#monsieur reyer
[Barges into your room without even knocking] Help me-
( @sweetest-soprano here’s your answer)
[He flinches so bad that he rams his elbow into a nearby object. He is confused, frightened, and in pain. Average musician's state, really.]
What the f–???
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stolenrocket218 · 1 month
"average music major breaks 10 batons a year" factoid actually just statistical error. average music major breaks 0 batons per year.
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Monsieur Reyer, who is constantly filled with rage and breaks 27 batons each week, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Spiders Georg jokes aside, I decided to try coloring with a different pen and also wanted to draw Reyer properly, so, here we are
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polikszena · 2 years
Ficlet Advent Calendar - December 10
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Title: Christmas spirit Fandom: The Phantom of the Opera Characters: Giles André, Richard Firmin, Reyer, Carlotta Guidicelli, The Phantom (Erik) Relationships: André/Firmin Word Count: 1069 Rating: Teen and up audiences Summary: As Christmas is getting nearer, The Phantom of the Opera decides to add his own touch to the festive decoration of the Garnier Palace. Notes: A little bit of festive crack straight out of the Paris Opera House.
December 10 - Christmas spirit
Dear Directors,
As Christmas is getting near, I have decided to collaborate in the decoration of the theatre to spread out a little Christmas cheer in the Opera Populaire. Keep them intact and nobody gets hurt. You do not want to see any alterations on the Nativity set in the hall, or do you? And, as usual, leave Box 5 empty for me.
I shall remain your obedient servant,
Monsieur Giles André swallowed thickly as he put the letter down. What on earth did the Phantom add to the otherwise tasteful decoration inside the building? His imagination began to run wild and he envisioned cut-off body parts hanging from the pine branches and red tinsels. And how dare he threaten them again? And what did he want to do with the Nativity set? Rumours had it that a few years ago someone stole Baby Jesus and replaced him with a cabbage.
“What is this supposed to mean?” he burst out.
“Don’t worry, André, I checked it,” Monsieur Richard Firmin assured him. “I thought it was going to be something outrageous, but it’s actually some mistletoes only.”
“Mistletoes?” André raised a brow. “Why?”
“No idea,” Firmin shrugged his shoulders. “It’s still better than body parts. Or cabbages.”
“I’m not complaining, I just don’t understand. Mistletoes are not that beautiful. I think he put them up for a purpose other than decoration.”
“Perhaps he was just touched by the Christmas Spirit,” Firmin mused. “He’s human after all.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Maybe he is a Christmas Spirit himself,” the other director continued. “The Ghost of Christmas That Never Comes.”
“This is not a joke,” André warned him.
“I know. But I think mistletoes are pretty harmless.”
“Well, a few kisses cannot hurt, can they?” André said after thinking about it a little.
At that moment the door opened and Monsieur Reyer stormed into the directors’ office, followed by an enraged Carlotta Guidicelli.
“This has to stop!” the man said.
“Good morning to you, too, Monsieur Reyer,” Firmin greeted him.
“What is it that has to stop?” André wondered.
“Someone hung a mistletoe above my piano, and we cannot start rehearsing because the girls keep kissing me!” he told them, with his moustache trembling with anger under his nose. “On my cheek, of course, but still, it stops us from working!”
“You can go to the other rehearsal room,” Firmin suggested. “Nobody is using that right now.”
“Or we can take the mistletoe down,” Reyer said.
“To have a cabbage instead of Baby Jesus? Thank you, but no.”
“The mistletoes are presents of the Phantom,” André explained.
“Of course,” Carlotta snorted. “Should have known.”
“And what about you?” Firmin asked. “Does the mistletoe stop you from rehearsing a well?”
“No, and that’s the problem! Nobody wants to kiss me!”
Firmin had to press his lips together to suppress his laughter. He could understand the others not wanting to kiss their primadonna – he wouldn’t want to kiss her either, and no mistletoe could make him change his mind.
“Well, according to his letter, there are several mistletoes in the building,” André said, showing her the Phantom’s letter.
“You might get lucky under another one,” Firmin added, and now André had to struggle with laughter. “Just keep on trying.”
“The rules are whoever is standing under the mistletoe can be kissed and not has to be,” Reyer pointed out.
