#attempted murder
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Me, a serious journalist, when the NYPD shoot a man multiple times, shoot a random woman in the leg, shoot another random bystander in the head (just a graze, no biggie!), and shoot a cop in the stomach, because they were trying to stop someone from evading the $2.90 fare:
"Police said bullets had struck an officer and various people"
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secretlyel · 5 months
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Mr Qi teaches you how to cliff jump
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hoomandoescosplay · 7 months
Static | Alastor x Reader Oneshot
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“Alastor, the radio demon, is supposedly quite a popular name in Hell. So much so that his name had somehow ventured into the human world.”
“Some people have even tried to summon the demon by giving him offerings hoping he’d show himself to them and grant them powers beyond their own capabilities.”
My friend Naomi explains to me while we walk to our class. “Don’t tell me you’ve tried to summon him.” I sigh. “You usually don’t bring this kind of stuff up before you’ve tried it.”
She’s always been into magic and witchcraft. I honestly don’t understand any of it but she loves talking to me about it.
I definitely believe that kind of stuff exists in the world but it can be so confusing, especially when people make stuff up all the time.
Naomi has said she’s experienced many phenomenons before but she has quite a creative mind.
Naomi grins as she nods her head. “Of course I’ve tried it! Would you like to give it a try? I have the instructions written down in one of my spellbooks.” She starts to rummage around in her backpack.
“It shouldn’t take long. We can do it after school gets out today.” My eyes go wide as I pull her arm stopping us from walking.
“Are you crazy? Absolutely not. No way do I want to try that.” Naomi chuckles. “You really need to learn to have some fun.”
She continues, “There’s no harm in calling out a demon and asking for powers. Besides, you don’t think he’ll actually show up do you?”
I just stare at her. She’s crazy, she has to be crazy. “No harm?” I echo bewildered. I let out a strained laugh. “I honestly don’t even know how to respond to what you just said.”
Naomi shrugs. “The worst thing that can happen is the summoning doesn’t work and your day proceeds as normal. That’s what I call ‘no harm’.” Her smile widens.
“And,” she adds. “It’s our senior year. We have to do something fun and mysterious.” I sigh again. “I guess you’re right.” I readjust my backpack as I take a second to think. “Alright, let’s do it.”
Naomi squeals with delight. “Oh! You’re not going to regret it, not one bit! This is going to be amazing, just you wait and see!” She pulls a small leather bound book out of her backpack.
“Here we are. ‘How to summon demons 101.’ Let’s see what we need…” Naomi starts to scan through a few of the book’s pages.
I see other students look at us as they walk past and I can feel my face heat up. “Maybe we should look at your book after school.” I suggest quietly.
Naomi’s eyebrows raise as she looks up at me. “Yeah… I guess that would be for the best. This isn’t exactly the type of thing you can just pull out of your backpack and flip through in the middle of a hallway without drawing attention to yourself.”
She quickly puts her book back away and we continue to walk to our class.
A few minutes later, we arrive at our class and quickly shuffle into our seats. I look over at Naomi and she’s grinning at me before turning back to face the front of the room.
The teacher quickly walks into the classroom, and class begins. The class progresses as it normally would. The teacher gives the lesson and asks a few questions here and there.
A few times, I catch Naomi looking in my direction, likely waiting until the end of class to start the summoning.
The clock on the wall slowly creeps closer to the end of class. The other students gradually lose interest in the lecture and start to daydream as the teacher keeps lecturing on.
After a few more minutes of lecturing, the teacher pauses. “That’s all the time we have for today. I’d like to end the day with a reminder of our next assignment and the due date for the project we’ve been working on all week.”
I can see Naomi jittering in her seat as we wait to be dismissed and I roll my eyes with a small smile.
The teacher makes a few more announcements before the bell rings. The class quickly rises to their feet and most students start to shuffle for the door.
As I try to make my way to the door, I bump into Naomi who eagerly grabs onto my arm in a tight grip. “Let’s go, you ready?”
I nod. “As ready as I can be.” Naomi squeals once more. “Yes, that’s the spirit!” She starts to pull me out of the classroom, down the hallway and out the front of the school.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
We get to Naomi’s house after a short walk and as we walk in she checks to make sure her parents aren’t home.
“Quick, let’s go up to my room.” Naomi’s eyes dart back and forth as she leads me up the stairs and into her bedroom.
Naomi quickly shuts the door behind me and I can hear her quietly lock the door. She quickly heads over to her bed, places her backpack on it, and pulls out her spellbook.
Naomi quickly flips through the pages as she starts listing off some of the items needed. “Okay… Here’s what we need: a black candle, a glass of water, a salt circle, and the words spoken in the summoning.”
I nod as I walk towards her bed to place my backpack down as well. “Can I see?” I ask, trying to take a peek at her book.
Naomi chuckles and shakes her head. “Not now. As soon as everything is set-up, I’ll let you get a glance.” She closes her book fast.
“Now help me grab some supplies from the closet. I only have one candle.” Naomi walks over to the closet as she waits for me to join her.
I immediately get a strange feeling but shrug it off and walk towards her.
The two of us enter the closet and start grabbing the supplies needed for the candle and the salt circle.
Naomi grabs the candle and a lighter, as well as a small glass for the water while I grab a large bag of salt that’s sitting on the top shelf of the closet.
I make sure to hold the bag of salt carefully so that it doesn’t spill. I then join Naomi back in the middle of the room and she starts to pour the salt into a near perfect circle around the middle of the ground.
As she pours the salt, I can see Naomi make sure that every inch of the circle is covered.
At the very center of the circle, she places the candle and the glass of water. “What’s the glass of water for?” I ask curiously.
“It’s the vessel that holds the demon’s spirit which allows him to take a physical form.” Naomi’s eyes light up as she explains this to you.
