I understand the story of marat and his assassination event
But who is lepeletier?
Because I saw a drawing for him by louis David and I learned about his death which happen to be the same as Marat so yeah .. I wanna know about him.
According to the biography Michel Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1760-1793 (1913), its subject of study was born on 29 May 1760, in his family home on rue Culture-Sainte-Catherine, a building which today is the Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris. His family belonged to the distinguished part of the robe nobility. At the death of his father in 1769, Lepeletier was both Count of Saint-Fargeau, Marquis of Montjeu, Baron of Peneuze, Grand Bailiff of Gien as well as the owner of 400,000 livres de rente. For five years he worked as avocat du roi at Châtelet, before becoming councilor in Parliament in 1783, general counsel in 1784 and finally taking over the prestigious position of président à mortier at the Parlement of Paris from his father in 1785. On May 16 1789, Lepeletier was elected to represent the nobility at the Estates General. On June 25 the same year he was one of the 47 nobles to join the newly declared National Assembly, two days before the king called on the rest of the first two estates to do so as well. A month later, during the night of August 4 1789, he was in the forefront of those who proposed the suppression of feudalism, even if, for his part, this meant losing 80 000 livres de rente. Four days later he wrote a letter to the priest of Saint-Fargeau, renouncing his rights to both mills, furnaces, dovecote, exclusive hunting and fishing, insence and holy water, butchery and haulage (the last four things the Assembly hadn’t ruled on yet). When the Assembly on June 19 1790 abolished titles, orders, and other privileges of the hereditary nobility, Lepeletier made the motion that all citizens could only bear their real family name — ”The tree of aristocracy still has a branch that you forgot to cut..., I want to talk about these usurper names, this right that the nobles have arrogated to themselves exclusively to call themselves by the name of the place where they were lords. I propose that every individual must bear his last name and consequently I sign my motion: Michel Lepeletier” — and the same year he also, in the name of the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee, presented a report on the supression of the penal code and argued for the abolition of the death penalty. After the closing of the National Assembly in 1791, Lepeletier settled in Auxerre to take on the functions of president of the directory of Yonne, a position to which he had been nominated the previous year. He did however soon thereafter return to Paris, as he, following the overthrow of the monarchy, was one of few former nobles elected to the National Convention, where he was also one of even fewer former nobles to sit together with the Mountain. In December 1792 he started working on a public education plan. On January 20 1793, he voted for death without a reprieve and against an appeal to the people during the trial of Louis XVI (Opinion de L.M. Lepeletier, sur le jugement de Louis XVI, ci-devant roi des François: imprimée par ordre de la Convention nationale). After the session was over, Lepeletier went over to Palais-Égalité (former Palais-Royal) where he dined everyday. The next day, his friend and fellow deputy Nicolas Maure could report the following to the Convention:
Citizens, it is with the deepest affection and resentment of my heart that I announce to you the assassination of a representative of the people, of my dear colleague and friend Lepelletier, deputy of Yonne; committed by an infamous royalist, yesterday, at five o'clock, at the restaurateur Fevrier, in the Jardin de l'Égalité. This good citizen was accustomed to dining there (and often, after our work, we enjoyed a gentle and friendly conversation there) by a very unfortunate fate, I did not find myself there; for perhaps I could have saved his life, or shared his fate. Barely had he started his dinner when six individuals, coming out of a neighboring room, presented themselves to him. One of them, said to be Pâris, a former bodyguard, said to the others: There's that rascal Lepeletier. He answered him, with his usual gentleness: I am Lepeletier, but I am not a rascal. Paris replied: Scoundrel, did you not vote for the death of the king? Lepelletier replied: That is true, because my confidence commanded me to do so.Instantly, the assassin pulled a saber, called a lighter, from under his coat and plunged it furiously into his left side, his lower abdomen; it created a wound four inches deep and four fingers wide. The assassin escaped with the help of his accomplices. Lepeletier still had the gentleness to forgive him, to pray that no further action would be taken; his strength allowed him to make his declaration to the public officer, and to sign it. He was placed in the hands of the surgeons who took him to his brother, at Place Vendôme. I went there immediately, led by my tender friendship, and my reverence for the virtues which he practiced without ostentation: I found him on his death bed, unconscious. When he showed me his wound, he uttered only these two words: I'm cold. He died this morning, at half past one, saying that he was happy to shed his blood for the homeland; that he hoped that the sacrifice of his life would consolidate Liberty; that he died satisfied with having fulfilled his oaths.
This was the first time a Convention deputy had gotten murdered, and it naturally caused strong reactions. Already the same session when Maure had announced Lepeletier’s death, the Convention ordered the following:
There are grounds for indictment against Pâris, former king's guard, accused of the assassination of the person of Michel Lepelletier, one of the representatives of the French people, committed yesterday.
[The Convention] instructs the Provisional Executive Council to prosecute and punish the culprit and his accomplices by the most prompt measures, and to without delay hand over to its committee of decrees the copies of the minutes from the justice of the peace and the other acts containing information relating to this attack.
The Decrees and Legislation Committees will present, in tomorrow's session, the drafting of the indictment.
An address will be written to the French people, which will be sent to the 84 departments and the armies, by extraordinary couriers, to inform them of the crime against the Nation which has just been committed against the person of Michel Lepelletier, of the measures that the National Convention has taken for the punishment for this attack, to invite the citizens to peace and tranquility, and the constituted authorities to the most exact surveillance.
The entire National Convention will attend the funeral of Michel Lepelletier, assassinated for having voted for the death of the tyrant.
The honors of the French Pantheon are awarded to Michel Lepelletier, and his body will be placed there.
The president is responsible for writing, on behalf of the National Convention, to the department of Yonne, and to the family of Lepelletier.
The next day, January 22, further instructions were given regarding Lepeletier’s funeral: 
On Thursday January 24, Year 2 of the Republic, at eight o'clock in the morning, will be celebrated, at the expense of the Nation, the funeral of Michel Lepeletier, deputy of the department of Yonne to the National Convention.
The National Convention will attend the funeral of Michel Lepeletier in its entirety. The executive council, the administrative and judicial bodies will attend it as well.
The executive council and the department of Paris will consult with the Committee of Public Instruction regarding the details of the funeral ceremony.
The last words spoken by Michel Lepeletier will be engraved on his tomb, they are as follows: “I am happy to shed my blood for the homeland; I hope that it will serve to consolidate Liberty and Equality; and to make their enemies recognized.”
In number 27 (January 27 1793) of Gazette Nationale ou Le Moniteur Universel, the following long description was given over Lepeletier’s funeral, held three days earlier:
The funeral of Lepeletier Saint-Fargeau was celebrated on Thursday 24 with all the splendor that the severity of the weather and the season allowed, but with such a crowd that it could have been the most beautiful day of the year. At ten o'clock in the morning his deathbed was placed on the pedestal where the equestrian statue of Louis XVI previously stood, on Place Vendôme, today Place des Piques. One went up to the pedestal by two staircases, on the banisters of which were antique candelabras. The body was lying on the bed with the bloody sheets and the sword with which he had been struck. He was naked to the waist, and his large and deep wound could be seen exposed. These were the mournful and most endearing part of this great spectacle. All that was missing was the author of the crime, chained, and beginning his torture by witnessing the sight of the triumph of Saint-Fargeau. As soon as the National Convention and all the bodies that were to form courage were assembled in the square, mournful music was played. It was, like almost all those which has embellished our revolutionary festivals, the composition of citizen Gossec. The Convention was ranged around the pedestal. The citizen in charge of the ceremonies presented the President of the Convention with a wreath of oak and flowers; then the president, preceded by the ushers of the Convention and the national music, went around the monument, and went up to the pedestal to place the civic crown on Lepeletier's head: during this time, a federate gave a speech; the president dismounted, the procession set out in the following order: A detachment of cavalry preceded by trumpets with fourdincs. Sappers. Cannoneers without cannons. Detachment of veiled drummers. Declaration of the rights of man carried by citizens. Volunteers of the six legions, and 24 flags. Drum detachment. A banner on which was written the decree of the Convention which ordered the transport of Lepeletier's body to the Pantheon. Students of the homeland. Police commissioners. The conciliation office. Justices of the peace. Section presidents and commissioners. The commercial court. The provisional criminal court. The department’s fix courts. The electorate. The provisional criminal court. The department's criminal courts fix. The municipality of Paris. The districts of Saint-Denis and the village of L’Égalité. The Department. Drum detachment. The seal of the 84, worn by Federates. The provisional executive council. National Convention Guard Detachment. The court of cassation. Figure of Liberty carried by citizens. The bloody clothes worn at the end of a national pike, deputies marching in two columns. In the middle of the deputies was a banner where Lepeletier's last words were written: "I am happy to shed my blood for my homeland, I hope that it will serve to consolidate Liberty and Equality, and to make their enemies known.” 
The body carried by citizens, as it was exhibited on the Place des Piques. Around the body, gunners, sabers in hand, accompanied by an equal number of Veterans. Music from the National Guard, who performed funeral tunes during the march. Family of the dead. Group of mothers with children. Detachment of the Convention Guard. Veiled drums. Volunteers of the six legions and 24 flags. Veiled drums. Volunteers of the six legions and 24 flags. Veiled drums. Volunteers of the six legions and 24 flags. Veiled drums. Armed federations. Popular societies. Cavalry and trumpets with fourdines. On each side, citizens, armed with pikes, formed a barrier and supported the columns. These citizens held their pikes horizontally, at hip height, from hand to hand. The procession left in this order from the Place des Piques, and passed through the streets St-Honoré, du Roule, the Pont-Neuf, the streets Thionville (former Dauphine), Fossés Saint-Germain, Liberté (former Fossés M. le Prince), Place Saint-Michel and Rue d'Enfer, Saint-Thomas, Saint-Jacques and Place du Panthéon. It stopped front of the meeting room of the Friends of Liberty and Equality; opposite the Oratory, on the Pont-Neuf, opposite the Samaritaine; in front of the meeting room of the Friends of the Rights of Man; at the intersection of Rue de la Liberté; Place Saint-Michel and the Pantheon. Arriving at the Pantheon, the body was placed on the platform prepared for it. The National Convention lined up around it; the band, placed in the rostrum, performed a superb religious choir; Lepeletier's brother then gave a speech, in which he announced that his brother had left a work, almost completed, on national education, which will soon be made public; he ended with these words: I vote, like my brother, for the death of tyrants. The representatives of the people, brought closer to the body, promised each other union, and swore on the salvation of the homeland. A big chorus to Liberty ended the ceremony.
