witchembrace-a · 8 months
Thanatos massaged the bridge of his nose as he sighed, irritation clear on his expression as he stood in front of Hermes. The Fixer was tired of coming home to this traitor in front of his sister's door, but he was too exhausted to fully care. Instead, he walked past them and went to the fridge to get himself and Hermes a drink. "I'm too tired for this shit. Please tell me you didn't disturb Hypnos from her rest again."
@moonminstrel — sc.
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unboundtravels · 8 months
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 | Accepting
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The Archons of Celestia have always shared a strange relationship with The Archons of Time. Bound to intersect via the hands of fate, but determined never to acknowledge one another or interfere in each other's business. Such is the state of celestial affairs. Even after the war that nearly devastated the unseen world, nearly bled out into the cosmos and lit a fire across the stars— there was still that inherent desire not to get involved with the business of the seven, or their mysterious overlord. Only in rare circumstances do the paths of an archon cross with that of a Timelord. 
Not unless something spurred him to action, that was. That was why he was here, now, in Snezhnaya. Why his Police Box had materialized in the corner of the throne room whilst it was empty. It's why he here, and now was sitting atop the Tsarista's throne with nary a care in the world as to what would happen if the ice queen walked in. He hadn't spoken to her in centuries, of course. Not for lack of trying— as he seemed quite intent on avoiding her and any of the other god club members. He doesn't like gods. Not really. Nor does he consider himself one. He's simply a traveler, and right now, he has buisness here.
When the doors to the throne room open, his feet are propped up on the left arm rest of the throne and he's throwing a rubber ball against the wall that he catches before repeating the action. He doesn't say anything until she gets at least six steps in. That's when he stops throwing the ball and slides it into his coat pocket.
"Your majesty~" He makes a flourish with his hand, almost intending to be disrespectful through theatrics. "You really know how to keep a guest waiting."
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katokosmos · 10 months
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MOONMINSTREL; an independent multi-fandom multi-muse, featuring a limbus company oc by the name victor frankenstein.
reanimated by persephone / ronnie ( she/they, 21 ), featuring muses from limbus company, death note, the persona series, && orginial characters.
promo template by @calisources.
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
you're not what i expected... ( i think this would be funny for mitsuru and regina. )
you're not what i expected...
regina clicks her tongue as she looks at the fresh meat newcomer, flashing her fellow teenager a wild grin. she isn't expecting her prey to bite back. "heh. and what, exactly, do you mean by that, transfer student? go on." blonde gestures for mitsuru to explain herself. an innocent tilt of the head from the apex predator follows, though everyone knows it's a farce to lead the unsuspecting nerd into her trap.
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep. ( achilles @ ai ! the lack of sleep meme <3 )
"A lack of sleep is what got me killed the first time." Ai says that so nonchalantly and so out of left field that it's frightening, especially accompanied by the darkening of the stars in her eyes, sudden like the moon eclipsing the sun.
Yet just as suddenly, she tilts her head, confusion on her expression. "Where did that come from? I guess that's a new..." The bloodfiend mutters, trailing off before she says too much. "Now come on, 'Chill. Let's lie down together, okay? It'll be like a big sleepover! Or something..."
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witchembrace-a · 9 months
" ludmila ! i have brought you a gift. " angela holds out a small box, which contains an icy pendant. it's a promise pendant, one to commemorate their time spent together. she hopes the idea of such a trinket isn't too cheesy.
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@moonminstrel // starter call
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
i'm going to carry you, of course. ( achilles @ ai , from the carrying/being carried meme ! )
meme tba.
Ai frowned. "You don't need to do that, I'll be fine! I think..." She was not fine, she was limping and attempting to carry an injured Ruby at the same time, trying to shield her child from any more harm. "Besides, how are you going to carry me when I'm carrying our daughter? She's hurting, we need to get back as soon as possible! Don't worry about me." Her starry eyes were shining more than ever as she spoke, indicating just how much she was lying to him that she was fine when she wasn't.
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
I'll check in on you in an hour. You'd better not have moved. ( ... what if achilles @ aqua, i think it'd be funny. )
Aqua pouted as Achilles closed the door behind him. This sucks! He was supposed to be taken to reunite with his mom, but he was being forced to sleep and wait longer. He sits up the second the other's footsteps disappear from behind the door, hugging his knees and sighing to himself.
And then he started to plot a way to escape and go searching on his own.
Maybe go out the window? He climbed out of bed, went over to the windowsill, and reached up..... success! Though there's a crash soon after, from the vase nearby that he'd accidentally kicked off on his way up. Oopsy! He curses to himself and wonders when Achilles is going to find out about it.
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
“I’m sorry. I know it hurts.” ( achilles @ ruby! the hurt/comfort meme ! )
Ruby winces as Achilles bandages her arm. "Ack! Aqua was right, I'll never become a Fixer at this rate..." She states with a frown. "I mean, look, I'm crying over such a small scrape... Mama never cried, not even when that... that bitch... was tearing her apart." Ruby where did you learn that word.