“But what’s the point of mistletoes if nobody wants to kiss me?” Carlotta continued.
“Perhaps they are intimidated by you, Signora,” Reyer said.
“We suggest talking to Signor Piangi about the case,” André said.
“Unless Monsieur Reyer volunteers,” Firmin added.
“My apologies, but I’d rather not,” he shook his head. “I don’t think I’m worthy.”
Nice save, Firmin thought to himself.
“Indeed, you’re not,” Carlotta said then she left the office with a huff and her head held high.
“We’ll continue in the other room, then,” Reyer said and he left as well.
“Harmless, huh?” André asked once they were alone again.
Truth to be told, The Phantom didn’t place the mistletoes just for the Opera Populaire’s delight: he put them up because he wanted to kiss somebody. Christine Daaé, the young and talented soprano. However, he wasn’t lucky. Christine either managed to avoid standing under the mistletoes, or she was always with company. The young ballerinas and the chorus girls soon realised that moving in groups could prevent the men asking them for kisses, even if they were underneath a mistletoe, so Christine was always walking around with Meg Giry or with some other girls from the choir. The Phantom didn’t give up; he continued hanging mistletoes in other places inside the building as well: such as above the door leading to the stage, or some more on the corridors (including one near the directors’ office), and he kept his eyes open.
The cast and the crew got used to the mistletoes within a few days; some of them even forgot that they were there. The Nativity set in the hall remained intact as well: no-one touched Baby Jesus or any other figurine either. One Day, when Monsieur Firmin came to work, he stopped in the corridor to take of his thick, leather gloves, when Monsieur André stepped out of the office.
“Good morning, Giles, how are you?” Firmin greeted him with a smile.
André opened his mouth to reply, but he noticed the mistletoe hanging down from the ceiling, right above his co-director’s head.
“What is it?” Firmin asked, seeing his eyes going wide.
André pointed upwards, and when Firmin saw the mistletoe, he just shrugged his shoulders.
“I don’t mind if you don’t either,” he said. He’d rather kissed André than Carlotta.
“Alright then,” the other man said.
The Phantom, who was hiding in the walls, watching the situation unfold, couldn’t believe his eyes: he had just witnessed the two directors kiss each other.
“Wow,” André mumbled when their lips parted.
“This was much better than I thought it would be,” Firmin admitted.
“Definitely,” André agreed. “Do you think we can run into each other under a different mistletoe?”
“I hope so. Just don’t tell my wife.”
“And to mine.”
They both laughed then Firmin went into the office and André headed to the rehearsal room. Hiding in the walls, the Phantom of the Opera had to admit that for this kiss only it was worth putting up those mistletoes.
Read it on AO3
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scvereignreigned · 8 months
🎶 – christine daae
🎶 – erik / the phantom
🎶 – raoul de changy
🎶 – madame giry
🎶 – richard firmin
🎶 – gillies andre
🎶 – joseph buquet
🎶 – meg giry
🎶 – carlotta giudicelli
🎶 – ubaldo piangi
🎶 – the chorus
🎶 – monsieur lefevre
🎶 – monsieur reyer
🎶 – aesthetic
🎶 – headcanons
🎶 – musings
🎶 – about
🎶 – wardrobe
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bitterseaproduction · 2 years
So yeah, not sure if I'll put anything up directly on ao3 (might depend on how treatment goes) but I've been going through wrist and hand issues since last summer, which translated to tingling aches over the holidays, and now numbness and weakness in both hands. I got a study last week that confirmed double carpal tunnel, and I should be discussing severity and treatment options on Thursday, but for now, the point is that's probably been affecting my writing motivation before I was even aware of it. Even with voice-to-text, it's hard to get really into writing with that.
...That SAID, I can't entirely blame my hands for my hiatus. Been watching a lot of games and been busy with family, ~and~ coming back from seeing PotO has my headspace soundly on that. Been revisiting ol' rps and just brainstorming stuff, building would-be stories in my head, even if the thought of writing for phandom solo is overwhelming new territory. Especially since my Erik/Meg otp and 15+ years of headcanons would be beyond niche, and big plans = dedication I likely cannot give (see above wrist drama). Especially since I AM dedicated to finishing A Truth So Strong when I can. But that doesn’t stop me from binging musical songs and mentally organizing thoughts and trying to translate old headcanons into more mainstream phan friendly ideas, and initially balking and then coming to love the idea of a Meg-Raoul friendship. pouty puppy & bratty big sis ftw. (even though he's older. shush.)
