#monsta x shifter au
petrichor-han · 2 years
in all honesty, i advocate for all writers to write what they find interesting or what they want every once in a while but it would be cool to see more shape-shifter stories for stray kids. not just shifting for one animal but maybe a plethora of animals or being able to shift into people (like camilo from encanto) ! i want to keep the idea loose but shape-shifting would be cool !
while i am here, i want to say that i haven't had time to go through your masterlist yet ! is there any fics you would recommend i read, regardless of the group ?
oh i totally agree with that!! i feel like most writers do their best work—or at least the work that they’re proudest of and enjoy the most—when it’s up to them to decide on.
ahhh a shape-shifter au would be so cool!! i see tons of hybrid and werewolf concepts but those aren’t exactly the same (though also cool in their own ways for sure). shape-shifting has always been one of my favorite “superpowers” so that’s definitely something i could get down for writing about 👀 i’ll be adding that au to my list of possible wip’s for sure!!
AND AHHH omg i’m so flattered that you’re asking me!! i always say the same thing so i’m sorry if you or anyone else gets annoyed with this, but i do feel like my best stray kids works are fragments and the siren’s call. i’m not sure what other groups you stan but as for my txt works idle town and twenty-three suns, for enhypen perfect blue and blood is thicker than water, and i haven’t written much for seventeen or monsta x yet but if i ever finish the language of the waves i’d definitely recommend that too 🤓
i really appreciate you asking—it really made my day!! and thank you so much for stopping by and letting me know your thoughts about a possible shape-shifter au, i honestly wouldn’t have thought to write something like that on my own!! i hope you have the loveliest day or night 🤍
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minheeskitten · 11 months
I wanna talk ab werewolf aus please :)
Whomever sends an ask first gets to chat ab it w me TONIGHT.
Note: im fixated on werewolf shifters. So they have human and wolf forms, if you ASK i will answer. Open to any and all male idols i stan let's GO!
List of groups this is for is under the cut!
Groups for this chatting! Yes ill answer for the KARD girlies too!
Another note! If you ask for a member i don't know yet, i may take a while to get to it!! (mostly for NCT)
No one under '04 line is allowed.
(No close date feel free to send in werewolf au asks anytime!)
EXO (up to ot8, I won't write for chen, as he's married, i don't know Luhan or Tao enough to write ab them either)
Kard (including the girlies yes pls ask for them)
Monsta X (Yes, including Wonho)
NCT (Including former members)
Pentagon (including Dawn)
Stray Kids
The Boyz (includes Hyunjun Hur aka Hwall)
Treasure (Includes Mashi and Yedam)
Tomorrow by Together
Xdinary Heroes
Xikers (04s and older only)
ZeroBaseOne (04s and older only)
RIIZE (Im tryna stan them so be patient w me)
X1 (obv)
0 notes
raibebe · 5 years
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Genre: Fluff Words: 4.502 Prompt: Cat shape shifters Minhyuk & Shownu For anon A/N: I finally managed to write something that satisfies me. I hope the wait wasn’t too long and you enjoy this piece, I’m quite proud of it and hope the ending doesn’t seem too rushed. I also spent way too much time looking up cat breeds... But I decided that Shownu would be a Somali cat and Minhyuk a Burmese if you want to look it up... Also disclaimer: I know nothing about auras and crystals and stuff like that. Special thanks to @kihyunsbabe​ who beta read this in record time Warnings: minor mentions of blood and injury
Shape shifter: A being that can change their appearance into different forms Witch: A person possessing magic powers that enables them to perform spells
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Greeting the morning sun with a warm cup of tea, you sat in front of your overgrown cottage wrapped in your favourite comforter, thick wool embroidered with little whispers of magic keeping you warm. You chuckled at how cliché it must look. A young witch sipping her not-so-magical herbal tea sitting in front of a homely cottage that was probably would crumble under the weight of the ivy and vines growing on the roof if it wasn’t for the many spells you had cast over the stones in the walls. The only thing missing was your cat companion, who was not holding the same magic as you did but who was for from a normal cat.
When you had found him wounded in the woods - by a larger predator most likely - you couldn’t leave him there. His long brown fur had been clumped with dried blood and his left ear was basically split in half. His unnaturally bright green eyes had been blown wide when you crouched down beside him, carefully extending your hand for him to sniff and to signalize that you meant no harm to him. Carefully singing the words of a healing spell to him, you had stopped the blood from flowing from his body before cradling him into your arms to bring him back to your home to tend to him. When he hadn’t lost consciousness until you arrived at your home and sat him down in a tangle of blankets on your sofa, it became obviously clear that he held way more strength than a regular cat should possess. Softly speaking to him, you had summoned a wet cloth from your bathroom to clean the dried blood off his mangled fur. When his incredibly soft fur was spotless again, he had affectionately rubbed his head against your palm, purring loudly before closing his eyes and curling in on himself to sleep. Mumbling a soft goodnight you had retreated to rest for the night. What you weren’t expecting the next morning was a stark naked man sleeping on your sofa, tan skin only barely covered by a blanket.
The magic your companion held was the magic of shape shifting. When he had woken up that morning to the soft noises you were making in the kitchen, he had slowly approached you in his human form, blanket wrapped tightly around him to cover his body. He had thanked you in a soft voice and introduced himself as Hyunwoo, his fluffy ears flat pressed flat to his head as if he was trying to hide them in his soft brown locks. You had waved it off, telling him it was your duty as the guardian of this forest to keep its inhabitants safe and that he was welcomed to stay as long as he wanted until he recovered from the attack. He had told you that he would stay for the small breakfast you had offered but that he didn’t want to strain your generosity. But when he wanted to leave, standing in front of your house, he couldn’t shift back into his cat form, probably because his body was drained of too much energy due to his injury which must also have been the reason he shifted back into his human form in his sleep. Hyunwoo had apologized countless times that he had to stay at yours until his strength would be replenished because it was not wise to go wandering through the forest in this form. He had insisted that he would help you with your daily work to not only tend to your small garden of both herbs and vegetables but also to do several tasks that you could have easily done with a simple spell like cleaning the dishes or chopping firewood.
He was comfortable to be around: Didn’t really talk much because he was so used to being in his cat form. You could sense that he was missing his freedom to go wherever he wanted to go, Hyunwoo was a cat at heart more than he was a human. But with every day that passed by and with every night that the moon got fuller and fuller, you could feel his magic coming back to him. On the night of the full moon, you woke up from your sleep from a loud meow. When your eyes had adjusted to the low light of the moon, you could make out the big fluffy cat sitting on the foot of your bed, long tail neatly folded around his body, green eyes with pupils blown wide staring back at you. When you asked him if he was going to leave now, he slowly got up and gently nudged his head against yours, purring loudly. Smiling you had got up and lead him to your doorstep. Before he left, you had crouched down and put a necklace around his neck. You told him that the amber stone would protect and comfort him as you scratched behind his ears.
After he had disappeared into the forest, you hadn’t thought that he would come back. But he proofed you wrong when just a couple of days later you had found him dozing in the sun between your valerian plants. And since then he had become your companion; a silent comforting presence. He seemed to exactly know when you needed company and comfort whether it was from a little, purring ball of fluffy hair or from strong arms and gentle words.
He still went on his own little adventures from time to time, waking you in the night when he was leaving, letting you cast a protection charm over him just to be back a couple of days later with muddy fur but sparkling eyes.
