opelman · 1 year
Ferrari 308 GT4 / César Freitas by Artes Max Via Flickr: ESPÍRITU DE MONTJUÏCH 2019 / Circuit de Barcelona
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envisitadecortesia · 2 months
Els fars de Barcelona
L’existència dels fars és tan antiga com ho és la navegació pels mars i els oceans del món. A l’antiguitat, mancant els potents focus alimentats amb energia elèctrica d’avui dia, l’única font de llum que es podia utilitzar era el foc, mitjançant grans pires situades a dalt d’una torre, castell o talaia, on poder senyalitzar als navegants a bord dels seus navilis la proximitat de terra ferma o…
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ducatif1 · 10 months
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1984 Montjuich 24 hour winner; a factory ‘customer’ 750TT1 ridden to victory by Benjamin Grau, Enrique de Juan, & Luis Reyes ❤️
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workingclasshistory · 11 months
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On this day, 7 July 1864, Filipino labour leader Isabelo de los Reyes was born in Vigan. He became a journalist and opponent of Spanish colonial rule, for which he was jailed and tortured. He was then deported to Spain and held in the infamous Montjuich Castle in Barcelona, alongside many anarchist political prisoners. In 1901 he was allowed to return to the Philippines, and he brought with him a library of books by socialists like Karl Marx and anarchists like Mikhail Bakunin. He founded the Unión Obrera Democrática Filipina, and helped organise several strikes. See our timeline of his life and activism on our Stories app, including sources and maps: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/tag/9461/isabelo-de-los-reyes https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=657696179736934&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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mtonino · 23 days
Inno individualista
Pria di morir nel fango della via, imiteremo Bresci e Ravachol; chi stende a te la mano, o borghesia, è un uomo indegno di guardare il sol.
Le macchine stridenti dilaniano i pezzenti e pallide e piangenti stan le spose ognor, restano i campi incolti e i minator sepolti e gli operai travolti da omicidio ognor.
E a chi non soccombe si schiudan le tombe, s’apprestin le bombe, s’affili il pugnal. È l’azion l’ideal!
Francia all’erta, sulla ghigliottina tronca il capo a chi punirla vuol; Spagna vil garrotta ed assassina; fucila Italia chi tremar non suol.
In America impiccati, in Africa sgozzati, in Spagna torturati a Montjuich ognor; ma la razza trista del signor teppista l’individualista sa colpir ancor.
E a chi non soccombe si schiudan le tombe, s’apprestin le bombe, s’affili il pugnal. È l’azion l’ideal!
Finché siam gregge, è giusto che vi sia cricca social per leggi decretar; finché non splende il sol dell’anarchia, vedremo sempre il popol trucidar.
Sbirri, inorridite, se la dinamite voi scrosciare udite contro l’oppressor; abbiamo contro tutti, sbirri e farabutti, e uno contro tutti noi li sperderem.
E a chi non soccombe si schiudan le tombe, s’apprestin le bombe, s’affili il pugnal. È l’azion l’ideal!
Di questo canto esistono due versioni con testo variato e musiche differenti. Autori e data non si conoscono anche se il riferimento a Gaetano Bresci indica che il testo potrebbe essere stato scritto nei primi anni del ‘900. in realtà il testo è preesistente all’attentato di Monza: “al posto di Bresci era citato Pini, espropriatore anarchico milanese, morto alla Cajenna”. Nel canto vi sono vari richiami: a Bresci, che nel 1900 giustizia il re Umberto I per vendicare le innumerevoli vittime popolari che a Milano cadono sotto il piombo dei cannoni di Bava Beccaris; a Ravachol, ghigliottinato in Francia l’11 luglio 1892 per una serie di atti dinamitardi; a Montjuch, la famigerata prigione di Barcellona, dove il 13 ottobre 1909 viene fucilato il pedagogista libertario Francisco Ferrer y Guardia, fondatore della Scuola Moderna; all’America dove l’11 novembre 1887 vengono impiccati i Martiri di Chicago, nel cui ricordo viene celebrato il Primo Maggio.
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frenchcurious · 2 years
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Nino Vaccarella (Escuderia Montjuich - Ferrari 512 M #1002) 24 Heures du Mans 1971. © DPPI. - source Carros e Pilotos.
