#moon jehyun blurb
starryjeekies · 2 years
~ Omega X OT11 ~ Dom to Sub
A/N: hello, this was requested by one of my irl friends because I’m finally getting back into writing again and we just saw Omega X together. So I’m formatting this just like my E’last one so check that one out too if you’d like! It’s super unhinged I’m so sorry whoops. Everything is below the cut. Enjoy!!
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1. Hyuk
2. Sebin
3. Yechan
4. Junghoon
5. Hangyeom
6 Jaehan
7. Xen
8. Taedong
9. Hwichan
10. Jehyun
11. Kevin
Dommest of dom. There is no sub part about him. Have you seen him? Hyuk is a man like no other. Sure he can be cute and adorable when he wants to be. But I honestly think that he needs total control in the bedroom. Now this doesn’t mean he won’t want someone on top of him, bouncing on him, but if anything else he’s a power bottom. There. That’s it. Send tweet.
Sebin. S e b i n. For some reason, my irls and I agree that he is unpredictable. We can’t actually determine anything about this man other than that he is a dom and he is freaky. It’s always the sweet ones that are crazy in the sheets. Because of this I feel like he would be the one in charge and doing all the crazy things. Might let you take control once but he won’t let that go to your head.
My dude will probably put up a fight if you try to dom him. I said it so many times but Yechan would be the bitch to square up in a Denny’s parking lot at 3 am. If anything, he would be the type of guy to make you ride him while being overstimulated whoops that’s a different post. There could be a façade of doming but if you slip out of line he will bring you crashing down.
Daddy Junghoon my mans, hello. Tbh out of everyone in OX, I wouldn’t pick Junghoon to have the daddy kink but hey whatever works for him (I highly suspect Yechan had something to do with this). But I think he would definitely be a dom more so because he doesn’t know how good it can be for a partner to take over. Once he’s been in a situation where he doesn’t have to be in control and he feels it hits different, then I think he’d be more open to you doming him more often.
A man who likes to please. Hangyeom is one who probably would do a lot of things his partner asks of him. Fuck them from behind? Bet. Against the wall? Just say please. Ride him? Better be lubed up. So not saying he’s a switch, but if you ask him to please you, he’ll probably be in control but give you a wild ride unless you ask otherwise.
Just a big baby, that’s all. I don’t think Jaehan is too much whichever way he goes. He’s a big sweetheart so whether it’s him controlling what happens or when you’ve had a few orgasm and take control to chase the final one, I think he’s happy either way. Probably is the type of dom who wants almost wreck you and you spring back at the last second so you’re both fucked out.
I had a long convo about this one, but Xen needs to be put into submission. I think he’s a switch with a dom lean and needs to be forced into submission because he’s a BRAT. Probably likes it too so don’t be afraid to. He’s definitely cocky in what he can do to you so you need to put him in his place with overstimulation and a nice cock ring oops wrong post again.
Taedong is only slightly higher on this list because there is a slightly more dom leaning but that is it. Otherwise I feel like its pretty even. Like 55/45. Yeah. I want to say that he’s game for a lot of things. He’s probably more of the experimentalist because he’s got a dancer physique and can contort his body in different ways. I also can just see him saying a mantra of “please” when he’s close and that’s hella sub energy.
The true switch in my opinion. When I asked “who would want a strap” and my friend immediately said Hwichan so I’m rolling with it. Hwichan is probably really fun and sex would be like the Olympics of just one round after another, both doing a new sport essentially. One minute he’d have you crying and the next you would be needing to hold his hips down to stop him fucking up into your hand.
Jehyun honey ily you’re my ult but your introverted ass comes off kinda subby. He’s shy and can be bashful but he’s also flirty (ik i met him irl and he called me pretty) so he has SOME confidence but I think he’s gotta be comfortable with a partner to determine if he can be more of a dom and more of a sub. Opposite of Taedong but still pretty close.
I want him to prove me wrong but Kevin is too sweet to be a dom. Yes, yes, I know soft doms exist but he is like a patch of daisies on a sunny spring day. I think it’s the pink hair and the constant duck faces he does. I definitely think being a dom is in him, for sure (thank you love me like) but just not as strongly s sub. Still an fantastic lover though don’t let his adorable face fool you he’s probably really good with his mouth.