You were waiting for him to come back for a while now, but something in your gut told you that he wasn’t far away anymore. Smiling to yourself and sipping your herbal tea, you watched the sun scaring away the fog that had covered the clearing your little cottage was built on. When he hadn’t arrived until the clearing was illuminated with the soft light of the morning sun, you went about your daily duties and tended to your herbs, gently singing to them to encourage them to grow big and strong. Engrossed in your work, you didn’t notice the two small creatures emerging from between the big trees and your companion had to meow loudly for you to notice him. Smiling you crouched down and stroked his soft fur. “Welcome back my friend,” you greeted him and he replied with a soft meow, rubbing his small body along yours, covering you in his scent. “I see you brought someone with you,” you spoke to him after he seemed satisfied with his work, looking up to meet the other cat that was accompanying him. He was a lot smaller than Hyunwoo, his body seemed lither. His fur had a beautiful cream colour, his nose twitched in interest and his amber eyes studied you curiously.
Stretching out your hands towards him, you beckoned him over. Cautiously he took step after step and stretched his neck to sniff your palm before retreating again and sitting a few feet away from you. “You don’t trust me,” you spoke softly to the little creature. You could sense his discomfort and something else you couldn’t quite place radiating off of him. “His name is Minhyuk, he is one of my kind,” Hyunwoo spoke, his voice raspy like every time he used it again after being in his cat form for a long time, “He needs your help, he isn’t able to shift anymore. He says that he has been cursed by an old hag who trapped him inside this body.” You nodded slowly as you companion spoke and shielded your eyes when he got up to scoop up his friend. You had seen him naked on way too many different occasions, being a shape shifter sometimes meant losing any form of human decency when one was walking around as an animal for too long. When he asked why you were covering your eyes, you gently reminded him that humans were supposed to wear clothes over their skin and turned your back to him to walk back into your cottage. Making an affirmative noise, he followed you inside and got dressed in the clothes you had once made for him, his friend never leaving his side and eyeing his surroundings curiously.
Busying yourself with your kettle to brew some tea, you thought about what kind of curse could bind a shape shifter to one of their forms. Robbing a shifter of his ability to shape shift was like robbing a banshee of her ability to cry. It wouldn’t kill them but rob them of their purpose in this world. You had never heard of a curse like this but you also didn’t like to engage in the darker side of the magic you were gifted with. “You can break the curse, right?” Hyunwoo interrupted your thoughts and took your place on the stove to watch over the kettle while grabbing two mugs. “I need to know what kind of curse he is under first to be able to break it,” you told him, blindly grabbing different herbs from little drawers and putting them in the cups. “I have never heard of a curse like this. It’s very specific.” Gently pouring the water over the herbs, Hyunwoo nodded. “He told me that he was just playing with an old lady who was living deep in the woods and suddenly she spoke in a language he didn’t understand. It scared him, so he ran away to the place he lives in his human form. But when he arrived he wasn’t able to shift.”
“He must have upset her somehow,” you thought out aloud, knowing most of the magic folk living in the surrounding woods wouldn’t just curse a creature like that. Sighing Hyunwoo nodded again and watched his friend play with a loose thread on one of your curtains. “Minhyuk is a mischievous one. He prefers his human body but is very much a cat at heart. So you might want to secure your more precious artefacts.” At that the cat’s ears perked up and his amber eyes lit up with a glint of mischief, looking around for those artefacts. When his eyes found your crystal ball sitting on top of a satin pillow on a small table, he slowly crouched over, gracefully jumping onto the table and sitting down next to the ball, long tail neatly folded. “Minhyuk, no,” Hyunwoo said with an already strained sounding voice. Almost teasingly, the cat put one of his paws on top of the ball, slowly rocking it back and forth. Hiding your smile behind your mug of tea, you watched the scene unfurl before your eyes: Just when Minhyuk started to rock the crystal sphere a little more violently, Hyunwoo rushed towards him. Catching the cat by surprise, he lost the grip on the ball, making it fall to the ground with a loud thump. Gripping the his friend by his neck, Hyunwoo started to scold him about how exactly this behaviour got him in this situation in the first place and how you were the only witch he knew who would have pity on him and try to help him.
Feeling pitiful towards the small creature, hanging limp in Hyunwoo’s hold, you put your mug down and cradled his small body in your arms. Still scared of witches, you could feel how Minhyuk’s whole body tensed and his claws were pulling threads from your clothing. Gently stoking the soft fur of his head, you promised to not hurt him. “How old is he? He seems so small compared to you,” you asked Hyunwoo who had picked up your crystal ball and carefully set it back. “He is not much younger than me. His breed just seems to naturally be a bit smaller,” he explained. Humming in agreement, you sat down in your favourite armchair, the scared cat still in your arms. You gently stroked along the fur of his body, looking for any marks the curse might have left. “I can’t feel the magic on him like I do with yours,” you said when you couldn’t find any imperfections in his spotless cream fur. “He feels like any other normal cat. And the curse didn’t leave any marks either like any curse this strong should have.”
“But I thought when we use too much of our magic, we return to our human form,” Hyunwoo argued, “That’s how it has been with me.” “Yes, but your magic is also liked to the lunar cycle. The moon was full just mere days ago, so she should have replenished his magic. This is something different. If the hag didn’t curse him and also didn’t simply steal his magic she must have blocked it somehow.” Absent minded you kept stroking the little cat in your lap, who had seemed to slowly melt, his long limbs stretched out, purring loudly. “He seems to don’t mind you as much anymore,” Hyunwoo broke the silence and gestured at his friend who stopped his purring at an instant and narrowed his amber eyes at him. Giggling you scratched the cat behind his ears to calm him down. “Don’t upset him Hyunwoo. I need his hep to figure out how to break this curse. If it’s a curse after all.” “You don’t think it’s a curse?” Your companion asked, sitting down in front of you on the floor, resting his head on your knee. Smiling at his behaviour, you gently stroked through his messy brown hair and over his sensitive cat ears. “Curses usually leave some kind of mark on the one who was cursed yet he seems fine. Also curses are usually of a more violent nature. This spell seems more delicate,” you educated your companion. You had been teaching him the basics of witch magic and fortune telling, which he was surprisingly good at.
“I want to try to read his aura, see if I can find any traces of the spell,” you concluded after the three of you had sat in silence for a while, gently caressing both shape shifters. “But won’t he just have the aura of a cat?” Hyunwoo asked, lifting his head. You shook your head. “You might change your appearance but you don’t change your being, your soul, if you want to call it that, stays the same. Your thoughts stay the same despite your form, don’t they?” Your companion nodded, looking at the small cat who had fallen asleep in your lap. “Would you please get some candles from the attic, Hyunwoo? Just whichever ones make you think about your friend”, you asked your companion. Getting up from his place, he silently did as you asked him.
Carefully getting up without waking the little creature, you searched one of your big cupboards for the blue cloth embroidered with little symbols in silver thread and magic that would help you see past the physical part of Minhyuk’s being. With a flick of your wrist you ordered your table to make space so you could lie the cloth down on your wooden floor. Concentrated on your task you also quickly rummaged through another drawer that held different rings with crystals that would help you focus your energy. Deciding on a small ring with a deep blue stone, you slid it over your finger and turned your attention back to the cat who had awoken from his nap and eyed you with a curious look. Speaking with a gentle voice you told him that you wanted to try to read his aura and that you just needed him to sit in the centre of the big silver circle stitched into the blue cloth. He carefully approached the cloth, sniffing it and eyed the symbols with narrowed eyes. “It’s not going to hurt, little one,” you encouraged him, sitting down in front of the cloth, gently straitening it out. Even though Minhyuk didn’t seem to be afraid of you anymore, he didn’t trust the situation and didn’t move into the circle until Hyunwoo had come back with a variety of yellow and soft blue candles which you set up around the cloth. When he nervously sat down in the centre, his eyes fixed to Hyunwoo who had first sat down on a stool in a corner of the room but changed to sit next to you when Minhyuk hat meowed loudly in discomfort, you lit each candle with a quick spell and commanded the thick curtains to block out the sunlight.