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thisloathsomegargoyle · 6 months
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"𝔖𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣, ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔬𝔫𝔢..
"𝔄𝔫𝔡 ℑ'𝔪 𝔤𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔣𝔬𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔢..."
This is a roleplay blog for The Phantom of the Opera, known for the purposes of this blog as Erik Carriere. Inspired by Leroux and Webber canon, with small hints of 1990 miniseries characterization. Definitely not fully canon-compliant.
Not particularly selective on who interacts, just looking to have some good fun writing for my boy. Interactions from other PotO RP blogs are welcomed, and encouraged!
Any messages considered too unsavory will be deleted. No NSFW asks, ship war, character hate, or other unnecessary attempts at discourse, please – we're here to have fun!
(feat. my un-fucked Erik moodboard. because I fucked up on the old one because I made it at 2am)
#the ghost's answers – asks
What all the tags mean:
#ghostly reblogs – reblogs, obviously
#the musings of a phantom – random posts
P.S.: If you want to bully a poor opera house manager just trying to do his job, then perhaps Monsieur André over at @memoirsofamanager is a good candidate ;)
Enjoy, and have fun!
I also recently made one for M. Reyer. Because he's silly. You can find him over at @godstiredestmusicmajor.
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I know that at least two Jellylorums were also Christines in "Phantom" (Marni Raab and Sara Jean Ford)--would you happen to know who some of the others were?
Are you looking specifically for Jellylorums that were previously Christines, or more like the general Phantom - CATS or CATS - Phantom pipeline? I can give you a decent list of both, since we'd be atom smashing two hyperfixations together.
Format: NAME OF PERFORMER - Role in Phantom (Role in Cats)
Sorted by part played in PotO - I won't be naming all locations of productions these individuals were in for the sake of some kind of brevity. Since you asked mainly for Jellylorums who have been Christine, I have taken the liberty to BOLD them for easy reference.
(Note that this is not an extensive list - just a bulky one - I was already getting too long in the tooth haha)
Sarah Brightman - Christine Daaé (Jemima - OLC)
Nikki Ankara - Christine Daaé (UK 1st Tour) (Jellylorum - London)
Celia Graham - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - RCCL, Palladium, UK Tour 2016 etc)
Theresa Borg - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - Circus Tour 1999)
Maree Johnson - Christine Daaé (Guest Grizabella - Circus Tour 2000)
Myrra Malmberg - Christine Daaé (Young Grizabella - Gothenburg 1989 non-replica)
Katie Knight-Adams - Christine Daaé (Swing - UK Tour 1993, Jemima - London)
Mia van den Eykel - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - Aus/Asia Tour 1995)
Iren Bartok - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - London)
Zoe Curlett - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - UK Tour 2003 - 2009)
Debra Stables - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - London)
Josie Walker - Christine Daaé (Grizabella - London and UK Tour 1993)
Renée Knapp - Christine Daaé (Jennyanydots/Griddlebone - Amsterdam)
Lydia Gerrard - Cover Christine (Cover Jellylorum and Grizabella - Asia Tour 2022)
Marti Webb - Christine Daaé (Grizabella - London)
Colleen Besett - Christine Daaé (Jennyanydots - Berlin and Dusseldorf)
Els Bongers - Christine Daaé (Booth Singer - Amsterdam)
Teresa de Zarn - Christine Daaé (Sillabub - Broadway)
Diane Fratantoni - Christine Daaé (Swing - Broadway, cover Cassandra, Etcetera, Grizabella, Jellylorum / Griddlebone, Rumpleteazer, Sillabub)
Marina Prior - Christine Daaé (Jellylorum - Sydney 1985)
Steve Barton - Raoul/The Phantom - (Munkustrap Original Vienna)
Richard Todd Adams - Raoul/The Phantom (Cats Chorus)
Jeremy Hays - Raoul (The Rum Tum Tugger)
Bronson Norris Murphy - Raoul/Others - (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Brad Little - The Phantom (Old Deuteronomy)
Mark McKerracher - The Phantom (Old Deuteronomy)
Pierre-Yves Duchesne - The Phantom (Old Deuteronomy)