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minheeology · 5 years
how could cuddling with jehyun be like
jehyun is on the shy side, so cuddling is probably something you initiate. once you’re holding each other, he’ll calm down. expect for him to be blushy and shy for a little while, but he’ll be okay after a few minutes. unless the other members are around. i think he would probably talk about a lot of random things, like how the moon landing was fake or how aliens are real or something. he can be serious too, but i feel like since he’s such a happy virus all the time, he would want the times that you spend together to be uplifting too.
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with1team · 5 years
My first post
Hello! This is my account dedicated to 1team. I will start writing here as soon as possible, I hope you’ll read and enjoy them! I am not the best at writing, but I really enjoy it and it makes me feel happy. I would also appreciate it a lot if you’d request me something to write so I could see what you want me to write about. If you want to request or know more about me, please click ‘about’ on my profile (or below if you are using mobile). Thank you, can’t wait to write here! <3
my works
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nctyping · 5 years
about me !!
name: abbey | she/her
birthday: 25 oct. | scorpio sun; aquarius moon; gemini rising
posting from: the us | east coast
looks like: this | search egg culture !!!
strengths: n/a
weaknesses: my cute ass mutuals (!!), completing requests in a reasonable amount of time, badboy! aus, when y’all reblog n put your feedback in the tags 💘
this blog
— mainly soft hours because I can’t angst for shit
— sometimes the slightest bit steamy but it’s RARE // no smut
— I’ve noticed that I mainly write for dream and johnny but this blog was made with the intention to write for ot21 !!
— I don’t have a masterlist and it’s because I’m lazy but I will make one in the future I promise
— my shitposts personal posts are tagged with #stfu abbey ,, so you can filter that if you’d like !!
a literal hellhole
ateez blurbs + moodboards !!!
sf9 antics (used to be stanvav)
1the9 blurbs n shitposts you know the drill
1team moodboards + blurbs ???
jyp content. strictly jyp. no one else matters.
groups | ults
—nct | johnny — sicheng — jeno — mark
—ateez | yunho — woosan
sf9 | hwiyoung
1the9 | doyum — yongha
vav | lou — ayno
1team | jehyun
oneus | xion
the boyz | chanhee — sangyeon — q
txt | taehyun
twice | nayeon
winner | yoon
pentagon | hui
astro | rocky — sanha
red velvet | yeri — seulgi
exo | junmyeon
bts | yoongi
weki meki | doyeon — lucy
stray kids | jisung — minho
clc | eunbin
day6 | youngk
seventeen | wonwoo — minghao
mamamoo | moonbyul
shinee | minho
loona | heejin
itzy | yuna
— feel free to tag me in anything :)) related to the groups I mentioned before or not I don’t mind !!
— I’m down for tag games and ill sure as hell send you an anon for that cute ask list you reblogged
— pls don’t hesitate to message me !! I love friends and want 2 be one of yours !!
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minheeology · 4 years
1team masterlist
s/o falls asleep while cuddling
s/o loves holding hands
s/o is wearing their clothes
s/o is staring at them
s/o is short
crush can’t tell they’re flirting
time stamps:
mornings [bc]
cuddling with rubin
cuddling with jehyun
sleepover [junghoon]
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minheeology · 5 years
1team reaction to their s/o being super short/small
summary : 1team’s reaction to their s/o being short
pairing : 1team x reader
word count : 218
song i listened to while writing :
rubin ♡
i think since rubin is fairly tall, he would find it so cute that you were shorter. however, he would also take this as an opportunity to over-protect you. he wouldn’t let you reach for anything on the top shelves, delivering a line like “that’s what i’m here for, baby.”
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bc / sungho ♡
this man would tease you for being short. while he isn’t the tallest person ever, he would use the fact that you were short to get on your nerves. but don’t be fooled, the minute someone else teased you, sungho wouldn’t be happy about it.
“hi-five, babe.. oh wait, you’re too short. nevermind.”
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jinwoo ♡
this baby would think you’re adorable just like him and he would love it! even though he likes being the one to be babied, he would love to have someone to baby as well and that’s you.