Softly telling Minhyuk that you would start now, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, emptying your mind and calling out to the magic rooted deep within you. When you opened your eyes again, all colour had vanished from them, leaving black, bottomless orbs, making Minhyuk squeak in fear. You couldn’t see anything despite the small flames of the candles but after another deep breath, you could sense the deep colours of Hyunwoo’s being in your peripheral vision, a calming presence which seemed to reach out and strengthened your own heart. A bond only companions held. But when you drew your attention back to the little creature in the middle of the candles, you couldn’t see or feel anything besides his fear and his desire to run away. His aura seemed to not exist. Taking another deep breath, you tried to look deeper into his soul. But all you found were primal instincts and desires he wanted to fulfil clouding his being like a muddy fog. It seemed like he really wasn’t more than a simple cat, his true colours completely hidden. When you reached out your hands towards him, he yelped in distress, making you lose your focus until a deep hum resonating from Hyunwoo’s chest seemed to both calm Minhyuk down and helped you to regain your focus. You slowly reached out again, burying your hands in the mist clouding the small creature. It felt cold and foreign to you, raw almost. But there had to be more. If he really was a shape shifter, there had to be more to his soul than just the primal desires of a cat. Unless this was the spell the witch had put on him. If she had clouded his being so deep that even his aura had changed, she must have changed his whole existence.
Taking a deep breath while retreating your hands, you closed your eyes again, focusing back on the weight of your body and the heat radiating off of the candles. When you opened your eyes again, they were back to normal and you saw a confused and scared cat looking up at you. “It’s over, little one,” you promised, extinguishing all candles with a flick of your wrist. In a matter of seconds Minhyuk dashed out of the circle and crawled into Hyunwoo’s lap, making loud noises of distress and hid his head in the fabric of his big sweater. “What did you see?” your companion asked while gently stroking along the cat’s fur. “Nothing,” you answered truthfully, “All I could sense were primal desires. But I think I know how to help him now. Has anything changed in him since you last saw him? Appearance wise? Or character wise?” While Hyunwoo was thinking about your question, you gathered the candles and gently folded the blue cloth to put it back. “When we were in our cat forms, he used to be more talkative. I just assumed it was because he was in so much stress that he just didn’t want to talk. And his eyes used to be somehow different. I can’t quite pinpoint it but it seems like they have lost their glow,” Hyunwoo eventually said, choosing his words carefully. Nodding along with what your companion said, your assumption of what spell Minhyuk was under seemed to further confirmed.
“I think I know how to help him,” you said, crouching down to pet the scared cat. “I think she just transfigured him into an actual cat. She must have sensed that he wasn’t what he seemed to be and punished him like this.” Humming in agreement, your companion asked how he could help you transfigure him back. “I’ll have to consult some of my books to make sure I am using the right spell. Just keep him company, Hyunwoo,” you smiled at him, briefly scratching behind his ears before retreating to your study too catch up on transfiguration spells. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had transfigured something or if you ever had transfigured a living being. Sighing you looked over your bookshelf, boards already bending under the weight of the many books, and picked up a heavy book with a dark red leather binding and yellow pages. It was an old book your grandmother had passed down to you and had great value to you. Sitting down in your big armchair with the book in your lap, you began reading the chapter about transfiguration, taking breaks to practise with objects nearby.
After a while the door to your study creaked open and two pairs of cat eyes gawked at you curiously. Smiling you gestured for them to join you. While Hyunwoo jumped into your lap and curled up, enjoying the warmth of your body, Minhyuk explored the new room, chasing a moth he had disturbed. You fondly watched the small cat jumping on different furniture to catch the insect, realizing that you wouldn’t mind if he would decide to live with you and Hyunwoo. He would definitely bring some live into this household. Sighing you went back to your studies, absently mumbling part of the spells and stroking Hyunwoo’s soft fur. Not much time had passed when Minhyuk joined the two of you on the armchair, splaying out his long limbs on the armrest and poking his head into the book curiously. Giggling you scratched behind his ears. “You sure are a curious one,” you told him fondly, gently nudging his head so you could continue reading. Soon the room was filled with the soft purrs of both of the shape shifters and the soft rustling of the pages in the book.
When the sun began to set, you decided it was time to prepare for you to transfigure Minhyuk back. Softly you woke both of the cats and rushed through your house to find the objects that would ensure the spell went right and wouldn’t hurt Minhyuk. Grabbing a bag of chalk, you went outside to draw a circle on the otherwise spotless yard. It had been a while since you needed to take these precautions for a spell. Cautiously you placed different crystals in their respective cardinal points and added little tourmaline stones between them to make sure no other energies were interfering with yours as well as some crushed herbs. Proudly observing your work, you called the two shape shifters out of the house, Hyunwoo carrying Minhyuk in his arms and setting him down in the middle of the circle.
“It’s not going to take long, don’t be scared, little one,” you tried to comfort Minhyuk who was cautiously eyeing his surroundings. When he looked up at you and locked eyes with you, it seemed like he gave you permission. Nodding softly, you took a deep breath and called for the magic rooted deep inside you. Feeling the familiar prickle along your skin, you couldn’t help but smile. With calculated steps you began rounding Minhyuk in his circle and began humming a soft melody, asking the spirits nearby to watch over this ritual. When you felt the familiar presence of some forest spirits and a soft breeze caressed your naked feet, you took another deep breath and began speaking the spell you had prepared in a language that had died long ago but came naturally to you due to your deep connection to your ancestors, tied to you through the magic you had inherited. Keeping your eyes focused on the little creature, you kept reciting the spell, feeling the magic flow out of you through the breath leaving your lips and winding itself around the small creature. When the last breath left your mouth, you could sense how the energy tied itself around Minhyuk and engulfed him fully before expanding drastically. Where there once was cream fur, there was now smooth skin, where once were claws, there now were delicate fingers and where once where scared amber eyes, there were eyes with the intensity of molten lava, looking up at you in an expression you couldn’t quite place, stuck somewhere between gratitude and amazement.
Fondly smiling at the blonde shape shifter you thanked the spirits who came to oversee the ritual and released them back into the surrounding woods. “Welcome back, Minhyuk,” you greeted him when Hyunwoo rushed over to his friend to both wrap him in a bone crushing hug and throw a blanket over his naked body. Still smiling you gave the reunited friends some privacy and busied yourself with collecting the crystals, gently laying them out on your windowsills to let them charge in the moonlight that was colouring the yard in a soft blue light.
When a hoarse voice quietly called your name, you turned around to face Minhyuk, wrapped in the big blanket you had wrapped yourself in this morning, waiting for your companion. It felt weird that only a day had passed, it seemed like you knew the blonde shape shifter for way longer. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he shifted on his feet. You couldn’t help but to smile at him, he seemed much less confident in this body. “I think I should stay out of trouble for a while,” he slowly spoke, “And Hyunwoo said that I should ask you to let me stay for a while, after I thank you for helping me.” Finally looking into your eyes, his filled with so much sincerity, he softly breathed a thank you into the air between you two. Reaching out to pet his fluffy ears that were poking out of his messy hair, you told him that there was nothing to thank you for and that he could of course stay how long he wanted weather it was in his cat or human form.