I begin to ask another question but she cuts me off. “Oh! I forgot we also need a knife. I’ll be right back.” She runs out of the room as I process what she said. “A knife? Hmm that’s weird.” I mumble.
I have a quiet moment to myself while Naomi is out of the room. I take this moment to walk towards her book and flip through the pages quickly.
The last few cover the ritual we were planning on doing and my eyes widen when I realize none of the materials we collected were used to summon the radio demon.
Suddenly I hear her footsteps coming back up the hallway making me close the book fast. As I’m holding it I make a split second decision to shove it into my backpack.
I then quickly ran to stand back in the area I was in before she left. She opens the door, holding a small steak knife in her hand as she smiles at me.
Naomi happily holds up the knife for me to see. “Look! Isn’t it shiny? It’ll make the ritual look cooler, especially when we plunge it into... Oh well you’ll find out in no time.”
I just stare at her trying to remain calm. “That’s when the fun part starts!” Her eyes shimmer as she stares at me.
“You know,” I start off. “I don’t know if I’m feeling up to this anymore. I didn’t tell my parents I was stopping over here so I should probably head home.” I say quietly.
“Huh? What do you mean you’re not feeling up for this?” Naomi’s voice sharpens as she steps toward me.
I instinctively take a step back as I feel my voice catch in my throat.
“No, no, no. You’re not leaving until this is finished.” Naomi starts walking toward me with the knife held up in front of her.
I continue to walk back more hoping to get to my backpack. “I’m really sorry but maybe another time?” I lie hoping to sound believable enough.
Her voice grows louder as she continues to walk toward me. “Another time? What do you mean another time? No, you’re not leaving until this is finished! There’s no turning back now, we’re in way too far.”
I grab my backpack and try to sidestep her to get to her boardroom door.
As soon as I start to pass her Naomi’s arm quickly reaches out and grabs me.
She pulls me close to her and holds the knife close to my neck as she speaks in a slightly quieter voice, although she’s still angry and loud. “I told you there’s no turning back. You’re not leaving until this is finished.”
“Please let go of me Naomi.” I whisper out. “You really don’t need me for this.” Naomi grips my arm slightly tighter as she tightens the knife against my neck.
She laughs lightly as she stares into my eyes with a devious expression. “Oh, but I do. The ritual calls for a sacrifice and you happen to be the lucky one that I’ve chosen.”
I grab her hand trying to get her to let go of my arm. In response she tightens her grip even more with each time I try to pull her hand off.
“What did I just say? The ritual requires a sacrifice and I can’t have you backing out on me now. I’ve been waiting to summon this demon for months.” My eyes widen as I come to a realization.
“So, you’re gonna sit down and stay put until it’s finished. Okay?” I feel myself start to shake.
“Did you- did you become friends with me just because you wanted to use me for this…” I pause as I take a second to swallow. “For this ritual?”
Naomi’s eyes narrow as she leans in close to my ear to answer. “Of course I did. What, you didn’t think that I’d genuinely want to be friends with you, did you?”
She waits to see if she can get any reaction out of me before continuing. “I saw you standing there by yourself, like a lost little deer, and I knew that I could use you to my advantage.”
She leans back a bit to laugh at the situation causing the knife to stray away from my neck slightly. A strange static feeling in the air makes me notice the knife’s gap.
I quickly dart my eyes around the room and notice that she never re-locked the door after getting the knife.
I use this opportunity to sling my backpack off my shoulder and shove it into her creating enough distance between us.
Naomi lets out a shriek of frustration and surprise as the backpack bumps into her.
She drops the knife and I have enough time to make a break for it. I quickly run out of her room and down the stairs to the door.
I hear her shout out my name from behind me, but I don’t slow down and refuse to turn around to look at her.
Instead, I keep running down the stairs as I open the front door and sprint as fast as I can out the front door and down the sidewalk.
My heart beats out of my chest as I run as fast as I can towards my house.
I get there safely and rush inside, immediately shutting and locking the door behind me.
I sigh in relief as I lean against the wall and take a few deep breaths.
After I’ve calmed down a bit I stand up from against the door. I look around and notice my parents aren’t home yet so I head to my room.
My mind is racing as I realize what just happened. I’ve just escaped from Naomi who planned to sacrifice me in order to summon a demon.
I’m lucky to be alive, and it was pure luck that I happened to slip away. That weird static feeling in the air gave me enough courage to try and create enough space between us for me to run.
I can’t help but feel a strange sense of comfort knowing that the static feeling seemed to have given me some courage to make a break for it.
It’s like something was watching over me in that moment. Whether is was a good or bad something I couldn't care less.
I then remembered I swiped her book earlier. I immediately put my backpack on my bed and pulled out the book.
I flip through the pages, looking for anything that could give me a better idea of what kind of ritual Naomi was planning.
It’s clear it was some sort of demon summoning ritual, but I’m still anxious about what the book has to say about it.
Instead, I feel that static presence once more and before I know it I’ve flipped to the page about the radio demon.
The moment my eyes read the words “The radio demon,” I can feel my heart stop in my chest.
The static feeling in the air intensifies, making the words on the page almost glow. My mind becomes fuzzy while my body remains motionless as I try to process all of this.
I skim over the different sections describing the many reasons people try to summon the radio demon. Some of them are more selfish while others are more selfless.
The section on revenge catches my attention as I imagine getting revenge against Naomi.
It explains that one of the perks of summoning the radio demon is having the ability to exact revenge on those who have wronged you.
The exact method of how to summon him isn’t too complicated and only requires a few items, all of which I’ve got in my room.
I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t try this just for… fuck it I think. “What’s the worst that could happen?” I mock her earlier words.