According to Michel Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1760-1793 (1913), civic festivals in honor of Lepeletier were celebrated in all sections of Paris, as well as the towns of Arras, Toulouse, Chaumont, Valenciennes, Dijon, Abbeville and Huningue. Lepeletier’s body did however only get to rest in the Panthéon for a little more than two years, as on February 15 1795, the Convention ordered it exhumed, at the same time as that of Marat. It was instead buried in the park surrounding Château de Ménilmontant, the properly of which the ancestor Lepeletier de Souzy had purchased in the 17th century and that still remained in the family.
One day after the funeral, January 25, Lepeletier’s only child, the ten and a half year old Susanne, who had already lost her mother ten years before the murder of her father, was brought before the Convention by her step-mother and two paternal uncles Amédée and Félix. It was Félix who had held a speech during the funeral and he would continue to work for his seven years older brother’s memory afterwards too, offering a bust of him to the Convention on February 21 1793, (on the proposal of David, it was placed next to the one of Brutus), reading his posthumous work on public education to the Jacobins on July 19 1793, and even writing a whole biography over his life in 1794 (Vie de Michel Lepeletier, représentant du peuple français, assassiné à Paris le 20 janvier 1793 : faite et présentée a la Société des Jacobins).
The president announces that the widow of Michel Lepelletier, his two brothers and his daughter, request to be admitted to the bar, to testify to the Convention their recognition of the honors that they have decreed in memory of their relative. It is decreed that they will be admitted immediately.
One of Michel Lepeletier’s brothers: Citizens, allow me to introduce my niece, the daughter of Michel Lepelletier; she comes to offer you and the French people her recognition of the eternity of glory to which you have dedicated her father... He takes the young citoyenne Lepelletier in his arms, and makes her look at the president of the Convention... My niece, this is now your father... Then, addressing the members of the Convention, and the citizens present at the session: People, here is your child... Lepelletier pronounces these last words in an altered voice: silence reigns throughout the room, with exception for a couple of sobs.
The President: Citizens, the martyr of Liberty has received the just tribute of tears owed to him by the National Convention, and the just honor that his cold skin has received invites us to imitate his example and to avenge his death. But the name of Lepelletier, immortal from now on, will be dear to the French Nation. The National Convention, which needs to be consoled, finds relief to its pain in expressing to his family the just regrets of its members and the recognition of the great Nation of which it is the organ. The Nation will undoubtedly ratify the adoption of Michel Lepelletier's daughter that is currently being carried out by the National Convention.
Barère: The emotion that the sight of Michel Lepeletier's only daughter has just communicated to your souls must not be infertile for the homeland. Susanne Lepelletier lost her father; she must find now find one in the French people. Its representatives must consecrate this moment of all-too-just felicity to a law that can bring happiness to several citizens and hope to several families. The errors of nature, the illusions of paternity, the stability of morals, have long demanded this beautiful institution of the Romans. What more touching time could present itself at the National Convention to pass into French legislation the principle of adoption, than that when the last crimes of expiring tyranny deprived the homeland of one of its ardent defenders and Susanne Lepelletier of a dear father! Let the National Convention therefore give today the first example of adoption by decreeing it for the only offspring of Lepelletier; let it instruct the Legislation Committee to immediately present the bill on this interesting subject. I ask that the homeland adopt through your organ Susanne Lepelletier, daughter of Michel Lepelletier, who died for his country; that it decrees that adoption will be part of French legislation, and instructs its Legislation Committee to immediately present the draft decree on adoption.
This proposal is unanimously approved.
Susanne being adopted by the state would however lead to a fierce debate when, in 1797, this ”daughter of the nation” wished to marry a foreigner. For this affair, see the article Adopted Daughter of the French People: Suzanne Lepeletier and Her Father, the National Assembly (1999)
Right after Barère’s intervention, David took to the rostrum:
David: Still filled with the pain that we felt, while attending the funeral procession with which we honored the inanimate remains of our colleagues, I ask that a marble monument be made, which transmits to posterity the figure of Lepelletier , as you clearly saw, when it was brought to the Pantheon. I ask that this work be put into competition.
Saint-André: I ask that this figure be placed on the pedestal which is in the middle of Place Vendôme... (A few murmurs arise)
Jullien: I ask that the Convention adopt in advance, in the name of the homeland, the children of the defenders of Liberty, who, for similar reasons, could be immolated in the vengeance of the royalists.
All these proposals are referred to the Legislation and Public Instruction Committees.
On Maure's proposal, the Assembly orders the printing of the speeches delivered yesterday at the Panthéon, by one of Michel Lepelletier's brothers, Barère and Vergniaux.
If it would appear David never got to make a marble monument of Lepeletier, on March 28 1793, he could nevertheless present the following painting of his to the Convention, which isn’t just a little similar to his La Mort de Marat.
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(This image is an engraving of the actual painting, which has gone missing)
After Marat on July 13 1793 (the very same day the plan for public education Lepeletier had been working on was presented to the Convention by Robespierre) became the second assassinated Convention deputy, we find several engravings etc, depicting the two ”martyrs of liberty” side by side.
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In the following months, even more people would be join the two, such as Joseph Chalier, a lyonnais politician executed on July 17 1793 and Joseph Bara, a fourteen year old republican drummer boy killed in the Vendée by the pro-Monarchist forces.
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Lepeletier’s murderer, 27 year old Philippe Nicolas Marie de Pâris, a man who the minister of justice described as  "former king's guard, height five pieds, five pouces, barbe bleue, and black hair; swarthy complexion, fine teeth, dressed in a gray cloak, green lapels and a round hat” on January 21, went into hiding right after his deed. In spite of his description being published in the papers and a considerable sum of money being promised to whoever caught him, Pâris managed to flee Paris and settled for a country house of an acquaintance near Bourget. He there ran into a cousin of one of the owners. When Pâris asked for food and a bed, he was refused and instead disappeared into the night again. In the evening of January 28 he arrived in Forges-les-Eaux and stopped at an inn, where he came under suspicion once he started cutting his bread with a dagger after which he locked himself into his room. The following morning he woke up with a start as five municipal gendarmes came bursting into his room and told him to come with them. Pâris responded that he would, but in the next second he had picked up his hidden pistol, placed it into his mouth, and pulled the trigger. Searching the dead body, the gendarmes found Pâris’ baptism record (dated November 12 1765) and dismissal from the king's guard (dated June 1 1792), on the latter of which had been written the following:
My certificate of honor. Do not trouble anyone. No one was my accomplice in the fortunate death of the scoundrel de Saint-Fargeau. Had I not run into him, I would have carried out a more beautiful action: I would have purged France of the patricide, regicide and parricide d’Orléans. The French are cowards to whom I say: Peuple dont les forfaits jettent partout l'effroi,  Avec calme et plaisir j'abandonne la vie.  Ce n'est que par la mort qu'on peut fuir l'infamie Qu'imprime sur nos fronts le sang de notre roi. Signed by Paris the older, guard of the king, assassinated by the French.
Learning about what had happened, the Convention tasked Tallien and Legrand with going to Forges-les-Eaux and making sure the dead man really was Pânis. Having come to the conclusion that this was indeed the case, the deputies briefly discussed whether the body ought to be brought back to Paris, but it was decided it would be better if it was just buried "with ignominy.” It was therefore instead taken into the nearby forest in a wheelbarrow and thrown into a six feet deep hole.
Finally, here are some other revolutionaries simping for honoring Lepeletier’s memory just because I can:
…a tragic event took place the day before the execution [of the king]. Pelletier, one of the most patriotic deputies, and who had voted for death, was assassinated. A king's guard made a wound three fingers wide with a saber: he died this morning. You must judge the effect that such a crime has had on the friends of liberty. Pelletier had an income of six hundred thousand livres; he had been président à mortier in the Parliament of Paris; he was barely thirty years old; to many talents, he added the most estimable of virtues. He died happy, he took to his grave the idea, consoling for a patriot, that his death would serve the public good. Here then is one of these beings whom the infamous cabal who, in the Convention, wanted to save Louis and bring back slavery, designated to the departments as a Maratist, a factious, a disorganizer... But the reign of these political rascals is finished. You will see the measures that the Assembly took both to avenge the national majesty and to pay homage to a generous martyr of liberty. Philippe Lebas in a letter to his father, January 21 1793
Ah! if it is true that man does not die entirely and that the noblest part of himself survives beyond the grave and is still interested in the things of life, come then, dear and sacred shadow, sometimes to hover above the Senate of the nation that you adorned with your virtues; come and contemplate your work, come and see your united brothers contributing to the happiness of the homeland, to the happiness of humanity. Marat in number 105 (January 23 1793) of Journal de la République Française
O Lepeletier! Your death will serve the Republic: I envy your death. You ask for the honors of the Pantheon for him, but he has already collected the prize of martyrdom of Liberty. The way to honor his memory is to swear that we will not leave each other without having given a constitution to the Republic. Danton at the Convention, January 21 1793
O Le Peletier, you were worthy to die for your homeland under the blows of its assassins! Dear and sacred shadow, receive our wishes and our oaths! Generous citizen, incorruptible friend of the truth, we swear by your virtues, we swear by your fatal and glorious death to defend against you the holy cause of which you were the apostle; we swear eternal war against the crime of which you were the eternal enemy, against the tyranny and treason of which you were the victim. We envy your death and we will know how to imitate your life. They will remain forever engraved in our hearts, these last words where you showed us your entire soul; ”May my death,” you said, “be useful to the homeland, may it will serve to make known the true and false friends of liberty, and I die content.” Robespierre at the Jacobins, January 23
Wednesday 23 [sic] — We went to Madame Boyer’s to see the procession. I saw the poor Saint-Fargeau. We all burst into tears when the body passed by, we threw a wreath on it. After the ceremony, we returned to my house. Ricord and Forestier had arrived. I was unable to stop my tears for some time. F(réron), La P(oype), Po, R(obert) and others came to dinner. The dinner was quite fun and cheerful. Afterwards they went to the Jacobins, Maman and I stayed by the fire and, our imaginations struck by what we had seen, we talked about it for a while. She wanted to leave, I felt that I could not be alone and bear the horrible thoughts that were going to besiege me. I ran to D(anton’s). He was moved to see me still pale and defeated. We drank tea, I supped there. Lucile Desmoulins in her diary, January 24 1793
…Pelletier's funeral took place this Thursday as I informed you in my last letter (this letter has gone missing). The procession was immense; it seemed that the population of Paris had doubled, to honor the memory of this virtuous citizen. The mourning of the soul was painted on all the faces: it was especially noticed that the people were extremely affected, which proves that they keenly felt the price of the friend they had lost. Arriving at the Pantheon, Lepelletier's body was placed on the platform prepared for it; his brother delivered a speech which was applauded with tears; Barère succeeded him. Then the members of the Convention, crowding around the body of their colleague, promised union among themselves, and took an oath to save the country. God grant that we have not sworn in vain, that we finally know the full extent of our duties, and that we only occupy ourselves with fulfilling them! In yesterday's session, Pelletier's daughter, aged eight [sic], was presented to the National Convention, which immediately adopted her as a child of the homeland. Georges Couthon in a letter written January 26 1793
How could I be so base as to abandon myself to criminal connections, I who, in the world, have never had more than one close friend since the age of six? (he gestures towards David's painting). Here he is! Michel Lepeletier, oh you from whom I have never parted, you whose virtue was my model, you who like me was the target of parliamentary hatred, happy martyr! I envy your glory. I, like you, will rush for my country in the face of liberticidal daggers; but did I have to be assassinated by the dagger of a republican! Hérault de Sechelles at the Convention, December 29 1793
For a collection of Lepeletier’s works, see Oeuvres de Michel Lepeletier Saint-Fargeau, député aux assemblées constituante et conventionnelle, assassiné le 20 janvier 1793, par Paris, garde du roi (1826)
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random-racehorses · 6 months
Random Real Thoroughbred: GREEN LIGHTNING
GREEN LIGHTNING is a bay gelding born in Ireland in 2007. By MONTJEU out of ANGELIC SONG. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/green+lightning2
0 notes
trainsintherain · 2 years
A Sport and a Pastime
Mornings with clouds. Windy mornings. Mornings with black wind rushing like water. The trees quiver, the windows are creaking like a ship. Its going to rain. After a while the first silent drops appear on the glass. Slowly they increase, cover it, begin to run. All of Autun beneath the cool, morning rain, the sculptures on the Roman gates streaking and then turning dark, the slate roofs gleaming now, the cemetery, the bridges across the Arroux. Every once in a while the wind returns, the rain moves sideways, beats against the windows like sand. Rain falling everywhere, on all avenues and enterprises, the ancient glories of the town. Rain on the plate of glass of the Librairie Lucotte, rain on les Arcade, on au Cygne de Montjeu. A long, even rain that makes me quite content. 