And since this special day, you had two very special companions living with you in your small cottage that you had decided to expand so everyone could have a room to themselves even though you really enjoyed each other’s company. Even though it could have been easily done with a couple of spells, your stubborn companions had insisted to build it with their own hands since it would be for them.
But when you watched them work in the light of the midday sun while you were harvesting some herbs, you realized that you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
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The Pride - Chapter 1
Warnings: Mentions of violence, rape, murder, descriptions of crime scene
Y/N – Your name
Y/L/N – Your last name
ADA – Assistant District Attorney
DA – District Attorney
 Masterlist / MX Masterlist / Pride Masterlist 
Prologue / Chapter 2
 “ADA Y/L/N,” you pause in your case file review to answer the phone on your desk.
“Y/N,” the unctuous voice of your boss sounded in your ear. “Jooheon’s called a press conference this afternoon. I’m assigning this case to you and I want you to head on over to PD. Find out what he’s got. Get ahead of whatever update he’s breaking this afternoon.”
You did a mental eye roll. You knew damn good and well why your boss, the DA, was assigning this case to you. First, he and the Chief of Police, Lee Jooheon hated each other with a passion. But secondly and much more importantly, he didn’t want to get his hand dirty with this case. He only personally handled high profile cases that he knew would be slam dunks. The bigger the better in his eyes, but if thought the case was a failure he would assign a subordinate. Currently, you were his favorite victim.
As a rising star in the DA’s office, he threw every seemingly hopeless case he possibly could right into your lap. He waited on the sidelines, praying for you to fall on your face. He had been doing so for the last 6 months. Ever since you had obtained a conviction against a child murderer that he swore wouldn’t happen. Oh well, you thought. At least you’d get to see Jooheon.
“Knock, Knock,” you said smiling as you opened the door to the Chief of Police, Lee Jooheon’s office an hour later.
“Y/N!” Jooheon exclaimed, dimples appearing as he grinned at you from across his desk. “Have a seat. I wondered when I’d be seeing you. Jang won’t touch this one.” Jooheon referenced your boss with a smirk.
His amber eyes sparkled beneath tawny brows, his hair styled away from his face, revealing a proud forehead and perfect skin. You suppressed the little thrill that traveled down your spine every time he smiled at you.
“True that,” you responded with a grin of your own before turning serious. “So tell me you’ve had a breakthrough on this case and figured out who this rapist is.” You looked hopefully across the desk at him.
His features darkened and dread filled you. Your intuition telling you something much worse was coming. He grabbed a file from a top drawer and slid it across the desk to you. “You’re not gonna like it, Y/N.” His voice dropped an octave, a mixture of sadness and resolve coloring his tone.
You looked down at the file in front of you, tapping your fingers lightly on the top of it. You looked into Jooheon’s eyes once more before letting out a resigned sigh and opening the cover. The sight that met you made your blood run cold and you couldn’t suppress the shiver that ran down your spine.
The first item inside was a photo. A young woman, eyes clouded over in death stared back at you. Her cause of death was obvious as you could clearly see the deep gash across her throat. Looking through the rest of the file, the images and reports certainly didn’t improve.
Jooheon waited patiently until you had completed reading the final report contained in the folder. When you shook your head and looked up, his gaze was hard. “He’s escalating.”
“Are we sure this is the same guy?” you prayed he would say no.
“Positive.” Jooheon responded. “This is the second body found in his hunting ground.” Jooheon peered across at you, dimples nowhere to be found on his handsome face.
“Two bodies?” you ask, eyebrows raised.
“Yes. I was fairly certain when we found the first one about two weeks ago. I had to wait for the lab but the initial reports confirmed my suspicions. We found this victim three days ago. No question it’s the same guy.” Jooheon hesitated a moment, taking a deep breath before he continued. “He may have begun as a rapist, but he’s graduated to murder…and mutilation.” His voice was grim as he took another folder from his desk. “This is the first victim’s file. The lab report is inside. I’m not releasing this particular information to anyone but you and my First Lieutenant. It’s how we identified the perp as the same guy.” He slid this file across the desk next.
You took this file and flipped it open immediately. The young woman had the same wounds as the second victim. Your heart ached. Both women were in their prime, young and beautiful and life cut much too short by a monster. You were determined to help bring this criminal to justice. You pulled out the lab report and began to read:
Homicide Report # 9802547
Sample submitted by: Lt. Min Yoongi; recovered from body of victim Jane Doe.
Sample Results: Pine Sap
Sample Origins: Pinus Koraiensis - Korean White Pine. Found in forests around Korean Peninsula and Asia. Sample does not originate in the area the victim was found.
You slumped back in your chair, running a hand down your face. “He’s dumping the bodies. Jesus, Jooheon, there’s gonna be a citywide panic.”
He nodded his head. “It’s been tense with these attacks already. But I certainly can’t sit on this escalation. It’s not just the attacks increasing in viciousness; the time frame is changing too. His frequency has increased.”
“No, no, of course not,” you’re quick to agree. “But do we have anything we can release to help keep fears in check while the investigation continues?”
“Not really,” he responds seriously. “I have a working theory but it’s nothing I can share publicly. We may have some DNA evidence but that will take weeks at the very least. I’m hoping the press conference will generate some leads. And if we can save just one woman by putting out the alert, then it’s worth it.” He looks at you earnestly, worry etched on his face.
You let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding. “Okay. You’ve got my full support as always. All the resources I have are yours.”
“Good,” Jooheon leaned forward. “Because I have an idea.”
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xiubaek-13 · 2 years
Halloween/Kinktober Writing Game
Rules: Send through a request with your desired idol/s (if they aren’t someone I normally write for I may not do it) and up to two prompts from the following list or send me your own prompts if nothing hits the spot for you. You can specify if you want fluff, angst, smut etc. If you want a kink added, just specify it in your ask.
Who I write for: EXO, Monsta X, Seventeen, Shinee, BTS.
Getting a baby/pet on Halloween during a thunderstorm
At a masquerade ball where a murder happens
Costume shop AU with Person A finding the perfect costume for everyone while Person B is hating working there
In a dark and deserted side hall of an infamous library
"Just shut up and hand out candy."
"The power just went out, and it's a full moon outside." 
"Is that...written in blood?" 
“Please don’t hurt me!”
“Is this costume too revealing?”
“Yes, well, the only thing frightening at the present is how you’re holding that carving knife.”
“You look delicious. I won't stop until I’ve eaten every bite.”
“With this tattoo I’ve claimed you.”
“Why are you acting like you don’t know me?”
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
“You owe me.”
“Patience is a virtue. We’ll keep going until you learn.”
Waking up in an abandoned facility with no idea how you got there.
You are the experiment
Classic slasher set up
Whoops, someone read the passage in the creepy book out loud and summoned something.
Tapped in a cabin in the woods.
Vampires. (feel free to specify if you want ye olde or modern here)
The devil made me do it
“Not only will I not kill you, I won’t allow anyone else to kill you.”
Angels, Demons, Nephilim, Incubus, Succubus
Other monsters/creatures
Ghosts & other spirits
“I’m going to take my time with you.”
“Trick or treat.”
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shadequeen712 · 3 years
Mobile Masterlist
Just for reference, I write all of my main OCs as black female characters, and most of them are plus-sized, chubby or fat (whichever term you prefer). Also this is primarily a smut and fantasy writing blog. Please enjoy!
Min Yoongi (Suga) 
Tuesday Mornings- coming soon!