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witchembrace-a · 9 months
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@moonminstrel inquired:
SOBBED for chise !
glimpses of the past.
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  When Chise’s little eyes fluttered open,  there were hands wrapped around her throat.
  Immediately her tiny hands reached out to try and stop it,  but she didn’t have much strength in such a small body.  Looming above her was her mother,  face contorted into a mixture of anger and spite.  The little girl didn’t understand.  She didn’t understand why this was happening. Was she such a burden to her own mother ?  Where did this even come from ?
  Mama . . .  Why ?  I can’t breathe . . .  Did I hurt you,  Mama ?  Is my existence such a burden that you have to kill me ?  Your hands are tight,  Mama . . .  I can’t breathe.  Stop this, Mama !  Stop it !  Let go of me !  I don’t want to die . . . !
  Chise wanted to cry out,  wanted to voice her pleas for her mother to stop,  to let go,  but the hands that trapped her there were too tight.  All the child could do was cough as she struggled to take in air.  Her vision started to blur and her heart was pounding in overdrive,  tiny legs kicking and flailing,  doing anything she could to break free of her mother’s grasp. She was powerless to stop it.  And yet she kept on trying.
  “ I wish I’d never had you.  I wish you’d never been born . . . ! “
  Chise’s eyes widened.  How could you say such a cruel thing,  Mama ?  She stopped trying to fight it.  She was starting to accept that this was how she was going to go out.  The child did nothing else as tears ran down her little cheeks.
  The next thing she knew,  those hands around her throat lessened in an instant,  releasing her.
  More coughs escaped her throat as she managed to pull air into her lungs again,  wiping her eyes as her neck stung from her mother’s hands.  She sat up and watched as her mother jumped backwards,  palm covering her mouth as if in shock.  She seemed to regret her actions,  which confused Chise ;  didn’t she do that because she wanted to kill her ?
  What further confused the child was the way her mother glanced back at the open window and then back at her daughter,  almost as if she were contemplating something.  But before Chise could ask what was going on,  her mother took more steps backwards,  towards that window.
  “ Chise.  I’m so sorry. “
  There were tears in her mother’s eyes as she smiled at Chise one final time.
  “ Forgive me . . . “
  And then she was gone.
  All Chise could do was stare at the space where her mother had been,  watching helplessly as she jumped out of that window.  She was frozen where she sat,  unable to move from the shock.  And then the tears came,  flooding her senses with the kind of desolation that a child could never experience as her broken voice came out in shattered sobs.  Her heart felt like it had been fractured,  like she could never experience love again.  The sheer despair that she felt crashed into her like a derailed train,  drowning her in sorrow like the ocean at high tide.  She didn’t know what else to say,  to do,  to think,  except lay down and cry until her body dried up.
  First,  it was her father who left.  But at least there was a chance he could come back.  Even if Chise doubted it,  it was still possible.  But the same couldn’t be said for her mother,  whose crimson hair likely blended with the blood of her broken body after she’d jumped from the window and ended her own life.
  She felt sick,  but no matter how much she coughed and hacked,  nothing came out.  She curled up into a ball on the futon and cried herself to sleep,  wishing she could wake up from this nightmare.  But it wasn’t a dream.  Even if Chise wished it had been.
  Her mother was gone.
  And she was alone.
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witchembrace-a · 9 months
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@moonminstrel inquired:
five times left:      ( five times the sender and receiver parted ways ) ( what if this for ludmila and angela hehe )
five times.
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The first time they parted ways was just before Khaenri’ah fell.
Angela was still a powerful mage with a weak body,  still so young and naive,  akin to a young fawn who was still learning to walk.  Completely unaware of the tragedy that was to befall her as well as her entire nation.
She didn’t want to leave Ludmila behind,  didn’t want to part for even a second,  but her village needed her.  And no one could ever find out the truth about who she was seeing.  So Angela,  reluctant to say goodbye,  leaned in and pressed her lips upon the other woman’s lips in a fleeting gesture of farewell and left.  There were tears in her eyes as she walked away.
When she returned to her village,  Angela was a forced witness to a divine punishment that not even she would be completely safe from.  If not for her dearest Ludmila,  she would have perished along with the rest of Khaenri’ah.
Her survival was the catalyst for the divine betraying the divine.
. . .
The second time they parted ways wasn’t until after Angela became favored by a god.  Ludmila was leading the Fatui with pride,  while Angela sat by her side,  higher than even the Eleven Harbingers themselves.  Their love was still a secret to all.
“ I don’t want to leave you.  I’m terrified that this body will crumble. “  Angela admitted aloud,  not knowing that the archon could still hear her.  Immediately her body was chilled and warmed at the same time by Ludmila’s arms,  she could feel the taller woman’s head slot itself between her own head and shoulder.
“ I do not wish for us to part,  either,  but the Harbingers could find out about us. “  Murmured against Angela’s ear,  yet it contained the same cold bite her voice always had.
