sironae · 3 months
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Motivation struck again, and this time, I really wanted to redesign Ashur because his last design was missing something, and I wasn't happy with the art. Finally, I've got something I'm happy with~
It's amazing how inspired I've been since I've lifted my expectations to finish art by a particular deadline. The motivation comes and goes, but lately, it's been coming a lot more than it's been going. I hope this motivation streak continues, but I'm not pushing myself either.
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raenyras · 3 years
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I couldn't resist drawing Toni and Hakon getting ready for a Halloween party 🖤The era their story is set in is the 1920's and I had so much fun looking into  the costumes for that era! Hakon clearly needs more alcohol to survive the night in tights and fuzzy pantaloons  Toni belongs to @sironabennet
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sironae · 9 months
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Artwork Submission for September.
This time I decided to make a new character, which I'm still working out information for. This is Nereida Asithemera and she is a half-human/naiad. She is a magic user with affinity to water spells.
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sironae · 10 months
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Art Piece for August~ 
I updated my OC Hermes' art to give him some stylish clothes that fit his personality, class and sophistication, as well as finally drawing his human glamour form. I love how he turned out!  
Here is his glamour Form: 
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sironae · 10 months
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Art pieces for July! That I've only just remembered to upload here. 
Here we have the final members of the Cosmar family. Roselyn Baumgartner-Cosmar and her daughters Syretia and Myra. More info below.  
The Cosmar Family are my most worked on and established family in my OCverse, and now I own the rights to ALL of them. This means maybe one day I might draw some sort of comic or write a story about them. We'll see what the future holds! 
Since art now exists for Alistair, Roselyn and all the Cosmar kids, I decided to put them together in a lineup based on their birth order. I love this family so much!  Monstervale is the main AU I draw them in at the moment, and have been hyper-focused on that since 2020.
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sironae · 1 year
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May and June Art submissions. I forgot to Upload May on here. Oops! At least they both go together! May Art Piece - 1st Image: Here is Lucifer Cosmar-Long, Darius (mine) and Levi's (@Zungiebungie) son. Darius is the bio father, and Levi officially adopted him when Darius and Levi married, about a year after they got custody of Luci. I was finding it a bit hard to bet motivated this month drawing wise, but pushed myself since I missed May last year - I was not going to miss it again this year! The Background is recycled from a piece of mine from last year, which features Luci's bio father, Darius. I didn't just want him floating without a BG, so this seemed fitting enough.
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June Art Piece - 2nd Image: I decided to continue on with the momentum I had for Luci and draw up his adolescent design to get it out of my brain. I reused the small bat form because nothing really changes there, but the bat-beast form obviously grows and ages as Luci does. His fashion style is based on the 1940s era as he would be an adult around that time, but still keeping to the typical fancy Cosmar Fashion~
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sironae · 1 year
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Art submission for Feb Character Design Sheet of my OC, Dragos Cosmar.   This month I had extra time on my hands so managed to get three pieces done, which I then combined into this character design sheet.   Darius Cameo! Who is Dragos' older brother. They are full-blooded siblings and perfect mixes of their parents, but inverted. Dragos has his mother's hair and skin and father's eyes - Darius has his mother's eyes but his father's hair and similar ash skin. Darius' answer to Dragos' question is a reference from this lovely song by Tom Cardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--9kqhzQ-8Q
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sironae · 2 years
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Ozias Oneiron, my magical boy, from my Monstervale AU. Obviously some Doctor Strange vibes because I love that shit.
Arcane Circles are a brush made by ObsidanDawn. I purchased the license but even so going to give her a shoutout because she's got some really good stuff. Check her out: obsidiandawn.com (C) Ozias is Mine
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sironae · 2 months
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B̴̤̕Ȇ̶̲ ̵̨̓N̵̮̋O̸̭̽T̶̨̒ ̷̢̾Ȁ̷͓F̴̛͙R̸̺͋A̴͓̎I̷̦̔D̸̠̀
Since finishing's Ashur's new updated look, I really wanted to draw his 'true' form without any mortal glamour. The idea had been in a head for a while and it needed to be free! So here he finally is, in all his glory!
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sironae · 4 months
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Inspiration struck and I decided to see where it took me. I've been wanting to redesign Caleb for a while now as I wasn't entirely happy with his first design. Finally I have something I'm happy with~
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sironae · 6 months
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Art Summary of 2023 I finally got around to putting this together. This year I wanted to make sure I drew each month to be able to complete the meme this year and through blood, sweat and tears, I did it!
I don't know if I'll continue to try and push myself to draw each month as it can get stressful when the deadline looms. I'll see how I go though!
Happy New Year!
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sironae · 6 months
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And Varujan's age meme is complete! Final submission of 2023 and it's a meme :'D Closeups:
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sironae · 6 months
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Art Submission for December I planned on doing the full age meme last month but I procrastinated and started too late and then ran out of time, so I continued it on to this month. The final form of Varujan Cosmar: Majestic
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sironae · 7 months
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Art Submission for November I planned a funny age meme for Varujan but ran out of time to finish the last two phases, so for now have cute-creepy little Varujan. The phases are called: Weird Chicken, Soft Supreme and Awkward.
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sironae · 1 year
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What's this? A second art piece this month? :O This has actually been sitting half finished for a while, so not sure if it fully counts. This is a redraw of my OC Edrei Cosmar's headshot, the original which I drew back in 2021.
While the 2021 art isn't BAD exactly, I wasn't entirely happy with how her face looked. I decided at some point that I liked Billie Eilish's vibe, and used her as a loose face-claim for Edrei. Here is the full body I drew last year for Edrei~
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sironae · 1 year
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Here is April's Artwork. I've actually been drawing a little bit more so this month I might have multiple art pieces - but no promises :'D I am slowly trying to finish my character apps for Monstervale.
Here is Cryus, an octofae. He’s mostly an NPC for rp purposes. 
Second Picture: Left: His true form. Right: Glamour form, which he uses sometimes to interact with those scared or suspicious of fae (and octopus) Not 100% happy with his art but I wanted to just get him done because his has been an WIP for a little while now.   
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