“Alright. Two can play this game Naomi .” I mutter as I go around my room collecting the materials needed to summon the demon.
By the time I’ve gotten all the items set up, J can’t help but feel nervous.
What if this actually works? What if some kind of demon really shows up in my bedroom?
I feel the static presence in the air get stronger, almost as if something is reassuring me that I’m doing the right thing.
The static presence grows stronger but also warmer as it blankets over my body. The longer I stand in it, the more comfortable I feel.
That’s when my brain starts to wander with questions. What exactly will the demon do once it’s summoned? Will it just stand in my room or will it make itself home in my room?
I can’t help but feel the urge to summon him as the static starts to comfort me. As the static presence continues to grow the urge becomes stronger.
My body feels at ease and any worry or doubts I had start to diminish with every breath.
I begin to recite the words written in the book as the static grows even more.
As I continue to speak I start to hear whispers. Whispers that sound as though they are being transmitted through an old-fashioned radio.
I can barely make out any words from the whispers. They just sound like incomprehensible murmurs.
I close my eyes as I continue. As I finish speaking I keep my eyes closed and I can feel the static in the air. It’s so strong that it makes me think the static has formed itself into an actual presence.
“Well hello there dear. you’ve had an interesting day have you not?” A voice says in front of me.
My eyes snap open at the voice and I see a man, no a demon, in front of me.
He is dressed in a red and black outfit that looks like it’s from the 30’s with a cane that has a microphone attached to it.
He also has deer antlers attached to his head along with a monocle on his face.
He leans into the small microphone attached to his cane as he raises an eyebrow. “You know, I’m not that used to getting summoned by a young lady like you, but I must say your reasons for summoning me are certainly… interesting.”
He notices my stunned expression and lets out a hearty chuckle. “I take it this is your first time trying to summon a demon? And to think that you did it to get revenge on that Naomi girl. Very interesting indeed.”
I gain some of my courage back and speak up. “How did you know I wanted to get revenge on her?”
He smiles as he leans in closer to me, his voice a low hum as he answers. “I knew the moment you started the ritual. Those words of revenge are exactly the reason I answered your call. Revenge is one of my specialties, after all.”
I take in his features some more as he leans towards me and I feel my face flush. For a demon he’s not bad to look at.
My face flushes more as I process that thought. Something is definitely wrong with me to be thinking that.
He takes notice of the blush on my cheeks and raises an eyebrow curiously. However, he doesn’t speak up about it and instead continues to speak.
“And to think, all you wanted was to take revenge on dear little Naomi. What did you plan to do? Stab her?” I shrug and I glance away.
“I figured you’d just have a plan.” I mumble slightly embarrassed that I didn’t think this all the way through.
He nods as he looks me over momentarily. “Of course I have a plan. I’ve been doing this for quite some time now.”
He pauses for a moment. “So, are you ready to go and get your revenge? All you have to do is sit back and let me take care of the rest.”
I nod and his grin widens making the static feeling in the room intensify. “So it’s a deal then little deer?” He asks, extending out his hand to me.
I look down to his outstretched hand and feel myself hesitate despite wanting to take it.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that I’m actually making a deal with a demon. Like this is actually happening and I’m not just dreaming it.
On the other hand, he seems fairly well-mannered and he did promise to take care of the entire thing. Plus, that voice of his is quite hypnotic.
I grab his hand and shake it. “It’s a deal.” A laugh track starts to play from his microphone and a chill goes up my spine.
I look at him straight in the eyes before the room starts to spin and I feel myself blackout.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
As I regain consciousness the first thing I notice is the blood on my hands and a static feeling in the air.
I hear a laugh track play from behind me and as I turn around I’m greeted with by the radio demon’s eyes.
“You did a wonderful job my little deer. Not the cleanest job but a wonderful job nonetheless.” He says while gesturing to Naomi’s lifeless body in front of my feet.
I realize what the blood on my hands means as I see Naomi’s lifeless body as I look down towards the ground. She appears to be lifeless and unmoving, not even seeming to breathe.
I start to take shallow breaths as my body shakes. “We need to…” I begin before taking a shaky breath. “We need to clean this up. Hide this-”
I don’t want to get caught. I don’t want anyone to find out I think as I am still shaking.
You can hear him chuckling softly in the background. “Relax my little deer, nobody will be finding this body anytime soon.”
He looks around and I can see his eyes shine as a thought comes to his mind. “Besides, we’ve got bigger plans to take care of now.”
“And those plans are?” I ask barely above a whisper. This causes his grin to widen.
“Why what I shall do with your soul of course.” He chuckles as I stare at him wide eyed.
“That’s exactly right my little deer. You summoned me and made a deal with me, and the moment I completed your little revenge the deal became sealed.”
He leans into his microphone as if he was addressing a crowded room of people. “The contract is signed, now all I need to do is collect my prize.”
My mind races on what he could mean by that. Is he going to kill me? Will he just take control of my body?
He chuckles as he reads the look on my face. “I know you’re thinking a million things right now. How about I get rid of that uncertainty for you and just get straight to the point.”
I gulp as I just continue to stare at him. “You’re an interesting one. So, I shall let you live out the rest of your human life.”
He pauses as more static fills the room. “However, the moment you die and come to Hell you are mine. Your soul is mine. And I will be able to control you like a pawn whenever I please.”
His voice shifts to more of a demonic tone as he finishes speaking. While I know I should be utterly terrified and live the rest of my life in unresting fear all I can think about is how I wouldn’t mind being a pawn to him.
I have a feeling this won’t be the last I see of him before I eventually end up in Hell.
His grin grows wider as he senses that I’m not feeling as frightened as most people usually are when confronting a demon.
Instead, it seems to him I’m enamored even. “I must say, my little deer, you aren’t like anything I’ve seen before.”
