heelhil · 2 years
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Still in the hype of Bali Ultra Trail 2002 ✨ Kompilasi berbagai macam ekspresi muka yg menggambarkan kondisi hati dan pikiran menuju garis finish yang tak kunjung terlihat di pelupuk mata 😆 Dari senang, ngantuk, bete, capek, senang lagi, komplit! Kalau kalian, gimana ekspresinya saat lagi lari atau naik gunung? Share dong di comment 🙌 Anyway, semoga minggu ini diawali dengan yang baik! 😘💜 #trail #trailrunning #bali #baliultratrail #madeforoutside #columbiasportswearid #testedtough #montrail #outdoorwomen https://www.instagram.com/p/ChQ0hoIP7Zp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jinken24 · 2 years
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毎日毎日色々あるけど、寝不足で停止しそうな身体の力を振り絞ってトリッパーズでシューズとバックパックを購入!この勢いで裏山トレランガイド完全復活だYO!この夏も東京の裏山を遊び倒すぞー! #trippers #montrail #paagoworks #お気に入り (at Trippers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUMtpyBVcP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flower-crowned-prince · 10 months
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I am no jedi >:(
Big Montrails on mando ahsoka hhhhhhh
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mikasaackerman728 · 8 months
I did fanart!!
I can’t really draw faces and I tried my best, but I think it’s good! You can tell it’s her from the montrails and the face markings. Hope you like it!
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lunarmoonanons · 2 years
Quiet Nights
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
When Anakin and Ahsoka get leave, they both like to spend time with his wife. Family night and the HoloTv. Let me live in a daydream that it all turned out okay.
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
It was a calm evening on Coruscant, the sunset was shining into the private apartments of Senator YN. The Senator was sitting on her couch, her husband was next to her, and his padawan was crisscrossed in front of YN; all three were watching shows on the holoTV. Some random drama was playing as all three spent time together on the rare nights all were free from responsibilities.
Ahsoka was leaning her head back as YN twisted the silka beads so they held better, the beads had gotten loose due to her excursions on the battlefield. Anakin was resting his hand on YN’s thigh smiling at her absentmindedly. It was always a treat to have a night at YN’s.
“Ahsoka stop moving. I’m gonna end up pulling it out.” YN lightly scolded.
“Can’t help it. I’m just way too invested in whether this Casso guy is gonna keep his promise or just betray Amma.” Ahsoka excused and decided to lean forward in spite, making YN laugh slightly.
“I don’t think he’s honorable. He’ll definitely run off.” Anakin added his two credits in. :I don’t care how pretty he is, he’s a sleemo. Ahsoka never fall for his type.”
“But he’s so pretty.” She laughed and pretended to argue.
“Listen to your Master, little miss. That boy ain’t good enough for you.” YN laughed as she ‘scolded’ Ahsoka, finishing her beads and patting her montrails.
“Yes moooommm.” The teen teased back, causing all three to laugh slightly.
YN sat back and rested her head on Anakin’s shoulder, lacing her fingers between his. These ‘family’ nights had started only a few months ago. Since Ahsoka was so clever she basically rooted out her master’s and the senator’s secret marriage only a standard month into her time with him. Shock gave way to acceptance, eventually YN and Anakin were treating Ahsoka like their own daughter. Even though she had a family in the jedi, their little tight knit group was another home for her.
One day, they’d let others in. When the fear of their consequences would dull they’d be open about their love. But for now, Anakin was content to have it just them, occasionally Rex if he was up to it.
“Artoo, how many episodes are there?” Ahsoka asked the droid who was stationed near the couch watching with them. He responded with an optimistic number.
“24? Oh that’ll require some planning if we’re all gonna see it together. Threepio, can you make sure to remind me to set time aside for us when available?” YN asked the golden droid who stood next to his astro companion.
“Of course ma’am. I’d dare say R2D2 and I would also look forward to seeing more.” The protocol droid responded, resting his hand on his companion's top.