Fruits Basket au
poly relationship, shape-shifters, Chinese Zodiac
Rating: Explicit 
All Kim Nari wanted was to shelter a stray cat from the cold. Instead she became responsible for a hot-headed, silver-haired wackjob who claimed he was the all powerful Lord of Tuesday. Whatever the hell that meant.
Kwon Hyuk (Dean)
Love the Stars-  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
nightclub au, casual hookups, a supreme amount of angst
Rating: Mature
I like to observe people. I watch their actions as they interact in the club; the way they move, drink and speak. I've seen plenty of girls get picked up right here at the bar counter, only to see them come back the next night looking for someone new. Romance is dead. And for him, the guy drowning himself in vodka night after night, it is no different. 
Monsta X
Lee Jooheon 
Don’t Smile At Me-  Character List  Chapter 1
Paradise Kiss au, vampire au
fashion show, plus-sized OC (this matters for the plot), poly relationship
Rating: Explicit
Check out the character list!! 
All relationships are temporary. Or at least, that's what I thought before I met the designers at Paradise Kiss.
Before I met him. Before I met them. Before I cared about anyone but myself.
I didn't know eternity could exist. But eternity is possible, as long as you pay the price.
Park Seonghwa
Book of Shadows-  Chapter 1 Chapter 2
witch au, demons, dark fairy tale elements
poly relationship, angst, depressed character- written with the utmost care
morally ambiguous OC - yes, that is important
Rating: Explicit
Hongjoong just had to break the curse, reckless as it was. He couldn't bare the suffering any longer. The feeling of their hearts wasting away, magic slowly fading. For a witch, it was a fate worse than death.
He would do anything to make his boys happy. Even if it meant giving up his own life.
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flurrys-creativity · 5 years
Works in Progress
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Date: 28.08.2024
On going:
Lurking in the dark Chapter 4 - Jinyoung - 20%
Mistpouffer - Yeosang’s Adventure - 0%
8 drops of poison: Trouble (pt. 6/9) - Ateez OT8 - 10%
Projects and Specials:
The emperor and I (90s Collab) - Jeonghan (Seventeen) - 20%
Flurry’s Supernatural Milestone Event - 45%
Carved in stone - Jeonghan (Angel Collab) - 2%
? - Yeosang (Goddess of death series collab) - 0%
? - Hongjoong (Goddess of death series collab) - 0%
Blow your future Collab (Ateez Choi bros) - 50%
Dragon Pain (Dragon Collab) - Yunho (Ateez) - 3%
Dragon Heart (Dragon Collab) - Wonwoo (Seventeen) - 0%
Dragon Warrior (Dragon Collab) - Mingyu (Seventeen) - 0%
Dragon Breath (Dragon Collab) - Minghao (Seventeen) - 0%
? (Villain Collab) - ? (Ateez) - 0%
? (Kudzu Collab) - Jeonghan (Seventeen) - 0%
One shots: 
Spy Academy (Spy AU) - Seonghwa - 0%
Cursed Hunter - Jongho - 0%
? (Swim Club AU) - Ateez - 0%
? (Star AU) - Yeosang - 0%
Amnesia (Amnesia AU) - Yunho - 0%
6 Wolves and a Fox (Shifter AU) - Jimin - 40%
Broken Parts (Android AU) - Namjoon - 30%
Faodail (Pirate AU) - Taehyung - 0%
Orphic (Mermaid AU) - Seokjin - 52%
Monsta X:
Drunk Confessions (F2L) - Changkyun - 0%
Lighthouse keeper (Cursed AU) - Taeyong - 0%
Rivals in Crime (Mafia AU) - Jaehyun - 7%
Anaxiphillia - Woozi - 0%
Beautiful Beast (Beauty and the Beast AU) - Joshua - 0%
Cleopatra (PWP) - Seventeen - 73%
Féath (Fae AU) - Jeonghan - 0%
Knighthood (Royal AU) - Dokyeom - 0%
Psycho (Boxer AU) - Jun - 15%
Stray Kids:
Thunderous (God AU) - Felix - 0%
The Rose:
Noctivagant (Sci-Fi/Alien AU) - Jaehyeong - 0%
09.32pm (Slice of Life AU) - Yunho (Ateez) ✅
Hot and Cold ( Fantasy Crime AU) - Hongjoong (Ateez) ✅
Wish (Military AU) - San (Ateez) ✅
Blind (Angel/Demon AU) - Hongjoong (Ateez) ✅
Rainbows (Fantasy Adventure AU) - Jongho (Ateez) ✅
1 + 1 = Three (single parent au) - Suho (Exo) - 5%
Dalliance (College Professor au) - Sehun (Exo) - 0%
? (Neighbour AU) - Hajoon (The Rose) - 3%
? (Bookstore AU) - Miyeon (G-Idle) - 0%
? (Slice of Life AU/F2L) - Wooyoung (Ateez) - 0%
Lace and Chains (Title exchange Deal) - Chan (Stray Kids) - 0%
By the gods (Fantasy AU/One shot series) - Seonghwa (Ateez)
Metanoia (Fantasy AU) - Yoongi (BTS)
Dépaysement (Hybrid AU) - San (Ateez)
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cloudycrystalkpop · 6 years
spooky recs
halloween may be over, but it’s always spooky season on my blog. 
i have gathered some spooky and overall au recomendations that should help satisfy your thirst until next halloween~
vampire exo recs
i personally always have a thirst for a little hoodoo and @kpopfanfictrash ‘s Tomato Blood had all the vibes i’ve been craving. Voodoo practicer Baekhyun and an intresting twist on our reader character~ (i’m also going to New Orleans in less then a week and i’m so stoked!)
who doesn’t love a good werewolf fic for halloween? gotta hand it to @oh-beyond once again with Cry Wolf. it’s another (no so) guilty pleasure of mine. wolf Sehun x reader, it’s a common trope but i’m still a sucker when it’s done well.
rementioning, also an @oh-beyond story, but i can’t count the amout of times i’ve read Peek-a-boo. it’s so cute and eerie in all the right ways. shifter Kyungsoo x reader. don’t wanna say much more and spoil it for y’all.
and of course the legend. you’ve gotta read The Cartel by @kpopfanfictrash + friends ( @bread-jinie @imdifferentshadesofpurple @underthejoon were the only blog i could find that were still active) 70s florida cartel au. follows all of OT9s members. this is legit legend in my kpop fan circles at least.
i love me a 20s au, and a vampire 20s au? yes please! Hate Me by @remembeo has those clasic historical vibes while keeping the vamp feel. Johnny x reader, i think this au totally suits him.
look, imma biased hoe, and @jaeminlore has a cuteass frankinstein’s monster Johnny bullet point y’all gotta read. also just this au overall is pretty intresting.
for some more spook, @tenseoyong has quite a few spooky drabbles. but Hushed Whispers is my favorite. Mark x reader, reminds me slightly of some things i’ve written but they honesly have a vibe i’ve been trying to pin down for years. 
smut warning, but @imagination-of-a-melted-bitch has an awesome series following the seven deadly sins. (this was written before shoot out btw). i recomend reading them all in order, and the first one is, Greed. (Sloth | Lust | Gluttony | Wrath | Envy | Pride)
another remention, but i am such a fan of @kpopfanfictrash ‘s Iorn Crown. you want spooky, how about a kidnapped princess reader and vampire king Jinyoung? i adore Jinyoung in this story. he’s so perfect and the whole vibe of this world is something i love.
another @kpopfanfictrash Jinyoung story, but we all know i love me some magic. The Magisterium is a lovely magic au. it goes in a direction you’d never expect. not much for spooky, but still a great read and well worth your time.
i’m so picky about zombie apocalypse aus, but this one is my favorite of any i’ve read. @kpopchangedme ‘s Mayhem is a Bang Chan x reader. fair warning, there is smut at the end, but the best part of this story is the atmosphere of this world. (honestly i just fucking love the ‘Sinking Graveyard’)
now we all know spooky and au is the theme of my blog, so after you’ve read all these, check back and i should have some more fun things waiting for you~
i should be finishing Perspective, and we should get a return of Neo Coven Tech very soon.
