#monty corndog
madyxuwu · 8 months
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yojimoji · 2 months
hi chat since u liked the last one i've actually had the whole aquabats dnd thing in my mind for a WHILE.
too lazy to copy and paste so heres the discord screenie
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coolbeanzeaglbones · 17 days
Fanfic, a chappy for you
The Aquabats all decided that they needed to go to the professor's house. It was something the professor said before they left to become a rock and roll band, “I love you guys like you're my children, if you think something is out of your hands, come to me.”
They were silent in the car, though Eaglebones looked so confused. He still didn't know what was wrong. He still had a giant headache that seemed to be getting worse.
It was almost to the point of asking for something for the pain. That was usually a horrible sign. It was always really hard for him to admit to being in pain for him, probably from a lifetime of pain caused by his brittle bones. He didn't like being treated differently because of it, so he didn't act any differently than anyone else.
Occasionally, it was hard to hide, but he always managed to.
But this was new. This was weird. And he didn't like the fact that he couldn't name half the people around him. He knew he loved them, just the names were fuzzy.
He grabbed his head again, feeling his own cold hand on his face felt nice.
Soon, they were stopped outside of an unassuming home. The home of…someone important. Right? Oh yeah, the professor. Gotta get a handle on this.
They got out of the battletram and the commander knocked on the door.
Outside in the cold, they waited until an eye peeked out of a crack, “Are you the government?”
“I don't think so, are we the government? I sure hope we're not…what's the government?” Crash just grabbed Eaglebones around the shoulders, turning to the professor, “As you can see, we clearly need your help.” the professor opened the door fully, “Sorry, the government is getting suspicious of me, and also, why don't you guys ever visit anymore? It makes me sad.” He ushered them in out of the cold, “Now,” he clapped his hands together, “what brings you guys here?” The commander facepalmed, “Right, we forgot to call you, can you test Eaglebones for poison?” The professor's brow immediately furrowed in concern, “Well,” he stammered, “are there any symptoms? I mean I heard you asking what the government was.” He directed that at Eaglebones, “I- who are you?” he asked, staring the professor dead in the eye.
The professor kept a cool expression, but on the inside, he was screaming, “Alright, everyone down to the lab.” His voice was weirdly tight.
He pushed them all to the lab, a worried expression marring his normally cheerful face.
He told bones to get up on the counter. After that, he grabbed one of those blood draw thingies. You know the *does syringe motion* that thing, and a rubber tie, “Alright, roll up your sleeve, please.” Bones did so and the professor took a few vials of blood. Ricky covered his eyes for this part. He didn't like blood.
They were told to wait, so they went and watched cartoons. Eaglebones had gotten something out of the freezer to put on his face, as his headache was worse than ever.
They were watching Gravity Falls, when the professor came back in.
His face looked grim, “Well?” Crash burst out after some silence, thoroughly making the room flinch, “It is a poison…and I can't make an antidote.”
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puckpatties · 2 years
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catboy been smokin’ the ganja!!
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bambi-on-the-ps3 · 1 year
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Run if you see this thing
(Transparent courtesy of my friend @shifscorner )
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aquavampire · 8 months
Howdy hi! This is going to be my Aquabats sideblog, yippee!! Now I won’t be clogging up main anymore :D
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Hiii, I’m Ace the Vampire Bat!
I use They/Them pronouns!
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This blog will have Aquabats reblogs, some fanart doodles, maybe photos, and whatever else I come across!
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#Ace's Art! - My art!
#Fave! - My favorite posts!!
#Mysterious Ultra Queue! - The Queue!
#Aquacampaign! - Dnd posting
#Misc! - Miscellaneous Posts!
#Past Bats! - Past Aquabats [Kinda any Aquabats stuff from before Eaglebones joined I think?]
#Super Show! - The Aquabats! Super Show!
#Finally! - Anything Finally-Era/Album Related!
#MCBC! - The MC Bat Commander!
#Crash! - Crash McLarson!
#Ricky! - Ricky Fitness!
#Bones! - Eaglebones Falconhawk!
#Jimmy! - Jimmy the Robot!
#Prince Adam! - Prince Adam De Adam!
#Catboy! - Mike Gerudo!
#Chainsaw! - The Chainsaw Prince of Karate!
#Dr Rock! - Doctor Rock!
#Kyu! - The Mysterious Ultra Kyu!
#Monty! - The Professor, Monty Corndog!
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damejudyhench · 2 years
Okay, about a zillion days later, I am catching up, see the WIP Title Trawl post, and want to ask about:
Maxhammer 40000 (of course)
Love in the Time of Corndogs
Maxhammer 40k is a Board ending AU! Max leaves Byzantium after his heretical ideas are rejected. A few years later rumours arise of a messianic figure using a blend of adrenatime and a mysterious incense to create an army of a new kind of marauder. As the Board’s number one fixer, Pearl is sent to investigate. Essentially Max is kind of a Chaos Space Marine, but still very pathetic of course.
In Love In The Time Of Corndogs the MCBC and Jimmy are forced to be apart so they sext.
(Monty Corndog is the Professor who took the Aquabats in/gave them their powers/built Jimmy, in some of their continuities)
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itsbattime · 2 years
Me when I find a bunch of weird teenagers washed up on a beach
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rookiebat · 2 years
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AQUAPONIES! (and adjacent species)
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sillyfartguy69 · 2 years
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good morning usa i got a feeling thats it's gonna be a wonderful day the sun in the sky has a smile on his face and he's shining a salute to the american race
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madyxuwu · 9 months
some aquabat drawing I made while high
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I'm trying my best guys
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yojimoji · 2 months
hi aquabats tumblr i need to share this thought with the world, imagine the super show if it was just a DND campaign run by monty corndog.
it would not only explain a LOT, but it would also be really, really funny.