“oh my god, you’re so cute baby.”
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jehyun + junghoon ♡
i put these two together because i feel like they would be similar. i feel like they wouldn’t really care about your height tbh. you might get an occasional short joke out of them, but other than that, your height wouldn’t really be a main topic of conversation. they’d still find you adorable though!
“hey y/n, how’s the air [insert height] off the ground?”
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minheeology · 5 years
1team reaction to their s/o wearing their clothes
summary : 1team reacting to you wearing their clothes
pairing : 1team x reader
word count : 301
song i listened to while writing :
rubin ♡
okay hear me out- this man would love seeing you in his clothes. if anything, rubin’s the one who would give them to you. if he didn’t give them to you, you’d better believe he’s going to purposely leave them behind in hopes you’d wear them.
“baby, you wear my clothes better than i do.”
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bc ♡
sungho is somebody i see enjoying you wearing his clothes, however, he would be super lowkey about it. he wouldn’t give you clothes, but if you ask to wear his clothes, he will give you one of his shirts right away. as for hoodies/jackets, he might offer them to you.
“you look so cute in my clothes, love.”
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jinwoo ♡
jinwoo would think you were the cutest person ever. he would be so excited to see you wearing his clothes. he would always offer them to you. point blank period. he LOVES it.
“please take my jacket, y/n!”
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jehyun ♡
he’d be a little awkward about it, but he would love it. i think if he were to offer you clothes, jehyun would offer you his flannels the most and that would be his favorite thing to see you in too.
“baby, how do you look so much better than me?”
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junghoon ♡
i think since junghoon is so young he might be shy about it, but don’t get me wrong, he would love it just as much as the others, maybe more than them with the exception of rubin. since he’s shy, seeing you wear his hoodies (his favorites on you) would give him so much comfort. by wearing it, you’re basically saying you’re his without him having to do or say anything and he loves it.
“my favorite girl/boy in my hoodies? what else could i possibly want?”
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minheeology · 5 years
1team reaction to you falling asleep while cuddling?🥰
summary : 1team reaction to you falling asleep while cuddling.
pairing : 1team x reader
word count : 186
rubin ♡
he would be so happy that you were comfortable with him. this would be important to him, because even though it’s a small step in a relationship, he thinks it’s just as important as the big ones.
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bc ♡
very calm about it. honestly, i feel like he might have fallen asleep before you. he just seems like the most chilled out kind of dude. but if you weren’t asleep before him, he would probably trace shapes in your arm with his finger.
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jinwoo ♡
very smiley. will probably snuggle you more than he already is. he’s just happy to have you near him. you are his happiness.
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jehyun ♡
i see him as one to play with your hair. if you’re just cuddling, he would be playing with your hair, and that won’t change once you’re asleep. he would have the biggest smile on his face.
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junghoon ♡
so cute .. seriously. he loves you so much. he would be one to panic if his arm falls asleep while he’s holding you, but would silently figure it out as he tried not to disturb you.
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minheeology · 5 years
1team reaction to their s/o loves hand holding
summary : 1team reacting to you liking to hold hands 
pairing : 1team x reader
word count : 237
a/n this looks a little different because i did this on my laptop and not my phone!
rubin ♡
okay let’s be real people. this man loves holding hands just as much as you do, if not more. he is w e a k for you. if you wanna hold hands, he’s down. every. single. time. most times he takes your hand before you have the chance to grab his/ask to hold his hand.
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bc ♡
sungho would try to act like he didn’t like hand holding when he was around his friends. i feel like he likes to put on this chill persona. he acts like nothing phases him. i think he would give in if you began to pout though, because despite his tough exterior, he melts at the sight of you.
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jinwoo ♡
there isn’t much to say except for the fact that he loves hand holding just like you. a smiley baby who smiles even bigger while holding your hand.
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jehyun + junghoon ♡
i put these two together because i see one thing for both of them. they’re shy. these two are shy. not only that, but if they’re around the older members, they will be even more embarrassed. however, i see jehyun liking hand holding more than junghoon. he will be more down to try it. with junghoon, i see him only really holding your hand if you two are in a crowded place and ~maybe~ if he gets a little jealous or insecure. good luck with him.
