settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
#1 Shitters
Absolutely harasses the fuck out of Kayn in a loving way
Ezreal tries to prank the others like Aphelios does, but fails miserably
Encourages Kayn to harass the others and succeeds
They both get in trouble by Yone and get time out
K'sante gives them a good talking to
They make a fantastic singing duo, but one always tries to get in the way of the other to make the other look horrible (i.e. tripping, pushing, shoving, etc.)
Ezreal's jaw dropped after hearing Kayn's verse, he was obsessed. Did he tell Kayn? Hell no. He teased Kayn and called him a 'corpse wannabe'.
Love language is bullying each other
After a hard day of work and teasing each other, you can usually find them napping together; Ezreal's head on Kayn's shoulder and Kayn's head on Ezreal's head, usually holding hands
Aphelios took a photo and often uses it as blackmail to get them to work
They can never be in public together without arguing
Yone has considered putting one of those child bag-leash things on both of them to stop them from running off
At night however, they're usually gaming together, and they have really good synergy when they game; Kayn is an aggressive damage dealer and Ezreal is an engager and likes to pick and poke
They help each other dye their hair
Ezreal is the least intimidated by Rhaast, even though on the daily, Rhaast threatens to take Ezreal's soul -- 'Yeah okay buddy, shut up and sit still' while he's doing Kayn's makeup
During Sett's verse, Kayn wasn't allowed to be on screen because he kept laughing over the fact that Sett got clocked by a robot and Ezreal almost got ran over by a car
Deep down, Kayn really likes Ezreal, he just has a hard time showing it, and when he does? It's usually through harassment
Ezreal knows this, they do it back and send genuine hearts to each other after telling each other to eat shit and die
Ezreal also reminds Kayn to take his meds and eat food with them; often making breakfast for the both of them since they're both up later than the rest (in the most aggressive way possible)
But when they're alone without Sett, K'sante, Yone and Phel? They're sweethearts, and a lot gentler with each other.
While Kayn does graffiti art on the side, Ezreal likes collecting them, turning them to stickers and putting them all over his laptop, desk, etc.
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
Tiktok dances & references all the time
Loves hyperpop and hardstyle
Caffeine addict 100%
Has a problem with monster energy
Mango Loco > everything else, including water
Has terrible sleep
Always bouncing off of the walls, a constant ball of energy
Uses his teleport to jumpscare Sett and Yone
Tries on K'sante but he never wins, and K'sante is always scaring him anyway
Loves to draw and sketch, hates doing line-art or finishing any drawings
Actively listens to Aphelios' music and gives really good feedback!
Thrives when he's running on 2hrs of sleep and 3 monsters
Heart palpitations.
Talking a million miles an hour
He talks to anyone and everyone
The only person that listens and can keep up with him is Aphelios
Yone just ignores but pretends to listen
and Kayn tells him to shut the fuck up
Ezreal is autistic coded af
His special interest is Mortal Kombat and Guilty Gear, among other fighters
He's a God when it comes to fighters, including Smash
Dancing at all times
He used to be a professional back-up dancer for (Unnamed Group)
Very in-tuned with music and beats
Best at making up dances on the spot, especially while he's cleaning
Kayn has a video of him dancing while mopping
Easily the most chaotic member; with the highest snapchat score
So many videos of him twerking or being an annoying piece of shit in public to Kayn and sometimes Sett
Throwing random stuff at Kayn to get his attention
Tries to bench what Sett benches, fails miserably
Still gets a high five for effort
During the video, Ezreal was in control for most of the choreography, with Yone's assistance to make sure they were within reason and within everyone's skillsets
Yone keeps Ezreal sort of 'in check' and not going too crazy with his ideas, his mind wonders and he gets really excited
Golden Retriever energy
Very sensory seeking, loves bright lights, loud noises and intense feelings
Flaps his hands 100%
Very good control over his voice, coached Kayn and Sett a little bit with their verses
Doesn't care about pronouns or how people see him, he doesn't really recognize gender per se (of course, he will respect everyone's pronouns)
Kayn discovered this by calling him a little girl and Ezreal was just like 🧍 'i could be'
And it was dead silence.
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
A complete menace to society, not by choice
Rhaast is his inner voice, his impulsive thoughts and he has lack of self control
However, with Yone? He's more behaved and calm, Yone reminds him of the meditation they used to do all the time -- sometimes they still hold sessions together
He has regulation issues, and gets overstimulated easily, Aphelios helps him ground and calm down
Raging ADHD
Was an uncontrollable child growing up
Gave his soul up to Rhaast for a better voice and better performance.
Now Rhaast is like a pest, think Venom and Eddie from the Comics
Rhaast is helpful though, he reminds Kayn of things he was doing, what he should do and if he's had his medication or not
When Kayn is tired or not in the mood, Rhaast takes over; he's more wild, erratic and unpredictable, but controllable with energy drinks, promises of treats and Alune Time™ (Which basically is when Rhaast and Alune get to hang out)
Kayn endures dissociative episodes; the switching between Rhaast and himself takes a toll on his mental health, K'sante is the only one who recognizes this
Unironically listens to Corpse Husband & enjoys it
Also listens to phonk and metal, sometimes endures hardstyle (Ezreal)
Pretends to hate Ezreal, but he enjoys Ezreal's company and up-beat personality.
He hates receiving gifts and getting help from the others as a result of his hyper-independent lifestyle
He has fangs!
His main form of entertainment is to pick and harass Ezreal at any chance he gets, and Ezreal's reactions are utterly priceless to him
But he cannot shut up about Ezreal, and Rhaast knows this; Rhaast wants him to literally think of anything else. But he can only think about the next time he's going to piss Ezreal off or prank him
His love language is quality time, spending time with someone in the same room, doing his own thing while Ezreal or whoever is with him is doing their own thing is peak
He likes listening to what Aphelios is working on -- music wise
Looooves to do graffiti art
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
Squad Mom
Organizes everything with Alune and Sett's Mom; food, drinks and the like
Always texting everyone details of their next trip and where they're headed
Doesn't trust anyone with the tickets
Has a special folder for tickets and receipts and the like, because if not? They're on benches, in bags, etc.
"Give your receipt to me, I'll keep it safe."
"Remember your seats."
Very calm and collected
He's very vigilant and protective of them all; this includes K'sante, although he knows full well K'sante can be as responsible as him, although his excitement does get in the way sometimes.