- James Salter
0 notes
redwylde · 6 years
|| UmaMusume Race Comparison Archive ||
One of my favourite things about Uma Musume is how closely the anime staff maintained the events of the show to the real life careers of the racehorses the characters are based on. The staff managed to write entire character arcs and exhilarating subplots solely based on how and when each race was run, and I that that’s amazing.
I’ve always found it quite interesting and exciting to watch the actual races as they happened in real life and compare them to the episodes, so I’ve decided to put together a key with links to videos of the actual races run in the show! Complete with race numbers and extra trivia notes for the details the anime decided to change for the sake of the series.
The videos I’ve found are of each major race that was run by characters on-screen with the official course and track names. Minor races with no names mentioned in the show are not included.
See below!
Special Week’s Debut Race and first win, 1997.
(Special Week #14)
OP Note: I could not find this video on YouTube but an edited version of the race was uploaded to Twitter.
Special Week’s 2nd Race and third consecutive win in the 1998 Yayoishou 2000m at the Nakayama Racecourse.
Rival: Seiun Sky
(Special Week #13, Seiun Sky #10)
Trivia Note: This race was actually Special Week’s 4th overall race and 2nd consecutive win after finishing 2nd to Asahi Creek in the 1998 Shiraume Shou right after his debut win.
Special Week’s First G1 in the Satsukishou 2000m at the Nakayama Racecourse.
Special Week finished 3rd behind Seiun Sky and King Halo.
(Special Week #18, Seiun Sky #3, King Halo #12)
Special Week wins the Japan Derby (Tokyo Yushun) 2400m.
Rivals: Seiun Sky, King Halo.
(Special Week #5, Seiun Sky #12, King Halo #2)
Trivia Note: Unlike in the episode, El Condor Pasa did not take part in this race and Special Week took the Derby as a solo win.
Silence Suzuka wins the 1998 Mainichi Okan.
Rivals: El Condor Pasa, Grass Wonder.
(Silence Suzuka #2, El Condor Pasa #4, Grass Wonder #6)
Trivia Note: It’s unclear in which position Grass Wonder finished in the episode, but in in actual Mainichi Okan he finished 5th behind Sunrise Flag and another horse..
Silence Suzuka’s Last Race. The Tennoushou Fall, 1998.
WARNING: UPSETTING IMAGERY, ANIMAL INJURY. On the fourth turn leading into the home stretch, Silence Suzuka sustains a fracture in his left foreleg after passing the large zelkova tree at the edge of the course and begins to lope along the track. He is pulled up by his jockey as stable hands rush to his aid, and Silence Suzuka is later put to sleep due to the severity of his injury.
Trivia Note: In the episode, Special Week races onto the track and catches Suzuka before she comes to a complete stop, lifting her left leg to prevent her from putting any weight on it and worsening the fracture. Due to this, Suzuka is later able to recover and continue racing, which was unfortunately not the case for the real Silence Suzuka.
El Condor Pasa and most of the other chosen racers in the episode did not run this race, and the 1998 Tennoushou Fall winner after Suzuka’s forfeit was Offside Tap.
Special Week finishes 2nd in the 1999 Takarazuka Kinen.
Rival: Grass Wonder
(Special Week #9, Grass Wonder #5)
Trivia Note: It’s not mentioned in the show, but Grass Wonder and Special Week were major rivals during their racing careers.
El Condor Pasa runs the 1999 Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe in France and finishes second behind French racer, Broye/Montjeu.
Rival: Broye/Montjeu.
(El Condor Pasa #5, Broye/Montjeu #11)
Trivia Note: Broye is actually not the name of the French racehorse El Condor Pasa and later Special Week compete against. For unknown reasons, the name was changed. The horse’s actual name was Montjeu.
Special Week runs and wins the 1999 Tennoushou Fall.
Rivals: Seiun Sky, King Halo.
(Special Week #9, Seiun Sky #7, King Halo #16)
Special Week wins the 1999 Japan Cup, 2400m.
Rival: Broye/Montjeu.
(Special Week #13, Montjeu #14)
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keibaen · 3 years
Goki – 投稿者自身による作品, CC 表示-継承 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=873901による モンジュー 欧字 Montjeu 品種 サラブレッド 性別 牡 毛色 鹿毛 生誕 1996年4月4日 死没 2012年3月29日 父 Sadler’s Wells 母 Floripedes 母の父 Top Ville 生国 アイルランド 生産 Sir J.Goldsmith 馬主 Michael Tabor 調教師 John Edward…
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sarahdohertyx-blog · 6 years
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Hurricane Fly (Ire) MY HERO / Born: April 5, 2004
Retired: August 31, 2015 / Tr. Willie Mullins / SIRE: Montjeu (Ire) DAM: Scandisk (Ire) Unbeaten at Leopardstown (10/10) 5x BHP Insurances Irish Champion Hurdle, 2x Champion Hurdle (2011/2013) in England. Hurricane Fly ran and won twice in France on the flat before joining Willie Mullins in Ireland for the jumps. Grade 1 wins: 22, was a great help to the Mullins yard with the other horses.
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smoothtalk2017-blog · 4 years
🏇Arc De Triomphe PICKS & Tribute Podcast🎙
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livesunique · 4 years
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Château de Montjeu, Broye, Saône-et-Loire, France
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Did you see the news, apparently Uma Musume actually got the rights for foreign horses because they got Montjeu to appear with her name and racing/hair colors in game instead of Broye cosplaying as a Rose of Versailles character in the anime. Would be awesome to see in the future if they could include more from other countries like the US or even more unlikely implementing foreign races like the Arc or Kentucky Derby.
secretariat as a 6'7 gigachad
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all-the-horses · 6 years
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Jukebox Jury
Montjeu x Mare Aux Fees
Thoroughbred, Stallion
Born 2006
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Kentucky Derby Live Stream Free
Every day of The Kentucky Derby week bloodstock manager Joe Nevills is investigating the families of four Kentucky Derby contenders and how those families may factor into their capacity to prevail at a mile and a quarter.Were stirring our way up the leaderboard and now breaking the top ten.Since the passing focuses framework was executed for the 2013 Kentucky Derby the posttime wagering most loved has won each year.Given the current years rough street to the roses we may see that change on May 4 at Churchill Downs. Kentucky Derby Kentucky Derby Live Kentucky Derby Live Free Kentucky Derby Live Stream Kentucky Derby Live Online Watch Kentucky Derby War Front was a top of the line sprinter amid his ontrack profession featured by a score in the Evaluation 2 Alfred G.Vanderbilt Raisers Container Debilitation at six furlongs.He was likewise G1put at six and seven furlongs.Before hopping up to evaluated stakes rivalry War Front won the nonreviewed Princelet Stakes at a mile and a sixteenth.Moving a fullsibling to War of Will started his hustling vocation in France succeeding at about a mile before being migrated to Southern California where he was pulled up in his presentation and never hit the board again. Kentucky Derby 2019 Kentucky Derby 2019 Live Kentucky Derby 2019 Live Stream Watch Kentucky Derby 2019 In spite of doing the majority of his stakes winning on the soil War Leaders have normally done their best work on the turf and manufactured surfaces with an armada of ponies winning globally for the Coolmore task.Be that as it may he sent Lines of Fight to the 2013 Kentucky Derby off a success in the 1 316mile G2 U.A.E.Derby and he has two sprinters with focuses to keep running in the current years release alongside Omaha Shoreline.His normal descendants winning separation of 7.42 is better than expected for a Derby sire. 2019 Kentucky Derby 2019 Kentucky Derby Live The Kentucky Derby Live The Irishreared Dreams of Clearness by Sadlers Wells won the recorded Prix Bagatelle in France going 1600 meters around a mile.Sadlers Wells was himself a boss miler in France who proceeded to wind up one of Europes most noteworthy sires broadening his line through children including Galileo El Prado and Montjeu. Kentucky Derby Race Kentucky Derby Race Live Kentucky Derby 2019 Race Kentucky Derby odds Kentucky Derby 2019 odds Before War of Will the most outstanding sprinter out of Dreams of Clearness was Pathfork a child of Contorted Diversion who turned into a star in the Irish adolescent positions taking the G1 National Stakes at seven furlongs and the G2 Futurity Stakes both on turf.At the point when crossed with A.P.Indy the female horse created Tacticus who was a stakes champ at 1 58 miles up to 1 ¾ miles both on earth.Market Viewpoint by Lemon Drop Child was stakesput on the turf at a mile and a sixteenth. Kentucky Derby Horses Kentucky Derby Date Kentucky Derby Winner Kentucky Derby 2019 Horses Kentucky Derby Horse Racing Kentucky Derby Racing Kentucky Derby 2019 Horse Racing City Zip was an intelligent sprinter taking the G1 Confident Stakes (seven furlongs) G2 Saratoga Extraordinary Stakes (6 ½ furlongs) and Sanford Stakes (six furlongs) and G3 Tremont Stakes (5 ½ furlongs) as an adolescent.He remained a fruitful sprinter at three with wins in the G2 Amsterdam Stakes (six furlongs) G3 Jersey Shore Reproducers Container Stakes (six furlongs) and a couple of recorded stakes at six boards. Kentucky Derby 2019 Racing Kentucky Derby 2019 Horse Kentucky Derby 2019 Time Kentucky Derby Race Time That snappy fire capacity was passed on to huge numbers of City Compress foals including champion sprinter Work All Week yet he was more than equipped for getting prominent twoturn sprinters.Among them are Canadian Steed of the Year Catch an Impression Raisers Container Filly and Female horse Turf champ Dayatthespa and G1 Pacific Exemplary victor Gathered. Kentucky Derby 2019 Race Time Kentucky Derby 2019 start time 145th Kentucky Derby 145th Kentucky Derby Live Daaher discovered his sweet spot at a mile on the primary track in the fall of his 3yearold season crushing his colleagues in the G2 Jerome Impairment at that point bringing down more seasoned challenge in the G1 Stogie Mile Handicap.His normal descendants winning separation of 6.87 furlongs is ordinary for a Kentucky Derby sire inclining toward underneath normal.Beside Haikal his solitary other reviewed stakes champ is Tramp Robin who is a different G2 victor at seven furlongs. 145th Kentucky Derby 2019 145 Kentucky Derby 145 Kentucky Derby Live Sablah by Mutilated Cleverness never dashed.Twisted Amusingness was an evaluated stakes victor from seven furlongs to a mile however his descendants can take care of business including double exemplary champ Interesting Cide and Belmont Stakes champ Entertaining Side.She is additionally the dam of Takaful by Bernardini who took the G1 Vosburgh Stakes at six furlongs.Takafuls wheelhouse was without a doubt circumventing one turn however he picked up some evaluated dark sort at a mile and an eighth completing third in the G2 Remsen Stakes.