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neonpaperlanterns · 6 months
Okay part two of the last request! (Also good job on the first one).
Dog day x reader heavy angst to fluff.
Poppy, kissy, and dog day realize the reader has been taken by catnap. They search for he and only end up back in play house. Throughout the search dog day gets more and more panicked and aggressive. They find the reader is bad shape and hung in the same jail like dog day used to be. (Trigger warning). Dog day, while seeing this, just losses his mind…his pupils no longer visible in his eye sockets. Catnap taunts dog day asking if he’s that attached to the reader before dog day tackled his and fights him. The fight pretty gore heavy and dog day yells at catnap while fighting saying he should’ve killed him. It gets to a point where dog day is about to kill catnap but the reader weakly calls for him and he immediately stops and looks back to see them okay. They run away and nurse her back to health before dog day confessed that he loves her and the two kiss. The end!
Wake Up
Part two of Star Gazing. [Part one]
[A/n: Trigger warnings for mild blood and gore. And technically attempted murder.]
DogDay fought against the rubble of their destroyed fort. Smoke clogged his nose and made his head spin. The world around him was becoming hazy as he clawed his way out. There was a throbbing sensation in his left leg as he attempted to right himself. Scrubbing at his eyes, he tried to clear his vision. 
It wasn’t working. 
Shapes were blurring together and his knees were buckling. 
“Angel?” He called out, his voice filled with choked panic. He was met with silence. 
“Angel?” He called out again, trying to stay standing as he stumbled through the room. “Poppy? Kissy?” His voice echoed and bounced around in his own skull uncomfortably. 
“Where are you?” DogDay felt his shoulders sagging as his gait became uneven. Tripping into the hallway he tried to brace himself. He had to stay standing. He had to find them, had to find you. But his arms weren’t working, they felt disconnected from the rest of him. And with every shuddering breath he took he filled his lungs with more of that horrible gas. 
“No I have to…. I have to…” words slurred together as he slipped down the wall. “Have to find every… everyone..” Against his will DogDay’s eyes dropped closed. Even behind closed lids all he could see was red.
* * *
“W..ke u.. ,Do..da.. co..e on wa..e up!” DogDay groaned, something was touching him and he needed it to stop. 
“Go away.” He went to push away the insistent thing that kept shoving him but everything was just so heavy.
“No! Ple..e you hav.. to g..t up!” Oh god why were they so loud! 
“DOGDAY!” Every fiber of his being shattered like glass as his eyes snapped open. Adrenaline tore through his veins as he bolted up. Pain lanced through his head as his gaze bounced around unfocused.
“Wha-” small hands grabbed at his face. But something was incorrect, it made the hair on his spine stand on end. 
“It’s us, it’s Poppy.” His heart was thundering in his chest as he tried to even his breathing. Looking down he felt more confused than reassured as he stared at Poppy.
“Where’s..” he trailed off, eyes darting around looking for you. Yet all he found was Kissy and the small doll still grasping at his face. 
“Catnap took them.” Poppy’s voice came out quiet as she clutched at him.
DogDay stopped breathing, his vision was narrowing .
This couldn’t be happening.
No. No. No. 
A low snarl was building in his chest as he dug furrows into the ruined ground. He has no idea how you have kept calm in situations like this. How you kept them all from falling apart. He wished he could be but he wasn’t you. Standing up he felt as the fur around his chin was tugged at and he heard the surprise squeak leave Poppy as she dropped to the ground. If you were here you would comfort her, you wouldn’t have pulled away like he did. But you weren’t and Dogday wasn’t you.
Storming his way out of the school he didn’t stop to see if the others were following. He knew exactly where that traitor had taken you. Ripping out the metal lamppost that stood out front, he felt it twist and bend underneath his grip. 
“DogDay wait, we should think this through.” Poppy called after him but he didn’t listen. You would have listened. You always listened to them, to their concerns, their fears, everything. You listened.
But he was not you.
Gritting his teeth DogDay stared down The Playhouse. 
“Please-” Poppy flinched backwards as a snarl tore from his throat, interrupting her. 
“No! Angel needs us. I will not leave them with that thing for another moment.” Later he would regret how he acted towards Poppy but right now he didn’t care. His heart clenched in his chest and he could feel the blood rushing in his ears. The door loomed above him and he could feel himself hesitating. 
DogDay could still smell the cloying scent of old blood and mildew. He could still see those hungry piercing eyes. Could still feel those gaping ravenous mouths tearing him apart piece by piece. 
Bile pooled at the back of his throat. He had thought he would never have to come back here. Had done everything to make sure that you, him, or the girls wouldn’t have to step foot inside that hellish nightmare again. But here he was and he was hesitating and he hated himself for it.You needed him and he was just standing out here. 
The image of your content face and the feeling of your weight on his chest flooded his mind. 
Gritting his teeth he tightened his grip on the metal pole. 
Metal creaks as he kicks the door.
This isn’t subtle. He was sure Catnap could hear this.
Pain lances through his leg.
DogDay is breathing heavily as dust flies up into the air. He can hear skittering as he runs towards the cells. The feeling of being followed made his skin scrawl as he rushed through the once colorful plush maze. His vision narrowed as he threw himself at the entrance to the pool. 
He stopped again. 
The pool area was shrouded in deep shadows, the only light came from the one above the other door. It flickered sporadically, elongating the silhouettes made by the rusted ducks. 
Memories unbidden clawed their way to the forefront of his mind.
Everything is so quiet, it feels near deafening after the alarms. He can still hear the screaming, how they cried for help. The phantom of pounding fists pulse along his chest and the taste of iron still lingers on his tongue. His head is spinning, the world is tilted and he doesn’t know which way is up.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” DogDay shouts. Ears twitch as Catnap turns to look at him. The feline's head is titled in confusion. He flinches as the cat approaches, slow and measured Catnap looms above him.