Ian Jon Bourg - The Phantom (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Ethan Freeman - The Phantom (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Peter Polycarpou - The Phantom (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Scott Davies - The Phantom (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Phyllida Crowley Smith - Meg Giry (Victoria)
Emma Harris - Meg Giry (Victoria)
Emmanuelle Guélin - Meg Giry (Victoria)
 Karin Seyfried - Meg Giry (Jennyanydots)
Julie Carlton - Meg Giry (Electra)
Sharyn Winney - Meg Giry Understudy/Ballet Corps (Tantomile, Sillabub, Swing)
Kathleen Mullin - Meg Giry (Rumpleteazer, Swing)
Kimberley Partridge - Meg Giry (Jemima)
Jeehyun Noh - Meg Giry (Jemima)
Claire Lander - Meg Giry (Jemima)
Peter Kevoian - Monsieur Reyer (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Greg Castiglioni - Ubaldo Piangi (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Tony McGill - Assistant Conductor (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Andrew Keelan - Passarino (Walking Cover/Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Wim Van Den Driessche - Monsieur Firmin (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
Gareth Snook - Monsieur Andre (Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher)
John Dewar - Swing (Asparagus/Gus/Growltiger)
John Ellis - Ubaldo Piangi (Old Deuteronomy)
Nathan Patrick Morgan - Jeweler/Ubaldo Piangi Cover (Swing, Chorus, Asparagus/Gus/Bustopher, Old Deuteronomy, etc)
Saverio Pescucci - Dancer/Ensemble (Alonzo)
Sharon Wheatley - Replacement Page/Swing (Jennyanydots)
Katharine Heaton - Swing and Understudy (Swing/Jellylorum)
Karl Morgan - Dancer in the 2004 Film (Pouncival 1998)
Chrissy Brooke - Ballet Girl (Chorus Cat in 2019 Film)
Marisa Paull Gorst - Dancer/Ballet Girl (Swing)
Marise Dusheiko - Ballet Girl (Victoria)
Harriet Ho Yin Chung - Ballet Girl (Swing)
Myrthes Monteiro - Ensemble (Jemima)
Lucius Wolter - Ensemble (Walking Cover)
Matt McFarlane - Understudy Phantom/Raoul in Love Never Dies (Munkustrap)
Bradley Delarosbel - Unknown (Likely Ensemble) (Admetus/Macavity)
Stephen Morgante - Unknown - likely ensemble (Skimbleshanks/Swing)
Anton Luitingh - Resident Director/Possibly Played Raoul (Munkustrap)
And technically, Jack Rebaldi was supposed to play Monsieur André in the Theatre Mogador production of PotO, but that was tragically cut short and never came to fruition (justice for that cast).
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memoirsofamanager · 2 months
Have you ever heard music come from seemingly nowhere?
With how often I get stuck at the theater doing menial tasks, I tend to hear mysterious music quite a bit.
Whether it's our Phantom, sleep deprivation, or Monsieur Reyer making interesting practice room choices, well...It's a lottery. All three are known to occur.
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torontophantom · 2 years
The Phantom of the Opera - 35th Anniversary Live on Broadway
Not usually one to post this sort of thing, but considering the historical significance I couldn’t not. Please enjoy.
The Phantom of the Opera - 35th Anniversary Live on Broadway January 26, 2023 - The Majestic Theatre New York City
Cast: Ben Crawford (The Phantom of the Opera), Emilie Kouatchou (Christine Daaé), Paul A. Schaefer (u/s Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta Giudicelli), Craig Bennett (Monsieur Firmin), Nehal Joshi (Monsieur André), Maree Johnson (Madame Giry), Carlton Moe (Ubaldo Piangi), Sara Esty (Meg Giry), Carrington Vilmont (Auctioneer), Jim Weitzer (Monsieur Reyer/Hairdresser), Tug Watson (u/s Jeweler), Laird Mackintosh (Monsieur Lefèvre/Firechief), David Michael Garry (Joseph Buquet/Don Attilio), Jeremy Stolle (Passarino), Kfir (Hannibal Solo Dancer), Weston Krukow (u/s Il Muto Solo Dancer), Kanisha Marie Feliciano (Page), Chris Georgetti (Porter/Fireman), Trista Moldovan (Spanish Lady), Satomi Hoffmann (Wardrobe Mistress/Confidante), Elizabeth Welch (Hannibal Princess), Kelly Jeanne Grant (Madame Firmin), Janet Saia (u/s Innkeeper's Wife), Jason Forbach (e/c Marksman)
Notes: Recorded from the Front Mez. The person beside me was enjoying some theatre snacks throughout the show, so apologies for any disturbances as a result of this. I also missed the very beginning of the Entr'acte, but there's a few other masters out there should you want to do an insert. Includes the full speeches during curtain call (including the boos when they mention the closing), and the shout out to the swings. We missed you Greg!