Once the sun was set and the stars had settled on the night sky, YN and Anakin curled together. YN’s head rested on his chest as he lightly ran his fingers up and down her upper arm. Their previous program had ended so they were watching a reality series. YN was content to let the night fade on like this, when they were interrupted by a news segment. A separtist force had attacked and was occupying the moons of an outer rim republic planet. YN sat up and removed herself from her husband's arms. She knew that the system had been defended by the 501st, so it was most likely they’d call them up to retake it. Lo and behold, Anakin’s comlink went off and he went outside to answer it. Ahsoka noticed YN’s worried face and went to sit next to her on the couch.
“It’s okay, YN. I won’t let anything happen to him.” She tried to jokingly reassure. “We’ll both come back.”
“I know, ‘Soka. I just wished we could’ve spent more time together before the war snatched you all from me. It must sound selfish, I do know that.” YN sighed. Ahsoka hugged her tight, YN rubbed her back in appreciation.
“I don’t think you’re selfish.”
Before she could respond, Anakin walked looking rather irritated and tired.
“Ahsoka, we gotta get going. I need a moment with YN, please.” Anakin mentioned, Ahsoka nodded and got up offering a small ‘bye’ to YN, taking Artoo with her. YN got up as well and placed her hands on his chest.
“I wish you didn’t have to go. I wish you both could just stay here with me.” YN murmured. Anakin held her cheek in his palm.
“I know my love. I wish we could stay too, but we have to go. We’ll both be back before you know it.” Anakin tried to reassure her.
The two met in a soft kiss. His thumb rubbing gently on her cheekbone, her hands went up to play with the ends of his hair. The kiss couldn’t last long though, and they both pulled apart resting their foreheads together.
“I love Anakin.”
“I love you too.”
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🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
I told you I’d make more. I love the found family in TCW. And I said there’d be a bit of canon divergence
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marierg · 1 year
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Jupp... you're right! Same energy
Oh Caro! We are Peas in a Pod!
So we were talking about how we see Fives and this was my description. Anyone else, ideas? Thoughts? THOTS?
My assessment of Five's energy vibe is that of a Golden Retriever and military working dog BF. NOW HEAR ME OUT!!!! Fives has enthusiasm and positivity for days!!! He's faithful, hardworking, WILL CRUSH YOU WITH HIS LOVE! If you are down he's gonna joke till you smile and if you are crying he's gonna hold you, stroke your hair/montrails/ Lekku/ ect, caress and kiss your face. if there is danger present he will ELIMINATE IT!!!! But above all this, much like the above referred to K-9's, THEY ARE TOO GOOD FOR THIS HARSH WORLD AND MUST BE PROTECTED!!!
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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Exhibits A & B
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thecleverqueer · 2 months
Ya’ll. I’m not going to say that she isn’t in it, but that’s NOT Ahsoka in the trailer or on the poster for the Tales of the Empire.
In the trailer, the person in question (you know, the hooded one in the long, dark cloak that everyone says has montrails; appearing right underneath Morgan Elsbeth on the left hand side of the poster) is “force”pushing over half a dozen B2 battle droids on what appears to be Dathomir. The person in question is very likely the Matron of the mountain witches on Dathomir, and the fact that she falls on the Morgan Elsbeth side of the poster and not the Barriss Offee side should likely confirm this. The Matron will likely be the one that saves Elsbeth in some self-sacrificial way that only further fuels Elsbeth’s anger. You’ll see.
EDIT: It isn’t Luminara Unduli either. Once again, she is on the Morgan Elsbeth side of the poster. And also, why would Luminara be on Dathomir pushing B2 battle droids around? In a post-Galactic Republic setting? It doesn’t make sense.
EDIT PART TWO: Also, she’s not going to be “just another nightsister.” Whoever it is will be important in Morgan Elsbeth’s journey.
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filorunsultra · 1 year
Heritage: Val di Rabbi - June 23
La settimana scorsa, a URMA, ho visto una vecchia borraccia Ultimate Direction appoggiata su un tavolo. Era venerdì pomeriggio, e i corridori dovevano ancora arrivare, così mi sono guardato attorno per provare a capire di chi potesse essere. Inaspettatamente, era del Michelino Sandri, che mi ha subito ragguagliato su dove l'aveva trovata. È venuto fuori che un negoziaccio di Dimaro, Val di Sole, aveva dei rimasugli di magazzino di UD: roba che nessuno comprerebbe, avanzi di epoche passate, per veri intenditori. Così qualche giorno dopo ho convinto Mattia e Roby a salire in valle con la scusa di fare una corsa in Val di Rabbi.