“What do you mean what I’ve done?” A heavy purple paw still stained with blood comes up to rest on his shoulder. 
It pulls him closer.
“I think you mean, what have we done.” the words slither along DogDays’s ears. It makes him gag. The smell of poppy’s is suddenly rapidly filling the air.
“And what we have done my friend is give those that hurt us exactly what they deserve.”
Eyes flutter open, DogDay’s vision slowly swims into focus. Everything feels heavy. Attempting to lift his head feels impossible. 
A wheezing groan escapes past his uncomfortably parched mouth.
“Oh you’re awake.” The sound of Catnaps voices makes his stomach churn. 
“That’s unfortunate.” It’s said with dull amusement. “But I suppose you will succumb again soon.” The way the cat was speaking was grating on his ears. 
“Wh.. Why?” He choked out, his throat felt so dry. Catnaps hums at his question. Through blurry eyes he watches as a paw comes up to rest on lower abdomen. 
“He said it would be better this way.” Catnaps' tone continues to hold the same dull amusement.
“What wou- Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”
DogDay sucked in a breath, heart leaping into his throat as a scream echoed through the decrepit pool room. The sound bounced around in his skull and for a moment he didn’t know if it was real. What was happening? Clutching at his chest he felt like all the air had escaped his lungs.
“Aaaahhhhh!” Another scream and he was moving. Ramming into the other door he burst into the other room. The faint orange glow of old candles littered the hallway. Visibility was low but it didn’t matter. At the end of the room stood Catnap, hunched over with gas billowing out of his mouth. 
He couldn’t see you but he could hear you. Soft quiet sobs drifted through the air. 
“Oh you’re here.” He watched as the feline cocked his head to the side. Something flickered in those cavernous eyes.
“We thought you’d never come.” Catnap’s tail swished lazily as he fully turned to look at DogDay. The traitor's face was on full display now and something snapped inside of the canine. Blood was splattered across the feline's face. It stained the purple fur crimson and the world suddenly became solely centered on the cat. 
DogDay saw red. 
In seconds he was breathing the same air as that… that bastard. Raising his weapon, it made contact with CatNap’s head. The monster screeched as he attempted to scramble backwards. DogDay didn’t let him get far. Bringing the pole down he could hear a CRUNCH.
Catnap’s shoulder sagged. 
He brought it down again.
And again.
And again.
Catnap was screaming. Red was pooling beneath him. He was trying to fight back. Claws would swipe at him, tearing into his skin but he kept bringing the metal pole down. Kept hearing crunch after crunch.
 Scream after scream.
Plea after false plea,
“DOGDAY!” DogDay stopped, the pole raised. His body shook from the aborted motion. 
“DogDay please stop. Please.” His head snapped to the side. You hung there in a cell all too familiar. Your arms stretched above you with belts pulled tight enough to bruise. Blood spotted along your clothes and dripped from your mouth. He swallowed thickly as he looked at your tear stained face.
“Please.” You begged, your voice hoarse. The pole clattered to the floor as he rushed over to you. His hands were shaking as he undid your binds. You dropped heavily into his waiting arms. 
He watched as you curled closer to his chest.
“Please get me out of here.” He could only nod at your request. His voice failed him as he held you close. Taking uneasy steps towards the exit he glanced behind him.
Catnap was a bloody heap. He was breathing, it was shallow but he was breathing. Trickles of smoke fell from his gaping maw and one eye light flickered, stained a murky red. The cat watched them with a look DogDay could not decipher. A paw weakly reached out towards him, Catnaps jaw clicked wordlessly.
DogDay shut the door.
* * *
Hiding above PlayCare DogDay watched over you. 
You’ve been asleep for four days. Barely waking up enough for him to at least get some water in you. Poppy and Kissy would creep in, their movements skittish as they dropped off supplies. He would watch how weary they were, how they kept glancing at him and God he needed to apologize. Yet every time he tried the words would get caught in his throat. 
All he could muster was a nod of acknowledgement and a whispered ‘you don’t have to leave.’ but they wouldn’t stay. He really couldn’t blame them. 
Taking a fresh cloth he wiped it over your face. The cuts along your cheeks and forehead were thankfully shallow. He got the feeling they were meant to be superficial. A way to upset him, which worked. Rage and guilt bubbled in his gut every time he looked at you. 
If he hadn’t hesitated. If he had just been a little bit faster then maybe you wouldn’t be in the state you were.
“Now that’s not the expression I wanted to see when I woke up.” Your cracking voice had him dropping the cloth. His focus solely on your groggy lopsided smile.
“You’re awake.” His voice comes out wobbly.
“How are you feeling?”
“Does it hurt anywhere?”
“Are you hungry?”
“I should go get-” A hand on his face cuts him off. Your thumb is tracing along his cheek and you’re looking at him with such affection that it makes all his thoughts but one come to a halt.
“I’m so happy you’re awake.” He choked out as tears welled in his eyes. “And I’m so sorry.” He cried as he nuzzled further into your hand. 
“No, no, don't apologize.” You’re hushing him, wiping his tears away as you cradled his head in your hands. “Please don’t apologize. What happened wasn’t your fault.” You lean your forehead against his.
Tears blurr his vision as he continues to cry. “But-” A soft bush of lips against his make him pause. Leaning back he stares at you, wide-eyed.
“No buts. I love you, you saved me. You protected me. Never apologize for that.” You shake him a little bit for emphasis. 
“You love me?” He asks, disbelief coloring his tone.
“Yes, very much.” You’re smiling and his heart is beating so fast and hard that he is sure you can hear it.
“I love you too, so much that I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest.” Tentatively he leaned forward. “Can.. Can I?” He looks down at your lips then back up to your eyes. 
