordinary, so he left.  
Frustrated, Vegeta punched the wall next to him, leaving a dent. ‘Kakarot’s been beaten in two blows. . .what makes him think that he could do that? Challenge a deity?’ Vegeta thought. He looked at his gloved hand to see that it was shaking. It was as if he was frightened.‘Dammit, pull yourself together! Prince Vegeta does not tremble before any foe! Beerus the Destroyer. . .why is he here? And why is that name familiar? Yes I’ve heard of him before, but when?’ 
“Well well, if it isn’t Prince Vegeta." 
"!" Startled, the Saiyan Prince looked to see who snuck on him. There was no one there. Or so he thought. Vegeta continued to look around, trying to find who the voice belonged to. 'They're around here somewhere! I just know it! Or maybe, it was just my imagination-' “Boo!” someone shouted behind him, causing Vegeta to jump a little. He immediately turned to see a purple cat-like being, a red eyed white skinned woman, and a light blue skinned man with white hair. Who were they? 
“Greetings.” the cat spoke. The voice from earlier belonged to him. “Who are you?” Vegeta questioned. “Telling you that is a waste of time, considering you won’t be alive for much longer.” he answered, getting on Vegeta's nerves. 
“Why you-” As he attempted to lunge towards him, Vegeta felt something stop him and begin to weigh him down, causing him to fall to the ground.'W-What’s happened to my body? I can barely move!’ 
Vegeta did his best to look up, and stared at the face of the cat-like entity, to see the smug look of superiority on his face. "It's hard to imagine that the last time we crossed paths, you were just a boy. I swear that it was only yesterday that your father, King Vegeta, was putting out quite the spread in honor of me and my wife's arrival. A shame that your mother had to miss it. Maybe then she'd realize how pathetic the man she married truly was." "!" Realization hit him like a truck. Vegeta definitely remembered where he had seen this bastard before. It was so long ago, back when he was a young child and when Planet Vegeta was still around.
A much younger Prince Vegeta had watched from afar as Beerus and his two companions ate the feast that his father had the chefs prepare. He remembered that it took them hours to make it, they practically slaved over the stoves to get the soups and meats cooked to perfection. 
The young prince peeked from his little corner to see his father, sitting near the pretty woman with shockingly pale skin, nervously ask, "S-So, how is it, my lord?" "It's fine." was all Beerus said. This did little to calm the king's nerves. Vegeta couldn't help but wish that his mother was here. She was always calm and composed whenever Beerus and his companions visited. But she just had to take Tarble with her to visit her parents on the other side of Planet Vegeta. Why? This was clearly more important. 
Vegeta's attention was diverted back to the dinner table when he saw the pale woman saying something to his father, and it seemed to have a calming effect on the Saiyan King. She even seemed to have made a joke as his father laughed with whatever it was she said. 'This is good, right? After all, I remember hearing Father say that if they made Beerus's woman happy, then everything will be fine.' So Vegeta continued to watch from his spot to see what would happen next.
"So Your Majesty, did you take care of that little request I asked of you?" Beerus asked, putting his knife and fork down on the table. King Vegeta immediately stiffened and replied with, "A-As a matter of fact, yes! I had my messengers send what you requested as soon as we obtained it." 
"Oh. . .is that a fact?" 
"Yes. . .and I-" The king was unable to finish his sentence as Beerus stood up from his seat and smacked his host across the face so hard, that he practically fell out of his seat and onto the cold hard floor. Not only did this surprise Vegeta, but his father as well as he attempted to get off the ground while Beerus's companions stood up and went to where Vegeta was.
" L-Lord Beerus! What are you-" 
"Be quiet." 
After walking up to King Vegeta, Beerus had then made the King of the Saiyans get down on his hands and knee, with his foot on the back of King Vegeta’s head to keep him in place. He was not happy. Not happy in the slightest. “Can your miserable little brain comprehend why I’m angry, Saiyan King?” he asked him, his tone sharp. "Answer me." “A-Are you angry because I failed to keep my promise to fulfill your mission in the timespan you gave me, Lord Beerus?” King Vegeta answered in the form of a question.   
“I’m sorry that it's taking longer than I thought it would-” “Wrong!” Beerus said. Vegeta watched as his father was being humiliated. The woman who came with Beerus and his attendant told him to look away, but he couldn’t. "Your Highness, I think it would be best if-"  “How can Father stand this humiliation? Just who does this filth think he is?!” the young Saiyan wondered out loud, interrupting the woman. 
“Now, don’t say that so loudly. You don’t want him to hear you and get even more upset, right?” the pale woman asked him, but Vegeta wasn’t listening. He was too busy looking at the scene before him. 