The mage hummed in understanding,  yet still lingered in her dear Ludmila’s embrace until she was forced to part from her.  She silently walked out of the private bedchamber,  passing the Balladeer on her way out.  She hoped there would be no suspicions cast the archon’s way.
. . .
The third time was when Angela decided she was going to fight the infamous Blonde Traveler in secret.  She’d originally wanted to prove to Ludmila that she could do it,  but she was proven wrong rather quickly.
“ Why shouldn’t I go fight her ?  She killed Rosalyne !  What if your head is next ? “  Angela was desperate,  practically demanding an answer.  She wanted to get revenge for the loss of one of the Harbingers,  but she was being told no.
“ Because . . . “  Ludmila was hesitant to finish her sentence,  the confidence she normally exuded slowly but surely deflating as if it were a balloon with a hole in it.  “ I worry about you.  Her danger level is why I forbid you from fighting her alone. “
Angela understood,  though she wondered what made Ludmila so hesitant.  She watched every little expression curiously, at least what she could see from beneath the icy veil she wore,  but wasn’t going to push it right now.  She knew better than to push the Tsaritsa too far.  So instead,  she leaned up and kissed her beloved on the lips,  fleeting and soft,  before saying farewell for the night and returning to her own bedchamber.
Unbeknownst to Ludmila,  it was only a mere three hours before she set out to hunt down and fight Lumine against her wishes.  The aftermath resulted in Angela receiving another new body.
. . .
Another time the two lovers parted ways was the time that Angela was witness to the true might of the Tsaritsa.
Angela had never felt more terrified than that moment.  Even standing to the side while Ludmila carried out her punishment on Dottore was a bit too much for her. The booming voice of the Tsaritsa pounded in her head like a bass drum,  rumbling through her entire body,  making it tremble so hard she was afraid her body was going to crumble.
So she fled.
She didn’t want to,  but her fear got the better of her.  Guilt wracked her heart as she ran off,  flooding her entire being like a chill down her spine as she sealed the door to Ludmila’s bedchamber behind her.  She curled up into a ball and concealed herself with blankets and sheets,  terror making her shudder like a leaf in the wind.  She stayed there for a long time.
Admittedly,  Angela was afraid she would be next.
. . .
The final time was when the final Gnosis was at stake.
Ludmila ensured that Angela would stay behind,  as she was afraid Lumine would interfere and harm her precious jewel again.  And as much as Angela hated that,  she remembered what had happened last time and agreed to stay back without complaint. 
She still lingered at the doorway to their shared bedchamber and watched as Ludmila walked away,  and despite herself,  she sent up a prayer that everything would be okay.
But would the gods ever answer the prayers of walking heresy ?
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witchembrace-a · 9 months
@moonminstrel gets a new year's kiss !!
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sitting under the stars with ludmila was a rare occurrence indeed, especially since she was now an archon. angela hummed softly as she curled closer to her, resting her head on the other woman's lap. the former mage decided she was going to surprise the tsaritsa, and so, silently, she moved, leaning up to catch ludmila's lips in her own without so much as a warning. " happy new year, my love. here's to another year spent with you. "
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witchembrace-a · 9 months
" Pantalone accused you of favoritism today in our meeting. Shall I do something about that ? "
Angela was seated upon Ludmila's lap as the two of them snuggled close after the former met with the Harbingers in the latter's place. Those guys were always jealous of the fact that Angela was placed higher than them, that she was favored by the Tsaritsa for reasons they could never comprehend.
starter for @moonminstrel !!
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katokosmos · 7 months
moonminstrel -> ideseurydice.
( my friend encouraged me to write her and so here we are. jumping in head first ! )
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witchembrace-a · 7 months
what character archetype is sayaka?
the Matryoshka Doll.
Someone with layers, and a painted surface hiding deep intricacy below. A person who changes completely in a blink of an eye, a person with contradictions but something cohesive holding everything together.
tagged by: @mariotime (ty!) tagging: @pompedia (for emily and/or panty), @pinokoni, @moonminstrel (ludmila, victor), @knightfeared (for than or bal), and you!!
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witchembrace-a · 8 months
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Your guilt gnaws at you like a cancer, slowly destroying you from the inside. It is a constant reminder of the mistakes you have made, of the people you have hurt, of the opportunities you have wasted. You deserve to suffer for what you have done, and the only way you can atone is by punishing yourself, by making yourself suffer. You want to torture yourself, knowing you let everything happen, and your penitence will eat you whole. It is a small price to pay for the pain you have caused others, but do you truly deserve it?
TAGGED: @soulsbetrayed ( ty!! ) TAGGING: @moonminstrel ( victor! ) ; @mariotime ; @forgottenluck ; @futureforged ; @spellforce ; @deathlillies ( winter &&. josie ! ) ; @deathsmark ; @dinomites ( aelia ! ) ; &&. you !
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