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Borrowed from Benzina World FB page;
This is Benjamin – Min to friends and fans – Grau at the 1975 24 Horas race.Ducati had a long history of successes racing singles at Monjuich Park and entered the new V-twin in 1973 ridden by Grau and Salvador Canellas - and scored a debut victory! The '73 bike used the '73 750 Imola's 86mm bore cylinders together with the standard stroke for a capacity of 864cc. The 750's 60 degree heads and dry clutch were also used. In 1974 a gearbox problem caused the same pairing to retire while in the lead after 16 hours but they won again the following year, beating the Godier Genoud Kawasaki by 13 laps. New, narrower sand-cast crankcases perched in a lightweight Daspa frame, and capacity was raised to 905cc to give 96bhp at 9,000rpm. Grau and Virginio Ferrari also won the 1000km race at Mugello that year.
Grau’s critics might point to the fact that he entered more races at Montjuich Park than any other rider, so of course he has the most wins. But then Montjuich Park also hosted world championship Grands Prix, so the names that slip in above him visited just once a year — names that included Stanley Woods, Tarquinio Provini, Carlo Ubbiali, Bill Ivy... and Phil Read. Phil's name deserves highlighting because he's the only rider, beside Grau, that I can recall winning a 24 hour endurance event as well as a 125 world championship race. For Grau hasn't just won the 24 Horas at Montjuich Park, aboard a 905cc Ducati bevel twin, a 1980s 748cc TTI, and even a Bultaco 360cc two-stroke: in 1974, when Montjuich Park still hosted the Spanish Grand Prix, Derbi found him a 125, just like multiple world champion Angel Nieto's bike. Grau won.
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montjuich · 3 months
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Borrowed from Road Racing 1975 -1990 FB page;
It’s just before the 8pm start of the Barcelona 24-hour in July 1978 and this is one of the 864cc semi-works NCR Ducati vee-twins, similar to the one raced a month earlier by Mike Hailwood to win the Formula 1 TT title in the Isle of Man. Local ace Benjamin Grau and fellow Spaniard Victor Palomo raced it up to second place by 2am on the sinuous Montjuich Park circuit, but five hours later Palomo clashed with leader Jean-Claude Chemarin, who was four laps ahead in the lead on the works 998cc Honda RCB, and both crashed without injury. Despite being damaged both machines were repaired but without their fairings, giving them a decidedly café racer look, as in the second pic. Christian Leon and Chemarin went on to win at a record pace while Grau and Palomo came in sixth.
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hardinbrandstrup33 · 4 months
9 Best Gold IRA Companies For 2023
After his dying in 1972, Robinson was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of his achievements on and off the sphere. Fencik helped win Tremendous Bowl XX and a Gold File with the Bears. Born: Sergey Bubka, Ukrainian pole-vaulter who has held the file for the very best vault since 1984; in Voroshilovgrad. The monitor, John Canty resigned in September 1868. The principal was Denis Leary who taught 3rd. class. Harvard shared the League title, the third straight season it shared or won outright the title, another school document. Together with this contest the Crimson would enjoy a 35-24-1 file versus the Bulldogs over the subsequent six a long time underneath three head coaches, Yovicsin, Restic and Murphy.
Yale tackle Fred Murphy broke the nostril of Harvard's Bob Hallowell during an official's convention; in flip, Murphy absorbed a hard hit later in the competition that hospitalized him. November 25 was the conclusion of one other undefeated, untied season for Yale. The FBI's conclusion was that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby had every acted alone, and independently of one another. best gold ira us cite the dying as suspicious because Baker lived on the identical street where Lee Harvey Oswald lived and was a friend of Jack Ruby. Lane's 10,000 phrase article, "Oswald Innocent? - A Lawyer's Temporary", was published in the December 19 concern of an American leftist weekly newspaper, National Guardian, and started with the sentence, "In all chance there doesn't exist a single American community where reside 12 men or women, good and true, who presume that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't assassinate President Kennedy," then went on to notice that this was indicative of "the breakdown of the Anglo-Saxon system of jurisprudence", given "the sacred proper of every citizen accused of committing a crime to the presumption of innocence".