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thelookofeagles · 6 years
Breeders’ Cup Fields 2018
JUVENILE TURF SPRINT: 3:21pm - $1,000,000 - 5.5f, turf, 2yo
Strike Silver - 2-year-old dark bay colt - Violence x Frank's Hope (Pulpit) - J. Leparoux - M. Casse (4-1)
Soldier's Call (GB) - 2-year-old bay colt - Showcasing (GB) x Dijarvo (GB) (Iceman (GB)) - O. Murphy - A. Watson (9-2)
Well Done Fox (GB) - 2-year-old bay colt - Acclamation (GB) x Excelette (IRE) (Exceed And Excel (AUS)) - W. Buick - R. Hannon (12-1)
Stillwater Cove - 2-year-old bay filly - Quality Road x Celibataire (Broken Vow) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - W. Ward (20-1)
Bulletin - 2-year-old chestnut colt - City Zip x Sue's Good News (Woodman) - J. Castellano - T. Pletcher (10-1)
Moonlight Romance - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Liaison x Envious Moon (Malibu Moon) - J. Ortiz - W. Ward (12-1)
Shang Shang Shang - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Shanghai Bobby x Yankee Victoria (Yankee Victor) - J. Velazquez - W. Ward (5-1)
Sergei Prokofiev - 2-year-old dark bay colt - Scat Daddy x Orchard Beach (Tapit) - R. Moore - A. O'Brien (6-1)
Chelsea Cloisters - 2-year-old bay filly - First Samurai x Postulant (Pulpit) - T. Gaffalione - W. Ward (8-1)
So Perfect - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Scat Daddy x Hopeoverexperience (Songandaprayer) - W. Lordan - A. O'Brien (12-1)
Queen of Bermuda (IRE) - 2-year-old bay filly - Exceed And Excel (AUS) x Imperialistic Diva (IRE) (Haafhd (GB)) - F. Prat - W. Haggas (20-1)
Pocket Dynamo - 2-year-old dark bay colt - Dialed In x Little Bit Tiny (Cuvee) - J. Rosario - R. Cowell (20-1)
AE1 - Big Drink of Water - 2-year-old bay gelding - Soldat x Vindi Princess (Vindication) - L. Rivelli
AE2 - Comedy (IRE) - 2-year-old bay filly - Dandy Man (IRE) x Dubaya (GB) (Dubawi (IRE)) - K. Burke
AE3 - Van Beethoven - 2-year-old dark bay colt - Scat Daddy x My Sister Sandy (Montbrook) - A. O'Brien
AE4 - Legends of War - 2-year-old bay colt - Scat Daddy x Madera Dancer (Rahy) - J. Gosden
JUVENILE FILLIES TURF: 4:00pm - $1,000,000 - 8f, turf, 2yo fillies
Concrete Rose - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Twirling Candy x Solerina (Powerscourt (GB)) - J. Lezcano - G. Arnold, II (6-1)
The Mackem Bullet (IRE) - 2-year-old bay filly - Society Rock (IRE) x Elkmait (GB) (Trade Fair (GB)) - O. Murphy - B. Ellison (15-1)
Lily's Candle (FR) - 2-year-old gray filly - Style Vendome (FR) x Golden Lily (FR) (Dolphin Street (FR)) - P. Boudot - F. Vermeulen (8-1)
Just Wonderful - 2-year-old bay filly - Dansili (GB) x Wading (IRE) (Montjeu (IRE)) - R. Moore - A. O'Brien (6-1)
La Pelosa (IRE) - 2-year-old bay filly - Dandy Man (IRE) x Lauren's Girl (IRE) (Bushranger (IRE)) - W. Buick - C. Appleby (15-1)
Newspaperofrecord (IRE) - 2-year-old bay filly - Lope de Vega (IRE) x Sunday Times (GB) (Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (2-1)
Stellar Agent - 2-year-old bay filly - More Than Ready x Lawn Party (Medaglia d'Oro) - M. Franco - J. Abreu (30-1)
Belle Laura - 2-year-old bay filly - Mucho Macho Man x Belle Chaussee (Giant's Causeway) - J. Leparoux - N. Casse (20-1)
Varenka - 2-year-old bay filly - Ghostzapper x Dynamic Cat (Dynaformer) - J. Ortiz - G. Motion (20-1)
Pakhet - 2-year-old bay filly - Cairo Prince x Hunting Hill (Hard Spun) - J. Velazquez - T. Pletcher (12-1)
Lady Prancealot (IRE) - 2-year-old bay filly - Sir Prancealot (IRE) x Naqrah (IRE) (Haatef) - J. Talamo - R. Baltas (30-1)
Summering - 2-year-old bay filly - War Front x Wishing Gate (Indian Charlie) - D. Van Dyke - T. Proctor (15-1)
My Gal Betty - 2-year-old bay filly - Point of Entry x Gal of Mine (Mining) - J. Castellano - R. Attfield (20-1)
East (GB) - 2-year-old chestnut filly - Frankel (GB) x Vital Statistics (GB) (Indian Ridge (IRE)) - J. Spencer - K. Ryan (20-1)
AE1 - Pivottina (FR) - 2-year-old bay filly - Vision d'Etat (FR) x Pixy (GB) (Pivotal (GB)) - G. Motion
Winning Envelope - 2-year-old chestnut filly - More Than Ready x Granby Girl (Badge of Silver) - C. Block
JUVENILE FILLIES: 4:40pm - $2,000,000 - 8.5f, dirt, 2yo fillies
Reflect - 2-year-old chestnut filly - Trappe Shot x Scat Patty (Scat Daddy) - J. Ortiz - K. Desormeaux (15-1)
Serengeti Empress - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Alternation x Havisham (Bernardini) - C. Lanerie - T. Amoss (7-2)
Vibrance - 2-year-old bay filly - Violence x Block (Dynaformer) - J. Velazquez - M. McCarthy (10-1)
Restless Rider - 2-year-old gray filly - Distorted Humor x Silky Serenade (Unbridled's Song) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - K. McPeek (9-2)
Cassies Dreamer - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Flatter x Chilbolton (War Front) - M. Franco - B. Tagg (30-1)
Baby Nina - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Flatter x Whitelacenpromises (More Than Ready) - T. Gaffalione - A. Quartarolo (30-1)
Jaywalk - 2-year-old gray filly - Cross Traffic x Lady Pewitt (Orientate) - J. Rosario - J. Servis (7-2)
Sippican Harbor - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Orb x Blossomed (Deputy Minister) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - G. Contessa (12-1)
Splashy Kisses - 2-year-old dark bay filly - Blame x Indian Valley (Cherokee Run) - D. Van Dyke - D. O'Neill (20-1)
Bellafina - 2-year-old bay filly - Quality Road x Akron Moon (Malibu Moon) - F. Prat - S. Callaghan (2-1)
JUVENILE TURF: 5:22pm - $1,000,000 - 8f, turf, 2yo
Arthur Kitt (GB) - 2-year-old bay colt - Camelot (GB) x Ceiling Kitty (GB) (Red Clubs (IRE)) - R. Kingscote - T. Dascombe (20-1)
Uncle Benny - 2-year-old bay colt - Declaration of War x Celebrity Cat (Storm Cat) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - J. Servis (15-1)
Much Better - 2-year-old dark bay ridgling - Pioneerof the Nile x Dust and Diamonds (Vindication) - D. Van Dyke - B. Baffert (10-1)
Forty Under - 2-year-old gray colt - Uncle Mo x Argent Affair (Black Tie Affair (IRE)) - M. Franco - J. Englehart (5-1)
Line of Duty (IRE) - 2-year-old chestnut colt - Galileo (IRE) x Jacqueline Quest (IRE) (Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)) - W. Buick - C. Appleby (10-1)
Henley's Joy - 2-year-old chestnut colt - Kitten's Joy x Blue Grass Music (Bluegrass Cat) - T. Gaffalione - M. Maker (8-1)
Somelikeithotbrown - 2-year-old bay colt - Big Brown x Marilyn Monroan (Tapit) - J. Ortiz - M. Maker (12-1)
Opry - 2-year-old dark bay colt - Declaration of War x That Voodoo Youdo (Speightstown) - J. Castellano - T. Pletcher (15-1)
The Black Album (FR) - 2-year-old bay colt - Wootton Bassett (GB) x Model Black (IRE) (Trade Fair (GB)) - M. Barzalona - J. Soubagne (30-1)
War of Will - 2-year-old bay colt - War Front x Visions of Clarity (IRE) (Sadler's Wells) - J. Rosario - M. Casse (12-1)
King of Speed - 2-year-old chestnut colt - Jimmy Creed x Beautiful Daniele (A.P. Indy) - G. Stevens - J. Bonde (8-1)
Current - 2-year-old chestnut colt - Curlin x Crosswinds (Storm Cat) - J. Velazquez - T. Pletcher (5-1)
Marie's Diamond (IRE) - 2-year-old brown colt - Footstepsinthesand (GB) x Sindiyma (IRE) (Kalanisi (IRE)) - F. Geroux - M. Johnston (20-1)
Anthony Van Dyck (IRE) - 2-year-old bay colt - Galileo (IRE) x Believe'N'Succeed (AUS) (Exceed And Excel (AUS)) - R. Moore - A. O'Brien (4-1)
AE1 - Tracksmith - 2-year-old bay colt - Street Sense x Hot Water (Medaglia d'Oro) - J. Sharp
AE2 - Order and Law - 2-year-old bay colt - Violence x Poetic Kid (Shakespeare) - L. Linder, Jr.