He encourages everyone's strengths, and tries to work around their weaknesses in the best way he can
He sometimes forgets to take care of himself
Tired all the time
Cold-brew lover
Has a strict routine for his mornings and nights, has a set time he wakes up and goes to bed
He meditates after dinner
Encourages the others to join in on him; they join him on weekends to de-stress from the week
He reads horror novels
Discord? What's that?
Rarely uses his phone, only to text the group
His instagram is empty, but he follows the boys and supports their instagrams, as well as following all sorts of pets and animals
Actively supports LGBT fund-raisers
His love language is acts of service; making tea, cooking dinner
Cis and pansexual, he doesn't discriminate against others, he doesn't see the point in it
He has an interest in K'sante, but he's too nervous to speak up about anything, so he's happy to stay as friends with K'sante
Often goes with Aphelios to Starbucks to get coffee for everyone during work-days
Easily the hardest worker, next to Aphelios.
If Alune wasn't the manager, he would be
Is in contact with Yasuo, who at first was reluctant about starting a band, but he has Yasuo's full support, and even got some advice from him
Organizing meets with individual members
He has a hard time forcing Aphelios to go to said meets and meet the fans
Also organizes to meet up with True Damage sometimes, so they can talk advice, what works for them, dealing with stress -- giving each other a good support system
Yone finds it hard to voice his frustrations, so K'sante interprets quite happily; and the way K'sante looks at Yone, asking if he got it right, Yone just gives him a little nod. It's so <3
Despite the amount of stress he's under, he doesn't have a lot of wrinkles!
Aphelios helps him with his hair-dye
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
Sett isn't as conceited as one might think, his gains, his workout? All to protect the others
He's a lot smarter than some may assume
He's really good with kids
Really good at controlling his strength and his threshold
He loves to flex and pick up K'sante
Weights and dead-lifting isn't his strongsuit, he prefers boxing and cardio, but he sticks to a routine with K'sante when going to gym
Hates leg-day
Prefers to do back and arms
He's a dog person, loves Ernest (The dog they adopted for the video)
His right fang was knocked out during a fight, so he has a fake one, sometimes he'll put a gold one in
Touch is his love language
He needs to be near Aphelios at all times, either being touched or touching him
He's big on hugs and hugging K'sante is the best. He's never met someone as big as him
#1 Hype-man
He has scars all over his body, most of them are old. He's reckless and gets himself hurt, but he'd rather get himself hurt than someone else he cares about
Sett's Mom helped with costume design
He collects Alune's stickers and patches, he has one on his beanie
He likes to have Aphelios do his makeup from time to time; again, as long as Phel is touching him, he doesn't care
Sett isn't an angry guy, he's really calm and collected, if a bit cocky and he likes to push his fighting partners beyond their limits with his attitude. But the one thing that pisses him off? If he fails to protect or watch for his friends, and he takes it out physically; often using boxing to get it out, which results in his knuckles being busted. Phel often takes care of them, K'sante talks to him about taking care of his body better.
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
Sett & Aphelios
At first, Sett didn't know any sign language and had to learn from Yone
While at the gym, Sett kept talking about K'sante about Aphelios over and over again, and wouldn't shut up
Phel kept boasting to Yone about Sett, how he performs, his workout routine, and how hard he's working to learn sign.
K'sante and Yone eventually set them on a sort of 'double date'
They were both too shy to speak up about anything.
After the date though? They were found listening to music together and napping on Aphelios' plushie-pile.
Aphelios knows nothing about gym, gym etiquette or diet. He now helps Sett stretch and even joins him sometimes
Aphelios has sensory issues, and Sett will often act like a weighted blanket to help ground him, and also Sett's ears are very soft and fun to play with
Sett likes painting his nails, and got everybody else into it.. Except Yone. Yone prefers to have unpainted nails, but he'll let Sett put a clear-coat on.
Aphelios brings baked goods for everyone, and makes Sett & K'sante separate ones that compensate for their gym cuts or bulks
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
A moment of peace ―
Ezreal & Kayn one shot
―  Cursing, smoking, 420, dissociation cw
―  Mild angst
― 2.4k words
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Mornings were always the hardest, especially before the sun was even up
Sitting up, Kayn's hand reached up, the ball of his sweaty palm rubbing into his cursed eye. His other locked onto the obnoxious glow of his clock;
Then there was a roll of his eye, at least it was dead silent at this time. No Yone, no K'sante, no Sett or Ezreal in his fucking ears.
Swinging one leg at a time out of bed, his palms found the edge of his bed, taking in a deep breath, anticipating the day.
Then he pushed himself up out of his thin sheets, heading straight for the bathroom, greeting himself in the mirror with an unimpressed gaze.
"They're going to notice," Rhaast, in his ears, with a hint of a nurturing nature in his tone.
"Don't tell me you're starting to care," Kayn scoffed, "I'm Kayn," he'd roll his eyes and lower his head, his left hand came down to the side of the sink, turning the water on with his right, "They won't see," he added, quieter, less cocky.
Both hands cupping some ice-cold water in the sink, he'd rub his face with it. His attention turned to his toothbrush; grabbing it with his left, his right reaching in the top drawer for his toothpaste; making a blob on the bristles, standing up-right and going as far as stretching his free arm above his head.
About five minutes of brushing, then, "P'tooy!" Spitting the toothpaste into the sink, proceeding with his usual routine of flossing, and lastly brushing his hair.
Kayn looked at the time again;
He brought his attention to the clothes he was going to swap into - a pair of patched up jeans a black undershirt with 'paranoia' on the back, and a hoodie over the top before his hands almost panicked while trying to find--
"There," cigarettes, lighter and his little baggie of weed, where'd he be without his stash? Who knew.
But, that baggie acquired a few joints and his pipe; all of which covered in marijuana-dust. Stuffing everything into the pockets of his hoodie, he left the apartment in a bit of a hurry.
Ezreal isn't the lightest sleeper, so all the commotion? Woke him up. Third morning in a row for this.
So as Kayn headed outside, finding that spot he always went to; underneath a bridge, where excess water from the rain would usually pour down. But during dry mornings like this? It was quiet and he could sit and smoke as much as he'd like.
Ezreal skipped his own morning routine; straight up brushing his teeth, then just making coffee.
His current clothes included some sweatpants and a tank top, and his slides of course.