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minheeology · 5 years
1team reaction to you staring at them and they catch you & their s/o is shy so she gets flustered idk
summary : 1team’s reaction to catching their shy s/o staring at them
pairing : 1team x reader
word count : 384
song i listened to while writing :
rubin ♡
you two were out for dinner, just like you always were when rubin had free time. you didn’t even know you were staring until your boyfriend said something. you got all blushy and tried denying it, but your boyfriend just flashed you a bright smile and pulled you closer so he could kiss your cheeks.
“you’re the cutest, you know that?”
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bc ♡
you couldn’t help yourself. watching sungho work away in his studio was so mesmerizing. you could have stared at him all day, that was, until he caught you. while you covered your face with embarrassment, your boyfriend, still as chilled out as he always is, just gave you a lazy grin,
“don’t be shy, baby. you like what you see, right?”
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jinwoo ♡
jinwoo was getting his hair styled for a performance and you were sitting beside him just watching the process. you couldn’t help it, he looked stunning at that moment. clearly you weren’t too careful with your admiration, because jinwoo started giggling beside you, which made you look at your phone
“y/n, why are you blushing? i should be the one doing that!”
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jehyun ♡
lazy days with jehyun were your favorite. watching movies with him and cuddling was the best thing you could ask for. however, it seemed as though you were paying more attention to your boyfriend than the movie, and he took note of that. it took him a moment before turning and looking you in the eyes, which caught you off guard. you let out a small gasp which made him chuckle,
“watch the movie baby, you can look at me as much as you want to after.”
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junghoon ♡
usually, you weren’t allowed to go to work with junghoon. today was an exception though, and you were more than excited. you got to watch their dance practice, and during it, you couldn’t bring yourself to look anywhere but at your boyfriend. you figured he wouldn’t see you since he was focused on dancing, but you stood corrected when he walked over to you,
“man, y/n, with the way you were watching me, you would think you don’t see me every day.”
your face turned bright red, and junghoon pressed a kiss to the top of your head and told you how adorable he found you.
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minheeology · 5 years
1team reaction to their crush being naive and when they try to hint or flirt with her she never picks it up haha thank you
sorry if this isn’t 100% what you wanted !
summary : 1team reacting to their crush never picking up on their flirting
pairing : 1team x reader
word count : 231
song i listened to while writing :
rubin ♡
i feel like rubin will be totally confused. he has been trying for months to tell you he likes you through small gestures but it still seems like you’re showing no interest or simply not understanding. eventually i think he would get aggravated and blurt out that he likes you.
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bc ♡
sungho seems chill all the time. i feel like he wouldn’t get too worked up about you not reacting at first, but eventually he might get a little insecure and talk to the other members of 1team for advice. honestly i don’t know if he would actually tell you how he feels if you don’t react even a little. he might write and produce a song to admit it though.
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jinwoo ♡
this baby would feel like you don’t like him at all when you don’t catch on. maybe he would get a little flustered and i totally see him asking the other 1team members for help. eventually i think he might give up and deal with the fact that you might not like him as a way to save himself from being hurt.
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jehyun + junghoon ♡
putting them together because i think they would react similarly. immediately realizing that you don’t catch onto their advances, they might try to ask around and see if you talk about them. if not, they might think you’re purposely avoiding them and give up
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with1team · 5 years
[03:37 PM] you were laying on your bed, looking at your phone. you were so immersed in it, you didn’t even notice jehyun coming to the room. he was disappointed that you didn’t pay any attention to him so slowly he walked to the bed and laid on it next to you. you yelped as you felt his cold hands under your shirt.
“hey!” you said and turned around to face him. jehyun smiled at your reaction and started moving his hands around your stomach.
“stop it! it’s cold,” you said to him between your laughs. it was tickling you. you grabbed his hands and moved them away from you. he pouted at you.
“i just wanted to be close to you,” he told you and you laughed at the pleading face he was making.
“are you sure that’s all you wanted?” you asked and he nodded innocently.
“i’m pretty sure you wanted to torture me with your freezing hands. how are they even so cold?” you questioned as you encased his hands on yours, trying to warm them up. he didn’t say anything, but instead he pressed his lips on your knuckles. 
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