In realtà non mi capita spesso di andare in Val di Rabbi, ma è il posto perfetto per preparare gare dure, tipo UTMB o Hardrock, e anche per fare un giro in quota prima di Leadville. Siamo partiti dall'ultimo parcheggio gratuito del fondo alla valle, con l'idea di salire al Dorigoni e poi proseguire fino al Rifugio Lago Corvo per scendere dall'altro lato, ma purtroppo il tempo è peggiorato e una volta arrivati al Dorigoni siamo tornati indietro. Abbiamo pranzato con un panino al Casolet pagato 1$, poi ci siamo fermati a raccogliere un po' dell'acqua ferruginosa che esce da una piccola fontanella nascosta nel sottoscala delle terme locali. Entrando nella stanzina con il rubinetto si sente odore di ruggine, e il lavandino su cui cade l'acqua è incrostato di calcare rosso: l'acqua che ne esce non sa da acqua, pare di leccare un cacciavite, con retrogusto da Ferrarelle. Non è pubblicizzata né segnalata, la conosco per passaparola, e il che mi ha sempre fatto pensare che non siano molto soddisfatti se qualcuno la prende; comunque la porta è aperta. Arrivati a Dimaro abbiamo bevuto un caffè e mangiato un pasticcino, poi abbiamo cambiato bar e abbiamo bevuto due birre, e in fine siamo andati in questo famoso negozio.
In tutto, erano rimaste 12 borracce UD, di quelle vecchie, grigie, col beccuccio rosso. Le avevo cercate a lungo, anche su eBay e in altri siti di roba usata, ma in Europa sono introvabili, e quelle erano di certo le ultime rimaste. Il tipo del negozio ci racconta che una volta, prima che il marchio esplodesse, era lui a distribuirlo in Italia, ma quelle borracce non le capiva nessuno, così aveva finito per regalarle come premio alle gare. Il tipo del negozio deve averci presi per dei disagiati e ha fatto il possibile per rifilarci tutto a uno sconto del 60-70%, in modo da liberarsi definitivamente di quelle vecchie cianfrusaglie. UD si è diffusa in Europa solo negli ultimi anni, all'epoca era ancora una piccola azienda di Boulder, CO, fondata da Buzz Burell, ex brand manager di LaSportiva North America ma soprattutto fondatore del sito (e inventore del termine) Fastest Known Time. Una vera leggenda. Abbiamo finito per comprare tutte le borracce che aveva, inoltre Roby ha trovato un vecchio zainetto Ultimate Direction "Scott Jurek", che ha comprato per SwissAlps, e visto che c'era ha deciso di regalarmi in modo del tutto ingiustificato un bellissimo zaino "Anton Krupicka" del 2013 o 2014. In tutto gli abbiamo lasciato giù 300 euro, direi praticamente regalati: spero che almeno il tipo del negozio abbia portato a cena fuori la famiglia, quella sera. Probabilmente non è stato un grande affare, ma sarà divertente andare a correre con quella borraccia oggi, e con una vecchia maglietta Patagonia Montrail comprata a 5$ in un negozio di roba usata in Dakota Ridge a Boulder. Patagonia Montrail è stata la prima squadra professionistica di ultrarunning, e quella maglietta deve risalire agli anni in cui Goeff Roes vinse Western States, forse anche prima guardando il materiale della maglietta. In fondo, nemmeno quella maglietta usata è stata un grande affare, ma mi piace pensare che possa essere stata di Roes, o Jurek, o Koerner. Tra le altre cose, ho trovato anche questo vecchio blog (tutt'ora aggiornato): Run100s ("Run Hundreds") - A Not-For-Profit UltraRunning Corporation. Non lo conoscevo, ma il tipo che lo cura non è l'ultimo arrivato, è un ottimo concorrente di Matt Mahoney.