Making two coffees, he'd pour a little caramel in his own, both with whole-milk, and Ezreal's with two extra sugars, because he's a sweetie like that.
Ezreal took his time getting out of the building, and he yawned, hugging the coffees close to his body in their mugs, heading down to find that edgelord, "Kayn?" Ezreal's voice was a bit groggy, ashy, still waking up.
He took his time looking around until-- Sniff-sniff. Weed.
A roll of his eyes and he back-tracked, taking that path they'd usually take together to find-- "There you are, asshole,"
Kayn wasn't paying attention, he sat with his knees up, his elbows on his knees, staring at the embers on the end of his joint, occasionally tapping to watch them fall -- really out of it.
"Helloooo? Fuck-wit?" Ezreal walked closer and sat down before his head tilted, getting in Kayn's line-of-sight,
The visual of the bright-green and that colorful expression seemed to bring Kayn back, acting as if he was just simply ignoring Ezreal, "You're really annoying, you know that?" A roll of Kayn's eyes,
"Yeah, but I don't care, I got you a coffee, thought you'd might need it for your mood-swings, bitch-boy," Ezreal snickered, proud of himself as he'd lean back against the wall, legs splayed out, handing over the coffee,
"Yeah," as if he went back to staring off in the distance.
"Kayn?" Ezreal knitted his brows, putting the coffee down, "Hey, dude, are you alright?" his voice picked up, a bit more concerned,
"What?!" Kayn hissed, "It's not his fault, don't get mad at him," Rhaast growled back at Kayn,
"Jeez-- Dude, look; coffee, drink," Ezreal's expression grew a bit.. Upset, but he leaned over and took the joint from Kayn,
"Alright, fine you oompa-loompa lookin' twink," there he was, there was that Kayn that Ezreal loved.
Kayn's hand reached for the cup, but Ezreal put his hand on top of Kayn's carefully,
"I know I give you a lot of shit, as you to me, but that's besides the point-- I'm here for you, you know that right? Regardless of.. Well," a cock of Ezreal's head; just a little to the side, his eyes fixating on Kayn's corrupted eye,
"Has it been harder? The spells I mean?" Ezreal shifted his body, so he could sit in front of Kayn,
He hated the word 'dissociating', it made him sound crazy, so they decided to settle on the term 'spells' instead.
"Yeah, but smoking helps, once I get that buzz," Kayn's response was a bit quiet, a little more emotion in his voice as Ezreal's hand came up to his knee, rubbing his thumb gently over the other's kneecap, in a way to help ground him,
"And.." Kayn continued, bringing that coffee cup to hide part of his face, "You help too," barely above a whisper, there was just a subtle hint of a blush across the apples of his cheeks; completely averting his eyes,
"Huh? What was that?" Ezreal leaned in, tilting his head, there was that iconic shit-eating grin he wore so well,
"Shut the fuck up, you heard me!" Kayn used his knee to shove Ezreal back, and Ezreal's laugh echoed through that tunnel,
"No-no! I want to hear you say it, look me in the eyes and tell me!" Ezreal sat back up, both hands grabbing Kayn's face, the other's joint resting between Ezreal's middle and ring finger. Ezreal, completely determined to get those same words out of Kayn; made sure that the other was looking at him directly in the eyes, cheeks squished up and everything!
"Let go--! Stop--!" Kayn tried protesting- pushing on Ezreal's arms, pushing his body away, which would only end up with two spilt coffees and them both falling to the side, Ezreal hitting his head on the floor, enough to bruise, but not enough to do any damage--
"Ow, ow!" Ezreal laughed, Kayn's chuckling followed, "You're such a bully!" Ezreal pouted, sitting with his legs crossed after he'd dust his hands off of the rocks and dirt from his hands.
"Me!? Fuck no, you're the bully!" Kayn leaned down, picking the joint off the ground, standing upright, sighing, rummaging his pockets for his lighter, whilst that joint sat comfortably between his lips,
"As if! Shut the fuck up, you're so annoying--!" Ezreal spoke, he tried to sound angry, but he couldn't help but smile; even while fetching that lighter from the ground, standing up to stand.. Rather close to Kayn,
Ezreal's hand came up to cup the side of Kayn's joint, and there was.. A tense silence between them at their comfortable closeness, Ezreal bit his bottom lip, flicking the light a few times until there was an ignition, holding the flame close to the end until there were visible embers at the end.
Kayn stood, almost awkwardly in place; unsure what to do with his hands, they'd hover just.. Barely at Ezreal's elbows, his fingertips grazing the fabric of his sweatshirt, however, his eyes seemed to focus closely on Ezreal, the way he was concentrating so hard, making sure it worked,
"Uh.. Take a puff, moron," Ezreal's voice barely above a whisper, but Kayn seemed entranced,
"Give it to me," taking the joint from Kayn's lips,
"Hey!" Kayn protested,
"Well, you're not going to do it, so," Ezreal justified himself, putting the joint between his lips to take a few puffs, making sure that it would stay ignited.
Ezreal turned his head, blowing the smoke away, then handing the joint back, keeping his eyes averted, finding literally anything else to look at.
"You spilt our coffee," his tone so matter-of-fact,
"I did!? You started it, dipshit," he took a puff and sat back down with Ezreal following the same motion; but this time sitting beside Kayn,
A huff of a sigh came out of Ezreal's lips, laying his head on Kayn's shoulder with a yawn,
"Tired already?" Kayn simply teased, taking one more hit,
"Gee, I wonder why," Ezreal rolled his eyes, "Fuck, it's cold out here,"
"You don't have to be here, we can go back," Kayn lowered the joint,
"Yeah..- Wait, we? You'll come with?" Ezreal perked up, much like an excited dog,
"Sure, if it'll shut you up," the corners of his lips curled up into a smirk of his own,
"It'll shut you up," Ezreal's tone matching the same energy, with a smirk of his own.
They both got up, roughly the same time, although; Ezreal took a hold Kayn's arm, using his weight to hold himself up as he'd lean down and grab both cups; poured out with a little chip in their lip from crashing.
The journey back was.. Quiet, but Ezreal didn't seem to let go of Kayn's arm, slowly falling asleep where he was walking,
Although, Kayn kept the other close -- making sure his dumbass wouldn't walk into oncoming traffic.