Truly a magical night, with absolutely amazing energy. As others have said, Emilie's "Wishing..." might be the best I've ever seen.
And to the guy outside the theatre with the sign asking for an extra Playbill, who I graciously gave my extra to, only to then notice him tuck it into his jacket and continue to stand there gathering more of the limited edition Playbills: the Opera Ghost is not pleased...
- O.G.
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glindaupland · 2 years
35th Anniversary - Audio Gift
finally finished cleaning up my 35th anniversary audio so here’s a gift if you’d like another version among the bunch released
The Phantom of the Opera (Andrew Lloyd Webber) - Broadway January 26, 2023 - 35th Anniversary
This includes a full video of Ben Crawford’s speech at curtain call (and you can hear me being extra crazy at certain parts haha). Please credit mirrorbluenight as the master if l added to trading lists, but gift upon request. Full cast and notes under cut!
CAST: Ben Crawford (The Phantom of the Opera), Emilie Kouatchou (Christine Daaé), Paul A. Schaefer (u/s Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Raquel Suarez Groen (Carlotta Giudicelli), Craig Bennett (Monsieur Firmin), Nehal Joshi (Monsieur André), Maree Johnson (Madame Giry), Carlton Moe (Ubaldo Piangi), Sara Esty (Meg Giry), Carrington Vilmont (Auctioneer), Jim Weitzer (Monsieur Reyer/Hairdresser), Tug Watson (u/s Jeweler), Laird Mackintosh (Monsieur Lefèvre/Firechief), David Michael Garry (Joseph Buquet/Don Attilio), Jeremy Stolle (Passarino), Kfir (Hannibal Solo Dancer), Weston Krukow (u/s Il Muto Solo Dancer), Kanisha Marie Feliciano (Page), Chris Georgetti (Porter/Fireman), Trista Moldovan (Spanish Lady), Satomi Hoffmann (Wardrobe Mistress/Confidante), Elizabeth Welch (Hannibal Princess), Kelly Jeanne Grant (Madame Firmin), Janet Saia (u/s Innkeeper's Wife), Jason Forbach (e/c Marksman)
NOTES: 35th anniversary performance, fully tracked. The energy from the audience was such an incredible thing to experience. There's LOTS of cheering! Emilie's Wishing got an extended applause with some standing ovations and was one of the best performances of it I've ever seen. Some rustling can be heard at the start of each act as I try to set up and avoid being seen by ushers. Had to hush some people talking behind me at one point and you occasionally hear the guy behind me laughing like a snake. But hey you also have to hear me laugh, awww, and even slightly cry from being overwhelmed by the performance so I'm also guilty. A video of curtain call and Ben Crawford's full speech is included. Please gift upon request.
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This damn cat, I swear to God–
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stolenrocket218 · 5 months
the bestest and most relatable character to musicians everywhere
image text written out under cut in case you can't read my handwriting
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Maestro Reyer is one of those side characters who appears like three times in the entire show, and yet is also objectively hilarious every time.
Also, he reminds me of my band director. They are both filled with the same manner of existential dread that comes with leading an ensemble.
Image 1: "Every time I hear a B flat as a B natural, a puppy dies. You are adults, I trust you with your time."
Image 2: "Look at me. Do you get pleasure in humiliating your castmates? Is there some sort of sick joy in it?"