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The lights were dim and the noise was at full volume in the Cantina on the middle levels of Coruscant. Dara carried her serving tray to the newest table of patrons and passed out the drinks they had ordered. She made her way back to the kitchen, ignoring a lewd comment from a young human man as she passed by his table. It was to be expected. Zeltrons had pheromones and even without them Dara wasn’t what anyone would call ugly. She had light pink skin, dark purple curly hair, and a smile that would get the attention of most humanoid males. She was used to attention and it wasn’t entirely unwanted. Dara was like most Zeltrons, a hopeless romantic who liked to have fun. Right now she was working though and couldn’t be distracted by the patrons too much.
“Table seven wants dessert,” Sari said, as Dara put her empty tray in the dishwasher. “But you’ll have to tell them we don’t have any meiloorun jelly.” Sari explained, her blue Twi’lek montrails swinging as she opened an oven and pulled out a pan of hot pastries.
Dara scooped up the tray marked with the number seven and headed back out into the busy Cantina.
“Sorry we haven’t got any meiloorun jelly but I’ve brought you a few other samples,” Dara told the men at the table.
“That will be fine,” One of the men in Mandalorian armor told her.
“Can I get you anything else?” Dar asked, before stepping away.
“We’re waiting for someone to join our party. He’ll probably have tea when he gets here. Can you have it ready?”
“I will do that,” Dara said with a smile. The patron smiled in return.
Dara was thankful to get back to the kitchen where it was slightly quieter. She assisted with plating up some orders, and carried out three more trays before the friend of the Mandalorian patrons arrived. As he came through the door into the Cantina, Dara very nearly spilled her tray at the sight of him. He was a red Zabrak dressed in black and was very easily the most handsome man Dara had ever seen. She hurried to deliver her tray and then ran back to the kitchen for his tea.
“That tea for the Zabrak?” Sari asked Dara, blocking the exit from the kitchen to the dinning room.
“Yes. Why?”
“He’s your next mark.”
Dara’s heart sank, her stomach filled with dread. “Him?” She glanced around her boss at muscular Zabrak seated at the table. “Why? Who is he?”
“That’s Darth Maul. He’s not just some rich boy. He’s a crime lord. He is potentially your most lucrative mark yet.”
“Right.” Dara nodded, trying to convince herself that she could do this. She had to do this. Defying Sari wasn’t an option. Dara took a breath to steel herself and headed out to greet her patron.
- So I started this fanfic and am wondering if I should continue? Thoughts?
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hikeslot · 14 days
Columbia Women's Montrail Trinity Fkt Trail Running Shoe
Price: (as of – Details) Athlete-tested and performance-proven, these trail running shoes deliver a responsive underfoot experience, stability, and serious grip — everything you need to chase a “Fastest Known Time.” They eat hills for breakfast with a supportive seamless mesh design and a locked-in lacing system. The outsole provides exceptional wet-dry traction with run-specific tread and a…
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cindibarr · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COLUMBIA Men's Montrail Molokai III Flip Flops Size 12.
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kelirina8 · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Columbia Montrail Trail Sneakers Running Hiking Athletic Shoes Woman's Size 9.5.
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thestarslinger · 8 months
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Little stinker. Her nose wrinkled ever so slightly at the nickname, but Ahsoka was one of the few who could easily get away with it. A surprise yelp left the child's mouth before she allowed herself to be trapped in the arms on the montrailed woman. Ahsoka always felt so childlike even in her elder force using ways. Smaller arms tangled around the woman's shoulder. At least, the other didn't use the force for that. As much as the skywalker enjoyed that, it felt vaguely like being an object thrown about. She wasn't a thrill seeker like her nerfherder, idiot brother. "Well, with our family, dangerous stunts is a must. Particularly my daddy," Leia countered. her words teasing though lingering with a measure of truth. "The jedi have a habit of not letting things go. Like my existence.- I will try. I don't want to end up calling everything uncivilized and lingering in one corner or another."
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first jog: 25/01/23
marca: columbia/montrail
modelo: trinity ag
/////par #02 del 2023
farewell (de columbia) gift de la dani.
mucho más pesada de lo que pensé que iba a ser. no se cuando fui la ultima vez que corrí con zapatilla de casi 300g
el grip se ve bien, el foam decente y el upper seguro me va a durar poco.
lo más freak es que tiene como una especie de tope en el talón que se ve perfecto como para quedar trancado en una mala situación
will see how it goes.