Upon entering the building, Kayn hurriedly shoved the evidence of smoking in his pockets, taking in a few deep breaths and he'd relax himself, composing his anxious nature,
"You taken your meds this morning?" Ezreal's eyes lulled open for a moment, opening the door to the apartment,
"No," Kayn's voice quiet, pushing open the door, ushering Ezreal inside carefully, as if he'd hate to be caught.
"Don't forget to take them," Ezreal's head turned as he walked inside, a knit in his brow before walking off to one of the rooms.
Kayn rolled his eyes, "He's right you know, don't forget!" Rhaast in his ear again and he grumbled, "Shut up," he hissed, "You're gonna listen to him? Are you falling in loooove?!" Rhaast, making fun of Kayn would cackle in his head.
Of course he listened; he put the mugs in the sink and took his meds that were left out on the kitchen table, as a sort of reminder for himself.
After doing so, Kayn took off his shoes and went back to his room-- Ezreal already under his sheets, "What the fuck--" Kayn pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh,
"Whatever," but there was the slightest hint of a smile pulling his lips as he'd take his hoodie off, getting under those sheets as well;
Knowing full well he wouldn't be able to sleep until tonight, so he spent the rest of the morning with Ezreal's head on his shoulder, slowly growing closer and closer until their legs were tangled and Ezreal had Kayn's side completely wrapped in his body.
Although, the pressure was nice.. Kayn slowly fell asleep with his phone in his hand; head tilted all the way back.
There was a moment of peace.
Until the late morning rolled around; the two really slept in.
K'sante and Sett made breakfast together, Yone and Aphelios were already working on designs together.
Kayn, the first one to wake out of the two, looked up at the ceiling to see the light of the sun cascading onto his ceiling, a knit in his eyebrow -- he didn't recall ever falling asleep..
He looked down, finding Ezreal's head on his chest and their bodies entangled under the blankets. Of course, with these movements, Ezreal stirred awake,
Ezreal's mouth opened nice and wide for a big yawn, "Good morning, again," Ezreal's voice chimed out,
"Uh.. Morning," Kayn, unsure of the circumstances; still confused, did he really fall asleep?
Kayn hunched forward, checking his phone;
10:39am, "Shit--"
"What's wrong?" Ezreal sat up, hand on Kayn's back, his thumb rubbing just gently across the other's shoulder blade,
"No- Nothing," Kayn's head turned for but a moment to capture the concern in Ezreal's eyes, "I didn't think I'd fall asleep," a breathy, nervous laugh followed his voice,
"Well, sorry to say but ah.. You did, loser," Ezreal chuckled, patting Kayn on the back, "Hurry up, I'm sure breakfast has already gotten cold," Ezreal wasn't quick to leave the bed, struggling and fighting the blankets--
But with Kayn's assistance, he eventually found himself and got out, with Kayn following closely behind, Ezreal holding three of Kayn's fingers, even if it were lightly and for but a moment, before letting go once they both came into view of the rest of the group.
It hurt to separate from Ezreal, "Told you, you're falling in looove Kayn!" Rhaast teased, but Kayn seemed to ignore him, for the time being.
His heart was warm when viewing Ezreal in that bubbly energy, but would he ever bring it up? Hell to the no.
But, when Ezreal sat down on a stool; already beginning to chow down his pancakes,
Kayn found himself sitting next to him, watching, "Bro, do you ever stop eating?" Kayn teased,
"No!" Ezreal was like a black hole, consuming anything and everything and yet? He remained so fit, "Get fucked, loser," Ezreal spoke with his mouthful, flipping Kayn off with his non-forked hand.
Kayn chuckled, beginning to work on his own pancakes; his appetite.. Not really up to par, but, he still enjoyed the pancakes.
"You two need to get along," Sett stepped in, standing behind them; wrapping both of his burly biceps around their necks, bringing all three of their heads together,
"Or we'll do some team-building work together!" Sett's toothy grin could light up a room, even Ezreal had a laugh, "Nooo! Ew!" Ezreal shoved Sett off,
"Yeah, no thanks. I'd hate to be seen with that twinkie in public," Kayn scoffed, bringing another slice of pancake to his mouth, elbowing Sett in the chest,
but.. While Sett went to help clean up with K'sante, there was just some silence between them;
Ezreal getting a glimpse of Kayn every now and again, trying to hide his smile, even looked as though Kayn was trying to hide one of his own.
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Goodnight, mooncake. ―
Sett & Aphelios one shot, fluff!
― Cursing cw
― 2,081 Words
― Overstimulation / Meltdown cw
― Mentions of; top surgery scars(Aphelios), Stretch Marks(Sett's Mom) and caring for them
― Uhh.. Not sure what other tags!
― Excuse me while my brain is rotting over Heartsteel, I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense ; -; aowidhaowhd I didn't sleep much
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It always became so dark around this time, even thought there was enough light that the street lights didn't turn on. It was cold enough for a sweater, but it was the type of cold where you'd get hot easily and sweat. There was the sound of echoed laughter from a once busy street, now empty, and the sound of store-keepers shutting their shops, with just fast-food chain restaurants' neon lights in the distance on a main-street.
"Stop eating my fuckin' food!" Shouted Kayn, with a hint of Rhaast in his voice, "Or what?" Ezreal was really playing with fire tonight, he'd spin on his heels and turn to face Kayn, sticking out his tongue with the most shit-eating grin plastered on his face, a laugh came from Ezreal's lips, it made the rest of the boys smile as well. Watching as Kayn started to chase Ezreal down the street.
They all just started walking home from a little festival in-town; with Ezreal and Kayn running around in front, K'sante and Yone holding most of the gifts they've bought, including drinks and food and Sett and Aphelios walking in the back, each of them sharing an earphone for music.
What would they be listening to? Everything Goes On by Porter Robinson.
Porter Robinson was probably one of Aphelios' favorite artists, next to River Tiber.
Sett's much larger, bandage-covered hand came down to brush against Aphelios' arm, making sure he knew what he wanted, "Can I?" Sett's rugged voice was barely above a whisper, and without even responding; but their eyes met, and Aphelios laced their fingers together, his eyes lighting up with a smile; his lips being hidden with his mask.
"Thank you," Sett signed.
Be still, his poor heart. Thank God for the mask, otherwise that flush across his cheeks would've been obvious.
Aphelios' eyes fixated on the others in front of them as they'd continue their journey back to the apartment.