Image 3: Not paid enough, full of Musician's Dread™
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dechagnydevotee · 2 years
audio gift- poto bway 7/31/22
you asked, I shall deliver
The Phantom of the Opera- Jeremy Stolle, Julia Udine, Greg Mills
Google drive:
Notes under the cut:
CAST: Jeremy Stolle (u/s Phantom of the Opera), Julia Udine (alt Christine Daaé), Greg Mills (u/s Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny), Janinah Burnett (Carlotta Giudicelli), Stephen Tewksbury (Monsieur André), Craig Bennett (Monsieur Firmin), Maree Johnson (Madame Giry), Carlton Moe (Ubaldo Piangi), Sara Esty (Meg Giry), Carrington Vilmont (Auctioneer), Joseph DePietro (Monsieur Reyer/Hairdresser), Kenneth Kantor (Monsieur Lefévre/Firechief), David Michael Garry (Joseph Buquet/Don Attilio), Scott Mikita (Passarino), Justin Peck (Hannibal Solo Dancer), Kfir (Il Muto Solo Dancer), Marni Raab (Page), Chris Georgetti (Porter/Fireman), Patricia Phillips (Spanish Lady), Satomi Hoffman (Wardrobe Mistress/Confidante), Elizabeth Welch (Princess), Kelly Jeanne Grant (Madame Firmin), Paul A. Schaefer (Marksman)
I’m not sure who was on for the Jeweler or the Innkeeper’s Wife.
Notes: Program pictures included in file. This is the first audio I’ve ever recorded, and it was not recorded with the intention of ever sharing it. That being said, you will hear me laughing, cheering, and possibly crying (....crying specifically during All I Ask of You). I also had a friend with me, so you will hear her whisper to me on occasion. The sound quality is pretty good, though. This was recorded from the third row and there are a couple nice details you can catch if you’re listening closely. I am sharing this for all the Jeremy Stolle stans because he was being such a menace in the best way during this performance. It’s also just such a fun trio, I was beyond delighted to have caught them. Though it haunts my dreams that Jordan Donica’s last show would have been with Jeremy Stolle had his run not ended early.
Let me know if either of the links aren’t working! Enjoy :)
@marleneoftheopera @nerdywriter36 you guys asked for this so here you go!
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lucygold95 · 1 year
전동석[Jeon Dong-seok/Dong-suk] Phantom's new picture. (+ 지원선 Monsieur Reyer's new picture.)
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cantikdaae · 1 year
I am always very invested in the new Phantom ensemble and who is going to play which ensemble part, and who they’ll be covering. As they never announce it beforehand.
Below I have a list of all the roles that are confirmed by the actors themselves or based on which part they play at the moment.
Hairdresser: Michael Colbourne (1st cover Raoul/2nd cover Phantom)
Wardrobe Mistress: Melanie Gowie (2nd cover Madame Giry)
Don Attillio: Hywel Dowsell (2nd cover Piangi/Andre)
Wild Woman: Frederica Basile (2nd cover Carlotta)
Auctioneer: James Gant (1st cover Phantom)
Madame Firmin: Victoria Ward (1st cover Madame Giry)
Monsieur Reyer: Samuel Haughton (1st cover Andre)
Monsieur Lefevre: Tim Morgan (1st cover Firmin)
Buquet: Leonard Cook (2nd cover Firmin)
Princess: Eve Shanu-Wilson (1st cover Christine)
Confidante: Zoë Soleil Vallée
Page: Colleen Rose Curran (2nd cover Christine)
Marksman: Ralph Watts (2nd cover Raoul)
Porter: Simon Whitaker (1st cover Piangi)
ballet: Serina Faull (2nd cover Meg Giry)
ballet: Florence Fowler
ballet: Eilish Harmon-Beglan
ballet: Yukina Hasebe
ballet: Grace Hume (1st cover Meg Giry)
ballet: Jasmine Wallis
ballet swing: Corina Clark
dancer: Thomas Holdsworth
dancer: Jacob Hughes
swing: Hollie Aires
swing: Lily De-La-Haye (1st cover Carlotta)
swing: Connor Ewing (3rd cover Phantom)
swing: Tim Southgate
swing: Andrew York
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phantomasquerade · 5 months
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Murray Melvin who geniously played Monsieur Reyer passed away on the 14th of April last year at age 90.
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