He wrote a report on the West Cork area which also needs to hold true for Durrus on the period, 'there was only one street between Cork and Bantry; it's possible you'll now proceed by eight carriage roads beside a number of horse tracks branching off from these nice roads, from Bantry the country is mountainous and from the excessive road has the appearance of being barren and very thinly populated; but the valleys abound with, corn and potatoes and the mountains are lined with black cattle in 1760, twenty years in the past it was so thinly inhabited an military of 10,000 males could not attainable have discovered subsistence between Bantry and Bandon. The new manager was Rev. A. J. Brady as the school was now in his parish. Robinson's character, his use of nonviolence, and his expertise challenged the normal foundation of segregation that had then marked many other aspects of American life. top 3 ira gold companies . https://travel.savings.org/2024/02/10/best-gold-ira-companies-4/ resigned from his job as director of the United States Information Company, after being diagnosed with lung most cancers, and retired from public life.
General Charles Vallancey was despatched to Eire to assist in a navy survey, remained and became an authority on Irish antiquities. 107-168 Could 1, 2002 (No short title) An act to increase the authority of the Export-Import Bank until Could 31, 2002 Pub. The Spanish freighter Castillo Montjuich disappeared along with its 37 crew and 9,000 tonnes (8,900 lengthy tons; 9,900 quick tons) of cargo while en route from Boston to La Coruña, Spain.
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revistadehistoria-es · 10 months
Síguenos en Substack https://revistadehistoria.substack.com/ Lee cada día nuevos Artículos Históricos GRATIS: https://revistadehistoria.es/registro-gratuito/ La misteriosa desaparición del ‘castillo montjuich’ en el atlántico
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navedelmisterio · 2 years
La extraña colección – El cerebro por dentro – El alma de las ciudades: Barcelona
CUARTO MILENIO – Programa 18×09 – 06/11/2022
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Esta noche podremos ver una extraña colección de animales. Se trata de animales embalsamados que durante muchos años estuvieron expuestos en el Bar Central de la localidad de Llubí (Mallorca). La colección empezó en 1949 de la mano de Jordi Alomar, quien adquirió un cabrito con ocho piernas. Con los años llegó a tener 74 animales embalsamados. De estos, 51 tenían alguna deformidad genética. Cuando Alomar murió, su yerno, Gabriel Ramis, continuó la colección. En 1993, finalmente el bar cerró sus puertas. Podremos ver muchos de estos animales en una exposición única. Nos acompañará la actual propietaria de la colección y el zoólogo Fernando González-Sitges.
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Recibimos al doctor Alonso, médico especialista en radiología, quien nos hablará sobre las Experiencias Cercanas a la Muerte (ECM) desde un punto de vista científico, basándose en lo que se observa en el cerebro a raíz de estas experiencias que diferentes personas han tenido. ¿Cómo se ven las ECM y las pruebas que se han realizado en pacientes que han revivido o han recordado las ECM? Las ECM han sido estudiadas desde el punto de vista neurobiológico y psicológico, pero todavía no hay consenso sobre qué o cómo se forman estos fenómenos en la consciencia y cómo actúan o impregnan los circuitos neurológicos.
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Continuamos con El alma de las ciudades, la sección que comparten el escritor Javier Sierra y el periodista Enrique de Vicente. Esta semana nos acercamos a Barcelona, que esconde numerosos lugares mágicos y misteriosos. Y que está repleta de santos con historias curiosas, como Santiago, patrón universal de los alquimistas, que predicó allí sobre una piedra cúbica; Santa Eulalia; los santos Justo y Pastor, que son una versión cristianizada de Cástor y Pólux, aliados de Hércules en la mitología; y, por supuesto, Sant Jordi, un santo con profunda raigambre hermética, identificado con Horus.
Por otra parte, hay que prestar atención a su arquitectura, ya son numerosos los lugares con simbología oculta como el parque Güell o el cementerio de Montjuich.
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opelman · 11 months
MORGAN SLR / John EMBERSON / GBR / William WYKEHAM / GBR by Artes Max Via Flickr: ESPÍRITU DE MONTJUÏCH 2019 / Circuit de Barcelona
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envisitadecortesia · 19 days
Una visita del nord i un primer passeig amb golondrina
El dia 29 de març de 1888 feia la seva entrada al port de Barcelona, ​​en visita de cortesia, la corbeta a vapor sueca HMS Balder que estava comandada per el capità A. E. Hjelm, després de creuar la bocana va ordenar hissar al màstil la bandera espanyola, i realitzar la salutació a la plaça, mes no va ser contestat per les bateries del castell de Montjuich que van romandre en silenci tot el dia.…
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ducatif1 · 10 months
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Nico Cereghini & Franco Farnè, testing Montjuich # 006.