"You two, take a left in the next street!" K'sante yelled out,
"Shut up!" Rhaast was clearly becoming antsy, and Ezreal ran around Yone and K'sante, using them as a shield, but also to protect the takoyaki that Ezreal and Kayn were supposed to share, putting it in the bag Yone was carrying before they ran off again; heading down that street that K'sante pointed out to.
Sett let out a chesty, heartfelt laugh, "God, it's never boring with those two around, hey, Phel?" His smile softened as his rich ceruleans found Aphelios' rather bland face, "Phel?" He lowered his head down.
Now, Sett was rather tall, much taller than Aphelios, just an inch taller than K'sante, Phel's head practically reached his shoulders, if we're being generous here.
Aphelios; completely lost in thought, Sett stopped them both, to grab his attention, and quickly, his vermillions fixated on Sett with confusion, "What's up?" He signed slowly,
"I'm worried, are you okay? Tired?" Sett signed back while he spoke; trying to get into the habit of doing so,
"Very tired," Phel's eyes closed, "I'll be okay," Aphelios added before pulling down his mask, "I don't want you to worry," he mouthed while signing,
"I will worry, you know this," Sett's ears flopped down with a knit in his brow, his heart ached.
And as they were conversing in the middle of an empty street, the four ahead were almost out of sight,
"Anything I can do?" Sett added, and Phel reached down to grab back onto Sett's hand, bringing up to rub his cheek against it, shaking his head,
"This is all I need," Phel mouthed, and they continued walking.
Deep down, Aphelios knew full well that he was completely drained, being out in public, conversing with strangers, having loud music blaring in his ears and the constant walking; it was fun, but it was getting too much.
The darkness of this barely lit street, the lack of obnoxious music, and Sett being in his hand was slowly bringing him back to reality.
Their hands laced together once again, and they even did a little jog to catch up with the others.
Despite Sett's stronger form, Aphelios was pretty good stamina-wise, and could keep up with Sett when it came to running, and they both did cardio together from time to time, it was a good way to spend time together without making it so obvious.
Turning that corner now, K'sante pulled out the keys to their apartment and Ezreal and Kayn were out of breath from chasing one another, standing at the entrance to the apartment building, leaning against each other, arms around eachother's necks, completely tuckered out.
K'sante laughed aloud, "Good, looks like you both will be sleeping good tonight then!"
"Don't stay up late, the both of you, we have rehearsals tomorrow morning, early." Yone spoke in a stern tone before heading up to their room.
K'sante, Yone, Ezreal and Kayn went straight inside to unpack and eat.
But Aphelios stopped by the elevator and held tightly onto Sett's hand behind his back, "You don't want to go inside?" A curious head-tilt with one of Sett's ears flopping,
"Can we hang out on the roof for a while?" Aphelios signed with just a subtle knit in his brow,
"Anything you need, mooncake," And as Sett turned around, he'd just gently push Aphelios back into the elevator with the presence of his towering form, with just a subtle chuckle erupting from his lips, his smile exposing his pearly white fangs and single golden tooth.
Aphelios' free hand came up to Sett's jawline, rubbing that stubble, and as the elevator doors closed, their lips met for the entirety of the elevator ride; Sett's lips all over Aphelios' face, not one bit left un-smooched.
Aphelios begun tapping onto Sett's arm, attempting to get him to pull back, but oh no! He didn't, he kept attacking Aphelios' face with kisses and face-rubs, his stubble grazing over Aphelios' cheek -- and that was the final straw. Phel's hands came up to Sett's face, pushing it away with a shake of his head, "Too much?" Sett spoke with a laugh, and Aphelios nodded, hinting towards the stubble,
"Oh yeah.. Sorry, I forgot this mornin'," Sett pulled back and rubbed his stubble, averting his gaze with a huff, "No more, pinkie swear," Sett raised his pinkie.
Aphelios took it, giving Sett a stern look before leaning up and kissing his cheek -- taking his bandaged hand to walk out on the roof-top, it was tidy; with plants surrounding the edge of the building, an outdoor canopy with an L-shaped couch, a few chairs and a coffee table in the middle; all under the canopy, while the rest had just a pool that was fenced off.
Aphelios huffed a sigh and found the couch, flopping down and laying on his side, and Sett sat down next to Aphelios' head carefully, shifting just enough so Phel's head could rest on one of his thighs.
The sound of crickets in the garden, a subtle, cold breeze, and the warmth of Sett's leg under his head, Aphelios' eyes lulled close, and Sett leaned back, closing his eyes as well; with one hand on Phel's head.
Aphelios put on some different music for the both of them to listen to -- Running out of Time by No Spirit and Tonion, among other songs
It was like this for.. What? An hour? Maybe more.
Come around 7pm and Sett's phone started to ring; it was Yone.
He answered, "Where are you guys?" Yone's tone sounded concerned more than anything,
"Just on the roof, Phel's napping, I think.." Sett's voice barely a whisper, not sure if Aphelios was actually asleep or not, and.. To be truthful, he really wasn't; his eyes were closed, and he was so focused on his breathing and Sett's.
"Dinner's ready, we'll put it in the fridge then, come down when you're ready," Yone spoke, happy to know where they were.
"Thank you, will do," Sett whispered and Phel sat up, stretching his shoulders.
"We should head down," Aphelios signed, his eyes were heavy, like he genuinely was ready to sleep.
"We don't have to, Yone said he'll put it in the fridge for when we're ready,"
"It's getting cold," No, Aphelios was getting cold; Sett was perfectly warm, he was like a radiator of heat and sunshine, where ever he went, the room lit up.
Aphelios was.. Very jealous of that fact; his beaming smile, his hearty laugh and that stupid.. Toothy grin of his, he couldn't get enough of it. While Phel rarely smiled, but when he did, it would warm the hearts of others and the people around him, expressiveness wasn't his strong suit.
"Alright, mooncake, let's go," Sett stood up first, offering both his hands to Aphelios, and he'd use them to pull himself to his feet; chest to chest, and suddenly.. The warmth, strong embrace of Sett's arms came around Aphelios' shoulders, with the Vastayan's head on top of his.
Leaning into his touch, Aphelios took a deep breath in and sighed it out, oh how he smelt so comforting.. Like a subtly sweet cologne and sandalwood, a little sniffle with the redenning of his nose? Tears welling in his eyes.