JUVENILE: 6:05pm - $2,000,000 - 8.5f, dirt, 2yo
Dueling - 2-year-old gray colt - Violence x Seattle Qui (Seattle Slew) - M. Franco - J. Hollendorfer (20-1)
Mr. Money - 2-year-old bay colt - Goldencents x Plenty O'Toole (Tiznow) - G. Saez - B. Calhoun (30-1)
Derby Date - 2-year-old chestnut colt - Will Take Charge x Smart and Fancy (Not For Love) - L. Contreras - D. Lukas (30-1)
Tight Ten - 2-year-old bay colt - Tapit x Devils Humor (Distorted Humor) - R. Santana, Jr. - S. Asmussen (30-1)
Well Defined - 2-year-old dark bay gelding - With Distinction x Fru Fru (Medaglia d'Oro) - M. Smith - K. O'Connell (20-1)
Complexity - 2-year-old bay colt - Maclean's Music x Goldfield (Yes It's True) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (5-2)
Mind Control - 2-year-old bay colt - Stay Thirsty x Feel That Fire (Lightnin N Thunder) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - G. Sacco (20-1)
Standard Deviation - 2-year-old bay colt - Curlin x False Impression (A.P. Indy) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (12-1)
Game Winner - 2-year-old bay colt - Candy Ride (ARG) x Indyan Giving (A.P. Indy) - J. Rosario - B. Baffert (8-5)
Knicks Go - 2-year-old gray colt - Paynter x Kosmo's Buddy (Outflanker) - A. Jimenez - B. Colebrook (30-1)
Code of Honor - 2-year-old chestnut colt - Noble Mission (GB) x Reunited (Dixie Union) - J. Velazquez - C. McGaughey III (5-1)
Gunmetal Gray - 2-year-old gray colt - Exchange Rate x Classofsixtythree (Include) - F. Prat - J. Hollendorfer (10-1)
Trophy Chaser - 2-year-old dark bay colt - Twirling Candy x European Union (Successful Appeal) - T. Gaffalione - J. Avila (30-1)
Signalman - 2-year-old bay colt - General Quarters x Trip South (Trippi) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - K. McPeek (20-1)
FILLY & MARE SPRINT: 12:00pm - $1,000,000 - 7f, dirt, 3yo+ f&m
Selcourt - 4-year-old chestnut filly - Tiz Wonderful x Azure Spring (Open Forum) - T. Baze - J. Sadler (4-1)
Miss Sunset - 4-year-old bay filly - Into Mischief x Tuscan Sunset (Trippi) - K. Desormeaux - J. Bonde (15-1)
Happy Like a Fool - 3-year-old chestnut filly - Distorted Humor x Lastofthsummerwine (Sky Mesa) - L. Saez - W. Ward (20-1)
Kirby's Penny - 5-year-old dark bay mare - Macho Uno x Spirit Seeker (Peace Rules) - J. Velazquez - W. Ward (30-1)
Golden Mischief - 4-year-old bay filly - Into Mischief x Lanai City (Carson City) - F. Geroux - B. Cox (10-1)
Chalon - 4-year-old bay filly - Dialed In x Fall Fantasy (Menifee) - J. Castellano - A. Delacour (15-1)
Skye Diamonds - 5-year-old chestnut mare - First Dude x Exonerated (Johannesburg) - T. Pereira - W. Spawr (10-1)
Mia Mischief - 3-year-old bay filly - Into Mischief x Greer Lynn (Speightstown) - R. Santana, Jr. - S. Asmussen (15-1)
Stormy Embrace - 4-year-old chestnut filly - Circular Quay x Stormy Allure (Stormy Atlantic) - T. Gaffalione - K. O'Connell (20-1)
Highway Star - 5-year-old chestnut mare - Girolamo x Stolen Star (Cat Thief) - J. Ortiz - R. Ubillo (20-1)
Finley'sluckycharm - 5-year-old dark bay mare - Twirling Candy x Day of Victory (Victory Gallop) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - B. Calhoun (10-1)
Anonymity - 4-year-old chestnut filly - Tapit x Stormy Sunday (Sir Cat) - f. Prat - R. Mandella (15-1)
Marley's Freedom - 4-year-old bay filly - Blame x Relaxing Green (Formal Gold) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (8-5)
Shamrock Rose - 3-year-old bay filly - First Dude x Slew's Quality (Elusive Quality) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - M. Casse (20-1)
AE1 - Dream Pauline - 3-year-old chestnut filly - Tapit x Dream Rush (Wild Rush) - K. McLaughlin
TURF SPRINT: 12:38pm - $1,000,000 - 5.5f, turf, 3yo+
Ruby Notion - 5-year-old bay mare - Great Notion x Modena Bay (NZ) (Volksraad (GB)) - F. Geroux - D. Miller (20-1)
Bucchero - 6-year-old chestnut horse - Kantharos x Meetmeontime (General Meeting) - F. de la Cruz - T. Glyshaw (10-1)
Hembree - 4-year-old dark bay colt - Proud Citizen x Knockatrina (Langfuhr) - T. Gaffalione - M. Maker (20-1)
Vision Perfect - 6-year-old dark bay horse - Pollard's Vision x Steamy (Speightstown) - J. Castellano - J. Servis (15-1)
Disco Partner - 6-year-old gray horse - Disco Rico x Lulu's Number (Numerous) - J. Rosario - C. Clement (7-2)
Rainbow Heir - 8-year-old chestnut horse - Wildcat Heir x Rainbow Pride (Prospectors Gamble) - J. Ortiz - J. Servis (12-1)
Lost Treasure (IRE) - 3-year-old bay colt - War Front x Wading (IRE) (Montjeu (IRE)) - R. Moore - A. O'Brien (20-1)
Chanteline - 6-year-old bay mare - Majesticperfection x Listen to Libby (Indian Charlie) - R. Santana, Jr. - S. Asmussen (15-1)
Stormy Liberal - 6-year-old bay gelding - Stormy Atlantic x Vassar (Royal Academy) - D. Van Dyke - P. Miller (4-1)
Havana Grey (GB) - 3-year-old gray colt - Havana Gold (IRE) x Blanc de Chine (IRE) (Dark Angel (IRE)) - P. McDonald - K. Burke (20-1)
World of Trouble - 3-year-old bay colt - Kantharos x Meets Expectations (Valid Expectations) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - J. Servis (6-1)
Richard's Boy - 6-year-old gray gelding - Idiot Proof x Marissa's Joy (Cee's Tizzy) - P. Lopez - P. Miller (12-1)
Will Call - 4-year-old bay colt - Country Day x Vote Early (More Than Ready) - S. Bridgmohan - B. Cox (20-1)
Conquest Tsunami - 6-year-old bay gelding - Stormy Atlantic x Classic Neel (El Corredor) - F. Prat - P. Miller (6-1)
AE1 - Insta Erma - 5-year-old bay mare - Pioneerof the Nile x Enchanted Woods (Woodman) - R. Baltas
DIRT MILE: 1:16pm - $1,000,000 - 8f, dirt, 3yo+
City of Light - 4-year-old bay colt - Quality Road x Paris Notion (Dehere) - J. Castellano - M. McCarthy (5-2)
Trigger Warning - 3-year-old bay colt - Candy Ride (ARG) x Magic Appeal (Successful Appeal) - R. Santana, Jr. - M. Rone (20-1)
Isotherm - 5-year-old dark bay horse - Lonhro (AUS) x Game for More (More Than Ready) - G. Franco - P. D'Amato (20-1)
Seven Trumpets - 3-year-old dark bay colt - Morning Line x Angel Trumpet (Cape Canaveral) - R. Albarado - D. Romans (15-1)
Awesome Slew - 5-year-old bay horse - Awesome Again x Slewfoundmoney (Seeking the Gold) - C. Lanerie - M. Casse (15-1)
Seeking the Soul - 5-year-old bay horse - Perfect Soul (IRE) x Seeking the Title (Seeking the Gold) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - D. Stewart (5-1)
Firenze Fire - 3-year-old bay colt - Poseidon's Warrior x My Every Wish (Langfuhr) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - J. Servis (6-1)
Bravazo - 3-year-old dark bay colt - Awesome Again x Tiz o' Gold (Cee's Tizzy) - L. Contreras - D. Lukas (20-1)
Giant Expectations - 5-year-old chestnut horse - Frost Giant x Sarahisittrue (Is It True) - J. Leparoux - P. Eurton (15-1)
Catalina Cruiser - 4-year-old chestnut colt - Union Rags x Sea Gull (Mineshaft) - D. Van Dyke - J. Sadler (8-5)
FILLY & MARE TURF: 2:04pm - $2,000,000 - 11f, turf, 3yo+ f&m
Fourstar Crook - 6-year-old bay mare - Freud x Avril a Portugal (D'Accord) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (5-1)
Thais (FR) - 4-year-old dark bay filly - Rio de La Plata x Tianshan (FR) (Lahint) - M. Franco - C. Brown (20-1)
Wild Illusion (GB) - 3-year-old bay filly - Dubawi (IRE) x Rumh (GER) (Monsun (GER)) - W. Buick - C. Appleby (7-2)
Paved - 3-year-old dark bay filly - Quality Road x Sirmione (Cozzene) - J. Rosario - M. McCarthy (20-1)
Princess Yaiza (IRE) - 3-year-old chestnut filly - Casamento (IRE) x Undertone (IRE) (Noverre) - A. Atzeni - G. Cromwell (30-1)
Sistercharlie (IRE) - 4-year-old bay filly - Myboycharlie (IRE) x Starlet's Sister (IRE) (Galileo (IRE)) - J. Velazquez - C. Brown (3-1)
Smart Choice (ARG) - 5-year-old bay mare - Grand Reward x Sweet Speech (ARG) (Victory Speech) - F. Prat - T. Pletcher (30-1)
Fuhriously Kissed - 5-year-old chestnut mare - Langfuhr x French Kiss (Hussonet) - T. Gaffalione - A. Quartarolo (30-1)
A Raving Beauty (GB) - 5-year-old gray mare - Mastercraftsman (IRE) x Anabasis (GER) (High Chaparral (IRE)) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (10-1)
Magic Wand (IRE) - 3-year-old bay filly - Galileo (IRE) x Prudenzia (IRE) (Dansili (GB)) - R. Moore - A. O'Brien (5-1)
Mom's On Strike - 5-year-old bay mare - First Dude x Mom's Deputy (War Chant) - A. Beschizza - J. Sharp (20-1)
Santa Monica (GB) - 5-year-old bay mare - Mastercraftsman (IRE) x Zacchera (GB) (Zamindar) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (15-1)
Athena (IRE) - 3-year-old bay filly - Camelot (GB) x Cherry Hinton (GB) (Green Desert) - W. Lordan - A. O'Brien (15-1)
Eziyra (IRE) - 4-year-old chestnut filly - Teofilo (IRE) x Eytarna (IRE) (Dubai Destination) - L. Dettori - D. Weld (15-1)
SPRINT: 2:46pm - $2,000,000 - 6f, dirt, 3yo+