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spacequokka · 6 years
Name: Alaina, CertainUncertainty, Certy
Main Blog: Here
I’ve been writing stories since middle school, so over twelve years now. I have a degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment. I got into Kpop back in 2015 with BigBang during the MADE era. My first bias was G-Dragon.
1] Do you have a masterlist?
Yes. There’s also a mobile-friendly link in the description. If it doesn’t work, let me know.
2] Do you take requests?
Yes. I'm currently into the following:
A.C.E [bias: wow, wreckers: everyone else]
ATEEZ [bias: all, i gave up]
BTS [bias: jungkook (ult for 2022), wreckers: jimin and tae]
ENHYPEN [bias: jay, wreckers: sunoo, ni-ki]
EXO [bias: baekhyun, wreckers: kai, xiumin, chanyeol, lay]
GOT7 [bias: all, i’ll die for them]
Monsta X [bias: i.m or joo depending on my mood, wreckers: all]
SHINee [bias: taemin; wreckers: everyone else]
Stray Kids [bias: han, wreckers: all of them, even han]
G-Dragon, Yongguk, Dean, Taemin, Sunggyu, Sungjong, Donghan, Minhee, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Wonho, DPR Ian, DPR Live, Jay Park, Loco, Crush, Jooyoung, G.Soul
3] Why don’t you write for other groups?
I can count the number of girl groups I listen to on one hand, so I never get inspired to write for them. NCT and Seventeen are hard to keep up with (love their music tho) but I’m still trying. You’re welcome to send me music from groups you love. That’s how I found Cravity’s Minhee and WEi’s Donghan.
4] What do you write?
I write romance drabbles, one-shots, and fics. (Most of my ideas are multi-part.) I can write fluff, angst, and smut. I occasionally write suspense/thriller, but only when it tickles my fancy. Every blue moon I get the urge to write something dark and depressing.
On the subject of smut, I’m open to most things, so don’t be afraid to ask. The worst I can do is say no. I do enjoy writing the basics along with threesomes/moresomes, impreg, and BDSM.
5] What’s off limits?
Murder, rape, abuse, and anything regarding children that isn’t simply loving them and appreciating their existence. Because of my inexperience, I will not write trans characters.
6] What AUs do you suggest?
[Fantasy:] Vampire, Wolf/Shifter, Hybrid, Soulmates, Angel/Demon, Yokai
[Real:] Mafia, Gang, Royalty, Idol, Roommate, CEO, Office, Parent
[School:] College
(( This is just a starter list. Don’t hesitate to ask for others! ))
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kpopcentralau · 7 years
KpopCentralAU Master List
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Big Bang:
G Dragon x Aesthetic
Black Pink: 
Black Pink X Aesthetic  Jisoo x Mermaid
J-Hope x Aesthetic Jin X Boyfriend Jin X Green Jin X Mafia Jungkook X Baby Blue Jungkook X Blue Rap Monster X Red Rap Monster X Jackson Wang Shifter Series: Suga, Jungkook Suga X Black Suga X Boyfriend Suga X White 
Chen X Boyfriend/Summer Love  Demon Series:  Kris, Baekhyun, Tao 
BamBam X Vampire Got7 X Aesthetic   Jackson Wang X Rap Monster 2Jae X Orange  Yugyeom x Boyfriend
Monsta X: 
Jooheon X Mafia 
--      --
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Big Bang: 
Big Bang on their wedding night (Wolf AU)
Black Pink:
When their S/o is a different being than them (Wolf AU) 
BTS on their wedding night (Mafia AU) BTS reacting to you and your child being kidnapped (Mafia AU) BTS reacting to their daughter wanting to marry a mafia son (Mafia AU) BTS reacting to you wanting Jungkook to call you noona/hyung (Wolf AU)  BTS seeing your self-harm scars (Mafia AU) Mafia BTS being Jealous  Mafia BTS reacting to you being a spy Mafia BTS reacting to you being drunk and not recognizing them   (2) Mafia BTS reacting to you being in the mafia and you’re supposed to kill them What BTS gets you for Valentine’s Day (Mafia AU) When their boyfriend brings them food (Mafia AU) Vampire BTS hanging out on Halloween 
EXO on their wedding night (Mafia AU)  EXO’s reaction to when he finds out you’re pregnant (Wolf AU)   Mafia EXO reacting to you being a spy  Got7:
Got7 wanting you to turn them (Vampire AU)  Got7 taking care of your sick pups (Wolf AU)  Got7 reacting to you having amnesia (Mafia AU)  Got7 reacting to you saying ‘I love you’ for the first time (Wolf AU)
Monsta X: 
--      --
--      --
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Big Bang: 
--        --
Black Pink:
--        -- 
Agree to Disagree (Taehyung X Jimin Mafia AU)  Babysitting (Namjoon/ Rap Monster AU) Cuddle Tactics! (Suga/Yoongi AU) Do you love me? (Jimin Mafia AU)  Midnight Mugging (Namjoon/ Rap Monster Mafia AU) Two Hearts, One Love (Namjoon X Jackson)   Why? (Yoongi X Reader AU)
EXO Mafia Role and Rankings  First Love (Junmyeon Mafia AU) Love Me or Leave Me (Zitao Vampire AU)  So Close (Sehun Mafia AU) 
Family First (Yugyeom Mafia AU) Green Tea and Loving Heartbeats (Youngjae Mafia AU)  Two Hearts, One Love (Jackson X Namjoon) 
Monsta X: 
--        --
--      --
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Baekhyun X Anon Ship Hoseok & BamBam & Chanyeol X  ilook-soperfectstandinghere14 Ship  Hoseok X minkyungkookie Ship  Jin X Anon Ship Jin X  before-i--fall-in-love Ship Jin X okayyoongii Ship Jin & Jeonghan X the-dreamer-doer Ship  Jinyoung & Yixing X desi-seoul Ship Jimin X Anon Ship  Jungkook X Anon Ship  Jungkook & S. Coups X channynipa Ship Jungkook X tanvirathi Ship Kai & Taehyung X Anon Ship  Minho & S. Coups X Anon Ship Namjoon X Anon Ship Namjoon X Anon Ship Namjoon & Mark X welcometothedarkforest Ship Namjoon X  sorry-ionlydrinkmilk Ship Namjoon X su9bus-ren Ship Namjoon X  thebreathbeforethekiss Ship *Mild NSFW* Suho & Jackson & Jimin X namjoonie-bug Ship Taehyung X Anon Ship 
Admin Mama
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
Fic Answer Tags/keywords
Here is a list of submitted fic answers and keywords by our followers/readers to help you search for any sort of scenario or story you’ve been looking for or wanting to read!
A/N: these fic answer tags start from around May so anything beforehand submitted are unfortunately only tagged as fic answers.