"Phel?" Sett suddenly leaned down and Aphelios wiped his tears, shaking his head -- he was just overwhelmed from the day, very tired and completely drained of energy.
Sett's hands cupped Aphelios' red cheeks, "Let's get to bed, it's been a long day," unlike Aphelios, Sett can just keep going and going throughout the day, there was no energy limit.
He'd pick up Aphelios, hugging him nice and close, tightly; even zipping his jacket around Aphelios' form for that added pressure and comfort.
He snuck his way into their apartment, most of the lights were dimmed down already, Ezreal and Kayn passed out on one another on the couch in the living room, Yone quietly worked in the kitchen with a coffee next to his laptop and K'sante helping where he could with paperwork.
It was dead-quiet, and Sett waved, the other two waved back, there was the quiet sniffling coming from within his jacket, Yone tilted his head after lifting it up from his work,
"Everything okay?" He signed pretty quick,
"Tired," Sett signed back before taking Aphelios to his room; it was dark, with only a few lava-lamps to light up his room, the curtains always closed and of course, there was the pile of plushies in the corner, three different blankets; weighted, faux-mink and a light-weighted duvet.
Sitting down onto his bed, he'd unzip his jacket, letting Aphelios go free.
And as he did, the mute stood up to begin changing into a set of pajamas; while Sett looked away, doing everything in his power not to pay attention.
Phel returned to bed in just a pair of boxers, flopping onto his back onto the bed.
Sett huffed, "You know better," he muttered out, reaching into Phel's night-stand, grabbing some moisturizer that Sett's mom gifted to Aphelios for his surgery scars; Sett's Mom used it for her stretch marks, and it worked wonders!
Sett sat on Aphelios' waist, rubbing the cream into his chest, while Aphelios covered his face, trying his best not to burst out into breathless laughter; going as far as holding his breath.
Sett knew full well how ticklish it was for Aphelios; between his sensitive ribs and the numbed area that was the scars.
"Sit still!" Sett started to laugh while Phel wiggled,
"I'm trying," he signed, holding his laughs.
"Alright, there," his rugged voice chimed, closing the cream's container and he'd slide off Aphelios, laying on his side, "Feel better?" The Vastayan rubbed Phel's cheek with his knuckles,
"Thank you, I do," Phel signed and he'd shuffle closer; so their skin was touching. Of course, Sett had no intention of sleeping just yet, he'd often wait for Aphelios to fall asleep first before he did.
"Rest well, mooncake, see you in the mornin'," Sett leaned down and kissed Aphelios' face, making sure his stubble didn't touch Phel's face.
Of course, once Aphelios was asleep; he could change out of his clothes, into his underwear and a loose tanktop that left little to nothing to the imagination for his clean-cut form.
And his arms wrapped around Aphelios' waist, just to bring his back against Sett's chest, spooning his entire form with Sett's knees tucked under Phel's comfortably, pulling the blankets over their shoulders with his free hand.
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
K'sante is like the Dad of the group
He watches out for them, makes sure they're eating, well-behaved and what not cough Ezreal & Kayn cough
He's the type to know if something is wrong with someone by simply looking at them, and he'll find them when they're alone to talk about what's going on -- he won't pry or push
He enjoys spending time with Yone, it's quiet and he can get his work done
He loves to cook food from his home-town for everybody to enjoy, and it's always a big feast
He also sticks to a diet; he's a big boy, eating a lot and bulking up
He's a little jealous of Sett's cut body though, but he knows he needs to be bulky
His love language is definitely acts of service; getting coffees for everybody, helping with chores and such
He gets along really well with Sett's Mom, he's like Alune and constantly reminds Aphelios to eat
He helps everybody with making sure the costumes look good, makeup is done well, and the like, real Dad vibes
He used to be a bounty-hunter, he was actually hunting Yone, but when they met, he was reckless and exhausted, and couldn't fight. Yone gave him a second chance, and they grew to become friends
K'sante and Sett work out all the time together, sometimes Ezreal or Kayn get in on it, but it's only to keep up their form, while Sett and K'sante have their own personal goals in mind
He has an eye for photography and videography, he loves photography and aesthetics
While being a bounty-hunter, he was always moving around, he never really got to experience 'relaxation' and calmness, until he met Yone who meditated with him every day and taught him mindfulness and self-love.
He's so harsh on himself especially, but he's learning.
He is also helping Kayn with Rhaast's outbursts of rage
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
Aphelios is trans, female to male - he's been on testosterone for 2 years and had his top-surgery, he's reluctant about bottom surgery
He collects poro plushies and the plushies of Tactictions from Team Fight Tactics
Aphelios has a hard time remembering to eat, especially when he's hyperfocused on his work, so Ezreal or Alune often give him little reminders by bringing him a snack or a meal.
He's picky about food as well; he usually only eats Alune's or Sett's Mom's cooking, but he's started to try K'sante's cooking.
He lost his voice when trying out for an [UNNAMED] metal band (Not Pentakill), he's never recovered from it, so he signs most of the time
He's aloof and reserved to new people, especially his fans, he's not sure why they like him or stan him so much. There's some things that Ezreal and Sett keep from Aphelios, since he's not very active on social media.
He's really good at making beats and tunes, and also editing sounds, he's really in touch with music making.
His instagram has photos of the band, cats he finds, Alune and his food, he never really liked showing his face, hence the mask.
CEO of Sass and attitude
He enjoys reading BL manga, and slice of life manga.
He's learning how to cook from Alune and Sett's Mom.
He's got a tongue piercing but no tattoos, he'd like to get some over his top surgery scars
Constantly dying his hair, used to be lilac before heartsteel
Enjoys doing his makeup and trying new things
In touch with his skin-care routine
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settphel-enthusiast · 10 months
The new age of Guardians
- Vi, Caitlyn, Sett, Aphelios & Alune and Jayce
This is just my silly little story of the next age of Star Guardians, I'm not entirely well-versed in the lore. I just know the basics, and i have a problem with Settphel, and I have 0 reason for selecting these sets of champions for the new age of Guardians. But alas. Here you go!
This will be chapter one?? I guess??
This is probably cringe af, but idc. Sorry for any typos, I'm on my phone ;^; I'm not sure how many words but it's long. Kekw
Now. Summers were never.. Empty. Not like this.. Sett always had Aphelios to spend his summers with. But this year was eerily quiet, ever since Aphelios left and got himself corrupted for the sake of the team.