📷. Carlo Perelli / Motociclismo
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On this day, 5 January 1939, Lithuanian Jewish anti-fascist and Spanish civil war fighter Samuel Kaplan was transferred by Communist Party authorities to the Montjuich prison in Barcelona. Kaplan initially joined the Durruti Column in July 1936 and fought against the nationalist forces of general Francisco Franco. However, when conflicts arose within the Republic between revolutionary workers and the government, Kaplan was arrested in February 1938 by the secret police, the SIM. In June 1938, held on a prison ship, he wrote a message in a bottle complaining of his treatment and threw it overboard, hoping that it would be found by "fishermen comrades". The note was miraculously found and passed to Kaplan's union, the CNT. In it he wrote of his captors: "Here they have lost all human sense, and if in addition you protest they treat you so much worse. It is a thousand times worse than in Germany in the concentration camps. Since the 29th April I have not seen the sun and I lack food and soap to wash my clothes and face. We sleep on the ground in the greatest misery." Kaplan had previously been imprisoned for his political activities both by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in the Dachau concentration camp, which he escaped. He was eventually transferred to the notorious Montjuich prison. Just days later, Franco's forces took over the city, and shot all the anti-fascist prisoners who had not been able to escape. Nothing more was heard of Kaplan, and so most assumed he had probably been killed. But in 2017 a reader of this page got in touch with us who was actually Kaplan's son, and informed us that he had been able to escape once again and eventually flee to Mexico, where he lived out the rest of his days. We give a short introduction to the Spanish civil war in our podcast episodes 39-40: https://workingclasshistory.com/2020/06/17/e39-the-spanish-civil-war-an-introduction/ https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.1819457841572691/2179397378912067/?type=3
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objecteiespai · 2 years
👉🏻 ‘Trobada d’Urban Sketchers Barcelona’
✍🏻 Fem una crida a tots els aficionats del dibuix per plasmar sobre el per la seva visió personal de la diversitat arquitectònica, paisatgística i antropològica de la muntanya de Monjuïc.
📍 #MUECParcMontjuïc 📅 8 i 9 d’octubre
Jardins Laribal a Montjuich Trobada amb @uskbarcelona convidats per @muec_bcn
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LASEAU, Paul Freehand sketching: an introduction Norton Editions, 2004. ISBN: 9780393731125
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The urban sketching handbook (consejos y técnicas para dibujar in situ)Ed. Promopress, 2018. ISBN: 978 84 15967 52 1
👉🏻El Museu dibuixat, MNAC
8 i 9 d'octubre de 2022
Vestíbul, sales de la col·lecció, Sala Oval i cafeteria-terrassa
El dibuix és una eina molt útil per observar, pensar i gaudir de l’art i el museu és un entorn tranquil i ple de referents per practicar-lo. Descobriu-ho amb el llapis a la mà!
Veniu a dibuixar al museu pel vostre compte o en família! Amb els quaderns El Museu dibuixat, us animem a visitar el museu amb propostes per fer una “visita dibuixada” mentre gaudiu de la col·lecció.
En aquests quaderns, hi trobareu suggerides algunes obres i espais del museu on podeu estar còmodes i passar una estona dibuixant i en contacte directe amb les obres d’art. Els relleus del Romànic, les sabates del Gòtic o les escultures d’Art Modern són només un punt de partida. Dibuixeu tot allò que us interessi, engresqui o sorprengui.
#ElMuseuDibuixat #AmbNens
Informació i reserves: 
Demaneu els quaderns al taulell de l’entrada del museu. Us prestarem llapis, goma i un suport per poder dur a terme l’activitat còmodament.
Instal·lacions adaptades per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda
El material d'aquesta activitat s’ha fet amb la col·laboració d’EINA, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona. Projecte coordinat per Philip Stanton en el marc del Postgrau en il·lustració creativa i tècniques de comunicació visual i el Grau de Disse
Els 22 equipaments que formen part de la programació cultural i de lleure són els següents:
Anella Olímpica
Casa de la Premsa
Castell de Montjuïc
Cementiris de Barcelona
El Graner
Espai Bombers
Fundació Barcelona Olímpica
Fundació Joan Miró
Fundació Mies van der Rohe
Institut Botànic
Institut del Teatre
Jardí Botànic
Jardí Botànic Històric
Mercat de les Flors
Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya
Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món
Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
Muhba Refugi 307
Poble Espanyol
Teatre Lliure
Teatro de los Sentidos
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