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degibusdesigns · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Montrail by Columbia Gryptonite Trail Running Shoes 11.
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marierg · 1 year
Of Light and Darkness: Ch. 25
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!: Anxiety, Angst, self doubt. This is going to be the tamer of the Chapters for the next bit, mostly into stuff.
A/N: So a little bit of explanation is definitely in order. In the years following Dantooine our dear Jedi!reader has focused mainly on Jedi duties. She still works as an instructor at the hospital and floats between departments but hasn't been on any RRC MIssions since taking Anakin as apprentice.
To explain the RRC (republic rescue corp) as I envision them: combination National Guard, SWAT, Fire Rescue, EMT's. Most units are self sufficient for at least a month long deployment, usually includes a team of cross trained medical personnel, Pilots, mechanics, and logistics. The rank of Responder is akin to a combat medic, with the title RIC being earned after a first mission.
Picture Credit: Art station.com and Pinterest
Song Credit: Gangsters Paradise by Coolio
Word Count: 2450ish
Masterlist Next
4 1/2 years after Dantooine.
“And what is the major anatomical difference between the montrails of a Togruta and the Lekku of a Twi’lek?”
“Montrails don’t have movement or extensive skeletal joints, instead they are structurally made of cartilage and allow for something akin to echolocation. Where the Lekku have both skeletal structure, movement, and extensive enervation and vasculature.” Anakin replied smartly. He was a fast learner even if it was a topic he wasn’t enthusiastic about.
“Excellent. Now today we are performing surgery on a 13-year-old female twi’lek with a carcinogenic tumor detected around the mid neural-tarsal of the right tail. What do you think are some things we need to monitor?”
“Uhh….” He paused thinking. “Clear margins, blood loss, anesthesia and pain medication maintenance, and …if it's metastasized to the bone.”
“Correct and why can’t we use Force healing on this particular illness?” It was always a hot topic among the interns when they saw you on the ward. Truth was you wished that you could wave your hand and make everything better, unfortunately there were many things that even you couldn’t fix.
“Because it’s a living cell, even though is a rogue cell.” He said finishing his scrub in. “And the Force Healing needed for a patient like this would drain a healer to the possible point of death.”
“Any other questions before we head into the surgery?” Flicking the water into the sink you closed your eyes in brief meditation. Willing yourself to feel calm and at peace, you were ready to work.
“Will Twila be alright after this?” There was a hint of worry in Anakins' voice.
“Time will tell Ani-man, for now this step first.” Raising your hands from the sink you walked backwards through the doors into the room.
You were so proud of how far Anakin had come. Admittedly there was never a doubt that he would follow Obi Wan as a Guardian, but you’d be damned if he wasn’t going to learn a thing or two from you. The hospital had become a welcoming place for the young man, he was about to graduate the Responder program. It wasn’t medical school and he didn’t have the natural talent for Force healing, but it would give him another skill that so many other Jedi lacked.
Anakin had a very natural way of interacting with others outside the Temple, something that you had struggled with in the beginning of your career. It served him well on the missions that he had been on, often able to communicate with more ease and develop a repour quickly. Another mission off world was assigned for the next day, thus why this surgery had been moved up. Anakin had a soft spot for this young lady and you would certainly be less stressed once this was through. It was the Twi’lek’s second fight with cancer, and the consequences of a third fight could be dire if this wasn't resolved.
Walking into the surgery both of you donned your gowns and gloves. Pushing a further feeling of calm through the room you watched your team relax from their previously tensed state. This type of surgery was extremely risky with Twi'leks.
“Alright ladies, gentlemen and droids, lets get to work.”
“Worrying doesn't suit you wee one.”
“They're all so young.” your fingers pinched the bridge of your nose. You placed your follow up notes down, the surgery had gone well and last report had little Twila resting comfortably. “And I feel far too old.”
Obi Wan caressed your cheek, tilting your head up, “Hmm but no less beautiful.”