The sacrifice in question? To give Sett one more chance at finding his father and to get revenge.
The Guardians needed that Intel, so? Aphelios sacrificed himself up for it. Against Vi's wishes, against Sett's demands.
But.. Sett kept Aphelios' gem, close to his bed side drawer.
"Where ever you are, you can reach me with this."
Those were Aphelios' last words to Sett.
The vastayan stared up at his ceiling, it was late.. He rolled onto his side and looked at the time;
He sighed and climbed out if bed with a wave of his hand; brushing over his gem, with a flurry fo sparkles and a symphony of shimmers, his familiar sparkled out of his gem with an inquisitive chirp,
"We're going to find him, Nico," with a confident smile across Sett's lips; exposing those pearly fangs he kept sharp for his Ma!
Grabbing his cap, he put it on, making sure his ears poked through the appropriate holes, and he opened his window; climbing out, jumping down from the second story, landing with his knee bent and his palm on the floor; catching himself.
Sett, using Nico to his advantage would give him a little boost as he began running, picking up speed rather quickly.
Where was he off to?
Just a simple rooftop in Valoran, where he would rummage through his pocket to pick out Aphelios' soft orange-purple glistening gemstone.
He took a deep breath in and sighed it out with puff of his cheek, and he brought the gemstone close to his chest, concentrating on his power to bring the gemstone to life.
To create a portal directly linking to Aphelios.
And without a shot of a doubt; Aphelios climbed through, his rich dark purples and blues covering his outfit, with his eyes star-struck,
"What?" He signed,
"You uh.. Still lost your voice, huh?" Sett laughed nervously,
"Yes. Zoe doesn't want me spilling secrets," he explained through quick signing, which Sett only picked up a few words,
"Right uhm-- Listen," Sett's hand reached up, rubbing the back of his neck, "Summer vacation is almost over, Ma is worried about you," he sighed.
"Really?" Aphelios seemed.. Interested, even a little glint of joy filled his eyes, albeit his aloof expression.
"Yeah, man! She asked if you were coming this year, it was weird without you," Sett awkwardly clapped his gloved hands together.
"I see.. Tell her I said hello and I miss her," Aphelios' expression grew saddened, softer.
"Yeah, I will- and.. Classes are starting tomorrow, so.. We'll all be together again and we'll save you this time, okay?" Sett wore that iconic, dumb, bright smile across his lips.
"Okay," Aphelios signed,
Sett's arms stretched out, offering a hug to Aphelios.
And he took it; wrapping his arms around Sett. If he could feel anything else but the agony of being star struck by the corruption, he'd cry. There was a single tear rolling down his cheek, but.. He quickly pushed Sett away,
"I need to go back. You should get some sleep," Aphelios signed before turning his back to face the whirring portal, wiping away a tear with the back of his fist,
"I will, sleep well, Mooncake," Sett looked down at his arms, as the corruption started sinking into his skin, adding to his grit for his next fight.
Every time they met up; Sett took a little bit more of Aphelios' corruption.
His theory was working. He could almost see Aphelios smile.
His theory was; if he could use the corruption the creatures used on him, and let his body turn it into light, why couldn't he take Zoe's corruption?
Sett went back home, satisfied with his solo mission.
He got a few extra hours of sleep before he went to school; kissing his Mom goodbye,
"Settrigh! Don't forget your lunch!" She rushed to put it in his bag- sighing,
"Thanks, mama! I'll be back before you know it," he waved with a vibrant smile.
Now, the dorms were separated; but the school kept the Guardians close to one another for emergencies.
But last year was empty without Akali, Rakan, and Aphelios.
Akali was MIA, Rakan was in and out of treatment for his corruption that still riddled his soul, and Aphelios was.. With Zoe.
Sett went for his dorm; putting his things down, keeping his locket with Aphelios' gem on his chained necklace, hiding it under his shirt.
Classes were.. A bit difficult; Settrigh had a hard time sitting still, but he remained upbeat and like the typical jock he was; making sure everyone was smiling around him.
The next night was.. Strange.
Sett had a dream about losing control and hurting the people around him; like he was some sort of mangled beast, afraid but attacking everything and destroying everyone - and when it came to Aphelios, he gasped and clutched his chest, reaching out with the other.
He was drenched in sweat, looking down at his hands. They were still normal. Looking at his clock;
The second night in a row he's been up at this time.
Settrigh stood up, heading to the bathroom with sleepy steps; in nothing but his PJs; which included just his boxers and a tank top.
Turning on the water, he watched as the running water scurried down the drain. Deep in thought.
Should he tell Aphelios about his dream? Should he tell Vi?
No.. He couldn't tell them a thing. Not a soul.
Sett's hand came down to the water, gathering some of it and letting it pool in the curve of his palm before he'd bring it up to his face to wash it. Taking another deep breath in as he'd wipe his hand down his face.
Looking up in the mirror; only to get a glimpse of that dark, rich purple and blue frame of Aphelios-
Sharply, Sett turned around to grab him but..
There was nothing.
He closed his eyes and turned the water off, slumping off to bed once again.
But this was a sacrifice he was willing to take.
Come the next day; and Sett was out of it, for the most part.
"Hey! Spiky!" Vi called out, slamming her hands on the table,
"Huh? What?" Sett perked up, looking up at Violet with Caitlyn close to her hip.
"Are you okay?" Caitlyn lowered herself so that she could put her elbows on Sett's desk,
"Yeah, oh.. I just didn't sleep very well, bad dream, you know how they are!" Sett couldn't help but smile around his peers; especially his leader.
If Vi were to find out his plans? He'd be kicked and prohibited from working with them ever again.
"Right.." Vi's eyes narrowed, "We have a mission after classes, just some nemesis scum, you in, pretty boy?" Vi cocked a brow, tapping his desk with her finger,
"Yeah! Damn straight, I am, always ready to beat up some corrupt fools!" He'd punch his palm with a smug grin,
"See? Told'ja he was fine," Vi motioned to Sett before turning her back to walk to the dorms,
"Well, see you soon then, Settrigh," Caitlyn offered a smile to him.
He sighed and stood up; he wasn't far behind the girls, and they grabbed Jayce along the way.