You answer him by closing the gap. He can feel as your hands gently run over the back of his head. His arms came up to wrap around your waist. 
DogDay melts into your embrace. 
When this is all over he can’t wait to see the stars with you.
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moon-goggles · 1 month
Phil being the shorter fella with his goth wife and platonic/romantic husband will never cease to bring joyous whimsy to my soul-
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yellowbrickramble · 5 months
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Scarecrow is singing Fancy Girl, the opening credits theme song of Ozu no Mahōtsukai, the Wizard of Oz anime series. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it in the news posts before, but I'm not going to go back and check.
It adapted the first 3 books and also the 6th book. The only official translation is a dub which butchered the first few episodes and only covered the first two storylines, so I'd recommend finding a fan sub if you can.
If you like my comics, please support me on Patreon! (link in bio)
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kayamark · 9 months
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My demon (2023)
Ep 10
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 3 months
I do stick by my William-caring-for-his-kids-very-deeply-in-a-messed-up-way, but I also think he tried to kill one of them at some point I will elaborate later
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zwolfgames · 7 months
Yandere Draco Malfoy x reader (Part 3)
Requested by: /
Warnings: Talks of murder, unlogical magic use, abuse of spells, violence and yandere stuff.
Parts: Part 1 , Part 2
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And it was ass-
Draco woke up early to do his hair, insisting that he'd do yours aswell. And no, you were never as high end as him, so getting all these forgein products put into your hair wasn't pleasant.
He began choosing your weekend outfits. Styled your school robes when he didn't approve of how ruffled they were, he even went as far as to push you into the bathroom to shower when he found you too greasy. By wich you mean everyday....
You hadn't expected the blonde to be such a control freak, but he was. Okay, maybe you should have... 
Currently, you were simply walking down a secluded hall.. again, when the statue next to you and Draco let its axe drop.
You weren't fast enough to completly save your most controlling friend, tough you did pull him into you out of reflex. A bleeding cut was created on his left arm... but it was better then getting an axe trough your head, you suppose.
Draco screams out in angony and you wince as the sound hurt your ears.
You drag the fool with you to the infirmairy while he's crying out in pain, hoping you get there before he passes out because in no way are you strong enough to carry this lanky kid.
You grit your teeth as you think back to the now thrid attempt at Draco's life. What student even has the balls to attempt this even once? And how had the teachers not caught them?
And why is Harry Potter staring at you and Draco from behind a corne-
You whip your head around to face the chosen one who freezes as he's caught.
"I can explain-" He stutters out with his hands up to show his innocence.
"Did you try to kill him?" You ask simply while Draco's just screaming.
"Okay." You turn back around and keep walking, you had bigger problems then Potter's questions right now.
"What? No wait-" He runs after you as you keep walking.
You don't really react as you keep dragging Draco away to the infirmairy.
Mrs.Pomfrey gasps in shock as you bring Draco in, she immeadiatly gets to work and you can finally drop the screaming blonde onto a bed, tough he's mostly just crying now.
Draco demands that you hold his other hand while Pomfery heals his arm.
So you suck up your free will and sit next to his bedside to hold his hand.
Harry hasn't left... Just stares at the scene in confusion.
"Why are you friends with Malfoy?" The dark haired boy asks.
You eye him for a moment, as you've never talked before.
"I'm not." You shrug and Draco almost snarls.
".. You are." The blonde croaks out in pain, just to correct you.
You roll your eyes and Harry's frown tightens.
"Do you have any clue's on who's trying to kill him?" Harry asks, as if the target isn't right by you two.
"A student, thats all I know. And if you're going to be asking questions atleast make it less obvious that you're interogating us." You scoff and the boy bites his lip, pushing his glasses back up.
"I want to help-" 
"Yourself. We know." 
You finish for him and he looks baffled.
"Thats not what I was going to say." Harry frowns more, fidgeting with his sleeves.
"But it was what you meant. It's a student, thats all I know. Now shoo because the more I talk to you the harder this git squishes my hand." You side glare at Draco who is currently glaring at Harry.
"Then let go of him. He'll be fine on his own, come help us search." Harry suggests a bit calmly now.
Wow, you've never tought of just letting go- Ofcourse you had! Draco just had a deathgrip on your hand.
"This doesn't concern you, Potter." You shake your head. Harry steps closer to look you in the eye.
"No, it does concern me. Nothing at this school ever happens without Voldemort being behind it, it has to be some kind of elaborate plan to get the schools defences down." Harry tries to convince you.
"Ah yes, killing Lucius' son is gonna bring all of Hogwarts down! The worst it's gonna do is have Draco's dad sue the school or something." You explain.
"You know his father?" Harry asks in disbelief. "Well not personally, why?" You ask in confusion, eyebrows scrunching together.
"He's evil." Harry whispers as if he isn't being glared at by the blonde.
"Yea so? Thats not my problem?" You shrug again and ignore the pulling on your hand from a clearly annoyed Slytherin.
"What? That... Y/N, just help us, you're with Draco all the time, and you've saved him too. We can solve this together." Harry starts again with his proposal.
"No, Potter, let the teachers solve things for once, go study or something. And why do you know my name?" You narrow your (e/c) eyes.
Harry stiffens. From what you've heard of Draco's shittalking, he's quite the stalker. Tough you'd never expected to be a victim of it.
"Don't worry about it, you're well known-"
"I'm not."
"You're friends with a Malfoy."
"I'm not." You repeat again.
"..You are.." Draco buts in again.
You sigh at the absurdity of this all. Harry wanted that thrill of mystery. Draco wanted a friend he could control and you just wanted to pass this year.
Very diffrent wants and needs. Not compatible.
So you'd ditch them both.
Easy as that.