“Oh you.” Squeezing his hand you deposited a kiss on his palm.
You had been deep within you thoughts on the RRC transport taking all of you to the mission site. The fact that this was an entire class of your newly graduated Responders on their first mission. It did not sit well with you. Sith Hells most of these kids hadn't even been off world for more than their required hours of training.
For Anakin alone this would have been both a milestone and at the same time nerve racking for you. Logically you knew that he was more than prepared for this mission, he could handle himself with the best of the Padawans his age. Then there was the rest of the motley crew, fresh faced and tossed on a transport because no other teams were available. Who's bright farking idea was that? This was quite literally a baptism of fire and you had to lead this lot.
“As I recall you were even younger.” Obi Wan gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “It will be alright darling, I shall be with you.”
You chuffed out a breath, “I wish I had your confidence. There are twenty two lives back there plus our flight crew to get through this meat grinder. Half of them haven't ever left the upper levels they were born too. A few might have panic attacks the minute we land, another few have hearts that will bleed out from the misery. Then there's Maffa's little friend, my favorite minion...”
Obi Wan came to sit next to you, handing over the cup of kaf that he had retrieved from the galley. It had been some time since you had been on an RRC mission much less led one, the tension was coming off of you in waves. Obi Wan had been surprised that the Council had allowed him to join both you and Anakin, he was decidedly not the best at applying Bacta. Given the tense situation on the ground though it was decided that extra protection would be prudent. “She seems very capable at her work. Maker knows Anakin holds her in high regard.”
You shook your head, “She's a wonderful girl and a great Responder, I have nothing bad to say. These missions can get messy though. Obi Boy there's a very real chance that not all of these kids will be going home in seats, Maker knows that girl's been through enough.”
Obi Wan watched as you sipped your kaf and nodded for you to finish the thought. “Not saying something won't keep it at bay.”
“Maybe we protected Anakin too much. The kid has seen death and loss, but he doesn't deal well with it.” sighing you tried to find an answer in the grinds at the bottom of your cup. “He may well bury a peer on this mission.”
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“Eh Anytime you wanna take the controls kid you just give the word.” JC grinned from the Copilot seat, “Hell Y/n was...what 10 when we let her fly over Kashyyyk?”
“9 and Melri almost killed us both over it. Never seen the woman so steamed in my life.” Deek chewed the words out over his stogie. “That girl practically grew up in drop ships, not surprised that her apprentice would be a good pilot.”
“Actually Master Obi Wan is the one that taught me how to handle the big ships. I always make Master Y/n too nervous.” Anakin smirked.
JC bent over the stick from laughing, “Figures! Ol' Crash must have had a few flash backs!”
“Yeah third mission we let her fly Y/n dinged the main hangar on landing,” Deek chuckled. “Mind you we didn't say nothin'.”
Anakin enjoyed being up in the cockpit talking with the old pilots. Deek and JC knew more about star systems than some of the knights in the Temple. He was about to ask for another story when he had started to sense the distress coming from you. “Speaking of I should go check in. Thanks again.”
“Anytime kid!” Deek watched the young Jedi leave, not quite believing he was the third one to fly with them. Had it really been so long ago when Melri had first boarded his bird with you in tow? Hells maybe he was getting old.
Walking down towards the front of the ship Anakin saw Master Obi Wan and you looking over the mission intel, as ever trying not to be to obvious around others. Anakin had long made peace about your relationship, it gave him hope for something more. He still had dreams of the angel he met in the desert, the soft brown of Padme's eyes when she smiled at him, her laugh. Occasionally he would catch a Holonet news report about the new Senator from Naboo, looking as ethereal as ever. What he wouldn't give to see her just one more time.
Grabbing a cup of Kaf he walked over to the pair. “Here Master you look like you need this.”
Placing the full cup into the empty one, this caused you to smile, “What would I do without you two outstanding gentlemen?”
“Be a walking, under caffinated, hazard to medicine.” Anakin replied causing you to snort the beverage up your nose.
“Really Anakin, it's not polite to mock a person's medical needs.” Obi Wan chimed in causing you to gape at him.