7 deadly sins |
a new life | acedia | airport | angel in the darkness | apologies | arrangedmarriage!au | arrangedmarriage!bts | artist!au | artist!jungkook | assassin!au | assassin!hyungwon |
babysitter | babysitter!reader | bad at sex | badboy!au | badboy!jimin | badboy!taehyung | bad habit | baekxing threesome | baseballplayer!au | baseballplayer!jungkook | bestfriend!au | bestfriend!jimin | bestfriend!kai |  bestfriend!jongin | bestfriend!jungkook | blow job | boxer!taehyung | boy meets temptation | break up | brother!au | bts gamer server
camboy | camboy!jungkook | camboy!hoseok | camboy!jhope | camboy!jimin | ceo!namjoon | cheerleader!reader | childhoodfriend!kai | childhoodfriend!jongin | choregrapher!au | club!au | cock ring | college!au | college!bts | crossdresser!jimin | crossdresser!yoongi | cupcake | cypher academy |
dance practice room | depaysement | dirty talk | divorce!au | dom!jungkook | drag me down to hell |
enemies to lovers | engaged!au | engaged!jimin | exo china line | exo fivesome | exo threesome |
face sitting | facetime!au | fiance!au | fingers | fingering | friends with benefits | fwb!au | fwb!jimin | friendswithbenefits!jimin | fuckboy!au | fuckboy!jimin | fuckboy!jungkook | fuckboy!taehyung
gamer!au | gamer!bts | gamer!jimin |  gang!au | gangbang!au | gangbang!bts | gangbang!exo | gangster!au | gangster!bts | gangster!got7 | gangster!jimin | gangster!yoongi | gd smut |
hairclip | hanahaki | hanahaki!au | hanahaki!suho | hanahaki!junmyeon | harrypotter!au | headstudent!jin | headstudent!seokjin | heartbreak chronicles | highschool!au | hogwarts!au | homme de radio | host!au | hybrid!au | hybrid!yoongi |
i got you on my mind | i wont stop you | idol!reader | ill make you feel better | inexperienced!bts | invisible man |
jealous | jealousy games | jealous!au | jealous!taehyung | jimin teach jk how to pleasurea girl | jinyoungsbum | jiwon smut | john tucker must die
kookie crumble 
la douleur exquise | laundry room | laws of motion and attraction | lazy morning sex | little bird | lust and errors
maid!reader | mafia | mafia!au | mafia!bts | mafia!got7 | mafia!jungkook | masked | masquerade | metaphorical cupcake | mine | mirrors | mixtape | model!jimin | monsta x blogs | my answer |
nanny | nanny!reader | neighbor!au | neighbor!hoseok | nerd!hoseok | next time | no strings | not much of a sex god
one good purr | oracle | overdose |
pass out | patient!jin | patient!seokjin | photographer!jungkook | pillow humping | play thing | playboy!jungkook | please remember me | polyamourous | poly!bts | polyrelationship!au | porn site | prince!au | prince!bts | prince!jungkook | psycho!taehyung
radiodj!jimin | radiodj!yoongi | revenge | rich!jungkook | roommate!au | roommate!bts | roommate!reader | royal!au | royal!blackpink | royal!bts | royal!exo
seven deadly sins | seven steps to hell | sevendeadlysins!got7 | sextherapist!suga | sextherapist!yoongi | shameless | sharing | shifter!au | shifter!taehyung | shy!member | shy!namjoon | sibling!au | sibling!jimin | singledad!au | singledad!jungkook | singledad!namjoon | sleepwalking to you | socialite!au | socialite!bts | socialmedia!au | socialmedia!bts | soulmate!au | soulmate!bts | soulmate!jungkook | sounds of you | stalker!sehun | stepbrother!au | stepbrother!jungkook | stepsibling!au | sticky | stripper!au | stripper!reader | sub!jimin | sub!jungkook | suga daddy | sugarbaby!au | sugarbaby!taehyung | sugardaddy!au | sugardaddy!jungkook | sugardaddy!yoongi | supernatural!au | supernatural!bts | sweet inedible things | switch!au | switch!jungkook |
teachersassistant!jimin | teachersassistant!reader | terminal love | therapist!reader | try again | two rotten apples |
unkempt | until next time
vampire!au | vampire!bts | vampire!hoseok | vampire!jungkook | vampire!taehyung | vampire!yoongi | vibrator |
wake me up | wedding!au | werewolf!au | werewolf!bts | werewolf!hoseok | werewolf!jhope | werewolf!jimin | werewolf!jin | werewolf!jungkook | werewolf!namjoon | werewolf!seokjin | werewolf!suga | werewolf!yoongi | what if | wolf!au | 
you never walk alone | your owner |
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kittae · 7 years
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Hey everyone! It’s been a while since i’ve posted any writing on this blog, hasn’t it? Despite having a huge ass WIP list, i can’t seem to find inspiration/motivation for any of the oneshots or series i have planned/am working on.
Since my blog has gone through two huge milestones in the time i was being consumed by my work for college and i didn’t have time to celebrate, i’ve decided to do it now with a good old drabble fest! As a way to say thank you to all you lovely readers out there for supporting me despite me being so inactive lately and to get out of this damn writer’s block, here we go!
What to do?
1. send me an idol from BTS, GOT7 or MONSTA X (these are the only groups i’m accepting right now, i’m sorry)
2. add a quote/prompt (max. up to 2 quotes per idol please!)
3. don’t forget to mention which genre you want me to write for your request! important! ( i know i write mainly smut, but i’m completely fine with solely angst or fluff, even horror, or a combination of multiple! take your pick!)
4. AUs i’ll happily do for you: Harry Potter, vampire, mermaid/merman, hybrid/shifter, college/uni, fuckboy/bad boy, greaser, demon/angel, etc... ( i don’t do sports aus because i know way too little of them to make it interesting. I can’t really do a werewolf au either because i feel like everything i’d write would already have been done. If you have other suggestions, just ask!)
5. i’d like to ask you to please only send one request so everyone gets a chance to maybe have theirs fulfilled! as always, i’ll do the ones that inspire me the most!
Vague requests with too little information or requests that have been submitted in the wrong format will be deleted, so make sure you have everything you want in there!
Requests will be closed whenever i feel like i have enough material to work with! Thank you, and i’m curious to see what you’ll come up with!! <3
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kpopstarsreact · 7 years
Voting Closed! Winners announcement
the winner of the 4k special issssssss *drum roll*
A Series of AU Drabbles!!!
The ask box is now OPEN for all au drabble requests!
The rules are as follows:
send me an ask with an au drabble idea, the member you wanted written about, and the genre if you’d like to include that as well
fluff, angst, nsfw, etc. is all welcome
At the end of the week I will take all the ideas you guys have given me, and make another poll for you to all vote for your top favorites (number I’ll be writing will be determined later)
after that, I’ll write those drabbles for you guys periodically~
click ‘read more’ for more information!!
a few examples of au’s you can ask for:
vampire au
mermaid au
demon au
mafia / gang au
harry potter au
soulmate au
werewolf au
witch/wizard au
shape shifter au
college au
high school au
barista au
arranged marriage au
CEO au
body guard au
ghost au
FBI / Secret agent au
1800′s au
king / queen and servent au
tattoo artist au
and if you have literally any other au idea I would absolutely love for you to request that too!
Groups I write for:
Bangtan (BTS)
Big Bang
Black Pink
Block B
Monsta X
thank you so freaking much everyone~ I can’t wait to get everyone’s requests!
please remember to stay happy/healthy/hydrated and have an amazing day/evening/night wherever you are! <3
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The Pride Prologue
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The Pride Masterlist
Monsta X Masterlist
Prev - Teaser / Chapter 1
Warnings: Angst, violence
Her lungs burned and her eyes watered. She could feel the rocks cut into the pads on her paws with each pounding step. No matter the discomfort, Cassie couldn’t stop running. She had to find a way to elude the men who pursued her.