“You know, I like to consider myself a rather flexible deity, and I know you mortals have your limitations. But there is one thing I cannot tolerate; the callous arrogance of those who do not pay the respect a destroyer is due.” Beerus told the king. 
He then pressed his foot against King Vegeta’s head a little harder, causing cracks to form in the ground underneath him. 
“I ordered you to find me the most comfortable pillow in all the universe, and I know that you obtained it." Beerus revealed, which made the prince even angrier. He's doing all of this over a stupid pillow?! "I'll admit, your tenacity was impressive, though your methods. . .were a bit severe. I bet that you don't even know how many creatures you killed in that raid. Though it'd be quite hypocritical of me if that was why I'm angry with you."
"T-Then. . .why-" 
"I know you switched it with another. To think that you had the audacity to take it for yourself and give me the second best.” Beerus explained. "It amazes me that Queen Eschalot puts up with you." He took his foot off of the king’s head, and used his right hand to grab him tightly by the hair. “Not only that, but I caught you staring at my wife’s chest several times during dinner. That’s not something that a king should do when he has guests over. . .especially if he's already married and if her husband is right next to you.”
"W-What?! I-I didn't-" 
Vegeta didn’t see what happened next since the pale woman, Beerus’ wife apparently, covered his eyes, but he heard the sound of bones cracking and his father screaming. "Your Highness, perhaps we should-" Vegeta didn't listen to what she was trying to tell him, since he slapped her hand away from him.  Not only did this surprise her, but it also surprised the white haired attendant that came with them. "Your Highness?" 
“Bastard. . .that is the King of all Saiyans!” the young boy shouted as he ran towards the destroyer god.  
Beerus heard the sound of the young prince’s yells, so he used a technique to make the boy stop in his tracks and fall to the floor. What just happened? How did he do that? 
The woman walked towards the prince and kneeled beside him. She picked the child up and carried him in her arms, placing him in a nearby chair, surprising Beerus, the boy, and his father. She raised her hand towards his forehead, and muttered something softly. Her soft white hand glowed a light shade of red.  
“Hey! W-What are you-” “It’s alright, Your Highness. In an hour this will all seem like a bad dream, I promise.” she interrupted, her tone soft and gentle. Like that of a mother soothing her frightened child. It kind of reminded him of how his mother, Eschalot, would calm him or Tarble down when they'd have the occasional nightmare.
Vegeta attempted to ask her what she meant with the "bad dream" comment, but he felt his eyes getting heavy. He couldn't help but yawn and get comfortable in the chair he was sitting in. It didn’t take long for him to surrender to the darkness and fall asleep. 
That woman was right. When he had awakened from his slumber, Vegeta had assumed that it was a nightmare and thought nothing of it. In fact, whenever he told his father or mother about it, King Vegeta would interrupt him and tell him that it was nothing to worry about. That it never really happened to begin with and that it came from the over-active imagination of a little boy. He really wished it was like that.
‘O-Of course, that’s who Beerus the Destroyer is. No wonder he beat Kakarot with two blows!’ Vegeta thought to himself. His dark eyes looked at the woman next to him. She was the one who made him fall asleep when he attempted to intervene. Is that woman his wife? If so, how could someone like her be married to a god like Beerus? He groaned internally when he realized that he almost sounded like Beerus all those years ago when he said the same thing about his mother's relationship with his father. 
“You know, I spared you as a child because I was convinced that you would entertain me when you were older.” Beerus said, bringing Vegeta out of his thoughts. “Anyway, it turns out you're just another disappointment, just like your father. I should have destroyed your planet myself.” He walked closer to Vegeta and kneeled to his level.
“Now then, why don’t you prove me wrong and tell me something useful about this Super Saiyan God?” he ordered. 
“A Super Saiyan God?” Vegeta questioned. What was he talking about? “Hmm, it seems like letting me down is a Saiyan’s specialty.” Beerus mumbled, loud enough for Vegeta to hear. “Wait, let me think! I-”
“Please tell me that you’re not doing push ups.”
Everyone looked behind to see an Earth woman with a drink in hand. Vegeta gulped nervously. Why did Bulma have to show up at a time like this?!
Bulma noticed her husband was struggling to get up off the floor, and she began to worry. “Are you ok?”
“Stay back!! Get out of here!” Vegeta shouted, trying to warn her. 
“That’s not a very nice way to speak to a woman, Prince Vegeta.” Beerus told him, then added, “There’s nothing to worry about my lady, I think he just had too much to drink.” “Who are you guys?” Bulma questioned.