Whitmore - 5-year-old chestnut gelding - Pleasantly Perfect x Melody's Spirit (Scat Daddy) - R. Santana, Jr. - R. Moquett (6-1)
Promises Fulfilled - 3-year-old chestnut colt - Shackleford x Marquee Delivery (Marquetry) - L. Saez - D. Romans (6-1)
B Squared - 4-year-old bay colt - Square Eddie x Silar Rules (Ten Most Wanted) - M. Gutierrez - D. O'Neill (20-1)
Warrior's Club - 4-year-old dark bay colt - Warrior's Reward x Thirty Eighth St. (Citidancer) - L. Contreras - D. Lukas (15-1)
Imperial Hint - 5-year-old dark bay horse - Imperialism x Royal Hint (Lahint) - J. Castellano - L. Carvajal, Jr. (9-5)
Always Sunshine - 6-year-old bay horse - West Acre x Sunny Again (Awesome Again) - F. Pennington - E. Allard (20-1)
Distinctive B - 7-year-old bay gelding - With Distinction x Anythingispossible (Songandaprayer) - D. Van Dyke - P. Miller (12-1)
Limousine Liberal - 6-year-old dark bay gelding Successful Appeal x Gift of Gab (In Excess (IRE)) - J. Ortiz - B. Colebrook (6-1)
Roy H - 6-year-old bay gelding - More Than Ready x Elusive Diva (Elusive Quality) - P. Lopez - P. Miller (5-2)
MILE: 3:36pm - $2,000,000 - 8f, turf, 3yo+
One Master (GB) - 4-year-old bay filly - Fastnet Rock (AUS) x Enticing (IRE) (Pivotal (GB)) - J. Doyle - W. Haggas (12-1)
Next Shares - 5-year-old dark bay gelding - Archarcharch x Two Dot Slew (Evansville Slew) - T. Gaffalione - R. Baltas (10-1)
Happily (IRE) - 3-year-old bay filly - Galileo (IRE) x You'resothrilling (Storm Cat) - W. Lordan - A. O'Brien (15-1)
Polydream (IRE) - 3-year-old bay filly - Oasis Dream (GB) x Polygreen (FR) (Green Tune) - M. Guyon - F. Head (5-1)
Oscar Performance - 4-year-old bay colt - Kitten's Joy x Devine Actress (Theatrical (IRE)) - J. Ortiz - B. Lynch (6-1)
Almanaar (GB) - 6-year-old chestnut gelding - Dubawi (IRE) x Baqah (IRE) (Bahhare) - J. Rosario - C. Brown (12-1)
Expert Eye (GB) - 3-year-old bay colt - Acclamation (GB) x Exemplify (GB) (Dansili (GB)) - L. Dettori - M. Stoute (8-1)
I Can Fly (GB) - 3-year-old bay filly - Fastnet Rock (AUS) x Madonna Dell'orto (GB) (Montjeu (IRE)) - J. Spencer - A. O'Brien (10-1)
Hunt (IRE) - 6-year-old gray gelding - Dark Angel (IRE) x Mansiya (GB) (Vettori (IRE)) - F. Prat - P. D'Amato (30-1)
Catapult - 5-year-old dark bay horse - Kitten's Joy x Gata Bella (Storm Cat) - D. Van Dyke - J. Sadler (6-1)
Lightning Spear (GB) - 7-year-old chestnut horse - Pivotal (GB) x Atlantic Destiny (IRE) (Royal Academy) - O. Murphy - D. Simcock (20-1)
Analyze It - 3-year-old bay colt - Point of Entry x Sweet Assay (Consolidator) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (6-1)
Gustav Klimt (IRE) - 3-year-old bay colt - Galileo (IRE) x Massarra (GB) (Danehill) - R. Moore - A. O'Brien (10-1)
Mustashry (GB) - 5-year-old dark bay gelding - Tamayuz (GB) x Safwa (IRE) (Green Desert) - W. Buick - M. Stoute (15-1)
AE1 - Divisidero - 6-year-old bay horse - Kitten's Joy x Madame Du Lac (Lemon Drop Kid) - K. Rubley
AE2 - Clemmie (IRE) - 3-year-old bay filly - Galileo (IRE) x Meow (IRE) (Storm Cat) - A. O'Brien
DISTAFF: 4:16pm - $2,000,000 - 9f, dirt, 3yo+ f&m
Champagne Problems - 4-year-old dark bay filly - Ghostzapper x Coral Sun (A.P. Indy) - C. Borel - I. Wilkes (12-1)
Abel Tasman - 4-year-old bay filly - Quality Road x Vargas Girl (Deputy Minister) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (7-2)
La Force (GER) - 4-year-old dark bay filly - Power (GB) x La Miraculeuse (GER) (Samum (GER)) - D. Van Dyke - P. Gallagher (20-1)
Mopotism - 4-year-old bay filly - Uncle Mo x Peppy Rafaela (Bernardini) - M. Gutierrez - D. O'Neill (30-1)
Wonder Gadot - 3-year-old dark bay filly - Medaglia d'Oro x Loving Vindication (Vindication) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - M. Casse (15-1)
Verve's Tale - 5-year-old bay mare - Tale of Ekati x Verve (Unbridled) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - B. Tagg (30-1)
Midnight Bisou - 3-year-old dark bay filly - Midnight Lute x Diva Delite (Repent) - J. Velazquez - S. Asmussen (6-1)
Vale Dori (ARG) - 6-year-old bay mare - Asiatic Boy (ARG) x Valerina (ARG) (Halo Sunshine) - J. Talamo - B. Baffert (12-1)
Wow Cat (CHI) - 4-year-old dark bay filly - Lookin At Lucky x Winter Cat (CHI) (Cat Thief) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (8-1)
Blue Prize (ARG) - 5-year-old chestnut mare - Pure Prize x Blues for Sale (ARG) (Not For Sale (ARG)) - J. Bravo - I. Correas, IV (6-1)
Monomoy Girl - 3-year-old chestnut filly - Tapizar x Drumette (Henny Hughes) - F. Geroux - B. Cox (2-1)
TURF: 4:56pm - $4,000,000 - 12f, turf, 3yo+
Talismanic (GB) - 5-year-old dark bay horse - Medaglia d'Oro x Magic Mission (GB) (Machiavellian) - M. Barzalona - A. Fabre (12-1)
Enable (GB) - 4-year-old bay filly - Nathaniel (IRE) x Concentric (GB) (Sadler's Wells) - L. Dettori - J. Gosden (1-1)
Channel Maker - 4-year-old chestnut gelding - English Channel x In Return (Horse Chestnut (SAF)) - J. Ortiz - W. Mott (12-1)
Robert Bruce (CHI) - 4-year-old dark bay colt - Fast Company (IRE) x Lady Pelusa (ARG) (Orpen) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (10-1)
Magical (IRE) - 3-year-old bay filly - Galileo (IRE) x Halfway To Heaven (IRE) (Pivotal (GB)) - R. Moore - A. O'Brien (10-1)
Arklow - 4-year-old bay colt - Arch x Unbridled Empire (Empire Maker) - F. Geroux - B. Cox (30-1)
Glorious Empire (IRE) - 7-year-old brown gelding - Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) x Humble And Proud (IRE) (Pivotal (GB)) - J. Leparoux - J. Lawrence, II (12-1)
Liam the Charmer - 5-year-old dark bay gelding - Smart Strike x Charm the Giant (IRE) (Giant's Causeway) - T. Gaffalione - M. McCarthy (30-1)
Quarteto de Cordas (BRZ) - 4-year-old bay colt - Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) x New Hampshire (BRZ) (Punk (ARG)) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - I. Wilkes (30-1)
Hi Happy (ARG) - 6-year-old chestnut horse - Pure Prize x Historia (ARG) (French Deputy) - L. Saez - T. Pletcher (20-1)
Sadler's Joy - 5-year-old chestnut horse - Kitten's Joy x Dynaire (Dynaformer) - J. Castellano - T. Albertrani (30-1)
Waldgeist (GB) - 4-year-old chestnut colt - Galileo (IRE) x Waldlerche (GB) (Monsun (GER)) - P. Boudot - A. Fabre (9-2)
Hunting Horn (IRE) - 3-year-old bay colt - Camelot (GB) x Mora Bai (IRE) (Indian Ridge (IRE)) - W. Lordan - A. O'Brien (30-1)
CLASSIC: 5:44pm - $6,000,000 - 10f, dirt, 3yo+
Thunder Snow (IRE) - 4-year-old bay colt - Helmet (AUS) x Eastern Joy (GB) (Dubai Destination) - C. Soumillon - S. bin Suroor (12-1)
Roaring Lion - 3-year-old gray colt - Kitten's Joy x Vionnet (Street Sense) - O. Murphy - J. Gosden (20-1)
Catholic Boy - 3-year-old bay ridgling - More Than Ready x Song of Bernadette (Bernardini) - J. Castellano - J. Thomas (8-1)
Gunnevera - 4-year-old chestnut colt - Dialed In x Unbridled Rage (Unbridled) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - A. Sano (20-1)
Lone Sailor - 3-year-old bay colt - Majestic Warrior x Ambitious (Mr. Greeley) - J. Graham - T. Amoss (30-1)
McKinzie - 3-year-old bay colt - Street Sense x Runway Model (Petionville) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (6-1)
West Coast - 4-year-old bay colt - Flatter x Caressing (Honour and Glory) - J. Velazquez - B. Baffert (5-1)
Pavel - 4-year-old gray colt - Creative Cause x Mons Venus (Maria's Mon) - M. Gutierrez - D. O'Neill (20-1)
Mendelssohn - 3-year-old bay colt - Scat Daddy x Leslie's Lady (Tricky Creek) - R. Moore - A. O'Brien (12-1)
Yoshida (JPN) - 4-year-old bay colt - Heart's Cry (JPN) x Hilda's Passion (Canadian Frontier) - J. Ortiz - W. Mott (10-1)
Mind Your Biscuits - 5-year-old chestnut horse - Posse x Jazzmane (Toccet) - T. Gaffalione - C. Summers (6-1)
Axelrod - 3-year-old bay colt - Warrior's Reward x Volatile Vickie (Elusive Quality) - J. Bravo - M. McCarthy (30-1)
Discreet Lover - 5-year-old bay horse - Repent x Discreet Chat (Discreet Cat) - M. Franco - U. St. Lewis (20-1)
Accelerate - 5-year-old chestnut horse - Lookin At Lucky x Issues (Awesome Again) - J. Rosario - J. Sadler (5-2)
AE1 - Collected - 5-year-old chestnut horse - City Zip x Helena Bay (GB) (Johannesburg) - B. Baffert
AE2 - Toast of New York - 7-year-old bay gelding - Thewayyouare x Claire Soleil (Syncline) - J. Osborne
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yessadirichards · 3 years
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Horse Racing
Japan dreams their Deep Bond with Arc will end in elusive victory
Deep Bond and Chrono Genesis attempt to fulfill a dream of the Japanese racing fraternity on Sunday and win the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, 52 years after their first runner came up short.