She wasn’t even sure how she ended up in the clutches of these men. The last thing she remembered before waking in the unfamiliar cabin was walking out of her office building to hail a cab. Eventually she caught the man guarding her by surprise and escaped through the door. Now she was here running. Surely her pack was looking for her by now. If she could just figure out where she was, locate anything familiar, she could make her way towards home and she could escape.
With excellent night vision Cassie could see the rocky terrain give way to a darker area in the landscape. If it was a body of water she could use it to her advantage. She pushed harder, her muscles quivering under the strain of exertion, every inhalation felt like she was sucking molten lava into her chest. Just a little more she thought to herself, just a little further.
When her goal was within reach, her sharp eyes registered the change in area and her heart sank. She skidded to a stop, not at a lake or river, but at the edge of a huge ravine. No! Her mind screamed. This could not possibly be happening! Panic set in as she whipped her head back and forth, her snout straining to pick up any scent that could offer her another means of escape. But the smell now overpowering the scent of earth and stone was becoming stronger each second. Terror and resolve settled in her chest.
The smell of old death and decay caused her to back away as far as she could without tumbling over the edge of the ravine. Her nose wrinkled and the fur from the base of her neck to the tip of her tail stood on end. With hackles fully raised, she bared her sharp teeth and growled low in her throat; the sound echoing menacingly around her.
This, she knew, was where she would make her last stand. Facing the men that now approached her; she raised her beautiful head her amber eyes glowing. If she was going to die, she would go down fighting and she would take at least one of these bastards with her.
Her eyes were drawn by movement to the man on the far left. He was tapping a bow against his thigh. Her eyes scanned to the right, quickly picking her target before returning to the bowman. She crouched low gazing at him, another feral growl reverberating from her chest.
He laughed as though her dangerous display was nothing more than a temper tantrum. “Oh little wolf. Uncompromising to the very end I see,” he said mockingly.
He raised the bow into position and took aim. As he released the arrow she attacked. The barbed arrow stung when it buried into her left hindquarter, but her powerful leap carried her directly to her intended target. The young man screamed when her paws hit him square in the chest. His father screamed when she tore out his throat.
Blood streaming from her muzzle, every muscle in her body was seized in a searing cramp. She fell to the side of the young man’s body, her limbs twitching and her breathing erratic. Only her vision remained unaffected. The man with the bow loomed over her prone form.
“Hurts doesn’t it?” he sneered. His eyes glinted with savagery. “Poison tips my arrows bitch. Death is inevitable. The Traders have erased you from history. But this young man will be exalted in our annals for the rest of time.”
He drew a wicked looking blade from the sheath at his side. Cassie closed her eyes when he grabbed her snout and forced her head back, exposing her neck. Her last fleeting thoughts were of her pack, her home. She prayed to Luna to protect them as she gasped her last breath.
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exo-can · 8 years
Get To Know Me
Thank you @wonhopes for tagging me! im sorry it took so long, im shit at doing these but extraordinary at procrastinating ^^
Nickname: Han, Nanners, Hanban (Tbh just about every variation of ‘banana’ you can think of), Mama Han, HDTV (i dont even remember the reason behind this)
Gender: Female
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Hogwarts House: Gryff. or at least it was until the new pottermore and now i was sorted to slytherin. but nah, im a gryffindor.
Favorite Color: soft, dusty, lilac color (so purple)
Time Right Now: 8:49 PM
Average Hours of Sleep: too many. My sleep schedule is messed. i usually get about 6 or 7 a night and then as soon as i come home from work i take a 2-4 hour nap. funny thing is, in highschool i NEVER napped. and now im the human embodiment of a sloth
Lucky Number: 20 or 15
Last Thing I Googled: “ikea” im adulting
Favorite Bands: for kpop Bts, Exo, Monsta x, Block B, EXID, Blackpink. Non-kpop is Marianas Trench, Journey (Classic), 1D, Black Eyed Peas, Tokio Hotel (my emo stage was filled with them), 5sos, Panic! At the Disco, Mcfly, Fifth Harmony, The Maine
Favorite Solo Artists: Kpop, HyunA, Zico, Jay Park. Non kpop, Adele, Tom Odell, Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars, Erika Jayne (Purely because of Real Housewives lol), Nicki Minaj
Dream Trip: I really really want to go to india, Greece, Egypt and spain right now. Im actually planning a trip to three of those right now and im hoping to include korea if i can, even though ive been there and its really out of the way, but hi, Seoul is incredible and i really just want to go back.... although i really want to go back to china too..... im a mess.
Wearing: Some dudes hoodie and some baggy sweats with paint all over them lol
Age Of Blog: I think its 2 now? but im not 100% sure
Following: a good chunk (:
Posts: too many
What I Post About: my obsession with people who dont speak my native language and a dabble of creative writing
When Did My Blog Reach it’s Peak: this is hard bc i dont know how you know lol. im still growing as a writer and learning to better myself in that aspect so ofc i would like to think i havent reached it quite yet.
I’d like to tag @nuages-noirs/ @wang7gae, @ask-bts-stuff, @hobibliophile, @asexpectedofthestork (i binge read their shifter au’s last night and damn), @cyphertrip, @tayegi, and anyone who see’s this and feels like they’d like to do it!! this is my invitation to you ^^
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wonholes · 8 years
Thanks for tagging me, Ash! @lostinmonstax
1. Who was your first bias and who is your current one?
My first bias was Chanyeol (EXO) and currently forever my ultimate bias is Wonho (Monsta X). 
2. Why did you get into kpop?
There was this D.Va meme video going around where she’s doing work, you know--doing her thing, and music is playing and alternates between kpop (when she’s in her mech) and heavy metal (when she’s out of her mech). It might be vice-versa but I can’t remember. Anyway, the kpop song that was playing was by Gugudan and it was so damn catchy that I asked who it was by. A mutual on my main blog found the video and sent me a link, and the rest is history.
Although I didn’t really get into Gugudan on my “recommended” list there was “Monster” by EXO. That’s when Channie stole my heart and I sold my soul to the devil, I mean kpop. 
3. If you could join and kpop group, who would you choose?
Well, if I was an Asian male living in South Korea and had the opportunity that kpop idols do, I would like to join Monsta X ultimately, based on music and based on the relationships in the group.
4. If all of your biases proposed to you, who would you pick?
Obviously Wonho.
5. If you could be in a fanfic, what genre would it be?
If someone ever wrote me in a fan fiction I’d fucking spit out water I’d be laughing so hard.
6. What mythological creature would you be if you had the chance?
Based on what? Egyptian mythology? Ancient Greece? Rome? Norse? Or modern? I mean there’s just a plethora of options, man.
I really like Cerberus and Gorgons (Greek), as well as Fenrir (Norse). But in modern mythology I like skinwalkers/shape-shifters and werewolves.
7. Supernatural!au or mafia!au
I stopped watching Supernatural ages ago.
8. Which kpop idol would you switch bodies with?
Are we talking male or female? If I could choose any sex I’d pick Wonho.
9. If you could have any idol as a pocket sized companion, who would you pick?
Honestly this question freaks me out.
10. What idol would you want as a sibling?
This is tough because I’d have to choose between so many groups. Honestly, the more I think about it I’d want Sehun (EXO) as my taller, younger brother because he’s such a meme lord and I love him. I mean, have y’all seen EXO: Next Door?
11. If you were able to say five words to your bias, what would they be?
Do you know annyeonghaseyo?
Tagging: @monstaexo @top-is-bae @taeboos @wonhowonderland
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