“I apologize, we should have introduced ourselves. My name is Whis, madame.” the white haired man said, and gestured to the two other people behind him. “The fine gentleman to my right is Lord Beerus, and the lovely woman to my left is his wife, Lady Brier of the Plantae.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss.” Brier said, giving a curtsy. “I greatly apologize if the three of us have caused any distress.” she added. 
“Oh. . .that’s alright.” Bulma said, pleasantly shocked by their good manners. If they're Vegeta's friends, then how come their good manners didn't rub off on him? “Actually, now that I think about it, what are you three doing here?” Bulma asked. “We were just passing by your planet when we saw Prince Vegeta, so we thought we’d stop by and give him our regards.” Beerus told her. 
“Oh, you’re all from space? I guess I should have put that together.” Bulma replied, finally taking in their appearance. “To tell you the truth, I’m surprised. I didn’t think Vegeta had friends. I'm Bulma, and I’m his wife, believe it or not. Today’s my birthday, so I’m throwing a little party. Well, I guess it’s a big party when you rent a ship." Bulma told them. "Anyway, you’re all welcome to join us if you want.”
“My my, what a generous offer, earth woman. Thank you, honestly my nose has been tantalized by the most intriguing aromas since we got here.” Beerus said, which Brier smiled at. Even at times like this, he was thinking about food.
“In that case, let’s go.” Bulma said and led her new guests to the party.
Vegeta, still on the ground, stared in disbelief. What the hell just happened?
He quickly got up and followed Bulma. He made it just in time to see that she was introducing Beerus, Whis, and Brier to the others on a stage that was intended for performing, though it seemed that the entertainers Bulma hired were in the crowd as well. 
"Attention everyone!" Bulma said loudly, getting her guests to stop what they were doing and look at her. "Allow me to introduce Vegeta's friends. Their names are Beerus, Whis, and Brier." she added, gesturing to all three of them. "Hello everybody, and good afternoon!" Beerus exclaimed, waving his right hand in the air as a form of greeting them. "It's a pleasure to meet you all!" Brier added with a smile gracing her face. 
Everyone seemed to be intrigued by Brier, Beerus, and Whis. The reason the Titan knew this was because she heard some of the party goers say: 
"It's nice to meet you!" 
"Wow! I didn't know that your dad was friends with such a pretty woman, Trunks." 
"I didn't either."
"If they're aliens, do you think Vegeta met them sometime before coming to Earth?" 
"How come Vegeta's never mentioned them before?" 
After looking away from the crowd, Brier glanced back at her husband to see that he got off the stage and was introducing himself to the other guests. 'He seems to be in a good mood, thankfully.' she thought to herself. 
Brier then felt an odd feeling, as if someone staring at her. "?" Not knowing who, Brier looked around to see who it could possibly be. No one in the audience seemed to be paying any attention to her, except for a creepy old man with sunglasses and a white beard and his pig friend, but that's not who she was looking for. Someone was missing. But who? Then she remembered. Where was Vegeta?
Brier continued to look around until her eyes landed on Vegeta, who was strangely hiding behind a potted plant. For some reason, it reminded her of when she first met him as a boy on Planet Vegeta. He would hide behind something if she caught him looking at her. Although at that time, it was because he seemed like a shy little boy. But now? Brier could tell from the look in his eyes that he was weary of her husband Beerus. Not that she could blame him. 
"-r? Lady Brier!" Whis' voice said, bringing Brier back to reality. "Huh? I'm sorry, what is it?" Brier asked Whis. "Ms Bulma wanted to ask you something." he told her. "Oh! Of course! What is it?" Brier asked the light blue haired woman. "I was just wondering if you wanted to meet any of my friends?" Bulma said. "They're all pretty friendly, I promise." "I suppose so. Lead the way." Brier said as Bulma led her away from Beerus and Whis. "Although I need to give you a bit of a heads up on a certain someone." Bulma whispered in Brier's ear. 
"And that person is?" 
"Look out for Master Roshi. He's a bit of a pervert." Bulma whispered with a look of slight disgust. "If he does or says anything, let me know and I'll take care of it."
"Ah. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is he the one with the white beard and the sunglasses?" Brier asked quietly. "Yup! That's him! Wait, please don't tell me he didn't try anything already, did he?" Bulma asked, worried. "Oh no! I just caught him staring at me, is all." Brier promised. "Besides, if he does try anything, I can simply turn him into a toad or Beerus will simply annihilate him for me." 
"Oh ok. . .wait, what was that?" 
AN: Pretty sure I made a mistake with this chapter somewhere, but I'll fix it later because I'm really tired right now.
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angels-playspace · 5 months
da monsa hi boo york songs SOO gud!!
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iqmmir · 3 months
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Nnarji moniga ... Naryni monsa. . Nayuni minha...