Like imagine this:
Professor: "Okay, roll to attack."
МСВС: "...Dang it! Nat one."
Professor: "Alright, uhh- so upon approaching, the monster slashes you across the chest. Take six damage."
Crash: "Ooh, let me try! I'm gonna, umm...uh...l'm gonna rip its arm off!"
Professor: "Sure thing, go ahead."
Crash: "...I got a 13!"
Professor: "Ooh, good roll. You grasp at Snakey's metal arm and yank it off-"
Crash: "YEAH!"
Professor: "—only for it to immediately grow back. No good."
Jimmy: "Could I roll to attack, perhaps? I'd like to shoot it with lasers."
Professor: "Go for it."
Jimmy: *clack clack* "20! :-]"
Professor: "...Okay, so the monster fucking explodes."
Ricky: "Oh my god?"
Jimmy: "What?"
MCBC: "Robot, what gives?? I was gonna roll to tame it!"
Crash: "Yeah, man!"
Ricky: "Not cool."
EagleBones: "FUCK YOU"
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helicopterrrfunny · 3 years
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A new member of the band?!
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coolbeanzeaglbones · 18 hours
Fanfic: the one with Eagleclaw. AKA: Claws of a brother: AKA: the one where bones suffers.
Ricky stepped away from the door, “Uh, professor!” He called out.
The professor took a bit of time coming over, “yeah?”
Ricky said nothing, just pointed at the door. The professor looked through the peephole, “Don't know what your problem is, it's just Eaglebones’ mom.” the commander immediately sat up at this.
He remembered how she had told them to leave for a moment. How Eagleclaw looked concerned when she came back in the room. He gave them the poison to make the antidote as a distraction, while Eagleclaw set his plan in motion, “DON'T LET HER IN!” but it was too late.
The professor had let her in. She immediately made a b-line for her son, grabbing him into a hug.
Eaglebones just was being so awkward, patting her stiffly on the back and looking at the others for help.
Eagleclaw was soon in after her, “See mom, he doesn't really remember who we are.” She held her younger son at arm's length. He looked so confused, “Who are you?”
The rest of the Aquabats were standing there awkwardly. Mrs. Falconhawk turned to them, furious, “You have been keeping this from me!?” She poked a finger into the commander's chest, “You couldn't tell me my own son was losing his memories?! His own mind?!” Eagleclaw gently guided her away, “Oh, that's not all they have hidden, he's a danger. To himself and to others.” That confused the other bats, “How?” Ricky laughed, “How could he possibly be a danger to himself or others?” Eagleclaw said nothing, he just walked over and grabbed Eaglebones’ right arm, pulling up the sleeve.
Oh, he was planning this. That little run in? The one that sent Eaglebones to the hospital was just a ruse. An excuse to make a cut. A very suspicious cut. On his wrist.
Mrs. Falconhawk gasped, “Oh, I didn't even know I had that.” Eaglebones said, “Can you please stop touching my arm, your claws are very sharp.” Eagleclaw let go and turned to his mother, “See, they are enablers. They enable this kind of activity to take place.” The professor chose that moment to walk over, “Now, now settle down, stop.”
“No! You knew about this! You were probably orchestrating the secret!”
“Janice.” He started.
“Don't call me that.” Her voice was laced with venom. A noise that made everyone recoil.
Eaglebones got up from where he was sitting to try to whisper something to Ricky, but Eagleclaw, thinking he was trying to run, grabbed his arm again, “You are a very rude person.” He said with surprised calm, trying to yank his arm out of his hold.
Eagleclaw kept a firm grip, “No, you need professional help.” Eaglebones tried to get out again, “Seriously, sir, let go.” His voice was starting to get panicked, “Dude, let go!” He just couldn't get his arm out of Eagleclaw's grip, “You need professional help.”
“I don't even know who you are, why are you trying to tell me I need help when it is clearly you who needs the help!” He tried once more and actually freed his arm from the grip and actually fell in the process, scrambling up to his feet to get away.
He looked terrified and the commander could see why, but he just didn't know what to do.
If he tried to do anything he knew the cops would get called and that's no help for anyone, but he couldn't just stand by, “Hey,” he managed to grab Eaglebones by the shoulder and pull him slightly behind himself, “Why don't we all slow down.”
“Where did he get that scar from?”
“Where. Did. He. Get. That. Scar. From?” She got closer with every word. The commander didn't want to say Eagleclaw, because if she lost this son, she wouldn't have another as he would probably be in jail, “Guitar string.” Crash said before the commander could, “When we were practicing, blood everywhere.” She narrowed her eyes, “I don't believe you.” She grabbed her son by his arm and yanked him, “Hey, no please. Please please please, I don't even know you.” He sounded so gut wrenchingly scared, none of the other bats had heard him sound so rawly terrified and it scared them.
And yet, they couldn't do anything. It was useless. And now they had him.
The professor just stared at the door after it had swung shut, a look of a man who had lost a life on his face, “Professor? Are you okay?” Jimmy asked, worry lacing his voice.
The professor took off his glasses, “That's it,” his voice was broken as he wiped his eyes, “We're never getting him back.”
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cutesycadaver · 3 years
I like to think the MCBC and Corndog are brothers/bother-like in canon and do stupid “boys will be boys” shit all the time
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montys-corndogs · 4 years
yeah having a relationship is nice but have you ever tried glowing chemicals straight from the testtube??
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