Upon heading to the rooftops of their dorms, they all got changed into their assigned Star Guardian attire while prepping their weapons, "Ready, big guy?" Jayce smiled at Sett,
"You know I am," Sett cracked his neck while slipping his gloves on; they were designed to withstand the negative energy of the corruption, and run it through his body and turn it into positive energy (grit)
Vi waved her gauntlet to open a portal to another place in Valoran city; ruined with all these corrupted pests. Clearly ran by Rek'sai, a pet of Morgana's.
As they jumped through the portal without hesitation, falling from the sky above, down to the ground in a flurry of sparkles,
Rising to their feet, Vi cracked her gauntlets' knuckles, "Let's go!" She called out,
"That your version of a pep talk?! Could use some work!" Sett called out, his smile obnoxious and wide, exposing his fangs as he ran into the heat of battle.
"Your form could use work, fluffy!" Vi only teased back as she did the same; following the motion of Sett's body; making sure she had his back covered.
Caitlyn pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, but she quickly loaded her gun up with stardust and begun aiming for the heads of the corrupted bugs.
Jayce kept Caitlyn's back clear; blasting any that got too close to the both of them.
"Don't go far you two!" Caitlyn called out.
Vi huffed and checked their position; they were in a bit deep, "Sett! Pull back!" Vi called out.
But Sett? He was in the heat of it, all he could think about was Aphelios and how he gave him up. His punches flowed like water, one after the other. He couldn't hear anything else but his own heavy breath as it pierced into his lungs, and the squelching, screeching of these corrupted insects.
Sett kept going and going, until he was at maximum grit.
That's when he turned around to the few corruption he let through and unleashed a splash of light and stardust; using all his prowess to eliminate the insects that charged forth.
He stopped, with a heavy pant, freezing in place. And he'd stand up right, "How's that for flashy?" He chuckled, looking back at the rest of the team.
They looked.. Troubled.
Settrigh pivoted his hips, looking over his shoulder. There was a glimpse of Aphelios, and his heart sunk, "Phel," he mumled.
Aphelios' dark purple eyes, almost solemnly settled on Sett, turning away and closing the portal behind him.
Clenching his fists, his knuckles turned white, and he clenched his jaw, bringing a hand up to his chest; where his gem resided, "I'll find ya, Phel, don't worry," he whispered.
"Over here!" Caitlyn called out, kneeling down in front of a few of the insects,
Everyone ran over pretty quick; Sett, taking his time, his eyes on where the portal was. But he rushed over,
"What's up?" Sett knelt down onto one knee,
"Aphelios leading this attack shows that he's gained Zoe's trust, when we get him back, he can give us the Intel we need to take her down, he's making this worth it," Caitlyn inspected the bugs closely,
"And these were made by Rek'sai, she's having more influence lately," Vi butted in,
"We'll get him, Settrigh, hang in there," Caitlyn put her hand on Sett's shoulder,
Sett smiled, "We all miss him, not fair to be worried about just me, right?" A laugh, he stood up and rolled his shoulder, "Let's clean up before anyone sees," Sett pivoted,
All of them eliminated the bodies, disintegrating them into stardust.
And of course. Back to the dorms, they went.
Making sure nothing was destroyed on their way back.
Sett fell behind, "I just need to pick something up. Don't wait for me," Sett's hand raised, almost waving the group off,
"Oh, alright- be safe!" Caitlyn's voice choed through the empty streets as the street lamps started lighting up. And off they went.
Dinner was delicious as usual; steak with roast vegetables and apple pie for desert.
Sett was really missing out!
The Vastayan found himself back at the scene of the crime; searching, scanning.
Until he heard footsteps behind him and instinctively, Sett's body pivoted; ready to swing but..
He stopped and sighed, "Don't sneak up on people like that, Mooncake," he laughed, bringing his hands back to his body,
"How're you doing? You didn't get hurt, did you?" Aphelios' voice, barely above a whisper,
"Well hey! Look who's found his voice," Sett couldn't help but tease with his signature smile across his lips,
A nervous laugh came from Aphelios, lowering his head, kicking some dirt, "Yeah, I think Zoe gave me permission to speak," lies. The corruption burdened Aphelios' body, the pain and discomfort keeping him from talking.
But the more Sett took, the easier it was for Aphelios to deal with it.
"Ah, yeah, that's good! Fantastic even," Sett rubbed his hands together, "But I'm fine, you know how I am, big toughie," his elbow nudged Aphelios' arm,
"Yes, you were always the strong one," Aphelios' hand ran across the bridge of his Severum,
"We--" Sett bit his lips together for a moment, "I miss you," he muttered out, running his fingers across his gloves slowly,
The corners of Aphelios' eyes welled up with tears. He sniffled and cleared his throat, turning his head, "Yeah! I miss you too," trying to stay strong, his walls were crumbling.
"Phel," Sett whispered, and he'd step forward; hooking his fingers underneath Aphelios' chin, getting his head to turn, "It's hard, you're doing great, let me help you," Sett lowered go Aphelios' height,
"What?" Aphelios' brows knitted together, confused, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand,
Saying nothing else, Sett brought Aphelios in for another hug; this time it was tight, desperate, greedy. Like he was saying goodbye.
It didn't take long for Kai'sa and Xayah to show up; they quickly pieced together what Sett was up to,
"Settrigh! Stop! You don't know what that's going to--" Xayah called out, reaching her hand out.
A flurry of starlight, swishing, and swooshing of galaxies around them; keeping Xayah and Kai'sa out of the way.
Another portal shredded through time and space, and Morgana curiously peaked her head out, a raise in her brow as her arm would rest under her bosom, tilting her head, "What's this?"
And with the compression of stardust and galaxies, the two of them vanished.
Sett and Aphelios were not to be found.
Xayah and Kai'sa were left dumb founded, looking around for them, and Morgana closed that portal up. Not wasting her time with an unnecessary fight.
"Settrigh! Aphelios!" Xayah called out, her heart sinking. Where would they have gone?
"Call the others. We need to find them before Morgana does," Kai sa, instructing Xayah with the full confidence of a leader. While pulling her phone out, Kai'sa kept her eyes peeled, pacing back and forth anxiously, calling as many of the Guardians as they could to get this search party underway.
"Pick up.." She chewed her thumb nail; trying to call Sett.
While Xayah fled the scene to gather Rakan, Senna, Seraphine, and she'd hope for Orianna, as well as any of the others, if they so wished.
With Sett's prowess? The things that Morgana could do..
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
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