When Draco was allowed out of the infirmairy you helped him back up to your shared room and ran off as fast as you could.
Two goals in mind, catch the mystery person and avoid everyone else.
So, out of pure desperation, you stole a polyjuice potion from proffesor Snape's supply. How, you may ask. You snuk a letter up under the door of his office that said he was needed by Dumbledore in terms of his potions career. It couldn't be too obvious, but it seems you had nailed it.
So without furder ado, you threw a hair of your blonde 'friend' into the potion. You had snatched a Slytherin tie from his closet. Quite an idiotic descicion to let you live in his dorm...
Oh well. You were transformed in a matter of minutes, tried to adjust the now blonde hair back to how neat Draco usually had it and set off to go find the most secluded and dark places off the castle.
If they wanted Draco malfoy dead, then they'd have to try harder.
It didn't take long before you felt watched. But you had to keep the cocky air up around you. Chin up, back straight. 
And bam! A spell again! Right past your face from behind. Since you weren't actually Draco, you had been on guard. And this time this sucker wasn't getting away.
You chugged down a speed potion, accio-ing your broom as you ran after the person. Draco's height aided your sprint, tough you hoped the polyjuice potion didn't affect your own pyshical abilities because you doubt that Draco could hold up running as long as you.
Your broom flew into your hand not long after, stealing tricks from Potter wasn't a bad idea as long as no-one saw it!
You didn't even sit on the long stick, no time for that. You just let it drag you along as it flew. You didn't know brooms could even work like that, but your will power was enough for it to do so.
You pushed off against walls as you followed this person into the darker parts of the castle. Deeper into the dungeons. They must have realised long ago that you weren't Draco, or they'd have tried something to hurt you.
Glidinf off of stairs, ignoring the harsh thuds you made against walls and the layers of skin under your pants that were getting torn up by your landing and frantic turns and collisons.
It could all be fixed. As long as you finally caught this damm person it would all be worth it.
With a last jump you caught onto the persons black hood, togging it off and holding in to keep them in your grip.
A feminine yelp left the wrongdoer's mouth as you threw her onto the ground. Letting your broom fly out of your hands so you could pull out you wand, aimed right at her neck.
A child....
First year, maybe.... second year?
You didn't know. But you eyes widened at the sight of this... scared girl.
 But now's not the time to be weak, who knows, maybe she took a polyjuice potion too to get the wrong person jailed.
"Explain, right now." You demand in a snarl. It must have looked a lot more intimidating considering you had Draco's face at the moment... It was strange hearing his voice say your words...
"I-I only want him dead!" The girl shouts out. You stiffen and tug her up by the hair.
"And why?" You narrow your now grey eyed gaze. Glaring harshly.
"His father ruined my family! Why are you helping him!?" The girl sobbed. You weren't sure what to do...
Let a kid kill Draco or just turn her in...
You couldn't let her roam free and try again. If Draco actually died you'd be suspicious too.... And intergogated. Truth serum and bam, they had you as the one that let the murderer get away.
Is that a selfish tought?
Are you allowed to think that way?
"I'm helping him because I'm not letting someone die, Malfoy or not." You bite back.
"Thats stupid, he's using you! Let me go!" The girl tries to kick you, a quick 'Stupefy' to the face knocks her right out.
No, you made your desciscion, better safe then sorry. You'd just... deliver her to Dumbledore... Thats better then.. Snape? Better then McGonnagall? Atleast punishment wise. Maybe.. they'd just send her to therapy?
Yea.. lets believe in that...
You carried the girl out of the dungeons. Exhausted by the end of the stairs. If only you knew a spell to make bodies float, too bad thats a Potter exclusive.
After some breaks and huffs, you got to Dumbledore's way too high up office.
Trying to make the walls open or whatever, you hadn't ever been here before...
And you still looked like Draco...
Oh this day couldn't get any worse.
You managed to open the gateway, dropped the kid on a chair at Dumbledore's office and looked him in the eye.
"Malfoy, what brings you and Delaine here?" Dumbledore inquires calmly.
"It's L/N, sir. This is the girl thats been trying to kill Malfoy, excuse my looks..." You sigh and run a hand trough your- Draco's hair. Too much gel for your liking...
"L/N? I see. And how did you aquire a polyjuice potion?" Dumbledore asked with an amused smile.
He didn't look mad but you were'nt going to risk it.
"Lucius Malfoy aided me and Draco in our plan, sir." You lied spontaniously. The old man didn't seem to question it and just nodded.
"She isn't going to.. Azkaban, right?" You ask in a whisper.
"No... Miss Delaine hasn't killed anyone... yet. She'll be undergoing a trial. I'll be sure to give your house twenty points for your heroic behavior. You like it on the down low, don't you?" Dumbledore smiles.
You stiffen at his sudden.. correct assumption.
You tought he knew lots, but to know personal things about you? Some random student? Weirdo...
What's he? All seeing?
"You're dismissed, L/N. Be sure to visit the imfirmairy, you look quite rustled." Dumbledore advised and opens the gateway for you again.
You nod and walk out.
Only when the door closes again does your calm expression twist into guilt...
You just ruined some girls life... Not as bad as going to Azkaban... but you defenitly fucked it up..
But.. but it would have been worse for her if she had actually killed Draco. You keep repeating that all the way to the infirmairy.
Why did it have to be some kid?
You weren't sure wether to tell Draco the morning after.
You had come back to the dorm, no strange onlookers glared at you now that you looked liked Draco.
Tough you watched in the mirror as the potions' effects wore off. As the blonde melted back into (h/c) and your body became your own again.
All while you saw the person you were sleeping behind you.
He wasn't even tucked in correctly...
So you did that first... then went to bed yourself.