“Don't worry Master Y/n, Deek and JC say they have enough Kaf on board to last you at least a month!” Turning more serious Anakin glanced down at the data pad in your hand. “Masters, some of the others are a little...on edge. Would you speak with them?”
Obi Wan looked to you, causing a deep sigh to pass out of you. “Truth be told Ani-man I'm a little apprehensive myself. But yes I will come back and speak to them.”
“Thank you Master y/n. Do you mind if I sit with the others?” Seeing your gesture he headed to join his class. Anakin quickly found a seat next to a familiar face. “What you playing today Glitchy?”
The short female didn't even look up from the data pad she worked on, simply popping out an ear pod to share. Anakin heard the Music pause then start from the beginning. Glitch and he had an easy friendship, talking mechanics and speeders. She was an adjunct instructor at the responder academy while finishing her degree. She had helped tutor him during the class and was a calm presence compared to his classmates. Anakin started bopping his head in time to the song, meditating on the words.
Look at the situation, they got me facin'
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the street.
So I gotta be down with the hood team.
“The boss gonna come down and calm the kids?” Glitch peeked up from her differential equation assignment.
Anakin nodded, “Yes, she seems worried.”
They say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me
if they can't understand it, how can they reach me?
I guess they can't. I guess they won't. I guess they front, that's why I know my life is outta luck fool!
He saw Glitch nod, “yeah, this ain't gonna be no picnic Speedster.”
“You know I'm not that much younger than you right?” Anakin sometimes still became annoyed when Glitch was in teacher mode.
Glitch pushed a long pink bang out of her field of vision. “Well on my planet three years is still a big difference. Besides you have how many combat drops space wizard?”
Anakin tried to glare at the older responder, but couldn't hold it for long. Both of them devolved into chuckles with a few good snorts. Anakin saw you come into the main passenger compartment, your stance akin to that of your own Master, taking a deep breath.
“Alright everyone take a seat for the brief.” Obi Boy and the drop crew were behind you, old hands and familiar faces to the job. Deek and JC had been Melri's pilots, Joe and Rizzi had worked assignments with you since you had first stepped foot on a little bird. It was reassuring to have them all on a trip like this. “We will be entering the outer rim shortly and within a few hours the planet of Norte. We're looking at a combat drop over disputed territory between the independent colony of Norte and the Hutt Clans who claim the planet as theirs. Expect Mercenaries and Droids.”
“Excuse me instructor L/n, but that's illegal. The Hutts can't just do that.” It was one of the young elites in the back, Vessia if you weren't off your mark.
Shaking your head you heard Obi Wan chime in. “If you wish to act as our emissary to the Hutts you are welcome to. However I doubt they would grant you an audience. There's no law out here but that of the blaster. You must respect the power of that young one or fall as it's victim.”
Marru, a Bothan, raised their hand, “Ma'am what is our objective for this mission?”
“We are going in to facilitate evacuation of the Colony and treatment of the wounded, this includes elderly and children. Our team has exactly 5 days to accomplish this with the help of 3 frigates on loan from Alderaan. The area has been taking heavy fire so plan on a D&R, that's drop and roll got it. Team 1 will start triaging the wounded and establish the medical area, team 2 will assist in establishing security for the Landing Zone, and team 3 will off load equipment then re-disperse where needed. Stay with your partners, and don't venture out of the safe zone.”
Anakin was looking at you, Glitch had shadows in her eyes. When you had met the exile all those years ago and agreed to help her it was with a certain level of reservation. Now, if the young Vallandian wasn't dryly commenting or uttering a few darkly humorous jokes then your day felt off. All too soon Glitch would be given her base assignment and Graduate her degree program, but until then you would cherish her presence. You watched as she raised an expectant eyebrow at you, as a good Lieutenant would their General.
“I know that this is not what you all expected, I'm going to have to ask you all to grow up a little faster than planned.” Pausing you tried to think of what Master Melri would have said to this bunch of snot nosed Rookies. “I want you to look around this compartment right now, a good look. These are the people that will have your back for the next few days. No one else will know how you feel except the people in this room, take care of one another like the family we are. I will make you this promise, I will be the first boots on the ground and the last ones to leave. No one will be left behind. Do your job and we'll be home in no time.”
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