Speed Symboli finished down the field that day but undeterred the Japanese have come back again and again with several going agonizingly close to becoming the first horse from outside Europe to win the race.
"It's a thrill to challenge the best in Europe," Deep Bond's trainer Ryuji Okubo told AFP. "It feels like I have the Japanese flag behind me. I feel as if I am representing Japan at the Olympics!"
Deep Bond and Chrono Genesis face a tough ask in the 100th running of the race, lining up against the likes of Epsom Derby winner Adayar and the last two winners of the Epsom Oaks, Love (2020) and Snowfall (2021).
Their hopes, though, are not forlorn as El Condor Pasa, Nakayama Festa and Orfevre (twice) have all finished runner-up.
Indeed, but for a disastrous lapse of concentration, Orfevre would have writ large his place in turf history in 2012.
He burst clear inside the final two furlongs at Longchamp but despite the desperate urging of jockey Christophe Soumillon he drifted over and clattered the rail allowing Solemia to edge him by a neck.
That sent Japanese racing fans home disappointed.
However, it was nothing compared to the sense of letdown for the 6,000 who came for Deep Impact's tilt at the Arc in 2006, backed him down to odds-on only for him to finish third.
The high regard in which the Arc is held by Japanese racing is illustrated by Deep Bond's owner Shinji Maeda.
"The owner has always said it is the greatest race in the world and it is a dream to win it," said Okubo.
Okubo's runner may be the least fancied of the Japanese duo -- at least in the bookmakers eyes -- but he won the influential Arc trial, the Prix Foy, earlier this month.
It is the same route taken by El Condor Pasa and Orfevre.
For two-time Arc winning trainer John Hammond -- the second of his winners Montjeu just got the better of El Condor Pasa in 1999 -- Deep Bond holds a good chance of making history.
"There won't be a horse in better mental or physical shape," Hammond told AFP. "There will be a few tired horses going into the race so if he's good enough he can win it."
Hammond -- whose stables in Chantilly, north of Paris, is where Deep Bond is based during his stay in France -- says a Japanese win would be welcomed by all and sundry.
"It would be great if Japan won the Arc which is such an iconic race," said Hammond, who is now retired after a stellar training career. "I am sure racing people in England, Ireland and France would be delighted if they did as Japan is a vital part of the racing world. It would be a popular victory."
For Okubo -- who will have crack French jockey Mickael Barzalona on board Deep Bond -- victory on Sunday would resonate back home.
"If we do win it will be plastered across the front pages of all the Japanese newspapers and headline the news bulletins," he said.
Okubo admits that each year a Japanese challenge fails it only makes their hunger greater to return.
"The longer the drought goes on, the bigger the dream of winning it," he said. "It is a dream for me too but it is difficult for me to do so at the moment as I cannot sleep!"
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texasmakers604 · 3 years
Prix De L Arc De Triomphe
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84th Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe Longchamp, 2 October 2005won by Hurricane Run (IRE)
The 2005 Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe was a horse race held at Longchamp on Sunday 2 October 2005.(1) It was the 84th running of the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe.
A top-class field will be lining up at Longchamp in Paris today for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe - Europe’s richest flat race, boasting a prize-money pot of €5 million. Qatar Prix De L'Arc De Triomphe (Group 1). The latter won the Grand Prix de Paris over track and trip before successful in the Juddmonte International at York and improves with every run.
The winner was Hurricane Run, a three-year-old colt trained in France by André Fabre. The winning jockey was Kieren Fallon.(2)
Race details(edit)
Sponsor:Groupe Lucien Barrière
Purse: €1,800,000; First prize: €1,028,520 (3)
Going: Good to Soft
Distance: 2,400 metres
Number of runners: 15
Winner's time: 2m 27.4s
Full result(edit)
Prix De L'arc De Triomphe 2018
Pos.Marg.HorseAgeJockeyTrainer (Country)1Hurricane Run3Kieren FallonAndré Fabre (FR)22Westerner6Olivier PeslierÉlie Lellouche (FR)31½Bago4Thierry GilletJonathan Pease (FR)4¾Shirocco4Stéphane PasquierAndré Fabre (FR)5shdMotivator3Johnny MurtaghMichael Bell (GB)61½Shawanda3Christophe SoumillonAlain de Royer-Dupré (FR)71½Pride5Christophe LemaireAlain de Royer-Dupré (FR)81½Warrsan7Kerrin McEvoyClive Brittain (GB)93Mubtaker8Richard HillsMarcus Tregoning (GB)101½Scorpion3Michael KinaneAidan O'Brien (IRE)116Norse Dancer5John EganDavid Elsworth (GB)121½Cherry Mix4Frankie DettoriSaeed bin Suroor (GB)135Samando5Terence HellierFrançois Doumen (FR)144Windya3Thierry JarnetJean-Claude Rouget (FR)15nkVoltmeter3Thierry ThulliezÉlie Lellouche (FR)
Winner's details(edit)
Further details of the winner, Hurricane Run.
Sex: Colt
Foaled: 13 April 2002
Country: Ireland
Sire:Montjeu; Dam: Hold On (Surumu)
Owner:Michael Tabor
Breeder: Gestüt Ammerland
Prix De L'arc De Triomphe 2020
^'2005 Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe'. Racing Post. Retrieved 1 July 2012.
^'First Arc seals treble for Fallon'. BBC Sport. 2 October 2005. Retrieved 1 July 2012.
^'2005 Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe'. France Galop. Retrieved 1 July 2012.
Prix De L'arc De Triomphe 2020
External links(edit)
Colour Chart – Arc 2005
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2005_Prix_de_l%27Arc_de_Triomphe&oldid=981349914'
The most effected sports currently is Horse Racing, the race schedule in the mid of June and July postponed take place later in the month of October 2020. Last year the race dominate by (Waldgeist) horse. This year the race held behind close doors at Longchamp Racecourse Paris, France with limited number of audience due to covid-19 impact. Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe stream channels announced for this season race.
It is among prestigious all-aged horse race in Europe, the winners of this race regarded as the champions. A source reported that it is richest turf race after (The Everest). The coverage of this year Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe in United Kingdom telecast on ITV at 3:00 PM BST.
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Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe TV Channels Coverage
Free Channels
Paid Channels
Mobile Stream
United Kingdom
ITV, BBC Sports, Sky Sports
United States
TVG, Fox Sports
Fox App
South Africa
Tellytrack1 (DSTV)
Sub-Sharan Africa
Tellytrack1 (DSTV)
RMC Sport
According to reports, this year race held without fans, but authorized entries reserved to 5,000 people. BBC Sports, Sky Sports and ITV all three channels may broadcast the races of Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, there will be no coverage this year on Channel 4 in United Kingdom.
Qatar Prix De L'arc De Triomphe
In France, most of the racing, main pay-per-view events broadcast Canal+ and RMC Sport channel. In Canada the coverage of this race may available on TSN. Recently, TSN broadcast the Kentucky Derby 2020. Telemundo show coverage of the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe in Latin America. The complete details regarding Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe stream channels gathered from trusted sources, if any changes made to the current broadcast details updated here later.
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0 notes
onthebridle · 4 years
2020 Prix Du Jockey Club Preview
Change. It comes with many guises. Good, bad, forced and sometimes in coin form too. We can all recount a story for each with the ease of listing your families names or horses that have carried that coin form to victory. With any positive change we must regretfully suffer the other pole of the spectrum; bad or forced. The latter is where we have stood for over 100 days now and the grand fête of Prix De Diane & Jockey Club day in a sun-kissed Chantilly will lack its colour, its glamour, its congregation but perhaps the most important. Its joie de vivre.
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Fear not, as we endure this seemingly never ending campaign of terror upon the world, a change for good will come again. We will trade the facemasks for smiles, the waves replaced by hugs and the empty stands for the grand fêtes that have been confiscated. For now.  
One thing that will forcibly change is the Prix Du Jockey Club winner. Sottsass bore the crown for a year and a new King must be crowned on Sunday. Let’s change the mood and get stuck into the runners eh.