And now here you were, with Draco gushing over how amazing you looked with the Slytherin tie and how you should steal his clothes more often.
You refrained from looking angry since he didn't need to know all about your reasons for it.
A shame you forgot to change before going to sleep...
He made you wear that tie for the whole day.
It was like a claim.
You weren't sure how you felt about this whole 'friendship' anymore now that the murder problem had been resolved...
Maybe you'd just stick around untill one of the teachers officially announces that the case was solved.
You just wanted your old friends back, your old roomates...
But luck was never on your side.
Not a week after, it had been revealed, wich seemed good. You weren't mentioned, just like Dumbledore knew you wanted.
But oh boy. Someone else knew.
Lucius Malfoy.
The man himself came to visit Hogwarts and singled you and Draco out after dinner.
Exposing your heroic deeds and making Draco like you even more.
he assumed you cared about him to do all this. You just had the basic human decency to not let someone die.
Thats all there was to it.
Atleast on your side.
After Lucius' visit, Draco didn't let you leave him like you had planned.
And you were finally fed up.
Packing your stuff, you'd just move back to your dorm without asking.
"What do you think you're doing?" Draco stood in the doorway. Closing the door behind him as he walked in.
"Moving back. The murder is solved." You state calmly, trying not to provoke anything in the blonde.
"Y/N, you can't do that." He shakes his head and opens your wardrobe again to put your clothes back.
"I can. I've helped you, it's over now." You refuse and put the clothes back in your suitcase.
Draco's face twists into a frown as he comes closer.
"We're not over."
"That isn't what I said-"
"You're mine, Y/n."
Draco announces so directly you needed a moment for the shock to pass so that that cringe feeling could swarm over you.
"Excuse me?" You ask in offence.
"You're mine. In everyway a person could be mine." Draco elaborates, it isn't making his words any better."
"You're sounding absurd." You facepalm but your wrist gets snatched and pulled to his chest.
"You don't understand. I want you in every way there is to want. You're my soulmate. Platonically, Romantically- whatever ally there is. You're the first true friend I've had. You're mine." Draco grins slightly... pshycotically.
Sure mental problems are allowed but keep them to yourself, jeez.
"Did someone make you chug a love potion? Go sober up in the corner and then we'll talk." You keep your cool. Even if you're freaking out on the inside. He isn't acting normal. This has to be a potion of somekind.
Surely it is.
"My father has already agreed that I can court you, Y/N. Don't you see how good this could be for you.?" Draco smiles, trying to convince you of his ultimate love.
You cringe and try to back away, but the blonde just backs you up more into the wardrobe.
"Don't fight our bond." Draco whispers rather creepily.
You'd rather fight both the bond and him if you could choose.
But the moment that you did, or well, attempted to punch him, you were out like a light.
Just like that girl you caught, Draco had 'stupefied' you too.
Knocked out cold for him to gush over.
He just needed a friend that wouldn't leave him.
A friend that wasn't fake.
And you were perfect, seeing as you had no trouble insulting him.
So you were his.
You'd stay his.
You had chosen wrong.
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Kinda lame ending, I know.
But I mean, good enough for a long ass one shot like this. Coudln't let it get too long.
Requests are always open. This is also on Wattpad (its one whole chapter there), and request can be done there too! Whatever you prefer!
have a nice day/night <3
Words: 5210 (If you read all three parts)
taglist: @maggiecc
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 3 months
Should've known it was that blasted skeleton! Where's the Star Sanses when you need them?! Can they catch that darn edgy named skeleton!
I only handle mundane-ish offenses. Not multiverse level threats!
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Policeman, over the phone: ma'am we still don't have a way to contact the star sanses i don't know what to tell you
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whumblr · 1 year
"What on earth are you all doing?!"
The team startled and froze in their tracks when Caretaker's voice boomed through the room. They glanced up to the landing, barely daring to meet Caretaker's eye when they noticed his thunderous expression matched the tone of his outburst. But they didn't pull away from the struggling figure under them, keeping him to his knees and keeping a gun trained against the back of his head.
"Whumpee still hasn't woken up," one of the members snarled, forcing Whumper's head down with the gun. "You saw what this scum did to them! It's time for some payback."
Caretaker bristled, his hands still on the railing, knuckles white. Then he took a deep breath and let go, slowly making his way down the stairs, boots clanking heavily against the metal grate.
"Give me that!" he snarled, and snatched the gun away. He stood over Whumper, who had startled as well and his struggles had melted away. He looked up at Caretaker; didn't say a word, but his eyes betrayed a call for mercy.
"I agree," Caretaker hissed and cocked the gun. Whumper closed his eyes as the click echoed through the silent room. "A certain payback is order."
He aimed and without hesitation fired two rounds, one in both Whumper's shoulders.
Screams rose up and Whumper fell back, writhing on the floor.
"Take him to medbay, patch him up, lock him up," Caretaker said without looking down and he pressed the gun back into his friend's hands. "Listen up! No one, and I mean no one, kills this bastard."
He glanced down and Whumper shuddered at the cold glare.
"Because I am not done with him yet. And maybe, when Whumpee wakes, we'll see if he's lucky enough to end it with a single bullet through the head."
Tagging: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpifi
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Y’all say Rise Donnie would hate 2012 April when in truth, when he finds out she has psychic powers he’s gonna EAT THAT SHIT UP!
Do every experiment with her to see how powerful she is and try to convince her to use her powers to commit crimes with/for him.
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Key Witness 关键证人
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menhera-info-archieve · 4 months
Pusu from TUYU has recently been arrested for attempted murder of his girlfriend. You can read about it in the articles above. I’m not sure how many people have heard the news yet, so I figured I’d give links since many of my followers are TUYU fans…
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whumpetywhump · 28 days
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Game Of Outlaws - Ep. 17 & 18
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