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neontapirguts · 2 years
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A commission for WesleyGluttmon over on Twitter. Two gay fat trucker birb-mons just having a good ol time~
Posted using PostyBirb
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Your the 69 note on the admin sniper video.
Also, the monsa lisa will be replaced by the video dw da vinky has nothing on it
Adminsniper 69 (gets shot)
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multeidei · 2 years
Sa ne bucuram de orice ocazie pe care o avem pentru a cumpara ceva ce avem nevoie pentru acasa. Asta este cea mai buna decizie pe care o luam, daca ne interesam de propriul confort.
Este usor sa credem ca suntem la un nivel acceptabil de confort. Insa incalzirea apartamentelor este foarte importanta.
Trebuie sa ne concentram pe ceea ce trebuie si pe ceea ce ne da valoare. Asta este ceea ce vreau sa realizam intr-un timp cat mai scurt.
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thenomadanthrop · 2 years
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Nagmahal, Nasaktan, Nag Hiking ng naka polo at naka tsinelas lol. But seriously it’s a great experience though lalo na pag dating monsa tuktok. Pero seryoso, nakatulong to sa pagiisp, pagtanggap sa kung ano man ang nangyayari sa uhay ko ngayon. Nagpapasalamat ako sa kapatid ko at sa jowa nya dahil sa experience na to.
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Week 2: Library Task 1
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Task 1.) Find one image in a book from any shelf of the library. Photocopy the image. Make sure to record all information of the image, both bibliographic and contextual.
I found this really beautiful mushroom piece by Emily Taylor in the book People of Print for this task. Personally I suck at using color and creating color palettes and it's something I want to get batter at. In this print the colors are complementing each other so well, making each other pop and overall it looks so vibrant, that's pretty impressive to me. Anyone who can use color well, I tip my hat to you.
The red-pink-yellow combo is also something I'd like to try out in a Riso print this year!
Now to citing this thing Harvard Style:
Amell, Carolina. Risography : Loving Imperfections. Sant Adriá De Besós, Barcelona Monsa D.L, 2017.
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denorteanorte · 1 month
Boleto Milei: con SUBE registrada $371,13 el mínimo de colectivo y $200 el de tren
En otra de sus políticas regresivas, el gobierno nacional aumenta el boleto de colectivo el 37%. Desde que se inició la gestión Milei el servicio de transporte público solamente aumento el boleto pero no mejoró su calidad. El servicio sigue con pocas -y menos- frecuencias; no se renuevan unidades y líneas como la 60 (ex MONSA) redujeron tramos de recorridos para cobrar dos en lugar de un boleto…
0 notes
koyoi-band · 3 months
2024.7.25 thu
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下北沢ERA ERA presents A Day in The Life
W / sleep through life neu zattana monsa momostolen
OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 前売/当日 ¥2200/¥2700(+1D¥600)
お取り置きフォーム https://forms.gle/KgDMce4TzuADXhEx8
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monsa2024 · 7 months
INCI name:  Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine
MONSA® CHSB-50 is widely compatible with anionic, cationic and nonionic surfactant, can also low down their irritation. It has excellent washing, conditioning, antistatic and bactericidal effects. It is extremely mild to the skin, excellent in softness, rich in foam, delicate and stable with excellent resistance to hard water and thickening, high viscosity of formula viscosity. This product can hold more salt when thickened with salt, reducing the influence of temperature factors on product status.
MONSA® CHSB-50 Parameters
INCI name
Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine
Trade name
Molecular formula
N-Cocoamidopropyl-N,N-dimethyl-N-2-hydroxypropyl sulfobetaine Cocamidohydroxypropyl sulfobetaine Derivs.,hydroxides,innersalts
MONSA® CHSB-50 Features
MONSA® CHSB-50 is widely compatible with anionic, cation and nonionic surfactant, can also low down their irritation. It has excellent washing, conditioning, antistatic and bactericidal effects.
It is extremely mild to the skin, excellent in softness, rich in foam, delicate and stable; Excellent resistance to hard water and thickening, high viscosity of formula viscosity.
This product can hold more salt when thickened with salt, reducing the influence of temperature factors on product status.
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0 notes
gaykneecaps · 7 months
well you got your wish.. youll always be remembered.. in thes eame breashth.... sas the monsa liesa..
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ilsonbrito · 1 year
Manza Tubarão - Monsa Tubarão - Ilson Brito
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young-ugly-god · 5 years
Monsa's lack of a bonnet really be bugging me like someone slap a silk scarf or something on this girls head PLEASE THINK OF THE CURLS
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te--quiero-aqui · 4 years
Cada vez que pienso en ella, mi corazón se acelera cada vez más y más.
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