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As children we are told of fairytales. Dopey we may be at that young age we delighted in hearing of the stories in which you can swap a cow for magic beans or change your life for the better and be given a golden goose. Fairytales were then cast onto the big screen by Walt Disney. Crowds would flock to see them and leave not Grumpy or Bashful but Happy. The great animator himself would struggle to believe the fairytale that lies ahead of Victor Ludorum.
The royal blue of Godolphin has been carried only once to victory in this most historic of races. Frankie Dettori and Shamardal formed a fierce alliance in 2005, winning 6 of their 7 races together including 4 at the grandest of tables; Group 1s. A partnership as strong as that of the Brothers Grimm one may say. Twleve years later in 2017 the late champion sired Victor Ludorum. Following in his fathers footsteps, Victor has lost just one of his 5 career races to date and formed a fierce alliance with Mickael Barzalona. The myth of him not training on and floundering at 3 as his siblings have done was firmly Snow White’d in the Poulains. Cruising past the 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300 and finally the 1400m pole he revved up and bound clear in the final 100m. Eight up for his princely trainer and the premier victory for his ally Mickael. Yet to race over 1600m+ we venture into the dark forest with the Jockey Club throne as our guiding light but what a story it would make.
If dreams do come true and fairytales become reality, the Brothers could not invent one any better than this. We will never know if Sheikh Mohammed himself is a fairytale follower but should his homebred heir return the riches of Chantilly to the Dubai ruler 15 years on from his maiden, well it would just be happily ever after.
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The dynasty of Coolmore has no equal. Their ability to breed talent, spot talent, cultivate talent and most importantly showcase talent is unrivalled. Their changes for good in the Racing world are based exactly where they should be, on four legs on the biggest and most grand pistes in the world. They’ve had them all from homebred staying superpower Yeats to champion of champions Galileo, wondermares such as Found and the eagle eager eye of MV Magnier and his family have spotted talent from speedball Choisir to the history making American Pharoah.
It is the latter we look to with Ocean Atlantique, now even Coolmore will admit they didnt get much coin form change out of their €1,100,000 purchase but he could change their future immeasureably. Iron runs through the veins of the 3yo thanks to his dam’s sire Giant’s Causeway. A big strapping sort himself he has a way to go to emulate the palmares of his grandfather but he is sailing the right seas. 
A record the “lads” will be happy to change for the better is of theirs in the French Derby. The famous tangerine Tabor silks have once been victorious with Montjeu but those of the Magnier family are yet to taste the celebratory Chantilly cuvee. 
It took until a summery Saint Cloud september afternoon for Andre Fabre to unleash Ocean Atlantique and a second on debut is hardly to be scoffed at. Wrongs were changed to rights in an 8L demolition next time up and the maiden tag shed. The winter came and went as did the early spring. The gates of ParisLongchamp flung open on May 11th (for horses anyway..) and three days later Ocean Atlantique was back in business in the G3 La Force. Caught on the rail and in the pathway of a reversing Another Sky, second would have to do again behind Pao Alto. Wrongs righted once again  on his next run in the Listed de Suresnes this time by a mere 5L demolition.
At home over 10f as was his father and grandfather, can Ocean Atlantique navigate his way to the Winners Enclosure at Chantilly and change his and Coolmore’s history for the better?
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Change is frequent in Palo Alto. The place, not the horse whose name shares such resemblence. It is a true centre of excellence. Without this small corner of San Francisco we would not have life-changing spies companies such as (breathe): Google, Facebook, Apple, Paypal, HP, Dell, Xerox, Skype and Tesla. The final enterprise on that list is perhaps the most exciting, most forward thinking and most ludicrous. One fact remains however, horsepower is the name of the game for Tesla, the brainchild of lunatic maverick Elon Musk. Their desire to prove they are the best whilst maintaing all the style, glamour and substance is endering and these qualities are retained in the Christophe Ferland trained Pao Alto.
Pao Alto is visually one of the most beautiful chestnut colts you could possibly see with a flash of milky white on his left fore and an emblem-esque diamond between his eyes. Style. Owned by the uber elegant Wertheimer et frere he carries the famous sky blue and white silks that have bibles of Group wins to their name. Glamour. Beaten only once on his debut he has conquered a mile and graduated to ten furlongs too picking up the Group 3 La Force on the way. Substance. 
He like the two before has champion blood racing through his veins. The son of 2013 winner Intello, he would take Gerard et Alain to two wins in the Jockey Club putting them ahead of their illustrious father Jacques and the patriarch of it all (their grandfather) Pierre. Pao is not a homebred as many of the brorthers horses are but heck, they cannot get much closer than having a son of their first Derby winner.
The La Force was a real triumph. The metal broke from the latch and he was out and away, relaxed for the first 400. Showing fine balance on the long downhill sweeping of ParisLongchamp he turned into the false straight tracking the rear end of Ocean Atlantique. A jolt of this head to the left told Guyon which way he wanted to go and when the air cleared he took off. One swipe of the foam was enough and a few bumps from Max saw him home comfortably ahead.
He will get to see, like Tesla, if he can be the best this Sunday where it matters most. On the turf at Chantilly.
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What were we saying before about fairytales? Believe in something and you can achieve it. Make Believe in something and anything is possible! A fourth entrant into the race with champion blood in his veins, Mishriff is the son of the 2015 Poulains winner and the pride and joy of Prince Faisal Al Saud. It would also provide a fairytale culmination for his trainer John Gosden. The master of Clarehaven has triumphed in almost all the Classics you could name. The (Epsom) Derby? Got two. The (Epsom) Oaks? Three of those. Irish Derby? Yep, tick. Irish Oaks? Of course, next. Hollywood Derby? Hell yes. Prix De Diane? Oui. Prix Du Jockey Club? Ah, erm...
The elsuive Prix Du Jockey Club remains the outstanding empty square in his sticker book of Classics. It has been lean pickings for the master trainer since 2000 with 4th being his highest placed finisher too.
In the five races in Mishriff’s career he has filled all the places, 4th on debut before 3rd next time up. Skipping a place to win by as far as he wanted at Nottingham to end his season he returned with a 2nd in the Saudi Derby. His UK reappearance was a romp on the Rowley Mile. Posted on the flank by David Egan he had tremendous balance in the dip and despite having the whole of Newmarket to his right he kept his head down and his line almost straight to win by 4L. The form of his Newmarket Stakes win has twice been franked by Volkan Star and Al Aasy so tick that box as well.
What were we saying before about change?  It would be for the ultimate good should John Harry Martin Gosden complete his sticker book of Classics.
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Port Guillaume - Jean Claude Rouget has been the man for the big occasion in this race winning three of the last five. His 2020 entrant whilst having a record of straight 1′s has to make the almighty leap from Class 1 to Group 1. A prominent front runner he will be the horse to watch and the gauge by which we measure the ferocity of the race. Not ruled out but it is a thankless task making the running in a race like this and questions remain over his quality at the level.
Ecrivain - The final orders bell is ringing in the Ecrivain Arms. A real talking horse coming into the season he finished 2nd in the Fontainebleau ahead of Victor Ludorum but was firmly put to the back of the class in the Poulains. Excuses have been graciously allowed given the virus rampaging around the Laffon Parias yard at the time but now its time to put up or shut up. Unfortunately the latter seems the more likely option.
Hurricane Dream - Those fairytales get everywhere! Jumps trainer Mickael Mescam would send shockwaves around the world should his colt be victorious. Team Valor were quick to swoop in after his win in the provinces and their judgement was justified as he swept aside a talented field over course and distance last time. Another making the leap from Class 1 to Group 1 he may have the class to challenge for places in this race and more should a few underperform.
The Summit - A real surprise package at 3 he has outperformed expectations time after time after time. His win in the Fontainebleau upcycled to 2nd in the Poulains and with a new set of emperors silks this could be his swansong in France. Alex Pantall has worked wonders with him and with Peslier in the plate anything is possible.
San Fabrizio - If you watch his last race you’ll be bamboozled as to the run he gets. Or well doesn’t get! PCB appeared to have boatfuls left in his hands but with nowhere to go he simply had to ride out at no more than a trot. He was behind Pao Alto on debut but that was a long time ago now. Soumi rides so he gets a boost but coming off the pace at Chantilly in the Jockey Club and having to be 4 or 5 wide? Tough ask.
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First of all, expect a messy race. This event is rarely without a gripe from at least one participant and with only a thin strip of perfect ground at Chantilly everyone wants a piece that they cannot have. Second of all, stay away from the rail unless you are clear in front. It cannot be emphasised enough how important it is to treat that rail like an enemy if you are trying to come off the pace.
Victor Ludorum was mine and many many others guy for the Poulains and he will retain that with those many many others but not me. His win at Deauville was sensational but there was mitigating factors that day. His proximity to the rail from the start and the open runway he had to stroll down thanks to Alson being the main two. Fabre cannot hide his affection for this horse but is he better over the mile? We’ll see. Stall #1 isnt exactly super for him being a hold up horse, he could get a whack early on as they break and that may trap him in the group as they fall towards the rail. Pao Alto was superb when winning the La Force under Guyon. The doubt creeps into the mind about the state of the Fabre string during the opening period however. Did he catch his opponents on an off day? Maybe. Did he capitalise? Certainly. He appears to have the substance for the trip but will he be able to keep up now the pack have caught up too? Maybe not. He has not raced since that day and that too could be a concern. Stall #9 for him and that is about where you’d want to be.  OCEAN ATLANTIQUE will have the perfect man on board for this race. PCB is imperious around the undulations of Chantilly. He will devour the distance and he is more than quick enough to win despite posting a slow time LTO but he did win by 5L. The tactics employed in the Suresnes could work wonders given his pace and his jockeys ability to dictate a race but he is likely to have company upfront with Port Guillaume and The Summit in there too. The undoubted ability at staying the trip is hugely beneficial to him and will count hugely later on as they climb up the straight but it must be said that the red diamond on PC’s helmet could work as a real target. He was given a raw deal in stall #14 but the long run to the bend at Chantilly will give PC time to look at the pack and pick his best hand to play on a versatile horse. It would be a story told for years if Hurricane Dream could win for Mescam & Team Valor and he has a chance to finish in the top 4 without doubt. Eyquem has been given the steering wheel and stall #11 is prime real estate also.
In my opinion, the seas of change will blow the way of Ocean Atlantique and Coolmore team itheir first Prix Du Jockey Club in the colours of the Boss.
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gosportsfield · 5 years
Top New Zealand Stallion Tavistock Dies at 14
Top New Zealand Stallion Tavistock Dies at 14
[ad_1] Son of Montjeu suffered complications from an injury sustained in his paddock. [ad_2] Source link
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